global branding
2014.07LAN ZHOU XUE KAN■经济学·管理学我国品牌发展格局分布及其内在产业协调性分析———基于Interbrand和BrandZ品牌价值榜的比较谌飞龙1,2龚艳萍1(1.中南大学商学院,湖北武汉430074;2.江西财经大学产业集群与企业发展研究中心,山西太原030006)[摘要]对Interbrand和BrandZ品牌榜单的历年数据研究表明,我国品牌依托国内巨大的市场需求迅速壮大,在全球品牌体系中的地位不断凸显。
在我国经济从“中国制造”向“中国创造”转型的过程中,“品牌已经成为中国企业新的成长引擎”(Serge Dumont,2011),获取品牌价值业已成为企业努力追求的重要方向。
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
机种 特点 产量 切边机 8-12梭 高
钩针机 1-6梭 高
木梭机 5梭
货期 舒适性
根据订 单量
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
基础知识 * 织物结构 * 材料种类 * 染纱的方式 样品制造流程 生产流程 * 织造前工序 * 后整理 * 后整理处理剂 * 废品样版 * 检验及出货 材料限制 化验室测试项和仪器介绍
整个流程中使用 Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
• 浆水: 丙稀酸合成树脂, 整理 挺括作用.
• 抗黄剂: 非离子性强力表面活 化剂阻止纤维织物老化黄变.
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
抗氧化: 用药剂处理后,增加白色和浅 色对光老化处理的抗黄能力, 通常为汾黄试验.
Global Apparel Branding and Packaging
布状商标 46
罗伯特•蒙代尔教授(Robert A. Mundell)一直担任美国哥伦比亚大学经济学教授。被誉为“最优货币区”理论之父;他构筑了国际宏观经济的标准模式;他是货币与财政政策混合理论的倡导者。
加入货币区后,对参加者来说最大的成本是,参加国失去了追求独立的货币政策的自由,并且还会丧失把汇率政策作为货币政策工具的好处。 最佳货币区应当尽量从长久固定汇率中获得最大效益并使之达到最小的成本,但事实上,测度最佳货币区内每个成员国能从中获得多大收益和付出多少成本是件极困难的事。
世界经理人集团( World Executive Group )和 世界品牌实验室( World Brand Lab )主席、1999年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、“最优货币区理论”的奠基人,
《国际货币制度:冲突和改革》(蒙特利尔:加拿大私营规划协会,1965年); 《人类与经济学》(纽约:McGraw-Hill,1968年);《国际经济学》(纽约:Macmillan,1968年); 《货币理论:世界经济中的利息、通货膨胀和增长》(加利福尼亚,Pacific Palisades:Goodyear,1971); 《新国际货币制度》(与共同编写,1977年); 《债务、赤字和经济状况》(1991年); 《中国的通货膨胀与增长》(与M. Guitian共同编写)(1996年); 《欧元作为国际货币制度的稳定器》(与A. Clesse共同编写)(2000年)。
彼得•凯南1969年提出以低程度多元化作为最适度通货区的标准。 理论要点: 产品多样化具有稳定性,不太受汇率的影响,可以采取固定汇率。 产品非多元化应该采用灵活独立的通货区。
Web前端开发参考手册WEB前端开发参考手册概况一(1.1 WEB 标准实现WEB标准二(2.1 XHTML、CSS介绍 2.2 XHTML书写规范2.2.1 XHTML结构2.2.2 标签规范2.3 XHTML常用标签介绍 2.4 CSS书写规范2.4.1 表命名参考2.4.2 类/ID命名规范2.4.3 样式调用2.4.4 样式简写2.5 CSS常用属性介绍2.6 图片规范2.7 注释规范2.8 浏览器兼容一(概况1.1 WEB 标准WEB 标准不是一个标准,而是一系列标准的集合。
对应的标准也分三方面:结构化标准语言主要包括XHTML和XML,表现标准语言主要包括 CSS,行为标准主要包括对象模型(如 W3C DOM)、ECMAScript 等。
这些标准大部分由W3C起草和发布,也有一些是其他标准组织制订的标准,比如ECMA(European Computer ManufacturersAssociation)的 ECMAScript 标准。
二、实现WEB标准2.1 XHTML、CSS介绍可扩展超文本置标语言(eXtensible HyperText Markup Language,XHTML),是一种置标语言,表现方式与超文本置标语言(HTML)类似,不过语法上更加严格。
XHTML 1.0在2000年1月26日成为W3C的推荐标准。
级联样式表(Cascading Style Sheet)简称“CSS”,通常又称为“风格样式表(Style Sheet)”,它是用来进行网页风格设计的。
Copyright © 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
To make the effective decision, retailers should use a systematic approach for city selection
• 租金费用
Rental costs
• 基础设施配套,如电信、物流供应 链支持等
Infrastructure development e.g. Telecommunications, Supply Chain Logistics…
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+140% +340%
基于尼尔森快速消费品核查数据 Based on FMCG categories tracked by Nielsen
现代渠道门店对比十年前的增长百分比 10 year % change in MT store numbers
越南 Vietnam
Copyright © 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
五线 Tier 5
Copyright © 2010 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.
乡镇 TG/TS
领先零售商慢慢转移发展重心,60%的门店已进军较低 线城市
2.国内外研究现状(1)国外对品牌国际化的研究现状美国营销专家 La rry• Light(2004)指出,拥有市场比拥有工厂更为重要,而拥有国际市场的唯一办法就是拥有占统治地位的国际品牌。
这些足以推动企业对品牌国际化的进一步研究,也必将启示我国企业去打造国际品牌, 研究品牌国际化及其所蕴含的产业价值。
雀巢公司介绍 (英语)
Mineral Water
Ice Cream
Beras Rice
Milk Powder
雀巢咖啡(Nescafe) 雀巢冰爽茶(Nestea) 雀巢专业餐饮 (Nestle Professional) 雀巢能恩奶粉 雀巢佳膳营养品 (Nutren) Gerber婴儿食品(Gerber) 克宁奶粉(Klim) 三 花淡奶(Carnation) 鷹嘜煉奶(Eagle) 毕雷矿泉水(Perrier) 雀巢冰激凌 Dreyer‘s皇牌雪糕 Movenpick雪糕 美极 调味品(Maggi) 百福豆腐 奇巧巧克力(Kit Kat) 甘脆朱 古力(Crunch) 喜跃宠物食品(Friskies) 爱宝宠物食品 (Alpo) 普瑞纳宠物食品(Purina) 宝路糖果(Polo) 美禄 |雀巢美禄(Milo) 聪明豆(Smarties) 欧莱雅26.4%股份 第2大股东 雀巢营养 五羊冰激凌 太太乐80% 豪吉 雀巢水业集团拥有72个瓶装水品牌全球最大的瓶装水供应 商 银鹭 徐福记
拜瑞妥、多吉美、拜新同等畅销产品 除草剂产品、防稻瘟病产品、真菌病原体导致的作物疾病产品 聚碳酸酯、聚氨酯、涂料粘合剂及特殊化学品。
陶氏化学业务架构图 陶氏化学产品架构图
功能产品 基础材料 功能材料 健康与农业科技 化工产品 农化产品 塑料产品
包括食品、运输、保健和医药、 个人及家居护理、建造与工程等。
企业名称 巴斯夫 拜耳
1885年,中国已成为巴斯夫品红在德国以外最重要的市场。 目前,巴斯夫中国区拥有23个全资子公司和10个合资公司,分 别位于香港、北京、上海、南京、广州、吉林、沈阳和新竹。2007年,巴斯夫在大中华区的销售额约为44亿欧元。巴斯夫 在大中华区的主要业务范围包括石化产品、聚合物分散体、聚苯乙烯、聚氨酯、工程塑料、涂料、纺织和皮革业特性产品、 中间体、催化剂和化学建材等。
• 早于公元前2600年,中国已出现了有关使用染料之文字记载。另一方面,德国人亦一向是开发染料的先驱者。1834年,德国一 名化学家发现,若在提炼煤油时加上漂白剂,苯胺会放出鲜蓝色彩,这奠定了日后发展苯胺染料的基础。
The study of the business terms
Warm Up—definition oforganizationalculture
2.FIRST TO SAY IT: Predictions(What are they?)+ Biography
(“reporting cost”+outsourcing)
4.NEW AREA OF INQUIRY(nonprofit)
15 minutes
Complete the post-reading exercisesand preview unit 5
Unit 5:Consumer Behavior
Term Study
2.Theory X and Theory Y Assumptions
Outline and Questions
1.(Para.1-3)An interview withPeter F. Drucker(Who+When+Where?)
2.(The rest paragraphs.)Drucker’s thoughts on leadership(The key sentence in each point?)
Brand Strategy ResearchResource: Kapferer, J.H Strategic Brand Management[J]. KoganPage, LondonEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establhave become pressingstrong b rand and enhance our competitiveness,Based on the analysis of the development ofissues facing e nterprises.corporate marketing brand strategy, based on the content of brand strato discuss the brand strategy in enterprisesignificance,an its functionalmarketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competi to increase brand awareness, improve brand positioning, an create a g brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board defeatNovember 22, 2006 morning, N EC announced that it w ould withdrawfrom 2G and 2.5G mobile phone market, w hich means that, followingSanyo, a Japanese m obile phoneSharp, P anasonic, Toshiba, M itsubishi,manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, J apanese m obilephone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China ou of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, t oday anydifferent from ten years ago, I think the biggest difference is that companies in China, Japanese home appliance m arket downturn, thesystem, d ecision-making following main reasons: First, rigid enterprisethe reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the difficult,to adapt t o the rapidly changing ChineseChinese market, i t i s difficultmarket; 2 is weak in marketing, product planning capacity is not stro to judge according to their marker launch t o meet consumeris d ifficultdemand and forecast products, follow the trend h as been in a passive can not satisfy market demand; Third, f ailure to grasp the situation,industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance compa lose an important reason for market dominance .Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causin companies tothink deeply about our nation? To take the international r“Japanese Company” to the lessons learnedand whether the enterprise ofbehind?Second, the brand strategy implementation i n China the Current Situation”Many old famous “flash in the panChinese and foreign enterprisesin the Chinese market the brand war;century, ajust grow up to be a great impact onnational brands. The last80’s brand, not being registered by trademark, i s to belittle-knownacquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really devel very limited. Here a typical case, t he last century 80s to early 90s, h eworked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the Warburg in 1998,acquired Kelon, the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterpris caused the government to support.Since t he 80s of last century reform and opening up, China’s socialist economic construction has made remarkable achievements. F rom aplanned economy to market economy era Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information, local governments at all levels of emphasis on brand-na organization promoting the efforts, policies m easures have greatlycities enhanced Qinghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and otheron the Chinese famous enterprises incentives to 100 million, on Dali million Y uan, on brand-name companies have been cities for the100000yuan reward-200000yuan..Consumer40th InternationalJanuary 8th 2009 year t o January11th,theElectronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian h otel o pening. N ational enterprises in the CES, we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to parin thein China CES, including manufacturers, media and spectators,exhibition hall, there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world’s most“TWICE” named for the authoritative consumer electronics industry mediaChinese consumer electronics brand.3.The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult toHowever, we should also s ee the face of numerous products o n the market, allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands. Wit the opening up further, to a number of big companies have to squeeze i the Chinese market, Chinese market, a time filled w ith “Sony”,brands,“Coca-Cola”, “Rejoice”, “Benz” and various o ther i nternationalmany of these names foreign brands violently hitting the national braled by Haier brand, “Konka” ,China .Although the appliance industry,“Changhong” , “TCL” and other domestic brands have developed well, but with the “Sony” , “Panasonic”“Samsung” and other brands, they are still“Lenovo” , “Founder” ,there competitive disadvantage; in the IT industry,’s competitiveness has improved significantly, “Great Wall” and the brandbut with Europe and the United States, Japan and other countries compain Consumer Goods market,to, brand awareness is still insufficient;companies have“P&G”, “Oliver” , “Henkel” , and other i nternationalformed the three pillars.Third, the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors Currently, Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunibrands h as been inevitable,but there are a lsoand space f or i nternationalbrand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand Building ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves: there is a l technology d evelopment, b rand competitiveness is not strong; b randlack of innovation and development capacity; small-scale personality,production and management, brand development lack of overall planningBrand awareness i soperations,abilityof weak exports and internationalnot strong; brand positioning is not clear, there is a large range o such as blindness. Speaking from the macro social f actors: socialsupport t he mechanisms need to be improved, p olicies and regulationspolicy, export-orientedneed to further strengthen the country’s industrialrole i n the promotion andsectors play differentpolicies for differentlimitation, the financial environment for business investment capacit market expansion ability and the important influence. The establishmen market system in China has for many years, d espite a significanthas not really adapt to thethere s tillimprovement but stillnot perfect,market economy, consumer psychology has not yet fully mature.2. The current situation of global economic integration, the error brand strategy implementation(1) Ignore the brand investment, profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization,competition isinternationalincreasingly reflected in the brand’s competition, the overwhelmingcompanies withmajority o f the modern world famous multinationalparticular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full ra output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupa of the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, thhas achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporations weapon, is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold. B rand never be in the short t erminvented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprisesdo notclearly recognize this point, attempt to create a brand in a short t ignored the long-term planning and strategy.(2) Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic, enterprise str and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is t o rely o n their overallquality and overall image enhancement, the need for scientificbut quit a few brand management idea and superb operational skills,poor performance a nd immediateplanner i n this regard w as particularlyimpact brand development, practical work in the emergence of many suc errors: If that job is to create a brand to take a good name to the improve product awareness, or what the product packaging; good brandvisual signs o nly; A dvertising is t he only way todrawing a satisfactorycultivate well-known brands, in addition to advertising in the mediaenterpriseproduct once formed, w ell-knownthe o ther n o attention; scalebrands on the naturally established; well-known brand is equivalent toimprove the product p rice. Some companiesprice, to be unrealisticallyeven go further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give upown brand business, with foreign companies, b rands, or to sell its ownsuch as our present more than 20 million “threebrand low-cost transfer,capital” enterprises, there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign b clean silver toothpaste factory in Ghuangzhou to 2 million yuan chea transfer to joint ventures and other brands, is one such outstanding of the terrible consequences of today has become increasinglyown brand, p roduct and intellectualdomestic enterprisesapparent-lostproperty rights, national industrial competitiveness lie!(3) Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market ca quickly imitated by competitors, beyond, the brand is insurmountable, and lasting competitive advantage c omes from innovation, in order to“status quo”“change” should beexpression of the core c ompetitiveness.TheBrand is t he c oncentratedbe out ofmarket is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to danger. Too much emphasis on the existing achievements, do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot o f brand-name “dismount”themajor reason. Coca-Cola’s former c hief marketing o fficer Sergio Z yman,the company logo products andservices are different “The brand is onlyweapon to open up the market,from competitors,is the most effectiveexcellent brand can make your product s tand out .” Products p hysical properties,quantity, price, q uality, service is very easy to imitatealso includes an competitors,Er brands, a long with the product i tself,attached product t o cultural background, e motional, consumer cognitionYong Yuan Li in the competition invisible things, so that e nterprisesundefeated. Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a di impact on consumer awareness. Brand is the difference between the markconsumer spending to enterprise important symbols isthe benchmark forbrand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocati resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national enterprises in brand internationalization process o to brand positioning“quality first, winning byBacked by science and technology, establish a’s fashion elements, the outstanding quality” business philosophy, the brandindividualProduct quality is the cornerstone of creating brand. Competitivenes their products performance i n the competition for the brand, a nd brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of products. Growth the brand through a brand is the quality of a brand in the market dow also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can b quality is the brand of life depends.In addition, enterprises should learn from successful experiences abEnterprises shouldto enhance their design a nd development capability.dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own br and increase m arket competitiveness; we must work hard in thetransformation.trend i n the world changes, the value o fPersonalizationhas been directly customer experience and the value of differentiationdetermined to achieve the final p roduct sales, personal s ervices are indispensable!2. To strengthen marketing, improve brand awareness, brand strategywill b e organically integrated in their overall strategy to promote theoverall development strategyThe implementation of brand marketing i s an important p art o f the strategy. By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively to brand a household name brand, expand market share. Brand strategy not an isolated task, but the overall development strategy and busine closely related. A successful brand names more than just a brand its thing, related to business management of all major strategic decision, major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around the bra expand.3. Follow the laws of the brand design, brand image, brand and accurbrand performance a nd outstanding value emotionalmarket positioning,communicationBrand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its market position. The basic method is not positioning to create a nov unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart, th of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into consshould take the market as guide, t echnology a s a impulse. E nterprisesmeans to adapt to changes in its requirements, such as the establishme information feedback system to collect information about changes in consumer, and constantly develop new products, provide consumers with personalized service, and meet the consumers to make their own in a go position in the competition.The world has entered the 21st century brand international competition,language into millions o fbranding has become a new internationalhouseholds. To establish the brand products in the market position esta a corporate image, is effective competition in the market means busin Brand is the core product; brand marketing is to defy the other. Ente management system must be adopted, t echnological innovation, and constantly improve the quality of products and services. At the same to increase the international competitiveness of the strategic brand r’s internationaland planning, and the comprehensive to enhance the brand competitiveness. Most Chinese enterprises in the growth stage now, br strength is weak, it is undoubted fact, however, based on industry, mwhile avoiding d isadvantages,choose the bestresources,and enterprisebrand strategy is a wise choice. Such as is now more prevalent and hreverse merger;well-known b rand o utside the company’s co-production,use the link strategy to redefine the brand image; with two or more b collaborate effectively formed alliances to improve their social accepbrand marketingof such brand. I n short choose the right brand strategy,creativety and attention to service; in order to achieve a sensationa and a strong brand impact, can the brand maintain vigor, forest stand world brand.11。
广告行业常用术语名词解释AE——Account Executive——客户代表,或客户执行。
Account Group——业务小组。
Appeal Point——诉求点。
Brain Storming——动脑会议。
Brand Image——品牌形象。
CF——mercial Film——乃广告影片是也,可不是电视广告脚本哦,mercial Script是电视广告脚本。
petitive Presentation——比稿。
CI——Corporate Identity——企业识别。
Creative Boutique——创意工作室。
Direct Response Advertising——直效广告。
依照其经验不同,指导可分为资深指导(Senior Director)、指导(Director)和助理指导(Assistant Director)。
指导有以下各专业职位:Account Director(业务指导)Creative Director(创意指导)Arts Director(美术指导)Copy Director(文案指导)Media Director(媒体指导)Planning Director(企划指导)Finisher——完稿员。
促销 售点推广 竞品分析 采样 派发 活动事件
创新的生意点子 - CBI® CBI®
将创新的生意点子转换为 切实的、行之有效的整合行销方案
为英特尔创造“奔腾”的中文名 为英特尔发想出“给电脑一颗奔驰的芯”的广告语 为飞利浦发展出“让我们做得更好”的广告语
• 2007 Johnny Walker蓝牌“品牌大使计划”
– Gold Award of “Best Use of Direct Marketing” 最佳直效行销铜奖
灵智精实 荣获2008中国 广告代理形象研究 由全中国320家 领先市场营销 企业评选的 市场营销 “最有效创意”奖 第一名
•Headquartered in Paris
Euro RSCG Worldwide
Arnold Worldwide Partners
Media Planning Group
• 全球第五大广告公司 • 最具整合力的广告公司 • 总部位于纽约
• 全美第14大广告代理商 • 创意型代理商 • 总部位于波士顿
灵智精实 荣获2008中国 广告代理形象研究 由全中国320家 领先市场营销 企业评选的 市场营销 “最具突破性代理”奖 第一名
灵智精实 荣获2008中国 广告代理形象研究 由全中国320家 领先市场营销 企业评选的 市场营销 “最佳服务团队”奖 第一名
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Events trigger pre-‐determined workflows
Efficient control and utilization of cross agency resources to reduce the time to resolution of emergency and crisis situations
Manage and track workflows
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Coordinate resources to respond to issues rapidly & effectively
Facilitate cross agency decision making and collaboration in order
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蛋糕品牌的推广英文对话英文回答:Interviewer: Hi [candidate's name], welcome to the interview for the Cake Brand Marketing Manager position. We're excited to learn more about your experience and qualifications for the role.Candidate: Thank you for having me. I'm very interested in this opportunity and I believe my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for the position.Interviewer: That's great to hear. Let's start with your understanding of the cake industry. What do you see as the key trends and challenges facing the industry today?Candidate: The cake industry is a highly competitive market with consumers demanding high-quality, innovative products that cater to their specific dietary needs and preferences. Key trends include the crescente popularity ofhealthier and more sustainable cakes, as well as a growing demand for customization and personalization. Challenges include rising costs of raw materials, supply chain disruptions, and intense competition.Interviewer: What strategies would you implement to position our cake brand as a leader in the industry?Candidate: To position our brand as a leader, I would focus on several key strategies:Product Development: Developing innovative and high-quality cakes that meet the changing needs of consumers.Marketing and Branding: Building a strong brand identity, creating compelling marketing campaigns, and leveraging social media to connect with customers.Customer Experience: Providing exceptional customer service and creating memorable experiences throughout the purchase journey.Distribution and Logistics: Optimizing distribution channels and logistics to ensure product availability and freshness.Sustainability: Implementing sustainable practices throughout the supply chain, from sourcing ingredients to packaging.Interviewer: How would you measure the success of your marketing campaigns?Candidate: I would measure the success of marketing campaigns based on several metrics, including:Brand Awareness: Tracking website traffic, social media engagement, and brand mentions.Lead Generation: Measuring the number of leads generated through marketing channels.Sales Conversions: Monitoring the conversion rate of leads into paying customers.Customer Satisfaction: Gathering feedback from customers to assess the effectiveness of marketing efforts.Interviewer: What are your thoughts on the importanceof digital marketing in the cake industry?Candidate: Digital marketing is vital in the cake industry for several reasons:Target Audience: Digital platforms allow us to target specific customer segments with tailored marketing messages.Content Marketing: Creating valuable and engaging content helps build brand authority and attract potential customers.E-commerce: Online sales are becoming increasingly important, providing convenience and accessibility for customers.Social Media: Social media platforms offer a powerfulway to connect with customers, build relationships, anddrive brand loyalty.Interviewer: Thank you for your insights. We'll be in touch soon to let you know our decision.中文回答:面试官,您好,[应聘者姓名],欢迎参加蛋糕品牌营销经理的面试。
媒体ESG关注与企业数字型跨国并购一、研究背景随着全球经济一体化的不断深入,企业数字型跨国并购(Digital CrossBorder MA)在全球范围内呈现出日益增长的趋势。
在这个过程中,媒体ESG关注(Media ESG Attention)逐渐成为企业并购决策的重要因素。
ESG,即环境、社会和公司治理(Environmental, Social and Governance),是指企业在经营过程中应关注和遵循的可持续发展原则。
ESG概念和重要性介绍环境、社会和公司治理(Environmental, Social and Governance,简称ESG)是一种评估企业在可持续发展过程中的表现的方法。
AMA Principles of Financial Services Branding
In theUK, market shifts such as the increasing consumer interest in financial decision-making and the Internet as a channel, are forcing companies to invest in brand building exercises with consumers.
Branding is transforming the way financial services are communicated, just as surely as IT systems are transforming the way banks do their business -- and assisting new brands to set up banking without branches.
Interbrand conducted a survey designed to answer that question. We asked 24 financial institutions around the world how their principal customer brand is used and managed, both externally and internally.
Although some long-established banks and insurance companies still see their brand merely as an aid to awareness and recognition, the new entrants and those institutions that are radically transforming themselves put the brand at the center of their corporate strategy.
Stella Artois – the global branding
Stella Artois – the global brandingIn the 1990s, the world beer market was growing at an annual rate of one to two per cent. In 1998, beer consumption reached a total of 1.3 billion hectolitres (hls). However, there were great regional differences in both market size and growth rates. Most industry analysts split the world market for beer between growth and mature markets. The mature markets were generally considered to be North America, Western Europe and Australasia. The growth markets included Latin America, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe including Russia. There was an obvious question that the world beer industry was relatively fragmented with the top four players accounting for only 22 per cent of global volume — a relatively low figure as compared to 78 per cent in the soft drinks industry, 60 per cent in tobacco and 44 per cent in spirits. That means great opportunities for consolidation. The driver behind industry rationalization was the need to achieve economies of scale in production, advertising and distribution. As we all know, the Interbrew - one of the largest beer companies in the world. How did it get succeed and become the global corporation? Introduction:In 1717, when it was purchased by its master brewer, Sebastiaan Artois, the brewery changed its name to Artois. The firm’s expansion began when Artois acquired a major interest in the Leffe Brewery in Belgium in 1954, the Dommelsch Brewery in the Netherlands in 1968, and theBrassiere du Nord in France in 1970. In 1987, when Artois and another Belgian brewery called Piedboeuf came together, the merged company was named Interbrew. The new company soon acquired other Belgian specialty beer brewers, building up the Interbrew brand portfolio with the purchase of the Hoegaarden brewery in 1989 and the Belle-Vue Brewery in 1990.Interbrew entered into a phase of rapid growth at this time. On the way of acquisitions, The Company acquired competitive enterprises and high –quality brand in the other countries to gain and sustain competitive advantages. For instance, in 1995, Interbrew completed an unexpected major acquisition by purchasing Labatt, a large Canadian brewer also with international interests. Labatt had operations in the United States, for example, with the Latrobe brewery, home of the Rolling Rock brand. Labatt also held a substantial minority stake in the second largest Mexican brewer, Femsa Cervesa, which produced Dos Equis, Sol, and Tecate brands. Following this major acquisition, Interbrew went on, in 1996, to buy a brewery in the Ukraine and engaged in a joint venture in the Dominican Republic. Subsequently, breweries were added in China in 1997, Montenegro and Russia in 1998, and another brewery in Bulgaria and one in Korea in 1999.Thus, through acquisition expenditures of US$2.5 billion in the previous four years, Interbrew had transformed itself from a simple Belgianbrewery into one of the largest beer companies in the world. By 1999, the company had become a brewer on a truly global scale that now derived more than 90 per cent of its volume from markets outside Belgium. It remained a privately held company, headquartered in Belgium, with subsidiaries and joint ventures in 23 countries across four continents. On the development of the company, there are many strategies that they had been used into the way of development, such as multinational, international, global and transnational strategies. The strategies are as follow.INTERBREW CORPORATE STRATEGYThere were three facets of Interbrew’s corporate strategy. They were brands, markets and operations which were considered the “sid es of the Interbrew triangle.〞In order to achieve the fundamental objective of increasing shareholder value, each of these aspects of corporate strategy was equally important.Operation strategy:Cross fertilization of best practices between sites was a central component of Interbrew’s operations strategy. In the company’s two main markets, Belgium and Canada, each brewery monitored its performance on 10 different dimensions against its peers. As a result, the gap between the best and the worst of Interbrew’s operations had narrowed decisively since 1995. Employees continuously put forwardsuggestions for improvement. The program had resulted in significantly lower production costs; the most improvements had more to do with employee motivation than with pure technical performance by the advice to the Interbrew management. In addition, capacity utilization and strategic sourcing had been identified as two areas of major opportunity. We can see that the Interbrew does a differentiation strategy in its operation and it get successful. For the capacity utilization, it had an important influence on the profitability. It had generated excess capacity in some mature market, and they were used more fully until local capacities were increased in the growth market. It makes full use of the process of operation. For strategic sourcing, they chose a smaller number of its best suppliers and working more closely with them, Interbrew believed that innovative changes resulted, saving both parties considerable sums every year. In the other words, it means reducing the cost.Market strategy:The underlying objectives of Interbrew’s market strategy were to increase volume and to lessen its dependence on Belgium and Canada, its two traditional markets. Interbrew dichotomized its market strategy into the mature and growth market segments. For the Mature market, they just wanted to continue to build market share and to improve margins through greater efficiencies in production, distribution and marketing.At the sametime, the company intended to exploit the growing trend in these markets towards premium and specialty products of which Interbrew already possessed an unrivalled portfolio. The key markets in which this strategy was being actively pursued were the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. For the Growth market, based on the belief that the world’s beer markets would undergo further consolidation, Interbrew’s market strategy was t o build significant positions in markets that had long-term volume growth potential. This goal led to a clear focus on Central and Eastern Europe and Asia, South Korea and China in particular.Brand strategy:A central piece of Interbrew’s traditional br and strategy had been to add to its portfolio of brands through acquisition of existing brewers, principally in growth markets. Since its goal was to have the number one or two brand in every market segment in which it operated, Interbrew concentrated on purchasing and developing strong local brands. As it moved into new territories, the company’s first priority was to upgrade product quality and to improve the positioning of the acquired local core lager brands. In mature markets, it drew on the strength of the established brands such as Jupiler, Labatt Blue and Dommelsch. In addition, new products were launched such as Taller, a premium brand in the Ukraine,and Boomerang, an alternative malt-based drink in Canada. A second facet of the company’s brand st rategy was to identify certain brands, typically specialty products, and to develop them on a regional basis across a group of markets. For example, to support the regional growth of specialty beers, Interbrew established a new type of café. The Belgian Beer Café, owned and run by independent operators, created an authentic Belgian atmosphere where customers sampled Interbrew’s Belgian specialty beers.The third facet of Interbrew’s brand strategy was to identify a key corporate brand and to develop it as a global product. STELLA ARTOIS AS INTERBREW’S INTERNATIONAL FLAGSHIP BRANDIn 1998, Interbrew’s executive management committee settled on Stel la Artois, positioned as the premium European lager, as the company’s global flagship brand.As the global campaign got under way, it became clear that the organization needed time to adapt to centralized co-ordination and control of Stella Artois brand marketing. The company made a plan of Brand Positioning. It was intended that Stella Artois should be perceived as a beer with an important brewing tradition and heritage but, at the same time, also as a contemporary beer. The accent is on the emotional consequence of benefit: a positive feeling of self esteem and sophistication. Stella Artois had achieved great success with the plan. Inthe United Kingdom, it became the leading premium lager beer through its licensee. Apart from the United Kingdom, the key markets for Stella Artois were France and Belgium, which together accounted for a further 31 per cent of total brand volume. Stella Artois was also produced in Interbrew’s own breweries in Hungary, Croatia and Romania, with very pleasing 1998 volumes of 84000 hls, 120000 hls and 60000 hls, respectively. After only three years, the market share of Stella Artois in Croatia had reached four per cent. It is a significant result. In Australia and New Zealand, it also obtained considerable achievements. Particularly in New Zealand, through a “seeding〞approach, Interbrew and their local partner (Lion Nathan) had realized great success in the Belgian Beer Caféin Auckland where the brands were showcased. After only two years of support, Stella Artois volume was up to 20,000 hls, and growing at 70 per cent annually, out of a total premium segment of 400,000 hls. The evolution of the brand looked very positive as world volumes for Stella Artois continued to grow. In fact, Stella Artois volume had increased from 3.4 million hls in 1992 to a total of 6.7 million hls in 1999, a rise of 97 per cent.ConclusionTrough realizing the Interbrew and its global branding – Stella Artois, we know that Interbrew achieve sustainable competitive advantage by developing the layers of competitive advantage - Global-scale efficiency,multinational flexibility and the ability to develop innovations and leverage knowledge on a worldwide basis. All of these are embodied in the Interbrew corporate strategy,particularly in the brand strategy. The three-step process is a very successful plan. Firstly, Interbrew concentrated on purchasing and developing strong local brands. Upgrading product quality and improving the positioning of the acquired local core lager brands. Secondly, the company identify certain brands, typically specialty products, and to develop them on a regional basis across a group of markets. Thirdly, identify a key corporate brand and to develop it as a global product. So, Interbrew developed Stella Artois as its international flagship brand. However, while great progress had been made on the global branding of Stella Artois, Cooke still ruminated on a variety of important interrelated issues. Among these issues was the situation of Stella Artois in Belgium — would it be possible to win in the “global game〞without renewed growth in the home market? What specific aspirations should Interbrew set for Belgium over the next three years? Further, what expectations should Interbrew have of its global brand market development? How should global success be measured? With respect to Interbrew’s promotional efforts, how likely would it be that a single global ad campaign could be successful for Stella Artois? Interbrew still have a long way to go to achieve all of the sustainable competitive advantage simultaneously.。
沃达丰公司PPT的案例 共29页
London, 17/18 October 2019
Confidential The Vodafone Brand
We are committed to building the world’s most valuable communications brand
‘To be the World Leader in Mobile Communications………….’
5th Partner Markets Conference
London, 17/18 October 2019
Confidential The Vodafone Brand
‘Make the Most of Now’
MTMON Tone of Voice
5th Partner Markets Conference
London, 17/18 October 2019
Confidential The Vodafone Brand
Helping our customers make the most of their time
BY Creating & delivering unbeatable experiences
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Being Red, Rock Solid, Restless
5th Partner Markets Conference
1. 跨国公司 (Multinational Corporation, MNC)跨国公司是指在多个国家拥有子公司或关联企业的企业组织形式。
2. 全球品牌 (Global Brand)全球品牌是指一个品牌在全球范围内被广泛认可和接受的情况。
3. 国际广告代理 (International Advertising Agency)国际广告代理是一家专门提供国际广告服务的公司,帮助客户在全球范围内制定并执行广告策略。
4. 文化适应 (Cultural Adaptation)广告的文化适应是指将广告内容和形式根据目标市场的文化特点进行调整和修改的过程。
5. 全球整合营销传播 (Integrated Global Marketing Communication)全球整合营销传播是指在不同国家和地区内通过多种传播渠道来实现品牌一致性和广告效果的整合。
6. 跨文化沟通 (Intercultural Communication)跨文化沟通指的是在不同文化背景下进行有效沟通的能力。