










二、信号流程(请参考流程框图和电路图) :电视射频信号经过高频头U101接收、混频,然后的中频信号送到的中放IC101 LA75503解调后输出TV视频信号和音频信号。

TV视频信号送入IC301(HP801),同其它视频信号进行切换,然后送入IC201(HTV190)进行解码等处理后输出模拟RGB给预视放IC501 TB1307,U101的音频信号输出则进入IC301(HP801)进行切换,再送入HTV190进行音效处理。

视频信号(含侧AV1/S端子,AV2),直接输入到IC301(HP801)进行切换,然后送入HTV190进行解码等处理后输出模拟RGB给预视放IC501 (TB1307)。




高清信号YPBPR 和VGA信号直接送入IC301(HP801)各自的AD口进行处理,所有格式的高清标清信号(1080/60P、1080/60I、1080/50I、720/60P、720/50P、480/60P、576/50P、)则通过进行AD转换,完成行逐行变换的功能,通过抽行、增行等处理,将上述高清信号的行频归一为33.9KHZ。





26L98PW-8K60:电视在转台时声音不正常,有杂音,把高屏板上面的L6改为光线37L16HC-8G10:不开机,电源开关板上电源插座脚假焊42L98SW-8TTO/42L17SW-8TTN啦叭里面有交流声:将主板上面的三极管Q7去将C70改为6.8K电阻,或从电源板上加一二极管和电容重新引处24V给功放供电,让功放和背光板供电分开,交流声彻底消失.40L98SW/8M10机器不定时发出“呜呜”异响,有时把屏变设为“健康全屏变”异响能消除,打到静音状没有异响;1、把感光屏变的功能关掉,2、把主板上R20的电阻由原来的0欧姆改为22欧姆;19L11IW/8K60不开机更换D61(GBU4J)后一切正常;19L11IW/8K60在收看时出现断音,部分机器杂音, SDRAMIC(动态存储器)的第15脚跟地之间接一个22PF的电容。

脚号 引脚代码 引脚功能 参数

脚号 引脚代码 引脚功能 参数










实践中常碰到该脚电阻变大至1Ω左右,电源即出现过流保护,而导致+B 无输出。











那个当年有运放皇之称的NE5532,与LM833、LF353、C A3240一起是老牌四大名运放,只是现在只有5532应用得最多。


5532原先是美国SIG NE公司的产品,因此质量最好的是带大S标志的美国产品,市面上要正宗的要卖8元以上,自从SIGNE被PHILIPS收购后,生产的5532商标使用的差不多上PHILIPS商标,质量和原品相当,只须4-5元。




5532的电压适应范畴专门宽,从正负3V至正负20V 都能正常工作。



只是现在有太多的假冒NE5532,或非音频用的工业用品,由于5532的引脚功能和4558的相同,因此有些不良商家还把4558擦掉字母后印上5 532字样充当5532,一样外观粗糙,印字易擦掉,有少许体会的人也能够辨不。





由于往常闻名的美国BGW-150功放采纳5534作电压鼓舞时,专门让正电源电压高出0.7V,迫使其输出管工作于更完美的甲类状态,使得音质进一步改善,因此现在一样都认为如果让正电源高出0. 7V音质会更好。





那个当年有运放皇之称的NE5532,与LM833、LF353、C A3240⼀起是⽼牌四⼤名运放,只是现在只有5532应⽤得最多。


5532原先是美国SIG NE公司的产品,因此质量最好的是带⼤S标志的美国产品,市⾯上要正宗的要卖8元以上,⾃从SIGNE被PHILIPS收购后,⽣产的5532商标使⽤的差不多上PHILIPS商标,质量和原品相当,只须4-5元。




5532的电压适应范畴专门宽,从正负3V ⾄正负20V 都能正常⼯作。



只是现在有太多的假冒NE5532,或⾮⾳频⽤的⼯业⽤品,由于5532的引脚功能和4558的相同,因此有些不良商家还把4558擦掉字母后印上5 532字样充当5532,⼀样外观粗糙,印字易擦掉,有少许体会的⼈也能够辨不。





由于往常闻名的美国BGW-150功放采纳5534作电压⿎舞时,专门让正电源电压⾼出0.7V,迫使其输出管⼯作于更完美的甲类状态,使得⾳质进⼀步改善,因此现在⼀样都认为如果让正电源⾼出0. 7V⾳质会更好。



一文解析DSP与AD7656的高速AD采集电路一、AD7656简介AD7656具有最大4 LSBS INL和每通道达250kSPS的采样率,并且在片内包含一个2.5V内部基准电压源和基准缓冲器。

该器件仅有典型值160mW 的功耗,比最接近的同类双极性输入ADC的功耗降低了60% 。



















1/11TDA7266SASeptember 2003 s WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (3.5-18V)sMINIMUM EXTERNAL COMPONENTS –NO SWR CAPACITOR –NO BOOTSTRAP –NO BOUCHEROT CELLS –INTERNALLY FIXED GAINs STAND-BY & MUTE FUNCTIONS s SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION sTHERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTIONDESCRIPTIONThe TDA7266SA is a dual bridge amplifier specially designed for LCD Monitor, PC Motherboard, TV and Portable Radio applications.Pin to pin compatible with: TDA7266S, TDA7266,TDA7266M, TDA7266MA, TDA7266B, TDA7297SA & TDA7297.7W+7W DUAL BRIDGE AMPLIFIERTECHNOLOGY BI20IITDA7266SA2/11ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTHERMAL DATASymbol ParameterValue Unit V s Supply Voltage20V I O Output Peak Current (internally limited)2A P tot Total Power Dissipation (T amb = 70°C)20W T op Operating Temperature0 to 70°C T stg, T jStorage and Junction T emperature-40 to 150°CSymbol ParameterValueUnit R th j-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Typ = 1.8; Max. = 2.5°C/W R th j-ambThermal Resistance Junction-ambient48°C/WELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS(V CC = 11V, R L = 8Ω, f = 1KHz, T amb = 25°C unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest ConditionMin. Typ.Max.Unit V CC Supply Range31118V I q Total Quiescent Current 5065mA V OS Output Offset Voltage 120mV P O Output PowerTHD 10% 6.37W THDTotal Harmonic DistortionP O = 1W0.050.2%P O = 0.1W to 2W f = 100Hz to 15KHz1%SVR Supply Voltage Rejection f = 100Hz, VR =0.5V4056dB CT Crosstalk 4660dB A MUTE Mute Attenuation 6080dB T w Thermal Threshold 150°C G V Closed Loop Voltage Gain 252627dB ∆G VVoltage Gain Matching0.5dB3/11TDA7266SAAPPLICATION SUGGESTION STAND-BY AND MUTE FUNCTIONS(A) Microprocessor ApplicationIn order to avoid annoying "Pop-Noise" during Turn-On/Off transients, it is necessary to guarantee the right St-by and mute signals sequence. It is quite simple to obtain this function using a microprocessor (Fig. 1 and 2).At first St-by signal (from µP) goes high and the voltage across the St-by terminal (Pin 7) starts to increase ex-ponentially. The external RC network is intended to turn-on slowly the biasing circuits of the amplifier, this to avoid "POP" and "CLICK" on the outputs.When this voltage reaches the St-by threshold level, the amplifier is switched-on and the external capacitors in series to the input terminals (C3, C53) start to charge.It's necessary to mantain the mute signal low until the capacitors are fully charged, this to avoid that the device goes in play mode causing a loud "Pop Noise" on the speakers.A delay of 100-200ms between St-by and mute signals is suitable for a proper operation.Figure 1. Microprocessor ApplicationR i Input Resistance 2530K ΩVT MUTEMute Thresholdfor V CC > 6.4V; Vo = -30dB 2.3 2.9 4.1V for V CC < 6.4V; Vo = -30dBV CC /2-1V CC /2-075V CC /2-0.5V VT ST -BY St-by Threshold I ST -BY St-by Current V6 = GND 100µA e NTotal Output VoltageA Curve; f = 20Hzto 20KHz150µVELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued)(V CC = 11V, R L = 8Ω, f = 1KHz, T amb = 25°C unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest ConditionMin. Typ.Max.UnitTDA7266SAFigure 2. Microprocessor Driving SignalsB) Low Cost ApplicationIn low cost applications where the µP is not present, the suggested circuit is shown in fig.3.The St-by and mute terminals are tied together and they are connected to the supply line via an external voltage divider.The device is switched-on/off from the supply line and the external capacitor C4 is intended to delay the St-by and mute threshold exceeding, avoiding "Popping" problems.4/11TDA7266SA Figure 3. Stand-alone low-cost ApplicationFigure 4. Distortion vs Frequency Figure 5. Gain vs Frequency5/11TDA7266SA6/11Figure 6. Mute Attenuation vs Vpin.8Figure 7. Stand-By attenuation vs Vpin 9Figure 8. Quiescent Current vs Supply VoltageTDA7266SA Figure 9. PC Board Component LayoutFigure 10. Evaluation Board Top Layer LayoutFigure 11. Evaluation Board Bottom Layer Layout7/11TDA7266SA8/11HEAT SINK DIMENSIONING:In order to avoid the thermal protection intervention, that is placed approximatively at T j = 150°C, it is important the dimensioning of the Heat Sinker R Th (°C/W).The parameters that influence the dimensioning are:–Maximum dissipated power for the device (P dmax )–Max thermal resistance Junction to case (R Th j-c )–Max. ambient temperature T amb max –Quiescent current I q (mA)Example:V CC = 11V, R load = 8ohm, R Th j-c = 2.5 °C/W , T amb max = 50°C P dmax = (N° channels) · P dmax = 2 · ( 3.0 ) + 0.5 = 6.5 W(Heat Sinker) In figure 12 is shown the Power derating curve for the device.Figure 12. Power derating curveV cc2Π2R load 2--------------⋅--------------------------I q V cc ⋅+R Th c-a 150T amb max–P d max ----------------------------------------R Th j-c –15050–6.5---------------------- 2.5–12.8°C/W ===TDA7266SAClipwatt Assembling SuggestionsThe suggested mounting method of Clipwatt on external heat sink, requires the use of a clip placed as much as possible in the plastic body center, as indicated in the example of figure 13.A thermal grease can be used in order to reduce the additional thermal resistance of the contact between pack-age and heatsink.A pressing force of 7 - 10 Kg gives a good contact and the clip must be designed in order to avoid a maximum contact pressure of 15 Kg/mm2 between it and the plastic body case.As example , if a 15Kg force is applied by the clip on the package , the clip must have a contact area of 1mm2 at least.Figure 13. Example of right placement of the clip9/11TDA7266SA10/11元器件交易网TDA7266SA Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequencesof use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is grantedby implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subjectto change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are notauthorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.All other names are the property of their respective owners© 2003 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States11/11。



Differential Input, Dual 2 MSPS,12-Bit, 3-Channel SAR ADCPreliminary Technical DataAD7266FEATURESDual 12-bit, 3-channel ADC Fast throughput rate: 2 MSPS Specified for V DD of 2.7 V to 5.25 VLow power: 12 mW max at 1.5 MSPS with 3 V supplies 30 mW max at 2 MSPS with 5 V supplies Wide input bandwidth70 dB SNR at 100 kHz input frequency On-chip reference: 2.5 V –40°C to +125°C operationFlexible power/throughput rate management Simultaneous conversion/read No pipeline delaysHigh speed serial interface SPI®/QSPI™/MICROWIRE™/DSP compatibleShutdown mode: 1 µA max32-lead LFCSP and TQFP packagesGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD72661 is a dual, 12-bit, high speed, low power, successive approximation ADC that operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.25 V power supply and features throughput rates up to 2 MSPS. The device contains two ADCs, each preceded by a 3-channel multi-plexer, and a low noise, wide bandwidth track-and-hold amplifier that can handle input frequencies in excess of 10 MHz.The conversion process and data acquisition are controlled using standard control inputs, allowing easy interfacing to microproces-sors or DSPs. The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CS ; conversion is also initiated at this point. The conversion time is determined by the SCLK frequency. There are no pipelined delays associated with the part.The AD7266 uses advanced design techniques to achieve very low power dissipation at high throughput rates. With 5 V supplies and a 2 MSPS throughput rate, the part consumes 4 mA maximum. The part also offers flexible power/throughput rate management when operating in sleep mode.The analog input range for the part can be selected to be a 0 V to V REF range or a 2V REF range with either straight binary or twos complement output coding. The AD7266 has an on-chip 2.5 V reference that can be overdriven if an external reference is pre-ferred. This external reference range is 100 mV to 2.5 V . TheAD7266 is available in 32-lead lead frame chip scale (LFCSP) and thin quad flat (TQFP) packages.Rev.PrG1Protected by U.S. Patent No. 6,681,332.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM04603-P r A -001AV V V V V V BV V V V V V AGND AGND AGND D CAP BDGND DGNDFigure 1PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS1.The AD7266 features two complete ADC functions that allow simultaneous sampling and conversion of two channels. Each ADC has 2 analog inputs, 3 fully differential pairs, or 6 single-ended channels as programmed. The conversion result of both channels is available simultaneously on separate data lines, or in succession on one data line if only one serial port is available.2.High Throughput with Low Power ConsumptionThe AD7266 offers a 1.5 MSPS throughput rate with 8 mW maximum power consumption when operating at 3 V . 3.Flexible Power/Throughput Rate ManagementThe conversion rate is determined by the serial clock, allowing power consumption to be reduced as conversion time is re-duced through an SCLK frequency increase. Power efficiency can be maximized at lower throughput rates if the part enters sleep between conversions.4.No Pipeline DelayThe part features two standard successive approximation ADCs with accurate control of the sampling instant via a CS input and once off conversion control.Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.326.8703© 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.AD7266 Preliminary Technical Data TABLE OF CONTENTSAD7266—Specifications (3)Timing Specifications (4)Absolute Maximum Ratings (5)ESD Caution (5)Pin Configuration and Functional Descriptions (6)Terminology (8)Theory of Operation (10)Circuit Information (10)Converter Operation (10)Analog Input (11)Output Coding (11)Transfer Functions (12)Digital Inputs (12)V DRIVE (12)Modes of Operation (13)Normal Mode (13)Partial Power-Down Mode (13)Full Power-Down Mode (14)Outline Dimensions (15)Ordering Guide (17)REVISION HISTORYRevision PrG: Preliminary VersionRev. PrG | Page 2 of 17Preliminary Technical Data AD7266 AD7266—SPECIFICATIONS1Table 1. T A = T MIN to T MAX, V DD = 2.7 V to 3.3 V, f SCLK = 25 MHz, f S = 1.5 MSPS, V DRIVE = 2.7 V to 3.3 V; V DD = 4.75 V to 5.25 V,Rev. PrG | Page 3 of 17AD7266 Preliminary Technical DataNOTES1 Temperature ranges as follows: -40°C to +125°CTerminology2 See section.3 Sample tested during initial release to ensure compliance.4 Relates to Pins D CAP A or D CAP B.5 See Reference section for D CAP A, D CAP B output impedances.6 See Power Versus Throughput Rate section.TIMING SPECIFICATIONSRev. PrG | Page 4 of 17Preliminary Technical DataAD7266ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTable 3. AD7266 Stress RatingsParameter Rating V DD to AGND –0.3 V to +7 V DV DD to DGND –0.3 V to +7 V V DRIVE to DGND –0.3 V to DV DD V DRIVE to AGND –0.3 V to AV DD AV DD to DV DD –0.3 V to +0.3 V AGND to DGND –0.3 V to +0.3 VAnalog Input Voltage to AGND –0.3 V to AV DD +0.3 VDigital Input Voltage to DGND –0.3 V to +7 V Digital Output Voltage to GND –0.3 V to V DRIVE +0.3 V V REF to AGND –0.3 V to AV DD +0.3 V Input Current to Any Pin Except Supplies 1±10 mA Operating Temperature Range –40°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range –65°C to +150°C Junction Temperature 150°C LFCSP Package θJA Thermal Impedance 108.2°C/WθJC Thermal Impedance 32.71°C/W Lead Temperature, Soldering Reflow Temperature (10- 30 sec) 255°CESD TBD1Transient currents of up to 100 mA will not cause SCR latch up.Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratingsmay cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.ESD CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.Rev. PrG | Page 5 of 17AD7266Preliminary Technical DataPIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS0460DGND REF SELECT AV DD D CAP A AGND AGND V A1V A2V A V A V A V A V B V B V B V B DI V ET ADT B KFigure 2. AD7266 Pin ConfigurationRev. PrG | Page 6 of 17Preliminary Technical Data AD7266Rev. PrG | Page 7 of 17AD7266Preliminary Technical DataTERMINOLOGYDifferential NonlinearityTrack-and-Hold Acquisition TimeThis is the difference between the measured and the ideal 1 LSB change between any two adjacent codes in the ADC. The track-and-hold amplifier returns into track mode after the end of conversion. Track-and-hold acquisition time is the time required for the output of the track-and-hold amplifier to reach its final value, within ±1/2 LSB, after the end of conversion. Integral NonlinearityThis is the maximum deviation from a straight line passing through the endpoints of the ADC transfer function. Theendpoints of the transfer function are zero scale, a point 1 LSB below the first code transition, and full scale, a point 1 LSB above the last code transition. Signal to (Noise + Distortion) RatioThis is the measured ratio of signal to (noise + distortion) at the output of the A/D converter. The signal is the rms amplitude of the fundamental. Noise is the sum of all non-fundamental signals up to half the sampling frequency (f S /2), excluding dc. The ratio is dependent on the number of quantization levels in the digitization process; the more levels, the smaller thequantization noise. The theoretical signal to (noise + distortion) ratio for an ideal N-bit converter with a sine wave input is given by:Offset ErrorThis applies to Straight Binary output coding. It is the deviation of the first code transition (00 . . . 000) to (00 . . . 001) from the ideal, i.e., AGND + 1 LSB. Offset Error MatchSignal to (Noise + Distortion) = (6.02N + 1.76) dB This is the difference in Offset Error between the two channels. Thus for a 12-bit converter, this is 74 dB. Gain ErrorTotal Harmonic DistortionThis applies to Straight Binary output coding. It is the deviation of the last code transition (111 . . . 110) to (111 . . . 111) from the ideal (i.e., VREF – 1 LSB) after the offset error has been adjusted out.Total harmonic distortion (THD) is the ratio of the rms sum of harmonics to the fundamental. For the AD7266 it is defined as:12625242322log20)(V V V V V V dB THD ++++=Gain Error Matchwhere V 1 is the rms amplitude of the fundamental and V 2, V 3, V 4, V 5 and V 6 are the rms amplitudes of the second through the sixth harmonics.This is the difference in Gain Error between the two channels. Zero Code ErrorThis applies when using twos complement output coding in particular with the 2 x V REF input range as –V REF to +V REF biased about the V REF point. It is the deviation of the midscaletransition (all 1s to all 0s) from the ideal V IN voltage, i.e., V REF - 1 LSB.Peak Harmonic or Spurious NoisePeak harmonic or spurious noise is defined as the ratio of the rms value of the next largest component in the ADC output spectrum (up to fS/2 and excluding dc) to the rms value of the fundamental. Normally, the value of this specification is determined by the largest harmonic in the spectrum, but for ADCs where the harmonics are buried in the noise floor, it will be a noise peak.Zero Code Error MatchThis refers to the difference in Zero Code Error between the two channels. Channel-to-Channel IsolationPositive Gain ErrorChannel-to-channel isolation is a measure of the level of crosstalk between channels. It is measured by applying a full-scale (2 x V REF ), 455kHz sine wave signal to all unselected input channels and determining how much that signal is attenuated in the selected channel with a 10 kHz signal (0 V to V REF ). The figure given is the worst-case across all twelve channels for the AD7266.This applies when using twos complement output coding in particular with the 2 x V REF input range as –V REF to +V REF biased about the V REF point. It is the deviation of the last codetransition (011…110) to (011…111) from the ideal (i.e., + V REF - 1 LSB) after the Zero Code Error has been adjusted out.Rev. PrG | Page 8 of 17Preliminary Technical Data AD7266Intermodulation DistortionWith inputs consisting of sine waves at two frequencies, fa and fb, any active device with nonlinearities will create distortion products at sum and difference frequencies of mfa ± nfb where m, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Intermodulation distortion terms are those for which neither m nor n are equal to zero. For example, the second order terms include (fa + fb) and (fa – fb), while the third order terms include (2fa + fb), (2fa – fb), (fa + 2fb) and (fa – 2fb).The AD7266 is tested using the CCIF standard where two input frequencies near the top end of the input bandwidth are used. In this case, the second order terms are usually distanced in frequency from the original sine waves while the third order terms are usually at a frequency close to the input frequencies. As a result, the second and third order terms are specified separately. The calculation of the intermodulation distortion is as per the THD specification where it is the ratio of the rms sum of the individual distortion products to the rms amplitude of the sum of the fundamentals expressed in dBs.PSR (Power Supply Rejection)Variations in power supply will affect the full-scale transition but not the converter’s linearity. Power supply rejection is the maximum change in full-scale transition point due to a change in power supply voltage from the nominal value. See Typical Performance Curves.Rev. PrG | Page 9 of 17AD7266Preliminary Technical DataTHEORY OF OPERATION04603-P r A -003V VCIRCUIT INFORMATIONThe AD7266 is a fast, micropower, dual 12-bit, single supply, A/D converter that operates from a 2.7 V to 5.25 V supply. When operated from a 5 V supply, the AD7266 is capable of throughput rates of 2 MSPS when provided with a TBD MHz clock, and a throughput rate of 1.5 MSPS at 3 V .The AD7266 contains two on-chip differential track-and-hold amplifiers, two successive approximation A/D converters, and a serial interface with two separate data output pins, and is housed in a 32-lead LFCSP package, which offers the userconsiderable space-saving advantages over alternative solutions. The serial clock input accesses data from the part but also provides the clock source for each successive approximation ADC. The analog input range for the part can be selected to be a 0 V to V REF input or a 2 × V REF input with the analog inputs configured as either single ended or differential. The AD7266 has an on-chip 2.5 V reference that can be overdriven if an external reference is preferred.Figure 3. ADC Acquisition PhaseWhen the ADC starts a conversion (Figure 4), SW3 opens and SW1 and SW2 move to position B, causing the comparator to become unbalanced. Both inputs are disconnected once the conversion begins. The control logic and the charge redistribu-tion DACs are used to add and subtract fixed amounts of charge from the sampling capacitor arrays to bring the comparator back into a balanced condition. When the comparator is rebalanced, the conversion is complete. The control logicgenerates the ADC output code. The output impedances of the sources driving the V IN+ and V IN– pins must be matched; otherwise, the two inputs will have different settling times, resulting in errors.The AD7266 also features power-down options to allow power saving between conversions. The power-down feature isimplemented across the standard serial interface, as described in the Modes of Operation section.CONVERTER OPERATIONThe AD7266 has two successive approximation analog-to-digital converters, each based around two capacitive DACs. Figure 3 and Figure 4 show simplified schematics of one of these ADCs in acquisition and conversion phase, respectively. The ADC is comprised of control logic, a SAR, and twocapacitive DACs. In Figure 3 (the acquisition phase), SW3, is closed, SW1 and SW2 are in position A, the comparator is held in a balanced condition, and the sampling capacitor arrays acquire the differential signal on the input. 04603-P r A -004V VFigure 4. ADC Conversion PhaseRev. PrG | Page 10 of 17ANALOG INPUTThe channels to be converted on simultaneously are selected via the multiplexer address inputs A0 to A2. The logic states of these pins are also checked upon the falling edge of CS and the channels are chosen for the next conversion. The selected input channels are decoded as shown in Table 6.The analog inputs of the AD7266 may be configured as single ended or true differential via the SGL/ logic pin, as shown in Figure 5. On the falling edge of CS , point A, the logic level of the SGL/DIFF pin is checked to determine the configuration of the analog input channels for the next conversion. If this pin is tied to a logic low, the analog input channels to each on-chip ADC are set up as three true differential pairs. If this pin is at a logic high when CS goes low, the analog input channels to each on-chip ADC are set up as six single-ended analog inputs. In Figure 5 at point A, the SGL/DIFF pin is at a logic high so the analog inputs are configured as single-ended for the next conversion, i.e. sampling point B. At point B, the logic level of the SGL/DIFF pin has changed to low; there fore, the analog inputs are configured as differential for the next conversion after this one, even though this current conversion is on single ended configured inputs.The analog input range of the AD7266 can be selected as 0 V to V REF or 0 V to 2 × V REF via the RANGE pin. This selection is made in a similar fashion to that of the SGL/DIFF pin bychecking the logic state of the RANGE pin upon the falling edge of CS . The analog input range is set up for the next conversion. If this pin is tied to a logic low upon the falling edge of CS , the analog input range for the next conversion is 0 V to V REF . If this pin is tied to a logic high upon the falling edge of CS , the analog input range for the next conversion is 0 V to 2 × V REF .OUTPUT CODINGThe AD7266 output coding is set to either twos complement or straight binary depending on which analog input configuration is selected for a conversion. Table 5 shows which output coding scheme is used for each possible analog input configuration.04603-P r A -005CSSCLKFigure 5. Selecting Differential or Single Ended ConfigurationTRANSFER FUNCTIONSThe designed code transitions occur at successive integer LSB values (i.e., 1 LSB, 2 LSB, and so on). The LSB size is V REF /4096. The ideal transfer characteristic for the AD7266 when straight binary coding is output is shown in Figure 6, and the ideal transfer characteristic for the AD7266 when twos complement coding is output is shown in Figure 7.04603-P r A -006000 (000)111 (111)ANALOG INPUTA D C C O D E000...001000...010011 (111)Figure 6. Straight Binary Transfer Characteristic04603-P r A -007100 (000)011 (111)ANALOG INPUTA D C C O D E100 (001)100...010000...001000...000111 (111)Figure 7. Twos Complement Transfer Characteristic with V REF ±V REF InputRangeDIGITAL INPUTSThe digital inputs applied to the AD7266 are not limited by the maximum ratings that limit the analog inputs. Instead, thedigital inputs applied can go to 7 V and are not restricted by the V DD + 0.3 V limit as on the analog inputs. See the Absolute Maximum Ratings. Another advantage of SCLK, RANGE, A0–A2, and CS not being restricted by the V DD + 0.3 V limit is that power supply sequencing issues are avoided. If one of these digital inputs is applied before V DD , there is no risk of latch-up, as there would be on the analog inputs if a signal greater than 0.3 V were applied prior to V DD .V DRIVEThe AD7266 also has the V DRIVE feature, which controls the voltage at which the serial interface operates. V DRIVE allows the ADC to easily interface to both 3 V and 5 V processors. For example, if the AD7266 was operated with a V DD of 5 V , the V DRIVE pin could be powered from a 3 V supply, allowing a large dynamic range with low voltage digital processors. For example, the AD7266 could be used with the 2 × V REF input range, with a V DD of 5 V while still being able to interface to 3 V digital parts.MODES OF OPERATIONThe mode of operation of the AD7266 is selected by controlling the (logic) state of the CS signal during a conversion. There are three possible modes of operation: normal mode, partial power-down mode, and full power-down mode. The point at which CS is pulled high after the conversion has been initiated determines which power-down mode, if any, the device enters. Similarly, if already in a power-down mode, CS can control whether the device returns to normal operation or remains in power-down. These modes of operation are designed to provide flexible power management options. These options can be chosen to optimize the power dissipation/throughput rate ratio for differing application requirements.accessed on the same DOUT line, as shown in Figure TBD (see the Serial Interface section). The identification bit provided prior to each conversion result identifies which on-board ADC the following result is from. Once 32 SCLK cycles have elapsed, the DOUT line returns to three-state on the 32nd SCLK falling edge. If CS is brought high prior to this, the DOUT line returns to three-state at that point. Thus, CS may idle low after 32 SCLK cycles until it is brought high again sometime prior to the next conversion (effectively idling CS low), if so desired, since the bus still returns to three-state upon completion of the dual result read.Once a data transfer is complete and D OUT A and D OUT B have returned to three-state, another conversion can be initiated after the quiet time, t QUIET , has elapsed by bringing low again.NORMAL MODEThis mode is intended for fastest throughput rate performance since the user does not have to worry about any power-up times with the AD7266 remaining fully powered all the time. Figure 8 shows the general diagram of the operation of the AD7266 in this mode.PARTIAL POWER-DOWN MODE04603-P r A -008LEADING ZERO, I.D. BIT + CONVERSION RESULTCSSCLKD OUT A D OUT BThis mode is intended for use in applications where slower throughput rates are required. Either the ADC is powered down between each conversion, or a series of conversions may be performed at a high throughput rate and the ADC is then powered down for a relatively long duration between these bursts of several conversions. When the AD7266 is in partial power-down, all analog circuitry is powered down except for the on-chip reference and reference buffer.To enter partial power-down, the conversion process must be interrupted by bringing CS high anywhere after the secondfalling edge of SCLK and before the 10th falling edge of SCLK, as shown in Figure 9. Once CS has been brought high in this window of SCLKs, the part enters partial power-down, the conversion that was initiated by the falling edge of CS isterminated, and D OUT A and D OUT B go back into three-state. If CS is brought high before the second SCLK falling edge, the part remains in normal mode and does not power down. This avoids accidental power-down due to glitches on the CS line.Figure 8. Normal Mode OperationThe conversion is initiated on the falling edge of CS , asdescribed in the Serial Interface section. To ensure that the part remains fully powered up at all times, CS must remain low until at least 10 SCLK falling edges have elapsed after the falling edge of CS . If CS is brought high any time after the 10th SCLK falling edge but before the 14th SCLK falling edge, the part remains powered up but the conversion is terminated and D OUT A and D OUT B go back into three-state. Fourteen serial clock cycles are required to complete the conversion and access the conversion result. The DOUT line does not return to three-state after 14 SCLK cycles have elapsed, but instead does so when CS is brought high again. If CS is left low for another 2 SCLK cycles (e.g. if only a 16 SCLK burst is available), two trailing zeros are clocked out after the data. If CS is left low for a further 16 SCLK cycles again, the result from the other ADC on board is also04603-P r A -009CSSCLKTRI-STATED OUT A D OUT BFigure 9. Entering Partial Power-Down ModeTo exit this mode of operation and power up the AD7266 again, a dummy conversion is performed. On the falling edge of CS , the device begins to power up, and continues to power up as long as CS is held low until after the falling edge of the 10th SCLK. The device is fully powered up after approximately 1 µs has elapsed, and valid data results from the next conversion, as shown in Figure 10. If CS is brought high before the second falling edge of SCLK, the AD7266 again goes into partial power-down. This avoids accidental power-up due to glitches on the CS line. Although the device may begin to power up on the falling edge of CS , it powers down again on the rising edge of CS . If the AD7266 is already in partial power-down mode and CS is brought high between the second and 10th falling edges of SCLK, the device enters full power-down mode.FULL POWER-DOWN MODEThis mode is intended for use in applications where throughput rates slower than those in the partial power-down mode are required, as power-up from a full power-down takes substan-tially longer than that from partial power-down. This mode is more suited to applications where a series of conversionsperformed at a relatively high throughput rate are followed by a long period of inactivity and thus power-down. When theAD7266 is in full power-down, all analog circuitry is powered down. Full power-down is entered in a similar way as partial power-down, except the timing sequence shown in Figure 9 must be executed twice. The conversion process must beinterrupted in a similar fashion by bringing CS high anywhere after the second falling edge of SCLK and before the 10th falling edge of SCLK. The device enters partial power-down at this point. To reach full power-down, the next conversion cycle must be interrupted in the same way, as shown in Figure TBD. Once CS has been brought high in this window of SCLKs, the part powers down completely.Note that it is not necessary to complete the 14 SCLKs once CS has been brought high to enter a power-down mode.To exit full power-down and power the AD7266 up again, a dummy conversion is performed, as when powering up from partial power-down. On the falling edge of CS , the device begins to power up and continues to power up as long as CS is held low until after the falling edge of the 10th SCLK. Thepower-up time required must elapse before a conversion can be initiated, as shown in Figure TBD. See the Power-Up Times section for the power-up times associated with the AD7266.04603-P r A -010SCLKINVALID DATAVALID DATAD OUT A D OUT BCSTHE PART BEGINSFigure 10. Exiting Partial Power-Down ModeSERIAL INTERFACEFigure 11 shows the detailed timing diagram for serial interfacing to the AD7266. The serial clock provides the conversion clock and controls the transfer of information from the AD7266 during conversion.The CS signal initiates the data transfer and conversion process. The falling edge of CS puts the track and hold into hold mode and takes the bus out of three-state; the analog input is sampled at this point. The conversion is also initiated at this point and requires a minimum of 14 SCLKs to complete. Once 13 SCLK falling edges have elapsed, the track-and-hold will go back into track on the next SCLK rising edge, as shown in Figure 11 at point B. If a 16 SCK transfer is used then 2 trailing zeros will appear after the final LSB. On the rising edge of CS, the conversion will be terminated and D OUT A and D OUT B will go back into three-state. If CS is not brought high but is instead held low for a further 14 (or 16) SCLK cycles on D OUT A, the data from conversion B will be output on D OUT A (followed by 2 trailing zeros). Likewise, if CS is held low for a further 14 (or 16) SCLK cycles on D OUT B, the data from conversion A will be output on D OUT B. This is illustrated in Figure 12 where the case for D OUT A is shown. Note that in this case, the D OUT line in use will go back into three-state on the 32nd SCLK falling edge or the rising edge of CS, whichever occurs first.A minimum of fourteen serial clock cycles are required to perform the conversion process and to access data from one conversion on either data line of the AD7266. CS going low provides the leading zero to be read in by the microcontroller or DSP. The remaining data is then clocked out by subsequent SCLK falling edges, beginning with a second leading zero. Thus the first falling clock edge on the serial clock has the leading zero provided and also clocks out the second leading zero. The 12 bit result then follows with the final bit in the data transfer valid on the fourteenth falling edge, having being clocked out on the previous (thirteenth) falling edge. In applications with a slower SCLK, it may be possible to read in data on each SCLK rising edge depending on the SCLK frequency used, i.e., the first rising edge of SCLK after the CS falling edge would have the leading zero provided and the thirteenth rising SCLK edge would have DB0 provided.+5D OUT AD OUT BFigure 11 Serial Interface Timing DiagramD OUTZeros,Figure 12. Reading data from Both ADCs on One D OUT Line with 32 SCLKs。



AD7266先进的马达控制数据转换器2月17日讯,ADI公司推出用在工业和汽车电子的3种先进的马达控制的数据转换器AD7266,AD7400和AD2S1200.新转换器给系统设计提供了马达控制平台的完整的ADC和数字转换分解器(RDC)解决方案.这三种马达控制数据转换器用在需要高精度控制的地方,解决了和电流与电压检测,光学编码反馈以及数字转换分解器(RDC)有关的问题.这些处理对于工业应用如装配线的自动装置和汽车电子应用如和动力操纵是至关重要的,这两方面的应用都需要对马达的速度和机械运动进行精密的控制.新转换器采用了ADI公司最好的技术,包括有:∙业界最快的12位同时取样的逐次逼近(SAR)的模数转换器(ADC),具有2MSPS的吞吐量,功耗比同类产品的小一半.∙业界首个绝缘的模数转换器,采用ADI获奖的iCoupler数字绝缘技术,能以更低的功耗提供更高速度和精度.完整的数字转换分解器提供速度,精度和功能的最好组合.AD7266是业界最快的同时取样双通道12位SAR ADC,有极快的回路设定时间,吞吐量速率高达2MSPS.模拟输入结构与信号范围和众多的已出货的光学编码器接口,提供低成本高精度的解决方案.光学编码器应用在伺服控制如机器人,需要轴反馈到控制器的转向机器,以精确控制机械运动.芯片消耗20mW,小于其它2MSPS同时取样ADC功耗的一半.ADI也可提供1MSPS的型号AD7265.AD7265和AD7266有32引脚LFCSP和TQFP封装.1K量的单价,AD7265为$5.75,AD7266为$7.55.现在可提供样品,批量生产在2004年后期.AD7400和DA7401提供理想的绝缘Sigma-Delta解决方案,具有12位线性度,取样速率高达20MSPS.它们能用来电流检测,广泛用在马达控制.例如,在提升,泵和风扇中,马达由改变输入信号来控制.器件集成的iCoupler数字绝缘技术允许能以低功耗用在绝缘高速数据速率方面的应用.ADC输入通过并联电阻来监视电流,有加固的3.75KV绝缘层,用来保护数字通信线.转换器工作电压5V,失调为5uV/度C,为同类产品的一半.AD7400采用内部时钟,最小化外接元件,而AD7401采用外部时钟,和多个转换器同步.AD7400和AD7401是16引脚SOIC封装,1K量的单价为$4.0.现在可提供该样品,批量生产在2004年后期.AD2S1200是完整的单片数字转换分解器(RDC),速度大到1000转/秒(rps),能用来对各种需要额外功率的速度控制.汽车电子的应用如动力操纵系统和需要温度变化大的工业应用如玻璃制造,都需要功能强大的数字转换分解器(RDC)来保证稳定和机械运动位置的精确控制.转换器包括有12位分辨率的跟踪分解器和板上可编正弦振荡器.其它特性还有故障检测电路,能检测到分解器信号的任何损失,超出范围的输入信号,不匹配的输入信号或丧失位置跟踪.芯片通信通过12位并行口或3线串行接口.分解器还提供每旋转1024脉冲的增量编码器仿真输出,带有方向脉冲,从而不需要外接A和B方向译码逻辑.器件工作电压5V,工作温度-40读C到125度C.AD2S1200是44引脚LQFP封装,1K量的单价$12.0起.下图为产品外形图.详情请上网:并行D/A转换器AD7846及其接口设计华中科技大学蒋毅蒋明摘要:AD7846是AD公司制造的一种16位数模转换器件,本文简要介绍了其基本结构和引脚功能,并结合实际阐述了其在大幅面激光标刻控制卡中的应用设计,总结了高精度D/A转换电路设计中抗干扰的一些基本方法。


CAT24WC256 是一个256K 位串行CMOS E2PROM 内部含有32768 个字节每字节为8 位
CATALYST 公司的先进CMOS 技术实质上减少了器件的功耗CAT24WC256 有一个64 字节页写缓冲器
该器件通过I2C 总线接口进行操作
管脚名称 功能
A0 A1 地址输入
CAT24WC256 读操作的初始化方式和写操作时一样仅把R/W 位置为1 有三种不同的读操作方式
的地址计数器内容为最后操作字节的地址加1 也就是说如果上次读/写的操作地址为N 则立即
2 在数据传送过程中当时钟线为高电平时数据线必须保持稳定状态不允许有跳变时钟线
时钟线保持高电平期间数据线电平从高到低的钟线保持高电平期间数据线电平从低到高的跳变作为I2C 总线的停止信号
主器件通过发送一个起始信号启动发送过程然后发送它所要寻址的从器件的地址8 位从器件地
址的高5 位固定为10100 见图5 接下来的2 位A1 A0 为器件的地址位最多可以连接4 个器件
到同一总线上这些位必须与硬连线输入脚A1 A0 相对应从器件地址的最低位作为读写控制位1
表示对从器件进行读操作0 表示对从器件进行写操作在主器件发送起始信号和从器件地址字节后
读的地址从地址N+1 开始如果N=E 此处E=32767 则计数器将翻转到0 且继续输出数据CAT24WC256
接收到从器件地址信号后R/W 位置1 它首先发送一个应答信号然后发送一个8 位字节数据主



LM1875LM1875 20W Audio Power AmplifierLiterature Number: SNAS524A 芯天下--/LM187520W Audio Power AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LM1875is a monolithic power amplifier offering very low distortion and high quality performance for consumer audio applications.The LM1875delivers 20watts into a 4Ωor 8Ωload on ±25V ing an 8Ωload and ±30V supplies,over 30watts of power may be delivered.The amplifier is designed to operate with a minimum of external components.Device overload protection consists of both internal current limit and thermal shutdown.The LM1875design takes advantage of advanced circuit techniques and processing to achieve extremely low distor-tion levels even at high output power levels.Other outstand-ing features include high gain,fast slew rate and a wide power bandwidth,large output voltage swing,high current capability,and a very wide supply range.The amplifier is internally compensated and stable for gains of 10or greater.Featuresn Up to 30watts output power n A VO typically 90dBn Low distortion:0.015%,1kHz,20W n Wide power bandwidth:70kHzn Protection for AC and DC short circuits to ground n Thermal protection with parole circuit n High current capability:4A n Wide supply range 16V-60V n Internal output protection diodes n 94dB ripple rejectionnPlastic power package TO-220Applicationsn High performance audio systems n Bridge amplifiers n Stereo phonographs n Servo amplifiers nInstrument systemsConnection Diagram 00503001Front ViewPackage Ordering Info NSC Package NumberFor Straight Leads LM1875T SL108949T05A For Stagger Bend LM1875T LB03T05D For 90˚Stagger BendLM1875T LB05T05E For 90˚Stagger BendLM1875T LB02TA05BTypical Applications00503002July 2002LM187520W Audio Power Amplifier©2002National Semiconductor Corporation Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)Supply Voltage 60VInput Voltage −V EE to V CCStorage Temperature −65˚C to +150˚CJunction Temperature150˚CLead Temperature (Soldering,10seconds)260˚C θJC 3˚C θJA73˚CElectrical CharacteristicsV CC =+25V,−V EE =−25V,T AMBIENT =25˚C,R L =8Ω,A V =20(26dB),f o =1kHz,unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsTypical Tested LimitsUnits Supply Current P OUT =0W 70100mA Output Power (Note 2)THD=1%25W THD (Note 2)P OUT =20W,f o =1kHz 0.015%P OUT =20W,f o =20kHz 0.050.4%P OUT =20W,R L =4Ω,f o =1kHz 0.022%P OUT =20W,R L =4Ω,f o =20kHz0.070.6%Offset Voltage ±1±15mV Input Bias Current ±0.2±2µA Input Offset Current 0±0.5µA Gain-Bandwidth Product f o =20kHz 5.5MHz Open Loop Gain DC90dBPSRRV CC ,1kHz,1Vrms 9552dB V EE ,1kHz,1Vrms 8352dB Max Slew Rate 20W,8Ω,70kHz BW 8V/µs Current LimitV OUT =V SUPPLY −10V 43A Equivalent Input Noise VoltageR S =600Ω,CCIR3µVrmsNote 1:“Absolute Maximum Ratings”indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.Note 2:Assumes the use of a heat sink having a thermal resistance of 1˚C/W and no insulator with an ambient temperature of 25˚C.Because the output limiting circuitry has a negative temperature coefficient,the maximum output power delivered to a 4Ωload may be slightly reduced when the tab temperature exceeds 55˚C.Typical ApplicationsTypical Single Supply Operation00503003L M 1875 2Typical Performance CharacteristicsTHD vs Power OutputTHD vs Frequency3Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Power Dissipation vs Power Output Power Dissipation vs Power Output4S c h e m a t i c D i a g r a m5Application HintsSTABILITYThe LM1875is designed to be stable when operated at a closed-loop gain of 10or greater,but,as with any other high-current amplifier,the LM1875can be made to oscillate under certain conditions.These usually involve printed cir-cuit board layout or output/input coupling.Proper layout of the printed circuit board is very important.While the LM1875will be stable when installed in a board similar to the ones shown in this data sheet,it is sometimes necessary to modify the layout somewhat to suit the physical requirements of a particular application.When designing a different layout,it is important to return the load ground,the output compensation ground,and the low level (feedback and input)grounds to the circuit board ground point through separate paths.Otherwise,large currents flowing along a ground conductor will generate voltages on the conductor which can effectively act as signals at the input,resulting in high frequency oscillation or excessive distortion.It is advis-able to keep the output compensation components and the 0.1µF supply decoupling capacitors as close as possible to the LM1875to reduce the effects of PCB trace resistance and inductance.For the same reason,the ground return paths for these components should be as short as possible.Occasionally,current in the output leads (which function as antennas)can be coupled through the air to the amplifier input,resulting in high-frequency oscillation.This normally happens when the source impedance is high or the input leads are long.The problem can be eliminated by placing a small capacitor (on the order of 50pF to 500pF)across the circuit input.Most power amplifiers do not drive highly capacitive loads well,and the LM1875is no exception.If the output of the LM1875is connected directly to a capacitor with no series resistance,the square wave response will exhibit ringing if the capacitance is greater than about 0.1µF.The amplifier can typically drive load capacitances up to 2µF or so without oscillating,but this is not recommended.If highly capacitive loads are expected,a resistor (at least 1Ω)should be placed in series with the output of the LM1875.A method commonly employed to protect amplifiers from low impedances at high frequencies is to couple to the load through a 10Ωresistor in parallel with a 5µH inductor.DISTORTIONThe preceding suggestions regarding circuit board ground-ing techniques will also help to prevent excessive distortion levels in audio applications.For low THD,it is also neces-sary to keep the power supply traces and wires separated from the traces and wires connected to the inputs of the LM1875.This prevents the power supply currents,which are large and nonlinear,from inductively coupling to the LM1875inputs.Power supply wires should be twisted together and separated from the circuit board.Where these wires are soldered to the board,they should be perpendicular to the plane of the board at least to a distance of a couple of inches.With a proper physical layout,THD levels at 20kHz with 10W output to an 8Ωload should be less than 0.05%,and less than 0.02%at 1kHz.CURRENT LIMIT AND SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA)PROTECTIONA power amplifier’s output transistors can be damaged by excessive applied voltage,current flow,or power dissipation.The voltage applied to the amplifier is limited by the design ofthe external power supply,while the maximum current passed by the output devices is usually limited by internal circuitry to some fixed value.Short-term power dissipation is usually not limited in monolithic audio power amplifiers,and this can be a problem when driving reactive loads,which may draw large currents while high voltages appear on the output transistors.The LM1875not only limits current to around 4A,but also reduces the value of the limit current when an output transistor has a high voltage across it.When driving nonlinear reactive loads such as motors or loudspeakers with built-in protection relays,there is a possi-bility that an amplifier output will be connected to a load whose terminal voltage may attempt to swing beyond the power supply voltages applied to the amplifier.This can cause degradation of the output transistors or catastrophic failure of the whole circuit.The standard protection for this type of failure mechanism is a pair of diodes connected between the output of the amplifier and the supply rails.These are part of the internal circuitry of the LM1875,and needn’t be added externally when standard reactive loads are driven.THERMAL PROTECTIONThe LM1875has a sophisticated thermal protection scheme to prevent long-term thermal stress to the device.When the temperature on the die reaches 170˚C,the LM1875shuts down.It starts operating again when the die temperature drops to about 145˚C,but if the temperature again begins to rise,shutdown will occur at only 150˚C.Therefore,the de-vice is allowed to heat up to a relatively high temperature if the fault condition is temporary,but a sustained fault will limit the maximum die temperature to a lower value.This greatly reduces the stresses imposed on the IC by thermal cycling,which in turn improves its reliability under sustained fault conditions.Since the die temperature is directly dependent upon the heat sink,the heat sink should be chosen for thermal resis-tance low enough that thermal shutdown will not be reached during normal ing the best heat sink possible within the cost and space constraints of the system will improve the long-term reliability of any power semiconductor device.POWER DISSIPATION AND HEAT SINKINGThe LM1875must always be operated with a heat sink,even when it is not required to drive a load.The maximum idling current of the device is 100mA,so that on a 60V power supply an unloaded LM1875must dissipate 6W of power.The 54˚C/W junction-to-ambient thermal resistance of a TO-220package would cause the die temperature to rise 324˚C above ambient,so the thermal protection circuitry will shut the amplifier down if operation without a heat sink is attempted.In order to determine the appropriate heat sink for a given application,the power dissipation of the LM1875in that application must be known.When the load is resistive,the maximum average power that the IC will be required to dissipate is approximately:where V S is the total power supply voltage across the LM1875,R L is the load resistance,and P Q is the quiescent power dissipation of the amplifier.The above equation is only an approximation which assumes an “ideal”class BL M 18756Application Hints(Continued)output stage and constant power dissipation in all other parts of the circuit.The curves of “Power Dissipation vs Power Output”give a better representation of the behavior of the LM1875with various power supply voltages and resistive loads.As an example,if the LM1875is operated on a 50V power supply with a resistive load of 8Ω,it can develop up to 19W of internal power dissipation.If the die temperature is to remain below 150˚C for ambient temperatures up to 70˚C,the total junction-to-ambient thermal resistance must be less thanUsing θJC =2˚C/W,the sum of the case-to-heat-sink interface thermal resistance and the heat-sink-to-ambient thermal re-sistance must be less than 2.2˚C/W.The case-to-heat-sink thermal resistance of the TO-220package varies with the mounting method used.A metal-to-metal interface will be about 1˚C/W if lubricated,and about 1.2˚C/W if dry.If a mica insulator is used,the thermal resistance will be about 1.6˚C/W lubricated and 3.4˚C/W dry.For this example,we assume a lubricated mica insulator between the LM1875and the heat sink.The heat sink thermal resistance must then be less than4.2˚C/W−2˚C/W−1.6˚C/W=0.6˚C/W.This is a rather large heat sink and may not be practical in some applications.If a smaller heat sink is required for reasons of size or cost,there are two alternatives.[EM00001]The maximum ambient operating temperature can be reduced to 50˚C (122˚F),resulting in a 1.6˚C/W heat sink,or the heat sink can be isolated from the chassis so the mica washer is not needed.This will change the required heat sink to a 1.2˚C/W unit if the case-to-heat-sink interface is lubricated.Note:When using a single supply,maximum transfer of heat away from theLM1875can be achieved by mounting the device directly to the heat sink (tab is at ground potential);this avoids the use of a mica or other type insulator.The thermal requirements can become more difficult when an amplifier is driving a reactive load.For a given magnitude of load impedance,a higher degree of reactance will cause a higher level of power dissipation within the amplifier.As a general rule,the power dissipation of an amplifier driving a 60˚reactive load (usually considered to be a worst-case loudspeaker load)will be roughly that of the same amplifier driving the resistive part of that load.For example,a loud-speaker may at some frequency have an impedance with a magnitude of 8Ωand a phase angle of 60˚.The real part of this load will then be 4Ω,and the amplifier power dissipation will roughly follow the curve of power dissipation with a 4Ωload.LM18757Component LayoutsSplit Supply00503006Single Supply00503007L M 1875 8Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise notedOrder Number LM1875T SL108949NS Package Number T05ALM18759Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)Order Number LM1875T LB05NS Package Number T05EL M 1875 10Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise noted (Continued)Order Number LM1875T LB02NS Package Number TA05BLIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.National Semiconductor Corporation AmericasEmail:support@National Semiconductor EuropeFax:+49(0) Tel:+49(0)6995086208English 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---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------主流功放芯片介绍低档运放 JRC4558。



不过它在我国暂时应用得还是比较多的, 很多的四、五百元的功放还是选择使用它,因为考虑到成本问题和实际能出的效果, 没必要选择质量超过 5532 以上的运放。


运放之皇 5532。


这个当年有运放皇之称的 NE5532,与 LM833、 LF353、 CA3240 一起是老牌四大名运放,不过现在只有 5532 应用得最多。

5532 现在主要分开台湾、美国和PHILIPS 生产的,日本也有。

5532 原来是美国 SIGNE 公司的产品,所以质量最好的是带大S 标志的美国产品,市面上要正宗的要卖 8 元以上,自从 SIGNE 被 PHILIPS收购后,生产的 5532 商标使用的都是 PHILIPS 商标,质量和原品相当,只须 4-5元。


1 / 11NE5532的封装和 4558 一样,都是 DIP8 脚双运放(功能引脚见图),声音特点总体来说属于温暖细腻型,驱动力强,但高音略显毛糙,低音偏肥。


5532 的电压适应范围非常宽,从正负 3V 至正负 20V 都能正常工作。




A/D 转换器AD7262 芯片介绍
AD7262 具有高速低功耗同步采样,最高可达1 MS/s。

其内部集成的可编程放大器PGA 有14 种放大增益可供选择。

两组比较器A、B 和C、D

其中比较器A 和B 具有低功耗特点,比较器C 和D 具有高速特点。

双通道差分输入同时采样和A/D 转换,
输入阻抗大于1 GΩ。

单电源+5 V 供电。

PGA 增益为2,-3 dB 带宽为1.7 MHz,信噪比SNR 为73 dB;其增益为32 时,信噪比为66 dB。




AVcc:模拟电源输入端,4.75~5.25 V;
CA_CBVCC/CC_CDVCC:比较器的电源输入端,2.7~5.25 V;
VA+/VA-,VB+/VB-:A/D 转换器A 和B 通道的差分模拟输入端;
VREFA/VREFB:A/D 转换器A 和B 通道的基准电压输入输出端;。



基于MSTAR MST9X88液晶电视平台架构的系统解决方案全球经济的快速发展使得人们对消费类产品,如手机、电视、汽车等的需求也越来越旺盛。






但是,中国、欧洲、北美、日本等市场的模拟电视和数字电视标准都不同,各地区还分别有一些特别规定,例如欧洲市场要求支持图文、丽音(NICAM)、SCART接口等,北美市场要求支持CC(Closed Caption)、VCHIP等。


另一方面,LCD TV市场的竞争越来越激烈,如何开发出成本更低、设计周期更短、性价比更高和更具竞争力的产品对LCD TV电视设计人员提出了极大的挑战,同时,也给芯片供应商带来了更多的机遇和挑战。


图1:MST9X88 LCD TV平台架构的系统框图,MST9X88只需增加少量元器件就可构成一个完整的LCD TV系统作为一家重要的LCD TV芯片供应商,MSTAR公司提供了一整套从小尺寸、中尺寸到大尺寸,从低端、中端到高端的LCD TV解决方案,这些芯片都具有可支持全球平台、可扩展、集成度高、开发维护简单、性价比高等优点,因而成为众多生产厂家竞相采用的LCD TV解决方案。





2. Vcc:电源引脚。





4. Mute:静音引脚。




















14. Vref:参考电压引脚。













1. 引脚1(VCC+):这是芯片的正电源引脚,通常连接到正电源电压。


2. 引脚2(OUT1):这是芯片的第一个输出引脚,用于输出第一个运放的信号。


3. 引脚3(IN1-):这是芯片的第一个输入引脚的负极,用于输入第一个运放的反馈信号。


4. 引脚4(IN1+):这是芯片的第一个输入引脚的正极,用于输入第一个运放的信号。


5. 引脚5(VCC-):这是芯片的负电源引脚,通常连接到负电源电压。


6. 引脚6(IN2+):这是芯片的第二个输入引脚的正极,用于输入第二个运放的信号。


7. 引脚7(IN2-):这是芯片的第二个输入引脚的负极,用于输入第二个运放的反馈信号。


8. 引脚8(OUT2):这是芯片的第二个输出引脚,用于输出第二个运放的信号。




以下是TA6586的一些常见应用示例:1. 增益放大器:通过将输入信号接到IN1+引脚,将反馈信号接到IN1-引脚,并将输出信号从OUT1引脚输出,可以实现一个增益放大器。

2. 比较器:通过将一个参考电压连接到IN2+引脚,将输入信号连接到IN2-引脚,并从OUT2引脚输出一个比较结果,可以实现一个简单的比较器。

3. 双运放电路:通过同时配置两个运放,可以实现更复杂的电路功能,如滤波器、振荡器等。

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