Multi-dimensional trees for controlled volume rendering and compression
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2010 年
点构成的连通图, 其生成树的叶子数至少可以达到 多少. 随后, 在文献[ 6- 7] 中都独立地证明了节点度 至少为 3 的 n 个节点构成的连通图, 其生成树的叶 子数至少可以达到 n/ 4+ 2.
20 世纪 80 年代以来, 图子式( Graph Minor) 理 论[ 8] 的发展对算法研究带来了新的思路. 在文献[ 9] 中 Fellow s 等人利用图子式理论对若干组合优化问 题进行了研究, 其中借助图子式理论对 M L ST 问题 也给出了一个极富创见的解. 给定一个图集 F, F 中 的图没有哪一个图具有一棵生成树, 使得该生成树 有大于等于 k 个叶子节点. 显然, 图集 F 中任意图的 子式也不会有叶子节点数大于等于 k 的生成树, 这种 特性我们称之为图集 F 关于子式运算封闭. 那么根 据图子式定理, 图集 F 的障碍集( o bstr uct io ns) 是有 限的, 而且可以在多项式时间内识别出这些障碍集, 因此 M L ST 问题可以在多项式时间内求解.
从最优化的角度 来说, ML ST 可表述 为, 在 一 个给定的图中找出一棵生成树, 使得该生成树具有
最多的叶子节点. 从最优化问题的角度来说, M LST 与另一 个著 名 的图 问 题/ 最小 连 通支 配集0 问题 ( Minimum Connect ed Dom inat ing Set , M CDS) 是等 价的. 即若在给 定图 G 中找到 有最多 叶子的 生成 树, 则该生成树中的非叶子节点就构成一个最小连 通支配集, 反之亦成 立. 但 是从 NP 完全理 论的角 度, 即如果我们考虑该问题的/ 判定问题0版本, 则这 两个问题并非是等价的, 而是构成一对对偶问题[ 3] , 这对对偶问题解决的方法和难度自然也不一样.
NC and CNCNumerical Control(NC) is any machining process in which the operations are executed automatically in sequences as specified by the program that contains the information for the tool movements.When NC is performed under computer supervision,it is called Computer Numerical Control(CNC).For both NC and CNC systems,work principles are the same.Only the way in which the execution is controlled is different.Normally,new systems are faster,more powerful,andmore versatile.1.Machines Using NCEarly machine tools were operated by craftsmen who decided many variables such as speeds, feeds, and depth of cut, etc. With the development of science and technology, a new term, Numerical Control (NC) appeared. Controlling a machine tool using a punched tape or stored program is known as Numerical Control. NC has been defined by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) as “A system in which actions are controlled by the direct insertion of numerical data at some point. The system must automatically interpret at least some portion of this data.”In the past, machine tools were kept as simple as possible in order to keep their costs down. Because of the ever-rising cost of labor, better machine tools, complete with electronic controls, were developed so that industry could produce more and better products at prices that were competitive with those offshore industries.NC is being used on all types of machine tools from the simplest to the most complex. The most common machine tools are the single-spindle drilling machine, lathe, milling machine, turning center, and machining center.1.1.Single-Spindle Drilling MachineOne of the simplest numerically controlled machine tools is the single-spindle drilling machine. Most drilling machines are programmed on three axes:a. The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.b. The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the column.c. The Z-axis controls the up or down movement of the spindle to drill holes to depth.1.2. LatheThe engine lathe, one of the most productive machine tools, has been a very efficient means of producing round parts. Most lathes are programmed on two axes:a. The X-axis controls the cross motion (in or out) of the cutting tool.b. The Z-axis controls the carriage travel toward or away from the headstock.ling MachineThe milling machine has always been one of the most versatile machine tools used in industry. Operations such as milling, contouring, gear cutting, drilling, boring and reaming are only a few of the many operations that can be performed on a milling machine.The milling machine can be programmed on three axes:a. The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.b. The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the column.c. The Z-axis controls the vertical (up and down) movement of the knee or spindle.1.4. Turning CenterTurning Centers were developed in the mid-1960s after studies showed that about 40 percent of all metal cutting operations were performed on lathes. These numerically controlled machines are capable of greater accuracy and higher production rates than the engine lathe. The basic turning center operates on only two axes:a. The X-axis controls the cross motion of the turret head.b. The Z-axis controls the lengthwise travel (toward or away from the headstock) of the turret head.1.5. Machining CenterMachining centers were developed in the 1960s so that a part did not have to be moved from machine to machine in order to perform various operations. These machines greatly increased production rates because more operations could be performed on a work-piece in one setup.There are two main types of machining centers, the horizontal and the vertical spindle types.a. The horizontal spindle-machining center operates on three axes:(a) The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.(b) The Y-axis controls the vertical movement (up and down) of the spindle.(c) The Z-axis controls the horizontal movement (in or out) of the spindle.b. The vertical spindle-machining center operates on three axes:(a) The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.(b) The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the column.(c) The Z-axis controls the vertical movement (up and down) of the spindle.2.Programming for NCA program for numerical control consists of a sequence of directions that caused a NC machine to carry out a certain operation, machining being the most commonly used process. Programming for NC may be done by an internal programming department, on the shop floor, or purchased from an outside source. Also, programming may be done manually or with computer assistance.The program contains instructions and commands. Geometric instructions pertain to relative movements between the tool and the work-piece. Processing instructions pertain to spindle speeds, feeds, tools, and so on. Travel instructions pertain to the type of interpolation and slow or rapid movements of the tools or worktables. Switching commands pertain to on/off position for coolant supplies, spindle rotation, direction of spindle rotation, tool changes, work-piece feeding, clamping and so on.1.Manual programming. Manual part programming consists of first calculating dimensional relationships of the tool, work-piece and worktable based on the engineering drawings of the part, and manufacturing operations to be performed and their sequence. A program sheet is then prepared, which consists of the necessary information to carry out the operation, such as cutting tools, spindle tools, feeds, depth of cut, cutting fluids, power, and tool or work-piece relative positions and movements. Based on this information, the part program is prepared. Usually a paper tape is first prepared for typing out and debugging the program. Depending on howoften it is to be used, the tape may be made of more durable mylar.Someone knowledgeable about the particular process and able to understand, read, and change part programs can do manual programming. Because they are familiar with machine tools and process capabilities, skilled machinists can do manual programming with some training in programming, however, the work is tedious, time consuming, and uneconomical and is used mostly in simple point-to-point applications.puter-aided Programming. Computer-aided part programming involves special symbolic programming languages that determine the coordinate points of corners, edges, and surfaces of the part.Because numerical control involves the insertion of data concerning work-piece materials and processing parameters, programming must be done by operators or programmers who are knowledgeable about the relevant aspects of the manufacturing processes being used. Before production begins, programs should be verified, either by viewing a simulation of the procession on a CRT screen or by making the part from an inexpensive material, such as aluminum, wood, or plastic, rather than the material specified for the finished parts.CWhen Numerical Control is performed under computer supervision, it is called Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Computers are the control units of CNC machines. They are built in or linked to the machines via communications channels. When a programmer inputs some information in the program by tape and so on, the computer calculates all necessary data to get the job done.Today’s systems have computers control data, so they are called Computer Numerically Controlled Machines. For both NC and CNC systems, work principles are the same. Only the way in which the execution is controlled is different. Normally, new systems are faster, more powerful, and more versatile unit.The Construction of CNC MachinesCNC machine tools are complex assemblies. However, in general, any CNC machine tool consists of the following units: computers, control systems, drive motors and tool changers.According to the construction of CNC machine tools, CNC machines work in the following manner:(1) The CNC machine language, which is a programming language of binary notation used on computers, is not used on CNC machines.(2) When the operator starts the execution cycle, the computer translates binary codes into electronic pulses that are automatically sent to the machine’s power units. The control units compare the number of pulses sent and received.(3) When the motors receive each pulse, they automatically transform the pulses into rotations that drive the spindle and lead screw, causing the spindle rotation and slide or table movement. The part on the milling machine table or the tool in the lathe turret is driven to the position specified by the program.CNC machines have many advantages over conventional machines,some of them are:(1)There is a possibility of performing multiple operations on the same machine in some setup.(2)The scrap rate is significantly reduced because of the precision of the CNC machine and lesser operator impact.(3)It is easy to incorporate part design changes when CAD/CAM system are used.(4)Production is significantly increased.(5)It is easier to perform quality assurance by a spot-check instead of checking all parts.(6)Because of the possibility of simultaneous muti-axis tool movement,special profile tools are not necessary to cut unusual part shapes.putersAs with all computers, the CNC machine computer works on binary principle using only two characters 1 and 0, for information processing precise time impulses from the circuit. There are two states, a state with voltage, 1, and a state without voltage, 0. Series of ones and zeroes are the only states that the computer distinguishes are called machine language, and it is the only language the computer understands.When creating the program, the programmer does not care about the machine language.He or she simply uses a list of codes and keys in the meaningful information.Special built-in software compiles the program into the machine language and the machine moves the tool by its servomotors. However, the programmability of the machine is dependent on whether there is a computer in the machine’s control. If there is a minicomputer programming, say, a radius (which is a rather simple task), the computer will calculate all the points on the tool path.On the machine without a minicomputer, this may prove to be a tedious task, since the programmer must calculate all the points of intersection on the tool path. Modern CNC machines use 32-bit processors in their computers that allow fast and accurate processing of information.3.2.Control systemsThere are two types of control systems on NC/CNC machines: the open loop and the closed loop. The type of control loop used determines the overall accuracy of the machine.The open-loop control system does not provide positioning feedback to the control unit. The movement pulses are sent out by the control and they are received by a special type of servomotor called a stepper motor.The number of pulses that the control sends to the stepper motor controls the amount of the rotation of the motor. The stepper motor then proceeds with the next movement command. Since this control system only counts pulses and cannot identify discrepancies in positioning, the machine will continue this inaccuracy until somebody finds the error.The open-loop control can be used in applications in which there is no change in load conditions, such as the NC drilling machine.The advantage of the open-loop control system is that it is less expensive, since it does not require the additional hardware and electrics needed for positioning feedback. The disadvantage is the difficulty of detecting a positioning error.In the closed-loop control system, the electronic movement pulses are sent from the control to the servomotor, enabling the motor to rotate with each pulse. The movements are detected and counted by a feedback device called a transducer. With each step of movement, a transducer sends a signal back to the control, which compares the current position of the driven axis with the programmed position. When the numberof pulses sent and received matches, the control starts sending out pulses for the next movement.Closed-loop systems are very accurate. Most have an automatic compensation for error, since the feedback device indicates the error and the control makes the necessary adjustments to bring the slide back to the position. They use AC, DC or hydraulic servomotors.Position measurement in NC machines can be accomplished through direct or indirect methods. In direct measuring systems, a sensing device reads a graduated scale on the machine table or slide for linear movement. This system is more accurate because the scale is built into the machine and backlash (the play between two adjacent mating gear teeth) in the mechanisms is not significant.In indirect measuring systems, rotary encoders or resolves convert rotary movement to translation movement. In this system, backlash can significantly affect measurement accuracy. Position feedback mechanisms utilize various sensors that are based mainly on magnetic and photoelectric principles.3.3.Drive MotorsThe drive motors control the machine slide movement on NC/CNC equipment. They come in four basic types: stepper motors, DC servomotors, AC servomotors and fluid servomotors.Stepper motors convert a digital pulse generated by the microcomputer unit (MCU) into a small step rotation. Stepper motors have a certain number of steps that they can travel. The number of pulses that the MCU sends to the stepper motor controls the amount of the rotation of the motor.Stepper motors are mostly used in applications where low torque is required.Stepper motors are used in open-loop control systems, while AC, DC or hydraulic servomotors are used in closed-loop control systems.Direct current (DC) servomotors are variable speed motors that rotate in response to the applied voltage. They are used to drive a lead screw and gear mechanism. DC servomotors provide higher-torque output than stepper motors.Alternative current (AC) servomotors are controlled by varying the voltage frequency to control speed. They can develop more power than a DC servomotor. They are also used to drive a lead screw and gear mechanism.Fluid or hydraulic servomotors are also variable speed motors. They are able to produce more power, or more speed in the case of pneumatic motors than electric servomotors. The hydraulic pump provides energy to values that are controlled by the MCU.3.4Tool ChangersMost of the time, several different cutting tools are used to produce a part. The tools must be replaced quickly for the next machining operation. For this reason, the majority of NC/CNC machine tools are equipped with automatic tool changers, such as magazines on machining centers and turrets on turning centers. They allow tools changing without the intervention of the operator. Typically, an automatic tool changer grips the tool in the spindle, pulls it out, and replaces it with another tool.On most machines with automatic tool changers, the turret or magazine can rotatein either direction, forward or reverse.Tool changers may be equipped for either random or sequential selection. In random tool selection, there is no specific pattern of tool selection. On the machining center, when the program calls for the tool, it is automatically indexed into waiting position, where it can be retrieved by the tool-handling device. On the turning center, the turret automatically rotates, bringing the tool into position.puter-Aided Design (CAD)A CAD system is basically a design tool in which the computer is used to analyze various aspects of a designed product. The CAD system supports the design process at all levels—conceptual, preliminary, and final design. The designer can then test the product in various environmental conditions, such as temperature changes, or under different mechanical stresses.Although CAD systems do not necessarily involve computer graphics, the picture of the object is usually displayed on the surface of a cathode-ray tube (CRT). Computer graphics enable the designer to study the object by rotating it on the computer screen, separating it into segments, enlarging a specific portion of kinematics programs.Most CAD systems are using interactive graphics systems. Interactive graphics allow the user to interact directly with the computer in order to generate manipulation, and modify graphic displays. Interactive graphics has become a valuable tool, if not a necessary prerequisite, of CAD systems.The end products of many CAD systems are drawings generated on a plotter interfaced with the computer. One of the most difficult problems in CAD drawings is the elimination of hidden lines. The computer produces the drawing as a wire frame diagram. Since the computer defines the object without regard to one’s perspective, it will display all the object’s surfaces, regardless of whether they are located on the side facing the viewer or on the back, which normally the eye cannot see. Various methods are used to generate the drawing of the part on the computer screen. One method is to use a geometric modeling approach, in which fundamental shapes and basic elements are used to build the drawing. The lengths and radii of the elements can be modified. For example, a cylinder is a basic element. The subtraction of a cylinder with a specific radius and length will create holes in the displayed part. Each variation, however, maintains the overall geometry of the art.Other CAD systems use group technology in the design of parts. Group technology is a method of coding and grouping parts on the basis of similarities in function or structure or in the ways they are produced. Application of group technology can enable a company to reduce the number of parts in use and to make the production of parts and their movement in the plant efficient.Recently CAD systems are using the finite-element method (FEM) of stress analysis. By this approach the object to be analyzed is represented by a model consisting of small elements, each of which has stress and deflection characteristics. The analysis requires the simultaneous solution of many equations.A task, which is performed by the computer, and the deflections of the object, can be displayed on the computer screen by generating animation of the model.With any of these methods, or others which are used, the CAD system generates at the design stage a single geometric data base which can be used in all phrases of the design and later in the manufacturing, assembling, and inspection processes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------数字控制和计算机数字控制数控(NC)是按照含有机床运动信息程序所指定的顺序自动执行操作的加工过程。
多维空间分割树--KD树算法介绍KD树的全称为k-Dimension Tree的简称,是⼀种分割K维空间的数据结构,主要应⽤于关键信息的搜索。
关键词:后殖民主义帝国主义帝国意识An Analysis of Empire Consciousness in Rudyard Kipling’ s Works AbstractAs a fact in history, since Columbus found the New World to the end of World War II, colonize had existed few centuries. Such kind of colonialhistory gives an immeasurable influence on the development of the world. Though the Colonial Time had already passed way, its influence still widely exist and more and more obvious with the development of nowadays globalization. So, the Post-colonialism is not only the hotspot in theory study, but also an important problem the world facing today.As a British writer who lived in the high time of colonial expansion, Kipling, the writer who was thought as the spokesman of Imperialism, receive many attentions with his works. Discuss Kipling and his works from the point of Empire Consciousness and analyze the existence of Empire Conscio usness in Kipling’s works, a conclusion is made at the end of this research that Empire Consciousness and Colonize still exist in the world today with a hidden formKey words: Post-colonialism Imperialism Empire ConsciousnessContentsIntroduction 1Chapter 1 Research Background and the Value of the Research 31.1 Significance of this Research 31.2 Literature Review 31.3 Brief Introduction of Purpose and Methods of the research 6Chapter 2 Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s works72.1 Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s Indian works 72.2 Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s Later works8Chapter 3 Three Main Figures in Kipling’s Indian Works93.1 The Backbone of the Empire: Administrative Personnel 93.2 The “Outpost” of the Empire: Life in the Army 133.3 The Empire Successor: Teenagers 17Chapter 4 Imperial Ideals Across Time and Space 214.1 Imperialism and Kipling’s Later Literature214.2 British Empire and Roman Empire: Continuation of History 23Conclusion 26Bibliography 28Acknowledgements 29IntroductionRudyard Kipling 1865--1936 is one of the famous British writers in the 20th century. His works cover a wide range of diverse styles, extensive types of literature. Among his works, the early novels about pre-India are the most successful. In 1907, he became the first British writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature by the Swedish Academy for his remarkable ability to observe innovative imagination, outstanding narrative and a powerful connotation.Traditionally, Kipling was considered as a spokesman of colonialist writer, which was highly controversial in the history of literature, and he has been the target of criticism in China. In recent years, along with the deepening of the context of Globalization and the rise of Empirestudies, people have begun to pay more attention to the so-called imperialist writer. The academic study abroad on Kipling and his writings has become a hotspot in the past half century, and research on his works has extended to the depth of many Westernhumanistic and social science fields. However, the academic research on Kipling has just started in China. There are only a few research articles. A great gap existed between the abroad researches and the domestic researches in his works. The theoretical context of Empire provides a further research spaces for Kipling’s study. The article mainly explores the Empire elements that reflected in his writings from the interpretations of multi-level and multi-directional, multi-dimensional. There are four chapters of this researchChapter One is the brief introduction of the research background and the value of the research. This chapter is divided into three parts. Part one is the significance of this research,part tow is literature review, introduce the research status in home and abroad, part three is the brief introduction of purpose and methods of the research.Chapter Two is the introduction of Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s works. This chapter is divided into two parts for the backgrounds are different in his works, the forms of Empire Consciousness in his works is different, too. Part one is Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s Indian works, part tow is Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s later works.Chapter Three mainly tells three kinds of figures in RudyardKipling’s Indian ficti ons, in this chapter, there are three parts to correspond with these three kinds of figures. Part one is administrative personnel, part tow is ordinary soldiers, part three is teenagerChapter Four points out the continuity of Empire Consciousness in Kiplin g’s works through introducing Kipling’s later two works, Puck of Pook’s Hill and Rewards and Faires and the Empire Consciousness in these two works Chapter 1 Research Background and the Value of the Research1.1 Significance of this ResearchAs the first British winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature, Rudyard Kipling has a prominent place in the English literary historyThe material of Kipling’s works is very unique, it is worth researching. Works that analyzed in this research, they all tells the story of common people in India or history legends of Britain, when we read these works at first, we may think they are just children’s books, but soon we can find the Empire Consciousness’s existence in these works. Through analyze three kinds of figures in his In dian works and later two works, Puck of Pook’s Hill and Rewards and Faires to reveal the Empire Consciousness that contain in Rudyard Kipling’s works. Then reveal how the West controlled culture, politics, economy and ideology of the world during the Colonial Period that Kipling Lived in.The Colonial Period had already passed away for a long time, however, the West still has great influence on the world. Through analyzeKipling’s works in order to study the western influence on world today is also a significance of this research1.2 Literature Review Rudyard Kipling is a famous writer who had wrote a lot of works during his more than 50 years writing period. The main achievement of Kipling is his short story, he made short story become a popular type of literature in British literary arena. For understand Kipling’s works better, we should know some studies in home and abroad.In China, the research to Rudyard Kipling is not begin as early and popular as abroad.A New starting point Beyond the Traditional[1]written by Wen Meihui has include her article A Study of Kipling’s Fictions, this article in view of Kipling tend to be more affirmative, and make specific analysis to some of his fictions. Wen’s affirmative words to Kipling is hard to be found in other places at that time, even conflicted with other scholars. It can say that in this article Kipling basically got positive evaluation, and, to some extent, changed his image in Chinese readers` mindIn 2008, Shi Haijun published his study Post-colonization: Literature between India and Britain[2], push the study of Kipling in China a great forward. He opened a specific chapterChapter 4: Kipling, in the theme between Colonization and Post-colonizationto analyze Kipling. The content of this article focus on 3 aspect s: Kipling’s ups and downs in Colonialism and Post-colonialism discourse; The understandings and comments of Indian andIndian origin writers and scholars; apperences and relevant comments of “Sensitive-free India” in Kipling’s works. The article collects some analysis and explains made by some Indian and Indian origin writers and scholars about Kipling’s works, which makes up the shortage that study this British writer who has profound connection with India limited to the deficiency of the western scholars in some degreeChen Bing’s Empire and Identity: A study of Rudyard Kipling’s Indian Fictions[3], from postcolonial perspective, systematically study Kipling’s fictions and the main works of him. Based on Kipling’s writing course and characteristics, Chen classifies them into 3 periods. Chen think though they show a Imperialism attitude and identity crisis, however, they still experienced a change of ideology. In brief, the Imperialism was obvious in his early Indian fictions but in his later works he showed his love to India and the concept of fusion of East and West.The research in abroad is very rich and popular for Kipling has enormous implications in western world and India.C. C. Eldridge 1996 The Imperial Experience. This book examines attitudes towards empire and the creation and perpetuation of a British world-view during the years 1834-1924. Besides focusing on the usual Victorian and Edwardian novelists and poets, surveys of popular culture and anti-empire views are also included. By adopting a longer chronological context, the high level of continuity in beliefs and actionsthroughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is highlighted. As a result, the period is viewed as a dramatic episode in a much longer story.John McBratrey 2002 Imperial Subject, Imperial Space treat Kipling as the pioneer of Homi Bhabba theory, McBratrey think that the “White Creole”settler who was born in colony is the key to make Kipling’s empire dream come true, at the same time, he also analyses some characteristics of this group: have cross culture experience and knowledge, Racial equality awareness across racial that is impossible, the awareness of identity’s diversity and construction etc.Rutherford Andrew. ed 1994 Kipling’s Mind and Art it is a Selected Critical Essays Assembles diverse critical essays offering a reassessment of the nineteenth-century British author's work.Kipling 1990 Something of Myself, an autobiography which was published after Kipling’s death, it shows Kipling’s life by time sequence, from his dark childhood to he became a journalist when he was young, and he became a professional writer till he got the Nobel prize, Kipling told us all of these in beautiful writing style. The book not only described his rich and colorful journey experience but also his views about the politics and society, so this autobiography has high literature value and research value.Said 2003 Culture and Imperialism. A landmark and very complex work after Orientalism, in this book, he reconstructs the imperialistexpansio n context of “Modern European novels”, and expands his analysis of collusion relationship between western culture and imperialism to novel’s form and style, and believes that European novels have converge two kinds of elements on embryology meaning: one is the authority of which novel narrative style, the other tend to imperialist complex thought structure.1.3 Brief Introduction of Purpose and Methods of the researchThe purpose of this research is make an analysis on Rudyard Kipling’s works and the Empire Consciousness in his works, through the analysis and introduce to Kipling’s works, this research explain the Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s worksIn order to fulfill my research objective, the analytical procedures as follow:First, collect research materials on related topics and choose the title of my thesisSecond, analyze the materials in depthThird, give a brief of the author and analyze the main figures in his worksFourth, use a plenty of academic files to proof my viewsFifth, make a conclusion based on the previous studySixth, develop and organize arguments and make enrichment of my thesis’s contentChapter 2 Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s worksRudyard Kipling was born in 1865, on Bornbay, India. In 1871, when he was 6 years old, he was sent back to England and lived with a retired navy captain. From 1878 to 1882, Kipling studied in a school thatestablished by army officers. In 1882, after graduated from school, he returned to India and worked in Civil and Military Gazette in Lahore. In 1889, he began traveling around the world and finally back England. For his childhoodFrom born to 6 years old and key point time of character’s establishment17 years old to 24 years old spent in India and study time spent in England, his love to Indian and Empire Consciousness are obvious in his works. I separate the Empire Consciousness in his works into two parts, the part in his Indian works and the part in his later works.2.1 Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s Indian worksKipling’s childhood and key point time of character’s establishment were spent in India and his student period was in England, as is known to all, nearly all of his Indian works are influenced by his Anglo-Indian life history which makes his Indian works very unique: For one thing, he showed his deep love to India, he treated India as his second homeland, no one had ever write India, Indian and Anglo-Indian detailedly like him before; For another, because of the education he got in England, his Indian works also full of undisguised desire of rule and control the India by Britain.2.2 Empire Consciousness in Kipling’s Later worksIn the later of Kipling’s writing period, after he settled down in England, India disappeared in his sight gradually, he began to put his concentration on the past and today of the countryside of England.From 43AD Roman Empire invaded Britain and ruled this country for more than 400 years to 1066 Norman Conquest,[4] a series of invasions in ancient Britain provided plenty of material to Kipling to create new stories. In these stories, he reviewed this period of history and connected Roman Empire with British Empire. He tried to prove that British Empire is the successor of Roman Empire, they all have the duty to make human civilization improve, however British Empire is more advanced than Roman Empire. Anyway, Roman Empire still has a deep influence on Kipling and his Empire Consciousness.Chapter 3 Three Main Figures in Kipling’s Indian WorksFor figure creation is not obvious in Kipling’s writing, so the connotation contain in his works` figures does not draw any attention of researchers. In this chapter, this research classify the figures of Kipling’s Indian fictions as three kinds, then expose their characters in these works and what questions and thoughts that Kipling discussed and made on them. Thus, figures and theme can be tightly connected with Empire Consciousness, the principal line of this research.3.1 The Backbone of the Empire: Administrative PersonnelIn the beginning of 19th century, Britain began its direct rule for India. The British government directly ruled India by administration characterized with bureaucracy.The empire elites appeared in Kipling’s Indian fictions mainlyinclude administrative personnels, engineers, low rank officers, basically, they were not superior officers in civil official system, but the largest number ordinary officers, also the backbone of the Empire.3.1.1 Civilizing Mission VS Empire FableAfter the violent grab at the beginning, the western colonist raised series slogans in order to prettify their behaviour, “Civilizing Mission” was the widely accepted one of these slogans. The colonist believed the western civilization is advanced civilization, which can bring “light and advancement” to the “Dark Continent”. They entered into their colony as the messenger of civilization. However, strange land, strange language and strange culture shake their confidence and doubts melancholy, pessimistic even despair replaced their confidence. Generally, opinions believe Kipling belong to the writer of colonial confide nce period, but in fact, his works also show the colonist’s nonconfidence to their rule in colony and worry about culture mixedThough the British had great power in India, however, the British felt unsafe and unstable living in India.In story At the End of the Passage, four young men try their best to get together in weekend. All of these young men are under 30 years old. They are British administrative p。
2020 visionsFor the first issue of the new decade, Nature asked a selection of leading researchers and policy-makers where their fields will be ten years from now. We invited them to identify the key questions their disciplines face, the major roadblocks and the pressing next steps. Visit /htW8uM to respond and to add your vision.SearchPeter Norvig *Director of research at GoogleInternet search as we know it is just one decade old; by 2020 it will have evolved far beyond its current bounds. Content will be a mix of text, speech, still and video images, histories of interactions with colleagues, friends, informa-tion sources and their automated proxies, and tracks of sensor readings from Global Posi-tioning System devices, medical devices and other embedded sensors in our environment.The majority of search queries will be spoken, not typed, and an experimental minor-ity will be through direct monitoring of brain signals. Users will decide how much of theirlives they want to share with search engines, and in what ways. The results we get back will be a synthesis, not just a list. For example, today if I ask ‘com-pare approaches to nuclear fusion’, the major search engines agree that a general encyclopaedia arti-cle on fusion power comes first, followed by other sim-ilar articles. A decade from now, the result will summa-rize the major approaches, contrast their differences, automatically trans-late any foreign documents into my language, and then rank the results by efficacy or place them in a table or chart as appropriate. If I then ask for ‘background mathematics for fusion theory’, I will get an outline for an impromptu course concentrating on the necessary complex analysis, customized to specific applications in fusion and to my level of mathematicalunderstanding. If I stumble, the course will be readjusted to fit my needs, or perhaps thesearch engine will connect me to a tutor oranother student in a similar plight. Interac-tion with search engines will be an ongoing conversation; one that is integrated with the other ongoing tasks of our lives.One big challenge for search engines is to implement a measure of quality that is not based solely on popularity. Search engines must determine both relevance (is the item pertinent to the user’s query?) and quality (is the item inherently accurate, useful and MicrobiomeDavid A. Relman Chief of infectious diseases atVeterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, California The human body is one of the most important ecological study sites of the coming decade. Humans depend on the microbial communi-ties that colonize them for a surprising suite of benefits. These include: extracting energy from food, educating the immune system and pro-tection from pathogens. Y et, despite the recent attention to this indigenous microbiota, we areunderstandable, independent of the query?). Current relevance measures do reasonably well. Measures of quality require better mod-els of the concepts and relations expressed in documents and how they relate to the reality of the world, as well as mod-els of the trustworthiness of authors. Thus, a sitethat claims that the Moon landings were a hoax andseems to have a coherentargument structure will be judged to be lower quality than a legitimate astronomy site, because the premises of the hoax argument are at odds with reality. Under-standing and improving these models is a key challenge for the coming decade.relatively ignorant of what our ‘extended self’ comprises or how it works.The human body consists of multiple micro-bial habitats, studied and defined so far on the basis of gross anatomical features, such as the skin, mouth, intestines and vagina. Only a subset of the relevant habitats and habitat boundaries across the human landscape have been identified — and important biology often takes place at such boundaries. Over the next ten years, molecular microbial surveys need to capture rare species and assess diversity at multiple spatial scales.Although the organization of the human microbiota is not random, little is known about the rules that govern its assembly. What are the contributions of early exposures, dispersal, and species interactions? Is there selection at the community level, and if so, how? And, most importantly, how does the human body con-trol community composition? With answers to these questions, the assembly of the microbial community, for example on the tooth surface or intestinal mucosa, could be guided towards states that confer health.Equally pressing questions concern the stability and robustness of human microbial communities. How well do these communities resist perturbation by forces such as antibiotics, or return to their prior state after disturbance? How many healthy states are there? Does com-munity resilience determine or predict human health? What mechanisms underlie resilience, and how can they be measured or reinforced?I L L U S T R A T I O N S B Y J E S S E L E F K O W I T Z“An experimental minority of search queries will be through the direct monitoring of brain signals.”OPINIONDaniel M. KammenDirector of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, University of California, BerkeleyBy 2020, humankind needs to be solidly on to the path of a low-carbon society — one domi-nated by efficient and clean energy technologies. It is essential to put a price on carbon emissions, through either well-managed cap-and-trade schemes or carbon taxes. Creative financing will Daniel R. WeinbergerSenior investigator, US National Institute of Mental HealthThe search over the past decade for genes behind mental illness has led to the realization that mental disorders are not discrete condi-tions with specific causes. Rather, they are the result of interactions between risk factors that affect development; psychiatric symptoms can arise from many causes and are more inter-related than current disease models allow. By 2020, this insight, which has been slow to take hold, will have transformed how doctors understand and treat psychiatric conditions. Finding specific genes for mental illness now seems a pipe dream. A more realistic endeav-our for the next ten years is to look for genes that code for basic cellular and brain functions that modulate our responses to the environ-ment and that come together in particular ways in individuals at increased risk. Many hundreds of genes may contribute to raised vulnerability, and such defects may affect brain development and function independently of any specific psy-chiatric diagnosis. There is no straight road to psychiatric illness, but a highly diverse network of developmental pathways.This approach will lead to diagnosis and treatment based on a proper grasp of the underlying biology, rather than on an inter-pretation of symptoms. Psychiatric research isDavid B. Goldstein*Duke UniversityOver the past decade, powerful genotyping tools have allowed geneticists to look at common variation across the entire human genome to identify the risk factors behind many diseases. Two striking findings will define the study ofdisease for the decade to come. First, common genetic variation seems to have only a limited role in determining people’s predisposition to many common diseases. Second, gene variants that are very rare in the general population can have outsized effects on predisposition.For example, rare mutations that cause the elimination of chunks of the genome can raise the risk of diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy or autism by up to twentyfold. Some researchers view these major risk factors as aberrations. My guess is that as more genomes are sequenced, many other high-impact risk factors will be identified.If so, here’s one confident but uncomfortable EnergyMental healthPersonalized medicine also be needed so that homes and businesses can buy into energy efficiency and renewable energy services without having to pay up front. An example is the Property-Assessed Clean Energy financing mechanism, which my lab ishelping to design and pro-mote ( funding ofresearch is crucial. Severalrenewable technologies areready for explosive growth. Energy-efficiency targets could help to reduce demand by encouraging innovations such as net-positive-energy buildings and electric vehicles. Research into solar energy — in particular how to store and distribute it effi-ciently — can address needs in rich and poor communities alike. Deployed widely, these kinds of solutions and the development of a smart grid would mean that by 2020 the world would be on the way to an energy system in which solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal and hydroelectric power will supply more than 80% of electricity.Answering these questions requires under-standing the functional properties of the micro-biota. This means coupling DNA sequencing with direct measurements of RNA, protein products, functional assays and associated envi-ronmental variables. The existing national and international projects to map the human micro-biome are a good start. In addition this field needs well-controlled, longitudinal clinical stud-ies; non-disruptive, minimally invasive sampling methods; management and analysis strategies for complex, multi-dimensional data; and new part-nerships between microbiologists, ecologists, clinicians, physiologists and technologists.prediction of what personalized genomicscould look like in 2020. The identificationof major risk factors for disease is bound to substantially increase interest in embryonicand other screening programmes. Society haslargely already acceptedthis principle for mutationsthat lead inevitably to seri-ous health conditions. Willit be so accommodating ofthose who want to screenout embryos that carry, say,a twentyfold increased risk of a serious butunspecified neuropsychiatric disease?Some advances will be relatively uncontro-versial, such as the development of tailoredtherapeutic drugs based on genetic differencesthat are otherwise innocuous. Others will be transformational, such as the identificationof definitive genetic risk factors that providenew drug targets for conditions that are oftenpoorly treated such as schizophrenia, epilepsyand cancers. Over the next decade millions ofpeople could have their genomes sequenced.Many will be given an indication of the risksthey face. Serious consideration about how tohandle the practical and ethical implicationsof such predictive power should begin now.“We are relativelyignorant of what our‘extended self’ comprisesor how it works.”Leslie C. AielloPresident, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological ResearchMost of the recent effort in hominin palaeon-tology has been focused on Africa and Europe. But the announcement in 2004 of the small hominin Homo floresiensis in Indonesia was a warning that we are naive to assume we know more than the basic outline of human evo-lutionary history. If H. floresiensis is indeed a surviving remnant of early Homo that left Africa around 2 million years ago, we have to reject the long-standing idea that Homo erectus was the first African emigrant. We also must reject many hypotheses concerning the prereq-uisites for this emigration, such as a relatively large brain size, large body size and human-like limb proportions. Importantly, we must confront our relative ignorance about human evolution outside Europe and Africa.One of the big challenges for the next decade is to begin to fill in the large gaps in our knowledge about human evolution in Asia. We need strong and creative international collaborations that have the financial, insti-tutional and governmental support to carry out the necessary research and interpretation. The field needs large, focused support in Asia similar to that given to research in eastern Africa by the Turkana Basin Institute in Stony Brook, New York, the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences andHominin palaeontologyGeorge ChurchProfessor of genetics, Harvard Medical School In the past decade, the cost of reading and writing DNA has dropped a million-fold, outstripping even Moore’s law for exponen-tially increasing computer power. The chal-lenge for the next decade will be to integrate molecular engineering and computing to make complex systems. The development of engineering standards for biological parts, such as how pieces of DNA snap together, will permit computer-aided design (CAD) at lev-els of abstraction from atomic to population scales. Biologists will have access to tools thatJohn L. HennessyPresident, Stanford UniversityThe world faces increasingly complex challenges, such as maintaining our ecosystem while supporting 9 billion to 10 billion people, reducing poverty, increasing peace and secu-rity, and improving human health in both the developed and developing world. Universities must have a role in seeking solutions for these problems and in educating the next generation of leaders to tackle them.Perhaps the largest threat to our research universities over the next decade is the financialSynthetic biologyUniversitiesHumanities programme on ‘The Role of Culture in Early Expansions of Humans’. Fossil hunting is a high-risk venture and expeditions may not always produce the desired results. However, the number of new hominin species discovered in Africa and Europe in the recent past suggests that a similar effort in Asia would notgo unrewarded.Hopefully, by 2020, we will have many more pieces of the big puzzle of human evolution — how and why did hominins evolve and disperse world-wide over a period of around 6 million years? Advances can be expected from areas such as genetics, isotope analyses and palaeo c limate research, as well as from fossil discoveries. But we cannot answer the key questions about human evolution without working towards a more geographically complete fossil record.will allow them to arrange atoms to optimize catalysis, for example, or arrange populations of organisms to cooperate in making a chemical.The obvious application will be in manufac-turing and delivering drugs more efficiently. However, these treatmentsmight be superseded by smarter ones, such as oral vaccines and ‘program-mable’ personal stem cells or bacteria (which exploit sensors, logic and actuatorsharvested from natural andlab evolution) that could, forexample, sense a nearby tumour, coordinate an attack and drill into the cancer cells to release toxins. Another application is in the produc-tion of chemicals, biofuels and foods — for example, the development of parasite-resistant crops or photosynthetic organisms that candouble their biomass in just three hours. As costs drop, such technology will allow devel-oping nations to leapfrog fertilizer-wasting, fossil-fuel-intensive and disease-rife farming for cleaner, more efficient systems, just as they are leapfrogging costly landlines in favour of mobile-phone networks.Synthetic biology is already having an impact beyond its field, and by 2020 this will have increased significantly. Myriad technologieswill be possible, such as nano-memory devices that harness the ability of certain bacteria to navigate Earth’s weak magnetic field using magnetite nanoparticles. As electronic chips hit conventional manufacturing limits, they will be replaced by atomically precise and fault-tolerant biological circuits. Three-dimensional ‘bio-printers’ could make nearly all manufac-tured goods much less expensive. The grand challenge will be to anticipate the many unin-tended consequences of the synthetic biology revolution — ecological, economic and social — and to safeguard against them.poised to realize Sigmund Freud’s dream of a biological psychology, but it will require new applications of old thinking (see also page 9).“Corporate lobbyingmust be restrained, it is one of the greatest dangers to sustainable development.”Jeffrey SachsDirector, the Earth InstituteBy 2020, the world needs an effective system of global governance for managing sustain-able development. It will require systematic improvements in four areas.First, politics must take account of techni-cal expertise. In international negotiations such as the Copenhagen climate process, negotiators spend a lot of time arguing over the legalities of agreements but little time discussing technological options. There is a tendency to announce targets without technical Adam BurrowsVice-chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the US National Research CouncilKey questions for the coming decade include determining the nature of the dark matter that permeates the Universe — it would be a major embarrassment if the dark matter paradigm was not verified within 40 years of its inception by the direct detection of the associated weakly interacting particles. Some people single out the nature of dark energy as the most fundamental puzzle confronting astronomy. Others want to know how tenu-ous gas and dust is converted into dense stars and planets and how many Earthlike — and habitable — planets populate the Galaxy. Answers to all these questions could be found by 2020, but the astronomy community must decide which to prioritize.Prioritization will not be easy. Future tech-nologies will inevitably be more complicated and expensive. Ground-based astronomy has become big science and space-based astronomy struggles to balance creativity and affordability. As a consequence, the operating budgets for current telescopes are constraining future tel-escope construction projects. Moreover, the life cycle costs of the James Webb Space Telescope, due to be launched in 2014, have and will con-tinue to cut into budgets for smaller, cheaper and more nimble astrophysics missions.To craft an exciting and integrated strategy for achieving in the next decade the promiseGlobal governanceAstronomy strategies, and then to miss the targets. TheUnited Nations should follow up the Copen-hagen meeting by setting up expert groups tosupport the practical tasks of climate-changemitigation and adaptation. Within a few years ,a new world environment organization shouldbe established to oversee and provide technicalsupport for the major treaties.Second, public and private investments innew technologies should be managed as part ofan integrated system. Almost all environmen-tal challenges, from greenhouse-gas emissionsto the depletion of groundwater resources,demand technological transformation. Achiev-ing this will need a mix of public and privateenterprise. The public sector will be responsiblefor issues such as monitoring, regulation andpublic safety and awareness; the private sectorwill take the lead in profit-oriented investments,in particular in research and development. Bothsides will need to harmonize their actions andseek effective partnerships.Third, corporate lobbying must berestrained: it is one of the greatest dangersto sustainable development. In the UnitedStates, corporate influence through lobbying,campaign funding and misleading advocacycampaigns has been an enormous obstacle toeffective regulation of the economy and envi-ronment. For example, heavy lobbying by WallStreet contributed to the financial deregulationthat helped cause the recent crisis, and pressurefrom the energy industry has delayed actionon climate change. Some countries have suc-cessfully constrained such influence throughpublic financing of elections and other means.The United States should follow suit.Finally, global financing for poorer countriesmust improve if international agreements onclimate, land use and biodiversity are to suc-ceed. The record of aid delivery to poor coun-tries is dismal. Rich countries regularly promisesupport that never arrives. Two proposals havebeen made that could improve things: a smallchallenge facing governments. In the United States, for example, budget deficits have caused many states to reduce their funding for public universities, and at the federal level, there is likely to be no growth or a cut in funding for research programmes.To address these financial and intellectual challenges, universities need to be willing to change how they see their research and teaching mission. The scale and complexity of today’s global problems demand a more collaborative, multidisciplinary approach. Traditionally, universities have been struc-tured around disciplines and departments. The agencies that fund research often reflect that structure in their financial support of projects. That rigidity can be a barrier to innovation,and to the need to educate students for a more collaborative working environment. Therefore, universities and funding agencies need to encourage working across disciplines — for example, through academic centres based around broad themes rather than narrow fields. The challenge will be to do this without abandoning the traditional disciplines and the role they have in ensuring excellence.As financial pressures increase, institutions may be forced to make difficult decisions — prioritizing areas in which they have sufficient existing strength or student interest and collabo-rating with peer institutions that have greater capability in other fields.Continuing support for fledgling cross-disciplinary efforts in difficult financial circumstances will require vigilance. Universities have a dual charge: to advance the boundaries of knowledge and to educate students. Through this dual role we have the potential to make contributions that can shape the future. The challenge of the next decade is to live up to that on cross-border financial transactions, and a global levy on carbon emissions. Both should be implemented alongside more traditional forms of aid to secure a more reliable source of development finance.Paul AnastasCenter for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering, Yale UniversityThe future of chemistry should look very different from the past. Traditional, reduction-ist, highly specialized academic chemistry has transformed food, energy, health, transportation, communications and the quality of modern life. It has also — accidentally — depleted finite and rare resources, endangered workers and contaminated ecosystems. Green chemistry is the way forwards: it combines expertise from synthetic, physical and biological chemists, together with that of toxicologists, environ-mental health and life scientists, to deliver sustainable chemical design.Making chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances is an inherently sys-tems approach. The ‘twelve principles of green chemistry’ unite all aspects of the molecular life cycle, from obtaining the feedstock and starting materials, through the synthetic and manu-facturing process, to the end of commercialGary P. PisanoProfessor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School The next ten years will witness an accelera-tion of the upheaval in the pharmaceutical industry. Profound changes in drug research and development, competition, government policies and markets will continue to challenge existing business models and strategies. Many established players will not make the transi-tion. Some venerable compa-nies have already disappeared through acquisitions. The industry will bifurcate into firms that pursue a long-term commitment to creating novel drugs and those that focus on marketing. The lat-ter may do better in the short term but are doomed to failure eventually. The development of effective treatments is the only sustainable source of value for the pharmaceu-tical industry. Given the paucity of therapies for many serious diseases and the mediocre effi-cacy of many existing drugs, the opportunities are huge. There are risks in trying to discover new drugs, but the risks of backing away from that commitment are higher. I do not envisage one dominant model in terms of size or organizational structure. Joshua R. GoldsteinExecutive director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research As population growth marked the twentiethcentury, population ageing will mark the twenty-first. By 2020, the average European will have fewer years of life expectancy remain-ing than years he or she has already lived. East Asians will soon follow. Humankind will spend much of the coming decade grappling with questions about how to organize and pay for the care of an increasingelderly population and about who will produce what theelderly consume.In the longer term, a return to moderate fertility rates in those countries with very lowfertility, and increases in immi-gration can do much to mod-erate population ageing. Sweden and Japan facequite different demographic futures, because fertility in Sweden is closer to replacement and a small but steady stream of immigrants will make up the difference. In Japan — the world’s leader in longevity — fertility remains low, and immigration a major social challenge.We need demographic research on four fronts addressing population ageing. Low birth rates can perhaps be increased by meas-ures that reconcile work and family, enablingChemistryDrug discovery Demographics of the previous one, the United States has embarked on its decadal survey of astronomy, due to be completed before the end of 2010. Astronomers have submitted an avalanche of public white papers articulating the scientific and engineering cases for missions and facilities that collectively could cost more than US$70 billion. This exceeds the likely funding for new initiatives in the next decade by at least four to five times. Therefore, the survey committee is charged with finding the right balance between large and small projects and the proper mix of ground and space observatories. It must also address the coordination between public and private telescopes, a unique feature of American astronomy, as well as determine the optimal suite of instruments for those telescopes. This is astronomy’s golden age. The poten-tial for startling breakthroughs remains great, but considerable money and skill will be necessary to realize even a fraction of it. Will humankind baulk on the threshold of a com-prehensive understanding of the Universe? Policy decisions in the next year or two may well decide the issue.people to have the children they say they want. Fostering the social and economic integration of immigrants is another prior-ity. Health research, helping people to stay younger longer, is already a priority of ageing societies; indeed, so far, the healthy period of life has been lengthening as fast or faster than life expectancy itself. But now — as the first 65-year-old baby-boomers prepare to blow out their birthday candles — we must address the larger question of rescheduling life’s turn-ing points, so that people can remain active and productive. The societies that respond to ageing successfully will be those that take advantage of longer life.We will see an ecosystem of few large global players with deep scientific resources and many more specialized companies. Globalization of drug innovation will continue. No one should be surprised to see the emergence of a major Chinese multinational drug company with strong innovation capabilities.“No one should be surprised to see the emergence of a majorChinese multinational drug company.”Richard Klausner Column Group David BaltimoreCalifornia Institute of T echnologyThe National Institutes of Health (NIH) serves the US biomedical community by providing resources for experimentation, but it does so in ways that bias the enterprise towards short-range and unimaginative thinking. Our recommendations for the NIH of 2020 call for a profound change in its culture and in its decision-making processes.First, funding criteria will put more weight on judgements about the individual who is applying, not the details of the proposed project. It is creative minds that we want to foster, and when the NIH identifies someone who has been innovative and productive, that person should be adequately supported so they can express their creativity in their own way. Notably, the current system of hyper- s pecialized study sections for reviewing research proposals discourages risk-taking. They should be replaced or augmented by broad, institute-based interdisciplinary review teams, which assess greatly simplified applications that focus on the goals of the research, the importance of the problem and the quality of the investiga-tors. The technical part of the review will shift from assessing the feasibility of the plan to the capabilities of the investigators.At the same time, we should be encouraging new generations of independent scientists to begin productive careers by aiding their devel-opment outside the usual academic routes. So, instead of all trainees being graduate students and postdoctoral fellows under supervision by elders, there should be alternative pathways for independent or self-guided study.By 2020, the NIH should see some of the fruits of its programme to revitalize clinical research. The clinical trials it supports (some 15% of the agency’s overall budget) should beDavid R. Montgomery Author of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations , University ofWashingtonTo avoid the mistakes of past societies, as 2020 approaches, the world must address global soil degradation, one of this century’s most NIHSoilasking questions that enhance the scientific basis of medicine. For instance, NIH-spon-sored trials should focus on streamlining trial execution and should pioneer new technolo-gies for patient subtyping, testing biomarkers and determining biologically meaningful sur-rogates for clinical responses. That might mean fewer trials than now, but each should be designed to extend clinical science as a whole.The intramural programme of the NIH represents some 10% of its funding and should remain strong. However, it lacks a defined mis-sion and has deteriorated in quality. It does have a powerful and unique instrument in its new but underutilized clinical centre, which needs to move to the forefront of the NIH’s translation efforts. Individuals are also key to progress in clinical research. In the extramural community, we need an expanded cadre of clinical research scholars to pursue cross-disciplinary studies of human disease physiology, and to chal-lenge the current one-way route from bench to bedside.If the NIH carries out these reforms by 2020 (even better, by 2015), the United States’ preeminence in biomedical research will be ensured. life and ultimate disposal of products. These principles are based on the latest fundamental discoveries on the interaction between anthro-pogenic substances and the natural world. Scant research funding, and hence insufficient effort, is devoted to sustainable innovation in chemistry. As a first step, chem-istry needs to adopt a clearly stated research imperative that researchers in molecular sci-ence must maintain their creativity while not doing harm to people and the planet. We need to turn all of chemistry green.insidious and under-acknowledged challenges. Humanity has already degraded or eroded the topsoil off more than a third of all arable land. We continue to lose farmland at about 0.5% a year — yet expect to feed more than 9 billion people later this century. During the twentieth century, the Haber–Bosch process (allowing the mass production of nitrogen-basedfertilizers) and the Green Rev-olution effectively divorcedagriculture from soil steward-ship. Increased yields were supported by intensive fertilizer inputs and mechanization that simplified and devastated soil life, reducing native soil fertility. For exam-ple, research in some conventional agricultural settings shows that other species such as bacte-ria have virtually replaced mycorrhizal fungi, which deliver soil nutrients to most plants. In a post-petroleum world, as the era of cheap fos-sil-fuel-produced fertilizers comes to an end, conventional, high-input agriculture is neither sustainable nor resilient. Ensuring future food security and environmental protection willrequire thoughtfully tailoring farming prac-tices to the soils of individual landscapes and farms, rather than continuing to rely on erosive practices and fertilizer from a bag. Towards these ends, governments shouldaggressively fund research on and promote the adoption of agricultural practices and technologies that cultivate beneficial soil life and sustain soil ecosystems. Over the next few decades, approaches such as low-till andorganic methods could restore native soil fer-tility and store enough soil organic matter tooffset global fossil-fuel emissions by 5–15%. Offsets, and soil fertility, could be further increased through adding biochar — charcoalmade by heating organic wastes. The thin layer of minerals, living microor-ganisms, dead plants and animals blanketing“Business as usual is not an option when it comes to soil. It’s time for a greener revolution.”。
摘 要巨型框架结构由几个大型结构单元所组成的主结构与其他结构单元组成的次结构共同工作,形成具有更大的整体稳定性和更高效能的高层建筑结构体系。
实践证明,TMD 系统对于高耸建筑物抗风振控制是行之有效的;但是与风振相比,结构的地震响应控制要复杂的多,有必要做进一步的研究。
本文在进行巨型结构初始设计方案(未采取任何减震措施)的基础上,设置TMD 子系统,应用TMD 系统控制原理,合理调节和匹配系统的刚度、阻尼及质量系统,利用子系统和主框架的动力相互作用,研究结构地震响应控制的可行性及其控制效果,主要研究内容如下:(1) 对建筑结构地震反应分析方法进行归纳总结,为抗震巨型框架结构和减震巨型框架结构的地震反应特性分析提供理论基础。
而时程分析法是动力理论的实用方法,本文在地震反应时程分析中,选用SAP2000 有限元计算软件进行结构动力分析。
(2) 形成了结构初始方案,对结构进行了动力特性分析,进行了常规设计抗震分析,研究多维地震动输入下未施加TMD 子系统的巨型结构的地震反应特性,作为控制效果的标准。
(3) 针对抗震巨型框架结构开展被动TMD 减震控制优化设计,进行TMD 参数优选,寻求最优减震效果及最优刚度、阻尼配置。
为了避免TMD 系统对较调谐振型低阶的结构振型的振型放大影响,且结构反应以一阶反应为主,所以TMD 系统控制一阶X 方向振型。
且TMD 的最佳位置在受控振型向量中元素绝对值最大者对应的质点处,即TMD 系统应置于结构顶层。
TMD 与主体结构的模态质量比µ一般取在0.005~0.02之间,本文取上限0.02,TMD 质量块重655KN 。
DendrimerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: ,Figure 1: Dendrimer and dendronDendrimers are repetitively . The name comes from the word "δένδρον" (pronounced dendron), which translates to "tree". Synonymous terms for dendrimer include arborols and cascade molecules. However, dendrimer is currently the internationally accepted term. A dendrimer is typically symmetric around the core, and often adopts a spherical three-dimensional morphology. The word dendron is also encountered frequently. A dendron usually contains a single chemically addressable group called the focal point. The difference between dendrons and dendrimers is illustrated in figure one, but the terms are typically encountered interchangeably.Figure 2: Crystal structure of a first-generation polyphenylene dendrimer reported by Müllen et al.The first dendrimers were made by divergent synthesis approaches by in 1978, at in 1981, at in 1983 and in 1985, and by in 1985. In 1990 a convergent synthetic approach was introduced by . Dendrimer popularity then greatly increased, resulting in more than 5,000 scientific papers and patents by the year 2005.Contentsoooooo[] PropertiesDendritic molecules are characterized by structural perfection. Dendrimers and dendrons are and usually highly , spherical compounds. The field of dendritic molecules can be roughly divided into low- andhigh-molecular weight species. The first category includes dendrimers and dendrons, and the latter includes , hyperbranched polymers, and the .The properties of dendrimers are dominated by the on the , however, there are examples of dendrimers with internal functionality. Dendritic of functional molecules allows for the isolation of the active site, a structure that mimics that of active sites in biomaterials. Also, it is possible to make dendrimers water soluble, unlike most , by functionalizing their outer shell with charged species or other groups. Other controllable properties of dendrimers include , , tecto-dendrimer formation, and .Dendrimers are also classified by generation, which refers to the number of repeated branching cycles that are performed during its synthesis. For example if a dendrimer is made by convergent synthesis (see below), and the branching reactions are performed onto the core molecule three times, the resulting dendrimer is considered a third generation dendrimer. Each successive generation results in a dendrimer roughly twice the molecular weight of the previous generation. Higher generation dendrimers also have more exposed functional groups on the surface, which can later be used to customize the dendrimer for a given application.[] SynthesisFigure 3: Synthesis to second generation arborolOne of the very first dendrimers, the Newkome dendrimer, was synthesized in 1985. This is also commonly known by the name arborol. Figure 3 outlines the mechanism of the first two generations of aborol through adivergent route (discussed below). The synthesis is started by of1-bromopentane by triethyl sodiomethanetricarboxylate in and . The groups were then by to a in a step. Activation of the chain ends was achieved by converting the alcohol groups to groups with and . The tosyl group then served as in another reaction with the tricarboxylate, forming generation two. Further repetition of the two steps leads to higher generations of arborol.Poly(amidoamine), or PAMAM, is perhaps the most well known dendrimer. The core of PAMAM is a diamine (commonly ), which is reacted with , and then another ethylenediamine to make the generation-0 (G-0) PAMAM. Successive reactions create higher generations, which tend to have different properties. Lower generations can be thought of as flexible molecules with no appreciable inner regions, while medium sized (G-3 or G-4) do have internal space that is essentially separated from the outer shell of the dendrimer. Very large (G-7 and greater) dendrimers can be thought of more like solid particles with very dense surfaces due to the structure of their outer shell. The functional group on the surface of PAMAM dendrimers is ideal for , which gives rise to many potential applications.Dendrimers can be considered to have three major portions: a core, an inner shell, and an outer shell. Ideally, a dendrimer can be synthesized to have different functionality in each of these portions to control properties such as solubility, thermal stability, and attachment of compounds for particular applications. Synthetic processes can also precisely control the size and number of branches on the dendrimer. There are two defined methods of dendrimer synthesis, and . However, because the actual reactions consist of many steps needed to protect the , it is difficult to synthesize dendrimers using either method. This makes dendrimers hardto make and very expensive to purchase. At this time, there are only a few companies that sell dendrimers; commercializes biocompatiblebis-MPA dendrimers and Dendritech is the only kilogram-scale producers of PAMAM dendrimers. Dendritic Nanotechnologies Inc., from Mount Pleasant, Michigan, USA produces PAMAM dendrimers and other proprietary dendrimers.[] Divergent MethodsFigure 4: Schematic of divergent synthesis of dendrimersThe dendrimer is assembled from a multifunctional core, which is extended outward by a series of reactions, commonly a . Each step of the reaction must be driven to full completion to prevent mistakes in the dendrimer, which can cause trailing generations (some branches are shorter than the others). Such impurities can impact the functionality and symmetry of the dendrimer, but are extremely difficult to purify out because the relative size difference between perfect and imperfect dendrimers is very small.[] Convergent MethodsFigure 5: Schematic of convergent synthesis of dendrimersDendrimers are built from small molecules that end up at the surface of the sphere, and reactions proceed inward building inward and are eventually attached to a core. This method makes it much easier to remove impurities and shorter branches along the way, so that the final dendrimer is more monodisperse. However dendrimers made this way are not as largeas those made by divergent methods because crowding due to along the core is limiting.[] Click chemistryFigure 6: Dendrimer DA reaction Mullen 1996Dendrimers have been prepared via , employing , thiol-ene reactions and azide-alkyne reactions. An example is the synthesis of certain polyphenylene dendrimers can be seen in figure 6..There are ample avenues that can be opened by exploring this chemistry in dendrimer synthesis.[] ApplicationsApplications of dendrimers typically involve conjugating other chemical species to the dendrimer surface that can function as detecting agents (such as a molecule), affinity , targeting components, , , or . Dendrimers have very strong potential for these applications because their structure can lead to systems. In other words, one dendrimer molecule has hundreds of possible sites to couple to an active species. Researchers aimed to utilize the hydrophobic environments of the dendritic media to conduct photochemical reactions that generate the products that are synthetically challenged. Carboxylic acid and phenol terminated water soluble dendrimers were synthesized to establish their utility in drug delivery as well as conducting chemical reactions in their interiors. This might allow researchers to attach both targeting molecules and drug molecules to the same dendrimer, which could reduce negative side effects of medications on healthy cells.Dendrimers can also be used as a solubilizing agent. Since their introduction in the mid-1980s, this novel class of dendrimer architecture has been a prime candidate for hosts guest chemistry. Dendrimers with hydrophobic core and hydrophilic periphery have shown to exhibitmicelle-like behavior and have container properties in solution. The use of dendrimers as unimolecular micelles was proposed by Newkome in 1985. This analogy highlighted the utility of dendrimers as solubilizing agents. The majority of drugs available in pharmaceutical industry are hydrophobic in nature and this property in particular creates major formulation problems. This drawback of drugs can be ameliorated by dendrimeric scaffolding, which can be used to encapsulate as well as to solubilize the drugs because of the capability of such scaffolds to participate in extensive hydrogen bonding with water. Dendrimer labs throughout the planet are persistently trying to manipulate dendrimer’s solubilizing trait, in their way to explore dendrimer as drug delivery and target specific carrier.[] Drug DeliveryFigure 7: Schematic of a G-5 PAMAM dendrimer conjugated to both a dye molecule and a strand of DNA.Approaches for delivering unaltered natural products using polymeric carriers is of widespread interest, dendrimers have been explored for the encapsulation of compounds and for the delivery of anticancer drugs. The physical characteristics of dendrimers, including their monodispersity, water solubility, encapsulation ability, and large number of functionalizable peripheral groups, make these appropriate candidatesfor evaluation as drug delivery vehicles. There are three methods for using dendrimers in drug delivery: first, the drug is covalently attached to the periphery of the dendrimer to form dendrimer prodrugs, second the drug is coordinated to the outer functional groups via ionic interactions, or third the dendrimer acts as a unimolecular by encapsulating a pharmaceutical through the formation of a dendrimer-drug supramolecular assembly. The use of dendrimers as drug carriers by encapsulating hydrophobic drugs is a potential method for delivering highly active pharmaceutical compounds that may not be in clinical use due to their limited water solubility and resulting suboptimal . Dendrimers have been widely explored for controlled delivery of antiretroviral bioactives The inherent antiretroviral activity of dendrimers enhances their efficacy as carriers for antiretroviral drugs The dendrimer enhances both the uptake and retention of compounds within cancer cells, a finding that was not anticipated at the onset of studies. The encapsulation increases with dendrimer generation and this method may be useful to entrap drugs with a relatively high therapeutic dose. Studies based on this dendritic polymer also open up new avenues of research into the further development of drug-dendrimer complexes specific for a cancer and/or targeted organ system. These encouraging results provide further impetus to design, synthesize, and evaluate dendritic polymers for use in basic drug delivery studies and eventually in the clinic.[] Gene DeliveryThe ability to deliver pieces of to the required parts of a cell includes many challenges. Current research is being performed to find ways to use dendrimers to traffic genes into cells without damaging or deactivating the DNA. To maintain the activity of DNA during dehydration, the dendrimer/DNA complexes were encapsulated in a water soluble polymer, andthen deposited on or sandwiched in functional polymer films with a fast degradation rate to mediate gene . Based on this method, PAMAM dendrimer/DNA complexes were used to encapsulate functional biodegradable polymer films for substratemediated gene delivery. Research has shown that the fast degrading functional polymer has great potential for localized transfection.[] SensorsScientists have also studied dendrimers for use in technologies. Studied systems include or sensors using poly(propylene imine),cadmium-sulfide/polypropylenimine tetrahexacontaamine dendrimer composites to detect signal , and poly(propylenamine) first and second generation dendrimers for metal amongst others. Research in this field is vast and ongoing due to the potential for multiple detection and binding sites in dendritic structures.[] See also•••[] References1. D. Astruc, E. Boisselier, C. Ornelas (2020). 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青少年的娱乐方式的变化英语作文Changes in How Kids Have FunHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 10-year-old kid just trying to enjoy life. Adults are always talking about how much things have changed since they were young. I hear it from my parents, my teachers, even my grandparents! They seem to think kids today have it so different. Well, they're right about one thing - how kids my age have fun has definitely shifted over the years.When my parents were kids back in the 1980s and 90s, they loved to play outside until it got dark. Building forts, riding bikes around the neighborhood, having water balloon fights - that was their idea of an awesome time. Nowadays, a lot of that outside playtime has been replaced by indoor screen time on phones, tablets, and gaming consoles. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy running around at the park or playing classic games like tag or hide-and-seek with my friends. But I'd be lying if I said we don't spend several hours a day watching YouTube, playing Roblox, or updating our TikTok accounts.Adults are always nagging about how we're missing out on the joys of human interaction and imagination by burying our heads in devices. And maybe they're partly right - I have noticedmy baby sister is a lot more creative when it comes to pretend play scenarios since she's too young for a phone or ipad. At the same time, the online world has opened up brand new ways for kids to connect, explore interests, and be entertained that my parents never dreamed of at my age.Speaking of interests, YouTube and Reddit allow me to dive super deep into niche hobbies like Pokémon card collecting or speedcubing (solving Rubik's Cubes at top speeds). With a couple taps, I can find endless channels devoted to unboxing rare cards, analyzing pro cube solver techniques, or for pretty much any topic my curious mind desires. My dad likes to reminisce about reading encyclopedias and library books to learn new things as a kid. While I still love cozying up with a good novel, the internet has made learning about the world far more interactive and immersive.I can join online forums or Discords to chat with people across the globe who share my niche interests. Back in my parents' day, their hobbies felt a lot more isolating and local. Now even my small rural hometown doesn't prevent me from geeking out about niches with people from major cities all over. The connectivity has opened my world in such an amazing way.Another major shift is how video games have evolved from my parents' classic Nintendo to today's hyper-realistic, massive multiplayer experiences. They had fun with side-scroller adventures like Super Mario Bros where the characters were literally 2D pixelated blobs. Today's games look likehigh-definition movies with crazy good graphics, physics, and open-world environments that feel like you're there in real life.Even better, many of today's most popular games for kids like Fortnite, Roblox, and Minecraft have huge online worlds where millions of us can log on at once to play together. My parents had to physically link up several consoles in their living rooms to multiplayer game with neighbors. Now my friends and I can team up virtually to build mind-blowing structures, explore epic landscapes, and battle enemies - all from our own homes. The interactive possibilities feel endless compared to the linear games of old.Admittedly, there are downsides to our digital lifestyles that past generations didn't face. I worry about developing unhealthy technology addictions or bad posture from slouching over a screen. My eyesight might suffer from excessive screen glare. There are also online safety risks like cyberbullying or predators that my parents never had to deal with. Those are totally validconcerns that my family tries to moderate through screen time limits and parental controls.But at the end of the day, I firmly believe today's kids are just finding entertainment and enrichment through different means than past generations experienced as children. Sure, we may not be climbing as many trees or exploring the woods like our parents did. But we're being exposed to diverse people, ideas, and digital worlds beyond our local bubbles in remarkable new ways. We're channeling our curiosities and creative impulses through innovative formats like video essays, multiplayer games, and immersive virtual environments.I'm lucky to be growing up in a time where both the online and offline worlds are accessible for fun and learning. As long as kids today strike a balance, I think we're getting the richest, most multi-dimensional childhoods yet. Nostalgia is one thing, but youth entertainment has upgraded in wildly cool directions. The kids really are alright - we're just alright in different ways than past generations. Our fun has evolved for modern times, even if parents and grandparents sometimes struggle to understand it. Those are just my thoughts as a 10-year-old navigating the ever-changing landscape of entertainment in 2023!。
我和我的朋友双向奔赴英语作文题纲全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1As I sat down at my desk, the familiar weight of an impending English essay hung over me like a dense cloud. This time, the prompt read: "Write about a memorable journey or experience you shared with a friend." My mind raced through countless memories, but one stood out, shining like a beacon amidst the fog – the time my best friend, Emily, and I inadvertently wrote about the same experience from entirely different perspectives.Emily and I had been inseparable since we met on the first day of kindergarten. Bonded by our love for books, games, and silliness, we navigated the ups and downs of childhood together, our friendship a constant source of laughter and comfort. However, it was in our junior year of high school that our unique bond truly manifested itself in an unexpected way.The essay prompt seemed simple enough: "Describe a significant moment or event that shaped your understanding of yourself or the world around you." As I pondered potential topics,one experience kept resurfacing – the time Emily and I got lost in the woods during a camping trip with our families.It was the summer before eighth grade, and our parents had decided to embark on a joint camping adventure in the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest. Emily and I, ever the adventurers, had begged our parents to let us explore the trails on our own. After much convincing, they relented, armed with maps, supplies, and stern warnings to stay together and be back before nightfall.The first few hours were a blissful blur of towering trees, babbling brooks, and the occasional chipmunk scurrying across our path. Emily and I were in our element, reveling in the beauty of nature and the thrill of independence. But as the day wore on, our sense of direction became increasingly muddled, and the familiar trails seemed to twist and turn in bewildering ways.Before we knew it, twilight had fallen, and we found ourselves hopelessly lost, surrounded by the eerie silence of the darkening forest. Panic set in, but Emily and I clung to each other, determined to navigate our way back to the campsite.Hours passed, and our footsteps felt heavier with each step, the weight of our backpacks a mere fraction of the burden we carried in our hearts. Just when we thought all hope was lost, westumbled upon a ranger station, a beacon of safety amidst the wilderness.The rangers were incredibly kind, offering us warm blankets, hot chocolate, and a ride back to our frantic families. As we sat huddled together in the back of the ranger's truck, Emily and I exchanged a look that spoke volumes – a shared understanding of the strength of our friendship and the resilience we had discovered within ourselves.When the essay assignment was handed out weeks later, Emily and I couldn't resist the temptation to write about our adventure in the woods. Little did we know that our perspectives would be so vastly different, yet equally profound.Emily's essay, titled "Finding Strength in the Darkness," focused on the emotional turmoil she experienced during our ordeal. She eloquently captured the fear, uncertainty, andself-doubt that had crept into her mind as the night grew darker and the trees seemed to close in around us. However, she also highlighted the unwavering bond between us, and how my presence and encouragement had given her the strength to persevere.In contrast, my essay, "Lost and Found: A Journey ofSelf-Discovery," explored the personal growth I experiencedduring our misadventure. I delved into the lessons I learned about resilience, resourcefulness, and the importance of staying grounded in the face of adversity. The experience had challenged me in ways I had never imagined, forcing me to confront my own insecurities and limitations, ultimately emerging with a newfound confidence and appreciation for the beauty of the natural world.When we shared our essays with each other, we were amazed at the stark contrasts and complementary perspectives. Emily's essay touched on the emotional aspects I had glossed over, while mine delved into the practical lessons she had only briefly mentioned. Together, our essays painted a vivid and multi-dimensional portrait of our shared experience, each one shedding light on facets the other had overlooked or underemphasized.In that moment, it dawned on us just how unique and precious our friendship was. We had embarked on the same journey, faced the same challenges, and emerged with vastly different insights and revelations. Yet, instead of allowing our differing perspectives to divide us, they only deepened our understanding and appreciation for one another.As we reflected on our essays, we realized that our friendship was a constant state of "crossing paths" – navigating life's twists and turns together, yet retaining our individual voices and perspectives. It was this delicate balance of unity and individuality that made our bond so strong and enduring.From that day on, Emily and I made a pact to always respect and celebrate each other's unique perspectives, knowing that our friendship was richer and more profound because of them. We vowed to continue embarking on life's journeys side by side, embracing the challenges and celebrating the triumphs, secure in the knowledge that our paths would always intersect, even as they diverged and converged in unexpected ways.And so, as I sit here reminiscing about that fateful English essay prompt, I can't help but smile. It wasn't just a simple writing assignment; it was a testament to the power of friendship, the beauty of differing perspectives, and the resilience of the human spirit. Emily and I may have gotten lost in the woods that summer, but in the process, we found our way back to each other – and to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.篇2It was a typical Monday morning, the start of another grueling week at Northwood High School. As I dragged myself out of bed, I could already feel the impending weight of responsibilities and assignments looming over me. Little did I know, this particular day would turn into an absolute whirlwind, thanks to a certain forgetful friend of mine.I arrived at school, coffee in hand, trying to mentally prepare for the day ahead. As I approached my locker, I spotted my best friend, Emma, rushing towards me with a panicked expression on her face."Liam! Thank goodness I found you," she exclaimed, slightly out of breath. "I completely forgot about the English composition assignment that's due today!"I stared at her in disbelief. We had been working on this assignment for weeks, carefully crafting our essays based on the provided topic outline. How could she have forgotten something so important?"Emma, please tell me you're joking," I pleaded, already knowing the answer deep down.She shook her head vigorously, her blonde curls bouncing with each movement. "I'm so sorry, Liam. I was up all nightstudying for the chemistry test, and it completely slipped my mind."I let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose in an attempt to stave off the impending headache. This was typical Emma behavior – brilliant but scatterbrained. However, I couldn't bring myself to be truly mad at her; we had been best friends since kindergarten, and I knew she would do the same for me in a heartbeat."Alright, let's not panic," I said, trying to remain calm. "We have a few hours before English class. If we work together, we can probably get something decent written."Emma's eyes lit up with relief, and she threw her arms around me in a tight hug. "You're a lifesaver, Liam! I don't know what I'd do without you."With our plan set in motion, we rushed to the library, hoping to find a quiet corner where we could focus and work undisturbed. Fortunately, the library was relatively empty, save for a few studious souls buried behind mountains of books and laptops.We claimed a cozy nook near the back, spreading out our notebooks, laptops, and the dreaded topic outline. As Emmapowered on her computer, I couldn't help but notice the spark of determination in her eyes. Despite her forgetfulness, she was one of the most dedicated and hardworking people I knew."Okay, let's do this," she declared, cracking her knuckles. "Where do we even start?"I took a deep breath, mentally organizing the steps we needed to take. "First, we should review the topic outline and make sure we fully understand what's expected of us. Then, we can start brainstorming ideas and developing a rough outline for our essays."Emma nodded, her brow furrowed in concentration as she scanned the assignment guidelines. "Got it. This shouldn't be too bad, right? It's just a simple persuasive essay."Famous last words.As we delved deeper into the topic outline, we quickly realized that this assignment was anything but simple. The prompt required us to analyze a complex social issue from multiple perspectives, incorporating relevant research and statistics to support our arguments."This is going to be tougher than I thought," Emma groaned, running her hands through her hair. "Where are we even supposed to find credible sources on such short notice?"I could feel the panic starting to set in, but I refused to let it consume us. We were a team, and we would figure this out together. With a determined nod, I opened my laptop and started scouring the library's online databases for relevant articles and studies.The hours ticked by as we worked tirelessly, bouncing ideas off each other and refining our arguments. The once quiet library became a bustling hub of activity as more students trickled in, but we remained focused on our task, fueled by the adrenaline of impending deadlines.At one point, Emma let out a frustrated groan, tossing her pen onto the table. "This is hopeless, Liam. We're never going to finish in time."I could see the defeat in her eyes, and it broke my heart. Emma was one of the most brilliant people I knew, and I refused to let her give up so easily."Hey, look at me," I said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We've got this. We're a team, remember? As long aswe stick together and keep pushing forward, we'll make it through."Emma's lips curved into a small smile, and she gave a resolute nod. "You're right. We can do this."With renewed determination, we dove back into our work, typing furiously and exchanging ideas at a rapid pace. The minutes ticked by, and before we knew it, the warning bell for the start of class echoed through the library."Oh no, we're running out of time!" Emma exclaimed, her eyes wide with panic.I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as we scrambled to put the finishing touches on our essays. Printers whirred to life, churning out page after page of meticulously crafted arguments and supporting evidence.With our essays hot off the press, we sprinted down the hallway, dodging other students and faculty members as we raced towards our English classroom. We burst through the door just as the final bell rang, gasping for air but triumphant nonetheless.Our English teacher, Mrs. Roberts, raised an eyebrow at our disheveled appearance but accepted our essays with a knowingsmile. As we collapsed into our seats, Emma leaned over and whispered, "We did it, Liam. Thanks for not giving up on me."I grinned back at her, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me. "That's what best friends are for, right?"As the class progressed, I couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of events that had unfolded that morning. What had started as a seemingly insurmountable task had brought Emma and me closer together, reminding us of the unbreakable bond we shared.In that moment, I realized that the true value of our friendship extended far beyond any essay or assignment. It was about having someone by your side, supporting you through the highs and lows, and never giving up on each other, no matter how daunting the challenge.And as I glanced over at Emma, her face aglow with a mixture of relief and pride, I knew that our friendship was one for the ages – a testament to the power of perseverance, teamwork, and unwavering loyalty.篇3My Friend and I on Our Journey with the English Writing PromptEnglish class was never my strong suit, if I'm being honest. The winding grammar rules, bizarre idioms, and massively inconsistent spellings made every lesson feel like an uphill battle. But when Mr. Jenkins announced the big writing assignment last month, my friend Taylor and I knew we were in for a doozy.The prompt was simple enough: "Write a narrative essay exploring a memorable journey you embarked on, whether physical or metaphorical." Easy peasy for some, I'm sure. But for two kids who considered a trip to the mall a magical voyage, this represented uncharted territory. We were aimless explorers, destined to get hopelessly lost in the weeds of the writing process.Taylor and I have been best buds since we could walk. We grew up on the same cul-de-sac, spent every waking moment together, and practically lived at each other's houses. We were two peas in an inseparable pod. So it only made sense that we'd take on this mammoth assignment as a team. After school on the day Mr. Jenkins handed out the guidelines, we huddled up at my place to map out a plan of attack.Step one was coming up with a meaningful journey to write about. We spent hours batting around increasingly improbable scenarios - everything from being student ambassadorsrepresenting America at the International Space Station to starring as contestants on a Polynesian survival reality show. Finally, in a flash of genius, the perfect idea struck: we would chronicle the journey of writing this very essay!It was brilliant, really. We'd experienced so many twists and turns, so much drama and conflict, over the preceding weeks that it was ripe for an engaging narrative arc. Plus, the meta nature of the idea felt appropriately lofty for an academic paper. Beaming with pride at our ingenious stroke of inspiration, we feverishly jotted down notes to start fleshing out the outline.From there, drafting went about as smoothly as you'd expect for two 16-year-olds working on their first major writing assignment. We filled page after page with rambling, disorganized thoughts and scenes - most of which would never make it into the final product. Taylor had a penchant for the overly flowery and obtuse, regularly veering into impenetrable thickets of purple prose. I, on the other hand, had a bad habit of digressing into excessive side-plots and extraneous tangents that did nothing to advance the central narrative.After a few weeks of frustrating rewrites, we finally hacked away enough extraneous verbiage to leave the narrative budding, if still a tad ungainly. We'd managed to capture the broadstrokes: the futile initial search for a grand premise, the silly brainstorming sessions where no idea was too outlandish, the highs of fragments that showed real promise and of course, the teeth-grinding lows of discarding thousands of words in the pursuit of clarity and cohesion.With time running short before the due date, it was all hands on deck to apply the finishing touches. My parents helped proofread and tidy up the language. Taylor's mom, an artist, drew some adorable cartoon-y illustrations to insert between sections. We alternated sessions in front of the computer, rearranging paragraphs, tweaking phrasing, and fastidiously checking citations to make sure everything was up to snuff.At last, with the clock practically striking midnight on the day it was due, we hit send on the upload to submit our magnum opus for Mr. Jenkins' review. A starring 18 dense pages chronicling our arduous journey from bewildered scribes to proud architects of the written word (well, felt proud at least - the quality was still very much TBD). We didn't care if it ended up being a masterpiece for the ages or the laugh of the class; we'd formed an unshakeable bond over our collaboration and that meant more than any grade.The next few days waiting for Mr. Jenkins' assessment felt like an eternity. Had we taken too many creative liberties? Was the volume of work and level of detail we'd lavished upon it impressive or overkill? Questions and insecurities swirled ceaselessly through our minds. Then, finally, the fateful day arrived when he passed back the graded papers. My heart jackhammered as I flipped it over and saw......a large red A emblazoned proudly at the top! Mr. Jenkins' comments gushed about our clever concept, masterful character development, and mature grasp of narrative storytelling structure. He declared it one of the most innovative and elaborate papers he'd read from any student. Talk about an incredible feeling of validation and relief.Taylor and I could finally exhale, our battle-worn journey now behind us and a surprisingly triumphant success under our belts. That paper would go down as one of the defining academic achievements of our high school careers. Whether Mr. Jenkins realized it or not, the lessons stretched far beyond honing our expository writing chops. The process fostered a renewed appreciation for the art of storytelling, the intricacies of the English language, and the eternal importance of friendship and teamwork.While Taylor went on to study economics and I pursued a degree in engineering, that seminal experience no doubt played a pivotal role in expanding our horizons and broadening our perspectives on approaching unfamiliar challenges with discipline and tenacity. Years later, I can still vividly recall the sleepless nights agonizing over every last semicolon, the exhilaration of those sporadic creative breakthroughs, and most of all, the sheer sense of accomplishment upon completing our sprawling literary journey with my lifelong best friend.。
土地沙漠化的原因及治理措施英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Causes and Measures to Combat Land DesertificationLand desertification, the process by which fertile land turns into barren desert due to various factors, is a serious environmental issue that affects numerous regions across the globe. The main causes of land desertification include climate change, deforestation, overgrazing, and unsustainable agricultural practices. In order to combat this problem and protect our precious land resources, effective measures must be taken.One of the primary causes of land desertification is climate change. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can lead to the degradation of soil and the loss of vegetation cover, ultimately resulting in desertification. To address this issue, it is crucial to mitigate climate change through global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources.Deforestation is another major contributor to land desertification. The removal of trees and vegetation disrupts ecosystems, accelerates soil erosion, and reduces the land's ability to retain water. To combat deforestation, governments and organizations must implement strict laws and regulations to protect forests and promote reforestation efforts.Overgrazing by livestock is a widespread practice that can exacerbate land desertification. When animals repeatedly graze on the same area of land, they deplete the vegetation cover and compact the soil, making it more susceptible to erosion. To prevent overgrazing, sustainable grazing practices should be promoted, such as rotational grazing and the establishment of grazing reserves.Unsustainable agricultural practices, such as monoculture farming and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, can also contribute to land desertification. These practices deplete the soil of essential nutrients, degrade its structure, and contaminate water sources. To address this issue, farmers should adopt sustainable agricultural methods, such as crop rotation, organic farming, and conservation tillage.In addition to addressing the root causes of land desertification, various measures can be taken to rehabilitatedegraded land and restore its fertility. Afforestation and reforestation projects can help to increase vegetation cover, stabilize soil, and improve water retention. Soil conservation techniques, such as terracing, contour plowing, and agroforestry, can also help to prevent soil erosion and restore soil health.Furthermore, community-based land management initiatives can empower local communities to take ownership of their land resources and implement sustainable land use practices. By involving local stakeholders in decision-making processes and providing them with access to training and resources, these initiatives can promote long-term sustainability and resilience.Overall, combating land desertification requires amulti-faceted approach that addresses the underlying causes of the problem and implements holistic solutions. By taking proactive measures to protect and restore our land resources, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.篇2Land desertification is a serious environmental issue that plagues many regions around the world. It is characterized by the degradation of land due to various factors such asovergrazing, deforestation, urbanization, and climate change. In this essay, we will discuss the causes of land desertification and propose some effective measures for its prevention and control.There are several main reasons for land desertification. Overgrazing is one of the primary causes, as it leads to the destruction of vegetation cover and soil erosion. Deforestation is another significant factor, as it disrupts the natural water cycle and reduces the soil's ability to retain moisture. Urbanization results in the loss of arable land and the degradation of soil quality. Climate change, including changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, also contributes to the process of land desertification.To combat land desertification, several measures can be implemented. Reforestation and afforestation programs can help restore vegetation cover and improve soil quality. Soil conservation techniques such as terracing, contour plowing, and agroforestry can help prevent soil erosion and improve soil fertility. Sustainable land management practices, including crop rotation, organic farming, and water-saving irrigation methods, can also help mitigate the impacts of land desertification. Additionally, restoring degraded ecosystems, such as wetlandsand grasslands, can play a crucial role in reversing the process of land desertification.Furthermore, it is essential to promote awareness and education about the importance of preserving and protecting land resources. Government policies and regulations should be implemented to regulate land use practices and encourage sustainable development. International cooperation and collaboration are also crucial in addressing the global issue of land desertification.In conclusion, land desertification is a complex environmental problem with far-reaching consequences. By understanding the causes of land desertification and implementing effective measures for its prevention and control, we can work together to restore and preserve our valuable land resources for future generations.篇3Causes and Measures to Combat DesertificationDesertification, the process of land becoming more arid and dry due to a variety of factors, has become a major environmental issue worldwide. The expansion of deserts poses significant threats to agriculture, biodiversity, and the livelihoodsof millions of people. In this essay, we will explore the causes of desertification and discuss measures to combat this pressing issue.One of the primary causes of desertification is overgrazing. Livestock such as cattle, sheep, and goats can strip vegetation cover, leading to soil erosion and degradation. Agricultural activities, such as irrigation and monoculture farming, also contribute to desertification by depleting soil nutrients and water resources. Deforestation, often done to clear land for agriculture or development, can also exacerbate desertification by reducing the capacity of the land to hold water and support plant growth.Climate change is another key factor in desertification. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can lead to droughts, which worsen soil degradation and increase the likelihood of desertification. In arid and semi-arid regions, these climate changes can have devastating effects on ecosystems and communities that depend on them for their livelihoods.To combat desertification, a multi-faceted approach is needed that addresses both the root causes and the symptoms of the problem. One key strategy is sustainable landmanagement practices, such as agroforestry, conservation agriculture, and rotational grazing. These practices help to restore soil health, increase vegetation cover, and improve water retention, thus reducing the risk of desertification.Reforestation and afforestation are also important measures to combat desertification. Planting trees and restoring degraded forests can help to stabilize soils, reduce erosion, and enhance biodiversity. In addition, reforestation can provide valuable ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration and water purification.Efforts to combat desertification should also focus on improving water management and conservation. Techniques such as rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation, and water recycling can help to reduce water scarcity and ensure sustainable agricultural practices. Investing in water infrastructure, such as dams, reservoirs, and water treatment facilities, can also help to mitigate the impacts of drought and desertification.Community involvement and participation are essential for the success of desertification control programs. Local communities should be engaged in decision-making processes and empowered to adopt sustainable land management practices. Education and awareness-raising campaigns can helpto build capacity and promote a culture of environmental stewardship among stakeholders.In conclusion, desertification is a complex andmulti-dimensional problem that requires urgent action to address its root causes and mitigate its impacts. By implementing sustainable land management practices, reforestation efforts, and water management strategies, we can work together to combat desertification and create a more sustainable future for generations to come. Let us all do our part to preserve the health and productivity of our lands and ensure a greener, more resilient planet for future generations.。
你一定要努力,但千万别着急的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1You Must Work Hard, But Don't RushAs a student, I often feel pulled in two different directions. On one hand, there is immense pressure to succeed academically, get good grades, and set myself up for a bright future career. Teachers, parents, and society in general emphasize the importance of working hard, putting in the effort, and striving for excellence. We're told that the key to achieving our dreams lies in buckling down, putting our nose to the grindstone, and outworking the competition. Essentially, we need to hurry up and get it all done as quickly as possible.On the other hand, there's also a lot of wisdom around slowing down, taking our time, and not rushing through life. We're advised not to wish our youth away or get so focused on the future that we neglect to live in the present moment. There are frequent reminders to stop and smell the roses, to savor life's little joys, and not get so consumed by our ambitions that weneglect what truly matters - our health, relationships, and personal wellbeing.So which is it? Should we be hurrying up and climbing that ladder as quickly as possible? Or should we be taking it slow, meandering down a more scenic route, and letting life's most meaningful experiences unfold at their own natural pace? In my opinion, the answer lies in striking a balance between these two seemingly conflicting pieces of advice. We must find a way to work hard and make consistent progress towards our goals, while also living mindfully and resisting the urge to constantly be rushing ahead.Let me start by acknowledging the importance of hard work and persistent effort over time. I don't think there are any shortcuts or easy paths to achieving something truly worthwhile in life. Whether we want to get into a top university, become a successful entrepreneur, reach the upper echelons of our chosen career, or accomplish anything meaningful, it's going to require rolling up our sleeves and putting in the hard yards over an extended period. Quick fixes, cutting corners, or looking for easy ways out simply won't cut it.Mastering a difficult subject, honing an impressive skill set, or acquiring deep reserves of knowledge and experience allnecessitate sustained effort and application over many years. Those who achieve great things don't do so by accident or blind luck. It's the product of tough daily habits, incredible discipline, and an ability to show up and grind away even when feeling unmotivated or encountering obstacles. Working hard is essential.However, working hard certainly doesn't mean we have to be rushing around like maniacs every hour of the day, stressed out of our minds and neglecting all other aspects of life. That's where so many of us go astray - we wrongly associate working hard with rushing, hurrying, and trying to cram in as much as possible in an unsustainable fashion. We burn the candle at both ends, cut sleep, neglect health and relationships, and inevitably burn ourselves out. That's not true hard work - that's frantic rushing, and it's neither sustainable nor advisable in the long run.True hard work is more measured, intentional, and balanced. It's about showing up with focus and commitment each day, doing the difficult labor of learning, practicing, creating, and putting one foot in front of the other in a consistent way over months and years. It ebbs and flows, has periods of intensity and periods of recovery and integration. It's a marathon, not a sprint.So how do we strike this balance? How can we work hard and make solid progress towards our biggest goals and dreams, while also resisting the urge to constantly be rushing and neglecting other crucial aspects of life in the process? Here are a few key principles I try to keep in mind:Prioritize and allocate energy intentionally. Not everything can be a priority at once. We have to consciously decide where to direct our finite reserves of time, attention and effort based on what's most important right now. That allows us to work really hard in focused bursts on the key areas rather than spreading ourselves too thin or rushing madly from one thing to another.Build in buffers, rest periods and recovery time. Consistent hard work requires periodic breaks to rejuvenate and recharge the batteries, both physically and mentally. Book regular downtime, get enough sleep, and let the mind and body rest between intense work cycles. This isn't being lazy - it's an investment in sustaining high performance over the long haul.Maintain a bigger life. As tempting as it is to myopically fixate on our biggest academic or career goals and let other parts of life wither, that's a recipe for burnout and an impoverished existence. Make time for other hobbies, experiences, relationships and sources of fulfillment outside ofthe main area of striving. We are multi-dimensional beings and need balance.Focus on the process, not just the outcome. Yes, we're ultimately aiming for some defined outcome or destination like a degree, job, or level of achievement. But it's easy to get unhealthily obsessed with the future outcome at the expense of being present for the journey itself. Try to find fulfillment and satisfaction in the day-to-day process of working hard and growing, not just in having already "arrived" somewhere.Cultivate patience and trust the timing of life. Sometimes despite our best efforts, things unfold in their own time according to a wise and unknown timetable. Trees don't grow overnight, nor do human lives and meaningful endeavors. We can't force or rush certain things. Patience, perseverance, and trusting the process are required.At the end of the day, the path of true success and fulfillment is found by diligently working towards our dreams and ambitions, without succumbing to the tendency of furiously rushing ahead at an unsustainable pace that does more harm than good. We have to learn to embrace the inherent tensions of working hard and taking things step-by-step, of being fiercely diligent yet patiently unhurried at the same time.It's likeervously tending a garden, laboring carefully yet steadily over time - pulling weeds, watering the seeds, adding nutrients to the soil when needed. But also trusting in the natural process of growth and unfolding according to the season, knowing that rushing and pulling up the seedlings prematurely will only damage or uproot them. Work hard, yet resist the urge to madly rush ahead of life's wise timetable. That's the balanced path, found somewhere between the extremes of laziness and frantic hurry. It's embracing diligence, but matched with prudent patience and living fully amidst the journey, not just manically chasing some temporary future at the expense of everything else.篇2You Must Work Hard, But Never RushAs a student, I've been told countless times that hard work is the key to success. Teachers, parents, and mentors have all emphasized the importance of putting in the effort and not taking shortcuts. However, in recent years, I've come to realize that there's another crucial aspect to achieving our goals –patience. It's not enough to just work hard; we must also learn to embrace the process and avoid the temptation of rushing through it.In our fast-paced world, where instant gratification is the norm, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting everything to happen immediately. We live in a society that celebrates overnight successes and glorifies those who seem to have achieved their dreams in record time. Social media feeds are filled with stories of young entrepreneurs, influencers, and celebrities who appear to have "made it" before they even hit their twenties.However, what we often fail to see are the years of hard work, dedication, and countless setbacks that preceded their success. The truth is, most achievements worth having take time, effort, and an unwavering commitment to the process.As a student, I've learned this lesson the hard way. In my early years of education, I was impatient and constantly sought shortcuts. I wanted to breeze through assignments, cram for exams, and move on to the next thing as quickly as possible. I thought that by working harder and faster, I could get ahead of the curve and achieve my goals sooner.However, this approach backfired more often than not. I found myself constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and struggling to retain the information I had hastily tried to absorb. My gradessuffered, and I became increasingly frustrated with my lack of progress.It wasn't until I learned to slow down and embrace the process that things began to change. I realized that true learning and mastery require patience, dedication, and a willingness to take things one step at a time.When I started to approach my studies with this mindset, everything shifted. Instead of rushing through assignments, I took the time to understand the material thoroughly. Rather than cramming for exams, I implemented a consistent study routine that allowed me to absorb and retain information more effectively.The results were remarkable. Not only did my grades improve, but I also found myself enjoying the learning process more. I developed a deeper appreciation for the subjects I was studying and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment when I overcame challenges through perseverance and hard work.This lesson has extended far beyond the classroom. In every aspect of life, from personal relationships to career goals, I've learned that rushing rarely leads to sustainable success. Meaningful achievements take time, effort, and a willingness to embrace the journey, even when it's challenging or uncertain.Consider the journey of a writer crafting a novel. They don't simply sit down and dash off a masterpiece in a matter of days or weeks. Instead, they dedicate countless hours to researching, outlining, writing, revising, and refining their work. They embrace the process, knowing that true artistry and depth cannot be rushed.Or think about an athlete training for a major competition. They don't simply show up on the day of the event and expect to perform at their best. Instead, they spend months, even years, pushing themselves through grueling workouts, making sacrifices, and fine-tuning their skills. They understand that greatness is achieved through a commitment to the process, not by taking shortcuts.In our personal lives, the same principle holds true. Building and maintaining meaningful relationships, developing emotional intelligence, and cultivating personal growth all require patience, effort, and a willingness to embrace the journey.Rushing through these aspects of life often leads to shallow connections, misunderstandings, and a lack of genuineself-awareness and growth.Of course, this doesn't mean that we should be complacent or lackadaisical in our approach. Hard work is still essential, andwe must push ourselves to continually improve and strive for excellence. But we must also learn to balance that drive with patience and a recognition that true mastery takes time.It's a delicate balance – working hard while also embracing the process and avoiding the temptation to rush. It requires discipline, self-awareness, and a willingness to trust in the journey, even when it feels slow or uncertain.As I look ahead to the future, I know that this lesson will continue to serve me well. Whether I'm pursuing further education, embarking on a career path, or navigating the complexities of personal relationships, I'll carry with me the understanding that true success is not a sprint, but a marathon.I'll work hard, but I'll also be patient. I'll embrace the process, knowing that the journey is just as important as the destination. And when I feel the urge to rush, I'll remind myself that the most meaningful achievements in life are those that are earned through perseverance, dedication, and a willingness to take things one step at a time.In a world that often celebrates instant gratification and overnight success, it's easy to lose sight of the value of patience and embracing the process. But as a student, and as someonestriving for personal and professional growth, I've learned that these qualities are essential for achieving true, lasting success.So, to my fellow students and anyone else on a journey of self-improvement, I say this: Work hard, but never rush. Embrace the process, even when it's challenging or uncertain. Trust in the journey, and know that the sweetest successes are those that are earned through perseverance, dedication, and a willingness to take things one step at a time.篇3You Must Work Hard, But Never RushWow, another school year is coming to an end and I can't believe how fast time has flown by. It feels like just yesterday I was stressing about getting all my summer assignments done before returning to classes. Now here I am, just weeks away from final exams, trying my best to stay on top of all my work as the deadlines creep up on me.This cycle of rushing to meet deadlines and then getting a short break before the next crunch time is just par for the course when you're a student. We're always being pulled in a million different directions - homework, extracurriculars, jobs, friends,family obligations. It's a constant juggling act trying to allocate our limited time and energy.I'll be the first to admit that I'm a world-class procrastinator. I always think I have more time than I actually do to get things done. Then, inevitably, I find myself staying up way too late, downing dangerous amounts of coffee or energy drinks, as I scramble to finish a paper or study for a test. I convince myself that I "work better under pressure" but I know deep down that's just an excuse.The truth is, rushing at the last minute and pullingall-nighters is a terrible way to go through school. The work never gets my full effort and attention. I'm tired, stressed, and likely making careless mistakes. Not to mention the toll this unhealthy cycle takes on my overall wellbeing - I'm constantly drained, both mentally and physically.I know I need to change my awful habits, but it's hard. Procrastination has become such an ingrained part of my approach to academics over the years. Old habits die hard, as they say. But I'm committed to really trying to turn things around, before the bad habits follow me into college and beyond.The key, I've learned from my occasional bouts of motivation, is to work steadily and give myself plenty of time, instead ofleaving things to the last minute. When I actually plan ahead, make a schedule, and stick to it incrementally chipping away at my assignments, the process is so much smoother and less stressful. My work is better quality, I absorb and retain more knowledge, and I'm not a sleep-deprived, caffeinated zombie.It's all about pacing myself and realizing that good work can't be rushed. Rome wasn't built in a day, and no milestone assignment or huge exam can be aced by pulling a single cramming session before the due date. True mastery of a subject takes repeatedly going over the material, engaging with it from different angles, and giving my brain time to fully process everything.I have to be honest with myself about how long things actually take and be realistic with my time management. If I have a 20 page research paper due, I can't delude myself into thinking I can write it all in one night right before it's due. Quality writing of that scope requires planning, research, multiple drafts, editing - in other words, plenty of time and incremental effort.The same goes for studying for major tests like midterms and finals. Trying to cram weeks or months worth of course material into my brain during a single, desperate, last-minutesession is totally counterproductive. It's a recipe for burning out, getting overwhelmed, and likely still underperforming.Maintaining a steady work pace over time is so much smarter. Going over little by little each day, actively engaging with the content through techniques like the Feynman technique where I explain concepts back to myself in simple terms. Making flashcards, thinking of real-world applications, and tying disparate ideas together in my own words. That's the way to develop a deep, lasting understanding that will serve me well on the tests.Rushing is the antithesis of retaining knowledge. Our brains can only intake so much at once, especially when we're fatigued and under tremendous pressure. Spacing out the workload in a sustainable way, setting milestones along the way, taking decent breaks - that's the smart approach.I realize saying this is one thing and actually putting it into practice is another. As I mentioned, my procrastination habits are deeply ingrained from years of operating in crisis mode. But I'm getting older and wiser, and beginning to see the tremendous benefits of breaking out of that vicious cycle.It's a skill, like anything else - planning, prioritizing, following through. It takes discipline and figuring out what productivitytechniques work best for me as an individual. Maybe it's timeboxing using the Pomodoro method, or strict adherence to a written schedule. Or finding an accountability partner to keep me honest.The point is, I need to get out of the rushed, last-minute mindset because that approach is severely hindering my potential. The human brain doesn't work well under extreme duress. We need time, we need breaks, we need to deliberately space out our efforts for learning to fully stick.Some students seem to thrive under the pressure of a rapidly-approaching deadline. More power to them if that works. But for me, and I suspect many others, that's a recipe for underperformance, unnecessary struggle, and preciously little long-term retention of the material.The goal should be working steadily and absorbing everything deeply the first time around, rather than the wasteful approach of shallow efforts followed by desperate,eleventh-hour cram sessions that inevitably lead to the material being quickly forgotten. It's like the difference between guzzling down a gallon of water in one sitting versus taking small sips throughout the day - one hydrates you sustainably, the other just leads to unproductive cycles.It won't be easy breaking the procrastination habit after so many years of falling into that trap. There will be ups and downs, times when I slip and have to course correct. But I'm determined to build better study habits and a more sustainable work pace. No more rushing at the last minute - that's the fast track to burnout and underachievement.Instead, I'll work steadily and diligently, giving myself ample time to engage with assignments and coursework. Making a plan, setting interim milestones, incorporating active recall practices, taking breaks. Developing a deep understanding over time, not a frantic, surface-level cram. It's the smart approach to maximize my learning potential.There will always be deadlines and time crunches, of course. That's inevitable as a student. But when I get out ahead of them by putting in the incremental work consistently, those deadlines become speed bumps rather than cliffs I'm desperately trying to summit at the last second.This isn't about entertaining some delusion of infinite time and zero sense of urgency. I know procrastination will always be whispering that "you can do it later." It's about finding the sustainable middle ground of working hard and giving my full effort, while respecting my own limitations. Pushing myselfdiligently, but not rushing things in an unproductive, last-minute frenzy.I deserve better than that. My future self deserves the rewards that come from patience, consistency, and doing things the right way over time. No more all-nighters, no more running on fumes and gallons of caffeine, no more subpar work produced under immense panic.I'm going to work hard, but more importantly, I'm going to work smartly. Putting in the reps, giving my brain the time it needs to synthesize information deeply. Building habits and productive momentum for the long haul, beyond just the current semester's assignments and tests. This is an investment in cultivating the sustainable skills and mindset I'll need to thrive in the years ahead.No more rushing and cutting corners in my studies. From here on out, I'm going to steadily put in the work, step-by-step, building the foundation for not just getting decent grades, but developing genuine mastery. It's time to break the cycle of procrastination and work smarter, not harder. I've got this!。
评析简爱人物形象英语作文Jane Eyre, the protagonist of the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte, is a strong and independent woman. She is not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself, even in the face of adversity. Jane is also fiercely loyal to those she cares about, and she is not afraid to fight for what she believes in.Jane's character is complex and multi-dimensional. On the one hand, she is fiercely independent and refuses to be controlled by anyone. On the other hand, she is also compassionate and caring, especially towards those who are less fortunate than herself. This combination of strength and empathy makes Jane a truly compelling character.Throughout the novel, Jane is constantly faced with challenges and obstacles, but she never gives up. She is determined to make her own way in the world, and she refuses to let anyone hold her back. Her resilience and determination are truly inspiring, and they make her acharacter that readers can't help but admire.One of the most striking aspects of Jane's character is her sense of morality and justice. She is not afraid to speak out against injustice, even when it puts her in a difficult position. Her unwavering commitment to doing what is right, no matter the cost, is a testament to her strength of character.In conclusion, Jane Eyre is a truly remarkable character. Her strength, independence, and sense of justice make her a role model for readers of all ages. Charlotte Bronte has created a character who is both relatable and inspiring, and Jane's story continues to resonate with readers today.。
杨迎春,施昌华,姚玉玲,等.幼龄柑橘-玉米-柴胡套种模式与综合效益分析[J ].湖北农业科学,2022,61(20):98-100.截至2020年,宜昌市柑橘(Citrus reticulata Blan⁃co )种植面积达14.13万hm 2,产量308万t ,综合产值达300亿元,柑橘产业已成为宜昌市农民增收的支柱产业。
宜昌市柑橘品种改良以新建为主,近5年来品种改良面积达1.33万hm 2,其中,丘陵地带面积近0.67万hm 2。
近年来,中医药在国内国际的地位日趋上升,中药农业的效益日益凸显,中药材生产在乡村振兴中幼龄柑橘-玉米-柴胡套种模式与综合效益分析杨迎春1,施昌华1,姚玉玲1,杨昊2,郭芷均2,熊玉冰1,李云飞1,费甫华1,李念祖1(1.宜昌市农业科学研究院,湖北宜昌443004;2.平村众赢(湖北)药业有限公司,湖北宜昌443100)摘要:为有效保障农户柑橘(Citrus reticulata Blanco )新建园的收入,补贴幼龄果树抚育期间的成本投入,合理提高农田覆盖率,开展幼龄柑橘-玉米(Zea mays L.)-柴胡(Bupleurum L.)多元立体套种模式的研究。
九尾狐的秘密读后感100字左右英文回答:"The Secret of the Nine-Tailed Fox" is a captivating novel that explores the mysterious world of mythical creatures and the power of love and sacrifice. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Ji Ah, who discovers that she is the reincarnation of a legendarynine-tailed fox. As she navigates the challenges of her newfound identity, she also uncovers the dark secrets that surround her and the people she cares about.One aspect that stood out to me in this novel is the vivid and enchanting descriptions of the supernatural world. The author's ability to paint a picture with words allowed me to immerse myself in the story and experience the magic and wonder alongside the characters. For example, when JiAh first encounters the hidden realm of the nine-tailed foxes, the author describes it as a "lush and ethereal forest, where the trees whispered ancient secrets and theair crackled with mystical energy." This imagery not only added depth to the setting but also heightened the sense of mystery and intrigue.Another element that I found compelling was the complex and multi-dimensional characters. Each character had their own unique struggles, desires, and motivations, which made them relatable and realistic. One character thatparticularly resonated with me was Hae Woong, Ji Ah's childhood friend and love interest. Despite not possessing any supernatural abilities, Hae Woong's unwavering loyalty and determination to protect Ji Ah showcased the power of human strength and love in the face of adversity. His character reminded me of the saying, "Love conquers all," as he went to great lengths to ensure Ji Ah's safety and happiness.Furthermore, the novel delves into deeper themes such as the consequences of one's actions and the importance of making choices. Throughout the story, Ji Ah is faced with difficult decisions that not only impact her own life but also the lives of those around her. This exploration ofmoral dilemmas reminded me of the saying, "With great power comes great responsibility." Ji Ah's journey serves as a reminder that our choices have far-reaching consequencesand that we must consider the potential outcomes before making decisions.In conclusion, "The Secret of the Nine-Tailed Fox" is a captivating novel that combines elements of fantasy, romance, and mystery. Through its enchanting descriptions, compelling characters, and thought-provoking themes, it offers a unique and engaging reading experience. This novel serves as a reminder of the power of love, the importanceof making choices, and the strength of the human spirit.中文回答:《九尾狐的秘密》是一本引人入胜的小说,探索了神秘的神话生物世界以及爱与牺牲的力量。
没有观察的旅行者是没有翅膀的鸟英语作文A Traveler Without Observation is a Bird Without WingsHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love traveling with my family during summer vacations and school breaks. We've been to so many amazing places together - from beaches to mountains, big cities to small towns. Every trip is an adventure full of new sights, sounds, smells, and experiences. But you know what I've learned? If you don't really pay attention and observe everything around you, it's like traveling with your eyes closed. A traveler without observation is like a bird without wings - you'll miss out on so much!Last year, we took a trip to New York City. Now, I had seen pictures of the huge skyscrapers, crowded streets, and famous landmarks like the Statue of Liberty before. But actually being there was totally different! The size of the buildings made me feel so tiny. The energy and noise of the busy city was exciting but also a bit overwhelming at first. And getting to see Lady Liberty up close rather than just in photos was amazing. Her size and detail were breathtaking.If I had just walked around with my eyes glued to a screen or only looked at the most famous spots, I would have missed somuch of what made New York special. But because I made an effort to observe, I noticed little things that stuck in my mind. Like the variety of street food being sold by vendors, the unique neighborhood architectures, and the fascinating mix of people and cultures all around me. Staying observant allowed me to appreciate the the big tourist sites while also discovering the smaller, quieter gems that gave me a true sense of the city's character.One of my favorite observation moments was at Central Park. We had hired one of those fun bicycle buggies to tour the massive green space. While Mom and Dad were busy following the route, I just looked around and around, taking it all in. The beautiful trees and landscaping, the joggers and cyclists, the performers and artists scattered throughout the park. It was like getting a window into how real New Yorkers lived and relaxed in their concrete jungle. At onepoint, I spotted a tiny bright red cardinal flitting about and couldn't resist watching it flit from branch to branch. If I hadn't been observing my surroundings, I would have completely missed that pretty little bird!Another time, my sharp observation skills kicked in was at the Museum of Natural History. One of the exhibits featured the skeletons of prehistoric creatures like the T-Rex and Triceratops.While Dad rambled on about dinosaur facts, I studied the behemoth skeletons quietly, noting the tiny details. The shape and size of the teeth made me shudder to think of those powerful jaws crunching down. The massive footprint fossils gave me a sense of just how colossal these beasts were. And seeing the skeletons helped me imagine what the full dinosaurs would have looked, moved, and sounded like in the flesh. If I had just lazily strolled past, dinosaurs would have just seemed like boring piles of old bones, but really observing them brought them to life and filled me with a sense of wonder.Our trip to New York wasn't all in the city though - we also visited Niagara Falls, which was one of the most amazing natural wonders I've ever witnessed. First, I just stood there awestruck by the thundering roar and massive arcs of frothing whitewater cascading over the edge. Such immense power and force of nature! Then, I started studying the details around the falls themselves. How the rocks were worn smooth over centuries of that endless barrage. How the mist filled the air like a veil of tiny droplets sparkling with sunlight. How little birds and critters would occasionally dart through the misty spray. Pieces of driftwood would get battered by the current and then spit over the edge, disappearing into the froth below.Being an observant traveler made the experience of seeing Niagara Falls feel almost spiritual. Like I was connecting with the ancient rhythms and life forces of the planet itself. Without that focus on all the little details, it just would have seemed like really, really big waterfall. Still impressive, but missing that deeper sense of being awed by the intricate beauty and exhilarating presence of nature's majesty. That's the power of observation while traveling - transforming places into multi-dimensional experiences that get seared into your mind and soul.That sense of childlike wonder and curiosity made almost every moment of our New York trip magical for me. Yet, I couldn't help noticing that most of the other tourists and locals seemed to miss a lot of the small details thatenriched my adventures so much. They'd rush by in a haze, faces buried in their phones. Or they'd spend minutes in a spot, snap a few pictures, and then be gone without soaking it in.To me, what's the point of traveling somewhere new and amazing if you're not going to take the time to really see it through observant eyes? Sure, you can always google destinations ahead of time and look at pictures. But no amount of photos or videos can truly capture the feeling of being there and immersing yourself in the sights, smells, textures, andsounds. Actually crouching down to admire the colorful patterns of a butterfly探gently caressing the ancient, weathered bricks of an old buildingor cocking your head skyward to trace the orbit of birds dancing across the sky. Those are the kinds of moments an observant traveler treasures.Like they say, the "journey" is as important as the destination. And you miss so much of that journey if you're just robotically going from spot to spot, barely taking anything in except what's in your guidebook. Sure, you can brag that you "went" somewhere. But did you really experience it at a deeper level and build those vivid sensory memories that last a lifetime?Developing observant traveling habits is so easy too! It just takes being present and engaged, rather than letting your mind and attention drift to your phone or get distracted.Here are some of my favorite tips:Really look at things from every angle and perspective. Don't just glance - study the colors, textures, shapes, patterns, and details up close.Listen to the layers of sounds around you - from street noise, to birdcalls, to music and languages, to rhythms like waves crashing.Breathe in and identify all the different scents and aromas around you. Each one tells a little story about your surroundings.Use your fingers to touch and feel different surfaces and textures you encounter - worn stone, supple fabrics, crisp leaves, etc.Keep a travel journal to write down or sketch all your keen observations each day so you don't forget them later.Ask questions of locals to learn the stories, histories, meanings, and traditions behind what you are experiencing.Let your sense of childlike awe and curiosity run free - don't let preconceptions cloud your fresh perspective.When you travel with "observation wings" fully spread, the entire world becomes a vibrant classroom full of vivid lessons and discoveries just waiting to be experienced. You create memories that burn bright, filled with all those little magical details. And isn't that what travel is all about - venturing outside your day-to-day life to revel in the wow and wonder of new places and cultures?So when I go on trips, I always keep my eyes, ears, nose, hands, heart and mind wide open to absorb every observation I can, no matter how small. That way, every destination becomesintimately seared into my being as a cherished and meaningful experience, not just a series of passing photographs and landmarks. To me, there is no greater gift than the observant traveler's effortless ability to transform the routine into the remarkable, and the familiar into the fantastic.All it takes is a dash of curiosity, an adventurous outlook, and a commitment to throwing off the blinders of distraction in order to wake up to the endlessly fascinating details surrounding you at every turn. If you embrace that mindset, I guarantee that like me, you'll never feel more vibrantly alive than when you are an observant traveler drinking deeply from the intoxicating cup of a new experience, one revelatory detail at a time.So don't be a bird without wings when you travel, friends! Be an eagerly observant adventurer who collects experiences, insights and memories as precious souvenirs that fuel your soul. That's my explorer's promise to you!。
In the vast tapestry of China's natural heritage, one species stands out as a symbol of resilience and longevity - the Chinese Banyan tree, scientifically known as Ficus virens, or more commonly referred to in Chinese as the Huang Jue Shu. This magnificent tree has woven its tale into the cultural fabric of the land, embodying both aesthetic beauty and profound ecological significance.The Huang Jue Shu is a grandiose spectacle that commands attention with its towering height and sprawling canopy. Its bark, an earthy hue of grey-brown, forms a rugged texture that speaks volumes about its years of weathering storms and braving adversities. As it grows, the branches spread wide, often reaching out horizontally before arching down to touch the ground, forming aerial roots that eventually anchor themselves, contributing to the unique and captivating appearance of this remarkable tree. The leaves are large and glossy, a vibrant green that contrasts sharply against the sky, creating a natural umbrella that offers respite from the heat and rain, serving as a sanctuary for wildlife and humans alike.Its physical grandeur aside, the Huang Jue Shu is also deeply rooted in Chinese culture and history. Often found near temples and ancient villages, it serves as a silent witness to the passage of time, symbolizing wisdom, stability, and endurance. It is revered for its ability to thrive in adverse conditions, reflecting the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people. Many a poet and philosopher have drawn inspiration from its stoic presence, penning verses and philosophies that mirror the tree's unwavering strength and resilience.From an ecological perspective, the Huang Jue Shu plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. It acts as a carbon sink, absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide, thereby mitigating climate change. Its expansive canopy provides shelter and food for various bird species and insects, supporting biodiversity. Moreover, its deep roots help stabilize soil, preventing erosion and landslides, especially in hilly and mountainous regions.The Huang Jue Shu also holds medicinal value. Different parts of the tree such as the bark, leaves, and roots have been used in traditional Chinese medicinefor centuries to treat ailments ranging from fever to digestive issues. Its economic importance cannot be understated too; its wood is valued for furniture making, while the tree itself is frequently used in landscaping due to its aesthetic appeal and air-purifying qualities.Yet, despite its many virtues, the Huang Jue Shu faces threats from habitat loss and urbanization. Conservation efforts are therefore crucial to ensure the survival and proliferation of this iconic species. In cities where space is at a premium, urban planners are increasingly recognizing the benefits of incorporating these trees into public spaces, not only for their environmental services but also for the cultural and historical richness they bring.In conclusion, the Chinese Banyan tree, or Huang Jue Shu, is more than just a plant—it’s a living testament to nature’s power, resilience, and beauty. Its multi-dimensional significance—ecological, cultural, medicinal, and aesthetic—renders it a national treasure worthy of admiration and protection. Through the lens of its existence, we can appreciate the intricate relationship between nature and human civilization, and the timeless lessons it imparts on perseverance, adaptability, and harmony with our environment.(Word Count: 495 words)For a complete essay exceeding 1300 words, each aspect could be expanded further. For instance, delve deeper into the historical anecdotes surrounding specific Huang Jue Shu trees, discuss detailed scientific studies on its ecological contributions, elaborate on its use in traditional medicine with examples of specific remedies, or explore current conservation initiatives and future strategies to protect this emblematic species.。
获奖学生:于洋、刘宇轩、闫建、赵俊逸学 校:东南大学指导教师:寿焘Group Member: Yu Yang, Liu Yuxuan,Yan Jian, Zhao Junyi School: Southeast University Advisor:Shou Tao复得返自然“本书是关于太阳、月亮、星星、四季变化、播种和收获、云彩、雨水和江河、海洋和森林、生灵与草木的威力及重要性的个人的见识……我们不应把人类从世界中分离开来看,而是将人和世界结合起来观察和判断问题。
%A merging criterion used multidimensional scaling on the basis of binary partition trees algorithm has been pro-posed. It builds regional models after an analysis on hyperspectral image, uses multidimensional scaling on the similari-ties of each regional model, reduces dimensions by removing redundant information, determines relevance by association measure on obtained data, and forms a BPT tree structure through regional merging. The pruning function is used to prune this tree structure on classification step. And the experimental conclusion demonstrates that it obtains a better effect for hyperspectral image classification.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2015(000)015【总页数】5页(P179-182,192)【关键词】高光谱图像分类;区域模型;二叉划分树;多维尺度分析;关联测量【作者】焦斌亮;范成龙;王朝晖【作者单位】燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北秦皇岛 066004; 河北省特种光纤与光纤传感重点实验室,河北秦皇岛 066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北秦皇岛 066004; 河北省特种光纤与光纤传感重点实验室,河北秦皇岛066004;燕山大学信息科学与工程学院,河北秦皇岛 066004; 河北省特种光纤与光纤传感重点实验室,河北秦皇岛 066004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP751.11 引言高光谱遥感成像技术可以同时准确获取高分辨率的地球表面空间、辐射和光谱三重信息,因而被广泛应用于军事、农业、气象、地质、环境等领域。
标号完全多部图的非平凡有根支撑森林的计数黄宇飞【期刊名称】《海南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2009(022)002【摘要】In [1], B. L. Liu and F. Y. Huang investigated the problem of enumeration for no-trivial rooted spanning forests in a labeled complete bipartite graph. As its natural extension, the problem of enumeration for no-trivial rooted spanning forests of labeled complete muhipartite graphs is settled in this paper. Furthermore, we obtain the equation to count the number of rooted spanning forests with s (≥0) trivial trees of labeled complete muhipartite graphs.%文[1]中,柳柏濂与黄凤英研究了标号完全二部图的非平凡有根支撑森林的计数问题.在本文中,我们对该问题进行了自然地推广,解决了标号完全多部图的非平凡有根支撑森林的计数问题.进一步地.我们获得了标号完全多部图的包含s个s(≥0)平凡树的有根支撑森林的计数公式.【总页数】3页(P139-141)【作者】黄宇飞【作者单位】华南师范大学,数学科学学院,广州510631【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O243【相关文献】1.只含有一个非平凡块连通图的计数 [J], 王福良2.标号完全m部图的生成森林 [J], 刘建熙3.关于三类五点图的多重完全多部图设计 [J], 舒伟4.完全图Kn和完全多部图Kn(t)的{C3,S4}-强制分解 [J], 顾成扬5.完全图与完全多部图的Kronecker积的点脆弱性参数 [J], 唐丹;王鹤朝;单而芳因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
具有特定独立的罗马2-控制数的树LI Bei-bei;SHANG Wei-ping【期刊名称】《数学季刊:英文版》【年(卷),期】2022(37)4【摘要】For a graph G=(V,E),a Roman{2}-dominating functionf:V→{0,1,2}has the property that for every vertex v∈V with f(v)=0,either v is adjacent to at least one vertex u for which f(u)=2,or at least two vertices u1 and u2 for which f(u1)=f(u2)=1.A Roman{2}-dominating functionf=(V0,V1,V2)is called independent if V1∪V2 is an independent set.The weight of an independent Roman{2}-dominating function f is thevalueω(f)=Σv∈V f(v),and th e independent Roman{2}-domination number i{R2}(G)is the minimum weight of an independent Roman{2}-dominating function on G.In this paper,we characterize all trees withi{R2}(T)=γ(T)+1,and give a linear time algorithm to compute the value of i{R2}(T)for any tree T.【总页数】8页(P386-393)【作者】LI Bei-bei;SHANG Wei-ping【作者单位】School of Puyang Innovation High School 457000;School of Mathematics and Statistics University 450001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O157.5【相关文献】1.具有相同电力控制数与连通控制数的图2.具有给定叶数的么根树,么树的计数3.独立集中具有最小特定度和的点的上可嵌入图类4.树的独立数与其站图独立数的关系5.2-控制数和连通2-控制数相等的图(英文)因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Jane Wilhelms and Allen Van Gelder UCSC-CRL-94-02 Baskin Center for Computer Engineering and Information Sciences University of California, Santa Cruz 95064 wilhelms@ avg@ Jan. 21, 1994 rev.
2 Background and Related Work
Work most closely related to ours is that concerned with hierarchical data structures for controlled imaging, algorithms for fast volume rendering, and methods for dealing with large data sets. Meagher did some of the earliest work in representing 3D data using octrees Mea82 , and many variations have appeared over the years. Levoy used a binary octree to avoid regions whose data was transparent Lev89, Lev90 . Wilhelms and Van Gelder used a max-min octree to avoid regions not intersecting the desired isosurface, and presented a space-e cient subdivision strategy, called branch on need BON WVG92 . This paper extends octrees and the BON strategy to k dimensions. Laur and Hanrahan build an octree over voxels, and compute the data mean and root mean square error RME2 at each node LH91 . This permits volume rendering by progressive re nement, with the user specifying an error tolerance. Nodes with RME2 within the tolerance are rendered as single splats". Our work builds upon that paper, and extends it in several ways: 1. Data models other than a constant the mean are supported, and computed throughout the tree in constant time per node Section 3.3. In particular, a trilinear model has been implemented. Other polynomial models are easily incorporated, and the design allows for other sets of orthogonal basis functions. 2. Both voxel and cell conventions are supported. 3. Error metrics based on Lq norms are supported Section 4.3.1; RME2 corresponds to the L2 norm. Experiments indicate that higher values of q give better images for the same number of rendered objects Section 8.2. 4. Errors can be weighted by an importance" function Section 5. 5. We have quanti ed image di erences Section 8.2. 2
This paper explores the use of multi-dimensional trees to provide spatial and temporal e ciencies in imaging large data sets. Each node of the tree contains a model of the data in terms of a xed number of basis functions, a measure of the error in that model, and a measure of the importance of the data in the region covered by the node. A divide-and-conquer algorithm permits e cient computation of these quantities at all nodes of the tree. The exible design permits various sets of basis functions, error criteria, and importance criteria to be implemented easily. Selective traversal of the tree provides images in acceptable time, by drawing nodes that cover a large volume as single objects when the approximation error and or importance are low, and descending to ner detail otherwise. Trees over very large datasets can be pruned by the same criterion to provide data representations of acceptable size and accuracy. Compression and traversal are controlled by a userde ned combination of modeling error and data importance. For imaging decisions additional parameters are considered, including grid location, allowed time, and projected screen area. To analyse results, two evaluation metrics are used: the rst compares the hierarchical model to actual data values, and the second compares the pixel values of images produced by di erent parameter settings.
earlier version was submitted to SIGGRAPH 1994; subjecion
As computers and algorithms improve so do our expectations of the kind and quality of images that can be produced. In scienti c visualization, many data sets are larger than can be visualized in a comfortable amount of time, or even can be read into the available memory. The research described here explores the use of multi-dimensional trees to deal with both the spatial and temporal aspects of this problem. Our particular problem area is visualization of sampled k-dimensional scalar data arranged on a regular grid. Our visualization method is direct volume rendering. However, we believe the data representation paradigm we use is applicable to more general multivariate and non-rectilinear data sets, and also can provide useful insights into the imaging of any large graphical database. Our approach is to build a space-e cient hierarchy over the data, each node of which contains three types of information: a model of the data below it; error and evaluation information for selective traversal; and structural information. The user de nes acceptable tolerances for evaluation parameters, and selective traversal of the tree de nes that part of the hierarchy within those tolerances. Nodes beneath this selected subset of the tree can be pruned, resulting in an alternate, often more succinct, representation of the data. For imaging, the shallowest regions of the selected tree that lie within the tolerances are drawn. We have found that selective traversal produces images that are both subjectively and quanti ably very close to those produced using the entire data set, but is signi cantly faster. It provides an extremely exible tool for creating error-controlled images in acceptable time. Furthermore, by storing the selected portion of the tree, the method can also provide data compression.