Chapter 5 ,6语言重点
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索- 百度文库Linguistics' notes第一周Chapter 1 Introduction .1. Definition of language*Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.●Language is a system.●Language is arbitrary.●Language is vocal.●Language is human-specific.2.Design features of language●Arbitrariness 任意性●Productivity 多产性●Duality 双重性●Displacement 移位性●Cultural transmission 文化传播性3.Functions of language(Halliday)●The ideational 概念功能to organize language user's experience of the word.●The interpersonal 人际功能to establish/maintain social relationship.●The textual 语篇功能to organize texts in a coherent and appropriate way.第二周1. Definition of linguistics*Linguistics studies not any particular language, but it studies languages in general.----general linguistics.Scientific study of language.2. The branches of linguistics●Phonetics语音学--the study of how speech sounds are produced and classified@研究发音,自然属性,无序的语音●Phonology音系学--the study of how sounds form systems and functions to convey meaning@研究音间联系,注重功能,有序的语音●Morphology形态学、词法--the study of the form off words@涉及词语的内部组织,研究词语的最小单位-语素●Syntax句法学--the study of how words and phrases are combined to form sentences@研究如何组词成句,形成、理解正确的句子●Semantics语义学--the study of meaning(in abstraction)@研究词语的意义如何在语音中编码●Pragmatics语用学--the study of meaning in context of use@特定情景中的特定话语的理解和运用●Historical linguistics历史语言学--the study of language change.●Sociolinguistics社会语言学--the study of language with reference to society●Psycholinguistics心理语言学--the study of language with reference to the working ofthe mind.●Applied linguistics应用语言学--the study of applying linguistic findings to the solutionof practical problems.@广义-实践,狭义-教学研究3.Some important distinctions in linguistics1)Prescriptive vs. DescriptivePrescriptive规定式--to aims to lay down rules for "correct and standard" verbal behaviour.@做规定Descriptive描写式--to describe and analyze the language people actually use.@写现象Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive.2)Synchronic vs. DiachronicSynchronic共时--the description of a language at some point of time in history.@语言在特定时间点上的研究Diachronic历时--the description of a language as it changes through time.@语言随时间演变的研究Modern linguistics is mainly synchronic.3)Speech vs. WritingModern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, written language as secondary.●Linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing;●the amount of information, speech is more than writing;●the learning of mother tongue, speech first,writing later.4)Langue and ParoleTheir distinction was made by the Swiss linguist F. De Saussure.Langue语言--the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.@抽象的。
Chapter Five More Reading Word Study1.wear vt. wore/worn 穿戴wear a military uniformwear sunglasses/spectacleswear one’s hair long/short wear a sword/a pistol 佩戴显现wear a smile/a frownvt/vi 耗损,磨损wear one’s shoes into holes /wear a hole in one’s shoesThis cloth wears well. 耐穿This cloth won’t wear. 不耐穿。
wear out vi/vt These batteries have worn out.I have worn out the soles of my shoes. 鞋底磨穿了The crying baby has worn out his parents.=exhaustedwear n. 穿着;服装[u] woman’s wear children’s wear sportswear underwearwear and tear 磨损;折磨normal/everyday wear and tear 正常的磨损2.(sth) has been around for many years 存在已久/活跃的(sb) be down (with a cold/flu) 病倒的be in 在流行中Those hats are in out 在外面的,缺席的,罢工的,在野的,出版的,不流行的,失和的Tom and Jack were out. Tom was out with jack. 闹翻了。
What’s on? 上演什么节目?be through 完成的,结束的,终止的Congratulations! You are through. 通过考试了。
语言学复习重点文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]C h a p t e r1绪论1. What is linguistics 什么是语言学Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.It studies not any particular language, but languages in general.2. The scope of linguistics 语言学的研究范畴The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics. (普通语言学)The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics. (语音学)The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音系学)The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology.(形态学)The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax. (句法学)The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学)The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学)The study of language with reference to society is called socio-linguistics. (社会语言学)The study of language with reference to the working of mind is called psycho-linguistics. (心理语言学)The study of applications (as the recovery of speech ability) is generally known as applied linguistics. (应用语言学) But in a narrow sense, applied linguistics refers to the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning, especially the teaching of foreign and second language.Other related branches include anthropological linguistics, (人类语言学) neurological linguistics, (神经语言学) mathematical linguistics, (数字语言学)and computational linguistics. (计算机语言学)3. Some important distinctions in linguistics语言学研究中的几对基本概念Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay downrules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is “correct” or not.Synchronic and diachronic 共时和历时The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is adiachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study is more important.Speech and writing 口头语与书面语Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken form of language as primary, but not the written form. Reasons are: 1. Speech precedes writing; 2. There arestill many languages that have only the spoken form; 3. In terms of function, the spoken language is used for a wider range of purposes than the written, and carries a larger load of communication than the written.Langue and parole 语言和言语The Swiss linguist F. de Saussure made the distinction between langue and parole early 20th century.Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. Saussure made the distinction in order to single out one aspect of language for serious study. He believes whatlinguists should do is to abstract langue from parole, to discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.Competence and performance 语言能力和语言运用Proposed by American linguist N. Chomsky in the late 1950’s.He defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. He believes the task of the linguists is to discover and specify the language language 语言的定义Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Sapir uses “ideas” “emotions” and “desires” in his definition. Hall, like Sapir, treats language as a purely human institution. Chomsky’s definition is quite different, it focus on the purely structural properties of languages and to suggest that these properties can be investigated from a mathematically precise point of view.5. Design features 语言的甄别性特征Design features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. American linguist Charles Hockett specified twelve design features, five of which will be discussed here.Arbitrariness 语言的随意性Arbitrariness means that there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. It is not entirely arbitrary.Example: different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages.Productivity 语言的创造性Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. This is why they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences, including sentences they have never heard before.Duality 语言的二重性The duality nature of language means that language is a system, which consists of two sets of structure, or two levels, one of sounds and the other of meaning.Displacement 语言的移位性Displacement means that language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future, or in far-away places.Cultural transmission 语言的文化传递性While human capacity for language has a genetic basis, ., we were born with the ability to acquire language, the details of any language are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned anew. This indicates that language is culturally transmitted. It is passed down from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.Chapter 2 Phonology 音系学1. The phonic medium of language 语言的声音媒介Speech and writing are the two media used by natural languages as vehicles for communication. Of the two media of language, speech ismore basic than writing. Speech is prior to writing. The writing system of any language is always “invented” by its users to record speech when the need arises.For linguists, the study of sounds is of greater importance than that of writing.The limited ranges of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language (语言的声音媒介) . The individual sounds within this range are the speech sounds (语音).2.What is phonetics什么是语音学Phonetics is defined as the study of the phonic medium of language;It is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.语音学研究的对象是语言的声音媒介,即人类语言中使用的全部语音。
《朗文英语4A》复习提要Chapter 5: Animals big and small大大小小的动物I. 经过第5章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译(translate),并且还要会拼写(spell)。
a horse 一匹马 a camel 一匹骆驼a giraffe 一头长颈鹿an owl 一只猫头鹰a peacock 一只孔雀an eagle 一只老鹰a panda 一只熊猫 a hippo 一只河马(hippos 复数)an elephant 一头大象 a rabbit 一只兔子a rat 一只老鼠(大) a mouse 一只老鼠(小) (mice 复数)*注意mouse 和rat的区别:在英语中,rat含有贬义,就像国内的过街老鼠,肮脏,是害虫。
下面的关键句型我们要会读(read), 知道意(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different contexts),会写(write them correctly)。
1. The horse, the camel and the giraffe are tall.The camel is taller than the horse.The giraffe is the tallest.2. The owl, the peacock and the eagle are big.The peacock is bigger than the owl.The eagle is the biggest.3. The panda, the hippo and the elephant are heavy.The hippo is heavier than the panda.The elephant is the heaviest.4. The rabbit, the rat and the mouse are small.The rat is smaller than the rabbit.The mouse is the smallest.总结: (1). 比较级结构:A+ be+ + than+ B. : A比B……be动词由时态和主语A决定。
语言学简明教程Chapter 5
1) I hurried home. ( a sentence, also a clause, a simple sentence) 2) John likes linguistics, but Mary is interested in history. coordinating conjunction (coordinate sentence/compound sentence) 3) Because I was late, they went without me. subordinator subordinate clause (从属句) main clause(独立句,主句)
S NP Det A N boy V kicked VP NP Det the N ball.
Time for Break
5.3 Clause Types
Seven Clause Patterns in English
They are singing. The job is difficult. He was in the car. Lily is playing chess. I will send you the plan. The boss considers his secretary excellent. I put the plate away.
complex sentence
Syntax (句法)
—a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. ( More: ….is the study of the structure of phrases, clauses and especially sentences. It is considered as a subset in the study of grammar, which includes all areas of language aspects including phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Syntax studies how phrases and clauses are constructed. )
♦Applied linguistics: the study of applications of linguistics.
5. Some distinctions in linguistics
6. Phonology : the sound patterns of language
Difference Phone, phoneme, allophone
Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, minimal pair
7. Phones, phonemes, and allophones
Narrow transcription窄式标音: transcription with letter-symbols and the diacritics
4. Classification of English consonants
5. Classification of English vowels
1 .An Introduction to Linguistics and language
1. What is Linguistics?
Linguistics is the scientific study of language. It endeavors to answer the question--what is language and how is represented in the mind? Linguists focus on describing and explaining language and are not concerned with the prescriptive rules of the language.
Chapter1: Invitations to linguistics;Chapter2: Speech Sounds;Chapter3: Lexicon;Chapter4: Syntax (新版中,这章改成From Word to Text,是变化最大的一章,变化的结果是比以前的简单了);Chapter5: Meaning。
Chapter1: Invitations to linguistics这章是该书的开篇,目的是让大家对语言学这门课有个初步的了解,为后面几章作个铺垫。
因为考点还不少!Design features of language: Arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement. 这四个特征要求理解,牢记,能背出定义。
语言学考试要点 考试重点
Chapter 1 Introduction1. What is linguistics? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2.The scope of linguistics:(1 ). phonetics 语音学;phonology 音位学;morphology 形态学;syntax 句法学;pragmatics 语用学(2). sociolinguistics 社会语言学;psycholinguistics 心理语言学;applied linguistics应用语言学3.Some important distinction in linguistics(1)Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描述性与规定性①If a linguistics study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use,it is said to be descriptive;②If the linguistics study aims to lay down rules for” correct and standard” behaviorin using language, . to tell people what they should say and what they should notsay, it is said to be prescriptive.(2)Synchronic vs. diachronic 共时性与历时性①A synchronic description takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, thepresent) as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind.②Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history.(2)Langue & parole 语言与会话①Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of aspeech community.②Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use.(4)Competence and performance 语言能力与语言运用①A language user's unconscious knowledge about the system of rules is called hislinguistic competence.②Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.(5)speech and writing 语言与文字Speech and writing are the two major media of communication.(6)traditional grammar and modern linguistic 传统语法与现代语言学4.Definition of language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.Language is a system, ., elements of language are combined according to rules.Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistics symbol and what the symbol stands.Language is vocal because the primary medium for all languages is sound.The term “human” in the definition is meant to specify that language is human-specific.5.Design features of language6.(1) Arbitrariness 任意性refers to the forms of linguistic signs bear no naturalrelationship to their meaning. (sounds and meanings)(2) Productivity(creativity)能产性Language is productive in that it makes possible theconstruction and interpretation of new signals by its users.(3) duality双重性The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of theprimary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.(4) displacement移位性Human Languages enable their users to symbolize objects, eventsand concepts which are not present (in time and space) at moment of communication.(5)cultural transmission 文化传承性7.Functions of language(1) referential (to convey message and information),(2) poetic (to indulge in language for its own sake),(3) emotive (to express attitudes, feelings and emotions),(4) conative (to persuade and influence others through commands and requests),(5) phatic (to establish communion with others)(6) metalingual (to clear up intentions and meanings).①Informative(信息功能): to give information about facts. (ideational)②Interpersonal(人际功能): to establish and maintain social status in a society.(age,sex, language, background, accent, status)③Performative(施为功能) : language is used to do things, to perform certain actions.(name, promise, apologize, sorry, declare)④. Emotive/Expressive (情感功能): to express feelings and attitudes of the speaker.⑤Phatic communion(寒暄交流) : to use small and meaningless expressions to establisha comfortable relationship or maintain social contact between people without any factualcontent. (health, weather)⑥Recreational function(娱乐): the use of language for sheer joy. (lyrics, poetry)⑦Metalingual function(元语言功能): to talk about language itself.8.9.Chapter 2 Phonology1.Phonetics(语音学)is the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with allthe sounds that occur in the world’s languages.Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.2.Orthographic representation of speech sounds:broad transcription(宽式标音)and narrow transcription(严式标音)A broad transcription(宽式标音)is the transcription with letter-symbols only.A narrow transcription(严式标音)is a transcription with letter symbols together withdiacritics.3.Phonology(音位学)is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages.4.The differences between phonetics and phonology:(语音的正字表征)①Both are concerned with the same aspect of language----the speech sounds. But theydiffer in their approach and focus.②Phonetics is of general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all humanlanguages; it aims to answer questions like: how they are produced, how they differ fromeach other, what phonetic features they have, how they can be classified, etc.③Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.5.Phone(音素), phoneme(音位), allophone(音位变体)A phone---- a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and produce duringlinguistic communication are all phones.A phoneme---- is a phonological unit; it is a unit of distinctive value; an abstract unit, not aparticular sound, but it is represented by a certain phone in certain phonetic context6.Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair.(音位对立,互补分布,最小对立体)7.Some rules of phonology(音位学规则)Sequential rules 序列规则Assimilation rule 同化规则Deletion rule省略规则8.Suprasegmental features (超音段特征):stress重音,tone音调,intonation语调9.10.Chapter 3 Morphology1.Classification of words(1)Variable vs. invariable words:可变词类和不可变词类Variable words: One could find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word forms; on the other hand, part of the word remains constant follow, follows, following, followed; mat, matsInvariable words: those words such as since, when, seldom, through, hello. They do not have inflective endings.(2)Grammatical words vs. lexical words:语法词类和词汇词类Grammatical words: express grammatical meanings, such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronounsLexical words: have lexical meanings, those which refer to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.(3)Closed-class words vs. open-class words:封闭词类和开放词类Closed-class: a word whose membership is fixed or limited. New members are not regularly added. Pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, etc.Open-class: A word whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbsGrammatical---lexical words closed-class---open-class words2.Morphere(词素):the minimal meaningful unit of language.3.Linguistics use the term morphology to refer the part of the grammar that is concerned withword formation and word structure.4.Free morpheme & bound morpheme(自由语素和黏着语素)A morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a free morpheme; a morpheme thatmust be attached to another one is a bound morpheme.5.The variant forms of a morpheme are called its allomorphs.(词素变体)6.Inflectional affix & derivational affix(屈折词缀和派生词缀)pound: those words that consist of more than one free morphemes, the way to join twoseparate words to produce a single form.In compounds, the lexical morphemes can be of different word classes.pounds can be further divided into two kinds:the endocentric compound (向心复合词) the exocentric compound(离心复合词)9.Endocentric: one element serves as the head, the relationship of “a kind of”; eg self-control:a kind of control armchair: a kind of chair10.Exocentric: there is no head, so not a relationship of “a kind of something”, egscarecrow: not a kind of crow breakneck: not a kind of neck11.Chapter 4 Syntax1.What is Syntax (句法)?Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences. 句法就是研究语言的不同成分组成句子的规则2.Syntactic relations can be analyzed into three kinds:relations of position 位置关系relations of substitutability 替代关系relations of co-occurrence 同现关系3.4.5.Chapter 5 Semantics1.What is Semantics?Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases and sentences.语义学是研究单词、短语和句子的意义的学科2.The conceptualist view①The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form andwhat it refers to . between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.②This is illustrated by the classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested byOgden and Richard.Thought/reference/conceptSymbol/form referencentword/phrase/sentence③The symbol or form refers to the linguistic elements (words and phrases);Thereferent refers to the object in the world of experience;Thought or reference refers to concept.The symbol or a word signifies things by virtue of the concept associated with theform of the word in the minds of the speaker; and the concept looked at from thispoint of view is the meaning of the word.3.The contextualismMeaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context—elements closely linked with language behavior. Two types of contexts are recognized:Situational context: spatiotemporal situationLinguistic context: the probability of a word’s co-occurrence or collocation.4.BehaviorismBehaviorists attempted to define meaning as “the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer”.5.Lexical meaningSense and reference are both concerned with the study of word meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning.Sense---- is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextualized. It is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are interested in.Reference----what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.6.Major sense relations(1)Synonymy 同义词①Dialect synonymy 方言同义词②Stylistic synonymy 文体同义词③Synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning④Collocational synonyms⑤Semantically different synonyms(2)Antonym 反义词①Gradable antonyms 等级反义词②Complementary antonyms 互补反义词③Relational opposites 关系反义词(3)Polysemy 一词多义(4)Homonymy 同形异义词(5)Hyponymy 上下义关系①Superordinate 上义词②Hyponyms下义词ponential analysis 成分分析法——a way of analyze lexical meaningIt is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning.The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.8.。
语言学 重点概念
Chapter one Introduction一、定义1。
语言学LinguisticsLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2.普通语言学General LinguisticsThe study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics.3.语言languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。
4.识别特征Design FeaturesIt refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication。
Arbitrariness任意性Productivity多产性Duality双重性Displacement移位性Cultural transmission文化传递⑴arbitrarinessThere is no logical connection between meanings and sounds。
P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions⑵ProductivityAnimals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send.⑶DualityLanguage is a system,which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels.⑷DisplacementLanguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker。
Chapter 5 Meaning1. Semantics(语义学)Semantics is the study of meaning of the linguistic units, words and sentences in particular. (语义学是对语言单位,尤其是词和句子的意义的研究。
)2. Meanings of “meaning”1). Meaning:Meaning refers to what a language expresses about the world we live in or any possible or imaginary world.(意义是指语言所表达的关于现实世界或者想象中的世界的想法。
)2). Connotation: (内涵)Connotation means the properties of the entity a word denotes.(内涵指的是一个词所指称的实体的特征。
)3). Denotation: (外延)Denotation involves the relationship between a linguistic unit and the non-linguistic entity to which it refers. Thus it is equivalent to referential meaning. (外延涉及语言单位与非语言实体之间的关系。
)3. The difference between meaning, concept, connotation, and denotationMeaning refers to the association of language symbols with the real world. There are many types of meaning according to different approaches.Concept is the impression of objects in people’s mind.Connotation is the implied meaning, similar to implication.Denotation, like sense, is not directly related with objects, but makes the abstract assumption ofthe real world.4. The referential theory1). DefinitionThe theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory.(把词语意义跟它所指称或代表的事物联系起来的理论,叫做指称理论)2). The semantic triangle (语义三角)Ogden and Richards presented the classic “Semantic Triangle”as manifested in the following diagram。
2B Chapter5 Sports we like我们喜欢的运动一、重点单词、词组:football 足球basketball 篮球volleyball 排球badminton 羽毛球tennis 网球table tennis 乒乓球swim 游泳run 跑步read读club 俱乐部round 圆形oval 椭圆形heavy 重的light 轻的square 方形的二、重点句型:1、-What do you like doing? (你喜欢做什么?)-I like playing football. / I like running. 我喜欢踢足球。
/ 我喜欢跑步。
)2、-What does he like doing? (他喜欢做什么?)-He likes playing volleyball. (他喜欢打排球。
)3、-What does she like doing? (她喜欢做什么?)-She likes playing table tennis. (她喜欢打乒乓球。
)4、-I like swimming. Do you like swimming? (我喜欢游泳。
你喜欢游泳吗?)-No, I don’t like swimming but I like running. Do you like running? (我不喜欢游泳,但是我喜欢跑步。
你喜欢跑步吗?)-Yes, I do. Let’s join the Running Club. (是的,我也喜欢跑步。
我们一起加入跑步俱乐部吧!)三、理解、熟读:1、My name is Jack. I like playing football. Football is also called soccer. In football, we kick the ball. (我叫杰克,我喜欢踢足球。
徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter5 所有知识点及课后答案
Notes1.on the usual terms 按照惯常条款under the usual terms 按照惯常条款according to the usual terms 按照惯常条款 reply to 现答复;兹复in response toin answer to3.unworkable adj. 不能实行的,价格做不开4.end-users 最终用户,用户(指以使用或消费为目的的消费者)5.regret vt. 抱歉,遗憾 the level=to the extent 到达这样的程度 on the high(low) side价格偏高(低)find your price too high 认为你方价格偏高find our prices too low 认为我方价格偏低find our prices reasonable 认为我方价格合find our prices competitive 认为我方价格具有竞争性find our prices in line with the market 认为我方价格与市价一致find our prices workable 认为我方价格可行find our prices acceptable 认为我方价格可接受8.i.e. 立即= that is9.see one’s way clear to do sth 设法做某事 one’s attention to the fact that=invite/draw/call 提醒某人注意某事11.out of line with 与…不一致in line with 与…一致12.the prevailing market 现行市场;现行行市the present marketthe current marketthe ruling market13.Pricethe present price 现行的价格the ruling price 现行的价格the going price 现行的价格the prevailing price 现行的价格the current price 现行的价格the prevalent price 现行的价格14.the Indian origin 产地country of origin 生产国别;原产地Certificate of origin 原产地证明Eg:What is the place of origin? 原产地是哪里?15.indicate v. 表示;说明;indication n. 概念;迹象;示意;征兆16.slightly adv. 略微;稍稍;稍微17.the difference in (price) (价格方面)的差别18.such being the case (in this case)情况就是这样,鉴于这种情况19.step up ph. 促进;加速20.figure n. 数字 view of ph. 鉴于22.decline vt. 拒绝;谢绝(用于拒绝,该词要比reject和refuse委婉);vi. 下降; your earliest convenience ph. 尽早的;早日的;立即at an early date = before longat an early moment =by (on,at) the earliest opportunityas soon as possible =without (any ) delayby return =with the least possible delay执事先生:真丝女衬衫感谢贵公司2月20日来函,按惯常条款向我方报盘3000 打上述货物,每件45.00英镑CIF伦敦价。
初三知识同义词短语复习(Chapter 5
同义词短语复习(Chapter 5~6)短语:1.feel/be nervous = feel/be frightened and worried 觉得很紧张2.would love to do sth. = would like to do sth. 愿意/想要做某事3.hurry to some place = go to some place in a hurry 匆忙去某地4. raise one’s hand = put up one’s hand 举手5. It’s time for sth. = It’s time to do sth. 该做……的时候了6. ahead of time = in advance 提前7. six more questions = another six questions 另外六个问题8. one more hour = another hour 另外一个小时9. Sb. have/has trouble with sth. = There is something wrong with ………有问题10. be unprepared = be not ready 没有准备好11. keep still = keep quiet 保持安静12. switch on = turn on 打开13. immediately = at once / right away 立刻,马上14. be influenced by = be affected by 被……影响15. use sth. to do sth. = do sth. with sth. 用某物做某事16. no more = not … any more 不再17. What do you think of sb./sth? = How do you like sb./sth? 你认为……怎么样?18. Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. = It take sb. some time to do sth. 某人花时间做某事19. Sb. spend money on sth. = Sb. pay money for sth. = Sth. cost sb. money 某人花钱买东西20. be good at = do well in 擅长于……21. in my opinion = I think 我认为……22. What’s your weight ? = How heavy are you? / How much do you weigh? 你体重多少?23. Let’s change the subject. = Shall we change the subject ? 我们换个话题好吗?24. It may be dangerous. = Maybe it is dangerous. 可能很危险。
新版:Chapter 4: From Word to Text.
第一节Syntactic relation:
第二节Grammatical construction and its constituents
第三节Syntactic function
第五节Phrase clause and sentence
第七节Beyond the sentence
Chapter5: Meaning (semantics-语义学)
Meanings of “meaning”: 第一个重点是Leech’s seven types of meaning: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, themantic meaning. 第二个重点是the referential theory 的概念,semantic triangle, sense and reference 的定义。第三个重点是sense relations: synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy. 着三种关系应该说很重要。 这章后面一部分内容了解即可。比如sentence meaning 那部分。
英语语言学Chapter 5 Meaning6.5 Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Meaning1. Define the following terms1) conceptual meaning2) connotation3) sense4) synonymy5) antonymy6) semantic components2. What are the major semantics schools?3. What are the possible categories of synonyms?4. How do you understand semantic change?5. Explain antonyms in details.KEYS TO CHAPTER 51. Define the following terms1) Conceptual meaning is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes, or refers to.2) Connotation is the properties of the entity a word denotes.3) Sense is the abstract properties of an entity.4) The sameness relation is called the sameness relation.5) Antonymy refers to the oppositeness relation.6) Semantic components are semantic units smaller than the meaning of a word.2. What are the major semantics schools?1) The naming theory: One of the oldest notions concerning meaning, and also a very primitive one, It was proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic forms or symbols used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or labels for things.2) The conceptualist view: It holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to. In the interpretation of meaning, they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.3) Contextualism: It is based on the presumption(假定) that one can derive推导) meaning from or reduce meaning to observable可观测的) contexts. Two kinds of context are recognized: the situational context and the linguistic context .For example, the meaning of the word "seal" in the sentence "The seal could not be found" can only be determined ac-cording to the context in whichthe sentence occurs:4) BehaviorismThe contextualist view was further strengthened by Bloomfield. He drew on behaviorist psychology when he tried to define the meaning of linguistic forms. Behaviorists attempted to de-fine the meaning of a language form as " the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer". This behaviorist theory is somewhat close to contextualism. It is linked with psychological interest.3. What are the possible categories of synonyms?Synonymy can be divided into the following groups:Dialectal synonyms (地域性同义词): Dialectal synonyms are words which have more or less the same meaning and are used in different regional dialects such as petroleum in British English and gasoline in American English. Dialectal synonyms can also be found within British, or American English itself. For example, "girl" is called "lass" or "lassie" in Scottish dialect.Stylistic synonyms文体同义词): Stylistic synonyms are words which have the same meaning but differ in style, or degree of formality. Some of the stylistic synonyms tend to be more formal, others tend to be casual , and still others are neutral in style, for example, old man, daddy, dad, father, male parent.Synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning :感性或评价方面不同的同义词They are words that have the same meaning but express different emotions of the user. The emotions of the user indicate the attitude or bias of the user toward what he is talking about, such as thrifty and miser.Collocational synonyms搭配上的区别的同义词): Some synonyms differ in their collocation. That is, they go together with different words, for example: accuse. . . of, charge. . . with, rebuke. .-for.Semantically different synonyms(语意上的差别): They refer to the synonyms that differ slightly in what they mean. For example, "amaze" and "astound" are very close in meaning to the word "surprise," but they have very subtle differences in meaning. While amaze suggests confusion and bewilderment, "astound" implies difficulty in believing.4. How do you understand semantic change?Semantic change refers to the change of meaning of a word. The major types of semantic change are as follows: (1) Semantic broadening refers to the process in which the meaning of a word becomes more general or inclusive than its historically earlier denotation. For example, the word “holiday” was originally used to mean a day of religious significance because it was a “holy day”. Today everyone enjoys a holiday, whether he or she is religious or not. (2) Semantic narrowing is the reverse process in which the meaning of a word becomes less general or inclusive than its historically earlier meaning. For example, the word “liquor” in contemporary English is an alcoholic drink, but it was once synonymous with “liquid”, be it alcoholi c or not. (3) Semantic shift refers to the process in which a word loses its former meaning and acquires a new, sometimes related meaning, e.g. the word “silly”. Quite surprisingly, a “silly” person was a happy person in Old English, and a naive person in Middle English, but a foolish person in Modern English.5. Explain antonyms in details.Antonymy refers to the oppositeness of meaning. Words that are opposite in meaning are called antonyms.1) Gradable antonyms渐进性关系反义: Some antonyms are gradable because there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair such as old/young, hot/cold.2) Complementary antonyms完全反义: a pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other.3) Relational opposites相关对立反义: pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items.。
Chapter 5 Semantics一、定义1.命名论The naming theoryThe naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, and also a very primitive onewas proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic forms orsymbols, in other words,the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects theystand for, so words are just names or labels for things.2.意念论The conceptualist viewIt holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to; rather ,in theinterpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind.3.语境论ConceptualismIt’s based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning toobservable contexts. her are two kinds of context: the situational and the linguistic context.4.行为主义论BehaviorismIt refers to the attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the” situation in whicthis theory somewhat close tospeaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer”.conceptualism emphasizes on the psychological response.5.意义Sensethe collection of all the concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It’sIt’s-contextualized.features of the linguistic form, it’s abstract and de6.所指意义ReferenceIt means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world, it deals with the relationshipbetween the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.7.同义词SynonymyIt refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning or we can say that words are close inmeaning are called synonyms.8.多义词PolysemyIt refers to different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may havemore than one meaning.9.同音(形)异义HomonymyIt refers to the phenomenon that words have different meanings have the same form, i.e,different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.10.同音异义HomophonesIt refers to two words are identical in sound. e.g. rain/reign.11.同形异义HomographsIt refers to two words are identical in form .e.g. tear v./tear n.12.上下义关系HyponymyIt refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specificword. the word which is more general in meaning is called superordinate, and the more specificwords are called its hyponyms.13.反义词AntonymyIt’s the term used for oppositeness of meaning on different dimension.14.成分分析法Componential Analysis----分析词汇抽象意义It’s a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyz e word meaning.this approach is based upon the belief that meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.15.述谓结构分析Predication Analysis 由British Linguist G.Leech提出analysis.It’s a new approach for sentential meaningPredication is usually considered an important common category shared by propositions, questions, commands ect.通过对论元argument和谓语predicate的分析,达到对句子意义进行分析的许多模式中的一种。
Chapter 5_6
Chapter 5Chapter 5“喂喂,洛基真的会说话么?”凉沫悠一边说,一边伸手去一揉一洛基一毛一茸一茸的脑袋。
GlossaryChapter 1 Invitations to Linguisticsdesign features结构特征arbitrariness[5B:bitrErinis]任意性morpheme[5mC:fi:m]词素onomatopoeic拟声的onomatopoeia 7CnEu7mAtEu5piE syntactic[sin5tAktik]依据造句法的convention习俗,惯例duality两重性property性质,特性hierarchical[7haiE5rB:kikEl]分等级的chump簇,群?segment段,节,片断perceive感到,认识到endow[in5dau]赋与resourceful资源丰富的recursiveness递推recursive[rI`k\:sIv]entity[5entiti]实体imparted[im5pB:tid]给予的,授予的displacement移位symbolize[5simbElaiz]用符号表现informative[in5fC:mEtiv] (信息功能)interpersonal function(人际功能)performative[pE`fR:mEtIv] (行事功能)emotive function表情功能phatic [5fAtik] communion(寒暄交谈)jargon[dVB:`^U:n]行话ritualistic[7ritjuE5listik]仪式的recreational[9rekrI`eIFEnEl, -kri:-]娱乐的restrictive[ris5triktiv]限制性的supposedly想像上,按照推测sheer[FiE]纯粹的metalingual元语言的function(元功能)metalinguistic[7metEliN5^wistik]元语言学的,纯理语言学的linear[5liniE]直线的,线性的perspective[pE5spektiv]观点,看法unicorn独角兽infinitely[5InfInItlI]无限地,无穷地self-reflexive自发的parameter[pE5rAmitE]参数,要素phonologic音系参数phonology[fEu5nClEdVimorphologic[7mC:fE5lCdVik]词素参数syntactic[sin5tAktik]句法参数semantic [si5mAntik]语义参数pragmatic[prA^5mAtik]语用参数phonetics[fEu5netiks]语音学anatomy[E5nAtEmi]解剖学physiology[7fizi5ClEdVi]生理学larynx[5lAriNks]喉domain[dEu5mein]范围,领域articulatory[B:5tikjuleitEri]发音phoneticsacoustic[E5ku:stIk]声学phoneticsauditory[5C:ditEri]听觉phoneticsphonology[fEu5nClEdVi]音系学subset子集constitute[5kCnstitju:t]组成chaos[5 keiCs]无秩序morphology [mC:5fClEdVi]形态学morpheme[5mC:fi:m]形态素,词素semantics[si5mAntiks]语义学encode[in5kEud]编码utterance[5QtErEns]说话psycholinguistics[7saikEuliN5^wistiks]语言心理学underlying[5QndE5laiiN]潜在的intuitive[in5tju(:)itiv]直觉的,本能的adherence[Ed5hiErEns]依附Chapter 3 Lexicon词汇lexicon[5leksikEn]词汇variable[5vZEriEbl]可变的invariable[in5vZEriEbl]不变的variability[7vZEriE5biliti]可变性constant不变的paradigm[5pArEdaim, -dim](名词、动词的)词形变化inflective[in5flektiv]有词尾变化的lexical词汇的content意义in principle大体上infinite[5infinit]无限的emergence出现inflection曲折display表现particle小品词auxiliary[C:^5ziljEri]助动词pro-form代词形式determiner[di5tE:minE]限定词premodifier前置修饰词modifier[5mCdifaiE]reference所指类别[5refrEns]predeterminercentral determinerpostdeterminercardinal基数ordinal numbers序数morpheme词素morphology形态学drastically彻底地constitutive[5kCnstitju:tiv]构成的derivational派生derivation[deri5veiFEn]manifestation[7mAnifes5teiFEn]表现inflectional affix[E5fiks]曲折词缀finiteness限定aspect [5Aspekt]体case格stem词干restricted[ris5triktid]受限制的variation[7vZEri5eiFEn]变化compositional合成endocentric[7endEu5sentric]内向的exocentric[7eksEu5sentrik]外向的counterpoint[5kauntEpCint]对应phonology[fEu5nClEdVi]音系学morphology [mC:5fClEdVi]形态学morpheme[5mC:fi:m]词素phoneme[5fEuni:m]音素合资“joint venture”音位学morphophonology[9mR:fEJfEJ`nClEdVI]形态morphophonemics[7mC:fEufE5ni:miks]词素音位学.identical同样的syllabic音节的morphemic词素morpheme[5mC:fi:m]phonological音位phonology[fEu5nClEdVi]allomorph [5AlEmC:f]词素变体correspondingly[7kCris5pCndiN]对应的phonemes音素phonemics[fEu5ni:miks]phonology[fEu5nClEdVi]音系学morphology[mC:5fClEdVi]形态学phonologically conditioned音位限制morphologically conditioned形态限制morpheme [5mC:fi:m]词素morphological[7mC:fE5lCdVikEl]形态学complementary[kRmplE5mentErI]补充的,互补Chapter 4 Syntax句法gender性case格prominent[5prCminEnt]显著的nominative[5nCminEtiv]主格vocative[5vCkEtiv]呼格accusative[E5kju:zEtiv]宾格genitive[5dVenitiv]属格dative[5deitiv]与格ablative[5AblEtiv]离格,夺格syntagmatic组合关系paradigmatic[7pArEdi^5mAtik]聚合关系relations signified所指(concept)signifier能指,施指(sound image)piecemeal零碎的immediate constituent analysis直接成分分析法aspect外表,方面construction构建constituent[kEn5stitjuEnt]要素,成分notion概念substitutability替换internal[in5tE:nl]内在的ambiguity[7Ambi5^ju:iti]含糊reveal[ri5vi:l]揭示advocator[5AdvEkeitE]提倡者binary[5bainEri]二元的discontinuous[5diskEn5tinjuEs]不连续的pose形成,引起,造成derivation[deri5veiFEn]出处Chapter 5 Meaning denotative[di5nEutEtiv]外延的connotative5kCnEuteitiv, kE5nEutEtiv]内涵的virtue[5vE:tju:]效力affective情感的reflected meaning反映意义collocative meaning搭配意义collocation[7kClE5keiFEn] thematic[Wi:5mAtik]主题meaningChapter 6 Language Processing in Mind schemata and inference drawing图式与推论schematic[ski5mAtik]图解的,图表的;梗概的literal[5litErEl]文字的,照字面上的presumably[prI5zju:mEbElI]推测起来,大概schema[5ski:mE] -mata图解,图表;纲要proposition命题exact[i^5zAkt]提取macrostructure宏观结构extensive广泛的macroproposition宏观命题overall[5EuvErC:l]全面的,整体的substantial[sEb5stAnFEl](相当)大的buffer[5bQfE]缓冲Chapter 7 Language, Culture, and Society intrinsic[in5trinsik]固有的,内在的indispensable[7indis5pensEbl]不可缺少的.axiomatic[7AksiE5mAtik]自明的substantiate[sQbs5tAnFieit]证实anthropological人类学的anthropologic[7AnWrEpE5lCdVik] orientation定位characterize[5kArIktEraIz]描述socialculturalparallel相应innovation[7inEu5veiFEn]创新commitment[kE5mitmEnt]献身perseverance[7pE:si5viErEns]坚定不移paradigm[5pArEdaim, -dim]范例,(名词、动词的)词形变化diversity[dai5vE:siti]多样性anthropological study of linguistics语言学的人类学研究co-occurance共现context of situation情景语境理论.Sapir-Whorf hypotheses假设mould形成unique独特的principally主要地transcend[trAn5send]超越correlated有相互关系的monistic[mC`nIstIk,mEJ-]一元论的autonomous[C:5tCnEmEs]独立的,自主pursuit[pE5sju:t]研究resurrection[7rezE5rekFEn]复苏dualistic[9djU:E`lIstIk]二元的dominant[5dCminEnt]有统治权的,占优势的,支配的interdisciplinary[7intE(:)5disiplinEri]跨学科的discipline学科sociocultural社会与文代化的dual[5dju(:)El]双重的multidisciplinary多门学科的enterprise[5entEpraiz]事业,计划in nature实际上,本质上sociolinguistic study of society社会的社会语言学sociolinguistic study of language语言的的社会语言学antagonism[An5tA^EnizEm]对抗innovation[7inEu5veiFEn]改革,创新Chapter 8 Language in Useillocutionary[9IlEJ`kjU:FLnErI]语内表现行为的act语中行为locutionary [lEJ`kjU:FEnErI] act发话行为,表述性的言语行为illocutionary act话中行为,施为行为locution[lEu5kju:FEn]说话的风格;措词perlocutionary[9p\:lC`kjU:FEnErI] act话后行为the cooperative principle合作原则maxim[5mAksim]准则perspicuous[pE(:)5spikjuEs]明白的,明了的obscurity[Eb5skjuEriti]晦涩含糊ambiguity[7Ambi5^ju:iti]含糊,不明确orderly有条理的Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching feasibility可行性denote[di5nEut]指示,表示appropriateness得体性appropriation[E7prEupri5eiFEn] repertoire[5repEtwB:]全部技能input hypothesis[hai5pCWisis]假设overwhelm[5EuvE5welm]淹没吞没pre-modified input预修正的语言输入tune调整,调节interactively modified input交互修正的语言输入preliminary[pri5liminEri]初步的contrastive[kCn5trB:stiv, -5trA-] analysis对比分析consonantal [-5nAntl] sound辅音positive transfer正迁移facilitation促进negative[5ne^Etiv] transfer负迁移interference[7intE5fiErEns]干扰overgeneralization过分概括hypercorrection[-5rekFEn]矫枉过正aptitude[5Aptitju:d] test素质测试aptitude天资proficiency[prE5fiFEnsi] test水平测试achievement test成绩测试assess[E5ses]评定diagnostic [7daiE^5nCstik] test诊断测试psychometric[9psaIkEJ`metrIk]心理测量学的validity[vE5liditi]效度and reliability[ri7laiE5biliti]信度content validity内容效度construct validity编制效度empirical[em5pirikEl] validity经验效度correlate[5kCrileit]使相互关联external[eks5tE:nl]外部face validity卷面效度consistency一致性in succession接连地extrinsic[eks5trinsik] sources of error外在的错误来源variability[7vZEriE5biliti]可变性intrinsic[in5trinsik]内在sources of errorstability[stE5biliti]稳定性equivalence[I`kwIvElEns]等价[性]Chapter 12 Theories and Schools of Modern Linguisticssemiotics[semI5RtIks]记号语言学inborn[5in5bC:n]天生的utterly完全地sociological社会学的prosodic[prEJ`sCdIk]作诗法的analysis节律分析法phonematic [9fEJnI`mAtIk]音位unit音声单位. oriented[`R:rIentId,`EJ-]导向discourse analysis语篇分析stylistics[stai5listiks]文体修辞学integral[5inti^rEl]完整的semantic[si5mAntik]语义的anthropology[7AnWrE5pClEdVi]人类学indigenous[in5didVinEs]本土的eminent[5eminEnt]杰出的,有名的methodology方法论psychology[sai5kClEdVi]心理学positivistic实证论者positivist[5pCzitivist] behaviourism[bI`heIvjErIzLm] substitute替换[5sQbstitju:t]external外部[eks5tE:nl]。
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Chapter 5 语言重点1. (1)tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.告诉某人某事I told him the good news. = I told the good news to him.我告诉他这个好消息。
My mum often tells me interesting stories. = My mum often tells interesting stories to me.(2) tell, say, speak和talk的区别:say注重说话的内容say sth. say to sb. Sayspeak①说(语言) speak English/Chinese②(会议上)发言speak at the meetingtalk强调交流talk to sb. / talk with sb. / talk about sth.tell告诉:讲(故事); tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb.说(真话,谎) tell the truth/ lie叫某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.①"Maybe he's friendly," I_________·②Miss Peng ___________with me yesterday.③The teacher________ the students to be quiet in class.④I can __________ a little English.答案: ①said ②talked ③told ④speak1.Towards evening, we landed on an unknown planet.(1) towards将近… towards evening将近傍晚的时候; towards eight o'clock将近八点(2) land on着陆:靠岸,反义词: take off起飞The armies landed on the beaches in Normandy.部队在诺曼底的滩头登陆。
2.We went through the cave.我们穿过了那个洞。
through 空间上的(通过) go through the forest/the window/the center of the city/the caveacross 平面上的(通过) go across the street/the river/the bridge①At last, we went __________the forest. ②It is dangerous to go__________ the road.答案:①through ②across3.Maybe he is friendly. 也许他是友好的。
Maybe可能(副词,句首) may be可能是(情态动词may+系动词be,句中)Maybe he is friendly = He may be friendly. Maybe you are right. = Y ou may be right.The simple future tense (will)(一般将来时shall, will, be going to do)单项选择:( )1. There ___________ a New Y ear’s Party next week.A. will hasB. beC. is going to beD. will going to be( )2. We need to go ________ the forest to find them.A. acrossB. crossC. throughD. to( )3. The plane is going to __________ in 5 minutes, let’s hurry up!A. put onB. take offC. land onD. put off( )4. The little dog _________ the boy ___ its home one hour ago.A. bring … toB. brought … toC. bring … \D. brought … \( )5. The glass dropped onto the ground and was ________.A. in pieceB. at piecesC. in peaceD. in pieces( )6. They want to _____________ the house as soon as possible.A. go outB. get out ofC. got out ofD. go out of( )7. The policemen _______ going to check the people in the casino(赌场) tomorrow evening.A. will going toB. going toC. areD. will( )8. ___________ your mother ____________ attend the parents’ meeting next week?A. Does … going toB. Is … going toC. Will … going toD. Is … go to( )9. ------- When _______ you go to England? ------- Next Friday.A. willB. didC. doD. are( )10. My father likes ____________ to me when I was a little girl.A. tell storiesB. telling thingsC. telling storiesD. tell two joke( )11. Stop asking! I _________ answer your questions soon.A. will going toB. going toC. willD. am( )12. Wait for me here ! I _________come back in ten minutes and finish my work.A. did comeB. will comeC. does comeD. will comes( )13. ------Are you going to play basketball later? ------No, _________A. I don’t.B. I will.C. I’m notD. I am( )14. ------- If I touch the dog’s head, will it bite me? ------- No, ________.A. It willB. It willn’tC. It won’tD. It isn’t ( )15. My uncle ________be married next Monday, he is so happy.A. isB. willC. are going toD. goes to ( )16. We’ll probably arrive ________ 9 o’clock in the morning.A. onB. inC. atD. to( )17. Where _______ Jack going to park his car?A. willB. areC. isD. does ( )18. We will be there ___________________.A. ten minuteB. last FridayC. tomorrowD. just now ( )19. ------- Are you going to cut the grass _________ ? ------- Y es, the grass is too long.A. beforeB. afterC. just nowD. now ( )20. Peter will come here in __________.A. nightB. soonC. one hourD. 10 o’clock III. 句型转换,每空一词。
31. Maybe he is friendly. (maybe = may be)_____________________________________________________________________32. He didn’t reply to my question. (reply to = answer)_____________________________________________________________________33. It is not polite to interrupt others when they are talking.(interrupt = make ... stop)_____________________________________________________________________34. Let's have a swim in the sea. (Let's do sth. = Why not do sth. ?)_____________________________________________________________________35. He brought me a book. ( bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. )_____________________________________________________________________36. I told him the good news. ( tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb.)_____________________________________________________________________37. -- _______ ______ are you going to clean the living room?-- In ten minutes. (根据答句填空)38. They are going to die tomorrow. (变为一般疑问句) _____ _____ going to die tomorrow?39. Don’t trust him, he is not honest. (改为同义句)Don’t ________ _________ him, he is not honest.40. Will you attend the party next Friday? (用be going to 句型改为同义句)________ you ________ to attend the party next Friday?41. Gork is going to sing KARAOK tomorrow. (划线部分提问)________ _________ Gork going to _________ tomorrow ?42. Lam will go swimming this afternoon. (改为否定句)Lam _______ go swimming this afternoon.43. --- Are the kangaroos going to play hide-and-seek?--- ______ , ______ _____. (肯定回答)--- ______ , _____ _____. (否定回答)IV.1.A: What’s your hobby? What do you usually do for fun? B: I don’t have a ______.A: Why? B: I am not interested in________.A: Say, how do you _____ your spare time? B: Most of the time I just sleep.A: ______ . Y ou are young, and you can’t live such a dull life.Let’s go. I will take you to some places that are really interesting.B: OK.2. A: ________. B: I don't know.A: Would you like something to drink?______ B: ____. I'd like a bottle of coffee and ice cream. A: Would you like something to eat? B: Y es,I'd like a pizza.A: ___________________ B: I'd like a mushroom and cheese pizza.D: No, thanks. E: What would you like? F: Here they are.G: Here you are.Chapter 6 语言重点Determiners: some, any(限定词some和any)·some和any表示"一些",既可修饰可数名词的复数,也可修饰不可数名词。