



点 C 的横坐标最小值为﹣3,则点 D 的横坐标最大值为( )
10.(3 分)如图,⊙O 的半径 OD⊥弦 AB 于点 C,连结 AO 并延长交⊙O 于点 E,连结 EC.若
AB=8,CD=2,则 EC 的长为( )
二、填空题(共 8 小题,每小题 4 分,满分 32 分)
11.(4 分)抛物线 y=x2+1 的最小值是

12.(4 分)甲、乙、丙三人站成一排合影留念,则甲、乙二人相邻的概率是
13.(4 分)将 y=2x2﹣12x﹣12 变为 y=a(x﹣m)2+n 的形式,则 m•n=
. .
14.(4 分)如图,将直角三角板 60°角的顶点放在圆心 O 上,斜边和一直角边分别与⊙O
里任意摸出 1 个球,则摸出的球是红球的概率为( )
3.(3 分)如图,A、B、C 三点在⊙O 上,且∠AOB=80°,则∠ACB 等于( )
4.(3 分)将抛物线 y=(x﹣1)2+3 向左平移 1 个单位,再向下平移 3 个单位后所得抛物
浙江省温州市乐清市育英寄宿学校实验 a 班八年级(上)月考数
学试卷(9 月份)
一、选择题(共 10 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 30 分)
1.(3 分)抛物线 y=2(x﹣3)2+1 的顶点坐标是( )
2.(3 分)一个布袋里装有 6 个只有颜色可以不同的球,其中 2 个红球,4 个白球.从布袋



温州育英国际实验学校八年级(A 班)3月月考科 学 试 卷亲爱的同学:欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题,积极思考,细心答题,发挥最佳水平。

答题时,请注意以下几点:1.全卷共 页,有四大题, 小题。





4.本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H -1 C -12 O -16 Ca -405.本卷中的g 取10牛/千克祝你成功!一、选择题(本题有20小题,每小题2分,共40分。



为缓解症状,适合涂抹的物质是( ▲ )A .食醋B .柠檬汁C .氢氧化钠溶液D .肥皂水2、日常生活中会应用很多化学知识,下列表述中物质的化学性质有关且正确的是( ▲ )A .人体缺铁会导致高血压B .工业上用高锰酸钾加热分解的方法大量制取氧气C .煤燃烧时排放出SO 2和NO 2等污染物在空气中会形成酸雨D .胃酸过多可适量服用氢氧化钙溶液3、假设你是一名营养师,针对下列特定的人群,哪种饮食方案不合理?( ▲ )A .高血压患者的饮食要清淡少盐B .青少年要补充鸡蛋、牛奶,豆制品等蛋白质含量丰富的食物C .贫血患者要补充含钙的无机盐和丰富的蛋白质D .坏血病患者要多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果4、为便于归纳整理,连续发生的生理活动可用流程图来表示.下列为爱思考的小明同学精心梳理的流程图,其中书写错误的是( ▲ )A .脂肪消化:脂肪→脂肪乳化微粒→甘油+脂肪酸B .平静呼气:膈肌、肋间外肌舒张→胸廓缩小→肺收缩→肺内气压增大→气体出肺C .尿液形成:血液→肾小球→原尿→肾小管→尿液D .体循环:右心室→主动脉→全身各处毛细血管→上、下腔静脉→左心房5、甲、乙两车间排放出的污水中分别含有大量且不同的4种离子,这些离子是Ag+、Ba 2+、Fe 3+、Na+、Cl-、NO 3-、OH-、SO 42-.经检测,甲车间的污水PH >7,则下列判断正确的是( )A .甲车间的污水中可能含有Ba 2+B .乙车间的污水中可能含有Na+C .甲车间的污水中不可能含有SO 42-D .乙车间的污水中一定含有Fe 3+6、由BaCO3和CaCO3组成的混合物,经测定其中碳元素的质量分数为10%,则下列各项中: ①钡元素的质量分数;②钙元素的质量分数;③氧元素的质量分数;④CaCO3的质量分数; ⑤BaCO3的质量分数;⑥BaCO3和CaCO3的质量比,其中能确定的是( )A 、都不能确定B 、只有③能确定C 、只有④⑤⑥能确定D 、都能确定7、有一种含有碳酸钙与氧化钙的混合物,测得其中钙元素质量分数为62.5%.取该混合物 64g 经高温煅烧后,将剩余固体投入足量水中,固体全部溶解生成氢氧化钙,则生成氢氧化钙的质量为( )A.37gB.74gC.148gD.222 g 8、两个或多个同种含氧酸分子之间可以脱水形成相对分子质量更大的酸,如磷酸可形成H 4P 2O 7或H 5P 3O 10等。




(共5题,每小题1分)1.When is the school-leavers' party?A. B. C.【答案】C【考点】听录音选图2.What does Lucy do when she meets her teacher?A. B. C.【答案】A【考点】听录音选图3.Which invention does Jerry think is the most important?A. B. C.【答案】C【考点】听录音选图4.Where will Peter and his friend meet tomorrow?A. B. C.【答案】B【考点】听录音选图5.How does Tina improve her English?A. B. C.【答案】A【考点】听录音选图二、听对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。


(1)What pollution are the two speakers talking about?A. Noise pollution.B. Water pollution.C. Air pollution.(2)What are they going to do to protect the environment later?A. To make a programme.B. To raise some money.C. To make some signs.【答案】(1)B(2)C【考点】长对话理解7.听对话,回答问题。

(1)Why did Mike go to Shanghai?A. To have a test.B. To have a meeting.C. To enter a competition.(2)Who teaches him to sing songs?A. His teachers.B. His parents.C. His friends.(3)How long did he stay there?A. For a week.B. For two weeks.C. For a month.【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)A【考点】长对话理解三、听独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。



2020年八年级创新A 班4月返学考试数学试卷考生须知:本试卷共四页,考试时间120分钟,全卷满分150分.解答题请在答题纸答题区域作答,不得超出答题区域边框线.一.选择题(本题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分) 1.aa a aaa 15462---+-的值为( ) A .是正数 B .是负数 C .是非负数 D .可为正也可为负 2.如图,表示阴影区域的不等式组为( )A .B .C .D .3.若一个三角形的三边和为40,且各边长均为整数,则符合条件的三角形的个数为( ) A .31个 B .32个 C .33个 D .34个 4.若关于x 的分式方程xx x m 2132=--+无解,则m 的值为( ) A .﹣1.5B .﹣0.5C .﹣1.5或2D .﹣0.5或﹣1.55.四条直线y =﹣x ﹣6,y =﹣x +6,y =x ﹣6,y =x +6围成正方形ABCD .现掷一个均匀且各面上标有1,2,3,4,5,6的立方体,每个面朝上的机会是均等的.连掷两次,以面朝上的数为点P 的坐标(第一次得到的数为横坐标,第二次得到的数为纵坐标),则点P 落在正方形面上(含边界)的概率是( ) A .B .C .D .6.如图,在4×4的正方形方格中,△ABC 的三个顶点在边长为1的小正方形顶点上,则tan ∠ACB 的值为( ) A . B . C . D .3第2题图第6题图第7题图7.如图正方形ABCD 的顶点A 在第二象限xky =图象上,点B ,C 分别在x 轴、y 轴负半轴上,点D 在第一象限直线y =x 的图象上,若32=阴影S ,则k 的值为( )A .34- B .﹣1 C . D .﹣28.如图,在 ABCD 中,点E 在CD 边上,AD =DE =EC ,BD 交AE 于点F ,点O 在线段AB 上,以OA 为半径的⊙O 与BD 恰好相切于点F ,并交AB 于点G ,交AD 于点H ,则BGDH的值为( ) A .94 B .21 C .33 D .53二.填空题:(本题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分)9.有理数a ,b ,c 满足)(21222a b ab c b a -++-=++,则a -b -c = . 10.设205012021120201+++=ΛM ,则M1的整数部分是 . 11.已知x >0,y >0,且511=+++yx y x .则x +y 的最大值是 . 12.设关于x 的方程ax ²+(a +2)x +9a =0有两个不等的实根x 1,x 2,且x 1<1<x 2,那么a的取值范围是 . 13.对于每个非零自然数n ,抛物线)1(1)1(122++++-=n n x n n n x y 与x 轴交于点n A ,n B ,以n n B A 表示这两点间的距离,则202020202211B A B A B A +++Λ的值为 .14.如图,在△ABC 中,BC =√2,AB =1,以AC 为边作等腰直角三角形ACD (以C 为顶点,B ,D 两点在直线AC 两侧),当∠ABC 变化时,线段BD 的最大值为 .15⊙O ,AB =86,若点E E 作DG ∥BC交⊙O 于点D ,G ,交AC 于点F ,若AE ,DE 都是正整数,则DE = .CB A D第8题图第14题图 第15题图16. 对给定的整数,符号表示{}3,21,中使能被3整除的唯一值,那 么_________________.三.解答题(本题共4小题,共58分)17.(本题12分)已知0142=++a a ,且53312324=++++ama a ma a ,求m 的值.18.(本题12分)如图,在△ABC 中,∠A =120°,K ,L 分别是AB ,AC 上的点,向△ABC 外作正三角形BKP 和CLQ .求证:PQ ≥)(23AC AB +.m ()m ϕ()m m ϕ+201020102010(21)(22)(23)ϕϕϕ-+-+-=19.(本题14分)如图,P A为⊙O的切线,PBC为⊙O的割线,AD⊥OP于点D,证明:AD2=BD•CD.20.(本题16分)在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2﹣5ax+4a与x轴交于A、B(A点在B点的左侧)与y轴交于点C.(1)如图1,连结AC,BC,若△ABC的面积为3时,求抛物线的解析式;(2)如图2,点P为第四象限抛物线上一点,连接PC,若∠BCP=2∠ABC时,求点P 的横坐标;(3)如图3,在(2)的条件下,点F在AP上,过点P作PH⊥x轴于H点,点K在PH 的延长线上,AK=KF,∠KAH=∠FKH,PF=﹣4a,连接KB并延长交抛物线于点Q,求PQ的长.2020年八年级创新A 班4月返学考试一、选择题(本题有8小题,每小题6分,共48分,每小题只有一个选项是正确的,不选、多选、错选均不给分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BDCDABAB二、填空题(本题共8个小题,每小题6分,共48分) 9.-1 10.66 11.4 12.0112<<a -13.2021202014.3 15. 12 16.6 三、解答题(本题共4个小题,共46分.解答需要写出必要的文字说明、演算步骤或证明过程) 17.(本题12分)解:由已知可得a a 412-=+,两边平方整理得24141a a =+.∴12141214)1(3)1(522222224-+=+-+=++++=m m ma a ma a ma a a ma a , 解得,237=m . 18.(本题12分)证明:分别过点B ,C 作∠BAC 平分弦的垂线,垂足分别为D ,E ,过点Q 作QF ⊥BP 于点F. 易得BD=23AB ,CE=23AC 则PQ ≥QF=BD+CE=23AB+AC 即PQ ≥)(23AC AB + 19.(本题14分)证明:连接OA 、OC ,23如图, ∵P A 为⊙O 的切线, ∴OA ⊥P A , ∴∠OAP =90°, ∵AD ⊥OP ,∴∠ADP =∠ADO =90°, ∵∠APO =∠DP A , ∴Rt △P AD ∽Rt △POA ,∴P A :PO =PD :P A ,即P A 2=PD •PO ,同理可得Rt△OAD∽Rt△OP A,则OA2=OD•OP,Rt△P AD∽Rt△AOD,则AD2=PD•DO,∵OA2=OD•OP,OC=OA,∴OC2=OD•OP,即OC:OD=OP:OC,而∠POC=∠COD,∴△POC∽△COD;∵P A为⊙O的切线,PBC为⊙O的割线,∴P A2=PB•PC,∴PB•PC=PD•PO,即PB:PO=PD:PC,而∠BPD=∠OPC,∴△PBD∽△POC,∴△PBD∽△COD,∴PD:CD=BD:OD,即PD•OD=BD•CD,∴AD2=BD•CD.20.(本题16分)解:(1)当y=0时,ax2﹣5ax+4a=0,解得x1=1,x2=4,则A(1,0),B(4,0),∴AB=3,∵△ABC的面积为3,∴•3•OC=3,解得OC=2,则C(0,﹣2),把C(0,﹣2)代入y=ax2﹣5ax+4a得4a=﹣2,解得a=﹣,∴抛物线的解析式为y=﹣x2+x﹣2;(2)过点P作PH⊥x轴于H,作CD⊥PH于点H,如图2,设P(x,ax2﹣5ax+4a),则PD=4a﹣(ax2﹣5ax+4a)=﹣ax2+5ax,∵AB∥CD,∴∠ABC=∠BCD,∵∠BCP=2∠ABC,∴∠PCD=∠ABC,∴Rt△PCD∽Rt△CBO,∴PD:OC=CD:OB,即(﹣ax2+5ax):(﹣4a)=x:4,解得x1=0,x2=6,∴点P的横坐标为6;(3)过点F作FG⊥PK于点G,如图3,∵AK=FK,∴∠KAF=∠KF A,而∠KAF=∠KAH+∠P AH,∠KF A=∠PKF+∠KPF,∵∠KAH=∠FKP,∴∠HAP=∠KP A,∴HA=HP,∴△AHP为等腰直角三角形,∵P(6,10a),∴﹣10a=6﹣1,解得a=﹣,在Rt△PFG中,∵PF=﹣4 a=2 ,∠FPG=45°,∴FG=PG=PF=2,在△AKH和△KFG中,∴△AKH≌△KFG(AAS),∴KH=FG=2,∴K(6,2),设直线KB的解析式为y=mx+n,把K(6,2),B(4,0)代入得,解得∴直线KB的解析式为y=x﹣4,当a=﹣时,抛物线的解析式为y=﹣x2+x﹣2,解方程组,解得或,∴Q(﹣1,﹣5),而P(6,﹣5),∴PQ∥x轴,∴PQ=7.。



温州育英国际实验学校2019-2020学年第二学期八年级创新A班4月月考科学试卷Word版一、选择题1.下列用途不是利用了金属的物理性质的是()A.金刚石用于刀具B.水银用于温度计C.铜用于制导线 D.铝用于烧水壶2.下列事例中,改变物体内能的途径与其他三项不同的是()A. B. C. D.3.现有甲、乙、丙、丁四人,在AB0 血型系统中,四人的血型各不相同。


则乙的血型是()A.A 型B.B 型 C.AB 型D.O 型4.实验室里的化学试剂都是分类存放的,小科在帮老师整理化学药品时,应将纯碱和哪些试剂放在一起()A.Cu、Ag B.NaCl、KNO3 C.HCl、H2SO4 D.NaOH、Ca(OH)25为除去下列物质中的杂质(括号内是,下列操作方法正确的是()选项物质操作方法A Fe (Fe2O3)加入过量稀盐酸,充分反应后过滤B CaO 粉末(CaCO3 粉末)加足量的水,充分搅拌后过滤C NaOH 溶液(Ca(OH)2 溶液)通入过量CO2 气体,充分反应后过滤D CuSO4 溶液(硫酸)加入过量CuO 粉末,加热,充分反应后过滤6()A.32.4% B.3.79% C.7.3% D.88.75%7.Cu 和Fe 的混合粉末若干克,与足量盐酸反应后,过滤。

将滤渣在空气中充分加热,加热后的质量恰好等于原混合物的质量,则原混合物中铁的质量分数()A.40% B.20% C.50.4%D.80%8.由M g(OH)2 和M gO 组成的混合物,测得其中含镁元素的质量分数为48%。

取该混合物10g,将其投入110g 的稀硫酸中恰好完全反应,所得溶液中溶质的质量分数为()A.12% B.20% C.24% D.30%9.一运动员在进行长跑锻炼时,从他的大腿肌细胞中检测到三种化学物质,其浓度变化如图,图中P、Q、R三曲线依次代表()A.乳酸、C02、02B.02、C02、乳酸C.C02、02、乳酸D .C02、乳酸、0210.人的心脏每跳一次大约输送 8×10-5 米3 的血液,正常人血压(可看作心脏压送血液的压强)的平均值约为1.5×104心脏跳约每分钟 70 次。




其生产的一种与蓝宝石类似的宝石叫祖母绿,与钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石并称为四大珍贵宝石,是绿宝石家族中最珍贵的成员,它的化学式是Be3Al2(SiO3)6,其中铍元素(Be)的化合价为()A.+1 B.+2 C.+3 D.+45.【最新】中国科学家屠呦呦因青蒿素(C15H22O5)和双氢青蒿素(C15H24O5)而荣获了诺贝尔奖。





2019-2020学年八年级(上)开学数学试卷一.选择题:(每小题3分,共30分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题要求)1.函数中,自变量x的取值范围是()A.x>2 B.x<2 C.x≠2 D.x≠﹣2《流浪地球》作为第一部中国自己的科幻大片,票房已破46亿元(4600000000),4600000000 2.科学记数法表示为()A.46×108B.4.6×108C.0.46×109D.4.6×1093.关于x的一元二次方程x2+4x+k=0有两个相等的实数根,则k的值为()A.k=4 B.k=﹣4 C.k≥﹣4 D.k≥44.甲,乙,丙,丁四名同学在学校演讲选拔赛的成绩平均数x与方差S2如下表所示:平均数根据表中数据,要从中选一名成绩好又发挥稳定的同学参加市演讲比赛,应该选择()A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁5.下列运算正确的是()A.=±3 B.|﹣3|=﹣3C.=﹣3 D.=π﹣46.代数式|x﹣1|﹣|x+2|的最大值为a,最小值为b,下列说法正确的是()A.a=3,b=0 B.a=0,b=﹣3C.a=3,b=﹣3 D.a=3,b不存在7.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠BAC=120°,AC的垂直平分线交AC于点D,交BC于点E,交BA的延长线于点F,若AF=,则BF的长为()A.B.3 C.2 D.48.如图,点A是反比例函数y=在第一象限图象上一点,连接OA,过点AB作∥x轴(点B在点A右侧),连接OB.若∠1=∠2,其点B的坐标是(8,4),则k的值是()A.6 B.8 C.12 D.169.有甲、乙两种糖果,原价分别为每千克a元和b元.根据调查,将两种糖果按甲种糖果x千克与乙种糖果y千克的比例混合,取得了较好的销售效果.现在糖果价格有了调整:甲种糖果单价下降15%,乙种糖果单价上涨20%,但按原比例混合的糖果单价恰好不变,则等于()A.B.C.D.10.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,以AB为边向下作正方形ADEB,连结CD,CE.分别记△ACD,△BCE的面积为S1,S2,用S1,S2的代数式表示边AB的长为()A.B.C.D.二.填空能:(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)11.不等式组的解是.12.如图,两个形状为正十边形的纪念币一边重合放置在一起,则∠α=度.13.如图,在△ABC中,已知AB=8,BC=5,点D,E分别为BC,AC的中点,BF平分∠ABC 交DE于点F,则EF的长为.14.如图,在矩形ABCD中,AB=4,BC=5,点E是边CD的中点,将△ADE沿AE折叠后得到△AFE.延长AF交边BC于点G,则CG为.15.点A是函数y=﹣(x<0)图象上的一点,连结AO并延长交函数y=﹣(x>0)的图象于点B,点C是x轴上一点,且AC=AO,则△ABC的面积为.16.若实数a、b满足a2=7﹣3a、b2=7﹣3b,则代数式的值为.17.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,M、N分别是BC、DC的中点,AM=4,AN=3,且∠MAN =60°,则AB的长是.18.如图,D为等边△ABC中边BC的中点,在边DA的延长线上取一点E,以CE为边、在CE的左下方作等边△CEF,连结AF.若AB=4,AF=,则CF的值为.三.解答能(共5小题,共46分,解答需写出必要的文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程)19.先化简,再求值:,其中a2+a﹣1=0.20.已知x=2+1,求代数式x3﹣2x2﹣7x+2019的值.21.如图,已知正方形ABCD中,AB=4,点E,F在对角线BD上,AE∥CF.(1)求证:△ABE≌△CDF;(2)若∠ABE=2∠BAE,求DF的长.22.如图,一次函数y=kx+b分别交x轴正半轴、y轴正半轴于点A、B,点P在边OA上运动(点P不与点O,A重合),PE⊥AB于点E,点F,P关于直线OE对称,PE:EA=3:4.若EF∥OA,且四边形OPEF的周长为6.(1)求证:四边形OPEF为菱形;(2)求证:OB=BE;(3)求一次函数y=kx+b的表达式.23.将一副三角尺按如图①方式拼接:含30°角的三角尺的长直角边与含45°角的三角尺的斜边恰好重合(在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,∠BAC=30°;在Rt△ACD中,∠ADC =90°∠DAC=45°)已知AB=2P是AC上的一个动点.(1)当PD=BC时,求∠PDA的度数;(2)如图②,若E是CD的中点,求△DEP周长的最小值;(3)如图③,当DP平分∠ADC时,在△ABC内存在一点Q,使得∠DQC=∠DPC,且CQ =,求PQ的长.。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语上学期期末试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AStudents, teachers, and local community members are strongly encouraged to register online to receive real-time information of emergency events fromColumbiaUniversity.Text message warnings will only be used in rare cases where ongoing events causean immediate threat or have a significant influence. Possible situations include severe weather conditions, emergency campus closures, crimes in progress that may endanger the community, and major transportation interruptions.Read instructions on how to sign up for emergency notifications(通知).ColumbiastudentsColumbiastudents can easily register for text message notifications. Simply enter Student Services Online, click on "Text Message Enrollment" and add your cellphone number. Students can register parents or family members by following the instructions for the public below.ColumbiateachersColumbiateachers can register for text message notifications by following the step by step instructions below:● Register with your UNI and password .● Select "Faculty & Staff"at the top of the page.● Select "Contact Details".● Click the "+" under "Phone".● Select "Campus Alert 1".● Enter your mobile number.To receive emergency information on additional mobile phones, you may follow the above instructions for "Campus Alert2" and "Campus Alert 3" for a total of three.Community/General PublicCommunity/General Public interested in receiving emergency information fromColumbiacan sign up by clicking on the "Register" button on the registration page and entering their email and mobile number. Users will receive confirmation code(密码)on their phone and will need to confirm their account via email.Users can choose not to use the Emergency Text Alert System at any time by texting STOP to 226787, calling 226789 or sending an email tolr27682@.1.Which is a possiblesituation where a text message will be sent?A.The temperature will drop slightly tomorrow.B.The campus will be closed during Christmas.C.The main railway system of the city is interrupted.D.A bank robber is being sentenced in the court of the city.2.Which step comes before the others when teachers register?A.Selecting Campus Alert.B.Entering mobile numbers.C.Clicking "+" under "Phone".D.Selecting "Faculty& Staff".3.How can users stop receiving text messages?A.By sending an email.B.By texting STOP to 226789.C.By managing information online.D.By making a phone call to 226787.BWhat will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question,you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio-­technology(生物技术). With the help of new medicine,the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents,murder and war. Today’s leading killers,such as heart disease,cancer,and aging itself,will become distant memories.In discussion of technological changes,the Internet gets most of the attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells(细胞)are the basic units of all living things,and until recently,scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells,such as those of brain cells,would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100,medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so,people will beable to take medicine to repair their organs(器官). The medicine,made up of the basic building materials of life,will build new brain cells,heart cells,and so on-in much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.It is exciting to imagine that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic condition of humanexistence,but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.4. According to the passage,human death is now mainly caused by ________.A. diseases and agingB. accidents and warC. accidents and agingD. heart disease and war5. In the author’s opinion,today’s most important advance in technology lies in(在于)________.A. the InternetB. medicineC. brain cellsD. human organs6. Humans may live longer in the future because ________.A. heart disease will be far away from usB. human brains can decide the final deathC. the basic materials of cells will last foreverD. human organs can be repaired by new medicine7. How long can humans live in the future according to the passage?A. Over 100 years.B. More than 120 years.C. About 150 years.D. The passage doesn’t tell us.CAmerican football was the fastest-growing sport for US young players last year, according to a survey sponsored by the sport's governing body.But it was the game's no tackle variety that showed the biggest increase-a finding that may reflect concerns about injury. In American football, a tackle (抢断球) refers to an attempt to stop an opponent by forcing them to the ground.The number of participants in football grew in 2015 while most other sport, except baseball, posted a decline, USA Football said on Monday, citing(引用) the findings of a survey of 30,000 children and teenagers.Participation in flag football (a no-tackle type of football) increased by 8.7 percent among children aged 6 to 14, while tackle football rose by 1.9 percent. For that age group, the only other sport that grew was baseball, with a 3. 3 percent increase.In the 15-to-18 age group, flag football rose by 10. 5 percent, while tackle grew by 2.5 percent.Basketball was the third, with a 1. 1 percent increase. Participation in all other sports declined.Tom Farrey, executive director of the Aspen Institute's Sports & Society Program, said he was surprised that flag football participation rose so much.“The trend suggests that parents aremarching to the beat of a different drummer, in pursuing flagas an alternative for their kids," he said.The findings come at a time of increasing concern about the risk associated with youth sports, particularly hockey (曲棍球) and football, where medical researchers have warned about the risk of concussions (damagesto the brain caused by violent blows to the head) and death linked to brain injury.USA Football, anIndianapolis,Indianabased nonprofit funded in part by the National Football League, believed that the increases resulted from better safety and health education."Football participation increases, even modest increases, may signal that programs such as our Heads Up Football program and practice guidelines are making a positive difference," said Scot Hallenbeck, USA Football chief executive, in a statement.Robert Cantu, aBostonUniversityneurosurgery professor and investigator at the school's chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center said the increase in fag football participation signaled that more parents were directing children to a safe alternative8. What can we learn about the two age groups?A. Flag football grew the fastest in the 6-to-18 group.B. Tackle football grew he fastest in the 6-to-14 group.C. Participation in baseball declined the most in both groupsD. Participation in tackle football increased the most in both groups.9. The underlined part probably means ________.A working at a different paceB. behaving in a different wayC. ignoring the major differencesD. trying to accept different opinions10. The popularity of flag football is inked with the fact thatA. its rules have been adapted for young playersB. it receives more funds than other varietiesC. tackle football is an old-fashioned gameD. experts worry about children's safety11. What is the cause of football growth according to USA Football?A. Their safety programs are successful.B. More children show interest in the game.C. Football is less likely to cause concussions.D. There are different types of football to choose from.DSince I was born and brought up in a rural town, I have a great interest in nature. Using the chance of studying abroad in my second year at college, I decided to go toCanadajust because I wanted to see the beautiful phenomena there So after I finished the study program, I went toYellowknifein theNorthwest Territories.I clearly remember the sixth night inYellowknife. Suddenly my host mother came to my room around 8 p.m. and told me to change clothes and go outside quickly carrying her camera.The northern lights were flickering (闪烁) in the sky! I was shocked and just stood there with my mouth open.I forgot to take pictures of the mysterious lights.Since that night, whenever it was sunny, I went outside at night and looked at the sky. It was so cold that I lost all feeling in myhands and feet.As I took pictures of the northern lights, I came to find a characteristic movement of the lights. They first appear in the north part of the sky and then they gradually come down to the south part of the sky. After that, suddenly, they come in the middle of the north and south only for a while, which is the time when the best northern lights can be seen. Since it is only a few seconds for the northern lights to come down to the middle of the sky, it is very hard to get good pictures.The stronger the sun acts, the better and stronger the northern lights flicker in the sky. That’s because they come about from the collisions (碰撞) between atmospheric gases and the solar wind. Much more solar wind comes to the earth when the sun is active, whichleads to the best northern lights. And the color1 s of the northern lights depend on the height of the collisions and the kinds of gases.12. Why did the host mother ask the author to go out?A. She wanted to take a picture of him.B. She wanted to take a walk with him.C. She wanted to tell him something important.D. She wanted him to see the northern lights.13. The author forgot to take pictures after going out because ______.A. the host mother didn’t remind him to take the cameraB. he was shocked by the wonderful sightC. the lights flickering in the sky disappeared too soonD. he lost all feeling in his hands and feet14. When is the best time to see the northern lights?A. When they appear in the north part of the sky.B. When they come down to the south part of the sky.C. When they are between the north and south.D. When they rise in the east part of the sky.15. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. Waysto take good pictures.B. The relationship between the sun and the northern lights.C.The color1 s of the northern lights.D. The time of the best northern lights.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。




2005-12-15一、选择题:(共40分)1. 为了提醒广大公民注意节约用水,我国制定了“节水徽记”。

“节水徽记”的图案是()2、下列属于溶液的是()A.碘酒B.牛奶C.血液D.纯酒精3. 吃火锅时,我们虽然没往锅内继续放盐,但汤越吃越咸,这是因为()A. 汤的上部淡下部咸B. 汤内盐的质量分数随着水份的蒸发而增大C. 汤内锅底的盐没溶解D. 其它原因4.根据水在通直流电的条件下所发生的变化事实,下列说法正确的是…()A.水是不纯净的B.水是由氢和氧组成的C.水中包含着氢气和氧气D.负极产生了10毫升氢气,正极产生20毫升氧气5、温州市气候属于()A.温带季风性气候B.热带季风性气候C.温带大陆性气候D.亚热带季风性气候6、奥运会射箭运动员在每次经过奥运村的国旗时,都会抬头注视一会儿,其中有一个原因是判断风向,当她看到五星红旗往西飘动时,这时风向为()A、东风B、南风C、西风D、北风7.下列四个事例中,用于增大压强的是()A . 推土机上安装两条履带 B. 铁轨铺在枕木上C. 用滑雪板滑雪D. 把刀刃磨薄8.下面所列举的现象:(1)按在墙上的图钉;(2)吸住在墙上的塑料衣钩;(3)用塑料管从开口的汽水瓶中吸上汽水;(4)气球正在上升。

能说明大气压的存在的是()A.(1)和(2)B. (2)和(3)C.(1)(2)和(3)D.(2)(3)和(4)9.下图中的四个图为滑动变阻器连入电路的几种情况,当滑片P向左移动时,使连入电路中的电阻变大的是()10.如图所示,电源电压保持不变,闭合开关S时出现的情况是()A 、灯L1变亮,电压表示数不变,电流表示数变大B 、灯L1不发光,电压表示数不变,电流表示数变大C 、灯L2变暗,电压表示数变小,电流表示数变小D 、灯L2不发光,电压表示数变大,电流表示数变小11、哈勃望远镜外面穿了一件银白色的外衣,其原因是它所处的高度()A.空气稀薄,温度低,太阳辐射强B.空气稀薄,温度高,太阳辐射强C.空气密度大,温度低,太阳辐射弱D.空气密度大,温度高,太阳辐射弱12、如图所示电路中,属于串联电路的是()A B C D13、在如图所示的电路中,闭合开关S,电压表所测出的电压是()A.电源两极的电压B.R1两端的电压C.R2两端的电压D.R1、R2的总电压14、在制药时,为了从溶液中提取抗菌素,要用加热的方法使水沸腾而除去水分,但抗菌素不能在超过80℃的温度下提取,应采用的方法是()A.增加容器内的气压,使水的沸点低于80℃B.降低容器内的气压,使水的沸点低于80℃C.缩短加热沸腾的时间D.用小火加热15、如图所示的电路中,闭合开关S,当滑动变阻器的滑片P向左移动时,灯L的亮度变化是()A.不变B.变亮C.变暗D.都有可能16、下列关于水的说法中,不正确的是()A、水处在不断的循环运动之中 B 、水是最常见的溶剂C、健康的成年人每天需2.5升的水D、沙漠中的骆驼不需要水材料编号长度(米) 横截面积(毫米2) 材料编号长度(米) 横截面积(毫米2)镍铬① 1 0.5 铜⑤ 1 0.5② 1 1 铜⑥ 1 1L1L2L1 L2L2L1L2L1第15题AVR1R2第17题合金③ 1.5 0.5 铜⑦ 1.5 0.5④ 1.5 1 铁⑧ 1.5 1其中对导体选择最合适的一组是()A.③④⑤⑥B.②③⑥⑦C.⑤⑥⑦⑧D.①⑤⑥⑦18.下列各现象中,不能用液体(气体)流速与压强关系解释的是()A、火车站台上,画有一条白线B、同向行驶的两船不能靠得太近C、飞机起飞时,乘客的耳膜易发生疼痛现象D、在硬币的上方吹气,硬币有可能上跳19.如图所示,盛水容器里浸有四个体积相等的物体半圆形的是石子,三角形的是木块,长方形的是铜块,球形的是铁块,它们受到的浮力分别是F1、F2、F3、F4,试比较它们所受浮力的大小是()A F4>F3>F1>F2B F4 >F1>F3>F2C F1=F2=F3=F4D F1=F3=F4>F220、一个长方形物体A静止在水平桌面上,其右侧正好与桌面对齐,如把物体A向右拉出一些,仍静止在水平桌面上,如右图所示,则物体A对桌面的压力和压强与原来相比()A、压力和压强都改变B、压力改变,压强不变C、压力不变,压强改变D、压力和压强都不变21、下列说法正确的是()A 大气分层的重要依据是气压的垂直变化B、对流层在两极的厚度最薄C、如果没有大气,火山爆发仍然存在D、受对流的影响,热的地方空气垂直运动呈下降22.购买的纸盒包装饮料(如伊犁酸奶等),一般都配有一根饮料吸管(如图所示)正确的使用方法是将尖的一端插入饮料管孔,其目的是………………… [ ]A.减小压强 B.增大压强C.增大压力 D.减小摩擦23.江河堤坝对于防止水土流失,保护两岸居民和行人安全有着十分重要的作用。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语上学期期末考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAshish, the 48-year-old surgeon encourages others to do the same through Bloodline, a nonprofit association he founded in 2017. Besides this, he donates blood regularly.According to Ashish, who has been a doctor at a United Family Healthcare hospital in Shanghai since 2007, Bloodline is aimed at creating a blood bank that can help the community as well as individuals with rare blood types who face an urgent need for blood.“My father, a doctor who specialized in treating chest infections, only charged those who could afford the medical treatment. For those who couldn’t pay, he never mentioned money and instead gave them the drugs for free.” he says.During his growing up years, Ashish was also exposed to social services, helping collect food and money for a local children’s hospital.Ashish first donated blood when he was 18. After arriving in China in 2003, Ashish learned mandarin at Fudan University in Shanghai before becoming a graduate student in general surgery at Shanghai Huashan Hospital. Here, he continued participating in blood donation drives as his way of giving back to society. In 2011, he became a volunteer at the Shanghai Blood Center where he helped raise public awareness about blood donations.The idea of setting up an online community for this cause came in 2013 as he believed that there should be a group of expats who get together voluntarily to work with patients and organize regular gatherings to raise public awareness. In 2017, this community was officially registered as Bloodline.“Our organization currently has a presence in 14 cities, including Beijing, Dalian, and Guangzhou. It’s often a small group of people in each city but they can help a great deal.” says Ashish, who holds the roles of ambassador and director of the foreign volunteers group at the Shanghai Blood Center.Ashish has also emphasize the importance of raising awareness of their causes in children, noting that people from the younger generations are more receptive to the idea of donating blood. Bloodline is currently planning to launch a junior club within the organization where youth will get to tour blood donation centers, witness how the blood is dealt, who the end users are, and the difference that they can make to the lives of those in need of blood.“We come from different countries and have different skin color1 s, but the blood streaming through our bodies is the same. When there is a need to roll up sleeves and save lives, we will step forward bravely.” he says.1. The goal of Bloodline is to ________.A. set up a blood bank that can help the communityB. raise money for the charityC. assist children in local hospitalsD. help poor people reduce their financial burden2. What can we infer about Ashish through the whole passage? He ________.A. benefited from blood donation himselfB. got his medical degree in FuDan UniversityC. got the idea of founding Bloodline from his fatherD. helped collect food and money for a local children’s hospital3. What message does the passage convey to us?A. Giving is receivingB. Hard work leads to success.C. One needs to return the favor.D. Love is without boundaries.BThere are 8.8 million blind people in India. In fact, there are 36 million blind people worldwide and a quarter of them are in India; however, many cases of blindness in India are curable. The poor in India have limited access to primary eye healthcare and often do not eat foods rich in micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals, which play an important role in maintaining good eye health.Many people worldwide are not even aware that they may have a vision (视力) problem simply because they do not get their eyes tested every year with a doctor, who tests for the functioning of the eye muscles (肌肉), as well as common diseases like night blindness. This exam is strongly recommended by experts because some changes in vision, which the patient may take longer to notice, can be found easily in this way.Certain simple changes in diet and lifestyle can ensure better eye health for you. These include drinking plenty-of water, not smoking, and eating brightly color1 ed and leafy fruit and vegetables. Wearing sunglasses protects your eyes from the sun, which damages otherwise healthy eyes. Learn about your family's eye disease history, and be on the lookout for any problem about your vision. Make sure that you see a doctor immediately for early intervention(干预) if you see any of these signs of worsening eye health.If you or a loved one needs to cure blindness or other eye diseases, turn to a crowdfunding (众筹) platform. Agroup of eye health caregivers have fundraised with crowdfunding platform ImpactGuru to raise money to perform operations on the eyes of blind women in south Asia. Running an online fundraiser enables both doctors and patients to find a way out of the dark. If you want eye care to develop, start a fundraiser today.4. Why are there so many blind people in India?A. There is a lack of eye hospitals in India.B. People pay no attention to their eyes at all.C. Poor Indians lack food good for eye health.D. The environment damages their eyes.5. What does the author suggest in Paragraph 2?A. Examining your eyes annually.B. Strengthening muscles every day.C. Raising the awareness of physical health.D. Attaching importance to self-examination.6. Which of the following may do harm to your eyes?A. Smoking a lot.B. Wearing sunglasses.C. Drinking much water.D. Watching brightly-color1 ed pictures.7. What does the author want to show in the last paragraph?A. How to start a fundraiser online.B. The importance of raising money.C. The role of crowdfunding in eye care.D. What should bedone to raise money.CLife in the Internet age is lonely—or is it? That’s what experts in human interaction are debating after a new Stanford University survey has been published.According to the study, the more time people spend online, the less they can spare for real-life relationships with family and friends. The researchers asked 113 people about the Web’s influence on daily activities. 36%of those people are online for more than five hours a week.” As Internet use becomes more widespread, it will have an increasingly isolating (孤立的) effect on society,” says Robert Kraut, one of the researchers.Scholars and Web lovers criticized the study for stretching its data to make the “isolating” point. While 13%of regular Web users admitted the loss of time with loved ones, 60%reported watching less TV. The survey alsoshows that E-mail is the most popular online activity. If some of webheads (网虫)spend what was once passive TV time keeping company with friends via E-mails, “that’s a move toward greater connectedness,” says Paul Resnick, a professor at the University of Michigan.Thisisn’t the first claim that the Web should be criticized. A 1998 report monitored 73 Pittsburgh-area families’ Net use for a year. People who used the Internet more “talked less to family members and reported being lonelier and more depressed.” says Robert Kraut.“It’s true that there have been big declines in social connectedness over the past decades, but those declines began before the Internet was invented,” says Thomas Putnam.As Amitay Etzioni says, the Internet gives us a different kind of social life—not better or worse than before, but just different.8. Who claimed that the Web had negative influence?A. Paul Resnick.B. Robert Kraut.C. Thomas Putnam.D. Amitay Etzioni.9. The underlined word “This” in Para.4 refers to .A. the opinion expressed in Bowling AloneB. the survey made by the University of MichiganC. the conclusion in a report written in 1998D. the study conducted by Stanford University10. From the passage we learn that .A. watching TV used to take time away from staying onlineB. the Web was blamed more than once for causing an isolating effectC. 36%ofweb users spend more than five hours a week onlineD. the Web has the same influence as telephones and televisions11. The passage mainly discusses .A. how we can make a better use of the InternetB. how declines in social connectedness appearC. whether the Internet causes an isolating effectD. what a different life the Internet brings to usDWho is a genius? This question has greatly interested humankind for centuries.Let's state clearly: Einstein was a genius. His face is almost the international symbol for genius. But we want to go beyond one man and explore the nature of genius itself. Why is it that some people are so much more intelligent or creative than the rest of us? And who are they?In the sciences and arts, those praised as geniuses were most often white men, of European origin. Perhaps this is not a surprise. It's said that history is written by the victors, and those victors set the standards for admission to the genius club. When contributions were made by geniuses outside the club—women, or people of a different color1 or belief—they were unacknowledged and rejected by others.A study recently published bySciencefound that as young as age six, girls are less likely than boys to say that members of their gender(性别)are “really, really smart.” Even worse, the study found thatgirls act on that belief: Around age six they start to avoid activities said to be for children who are “really, really smart.” Can our planet afford to have any great thinkers become discouraged and give up? It doesn't take a genius to know the answer: ly not.Here's the good news. In a wired world with constant global communication, we're all positioned to see flashes of genius wherever they appear. And the more we look, the more we will see that social factors(因素)like gender, race, and class do not determine the appearance of genius. As a writer says, future geniuses come from those with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance(毅力), and simple good fortune, who are able to change the world.”12. What does the author think of victors' standards for joining the genius club?A. They're unfair.B. They're conservative.C. They're objective.D. They're strict.13. What can we infer about girls from the study inScience?A. They think themselves smart.B. They look up to great thinkers.C. They see gender differences earlier than boys.D. They are likely to be influenced by social beliefs14. Why are more geniuses known to the public?A. Improved global communication.B. Less discrimination against women.C. Acceptance of victors' concepts.D. Changes in people's social positions.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Geniuses Think AlikeB. Genius Takes Many FormsC. Genius and IntelligenceD. Genius and Luck第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语上学期期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMany workers have had no choice but to adapt to working from home in recent months since offices shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠疫情). And the noisy situation and endless housework may result in a terrible emotion. A new option is waiting foryou. That is WFH: work from a hotel.Hotel FigueroA special program titled Work Perks aims to reposition some of 94-year-old Hotel Figuero’s 268 rooms as day-use offices.According to Managing Director Connie Wang, the set-up launched in June and is a great opportunity to get out of their houses with high-speed Wi-Fi, unlimited printing privileges and free parking. The 350-square-foot rooms sell for $ 129 per day, with an option to extend to an overnight stay for an additional $ 20.The WytheA boutique hotel in Brooklyn. The hotel recently announced a partnership with co-working office space company Industrious through which it is recycling 13 second-story guest rooms to serve as offices for up to four people.Each of the rooms has a small outdoor platform, and dogs are welcome. Pricing starts at $ 200 and goes up to $ 275, depending on how many people use the space.The SawyerThe Sawyer, in Sacramento, California, is offering pool cabanas (更衣室) for use as outdoor offices, complete with fast Wi-Fi, free parking and catered lunch for $ 150 per day.HotelsByDayYannis Moati founded HotelsByDay back in 2015. That company has grown to include more than 1,500 hotels, and has seen a significant increase in the number of inquiries for day-use bookings lately.Moati said the current situation will force hotels to upgrade themselves to stay alive, and he predicted that offering rooms for day-use only is one of the directions they will go.1.How much should one pay for a 24-hour stay in Hotel Figuero?A.$ 129.B.$ 149.C.$ 150.D.$ 200.2.Which hotel allows pets in?A.The Wythe.B.The Sawyer.C.HotelsByDay.D.Hotel Figuero.3.What do we know about Yannis Moati?A.He started a program titledWork Perks.B.He has upgraded at least 1,500 rooms.C.He usually predicts everything correctly.D.He is optimistic about the WFH trend.BWe use what is known as inner speech, where we talk to ourselves, to evaluate situations and make decisions. Now, a robot has been trained to speak aloud its inner decision-making process, giving us a view of how it responds to contradictory demands.Arianna Pipitone and Antonio Chella at the University of Palermo, Italy, programmed a humanoid robot named Pepper, with software that models human cognitive(认知的)processes, which allowed Pepper to retrieve (检索)relevant information from its memory and find the correct way to act based on human commands, as well as a text — to — speech processor. It allowed Pepper to voice its decision-making process while completing a task, "With inner speech, we can better understand what the robot wants to do and what its plan is," says Chella.The researchers asked Pepper to set a dinner table according to etiquette (礼仪)rules they had programmed into the robot. Inner speech was either enabled or disabled to see how it affected Pepper's ability to do what was instructed.When instructed to place a napkin on a fork with its inner speech enabled, Pepper asked itself what the etiquette required and concluded that this request went against the rules it had been given. It then asked the researchers if putting the napkin on the fork was the correct action. When told it was, Pepper said, "OK, I prefer to follow your desire," and explained how it was going to place the napkin on the fork.When asked to do the same task with inner speech disabled, Pepper knew this contradicted etiquette rules, so it didn't perform the task or explain why.With the potential for robots to become more common in the future, this type of programming could help the public understand their abilities and limitations, says Sarah Sebo at theUniversityofChicago. "It maintains people's trust and enables cooperation and interactions between humans and robots," she says. However, this experimentonly used a single human participant, says Sebo. "It's unclear how their approach would compare across a wide range of human participants," she says.4. Why does the author mention how people make decisions in the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To make comparisons.C. To provide an example.D. To support his argument.5. How did Pepper react to the contradictory instruction with its inner speech enabled?A. It failed to complete the task.B. It followed the etiquette rules.C. It made a random decision.D. It communicated with the researchers.6. What did Sarah Sebo think of the research?A. It was creative but worthless.B. It was a good try but the result was a failure.C. It was inspiring but needed further evidence.D. It was carefully designed but poorly performed.7. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Robot Taught To Be PoliteB. Robot Can Explain Its DecisionC. Robot Making Decisions: No Longer A DreamD. Robot-Human Communication: No Longer A ProblemCIn a world simultaneously on fire and underwater thanks to climate change, scientists have announced some good news: Several important tuna (金枪鱼) species have stepped back from the edge of extinction.The unexpectedly fast recovery speaks to the success of efforts over the past decade to end overfishing. But tuna are not the only species scientists are discussing at the 2021 World Conservation Congress in Marseille, France, which is organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Researchers caution that many other marine species remainimperiled. For instance, more than a third of the world's sharks remain threatened with extinction due to overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change.“I think the good news is that sustainable fisheries are possible,” says Beth Polidoro, a marine biologist at Arizona State University. “We can eat fish in a proper way and without driving the population to the point where itis on the road to collapse or extinction."At the same time, she warned that the changes in status should not be an reason to catch as many fish as we want.The IUCN, which ranks the world's most endangered species on its Red List of Threatened Species and is backed by 16,000 experts across the globe, also announced at the meeting that some animals are moving in the other direction, onto the Red List. One notable example is the Komodo dragon, an island-living lizard at particular risk from climate change.For the better part of two decades, Polidoro has been part of a specialist group tasked with assessing the statuses of more than 60 species of tuna and billfishes for the IUCN.Her team announced its first comprehensive findings in 2011, mentioning that a number of commercially fished tuna species were dangerously close to disappearing.According to the new data, the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), once listed as endangered, now qualifies for a status of least concern. As does the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga), which were both considered near-threatened the last time they were assessed.8. What does the underlined word “imperiled” in paragraph 2 mean?A. EndangeredB. ConservedC. ExtinctD. Safe9. What can we infer from Polidoro's words?A. Too many fish are being eaten by human beings.B. Eating fish does not necessarily lead to its extinction.C. Fish species are on the edge of dying out if no action is taken.D. The situation of underwater species are changing for the better.10. Which of following statement is true according to the passage?A. Some Tuna species are wiped out by overfishing.B. Tuna are ranked as the world's most endangered species.C. Climate change poses a threat to most species in water and on land.D. Three tuna species have been saved from extinction according to the data.11. What's the main idea of the passage?A. Some tuna species are reported endangered recently.B. IUCN has helped saved a great many marine species.C. Improvement has been made in saving marine species.D. Great efforts should be made to conserve species underwater.DAs one of the world’smost popular cultural mediums, cinema is at the leading position at the Taihu World Cultural Forum(论坛), an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges. So far this year, Chinese box office has already topped 58 billion yuan, the China Film Administration said. This indicates that China, the world’s second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world’s top cinema market.Cao Yin, director of the program center at China Movie Channel, said that China has 67,000 cinema screens. the most of any country, and the number is expected to increase to 80,000 by the end of next year. Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with 22 countries (including the United States, Canada, Japan. India etc.) ,Cao added it has deepened cinematic exchanges between Chinese filmmakers and their foreign counterparts (同行).With the country’s huge native market, which produced more than 1,000 films in 2019, Hong Kong director Stanley Tong said he believes foreign filmmakers will increasingly seek cooperation with China. “International coproduction will become an important platform to send Chinese stories oversea and give us a broader vision of creation,” Tong said.Recently, over 80 percent of the world’s top 100 highest box-office titles have been action films. Tong said the films, in which plots are basically secondary to shining stunts (特技), is one of the easiest ways to appeal to foreign audiences. But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas. When asked what kinds of Chinese films would have the most global appeal. Yan Zhaozhu, chairman of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, said stories that address universal issues, such as environmental protection and climate change, are perhaps the best options.12. What is the purpose of the Taihu World Cultural Forum?A. To strengthen cultural exchanges.B. To build more cinemas in China.C. To invite more tourists to Taihu.D. To attract more international investment.13. What can we infer about Cao Yin’s opinion in Paragraph 2?A. Chinese box office has already overtaken the United States so farB. The screens of Chinese cinemas will be world-leading in the futureC. China has signed the most coproduction agreements with other countriesD. There will be more and more cooperations between Chinese filmmakers and other countries.14. How do Chinese filmmakers feel about selling their movies to the world right now?A. Easy.B. Disappointed.C. Challenged.D. Confused.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Box Office: Unclear FutureB. China: Top Second Movie MarketC. Cinema: The Leading Cultural PositionD. Chinese Filmmakers: Severe Competition Situation第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语第一次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhen it comes to the greatest inventions of the world, China’s name is sure to be mentioned several times. There are hundreds of things which were invented by the Chinese.AlcoholShocked? I was because when they said alcohol I thought about either the US or the UK. China had never crossed my mind. In China, alcohol was made by two legendary persons named Yi Di and Du Kang who belonged to the Xia Dynasty. This period was about 2000 BC - 1600 BC. Research says that in ancient China, beer with 4% alcoholic content was widely consumed by people.TeaChina is the proud inventor of tea which was first drunk by Shen Nong, a Chinese emperor around 2737 BC. Tea production was rapidly developed, making tea a popular drink during the Tang and Song Dynasties.The Mechanical ClockHave you ever wondered what on earth we would be doing without any idea of time? A clock really is an invention without which things were incomplete. The credit of making the first mechanical clock goes to ancient China. The first mechanical clock was invented by Yi Xing in the Tang Dynasty. This was during 618 and 907.Silk FabricSilk, the favorite fabric of many girls out there, is also a Chinese invention. Although we all know that silk is made by silkworms, it was Chinese people who first invented a way to harvest the silk and then use it to make clothes. The oldest silk which has been found so far is in Henan Province and dates back to 3630 BC.1.We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________.A.people in the US like alcoholB.beer was popular in the Xia DynastyC.Yi Di and Du Kang invented alcohol by accidentD.the author didn’t know alcohol is a Chinese invention2.The author asks the question in Paragraph 4 to show ________.A.ancient Chinese inventors were wiserB.many things in our lives are incompleteC.ancient Chinese people never wasted timeD.the invention of the mechanical clock is important3.Which of the following invention has a longer history?A.Tea.B.Alcohol.C.Silk fabric.D.The mechanical clock.BConducting interviews for news stories is an important skill for any journalist. To start, do as much research as you can and prepare a list of questions to ask. Once the interview starts, try to develop a rapport(融洽的关系) with your "source"—anyone a journalist interviews, but don't waste your time. If your source starts to talk about things that are clearly of no use to you, don't be afraid to gently but firmly turn the conversationback to the topic at hand.It's an old debate among journalists: Which works better when interviewing a source, taking notes (the old-fashioned way) or using a cassette or digital voice recorder? Both have their advantages and disadvantages. A reporter's notebook and a pen or pencil are the easy-to-use, time-honored tools of the interviewing trade, while recorders enable you to get everything someone says word for word. Which works better? It depends on what kind of story you're doing.Many beginning reporters complain that with a notepad and pen, they can never take down everything a source says in an interview. But you don't have to note everything down. Keep in mind that you're probably not going to use everything they say in your story. So don't worry if youlet slipa few things.So you've done a long interview with a source, you have pages of notes, and you're ready to write. But chances are you'll only be able to choose a few quotes from that information collected directly from the source. Which ones should you use? Reporters often talk about using only "good" quotes for their stories, but what does this mean? Broadly speaking, when someone says something interesting, and says it in an interesting way, that can make a good quote.4. What is a journalist advised to do during an interview?A. Be gentle with the source.B. Carry on a long conversation.C. Make the conversation interesting.D. Prevent the conversation being off-topic.5. What do the underlined words "let slip" in Paragraph 3 mean?A. give awayB. leave outC. get rid ofD. take up6. What is considered as a good quote for a reporter?A. A direct quote.B. An important point of view.C. A piece of basic information.D. Something funny a source says interestingly.7. What is the text mainly about?A. The job of a journalist.B. The process of interviewing.C Some facts about interviewing. D. The relationship between a journalist and a source.CThis past year, I've found myself returning again and again to lines of poetry by Emily Dickinson. Like many people, I've needed the curing effects of reading more than ever. As scientists and psychologists will tell you, books are good for the brain and their benefits are particularly vital now.Books expand our world, providing an escape and offering novelty, surprise and excitement. They broaden our view and help us connect with others. Books can also distract us and help reduce ourmental chatter.When we hit the “flow state" of reading where we're fully lost in a book, our brain's mode network calms down. It's a network of brain that is active and gets absorbed in thinking and worrying endlessly when we are not doing anything else.There is so much noise in the world right now and the very act of reading is kind of meditation. You disconnect from the chaos around you.You reconnect with yourself when you are reading. And there's no more noise.In 2020, the NPD Group recorded the best year of book sales since 2004. Yet even as people are buying more books,many are reporting they're having a harder time getting through them. It's difficult for your brain to focus on a book when it's constantly scanning for threats to keep you alive.Our fight-or-flight response has been consistently activated.Sometimes I picture my brain as a cartoon brain with little arms and legs, fighting with a book I am holding and screaming: “Can't you see I'm busy!” Anxiety causes our brain to produce a flood of stress,which consumes our energy and makes it harder to concentrate.Then one day in December sitting on my couch, I remembered how much I like to read"The House of Mirth" every few years around the holidays. The memory inspired me to pick up the familiar book, opened it up and started reading.I just kept going.The comfort and distraction and brain-opening experience gave me peace.So return to something familiar.8. What does the underlined part “mental chatter” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Getting lost in a book.B. Non-stop inner anxiety.C. Chatting with the author.D. Powerful network of brain.9. What do we know about reading according to the text?A. It can treat our headache.B. It can calm down the noisy people.C. It forces us to concentrate.on thinking.D. It makes us communicate with ourselves.10. Why was it difficult for people to finish reading books in 2020?A. People bought too many books.B. The books were too difficult to understand.C. People just wanted to escape from the threat.D. The life threat disturbed people's focus on books.11. Why is the author's experience mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To rid people of concern for safety.B. To present an effective reading way.C. To wake up memories of an old book.D. To recommend the book he/she reads.DI had just delivered a memorable speech, and I was about to learn how the judges decided my performance. The audience leaned forward and a period of silence fell across the room. I felt the drum rolled in my heart.The third-place winner was announced. The name was not mine. Then the second-place winner, still not me. At last, the moment of truth came. I was about to either enjoy the warmth of victory or regret the months’ preparation. My heart felt closer to the latter.Losing is a part of life, and I have dealt with it on more than one occasion. However, it was an indescribable feeling to drive a 200-mile round trip, get up very early on a freezing Saturday morning, and yet still finish fourth out of four competitors in my group. After Lincoln lost the 1858 Illinois Senate race, he said, “I felt like the 12-year-old boy who kicked his toe. I was too big to cry and it hurt too bad to laugh.” Oh yeah, I could relate.I had spent many hours in front of a computer and in libraries doing research for the Lincoln Bicentennial Speech Contest. After not placing in the first year of the contest, I really wanted to compete again. Lincoln had many failures, but he never allowed them to defeat his spirit or ambition, so I was not going to give up on a second contest! I reworked my speech for the following year, but again I did not place.I couldn’t accept the fact that I failed twice in something that I had worked so hard on, until I thought about my hero. Never mind the lost prize money and praise—through learning stories about Lincoln, I discovered that I can fail successfully.12. How did the author feel after finishing his speech?A. Delighted.B. Annoyed.C. Thrilled.D. Nervous.13. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A. He was regretful about his not being fully prepared.B. He felt upset for getting up early on a chilly morning.C. He once kicked and hurt his toe when he was 12 years old.D. He turned out to be the last one of his group in the contest.14. Why did the author decide to enter the second contest?A. He was eager to prove himself to be the best contestant.B. He was inspired by the never-give-up spirit of Lincoln.C. He was willing to enjoy the warmth and joy of victory.D. He was determined to win the prize money and praise.15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. A memorable hero in my lifeB. Never mind others’ judgmentsC. Losing is an indescribable feelingD. Stand up from where we tripped over第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语第一次联考试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABest language learning appsDuolingoThe app doesn't restrict how many languages you can try to learn at the same time. I use Duolingo to practice Spanish and German. In the app, you can access resources such as Duolingo Stories, which can allow you to check your comprehension skills as you go. I also subscribe to Premium for $10 per month which includes an ad-free experience and downloadable lessons.MemriseOne of my favorite parts of Memrise is its short videos about how real locals express different phrases in conversation. A few lessons are available for free daily, but the full program is accessible if you subscribe to Memrise Pro. There are three plans—one month for $9, a year for $30 or three months for $19.BusuuWhen you sign up for Busuu, you select the language you want to learn, and the app helps you determine how advanced you are with it and why you want to learn it, and to what level. From there, you set a daily study goal. Premium costs about $6 per month for a year.LiricaIf you listen to any song enough, you'll learn all the words through repetition, even if they're in a different language. But how do you figure out what they mean? This is where Lirica comes in. This app is unique in how it approaches teaching Spanish. Instead of traditional teaching methods for learning a language, Lirica uses popular music by Latin artists to help you learn the Spanish language and grammar. Lirica has a one-week free trial and then it's about $4 per month.1. Which app is best for learning multiple languages at a time?A. Lirica.B. Busuu.C. Memrise.D. Duolingo.2. How much should you pay for a quarterly subscription to Memrise Pro?A. $9.B. $19.C. $28.D. $30.3. What is special about Lirica?A. It offers a one-month free trial.B. It helps users set a daily study goal.C. It hires Latin artists to teach Spanish.D. It enables users to learn Spanish through music.BOne weekend I went toBuffaloto talk at a writers' conference organized by a group of women writers. The women were serious about their writing skills, and the articles they had written were solid and useful. They asked me to take part in a radio talk show earlier in the week to publicize the conference-they would be with the host in the studio and I would be on a telephone linking from my apartment inNew York.The appointed evening arrived, and my phone rang, and the host came on and greeted me. He said he had three lovely ladies in the studio with him and he was eager to find out what we all thought of the present state of literature and what advice we had for all his listeners who were members of the literati and had literary ambitions themselves.This hearty introduction dropped like a stone among us, and none of the three lovely ladies said anything, which I thought was the proper response.The silence lengthened, and finally I said, “I think we should stop mentioning the words literature and literary and literati. We're here to talk about the skills of writing.” Iknew that the host had been given information about what kind of writers we were and what we wanted to discuss. But he had no other preparation. "Tell me what insights do you have about the literary experience inAmericatoday?” Silence also greeted this question.He didn’t know what to do with that, and he began to mention the names of authors like Ernest Hemingway and Saul Bellow and William Styron, whom we surely regarded as literary giants. We said those writers didn't happen to be our models, and we mentioned people like Lewis Thomas and Joan Didion and Gary Wills, whom he hadn't heard of. We explained that these were writers we admired. “But don't you want to write anything literary?” our host said We were speechless.It was one of the all-time upset radio talk shows.4. What do we know about the talk show?A. It was organized by women writers.B. It was publicized at the conference.C. The author went toBuffaloto take part in it.D. The author participated in it inNew York.5. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 mean?A. The introduction struck us heavily with a stone.B. The introduction received embarrassing response.C. The introduction increased the listeners' interest.D. The introduction carried the host's praise for us.6. What was the author's reaction when the host mentioned the three great literary- giants?A. Excited.B. Inspired.C. Uninterested.D. Satisfied.7. Who may be the author's model?A. Joan Didion.B. Ernest Hemingway.C. Saul Bellow.D. William Styron.CA young female athlete in thePhilippinesrecently won many gold medals during a sports meet despite not having proper running shoes. Rhea Ballos, an 11-year-old student ofSalvationElementary Schoolin Balason,Iloilo, wasonly wearing bandages around her feet when she competed at the Iloilo Schools Sports Meet.Facebook user Valenzuela posted pictures of the girl with her feet wrapped in bandages bearing the famous Nike logo. Ballos even wrote the word “NIKE” on the sides of her “shoe” to complete the “Nike running shoes” look. The bandages were tightly wrapped around her feet, creating a thin protective layer against the track. While she was actually barefoot during the races, she was still able to defeat her competitors who all more proper footwear intended for running,According to the post, Ballos bagged the top awards in the 400-meter dash, the 800-meter run, and the 1500-meter run in the girls' categories in the inter school sporting event held in Iloilo, central Philippines.When pictures of her “Nike” footwear become popular, Flipinos on social media praised her. Many noted that instead of falling into self-pity, she was even able to make light of the situation by drawing the Nike logo on her “running shoes”. Some of the commenters of Valenzuela's post expressed how the girl deserved to be recognized by Nike and that the brand should actually give her a new pair of real Nike shoes. Others started getting in touch with the American sports brand, as well as local basketball specialty store Titan 22.It did not take long for Titan co-founder and Alaska Aces head coach Jeffrey Cariaso to take notice of Ballos' outstanding achievement. Cariaso immediately made an effort to get in touch with the young track runner. The seven-time PBA champion has since talked to the student as well as her coaches in an apparent bid to help her out.8. Why did Ballos wear bandages around her feet to compete?A. She couldn't afford to buy shoes.B. She wished to be noticed by Nike.C. She wanted to draw public's attention.D. She thought it fashionable and unique.9. What's people's attitude to Ballos' story?A. Surprised.B. Confused.C. Favorable.D. Doubtful.10. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Ballos will be recognized by Nike.B. Ballos will be probably helped by Cariaso.C. Ballos is bound to win more champions.D. Ballos will become a great basketball player.11. Which of the following can best describe Ballos?A. Shy and lucky.B. Kind and brave.C. Clever and outstanding.D. Gifted and optimistic.DAs one of the world’smost popular cultural mediums, cinema is at the leading position at the Taihu World Cultural Forum(论坛), an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges. So far this year, Chinese box office has already topped 58 billion yuan, the China Film Administration said. This indicates that China, the world’s second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world’s top cinema market.Cao Yin, director of the program center at China Movie Channel, said that China has 67,000 cinema screens. the most of any country, and the number is expected to increase to 80,000 by the end of next year. Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with 22 countries (including the United States, Canada, Japan. India etc.) ,Cao added it has deepened cinematic exchanges between Chinese filmmakers and their foreign counterparts (同行).With the country’s huge native market, which produced more than 1,000 films in 2019, Hong Kong director Stanley Tong said he believes foreign filmmakers will increasingly seek cooperation with China. “International coproduction will become an important platform to send Chinese stories oversea and give us a broader vision of creation,” Tong said.Recently, over 80 percent of the world’s top 100 highest box-office titles have been action films. Tong said thefilms, in which plots are basically secondary to shining stunts (特技), is one of the easiest ways to appeal to foreign audiences. But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas. When asked what kinds of Chinese films would have the most global appeal. Yan Zhaozhu, chairman of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, said stories that address universal issues, such as environmental protection and climate change, are perhaps the best options.12. What is the purpose of the Taihu World Cultural Forum?A. To strengthen cultural exchanges.B. To build more cinemas in China.C. To invite more tourists to Taihu.D. To attract more international investment.13. What can we infer about Cao Yin’s opinion in Paragraph 2?A. Chinese box office has already overtaken the United States so farB. The screens of Chinese cinemas will be world-leading in the futureC. China has signed the most coproduction agreements with other countriesD. There will be more and more cooperations between Chinese filmmakers and other countries.14. How do Chinese filmmakers feel about selling their movies to the world right now?A. Easy.B. Disappointed.C. Challenged.D. Confused.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Box Office: Unclear FutureB. China: Top Second Movie MarketC. Cinema: The Leading Cultural PositionD. Chinese Filmmakers: Severe Competition Situation第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语上学期期中试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAs the MOOC craze continues to explode, anyone interested in taking an online course faces a tricky question: Which course to take? Here are five aspects that you should consider before you start.(1)What is your learning style?Many MOOCs are video-based. Other courses use presentation formats. Some also require participation in group work. If you want to stay motivated during your course, think about how you enjoy learning.Are you a visual learner, preferring to use images to understand a topic? If so, a video-based course will work well for you. If you are a verbal learner who gains new information by speaking and writing, try a text-based course with lots of note-taking. Social learners, meanwhile, will thrive in forum discussions and project-based assessment.(2)Are you ready to become a full-time student?Be realistic about the time that you can commit to your online studies. Participating in an online course can take as much time and commitment as a class-based program. Check the course requirements and make a plan around your current schedule.(3) Does the course really meet your needs?Whether you are interested in a professional qualification or want to take a personal development course like yoga, there is a MOOC for you. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of taking lots of free courses in everything that you ever wanted to learn. Before you start a course, think about the end goal. Is the course aimed at beginners or advanced learners? Why do you need this qualification?(4) Do you need a support group?Some people learn best from seeing how others approach the problem. If you are such as learner, you will need to supplement your online lessons with an in-person support group.(5) What kind of certification will you get?Take time to find out what kind of certification is available upon completion of the course, and how you can prove your learning to others - for example, certificates, transcripts or digital badges.1. What kind of MOOC's does the author recommend to verbal learners?A. A video-based course.B. A text-based course.C. A forum-based discussion.D. A project-based assessment.2. What kind of learners need an in-person support group?A. Learners who prefer individual work.B. Learners who are in great need of a certificate.C. Learners who are too busy to become a full-time student.D. Learners who learn best from observing how others address the problem.3. What is the passage mainly about?A. Picking the right MOOC's for you.B. Deciding your learning style.C. Taking the right course you need.D. Choosing a suitable support group.BCuckoos don’t bother building their own nests—they just lay eggs that perfectly imitate those of other birds and take over their nests. But other birds are wishing up, evolving some seriously impressive tricks to spot the cuckoo eggs.Cuckoos are often know asparasites, meaning that they hide their eggs in the nest of other species. To avoid detection, the cuckoos have evolved so that eggs seem reproduction of those of their preferred targets. If the host bird doesn’t notice the strange egg in its nest, the little cuckoo will actually take the entire nest for itself after it comes out, taking the other eggs on its back and dropping them out of the nest.To avoid this unpleasant fate for their young, the other birds have evolved a few smart ways to spot the fakes, which we’re only now beginning to fully understand. One of the most amazing finds is that birds have an extra colour-sensitive cell in their eyes, which makes them far more sensitive to ultraviolet wavelengths and allows them to see a far greater range of colours than humans can. This allows cautious birds to detect a fake egg which might be exactly the same to our eyes.Fascinatingly, we’re actually able to observe different bird species at very different points in their evolutionary war with the cuckoos. For instance, some cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of the redstarts. The blue eggs these cuckoos lay are practically alike to those of the redstarts, and yet they are still sometimes rejected. Compare that with cuckoos who target dunnocks. While those birds lay perfectly blue eggs, their cuckoo invaders just lay white eggs with brown irregular shaped spots. And yet dunnocks barely ever seem to notice the obvious trick.Biologists suspect these more easily fooled species like the dunnocks are on the same evolutionary path as the redstarts, but they have a long way to go until they evolve the same levels of suspicion. What’s remarkable is that the dunnocks fakes are so bad and the redstart ones so good, and yet cuckoos are still more successful with the former than the latter.It speaks to just how thoroughly a species’ behavior can be changed by the pressures of natural selection, or it might just be a bit of strategic cooperation on the part of the dunnocks. Biologists have suggested that these birds are willing to tolerate a parasite every so often because they don’t want to risk accidentally getting rid of one of their own eggs.4. This passage can be most likely found in a ________.A. science surveyB. nature magazineC. zoo advertisementD. travel journal5. What does the underlined word “parasite” in paragraph 2 most probably refer to?A. Animals that work together to raise young.B. Small harmful animals such as worms or mice.C. Animals that can adapt to changing environments.D. Animals which live on or inside other host animals.6. Which of the following is TRUE about the dunnock according to the passage?A. It is colour-blind and therefore cannot identify foreign eggs in the nest.B. It can easily remove cuckoo eggs from the nest because fakes are so bad.C. It is a host bird that is more likely to raise a cuckoo chick than the redstart.D. It is unable to evolve and hence accepts cuckoo eggs that appear in the nest.7. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. Dunnocks may eventually learn to recognise foreign eggs.B. Redstarts seem to be less suspicious compared to dunnocks.C. Cuckoo birds are good at taking responsibility for their own young.D. It is very easy for cuckoos to imitate the colouring of the dunnock’s egg.CA Chinese space mining company has designed a robot that can capture waste material left behind by spacecraft in outer space with a big net.The state-run Xinhua news agency recently reported that the robot launched on the government's LongMarch 6 rocket along with several satellites. The robot will also investigate deep space to observe small objects in the universe. The 30-kilogram robot, called NEO-01 , was developed by Origin Space. Pounded in 2019 and based in the southern Chinese tech hub(技术中心)Shenzhen, Origin Space has been devoted to exploring and using space resources, according to the company. The company says the robot will lead the way for future technologies capable of mining on asteroids(小行星).The world's first asteroid mining company, Planetary Resources, was established in 2009. Since then, more than 12 businesses around the world have entered the industry, including 3D Systems of the United States and Japan's Astroscale. Astroscale's technology uses magnets (磁铁)to gather up space waste. But a report on the Origin Space website says NEO-01 will use a net to capture waste and then bum it. Thousands of satellites have been launched worldwide. As they are used too long, many end up as waste and put other operating satellites at risk.Su Meng is the founder of Origin Space. He said the company plans to launch many space telescopes and more spacecraft to begin the first for-profit mining of asteroids by 2045. Su added that NEO-01 will serve as a prototype (雏形)of future space mining robots, which can use rich mineral resources on asteroids to support the development of the space industry.The Xinhua news agency reported that China was increasing efforts to land a spacecraft on a near-Earth asteroid to collectmaterials. China is also speeding up a plan to build a defense system against near-Earth asteroids. The country aims to follow Russia and the United States in becoming a major space power by 2030.8. Which of the following can correctly describe NEO-01?A. It weighs 60 kilograms.B. It was created by Planetary Resources.C. It will be burnt after finishing its mission.D. It is mainly used to catch space waste.9. What can be inferred from the text?A. China will be the most powerful in space by 2030.B. Origin Space will open more mines on asteroids.C. It is those useless satellites that make space waste.D. The robot will look into deep space for more waste.10. What does Su Meng think of NEO-01 ?A. It is promising and rewarding.B. It has benefited the space industry.C. It's a long way to produce it.D. It'll help make money for the company.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. NEO-01 , A Smart Robot Used in SpaceB. A Chinese Robot Can Catch Space WasteC. A New Robot Makes China a SpacePowerD. NEO-01 , the Pioneer of Future Space RobotsDWhile the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students inAuckland,New Zealand. They became the world’s first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher.Before you start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar that appears on the student’s desktop, or smartphone screen, when ordered to come.The autonomous animation platform has been modeled after the human brain and nervous system, allowing it to show human-like behavior. The digital teacher is assigned to teach Vector’s “Be sustainable with energy”— a free program forAucklandelementary schools.Just like the humans it replaced, Will is able to instantly react to the students’ responses to the topic. Thanks to a webcam and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may have, but also picks up non-verbal cues. For instance, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way interaction not only helps attract the students’ attention, but also allows the program’s developers to monitor their engagement, and make changes if needed.Nikhil Ravishankar believes that Will-like avatars could be a novel way to catch the attention of the next generation. He says, “I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver cost-effective, rich, educational experience in the future.”The program, in place since August 2018, has been a great success thus far. Ravishankar says, “ What was fascinating to me was the reaction of the children to Will. The way they look at the world is so creative and different, and Will really captured their attention.” However, regardless of how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon.12. What was special for some elementary school students inAuckland?A. A digital teacher taught them.B. They first saw something digital.C. This was the start of a new school year.D. They could get close to smartphone screen.13. What is the benefit of this two-way interaction?A. It can smile back.B. It can use microphone.C. It can talk any topic for free.D. It can change if necessary.14. What’s Ravishankar’s attitude to Will’s replacing Human educators soon?A. Optimistic.B. Doubtful.C. Unclear.D. Disapproving.15. What might be the best title for the passage?A. New High-tech Contributes to EducationB. The World’s First Digital Teacher Appears in Classroom.C. The World’s First Digital Teacher, a Help to StudentsD.New ZealandWill Replace Teachers in Classrooms第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2018年温州育英国际实验学校8年级实验班分班考试数 学 试 卷温馨提示:(1)考试时间120分钟,满分120分;(2)本试题分试题卷和答题卷,请将选择题和填空题的正确答案填写在答题卷上的指定位置﹒一、选择题(每小题4分,共32分)1﹒关于x 的方程a x =--21恰有一个实数解,则a 的值是(▲) A. 0B. -1C. -2D.-32﹒将若干个相同的小正方体,按下图规律摆放,则第6个几何体的小正方体的个数是(▲)A. 54B. 55C.56D. 573﹒若实数x ,y 满足1=+y x ,122+=x x ,则y x 124+的值为(▲) A. 5 B. 12C. 13D. 174﹒如果q p 1+=1,rq 2+=1,则p r 2+的值为(▲) A. -1B .1C .2D .35﹒如图,△ABC 是等边三角形,边长为m ,P 是等边三角形内一点,PD⊥BC ,PE⊥AC ,PF⊥AB ,且PD=3,PE=4,PF=5,则m 的值为(▲) A. 12B .24C .34D .38第5题6﹒方程yxxy x ++2=72的正整数解有(▲)A.3组B .4组C .5组D .以上答案都不对7﹒关于x 的不等式组⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+<+->+m x x x x 32325只有2个整数解,则m 的取值范围是(▲)A.﹣316≤m≤﹣314B .﹣316≤m <﹣314C .﹣316<m≤﹣314D .﹣316<m <﹣3148﹒已知m >0,n >0,若三角形的三边长分别为22n m +,224n m +,224n m +,则这个三角形的面积是()A.mnB.mn 23 C. mn 2D. mn 25二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分) 9﹒平面直角坐标系中,点A 的坐标为(5,4),点B 的坐标为(1,1),则线段AB 的长 ▲ .10﹒已知x 、y 满足035222=--y xy x (xy≠0),则yx的值为 ▲ . 11﹒若p 、q 为质数,且2622=+q p ,则()()()()()1221212+++++++++q p q p p p p p = ▲ .12﹒如图,△ABC 中,CD 平分∠ACB ,AE=BE ,EF∥CD 交AC 于点F ,交BC 的延长线于点G ,CB=4,CG=1,则AC 的长为 ▲ .第12题13﹒若x 、y 、z 均为整数,且x +y =2018,z -x =2017,若x <y ,则x +y +z的最大值为 ▲ .14.如图,平面直角坐标系中,四边形OABC 为长方形,点B 的坐标为(-5,3),D 为长方形内一动点,且OABC CDO S S 长方形31=∆,则当DC+DO 的值最小时,点D 的坐标为 ▲ .第14题三、解答题(共5小题,58分)15.(10分)已知()()111>=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=-x x x x x ba,求b a 11+的值.16.(10分)已知实数x ,y 满足322=++y xy x ,设22y x xy S --=,求S 的最大值和最小值.17.(12分)(1)化简232+---x x ;(2)在如图所示平面直角坐标系中,画出函数232+---=x x y 的函数图象;(3)借助于(2)中所画的函数232+---=x x y 的函数图象,探究:一次函数2+='kx y 的图象与函数232+---=x x y 的图象有三个不同的交点时k 的取值范围﹒(写出你的探究过程)18.(12分)如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠BAC=30°,∠ACB=90°,分别以AC 、BC 为边在△ABC 外作正△ADC 和正△BEC ,连结DE ,BC 的延长线交DE 于点F ﹒求证:DF=EF ﹒第18题19. (14分)已知一个正整数t ,t =20x +y (其中1≤x ≤9,0≤y ≤9,x ,y 是自然数),如果t 与其各个数位上数字之和能被19整除,那么我们称这个数t 为“梦想成真数”.求所有“梦想成真数”.2018年温州育英国际实验学校8年级实验班分班考试数 学 答 题 卷一、选择题(每小题4分,共32分)二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分)9﹒_________________;10﹒_________________;11﹒_________________;12﹒_________________;13﹒_________________;14﹒_________________﹒ 三、解答题(共5小题,58分)15.(10分)已知()()111>=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=-x x x x x ba,求b a 11+的值.16.(10分)已知实数x ,y 满足322=++y xy x ,设22y x xy S --=,求S 的最大值和最小值.17.(12分)(1)化简232+---x x ;(2)在平面直角坐标系中,画出函数232+---=x x y 的函数图象;(3)借助于(2)中所画的函数232+---=x x y 的函数图象,探究:一次函数2+='kx y 的图象与函数232+---=x x y 的图象有三个不同的交点时k 的取值范围﹒(写出你的探究过程)18.(12分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠BAC=30°,∠ACB=90°,分别以AC、BC为边在△ABC 外作正△ADC和正△BEC,连结DE,BC的延长线交DE于点F﹒求证:DF=EF﹒第18题19.(14分)已知一个正整数t ,t =20x +y (其中1≤x ≤9,0≤y ≤9,x ,y 是自然数),如果t 与其各个数位上数字之和能被19整除,那么我们称这个数t 为“梦想成真数”.求所有“梦想成真数”.2018年温州育英国际实验学校8年级实验班分班考试数学试题参考答案及评分标准一、选择题(每小题4分,共32分)二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分)9﹒_________5________;10﹒________21-或3_________;11﹒_________76________;12﹒_______6__________;13﹒__________5043_______;14﹒_______(25-,2)______﹒三、解答题(共5小题,58分)15.(10分)已知()()111>=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=-x x x x x ba,求b a 11+的值.【解析】由题意,得∵()bax x x ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=-11,∴()()bb a x x x 11-=-,即()b b a x x =-+1……3分 ∵()x x a=-1,∴()[]b bax x =-1,即()b abx x =-1……3分∴()()abba x x 11-=-+∴ab =a+b ,……8分 两边同时除以ab 即ba 11+=1.……10分 16.(10分)已知实数x ,y 满足322=++y xy x ,设22y x xy S --=,求S 的最大值和最小值.【解析】由322=++y xy x 可得()xy y x +=+32,()xy y x 332-=-……2分∵()02≥+y x ,()02≥-y x∴⎩⎨⎧≥-≥+03303xy xy ,解得13≤≤-xy ……4分又22y x xy S --==()()[]()32232222-=-+=-+-=+-xy xy xy xy y x xy y x xy∴23+=S xy ……8分 ∴1233≤+≤-S ,解得19-≤≤-S∴S 的最大值为-1,最小值为-9﹒……10分 17.(12分)(1)化简232+---x x ;(2)在平面直角坐标系中,画出函数232+---=x x y 的函数图象;(3)借助于(2)中所画的函数232+---=x x y 的函数图象,探究:一次函数2+='kx y 的图象与函数232+---=x x y 的图象有三个不同的交点时k 的取值范围﹒(写出你的探究过程)【解析】(1)解:①当x ≥3时,y=x -2-x+3+2=3; ②当x ≤2时,y=-x+2+x -3+2=1;③当2<x <3时,y=x -2+x -3+2=2x -3;……3分 (2)函数图象如图所示:……7分(3)因为一次函数2+='kx y 的图象恒过定点(0,2),观察图象可知要使两个函数图象有三个不同的交点,直线必须经过图中线段AB (不包含端点) 当直线经过点A (3,3)时,3=3k +2,解得k =31,当直线经过点B 时,直线与x 轴平行,此时k =0﹒∴一次函数2+='kx y 的图象与函数232+---=x x y 的图象有三个不同的交点时k 的取值范围为310<<k ﹒……12分18.(12分)如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠BAC=30°,∠ACB=90°,分别以AC 、BC 为边在△ABC 外作正△ADC 和正△BEC ,连结DE ,BC 的延长线交DE 于点F ﹒ 求证:DF=EF ﹒【解析】过点E 作EG ⊥BC ,过点D 作DH ⊥BF 交BF 的延长线于点H ,作DM ⊥AC ﹒设AB =a ,则BC=a 21,GE=a 21×23=a 43, 又AC =a 23,CM=a a 432321=⨯……4分∵DM ⊥AC ,HC ⊥AC∴DM ∥CH由两平行线间距离处处相等,可得DH=CM=a 43……8分又∠H=∠EGF=90°∠DFH=∠EFG∴Rt △DFH ≌Rt △EFG (AAS )∴DF=EF .……12分19.(14分)已知一个正整数t ,t =20x +y (其中1≤x ≤9,0≤y ≤9,x ,y 是自然数),如果t 与其各个数位上数字之和能被19整除,那么我们称这个数t 为“梦想成真数”.求所有“梦想成真数”.【解析】①当1≤x ≤4时,t =20x +y=10×2x+y∴t 的十位数字为2x ,个位数字为y ∵19231922219220y x x y x y x y x ++=+=+++是整数 ∴3x+2y 是19的倍数∵1≤x ≤4,0≤y ≤9,x ,y 是自然数∴3≤3x+2y ≤30∴3x+2y=19解得⎩⎨⎧==81y x 或⎩⎨⎧==53y x ∴“梦想成真数”t 是28或65;……6分②当5≤x ≤9时,t=20x+y=100×1+10×()y x +-102∴t 的百位数字为1,十位数字是2x -10,个位数字是y∵()1992319922219102120-++=-+=+-+++y x x y x y x y x 是整数 ∴3x+2y -9是19的倍数∵5≤x ≤9,0≤y ≤9,x ,y 是自然数∴6≤3x+2y -9≤36∴3x+2y -9=19解得⎩⎨⎧==56y x 或⎩⎨⎧==28y x ∴“梦想成真数”t 是125或162;综上所述所有的“梦想成真数”t 是28或65或125或162.……14分。



2019-2020学年温州育英国际实验学校高三英语一模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhen the weather is bad or when the flu breaks out, we can let the kids do some fun things at home, which can be beneficial to kids.Reading out loudIf your children are young enough, don't forget to read books to them out loud! Few children dislikehaving a good book read to them, and it's great for the development of their brains. However, if your children are a bit older and have moved onto more advanced books, there is always the choice of listening to an audiobook. This can also be done while they're doing something else.Playing board gamesMaybe your children's table is full of board games, which have been forgotten for a long time. It's a good time to bring them out when playing outside is no longer a choice. Surely, playing board games is a great way to connect with children. In addition, many board games are designed to get children thinking!Having a dance partyConsidering that all you need is a speaker or maybe just a phone, you can have a dance party wherever you are! This is a great way to get kids’ bodies moving when they are inside. Play some of your children's favorite music and let them dance to it. Not only is it good exercise, but it will help your children feel time is flying!Doing jigsaw (拼图) puzzlesFor most people that have children, it's common to have at least one jigsaw puzzle at home. Jigsaw puzzles are great because everyone can do them on their own time. Besides, your whole family will have a sense of achievement when everyone is smiling over the finished product.1. What do reading out loud and playing board games have in common?A. They both develop children's team spirit.B. They both improve children's listening ability.C. They both do good to children's thinking ability.D. They both focus on interaction between children.2. Which of the following combines exercise and music?A. Reading out loud.B. Playing board games.C. Doing jigsaw puzzles.D. Having a dance party.3. What is the purpose of the text?A. To list four interesting children's parties.B. To recommend four children's favorite books.C. To introduce some activities for children inside.D. To show some funny things for children outside.BWhat will future schools look like in 100 years? Imagine future schools in which students are totally engaged in a class. They are concentrating on working together to solve real-world problems. They are self-driven and are coming up withamazing ideas on the spot. They are concerned with each other’s well-being as part of a team. Their concerns reach far beyond the classroom to others all over the globe.The school of the future will be an amazing melting pot of different peoples coming together to solve real-world problems.Will they even be called “schools” in the future?The teacher-student relationship is changing. Teachers are acting more as helpers rather than keepers of all knowledge. Students are driving their own education to the path that they feel best fits them. In the future, employers may not be as concerned with a diploma. They’ll look more at cases and examples of how students contribute to solving real-world problems. They’ll want to know how well they work in a team.What will problem-solving look like in the future?Information from the Internet is accessible everywhere and at unimaginable speeds. Kids are connected to news around the world in real time. Imagine someone could put out a request to the global community to help solve an issue in their own community! Classes can adopt an issue and work with other classes around the world in real time to create solutions.What will information look like in the future?It’s already everywhere. Users can get flooded by the constant flow of information. The need to understand what is true and what is not is important. The flipped classroom (翻转课堂) has already completely changed lecture-based lessons. It presents interesting content to students before they even come to class. They can access the Internet as many times as they want to review the lessons.4. What is the key message of the first paragraph?A. The things students will do in the future school.B. The situation where students will be in the future.C. The attention students will pay to in the classroom.D. The methods students will use to study in the classroom.5. What will be thought highly of when students solve real-world problems?A. Respect.B. Patience.C. Teamwork.D. Concern.6. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?A. Teachers encourage students to develop leadership.B Students are really relaxed with their heavy study.C. The employers value students’ diplomas most.D. Students have the right to choose the most suitable lessons.7. What’s the purpose of the flipped classroom?A. To help students to improve the problem-solving ability.B. To provide the lessons for students to study before or after class.C. To help students to keep in contact with the outside world.D. To help students to understand the most difficult content.CPaper is one of our oldest, simplest and most important inventions. But it also presents a danger to the world in two important ways. First, the making of paper requires the loss of many millions of trees each year. And worldwide use of paper is expected to double in the next 40 years. Clearly, the planet cannot stand such a high rate of forest loss. The second great problem with paper is what happens once it is no longer useful. A large amount of wastepaper ends up in landfills, where it can produce harmful gases and finally contribute to global climate change.One simple solution can greatly reduce both of these problems: paper recycling. Instead of cutting down trees, recycle existing paper to feed the paper-making process.Paper is mainly made from cellulose (纤维素),which can be used repeatedly in papermaking. Unfortunately, it also means that paper waste takes a surprisingly long time to break down in landfills. So far, trees are the only source(来源) of cellulose that can fill the great demand for paper products. Therefore, recycling paper is simply one of the best ways to save trees. Thanks to advances in processing, recycled paper need not be the dark-color1 edstuff many of us are familiar with. It now can offer the same print performance as non-recycled paper.Effective recycling requires a continuous effort from everyone at all levels of society. The way to begin is with education and understanding. Once enough people realize the need for recycling, more effective recycling systems can be developed.The need is real. The massive loss of trees affects everybody on earth. Everyone should do their part to recycle paper and encourage government and industry to do the same. The world will be a better place for it!8. What can we infer from the text?A. The use of recycled paper will double in 40 years.B. Recycling paper helps relieve global climate change.C. Wastepaper can easily break down in landfills.D. There are not enough landfills for wastepaper.9. What makes recycled paper more acceptable?A. The great demand of trees.B. The low processing cost.C. Its dark-color1 ed feature.D. Its improved print performance.10. What does the author propose?A. Punishing the act of cutting trees.B. Recycling paper.C. Improving recycling system.D. Promoting paper industry.11. How is the text mainly developed?A. By analyzing causes and effects.B. By offering research plans and data.C. By discussing problems and solutions.D. By comparing strengths and weaknesses.DThe AI research arm of Alibaba created a machine learning model that received a higher score on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset than humans. The database consists of more than 100,000 questions to test reading comprehension.In early January this year the Alibaba AI software machine scored 82.44 on the test while humans scored 82.304. Besides, computers and AI have already defeated humans, for example in games such as chess. However, it seemed that language skills were superior in humans as machines find languages hard to master.A large number of call center employees, often in developing countries, may be out of work soon if the AI robots are cheaper and as effective as human labor. Soon when you phone a company for information the conversation will go like this: “ We are sorry but all our robots are busy right now. We value your call. Please stay on the line until a robot is free to serve you. There are just 12 callers ahead of you.” A robot will serve you somepopular tunes while you wait.Si Luo, who is a chief scientist of natural language processing at Alibaba’s AI research group noted that questions such as “What causes rain?” can now be answered with a high degree of accuracy by robots. Si Luo said, “ We believe the foundational technology can be gradually applied to a lot of applications such as customer service, museum tutorials, and online responses to inquiries from patients, freeing human efforts in a new way.”Si Luo’s team is working closely with Ali Xiaomi, a mobile customer service chatbot. Ali Xiaomi can be customized to be used on Alibaba’s platforms such as Taobao and Tmall. The new AI robots could answer consumers’ questions as they did the Stanford questions. The robots would look for the answers from prepared information. However, there are limits to what the system will be able to do. If questions do not have clear-cut answers, or the questions asked are too unclear or ungrammatical, the robot may not be able to deal with them.12. What can we learn about the Alibaba AI software machine?A. It has been tested in some areas.B. It has become popular since January.C. It has offered a special learning style.D. It has made people interested in reading.13. What does the example in paragraph 3 show about the AI robots?A. They should have better language skills.B. They may replace humans in some fields.C. They need to be customized to serve customers.D. They will be widely used in developing countries.14. How does Si Luo feel about the foundational technology?A. Doubtful.B. Worried.C. Curious.D. Confident.15. What can we infer from the lastparagraph about Ali Xiaomi?A. It needs to improve in some ways.B. It is connected with another system.C. It is a platform to show good service.D. It can answer any questions accordingly.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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八年级(上)A 班数学 本卷说明:
①满分 100分,考试时间90分钟.
②答题用蓝(黑)钢(圆珠)笔,并将答案写在答题卷上;画图用铅笔. ③学生不得使用计算器,解答题要有相应计算过程,只有结果不给分.
一.选择题:(每小题 3分,共 30分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题要求) 1.函数y =1
2x -中,自变量x 的取值范围是( ▲ ) A .x >2B .x <2C .x ≠-2D .x ≠2 2.《流浪地球》作为第一部中国自己的科幻大片,票房已破46亿元(4600000000元), 4 600000000用科学计数法表示为( ▲ ) A.46⨯108B.4.6⨯108C.0.46⨯109D.4.6⨯109
3.关于x 的一元二次方程x 2+4x +k =0有两个相等的实数根,
则k 的值为( ▲ ) A.k =-4 B.k =4 C.k =-14D.k =1
4 4.甲,乙,丙,丁四名同学在学校演讲选拔赛的成绩平均数x 与方差s 2如下表所示: 根据表中数据,要从中选一名成绩好又发挥稳定的同学参加市演讲比赛,应该选择( ▲ ) A .甲 B .乙 C .丙 D .丁 5.下列运算正确的是( ▲ )
π-4 6.代数式12x x --+的最大值为a ,最小值为b ,下列说法正确的是( ▲ ) A.a =3,b =0B.a =0,b =-3C.a =3,b =-3D.a =3,b 不存在 7. 如图,在△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠
BAC =120°,AC 的垂直平分线交AC 于点D ,交BC 于点E , 交BA 的延长线于点F ,若AF =
BF 的长为( ▲ ) A.
2 D.4 8.如图,
点A 是反比例函数y =k
x 在第一象限图象上一点,连接OA ,过点A 作AB ∥x 轴(点 B 在点A 右侧)
,连接OB ,若∠1=∠2,且点B 的坐标是(8,4),则k 的值是( ▲ ) A.6 B .8 C.12 D.16 9.有甲、乙两种糖果,原价分别为每千克a 元和b 元,根据调查,将两种糖果按甲种糖果x 千克与乙种糖果y 千克的比例混合,取得了较好的销售效果.现在糖果价格有了调整:甲 种糖果单价下降15%,乙种糖果单价上涨20%,但按原比例混合的糖果单价恰好不变, 则x
y 等于( ▲ )
A.34a b
B.43a b
C.34b a D 43b
10.如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,以AB 为边向下作正方形ADEB ,连结CD ,CE .分别 记△ACD ,△BCE 的面积为S 1,S 2,用S 1,S 2的代数式表示边AB 的长为( ▲ )
11. 不等式组32132
x x
x ->⎧⎪
⎨≤⎪⎩的解是 ▲ .
12.如图,两个形状为正十边形的纪念币一边重合放置在一起,则∠α= ▲ 度.
13. 如图,在△ABC 中,已知AB=8,BC=5,点D,E 分别为BC ,AC 的中点,BF 平分∠ABC 交DE 于点F ,则EF 的长为 ▲ .
(12题图) (13题图) (14题图) (15题图)
14.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,AB=4,BC=5,点E 是边CD 的中点,将△ADE 沿AE 折叠后得 到△AFE,延长AF 交边BC 于点G ,则CG= ▲ . 15.如图,点A 是函数y =-
8x (x <0)图象上的一点,连结AO 并延长交函数y =-2
(x >0) 的图象于点B,点C 是x 轴上一点,且AC=AO,则△ABC 的面积为 ▲ . 16.数a 、b 满足等式a 2 =7-3a ,b 2 =7-3b ,则
b a
a b
+=▲. 17.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,M 、N 分别是BC 、DC 的中点,AM =4,AN =3,且 ∠MAN =60︒,则AB 的长是 ▲.
(17题图) (18题图)
18.如图,D 为等边△ABC 中边BC 的中点,在边DA 的延长线上取一点E ,以CE 为边、 在CE 的左下方作等边△CEF ,连结AF 若AB=4,AF=
CF 的值为▲.
19.(本题8分)先化简,再求值:2221()()121a a
a a a a +-÷--+,其中a 2+a -1=0.
20.(本题6分)已知x=2 +1,求代数式x3-2x2-7x+2019的值.
22.(本题12分)如图,一次函数y=kx+b分别交x轴正半轴、y轴正半轴于点A、B,点P 在边OA上运动(点P不与点O,A重合),P E⊥AB于点E,点F,
P关于直线OE对称,P E:EA=3:4.若EF∥OA,且四边形OPEF的周长为6. (1)
………………………………………封……………………………………线…………………………………………… 23.(本题12分) 将一副三角尺按如图①方式拼接:含30°角的三角尺的长直角边与含45°
角的三角尺的斜边恰好重合(在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,∠BAC =30°;在Rt △ACD 中, ∠ADC =90°∠DAC =45°)已知AB =
P 是AC 上的一个动点. (1)当PD =BC 时,求∠PDA 的度数;
(2)如图②,若E 是CD 的中点,求△DEP 周长的最小值;
(3)如图③,当DP 平分∠ADC 时,在△ABC 内存在一点Q ,使得∠DQC =∠DPC ,且CQ
求PQ 的长.
