Basic Intrusion Detection Information




入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS)是一种系统,











在此期间,第二代IDS系统(Second Generation IDS,SGIDS)取代了第一代IDS。



(2)1984年到1986年,乔治敦大学的Dorothy Denning和 SRI/CSL的Peter Neumann研究出了一个 实时入侵检测系统模型--IDES(入侵检测专家系 统) (3)1990年,加州大学戴维斯分校的L. T. Heberlein等人开发出了NSM(Network Security Monitor) 该系统第一次直接将网络流作为审计数据来源, 因而可以在不将审计数据转换成统一格式的情况下 监控异种主机 入侵检测系统发展史翻开了新的一页,两大阵营 正式形成:基于网络的IDS和基于主机的IDS
IDS系统内部各组件之间需要通信,不同厂商的IDS 系统之间也需要通信。因此,有必要定义统一的协 议。IETF目前有一个专门的小组Intrusion Detection Working Group (IDWG)负责定义这种 通信格式,称作Intrusion Detection Exchange Format(IDEF),但还没有统一的标准。设计通信协 议时应考虑以下问题:系统与控制系统之间传输的信 息是非常重要的信息,因此必须要保持数据的真实 性和完整性。必须有一定的机制进行通信双方的身 份验证和保密传输(同时防止主动和被动攻击);通信 的双方均有可能因异常情况而导致通信中断,IDS 系统必须有额外措施保证系统正常工作。
1.网络安全本身的复杂性,被动式的防御方 式显得力不从心。 2.有关防火墙:网络边界的设备,自身可以 被攻破,对某些攻击保护很弱。随着网络的 发展,单纯的采用防火墙已经不能保护某些 重要信息,所以需要更深一层的保护,及时 发现恶意行为。 3.入侵很容易:入侵教程随处可见,各种工具 唾手可得
检测方法分为:异常检测方法和误用检测方法 在异常入侵检测系统中常常采用以下几种检测方法: 基于贝叶斯推理检测法 基于模式预测的检测法 基于统计的异常检测法 基于机器学习检测法 数据挖掘检测法 基于应用模式的异常检测法 基于文本分类的异常检测法



信息安全工程师英语词汇Information Security Engineer English VocabularyIntroductionIn today's digital era, information security plays a critical role in safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. As technology continues to advance, the need for highly skilled professionals, such as Information Security Engineers, has become increasingly important. These professionals possess a vast knowledge of English vocabulary used in the field of information security. This article aims to provide an extensive list of English words and phrases commonly used by Information Security Engineers.1. Basic Terminology1.1 ConfidentialityConfidentiality refers to the protection of information from unauthorized disclosure. It ensures that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data.1.2 IntegrityIntegrity refers to maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and trustworthiness of data throughout its lifecycle. It involves preventing unauthorized modification or alteration of information.1.3 AvailabilityAvailability refers to ensuring that authorized users have access to the information they need when they need it. It involves implementing measures to prevent service interruptions and downtime.1.4 AuthenticationAuthentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, device, or system component. It ensures that only authorized individuals or entities can access the system or data.1.5 AuthorizationAuthorization involves granting or denying specific privileges or permissions to users, ensuring they can only perform actions they are allowed to do.2. Network Security2.1 FirewallA firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between internal and external networks, protecting against unauthorized access.2.2 Intrusion Detection System (IDS)An Intrusion Detection System is a software or hardware-based security solution that monitors network traffic for suspicious activities or patterns that may indicate an intrusion attempt.2.3 Virtual Private Network (VPN)A Virtual Private Network enables secure communication over a public network by creating an encrypted tunnel between the user's device and the destination network. It protects data from being intercepted by unauthorized parties.2.4 Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS)SSL/TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication over the internet. It ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted between a client and a server.3. Malware and Threats3.1 VirusA computer virus is a type of malicious software that can replicate itself and infect other computer systems. It can cause damage to data, software, and hardware.3.2 WormWorms are self-replicating computer programs that can spread across networks without human intervention. They often exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems or applications to infect other systems.3.3 Trojan HorseA Trojan Horse is a piece of software that appears harmless or useful but contains malicious code. When executed, it can provide unauthorized access to a user's computer system.3.4 PhishingPhishing is a fraudulent technique used to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details. It often involves impersonating trusted entities via email or websites.4. Cryptography4.1 EncryptionEncryption is the process of converting plain text into cipher text using an encryption algorithm. It ensures confidentiality by making the original data unreadable without a decryption key.4.2 DecryptionDecryption is the process of converting cipher text back into plain text using a decryption algorithm and the appropriate decryption key.4.3 Key ManagementKey management involves the generation, distribution, storage, and revocation of encryption keys. It ensures the secure use of encryption algorithms.5. Incident Response5.1 IncidentAn incident refers to any event that could potentially harm an organization's systems, data, or users. It includes security breaches, network outages, and unauthorized access.5.2 ForensicsDigital forensics involves collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence related to cybersecurity incidents. It helps identify the cause, scope, and impact of an incident.5.3 RemediationRemediation involves taking actions to mitigate the impact of a security incident and prevent future occurrences. It includes removing malware, patching vulnerabilities, and implementing additional security controls.ConclusionAs Information Security Engineers, a strong command of English vocabulary related to information security is crucial for effective communication and understanding. This article has provided an extensive list of terms commonly used in the field, ranging from basic terminology to network security, malware, cryptography, and incident response. By mastering these words and phrases, professionals in the field can enhance their knowledge and contribute to the protection of sensitive information in today's ever-evolving digital landscape.。



1. 入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS):通过监

2. 入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System,IPS):在IDS

3. 防火墙(Firewall):通过设置网络访问策略和过滤规则,

4. 安全审计和日志管理:记录和分析各种网络事件和安全日志,帮助及时发现攻击行为,并进行溯源和定位。

5. 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network,VPN):通过加密

6. 蜜罐(Honeypot):通过部署虚假的系统或服务来吸引攻击者,以便观察和分析攻击技术、策略和漏洞,提供对抗未知攻击的学习和防御手段。

7. 加密技术:通过使用密码算法和密钥管理,对敏感数据进行加密和解密,保护数据在传输和存储过程中的安全性。

8. 安全策略和培训:制定和实施全面的安全策略,包括密码策略、访问控制策略等,并进行相关人员的安全培训和意识提醒,提高整体的安全防护意识。





在互联网时代,入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,简称IDS)成为了保障网络安全的重要工具。





入口位置即网络与外界相连的边界处, IDS部署在入口位置能够对外部网络的攻击进行监测和防护。


内部位置指位于企业内部网络的核心位置, IDS部署在内部位置能够监测企业内部网络内的攻击行为,及时发现内部威胁。



二、配置策略1. 硬件和软件配置IDS的硬件配置需要考虑处理器性能、内存容量和硬盘空间等因素。




2. 规则库配置IDS的规则库是用于检测和识别攻击行为的重要组成部分。










1. 防火墙(Firewall)防火墙是位于网络入口处的一种安全设备,通过设置访问规则来控制网络流量的流入和流出,可以阻挡非法入侵和恶意软件。

2. 病毒(Virus)病毒是一种恶意软件,它通过植入计算机系统中,在被感染的计算机上复制自己并破坏计算机系统。

3. 木马(Trojan)木马是一种隐藏在正常程序中的恶意代码,骗取用户的信任后,在后台执行恶意操作,如窃取个人信息或者控制计算机。

4. 蠕虫(Worm)蠕虫是一种可以自我复制并传播的恶意程序,通过利用漏洞、网络共享、邮件等方式传播,造成网络拥堵、数据损坏等问题。

5. 钓鱼(Phishing)钓鱼是一种通过伪造合法的网站、电子邮件等方式欺骗用户泄露个人信息、账户密码和财务信息的攻击手段。

6. DoS攻击(Denial of Service)DoS攻击是指企图消耗目标计算机系统资源,使其无法提供正常服务的恶意行为,常用的攻击手段包括洪水攻击、碎片攻击等。

7. DDoS攻击(Distributed Denial of Service)DDoS攻击是指使用多台计算机联合发起的DoS攻击,目的是通过分散攻击源提高攻击效果。

8. 加密(Encryption)加密是一种将数据转换为密文的技术,只有拥有相应密钥的人可以解密并获取原始数据。

9. VPN(Virtual Private Network)VPN是一种利用公共网络建立私人安全通道的技术,通过加密和隧道技术保障数据的安全传输和隐私保护。

10. IDS/IPS(Intrusion Detection System/Intrusion Prevention System)IDS/IPS是一种被动和主动监测和阻挡网络入侵的系统,用于检测和预防恶意攻击。



2.肌肉组织的微观结构 构成肌肉的基本单位是肌纤 维,也叫肌纤维细胞,是属于细长的多核的纤维细胞,长 度由数毫米到20cm,直径只有10~100μm。在显微镜下可 以看到肌纤维细胞沿细胞纵轴平行的、有规则排列的明暗 条纹,所以称横纹肌,其肌纤维是由肌原纤维、肌浆、细 胞核和肌鞘构成。肌原纤维是构成肌纤维的主要组成部分, 直径为0.5~3.0μm。肌肉的收缩和伸长就是由肌原纤维的 收缩和伸长所致。肌原纤维具有和肌纤维相同的横纹,横 纹的结构是按一定周期重复,周期的一个单位叫肌节。
5.2 入侵检测系统
5.2 入侵检测系统
入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS):进 行入侵检测的软件或硬件的组合。
一个安全的入侵检测系统必须具备以下特点: (1)可行性:入侵检测系统不能影响到系统的正常运行。 (2)安全性:引入的入侵检测系统本身需要是安全的、可用 的。 (3)实时性:入侵检测系统是检测系统所受到的攻击行为的 ,必须及时地检测到这种威胁。 (4)扩展性:入侵检测系统必须是可扩展的,入侵检测系统 在不改变机制的前提下能够检测到新的攻击,
(二) 脂肪组织
脂肪组织是畜禽胴体中仅次于肌肉组织的第二个重要组 成部分,对改善肉质、提高风味有重要作用。脂肪的构造单 位是脂肪细胞,脂肪细胞单个或成群地借助于疏松结缔组织 联在一起。动物脂肪细胞直径30~120μm,最大可达250μm。 脂肪主要分布在皮下、肠系膜、网膜、肾周围、坐骨结节等 部位。在不同动物体内脂肪的分布及含量变动较大,猪脂多 蓄积在皮下、体腔、大网膜周围及肌肉间;羊脂多蓄积在尾 根、肋间;牛脂蓄积在肌束间、皮下;鸡脂蓄积在皮下、体 腔、卵巢及肌胃周围。脂肪蓄积在肌束间使肉呈大理石状, 肉质较好。脂肪组织中脂肪约占87﹪~92﹪,水分占6﹪~ 10﹪,蛋白质1.3﹪~1.8﹪。另外还有少量的酶、色素及维 生素等。



Common NIDS Pitfalls
• Deployed where it does not have access to all network traffic
• Output and/or alerts are ignored • Inadequate incident response planning • Administrators become overwhelmed by an
uses • Correlation, Analysis, Alerting, Reporting • IDS and IPS adds to defense in depth
More Information
For additional references on IDS/IPS, see:
/ /rr/papers/30/1028.pdf /texts.php?op=display&id=117 /
un-tuned system • Limitations of IDS/IPS are not well
understood (updates, zero-day attacks, IDS blinding and evasion techniques)
Types of Protection
Network Resets
administrators – Data is useful in forensic investigations – Issues include false positives and negatives, large
amounts of data, requires full-time monitoring, signature updates, encrypted traffic



入侵检测系统1. 引言1.1 背景近年来,随着信息和网络技术的高速发展以及其它的一些利益的驱动,计算机和网络基础设施,特别是各种官方机构网站成为黑客攻击的目标,近年来由于对电子商务的热切需求,更加激化了各种入侵事件增长的趋势。

作为网络安全防护工具“防火墙”的一种重要的补充措施,入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,简称 IDS)得到了迅猛的发展。








1.2 背国内外研究现状入侵检测技术国外的起步较早,有比较完善的技术和相关产品。



2. 入侵检测的概念和系统结构2.1 入侵检测的概念入侵检测是对发生在计算机系统或网络中的事件进行监控及对入侵信号的分析过程。

使监控和分析过程自动化的软件或硬件产品称为入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System),简称IDS。



渗透测试术语1. 漏洞(Vulnerability)- 嘿,你知道吗?在网络世界里,漏洞就像房子墙上的裂缝。




2. 利用(Exploit)- 那利用呢,就好比小偷发现了墙上的裂缝后,拿个工具把裂缝撬得更大,然后钻进房子里。



3. payload(有效载荷)- 想象一下,payload就像是小偷带进去的口袋。



哼!4. 扫描(Scanning)- 扫描这个事儿啊,就像小偷在小区里到处溜达,看看哪家房子有裂缝可以钻。



5. 防火墙(Firewall)- 防火墙就像房子的保安啊。




6. 入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,IDS)7. 蜜罐(Honeypot)- 蜜罐这个东西很有趣哦。






第一章1、信息安全的定义 : 信息安全( InfoSec)就是保护信息及其关键要素,包括使用、存储以及传输信息的系统和硬件。

2、信息安全的3种特性:(1)机密性(confidentiality ):信息的机密性确保了只有那些有足够权限并且经证实有这个需要的人,才能够访问该信息。

(2)完整性(integrity ):完整性即指整体性(whole)、完全性(complete)以及未受侵蚀(uncorrupted)的特性或状态。


(3)可用性(availability ):可用性也是信息的一种特性,在信息处于可用状态时,信息及相关的信息资产在授权人需要的时候可以立即获得。

















本文中的“入侵”(Intrusion)是个广义的概念,不仅包括被发起攻击的人(如恶意的黑客)取得超出合法范围的系统控制权,也包括收集漏洞信息,造成拒绝访问(Denial of Service)等对计算机系统造成危害的行为。

入侵检测(Intrusion Detection),顾名思义,便是对入侵行为的发觉。


进行入侵检测的软件与硬件的组合便是入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,简称IDS)。























敏感个人信息处理安全要求 英文版

敏感个人信息处理安全要求 英文版

敏感个人信息处理安全要求英文版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sensitive Personal Information Handling Security RequirementsWith the increasing use of digital technology and the widespread sharing of personal information online, it has become crucial to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive personal information. Sensitive personal information includes but is not limited to financial information, medical records, social security numbers, and login credentials. The mishandling of this data can lead to severe consequences, including identity theft, financial loss, and damage to one's reputation.To prevent such incidents, organizations must adhere to strict security requirements when handling sensitive personal information. These requirements are designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Below are some key security requirements that should be implemented:1. Data Encryption: Sensitive personal information should be encrypted both in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access. Encryption algorithms such as AES and RSA should be used to secure the data.2. Access Controls: Access to sensitive personal information should be restricted to authorized individuals only. User authentication mechanisms such as passwords, biometrics, and multi-factor authentication should be implemented to verify the identity of users.3. Data Minimization: Organizations should collect only the necessary personal information required to fulfill a specific purpose. Unnecessary data should be securely deleted to minimize the risk of exposure.4. Data Retention: Personal information should be retained only for the necessary period of time and securely deleted when no longer needed. Organizations should have a clear data retention policy in place to ensure compliance with legal requirements.5. Security Awareness Training: Employees who handle sensitive personal information should receive regular training on data security best practices and procedures. This will help prevent human errors and improve overall security posture.6. Incident Response Plan: Organizations should have an incident response plan in place to address data breaches and security incidents promptly. This plan should outline the steps to be taken to contain the breach, notify affected individuals, and mitigate the impact.7. Third-Party Risk Management: Organizations should assess the security practices of third-party vendors who have access to sensitive personal information. Contractual agreements should include provisions for data protection and compliance with security requirements.By implementing these security requirements, organizations can better protect sensitive personal information from unauthorized access and misuse. It is essential to prioritize data security and privacy to build trust with customers and maintain compliance with legal obligations. Remember, the security of sensitive personal information is everyone's responsibility.篇2Sensitive Personal Information Handling Security RequirementsSensitive personal information is information that, if compromised, could lead to harmful consequences forindividuals, such as identity theft, financial fraud, and invasion of privacy. Given the increasing prevalence of data breaches and cyber attacks, it is crucial for organizations to implement robust security measures to protect sensitive personal information.The following are key security requirements to ensure the protection of sensitive personal information:1. Encryption: Sensitive personal information should be encrypted both while in transit and at rest. Encryption ensures that even if the data is intercepted, it cannot be easily read or accessed by unauthorized parties.2. Access Control: Organizations should implement strong access controls to restrict access to sensitive personal information to authorized personnel only. This includes using role-based access controls, multi-factor authentication, and regular access reviews.3. Data Minimization: Only collect and retain the minimum amount of sensitive personal information necessary for business purposes. Unnecessary data increases the risk of exposure and should be securely disposed of when no longer needed.4. Data Protection Technologies: Implement data protection technologies such as data loss prevention (DLP) solutions,intrusion detection systems (IDS), and endpoint security tools to monitor, detect, and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive personal information.5. Employee Training and Awareness: Provide regular training and awareness programs to employees on how to handle sensitive personal information securely. This includes recognizing phishing emails, using strong passwords, and following security best practices.6. Incident Response Plan: Develop an incident response plan that outlines the steps to take in the event of a data breach or security incident involving sensitive personal information. Test the plan regularly to ensure it is effective.7. Third-Party Risk Management: Assess and manage the security risks posed by third-party vendors and service providers who have access to sensitive personal information. Require them to adhere to the same security requirements as your organization.8. Compliance with Regulations: Ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Failure to comply can result in severe penalties and reputational damage.9. Regular Security Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your organization's systems and processes. Take prompt actions to address any findings to mitigate risks.By implementing these security requirements, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of sensitive personal information being compromised and protect the privacy and security of individuals. It is essential to prioritize data security and make it a core part of the organization's culture to build trust with customers and stakeholders.篇3Sensitive Personal Information Handling Security RequirementsIn today's digital age, protecting sensitive personal information has become a top priority for individuals and businesses alike. With the increasing number of data breaches and cyber attacks, it is crucial that organizations adhere to strict security requirements when handling sensitive personal information to ensure the privacy and security of their customers.Sensitive personal information includes any data that can be used to identify an individual, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, medical records, and personal addresses. This information is highly valuable to cyber criminals and can be used for identity theft, financial fraud, and other malicious purposes. Therefore, it is essential that organizations take proactive steps to safeguard this information and prevent unauthorized access.One of the key security requirements for handling sensitive personal information is encryption. Encryption is the process of converting data into a secure code to prevent unauthorized access. By encrypting sensitive personal information, organizations can ensure that even if the data is stolen, it cannot be read or used by unauthorized parties. Encryption should be applied to data both in transit and at rest to provide comprehensive protection.In addition to encryption, organizations should implement access controls to restrict who can access sensitive personal information. Access controls can include password protection, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access controls to ensure that only authorized personnel can view or modify sensitive data. By limiting access to sensitive personalinformation, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches and insider threats.Furthermore, organizations should regularly audit and monitor their systems for any unauthorized access or unusual activity. By monitoring network traffic, system logs, and user actions, organizations can quickly detect and respond to any potential security incidents. Timely detection and response can help minimize the impact of a data breach and prevent sensitive personal information from being compromised.It is also important for organizations to train their employees on the proper handling of sensitive personal information. Employees should be educated on the risks of data breaches, the importance of protecting sensitive information, and best practices for data security. By raising awareness and providing proper training, organizations can empower employees to be vigilant and take proactive measures to protect sensitive personal information.Lastly, organizations should have a comprehensive incident response plan in place to quickly and effectively respond to data breaches or security incidents. The plan should outline the steps to take in the event of a breach, including notifying affected individuals, containing the breach, and conducting a thoroughinvestigation to determine the cause and extent of the incident. By having a well-defined incident response plan, organizations can minimize the impact of a data breach and restore trust with their customers.In conclusion, handling sensitive personal information requires strict security requirements to safeguard the privacy and security of individuals. By implementing encryption, access controls, monitoring, employee training, and an incident response plan, organizations can effectively protect sensitive personal information and prevent data breaches. It is crucial for organizations to prioritize data security and take proactive steps to mitigate the risks associated with handling sensitive personal information.。


告警处理单元 APU对围栏结构的自然振动(如 风引起的摆动)不会告警,而对非自然的行为(如 人为的攀爬或切割) ,则会产生告警信号。通过调 节增益控制, APU可适应特殊的围栏或建筑物。

警 输


保护区围栏(传感光纤捆扎 在铁丝网中)
通过检测传感光纤信号变化产生告警; 告警参数可设置,告警信息通过RS232串口传
至通信模块FCA-282; FD-208R可安装在标准19吋机架上; 每个防区配置一个FD-208和一个FCA-282; 防区最大长度2KM; 可以同时使用敏感电缆SC-3、SC-4和非敏感电
可采取环路安装方式和 单路安装方式。
传感光缆安装 — 安装在围栏上
当光纤被扰乱(如人为攀爬或切割围栏、走 过保护地带)时,光传播的路径改变,虽然变化 很小,但使用适当的光源和探测方法,可以将其 放大,产生一个类似振动麦克风时所产生的电压 信号。本系统的告警处理单元(APU)就是基于 此原理的、有效的入侵检测设备。
激W光ha传t W播ill路FS径I's的Fib变er化-Optic Sensors Sense?
Fiber SenSys, Inc.
Fiber Defender Series 200 Alarm Processor
Fiber Optic Intrusion Detection System



vdidin标准 -回复

vdidin标准 -回复

vdidin标准-回复什么是vdidin标准?VDIDIN(Variable-Depth Intrusion Detection Information Network)是一种用于网络安全领域的标准框架。




VDIDIN标准的主要组成部分有哪些?VDIDIN标准主要包括以下几个组成部分:1. 可变深度技术:可变深度技术是VDIDIN标准的核心。



2. 网络规则:网络规则是VDIDIN标准用于检测和识别入侵行为的重要组成部分。



3. 视觉化工具:VDIDIN标准还提供了一套视觉化工具,用于展示和分析网络活动。



如何使用VDIDIN标准进行网络安全防御?使用VDIDIN标准进行网络安全防御需要以下几个步骤:1. 环境准备:首先需要构建一个满足VDIDIN标准要求的网络环境。


2. 网络流量采集:在网络环境准备就绪后,需要采集并存储网络流量数据。








1. 防火墙(Firewall)防火墙是一种对网络流量进行监控和过滤的设备,用于保护企业内部网络和外部网络之间的通信安全。



2. 入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System, IDS)入侵检测系统用于监视和识别网络中的各类入侵行为,例如恶意软件、网络攻击等。



3. 入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System, IPS)入侵防御系统是一种集成入侵检测和入侵防御功能于一体的设备。



4. 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network, VPN)虚拟专用网络是一种通过公共网络(如互联网)建立起私密的通信连接的技术。



5. 反垃圾邮件设备(Anti-Spam Device)反垃圾邮件设备用于过滤和阻止垃圾邮件的传输。




基本访问控制列表范围基本访问控制列表(Basic Access Control List,简称BACL)是网络安全中常用的一种访问控制方法,用于控制网络设备上的流量进出。








例如,可以配置一个BACL规则,禁止某个IP 地址访问网络中的某个服务器,或者只允许某个IP地址的流量通过某个特定端口。




对于需要更为复杂的访问控制需求,可以结合其他安全设备和方案,如入侵检测系统(Intrusion Detection System,简称IDS)、入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System,简称IPS)等。

总之,BACL是网络安全中常用的一种访问控制方法,通过配置BACL 规则,可以实现对网络流量的精确控制,提高网络的安全性和可靠性。


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WhitepaperSteve Lodin<Steven.Lodin@>October 1998Intrusion Detection Product Evaluation CriteriaAbstractIntrusion detection systems (also known as ID systems or IDS for short) are one of the latest security tools in the battle against hackers. The intrusion detection marketplace is extremely dynamic currently, new products being introduced and smaller, single product security companies being purchased by bigger security companies with the aspiration to provide full range security solutions. Current intrusion detection systems provide information about attempted and successful attacks, and can even perform limited counterattacks.This whitepaper provides basic intrusion detection information such as intrusion classification and intrusion detection system taxonomy. It then provides a categorized list of criteria that can be used to evaluate potential intrusion detection systems for selection and implementation. Finally, a method for employing these criteria is presented. Basic Intrusion Detection InformationWhat Is An Intrusion?An intrusion can be defined as:any set of actions that attempts to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability ofa resource.Another definition for an intrusion is:the act of a person or proxy attempting to break into or misuse your system in violation ofan established policy.Intrusions are typically categorized into two main classes:• Misuse intrusions are well-defined attacks against known system vulnerabilities. They can be detected by watching for specific actions being performed on specific objects.• Anomaly intrusions are based on activities that are deviations from normal system usage patterns. They are detected by building a profile of the system or users being monitored, and detecting significant deviations from this profile.Potential intruders are categorized into two types:• Outside Intruders - This is the most publicized form of intruder and receives the bulk of attention during security implementations. Typical terms used to identify outside intruders are hacker and cracker. The mainstream media is greatly responsible for the heightened perception of this threat.• Inside Intruders - Studies by the Computer Security Institute in conjunction with the FBI have revealed that most intrusions and attacks come from within an organization and result from an authorized user maliciously invoking an authorized process or by manipulating a known vulnerability. This type of intrusion has the potential for causing the greatest damage to the organization. Think about it -- an insider already knows the layout of your system, where the valuable data is and what security mechanisms are in place.So despite the fact that most security measures are put in place to protect the inside from a malevolent outside world, historically most intrusion attempts actually occurred from within an organization. The trend in attacks has been toward more external and less internal to the point where they are about equal in percentage. A mechanism is needed to detect both types of intrusions -- a break-in attempt from the outside and a knowledgeable insider attack. An effective intrusion detection system detects both types of attacks.With the advent of extranets and the proliferation of business partner network connections, the distinction between inside and outside is blurred. The network classification has become private, semi-private, and public. The semi-private network, usually called the extranet, will present the biggest challenge in developing effective barriers and providing effective intrusion management solutions.The activity of intrusion detection is only one part of the information protection process. The detection activity occurs after the risks, vulnerabilities and threats have been identified and analyzed and after the prevention, mitigation, and safeguard controls have been analyzed and implemented. After detection occurs, the response and recovery activities take place. It is imperative that the intrusion detection system selected detect the activities identified by the risk, vulnerability and threat assessment as “interesting or important” and provide the necessary linkages with the response and recovery processes.How Are Intrusions Detected?An intrusion detection system, or IDS, attempts to detect an intruder breaking into your system or a legitimate user misusing system resources. The IDS will run constantly on your system or network, working away in the background, and only notifying you when it detects something it considers suspicious, anomalous or illegal. Whether or not you appreciate that notification depends on how well you've configured your intrusion detection system!Providing complete coverage is a key problem for ID systems. They can provide either host- or network-based monitoring. Network-based detection systems utilize remote monitoring-like sensors on the wire that watch for attack signatures in packets coming into the network. However, this approach leaves the system vulnerable to internal attack. Internal attacks that avoid network-based detection systems typically occur by users on the console or serially attached terminals. In these situations, there are no network packets to inspect and evaluate. Host-based systems use intelligent agents on key servers to sift through system logs for known signatures. Usually this means an attacker has already entered the network and pilfered data on the servers where the agents are deployed.Not surprisingly, Internet connections are becoming the primary point of network attack. The Internet was the source of 54% of attacks on networks reported by 520 IS security managers, according to the March 1998 Computer Security Institute/FBI Computer Crimes Survey.F or this reason, many IS departments choose network-based ID systems. Typically set up at a switch or router on the network between the Internet and the firewall (commonly referred to as the demilitarized zone or DMZ), these systems listen to network traffic and send alerts when they read packets containing known attack signatures. Sometimes, they can even take automatic action such as terminating TCP connections. When used in conjunction with network components, the automated response to Denial of Services attacks (such as the Syn Flood attack) can be configured to adjust the router configuration file on the fly thereby blocking the Denial of Service attack at the ingress router. More interesting “strikeback” concepts are possible, including pure information gathering (e.g., running finger or ident on the attacker) to active reverse Denial of Service (e.g., sending a Syn Flood, Land, Ping O’ Death, etc.) to shut down the attacker.Network Associates' CyberCop, Cisco Systems' NetRanger (formerly sold by WheelGroup), Harris Corporation’s Stake Out, Internet Security Systems' RealSecure, Netect's Netective, AbirNet's SessionWall-3, Internet Tools' ID-Trak, Touch Technologies’ INTOUCH INSA, and MimeStar's SecureNet Pro all take this approach. With some variations, these systems are sold as consoles, along with sensors that are priced separately.Internal breaches still make up a significant portion of attacks-44%, according to the Computer Security Institute/FBI survey, which emphasizes the need for detecting intrusions on the machines inside the network as well as the perimeter. SAIC’s Computer Misuse Detection System, Axent Technologies’ Intruder Alert, and Security Dynamics’(formerly Intrusion Detection) Kane Security Monitor are examples of host-based ID systems.Instead of reading packet headers over the wire, host-based detection systems push "intelligent agents" out to each system needing protection and capture audit data generated by operating systems. A manager-agent device would interpret all the audit trails and manage the data in a way that the administrator would know what to do immediately. This functionality makes it easier to monitor security based on compliance with security-management policies. Intrusion detection, combined with policy enforcement, looks for anomalies. These systems could be used to flagemployee activity outside the norm. However, the current state of development of anomaly detection systems is still fundamentally based in academia with research into statistics among other things.Analyzing commercial intrusion detection products is best done by systematically finding answers to a long series of questions. The process helps a security practitioner consider products objectively and choose those that are best for the security problem at hand. A suggested list of criteria follows, grouped according to information category. Market DynamicsA s shown in the product names listed previously, many of the current products originated with one company, but are now products of a different company. Stalker, the host-based product from Network Associates, was originally developed by Steve Smaha at Haystack Labs. Haystack was purchased by Trusted Information Systems, who was in turn recently purchased by Network Associates and is now known as the TIS Labs division of Network Associates. NetRanger was originally developed by WheelGroup who was purchased by Cisco. Why is this important? As the security industry consolidates, product ownership will continue to change, and even product names will change. This is significant because product origination and history are important to the viability of an ID product. Don’t discount a “new” product out of hand because it might have recently been purchased and re-badged with a new name.An additional factor in the market dynamics is the introduction of new products. There are two forces at work here. First, is the introduction of new products that are the result of academic work. Tripwire by Tripwire Security Systems (formerly Visual Computing Corporation) is a good example of this. Tripwire was available for free for many years by Purdue University. They recently licensed the Tripwire intellectual property to Tripwire Security Systems and a commercial product was recently made available with bug fixes, an expanded set of supported platforms, and commercial support. The other force is the introduction of new products by newcomers to the security market. Many forecasting reports from companies such as the Gartner Group and others indicate huge growth in the intrusion detection market and many companies are trying to take advantage of this. Why is this important? A security review of products today may not reflect the current marketplace when you are performing a product selection.IDS Product Evaluation CriteriaGeneral Characteristics of a Good Intrusion Detection SystemAn intrusion detection system should address the following issues, regardless of what mechanism it is based on:• It should support, not interfere with the security policies and the business operations of the organization.• It must run continually without human supervision. The system must be reliable enough to allow it to run in the background of the system being observed. However, it should not be a "black box". That is, its internal workings should be examinable from outside.• It must be fault tolerant in the sense that it must survive a system crash and not have its knowledge-base rebuilt at restart. Typically, this is accomplished by journalling in combination with other fault tolerant features.• On a similar note to above, it must resist subversion. The intrusion detection system should monitor itself to ensure that it has not been subverted.• It must impose minimal overhead on the system. It must keep pace with the information (logs or network traffic) it is monitoring. In host-based situations, a system that slows a computer to a crawl will simply not be used. In network-based situations, a system that drops packets will also not be used.• It must observe deviations from normal activity.• It must be easily customized to the system in question. Every system has a different usage pattern, and the defense mechanism should adapt easily to these patterns.• It must cope with changing system behavior over time as new applications are being added. The system profile will change over time, and the IDS must be able to adapt.• Finally, it must be difficult to fool even with full knowledge of internal workings by attackers.IdentificationThis section denotes criteria about the product identifying characteristics. This information can usually be found in product literature or the product web pages.• Manufacturer and vendor• Product version number• Type of ID mechanism employed - host-based ornetwork-based?• Does it monitor logs or network packets or both?• Available as standalone or client/server(console/probe)?• Available as hardware, software, or both?Documentation and SupportProper configuration is extremely important to the effectiveness of the IDS. This section identifies information about the product documentation and support mechanisms.• Comprehensive, clear, concise, and well organizedproduct documentation• Tutorial or manual style or both• Electronic and paper available• Available product training• Training included in the purchase price of the product • Training provided by the manufacturer or by consultants• Technical support available (how qualified is the support, and at what hours is it available)• Technical support accuracy, effectiveness and promptness• Are technical support or service contracts included in the purchase price?FunctionalityThis section identifies criteria about the functionality including product features, integration capabilities and technical specifications.• Product integration with existing systems• Plug and-play, or does it require an extensive setupand adjustment to work well with existing systems?• Compatible or supported software platforms, such as operating systems (UNIX, NT, OS/2, proprietary)• Can the product be readily integrated with other IDS or firewall services and support tools?• How does the product interact with other IDS or firewall products?• Possible, supported, or required local network topologies (Internet/intranet, demilitarized zones,virtual private networks, network address translation)• Base for the management agent (http, Telnet, SNMP, DECnet, or remote serial terminal)• Management protocols supported (SNMP, SNMPv3, proprietary, Out Of Band)• Enterprise management platforms the product interacts/integrates with (HP OpenView, Solstice SunNet Manager, Tivoli NetView)• Supported physical network topologies (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, token ring, asynchronous transfermode, FDDI)• Is the product available as an open source system (source code included in its distribution)?• What are the application programmer interfaces (APIs) and how extensible are they?• Integration with vulnerability scanning tools• User and system transparency• Network protocols supported (IP, IPX, Appletalk, XNS, SNA, and X.25)• Does the product run as root or require kernel modifications to install and operate?• List of applications monitored (Web, SAP, etc.)• Will intrusion detection still continue if themanagement console is disconnected, disabled, orexperiences a denial of service?Reporting and AuditingCriteria related to reporting and auditing features and functionality are identified in this section.• Flexible, extensible, and configurable reporting mechanisms • Available in per-user, per-host, per-site, and per-service formats?• Can the data be exported to external databases?• Available reports (usage, operation, incident,summary)• Real-time notification possible (e-mail, SNMP traps, or paging)• Audit media are supported (hard copy, write-once/read-multiple (WORM) drives, remote logging)• Audit analysis tools available or included• Software for generating and individualizing reportsavailable or included• What is the percentage of false positives?• What is the percentage of missed attacks (falsenegatives)?Detection and ResponsesThe criteria that describe the product’s detection and response mechanisms are listed in this section. The list of attacks detected is not meant to be comprehensive.• Network-based attack scenarios protected against (address spoofing, sequence number prediction,session hijacking, fragmentation, source routing,spoofed naming-service (such as DNS) packets,spoofed routing packets, spoofed control packets, port scanning, “Christmas tree” packets, and/orspoofed multicast and broadcast packets)• Counterattack or counterintelligence capability offered, such as information gathering about theapparent origin sites of malicious packets or router configuration• Fault tolerance capability of the product or architecture • Behavior under adverse conditions (heavy loads and congestion, after a power failure, and during boottime)• Data content recognition (viruses, executable code, Java script or ActiveX code, or mail attachments)• Congestion control or traffic management mechanisms• Are there different levels of alerts and are they administrator configurable?• How does it alert about suspicious activity (pages, e-mails, SNMP traps, console messages)?Security AdministrationCriteria about the administration of the product and security mechanism employed to enhance the security of the administration process are detailed in this section.• How secure and flexible is administrative access tothe IDS product?• Does the product provide encryption?• Delay introduced by encryption• Encryption of administrative dial-up connectionsprovided• Administrator-to-console encryption• Available encryption algorithms and key lengths• Key-exchange protocol and frequency of key exchange (compliant with the IPSec protocolsdeveloped by the IP Security Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) such asISAKMP/Oakley or Internet Key Exchange (IKE))• Authentication mechanisms support (Bellcore S/Key, Security Dynamics SecurID, Digital PathwaysSecureNet Key, CryptoCard RB-1, or Enigma LogicSafeWord)• Encryption of traffic between the probes and the console • Can the administration separate management tasks and delegate roles?• Support for multiple management consoles• Automated integrity checks• How does the product appear to the external network (is it network-addressable, or are there no mechanisms for accessing it and attacking it overthe network)• Bandwidth or aggregate throughput, as measured by its packet-monitoring rate or event monitoring rate• Performance benchmarks available fromindependent testing laboratories• Load and network bandwidth balancing features• Is it easy to specify and implement a filtering policy?• Filters supported (protocols, addresses, services,and user-defined patterns)Implementation and Life Cycle SupportInformation about the installation and maintenance criteria of the product are listed in this section.• Installation requirements (processor, RAM, harddisk)• Third-party code required• Prerequisite software (network management, operating systems, database)• Prerequisite hardware (routers, hosts, electric power, network interfaces)• Will any existing routers or hosts have to bereplaced or augmented?• Ease of installation for hardware and/or software• Default settings (detection services enabled or disabled, logging enabled or disabled, alertingmechanisms)• Does the vendor provide quick fixes for product related security issues?• Upgrade schedule for the product (periodic or ad-hoc)• Signature upgrade schedule (periodic or ad-hoc)• Upgrade distribution mechanism (tapes, diskettes, on-line)• Are updates or signatures encrypted or digitally signed?Deployment IssuesCriteria related to deployment issues are listed in this section.• Number of probes or agents required• Placement of the probes or agents• Scalability requirements for the enterprise• Number of probes or agents per managementconsoleFuzzy IssuesThere are some non-quantifiable aspects of ID systems that might need to be considered when selecting a product. These questions identify some of these criteria.• Is the vendor already on the corporate-approved buying list?• What is the viability of the company selling and/or supporting the product?• Does the product integrate with existing security solutions already in place at the client?• Is the product’s primary platform one that is supported in client organization?• What is the history of the product and how long has it been commercially available?• Does the product have the ability to effectively map to the organizational security policy requirements?Bottom Line ConsiderationsLast, but certainly not least, criterion about the product cost is gathered in this section.• What is the price tag for the hardware, software, extra equipment, installation and migration, training (basic and advanced), service contracts, andongoing administration?• What corporate or quantity discounts can be applied to the purchase?• How many FTEs are required to support thesystem?• What benefits does the product’s warranty provide?Applying the criteriaThere are obviously many different ways to apply the above criteria to help in the selection of an intrusion detection system.The following methodology described below and shown in Figure 1 is presented as an example.To begin the methodology, an organization somehow recognizes the need to investigate the benefits of an intrusion detection system. This could be just a step in the growth and development of the information protection program, or it could be a sudden trigger event such as the installation of a new system or network connection that requires greater security and monitoring. It could even be triggered by a serious intrusion incident. In any event,the need or requirement surfaces.Once the need has been identified, the next step the security practitioner should employ is requirements gathering. This step is usually overlooked or poorly performed. The more formal the method utilized in this step, the more accurate the data gathered and the more effective the solution will be at meeting the needs.Here the practitioner needs to determine answers to the questions what, where, how, why, and how much.If the intrusion detection system is protecting a single host or a small network, the owner of the host or network should be able to provide some of the answers to those questions as well as the organizational security policy and procedures. In the case where the intrusion detection system is protecting an entire corporate network or campus network, trying to determine the answers to those questions leads to confusion and political infighting. In this case, one of the key characteristics of the chosen product should be flexibility.More than likely, the requirements gathering phase will not uncover all the requirements independently. It issuggested to take the list of criteria developed in this whitepaper and use it to prompt the system or network owner.Formally documenting the requirements in this phase provides benefits in the future. Since the implementation of an intrusion detection system is (or should be) a continuous process with an associated life cycle, the list of requirements can be reused when reassessing the intrusion detection system.Once the requirements have been gathered, the list can be overlaid against the list of criteria listed above. The result will be a list of criteria important to the organization that can be used to evaluate the potential solutions in the marketplace. This list can be categorized and weighted to help determine the ranking of the criteria in terms ofimportance to the organization. This scheme is commonly employed by the industry trade magazines in their product evaluations. An example vulnerability scanning tool product evaluation from Network Computing is shown in Figure 2.At this point, a list of potential products can be developed. Possible methods for accomplishing this include searching the web, reviewing some of the web sites listed in the References section, or searching the Computer Security Institute Security Product Buyers Guide. Once the list of potential candidates is developed, then each of thecandidates can be evaluated against the list of criteria. This will provide a rating for each of the candidates that can be used in the final selection. The process of selecting a final IDS should include developing a set of intrusion test scenarios important to the organization and evaluating the response to those scenarios by a small set of IDS product evaluation lab configurations.Figure 1: Flowchart for applying IDS productselection criteriaAfter selecting and implementing an intrusion detection system, the system should be periodically reassessed. All criteria from the initial selection that are still valid should be reviewed, including technical merits, corporate direction,vendor responsiveness, and effectiveness of security. The traditional way to determine effectiveness of security is to measure the number of intrusions detected. This metric,however, doesn’t really tell the whole story because inintrusion detection, it’s not so much catching what you know as it is catching what you don’t already know. Perhaps a better metric is the efficiency of the vendor at providingeffective solutions to the latest bugs and exploits. If a vendor can provide a solution to you in one week from time of public announcement, then your exposure to the vulnerability without detection is only one week. The quicker the vendor can provide a solution, the better protected you are and the more effective your intrusion detection system is for your organization.IDS Vulnerabilities and System SelectionIntrusion detection systems are not perfect. As described inthe whitepaper Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service: Eluding Network Intrusion Detection by Network Associates (formerly Secure Networks, Inc.) network-based detection systems can be fooled (or foiled) by sophisticated packet manipulation attacks leaving the supposedly protected hosts and networks vulnerable. The authors describesituations in which the IDS either fails to properly recognize an attack (by inserting extraneous or invalid packets) or fails to work due to a denial of service attack (which puts the IDS in a “fail-open” state). One possible response to the insertion or evasion attacks is to closely match the OS or TCP/IP stack of the intrusion detection system and the host(s) being protected. For example, this might require an NT-based IDS to protect NT servers. Another possible response is to locate the IDS probe or agent as close as possible in terms of network topology to the host being protected.The denial of service (DoS) attacks take two forms, traditional DoS attacks executed against hosts and resource exhaustion attacks. In response to the traditional DoS attacks, having a very responsive vendor is critical tomaintaining the effectiveness and availability of the IDS. Resource exhaustion attacks are more difficult to respond to since they will typically require more memory (to support larger buffers) and/or more processing power (to process packets and content faster). When selecting a system, processing power and RAM will be important characteristics.While the vulnerabilities outlined demonstrate serious issues with the capabilities of network-based detectionsystems, exploiting these vulnerabilities requires sophisticated tools and techniques much more advanced than the current set of point and click hacker tools. However, with the ease of worldwide distribution, via IRC channels, web sites, and mailing lists, only one knowledgeable hacker is necessary to create a GUI attack tool that any hacker wannabe can use. Many of these attacks also require insider knowledge and/or insider access that minimizes the vulnerability of attack from the outside. The onus to address these attacks lies primarily with the IDS vendors. As a result of the SNI whitepaper, the important lessons to the security practitioner are:• Trust, but verify.• The most effective security is security in layers. Think of intrusion detection as just one of those layers.These statements can be summarized by stressing that an intrusion detection system is only as good as the data it receives. How much trust can you place in the validity of the data sources feeding the IDS? It should also bestressed that intrusion detection is a complementary technology with existing security tools and techniques. It doesFigure 2: Example Product Evaluation from NetworkComputing。
