河北大学 河大 2007年信息资源管理 考研真题及答案解析
河北大学电子信息工程学院电路分析根底2021电路分析技术2007电路分析2021-2021模拟电子技术根底2021——2021-2021电子技术根底2007——2021-2021数字信号处理2021——2021-2021半导体物理学2005高等数学2006——2021控制理论与数学电子根底2006通信原理2005,2007——2021-2021通信原理、信号与系统2006微电子学根底2007微电子技术根底2006,2021自动控制理论2007——2021-2021自动控制原理2005传感器技术2007——2021-2021电磁学2007——2021-2021管理学院财政学、社会保障2007——2021电子商务2007专业综合〔行政管理专业〕2021——2021-2021 公共管理学2007——2021-2021公共管理学〔单独考试〕2007管理学2021——2021-2021行政管理综合2007西方经济学2005——2021-2021管理信息系统2007财政学2006财政学、劳动经济学2005微观经济学、管理学2005——2006会计学综合2005——2021-2021企业管理综合2007——2021-2021劳动和社会保障2006社会保障学2005信息检索2021——2021-2021情报学根底2021-2021图书馆学根底2005——2006,2021-2021信息资源建设2005——2006信息资源管理2007——2021档案学根底2021-2021公共财政与社会保障2021-2021化学与环境科学学院高等数学2007——2021高分子化学与物理2005——2006高分子化学2021-2021化学综合2006——2021〔注:2006年的试卷共7页,缺P7〕环境化学2005——2006,2021——2021-2021环境监测2021——2021-2021环境监测与环境工程2006无机化学2005——2021-2021物理化学2005——2021-2021物理化学〔结构化学〕2005——2006有机化学2005——2007,2021-2021分析化学2005,2007——2021-2021机械与建筑工程学院材料力学2021——2021-2021工程力学2006理论力学2005教育学院教育学专业根底综合〔全国统考试卷〕2007——2021-2021〔2007——2021-2021有答案〕心理学专业根底综合〔全国统考试卷〕2007——2021-2021〔2007——2021-2021有答案〕教与学的根本理论2007——2021-2021比拟教育学2005开展与教育心理学专业综合考试2005教育管理学2005教育技术学2005——2021-2021教育学〔比拟教育学专业〕2005教育学〔教育史专业〕2005教育学〔教育原理专业〕2005教育学综合2006教育原理2005心理学概论2005——2006,2021——2021-2021心理学研究方法2006,2021——2021-2021信息技术教育应用2005中外教育史2005——2006经济学院人口学2021人口学理论2005——2007,2021-2021统计学2005人口统计学2005〔注:本试卷共2页,缺P2〕西方经济学2005——2021-2021政治经济学与西方经济学2007——2021-2021西方经济学与政治经济学2005——2006政经与西经2005货币银行学2005人口、资源与环境经济学2005社会学理论2007人文学院语言学根底2007——2021文学根底2007——2021-2021汉语言根底2021-2021古代汉语2006古代汉语〔汉语言文字学专业〕2005,2021-2021〔注:2005共2页,缺P1〕古代汉语〔中国古典文献学专业〕2005古代汉语、现代汉语2006古代汉语与文献2006,2021-2021古代文学与外国文学2005文学批评2005文艺理论2005——2006文学理论2021-2021现代汉语与古代汉语2005〔注:本卷共2页,缺P1〕现代汉语与语言理论2005——2006语言学理论2005中国古代文学2006,2021-2021中国现当代文学2005——2006,2021-2021中国文学史〔中国古代文学专业〕2005中国文学史〔中国古典文献学专业〕2005综合〔中国古代文学专业〕2005〔注:本卷共2页,缺P1〕综合课〔中国语言文学所有专业〕2006历史学专业根底〔全国统考试卷〕2007——2021历史学根底2021-2021史学概论2005历史综合〔中国近现代史专业〕2006历史综合〔专门史专业〕2006古代汉语〔历史学、中国古代史专业〕2005中国古代史2005——2006中国近代史2005中国近现代史2006中国通史2005——2006中国现代史2005东北亚国际关系史2003年复试试卷宋辽夏金史方向2003年复试试卷中国古代经济史方向2003年复试试卷中国古代政法史方向2003年复试试卷中国古代史专业同等学力考生加试题2003年复试试卷中国古代史专业2003年复试试卷中国古代史专业同等学力考生加试?中国通史?试卷中国古代史专业同等学力考生加试?史学导论?试卷中国近现代史专业2003年复试试卷生命科学学院生态学2006——2021-2021生物化学2005——2021-2021生物学综合2006——2021-2021微生物学2005,2007——2021〔注:2005年试卷共2页,缺P2〕细胞生物学2005植物生物学2005动物生态学2005普通动物学2005普通昆虫学2005有机化学2005——2021数学与计算机学院高等代数与解析几何2005——2021-2021数学分析2005——2021-2021数据结构与操作系统2005——2021外国语学院二外法语2005——2021-2021二外日语2005——2021-2021英语语言技能综合2007——2021-2021英语语言知识综合2021——2021-2021英语知识综合2007语言学根底2021——2021-2021语言学根底理论2007根底英语2005——2006翻译与写作2005——2006二外英语2005,2007——2021-2021日语综合2021——2021-2021〔2021-2021缺第三页〕日本语知识综合2007日语技能综合2021日语语言技能综合2007根底日语2005综合日语2005——2006物理科学与技术学院电动力学2006——2021-2021高等数学2005——2021-2021光学2005——2021-2021量子力学2005——2021-2021电磁学2007——2021-2021普通物理2021-2021新闻传播学院文史综合2005——2021〔2021为回忆版〕传播理论与实务2005新闻传播学〔传播学〕2006新闻传播综合2006——2021〔2021为回忆版〕新闻学综合2005药学学院分析化学2005,2007——2021-2021药物分析2005,2007——2021-2021药物化学2007,2021-2021有机化学2006——2021-2021〔2021-2021共4页缺2页〕综合化学2005生物化学〔药〕2021-2021艺术学院中外美术史2007——2021-2021美学2005——2021-2021设计学概论2005,2021——2021-2021艺术概论2007——2021-2021艺术设计概论2007艺术设计理论2005——2006,2021——2021-2021艺术设计史2006——2007艺术学2005——2021-2021音乐技术理论2006——2021音乐理论2005音乐学理论2006——2021影视艺术教育2007——2021-2021视听语言2007——2021-2021政法学院政治学原理2007——2021-2021专业综合〔政治学专业〕2021法律根底2005法学根底2005伦理学2005马克思主义开展史2007马克思主义根本原理2007——2021-2021马克思主义原理2005——2006马克思主义哲学2006——2007,2021-2021马克思主义哲学〔哲学学科、马克思主义哲学专业〕2005 马克思主义哲学〔中国哲学专业〕2005马克思主义哲学原理2021毛泽东思想与邓小平理论概论2005——2006,2021-2021 邓小平理论与毛泽东思想概论2021邓小平理论与毛泽东思想2007当代中国政治与政府,政治社会学2007民商法2005诉讼法2005宪法与行政法2005行政法与行政诉讼法学2006法学综合二〔含刑法、刑事诉讼法、经济法〕2021——2021-2021法学综合一〔含法理、宪法学、民法〕2021——2021-2021理论法学〔法理学、宪法学〕2006——2007应用法学〔民法、刑法〕〔法学理论、宪法学与行政法学、民商法学、刑法学、经济法学、诉讼法学专业〕2007〔本卷共3页,缺P3〕应用法学〔法学、民商法专业〕2006应用法学〔诉讼法专业〕2006逻辑学2021——2021-2021哲学史〔马克思主义哲学、中国哲学、伦理学专业〕2007哲学史〔伦理学专业〕2005哲学史〔哲学学科、马克思主义哲学专业〕2005中西哲学史2021中国哲学史2005哲学综合2021-2021综合考试〔西方哲学局部〕2006社会学理论2007——2021-2021社会学研究方法2007——2021-2021公共管理学2007——2021-2021公共管理学〔单独考试〕2007专业根底课〔法律硕士〕2007综合课〔法律硕士〕2007当代中国政治与政府政治社会学2021-2021质检学院传感器技术2007——2021-2021电子技术根底2007——2021-2021。
一、填空题(30分):1. (6分)由晶闸管构成的三相半波可控整流电路,当输入交流电压为t u ωsin 3112=,纯阻性负载且其值为10R =Ω,当控制角45α=时,输出平均电压为 ,输出的功率因数是 。
2.(6分)由晶闸管构成的单相桥式全控整流电路,当输入交流电压为t u ωsin 1412=,负载为反电动势且直流侧串联平波电抗器,已知60V, L=2E R =∞=Ω,,当控制角30α=时,输出平均电压为 ,输出平均电流为 。
3.(3分)缓冲电路( Snubber Circuit ) 的作用是 。
4.(3分)在交流供电系统中,当基波电流为140A I =,各次谐波电流分别为35792A, 1A, 0.5A, 0.2A I I I I ====, 则电流谐波总畸变THD 为 。
5.(3分)在逆变电路中,对于同一桥臂的开关管要采取“先断后通”的方法,也就是死区时间的设定,其目的是 。
6.(6分)单相桥式电压型逆变电路,180导通角,d 560V U =,则输出电压的基波有效值是 ,当只考虑10次以内的谐波电压时,输出电压的有效值是 。
7.(3分)在SPWM (Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation )控制的三相逆变电路中,设定的开关管的开关频率是20KHz ,逆变电路输出交流电压的频率为400Hz ,那么SPWM 控制电路中载波频率和调制波频率应分别设置为 和 。
二、简答题(60分):1. (7分)IGBT 在过流及短路过程中,系统如何检测并实施保护的?2. (7分)为什么晶闸管的触发信号通常不使用直流信号? 3. (7分)试说明有关晶闸管和电力晶体管的关断过程?4. (7分)请叙述电力二极管的反向恢复过程,在高频开关电路中,应选择什么型号的二极管?5. (8分)利用晶闸管SCR 构成的简易照明延时开关电路如图1所示,HL 是灯泡,SB 是开关,试分析此电路的工作原理。
河北大学2007至2008学年第1学期民法期末考试试题A河北大学课程考核试卷( 2007 — 2008 学年第 1 学期)考核科目民法课程类别必修课考核方式闭卷卷别 A题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分评卷人一、填空题:(每小题1分,共10分)1、战争期间下落不明的,下落不明的时间从________起计算。
A.不可以,已超过行使撤销权的1 年除斥期间B.可以,首饰店主观上存在欺诈故意C.可以,未过2年诉讼时效D.可以,双方系因重大误解订立合同3、行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后以被代理人的名义订立合同的,相对人有理由相信行为人有代理权的,该代理行为()。
2004适用专业考试科目民商法学法学基础法理学试题(共50分)(一)名词解释(每题3分,共15分)1,公法 2,法律行为 3,法系 4,目的解释 5,法律程序(二)权利义务在法律中的地位是怎样的?(10分)(三)如何认识法律对于经济秩序的维护?(10分)(四)论述法治的实质要件。
〕1、238111122220.⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫++++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭=+++++〔 〕 858585255 (768)512384256A B C D E 以上结论均不正确2、王女士以一笔资金分别投入股市和基金,但因故需抽回一局部资金,假设从股票中抽回10%,从基金中抽回5%,那么其总投资额减少8%;假设从股市和基金的投资额中各抽回15%和10%,那么其总投资额减少130万元,那么总投资额为〔 〕万元.1000.1500.2000.2500.3000A B C D E3、某电镀厂两次改良操作方法,使用锌量比原来节省15%,那么平均每次节约〔 〕((.42.5%.7.5%.1100%.1100%.A B C D E ⨯⨯以上结论均不正确4、某产品有一等品、二等品和不合格品三种,假设在一批产品中一等品件数和二等品件数的比是5:3,二等品件数和不合格品件数的比是4:1,那么该产品的不合格品率约为〔 〕.7.2%.8%.8.6%.9.2%.10%A B C D E5、完成某项任务,甲单独做需4天,乙单独做需6天,丙单独做需8天。
现甲、乙、丙三人依次一日一轮换地工作,那么完成该项任务共需的天数为〔 〕 B C D E6、一元二次函数()1x x -的最大值为〔 〕. B C D E7、有5人报名参加3项不同的培训,每人都只报一项,那么不同的报法有〔 〕种. B C D E 以上结论均不正确8、假设方程20x px q ++=的一个根是另一个根的2倍,那么p 和q 应满足〔 〕2222. p qB p qC p qD p qE ====以上结论均不正确9、设22,y x x =-++那么以下结论正确的选项是〔 〕A.y 没有最小值B.只有一个x 使y 取到最小值C.有无穷多个x 使y 取到最小值D.有无穷多个x 使y 取到最小值E.以上结论均不正确 10、260x x +-的解集是〔 〕()()()()().,3.3,2.2,.,32,.A B C D E -∞--+∞-∞-+∞以上结论均不正确11、等差数列{}n a 中23101164a a a a +++=,那么12S =〔 〕. B C D E12、点()02,3P 关于直线0x y +=的对称点是〔 〕()()()()().4,3.2,3.3,2.2,3.4,3A B C D E -------13、假设多项式()3223f x x a x x a =++-能被1x -整除,那么实数a =〔 〕. B C D E -或或或14、圆()2214x y +-=与x 轴的两个交点是〔 〕()()()()()()()()()().5,0,5,0.2,0,2,0.0,50,5.3,0,3,0.2,3,2,3A B C D E ------15、如图正方形ABCD 四条边与圆O 相切,而正方形EFGH 是圆O 的内接正方形,正方形ABCD 面积为1,那么正方形EFGH 面积是〔 〕21221.....32234A B C D E 二、充分性判断〔本大题共15小题,每题2分,共30分〕 解题说明:本大题要求判断所给出的条件能否充分支持题干中陈述的结论。
311 07-10真题答案
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.A21.D 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.C 30.A31.D 32.C 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.C41.A 42.D 43.B 44.D 45.D二、辨析题:每小题10分。
答:技术创新是企业创新的主要内容,企业中出现的大量创新活动是有 关技术方面的,因此,技术创新也可以代表企业创新。企业的技术创新 主要表现在要素创新、要素组合方法创新以及要素组合结果创新三个方 面:① 要素创新。企业的生产过程是一定的劳动者利用一定的劳动手段 作用于劳动对象使之改变物理、化学形式或性质的过程。参与这个过程 的要素包括材料和设备两类。② 要素组合方法创新。利用一定的方式将 不同的生产要素加以组合,这是形成产品的先决条件。要素的组合包括 生产工艺和生产过程的时空组织两个方面。③ 要素组合结果创新。生产 过程中各种要素组合的结果是形成企业向社会贡献的产品。产品是企业 的生命,企业只有不断地创新产品,才能更好地生存和发展。
2009年河北大学管理学院854企业 管理综合考研真题
2010年河北大学管理学院854企业 管理综合考研真题(含管理学部
一、名词解释(共20分,每小题5分。答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无 效。) 1 赫兹伯格
2 程序化决策
3 管理方格
4 技术创新
二、简述题(共24分,每小题12分。答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无 效。) 1.“领导者的唯一定义就是其后面追随者……没有追随者,就不会有领 导者。”你认为这是否有效体现了领导者和管理者的区别?
目 录
2009年河北大学管理学院854企业管理综合考研真题 2010年河北大学管理学院854企业管理综合考研真题(含管理学部分答 案) 2011年河北大学管理学院854管理学考研真题 2012年河北大学管理学院871管理学原理考研真题 2013年河北大学管理学院871管理学考研真题(B) 2014年河北大学管理学院871管理学考研真题(B) 2015年河北大学管理学院871管理学考研真题(B) 2016年河北大学管理学院871管理学考研真题 2017年河北大学管理学院871管理学考研真题(A)及详解 2018年河北大学管理学院871管理学考研真题(B)(含部分答案)
河北大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试卷Listening ComprehensionDirections:In this section,you will hear10short conversations.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a line through the center.1.A)On the high way.B)At a managers’conference.C)In a supermarket.D)At a track meet.2.A)The woman should leave the television on.B)The woman should watch the program too.C)The program will be over soon.D)The watch is on the top of the television.3.A)He needs to sleep for three or four hours.B)He wants to buy a set of coffee cups.C)He will need more than one cup of coffee.D)He has been wide awake for some time.4.A)The woman rejected the man’s apology.B)The man had hurt the woman’s feelings.C)The man had forgotten the whole thing.D)The woman appreciated the man s offer.5.A)The man is seeing the woman off.B)They are discussing their plan for Christmas.C)The woman is meeting the man at the airport.D)They are complaining the poor airport service.6.A)She has no desire to teach.B)She will graduate after the man does.C)She likes all her teachers equally.D)She has no idea where graduation will be held.7.A)He needs another job as research assistant.B)He is doing research with Professor Williams.C)He asked Professor Williams for assistance.D)He assists Professor Williams with his teaching.8.A)The show was planned a long time ago.B)She thought there were no tickets left for the show.C)The audience were deeply impressed by the show.D)She thought the seats on the left side were fully occupied.9.A)Julie moved to a new address a week ago.B)Julie misses her family very much.C)They should pay Julie a visit.D)They should stop seeing Julie.10.A)In a school.B)In a barbershop.C)In a clothing store.D)In a bank.Part I Vocabulary and Structure(20points)I.Each of the following sentences has an underlined word or phrase.Below which sentence are four other words or phrases,marked A,B,C,and D.You are to choose the ONE word or phrase which,if substituted for the underlined word or phrase,would best keep the meaning of the original sentence.(10points)1.She was embarrassed by her friend's bad manners.A:ashamed because of B:endangered by C:amazed at D:challenged2.Archaeological discoveries strengthened the hypothesis that Troy existed.A.assumptionB.propositionC.idealD.concept3.The substance of an education is its effect on your life,and is not just the ability to pass the life.A:purport B:nature C:essence D.feature4.The people in the room were shocked by his blasphemous language.A:exaggerative B:offensive C:boastful D:thrilling5.He found the old house in complete desolation.A:distinction B:devastation C:disposition D:disillusion6.His remark are always succinct.A:witty B:brief C:instructive D:humorous7.I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for he is interested only in his own advancement.A:selfish B:ugly C:deceptive D:frank.8.He manned to keep an earnest expression on his face even though he wanted to smile.A:a dramatic B:a neutral C:a serious D:an annoyed9.The merit of a sales tax is that it decreases government reliance on income taxes.A:imposition B:surplus C:virtue D:interaction10.Few disputes between neighbors can not be settled outside the courtroom.A:apologies B:bills C:anxieties D:argumentsII.For each of the following incomplete sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.You are to choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.(10points)k proteins______for their high nutritional content.A:valued B:is valued C:are valued D:are to be valued12.I insist on______this small present as a token of my appreciationA:you to accept B:your accepting C:you accepting D:you accept13.____a raining day,we gave up our plan to go for an outing.A:With it B:with C:Being D:It being14.______the conclusion of each theatrical production,the cast customarily reappears before the audience to take a bow.A:Out B:Before C:At D:In15.Some areas,______their severe weather conditions are sparsely populated.A:due to B:in spite of C:but for D:with regard to16.I enjoyed the movie very much.I wish I______the book from which it was made.A:have read B:had read C:should have read D:am reading17.There is no rule______has exceptions.A:but B:that C:which D:unless18.It was presumed that he was dead;then one day he______in Italy.A:turned on B:turned up C:turned round D:turned out19.The chemical composition of sandstone is the same as______.A:that of sand B:that sand is C:sand is that D:what of sand20.The phenomena______observed by astronomers throughout the world.Part II Reading Comprehension(15points)Directions:There are three passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions1to5are based on the following passage.One of the major problems of nuclear energy is the inability of scientists to discover a safe way to dispose of the radioactive wastes which occur throughout the nuclear process.Many of these wastes remain dangerously active for tens thousands of years,while others have a life span closer to a quarter of a million years.Various methods have been used to date,but all have revealed weaknesses,forcing scientists to continue their search.The nuclear process involves several stages,with the danger of radioactivity constantly present.Fuel for nuclear reactors comes from uranium ore,which,when mined,spontaneously produces radioactive substances as by-products.This characteristic of uranium ore went undetected for a long time,resulting in the deaths,due to cancer,of hundreds of uranium miners.The United States attempted to bury much of its radioactive waste material in containers made of steel covered in concrete and capable of holing a million gallons.For a long time it was believed that the nuclear waste problem had been solved,until some of these tanks leaked,allowing the radioactive wastes to seep into environment.Canada presently stores its nuclear waste in underwater tanks,with the long-term effects largely unknown.However,plans are under consideration for above-ground storage of spent fuel from reactors.These plans include the building of three vast concrete containers,which would be two stories high and approximately the length and width of two football fields.Other suggestions include enclosing the waste in glass blocks and storing them in underground caverns,or placing hot containers in the Antarctic region, where they would melt the ice,thereby sinking down about a mile.This idea has since been abandoned because of the possible adverse effect on the ice sheets.1.It is implied in the passage that the primary difficulty in seeking a safe way to dispose of nuclear waste in caused by______.A.the nuclear process involving the danger of radioactive at its every stageB.fuel for nuclear reactors producing dangerous wastesC.the weakness scientists have found in every previous methodsD.the nature of nuclear wastes together with their lengthy life span2.According to the passage,uranium ore is very dangerous because______.A.it produces radioactive substances after it is dug outB.it has caused deaths of many minersC.the mining of it produces dangerous by-productsD.there is a problem in mining techniques3.According to paragraph two,scientists failed to______.A.discover the characteristic of nuclear processB.discover the nature of uranium oreC.save the life of uranium minersD.store nuclear wastes in underwater tanks4.Hot containers of nuclear wastes to be put in Antarctic region would______.A.remain above ice sheetsB.be safe to environmentC.be highly probableD.remain under sea5.The best title for the passage might be___________.A.Scientific Approach to Dispose Of Nuclear WastesB.Process and It Nuclear Energy and Public SafetyC.Uranium Ore and Its CharacteristicD.Nuclear WastesQuestions6to10are based on the following passage.Professor Kline concludes that competition with research in the university is so detrimental(有害的)to teaching that he recommends that the two functions be physically and financially separated by setting up research institutes.I suggest that the development of a sound program of educational research would be much more beneficial to teaching.Such a program would not only improve teaching theory and technique,it would make clear what competencies are required of a good teacher and help professors attain cational research should be required to meet the same standards as scientific research,but it cannot be raised to those standards without comparable support and petent education research is no more a part-time activity than competent scientific research.The relatively trivial educational research so common in the universities is an inevitable consequence of trivial commitment by the universities.Rather than belittle such research,the professors have an obligation to see that it is upgraded.Let no one think that educational research is easy;it is concerned with no less than unraveling the complexities of the human mind.There is no reason to believe that an effective theory and technology of instruction is any easier to achieve than controlled nuclear fusion.It is certainly every bit as worthy.6.Professor Kline believes that competition with research in the universities______.A.leads to the establishment of separate research institutesB.should not be encouraged unless separate research institute is set upC.functions well in the universitiesD.is financially unsound7.The author wants to improve______.A.research institutesB.development programscational researchD.part-time activity8.The author believes that scientific research______.A.is not necessarily more difficult than educational researchB.has standards that educational research cannot attainC.is trivial compares to educational researchD.must be relegated to a part-time activity9.According to the author educational research______.A.is relatively easyB.is quite complexC.is often trivialD.should have lower standardscational research in most universities today_____.A.receives adequate supportB.is no longer a part-time activityC.is easy to achieveD.needs more commitmentQuestions11to15are based on the following passage.The characteristics of student-teacher relationships on American campuses vary somewhat,depending on whether the students involved are undergraduate or graduate students,and depending on the size and nature of the school.Graduate students typically have more intense relationships with their professors than undergraduates do;at smaller schools student-teacher relationship are typically even less formal than they are at larger schools.To say that student-teacher relationships are informal is not to say that there are no recognized status differences between the two groups.There are.But students may show their deference only in subtle ways, mainly in the vocabulary and tone of voice they use when speaking to teachers.Much of their behavior around teachers may seem disrespectful.American students will eat in class,read newspapers,and assume quite informal postures.Teachers might not enjoy such behavior,but they tolerate.Students,after all,are individuals who are entailed to decide for themselves how they are going to act.American teachers generally expect students to ask them questions or even challenge what they say.Teachers do not generally assume they know all there is to know about a subject.Nor do they that they invariably explain things clearly.Students who want clarification or additional information are expected to ask for it during the class,just after class ends,or in the teacher’s office at the times the teacher has announced(宣称)as“office hours.”Students who do not ask questions may be considered uninterested.While most teachers welcome students’questions and comments about the material being covered in the course,they do not welcome student efforts to negotiate for high grades.Teachers normally believe they have an acceptable system for determining grades,and,unless it seems possible that a mistake has been made, teachers respond very negatively to students who try to talk them into raising a grade.11.Why do teachers normally not welcome students to negotiate for higher grades?A.Because teachers don’t like to admit that they have made mistakes in marking.B.Because teachers normally believe they have an acceptable system for determining grades.C.Because they are afraid of students’protest against them.D.Because they hate students.12.The student-teacher relationships are informal in the US in the following ways except______.A.American students eat in classB.American students read newspapers in classC.American students assume quite informal postures in classD.American students don’t show respect to teachers13.Students who ask questions are considered__________.A.uninterestedB.troubledC.interestedD.intelligent14.What do you think of the main idea of the passage?A.The student—teacher relationship in U.S.B.American students’manners in school.C.Characteristics of American university teachers.D.American education system15.Which is right according to the passage?A.The student-teacher relationship is quite informal across the country.B.American teachers generally like students to challenge them.C.Graduate students seem quite disrespectful to their teachers.D.It is not easy for students to find their teachers.PART III Translation(10points)DIRECTIONS:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET.The idea of evolution was known to some of the Greek philosophers.By the time of Aristotle speculation had suggested that more perfect types had not only followed less perfect ones but actually had developed from them.But all this was guessing;no real evidence was forthcoming.When,in modern times,the idea of evolution was revived,it appeared in the writings of the philosophers—Bacon,Descartes,Leibniz and Kant.36)Spencer was preaching a fail evolutionary doctrine in the years just before Darwin’s book was published, while most naturalists would have none of it.Nevertheless a few biologists ran counter to the prevailing view, and pointed to such facts as the essential unity of structure in all warm-blooded animals.The first complete theory was that of Lamarck,who thought that modifications due to environment,if constant and lasting,would be inherited and produce a new type.37)Though no evidence for such inheritance was available,the theory gave a plausible hypothesis for naturalists to use.Many of the social and philanthropic efforts of the nineteenth century were framed on the tacit assumption that acquired improvements would be inherited.But the man whose book gave both Darwin and Wallace the clue was the Reverend Robert Malthus, sometime curate of Albury in Surrey.38)The English people were increasing rapidly,and Malthus argued that the human race tends to outrun its means of subsistence unless the redundant individuals are eliminated. This may not always be true,but Darwin writes:In October1838,I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population,and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on,from long continued observation of the habits of animals and plants.39)It at once struck me that,under these circumstances,favorable variations would tend to be preserved,and unfavorable ones to be destroyed.The result of this would be the formation of new species.Here then I had a theory by which to work.40)The hypothesis of natural selection may not be a complete explanation,but it led to a greater thing than itself—an acceptance of the theory of organic evolution,which the years have confirmed.Yet at first some naturalists joined the opposition.To the many,who were unable to judge the biological evidence,the effect of the theory of evolution seemed incredible as well as devastating,to run counter to common sense and to overwhelm all philosophic and religious landmarks.Even educated man,choosing between the Book of Genesis and the Origin of Species,proclaimed with Disraeli that he was“on the side of the Angels.”Part Four:Composition(15points)Directions:Write a short composition of about250to300words on the Allowing topic.What’s your opinion about the contribution of opportunity to success?。
2007年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (2)2008年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (21)2009年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (44)2010年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (68)2011年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (91)2012年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (116)2013年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (139)2014年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (162)2015年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (185)2016年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (202)2017年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (227)2018年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (251)2019年考研管理类联考综合能力真题答案及解析 (265)一、问题求解1、如果方程1+=ax x 有一个负根,那么a 的取值范围是( )A 、1<aB 、1=aC 、1->aD 、1-<aE 、以上结论均不正确2、设变量1021,,,x x x 的算术平均值为x 。
若x 为定值,则诸)10,,2,1( i x 中可以任意取值的变量有( )A 、10个B 、9个C 、2个D 、1个E 、0个3、甲、乙、丙三人进行百米赛跑(假设他们的速度不变),甲到达终点时,乙距终点还差10米,丙距终点还差16米。
那么乙到达终点是,丙距终点还差( )A 、322米B 、320米C 、315米D 、310米 E 、以上结论均不正确 4、修一条公路,甲队单独施工需要40天完成,乙队单独施工需要24天完成。
则这条公路的长度为( )A 、60公里B 、70公里C 、80公里D 、90公里E 、100公里5、某自来水公司的水费计算方法如下:每户每月用水不超过5吨,每吨收费4元,超过5吨的,每吨收取高标准的费用。
Part ΙV ocabulary and Structure1.She was embarrassed by her friend’s bad manners.A ashamed because ofB endangered byC amazed atD challenged2.Archaeological discoveries strengthened the hypothesis that Troy existed.A assumptionB propositionC idealD concept3.The substance of an education is its effect on your life, and is not just the ability to pass the life.A purportB natureC essenceD feature4.The people in the room were shocked by his blasphemous language.A exaggerativeB offensiveC boastfulD thrilling5.He found the old house in complete desolation.A distinctionB devastationC dispositionD disillusion6.His remark are always succinct.A wittyB briefC instructiveD humourous7.I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for he is interested only in his own advancement.A selfishB uglyC deceptiveD frank8.He managed to keep an earnest expression on his face even though he wanted to smile.A a dramaticB a neutralC a seriousD an annoyed9.The merit of a sales tax is that it decreases government reliance on income taxes.A impositionB surplusC virtueD interaction10. Few disputes between neighbours can not be settled outside the courtroom.A apologiesB billsC anxicticsD argumentsⅡFor each of the following incomplete sentences there are four choices marked A BC and D.Y ou are to choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.11. Milk proteins________ for their high nutritional content.A valuedB is valuedC are valuedD are to be valued12. I insist on _________ this small present as a token of my appreciation.A you to acceptB your acceptingC you acceptingD you accept13. _________ a raining day ,we gave up our plan to go for an outing.A WithB WithC BeingD It being14.__________ the conclusion of each theatrical production, the east customarily reappears before the audience to take a bow.A OutB BeforeC AtD In15. Some areas,_________ their severe weather conditions are sparsely populated.A due toB in spite ofC but forD with regard to16. I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I _______ the book from which it was made.A have readB had readC should have readD am reading17.There is no rule _________ has exceptions.A butB thatC whichD unless18. It was presumed that he was dead; then one day he ______ in Italy.A turned onB turned upC turned roundD turned out19. The chemical composition of sandstone is the same as _________A that of sandB that sand isC sand is thatD what if sand20.The phenomena __________ observed by astronomers throughout the world.APart ⅡReading ComprehensionQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.One of the major problems of nuclear energy is the inability of scientists to discover a safe way to dispose of the radioactive wastes which occur throughout the nuclear process. Many of these wastes remain dangerously active for tens thousands of years, while others have a life span closer to a quarter of a million years. V arious methods have been used to date, but all have revealed weaknesses, forcing scientists to continue their search.The nuclear process involves several stages, with the danger of radioactivity constantly present. Fuel for nuclear reactors comes from uranium ore, which, when mined, spontaneously produces radioactive substances as by products. This characteristic of uranium ore went undetected for a long time, resulting in the deaths, due to cancer, of hundreds of uranium miners.The United States attempted to bury much of its radioactive waste material in containers made of steel covered in concrete and capable of holing a million gallons. For a long time it was believed that the radioactive wastes problem had been solved, until some of these tanks leaked, allowing the radioactive wastes to seep into environment. Canada presently stores its nuclear waste in underwater tanks, with the long-term effects largely unknown.However, plans are under consideration for above-ground storage of spent fuel from reactors. These plans include the building of three vast concrete containers, which would be two stories high and approximately the length and width of two football fields. Other suggestions include enclosing the waste in glass blocks and storing them in underground caverns, or placing hot containers in the Antarctic region, where they would melt the ice, thereby sinking down about a mile. This idea has since been abandoned because of the possible adverse effect on the ice sheets.1.It is implied in the passage that the primary difficulty in seeking a safe way todispose of nuclear waste in caused by __________A the nuclear process involving the danger of radioactive at its every stageB fuel for nuclear reactors producing dangerous wastesC the weakness scientists have found in every previous methodsD the nature of nuclear wastes together with their lengthy life span2. According to the passage, uranium ore is very dangerous because_______A it produces radioactive substances after it is dug outB it has caused deaths of many minersC the mining of it produces dangerous by productsD there is a problem in mining techniques3. According to paragraph two, scientists failed to ________A discover the characteristic of nuclear processB discover the nature of uranium oreC save the life of uranium minersD store nuclear wastes in underwater tanks4. Hot containers of nuclear wastes to be put in Antarctic region would _______A remain above ice sheetsB be safe to environmentC be highly probableD remain under sea5. The best title for the passage might be __________A Scientific Approach to Dispose Of Nuclear WastesB Process and It Nuclear Energy and Public SafetyC Uranium Ore and Its CharacteristicD Nuclear WastesQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Professor Kline concludes that competition with research in the university is so detrimental(有害的) to teaching that he recommends that the two functions be physically and financially separated by setting up research institutes. I suggest that the development of a sound program of educational research would be much more beneficial to teaching. Such a program would not only improve teaching teaching theory and technique, it would make clear what competencies are required of a good teacher and help professors attain them. Educational research should be required to meet the same standards as scientific research, but it cannot be raised to those standards without comparable support and commitment. Competent education research is no more a part-time activity than competent scientific research. The relatively trivial educational research so common in the universities is an inevitable consequence of trivial commitment by the universities. Rather than be little such research, the professors have an obligation to see that it is upgraded. Let no one think that educational research is easy; it is concerned with no less than unraveling the complexities of the human mind. There is no reason to believe that an effective theory and technology of instruction is any easier to achieve than controlled nuclear fusion. It is certainly every bit as worthy.6. Professor Kline believes that competition with research in the universities________A leads to the establishment of separate research institutesB should not be encouraged unless separate research institute is set upC functions well in the universitiesD is financially unsound7. The author wants to improve__________A research institutesB development programsC educational researchD part-time activity8. The author believes that scientific research__________A is not necessarily more difficult than educational researchB has standards that educational research cannot attainC is trivial compares to educational researchD must be relegated to a part-time activity9. According to the author educational research ___________A is relatively easyB is quite complexC is often trivialD should have lower standards10. Educational research in most universities today___________A receives adequate supportB is no longer a part-time activityC is easy to achieveD needs more commitment Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passageThe characteristics of student-teacher relationships on American campuses vary somewhat, depending on whether the students involved are undergraduate or graduate students, and depending on the size and nature of the school. Graduate students typically have more intense relationships with their professors than undergraduates do; at smaller schools student-teacher relationship are typically even less formal than they are at larger schools.To say that student-teacher relationships are informal is not to say that there are no recognized status differences between the two groups. There are. But students may show their deference only in subtle ways, mainly in the vocabulary and tone of voice they use when speaking to teachers. Much of their behavior around teachers may seem disrespectful. American students will eat in class, read newspapers, and assume quite informal postures. Teachers might not enjoy such behavior, but they tolerate. Students , after all, are individuals who are entailed to decide for themselves how they are going to act. American teachers generally expect students to ask them questions or even challenge what they say. Teachers do not generally assume they know all there is to know about a subject. Nor do they that they invariably explain things clearly. Students who want clarification or additional information are expected to ask for it during the class, just after class ends, or in the teacher’s office at the times the teacher has announced as “office hours.”Students who do not ask questions may be considered uninterested.While most teachers welcome students’questions and comments about the material being covered in the course, they do not welcome student efforts to negotiate for high grades. Teachers normally believe they have an acceptable system for determining grades, and, unless it seems possible that a mistake has been made, teachers respond very negatively to students who try to talk them into raising a grade.11. Why do teachers normally not welcome students to negotiate for higher grades?A Because teachers don’t like to admit that they have made mistakes in marking.B Because teachers normally believe they have an acceptable system for determining gradesC Because they are afraid of students’ protest against themD Because they hate students12. The student-teacher relationships are informal in the U S in the following ways except________A American students eat in classB American students read newspapers in classC American students assume quite informal postures in classD American students don’t show respect to teachers13. Students who ask questions are considered ___________A uninterestedB troubledC interestedD intelligent14. What do you think of the main idea of the passage?A The student-teacher relationship in U.S.B American students’ manners in schoolC Characteristics of American university teachersD American education system15. Which is right according to the passage?A The student-teacher relationship is quite informal across the countryB American teachers generally like students to challenge themC Graduate students seem quite disrespectful to their teachersD It is not easy for students to find their teacher.PartⅢTranslation(只翻译划线部分)The idea of evolution was known to some of the Greek philosophers. By the time of Aristotle, speculation had suggested that more perfect types had not only followed less perfect ones but actually had developed from them. But all this was guessing: no real evidence was forthcoming. When, in modern times, the idea of evolution was revived, it appeared in the writings of the philosophers----Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz and Kant.36) Spencer was preaching a full evolutionary doctrine in the years just before Darwin’s book was published, while most naturalists would have none of it. Nevertheless a few biologists ran counter to the prevailing view, and pointed to such facts as the essential unity of structure in all warm-blooded animals.The first complete theory was that of Limerick, who thought that modifications due to environment, if constant and lasting, would be inherited and produce a new type.37) Though no evidence for such inheritance was available ,the theory gave a plausible hypothesis for naturalists to use. Many of the social and philanthropic efforts of the nineteenth century were framed on the tacit assumption that acquired improvements would be inherited.But the man whose book gave both Darwin and Wallace the clue was the Reverend Robert Malthus, sometime curate of Albury in Surrey.38) The English people were increasing rapidly, and Malthus argued that human race tends to outrun its means of subsistence unless the redundant individuals are eliminated. This may not always be true, but Darwin writes:In October 1838, I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population, and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence which everywhere goes on, from long continued observation of the habits of animals and plants. 39) It at once struck me that, under these circumstances, favorable variations would tend to be preserved, and unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species. Here then I had a theory by which to work.40) The hypothesis of natural selection may not be a complete explanation, but it led to a greater thing than itself-----an acceptance of the theory of organic evolution, which the years have confirmed. Y et at first some naturalists joined the opposition. To the many, who were unable to judge the biological evidence, the effect of the theory of evolution seemed incredible as well as devastating, to run counter to common sense and to overwhelm all philosophic and religious landmarks. Even educated man, choosing between the Book of Genesis and the Origin of Species, proclaimed with Disraeli that he was “on the side of Angels”。
2007年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试教育学专业试题及答案一、选择题:1 赫尔巴特所代表的传统教育思想的核心一般被概括为:教材中心、课堂中心和AA.教师中心B. 学校中心C. 学生中心D. 活动中心2. 强调知识的内在逻辑和系统性,主张分科教学的是: BA经验主义课程论B学科中心课程论C存在主义课程论D后现代主义课程论3. 只要提供了足够的时间和帮助,每一个学生都能达成学习目标.依据这种思想构建的教学模式是:CA程序教学模式B发现教学模式C掌握学习教学模式D非指导性教学模式4. 下列文件中,最早提出“把发展基础教育的责任交给地方,有步骤地实行九年义务教育”的是:AA《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》B《中国教育改革和发展纲要》C《中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的决定》D《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》5 按照科尔伯格的理论,以人际关系和谐或“好孩子”为定向的道德发展阶段处于:BA前习俗水平B 习俗水平C后习俗水平D准习俗水平6 在一个人的发展过程中,有的方面在较低的年龄阶段就达到了较高的水平,有的方面则要到较高的年龄阶段才能达到成熟的水平。
这反映人的身心发展具有:D A顺序性B阶段性C 差异性D不均衡性7 泰勒认为,课程评价是为了找出结果与目标之间的差异,并利用这种反馈信息作为修订课程计划的依据。
据此提出的课程评价模式是:AA目标评价模式B目标游离评价模式C背景、输入、过程、结果评价模式D差距评价模8 按照美国教育哲学家谢弗勒对教育定义的分类,作者自己创制的、其内涵在作者的某种话语情境中始终是同一的定义属于:DA描述性定义B纲领性定义C解释性定义D规定性定义9 “个人怎样表现自己的生活。
”马克思的这段话说明个体的发展具有:BA顺序性和阶段性B社会性和历史性C相似性和差异性D现实性和潜在性10 教学的内容、方法、分量和进度要适合学生的身心发展,是他们能够接受的,但又要有一定的难度,需要经过努力才能掌握,以促进学生的身心发展。
E (1,1,-2) 8.以等流量向如下所示容器内注水,直至注满该容器,若 h (t ) 为容器中水平面高度 h(t)随时间 t 的变化 率,则正确反映 h (t ) 变化性态的曲线是()
' '
g(x) x
9.设 f(x)= 0 A 连续而不可导点 C E 可导点 以上结论均不正确
1 1 ,- ) 2 3 1 1 D (1, - , - ) 4 6
B(2, -
E 以上结论都不正确
2 -1 2 7.矩阵 A= 5 -3 3 的属于特征值 =-1 的特征向量是() 。 -1 0 -2
A (1,0,1) C (-1,-1,1) B(0,1,-1) D (2,1,-1)
﹝f(u)二阶可导﹞ (2) F ( x) e f (e ) +c
(1)F(x)=f( e ) 21.
16 x 2 a 2 x 8
22.y=a x 与 y=In x 两曲线相切于点( e , (1)a=
1 ) 。 2
1 e
3 分 5 10 C 分 7 3 E分 5
5 分 3 7 D 分 10
11.在曲线 y= x +1(x≥0)上某点处做一切线 L,使之与该切线以及 y 轴所围成的图形的面积为 的方程为()
8 ,则切线 3
A y=-2x-9 C y=4x-9 E y=-4x-3
B y=2x-3 D y=4x-3