
ZSPD AD 2.1 机场地名代码和名称 Aerodrome location indicator and nameZSPD-上海/浦东 SHANGHAI/PudongZSPD AD 2.2 机场地理位置和管理资料 Aerodrome geographical and administrative dataZSPD AD 2.3 工作时间 Operational hours1机场基准点坐标及其在机场的位置ARP coordinates and site at AD N31°08.7' E121°47.6'Center of RWY17L/35R2方向、距离Direction and distance from city 108° GEO, 32.3km from city center 3标高/参考气温Elevation/Reference temperature 4m/ 32.6°C (JUL)4机场标高位置/高程异常AD ELEV PSN/ geoid undulation Center of RWY16L/34R/-5磁差/年变率MAG V AR/Annual change5° W(1977)/ 0'42''W (1970)6机场管理部门、地址、电话、传真、AFS 、电子邮箱、网址AD administration, address, telephone,telefax, AFS, E-mail, website Shanghai Airport (Group) CO. LTD.Nr. 900 Qi Hang street, Shanghai, China. Post code: 201207TEL: 86-21-96990 FAX: 86-21-68342735AFS: ZSPDYDYX Website: 7允许飞行种类Types of traffic permitted(IFR/VFR)IFR/VFR8机场性质/飞行区指标Military or civil airport & Reference code Civil/(RWY17L/35R: 4E; RWY16R/34L,RWY16L/34R,RWY17R/35L:4F)9备注RemarksNil1机场当局(机场开放时间)AD Administration (AD operational hours)HS or O/R 2海关和移民Customs and immigration HS or O/R 3卫生健康部门Health and sanitation HS or O/R 4航行情报服务讲解室AIS Briefing Office H245空中交通服务报告室ATS Reporting Office (ARO)H246气象讲解室MET Briefing Office H247空中交通服务 ATS H248加油 Fuelling HS or O/R 9地勤服务 Handling HS or O/R 10保安 Security HS or O/R 11除冰 De-icing H2412备注 RemarksNilZSPD AD 2.4 地勤服务和设施 Handling services and facilitiesZSPD AD 2.5 旅客设施 Passenger facilitiesZSPD AD 2.6 援救与消防服务 Rescue and fire fighting services1货物装卸设施Cargo-handling facilities Lift, platform trailer, container trailer, tow-tractor, cargo trailer, container baggage trailer, conveyor truck 2燃油/滑油牌号Fuel/oil typesJet A-1--3加油设施/能力Fuelling facilities/capacity Refueling truck (65000 liters:63 liters/ sec&20000 liters:33 liters/ sec);hydrant dispenser:63 liters/ sec; refueling well: 1000 liters/ sec 4除冰设施De-icing facilities10 de-icers 5过站航空器机库Hangar space for visiting aircraft Available6过站航空器的维修设施Repair facilities for visiting aircraft Periodic detection available for various types of aircraft on request.Engine and other aircraft component changement available for part of aircraft.7备注RemarksAir preconditioning unit, oxygen filling vehicle, plane traction rod(for B737-A380), potable water vehicle, sewage disposal vehicle, garbage truck, ferry vehicle, the disabled lift car, no power source car, forklift1宾馆Hotels At AD and in the city 2餐馆Restaurants At AD3交通工具Transportation Passenger's coaches, taxis, magnetic aero train 4医疗设施Medical facilities First-aid, 6 ambulances and medical center at AD 5银行和邮局Bank and Post Office At AD6旅行社Tourist Office At ADTEL: 86-21-683464527备注RemarksNil1机场消防等级AD category for fire fighting CAT 102援救设备Rescue equipmentFire fighting facilities: rapid intervention vehicle, foam tender, dry-chemical tender, disassembly rescue truck, lift rescue truck, illumination truck, command car, logistics car.Rescue equipment: uplift air cushion, mobile surface operation devices,damaged aircraft, fork, air compressor, tethered hoisting equipment.3搬移受损航空器的能力Capability for removal of disabled aircraft MTWA up to A3804备注RemarksNilZSPD AD 2.7 可用季节-扫雪 Seasonal availability-clearingZSPD AD 2.8 停机坪、滑行道及校正位置数据 Aprons, taxiways and check locations data1扫雪设备类型Types of clearing equipment All seasonsSnow blowers, snow fluid truck, snow pusher2扫雪顺序Clearance priorities RWY17L/35R, rapid exit (RWY17L/35R), TWY (FM deicing stands to RWY17L/35R), other RWYs, TWY , apron 3备注RemarksNil1停机坪道面和强度Apron surface and strengthSurface:Cement concreteStrength:Apron Nr.1: PCN 121/R/B/W/T: 6-24 (13 absent); PCN 89/R/B/W/T: 1-5, 25-29Apron Nr.2: PCN 121/R/B/W/TApron Nr.3(cargo): PCN 107/R/B/W/TApron Nr.4: PCN 75/R/B/W/T: 401A, 401B, 402A, 402B,403-418; PCN 68/R/B/W/T: 458-459; PCN 60/R/B/W/T:451-453Apron Nr.5: PCN 121/R/B/W/T: 502-512, 532-543; PCN 79/R/B/W/T: 562-575Apron Nr.6(cargo): PCN 115/R/B/W/T: 625, 626; PCN 109/R/B/W/T: 611-620Apron Nr.7: PCN 106/R/B/W/T: north of Terminal 2 (57-91); PCN 85/R/B/W/T: othersApron Nr.8: PCN 106/R/B/W/T: 806-816; PCN 85/R/B/W/T: 801-805Apron 3W(cargo): PCN 104/R/B/W/T2滑行道宽度、道面和强度Taxiway width, surface and strength Width:23 m: W4-W6;25m or wider for other TWYsSurface:Asphalt concrete: P2-P6(BTN TWY A & RWY17L/35R);P2-P6(BTN TWY D & RWY17L/35R); R2,R5(BTN TWYG & RWY16R/34L); R3-R4(BTN TWY F & RWY16R/34L); G(N of rapid exit TWY G6, S of rapid exit TWYG1);Cement concrete: othersStrength:PCN 126/F/C/W/T:TWYs BTN D&RWY17L/35R:P1-P6;PCN 121/R/B/W/T: A, B, B1-B8, P1-P6(E of RWY17L/35R);PCN 117/R/B/W/T: E5-E7(W of TWY E), W6-W7(N ofTWY T4), R5-R6(W of TWY E);PCN 112/F/C/W/T:TWYs BTN G & RWY16R/34L: R2-R5;TWYs BTN F & RWY16R/34L: R3-R4, G(N of rapid exitTWY G6, S of rapid exit TWY G1);PCN 109/R/B/W/T: E, E1-E2, F, R1-R2, R5-R6(east ofTWY E),E5-E7(east of TWY E), T3, T4, W1, W3, W4-W7(S ofTWY T4);PCN 104/R/B/W/T: C, D, H, G(BTN TWY G1 & TWYG6), T5, T6, S1;TWYs BTN C & apron 3W:Q1-Q6, P1-P2, P4, P6;TWYs BTN C & RWY17R/35L: P1-P2, P4, P6, Q1, Q6;TWYs BTN D & RWY17R/35L: P1-P2, P4, P6;TWYs BTN G & RWY16L/34R: R1, R2, R5, R6;TWYs BTN H & RWY16L/34R: R1, R2, R5, R6, J1, J2;PCN 85/R/B/W/T: W4-W5(N of TWY T4);PCN 84/R/B/W/T:TWYs BTN C&RWY17R/35L:C1-C2, C5-C6;TWYs BTN D&RWY17R/35L:D1-D2, D5-D6;PCN 79/R/B/W/T: R3-R4, E3-E4, F1-F4;PCN 75/R/B/W/T: rapid exit TWY A1-A6PCN 74/R/B/W/T: rapid exit TWY G1-G6, H1-H6;PCN 66/R/B/W/T:TWYs BTN C&RWY17R/35L:C3-C4;TWYs BTN D&RWY17R/35L:D3-D4;3高度表校正点的位置及其标高ACL location and elevationNil4VOR/INS校正点VOR/INS checkpointsNil 5备注 Remarks NilZSPD AD 2.9 地面活动引导和管制系统与标识Surface movement guidance and control system and markingsZSPD AD 2.10 机场障碍物 Aerodrome obstacles1航空器机位号码标记牌、滑行道引导线、航空器目视停靠/停放位置引导系统的使用Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft standsTaxiing guidance signs at all intersections of TWY and RWY and at all holding positions.Taxing centerlines or guide lines at all TWYs and aprons.Nose-in guidance for aircraft stands.Visual docking Guidance System for all aircraft stands at aprons Nr.1 and Nr.7, others available for marshaller guidance.2跑道和滑行道标志及灯光RWY and TWY marking and LGTRWY markingsTHR, RWY designation, TDZ, center circle, center line, edge line, aiming pointRWY lightsCenter line, edge line, THR, RWY end,TDZ(RWY16L/34R&RWY17R/35L exclusive), wing barTWY markingsCenter line, RWY holding positions, edge line,intermediate holding position, TWY shoulder, no entering marking, information sign, mandatory instruction signTWY lightsCenter line, edge line, intermediate holding position,RWY guard lights, rapid exit TWY indicator.3停止排灯Stop barsRWY17L/35R: E of RWY: P1-P2, B1, P4, P6, B7, B8, rapid exit TWY A1-A6; W of RWY: P1-P6;RWY16L/34R: R2-R5 at cross RWY16R/34L,G1-G6, H1-H6RWY16R/34L: R1-R2, E1, E5, F1-F4, R5-R6RWY17R/35L: rapid exit TWY C1-C6, D1-D64备注RemarksNilObstacles within a circle with a radius of 15km centered on RWY 17L/35R center 序号Serial Nr.障碍物类型(*代表有灯光)Obstacle type (*Lighted)磁方位BRG (MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation (m)影响的飞行程序及起飞航径区Flight procedure/take-off flightpath area affected1*BLDG 009238554.02Pole 010218740.53*BLDG 012212951.54*Antenna061248518.4RWY16R/ ILS/DME final approach5*Antenna 062266117.4RWY16L/ ILS/DME final approach6*Control TWR099935106.3CAT A/B/C Circling Sector 7*Antenna 10768348.88*Antenna121358417.5RWY34R/ ILS/DME final approach9*Antenna 123344018.5RWY34L/ ILS/DME final approach 10TWR 146550833.1Take-off path 11Lighting Rod 147585740.1Take-off path12Lighting Rod148610528.913TWR 1531320633.414Lighting Rod 1541294928.915*TWR 158835150.216*TWR 158856243.717*TWR1661326947.018*TWR 1671487660.7RWY35R/ GP INOP final approachRWY35R/ VOR/DME final approach19Lighting Rod 1671326239.320*Antenna 171169118.1RWY35R/ ILS/DME final approach21TWR 1711184149.022*Antenna 178171318.6RWY35L/ ILS/DME final approach23Lighting Rod 1791120835.324*TWR182572548.7Obstacles within a circle with a radius of 15km centered on RWY 17L/35R center 序号Serial Nr.障碍物类型(*代表有灯光)Obstacle type (*Lighted)磁方位BRG (MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation (m)影响的飞行程序及起飞航径区Flight procedure/take-off flightpath area affected25*BLDG 20410153149.9RWY34L/R/ Initial approach RWY35L/R/ Initial approach RWY17L/R/ Departure CAT D Circling26*TV TWR 20910842108.127Lighting Rod 220699158.528Chimney 231562865.629*TWR 242468547.830*TWR 242445952.631*Antenna 279447023.732*Antenna 288365250.733TWR 289481047.934*Antenna 296388046.535*Antenna 3081091998.836*Antenna 330115418.6RWY17R/ ILS/DME final approach37*TWR 333921643.738Antenna 3331273859.039*TWR 337563429.740Antenna3381004732.841*TWR 3401117750.3RWY17L/ GP INOP final approachRWY17L/ VOR/DME final approach42BLDG 341882454.243*Antenna 343169118.0RWY17L/ ILS/DME final approach44Lighting Rod3431290234.845TWR346795239.3Obstacles within a circle with a radius of 15km centered on RWY 17L/35R center 序号Serial Nr.障碍物类型(*代表有灯光)Obstacle type (*Lighted)磁方位BRG (MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation (m)影响的飞行程序及起飞航径区Flight procedure/take-off flightpath area affected46*Antenna355377447.9RWY35L/R/ DepartureObstacles between two circles with the radius of 15km and 50km centered on the RWY17L/35R center 序号Serial Nr.障碍物类型(*代表有灯光)Obstacle type (*Lighted)磁方位BRG(MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation (m)影响的飞行程序及起飞航径区Flight procedure/take-off flightpath area affected1Chimney15516228502TWR 1551696593RWY34L/R/ Intermediate approachRWY35L/R/ Intermediate approachRWY16L/R/ Departure 3*Chimney 260324122154*Lighting Rod 273316012225*Lighting Rod 290284641566*BLDG 292340522847BLDG 29529632632Sector8*Lighting Rod297296024239*Pole 2973033346610*BLDG 2972942049411*Lighting Rod3042729923012*Chimney 32830037245RWY16L/R/ Initial approach RWY17L/R/ Initial approach 13*Wind indicator35832282216Remark: Other obstacles refer to AD OBST chart.Obstacles within a circle with a radius of 15km centered on RWY 17L/35R center 序号Serial Nr.障碍物类型(*代表有灯光)Obstacle type (*Lighted)磁方位BRG (MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation (m)影响的飞行程序及起飞航径区Flight procedure/take-off flightpath area affectedZSPD AD 2.11 提供的气象信息、机场观测与报告Meteorological information provided & aerodrome observations and reports 1相关气象室的名称Associated MET Office Shanghai Pudong Aerodrome MET Office2气象服务时间、服务时间以外的责任气象室Hours of service, MET Office outsidehoursH24--3负责编发TAF的办公室;有效期Office responsible for TAF preparation,Periods of validityShanghai Pudong Aerodrome MET Office9 HR, 24 HR4着陆预报类型、发布间隔Type of landing forecast, Interval ofissuanceTrend30 MIN5所提供的讲解/咨询服务Briefing/consultation provided P, T6飞行文件及其使用语言Flight documentation, Languages used Chart, International MET Codes, Abbreviated Plain Language Text Ch, En7讲解/咨询服务时可利用的图表和其它信息Charts and other information availablefor briefing or consultationSynoptic charts, real-time data, forecast, satellite and radar material, dataforecast product8提供信息的辅助设备Supplementary equipment available forproviding informationFAX, MET Service Terminal9接收气象信息的空中交通服务单位ATS units provided with information Pudong Tower, Shanghai Approach, shanghai ACC10观测类型与频率/自动观测设备Type & frequency of observation/Automatic observation equipmentHalf hourly plus special observation/Yes11气象报告类型及所包含的补充资料Type of MET Report & supplementaryinformation includedMETAR, SPECI, TEND12观测系统及位置Observation System & Site(s)SFC wind sensors: RWY16R: 127m E of RCL, 331m inward THR; RWY34L: 127m E of RCL, 331m inward THR; RWY16L 110m W of RCL, 343m inward THR; RWY34R 110m W of RCL, 343m inward THR; center: RWY34R 125m W of RCL, 1905m inward THR;RWY17L: 120m W of RCL, 330m inward THR; RWY35R: 120m W of RCL, 330m inward THR; RWY17R: 107m E of RCL, 325m inward THR; RWY35L: 107m E of RCL, 325m inward THR.RVR EQPT: A:100m W of RWY16L/34R RCL, 323m inward THR16L; B:125m W of RWY16L/34R RCL, 1895m inward THR34R; C: 100m W of RWY16L/34R RCL, 333m inward THR34R; D: 120m E of RWY16R/ 34L RCL, 367m inward THR16R;E: 120m E of RWY16R/34L RCL, 1900m inward THR34L; F:120m E of RWY16R/34L RCL, 317m inward THR34L; G: 120m W of RWY17L/35R RCL, 330m inward THR17L; H: 120m W of RWY17L/35R RCL, 2000m inward THR35R; J: 120m W of RWY17L/35R RCL, 330m inward THR35R; K: 100m E of RWY17R/ 35L RCL, 340m inward THR17R; L: 100m E of RWY17R/35L RCL, 1660m inward THR 35L; M: 100m E of RWY17R/35L RCL, 310m inward THR35L;Ceilometer: Near MM for RWY16R/34L, 17L/35R; RWY17R: 70m W of RCL, 279m inward THR; RWY 35L: 70m W of RCL, 279m inward THR; RWY16L: 8m E of RCL, 905m inward THR; RWY 34R: 8m E of RCL, 905m inward THR.13气象观测系统的工作时间Hours of operation for meteorological observation systemH2414气候资料Climatological information Climatological tables A VBL15其他信息Additional information NilZSPD AD 2.12 跑道物理特征 Runway physical characteristics跑道号码Designations RWY NR真方位和磁方位TRUE &MAG BRG跑道长宽Dimensions ofRWY(m)跑道强度(PCN),跑道道面/停止道道面RWY strength (PCN),RWY surface/SWYsurface着陆入口坐标及高程异常THR coordinatesand geoidundulation跑道着陆入口标高,精密进近跑道接地地带最高标高THR elevation andhighest elevation ofTDZ of precisionAPP RWY12345617R162° GEO167° MAG 3400×60104/R/B/W/T (end)84/R/B/W/T (middle)Cement concreteNilTHR 3.6m--35L342° GEO347° MAG 3400×60104/R/B/W/T (end)84/R/B/W/T (middle)Cement concreteNilTHR 3.6m--17L162° GEO167° MAG 4000×60121/R/B/W/TCement concreteNilTHR 3.0m--35R342° GEO347° MAG 4000×60121/R/B/W/TCement concreteNilTHR 3.1m--16R162° GEO167° MAG 3800×60109/R/B/W/T (end)88/R/B/W/T (middle)Cement concreteNilTHR 3.4m--34L342° GEO347° MAG 3800×60109/R/B/W/T (end)88/R/B/W/T (middle)Cement concreteNilTHR 3.5m--16L162° GEO167° MAG 3800×60104/R/B/W/T (end)83/R/B/W/T (middle)Cement concreteNilTHR 3.6m--34R342° GEO347° MAG 3800×60104/R/B/W/T (end)83/R/B/W/T (middle)Cement concreteNilTHR 3.6m--跑道-停止道坡度Slope ofRWY-SWY 停止道长宽SWYdimensions(m)净空道长宽CWY dimensions(m)升降带长宽Strip dimensions (m)无障碍物地带OFZ跑道端安全区长宽RWY end safetyarea dimensions(m)7891011120.0%Nil Nil3520×300Nil230×150m0.0%Nil Nil3520×300Nil230×150m See AOC Nil Nil4120×300Nil235×150m See AOC Nil Nil4120×300Nil235×150m See AOC Nil Nil3920×300Nil235×150m See AOC Nil Nil3920×300Nil235×150m See AOC Nil Nil3920×300Nil240×150m See AOC Nil Nil3920×300Nil240×150m Remarks:1. Distance between RCL of RWY16R/34L and RCL of RWY17L/35R is 2260m; RWY16R THR is 1000m south of RWY17L THR; RWY34L THR is 800m south of RWY35R THR; Distance between RCL of RWY17R/35L and RCL of RWY17L/35R is 460m; RWY17R THR is 600m south of RWY17L THR. Distance between RCL of RWY16L/34R and RCL of RWY16R/34L is 440m;2. RWYs grooved at full length, width 60m.ZSPD AD 2.13 公布距离 Declared distances跑道代号RWY Designator 可用起飞滑跑距离TORA(m)可用起飞距离TODA(m)可用加速停止距离ASDA(m)可用着陆距离LDA(m)备注Remarks12345 6 17R3400340034003400Nil17R3200320032003400FM Q6 35L3400340034003400Nil35L3200320032003400FM Q1 17L4000400040004000Nil17L3780378037804000FM B7 35R4000400040004000Nil35R3780378037804000FM B1 16R3800380038003800Nil16R3700370037003800FM E5 16R3320332033203800FM R5 34L3800380038003800Nil34L3700370037003800FM E1 34L3230323032303800FM R2 16L3800380038003800Nil16L3700370037003800FM J2 16L3262.53262.53262.53800FM R5 34R3800380038003800Nil34R3700370037003800FM J1 34R3176317631763800FM R2ZSPD AD 2.14 进近和跑道灯光 Approach and runway lightingZSPD AD 2.15 其它灯光,备份电源 Other lighting, secondary power supply跑道代号RWY Desig -nator进近灯类型、长度、强度APCH LGT type LEN INTST 入口灯颜色、翼排灯THR LGT colour WBAR 目视进近坡度指示系统(跑道入口最低眼高),精密进近航道指示器V ASIS (MEHT) PAPI接地地带灯长度TDZ LGT LEN跑道中心线灯长度、间隔、颜色、强度RWY Center line LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST跑道边灯长度、间隔、颜色、强度RWY edge LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST跑道末端灯颜色RWY end LGT colour停止道灯长度、颜色SWY LGT LEN, colour12345678917R/ 35L CAT I 900m*VRB LIH Green Yes PAPI Left/3°Nil3400m******spacing 30m3400m*******spacing 60m RedNil17L/ 35R CAT II 900m*VRB LIH Green Yes PAPI Left/3°900m4000m**spacing 15m4000m***spacing 60m Red Nil16R/34L CAT II 900m*VRB LIH Green Yes PAPI Left/3°900m3800m****spacing 15m3800m*****spacing 60m Red Nil16L/34RCAT I 900m*VRB LIHGreen YesPAPI Left/3°NIL3800m****spacing 15m3800m*****spacing 60mRed NilRemarks: *SFL** up to 3100m White VRB LIH; 3100-3700m Red/White VRB LIH; 3700-4000 Red VRB LIH *** up to 3400m White VRB LIH; 3400-4000m Yellow VRB LIH**** up to 2900m White VRB LIH; 2900-3500m Red/White VRB LIH; 3500-3800 Red VRB LIH ***** up to 3200m White VRB LIH; 3200-3800m Yellow VRB LIH******up to 2500m White VRB LIH; 2500-3100m Red/White VRB LIH; 3100-3400m Red VRB LIH *******up to 2800m White VRB LIH; 2800-3400m Yellow VRB LIH1机场灯标/识别灯标位置、特性和工作时间ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operationNil2着陆方向指示器位置和灯光;风速表位置和灯光LDI location and LGT, Anemometer location and LGTNil3滑行道边灯和中心线灯光TWY edge and center line lighting TWY center line lights available for all TWYs;Blue TWY edge line lights available for all TWYS;TWY edge reflector sticks available for straight TWY of 16R-34L, T3, T4.4备份电源/转换时间Secondary power supply/switch-over time Standby power supply available/ 1 sec for RWY 17L/35R and 16R/34L; 15 sec for all RWYs.5备注RemarksRed OBST LGT for all LGT stationsZSPD AD 2.16 直升机着陆区域 Helicopter landing areaZSPD AD 2.17 空中交通服务空域 ATS airspace1TLOF 坐标或FATO 入口坐标及高程异常Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO Geoid undulationNil2TLOF 和/或FATO 标高 (m)TLOF and/or FATO elevation (m)Nil3TLOF 和FATO 区域范围、道面、强度和标志TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking Nil4FATO 的真方位和磁方位True and MAG BRG of FATO Nil 5公布距离Declared distance available Nil 6进近灯光和FATO 灯光APP and FATO lighting Nil 7备注RemarksNil名称Designation 横向界限Lateral limits垂直界限Vertical limits备注RemarksShanghai/Pudong towercontrol areaBy ATCSFC-600m MSLFuel Dumping Area N3113.0E12300.0-N3130.0E12400.0-N3110.0E12400.0-N3100.0E12300.0-N3113.0E12300.03000m and aboveSee Fuel Dumping Area ChartAltimeter setting region andTL/TASASAN-PIKAS-Nantong VOR-BUNV A-UDOXI-IBEGI-N314611 E1224630 - EMSAN - DUMET - N311241 E1224630 -BONGI - PONAB - RUXIL - N301500 E1221200 - Andong VOR-Nanxun VOR-SASANTL 3600m TA 3000m3300m(QNH ≥1031hPa) 2700m(QNH ≤979hPa)ZSPD AD 2.18 空中交通服务通信设施 ATS communication facilities服务名称Service Designation呼号Call sign频率Frequency (MHz)工作时间Hours of operation备注Remarks12345ATIS127.85H24D-ATIS availableAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach120.30(119.75) ZSSS AP01H24NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach125.40(119.75) ZSSS AP02H24NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach125.85(119.2) ZSSS AP03125.40(119.75)0001-14001401-2400NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach123.80(119.2) ZSSS AP040030-1430NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach126.65(128.05) ZSSS AP05120.30(119.75)0030-14301431-0029NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach126.3(120.65) ZSSS AP060030-1430NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach121.10(124.05) ZSSS AP07120.30(119.75)0030-14301431-0029NilAPP (ZSSS)ShanghaiApproach127.75(124.05) ZSSS AP08125.40(119.75)0030-14301431-0029NilTWR Pudong Tower118.8(118.325) TWR01H24For RWY17L/35RTWR Pudong Tower118.4(118.725) TWR02H24For RWY16L/ 34R&16R/34LTWR Pudong Tower124.35(118.325) TWR03H24For RWY17R/35LTWR Pudong Tower118.575(118.725)TWR04H24For RWY16L/34RGND Pudong Ground121.8(121.7) for east sector H24Nil GND Pudong Ground121.65 (121.7) for west sector H24Nil GND Pudong Delivery121.95(121.7)H24DCL available EMG121.50H24NilZSPD AD 2.19 无线电导航和着陆设施 Radio navigation and landing aids设施名称和类型Name and type ofaid 识别ID频率Frequency发射天线位置、坐标Antenna sitecoordinatesDME发射天线标高Elevation ofDMEtransmittingantenna备注Remarks123 45 6Hengsha VOR/DME HSH114.4 MHzCH91XN31° 22.1'E121° 50.8'Liuzao VOR/DME PDL109.4 MHzCH31XN31° 07.8'E121° 40.3'4.1mPudong VOR/DME PUD116.9 MHzCH116XN31° 10.3'E121° 47.0'347° MAG/1090m FMTHR RWY 17LShuyuan VOR/DME XSY112.7 MHzCH74XN30° 55.9'E121° 52.4'27m167° MAG/22636m FMTHR RWY 35RMM 16R75 MHz 347° MAG/ 1050m FM THR RWY 16RIM 16R75 MHz 347° MAG/ 350m FM THR RWY 16RLOC 16R ILS CAT I IZZ108.7 MHz167° MAG/288m FM endRWY 16RGP 16R330.5 MHz 130m E of RCL317m FM THR16RAngle 3°RDH 15mDME IZZ CH24X(108.7MHz) 3.8m Co-located with GPLOC 16L ILS CAT I IHL111.5 MHz167° MAG/315m FM endRWY 16LGP 16L332.9 MHz 120m W of RCL 313m FM THR 16LDME IHL CH52X 6.4m Co-located with GPMM 34L75 MHz 167° MAG/ 1050m FM THR RWY 34LIM 34L75 MHz 167° MAG/ 350m FM THR RWY 34LLOC 34L ILS CAT I IDD108.3 MHz347° MAG/288m FM endRWY 34LGP 34L334.1 MHz 130m E of RCL317m inwardTHR 34LAngle 3°RDH 15mDME IDD CH20X(108.3MHz) 3.8m Co-located with GPLOC 34R ILS CAT I IPR108.9 MHz347° MAG/315m FM endRWY 34RGP 34R329.3 MHz 120m W of RCL 313m inward THR 34RDME IPR CH26X(108.9MHz) 6.5m Co-located with GPMM 17L75 MHz 347° MAG/ 1070m FM THR RWY 17LIM 17L75 MHz 347° MAG/ 313m FM THR RWY 17LLOC 17L ILS CAT II IPD110.7MHz167° MAG/295m FM endRWY 17LGP 17L330.2 MHz 130m W of RCL314m inwardTHR 17LAngle 3°RDH 15mDME IPD CH44X(110.7 MHz)8m Co-located with GPOM 35R75 MHz 167° MAG/ 8982m FM THR RWY 35RMM 35R75 MHz 167° MAG/ 1030m FM THR RWY 35RIM 35R75 MHz 167° MAG/ 313m FM THR RWY 35RLOC 35R ILS CAT II INN111.9 MHz347° MAG/295m FM endRWY 35RGP 35R331.1 MHz 130m W of RCL314m inwardTHR 35RAngle 3°RDH 15m设施名称和类型Name and type ofaid 识别ID频率Frequency发射天线位置、坐标Antenna sitecoordinatesDME发射天线标高Elevation ofDMEtransmittingantenna备注RemarksLOC 35L ILS CAT IIBD 108.1MHz347° MAG/ 285m FM end RWY 35L GP 35L 334.7MHz 120m E of RCL 310m inward THR 35LAngle 3°RDH 15mDME IBDCH18X (108.1MHz)11.3mCo-located with GPLOC 17R ILS CAT IIKM111.1MHz167° MAG/ 285m FM end RWY 17R GP 17R 331.7MHz 120m E of RCL 310m inward THR 17RAngle 3°RDH 15mDME IKMCH48X (111.1MHz)11.3mCo-located with GPRemark: NilZSPD AD 2.20 本场飞行规定ZSPD AD 2.20 Local traffic regulations1. 机场使用规定1. Airport operations regulations1.1禁止未安装二次雷达应答机的航空器起降;1.1 Takeoff/landing of aircraft without SSR transponder are forbidden;1.2所有技术试飞需事先申请,并在得到空中交通管制部门批准后方可进行; 1.2 Each and every technical test flight shall be filed inadvance and shall be made only after clearance has beenobtained from ATC;1.3可使用最大机型:A380及同类机型。

2、我国的飞行情报区:北京:ZBPE (首都机场:ZBAA)乌鲁木齐:ZWUQ (地窝堡机场:ZWWW)沈阳:ZYSH (桃仙机场:ZYTX)兰州:ZLHW (中川机场:ZLLL)昆明:ZPKM (巫家坝机场:ZPPP)武汉:ZHWH (天河机场:ZHHH)广州:ZGZU (白云机场:ZGGG)上海:ZSHA (虹桥:ZSSS,浦东:ZSPD)台北情报区:RCSS,香港情报区:VHHK3、航行通告(NOTAM):用电信方式分发的关于任何航行设施、服务、程序或危险的建立情况和变动的资料的通知,及时了解这种资料对与飞行活动有关的人员是必不可少的。
Q 是固定字母,第二、三个字母是NOTAM的主题,第四五个字母是主题的制约/限制。

中文名称:航行通告英文名称:notice to navigator航行通告是由国家主管机关以书面形式或通过报纸、广播、电视等新闻媒介,向各种的船舶、设施和人员发布的管辖水域内影响或可能影响水上交通安全的水上水下施工作业、水上竞赛活动和特殊区域划定、改动或撤销等信息的告晓性。
一、航行通告定义1. 国际航行通告室(NOF):由国家指定的负责在国际间交换航行通告的办公室。
2. 航行通告(NOTAM):用电信方式分发的关于任何航行设施、服务、程序或危险的建立情况和变动的资料的,及时了解这种资料对与飞行活动有关的人员是必不可少的。
3. 雪情通告(SNOWTAM):一种专门系列的航行通告,用专门的格式通知由于活动区内有雪、冰、雪浆或与雪、冰或雪浆有关的积水而存在的危险情况,或者这种险情的排除。
4. 火山通告(ASHTAM):航行通告的一个专门系列,是以特定的格式针对可能影响航空器运行的火山活动变化、火山爆发和/或火山烟云发出的通告。
注:我国暂不公布5. 飞行前资料(PIB):在飞行前准备的、对运行有重要意义的现行航行通告资料。
6. NOTAM校核单:包括有效的NOTAM序列号、最新的AIP AMEND、AIP SUP、AIC序列号。
7. NOTAM明语摘要:包括有效的NOTAM明语、最新的AIP AMEND序列号、有效的AIP SUP和AIC序列号。
8. 一体化航行情报系列资料该系列资料包括以下内容:1)《航行资料汇编》(AIP):包括航行资料修订; 2)《航行资料汇编》补充资料(AIP SUP);3)航行通告(NOTAM)和飞行前资料公告(PIB); 4)航行资料(AIC);5)NOTAM 校核单(Checklist)及明语摘要(Summary)。

LAKES 1B/1D 离港时,飞越 R154 CH VOR(或CH VOR不可用时飞越15NM EAST OF TUNNA),FL140或以上.
c) 主停机位有两个标准的推出程序,PUSH-BACK
a)NADP 1 用来减小离场跑道末端附近区域的噪音水平.NADP 2 用来减小跑道末端更远距离上的噪音水平.
b)从跑道07L或07R起飞的飞机,可以选用NADP 1 或 2 程序离港,无须特别声明所选程序.
3) 地面启动和推出程序
a) 所有飞机应在启动前5分钟向以下频率要ATC许可.
3) 对风切变和颠簸警告系统(WTWS)的运行和术语的熟悉.
4) 香港和特别的机场天气特征和季节变化.
5) 周边机场:深圳,澳门和珠海的位置和香港机场终端区相对的边界位置.

GEN 1.2ݴॢఖ֥ೆaݖބԛGEN 1.2 ENTRY, TRANSIT AND DEPARTUREOF AIRCRAFT1.ሹᄵ 1.General1.1外国民用航空器根据其国籍登记国政府与中华人民共和国政府签订的协定、协议的规定,或者经中国民用航空局批准或者接受,方可飞入、飞出中华人民共和国领空和在中华人民共和国境内飞行、降落。
1.1 A foreign civil aircraft may enter or leave the airspace of the People’s Republic of China, and operate or land in the territory of the People’s Republic of China only in accordance with the air transport agreement concluded between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the government of the State in which the aircraft nationality is registered, or in accordance with the approval or clearance of the Civil Aviation Administration of China.1.2在中华人民共和国境内飞行的航空器,必须具有国籍标志和登记标志。
1.2An aircraft operating in the territory of the People's Republic of China shall bear its nationality and registration marks. No aircraft without nationality and registration marks shall fly within the territory of the People's Republic of China.1.3外国民用航空器国籍登记国发给或者核准的民用航空器适航证书、机组人员合格证书和执照,中华人民共和国政府承认其有效;但是,发给或者核准此项证书或者执照的要求,应当等于或者高于国际民用航空组织制定的最低标准。

航行通告简介一、定义1. 国际航行通告室(NOF):由国家指定的负责在国际间交换航行通告的办公室。
2. 航行通告(NOTAM):用电信方式分发的关于任何航行设施、服务、程序或危险的建立情况和变动的资料的通知,及时了解这种资料对与飞行活动有关的人员是必不可少的。
3. 雪情通告(SNOWTAM):一种专门系列的航行通告,用专门的格式通知由于活动区内有雪、冰、雪浆或与雪、冰或雪浆有关的积水而存在的危险情况,或者这种险情的排除。
4. 火山通告(ASHTAM):航行通告的一个专门系列,是以特定的格式针对可能影响航空器运行的火山活动变化、火山爆发和/或火山烟云发出的通告。
注:我国暂不公布5. 飞行前资料公告(PIB):在飞行前准备的、对运行有重要意义的现行航行通告资料。
6. NOTAM校核单:包括有效的NOTAM序列号、最新的AIP AMEND、AIP SUP、AIC序列号。
7. NOTAM明语摘要:包括有效的NOTAM明语、最新的AIP AMEND序列号、有效的AIP SUP和AIC序列号。
8. 一体化航行情报系列资料该系列资料包括以下内容:1)《航行资料汇编》(AIP):包括航行资料修订;2)《航行资料汇编》补充资料(AIP SUP);3)航行通告(NOTAM)和飞行前资料公告(PIB);4)航行资料通报(AIC);5)NOTAM 校核单(Checklist)及明语摘要(Summary)。
9. 航行资料汇编(AIP):由国家发行或者国家授权发行的,载有航行所需的持久性航行资料---必须根据需要定期修订或重新印刷,使之保持最新。
10. 航行资料汇编修订(AIP AMEND):对包括在航行资料汇编(AIP)中的资料的永久性改变。
11. 航行资料汇编补充(AIP SUP):以专用页张公布的包括在航行资料汇编(AIP)中资料的临时性变动---长期存在的临时性变动(3个月或以上),对飞行有重要意义的情报。
12. 航行资料通报(AIC):不够签发航行通告或编入航行资料汇编(AIP)的资料,但此类资料涉及飞行安全、航行、技术、行政或法律上的问题。

航行通告简介一、定义1. 国际航行通告室(NOF):由国家指定的负责在国际间交换航行通告的办公室。
2. 航行通告(NOTAM):用电信方式分发的关于任何航行设施、服务、程序或危险的建立情况和变动的资料的通知,及时了解这种资料对与飞行活动有关的人员是必不可少的。
3. 雪情通告(SNOWTAM):一种专门系列的航行通告,用专门的格式通知由于活动区内有雪、冰、雪浆或与雪、冰或雪浆有关的积水而存在的危险情况,或者这种险情的排除。
4. 火山通告(ASHTAM):航行通告的一个专门系列,是以特定的格式针对可能影响航空器运行的火山活动变化、火山爆发和/或火山烟云发出的通告。
注:我国暂不公布5. 飞行前资料公告(PIB):在飞行前准备的、对运行有重要意义的现行航行通告资料。
6. NOTAM校核单:包括有效的NOTAM序列号、最新的AIP AMEND、AIP SUP、AIC序列号。
7. NOTAM明语摘要:包括有效的NOTAM明语、最新的AIP AMEND序列号、有效的AIP SUP和AIC序列号。
8. 一体化航行情报系列资料该系列资料包括以下内容:1)《航行资料汇编》(AIP):包括航行资料修订;2)《航行资料汇编》补充资料(AIP SUP);4)航行资料通报(AIC);5)NOTAM 校核单(Checklist)及明语摘要(Summary)。
9. 航行资料汇编(AIP):由国家发行或者国家授权发行的,载有航行所需的持久性航行资料---必须根据需要定期修订或重新印刷,使之保持最新。
10. 航行资料汇编修订(AIP AMEND):对包括在航行资料汇编(AIP)中的资料的永久性改变。
11. 航行资料汇编补充(AIP SUP):以专用页张公布的包括在航行资料汇编(AIP)中资料的临时性变动---长期存在的临时性变动(3个月或以上),对飞行有重要意义的情报。
12. 航行资料通报(AIC):不够签发航行通告或编入航行资料汇编(AIP)的资料,但此类资料涉及飞行安全、航行、技术、行政或法律上的问题。

负责的服务:提供的航行情报服务及主要组成部分的描述包括 ➢ 服务/单位名称 ➢ 邮政地址 ➢ 电话号码 ➢ 传真号码 ➢ 用户电传号码 ➢ 航空固定业务地址 ➢ 服务所根据的有关ICAO文件的说明,如有差异应说明其在AIP
中的位置 ➢ 如不能提供24小时航行情报服务时的说明
• GEN2.2航行情报缩减字 按字母顺序列出本国在航行情报出版物中 和发布航行情报时使用的减缩字及其含义
• GEN2.3 航图符号 根据使用航图符号的航图系列顺序列出的 航图符号一览表
• GEN2.4 地名代码 按指配的航空固定台站地名的代码和译码
GEN2.5 无线电导航设备一览表
与国际民航组织标准、建议措施和程序的差 异 列出本国规定和措施与国际民航组织规定之 间的重要差异,包括
➢ 涉及条款 ➢ 差异内容
GEN2.1 计量系统、航空器标志、假日 ➢ 计量单位 ➢ 时制 ➢ 大地测量基准面 ➢ 航空器的国籍和注册标志 ➢ 公共假日
GEN目录 GEN章节一览表,小章节按字母顺序排列
指定机构:与国际飞行有关的指定机构的地址, 每个机构应包括:
➢ 机构代码 ➢ 机构名称 ➢ 邮寄地址 ➢ 电话号码 ➢ 传真号码 ➢ 用户电传号 ➢ 航空固定业务地址(AFTN地址)
航空器的入境、过境和出境 国际飞行的航空器有关申请入境、过境和出境 的许可和提前通知的法规及要求
航行资料汇编 (AIP)简介
航行资料汇编 (Aeronautical Information Publication) 是由国家发行或国家授权发行,保障航空器在该国

AIP/NAIP我国的航行资料汇编(AIP,Aeronautical Information Publication)由中国民用航空局空中交通管理局(民航局空管局)航行情报服务中心负责编辑、审校、出版或修订出版以及对外提供。
《中国民航航行资料汇编》(AIP,Aeronautical Information Publication)是根据国际民用航空公约,由国家发行或国家授权发行,保障航空器在该国安全运行的所必需的持久性航行资料,并且也是长期存在的重要航行信息的基本来源。
《中国民航国内航行资料汇编》(NAIP,National Aeronautical Information Publication)供国内用户使用,是我国民用航空器在国内飞行时必备的综合性技术资料。
协议地球坐标系协议地球坐标系(CTS,Conventional Terrestrial System)是采用协议地球极(CTP,Conventional Terrestrial Pole)方向作为Z轴指向的地球坐标系。

飞行签派实践考试习题及答案《飞行签派实践考试习题及答案》1. 航空承运人为什么要雇佣飞行签派员?答:合格证持有人应当证明,对于其所实施的运行拥有足够数量的飞行签派中心,并且这些飞行签派中心的位置和能力,能够确保对每次飞行进行恰当的运行控制。
2. CCAR65R2 对申请执照人员的要求是什么?答:第 65.53 条资格要求(a)参加飞行签派员执照理论考试的人员应当年满 21 周岁。
(b)参加飞行签派员执照实践考试的人员应当通过第 65.55 条规定的理论考试,并满足第 65.57 条规定的经历要求。
(c)获得飞行签派员执照资格应当符合下列要求:(1)年满 23 周岁;(2)具有大学专科(含)以上学历;(3)能够读、说、写并且理解汉语;(4)通过了本规则第 65.59 条规定的实践考试;(5)按照 CCAR67 部规定的体检标准体检,并取得体检合格证。
3. CCAR121R2 对飞行签派员的合格要求是什么?答: (a)在国内、国际定期载客运行中担任飞行签派员的人员,应当持有飞行签派员执照,并且按照本规则N 章批准的训练大纲,圆满完成相应飞机组类中的一个型别飞机的下列训练:(1)飞行签派员初始训练,但是如果该飞行签派员已对同一组类的另一型别飞机接受了初始训练,则只需完成相应的转机型训练。
(2)运行熟悉,在驾驶舱观察按照本规则实施的运行至少 5 小时(含一次起飞和着陆)。
本款要求可以用额外增加一次起飞和着陆代替一个飞行小时的方法,将运行熟悉小时数减少至不低于 2.5 小时。
(3)对于新引进组类的飞机,在开始投入本规则运行后 90 天之内,不满足本款第(2)项中运行熟悉要求的人仍可以担任飞行签派员。
中国航行资料汇编aip china 中国民用航空局caac enr 2.21 enr 2.2

ENR 2.2 终端管制区和进近管制区TERMINAL CONTROL AREAS AND APPROACH CONTROL AREAS名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks1.北京进近管制区Beijing Approach Control Area The relevant rules, see subsection ENR2.2.1ZBAA AP01RWY19/18L/18R in use:N400543 E1163452N403247 E1163036N403423 E1164745N401150 E1165117N400637 E1164932N400519 E1163536N400543 E1163452RWY01/36L/36R in use:N400350 E1163510N400317 E1163557N400544 E1170300N395736 E1170000N393524 E1170000N392207 E1164138N400350 E11635102 400m(QNH)(exclusive)───────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch,En)119.00(125.05) MHZHOZBAA AP02RWY19/18L/18R in use:N400543 E1163452N400606 E1163410N400342 E1160945N402540 E1160615N402526 E1162509N403247 E1163036N400543 E1163452RWY01/36L/36R in use:N400350 E1163510N392207 E1164138N392043 E1162657N394732 E1162250N394742 E1162952N400343 E1162728N400422 E1163425N400350 E11635102 700m(QNH)(exclusive)───────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch,En)126.10(129.00) MHZHO名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZBAA AP03N403247 E1163036 N403610 E1163307 N404640 E1163400 N404250 E1171655N395736 E1170000 N392940 E1170000 N392757 E1163453 N394055 E1163844 N403247 E11630366 000m────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch,En)120.60(125.05) MHZH24ZBAA AP04N402526 E1162509 N403247 E1163036 N394055 E1163844 N392757 E1163453N392554 E1160634 N393630 E1160700 N394000 E1152610 N402600 E1153150 N402526 E11625096 000m────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch,En)119.70(129.00) MHZHOZBAA AP05N403247 E1163036 N403610 E1163307 N404640 E1163400 N404250 E1171655N395736 E1170000 N391404 E1170000 N390830 E1164320 N390442 E1162803 N394055 E1163844 N403247 E11630366 000m────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch,En)127.75(126.5) MHZHODeparture only.ZBAA AP06N402526 E1162509 N403247 E1163036 N394055 E1163844 N390442 E1162803N385900 E1160530 N393630 E1160700 N394000 E1152610 N402600 E1153150 N402526 E11625096 000m────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch,En)121.1(126.5) MHZHODeparture only.名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZBAA AP07RWY19/18L/18R in use:N400343 E1162728N400421 E1163425N400318 E1163536N400400 E1164352N394905 E1164622N394742 E1162952N400343 E1162728RWY01/36L/36R in use:N400528 E1162750N401559 E1162242N401739 E1164443N400605 E1164407N400421 E1163425N400606 E1163410N400528 E11627502 100m(QNH)(exclusive)───────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京离场(中、英)Beijing Departure (Ch, En)124.4(124.7) MHZ2300-1400 (NEXTDAY)Out of hours ofservice ATC servicewill be delivered byZBAA AP05/06ZBAA AP08N392554 E1160634 N392940 E1170000 N391404 E1170000N390830 E1164320 N390442 E1162803 N385900 E1160530 N392554 E11606346 000m───────GND 北京进近管制室Beijing APP北京进近(中、英)Beijing Approach (Ch, En)125.5(124.7) MHZ0100-1630Out of hours ofservice ZBAAAP08will be divided to 2part with lineN392757E1163453—N390442E1162803,the ATC service inwest part will bedelivered byZBAAAP04, east partwill be delivered byZBAAAP03名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks2.长春进近管制区Changchun Approach Control AreaN442715 E1235454N434054 E1241748 N424929 E1251101 N433724 E1271700 N443103 E1255611 N442715 E12354546 000m───GND 长春进近管制室Changchun APP长春进近(中、英)Changchun Approach(Ch, En)119.45(125.25) MHZHO3.长沙进近管制区Changsha Approach Control Area ZGHA AP01N273743 E1133143N274400 E1123124 N280400 E1121234 N284900 E1130406 N284300 E1135554 N273754 E1135054 N273743 E11331435 100m───────GND 长沙进近管制室Changsha APP长沙进近(中、英)Changsha Approach(Ch, En)119.65(120.6) MHZH24ZGHA AP02N283251 E1125630 N283441 E1133551N281209 E1133412 N281041 E1125751 N283251 E1125630 2400m(QNH)─────── GND 长沙进近管制室Changsha APP长沙进近(中、英)Changsha Approach(Ch, En)125.65(125.05) MHZBy ATCZGHA AP03N281041 E1125751 N281209 E1133412N274952 E1133234 N274819 E1125913 N281041 E1125751 2400m(QNH)─────── GND 长沙进近管制室Changsha APP长沙进近(中、英)Changsha Approach(Ch, En)124.6(125.05) MHZBy ATC名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks4.成都进近管制区Chengdu Approach Control AreaZUUU AP01N310000 E1033700N310847 E1042246N310412 E1044210 N305634 E1044852 N304425 E1042641 N303548 E1041036 N302954 E1035436 N303558 E1034254 N303709 E1032304 N310000 E1033700 6 000m(exclusive) ───────GND 成都进近管制室Chengdu APP成都进近(中、英)Chengdu Approach(Ch, En)120.2(127.7) MHZ0200-1200ZUUU AP02N303709 E1032304 N303558 E1034254 N302954 E1035436 N303247 E1040222N294319 E1035947 N293400 E1034600 N293600 E1032900 N295900 E1030000 N303709 E1032304 6 000m(exclusive) ───────GND 成都进近管制室Chengdu APP成都进近(中、英)Chengdu Approach(Ch, En)119.7(127.7) MHZHOZUUU AP03N303247 E1040222 N303548 E1041036 N304425 E1042641 N305634 E1044852N304900 E1045548 N303800 E1045703 N300701 E1044030 N295546 E1041814 N294319 E1035947 N303247 E1040222 6 000m(exclusive) ───────GND 成都进近管制室Chengdu APP成都进近(中、英)Chengdu Approach(Ch, En)119.25(127.7) MHZHO名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks5.重庆进近管制区Chongqing Approach Control AreaZUCK AP01RWY02 in use:N295753 E1063351 N300305 E1065546 N294322 E1064701 N294308 E1063828 N294358 E1062816 N295753 E10633512 400m (QNH)───────GNDN295753 E1063351 N301245 E1063951N301232 E1071455 N300832 E1071903 N300305 E1065546 N294322 E1064701 N294231 E1071151 N295040 E1072627 N294154 E1072236 N290141 E1071114 N290254 E1063918 N290150 E1062456 N292732 E1062623 N294358 E1062816 N295753 E1063351 6 000m (exclusive) ────────3 600m (exclusive) 重庆进近管制室Chongqing APP重庆进近(中、英 )Chongqing Approach(Ch, En)125.2(119.55) MHZH24名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZUCK AP01 (con’t)RWY02 in use:Between the polygons:N290330 E1060710N295940 E1061530N303200 E1062600N301730 E1080200N300630 E1080630N292800 E1080830N282730 E1081240N275500 E1062600N283330 E1060530N290330 E1060710andN295753 E1063351N301245 E1063951N301232 E1071455N300832 E1071903N300305 E1065546N294322 E1064701 N294231 E1071151 N295040 E1072627 N294154 E1072236 N290141 E1071114 N290254 E1063918 N290150 E1062456 N292732 E1062623 N294358 E1062816 N295753 E1063351 6 000m (exclusive) ────────GNDRWY20 in use:N294358 E1062816 N294308 E1063828 N293753 E1065121 N291646 E1064448 N292732 E1062623 N294358 E1062816 2 400m (QNH) ───────GND 重庆进近管制室Chongqing APP重庆进近(中、英 )Chongqing Approach(Ch, En)125.2(119.55) MHZH24名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZUCK AP01 (con’t)RWY20 in use:N295753 E1063351N301245 E1063951N301232 E1071455N300832 E1071903N295040 E1072627N294154 E1072236N290141 E1071114N294231 E1071151N293753 E1065121N291646 E1064448N290236 E1064728N290254 E1063918N290150 E1062456N292732 E1062623N294358 E1062816N295753 E10633516 000m (exclusive)────────3 600m (exclusive)Between the polygons:N290330 E1060710N295940 E1061530 N303200 E1062600 N301730 E1080200 N300630 E1080630 N292800 E1080830 N282730 E1081240 N275500 E1062600 N283330 E1060530 N290330 E1060710 andN295753 E1063351 N301245 E1063951 N301232 E1071455 N300832 E1071903 N295040 E1072627 N294154 E1072236 N290141 E1071114 N294231 E1071151 N293753 E1065121 N291646 E1064448 N290236 E1064728 N290254 E1063918 N290150 E1062456 N292732 E1062623 N294358 E1062816 N295753 E1063351 6 000m (exclusive) ────────GND 重庆进近管制室Chongqing APP重庆进近(中、英 )Chongqing Approach(Ch, En)125.2(119.55) MHZH24名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZUCK AP02RWY02 in use:N295753 E1063351 N300305 E1065546 N294322 E1064701 N294308 E1063828 N294358 E1062816 N295753 E10633513 600m───────2 400m (QNHexclusive)N295753 E1063351 N301245 E1063951 N301232 E1071455N300832 E1071903 N300305 E1065546 N295753 E1063351 andN294322 E1064701 N294231 E1071151 N295040 E1072627 N294154 E1072236 N290141 E1071114 N290254 E1063918 N290150 E1062456 N292732 E1062623 N294358 E1062816 N294308 E1063828 N294322 E10647013 600m────GND 重庆进近管制室Chongqing APP重庆进近(中、英 )Chongqing Approach(Ch, En)120.85(119.55)MHZ0300-1200125.2(119.55) MHZ1201-0259(NEXTDAY)名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZUCK AP02 (con’t) RWY20 in use:N294358 E1062816 N294308 E1063828 N293753 E1065121 N291646 E1064448 N292732 E1062623 N294358 E10628163 600m───────2 400m (QNHexclusive)N295753 E1063351 N301245 E1063951 N301232 E1071455 N300832 E1071903N295040 E1072627 N294154 E1072236 N290141 E1071114 N294231 E1071151 N293753 E1065121 N294308 E1063828 N294358 E1062816 N295753 E1063351 andN292732 E1062623 N291646 E1064448 N290236 E1064728 N290254 E1063918 N290150 E1062456 N292732 E10626233 600m────GND 重庆进近管制室Chongqing APP重庆进近(中、英 )Chongqing Approach(Ch, En)120.85(119.55)MHZ0300-1200125.2(119.55) MHZ1201-0259(NEXTDAY)6.大连进近管制区Dalian Approach Control AreaN382031 E1222000N391430 E1224042 N393824 E1214318 N393000 E1205500 N382810 E1203059 N381857 E1213000 N382031 E12220005 700m───GND 大连进近管制室Dalian APP大连进近(中、英 )Dalian Approach(Ch, En)123.85(127.95) MHZ0100-1200名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks7.福州进近管制区Fuzhou Approach Control Area ZSFZ AP01N244130 E1193615 N271200 E1165800 N274042 E1175918 N281700 E1180800N275512 E1183154 N272748 E1193006 N262908 E1212656 N250000 E1200000 N244130 E11936156 000m───GND 福州进近管制室Fuzhou APP福州进近(中、英 )Fuzhou Approach(Ch, En)119.45(133.05) MHZH24ZSFZ AP02A circle with radius74km centered at Fuzhou VOR ‘FOC’.3 600m───GND 福州进近管制室Fuzhou APP福州进近(中、英 )Fuzhou Approach(Ch, En)124.85(133.05) MHZ0100-13008.广州进近管制区Guangzhou Approach Control Area The relevant rules, see subsection ENR 2.2.2ZGGG AP01RWY02L/02R in use: N225230 E1125201 N232425 E1130034 N232617 E1130638 N232015 E1133259 N230138 E1133016 N224556 E1132046 N225230 E11252012 100m (QNH)───────GNDRWY20L/20R in use: N235936 E1133918 N240329 E1132216 N234328 E1130647 N232704 E1130310 N232015 E1133259 N234103 E1135628 N235936 E11339182 100m (QNH)───────GND 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州进场(中、英 )Guangzhou Arrival(Ch, En)120.4(126.55) MHZH24名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZGGG AP02RWY02L/02R in use: N232617 E1130638 N232015 E1133259 N233800 E1134351 N234210 E1130936 N232617 E1130638 2 100m (QNH)───────GNDRWY20L/20R in use: N232601 E1130746 N232015 E1133259 N230830 E1133116 N225742 E1131242 N225647 E1130120 N232601 E1130746 2 100m (QNH)───────GND 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州离场(中、英 )Guangzhou Departure(Ch, En)126.35(127.75) MHZby ATC名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZGGG AP03RWY02L/02R in use: N241229 E1132442 N240921 E1134307 N233223 E1130746 N232617 E1130638 N232425 E1130034 N233818 E1122554 N241229 E11324426 000m───GNDN240706 E1135618 N234520 E1141422 N233800 E1134351 N233131 E1133953 N233938 E1133028 N234012 E1131430 N240921 E1134307N240706 E1135618 4 800m(exclusive) ───────GNDN233818 E1122554 N232425 E1130034 N225230 E1125201 N224800 E1122918 N230417 E1122907 N233818 E11225544 200m───GNDN234012 E1131430 N233938 E1133028 N233131 E1133953 N232015 E1133259 N232617 E1130638 N233223 E1130746 N234012 E1131430 4 200m(exclusive) ───────GND 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州进近(中、英 )Guangzhou Approach(Ch, En)119.6(127.75) MHZby ATC不包括广州1号进近管制扇区ExcludeZGGGAP01名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZGGG AP03 (con’t) RWY20L/20R in use: N241229 E1132442 N240921 E1134307 N234012 E1131430 N232704 E1130310 N233818 E1122554 N241229 E11324426 000m───GNDN240706 E1135618 N234520 E1141422 N234103 E1135628 N232856 E1134253 N233938 E1133028 N234012 E1131430 N240921 E1134307 N240706 E1135618 4 800m(exclusive) ───────GNDN233818 E1122554N232704 E1130310 N225230 E1125201 N224800 E1122918 N230417 E1122907 N233818 E11225544 200m───GNDN234012 E1131430 N233938 E1133028 N232856 E1134253 N232015 E1133259 N232704 E1130310 N234012 E1131430 4 200m(exclusive) ───────GNDN232704 E1130310 N232015 E1133259 N230830 E1133116 N225742 E1131242 N225647 E1130120 N225230 E1125201 N232704 E1130310 3 600m(exclusive) ───────GND 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州进近(中、英 )Guangzhou Approach(Ch, En)119.6(127.75) MHZby ATC不包括广州1、2号进近管制扇区ExcludeZGGGAP01/02名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZGGG AP04RWY02L/02R in use: N233855 E1141941 N225400 E1140342 N225254 E1132900 N232015 E1133259 N233800 E1134351 N234520 E1141422 N233855 E11419416 000m───GNDN234012 E1131430 N233938 E1133028 N233131 E1133953 N232015 E1133259 N232617 E1130638 N233223 E1130746 N234012 E11314306 000m───5 700mRWY20L/20R in use: N233855 E1141941 N225400 E1140342 N225254 E1132900 N230830 E1133116 N232015 E1133259 N232856 E1134253 N234103 E1135628 N234520 E1141422 N233855 E11419416 000m───GNDN234012 E1131430 N233938 E1133028 N232856 E1134253 N232015 E1133259 N232704 E1130310 N234012 E11314306 000m───5 700m 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州进近(中、英 )Guangzhou Approach(Ch, En)119.7(126.55) MHZby ATC不包括广州1、2号进近管制扇区ExcludeZGGGAP01/02名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZGGG AP05RWY02L/02R in use: N240706 E1135618 N234520 E1141422 N233800 E1134351 N233131 E1133953 N233938 E1133028 N234012 E1131430 N240921 E1134307 N240706 E11356186 000m───4 800mN225254 E1132900 N223730 E1131942 N222606 E1130000 N224800 E1122918 N225230 E1125201 N232425 E1130034N232617 E1130638 N232015 E1133259 N225254 E11329006 000m───GNDN233818 E1122554 N232425 E1130034 N225230 E1125201 N224800 E1122918 N230417 E1122907 N233818 E11225546 000m────────4 200m(exclusive)N234012 E1131430 N233938 E1133028 N233131 E1133953 N232015 E1133259 N232617 E1130638 N233223 E1130746 N234012 E11314305 700m(exclusive) ────────4 200m 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州进近(中、英 )Guangzhou Approach(Ch, En)121.05(124.2) MHZby ATC不包括广州1、2号进近管制扇区ExcludeZGGGAP01/02名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZGGG AP05 (con’t) RWY20L/20R in use: N240706 E1135618 N234520 E1141422 N234103 E1135628 N232856 E1134253 N233938 E1133028 N234012 E1131430 N240921 E1134307 N240706 E11356186 000m───4 800mN225254 E1132900 N223730 E1131942 N222606 E1130000 N224800 E1122918 N225230 E1125201 N225647 E1130120 N225742 E1131242 N230830 E1133116 N225254 E11329006 000m───GNDN233818 E1122554 N232704 E1130310 N225230 E1125201 N224800 E1122918 N230417 E1122907 N233818 E11225546 000m────────4 200m(exclusive) N234012 E1131430 N233938 E1133028 N232856 E1134253 N232015 E1133259 N232704 E1130310 N234012 E1131430 5 700m(exclusive) ────────4 200mN232704 E1130310 N232015 E1133259 N230830 E1133116 N225742 E1131242 N225647 E1130120 N225230 E1125201 N232704 E11303106 000m───3 600m 广州进近管制室Guangzhou APP广州进近(中、英 )Guangzhou Approach(Ch, En)121.05(124.2) MHZby ATC不包括广州1、2号进近管制扇区ExcludeZGGGAP01/02名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks9.桂林进近管制区Guilin Approach Control AreaN244006 E1095024N244800 E1093400N253800 E1093000N255600 E1094400 N255324 E1102400 N253718 E1104848 N244800 E1105800 N243100 E1103600 N242700 E1095900 N244006 E10950246 000m───GND 桂林进近管制室Guilin APP桂林进近(中、英)Guilin Approach(Ch, En)120.85(124.65) MHZH2410.贵阳进近管制区Guiyang Approach Control AreaN270236 E1060142N262502 E1061530N253725 E1063326 N261356 E1075250 N264831 E1074121 N271804 E1071745 N270236 E10601425 400m───GND 贵阳进近管制室Guiyang APP贵阳进近(中、英)Guiyang Approach(Ch, En)126.05(119.45) MHZH2411.海口进近管制区Haikou Approach Control AreaN191604 E1071123N195733 E1075547N203000 E1080300 N203000 E1091500 N203000 E1113000 N191500 E1113000 N191500 E1091500 N191604 E10711237 200m───GND 海口进近管制室Haikou APP海口进近(中、英)Haikou Approach(Ch, En)119.15(123.85) MHZH24名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks12.杭州进近管制区Hangzhou Approach Control Area The relevant rules, see subsection ENR 2.2.3ZSHC AP01N305706 E1184512 N311312 E1192618 N311200 E1193730N305310 E1202500N302908 E1205541N300242 E1205206N294955 E1205723N294555 E1193936N305706 E11845126 000m───────3 000m(QNH) (exclusive) 杭州进近管制室Hangzhou APP杭州进近(中、英)Hangzhou Approach(Ch, En)125.55(119.15) MHZ0001-1400不包括机场管制地带ExcludeHangzhouControlZoneZSHC AP02N305706 E1184512 N294555 E1193936 N294955 E1205723 N283730 E1212648 N285200 E1204300 N285400 E1200130N272500 E1193700 N272748 E1193006 N275512 E1183154 N281700 E1180800 N282642 E1175748 N294412 E1181512 N305706 E11845126 000m───GND 杭州进近管制室Hangzhou APP杭州进近(中、英)Hangzhou Approach(Ch, En)126.05(119.15) MHZH24ZSHC AP03Same as ZSHC AP013 000m(QNH)──────GND 杭州进近管制室Hangzhou APP杭州进近(中、英)Hangzhou Approach(Ch, En)120.05(124.65) MHZBy ATC名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks13.哈尔滨进近管制区Harbin ApproachControl AreaN450605 E1251112 N451700 E1245930 N461617 E1252009N462956 E1262711 N455748 E1272444 N452500 E1271612 N450146 E1271037 N444352 E1260334 N444428 E1255746 N450605 E12511125 700m───────450m(exclusive)哈尔滨进近管制室Harbin APP哈尔滨进近(中、英)Harbin Approach(Ch, En)119.65(127.75) MHZ0001-120014.合肥进近管制区Hefei Approach Control Area ZSOF AP01Centered at Hefei VOR ‘HFE’ with radius 30NM.3 600m (exclusive)───────GND 合肥进近管制室Hefei APP合肥进近(中、英)Hefei Approach(Ch, En)119.85(124.45) MHZH24ZSOF AP02N324000 E1175254 N323200 E1171600 N321327 E1155040N303930 E1155432 N305706 E1184512 N313412 E1184200 N314300 E1180618 N324000 E11752546 000m───GND 合肥进近管制室Hefei APP合肥进近(中、英)Hefei Approach(Ch, En)120.45(124.45) MHZ0030-1130119.85(124.45)MHZ1131-0029 (NEXTDAY)名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks15.呼和浩特进近管制区Hohhot ApproachControl AreaN413216 E1104930N413930 E1125632 N402841 E1130511 N395952 E1123313 N395637 E1113711 N403236 E1105652 N413216 E1104930 6 000m (exclusive) ────────GND 呼和浩特进近管制室Hohhot APP呼和浩特进近(中、英)Hohhot Approach(Ch, En)124.85(123.85) MHZH2416.济南进近管制区Jinan ApproachControl AreaN364000 E1152400N372912 E1173000 N374241 E1181300 N360002 E1181300 N360002 E1152530 N364000 E11524006 000m───GND 济南进近管制室Jinan APP济南进近(中、英)Jinan Approach(Ch, En)119.05(121.40) MHZH2417.昆明进近管制区Kunming Approach Control Area ZPPP AP01N250318 E1023954 N254754 E1030318N251000 E1033224 N245812 E1032424 N245748 E1024930 N250318 E10239544 800m(QNH)──────GND 昆明进近管制室Kunming APP昆明进近(中、英)Kunming Approach(Ch, En)119.0(127.9)MHZ0200-1500ZPPP AP02N250318 E1023954 N245748 E1024930N242148 E1024900 N241448 E1023512 N242648 E1020300 N250318 E10239544 800m(QNH)──────GND 昆明进近管制室Kunming APP昆明进近(中、英)Kunming Approach(Ch, En)119.0(127.9)MHZ0200-1500名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZPPP AP03N261600 E1030542 N260830 E1031420 N250318 E1023954 N245748 E1024930N240756 E1024846 N240630 E1024530 N240354 E1020006 N242900 E1013237 N250206 E1013224 N261600 E10305426 900m────GND 昆明进近管制室Kunming APP昆明进近(中、英)Kunming Approach(Ch, En)124.25(127.9) MHZH24ZPPP AP04N260830 E1031420 N255106 E1033420 N253636 E1034914N243224 E1034430 N240756 E1024846 N245748 E1024930 N250318 E1023954 N260830 E10314206 900m────GND 昆明进近管制室Kunming APP昆明进近(中、英)Kunming Approach(Ch, En)120.35(125.55) MHZHO18.兰州进近管制区Lanzhou Approach Control AreaN371144 E1040440 N355530 E1044253 N354450 E1032134 N363124 E1024717 N371144 E10404406 600m───────GND 兰州进近管制室Lanzhou APP兰州进近(中、英)Lanzhou Approach(Ch, En)120.25(127.9)MHZ0200-1400118.1(130.0) MHZ1401-0159(next day)名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks19.南昌进近管制区Nanchang ApproachControl AreaN292312 E1163854N284156 E1164047 N281250 E1160924 N274548 E1153912 N281825 E1145908 N293551 E1153814 N292312 E11638546 000m───GND 南昌进近管制室Nanchang APP南昌进近(中、英)Nanchang Approach(Ch, En)119.95(123.85) MHZH2420.南京进近管制区Nanjing ApproachControl Area ZSNJ AP01N312742 E1191154 N313412 E1184200N314011 E1181747 N314742 E1181806 N320043 E1181753 N320306 E1183706 N320940 E1185553 N314818 E1192330 N313800 E1192200 N312742 E11911543 600m───GND 南京进近管制室Nanjing APP南京进近(中、英)Nanjing Approach(Ch, En)119.25(120.35) MHZH24ZSNJ AP02N314300 E1180618 N324000 E1175254 N324021 E1183441 N324130 E1185930N315635 E1194236 N311200 E1193730 N311312 E1192618 N305706 E1184512 N313412 E1184200 N314300 E11806186 000m───GND 南京进近管制室Nanjing APP南京进近(中、英)Nanjing Approach(Ch, En)126.55(120.35) MHZ0000-1400119.25(120.35) MHZ1401-2359名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注Remarks21.青岛进近管制区Qingdao ApproachControl AreaN365606 E1203724N353200 E1204400 N352036 E1203242 N352636 E1194330 N362536 E1194154 N365842 E1202723 N365606 E12037246 000m───GND 青岛进近管制室Qingdao APP青岛进近(中、英)Qingdao Approach(Ch, En)119.4(124.6) MHZH2422.三亚进近管制区Sanya ApproachControl AreaN191604 E1071123N182028 E1074053 N174000 E1082600 N174000 E1094000 N191500 E1111456 N191500 E1091500 N191604 E10711237 200m───GND 三亚进近管制室Sanya APP三亚进近(中、英)Sanya Approach(Ch, En)125.55(119.25) MHZH2423.上海进近管制区Shanghai ApproachControl Area The relevant rules, see subsection ENR 2.2.3ZSSS AP01N315537 E1213424 N320354 E1205846 N321000 E1204400 N313521 E1201944N305310 E1202500 N304354 E1211712 N304508 E1213330 N312600 E1212800 N315537 E12134246 000m───GND 上海进近管制室Shanghai APP上海进近(中、英)Shanghai Approach(Ch, En)120.3(119.75) MHZH24不包括上海5、7号进近管制扇区ExcludeZSSSAP05/07名称、横向限制和垂直限制Name, Lateral limits Vertical limits 提供服务的单位Unit providingservice呼号、语言Call signLanguages频率服务时间FrequencyHours of service附注RemarksZSSS AP02N315537 E1213424 N312600 E1212800 N304508 E1213330 N304800 E1221100 N304800 E1223139N311241 E1224630 N310531 E1221725 N311230 E1220950 N315100 E1220200 N315236 E1214712 N315537 E12134246 000m───GND 上海进近管制室Shanghai APP上海进近(中、英)Shanghai Approach(Ch, En)125.4(119.75) MHZH24不包括上海4、6号进近管制扇区ExcludeZSSSAP04/06ZSSS AP03N305310 E1202500 N304354 E1211712 N304508 E1213330N304800 E1221100 N304800 E1223139 N301500 E1221200 N301518 E1211311 N305310 E12025006 000m───GND 上海进近管制室Shanghai APP上海进近(中、英)Shanghai Approach(Ch, En)125.85(119.2) MHZ0001-1400125.4(119.75) MHZ1401-2400上海/浦东机场使用34、35L/R号跑道时不包括上海4、6号进近管制扇区RWY34/35L/R inuse atShanghai/PudongexcludeZSSSAP04/06ZSSS AP04RWY16/17L/R in use at Shanghai/Pudong N310836 E1214817 N311230 E1220950 N315100 E1220200 N315236 E1214712 N315537 E1213424 N314854 E1213254 N310836 E12148172 400m(QNH)──────GNDRWY34/35L/R in use at Shanghai/Pudong N310836 E1214817 N311230 E1220950 N310531 E1221725 N311241 E1224630 N304800 E1223139 N303700 E1220011 N310836 E1214817 2 400m(QNH)──────GND 上海进近管制室Shanghai APP上海进近(中、英)Shanghai Approach(Ch, En)123.8(119.2) MHZ0030-1430。

韩国航行资料(AIP)简介Aeronautical publications3.1The aeronautical information is provided in the form of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package consisting of the following elements: - Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP);- Amendment service to the AIP (AIP AMDT);- Supplement to the AIP (AIP SUP);- NOTAM and Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB);- Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC); and- Checklists and lists of valid NOTAM.NOTAM and the related monthly checklists are issued via the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS), while PIB are made available at aerodrome AIS units or website. All other elements of the package are distributed by air mail(for the lists of valid NOTAM by airmail or e-mail). 简释:航行情报资料包括AIP,AIP AMDT,AIP SUP,PIB,AIC和校核单及有效的NOTAM.3.2 Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)The AIP is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes essential for air navigation.AIP Republic of Korea is published in three(3) volumes.The AIP is published in a loose-leaf form with bilingual text (English and Korean) for use in international and domestic operations, whether the flight is a commercial or a private one.3.3 Amendment service to the AIP (AIP AMDT)Amendments to the AIP are made by means of replacement sheets. Two types of AIP AMDT are produced:简释:AIP AMDT 是AIP的修订页。

按照国际民航组织对各缔约国的规定和要求,每一个 缔约国都应当出版航行资料汇编。这是根据国际民用 航空公约(1944年于芝加哥)第37条,理事会于 1953年5月15日首次通过了关于航行情报服务的标准 和建议措施,并定为公约的附件15。公约规定各缔约 国必须提供航行情报服务:提供及时、准确、完整的 航行情报,是每个缔约国的应尽责任和义务。公约还 要求各缔约国必须按照一体化航行情报系列资料的要 求公布航行情报,这是保障飞行实施的依据。
使用AERAD前机组 需要确认的信息
• AERAD的有效期
• AERAD的有效期
使用AERAD前机组 需要确认的信息
• AERAD的有效期
• AERAD飞行增补 信息所包含的国家
• AERAD飞行增补 信息所包含的国家
使用AERAD前机组 需要确认的信息
• AERAD的有效期
• AERAD飞行增补 信息所包含的国家
Aircraft Classification Numbers (ACN) Aerodrome Reference Codes (Wing span and Wheel Span) Aerodrome Directory Explanatory Notes & AGA Legend Aerodrome Directory
Search And Rescue Transponders Air Defense Identification Zones and Procedures
RVSM Implementation RVSM Phraseology RVSM Special Procedures and Contingencies RVSM Contingency Scenarios

由国家发行或国家授权发行,载有航行 所必须的持久性航行资料。
• •2、AIP的组成:
3、航行资料汇编修订:对包括在航行资 料汇编中的资料的永久性改变。
4、航行资料汇编补充:以专用页张公布 的包括在航行资料汇编中资料的临时性 变动
﹗为机组提取PIB, 使相关航空人员得 到相应的航行信息。
PIB为提供给机组使用的现 行有效航行通告的汇编。
它对保障飞行安全、正常高 效起着非常重要的作用。已 经发生的航空事故中有多起 是因为机组没有得到或者没 有注意到相关的航行资料。
定义: 不适合于列入AIP或不符合签发航行通告 的资料,但此类资料涉及飞行安全、航 行、技术、行政和法律的问题,必须签 发航行资料通报。
各国应像分发《AIP》(航行资 料汇编)那样选出供国际间分发的 航行资料通报进行分发。
规范的CNMS系统动态数据(航行通 告)。
•2、组成(五个部分) 总则、飞行规则和空中交通服务、通

2、我国的飞行情报区:北京:ZBPE (首都机场:ZBAA)乌鲁木齐:ZWUQ (地窝堡机场:ZWWW)沈阳:ZYSH (桃仙机场:ZYTX)兰州:ZLHW (中川机场:ZLLL)昆明:ZPKM (巫家坝机场:ZPPP)武汉:ZHWH (天河机场:ZHHH)广州:ZGZU (白云机场:ZGGG)上海:ZSHA (虹桥:ZSSS,浦东:ZSPD)台北情报区:RCSS,香港情报区:VHHK3、航行通告(NOTAM):用电信方式分发的关于任何航行设施、服务、程序或危险的建立情况和变动的资料的通知,及时了解这种资料对与飞行活动有关的人员是必不可少的。
Q 是固定字母,第二、三个字母是NOTAM的主题,第四五个字母是主题的制约/限制。

航路、机场原 始数据
查阅机场、 海关开放时
间 公司通告:
了解飞越、 落地申请程
了解飞越、 落地申请程
航路、机场 原始数据
航路、机场 原始数据
机场 (AD)
机场 AD
在哪里查询VTSP的跑 道灯光?
机场 AD
AIP补充、 修订部分
航行资料通报 (AIC)
AIP补充、 修订部分
航行资料通报 (AIC)
AIP补充、 修订部分
航行资料通报 (AIC)
AIP通用结 构
主体 增补、修订
补充资料 SUP
航行资料通 报AIC
运行指挥部 韩璐
运行指挥部 韩璐
什么是AIP AIP能解决哪些问题? AIP的通用格式
AIP(Aeronautical Information Publication),是航行资料汇编的简 称。
是根据国际民航公约,由国家发行 或国家授权发行,保障航空器在该 国安全运行的所必需的持久性航行 资料,并且也是长期存在的重要航 行信息的基本来源。一般包括总则 (GEN)、航路(ENR)、机场 (AD)三部分。

航行资料汇编修订(AIP amendment):对包括在航行资料汇编中的资料的永久性改变。
航行资料汇编补充(AIP supplement):以专用页张公布的包括在航行资料汇编中资料的临时性变动。
航行情报项目管理修订的航行资料汇编(AIP)有:香港、澳门、日本、韩国、新加坡、曼谷、尼泊尔5.1.3航行资料汇编修订(AIP amendment)、航行资料汇编补充(AIP supplement)、航行资料通报(AIC)为航行资料汇编(AIP)的修订和补充。

航⾏通告与资料们的⼩秘密航⾏通告您肯定是熟悉的,那么航⾏资料呢?公司通告呢?还有运⾏⽹?打包资料?他们之间的联系、区别您知道吗?今⼉让我们来⼀同探索下航⾏通告和航⾏资料的⼩秘密吧~ (有没有很好奇,那我们开始吧~)定义们⼩编的YY不具有权威性的⼩编认为:航⾏资料,由国家发布并定期更新,可以反应该国家各机场、地区、航路运⾏能⼒的汇总资料。
通常情况下我们所说的航⾏资料就是AIP、NAIP、AIP AMEND、AIP SUP、AIC,让我们来逐⼀介绍⼀下它们:AIP:航⾏资料汇编,是具有持续永久性对外公布资料。
AIP AMEND:航⾏资料汇编修订,是对AIP/NAIP的永久性修订。
AIP SUP:航⾏资料汇编补充,对长期存在的临时性变动(3个⽉或3个⽉以上)对飞⾏有重要意义的情报资料。
AIP SUP可以实时发布,但需同时发布NOTAM告知SUP的发布及查询⽅式。
联系们⼩编的YY不具有权威性的当AIP、NAIP、AIP SUP还有NOTAM冲突时,我们以谁为准呢?它们的优先级⼜是什么呢?⾸先,让我们先来说说AIP和NAIP的区别以及在运⾏中需要注意的问题吧。

——空管资料库整编AIS-航行情报服务§AIS 简介1.Definition定义•Aeronautical Information Service: A service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation. 2. Necessity必要性•Needs of the operator•Responsibility of the pilot-in-command(正驾驶)•Responsibility of the AIS•Need for uniformity•Need for international exchange of an aeronautical information3. Background背景•Annex15-Aeronautical Information Services•Annex4-Aeronautical Charts•Annex14-Aerodromes (*以上为总则*)•ICAO Doc8126-AIS Manual•ICAO Doc8697-Aeronautical Charts Manual•CCAR Nr 93-Civil Aviation AIS Working Rules-中国民用航空规章(*以上为规范细则*)•ICAO- International Civil Aviation Organization:国际民航组织•specialized agency of the United Nations•headquarters in Montreal•sets international standards for the safety, security, efficiency and regularity of air transport•improving safety is ICAO main activity•Standards and recommended practices:(*国际民航公约,Annex1~3,5~13,16~18略*)•Annex 4-aeronautical charts 航空图表•Annex 14-aerodromes 机场•Annex 15-aeronautical information services AIS4. Purpose目的•To ensure the flow of information necessary for the safety , fficiency, regularity and economy of air navigation.• A variety of information concerning the air navigation facilities and service muse be made readily available to maitain a high standard of air navigation.•Information must be accurate, up-to-date and complete (*信息必须准确,及时和完整*)•Timely dissemination of information affecting navigation facilities and service is very essential.5. Responsibility责任•Each Contracting State shall: (*shall:必须should:最好*)a. Provide an aeronautical information serviceb. Agree with one or more other Contracting State for the provision of a joint servicec. Delegate the authority for the provision of the service to a non-governmental agency, provided the Standards and Recommended Practices of this Annex are adequately met.The State concerned shall remain responsible for the information published.Each Contracting State shall take all necessary measures to ensure that aeronautical information/data it provides relating to its own territory, as well as areas in which the state is responsible for air traffic service outside its territory, is adequate, of required quality and timely.When 24-hour service is not provided, service shall be available during the whole period an aircraft is in flight inthe area of responsibility of an aeronautical information service plus a period of at least two hours before and after such period. The service shall also be available at such other time as may be requested by an appropriate ground organization.An aeronautical information service shall receive and/or originate,collate or assemble, edit format, publish/store and distribute aeronautical information/data concerning the entire territory of the State as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory. Aeronautical information shall be published as an Integrated Aeronautical Information Package.Integrated Aeronautical Information Package(一体化航行情报系列资料)•AIP Amendment 航行资料汇编修订•AIP Supplement 航行资料汇编补充•Checklists and summaries; 明语和摘要•AIP- Aeronautical Information publication 航行资料汇编•NOTAM-Notices to Airman 航行通告•PIB- Pre-flight information bulletin 飞行前资料公告•AIC- Aeronautical Information Circular 航行资料通报•Checklists and summaries 校核单和明语摘要6. Functions功能•航行情报工作的主要任务:a编辑出版《中国民用航空航行手册》和《中华人民共和国航行资料汇编》b制定审核机场使用细则,设计审理机场仪表飞行程序c编辑出版各种航图d收集整理、发布提供各种航行通告e提供飞行前和飞行后航行情报服务以及空中交通管制工作所必需的航行情报资料f负责航空地图、航行资料的供应管理工作g组织实施航行情报人员的技术业务培训和执照考核工作7. Users of aeronautical information用户Pilot (飞行员)Flight dispatcher(签派员) AIS units(AIS相关单位) ATS units(AIS相关单位)8. Scope of information handled by an AIS范围(*同讲义,具体内容参阅讲义P2页*)•Permanent information: 永久信息•Temporary information: 临时信息•Information of an explanatory, advisory or administrative nature: 解释建议命令性质的信息9. Units providing raw aeronautical information提供单位1. ATS2. COM&NA V3.Airport construction departments4.Public security departments5.Fuel supply departmrnts6.Meteorology departments7.International transport departments8.Financial departments 9.Health departments 10.Flight standards departments10. Channels of communication通信方式•The channels of communication required for submission of raw data to AIS should include:A) messenger service B) postal service C) aeronautical fixed service D) telefaxE) telephonic F) computer network G) electronic mail§AIP-航行资料汇编• 1.Defination 定义Aeronautical Information Publication: A publication issued by or with the authority of a State and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.• 2. Contents 内容•The AIP is made up of three parts:General-GEN 总则En-route-ENR 航路Aerodromes-AD 机场•Each partis divided into sections and subsections as applicable, containing various types of information subjects.(*三部分分别的结构分解图见讲义10~11页*)• 3. General specifications 概略说明•Each AIP shall be self-contained and shall include a table of contents.•If it is necessary by reason of bulk or for convenience, to publish an AIP in two or more parts or volumes, each of them will indicate that the remainder of information is to be found in the other part(s) or volume(s).•Each AIP shall not duplicate information within itself or from other sources.•When two or more States combine to issue a joint AIP, this shall be made clear both on the cover and in the table of contents.•AIP should be published in loose-leaf form unless the complete publication is reissued at frequent intervals.•Each AIP shall be dated. In the case of AIP issued in loose-leaf form,each page shall be dated. The date,consisting of the day, month and year, shall be the publication date or the effective date of the information.• A checklist giving the current date of each page in the AIP shall be reissued frequently to assist the user in maintaining a current publication.•Each AIP issued as a bound volume and each page of an AIP issued in loose-leaf form shall be so annotated as to indicate clearly:The sheet size should be no larger than 210×297mm, except that larger sheets may be used provided they are folded to the same size.All changes to the AIP, or new information on a reprinted page, shall be identified by a distinctive symbol or annotation.Operationally significant changes to the AIP shall be published in accordance with AIRAC procedures and shall be clearly identified by the acronym-AIRAC.AIP shall be amended or reissued at such regular intervals as may be necessary to keep them up to date. Recourse to hand amendments or annotations shall be kept to the minimum. The normal method of amendment shall be by means of replacement sheets.AIP Amendments航行资料汇编修订•When an AIP Amendment is issued, it shall include references to the serial number of those elements, if any, of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package which have been incorporated into the amendment.• A brief indication of the subjects affected by the amendment shall be given on the AIP Amendment cover sheet.•When an AIP Amendment will not be published at the established interval or publication date, a NIL notification shall be originated and distributed by the monthly printed plain-language summary of NOTAM in force required. Checklist of AIP Amendments 航行资料汇编修订摘要•Each AIP Amendment checklist should give the current date of each loose-leaf page in the AIP series,unless there are only two or three replacement sheets involved.•And should provide a recapitulation of any outstanding manuscript corrections•The checklist should carry both page number/ chart title and dateAIP Supplements航行资料汇编补充•Temporary changes of long duration (three months or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive text and /or graphics shall be published as AIP Supplements.•Each AIP Supplement shall be allocated a serial number which shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year.•AIP Supplement pages shall be kept in the AIP as long as all or some of their contents remain valid.•When an AIP Supplement is sent in replacement of a NOTAM, it shall include a reference to the serial number of the NOTAM.• A checklist of AIP Supplements currently in force shall be issued at intervals of not more than one month. This information shall be issued through the medium of the monthly printed plain language summary of NOTAM in force required.•AIP Supplements pages should be coloured in order to be conspicuous, preferably in yellow.•AIP Supplements pages should be kept as the first item in the AIP parts.Difference in content between AIP Amendments and AIP Supplements航空资料汇编修订与补充的区别•Permanent changes to the AIP are published as AIP Amendments.•Temporary changes of long duration (three month or longer) and information of short duration which contains extensive text and / or graphics are published as AIP Supplements.§AIRAC-航行资料定期颁发制• 1.Defination 定义•Aeronautical information Regulation and Control (AIRAC): It signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices. • 2.Purpose: 目的•Information concerning establishment, withdrawal or changes in facilities, services or procedures in AIP Amendments or AIP Supplements should have prearrangement to keep these changes up to date.• 3.Significant dates: 重要的日期•the effective date(生效日期):promulgated by ICAO and based on an interval of 28 days.•the publication or distribution date(出版日期): 42 days, sometimes 56 days ( even longer)between the publication date and the effective date. This allows for a period of up to 14 day’s distribution time, by the most expeditious means, in order for recipients to receive the information at least 28 days in advance of the effective date .•The latest date for the raw data to reach AIS(到达AIS部门的最晚时间) : as early as possible.•颁发规则体系• A. When an AIP Amendment or an AIP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC procedures, it shall be identified by the acronym “AIRAC”.• B. the effective dates will be in accordance with the predetermined internationally agreed schedule of effective date based on an interval of 28 days.• C. information so notified shall not be changed further for at least another 28 days after the indicated effective date, unless the circumstance notified is of a temporary nature and would not persist for the full period• D.When an AIP Amendment or an AIP Supplement is published in accordance with AIRAC procedures, a NOTAM must be originated giving a brief description of the contents, the effective date and the reference number to the amendment or supplement. This NOTAM must come into force on the same effective date as the amendment or supplement concerned.• E. When information has not been submitted for publication at the AIRAC data, a NIL notification must be originated and distributed by NOTAM, not later than one cycle before the AIRAC effective date concerned.•Use of the AIRAC system during holiday periods•The receipt of AIRAC information is frequently dalayed during holiday periods, thus causing considerable problems to users.•During Chrismas/ New year period. It is not recommended to use 28-day cycles date from Dec 21 to Jan 17 as effective date.•There is a choice of 13 AIRAC effective dates during each calendar year.•Recommendation: Such data should reach recipients more than 28 days in advance of the effective date, for instance 42 or 56days or more. (*有例子见课件*)§AIC(*参见讲义P93~P96页*)1.Defination 定义•Aeronautical Information Circular: A notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM or for inclusion in the AIP, but which relates to flight safety,air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters.2.For example 举例•a) a long-term forecast of a major change in legislation, regulation, procedures or facilities;•b) information of a purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety;•c) information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters.3.The types of information appropriate to AIC are as follows: 适合AIC的情报共20项,详见讲义P93~P95页Shall publish supplementary seasonal information on snow plan in advance of the beginning of each winter-not less than one month before winter. The seasonal information should contain following information: •a) a list of snow-clearance aerodromes during the coming winter;•b) information concerning any centre designated to co-ordinate information on the current state of progress of clearance and on the current state of runways, taxiways and aprons;•c) a division of the aerodromes into SNOWTAMdistribution lists in order to avoid excessive NOTAM distribution;•d) an indication, as necessary, of minor changes to the standing snow plan;•e) a descriptive list of clearance equipment;•f) a listing of what will be considered as the minimum critical snow bank to be reported at each aerodrome at which reporting will commence;4.General specification: 概略说明•a) AIC shall be issued in printed form.•b) Given international distributin and given the same distribution as AIP,AIP AMDT and AIP SUP.•c) serial number, should be consecutive and based on the calendar year.•d) When AIC are distributed in more than one series, each series shall be separately identified by a letter.•e) checklist shall be issued at least once a year, with distribution as for the AIC.•f) Colour coded by subject where there are sufficient circulars in force.white- administrative; yellow- ATC; pink- safety mauve- danger area map; green- maps/charts§NOTAM-航行通告1.Defination 定义•NOTAM ( class 1) : A notice distributed by means of telecommunication which concerns with the establishment, condition or change in aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to persons concerned with flight operations.•Annex 15: A NOTAM shall be originated and issued promptly whenever the information to be disseminated is of a temporary nature and of short duration or when operationally significant permanent changes, or temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice, except for extensive text and/ or graphics.2.Dissemination of NOTAM NOTAM的发布•NOTAM are published when the information isOf direct operational significanceOf an ephemeral nature, orAppropriate to the AIP but needs immediate dissemination by short notice长期存在的临时变动-〉AIP SUP对飞行有重要意义的永久性变动-〉AIP AMDT有大量文字和图表的短期资料-〉AIP SUP3.Means of dissemination 发布方式• AFTN: Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network 航空固定电信· SITA: Societe’s International de Telecommunications Aeronautiques 国际航空电信公司4. Classification of NOTAM NOTAM 的分类• Class one NOTAM • Class two NOTAM• SNOWTAM (Except Class Two, others are all transmitted by telecommunication)5. Series of NOTAM NOTAM 系列• Series of class One NOTAM may be as follows: • Series A- international distribution• Series B- international distribution to adjacent States • Series C- national distribution•Series D- regional distribution to ATMB AIS Center. In emergency, issue to pertinent AD AIS department.(*Series A, Series C 结构图见讲义P45~P46页*)Series D- regional distribution• Originated by airport NOTAM offices.•Distributed to NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information center,regional CAAC, and direct to airport AIS offices in urgent cases.The NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information centers, regional CAAC will further distribute them under SeriesC.The NOTAM office of Aeronautical Information centers, CAAC will further distribute them under Series A whenneeded.Series of class One NOTAM•For example:Series of class two NOTAM may be as follows:• Series A- international distribution to AIP users• Series B- international distribution to adjacent States• Series C- national distribution. To regional ATMB AIS Centers Distribution date of class two NOTAM :• For series A and B, they shall be distributed 25 days before effective date, for series C, they shall be distributed15 days before effective date. Checklist of class two NOTAM:总局国外虹桥机场中南局东北局 机场机场AAA ACCC•Shall be issued in June and December twice a year.6. Duration of Class one NOTAM 一级NOTAM持续时间•should not remain in force for more than 3 months•Exceed 3 months:a) issue new or replacement NOTAMb) changes of long duration published in AIP supplement(Chinese regulation: series A: effective duration is 3 month; Seriess C: is 6 month.)7.General specifications of NOTAM 注意事项概略•Each NOTAM in a series of NOTAM shall be allocated a serial number by the originator. That number shall be consecutive and based on calendar year.•Each NOTAM shall be as brief as possible and so compiled that its meaning is clear without reference to another document.•Each NOTAM shall be transmitted as a single telecommunication message.•Location indicators included in the text of a NOTAM shall conform to the official ICAO list.•When no ICAO location indicator is assigned to the location, the name of the place shall be entered in plain language.• A checklist of NOTAM currently in force shall be issued over the AFTN at intervals of not more than one month.• A NOTAM shall be distributed to addressees to whom the information is of direct operational significance,and who would not otherwise have at least seven days prior notification.•The AFTN shall, whenever practicable, be employed for NOTAM distribution.•At least seven days’ advance notice shall be given of the activation of established danger, restricted or prohibited areas and of activities requiring temporary airspace restrictions other than for emergency operations.•Notice of any subsequent cancellation of the activities or any reduction of the hours of activity or the dimensions of the airspace should be given as soon as possible.•Whenever possible,at least 24hour’s advance notice is desirable, to permit timely completion of the notification process and to facilitate airspace utilization planning.•NOTAM notifying unserviceability of aids to air navigation, facilities or communication services should give an estimate of the period of unserviceability or the time at which restoration of service is expected.NOTAM Format: (NOTAM格式,参见讲义P48页)1. Priority indicator (优先等级)●Message are classified into priority categories according to their urgencyGG Nomally 一般DD When text is urgent, need special treatment 紧急2. Address (收电地址)•Address Indicator comprised with 4-letter-locator by ICAO and unit identifier by CAAC.•8-letter group forms an Address Indicator.•Item 1 and 2 shall be in one line: e.g. GG ZSSSOFXX•总局ZBBBYNYX西北管理局情报中心ZLXY OFXX华北管理局情报中心ZBAAOFXX◆天津机场情报室ZBTJ OIXX东北管理局情报中心ZYTXOFXX华东管理局情报中心ZSSSOFXX中南管理局情报中心ZGGGOFXX西南管理局情报中心ZUUUOFXX新疆管理局情报中心ZWWWOFXX3. Date and time of filing (签发日期)•shall fill in date and time group for originating basis.•first 2 letters – date•the following 4 letters – hour and minute e.g. 011539表示1日15时39分•series A adopts UTC•Series C, D adopt Beijing Time4. Originator’s indicator (发电单位)•The composing is similar to Address indicator but may fill in one indicator only. e.g. ZLXY OIXX•Item 3 and 4 shall be in one line: e.g. 070920 ZLXYOIXX5. Message series, number and identifier (系列号,编号,代码)•NOTAM series number: usually A C D•NOTAM number: 4 digits/ 2 digits e.g. A0001/05This number shall be consecutive and based on the calendar year.注:每个发布单位都是从公历的1月1日起发本年的第一份航行通告NOTAM sub-number for multipart NOTAM only e.g. A1234/98A04 A1234/98B04国际和国内对签发部分报的规定不同国际用A03国内用A3例:A3表示3部分的第一部分B3表示3部分的第二部分C3 表示3部分的第三部分•NOTAM identifier:NOTAMN newNOTAMC cancel e.g. A0525/98 NOTAMC A0433/98NOTAMR replace e.g. A0432/98 NOTAMR A0100/98When a NOTAM is issued which cancels or supersedes a previous NOTAM, the serial number of the previous NOTAM shall be indicated.When errors occure in a NOTAM, a replacement NOTAM shall be issued.6. NOTAM Qualifiers (限定行)•Qualifiers is divided in eight fields, each separated by a stroke.Q) FIR/NOTAM Code/Traffic/Purpose/Scope/Lower limit/Upper limit/Coordinates,Radiuse.g. Q)ZGZU/QMWHW//M/A/000/999/2113N11O21E005If no entry is to be made in a field, it is not necessary to transmit blanks between the strokes.NOTE:The qualifier line (Q) and all identifiers (A to G inclusive) each followed by a closing parenthesis, as shown in the format, must be transmitted unless there is no entry to be made against a particular identifier.1) FIR (飞行情报区)该项必须用ICAO规定的四字地名代码填写如果涉及一个以上的飞行情报区,应在国家代码后加“XX”组成地名代码,然后在A项列出各个情报区的四字地名代码,但最多不能超过七个。
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负责的服务:提供的航行情报服务及主要组成部分的描述包括 ➢ 服务/单位名称 ➢ 邮政地址 ➢ 电话号码 ➢ 传真号码 ➢ 用户电传号码 ➢ 航空固定业务地址 ➢ 服务所根据的有关ICAO文件的说明,如有差异应说明其在AIP
中的位置 ➢ 如不能提供24小时航行情报服务时的说明
按字母顺序列出无线电导航设备,包括: ➢ 识别代码 ➢ 台名 ➢ 设施/设备类型 ➢ 指出是否应用于航路、机场或两者兼用
换算表: ➢ 海里和公里、公里和海里的换算 ➢ 英尺和米、米和英尺的换算 ➢ 圆弧中分和秒、秒和分的换算 ➢ 其他有关的换算表
在日出/日落表中确定时间标准的简要说明,并有按表中页码 查时间的地名顺序表和按选定站点/地点排列的日出/日落表, 包括:
➢ 保证国际间飞行的机长能够熟悉和使用各种保 证飞行安全的资料
➢ 航空器运营人能够获得各种不同的有关空中飞 行设施和服务的情报,以便为安全运行进行运 行控制工作和提供各类相关技术支持保障
国际民用航空公约附件15(航行情报服务) 8126文件(航行情报服务手册) 其中航图是依据国际民航公约附件4和ICAO-
一体化航行情报系列资料组成部分的描述, 包括:
➢ AIP和有关修订服务 ➢ AIP补充资料 ➢ 航行资料通报AIC ➢ 航行通告和PIB ➢ 校核单和明语摘要 ➢ 如何获得上述航行情报服务
指定机构:与国际飞行有关的指定机构的地址, 每个机构应包括:
➢ 机构代码 ➢ 机构名称 ➢ 邮寄地址 ➢ 电话号码 ➢ 传真号码 ➢ 用户电传号 ➢ 航空固定业务地址(AFTN地址)
航空器的入境、过境和出境 国际飞行的航空器有关申请入境、过境和出境 的许可和提前通知的法规及要求
• GEN2.2航行情报缩减字 按字母顺序列出本国在航行情报出版物中 和发布航行情报时使用的减缩字及其含义
• GEN2.3 航图符号 根据使用航图符号的航图系列顺序列出的 航图符号一览表
• GEN2.4 地名代码 按指配的航空固定台站地名的代码和译码
GEN2.5 无线电导航设备一览表
与国际民航组织标准、建议措施和程序的差 异 列出本国规定和措施与国际民航组织规定之 间的重要差异,包括
➢ 涉及条款 ➢ 差异内容
GEN2.1 计量系统、航空器标志、假日 ➢ 计量单位 ➢ 时制 ➢ 大地测量基准面 ➢ 航空器的国籍和பைடு நூலகம்册标志 ➢ 公共假日
乘客和机组人员的入境、过境和出境 有关乘客与机组人员入境、过境和出境的规定 (包括海关、移民、检疫,预先通知和申请许 可的要求)
货物的入境、过境和出境 有关货物入境、过境和出境的规定(包括海关、 移民、检疫,预先通知和申请许可的要求)
航行资料汇编 (AIP)简介
航行资料汇编 (Aeronautical Information Publication) 是由国家发行或国家授权发行,保障航空器在该国
安全运行的所必需的持久性航行资料,并且也是长 期存在的重要航行信息的基本来源。
➢ 为使用者提供有关空中飞行设施、程序和服务 的资料
第一部分 总则(GEN)
GEN介绍 前言 本国规章和要求 表格和代码 服务(航行情报服务) 机场和空中航行服务
AIP的简述 ➢ 出版机构名称 ➢ 可采用的ICAO文件 ➢ AIP的结构和定期修订间隔 ➢ 发现AIP内容错误或遗漏的联系方法
AIP修订记录 ➢ 修订编号 ➢ 公布日期 ➢ 换入日期 ➢ 换入修订人员
航空器仪表、设备和飞行文件 简述航空器仪表、设备和飞行文件,包括以 下内容:
➢ 航空器应携带的仪表,设备和飞行文件的特 殊要求。
➢ 由地区航行会议确定的用于飞越指定地区的 紧急位置发射机、信号发送装备和救生设备
国际法规与国际协议/公约摘要 如适用,摘录影响空中航行的本国规章及本国 批准的国际协议/公约。
8697号文件绘制 1997年7月版的附件15中明确规定了AIP的具
航行资料汇编 (AIP)的结构
第一部分 总则(GEN): 包括没有重要到发布航行通告的有关管理和说明种类 的情报资料
第二部分 航路(ENR): 包括有关空域以及使用时涉及到的有关资料
第三部分 机场(AD): 包括有关机场/直升机场以及使用时的相关情报资料
SUP资料记录 ➢ SUP资料编号 ➢ SUP资料的主题 ➢ SUP中受影响的部分 ➢ 有效期 ➢ 取消记录
AIP校核单 ➢ 页码编号/航图名称 ➢ 航行情报的公布日期或生效日期
GEN目录 GEN章节一览表,小章节按字母顺序排列
采用航行资料定期颁发制度的简述,包括一个 现在和近年内定期制生效日期表
GEN3.1.5机场/直升机场的飞行前资料 公告
列出提供PIB的机场/直升机场一览表,包括: ➢ 备有的一体化航行资料的组成部分 ➢ 可用的地图和航图 ➢ 飞行前资料涉及的一般覆盖区域
GEN3.2.1负责的服务:出版航图负责部门 GEN3.2.2航图的修订:如何修改和修订航图 GEN3.2.3购买事项:如何获得航图 GEN3.2.4提供的航图系列:列出提供的航图系列、
➢ 站点名称 ➢ ICAO地名代码 ➢ 以度和分表示的地理坐标 ➢ 所给时间的日期 ➢ 黎明时间 ➢ 日出时间 ➢ 日落时间 ➢ 黄昏时间
GEN3 服务
GEN3.1航行情报服务 GEN3.2航图 GEN3.3空中交通服务 GEN3.4通信服务 GEN3.5气象服务 GEN3.6搜寻和救援