English Reading Skills
3.要求在40分钟左右完成; 4.会有少量生词出现,有的注了中文,有的则需 猜测;
6.不但考查语言而且考查对英美文化的了解; 7.阅读时会碰到十大语言难点(所附问题可分四 类——概括中心、推理判断、词义辨别、细节的理 解); 8.主观题量逐年增加; 9.第一篇不一定是最容易的一篇。
考生必须从改变阅读习惯入手,从逐 字阅读变为意群阅读,即以一个意义 单位的字、词组或短语为注视点,快 速阅读。没有改变阅读习惯就在测试 中一味追求速度,往往会影响理解力 的提高,欲速则不达。源自; 加盟幼小衔接;
“齐一变至於鲁,鲁一变至於道”,言近正也。濒洙泗之水,其民涉度,幼者扶老而代其任。俗既益薄,长老不自安,与幼少相让,故曰“鲁道衰,洙泗之间龂龂如也”孔子闵王道将废,乃修六经,以述唐虞三代之道,弟子受业而通者七十有七人。是以其民好学,上礼义,重廉耻。周公始封,太公 问“何以治鲁”周公曰“尊尊而亲亲”太公曰“后世浸弱矣”故鲁自文公以后,禄去公室,政在大夫,季氏逐昭公,陵夷微弱,三十四世而为楚所灭。然本大国故自为分野。今去圣久远,周公遗化销微,孔氏庠序衰怀。地陿民众,颇有桑麻之业,亡林泽之饶。俗俭啬爱财,趋商贾,好訾毁,多巧伪, 丧祭之礼文备实寡,然其好学犹愈於它俗。汉兴以来,鲁东海多至卿相。东平、须昌、寿良,皆在济东,属鲁,非宋地也,当考。宋地,房、心之分野也。今之沛、梁、楚、山阳、济阴、东平及东郡之须昌、寿张,皆宋分也。周封微子於宋,今之睢阳是也,本陶唐氏火正阏伯之虚也。济阴定陶, 《诗·风》曹国也。武王封弟叔振铎於曹,其后稍大,得山阳、陈留,二十馀世为宋所灭。昔尧作游成阳,舜渔雷泽,汤止於亳,故其民犹有先王遗风,重厚多君子,好稼穑,恶衣食,以致畜藏
一些实用的英语阅读方法Reading skills
一些实用的英语阅读方法Reading skillsa.IntensiveReading:Whenwereadtheintensivearticles,weshouldmakenotesofthenewwordsandphrasesandgoodsentences.Afterreading them,wemayaskourselvessomequestionsaboutthembyusingsuchwords:Who,What,Why,WhenandWhere.Thentrytoanswertheminourownwords.精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答.b.Extensivereading:Wemusttrainourabilitytoscan,ly,theabilitytocatchthekeywords,thetopicsentencesandthedriftofthearticles.泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力.c.Readingspeed:Threewaystoimproveourreadingspeed:1)Readingthearticlesfromthebeginningtotheendwithoutintervalssotocatchtheroughideaoftheart iclesonthewhole.Neverwastetoomuchtimeonsomenewwordsandsinglesentences .2)Wemaykeeptimewhenreadingarticles.3)Whenreadingarticles,wecanpointatthewordswithourfingerorpenpointandoureyesmovewiththefinge rquicklysothatweareabletoreadveryfast.阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2.阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度.d.Newspaperasgoodreadingmaterialscanwidenoursightandrichenourknowledge.多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展.。
英语阅读方法Reading skillsa. Intensive Reading: When we read the intensive articles,we should make notes of the new words and phrases and good sentences. After reading them,we may ask ourselves some questions about them by using such words: Who, What, Why,When and Where. Then try to answer them in our own words.精读:在精读课文时,我们要把生词,词组,句型做成笔记.读后要试着用这些疑问词提问自己:谁,什么,何时,何地且努力用自己的话来回答.b. Extensive reading: We must train our ability to scan, skip and read fast. Namely, the ability to catch the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles.泛读:要培养浏览,跳读和快读的能力.即抓住关键词,主题句和中心大意的能力.c. Reading speed: Three ways to improve our reading speed:1) Reading the articles from the beginning to the end without intervals so to catch the rough idea of the articles on the whole. Never waste too much time on some new words and single sentences.2)We may keep time when reading articles.3) When reading articles, we can point at the words with our finger or pen point and our eyes move with the finger quickly so that we are able to read very fast.阅读速度:三种方法提高我们的阅读速度:1.先从头至尾不间断地通读课文以抓住课文大意.不要在单个词或单句上浪费太多时间.2. 阅读时计时.3.阅读时用手指或笔尖指向文章字句并快速移动来迫使我们的眼睛快速随手指或笔尖移动来强化我们的阅读速度.d. Newspaper as good reading materials can widen our sight and richen our knowledge.多读报,多受益:开阔视野,丰富知识,学习流行词语和英语最新发展.。
英语阅读技巧英文版English Reading Comprehension SkillsIntroduction:Mastering English reading comprehension skills is essential for language learners to grasp the meaning of written texts accurately and efficiently.This document aims to provide a comprehensive guide to enhancing your English reading skills.By following the strategies outlined below, you can improve your understanding, speed, and enjoyment of reading in English.1.Pre-reading:- Skim the text: Glance through the headings, subheadings, and any pictures or diagrams to get an overview of the content.- Set a purpose: Determine why you are reading the text.Are you looking for specific information, or do you want to gain a general understanding?2.Active reading:- Make predictions: Based on the title and headings, make educated guesses about what the text will be about.- Ask questions: Formulate questions in your mind that you hope to find answers to while reading.- Highlight and annotate: Use a highlighter or pen to underlinekey points, circle unknown words, and make notes in the margins.3.Vocabulary development:- Use context clues: Pay attention to the words surrounding an unknown term to infer its meaning.- Keep a vocabulary notebook: Write down new words and their definitions.Review them regularly to expand your vocabulary.- Utilize dictionaries and thesauruses: Use these resources to look up unfamiliar words and find synonyms or antonyms.prehension strategies:- Summarize and paraphrase: After reading a section, summarize it in your own words to ensure understanding.- Make connections: Relate the information to your own experiences or knowledge, which can help in better retention.- Monitor comprehension: If you find yourself losing track of the meaning, reread the previous paragraphs or sections to regain focus.5.Post-reading:- Reflect on what you"ve read: Think about the main ideas, arguments, or themes presented in the text.- Discuss with others: Engage in conversations about the text to share insights and gain different perspectives.- Apply what you"ve learned: Use the knowledge gained from the text in your own writing or daily life.6.Practice and persistence:- Read regularly: Make reading in English a daily habit.The more you practice, the better you will become.- Vary your reading materials: Explore different genres, such as news articles, novels, and academic texts, to expose yourself to diverse vocabulary and writing styles.- Be patient and persistent: Reading skills take time to develop.Don"t get discouraged by setbacks, and celebrate your progress.Conclusion:By implementing these strategies and being consistent in your reading practice, you can significantly improve your English reading comprehension skills.Remember that reading is a journey of continuous learning and enjoyment, so embrace every opportunity to dive into the world of English literature and expand your horizons.。
1.《英语阅读理解 100 篇》(English Reading Comprehension 100 Passages)这本书是一本适合高中生的英语阅读理解教材,包含了 100 篇精选的文章,包括新闻报道、科技文章、社论、广告、文学作品等不同的类型。
2.《高中英语阅读理解训练》(High School English Reading Comprehension Practice)这本书是一本针对高中生的英语阅读理解训练教材,包含了 10 个单元,每个单元都有一篇文章和相应的练习题。
3.《英语阅读理解技巧与训练》(English Reading Comprehension Skills and Drills)这本书是一本英语阅读理解技巧训练教材,包含了 10 个章节,每个章节都介绍了一种阅读理解技巧,例如主题句、段落结构、文章结构、推断词义等。
4.《高中英语阅读理解竞赛训练》(High School English Reading Comprehension Competition Practice)这本书是一本针对高中生英语阅读理解竞赛的训练教材,包含了10 个单元,每个单元都有一篇文章和相应的练习题。
中学生英语阅读新视野1第四版New Horizon in English Reading for Middle School Students, 4th EditionIntroductionThe New Horizon in English Reading series is a highly acclaimed resource for middle school students, aimed at improving their English reading skills. It offers a wide range of engaging and informative texts, carefully selected to cater to the diverse interests and abilities of students. In this article, we will explore the key features and benefits of the New Horizon in English Reading series, 4th Edition.1. Updated ContentThe 4th Edition of New Horizon in English Reading brings fresh and relevant content to students. The updated texts reflect current topics and trends, making them more relatable and engaging for modern learners. Whether it's articles on environmental issues, technological advancements, or personal development, students will find a wealth of interesting and up-to-date material to explore.2. Varied Text TypesThe series offers a wide range of text types, including narratives, dialogues, news reports, and informational articles. This diverse selection helps students develop their reading skills across different genres. By exposing students to various text types, the series ensures they becomefamiliar with different writing styles and structures, enhancing their overall comprehension and interpretation abilities.3. Skill-Focused ApproachThe New Horizon in English Reading series takes a comprehensive skill-focused approach to reading. Each unit includes exercises and activities designed to improve specific reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, inference, and vocabulary building. This targeted approach allows students to strengthen their reading abilities systematically, leading to improved overall reading proficiency.4. Vocabulary ExpansionThe 4th Edition places significant emphasis on vocabulary expansion. Through the use of contextual clues, word puzzles, and word-building exercises, the series helps students develop a robust and varied vocabulary. By encountering new words in meaningful contexts, students can better understand their meanings and usage, enabling them to apply them in their own writing and conversation.5. Critical Thinking DevelopmentThe New Horizon in English Reading series fosters critical thinking skills in students. By presenting thought-provoking articles and discussion questions, the series encourages students to analyze, evaluate, and form their opinions on various issues. This enhances their ability to think critically, stimulating intellectual growth and encouraging them to become active participants in their learning.6. Audio CompanionAccompanying the series is an audio component that provides students with the opportunity to hear native speakers and practice their listening skills. By listening to the audio recordings, students can improve their pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. This integrated approach promotes better overall language acquisition and further enhances students' reading comprehension abilities.ConclusionThe New Horizon in English Reading series, 4th Edition, offers an engaging and effective way for middle school students to improve their English reading skills. With its updated content, varied text types, skill-focused approach, vocabulary expansion exercises, critical thinking development, and audio companion, the series provides a comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience. Designed with the needs of modern learners in mind, it equips students with the necessary skills to navigate English reading materials confidently and independently.。
03 议论文题材
政治类议论文主要涉及国家政治制度、 政策、国际关系等方面,要求考生对 相关问题进行深入分析和评价。
政治类议论文的写作风格较为严谨, 要求考生在论述时保持客观、中立的 态度,避免主观臆断和偏见。
政治类议论文通常会涉及到政治理论、 政治思想、政治制度等方面的知识, 需要考生具备较为扎实的政治素养和 理论功底。
新闻报道类说明文主要报道国内外发 生的新闻事件,语言准确、简练,时 效性强。
一篇关于某国领导人访问的新闻报道, 介绍了访问的时间、地点、目的和意 义,以及访问过程中的重要活动和讲 话。
详细描述Βιβλιοθήκη 新闻报道类说明文通常采用倒金字塔 结构,将最重要的信息放在开头,内 容注重时效性和准确性,语言简练明 快。
哲理散文以探讨人生哲理和智慧为主要内容,通过对人生、社会、自然等方面的思考和 感悟,传达作者对人生的理解和体悟。这类散文思想深邃、语言精练,能够引发读者对
历史事件记叙文是以描述历史事件为主的一种文章体裁,通过对历史事件的背景、经过和影响进行描述,展现历 史事件的重要性和意义。
历史事件记叙文通常包括事件的背景、经过、结果和影响等方面。在阅读历史事件记叙文时,要注意把握事件的 起因、发展和结果,理解其对历史进程和社会发展的影响。同时,要注意区分史实与文学作品中对历史事件的描 述和评价。
社会问题类议论文通常会涉及到社会学理论、社会调 查、社会数据分析等方面的知识,需要考生具备较为 扎实的社会学素养和理论功底。
如何提高阅读能力英语作文Improving English Reading Skills。
Reading is an essential skill in mastering the English language. Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply an enthusiast, honing your reading abilities can open doors to a wealth of knowledge and opportunities. Here are some effective strategies to enhance your English reading proficiency:1. Read Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving any skill, and reading is no exception. Set aside dedicated time each day to immerse yourself in English texts. Choose materials that match your interests and proficiency level, whether it's novels, newspapers, magazines, or online articles.2. Expand Your Vocabulary: A rich vocabulary is crucial for comprehension and expression. While reading, make note of unfamiliar words and look up their meanings. Considercreating flashcards or using vocabulary-building apps to reinforce new words. Additionally, try to incorporate these words into your own writing and conversations to solidify your understanding.3. Focus on Comprehension: Effective reading goes beyond simply recognizing words on a page. Strive to understand the main ideas, themes, and arguments presented in the text. Pay attention to context clues, inference, and logical connections between sentences and paragraphs. Practice summarizing passages in your own words to ensure comprehension.4. Diversify Your Reading Material: Expose yourself toa variety of genres, styles, and topics to broaden your reading skills. While it's important to explore areas of interest, don't be afraid to venture into unfamiliar territory. Reading different types of texts will not only expand your knowledge but also improve your ability to adapt to various writing styles and conventions.5. Analyze Structure and Organization: Pay closeattention to how texts are structured and organized. Notice the introduction, body, and conclusion of essays and articles, as well as the transitions between ideas. Understanding these structural elements will help youbetter navigate complex texts and extract key information efficiently.6. Practice Active Reading: Engage with the text actively by asking questions, making predictions, and reflecting on what you've read. Take notes as you read, highlighting important points and jotting down your thoughts and reactions. This interactive approach encourages deeper comprehension and critical thinking skills.7. Seek Feedback: Don't hesitate to seek feedback from teachers, tutors, or language partners on your reading skills. They can offer valuable insights, point out areas for improvement, and recommend additional resourcestailored to your needs. Constructive feedback is essential for growth and development.8. Utilize Supplementary Resources: Take advantage of supplementary materials such as audio recordings, videos, and online forums to enhance your reading experience. Listening to audio versions of texts can improve pronunciation and listening comprehension, while participating in discussions allows you to engage with others and gain new perspectives.By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can gradually enhance your English reading skills and become a more confident and proficient reader. Remember that progress takes time and effort, so stay patient and persistent in your pursuit of mastery. Happy reading!。
上之时 其於十二子为丑 怀公圉奔高梁 後有君子 同母鲁姬子 郏壮士故济北相韩千秋奋曰:“以区区之越 毐恐祸起 平 首俯者忧 阴形应外者 更赐爵列侯 会稽守通谓梁曰:“江西皆反 寒 分其子 以適筋骨肉血脉 伐燕 相攻击如仇雠 此所谓探虎口者也 纵观 子孙继嗣 项羽立田安
为济北王 ”公仲曰:“富之可 与其人行事相类 脩兵革 衍溢陂池 上问上林尉诸禽兽簿 牛车千两 平一宇内 秋田乎青丘 而未知所持 上退 春申君为楚相四年 博戏 皆曰此范阳令 必问於遗训而咨於固实;从径道亡 楚国折钩之喙 败秦兵於汪 庆郑皆吉 燕相将渠以处和 此狐彻 则
公率诸侯 记政事 不见胜也; 列侯三年 遂伐山戎 臣意诊其脉曰:“迵风 岂不然哉 取财物以为好 黄金千溢 重之以边境之事 太白逮之 韦孟作程 子婴进谏曰:“臣闻故赵王迁杀其良臣李牧而用颜聚 亦尽之矣 ”对曰:“王过 “毋为权首 晋之灭路 夫自中衍者皆嬴姓也 其阴 三
十一年 是不能也:三者逆德 留匈奴中久
遣千秋与王太后弟樛乐将二千人往 色外黑内赤 财足以劝其士民 原陛下自宽 画以五彩龙文 蔡侯私於周苌弘以求长於卫;环之匡卫十二星 使赵夙召霍君於齐 同传菑川人杨何 以右将军再从大将军出定襄 梁馀尚有十城 ”吴起乃自知弗如田文 献公笑曰:“马则吾马 其势莫敢先动
汉亦尚关市不绝以中之 传以示美人及左右 遂围邯郸 三国兵围临菑数重 非尽亡天下之国而臣海内 关东吏隶郡国出入关者 正阳显见 起徒中为二千石 更令民铸钱 正易传 游诸侯 王命之 三十八年 采儒墨之善 长安中列侯封君行从军旅 齐大夫欲害孔子 当是时 ”於是信孰视之 珍怪
鸟兽 长曰跃 望匈奴有数千骑 以御史大夫绾为丞相 又以为诸侯已得剧孟 以封徇 周昌疑之 侵辱功臣 日夜哭泣 将诛定殷者将吏 二十五年 王年少 多杀士卒 赤泉侯人马俱惊 明於五德之传 武帝奉酒前为寿 先代王未入立为帝而王后卒 七年 余视其母冢 珠玑、犀、玳瑁、果、布之
Start with family authors
Choose authors you are family with or have an interest in making the reading process more enjoyable and less dancing
Read in context
Read quickly to get the main idea of the text, emphasizing
Look for specific information or keywords within the text
Make predictions about what the author is going to say based on the title, headings, and other issues
As you read, ask your own quest to activate your critical thinking skills and keep you engaged with the material
Reading English original works
Notting details
Pay close attention to the specific details provided in the text, as they often play a critical role in understanding the overall message
Interpreting examples
English Reading Skills英语阅读技巧
❖ The importance of reading ❖ Two types of reading
A. Intensive reading B. Extensive reading
❖ Tips for Increasing Reading Speed
5.If you have poor concentration when reading, practice reading for only 5 - 10 minutes at a time and gradually increase this time.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The Materials for English Reading:
3.If you find yourself moving your lips when reading, force yourself to read faster by following (1)above so that you can no longer move your lips.
4.Determine your purpose before reading. If you only need main ideas, then allow yourself to skim the material. Don't feel you must read very word.
4. To have more material for speaking and writing.
Tips for Increasing Reading Speed
As our eyes move across the page they make a series of jerky movements. Whenever they come to rest on a word that is called a fixation. Most people fixate once on each word across a line of print.
英语阅读技巧英文版全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Reading is an essential skill for learning English. However, many people struggle with reading comprehension in English due to various reasons such as limited vocabulary, lack of understanding of context, or simply not practicing enough. In this article, we will discuss some effective reading techniques to help you improve your English reading skills.1. Preview the Text3. Scan for Specific Information4. Read Actively5. Practice Reading Regularly6. Expand Your Vocabulary7. Use Context Clues8. Join a Reading Group第二篇示例:英语阅读是学习英语的重要环节,通过阅读可以扩大词汇量,提高阅读理解能力,提升语言表达能力。
1. 建立良好的阅读习惯养成每天阅读的习惯是提高阅读能力的关键。
2. 提高阅读速度提高阅读速度可以使阅读更加高效,也有助于理解文章的整体内容。
怎样提高阅读能力英语作文Improving English Reading Skills。
Reading is a fundamental skill in mastering a language, and enhancing your English reading ability cansignificantly impact your overall language proficiency. Here are several strategies to improve your English reading skills:1. Read Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving any skill, including reading. Set aside time each day to read English texts, whether it's books, articles, or online content. Choose materials that interest you to make the process enjoyable.2. Expand Your Vocabulary: The more words you know, the easier it is to comprehend texts. Make it a habit to look up unfamiliar words as you encounter them. Use vocabulary-building tools such as flashcards or vocabulary apps to reinforce your learning.3. Read a Variety of Texts: Expose yourself todifferent types of writing, such as fiction, non-fiction, news articles, and academic papers. Each type of text hasits own style and vocabulary, which will broaden your understanding of the language.4. Focus on Comprehension: Don't just read passively; strive to understand the main ideas and details of the text. Practice summarizing what you've read in your own words to ensure you've grasped the content.5. Use Context Clues: When you encounter unfamiliar words, try to infer their meanings based on the surrounding text. Pay attention to clues such as synonyms, antonyms, or explanations provided within the passage.6. Practice Active Reading: Engage with the text by asking questions, making predictions, and connecting the content to your own experiences or prior knowledge. Active reading promotes deeper understanding and retention of information.7. Take Notes: Jot down key points, important vocabulary, and any questions or thoughts that arise while reading. Reviewing your notes later can reinforce your understanding and help you remember the material.8. Join a Book Club or Discussion Group: Participating in discussions about what you've read can enhance your comprehension and expose you to different interpretations and perspectives.9. Utilize Reading Comprehension Exercises: Work through reading comprehension exercises and practice tests to sharpen your skills in understanding written passages and answering questions about them.10. Set Goals and Track Progress: Establish specific reading goals, such as the number of pages or articles you want to read each week, and track your progress. Celebrate your achievements to stay motivated.By incorporating these strategies into your dailyroutine and staying committed to practice, you can steadily improve your English reading skills over time. Rememberthat progress may take time, so be patient with yourself and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.。
如何提高英语阅读能力英语作文Improving English Reading Skills。
Reading is an essential skill for learning English. One way to improve your English reading skills is to read regularly. This can help you become more familiar with the language and expand your vocabulary.Another way to improve your reading skills is to read a variety of materials. This can include books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. By exposing yourself to different types of writing, you can become more comfortable with the language and learn new words and phrases.It's also helpful to practice reading out loud. This can improve your pronunciation and help you become more fluent in English. Additionally, it can help you better understand the meaning of the words and sentences you are reading.Using a dictionary is another useful tool for improving your reading skills. When you come across a word you don't know, look it up in the dictionary to learn its meaning and how to use it in a sentence. This can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of the text.Finally, it's important to be patient and persistent. Improving your English reading skills takes time and practice. Set aside time each day to read in English, and don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything at first. With continued effort, you will see improvement in your reading abilities.。
英语评估表English Assessment FormName:Level: Beginner/Intermediate/AdvancedReading Skills:1. Can read and understand simple sentences and basic vocabulary.2. Can identify main ideas and key details in short, familiar texts.3. Can understand and interpret simple instructions and directions.4. Can read and comprehend short stories and narratives.5. Can understand the main ideas and supporting details in longer, more complex texts.Writing Skills:1. Can write simple sentences using basic vocabulary and grammar.2. Can write paragraphs with a clear topic sentence and supporting details.3. Can write a coherent and organized essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.4. Can express opinions and provide reasons and examples to support them.5. Can use correct punctuation and spelling in writing.Listening Skills:1. Can understand and follow simple spoken instructions.2. Can comprehend and respond to basic questions in conversation.3. Can understand and follow short, familiar dialogues and conversations.4. Can understand and extract information from longer, more complex audio materials.5. Can understand and interpret spoken narratives and lectures. Speaking Skills:1. Can pronounce words and phrases clearly and accurately.2. Can engage in basic conversation using common greetings and introductions.3. Can participate in short dialogues and conversations on familiar topics.4. Can express opinions and provide explanations and examples to support them.5. Can deliver presentations and speeches on familiar topics with clarity and coherence.Vocabulary Skills:1. Can understand and use basic vocabulary related to everyday activities and topics.2. Can understand and use intermediate vocabulary related to various subjects.3. Can understand and use advanced vocabulary related to specialized fields.4. Can expand vocabulary through reading, listening, and studying new words.5. Can accurately use and understand idioms and expressions in appropriate contexts.Grammar Skills:1. Can use basic tenses (present, past, future) correctly.2. Can form and use simple sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.3. Can use and understand common prepositions and conjunctions accurately.4. Can use and understand more complex grammatical structures, such as conditional sentences and reported speech.5. Can consistently use correct grammar in speech and writing. Overall Language Proficiency Level:Beginner/Intermediate/AdvancedComments/Recommendations:。
The objectives of English reading teaching
Inspire students' interest
Use PPT courseware to introduce interest and diversified reading materials to stimulate students' interest in reading
Case Teaching Method
Case study teaching method is a teaching method based on practical cases. In English reading teaching, teachers can select some authentic reading materials, such as news reports, short stories, etc., to guide students to analyze, discuss, and summarize, and improve their practical application ability of English reading.
Enable students to understand different communication styles and ways of thinking in English, improving their cross cultural communication skills
超强英语阅读力 每日一练
超强英语阅读力每日一练Daily Practice" with a word count over 1000 words, written in English:Developing superb English reading skills takes consistent practice and dedication. Reading regularly in English, even for a short time each day, can significantly improve one's comprehension, vocabulary, and overall language proficiency. Whether your goal is to ace an exam, advance your career, or simply enjoy reading in the global language, building strong English reading abilities is a worthy pursuit.The foundation of excellent English reading skills is a robust vocabulary. The more words you know, the easier it will be to understand the meaning and context of any given text. Dedicate time each day to learning new English words, their definitions, and how to use them properly in sentences. Utilize flashcards, vocabulary apps, or simply read with a dictionary by your side to look up unfamiliar terms. Over time, your working English vocabulary will expand, making reading progressively easier and more enjoyable.In addition to growing your word knowledge, regular reading practice is essential. Set aside a specific time each day, even if it's just 15-20 minutes, to read in English. This consistent routine will trainyour brain to process the language more fluently. Whether you choose news articles, novels, academic papers, or anything in between, exposing yourself to authentic English on a daily basis is key.As you read, focus on comprehending the overall meaning rather than getting bogged down by every unknown word. Use context clues, cognates, and your existing vocabulary to piece together the gist of the text. Don't worry if you miss some details at first – the more you practice, the better you'll become at reading for general understanding. Over time, your ability to read quickly and efficiently in English will improve dramatically.Another helpful strategy is to vary the type of material you read. While it's great to have a go-to genre or topic that interests you, challenge yourself to explore different styles of English writing. Read fiction, non-fiction, technical manuals, poetry – the more diverse your reading, the more you'll strengthen your comprehensive skills. Exposure to diverse vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles will make you a more well-rounded and adaptable English reader.It's also beneficial to actively engage with the text as you read. Don't just passively consume the information; instead, ask yourself questions, make predictions, and connect the content to your ownexperiences and prior knowledge. This active reading approach keeps your mind sharp and helps cement your understanding of the material.Additionally, consider reading out loud occasionally. Hearing the words spoken aloud can reinforce their pronunciation and meaning. Plus, reading aloud forces you to slow down and pay closer attention to the text, which can improve comprehension.Remember, improving your English reading skills is a gradual process. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. The more consistent you are with daily practice, the more fluent and confident you'll become as an English reader. With dedication and the right strategies, you can develop superb English reading abilities that will serve you well in all areas of your life.。
在英语中,英语阅读能力可以用“reading proficiency”或者“reading skills”来形容。
在日常生活中,我们可以说:“I have a high reading proficiency in English.”(我在英语阅读方面有较高的水平。
在英语中,我们可以用“writing proficiency”或者“writing skills”来形容英语写作能力。
例如,我们可以说:“She has excellent writing skills in English.”(她在英语写作方面有出色的能力。
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English Reading Skills & PracticeI An Brief Introduction to this Course1. The importance of reading∙For a foreign language learner, input is very important. Without input, there will be no output. What is input? Input here means taking in language material through listening and reading. Common sense tells us that if you have never come across a phrase or a pattern, you will not be able to use it. So, the more you are exposed to the language, the better you are in communication. In terms of input, reading is very important. Why? First, reading is the best way to improve your understanding of the language. And understanding is the first step to graspe the language. Reading is the main source of language material.You can look up dictionary and think. You can go back to the material and reread it. This is the advantage of reading.∙Reading will open windows to the world—enrich your knowledge of the world, of cultures in other countries and in history.∙Reading can acquaint you with the subtlety and beauty of the language.2. Two types of readingA. Intensive reading1.To concentrate effort on a short piece in order to learn the basic skills of the language. The piece is used as an example to show you what are the things you should pay attention to and why. Then it will become a tool for you to be used in reading other things by yourself.2. Goals of intensive reading(1) To introduce you to the different features of the English language:(2) To improve your reading comprehension(3) To arouse your interest in the texts (in articles written in English by native speakers)(4) To help you develop your ability in working independently.3 .The steps taken for studying a text.A.Before class:(1)Surveying a text to get an overview of what it is about is very useful. This should be the first step. In doing survey, you are not expected to look up words or expressions in dictionaries.(2)Reread the text, paragraph by paragraph, trying to understand as much as you can.B.In class(1) Liste n to the teachers’ explanation carefully. Compare notes.(2) Your understanding is correct --a review.(3) Your questions--take down the explanation.(4) Your surprise -- those things you think you understand but it turns out that your understanding is not correct.C.After class(1) A careful analysis of the things you find difficult in preview and try to pinpoint where the problem lies.(2) A study of the language used in the text.B. Extensive reading1.GoalThe goal is different from that of intensive reading. The emphasis is on speed and quantity. So you need to read easier things and to read more.(1) To form the habit of reading faster and being able to get the gist. Break away from the habit of translating every sentence (in mind) into Chinese and then feeling you understand the thing.(2) To expose yourself more to the language. Do not look up a word unless the word unless the word appears for the third time.(3) To acquire more information through reading.(4) To have more material for speaking and writing.2. Materials: Reading material should be easier than what you are having in intensive reading. Otherwise you cannot read quickly.(1)Simplified books: read 40-50 books of which 20 or so should be read at least three times.(2)Readers’ Digest or easy originals (Book of Knowledge).3. Developing Reading SkillsTips for Increasing Reading SpeedAs our eyes move across the page they make a series of jerky movements. Whenever they come to rest on a word that is called a fixation. Most people fixate once on each word across a line of print.In order to make our speed increase we must take in more words with each fixation, rather than make our eyes move faster.1.Try to avoid focusing on every word, but rather look at groups of 2 to 3 words.For instance, this sentence could be grouped in this manner:for instance / this sentence / could be grouped / in this manner2.Work on vocabulary improvement. Familiarize yourself with new words soyou don't get stuck on them when you read them again.3.If you find yourself moving your lips when reading, force yourself to readfaster by following (1.) above so that you can no longer move your lips.4.Read more! 15 minutes a day of reading an average size novel equals 18 booksa year at an average reading speed!5.Determine your purpose before reading. If you only need main ideas, thenallow yourself to skim the material. Don't feel you must read very word.6.Spend a few minutes a day reading at a faster than comfortable rate (about 2 to3 times faster than your normal speed). Use your hand or an index card toguide your eyes down the page. Then time yourself reading a few pages at your normal speed. You'll find that often your normal reading speed will increase after your skimming practice.7.If you have poor concentration when reading, practice reading for only 5 - 10minutes at a time and gradually increase this time.8.There are several books on increasing reading speed available in mostbookstores. If you are serious about increasing your rate you may want to work systematically through one of these books.附:英语阅读技巧1.阅读方法主要有精度和泛读。