Transnational Business Law





——J.H.Jackson,Legal Problems of International Relations,1977,p.XV.一、国际经济法教材类:1、姚梅镇主编:《国际经济法概论》(修订版),武汉大学出版社。










6、易显河主编:《Chinese Journal of International Law》7、中国大百科全书出版社:外国法律文库系列丛书三、专题著作类1、博登海默:《法理学-法律哲学与法律方法》,中国政法大学出版社。

2、迈克尔〃D〃贝勒斯作, 张文显译:《法律的原则:一个规范的分析》,中国大百科全书出版社。

3、 [比]约斯特﹒鲍威林|译者:周忠海//周丽瑛//马静//黄建中编:《国际公法规则之冲突》,法律出版社。






国际法第一章导论案例国际法的概念国际法的效力根据国际法的渊源国际法与国内法的关系国际法基本原则第一节国际法的概念一、国际法的名称(international law, law of nations, droit international )罗马法jus gentium万民法,格老秀斯(Hugo Grotius)叫万国法,边沁叫国际法。


1864年丁韙良(William Martin)将惠顿Wheaton 《国际法原理》译成《万国公法》。


一、国际法的名称(续):三类国际法规范1.普遍国际法(universal international law):适用于一切国家和其他国际法主体。

两个概念“对国际社会整体的义务”,对一切人的义务(erga omnes obligations)。

2.一般国际法(general international law):对绝大多数国家有拘束力的,除了一贯反对的国家。

3.区域国际法regional int. law 或特别国际法special int. law:世界上某个区域内的国家在相互交往中发展起来的,仅仅适用于这些国家之间关系的国际法规则,如所谓“美洲国际法”。

现行法lex lata和应有法lex ferenda。


国际(公)法public international law主要是调整国家之间关系的有法律拘束力的原则、规则和制度的总称。


国际法的调整对象使它有别于国际私法private international law/law on conflict of laws和跨国法transnational law 。













韩国的“学院”(韩语称“学院”,英语名称一般使用Institute 或College )主要是由社会力量创办的非学历教育机构。

二、名单专科大学(可授予副学士学位,相当于专科学历)* Agricultural Cooperative College* Ajou Motor College* Andong Science College* Ansan College* Ansan College of Technology* Anyang Technical College* Baekseok College of Cultural Studies* Baewha Women's College* Bucheon College* Busan Arts college* Busan College of Information Technology* BusanKyeongsang College* Byuksung College* Catholic Sangji College* CeonjuKijeon Women's College* Changshin College* Changwon College* Cheju Halla College* Cheju Tourism College* CheonanYonam College* Cheongyang College* Choonhae College* Chosun College of Science & Technology* Chosun Nursing College* Christian College of Nursing* Songgok College* Chung Cheong College* Chungbuk provincial College of Science & Technology* Chungkang College of Cultural Industries * Chunnam Techno College* Daedong College* Daeduk College* Daegu Health College* DaeguMirae College* Daegu Polytechnic college* Daegu Technical college* Daejeon Health Science College* Daekyeung College* Daelim College* Daewon Science college* Dong Seoul College* Dong-A College* Dong-Ah Broadcasting College* Dong-Eui Institute of Technology* Dongju College* Dongkang College* Dongnam Health College* Dong-Pusan College* Dong-U College* Dongyang Technical College* Doowon Technical College* Geochang Provincial College* Gimcheon College* Gimhae College* Gumi College* Gwang Yang Health College* Gyeongdo Provincial College* Hallym College* Han Yeong College* Hanyang Women's College* Hyechon College* Hyejeon College* Iksan National college* Incheon City College* Induk Institute of Technology* Inha Technical College* Jaeneung College* Jangan College* Jeju College of Technology* Jeonbuk Science College* Jeonju Vision College* Jeonnam Provincial Collage of Namdo * Jinju Health College* Juseong College* Kang NeungYeong Dong College* Kangwon Provincial College* Kangwon Tourism College* Kaywon School of Art And Design* Keimyung College* Keukdong College* Kimcheon Science College* Kimpo College* Koje College* Kongju Communication Arts College* Korea National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare * Korea National Railroad College* Korea Tourism College* Kunjang College* Kunsan College of Nursing* Kwangju Health College* Kyongbuk College of Science* Kyonggi Institute Technology* Kyungbok College* Kyungbuk College* Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno College* Kyungdong College of Techno-Information* Kyungin Women's College* Kyungmin College* Kyungmoon College* Kyungnam College of Information & Technology* Masan College* Mokpo Science College* Munkyung College* Myongji College* Naju College* Namhae College* National Medical Center College of Nursing * Osan College* Paekche Arts College* Pohang College* Pusan Women's College* Red Cross College of Nursing* Saekyung College* Sahmyook Nursing & Health College* SangjiYoungseo College* Seoil College* Seojeong College* Seokang College* Seoul Health College* Seoul Institute of the Arts* Seoul Women's College of Nursing* Shin Heung College* Shingu College* Sohae College* Songho College* Songwon College* Soong Eui Women's College* Sorabol College* SuncheonCheongam College* Sunchon First College* Sungduk College* Sunghwa College* Sunlin College* Suwon Science College* Suwon Women's College* Taegu Science College* Tongwon College* Ulsan College* Wonju National College* Wonkwang Health Science College * Woongji Accounting & Tax College * Woosong Information College* Woosong Technical College* Yangsan College* Yeojoo Institute of Technology * Yeungjin College* Yeungnam College of Science & Technology* Yonam Institute of Digtal Technology* YonginSongdam College* Yuhan College单独设立的“大学院”(只授予硕士、博士学位)* Berea University of Graduate Studies* Daehan Theological Seminary* Gospel Theological Seminary* Hapdong Theological Seminary* Information and Communication University* International Design School For Advanced Studies * Jungang Graduate School of Theology* KDI School of International Policy and Management * Kukje Theological University and Seminary* Kyeyak Graduate School of Theology* Seoul Bible Graduate School of Theology* SungsanHyodo University of Graduate Studies* Seoul Sports Graduate School* Transnational Law & Business University* Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology* Westminster Graduate School of Theology* Won Buddhism Graduate School* YeailThological Seminary四年制大学(可授予学士及学士以上的学位)* Ajou University* Andong National University* Anyang University* Asia United Theological University* Busan National University of Education* Busan Presbyterian Theological College & Seminary * Calvin University* Catholic University of Daegu* Catholic University of Pusan* ChangwonNationao University* Cheju National University* Cheju National University of Education* Chinju National University of Education* Chodang University* Chonan University* Chonbuk National University* Chonbuk National University of Education* Chongju University* Chongshin University* Chonnam National University* Chosun University* Chugye University for Arts* Chunchen National University of Education* Chung-Ang University* Chungbuk National University* Chungju National University* Chungnam National University* Chungwoon University* College of Medicine,Pochon Cha University* Daebul University* DaeguHaany University(2003年以前为Kyungsan University) * Daegu National University of Education* Daegu University* Daejeon University* Dae Jin University* Dan Kook University* Dong-A University* Dongduk Women’s University* Dong-eui University* Dongguk University* Donghae University* Dongseo University* Dongshin University* Dongyang University* Duksung Women’s University* Eulji University Scool of Medicine* EwhaWomans University* Far East University* Gachon Medical Shool* Gongju National University of Education* Gyeongsang National University* Halla University* Hallym University* Hanbat National University* Handong University* Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary * Hankuk Aviation University* Hankuk University of Foreign Studies* Hankyong National University* HanlYo University* Han Nam University* Hansei University* Hanseo University* Hansung University* Hanyang University* Hanyoung Theological University* Honam Theological University & Seminary* Honam University* Hongik University* Hoseo University* Howon University* Hyupsung University* Incheon Catholic University* Inchon National University of Education* Information and Communication University* Inha University* Inje University* Jeonju National University of Education* Jeonju University* Jinju National University of Industry* Joongbu University* JungangSeunggha University* KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) * Kangnam University* Kangnung National University* Kangwon National University* Kaya University* Keimyung University* KkottongnaeHyundo University of Social-welfare* Kongju National University* Konkuk University* Konyang University* Kookmin University* Korea Baptist Theological College& Seminary* Korea Maritime University* Korea National Open University* Korea National University of Education* Korea Nazarene University* Korea Polytechnic University* Korea University* Korea University of Technology and Education* Korea Bible University* Korea National University of Physical Education * Kosin University* Kumoh National University of Technology* Kunsan National University* Kwandong University* Kwangju Catholic University* Kwangju National University of Education* Kwangju University* Kwangju Women’s University* Kwangshin University* Kwangwoon University* Kyonggi University* Kyongju University* Kyungdong University* Kyung Hee University* Kyungil University* Kyungnam University* Kyungpook National University* Kyungsung University* Kyungwon University* Kyungwoon University* Luther Theological University* Methodist Theological Seminary* Miryng National University* Mokpo Catholic University* Mokpo National Maritime University* Mokpo National University* Mokwon University* MyongJi University* Myungsin University* Nambu University* Namseoul University* Pai Chai University* Pohang University of Science and Technology * Presbyterian Collegeand Theological Seminary * Pukyong National University* Pusan National University* Pusan University of Foreign Studies* Pyongtaek University* Sahmyook University* Samchok National University* Sangji University* Sangju National University* Sangmyung University* Sejong University* Semyung University* Seokyeong University* Seonam University* Seoul Christian University* Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary * Seoul National University* Seoul National University of Education* Seoul National University of Technology* Seoul Theological University* Seoul Woman’s University* Seowon University* Silla University* Sogang University* Sookmyung Women’s University* Soonchunhyang University* Soong Sil University* Sunchon National University* Sungkonghoe University* Sung Kyul University* Sung Kyun Kwan University* Sungshin Women’s University* Sunmoon University* Sunwon Catholic University* Taegu Arts University* Taejon Catholic University* Taeshin Christian University* Tamna University* The Catholic University of Korea* The University of Seoul* The University of Suwon* Tongmyong University of Information Technology * Uiduk University* University of Incheon* University of Ulsan* Wonkwang University* Woosong University* Woosuk University* Yeungnam University* Yewon University* Yongin University* Yonsei University* Yosu National University* Youngdong University* Youngnam Theological College& Seminary* Youngsan University* Youngsan Won-Buddhist University。



韩国大学排名1 서울대(서울) 首尔大学(首尔)2 카이스트(대전) 韩国科学技术院(大田)3 포항공대(경북) 浦项工科大学(庆上北道)4 연세대(서울) 延世大学(首尔)5 고려대(서울) 高丽大学(首尔)6 성균관대(서울) 成均馆大学(首尔)7 서강대(서울) 江西大学(首尔)8 한양대(서울) 汉阳大学(首尔)9 한국정보통신대(대전) 情报文化振兴院(大田)10 한국외국어대(서울) 韩国外国语大学(首尔)11 서울시립대학교(서울) 首尔市立大学(首尔)12 이화여자대학교(서울) 梨花女子大学校(首尔)13 중앙대(서울) 中央大学(首尔)14 경희대(서울) 庆熙大学(首尔)15 부산대(부산) 釜山大学(釜山)16 경북대(대구) 庆北大学(大邱)17 건국대(서울) 建国大学(首尔)18 동국대(서울) 东国大学(首尔)19 홍익대(서울) 弘益大学(首尔)20 아주대(수원) 亚洲大学(水原)21 인하대(인천) 仁荷大学(仁川)22 숙명여대(서울) 淑明女子大学(首尔)23 국민대(서울) 国民大学(首尔)24 상명대(서울) 祥明大学(首尔)25 숭실대(서울) 崇实大学(首尔)26 단국대(서울) 檀国大学(首尔)27 광운대(서울) 光云大学(首尔)28 한국기술교육대(천안) 韩国教育技术大学(天安)29 덕성여대(서울) 德成大学(首尔)30 명지대(서울) 明知大学(首尔)31 인천대(인천) 仁川大学(仁川)32 한국산업기술대(경기) 韩国产业技术(京畿)33 세종대(서울) 世宗大学(首尔)34 성신여대(서울) 诚信女子大学(首尔)35 전남대(광주) 全南大学(光州)36 전북대(전북) 全北大学(全罗北道)37 항공대(경기) 航空大学(京畿)38 교원대(충북) 教员大学(忠清北道)39 가톨릭대(서울) 韩国天主教大学(首尔)40 상명대(서울) 祥明大学(首尔)41 동덕여대(서울) 同德女子大学(首尔)42 서울여대(서울) 首尔女子大学(首尔)43 경원대(성남) 暻园大学校(城南市)44 한동대(포항) 韩东大学(浦项)45 한성대(서울) 汉城大学(首尔)46 경기대(수원) 京畿大学(水原)47 충남대(대전) 忠南大学(大田)48 충북대(청주) 忠北大学(清州)49 삼육대(서울) 三育大学(首尔)50 강원대(강원) 江原大学(江原)51 제주대(제주) 济州大学(济洲)52 경상대(경남) 庆尚大学(庆南)53 서경대(서울) 西京大学(首尔)54 한국해양대(부산) 韩国海洋大学(釜山)55 한국예술종합(서울) 韩国艺术综合大学(首尔)56 부경대(부산) 釜庆大学(釜山)57 동아대(부산) 东亚大学(釜山)58 울산대(울산) 蔚山大学(蔚山)59 총신대(서울) 总神大学(首尔)60 성공회대(서울) 圣公会大学(首尔)61 수원대(경기) 水原大学(京畿)62 강남대(경기) 江南大学(京畿)63 용인대(경기) 龙仁大学(京畿)64 남서울대(천안) 南一大学(天安)65 조선대(광주) 朝鲜大学(光州)66 영남대(대구) 岭南大学(大邱)67 인제대(김해) 仁济大学(金海)68 공주대(충남) 公州大学(忠清南道)69 경성대(부산) 庆星大学(釜山)70 순청향대(충남) 顺天鄕大学校(忠南)71 동의대(부산) 东义大学(釜山)72 금오공대(대구) 金乌工科大学(釜山)73 원광대(전북) 圆光大学(全罗北道)74 한국체육대(서울) 韩国体育大学(首尔)75 추계예술대(서울) 秋溪艺术大学校(首尔)76 한신대(경기) 韩信大学(京畿)77 안양대(안양) 安养大学(安养)78 상지대(강원) 尚志大学(江原)79 계명대(대구) 启明大学(大邱)80한경대(안성) 韩京大学(安城)81경남대(마산) 庆南大学(马山)82 청주대(청주) 青州大学(清州)83 한림대(강원) 翰林大学(江原)84 협성대(경기) 协成大学(京畿)85 평택대(경기) 平泽大学(京畿)86 호서대(천안) 湖西大学(天安)87 강릉대(강원) 江陵大学(江原)88 안동대(안동) 安东大学(安东)89 창원대(부산) 昌原大学(釜山)90 한남대(대전) 韩南大学(大田)91 대진대(경기) 大真大学(京畿)92 부산외대(부산) 釜山外国语大学(釜山)93 우석대(전북) 又石大学(全州)94 대구대(대구) 大邱大学(大邱)95 서원대(충북) 西原大学(忠北)96 군산대(전북) 群山大学(全罗北道)97 관동대(강원) 关东大学校(江原)98 배재대(대전) 培材大学(大田)99 대전대(대전) 大田大学(大田)100 목원대(대전) 牧园大学(大田)中国教育部认可的韩国大学名单四年制大学(可授予学士及学士以上的学位)Ajou UniversityAndong National UniversityAnyang UniversityAsia United Theological UniversityBusan National University of EducationBusan Presbyterian Theological College & SeminaryCalvin UniversityCatholic University of DaeguCatholic University of PusanChangwon Nationao UniversityCheju National UniversityCheju National University of EducationChinju National University of EducationChodang UniversityChonbuk National UniversityChonbuk National University of EducationChongju UniversityChongshin UniversityChongnam National UniversityChosun UniversityChugye University for ArtsChunchen National University of EducationChung-Ang UniversityChungbuk National UniversityChungju National UniversityChungnam National UniversityChungwoon UniversityCollege of Medicine,Pochon Cha UniversityDaebul UniversityDaegu National University of EducationDaegu UniversityDaejeon UniversityDae Jin UniversityDan Kook UniversityDong-A UniversityDongduk Women’s UniversityDong-eui UniversityDongguk UniversityDonghae UniversityDongseo UniversityDongshin UniversityDongyang UniversityDuksung Women’s UniversityEulji University Scool of MedicineEwha Womans UniversityFar East UniversityGachon Medical ShoolGongju National University of Education Gyeongsang National UniversityHalla UniversityHallym UniversityHanbat National UniversityHandong UniversityHanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary Hankuk Aviation UniversityHankuk University of Foreign StudiesHankyong National UniversityHan Nam UniversityHansei UniversityHanseo UniversityHansung UniversityHanyang UniversityHanyoung Theological UniversityHonam Theological University & SeminaryHonam UniversityHongik UniversityHoseo UniversityHowon UniversityHyupsung UniversityInchon Catholic UniversityInchon National University of EducationInformation and Communication UniversityInha UniversityInje UniversityJeonju National University of EducationJeonju UniversityJinju National University of IndustryJoongbu UniversityJungang Seunggha UniversityKAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Kangnam UniversityKangnung National UniversityKangwon National UniversityKaya UniversityKeimyung UniversityKkottongnae Hyundo University of Social-welfareKongju National UniversityKonkuk UniversityKonyang UniversityKookmin UniversityKorea Baptist Theological College & SeminaryKorea Maritime UniversityKorea National Open UniversityKorea National University of EducationKorea Nazarine UniversityKorea Polytechnic UniversityKorea UniversityKorea University of Technology and EducationKorea Bible UniversityKorea National University of Physical EducationKumoh National University of Technology Kunsan National UniversityKwandong UniversityKwangju Catholic UniversityKwangju National University of Education Kwangju UniversityKwangju Women’s UniversityKwangshin UniversityKwangwoon UniversityKyonggi UniversityKyongju UniversityKyungdong UniversityKyung Hee UniversityKyungil UniversityKyungnam UniversityKyungpook National UniversityKyungsan UniversityKyungsung UniversityKyungwon UniversityKyungwoon UniversityLuther Theological UniversityMethodist Theological SeminaryMiryng National UniversityMokpo Catholic UniversityMokpo National Maritime UniversityMokpo National UniversityMokwon UniversityMyong Ji UniversityMyungsin UniversityNambu UniversityNamseoul UniversityPai Chai UniversityPohang University of Science and Technology Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary Pukyong National UniversityPusan National UniversityPusan University of Foreign Studies Pyongtaek UniversitySahmyook UniversitySamchok National UniversitySangji UniversitySangju National UniversitySangmyung UniversitySemyung UniversitySeokyeong UniversitySeonam UniversitySeoul Christian UniversitySeoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary Seoul National UniversitySeoul National University of EducationSeoul National University of TechnologySeoul Theological UniversitySeoul Woman’s UniversitySeowon UniversitySilla UniversitySogang UniversitySookmyung Women’s University Soonchunhyang UniversitySoong Sil UniversitySunchon National UniversitySungkonghoe UniversitySung Kyul UniversitySung Kyun Kwan UniversitySungshin Women’s UniversitySunmoon UniversitySunwon Catholic UniversityTaegu Arts UniversityTaejon Catholic UniversityTaeshin Christian UniversityTamna UniversityThe Catholic University of KoreaThe University of SeoulThe University of SuwonTongmyong University of Information Technology Uiduk UniversityUniversity of InchonUniversity of UlsanWonkwang UniversityWoosong UniversityWoosuk UniversityYeungnam UniversityYewon UniversityYongin UniversityYonsei UniversityYosu National UniversityYoungdong UniversityYoungnam Theological College & SeminaryYoungsan UniversityYoungsan Won-Buddhist University单独设立的“大学院”(只授予硕士、博士学位)Berea University of Graduate StudiesDaehan Theological SeminaryGospel Theological SeminaryHapdong Theological SeminaryInformation and Communication UniversityInternational Design School For Advanced StudiesJungang Graduate School of TheologyKDI School of International Policy and ManagementKukje Theological University and SeminaryKyeyak Graduate School of TheologySeoul Bible Graduate School of TheologySungsan Hyodo University of Graduate StudiesSeoul Sports Graduate SchoolTransnational Law & Business UniversityTorch Trinity Graduate School of TheologyWestminster Graduate School of TheologyWon Buddhism Graduate SchoolYeail Thological Seminary英汉对照Ajou University * 亚洲大学*2. 2。

01 国际商法概述

01 国际商法概述

由于各国商法规定的不同,在处理同一问题 时,依一国法律有效的法律关系,而依另一国 法律可能不成立,也即法律冲突。


(1)本案应适用国际商法吗? 本案应适用国际商法。国际商法是调整国际商事关系的 法律规范的总称。本案所涉及的社会关系是商事关系, 虽然A是自然人,其购买行为是消费行为,但商场是商 事主体,所以,A与商场的关系属于商事关系;当事人 的国籍与行为地分别属于不同国家,具有国际因素,因 此,本案涉及的商事关系属于国际商事关系,可以适用 国际商法。
曹祖平 新编国际商法 中国人民大学出版社 2004
金晓晨 国际商法 首都经贸大学出版社 2006
一个19岁的西班牙留学生A在中国的某商场买了一块价格 昂贵的瑞士名表。其父母听说后,坚决不同意,要求退货,理 由是根据西班牙法律21岁为完全民事行为能力人,A只有19岁 ,未达到法定年龄,属于限制民事行为能力人,其所进行的超 出其能力范围的行为应征得监护人的同意,否则无效。
市场行为法 市场经济 中的商法 体系
2.国际商法---International Business Law / International Commercial Law 调整商事组织和国际商事交易(商事关系)的 法律规范的总和。 “International” ·政治意义—国家与国家之间 not between nations ·地理意义—跨越国界 transnational





1. 《国际贸易法》(International Trade Law):作者为庄德平教授。


2. 《国际投资法》(International Investment Law):作者为谷瑞琳教授。


3. 《跨国公司法》(Transnational Corporation Law):作者为郭宏才教授。


4. 《知识产权法》(Intellectual Property Law):作者为马卫国教授。




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广东商学院各院课程(中英文翻译)一.管理学院The College of Management1. 管理学Management2. 生产与作业管理Production and Operation Management3. 业务流程管理Business Process Management4. 战略管理Strategic Management5. 质量管理Quality Management6. 分销渠道管理Distr i bu t io n Management7. 服务市场营销Service Marketing8. 零售学Retail Management9. 市场调研Marketing Research10. 消费者行为学Consumer Behavior11. 整合营销传播Integrated Marketing Communications12. 市场营销学M a r keting'13. 工作分析Job A n alysis14. 绩效管理Performance Manag em ent15. 劳动关系Labor R el at ions16. 劳动经济学Lab or Econo mics17. 人力资源管理H uman Resou r ce M a n ag em ent18. 薪酬管理P ay m e nt Management19. 员工素质测评Employee Assessment and Selection20. 组织行为学Organizational Behavior21. 仓储管理Warehouse and Storage Management22. 供应链管理Supply Chain Management23. 物流系统分析与设计Analysis and Design of Logistic System24. 物流学Logistics二.会计学院The College of Accounting1. 财务管理学Financial Management2. 成本与管理会计学Cost a n d Management Accoun t ing3. 初级财务管理Fundamentals o f Financial Management4. 初级财务会计学Primary Financial Accounting5. 高级财务管理学Advanced Financial Management6. 高级财务会计学Advanced Financial Accounting7. 会计信息系统A c counting Information System8. 会计学Accounting9. 审计学Auditing10. 中级财务管理I ntermediate Financial Manage ment11. 中级财务会计学(上) Intermedia te Financia l Ac c ounting (I)12. 中级财务会计学(下) Intermedia te Financia l Ac c ounting (I I)13. 资本市场运作Ca pit al Ma rk et Opera t io n三.财税与公共管理学院The Co ll ege o f T ax a t i on a nd P ub lic F i n a nce Admi n i strat i on1. 财政学Publi c Fin a nce2. 税收概论 A Survey of R even u e3. 税收管理Tax A d m ini s trati on4. 西方财政学W est Pu blic Fi n a nce .5. 财政预算F i scal B udg e t6. 中国税制C h in e se Tax Sy s t e m7. 国际税收Inte rn ati o nal R e v e n ue8. 当代中国政府与政治Contempo r ary Chin ese Government and Politics9. 管理学原理Principle of Man a g ement Science10. 领导科学The Science of L e a dership11. 行政管理学Administrati on12. 行政学说史 A H is tory o f Publi c Adm i nistration Theory13. 政治学Politics14. 组织行为学Or g aniz a tional Behavior15. 电子政务Electronic Governmen t16. 公共管理学Pu bl i c Manag ement17. 公共事业管理P ublic Affai r M a na ge men t18. 管理文秘Se c retary M a nag e men t19. 文化管理理论与实践Theory a nd Prac ti ce o f Cultur e Managemen t20. 文化学导论Introduction t o C u l tu r e21. 中国文化简史 A History o f Chines e Cultu re22. 公共部门公共关系学Public Sec t ion Public Relat i ons23. 公共人力资源管理Public Human Resour c e Management24. 公共政策Public Decision25. 文化产业概论Culture Industry Mana g ement四.金融学院The College of Finance1. 国际金融Int e rnational Finance2. 金融风险管理Financi a l Risk Management .3. 金融工程学Financial En g ineering4. 金融计量学Fin a n ci al E conometri c s5. 金融经济学Financi a l E c onom ics6. 金融市场学Financial M arke t7. 金融市场营销F i n anci a l M ar ke t in g8. 投资银行理论与务实Th e ory and Practice of Investment Bank9. 证券投资学Secu r it i es I n ves tment10. 保险精算Insurance Actuary11. 保险学Insurance12. 保险市场营销Insurance Marketing13. 财产保险Property Insurance14. 风险管理Risk Management15. 公司金融Corporate Finance16. 人身保险Life Insurance17. 货币银行学Money Banking18. 金融学Finance19. 金融英语English on Finance20. 金融理论前沿专题Current Issues in Financial Theories21. 商业银行业务管理Business Management o f Commercial Bank22. 数理金融Mathematica l Finance23. 投资决策经济分析Economic Analysis for Investment Decision24. 投资学Investment25. 衍生金融工具概论Introduction to Derivativ e Financial Instruments26. 中央银行业务Operations o f Central B a nk s五.经济贸易与统计学院T h e Co lle g e of Econo mics and Statistics1. 初级宏观经济学(及双语“宏观经济学”)Principl es o f Mac ro economics (or Macroeconomics)2. 初级微观经济学(含双语“微观经济学”)P rinciple s o f M ic roe c on o m ics (o r M icr o ec o n omi cs)3. 发展经济学Developme n t Economics4. 中级宏观经济学I nt er mediate Macroeconomics5. 中级微观经济学I nte r mediate Microeconomics6. 宏观经济学M ac roe c o nomics7. 经济学概论P r i ncip le of Economics8. 外国经济思想史F or e i g n E conomic Thought9. 微观经济学Microeconomics10. 西方经济学流派Schools of Western Economics11. 社会主义政治经济学Socialist Political Economics12. 国际贸易Interna t iona l Tra d e13. 国际贸易务实Practice of Inte rn ational Trade14. 国际企业管理Inte rnational Corporation Management15. 国际商务概论G eneral Theories of International Business .16. 国际市场营销学International Marketing17. 跨国公司经营与管理Oper ation and M a n agem e n t of Transnational Corporation18. 世界经济World Economy19. 外经贸英语函电B u siness English Correspondence20. 中国对外贸易概论An Introduction to Foreign Trade of China21. 国民经济统计学National Economic Statistics22. 多元统计分析Multivariate Statist i c Analysis23. 计量经济学Econom e tric s24. 时间序列分析Time Series Analys i s25. 数理统计Mathem a tical Stati s tics26. 统计学S t a t ist i cs27. 社会统计学Social S t a t ist i cs六.法学院The Coll e ge of Law1. 法理学Jurisprudence2. 犯罪心理学Crimine Psychology3. 犯罪学Criminology4. 国际法学International Law5. 国际商法International Commercial Law6. 国际私法学Private I nternational Law7. 合同法学Contract Law8. 经济法学Economic Law9. 民法学Civil L aw10. 民事诉讼法学Code of Civil Law11. 商法学Commercial Law12. 宪法学The Science of Constitution13. 刑法学Criminal Law14. 刑事诉讼法学Criminal Procedure Law15. 行政法与行政诉讼法Adm in istrat i ve Law and Administrative Procedure Law16. 证据法学Evidence Law17. 知识产权法Intellectual Property Law18. 中国法制史The History of Chinese Law System19. 安全防范技术Policing Alarming Technique for Security20. 保卫学Security Science21. 道路交通管理学Road Traffic Administration22. 法医学Forensic Medicine23. 公安管理学Police Administrat i on Science24. 公安学基础理论Basic Theory of Police Science25. 公安应用文写作Practical Writing for Public Security26. 户政管理学Household Registration Administration27. 警务技能Police Vocation Skills .28. 司法鉴定学Forensic Science29. 侦查学Criminal Investigation30. 治安处罚Public Order Punishment31. 治安管理学Public Order Administration32. 治安学The Public Security Science七.旅游与环境学院The College of Tourism and Environmen t1. 服务管理Service Man a gement2. 旅游管理信息系统Tourism Management Information Systems3. 旅游市场营销学Tou ris m Marketing4. 酒店经营管理Hotel Management5. 旅游人力资源管理Human Resources Management in Tou r i s m6. 旅行社经营管理Operation and Management of Tr a vel Servi c e7. 旅游公共关系学To u rism Public Relations8. 旅游心理学Tourism P s ychology9. 旅游学An Introduction to Tourism Studie s10. 日语(第二外语) Japanese (Second Foreign Language)11. 旅游英语Tourism English12. 经济地理学Economic Geography13. 地图与遥感应用Cartography and Remote Sense14. 区域规划Regional Planning15. 人文地理学Human Geography16. 自然地理学Physical Geography ·17. 自然资源学Science of Natural Resour c es18. 城市地理学U r ban Geography19. 城市规划原理Urban P lannin g20. 地理信息系统Geographic In f o r mation Systems21. 地质学基础Basics of Geology22. 环境科学概论En v i r onmental Science23. 土地评价与管理Land Evaluation and Management24. 资源与环境经济学Economics of Environment and Resources25. 旅游环境学Tourism Environment26. 旅游经济学Tourism Economics27. 旅游资源开辟与管理E xplo i tation and Management of Tourism Resources八.外国语学院The College of Foreign la nguages1. 大学英语I College English I2. 大学英语II College English II3. 大学英语III College English III4. 大学英语IV College English IV5. 大学英语V College English V6. 大学英语VI College EnglishVI7. 国际商务英语综合课Compreh ensive English Course of International Business8. 当代商学概论An Introduction to Contemporary Business9. 翻译理论研究Translat i on Theo ry10. 高级英语Advanced E n glis h11. 管理学概论Managemen t12. 国际贸易务实I mport & Ex p ort P r ac ti c e s13. 国际商法I n t e rnationa l Busi n ess L aw…14. 国际市场营销Marketi n g15. 汉英笔译Chinese-Eng l ish T r ansla tion16. 基础英语B asic English17. 经济学概论 A Survey of Eco n o m ics18. 论文写作T h esis Writing19. 美国文学史及选读American L e r ature: A Survey20. 商务函电Bu s i ness English Correspondence21. 商务洽谈Bu siness Neg o tiation22. 译文研究The Appreciation of Target Language23. 英国文学史及选读English Literature: A Survey24. 英汉笔译Eng l ish-Chinese T r ansla tion25. 英汉口译Eng l ish-Chinese Interpretation26. 英语(二外) Eng l ish as a Second Foreign Language27. 英语泛读Extensive Reading28. 英语国家概况Eng l ish-Speaking Countries: A Survey29. 英语口语Oral English30. 英语写作Eng l ish Writing31. 英语语言学概论An Introduction to English Linguistics32. 英语语音Eng l ish Pronunciation and Intonation33. 汉英口译Chinese-Eng l ish Inte r p re tati on34. 日语二外Japanese ( Second Foreign Language)九.人文与传播学院The College of Humanities and Communication1. 外国文学史History of Foreign Literature2. 文体写作Style of Writing3. 中国古代文学史The Ancient Chinese Literature4. 中国古典文献学Knowledge about the Literature of Classical Chinese Culture5. 中国现代文学史History of Modern Chinese Literature6. 语言学史学 A Historical Approach to Chinese Linguistics7. 汉语史History of Chinese Language8. 比较文学Comparative Literature9. 民间文学Folklore10. 基础写作Ba s ic Writing11. 马克思主义文论Marxist Theories on Art and Literature12. 文学概论A Survey of Literature13. 中国当代文学史History of Contemp o rary Chinese Literature14. 古代汉语Ancient Chinese15. 语言学概论An Introduc t ion to Ling u ist i cs16. 现代汉语Modern Chinese Langu a ge17. 大众传播学 A General Introduction to M a ss Communication18. 广播电视学An Introduction to TV and Broadcasting19. 广告学Advertising20. 马列新闻论著选读The Selective Readin g s of Marx an d Lenin on News21. 新闻编辑News Editing22. 新闻采访与写作News Interviewing and Writing23. 新闻摄影Photojournalism24. 新闻事业管理Journalism Admin i stration25. 中国历代文学作品选Selected Readi n gs of the Masterp i eces of Chinese Classical Literature26. 中国新闻事业史The History of Chinese Journal i sm27. 外国新闻事业史The Hi story of Foreign News Enterprise28. 新闻法规与职业道德News Regu l ations and Professional Morality29. 新闻评论New C r it icism30. 新闻学概论An Introduction to Journalism31. 版权与图书外贸Copyright and Boo k s Fo re i g n Trade32. 报刊编辑学The Edit o r i al S t udies of Prin ti ng Med i a33. 出版社管理Management of Publishing House34. 出版现代技术Modern Publishing Techno l ogy35. 书籍编辑学Studies on Books Edition36. 书业法律基础An I ntroduction to L aws in Publishing Industry37. 图书学Studies on Books38. 外国编辑出版史A H istory of Foreign Ed i ting & Publi c ation39. 中国编辑出版史 A Hi sto r y o f Chinese Editing & Publica t ion40. 出版发行学基础Publi c ation Basis41. 出版美学与装帧设计Publi c ation Aesthetics and Binding Design42. 音响电子出版物Video and Electronic Publi c ation43. 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Designing44. 图形设计Graphics Design45. 构成研究Fundaments of Designing46. 广告摄影与摄像(摄影基础) Basics of Photography47. 编辑学概论A n Introdu c tion to Edit i on48. 创意思维Creative Thinkinig49. 编排设计L a yout De s i g ning50. 品牌研究Research o n Brand51. 设计素描De s i g n Draw i ng52. 广告心理学A dve r ti sement Psychology53. 传播学概论An Introduction to Communication Theory54. 广告效果研究方法Studies of Eff e ctiv e A dv e rt i s e ment55. 设计色采The R ese arch on Color Designing56. 广告媒体研究Analysis of Advertis i n g Media57. 广告策划与创意Advertisement Plan ni n g a nd C r eating58. 广告经营与管理学Advertisement Op e rat i on & Management59. 平面广告设计Print Advertisement Design60. 中外广告法规与广告职业道德Laws & Foreign and Do m estic Regulation s of Advertising A cti vi tie s61. 广告摄影与摄像(视频摄录与编辑) Advertising Photo & V i deo (Video Shooting & Editing)62. 广告创意与案例Advertisement C r eat i on and Cases Stadies63. 艺术概论An In tr oduction to Art64. 广告文案写作A dvertisement Document Writing65. 电视广告创作The Creation of Commercials66. 广告史The H i story of Advertising67. 广告学概论An Introduction to Advertisin g68. 社会学概论So ci olog y69. 社会政策概论An Introduction to Social Policy70. 当代社会问题Contemporary Social Problems71. 国外社会学理论Foreign Sociological Theories72. 社区工作Community Work73. 心理学概论An Introduction to Psychology74. 人类行为学与社会环境Human Behavior and Social Environment75. 社会调查研究方法Methods of Social Survey and Research76. 社会保障概论 A General Introduction to Social Security77. 现代社会福利思想Theories for Modern Social Welfare78. 社会心理学Social Psychology79. 社会保障法Social Security Law80. 社会行政Social Administration81. 社会工作概论An Introduction to Social Work82. 西方社会工作理论与实践Foreign Social Work Theory and Practice83. 小组工作Group Work84. 个案工作Social Case Work85. 中国社会思想史The History of Social Thought in China十.信息学院The College of Information1. 组织战略与行为学Organizing Strategy and Behavior2. 电子商务Electronic Commerce3. 电子商务安全Secure E-commerce Technology4. 电子商务管理E-Commerce Management5. 电子商务物流E-Commerce Logistics6. 电子商务系统开辟与管理Electronic Business System Development and Management7. 电子商务信息系统Electronic Bnsiness Information System8. 电子商务英语English for Electronic Commerce9. 电子支付与电子银行E-payment and E-bank10. 计算机组成原理Computer Organization Principles11. 离散数学Discrete Mathematics12. 面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming13. 软件测试技术Software Testing Technology14. 软件构件与中间件技术Software Component and Middleware Technology15. 数值分析Analysis of Numerical Value16. 数字逻辑与数字电路Digital Logic and Digital Circuit17. 网络金融学Network Finance18. 网络经济学Internet economics19. 网络营销Network Marketing20. 系统分析与设计System Analysis & Design21. 信息管理学Information Management22. 编译原理Principles of Compiler23. 操作系统Operating System24. 程序设计Programming Languages and Programming ..25. 电路与摹拟电子技术Circuit and Analog Electronics Technique26. 电子商务概论(双语) Electronic Commerce27. 管理信息系统Management Information System28. 汇编语言程序设计Programming by Assemble Language29. 计算机科学导论An Introduction to Computer Science30. 计算机网络Computer Network ·31. 专业英语(计算机) English for Computer Science and Technology32. 人工智能基础An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence33. 软件工程Software Engineering34. 数据结构Data Structure35. 数据库理论Database Principles36. 统一建模语言及建模工具Unified Modeling Language and Modeling Tools37. 微机接口技术Interface Technology of Micro Computer38. 系统分析设计与UML 语言System Analysis & Design and UML39. 计算机应用信息系统Computer Application Information System40. 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer and Application41. 信息系统分析与设计Information System Analysis and Design42. 专业英语(信息管理与信息系统) Professional English for Information Management &System43. 信息组织与检索Information Organizing and Retrieval44. 专业英语(软件工程) English for Software Engineering十一. 数学与计算科学系The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science1. 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations2. 概率论与数理统计Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics3. 数学分析Mathematics Analysis4. 高等代数Higher Algebra5. 高等数学概论 A Survey of Advanced Mathematics6. 高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Program7. 高等数学Advanced Mathematics8. 计算方法Computational Methods9. 计算机图形学Computer Graphics10. 计算智能Computing Intelligence11. 空间解析几何Space Analytic Geometry12. 数学模型Mathematical Model13. 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing14. 微积分Calculus15. 线性代数Linear Algebra16. 信息科学概论An Introduction to Information Science17. 信息与编码Information Theory and Coding18. 运筹学Operations Research。

商务英语阅读(专业篇) Unit 8

商务英语阅读(专业篇)  Unit 8
National law plays an important role in international business law. For instance, the parties may choose Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China as the applicable law to make a contract…
International Business Law International business law regulates various affairs of international business transaction and international commercial organizations. International business law includes usually: contract law, sales law, company law, negotiable instrument law, marine law, insurance law,etc. Business law is born and develops with the development of commodity economy. Historically, business law came into being during the ancient Roman period(B.C.700) as early as 2600 years ago, but at that time business law was only a part of private law. Modern international law refers chiefly to European business law which originated from “Law merchant” of Middle-Ages.



所谓国际商法(international business law,或
international commercial law),是指调整国际商事交易和商事组织的各种关系的法律规范和惯例的总和。











这些交易已远远超出了传统商法调整的范围,有人将其称为国际商事交易,并把调整这些交易的法律统称为国际交易法(the law of international transactions),或国际商法。






二、学制与学位授予类型学制:四年学位授予类型:经济学学士(Bachelor of economics)三、主要课程教材及参考书课程名称:微观经济学Microeconomics教材:《Economics—上册,Macroeconomics》(美)斯蒂格利茨,中国人民大学出版社,2008年版参考书:1、《Microeconomics》(美)曼昆,中国人民大学出版社,2008年版2、《Microeconomics》(美)Robert.S.Pindyck,清华大学学出版社2007年版3、《Microeconomics》(美)哈伯德,机械工业出版社2007年版4 、《经济学》(美)萨缪尔森,华夏出版社2006年版5、《西方经济学》第三版,高鸿业编,中国人民大学出版社;2007年版6、《西方经济学学习与教学手册》,高鸿业编,中国人民大学出版社;2007年版7、《现代西方经济学教程》上册,魏埙主编,南开大学出版社,2005年版课程名称:宏观经济学Macroeconomics教材:《Macroeconomics》(美)曼昆,中国人民大学出版社,2008年版参考书: 1、《Economics—下册,Macroeconomics》(美)斯蒂格利茨,中国人民大学出版社,2008年版2、《Macroeconomics》(美)哈伯德,机械工业出版社2007年版3、《经济学》(美)萨缪尔森,华夏出版社2006年版4、《西方经济学》第三版,高鸿业编,中国人民大学出版社;2007年版5、《西方经济学学习与教学手册》,高鸿业编,中国人民大学出版社;2007年版6、《现代西方经济学教程》上册,魏埙主编,南开大学出版社,2005年版课程名称:管理学 Management教材:《管理学》,周三多主编,高教出版社,2000版。



1.全球化的商务活动国际商务:(international business)跨国企业:(multinational enterprise)对外直接投资:(foreign direct investment)全球商务:(global business)新兴经济体:(emerging economies)新兴市场:(emerging markets)国内生产总值:(gross domestic product)购买力评价法:(purchasing power parity)三大经济体:(triad)金字塔底层: (base of the pyramid)反向创新: (reverse innovation)外派经理: (expatriate manager)跨国补贴: (international premium)外商劣势: (liability of foreignness)全球化: (globalization)风险管理: (risk management)情景规划:(scenario planning)半全球化: (semiglobalization)非政府组织: (nongovernment qrganization) 2.理解政治、法律和经济制度:(institutions)制度转型: (institutional transitions)制度基础观:(institution-based view)制度框架:(institutional framework)正式的制度:(formal institutions)规章支柱:(regulatory pillar)非正式制度:(informal institutions)规范支柱:(normative pillar)认知支柱:(cognitive pillar)交易成本:(transaction costs)机会主义:(opportunism)有限理性:(bounded rationality)政治体制:(political system)民主制:(democracy)集权制:(totalitarianism)政治风险:(political risk)法律体系:(legal system)大陆法:(civil law)普通法:(common law)神权法:(theocratic law)智力资产:(intellectual property)知识产权:(intellectual property rights)国有企业:(state-owned enterprise)道德风险:(moral hazard)专利:(patent)版权:(copyright)商标:(trademark)盗版:(priracy)经济体制:(economic system)市场经济体制:(market economy)计划经济体制:(command economy)混合经济体制:(mixed economy)主权财富基金:(sovereign wealth fund)3.重视文化、道德和规范民族中心主义:(ethnocentrism)社会结构:(social structure)社会分层:(social stratification)社会流动性:(social mobility)低语境文化:(low-context culture)权利距离:(power distance)个人主义:(individualism)集体主义:(collectivism)文明:(civilization)族群:(cluster)男性特征:(masculinity)女性特征:(femininity)不确定性规避:(uncertainty avoidance)长期导向:(long-term orientation)道德:(ethics)行为准则:(code of conduct)道德相对主义:(ethical relativism)道德帝国主义:(ethical imperialism)腐败:(corruption)文化智慧:(cultural intelligence)《反海外腐败法》:(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) 4.在全球利用能力资源基础观:(resource-based view)SWOT分析:(SWOT analysis)资源:(resources)能力:(capability)价值链:(value chain)基准分析法:(benchmarking)商品化:(commoditization)外包:(outsourcing)离岸经营:(offshoring)近岸经营:(onshoring)圈养资源:(captive sourcing)因果模糊:(causal ambiguity)辅助资产:(complementary assets)社会复杂性:(social complementary)VRIO框架:(VRIO framework)有形的资源与能力:(tangible resources and capabilities)无形的资源与能力:(intangible resources and capabilities)原始设备制造商:(original equipment manufacturer)原始设计制造商:(original design manufacturer)原始品牌制造商:(original brand manufacturer)5.国际贸易贸易逆差:(trade deficit)贸易顺差:(trade surplus)贸易平衡:(balance of trade)古典贸易理论:(classical trade theories)现代贸易理论:(modern trade theories)重商贸易理论:(theory of mercantilism)保护主义:(protectionism)自由贸易:(free trade)绝对优势理论:(theory of absolute advantage)比较优势:(comparative advantage)绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机会成本:(opportunity cost)要素禀赋:(factor endowments)要素禀赋理论:(factor endowments theory)先动者优势:(first-mover advantage)钻石理论:(diamond theory)资源可流动性:(resource mobility)关税壁垒:(tariff barrier)进口关税:(import tariff)净损失成本:(dead-weight costs)非关税壁垒:(nontariff barrier)补贴:(subsidies)进口配额:(import quota)自愿出口限制:(voluntary export restraint)当地含量要求:(local content requirement)行政管理政策:(administrative policy)反倾销税:(antidumping duty)幼稚产业观点:(infant industry argument)贸易禁令:(trade embargo)国家产业竞争优势理论:(theory of national competitive advantage of industries)战略性贸易理论:(strategic trade theory)产品生命周期理论:(product life cycle theory)战略性贸易政策:(strategic trade policy)6.对外直接投资对外证券投资:(foreign portfolio investment)管理控制权:(management control rights)欧力优势:(OLI advantages)所有权:(ownership)区位:(location)内部化:(internalization)扩散风险:(dissemination risks)积聚效应:(agglomeration)知识溢出:(knowledge spillover)市场失败:(market failure)激进观点:(radical view on FDI)市场的不完善:(market imperfection)自由市场观点:(free market view on FDI)实用民族主义:(pragmatic nationalism)技术溢出:(technology spillover)示范效用:(demonstration effect)议价能力:(bargaining power)沉没成本:(sunk cost)议价能力衰减:(obsolescing bargain)感染和模仿效应:(contagion or imitation effect)水平对外直接投资:(horizontal FDI)垂直对外直接投资:(vertical FDI)上游垂直对外直接投资:(upstream vertical FDI)下游垂直对外直接投资:(downstream vertical FDI)对外直接投资流量:(FDI flow)对外直接投资存量:(FDI stock)7.外汇交易外汇汇率:(foreign exchange rate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)国际收支平衡:(balance of payments)浮动汇率制:(floating exchange rate policy)自由浮动:(clean float)有管理的浮动:(dirty float)目标汇率:(target exchange rates)爬行带:(crawling bands)固定汇率制:(fixed exchange rate policy)盯住:(peg)顺风车效应:(bandwagon effect)资本外逃:(capital flight)金本位制:(gold standard)兑换中介:(common denominator)配额:(quota)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)即期交易:(spot transaction)远期交易:(foreign transaction)货币套期保值:(currency hedging)远期贴水:(forward discount)远期升水:(forward premium)货币互换:(currency swap)最低报价:(offer rate)买入价:(bid rate)价差:(spread)外汇风险:(currency risk)战略性对冲:(strategic headging)货币局制度:(currency board)布雷顿森林体系:(Bretton Woods System)国际货币基金组织:(International Monetary Fund)8.全球与区域一体化多边贸易体制:(multilateral trading system)非歧视性:(non-discrimination)自由贸易区:(free trade area)关税同盟:(customs union)共同市场:(common market)经济联盟:(economic union)货币联盟:(monetary union)政治联盟:(political union)区域经济一体化:(regional economic integration)全球经济一体化:(global economic integration) 9.进入外国市场区位优势:(location-specific advantages)文化距离:(cultural distance)制度差异:(institutional distance)先动者优势:(first-mover advantages)后动者优势:(late-mover advantages)进入规模:(scale of entry)进入模式:(mode of entry)非股权模式:(non-equity mode)股权模式:(equity mode)交钥匙工程:(turn key project)研发合同:(R&D contract)联合营销:(co-marketing)合资企业:(joint venture)全资子公司:(wholly owned subsidiary)绿地运营:(greenfield operation)10.创业型企业中小型企业:(small and medium-sized)创业:(entrepreneurship)创业者:(entrepreneurs)国际创业:(international entrepreneurship)风险投资者:(venture capitalist)小额信贷:(microfinance)天生国际企业:(born global)直接出口:(direct export)信用证:(letter of credit)许可证:(licensing)特许经营:(franchising)间接出口:(indirect export)出口中介:(export intermediary)连续创业者:(serial entrepreneur)阶段模型:(stage model)11.联盟与收购战略联盟:(strategic alliances)契约性联盟:(contractual alliances)基于股权联盟:(equity-based alliances)战略性投资:(stragic investment)交叉持股:(cross-shareholding)收购:(acquisition)合并:(merger)尽职调查:(due diligence)实物期权:(real option)学习竞赛:(learning race)关系能力:(relational capability)收购溢价:(acquisition premium)战略匹配:(strategic fit)组织匹配:(organizational fit)干中学:(learning by doing)过度自信:(hubris)管理动机:(managerial motives) 12.管理动态竞争动态竞争:(competitive dynamics)竞争者分析:(competitor analysis)合谋:(collusion)隐性合谋:(tacit collusion)显性合谋:(explicit collusion)反托拉斯法:(anti-trust law)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)博弈论:(game theory)集中度:(concentration ratio)价格领袖:(price leader)惩罚能力:(capacity to punish)市场共通性:(market commonality)多市场竞争:(multimarket competition)相互容忍:(mutual for bearance)跨市场报复:(cross-market retaliation)竞争政策:(competition policy)串通定价:(collusive prise setting)掠夺性定价:(predatory pricing)倾销:(dumping)反倾销法:(antidumping law)资源相似性:(resource similarity)攻击:(attack)反击:(counterattack)蓝海战略:(blue ocean strategy)防御者:(defender)扩展者:(extender)躲避者:(dodger)竞争者:(contender)13.战略与结构地区调适:(local responsiveness)母国复制战略:(home replication strategy)当地化战略:(localization strategy)卓越中心:(centres of excellence)全球托管:(world wide mandate)跨国战略:(transnational division strategy)国际部结构:(international division)地理区域结构:(geographic area structure)全球矩阵结构:(global matrix)组织文化:(organizational culture)知识管理:(knowledge management)显性知识:(explicit knowledge)隐性知识:(tacit knowledge)开放式创新:(open innovation)全球虚拟团队:(global virtual team)吸收能力:(absorptive capacity)社会资本:(social capital)子公司主导:(subsidiary initiative)全球客户结构:(global account structure)整合-响应模型:(integration-responsiveness framework)全球标准化战略:(global standar dization strategy)国家或区域经理:(country manager)全球产品部结构:(global product division structure)微观-宏观联系:(mocro-macro link)基于解决方案的结构:(solutions-based structure)14.公司治理融资:(financing)公司治理:(corporate governance)股权:(equity)股东:(shareholder)债务:(debt)债券:(bond)债券持有人:(bond-holder)违约:(default)资本成本:(cost of capital)跨境上市:(cross-listing)集中的所有权及控制权:(concentrated ownership and control)所有权分散:(diffused ownership)所有权和控制权相分离:(separation of ownership and control)首席执行官:(chief executive officer)高管团队:(top management team)代理关系:(agency relationship)委托人:(principal)代理人:(agent)代理理论:(agency theory)委托-代理冲突:(principal-agent conflicts)代理成本:(agency costs)信息不对称:(information asymmetries)委托-委托冲突:(principal-principal conflicts)剥削:(expropriation)挖墙脚:(tunneling)关联交易:(related transaction)内部董事:(inside director)外部董事:(outside director)CEO兼任:(CEOduality)基于话语的机制:(voice-based mechanisms)基于退出的机制:(exit-based mechanisms)私募股权:(private equity)杠杆收购:(leveraged buyout)股东型资本主义:(shareholder capitalism)管理人力资本:(managerial human capital)管家理论:(steward ship theory)15.公司社会责任公司社会责任:(corporate social responsibility)利益相关者:(stakeholder)三重底线:(triple bottom line)反应性战略:(reactive strategy)防御性战略:(defensive strategy)适应性战略:(accommodative strategy)行为准则:(codes of conduct)前瞻性战略:(proactive strategy)全球可持续发展:(global sustainability)首要利益相关者群体:(primary stakeholder groups)次要利益相关者群体:(secondary stakeholder groups)。



PUBLISHER Gideon Roberton BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS Adam Sargent, Nick Barette SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGERS Katherine Jablonowska, Thomas Lee, James Spearing ACCOUNT MANAGER Felicity Bown PUBLISHING COORDINATOR Lucy Brewer MARKETING ASSISTANT Chloe Mclauchlan EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Shani Bans HEAD OF PRODUCTION Adam Myers PRODUCTION EDITOR Jo Morley SUBEDITOR Timothy Beaver MANAGING DIRECTOR Richard Davey Published in the United Kingdom by Law Business Research Ltd, London 87 Lancaster Road, London, W11 1QQ, UK © 2014 Law Business Research Ltd No photocopying: copyright licences do not apply. The information provided in this publication is general and may not apply in a specific situation, nor does it necessarily represent the views of authors’ firms or their clients. The publishers accept no responsibility for any acts or omissions contained herein. All chapters were submitted, reviewed and approved by the authors between March and July 2014; however, shipping law is a fast-changing practice area, and experienced local legal advice should always be sought. Enquiries concerning reproduction should be sent to Law Business Research, at the address above. Enquiries concerning editorial content should be directed to the Publisher – gideon.roberton@ ISBN 978-1-909830-14-1 Printed in Great Britain by Encompass Print Solutions, Derbyshire Tel: 0844 2480 112

国际私法 英文名解汇总 纲目版

国际私法 英文名解汇总 纲目版

国际私法英文名解汇总纲目版第一章国际私法概述Civil and commercial legal relations with(involving) foreign elements = international civil and commercial legal relations 具(含)有涉外(国际)因素的民商事法律关系/跨国民商事法律关系/国际民商事法律关系/涉外民商事法律关系Conflict rules = rule of application of law = choice of law rules = rule of private international law 冲突规范/法律适用规范/法律选择规范/国际私法规范Substantive rules 实体规范Conflict of laws 法律冲突/法律抵触Interspatial conflict of laws 法律的空间冲突Interpersonal conflict of laws 法律的人际冲突Intertemporal conflict of laws = conflicts mobiles 法律的时际冲突/动态冲突Interregional conflict of laws 法律的区际冲突International conflict of laws 法律的国际冲突Horizontal conflict 平面冲突Vertical conflict 垂直冲突Jus civile 市民法Extraterritorial effect of laws 法律的域外效力Personal supremacy 属人优越权Territorial effect of laws 法律的域内效力Territorial supremacy 属地优越权Uniform substantive rules 统一实体法规范Supernational law 超国家规范Theory of statutes 法则区别说Post-glossarist 后期注释学者Private international law = 【法】droit international privé = 【意】diritto international privato = 【西】deracho international privato = 【葡】direito internacional privado 私国际法International private law = 【德】internationalen privatrechts 国际私法Conflicts law = 【荷】de conflictu legum = the law of the conflict of laws = the conflict of laws 冲突法/法律冲突法/法律冲突The Hague Conference of Private Internatioal Law 海牙国际私法会议第二章国际私法的渊源Forum shopping 挑选法院Regulations 规定Directives 指令第三章国际私法立法与学说的历史发展/国际私法的历史Theory of statutes 法则区别说Statuta 法则Statuta realia 物的法则Statuta personalia 人的法则Statuta mixta 混合法则Lex originis 出生地法Jus civile 市民法Jus gentium 万民法Period of racial laws = period of personal laws 种族法时期/属人法时期Post-glossarist 后期注释法学派Bartolus 巴托鲁斯Baldus 巴尔多(斯)Charles Dumoulin 杜摩林Autonomie de la volonté =L'autonomie de la volonté = autonomy of will 意思自治原则D'Argentré达让特莱Ulicus Huber 胡伯De conflictu legum 法律冲突Comitas gentium 国际礼让说Savigny 萨维尼Sitz des rechtsverhältnisses 法律关系本座说Seat 本座Copernican revolution 哥白尼革命Mancini 孟西尼Story 斯托里Dicey 戴西Doctrine of vested rights 既得权说Theory of local law = local law theory 本地法说Cook 库克Judicial attitude 司法态度Theory of governmental interests analysis 政府利益说Brainerd Currie 柯里Principle of preference theory 优先选择原则说Cavers 卡弗斯Five-choice-influencing considerations = Better law approach 法律选择五点考虑/较好法律的方法Leflar 莱弗拉尔Doctrine of lex fori 法院地法说Ehrenzweig 艾伦茨威格Forum shopping 挑选法院Forum conveniens 方便法院Proper forum 适当法院Doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系说Fuld 富德Reese 里斯Bartiffol 巴迪福Particularism---nationalism school 特殊主义——国家主义学派Zitelmann 齐特尔曼Universalism---internationalism school 普遍主义——国际主义学派Rabel 拉沛尔Kegel 克格尔Interesse jurisprudenz 利益法学Francescakis 弗朗西斯卡基斯Loi d'application immédiate 直接适用的法Exclusivnormen 专属规范Loi d'application nécessaire 必须适用的法Spatial conditional rules 空间受调解的规范Legislatively localized laws 立法定位法Particular choice of law clauses 特殊法律选择条款Proper law doctrine “自体法”理论Functional analysis 功用分析说Comparative-impairment approach 比较损害方法Comprehensive interest analysis 综合利益分析Comparative private international law school 比较法学派第四章冲突规范与准据法Conflict rules = rule of application of law = choice of law rules = rule of private international law 冲突规范/法律适用规范/法律选择规范/国际私法规范Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Category = Object of connection = classification of issue = operative facts 范围/连接对象/问题的分类/起作用的事实Attribution 系属Unilateral conflict rules 单边冲突规范Bilateral conflict rules = all-sided conflict rules 双边冲突规范Double rules for regulating the conflict of laws 重叠适用的冲突规范Choice rules for regulating the conflict of laws 选择适用的冲突规范Point of contact = connecting factor = connecting ground 连接点/连接因素/连接根据Natural connexion 自然联系Objective point of contact 客观连接点Subjective point of contact 主观连接点Variable point of contact 动态连接点Constant point of contact 静态连接点Anknǜpfungsbegriff 【德】法律概念(作为连接点)/连接概念Open-ended 开放的(连接点)Black-letter 硬性(连接点)Open-ended conflict rules 灵活性冲突规范Softening process 软化处理Dépécage 分割规则Proper law of the torts 侵权行为自体法Formula of attribution 系属公式Lex personalis 属人法Lex patriae 本国法/国籍国法Personal law of a legal person 法人属人法Lex domicilii 住所地法Habitual residence 惯常居所Lex rei sitae = lex loci situs = lex situs 物之所在地法Lex loci actus 行为地法Locus regit actum 场所支配行为Lex loci contractus 合同缔结地法Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法Lex loci delicti 侵权行为地法Lex loci celebratiois 婚姻举行地法Lex voluntatis 当事人合意选择的法律Autonomie de la volonté =L'autonomie de la volonté = autonomy of will 意思自治原则Lex fori 法院地法Law of the flag 旗国法Law of the place of the most significant relationship 最密切联系地法Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Rule of law 法律规范Conflicts mobiles 动态冲突Preliminary question = incidental problem 先决问题/附带问题Principal question 主要问题/本问题Result-selecting rules = rules-selecting rules 结果选择(方法)/规则选择Jurisdiction-selecting rules 管辖权选择方法Dépécage 分割方法The Comparative-impairment approach 比较损害方法Kentucky method 肯塔基方法The Functional analysis approach 功能分析方法Substance 实体问题Procedure 程序问题Right 权利(问题)/实体问题Remedy 救济(问题)/程序问题Statues of limitation 时效问题Borrowing statue(statute) “借用”法规Burden of proof 举证责任Presumptions 推定Presumptions of fact 事实的推定Presumptions of law 法律的推定Rebuttable presumptions of law 可反驳的法律推定Irrebuttable presumptions of law 不可反驳的法律推定第五章适用冲突规范的一般制度Characterization = qualification = classification = identification 识别/定性/分类Latente gesetzes kollisionen 隐存的法律冲突/识别冲突Conflict between conflic rules 冲突规则之间的冲突Movable property 动产Immovable property 不动产Personal property v. Real property Primary characterization 一级识别Secondary characterization 二级识别The theory of analytical jurisprudence and comparative law 分析法学与比较法说Funktionelle qualifikatic 功能定性说Renvoi 反致Remission = renvoi au premier degré直接反致/一级反致/狭义反致Transmission = renvoi au seconddegré转致/二级反致Indirect remission 间接反致/大反致Double renvoi = foreign court theory 双重反致/外国法院说Evasion of law = fraude a la loi = fraudulent creation of points of contact 法律规避/法律欺诈/僭窃法律/欺诈设立连接点Fraus omnia corrumpit 欺诈使一切归于无效Public order = public policy = 【法】ordre public = 【德】vorbehaltskausel 公共秩序/【英美】公共政策/【德】保留条款The reservation of public order 公共秩序保留制度Statuta odiosa 令人厌恶的法则Legal policy 法律政策Distinctive policy 特殊政策Repugnancy 可恶性perniciousness 有害性Viciousness 邪恶性Substantial contact 实质的联系The ascertainment of foreign law = proof of foreign law 外国法(内容)的查明/外国法的证明Jura novit curia 法官知法Artificial 矫揉造作Revisio in jure 法律审第六章国际私法的主体Nationality 国籍Allegiance 忠诚Obedience 服从Contract 契约Nationality by birth = nationalité de l'origine 生来国籍/原始国籍Jus sanguinis 血统主义Jus soli 出生地主义Nationalité secondaire 派生国籍/传来取得Nationalité effective 实际国籍Conflict of nationalities 国籍冲突Domicile of origin 原始住所Domicile of choice 选择住所Statutory domicile = domicile of dependency 法定住所/从属住所Residence 居所Habitual resident 习惯居所/惯常居所Legal person 法人Public body 公共团体State immunity 国家豁免Immunity from jurisdiction = immunity ratione personae 司法管辖豁免/属人理由的豁免Immunity from execution/immunity ratione materiae 执行豁免/属物理由的豁免The doctrine of absolute immunity 绝对豁免理论The doctrine of relative or restrictive immunity 限制豁免论/职能豁免论The doctrine of abolishing immunity 废除豁免论The doctrine of equal immunity 平等豁免论Immunity of state property 国家财产豁免Tate's letter 泰特公函National treatment 国民待遇Most-favoured-nation treatment = MFN 最惠国待遇Preferential treatment 优惠待遇(Treatment of) Generalized system of preference = GSP 普遍优惠待遇Non-discriminate treatment 非歧视待遇第七章民事身份和能力的法律适用Capacity for right (民事)权利能力Allgemeine Rechtsfähigkeit 一般权利能力Besondere Rechtsfähigkeit 特别权利能力Presumption of life 推定存活Declaration of absence 宣告失踪Declaration of death 宣告死亡/推定死亡Interdiction 禁治产Feeble mindedness 精神病/心神耗弱/低能Mental disordered 心神失常Mental infirmity 心神耗弱者第八章法律行为和代理的法律适用Locus regit actum 场所支配行为Agency of necessity 必要代理Agency from cohabitation 夫妻之间的代理Doctrine of implied warranty of authority 默示授权担保原则第九章涉外物权的法律适用Right in rem 物权Lex loci rei sitae = lex situs = Lex rei sitae物之所在地法Mobilia personam sequunrur = mobilia ossibus inhaerent = personalty has no locality 动产随人/动产附骨/动产无场所Chattels 动产Immovable 不动产Intangible movable 无体动产Shares 股份Nationalization 国有化Requisition 征用Confiscation 没收Expropriation 征收Trusts 信托Trust property 信托财产Uses 用益设计Fidei commissum 遗产信托Salmen 受托人制度第十章破产的法律适用Insolvency = bankruptcy 破产Rehabilitation 再建型程序Liquidation 清算型程序Reorganization 重整制度Reconciliation = compromise 和解制度Transnational insolvency =foreign-related insolvency =cross-border insolvency = international insolvency 跨国破产/涉外破产/越界破产/国际破产Cross-default 交叉违约Center of main interests 主要利益中心Universalism 破产普及主义/普遍性原则Doctrine of unity 单一破产理论Territoriality 破产属地主义/地域性原则Doctrine of pluralism 复合破产理论New pragmatism 新实用主义Modified universalism = cooperative territorialism 修正的普遍性原则/合作的地域性原则Cases ancillary to foreign proceedings 辅助外国程序的案件Factor list 因素清单Bank of commerce and credit international = BCCI 国际商业信贷银行第十一章票据的法律适用Negotiable instruments 流通票据Bills of exchange 汇票Promissory notes 本票Cheques 支票第十二章知识产权的法律适用Intangible property 无体财产权Intellectual property 知识产权/智慧产权Industrial property 工业产权Patent 专利Trade mark 商标Priority of registration “注册在先”原则Priority of use “使用在先”原则Copyright 著作权/版权Droit de autear 作者权理论Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 《保护工业产权的巴黎公约》Patent Cooperation Treaty 《专利合作条约》Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trademarks 《商标国际注册马德里协定》Berne Convention for the Protectionof Literary and ArtisticWorks 《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》Universal Copyright Convention 《世界版权公约》Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights = TRIPs 《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》Know-How 实用知识技术GATT 关税及贸易总协定Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合World Intellectual Property Organization = WIPO 世界知识产权组织World Trade Organization = WTO 世界贸易组织United Nations Educational Scientificand Cultural Organization = UNESCO 联合国教科文组织International Labour Organization = ILO 国际劳工组织第十三章涉外合同之债法律适用的基本制度Nationality 国籍标准Proper law of contract 合同自体法The principle of autonomy of the parties = Autonomy of will of the parties = autonomie de la volonté当事人意思自治原则/主观论The doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系原则The most real connection 最真实联系The doctrine of characteristic performance = characteristic performance = the doctrine of characteristic obligation 特征性履行方法(说;原则)/特征性债务原则/特征性给付说Centre of gravity 重力中心地grouping of contracts 关系聚集地Lex nulla 无法之法Mandatory rules = directly applicable rules = lois de police 强制规则/直接适用的法/警察法第十四章常用涉外合同之债的法律适用United Nations Commission on International Trade Law = UNCITRALSteering committee 指导委员会United Nations Convention on Contracts for The International Sale ofGoods = CISG 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》/《1980年维也纳公约》UN Treaty Section 联合国条约管理署Have adopted 批准了Contracting states 缔约国Reservation 保留Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 《维也纳条约法公约》International direct investment 国际直接投资International indirect investment orportfolio investment 国际间接投资International investment contract 国际投资合同International joint venture 国际合营企业United Nations Industrial Development Organization = UNIDO 联合国工业发展组织Equity joint venture 股权式合营企业Contractual joint venture 契约式合营企业Joint venture agreement 合营企业协议Joint operating agreement 联合作业协议Production sharing contract 产品分成合同The service contract 服务合同Concession agreement = economic development agreement 特许协议/经济开发协议Quasi-international agreement 准国际协定Transnational contract 跨国契约Build-own-operate = BOOBuild-own-operate-transfer = BOOT Build-lease-transfer = BTODesign-build-finance-operate = DBFO Build-operate-transfer BOT 建设——经营——移交Project company 项目公司Material goods 物质产品Non-profitable 不盈利Residual 不重要Service society 服务社会OECD 经济合作与发展组织GATS 服务贸易总协定第十五章涉外非合同之债的法律适用The law of the place of the tort 侵权行为地法The place of acting 加害行为实施地The place of injury 加害结果发生地The law of the forum 法院地法A mixture of the lex fori and the lex loci delicti = Rule of double actionability重叠适用侵权行为地法和法院地法/双重可诉原则Proper law of the torts 侵权行为自体法Unjust enrichment 不当得利Negotiorum gestio = voluntary agency 无因管理Quasi-contractual obligation 准合同之债第十六章国际海事法律冲突与法律适用Salvage at sea 海难救助/海上救助General average 共同海损Action in rem 对物诉讼第十七章涉外婚姻与亲权的法律适用Polygamous 一夫多妻制Service marriage 兵役婚姻Marriage on the high sea 公海婚姻Limping marriage 跛脚婚姻Judicial separation 请求别居Forum shopping 挑选法院Legitimation 准正Curatorship 保佐Presence 出现第十八章涉外继承关系的法律适用Personal representive 人格代表者(包括遗嘱执行人和遗产管理人)Unitary system 同一制/单一制Scission system 区别制/分割制Ultimate heir 最终继承人Ius regale over bona vacantia 国家对位于其领域内无主财产的先占权True successor 真正的继承人第十九章国际商事仲裁的法律适用Conflict of laws = International conflict of laws狭义的法律冲突/国际法律冲突Denationalization = delocalization非内国化/非当地化Material connecting factors 实质性连接因素Geographic criterion = Juridical criterion 地理标准/法律标准Amiable arbitration 友好仲裁/友谊仲裁International civil procedure 国际民事诉讼International commercial arbitration 国际商事仲裁Alternative dispute resolution = ADR 非诉讼争议解决方式/替代争议解决方法/选择性争议解决方式Rent judge 法官借用China International Ecomomic and Trade Arbitration Commission = CIETAC = The Court of Arbitration of China Chamber of International Commerce = CCOIC Court of Arbitration 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会/中国国际商会仲裁院Agreement of international commercial arbitration 国际商事仲裁协议Meeting of the minds 解决的合意Principal contract 主合同Arbitration clause 仲裁条款Submission agreement 仲裁协议书Litigation 排除诉讼Capacity (仲裁当事人的)资格The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards 《承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约》/《纽约公约》A half-way conflict rule 走到半路的冲突规则Competence/competence = 【法】competence de la competence = 【德】kopetenz/kopetenz 管辖权/管辖权原则//自裁管辖原则Denationalization 非内国化Legal persons of public law 公法法人The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and National of Other States 《解决国家与他国国民间投资争议的公约》/《华盛顿公约》Arbitrability 可仲裁性Subjective arbitrability 主观上的可仲裁性Objective arbitrability 客观上的可仲裁性A safety valve 安全阀Exclusive jurisdiction 排他的管辖权Severability of arbitration agreement = Doctrine of arbitration clause autonomy = separability of arbitration clause = severability of arbitration clause 仲裁协议独立性理论/仲裁条款自治性理论/仲裁条款分离性理论/仲裁条款分割性理论Substantive law 实体法Adjective law 程序法Lex fori 法院地国法Statuta realia 物的法则Statuta personalia 人的法则Statuta mixta 混合法则Lex arbitri 仲裁法Curial law 法庭法Rules of procedure of arbitration 仲裁程序规则Mandatory rules 强制性规则Denationalization = delocalization 非内国化理论/非本地化理论Lex mercatoria 商人习惯法Legal order 法律秩序Agency agreement 代理协定Transnational customary rules 跨国习惯规则The proper law of contract 合同自体法International chamber of commerce = ICC 国际商会Floating awards = a-national award = transnational award = supranational award = expatriate award “浮动”裁决/非国内裁决/跨国裁决/超国家裁决/无国籍裁决Transnational arbitration 跨国仲裁Rules of law 法律规则Reasonable basis 合理根据Conflict au premier degr 一级冲突Conflict au deuxieme degree 二级冲突Territorial theory 领域理论Jurisdictional theory 司法权学说Applicable 可适用的(冲突规则)Appropriate 适当的(冲突规则)Home state 本国False conflict situation 虚假冲突情况Rules of private international law 国际私法的一般原则Direct line = voie directe 直接适用的法International law = droit international = diritto internazionale = internationales recht “国际法”Concurrent laws 并存法Lex mercatoria 商人习惯法Law merchant 商法Quasi-public agreement 准公共协定Amiable arbitration 友好仲裁/友谊仲裁Internet 互联网World Wide Web = www 万维网Electronic commerce 电子商务Online dispute 网上争议/在线争议Alternative dispute resolution = ADR选择性争议解决方式/非诉讼争议解决方式/替代争议解决方法Online dispute resolution system 在线争议解决机制Online arbitration 网上仲裁Cyber tribunal arbitration 网络裁判庭仲裁机制Cyber tribunal 网络裁判庭The prevailing cyberspace practices 通行的网络惯例National Center for Automated Information Research 国家自动信息检索中心CNNIC 中国互联网信息中心CIETAC 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会Domain name 域名ICANN 美国互联网名称和代码分配公司World International Property Organization = WIPO 世界知识产权组织第二十章国际民事诉讼程序International jurisdiction = competence generale = competence internationale 国际管辖权/一般的管辖权Local jurisdiction = competence speciale = competence interne国内管辖权/特别的管辖权Competence generale directe 直接的一般管辖权Competence generale indirecte 间接的一般管辖权Par in parem non habet jurisdictionem 平等者之间无管辖权International judicial assistance in civil matters 国际(民事领域)司法协助Service = evidence abroad 司法协助Commissioner 特派员取证Public summons 公共传票Forcible service 强制送达Non-forcible service 非强制送达Nonformal service 非正式送达第二十一章国际商事仲裁程序Arbitration 仲裁/公断Arbitrability 争议可仲裁性Material connecting factors 实质性连接因素Geographic criterion = Juridical criterion 地理标准/法律标准Jurisdictional theory 司法权论Contractual theory 契约论Mixed theory 混合论Autonomous theory 自治论Arbitration clause 仲裁条款Future dispute 将来发生的争议Existing dispute 现有争议Submission to arbitration agreement 提交仲裁协议书Competence 自裁管辖Severability of arbitration agreement = Doctrine of arbitration clause autonomy = separability of arbitration clause = severability of arbitration clause 仲裁协议独立性理论/仲裁条款自治性理论/仲裁条款分离性理论/仲裁条款分割性理论To be invalid ab initio 从一开始就无效Ad hoc arbitration agency 临时仲裁机构/特别仲裁机构/专设仲裁机构Institutional arbitration 机构仲裁Arbitration Court of International Chamber of Commerce = ICC国际商会仲裁院International Chamber of Commerce = ICC 国际商会International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes = ICSID 解决投资争议国际中心Terms of reference 审理事项Arbitral proceedings 仲裁程序London Court of International Arbitration = LCIA 伦敦国际仲裁院Charted Institute of Arbitration 特许仲裁员协会The Arbitration of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce = SCC 斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院American Arbitration Association = AAA 美国仲裁协会Court of Arbitration of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce 苏黎世商会仲裁院Japan Commercial Arbitration Association = JCAA 日本国际商事仲裁协会WIPO Arbitration Center 世界知识产权组织仲裁中心China International Ecomomic and Trade Arbitration Commission = CIETAC = The Court of Arbitration of China Chamber of International Commerce = CCOIC Court of Arbitration 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会/中国国际商会仲裁院China Maritime Arbitration Commission = CMAC 中国海事仲裁委员会Hongkong International Arbitration Center 香港仲裁中心Final award 最后裁决Interim award 临时裁决Preliminary award 初裁决/预裁决Partial award 部分裁决Interlocutory award 中间裁决Consent award 合意裁决Default award 缺席裁决No proper notice 未给予适当通知Unable to present the case 未能提出申辩Final 终局的Binding 有约束力第二十二章区际法律冲突与区际私法Law district 法域Interregional conflict of laws = internal conflict of laws = interprovincial conflict of laws = intercantonal conflict of laws = interstate conflict of laws = interrepublican conflict of laws 区际法律冲突/国内法律冲突(还包括国内人际法律冲突)/省际法律冲突/(瑞士)州际法律冲突/(美澳)州际法律冲突/(前苏联)共和国之间的法律冲突The interregional conflict law = interlocal conflicts law 区际私法/区际冲突法/州际冲突法/省际冲突法City state 城邦Intercolonial conflict of laws 殖民地间的法律冲突Local customary law 当地习惯法Horizontal conflict 横向冲突Vertical conflict 纵向冲突Forum non convenience 不方便法院原则Judge-making law 法官制定法Identity 相同Similarity 相似Composite legal system 复合法律制度Rules of legislative jurisdiction 立法管辖规范Foreign country 外国Free circulation 自由流通The full faith and credit clauses 完全诚意和信任条款。

国际商法International Business Law

国际商法International Business Law

一、国际商法International Business Law二、国际商法的概念(一)定义(What is international business law?)International business law is the body of rules and norms that regulates activities carried out outside the legal boundaries of states. In particular, it regulates the business transactions of private persons internationally,and the intermantional relationships of international commercial organizations.调整国家之间、不同国家和地区的商事组织之间以及它们之间在从事国际商事交易活动中所形成的各种关系的法律规范的总称。





四、国际商法的渊源(一)国际商事条约(international treaties and conventions)Legally, treaties are binding agree-ments between two or more states, and conventions are legally binding agree-ments between states sponsored by international organizations, such as the United Nations.The following are the most important international conven-tions: CISG, Hague Rules, WTO’s DSU, etc.1、优点:对缔约国具有确定的法律约束力,通过并入或转化使其成为国内法的一部分。


(3 )法院的组织系统不同。王座法庭(queen’s bench)适 用普通法的诉讼程序,枢密大臣法庭(chancery) 适用衡平法 的诉讼程序 (4 )法律术语不同
普通法 衡平法 实际履行(specific performance) 禁令 (injunction) 不设陪审团; 书面审理;比较灵活。 高等法院内设枢密大臣法 庭(chancery)
2. UK legal system
• 英国法的形成和历史发展---“普通法”
• 普通法是英国在中世纪时期形成的一种法律制度。
• 普通法来源于习惯法,实际上表现在法官的判决中,以 判例的形式出现,又称“判例法” (Case Law) ,是不 成文的。 • (一)英国法的特点和结构 • 1、遵循“先例约束力原则’’(rule of precedent) • 2、从法律结构看,把法律分为普通法(common law)和 衡平法(equity)
• • • • 1. 联邦法院Federal Courts 地区法院District Court 上诉法院Court of Appeal 美国最高法院U.S.Supreme Court
• 2. 州法院State Courts • 一审法院:普通管辖法院general jurisdiction court • 上诉法院appellate courts • (三)美国法的渊源
Continental Law
即以罗马法为基础,以法国法和德国法为代表, 融合相关法律因素逐步形成的世界性法律体系。 2、 英美法系
Anglo-American law,Common Law
即以中世纪英国法为基础,以英国法和美国法为 代表,融合相关法律因素逐步形成的世界性法律体 系



韩国国际法律经营大学TRANSNATIONAL LAW AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY中文简介一.TLBU 创立背景国际法律经营大学校(简称TLBU)由韩国著名国际法学家柳炳华教授创立。






二、TLBU办学宗旨:(一), 促进东亚区域发展,实现持续和平和繁荣昌盛为了实现东亚的持续和平和共同繁荣,为了达成国际社会的合作与发展,区域性共同体的发展显得至关重要。







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Transnational Business Law
International and Foreign Law Research Nov. 8, 2006
Increase of International Trade & Investment

Reduced tariff and nontariff barriers to trade (World Trade Organization agreements & regional trade agreements) More nations transition to market economies Improved communication (e-Commerce) Reduced foreign investment barriers Technology transfers of IP easier
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International business law International commercial law International transactions Transnational law International trade law Law of international trade and investment
Points from Reading

Essien, Victor, “Research in Transnational Business Law,” in Accidental Tourist on the New Frontier: An Introduction to Global Legal Research, Jeanne Rehberg and Radu D. Popa ed. (Littleton: Rothman, 1998) p207230.
International Trade

WTO Structure
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Ministerial Body (meets every 2 years, Seattle) General Council (main governing body) Secretariat (staff) “request for consultations” = complaint Panel investigates & reports Appellate body (appeals routine) Implementation:
Definition ?

Regulation of business relationships across borders and with countries/individuals/corporations. Lex Mercatoria – Latin for “the law of merchants”

WTO Dispute Resolution Process
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Loser must bring into compliance. If not, winner can retaliate.

Other Issues of International Trade–Fra bibliotek– – – –
Customs Classification and Valuation Antidumping Duties Subsidies & countervailaing duties Boycott law Antitrust Laws
International Sales Law

UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Apr. 11, 1980, 19 I.L.M. 671. (entered into force Jan. 1, 1988). – Governs sale of goods between parties in US and over 40 countries. – Drafted by UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) - goal of unification of international commercial law (e.g., UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce)
Three Elements of Transnational Business Law

Trade Licensing or Franchising Investment
(1) International Trade

Import and export of goods and services Balance: protect local industries from harm by foreign competitors AND encourage trade across borders. Barriers to trade: tariffs (import & export duties), import quotas, import licensing procedures, environmental standards, customs procedures, government procurement policies and subsidies etc. Limit these barriers: bilateral treaties and trade agreements with “most favored nation” status (both agree no other nation receives more favorable treatment)

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, 1947), replaced by World Trade Organization (WTO, 1995) an international arrangement with over 149 countries, holding Multilateral Trade Negotiations (e.g., Uruguay Round, Doha Round) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)(US, Canada, Mexico) – free trade area agreement