



IBM招聘计划----IBM 2004 年“活力创新”战略人才储备计划随着IBM在华业务的稳步发展,IBM中国有限公司2004年预计将在全中国各地区招聘数百名各类人才。





职位描述Sales Specialist工作内容:Sales specialist销售IBM产品,包括硬件(各系列服务器,笔记本电脑等)、软件(DB2, Websphere, Rational, Lotus, Tivoli等)、服务及行业解决方案。

要求:●本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业优先;●需具备相关工作经验;●愿意从事信息系统产品类的销售,能承受较大工作压力;●自我激励、善于学习、具有团队合作精神;●良好的沟通及谈判能力;Client Representative工作内容:The Client Representatives 负责与行业客户保持良好关系,帮助客户发现商业问题,并将之转化为IBM的业务机会。


要求:●本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业优先;●具备相关行业知识(工业、通讯、银行证券、零售或公共政府事业);●具备相关工作经验者优先;●愿意从事信息系统产品类的销售,能承受较大工作压力;●自我激励、善于学习、具有团队合作精神;●良好的沟通及谈判能力;●擅长与客户建立并保持良好关系;IT Specialist工作内容:I/T Specialist 应客户的具体要求,协助实施高质量的解决方案。



D evelop B u s in e s s Strategy & I n it ia t iv e s
R e c o g n iz e Need
E v a lu a te O ptions
S e le c t S o lu tio n O ption
R e s o lv e Concerns & D ecide
S igna ture S e lling M e th od (S S M )
F und a m e nta ls
E stab lish e d a s I B M 's S ignature
N ovem b er, 2001 N o te : T h is p re s e n ta tio n c o n ta in s s p e a k e r n o te s.
SSM as a method is a proven approach supported by com m on language, tools and training
Common Language Sales Aids T r a in in g
S o let's get started w ith ...th e S S M J ourney
Part 1: Why SSM ?
Part 2: W hat is SSM Really?
Part 3: SSM and the Signature Sales Leadership
Part 4: W hat's available to help me learn and implement it?
D isc ip lin e



IBM SPSS Statistics Base25 IBM注释在使用本资料及其支持的产品之前,请阅读第135页的『通知』中的信息。

产品信息本版本适用于 IBM SPSS Statistics V25.0.0及所有后续发行版和修订版,直到在新版本中另有声明为止。

目录核心功能 (1)码本 (1)"码本输出"选项卡 (1)"码本统计"选项卡 (3)频率(F) (4)频率统计 (4)频率图 (5)频率格式 (5)描述性 (5)描述:选项 (6)DESCRIPTIVES命令的附加功能 (7)探索 (7)探索:统计 (8)探索:图 (8)探索:选项 (8)EXAMINE命令的附加功能 (9)交叉表 (9)交叉表:层 (10)交叉表复式条形图 (10)在表层中显示层变量的交叉表 (10)交叉表统计 (10)交叉表:单元格显示 (12)交叉表:格式 (12)摘要 (13)摘要选项 (13)汇总统计 (13)平均值(M) (15)平均值:选项 (15)OLAP多维数据集 (17)OLAP多维数据集:统计 (17)OLAP多维数据集差 (19)OLAP多维数据集:标题 (19)t检验 (19)t检验 (19)独立样本 T检验 (19)配对样本 T检验 (20)单样本 T检验 (21)T-TEST命令的附加功能 (22)单因素 ANOVA (22)单因素 ANOVA:对比 (23)单因素 ANOVA:事后检验 (23)单因素 ANOVA:选项 (24)ONEWAY命令的附加功能 (25)GLM单变量分析 (25)GLM模型 (26)GLM对比 (28)GLM概要图 (28)GLM事后比较 (30)GLM:保存 (32)GLM估计边际平均值 (33)GLM:选项 (33)UNIANOVA命令的附加功能 (34)双变量相关性 (35)双变量相关性选项 (35)CORRELATIONS和 NONPAR CORR命令的附加功能 (36)偏相关 (36)偏相关:选项 (37)PARTIAL CORR命令的附加功能 (37)距离(D) (37)距离:非相似性测量 (38)距离:相似性测量 (38)PROXIMITIES命令的附加功能 (38)线性模型 (38)要获取线性模型 (39)目标 (39)基本 (39)模型选择 (40)整体 (41)高级 (41)模型选项 (41)模型摘要 (41)自动数据准备 (41)预测变量重要性 (42)按已观测进行预测 (42)残差 (42)离群值 (42)效应 (42)系数 (43)估计平均值 (43)模型构建摘要 (43)线性回归 (44)线性回归变量选择方法 (44)线性回归:设置规则 (45)线性回归:图 (45)线性回归:保存新变量 (45)线性回归:统计 (47)线性回归:选项 (47)REGRESSION命令的附加功能 (48)序数回归 (48)序数回归:选项 (49)序数回归输出 (49)序数回归:位置模型 (50)序数回归:刻度模型 (50)PLUM命令的附加功能 (51)曲线估计 (51)曲线估计:模型 (52)曲线估计:保存 (53)部分最小二次方回归 (53)模型 (54)选项 (55)最近邻元素分析 (55)iii邻元素 (57)特征 (58)分区 (58)保存 (58)输出 (59)选项 (59)模型视图 (59)判别分析 (62)判别分析:定义范围 (63)判别分析:选择个案 (63)判别分析:统计 (63)判别分析:步进法 (63)判别分析:分类 (64)判别分析:保存 (64)DISCRIMINANT命令的附加功能 (64)因子分析 (65)因子分析:选择个案 (66)因子分析:描述 (66)因子分析:抽取 (66)因子分析:旋转 (67)因子分析:得分 (67)因子分析:选项 (68)FACTOR命令的附加功能 (68)选择聚类过程 (68)二阶聚类分析 (69)二阶聚类分析:选项 (70)二阶聚类分析:输出 (71)聚类查看器 (71)系统聚类分析 (75)系统聚类分析方法 (75)系统聚类分析统计 (76)系统聚类分析:图 (76)系统聚类分析:保存新变量 (76)CLUSTER命令语法的其他功能 (76)K平均值聚类分析 (77)K平均值聚类分析有效性 (77)K平均值聚类分析:迭代 (78)K平均值聚类分析:保存 (78)K平均值聚类分析:选项 (78)QUICK CLUSTER命令的附加功能 (78)非参数检验(N) (79)单样本非参数检验 (79)独立样本非参数检验 (81)相关样本非参数检验 (83)模型视图 (86)NPTESTS命令的附加功能 (89)传统对话框 (90)多重响应分析 (98)多重响应分析 (98)多重响应定义集 (98)多响应频率 (99)多响应交叉表 (99)报告结果 (101)报告结果 (101)按行汇总 (101)按列汇总 (103)REPORT命令的附加功能 (105)可靠性分析 (105)可靠性分析统计 (106)RELIABILITY命令的附加功能 (107)多维刻度 (107)多维刻度:数据形状 (108)多维刻度:创建测量 (108)多维刻度:模型 (108)多维刻度:选项 (109)ALSCAL命令附加功能 (109)比率统计 (109)比率统计 (110)ROC曲线 (110)ROC曲线:选项 (111)模拟 (111)基于模型文件设计模拟 (112)基于自定义方程设计模拟 (112)在没有预测模型的情况下设计模拟 (113)从模拟计划运行模拟 (113)模拟构建器 (114)"运行模拟"对话框 (122)使用模拟图表输出 (124)地理空间建模 (125)选择地图 (125)数据源 (127)地理空间关联规则 (128)空间时间预测 (131)完成 (134)通知 (135)商标 (136)索引 (139)iv IBM SPSS Statistics Base25核心功能IBM®SPSS®Statistics Base Edition中包含以下核心功能。



(其包含台式電腦和筆記本業務6.5億元現 金6億元聯想股票,及5億美元的淨 負債)
2004年4月1日,联想集团的英文名 称由“Legend”改为现在的 “Lenovo”。“Lenovo”是个混成词, “Le”来自“Legend”,“-novo”是 一个假的拉丁语词,从“新的 (nova)”而来。
托马斯· 约翰· 沃森
小托马斯· 约翰· 沃森 小托马斯· Thomas J. Watson 文森特· 约翰· 沃森 1956 – 1971 利尔森
经营环境 新兴的电子计算机领域。 弗兰克· 卡利 市场领先者——雷明顿兰德 公司
约翰· 欧佩尔
路易斯· 郭士纳
小沃森的选择---成功带领IBM打入计算机 约翰· 埃克斯 市场并成为行业领导者
联想并购前后全球各地 市场占有率变化
2003年 联想与IBMPC业务对比
数据源 : IDC研究(2004)
聯想收購IBM PC業務後組織變動
公眾 (HK)
联想 控股
公众 (HK) ~35%
联想 控股
电信事业部总经理 政府与教育事业部
华北方区总经理 华东区总经理 华南区总经理
制造业、物流与交 通运输业总经理
不同产品销售给同一客户,内部抢生 意;只注重自己产品销售的市场,难 于交叉销售



IBM培养“新蓝”——新工作人员培训所有的IBM新工作人员都是“新蓝”,包括大学刚毕业就加入IBM的“纯蓝”.IBM的新工作人员培训1般都在本土进行.IBM的新工作人员培训按照新工作人员的职属不同被分为两类.1类是针对业务支持的工作人员,主要指行政管理人员,即Back-Office;另1类则是对销售、市场和服务人员,占公司或者机构工作人员的大多数,称为Front-Office.社会招聘的新工作人员培训因为有工作经验,进行的培训要比校园招聘的新工作人员精简1些.Back-Office培训对新进入IBM公司或者机构的行政管理人员,要经过两个星期的培训,目的是了解IBM的企事业单位文化、政策等公司或者机构概况.之后回到自己的岗位上跟着1名指定的“师傅”(tutor)边工作边学习,这也就是常说的IBM“师傅徒弟制”,以便于新工作人员边干边学、尽快熟悉工作.Front-Office培训对新进入IBM公司或者机构的销售、市场和服务人员,则需要先经过3个月的集中强化培训,回到自己的工作岗位之后还要接受6-9个月的业务学习.进入IBM的“纯蓝”们不会像1个迷茫无助、不受重视的个体.IBM首先会对他们进行4个月的全面培训,之后,会按照职位需要和某工作人员个人能力分配到IBM相关的部门.接着,针对新工作人员的指导计划会展开,以帮助新工作人员分享老工作人员的知识和经验.不仅如此,以“培养IBM的未来之星”为目标的“某工作人员个人发展链(EDC)”将伴随着新工作人员在IBM成长、成熟乃至担当大任.宋·董颖《江上》:“摩挲数尺沙边柳,待汝成荫系客舟.”盼柳成荫比喻培育人才之心切.——首先,每1个新工作人员接受技能评估(PSU),制定某工作人员个人发展计划(IDP);——其次,在得到充分的培训和指导的情况下实施某工作人员个人发展计划,人力资源部会跟踪计划的实施,并考评这1目标的实现情况;——最后,在部门经理和人力资源部的帮助下,每1名工作人员都会在IBM建立新的某工作人员个人目标计划,以充分发挥某工作人员个人的才能和智慧.《淮南子·齐俗训》:“用之于其所适,施之于其所宜.”把人才放在适当的岗位使用,使之发挥其应有的作用.在IBM,工作人员提出加薪,可能会需要1段时间的评估和衡量.但如果工作人员提出要学习,根据工作人员某工作人员个人职业生涯发展的需要,IBM1般不会拒绝,学费报销计划正是为了鼓励工作人员扩展知识和技能.丰富的培训和深造机会也成为促使很多优秀人才加入IBM的原因.对于刚刚毕业的应届毕业生来说,他们最渴望通过IBM健全的培训体系完善自身的技能,适应工作与竞争的需要.而IBM所需要的就是那些再学习能力很强的人才.《论语述而》:“默而识之,学而不厌,诲人不倦.”,要我们学习上不感到满足.我想应该没有任何1某工作人员个人不愿意拥有学习、培训的机会,通过学习与培训而增长的知识和技能是工作人员今后职业生涯中有力的筹码.而有了这个筹码,离加薪、升职还远吗?IBM的学费报销计划为所有工作人员提供了大量的学习机会,使得IBM就像1所学校,你可以在这里体验学习的充实,你更可以品位成功的喜悦.给工作人员提供学习、培训机会,靠培训留人,这已经成为众多企事业单位屡试不爽的用人高招.但与IBM相比,许多亚洲企事业单位还有很大的差距.在中国,甚至于还有为数不少的公司或者机构不但不愿意接受这种理念,还处处为难,在工作人员学习、深造的路上设置种种障碍.例如,工作人员想报考研究生,其公司或者机构却万般刁难,扣档案、拒开证明信、以劳动合同要挟等等,而到头来,公司或者机构已经永远失去了工作人员的心.深专业人员的接班人计划,IBM公司或者机构1向致力于工作人员的学习和成长,由此推动企事业单位的快速发展.传帮带是绝招IBM最有名的1件事情就是“接班人计划”,公司或者机构里所有重要的职位都有1个接班人计划,未来1年中,可以接任这个工作的是什么人,未来35年可以接任的人是谁.而接任的人需要1些特殊的培育计划是非常重要的,IBM通过工作的轮调及找1些良师益友使他们得到培养.公司或者机构的培训投资力度相当大,要占到每年营业额的1%-2%.每名工作人员每年至少会有15-20天的培训时间.IBM会根据新入职工作人员的不同职属,将培训分为两类:1类是针对业务支持的工作人员,主要指行政管理人员,即BackOffice;另1类则是对销售、市场和服务人员,占公司或者机构工作人员的大多数,称为FrontOffice.比如IBM公司或者机构的销售人员和系统工程师要接受为期12个月的初步培训,主要采用现场实习和课堂讲授相结合的教学方法.IBM公司或者机构决不让1名未经培训或者未经全面培训的人到销售第1线去,因为他们认为销售人员们说些什么、做些什么以及怎样说和怎样做,都对公司或者机构的形象和信用影响极大;如果准备不足就仓促上阵,会使1个很有潜力的销售人员夭折.而经理培训MD(Managerdevelopment)是为1些优秀工作人员或非常有潜力的工作人员提供的,也分为两类:1类是为即将升为经理的工作人员在升任之前提供的,是本地化的培训;另1类则是为工作人员升为经理之后提供的,是全球统1的,为期1年,主要采用e-learni ng的培训手段,同时也会为参加这类培训的经理各自指定1些辅导员(即tutor)来辅导学习.在线学习已成为IBM工作人员学习的1种重要趋势.IBM在全球有所网络学校,称Globa lCampus,其中有2000多种课程,全球范围内的工作人员都可利用这所网络学校进行有计划的学习.公司或者机构还在局域网上设有1个技能开发系统,相当于1个自我评估和提高的解决方案,工作人员在工作中发现自己的技能需要提升时,就可以申请进行学习.正因为有这样浓厚的学习气氛,所以,关于IBM公司或者机构有这样1句话:在IBM你要涨薪,公司或者机构可能会犹豫;如果你要学习,公司或者机构肯定会非常欢迎.IBM需要的是那些再学习能力很强的人.。



e th
S S M h e lp s y o u c r e a t e v a lu e b y b r id g in g f r o m t h e b u y in g t o t h e s e llin g s t e p s
T y p ic a l C u s t o m e r B u y in g P r o c e s s
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words Customer Value
The spirit and essence of SSM can be characterized in a few key words Customer Value
I f o u r c u s t o m e r s c o u ld b u y I B M p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v ic e s f r o m a n y o n e , w o u ld t h e y c h o o s e u s ?
W h o w ill a d d v a lu e b e y ond just th e p rod ucts a n d s e r v ic e s t h e y s e ll?
S S M a s a m e th o d is a p ro ve n a p p ro a c h sup p o rte d b y co m m o n la n g ua g e , to o ls a nd tra in in g
Com m on Language


政治销售 – 赞助者 - Sponsor
▪ 提供独特的有价值的内部信息; ▪ 会支持让你参加重要的内部会议; ▪ 会公开的推动销售机会的进展; ▪ 是你在客户内部的销售; ▪ 具有接触客户更高决策层的能力和影响力;
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
Computer Services Industry
Political Selling
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
政治销售 – 客户需求
• 高回报率 • 降低成本 • 增加收入 • 高生产率 • 利润 • 市场份额 • 市场扩展
阶段 2 - 发现机会-客户需求的根源
我们 团队: 当客户:
客户关系负责人领导如下 行动:
当达到如下结果,我们团 队在此阶段成功:
• 主动沟通了解客户需求; • 充分了解客户采购的愿望和动力所在;
• 建立销售机会计划或选择离开.
当达到如下结果,我们团 队在此阶段成功:
• 客户认可我们的解决方案,价值体现和风险评估; • 确认签订合同的条件; • 客户认同我们解决方案的可能效果;
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
政治销售 – 关键人物



IBM_ESB介绍ThankYou!Thistime,therequestispassedthroughaMediationModule.TheMediationModule usesaMessageLoggerMediationPrimitivetologthemessagetoadatabase.TheRequestcontinuesonitswayasbefore:passedtotheimporttobesenttoXQuote.Thistime,whentherequestpassesthroughtheMediationModule,aDataBaseLookupPrimitiveisusedtolookuptheuseridinatableof“gold”users,thenaFilterisappliedIftheuserisagoldcustomer,therequestwillbepassedtoadifferentexternalWebService(offeredbyXIgnite)otherwiseitwillcontinueasbefore.Becausethemessageformatsdiffer,therequestisfirstpassedthroughanXSLTPrimiti vethatwilltransformthemessageusinganXPathexpression.Th eresponsefromXIgnitewillalsoneedtobetransformedaspart oftheMediationsothattheformatisasexpected.WebSphere ESBisdesignedtobeeasytousefrombothatoolsandaruntimeperspective.WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper,thetoolthatworkswithWebSphereESB,isbuiltforanintegrationdeveloper—some onewhounderstandsITsystemsandarchitecturesbutwhoisnotaJavadeveloper.BothWESBandWIDaredesignedtohelpcustom ersgetupandrunningquicklyandeasily,withcomprehensiveout oftheboxdocumentationandasimplifiedandvisualdevelopmentenvironment.Avisualcompositionmodelallowseasyorchestrationofmediationfunctions.Thefactthatthetoolisrolebasedmakesadministrationmucheasier.AdditionalNotes:Themediatio nfloweditorprovidesauniformapproachtoauthortheprocessingofmessage-basedone-waymodel(message-oriented)andrequest-responsebasedtwo-waymodel(service-oriented).WebSphereESBa ndWebSphereIntegrationDeveloperaresoldseparately.WIDcosts$3500/perseat.Forplanningpurposes,pricesforWebSphereESBareprojectedtobe$25KperCPU,however,thisissubjecttochange.Additionalinformationaboutlistedfeatures:Gain supportforavarietyofmessagingprotocolsincludingJMS1.1JMS1.1providedbyWebSphereApplicationServerCanexploitavarietyoftransports,includingTCP/IP,SSL,andHTTP(S)Allowsint eroperationwiththeWebSpherefamily,eg,WAS,MQ,Message/Event BrokersUtilizeabroadrangeofinteractionmodels(request/reply,point-to-point,publish/subscribe,etc.)tomeetyourrequire mentsLeverageadvancedWebservicessupporttoincorporateleadingedgecapabilitiesSOAP/HTTP,SOAP/JMS,WSDL1.1UDDI3.0ServiceRegistry,WebServicesGatewayWS-StandardsincludingWS-Security,WS-AtomicTransactionsTakeadvantageofacomprehensivec lientspackagetoextendyourenvironmentMessageServiceClientforC/C++extendstheJMSmodelformessagingtonon-JavaapplicaapplicationstoparticipateinJMS-basedinformationflowsWebServicesClientisaJAX-RPC-likewebservicesclientforC++toenabl esuserstoconnecttoWebserviceshostedonWebSpherefromwithinaC++environmentJ2EEclientsupportfromWebSphereApplicationServer,includingWebservicesClient,EJBClient,andJMSCli entAdditionalNotesforPossibleQuestions:Q.WhatareyourplansforaServicesRegistry?A.Todayyoucanstoreandlocate informationaboutservicesthroughtheIBMWebSphereUDDIRegistry.Youcandiscoverservicesintheregistrywhendevelopingnewservices,andatrun-timeyourmediationscanaccesstheregistry.Inthenearfuture,aServicesRegistryinWebSphereESBwill allowyoutolocateandmanageservicesinyourregistrythrough aflexibleregistrationandqueryinterfaceeitherthroughaUI oranAPIthatcanbeusedinpackagedorcustomtools.Longerterm,you’llbeabletointegrateyourserviceregistryentitiesan dyourgeneralmetadataandworkwiththemasaunit,e.g.,throughsharedclassificationschemes,acommonapproachtoqueryinga ndmanipulatingyourmetadataandregistrycontent.Additionalinformationaboutlistedfeatures:GainsupportforavarietyofmessagingprotocolsincludingJMS1.1JMS1.1providedbyWeb SphereApplicationServerCanexploitavarietyoftransports,includingTCP/IP,SSL,andHTTP(S)AllowsinteroperationwiththeWebSpherefamily,eg,WAS,MQ,Message/EventBrokersUtilizeabroadrangeofinteractionmodels(request/reply,point-to-point,publish/subscribe,etc.)tomeetyourrequirementsLeverageadvance dWebservicessupporttoincorporateleadingedgecapabilitiesSOAP/HTTP,SOAP/JMS,WSDL1.1UDDI3.0ServiceRegistry,WebServicesGatewayWS-StandardsincludingWS-Security,WS-AtomicTrans actionsTakeadvantageofacomprehensiveclientspackagetoexte ndyourenvironmentMessageServiceClientforC/C++extendstheJMSmodelformessagingtonon-Javaapplications.MessageServiceapplicationstoparticipateinJMS-basedinformationflowsWebServicesClientisaJAX-RPC-likewebservicesclientforC++toenablesuserstoconnectto WebserviceshostedonWebSpherefromwithinaC++environmentJ2EEclientsupportfromWebSphereApplicationServer,includingWebservicesClient,EJBClient,andJMSClientAdditionalNotesforPossibleQuestions:Q.WhatareyourplansforaServicesRegistry?A.Todayyoucanstoreandlocateinformationaboutser vicesthroughtheIBMWebSphereUDDIRegistry.Youcandiscovers ervicesintheregistrywhendevelopingnewservices,andatrun-timeyourmediationscanaccesstheregistry.Inthenearfuture,aServicesRegistryinWebSphereESBwillallowyoutolocatea ndmanageservicesinyourregistrythroughaflexibleregistrati onandqueryinterfaceeitherthroughaUIoranAPIthatcanbeusedinpackagedorcustomtools.Longerterm,you’llbeableto integrateyourserviceregistryentitiesandyourgeneralmetadataandworkwiththemasaunit,e.g.,throughsharedclassificationschemes,acommonapproachtoqueryingandmanipulatingyourmetadataandregistrycontent.Beyonditsintelligentconnectivityandeaseofusebenefits,WebSphereESBisdesignedtoimproveyourtimetovalue.Asacosteffectivesolutionforservicesintegration,WESBisdesignedtomakeSOA“real”andassuchwisintegration,WESBisdesignedtomakeSOA“real”andassuchwillallowyoutoLeverageyourSOAITinvestmentsbyquicklybuildingaflexibleintegrationinfrastructuretoextendthevalueofyourexistinginvestments,regardlessofvendor.Itsmodularapproachsupportsabilitytostartsmallandgrowasfastasthebusinessrequires,andtheextensivebusinessandITstandardssupportfacilitategreaterinteroperability&portability.FirstclasssupportforhundredofISVsolutionsthroughextensiveWebSpher eAdaptersupportandthenumerousWASandMQpartnersintheWeb SpherePartnerecosystemmakeiteasytoconnecttoyourexistingassets.Pre-builtmediationfunctionssavetimeandmoneybecauseverylittleadditionaldevelopmentisrequired.Furthermore,w ithWebSphereESByousavetimewhenyoucanchangeyourserviceinteractionswithouttakingyoursystemdown.AdditionalNotes:CompleteMediationlist,delliveredateGA:XSLTMessageLoggerM essageRouterFailStopDatabaseLookupCustomComponentFinally, WebSphereESBofferswhatsimilarofferingsdonot—seamlessintegrationwiththeWebSpherePlatform.AsImentionedbefore,WebS phereESBisbuiltontopofWebSphereApplicationServerNetworkDeployment.Assuch,itinheritsallofthemarket-leadingqualitiesofservice,includingscalability,clustering,andfail-over,uutilizesthecommonWebSphereAdministrativeConsoletoenabl esystemmanagementacrossWebSphereApplicationServer,WebSphereESB,andWebSphereProcessServer,andaaddressesend-to-endsecurityrequirementsonauthentication,resourceaccesscontrol,dataintegrity,confidentiality,privacy,andsecureinteroperabilityBecauseWebSphereESBisbuiltonthisfoundation,customers caneasilyextendtoleverageWebSpherePlatformasneedsdictate.CustomerswiththerightskillscantakefulladvantageoftheunderlyingcapabilitiesofWebSphereApplicationServerNetworkDeployment.ExtendyourexistingWebSphereMQmessagingfoundationtointegratenewenvironmentsinanopen,standards-basedway.Finally,ccommontoolingandadministrationmeansthemovefromWebSphereESBtoWebSphereProcessServerispainless.WebSphereESBintegrateswithotherIBMSoftwareofferings,aswell,includingIBMTivolisecurity,directory,andsystemsmanagementofferings.WESBincludesTivoliAccessManager,foroptionaluse,todeliverasecure,unifiedandpersonalizedexperiencethatwillhelpmanagegrowthandcomplexity,anditintegrateswithIBMTivoliCompositeApplicationManagerforSOAforaddedmonitoringandmanagementcapabilities.Managingcompositeapplicationsbasedonserviceorientedarchitecturespresentamixofnewandtraditionalchallenges,asservicesneedtobetreatedbythemanagementinfrastructureasfirst-classmanagedobjects,conformingtodefinedservicecharacteristics.IBMTivoliCompositeApplicationManagerforSOAhelpsyoumonitor,manageandcontroltheseservice-basedapplications.ThissolutionisintegratedwiththeIBMTivoliEnterprisePortal,whichenablesend-to-endresource,application,transactionandservicemanagementacrossyourITinfrastructure.Attheoperationallevel,eachmodulemapstoasingleWebSphereapplication.AdminpanelsallowsimplenavigationtoandcontroloftheseapplicationsScenario1demonstratesthecapabilitiesofWebSphereESBwhenusedalone.Itassumesthatalmostalloftheinterfacesareservices-based(eitherSOAP/JMSorSOAP/HTTP).ItcanalsotalktoWebSphereMQorWebSphereMessageBrokeroranadapterifitneedstotalktoanysystemthatisnotusingtheWebServicesorJMSmodel.Solution:ShareTraderutilizedWebSphereESBtoimplementanEnterpriseServiceBusthat:RoutesincomingrequestsfromtheWebsitetotheappropriateservicebasedonthecustomer’sstatususingcontentbasedroutingTransformstherequesttotheappropriateformatforthetargetdestinationusingXSLTandprotocoltransformationandroutesrequestbacktosourceEnablesShareTradertoseamlesslytransitionserviceendpoints.ShareTraderrecentlymovedfromaninternallyprovidedstockquoteservicetoamoredependableexternalproviderwithoutanyimpacttotherestoftheoffering.NotethatWindows2000supporthasbeenremoved!!ThisisduetoMicrosofthavingdroppedsupportforthisplatformrecently.LinuxonpSeriescomingpostGA.Solaris10supportcomingpostGA.NotethatWindows2000supportisgone!!ShipswithWebSphereMQV6–ifV5.3isnotdetectedthenV6isinstalled.IBMESB案例分享民航航空安全系统整合技术⽅案民航信息建设要求利⽤现代信息技术建⽴完整的⾼速⽹络交换平台建⽴⾼效、及时、准确、完整、统⼀的民航安全运⾏管理信息系统满⾜各种应⽤系统集成的需要完整的管理机制满⾜运⾏和维护的需要航安系统整合实现框架⽅案总结-民航航空安全系统整合技术⽅案⾸先保证在⼀个异构的环境中实现信息稳定、可靠的传输屏蔽掉⽤户实际中的硬件层、操作系统层、⽹络层等相对复杂、烦琐的界⾯,为⽤户提供⼀个统⼀、标准的信息通道,保证⽤户的逻辑应⽤和这些底层平台没有任何关系提供⼀个基于application-hub的先进应⽤整合理念,最⼤限度地减少应⽤系统互联所⾯临的复杂性基于WBI系统的实现维护都相对简单,保证每⼀个应⽤系统的更新和修改都能够实时地实现,当新的应⽤系统出现时能够简便的纳⼊到整个IT环境当中,与其它的应⽤系统相互协作,共同为⽤户提供服务,是我们实现企业应⽤互联和流程管理的最佳实现⽅案中国⼈民银⾏国库信息处理系统建设⽬标国库信息处理系统(TreasuryInformationProcessingSystem)是⼀个以国库横⾏联⽹的业务流程和⼯作流程为基础,连接税务、财政、国库及商业银⾏等业务部门的信息集成处理系统,⽤于传递、处理税款缴纳、划分、⼊库、退库、对账、业务监管、统计分析等各项业务的电⼦信息。



© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
当 客户表示对目前的情形和环境表示满意时
这是一个要小心处理的情况,我们必须尊重客户以往的决 定,同时也要尊重他们现在的关系,这是非常重要的
© 2006 IBM Corporation
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
第五部分 达成协议
你的目的是与客户为适当的下一步骤取得 共识,向着一个达成互利决定的目标迈进.
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
Computer Services Industry
表示了解该需要 同意该需要应该是加以处理的 提出该需要对其他人的重要性 表明你从该需要认识到未能满足的后果 表明你能体会由该需要而引发的感受 介绍相关的特征和利益 所介绍的特征和利益,应该能针对正在说服的需要 把需要背后的需要跟利益相连 寻问是否接受 除非你知道客户已明白你的解释,并且已接受你所介绍 的利益,否则不要进行下一步 寻问客户是否接受时,不一定要开口
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Computer Services Industry
知识 比以前更为广阔而深入的知识层面
技巧 必须把这些技巧运用得更深入和更连贯
态度 决断,热诚,乐观,专业精神,对客户有所承诺,以及乐于 辛勤工作以求达到客户的目标 个人素质

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligenc

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligenc

IBM Application Discovery and DeliveryIntelligence for IBM ZVersion 5.1.0.xIBM®Quick Start GuideThis guide describes a quick and easy way to install and configure the product.Product overviewIBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADDI) is an analytical platform for application modernization. It bundles IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z (IBM AD) and IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADI). By using cognitive technologies to analyze mainframe applications, IBM ADDI helps users quickly discover and understand interdependencies and impacts of changes.Note: This Quick Start Guide for IBM ADDI is based on the following assumptions:•You will install both IBM AD and IBM ADI with ADDI installer.•You will configure both IBM AD and IBM ADI to explore the Business Rule Discovery feature.If you install only IBM AD with ADDI installer, you can refer to IBM AD Quick Start Guide that is shipped with product for more information.1Step 1: Access the software and documentationIBM ADDI product offering includes the following installers in its installation suite:•IBM Application Discovery Connect for Mainframe•IBM Application Discovery Analyze Client•ADDI Installer that includes the following components.–IBM Application Discovery Analyze Server–IBM Application Discovery Batch Server–IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service–IBM Application Discovery Build Client–Authentication Server (DEX)–IBM Application Discovery File Service–IBM Application Discovery Search Service–IBM Application Discovery Manual Resolutions Service–IBM Application Delivery IntelligenceFor details about downloading the product and getting license keys and activation kits, see the IBM Support Licensing page (/software/rational/support/licensing). If you are downloading your software from Passport Advantage®, see the documentation of "How to download software from Passport Advantage Online website" (/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21622147).For the complete documentation, visit the following links:•IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z Knowledge Center (https:///support/knowledgecenter/ SSRR9Q).•IBM Application Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z Knowledge Center (https:///support/ knowledgecenter/SSKK7E).•IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z Library (/support/ docview.wss?uid=swg27049108).2Step 2: Evaluate the hardware and system configuration See the detailed system requirements document from the following links:•Installation prerequisites topic in IBM AD Knowledge Center •Hardware and software requirements topic in IBM ADI Knowledge Center3Step 3: Installing IBM AD and IBM ADI with the ADDI installerUse the ADDI installer wizard to install IBM AD and IBM ADI on Windows or Linux. For more information, see Installing with ADDI installer.4Step 4: Configuring IBM ADFollow the instructions in the "Configuring IBM Application Discovery" topic to configure IBM AD components.Note: To explore the Business Rule Discovery feature, you need to enable the feature through IBM ADConfiguration Server. For more information, see Enabling Business Rule Discovery feature.5Step 5: Configuring IBM ADIComplete the following steps to configure IBM ADI installation through IBM AD Configuration Server and set up ADIapplication.a.Create an IBM Application Delivery Intelligence Install Configuration.b.Set up ADI properties in IBM AD Configuration Server.c.Set up ADI application.6Step 6: Setting up IBM ADI to support the Business Rule Discovery feature Complete the following steps to create the workbook to be used for business rule discovery.a.Create a connection to IBM AD server.b.Create a Business Rule Discovery data provider.c.Create a workbook that is associated with the Business Rule Discovery data provider.7Step 7: Discovering and managing business termsUse the workbook that is associated with the Business Rule Discovery data provider to discover and managebusiness terms. For more information, see Discovering and managing business terms.More informationFor more information, see the following resources:•IBM ADDI Marketplace (https:///us-en/marketplace/app-discovery-and-delivery-intelligence).•IBM DevOps for Enterprise - Mainframe DEV Website (https:///mainframe/).IBM® Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z® Version 5.1.0.x Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo, and ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" (/legal/copytrade.shtml).Part Number: CC2FIML。

IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Developer Trial E

IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Developer Trial E

IBM C ognos B usiness I ntelligenceDeveloper T rial E dition 10.2.1 R eadmeThis Readme contains information about known issues, including installation issues, and limitationnotices. The documentation included in this release is current as of October 2013.General I nformation:The Developer Trial Edition download includes only the following Business Analytics components:•IBM Cognos BI 10.2.1o Manager Consoleo Cognos Administrationo Cognos Connectiono Cognos Workspace and Cognos Workspace Advanced,o Cognos Viewero Report Studio/Active Reports including Rave/Visualization supporto Cognos Mobile•IBM Cognos BI Framework Manager•IBM Cognos BI samples (Informix)•Content Store Database (Informix)•Application Server: TomcatSupported reporting data sources are limited to:•Manager Console: DB2, Informix, Microsoft SQLServer, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC, TM1•Cognos Administration: MySQL, JDBC, etc.The following restrictions apply to the trial download:•Not for production use•Limited to one administrator and five users•Can only be run on a single machine•Requires Internet Explorer 7 or higher; or Firefox ESR 17.0 or higher. All testing was done with Firefox ESR 17. There are known issues in studios supporting the latest Firefox 22.•The evaluation period for this trial is 30 days•Available for Windows 64 bit only•English OnlyProduct D ocumentationTo view the product documentation, go to the folderTrial_Edition_installation_location\webapps\p2pd\documentation\enInstallationUsers are required to copy the installation files locally to the system where they plan to install the IBM Cognos BI Developer Trial Edition. Network/Remote install is not supportedCannot install BI Developer Trial Edition when TM1 server is installedIf IBM Cognos TM1 server is installed on your computer and you try to install BI Developer Trial Edition, the installation fails. You must uninstall TM1 server before you install BI Developer Trial Edition.Uninstall/ReinstallIn order to properly uninstall BI Trial user is required to uninstall Framework manager first and then uninstall the IBM Cognos BI Developer Trial Edition.Note: The IBM Cognos BI Developer Trial Edition can coexist with IBM Cognos BI Production version as long as they are not installed in the same Windows path and startup shortcut.Cognos C onnection (Portal)Query Studio is not installed as part of the Developer Trial Edition; however, the reports in the folder Query Studio Reports within Cognos Connection can still be run and will open in Report Studio. Recommendation is to save the report to a different name before modifying.Framework M anager (Modeling)Sample FM Model LocationsC:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos Business Intelligence Developer TrialEdition\webapps\p2pd\samples\models\Sample Data Sources Location:C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos Business Intelligence Developer TrialEdition\webapps\p2pd\samples\datasources\Query ModesThe dynamic query mode is recommended for new applications of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence.It offers key query optimizations to address query complexity and data volumes with improved query execution. It also provides advanced query capabilities such as in-memory caching, that provide benefits for query planning, execution, and results. You can still maintain secure access to your business data based on users' security permissions.For this trial edition, we assume the sample database/model will be used initially to create different packages. Therefore, the default Query Mode has been set to Compatible Query Mode for publishing packages from Framework Manager since the 64-bit JDBC client driver for the data source could not be installed due to licensing restrictions.If creating a new project in Framework Manager against other data, the default Query Mode will be Dynamic Query Mode and will require a 64-bit JDBC client driver for the data source. See Dynamic Query Guide for more information on the query mode.TM1/Query M odesTM1 as a data source on an external TM1 service is not supported in Dynamic Query Mode, Integration w ith t he T rial E ditionContent developed within the trial edition can be integrated into 3rd party applications with limitations. The trial supports the following integration:•URL integration with URL APIs•Web Service IntegrationIntegration limitations of the Trial Edition include the following, where a full license is required: •Security integration with custom applications•Automation such as provisioning,Branding t he T rial E ditionThe I BM C ognos B I T heme D esigner c an b e u sed w ith t he t rial e dition. T he v ersion n umber o f T heme Designer m ust m atch t he T rial E dition (ex: u se T heme D esigner w ith t his T rial E dition Since t he T rial E dition u ses a c ustom U RL, u se t he f ollowing t o a ccess t he T heme D esigner o nce i nstalled:http://[serverName:port]/ p2pd/themedesigner/?gateway=/p2pd/servlet/dispatchWhere [serverName:port] i s t he n ame o f t he s erver w here t he T rial E dition i s i nstalled a nd t he p ort i s the s elected p ort d efined d uring t he i nstall (default i s 19300).For m ore d etails o n i nstalling a nd u sing T heme D esigner, p lease s ee t he l ink a bove a long w ith accompanying d ocumentation.Traditional m ethods o f e diting “skins” a re a lso a vailable. P lease s ee d ocumentation f or m ore d etails. Migrating t o F ull V ersionIt is expected content will need to be moved from the Trial Edition to the Enterprise Edition of IBM Cognos BI. Common reasons to move to the Enterprise Edition include:•Production Use, such as providing access or demonstrating a solution outside your organization (including customers and conferences)•Security integration•Custom configurations•Multi-tenancy•Multi-server•Automation, such as deployment, provisioning or onboarding•Additional Data SourcesIf these capabilities are required, please contact the ASL/OEM TeamMigration is completed through the IBM Cognos Web Administration. A new export deployment package is created which creates a ZIP file in the deployment directory within the install location (Note: a full Content Store deployment should not be used). This ZIP file is then moved to the same location within the IBM Cognos BI Enterprise Edition where an import is performed through the same Web Administration.Technical S upportTechnical support for this free trial edition is limited to IBM Technical Forums and on-line documentation. Full support is offered when a partnership agreement is in place and migration has been completed to the full Enterprise Edition. For any questions or concerns regarding support, please contact the ASL/OEM Team。



SSM 简介前一阵子阴差阳错参加了一个关于IBM销售的课程,收获颇丰,可能是因为我是搞技术的,对销售并没有太深的认识和研究,原来总以为销售就是连蒙带骗的技术,现在看来还真是一门学问!IBM不愧为解决方案提供商,什么都是系统化管理,并且可复用性相当的高,下面和大家分享一下吧。

Signature Selling Method(SSM)定义了Team IBM 销售经验的框架,并且它包含了基于客户的计划、销售技巧和辅助工具,它们有助于销售专业人员更有效地应对其客户,从而赢得商机(通俗的讲就是项目)。




SSM 是用来计划和进行客户销售拜访,从而确定、发展和结束(即实现)商机的一种方法。

它定义了Team IBM 和客户之间的所有活动。

规划在销售周期中,销售人员询问下列规划问题:* 客户处于采购流程的哪个阶段?* 应当拜访谁?* 我们该怎么做来帮助客户并推进销售?执行执行就是与客户交流并与其接洽,从而增加价值并推进销售。



SSM 能带来哪些益处?SSM 继续为Team IBM 提供差异化销售工具,以让其去执行并在市场竞争中获胜。

通过不断使用SSM 销售技巧和销售辅助工具,Team IBM 可以获得更佳的销售表现。

由于SSM 有助于关注常见的执行问题,所以越来越多的销售团队通过应用SSM 而获得越来越丰厚的销售成果,目前所有IBM 销售环境都应用了SSM。

在2003 年,IBM 对销售人员进行了一些调查,以了解哪些销售人员经常使用SSM,以及效果如何。

在这些被调查的用户中,67% 的销售人员经常使用SSM,其中25% 的客户比很少使用SSM 的销售人员取得了更好的销售结果。



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IBM常用术语、略语总结AIM:Application Integration & MiddlewareASAP:as soon as possibleacquisition: =white space 没买过ibm产品的客户band:级别,IBM级别从BAND-3,BAND-4,到BAND-10,再后面就是BAND-A,BAND-B,BAND-C,BAND-D 通常销售是B6,资深销售B7,一线经理B8badge:门卡BP :business partnerBI:business intellegency 商业智能BU:business unitbottom five:最后5名BSD:business solution developmentBOV:Becoming One VoiceCAM :Channel Account Managerclaim expense:报销CR:client relationshipCRC:客户关系中心CPG:产供销一体化Contractor:合同工,IBM三种员工的一种,签约通常是半年到一年,员工序列号通常是6开头challenge:通常指上级批评下级CSL:Customer Satisfaction LeadershipCTI:计算机电话集成CFA:Conversation For ActionCMS: .com部门的电话管理体系DCM:distribution channel managementDSR Report:相当于VAD的出货记录eBU:e-business universitye-biz:e-businessE&C:=winbackESG:Enterprise System GroupERP:Enterprise resource planningERP2:Extra-intranet Resource PlanningFocus Account:= High Value 每年贡献很多的大客户FLM:first line managerGCG:Greater china groupGMB:=SMB 包括:电力、水利、城市银行、农信社、新华人寿、泰康、制造业、外企、大型钢铁厂infrastructure:基本设施influencer:规模比较小的公司不直接和IBM发生关系,而是和分销商发生关系iTSR:i territory sales Rep 看地区的电话销售代表ICA:ibm customer agreement(一种basecontract)ICSS:客户满意度调查ISG:原来的ESG,就是存储ISU:=sector 只IBM的行业客户关系代表,是IBM最核心的销售部门ISV:独立软件开发商ITS:Integrated Technology ServicesIMC:integrated marketing centreLead(s):一个opportunity里可能包含几个产品,一个产品就是一个leadmentor: n.贤明忠诚的顾问,良师益友mandatory:必须的,命令的,强制的MCC:亚运村MI:marketing intelligenceMO:marketing operationMOU:Memorandum of Understanding 备忘录MM:marketing managerMRC:marketing response centreMRP:materials requiement planningMRP2:manufacturing resource planningMSM:marketing sales management 感觉应该算是内部的一个CRM系统NAS:网络存储器NEDP:new employee development programme 纯蓝培训,就是没有太多工作经验(毕业生)进行的长达3个月的系统培训。




下面是店铺整理的关于IBM认证证书有哪几类,欢迎大家参考!面向销售的IBM认证种类Certifications for SellersIBM Certified Sales Specialist - Power Systems with POWER7 and AIX - v1IBM Certified Sales Specialist - Power Systems with POWER7 and IBM i - v1IBM Certified Sales Expert - Power Systems with POWER7 - v1Certifications for T echnical SellersIBM Certified Technical Sales Specialist - PowerLinux v1IBM Certified Technical Sales Specialist - Power Systems with POWER7 and AIX - v1IBM Certified Technical Sales Specialist - Power Systems with POWER7 and IBM i - v1IBM Certified Technical Sales Expert - Power Systems with POWER7 - v1面向高级用户和实施者的IBM认证种类IBM Certified Advanced Technical ExpertIBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert - Power Systems with AIX v3IBM Certified Systems ExpertIBM Certified Systems Expert - Enterprise Technical Support for AIX and Linux v2IBM Certified Systems Expert - Virtualization Technical Support for AIX and Linux v2IBM Certified Systems Expert - Virtualization Technical Support for IBM i -v1IBM Certified Systems Expert - High Availability for AIX Technical Support and Administration -v2面向用户的IBM认证种类IBM Certified Operator IBM Certified Operator - AIX 6.1 Basic OperationsIBM Certified System AdministratorIBM Certified System Administrator - AIX 7IBM Certified System Administrator - IBM i 7.1IBM Certified Associate System Administrator - IBM i 7IBM证书的三个认证等级AIX 认证AIX 认证作为业界重要的系统管理认证,受到很多企业的认同,含金量很高。

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Entertainment/ Hospitality/Tourism Fast Moving Consumer Goods Multi-nature Conglomerates Pharmaceutical/Medical/Health Property Development/Real Estate Public Utilities Retail/Trading Telecommunication Others (Pls specify_____________)
• Has a strong interest in providing feasible solution and selling and promoting IT products / services to address clients’ business problems; Job Description: • With good interest or knowledge in emerging technologies such as Cloud Computing, Social, Mobile, Analytics, etc. • A proactive fast-learning team player who is willing takes up the challenges in a fast-paced and result-driven working environment; • Strong analytical skills and innovative approach to problems;
Our Sales Specialist Trainee will be responsible for providing business solutions/advices, selling IBM offerings (hardware, software, services and industry solutions) directly to clients, closing the sale and positively impacting the client’s satisfaction with the engagement and the offerings. In addition, you will also gain invaluable experience in areas such as sales engagement, strategic planning, business case development, client relationship management and project team management.
Nature of Business:
Banking/Finance Construction Management Consulting Education/Training/Research Engineering
Insurance Manufacturing Marketing/Market Research Media/Advertising/Public Relations
Key attributes we are looking for: • Undergraduate or Postgraduate in any discipline, graduated in Year 2015 or graduating in Year 2016; • Have not worked in a full-time capacity for more than two years after graduation (Undergraduate or Postgraduate); • Passionate in the HK Information Technology career.
Products /Services:
Information Technology & Service 1200
Country of Company Ownership: No. of staff worldwide (if applicable):
No. of Staff (approx.) in Hong Kong:
Career Center, Student Affairs Office, HKUST
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Job Information
Position Offered: Graduate Position Sales Specialist Trainee (2016 in-take) No. of Vacancies: 10
Blue Seed Program is an elite program designed to support IBM strategy by fostering the “Blue Sales Force” and equip up them with comprehensive IBM skills and competency. In the program, Sales Specialist Trainee will be trained as a valued business resource to the clients by acquiring in-depth industry know-how, IBM products’ knowledge, information on advanced and emerging technologies, consultative selling techniques or specialty offering capabilities and so on.
Name & Location of Parent Company (if Introduction of your Company/Organization:
International Business Machines Corporation (commonly referred to as IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting corporation, with headquarters in Armonk, New York. IBM, which has led the information technology industry since it began, is the innovation partner that helps clients create value through innovation, not only in the products and services they produce and offer, but in every part of their business. IBM opened for business in Hong Kong on April 16, 1957, and has played a vital role in technology exchange and development in this thriving metropolis since then.
START@IBM - How to apply? *Applications must be made using our online application form. Applications submitted via other means will NOT be considered. Shortlisted applicants will be notified regarding the next stage in the recruitment process via email. *Applicant is only allowed to apply one trainee program, and application could only be submitted once only. Those who submit more than one application or more than once in the same trainee program will NOT be considered. *Applicants are required to complete the on-line application and upload all the required documents in ONE PDF file to our website on or before the application deadline –December 1, 2015 (Tuesday). The following are the required documents: -- Covering Letter (please specify which trainee position to apply); -- Resume with full details, including valid e-mail address and mobile number; -- Academic transcripts copies (e.g. Bachelor and/or Master Degree transcripts indicating the CGPA score); -- HKCEE certificate and HKALE certificate copies (for local students in HK only);
□ Internship ( # Year-out / Summer; Internship Period: ________________)