









内分泌学(endocrinology)由endo(内部的)、crine(Krine, 分泌)和希腊文logos(意即study)组合而成[1]。



因此,内分泌学不同于一般的临床医学,它既是一门基础医学学科,又是一门临床学科, 其中的临床内分泌学是临床医学和内科学的一门分支学科。


内分泌学就是研究与机体内的激素调节有关的学科,它包括的范围十分广泛,从激素基因表达、激素合成、分泌、转运到激素受体作用与靶部位(器官、组织、细胞)的反应,以及各种结构或功能变化引起的异常都属于内分泌学研究的内容, 临床内分泌学则主要研究相关情况引起的疾病。

近代内分泌学在研究激素的作用机制和疾病发病机制时,一方面与分子生物学、免疫学、细胞化学等已融为一体,另一方面又产生了分子内分泌学(molecular endocrinology)和免疫内分泌学(immunoendocrinology)等新型学科。











神经部和腺垂体的中间部合称后叶(一)腺垂体1 远侧部(Pars distalis)腺细胞排列成团索状,少数围成小滤泡。

细胞间有否定的窦状毛细血管和少量结缔组织分类:HE染色,腺细胞的嗜色性,分为嗜色细胞和嫌色细胞,嗜色细胞(Chromophil cell)又分为嗜酸性细胞和嗜碱性细胞(1)嗜酸性细胞数量较多形态:圆形或椭圆形,直径14~19微米;胞质含嗜酸性颗粒(较大)分类:电镜下①生长激素细胞(Somatotroph,STH cell):数量较多,电镜下,胞质含电子密度高的分泌颗粒。

功能:合成和释放生长激素(Growth hormone,Somatotropin,GH),促进体内多种代谢过程,尤其刺激骺软骨生长,使骨增长幼年时期,GH分泌不足致垂体侏儒症;分泌过多引进巨人症,成人肢端肥大症②催产激素细胞(Mammotroph,prolactin cell):男女均有,男性较多。



hCG由孕妇早期绒毛膜滋养层的合胞体细胞所分 泌,从孕妇尿液中排出----可用于早孕诊断 hCG生理功能:与LH相似 ,FSH的作用很小 ①对雌性动物 具有促进排卵和黄体形成 ②对雄性动物 促进睾丸间质细胞分泌雄激素, 因而能刺激雄性生殖器官发育和生精机能。 ③在人,hCG可作为胎盘信号,使周期黄体转变 为妊娠黄体,并维持其机能;胎盘形成后不久, 可逐渐代替卵巢机能,具有明显的免疫抑制作 用。
第二节 生殖激素的生理功能与临床应用
促性腺激素释放激素(gonadotrophin releasing hormone, GnRH),包括FSH-RH和LH-RH两种。 ※对雌性动物的生理功能: a. 引起垂体LH和FSH的释放(呈脉冲式)与合成 b.刺激排卵 ※对雄性动物的生理功能:促进精子的生成
PGs临床应用: ※在母畜繁殖中的应用 1.调节发情周期 2.人工引产 3. 治疗母畜繁殖疾病 持久黄体、黄体囊肿、 子宫内膜炎、子宫积脓、无乳症。 ※ 在公畜繁殖中的应用 1.增加精子的射出量 PGF2α 2.提高人工授精效果
测量母畜体重;苯甲酸雌二醇0.1mg/kg体重, 孕酮0.25mg /kg体重,分别肌注,1次/天,连用7 天,于第六天肌注利血平,5mg /1次/天,连用4 天
卵泡 雌激素
黄体 孕酮 PG
A C T H 肾上腺皮质激素 PGF2α 黄 体 萎 缩 雌激素 子 宫 收 缩
胎儿入产道 催产素分泌
分 娩
只作为第一信使(first messenger)



General Info Metabolic hormone (revs up cellular metabolism) Requires Iodine to be made Precursor: thyroglobulin (inactive) – T3 & T4 bound together, forming a structure that is analogous to a prohormone Transport: 75% carried on plasma proteins (thyroid hormone on transport protein acts as a reservoir) T4 converted to T3 for action (T4 acts as a reservoir) Actions Intracellular Action Steps: 1. binds to membrane receptor, 2. endocytosis occurs, 3. binds to intracellular receptors: a) cytosolic serves as a reservoir, b). mitochondria (increases ATP) & c) nucleus (turn on metabolism genes structural proteins and enzymes) Intracellular Effects: 1. Increases # of enzymes, 2. increases ATP (which is used as fuel by the enzymes), 3. results in increased rate of metabolic reactions, which 4. creates heat (calorigenic effect). Effects on Peripheral Tissue 1) General: Elevates rates of oxygen consumption and energy use, increases blood glucose levels (provides fuel for increased metabolism) 2) Cardiovascular: Increases heart rate and force of contraction (FYI: generally results in increased blood pressure) – (more blood pumped to cells brings more fuel and nutrients)



• 酶(enzyme),早期是指in yeast 在酵母 中的意思,指由生物体内活细胞产生的一种 生物催化剂。大多数由蛋白质组成(少数为 RNA)。能在机体中十分温和的条件下,高 效率地催化各种生物化学反应,促进生物体 的新陈代谢。生命活动中的消化、吸收、呼 吸、运动和生殖都是酶促反应过程。酶是细 胞赖以生存的基础。细胞新陈代谢包括的所 有化学反应几乎都是在酶的催化下进行的。
• • • • • •
• 激素是内分泌细胞制造的。 • 人体内分泌细胞有群居和散住两种。 • 群居的形成了内分泌腺,如脑壳里的 脑垂体,脖子前面的甲状腺,肚子里的肾 上腺、胰岛、卵巢及阴囊里的睾丸。 • 散住的如胃肠粘膜中有胃肠激素细胞, 丘脑下部分泌肽类激素细胞等。 • 每一个内分泌细胞都是制造激素的小 作坊。
• 激素只对一定的组织或细胞(称为靶组织 或靶细胞)发挥特有的作用。 • 如生长激素可以在骨骼、肌肉、结缔组织 和内脏上发挥特有作用,使人体长得高大 粗壮。 • 如甲状腺激素缺陷和在缺碘的不发达国家, 易出现甲状腺肿大,他们的饮食中有抗甲 状腺物质,抑制激素合成。许多药物包括 氨基水杨酸、锂、甚至大剂量碘、可以减 少甲状腺激素合成。

• 睾丸、卵巢及肾上腺均可分泌雄激素。 睾酮是睾丸分泌的最重要的雄激素。雄激 素作用于雄性副性器官如前列腺、精囊等, 促进其生长并维持其功能,也是维持雄性 副性征所不可少的激素:如家禽的冠、鸟 类的羽毛、反刍动物的角以及人类的须发、 喉结等。 • 雄激素还具有促进全身合成代谢,加强氮 的贮留等功能,这在肝脏和肾脏尤为显著。
• 研究显示,黄豆和豆制品中所含大量植物 雌激素,在治疗和预防乳癌方面扮演重要 角色,关键所在是,黄豆会改变体内激素 的分泌。 • 当体内雌激素太低时,黄豆或豆制品会使 它增加,但当雌激素太高时,黄豆或豆制 品也会使它减少。 • 研究认为,黄豆和豆制品中还含有异黄素, 它具有平衡雌激素的作用。黄豆这种对雌 激素的双向平衡作用,在食物中很难找得 第二种。



18. 根据化学结构,激素可分为

以及 三类。
19. 激素的作用方式有:

20. 内分泌腺分泌水平的相对稳定主要是通过
21. 细胞膜受体介导的激素作用机制主要建立在
22. 下丘脑的肽能神经元主要存在于

40. 甲状旁腺激素是由甲状旁腺
A 型题
41. 调节机体各种功能活动的两大信息传递系统是:
A. 第一信使和第二信使
B. 第一信号系统和第二信号系统
C. 内分泌系统和神经系统
D. 中枢神经系统和外周神经系统
E. 多肽和蛋白类激素及脂类激素
42. 下列关于激素的叙述,错误的是: A. 激素是由体内的内分泌腺分泌的高效能生物活性物质 B. 多数激素经血液循环,运送至远距离的靶细胞发挥作用 C. 某些激素可通过组织液扩散至邻近细胞发挥作用 D. 神经细胞分泌的激素可经垂体门脉流系统向腺垂体发挥作用 E. 激素在局部扩散后,可返回作用于自身而发挥反馈作用
30. 肾上腺皮质在组织结构上由外向内依次为


31. 肾上腺皮质功能亢进时,糖增加四




第十一章 内分泌一、名词解释:1.激素(hormone)2.靶细胞(target cell)3. 第一信使与第二信使(first messenger and second messenger) 4.分泌(paracrine)5.神经激素(neural hormone)6. 远距分泌(telecrine)7.允许作用(permissive action)8.下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptide)9. 下丘脑—垂体束(hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system) 10.应激(stress)二、选择题(一)单选题:1.调节机体各种功能的两大信息传递系统是A.first signal system和second signal system B.first messenger和second messengerC.cAMP和cGMP D.central nervous system和peripheral nervous system E.nervous system和endocrine system2.cAMP作为second messenger,它先激活A.腺苷酸环化酶 B.磷酸二酯酶 C.蛋白激酶 D.DNA酶 E.磷酸化酶 3.下列物质中哪一种属于second messengerA.ATP B.ADP C.cAMP D.5’-AMP E.AMP4.下列哪种hormone属于类固醇hormoneA.促甲状腺素 B.甲状旁腺素 C.卵泡刺激素 D.醛固酮 E.肾上腺素 5.下列哪种hormone属于含氮类hormoneA.雌激素 B.催产素 C.孕激素 D.糖皮质激素 E.醛固酮6.关于激素的正确概念是A.由内分泌细胞产生的具有生物活性的物质 B.只能加强靶细胞的功能活动C.直接作用于靶细胞膜受体而起作用 D.每种激素对其他激素的作用均无影响E.以上都对7.肽类hormone合成的部位一般是在A.细胞核膜 B.核糖体 C.高尔基体 D.溶酶体 E.线粒体8.神经激素就是指A.A.作用于神经细胞的激素 B.具有激素功能的神经递质 C. 神经细胞分泌的激素 D.神经系统内存在的激素E.来自神经细胞,并只作用于神经系统的激素9.生长素一天中的分泌高峰期在A.清晨 B.中午 C.下午 D.快波睡眠 E.慢波睡眠10.下丘脑与腺垂体之间主要通过下列哪个途径联系A.神经纤维 B.垂体门脉系统 C.神经纤维和门脉系统 D.门脉系统E.以上都不是11.幼儿时生长素分泌不足可导致A.呆小症 B.巨人症 C.侏儒症 D.向心性肥胖 E.肢端肥大症12.刺激生长素分泌的代谢因素中,作用最强的是A.低血糖 B.高血糖 C.低血脂 D.高血脂 E.低蛋白13.加压素的主要生理作用是A.A.使血管收缩,升高血压 B.促进肾小管对Na+重吸收C. 降低肾远曲小管和集合管对水的通透性D.增加肾远曲小管和集合管对水的通透性 E.促进肾的保钠排钾作用 14.女性青春期乳腺发育主要由哪种hormone刺激引起的A.progestin B.prolactin C.estrogen D.growth hormone E.thyroid hormone15.下列哪组激素由神经垂体分泌A.生长素和催产素 B.胰岛素和催乳素 C.催产素和抗利尿激素 D.去甲肾上腺素和生长素 E.加压素和催乳素16.Thyroid gland的含碘量约占全身碘量的A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80% E.90%17.Thyroid hormone作用的主要机制是A.与核受体结合,刺激mRNA生成 B.与核受体结合,促进cGMP生成C.与膜受体结合,促进cAMP生成 D.与膜受体结合,抑制cAMP生成E.与膜受体结合,抑制cGMP生成18.甲状腺激素主要促进哪些组织生长发育A.A.骨骼和肌肉 B.神经系统和肌肉 C.内脏和骨骼 D.神经系统和骨骼 E.肌肉和内脏19.某男性,18岁,身高1.2m,智力低下,,反应迟钝,性发育延迟,其原因是幼年缺乏A.A.生长激素 B.甲状腺激素 C.神经垂体激素 D.胰岛素E.肾上腺素和性激素20.Thyroid hormone能促进成年人下列哪种组织增加耗氧量A.脑 B.肝 C.肺 D.脾 E.性腺21.成年人thyroid hormone分泌不足可患哪种疾病A.呆小症 B.侏儒症 C.克汀病 D.粘液性水肿 E.水中毒22.治疗呆小症应在出生后何时开始补充thyriod hormone才能奏效 A.3个月左右 B.6个月左右 C.8个月左右 D.10个月左右 E.12个月左右23.血中thyroid hormone浓度升高对TSH的negative feedback作用出现较慢,其原因是A.thyroid hormone进入垂体细胞缓慢 B.thyroid hormone须从结合型转变为游离型C.T4必须先转变为T3D.需要通过合成抑制性蛋白的阶段E.TSH在肾脏破坏需要一定时间24.硫氧嘧啶类药物抑制thyroid hormone分泌是由于A.抑制T3、T4释放 B.使T3、T4的破坏增多 C.抑制过氧化物酶系的活性D.阻止T3、T4进入细胞 E.抑制碘的摄取25.影响神经系统发育的最重要的hormone是A.生长素 B.甲状腺激素 C.糖皮质激素 D.肾上腺素 E.胰岛素 26.由肠道吸收的碘以何种形式存在于血液中A.I2B.I— C.I+ D.I 2— E.以上均可27.下列哪种维生素能显著影响钙的吸收和代谢A.维生素A B.维生素B C.维生素C D.维生素D E.维生素E 28.Calcitonin的主要靶器官是A.甲状旁腺 B.肾脏 C.胃肠道 D.骨 E.腺垂体29.下列哪种hormone可促进1,25—(OH)2D3的形成A.甲状旁腺激素 B.降钙素 C.T3 D.T4E.TSH30.下列关于胰岛细胞所分泌的hormone的叙述,哪项是正确的 A.A细胞分泌胰多肽 B.B细胞分泌胰岛素 C.C细胞分泌胰高血糖素 D.D细胞分泌抑胃肽 E.PP细胞分泌生长抑素31.胰岛素缺乏时,对糖异生的作用是A.增强 B.减弱 C.先减弱后增强 D.先增强后减弱 E.无影响32.调节insulin分泌的最重要因素是A.血糖水平 B.血中氨基酸水平 C.血脂水平 D.血钙水平 E.血钾水平33.下列那种激素对蛋白质合成与储存是不可缺少的A.胰高血糖素 B.胰岛素 C.胰多肽 D.生长抑素 E.降钙素 34.胰岛素分泌不足,将产生A.侏儒症 B.呆小症 C.糖尿病 D.阿狄森氏病 E.柯兴氏综合征35.肾上腺皮质功能低下时可出现A.血容量减少 B.血容量增多 C.血浆Na+浓度升高 D.血浆K+浓度降低 E.血压升高36.糖皮质激素对血细胞数目的影响是A.A.红细胞、血小板增多 B.淋巴细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞增多C.中性粒细胞增加、红细胞减少 D.中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞减少 E.血小板减少37.糖皮质激素不宜用于胃溃疡患者,是因为糖皮质激素A.抑制糖的利用,使组织能源减少 B.使胃肠道血管收缩,血供减少 C.促进盐酸和胃蛋白酶原的分泌,加剧溃疡病变D.分解蛋白质,影响伤口愈合E.抑制纤维母细胞的增殖和功能,延长溃疡愈合38.糖皮质激素本身无血管收缩作用,但能加强去甲肾上腺素的缩血管作用,称为A.直接作用 B.拮抗作用 C.允许作用 D.协同作用 E.反馈作用39.支配肾上腺髓质的神经纤维是A.A.交感神经胆碱能节前纤维 B.交感神经胆碱能节后纤维C.交感神经肾上腺素能节前纤维 D.交感神经肾上腺素能节后纤维E.交感神经肽能节前纤维(二)、多选题:1.下列哪些激素是含氮类激素A.甲状腺素 B.甲状旁腺素 C.催产素 D.肾上腺素 E.抗利尿素 2.Growth hormone能A.A.加速蛋白质的合成 B.促进脂肪的合成 C.促进脂肪分解D. 可加强葡萄糖的利用 E.可抑制葡萄糖的利用,提高血糖水平 3.Insulin的作用有A.促进葡萄糖转变为脂肪酸 B.促进糖的贮存 C.促进脂肪和蛋白质的分解和利用D.促进脂肪和蛋白质的合成 E.抑制组织对糖的利用4.Glucocorticoid作用有A.促进蛋白质分解、抑制其合成 B.分泌过多时可引起脂肪重新分布C. 对保持血管对儿茶酚胺的正常反应有重要作用D.减弱机体对有害刺激的耐受 E.使红细胞生成减少5.Thyroid gland腺泡聚碘活动时A.腺泡细胞必须消耗0B.依赖碘泵完成2C.碘泵的活动有赖于腺苷酸环化酶提供能量D.摘除垂体后聚碘能力下降 E.TSH可促进聚碘6.以下醛固酮的作用哪些是正确A.血钠降低时,分泌增多 B.分泌过多时,可引起水钠潴留C.主要作用于肾近曲小管 D.分泌减少时,可引起低血钾症E.血钠降低时,分泌减少7.长期服用糖皮质激素的患者A.可引起肾上腺皮质束状带萎缩 B.不可以突然停药C.应间断给促肾上腺皮质激素 D.面部、躯干和背部脂肪明显减少 E.面部、躯干和背部脂肪明显增多三、问答题:1.1.从生理角度分析侏儒症和呆小症的主要区别。


滤泡上皮细胞 (follicular epithelial cell): 立方或低柱状,核圆形居中, 核仁清晰,胞质弱嗜碱性。 能合成和分泌甲状腺激素 (thyroid hormone)。 主要功能:增进机体的新陈代 谢,提高神经兴奋性、促进生 长发育。
电镜下,滤泡上皮细 胞的游离面有少量微 绒毛,胞质内较发达 的粗面内质网,线粒 体和溶酶体也较多, 核上部有高尔基复合 体。顶部胞质内有较 小的分泌颗粒和从滤 泡腔摄入的较大的胶 质小泡。基底部有质 膜内褶和完整的基膜.
球状带:分泌盐皮质激素(如醛固酮) 束状带:分泌糖皮质激素(如皮质醇) 网状带:分泌雄激素,雌激素、糖皮质激素
被膜 髓质 交感神经节细胞 血窦、中央静脉
1、球状带 (Zona glomerulosa)
位于被膜下,较薄,细胞较小, 呈锥形,核小,染色深,细胞排 列成球团状。分泌盐皮质激素。 主要是醛固酮(aldosterone). 其主 要作用为促进肾远曲小管和集合 管吸Na+排K+,使血Na+浓度升高, 血K+浓度降低。
(三)结节部 (pars tuberalis )
此部含有丰富的纵形毛细血 管。血管间有嫌色细胞等. 远侧部 中间部 神经部
生长激素细胞:GH 嗜酸性细胞
促甲状腺激素细胞:TSH FSH
促肾上腺皮 质激素细胞
2、束状带 (Zona fasciculata)
细胞排列成束状,细胞较大,多边形。 核圆,着色浅。胞质因含大量脂滴而在 HE染色标本中呈泡沫状。 细胞分泌糖皮质激素 (glucocorticoid),主 要是皮质醇和皮质酮。 主要作用为促进糖异 生、抗炎、抑制免疫 应答。其分泌活动受 促肾上腺皮质激素 (ACTH)的调控。


































Graves Disease
Is it
Hyperthyroid Hypothyroid or Euthyroid
• Wasting of Temporalis and shoulder muscle • Myxedema in limbs
• Fat accumulation behind eyes • High TSH • Patient previously had a thyroidectomy
• Protein Anabolic • Increased plasma phosphorus • Increase absorption of calcium in gut • Diabetogenic • Growth Periods • Dwarfism • Giantism • Acromegaly
• Location
– Sella turcica – Floor of the brain
• Parts of the Pituitary Gland
– – – – – – – – Anterior Pituitary Posterior Pituitary Adenohypophysis Neurohypophysis Pars Nervosa Pars Distalis Pars intermedia Pars Tuberalis
• Blood bound hormonal systems
– Steroids carried on lipoproteins – Polypeptides and Proteins – Biogenic amines
• Inactivation System • Half-life concept
• • • •



Frederick Banting
Born November 14, 1891) Alliston, Ontario, Canada
Died February 21, 1941 (aged 49)
Notable awards 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
J. J. R. Macleod supplied Banting with a lab at the University of Toronto, an assistant – Medical student Charles Best, and 10 dogs, then lest on vacation during the summer of 1921.
• A hormone is a substance that is synthesized and secreted by specialized glands or tissues and carried via the circulation to target cells, where it elicits specific changes in the metabolic behavior of the cell by interacting with a hormone-specific receptor.
Nobel prize for 1923
Frederick Banting
Alpha cells: producing glucagon (15-20% of total islet cells) Beta cells: producing insulin and amylin (65-80%) Delta cells: producing somatostatin (3-10%) PP cells: producing pancreatic polypeptide (3-5%) Epsilon cells: producing ghrelin (<1%)



BOX 22-1hormone荷尔蒙,激素 through the portal system门脉系统 to th e anterior较早的,以前的pituitary垂体 system. Secretion分泌,分泌物,分泌作用of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)促卵泡激素 by the anterior lobe裂片,凸起部,突齿,叶片 of the pituitary gland stimulates growth of follicles滤泡. Most follicles die, leaving one to mature into a large graafian follicle成熟卵泡. Estrogen雌激素produced by the follicle stimulates increased secretions of luteinizing hormone (LH)促黄体生成素by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The follicle ruptures and releases an ovum卵, 卵子into the peritoneal cavity腹腔.Luteal Phase黄体期The luteal phase begins with ovulation排卵; 产卵作用. Body temperature drops and then rises by 0.5° to 1° F around the time of ovulation. Corpus luteum黄体is formed from follicle cells滤泡细胞,卵泡细胞 that remain in the ovary卵巢 following ovulation. Corpus luteum secretes分泌estrogen雌激素 and progesterone孕酮during the remaining 14 days of the cycle. Corpus luteum degenerates退化, 堕落 if the ovum卵, 卵子 is not fertilized 受精,and secretion of estrogen and progesterone declines. The decline of estrogen and progesterone stimulates the anterior pituitary垂体前叶 to secrete more FSH and LH, initiating开始a new reproductive cycle.me iiiciiiLi udi piidse <-uriii!>i!> ui t w o days ot bleeding as the endometrium子宫内膜breaks down because of the decreased amount of estrogen and progesterone. The amount of FSH rises, enabling the beginning of a new cycle.Proliferative Phase增生期,增殖期The proliferative phase lasts about 9 days. Estrogen stimulates proliferation and growth of the endometrium. As estrogen increases, it suppresses secretion of FSH andincreases secretion of LH. Secretion of LH stimulates ovulation and the developmentof the corpus luteum.Ovulation occurs between day 12 and day 16. Estrogen is high and progesterone is low. Secretory Phase The secretory phase lasts about 12 days. The secretory phase follows ovulation. This phase is initiated in response to the increaseinLH.Graafian follicle is replaced by corpus luteum. Corpus luteum secretes progesterone andestrogen. Progesterone prepares the endometrium forpregnancyshould a fertilized ovum be implanted.Fetus is 8 cm in length.Fetus is 45 g.Face is well formedlimbs are long and slender.Kidneys begin to form urine.Spontaneous movements occur.Heartbeat is detected by Doppler transducer between 10 and 12 weeks. Sex is visually recognizable. Week 16Active movements are present. Fetal skin is transparent. Lanugo hair begins to develop. Skeletal ossification occurs. Week 20Fetus is 19 cm in length. Fetus is 465 g.Lanugo covers the entire body. Fetus has nails. Muscles are developed.Enamel and dentin are depositing. Heartbeat is detected by regular (nonelectronic)fetoscope. Week 24Fetus is 28 cm in length. Fetus is 780 g.Hair on head is well formed. Skin is reddish and wrinkled. Reflex hand grasp functions. Vernix caseosa covers entire body. Fetus has ability to hear.Week 28Fetus is 38 cm in length. Fetus is 1200 g. Limbs are well flexed. Brain is developing rapidly. Eyelids open and close. Lungs are developed sufficiently to provide gas exchangi(lecithin forming).If born, neonate can breathe at this time.Week 32Fetus is 40 cm in length. Fetus is 2000 g. Bones are fully developed. Subcutaneous fat has collected. The L/S (lecithin/sphingomyelin) ratio is 1.2:1.Week 36The fetus is 42 to 48 cm length. The fetus is 2500 g. The skin is pink and the body is rounded. The skin is less wrinkled. Lanugo is disappearing. The L/S ratio is greater than 2:1.Week 40The fetus is 48 to 52 cm in length. The fetus is 3000to 3600 g. The skin is pinkish and smooth. Lanugo is present on upper arms andshoulders.Vernix caseosa decreases Fingernails extend beyond fingertips. Sole (plantar) creases run down to the heel. The testes are in the scrotum. The labia majoria are well developed.。




其中与动物性器官、性细胞、性行为等的发生以及发情、排卵、妊娠、分娩和泌乳等生殖活动有直接关系的激素,统称为生殖激素(reproductive hormone)。


1 下丘脑激素1.1 促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)促性腺激素释放激素又名促黄体素释放激素(LH-RH或LRH)、促卵泡素释放激素(FSH-RH),由分布于下丘脑内侧视前区、下丘脑前部、弓状核、视交叉上核的神经内分泌小细胞分泌能促进垂体前叶分泌LH和FSH。

已知分子结构的GnRH同时对LH和FSH 的分泌和释放有促进作用,因此在研究GnRH的促LH释放效应时,习惯于称它为促黄体素释放激素,同样在研究其促FSH释放效应时,则称它为促卵泡素释放激素。






1.2 催产素(oxytocin,OXT)催产素主要功能表现以下:第一,催产素可以刺激哺乳动物乳腺肌上皮细胞收缩,导致排乳。



hormones 字的构成

hormones 字的构成

hormones 字的构成Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the endocrine glands in our body that regulate various physiological processes. In this article, we will explore the composition of hormones and their role in maintaining the delicate balance of our bodily functions.The word "hormones" is derived from the Greek term "hormon," which means "to set in motion." This is fitting because hormones play a crucial role in regulating the activities of various organs and tissues. So, what exactly are hormones made of, and how do they carry out their functions?Hormones are primarily composed of amino acids or steroids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and several hormones are classified as protein hormones. These hormones are made up of long chains of amino acids, which are interconnected by peptide bonds. Examples of protein hormones include insulin, growth hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone.On the other hand, steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol, a type of fat molecule. Unlike protein hormones, steroid hormones are lipid-soluble and can easily pass through the cell membrane.This enables them to directly affect gene expression within the target cells. Examples of steroid hormones include testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol.The production of hormones is tightly regulated by the endocrine system, which includes various glands spread throughout the body. These glands release hormones into the bloodstream or into the surrounding tissues, where they can bind to specific receptors on target cells. This binding initiates a cascade of events within the cells, leading to the desired physiological response.Apart from amino acids and steroids, hormones may also contain other components, such as sugars or small molecules. For instance, thyroid hormones contain iodine, while catecholamines like adrenaline and noradrenaline contain a catechol ring structure. These additional components influence the hormone's stability, solubility, and activity.The production and release of hormones are regulated by a complex feedback system. The hypothalamus, a region in the brain, plays a crucial role in hormone regulation. It secretes releasing and inhibiting hormones that either stimulate or suppress the release ofhormones from the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, often referred to as the "master gland," produces and releases a range of hormones that control other endocrine glands throughout the body.The effects of hormones are diverse and far-reaching. They can influence growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, mood, and even behavior. For example, growth hormone promotes bone and muscle growth, while insulin regulates blood sugar levels. Estrogen and testosterone are essential for sexual development and reproductive function, and cortisol helps us respond to stress.Imbalances in hormone levels can lead to various health conditions. For instance, an overproduction of insulin can result in diabetes, while insufficient production of thyroid hormones can cause hypothyroidism. Hormone imbalances can be caused by genetic factors, certain medical conditions, medications, or lifestyle factors.In conclusion, hormones are complex chemical messengers that play an integral role in maintaining the proper functioning of our body. They are composed of amino acids or steroids, along withother components like sugars or small molecules. Hormones are produced and released by the endocrine system, and their effects are diverse and widespread. Understanding the composition and functions of hormones helps us appreciate their critical role in regulating our physiological processes.。



信息素特别是性信息素的释放有严格的条件限制,主要取 决于成虫性成熟状态、时间和环境条件。许多昆虫从羽化后的 整个生命周期都可以产生和释放信息素,有些昆虫则必须达到 一定的虫龄,才能达到性成熟,并且在自然死亡前的某个时期 就停止了信息素的产生。
各种昆虫均按自身固有的生物钟释放性信息素。如4~5天 蛾龄的雄性红带卷叶蛾在上午9时的反应最强烈;球果蝇雌性 信息素的释放在黑暗后5~6小时开始,9小时后最盛。
增收有了保障 提高了国际的信誉
四、昆虫信息素在害虫综合治理体系 中的作用
➢ 监测有害虫种 ➢ 检疫害虫 ➢ 防治害虫
性信息素的合成 ➢ 昆虫分泌性信息素的组织:性信息分泌腺 ➢ 分泌时间:在昆虫性成熟期,但具体时间与虫种有关。
3. 主要品种
中穴星坑小蠹聚集信息素、桉树毛小蠹聚集信 息素、黑山大小蠹聚集信息素、黄杉大小蠹聚 集信息素、瘤额大小蠹聚集信息素、云杉八齿 小蠹聚集信息素、黑材小蠹聚集信息素、椰蛀 犀金龟聚集信息素等。
二、与害虫防治关系比较密切的 信息素
(二) 聚集信息素 1.定义:昆虫在特定场合释放出的、聚集大量同
疏散信息素:是昆虫中群密度自我调节的信息物质。如大菜粉 蝶产卵时在卵壳上留有驱使同种雌虫不在附近产卵的信息素。
2.2 昆虫信息素的化学组成及作用原理
昆虫信息素是带有挥发油性质的化学物质,具有香味或 臭味。一般都是多种成分的混合物,有的是顺式或反式异 构体组成的混合物,有些是乙酸酯和醇或乙酸酯和醛的混 合物,有的是不同双键位置的异构体,有的结构很简单, 有的则较为复杂。多数是长链的不饱和醇、乙酸酯或醛类, 如蛾类的性外激素。但也有不少是萜类化合物,如标迹外 激素和集结外激素。

follicle-stimulating hormone 参考值范围

follicle-stimulating hormone 参考值范围

follicle-stimulating hormone 参考值范围什么是促卵泡激素(FSH)?促卵泡激素(FSH)是一种由垂体腺体分泌的荷尔蒙。



因此,测量FSH 的水平可以帮助医生检测生殖系统的功能以及诊断潜在的生殖健康问题。














对于男性,正常的FSH水平一般应在1.5-12.4 IU/L之间。






9 Hormone

9 Hormone

Chapter IX HormonesPreface of hormonesHormones, 希腊意为“奋起活动”,它对肌体的代谢、生长、发育和繁殖等起重要的调节作用。








Content Secretion & propertiesClassification & function Mechanism & regulationCommon hormonesPlant & insect hormones1. secretion & charactersHormone is trace or minimum amount of organics,synthesized in special tissue&gland.Four model,by view of its secretion&its effects:※远距离分泌:激素经血液运送至靶细胞;※旁分泌:仅通过组织液扩散至邻近的靶细胞;※自分泌:经组织扩散又返回到内分泌细胞产生作用※神经分泌:某些神经细胞将神经冲动转变为由激素中介的化学信息Two pathway for synthesis:P554由激素的结构基因通过转录翻译而成; 通过胞内酶系催化合成。



Tissue-Specific Metabolism: The Division of Labormetabolic processes within cells are regulated at thelevel of individual enzyme reactions,•by substrate availability,•by allosteric mechanisms, and•by phosphorylation or other covalent modificationsFrom the view point of the whole organism,hormonal signals integrate and coordinate the metabolic activities of different tissues and optimize the allocation of fuels and precursors to each organ.1. Hormones outlineThe term hormone from the Greek, “to spur on”was first used in 1904 by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling to describe the action of secretin, a molecular secreted by the duodenum 十二指肠that stimulate the flow of pancreatic juice.Definition----Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by certain tissues into the blood or interstitial fluid, serving to regulate the activity of other cells or tissues./biology/236.html1.2 Character•are compounds secreted by endocrine glands•the response to a hormonal signal comes as a direct and rapid resultEndocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream •active at exceedingly low concentrations.•act through binding to specific receptors,inside the target cell or on the cell surface•The presence of specific receptors on the specific cell types determines how hormones, secreted into the bloodstream, affect only certain tissues•Second messengers are often used to transmit the message to the target metabolic pathway(not all hormone actions involve a second messenger)The coordination of metabolism in mammals is achieved bythe neuroendocrine system神经内分泌系统1.3 激素的分泌•受内外环境影响,各激素的功能是平衡的•任何一种hormone过强/过弱会引起代谢紊乱或致死Endocrine gland: 松果体,垂体,甲状腺,甲状旁腺,胰岛,肾上腺(皮质,髓质),性腺,胸腺The Endocrine System----a collection of glands that secrete chemical messages we call hormones下丘脑垂体甲状腺甲状旁腺胸腺肾上腺胰腺卵巢/睾丸endocrine substance(=hormone)which endocrine gland secreted can enter into bloodstream/lymph without vessel, functions on a certain organ or a tissue, regulate body’smetabolism, growth, development and fertilization. Endocrine substanceEndocrine gland:由不规则排列的细胞团或细胞束和丰富的血管一起构成.1.3 Chemically, the hormones in vertebrate metabolism(1) peptides or polypeptides, such as insulin or glucagon(2) amino acid derivatives, including the catecholamines儿茶酚胺and thyroxine(3) steroid, including glucocorticoids and the sex hormones(4)脂肪酸衍生物激素---PG(前列腺素)酚胺睾丸激素Signal transduction•information from outside the cell is conveyed into the cell. •involves messenger systems.•a first messenger, a hormone, which binds to a cell surface receptor.•The binding stimulates production of a second messenger inside the cell.2. Mechanisms of Hormone Actionreceptor----能与激素,生长因子,神经递质结合,并发挥作用的蛋白质hormone receptor----能与激素结合,并发挥作用的蛋白质hormone receptor 至少2个位点: 一与激素结合,另一为受体发挥功能位点.Hormone receptor characters•hormones interact with target cells by initially binding to a macromolecular receptor,•participates in transduction of the signal from the external messenger to some component of the metabolic machinery, •at least one additional functional site. The activity of this site is altered by hormone binding,•Most hormones bind tightly,dissociation constants :0.1 M -1.0 pM.•The ability of a tissue to respond to hormonal stimulation is a function of the receptor density of cells in that tissue.2.1 seven-helix receptors activate adenylate cyclase --CAMP-PKA pathway2.1.1 seven-helix receptors–most nitrogen hormoneReceptor structureMiddle: 7 helixN-end: 2 polysaccaride unitC-end: ser residulePM内侧的一个泡区参与活化G蛋白的过程activate*2.1.2 G proteins•named based on their ability to bind guanine nucleotides.•G proteins are membrane proteins•inactive state : binding GDP,inhibit adenylate cyclase, Gi active state : binding GTP, stimulation of adenylate cyclase,Gs •G proteins are required for activation of adenylate cyclaseα:45kD β: 35kD γ: 7 kDBinding of GTP dissociate from the other subunits and bind to adenylate cyclase.GTP is hydrolyzed dissociates from adenylate cyclase and reassociates with the other subunits.关闭由该激素触发的循环Second messengers: are often used to transmit the hormonal message to the target metabolic pathway.cAMPis one such second messenger2.1.3 cAMP--Second messengersCAMP as a second messenger 实验证据1.affecting that cell.2.the change of its level in a target cell should precede or occur at the same time as the final outcome of hormonal stimulation.•Variations in hormone levels should matched by variations in the concentration of this molecular substance.3.The substance which inhibited it being decomposed should prolong the function time of a hormone.4.the biological effects of a hormone should be mimicked by the addition of it.2.1.4 cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase(cAPK)1.Activation of adenylate cyclase by epinephrine or glucagonproduces cAMP,2.promotes the dissociation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase(R2C2) to give free catalytic monomers (C).3. C is the protein kinase, which phosphorylates other proteins.phosphorylase b kinase activate glycogen phosphorolysis.Kinase CascadeGlycogen metabolism (and other metabolic pathways, as well) is regulated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of a set of proteins.The reactions in the phosphorylation occur in a cascading mechanismKinase Cascade10-8-10-10mol/L10-6mol/L Glu 5×10-3mol/L放大:5×105-107mol/LKinase Cascade operates as follows in the cell:1. Stimulus for phosphorylation is hormone interaction (glucagon or epinephrine) with a cellular receptor, sends a signal via a G protein to the membrane-bound enzyme, adenylate cyclase.2. Adenylate cyclase, in turn, forms cAMP from ATP3. cAMP activates cAMP-dependent protein kinase.4. cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylates phosphorylase b kinase.5. Phosphorylase b kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase b to convert it to glycogen phosphorylase a.6. Glycogen phosphorylase a catalyzes phosphorolysis of glycogen to form glucose-1-phosphate.Coincident with stimulating glycogen breakdown, cAMP exerts two effects in inhibiting glycogen synthesis:1. Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase,2. Inhibition of phosphoprotein磷蛋白质phosphatase(PP-1),2.1.5 the signal transduction pathway involves the following steps:1. Binding of extracellular hormone to a receptor, causes a conformational change in the receptor that stimulates it to interact with a nearby molecule of Gs.2. This in turn stimulates an exchange of bound GDP for GTP3. Gs is converted to a protein that activates adenylate cyclase, producing cyclic AMP from ATP.4. This results in activation of protein kinase A,5. Phosphorylation of target enzymes results in stimulation or inhibition of metabolic reactions.Continued activation of Gs depends on the presence of bound GTP.The hormonal response is limited, and is controlled by the presence of a slow GTPase activity on the G protein.Thus, bound GTP is slowly cleaved to GDP, This process is assisted by a GTPase-activating protein (GAP).Hormones using CAMPas a second messenger: Calcitonin降血钙素(一种调节血中含钙量之荷尔蒙) Chorionic gonadotroptin绒毛膜促性腺激素corticotropin促肾上腺皮质激素epinephrine肾上腺素adrenalinefollicle stimulating hormoneglucagons胰高血糖素lipotropin促脂素vasopressin抗利尿激素parathyroid hormone副甲状腺素2.2 Signal transduction pathways involving phosphoinositide磷酸肌醇turnover2.2.1 procedure:a. An agonist binds to a receptor.b. stimulates a G protein to bind GTP.c. activates phospholipase C磷脂酶C,磷脂酰肌醇4,5-二磷酸肌醇1,4,5-三磷酸二酰基甘油d. IP3 stimulates the release of calcium from its intracellular stores in the endoplasmic reticulum .e. DAG stimulates membrane-bound protein kinase C.protein kinase C requires calcium ion and a phosphatidylserine磷脂酰丝氨酸Stimulating essential: DAG greatly increase the affinity of the enzyme for calcium ions.f. Protein kinase C phosphorylates specific serine and threonine residues in target proteins.2.2.2 CalmodulinWhy has nature chosen Ca2+to mediate so many signaling process?1.细胞内浓度可发生大幅度改变[Ca 2+]胞内=0.1umol/L, 比外环境浓度低几个数量级传递信号,可于瞬间打开细胞膜/内膜的钙通道骤然升高细胞质中Ca2+的水平.2. Ca2+可与多个配体(6-8个氧原子)结合Ca2+和Pr 不同片断发生交联诱导Pr发生巨大的构象变化target protein activity changes鲤鱼肌肉提取出的小清蛋白3Asp(4羧基氧)1Glu (2羧基氧)8 O 原子1主链羰基(1羰基氧)1结合水分子(1水分子氧)EF hand:螺旋区-泡区-螺旋区Calmodulin•a small protein (Mr~17,000 PI=4.0)•contains four calcium ion binding sites•calcium can effect intracellular metabolic changes in concentrations as low as 1 mM.Binding of calciummajor conformational change in the proteinmore compact and more highly helical structure affinity of calmodulin for regulatory target proteins.2.3 Receptors with tyrosine kinase1. Epidermal growth factor (EGF表皮生长因子);2. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF血小板生长因子) ;3. Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1);4. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF 纤维原细胞血小板生长因子);5. InsulinReceptors With Protein Kinase Activitygrowth factor receptors•contain an intrinsic enzymatic activity •a single membrane-spanning domain. •no second messengersA tyrosine kinase: phosphorylates tyrosine.The kinase activity is essential to the biological activity of the insulin receptor,some cases of non-insulin-dependent diabetes are associated with receptor mutations that abolish the kinase activity.Insulin receptor•a glycoprotein with an α2β2tetrameric structure, •stabilized by disulfide bonds.•αchain (735 residues) , not to span the membrane, to bind insulin near its C-terminus.βchain (620 residues) , a transmembrane domain, C-terminus in the cell interior and is the site of a protein tyrosine kinase activity, stimulated by the binding of insulin to the extracellular part of the receptorΑand βchain are translated from a single mRNA, giving a polypeptide chain that then undergoes proteolytic processing.effects occurring via membrane receptors-----short durationrepresent responses to rapid and urgent physiological demands and involve activation or inhibition of preexisting enzymes.。

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