Interpreting test scores 1
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Scr
Interpreting Scores in the ACHA-NCHA III/NCHAAlcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST)McNeely J, Strauss SM, Rotrosen J, Ramaular A, Gourevitch MN. Validation of an audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) version of the alcohol, smoking, and substance involvement screening test (ASSIST) in primary care patients. Addiction. 2016; 111(2):233-44.World Health Organization. The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST): Manual for use in primary care. 2010. WHO Press, Geneva, Switzerland. Available online: ASSIST generates a Substance Specific Involvement Score (SSIS) for each of 12 different substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, prescription stimulants, meth, inhalants, sedatives or sleeping pills, hallucinogens, heroin, prescription opioids, and other substances). The range for each SSIS is 0-39, where the higher the score reflecting a higher level of risk associated with that substance use. Each of the 12 SSIS’s ar e then collapsed intoa risk category of low risk, moderate risk, or high risk.The Connor-Davison Resilience Scale (CD-RISC2)Conner KM, Davidson JTR. Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Depression and Anxiety. 2003; 18:76-82.Vaishnavi S, Conner K, Davidson JRT. An abbreviated version of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the CD-RISC2: Psychometric properties and applications in psychopharmacological trials. Psychiatry Res. 2007;152(2-3):293-297The CD-RISC2 generates a score between 0 and 8, with higher scores reflecting greater resilience.Diener Flourishing Scale – Psychological Well-Being (PWB)Diener E, Wirtz D, Tov W, Kim-Prieto C, Choi D, Oishi S, Biswas-Diener R. New well-being measures: Short scales to assess flourishing and positive and negative feelings. Social Indicators Research. 2010; 97(2):143-156.The Diener PWB generates a score between 8 and 56, with higher scores reflecting a higher level ofpsychological well-being.Food SecurityBlumberg SJ, Bialostosky K, Hamilton WL, Briefel RR. The effectiveness of a Short Form of the Household Food Security Scale. Am J Public Health. 1999; 89(8):1231-1234.USDA, Economic Research Service, Food Security Survey Tools. Six-item Short Form. Available at:https:///topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-us/survey-tools/.USDA Food Security 6-item Short Scale Score (5 items when self-administered) generates a score between 0 and 6, with higher scores reflecting lower levels of food security. The score is then collapsed into one of threecategories: a score of 0-1 reflects high or marginal food security, a score of 2-4 reflect low food security, and a score of 5-6 reflects very low food security. Combining those with low food security and very low food security will reflect the portion of the sample with food insecurity.Kessler 6 (K6)Kessler RC, Barker PR, Colpe LJ, Epstein JF, Gfroerer JC, Hiripi E, Howes MJ, Normand SL, Manderschied RW,Walters EE, Zaslavsky AM. Screening for serious mental illness in the general population. Arch Gen Psychiatry.2003: 60(2)184-9.Kessler RC, Green, JG, Gruber MJ, Sampson NA, Bromet E, Cuitan M, Furukawa TA, Gureje O, et al. Screening for serious mental illness in the general population with the K6 screening scale: Results from the WHO WorldMental Health (WMH) Survey Initiative. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2010; 19(0-1):4-22.Prochaska JJ, Sung H-Y, Max W, Shi Y, Ong M. Validity study of the K6 scale as a measure of moderate mental distress based on mental health treatment need and utilization. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2012; 21(2)88-97.The Kessler 6 generates a score between 0 and 24, with higher scores reflecting higher levels of psychological distress and serious mental illness. The score is then collapsed into one of three categories: a score of 0 to 4reflects no or low psychological distress, a score of 5-12 reflects moderate psychological distress, and a score of 13-24 reflects serious psychological distress.UCLA Loneliness ScaleHughes ME, Waite LJ, Hawkley LC, Cacioppo, JT. A short scale for measuring loneliness in large surveys: Results from two population-based studies. Res Aging. 2004; 26(6):655-672.The Short UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS3) generates a score between 3 and 9, with higher scores reflecting higher levels of loneliness. The score is then collapsed into one of two categories: a score of 3-5 reflects a negativescreening for loneliness, and a score of 6-9 reflects a positive screening for loneliness.The Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire – Revised (SBQ-R)Osman A, Bagge CL, Gutierrez PM, Konick LC, Kopper BA, Barrios FX. The suicidal behaviors questionnaire-revised (SBQ-R): Validation with clinical and nonclinical samples. Assessment. 2001; 8(4):443-454.Scoring the SBQ-R: https:///images/res/SBQ.pdfThe SBQ-R generates a score between 3 and 18, with higher scores reflecting higher risk for suicide. The score is then collapsed into one of two categories: a score of 3-6 reflects a negative screening for suicide risk, and ascore of 7-18 reflects a positive screening for suicide risk.。
Topics1. Introduction to language testing2. Functions of testing & different types of tests3. Criteria of tests4. Test specification5. Test tasks6. Testing reading comprehension7. Testing listening comprehension8. Testing the writing skills9. Oral production tests10. Test design & implementation11. Interpreting test scores12. Analysis of test scores (1)13. Analysis of test scores (2)14-16. Statistics analysis (e.g. T-test, correlation analysis)1. Four approaches of English testing:四种英语语言测试法1)写作-翻译法the essay-translation approach2)结构主义/心理测试法the structuralist-psychometric approach3)综合测试法the integrative approach:context4)交际测试法the communicative approach: use2. Measurement: process, quantitativeTest: method, quantitativeAssessment: a term often used interchangeably with testing, but it can be used more broadly to encompass the gathering of educational data. …interview, case study, questionnaire, and observation are often used. (王振亚,2009)Evaluation: test & value judgement, qualitative测量指的是根据明确的程序和规则量化研究对象特征的过程;考试是用来获取某些行为的方法,目的是从这些行为中推断出个人具有的某些铁证,与测量不同的是,考试是一种具体为获取某一行为样本而量身定做的定量分析方法;评估是为决策而系统地手机信息的过程,侧重信息收集和信息的系统性,涵盖范围广,信息来源没有局限性。
Interpersonal relationships
Communication Styles
Understanding an individual's personality type can help in understanding their preferred communication style. For instance, an intuitive type may prefer a more abstract and theoretical communication style, while a feeling type may prefer a more emotional and empathetic communication style.
Consider the cost of the tool in relation to its benefits and value to the organization.
Correct interpretation of results
Objective interpretation
is widely used in the corporate world.
Current status
Personality testing is now widely used in various fields,
including education, career guidance, human resources
To provide an objective understanding of an individual's personality, identify strengths and weaknesses, and suggest ways to improve personal and professional development.
standardized tests
The questions pertain to student-users:
► Does
the test explain to students its purpose, intent, or recommended use in an honest and straightforward way? ► Are test instructions thorough, clear, and specific? ► Are there example test items? Are they adequate? ► Do the test booklet and answer sheet have layouts that facilitate comprehension and responding? ► Are the test items unbiased, personally inoffensive, culturally appropriate, and interesting to the students?
user qualities
It is important to examine standardized tests from the point of view of both teachers and students as users. ►The questions pertain to student-users ►The questions pertain to teacher-users
item pool is much larger than the final version of the test.
① The
Hale Waihona Puke pool of test items is administered to a tryout sample.
N = 26 X = 702 Mean = 702 26 = 27 d² = 432 d² /N = 432 26 = 16.62 s.d. = d² /N = 16.62 = 4.77 = 4.8
Table 3: Calculaபைடு நூலகம்ion of Correlation Coefficient
Lecture I: Definition and Function of Language Tests 5. For finding out learning difficulties 6. For helping the students understand the purpose of teaching 7. For helping the students consolidate what they have learned 8. For reporting the progress of the students 9. For predicting the success or failure in language learning 10.For evaluating the efficiency of teaching 11.For evaluating the teaching methods 12.For evaluating the teaching materials
[2280 – 1664]²
= [1640 – 1024][3320 – 2704] =
616 616 = 1.00
Figure 1: Norm Distribution and Standard Score
2% 14% 34% 34% 14% 2%
Interpreting scores
If the scores of students on a test were widely spread from low, middle to high, the scores would be said to have a large distribution. Some common statistical measures of dispersion are SD & Range.
The statistics we are concerned with here are known as descriptive statistics., the emphasis is on describing scores. The description may take the form of tables, graphs or single number (eg., an average). The purpose of these statistics is to summarize sets of numbers so that features may be seen and understood more easily.
The first two measures provide a convenient means of analyzing & describing a single set of test scores. The third type of measures can be used to indicate the agreement between two sets of test scores obtained for the same students. All three are widely used in educational measurement & should be mastered by anyone working with test data.
LSAT 评分指南说明书
June 2017 LSAT AdministrationThis Interpretive Guide for the June 2017 LSAT was developed to help admission officers, deans, faculty, prelaw advisors, and others who use LSAT scores, to facilitate the law school admission process. This guide does not cover all the technical psychometric information available regarding the LSAT, but it does provide basic information in nontechnical language for those who need to use and interpret these scores.Interpreting LSAT ScoresScores on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) are reported on a scale from 120 to 180 and can be directly compared across testing administrations and testing years. Why are scores on the 120–180 scale comparable to each other?These scores have the s ame meaning from one administration to the next and from one year to the next as a result of a statistical process called equating.When scores are equated, a given scaled score represents comparable ability regardless of the administration in which it is obtained. The average ability level of test takers (group performance) is higher at some administrations than at other administrations. Nevertheless, for any individual test taker, a given scaled score represents the same degree of ability regardless of when the score is earned. Information about group performance may be useful to some score users. However, score users should never inflate or discount an individual’s score to take into account the administration at which it was earned, since the scores from different test forms have been made comparable through the equating process. An applicant’s LSAT score provides the same information about the applicant’s ability regardless of the ability of others who tested at the same time. For example, an applicant with an LSAT score of 160 might have a higher relative standing among February test takers than among June test takers, but the ability level represented by a score of160i s t he same regardless of when t hat s core is earned. Distribution of June 2017 Test TakersTo guide and monitor their admission processes, many LSAT score users use information about the percentage of test takers who earn each scaled score. This is frequently referred to as distribution data because it provides information about howtest takers are distributed across the score scale. Distribution data based on information available from the June 2016 and June 2017 administrations are presented in Table 1.Table 1 shows percentile ranks for June 2016 test takers compared to June 2017 test takers. The same score would havea different percentile rank within different groups. LSAT score users are likely to be most interested in percentile ranks forthree different reference groups: all test takers, all lawschool applicants, and all applicants to a particular law school. This Interpretive Guide only shows percentile ranks for test takers to date. The monthly applicant reports sent to each law school show the percentile ranks for applicants to all ABA-approved law schools to date and for applicants to that law school. These percentile ranks for the reference group of applicants are different from the percentile ranks for all test takers.Some Things to Note•The test-taker volume for the June 2017 administration was approximately 20 percent higher than reported for the June2016 administration.•The mean LSAT score for the June 2017 administration was 0.27 points higher than the mean LSAT score for the June 2016administration.•Slight differences were noted between the percentile ranks for the two testing periods.Reliability, Measurement Error, Score Bands, and Score DifferencesTo assess the reliability or consistency of LSAT scores, a reliability coefficient is computed for each LSAT form. Reliability coefficients indicate how reproducible a test taker’s performance would be over repeated administrations of the same test form. Reliability coefficients are measured on a scale from0to1.T he larger the v alue of the reliability coefficient, the more reproducible a test taker’s performance should be. Values of at least .9 indicate a very reliable test form.Table 2 shows the reliability coefficient for the June 2017 (Form8LSN127) test form. This and previous LSAT reliability coefficient values have typically been over .9, indicating that the LSAT is a very reliable test.LSAT scores contain a certain amount of measurement error that is assessed with the standard error of measurement for individual scores (SEM I). The SEM I is more useful than the reliability coefficient for interpreting the precision of individual test scores. The SEM I indicates how close a test taker’s observed score is likely to be to his or her true score. (A test taker’s true score is the score that he or she would obtain on a perfectly reliable test—a test with a reliability coefficient of 1.) The LSAT SEM I is very stable and tends to be about 2.6 scaled score points. The actual SEM I value for Form 8LSN127 is 2.63 points (see Table 2). Smaller SEM Ivalues indicate more precise scores.Law School Admission CouncilPO Box 40, Newtown PA 18940-0040P: 215.968.1001Table 1: Score Distributions for the June LSAT AdministrationJune 2017 June 2016 Score%Below%Below180 99.9 99.9179 99.9 99.9178 99.9 99.9177 99.7 99.7176 99.5 99.7175 99.5 99.5174 99.2 99.3173 98.7 98.9172 98.3 98.6171 97.8 98.0170 97.0 96.9169 96.3 96.2168 94.8 94.7167 93.7 93.8166 91.7 92.0165 90.6 90.8164 88.4 88.7163 86.0 86.3162 83.2 83.8161 80.7 81.4160 77.7 78.7159 74.7 75.6158 71.5 72.5157 68.5 69.3156 65.3 65.7155 61.9 63.6154 58.2 60.1153 54.6 56.2152 50.9 52.5151 47.2 48.6150 43.6 44.5149 39.7 42.2148 36.0 38.1147 34.2 34.2146 30.6 32.2145 27.2 28.2144 23.8 24.2143 22.0 22.3142 18.8 18.8141 17.4 17.3140 14.4 15.6139 12.8 12.6138 10.3 11.2137 9.0 10.0136 7.9 7.7135 6.8 6.6134 5.7 5.7133 4.9 5.0132 4.2 4.2131 3.4 3.6130 2.7 2.9129 2.2 2.4128 1.8 2.0127 1.7 1.7126 1.4 1.3125 1.1 1.0124 0.9 0.8123 0.9 0.6122 0.7 0.5121 0.6 0.4120 0.0 0.0Test Takers Mean Std Dev 27,589150.8810.6422,970150.6110.60Score bands, or ranges of scores that contain a test taker’s true scorea certain percentage of the time, can be derived using the SEM I.Score bands are constructed by adding and subtracting a multipleof the SEM I to or from a scaled score. By adding and subtractingone times t he SEM I to or from a score, the score band will containan individual’s true score approximately 68 percent of the time. Byadding and subtracting two times the SEM I to or from a score, thescore band will contain an individual’s true score approximately 95percent of the time.For reporting purposes, LSAC constructs score bands bysubtracting one times the rounded SEM I from the LSAT score toobtain a lower bound value, and adding one times the roundedSEM I to the LSAT score to obtain an upper bound value. LSACadjusts the score bands for LSAT scores lying in the upper andlower regions of the LSAT score scale (i.e., scores close to 120 or180), which makes them asymmetrical.Given that the SEM I for Form 8LSN127 is 2.63 points (which weround to 3 to create score bands), the score band for most LSATscores will be 7 score points. For example, the score band for anLSAT score of 150 will be 147 to 153.LSAT score users are sometimes interested in comparing scoredifferences among test takers. When this is done, users must keepin mind that the SEM for score differences (SEM D)is larger than theSEM associated with individual scores (SEM I). In fact, it isapproximately 1.4 times larger. The interpretation of the SEM D issimilar to the interpretation of the SEM I: the difference betweenscores from two test takers is within one SEM D on either side of thetrue score difference, approximately 68 percent of the time.Table 2 shows the SEM associated with score differences for Form8LSN127. For this form, the SEM D is 3.72 points, which we roundup to 4 points to compare scores. If two test takers have scores of150 and 154, for example, their true score difference will lie in therange of 0 to 8 points (4-point difference, plus or minus therounded 4-point SEM D), approximately 68 percent of the time.Note: This example illustrates that small score differences betweentwo test takers may be due to measurement error and may notrepresent real differences in the abilities of test takers. Thisunderscores the LSAC cautionary policy against putting undueweight on small score differences among test takers. The LSAT isjust one source of information that should be considered whenevaluating an applicant.Table 2: Reliability and Standard Error of Measurementto Date: 2017–2018 Testing YearReliabilityCoefficientStandard Errorof Measurement8LSN127 (June 2017) .94Individual Scores(SEM I)2.63Score Differences(SEM D)3.72© 2017 Law School Admission Council, Inc.。
English Reading (2)
College Chinese
Physical Training (2)
Conspectus of Chinese Modern History
Spoken English (2)
Introduction to Environmental Science (Elective Course)
The Skill of Sing the Popular Song (Elective Course)
English Listening (2)
Comprehensive English (2)
Advanced English (2)
Consecutive Interpreting
A Brief History of British and American Literature and Selected Readings of the Works (2)
The World Cultural Heritage of Europe (Elective Course)
English Reading (3)
外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生培养方案(专业代码: 050211)一.培养目标培养德、智、体全面发展的外语人才。
三年内必定修满 35 学分。
四.课程设置(一)公共必修课1.马克思主义理论:《马克思主义与社会科学方法论》,18 学时,记 1 学分;《中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究》 36 学时,计 2 学分。
共216 学时,计 5 学分。
(三)选修课选修课最少选修 12 学分,其中《计算机基础》为各专业限制选修的课程,共36 学时,计 2 学分。
各方向研究生在学时期的授课实践为 36 学时,一般在第四学期进行。
授课实践合格者可获得 2 学分。
英语教学和测试Language Testing
Wei Beibei
Language Testing
I. Introduction to language testing II. Stages of test construction III. Testing language skills and elements IV. Common testing techniques V. Interpreting test scores VI. Achieving beneficial backwash
The essay-translation approach
This approach is commonly referred to as the pre-scientific stage of language testing. No special skill or expertise in testing is required: the subjective judgment of the teacher is considered to be of paramount importance. Tests usually consist of essay writing, translation, and grammatical analysis. The tests also have a heavy literary and cultural bias.
① 强调语言测试要在上下文中进行; ② 不在测试中刻意追求区别各个单项语言技
能,而是强调两项或以上语言技能的综合 评估,题型包括填空、听写、翻译、写作 等,从整体上对学生的语言能力进行测量。
The communicative approach
分数汇总 英语作文
分数汇总英语作文Title: Summarizing Scores。
In today's interconnected world, proficiency in English has become increasingly vital. As such, it's common for students to assess their English language skills through various exams and assessments. However, merely receiving a score is not enough; understanding and interpreting those scores is equally important. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of score summaries in English language assessments.First and foremost, comprehending the components of an English language assessment is essential. These assessments typically encompass reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Each section evaluates different facets of language proficiency, such as comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and coherence.Upon completing an English language assessment,individuals are provided with scores for each section, along with an overall score. These scores serve as indicators of their language proficiency level. However, without a comprehensive understanding of what these scores represent, they lose their significance.To properly interpret scores, it's imperative to refer to the assessment's scoring rubric or guidelines. These documents outline the criteria used for evaluation and provide insights into how scores are determined. For instance, in a writing assessment, scores may be based on factors like organization, development, language use, and mechanics.Furthermore, score summaries offer individuals valuable feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. By identifying areas of improvement, learners can tailor their study plans to address specific deficiencies effectively. For example, if someone receives a low score in the speaking section due to pronunciation issues, they can focus on pronunciation exercises to enhance their skills.Additionally, score summaries enable individuals to set realistic goals for their language learning journey. Whether aiming to achieve a certain proficiency level for academic or professional purposes, having a clear understanding of current proficiency levels is crucial. By setting achievable goals based on their scores, learners can track their progress and stay motivated.Moreover, score summaries play a pivotal role in academic and professional settings. Universities and employers often require English language proficiency scores as part of their admissions or hiring processes. A well-documented score summary provides concrete evidence of an individual's language abilities, facilitating informed decisions by academic institutions and employers.It's important to note that English language assessments are not just about achieving high scores;they're about continuous improvement. Score summaries should be viewed as tools for growth rather than mere outcomes. Regardless of whether one receives a high or low score, there's always room for development.In conclusion, score summaries are invaluable assets in English language assessments. They provide individuals with insights into their language proficiency levels, areas of strength and weakness, and guidance for future improvement. By understanding and interpreting these scores effectively, learners can embark on a journey of continuous growth and development in the English language.。
英语四级赋分表Here is the essay on the topic of "English Proficiency Test Scoring Table" with more than 1000 words:The English proficiency test, often referred to as the CET or College English Test, is a standardized examination that evaluates the English language skills of students in China. The CET is a crucial component of the higher education system, as it serves as a benchmark for assessing the language proficiency of college and university students. One of the key aspects of the CET is the scoring table, which provides a clear and comprehensive guide for interpreting the test results.The scoring table for the CET is a detailed document that outlines the criteria used to evaluate the performance of test-takers. It is divided into several sections, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of the English language, such as listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and grammar. Each section is further broken down into various levels, with each level corresponding to a specific range of scores.The listening comprehension section of the CET is designed to assessthe test-taker's ability to understand spoken English. This section typically includes a variety of tasks, such as answering multiple-choice questions, identifying key information, and summarizing the main ideas of audio recordings. The scoring table for this section provides a clear breakdown of the scoring criteria, with higher scores indicating a stronger command of listening comprehension skills.The reading comprehension section of the CET is designed to evaluate the test-taker's ability to understand written English. This section typically includes a variety of tasks, such as answering multiple-choice questions, identifying the main ideas of passages, and drawing inferences from the provided information. The scoring table for this section provides a detailed breakdown of the scoring criteria, with higher scores indicating a stronger command of reading comprehension skills.The writing section of the CET is designed to assess the test-taker's ability to communicate effectively in written English. This section typically includes tasks such as writing a short essay, summarizing a passage, or responding to a prompt. The scoring table for this section provides a comprehensive guide for evaluating the quality of the written work, taking into account factors such as content, organization, grammar, and vocabulary.The grammar section of the CET is designed to evaluate the test-taker's understanding of the structural and grammatical aspects of the English language. This section typically includes tasks such as identifying and correcting grammatical errors, completing sentences with appropriate grammatical structures, and answering questions about the rules of English grammar. The scoring table for this section provides a clear breakdown of the scoring criteria, with higher scores indicating a stronger command of grammatical knowledge.Overall, the scoring table for the CET is a critical component of the test, as it provides a clear and objective framework for evaluating the performance of test-takers. By understanding the criteria used to assess each section of the test, students can better prepare for the CET and develop a more comprehensive understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses in the English language.One of the key benefits of the CET scoring table is that it allows for consistent and reliable assessment of English proficiency across a large and diverse population of test-takers. This is particularly important in a country like China, where the CET is administered to millions of students each year. The scoring table ensures that the results of the test are interpreted in a fair and standardized manner, regardless of the individual test-taker's background or location.Another important aspect of the CET scoring table is its role in shaping the curriculum and teaching methods used in Englishlanguage education in China. The scoring criteria and the relative weights assigned to each section of the test provide a clear roadmap for educators and curriculum designers, who can use this information to develop more targeted and effective teaching strategies. By aligning their teaching practices with the requirements of the CET, educators can better prepare their students for the challenges of the test and help them achieve higher levels of English proficiency.The CET scoring table also plays a crucial role in the admissions and employment processes in China. Many universities and employers use the CET scores as a key criterion for evaluating applicants, as the test provides a reliable and objective measure of an individual's English language skills. This has led to a strong emphasis on CET preparation among students, who often devote significant time and resources to mastering the skills and strategies needed to perform well on the test.Despite the importance of the CET scoring table, it is important to recognize that the test and its scoring system are not without their critics. Some argue that the CET places too much emphasis on rote memorization and test-taking strategies, rather than on the practical application of English language skills. Others have raised concerns about the potential for bias and discrimination in the scoring process, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds or those with diverse learning needs.In response to these concerns, there have been ongoing efforts to refine and improve the CET scoring table, with a focus on enhancing the validity and reliability of the test results. This has included the introduction of new assessment formats, the incorporation of more authentic and communicative tasks, and the implementation of more rigorous quality control measures.Overall, the CET scoring table is a critical component of the English proficiency testing system in China, serving as a key tool for evaluating the language skills of students and shaping the broader landscape of English language education. As the test and its scoring criteria continue to evolve, it will be important for both students and educators to remain informed and engaged with these developments, in order to ensure that the assessment process remains fair, effective, and relevant to the changing needs of the21st-century global workforce.。
F1得分使用精确度和召回率的调和平均值,公式如下:F1 = (2 * Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)F1得分的取值范围为0到1之间,其取决于精确度和召回率值的大小。
以一个二分类问题为例,假设有以下四个评估指标:1. True Positives(TP):模型预测为正例且实际为正例的样本数量。
2. False Positives(FP):模型预测为正例但实际为负例的样本数量。
3. False Negatives(FN):模型预测为负例但实际为正例的样本数量。
4. True Negatives(TN):模型预测为负例且实际为负例的样本数量。
根据这些指标,可以计算精确度和召回率:精确度=TP/(TP+FP)召回率=TP/(TP+FN)然后,使用以上公式计算F1得分:F1 = (2 * Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)F1得分可以用于评估分类模型的性能,常用于处理不平衡数据集。
鉴别指数的计算步骤Discrimination Index Calculation Steps.Discrimination Index.Discrimination index is a statistical measure that assesses the ability of an item to differentiate between high-performing and low-performing test takers. It is calculated as the difference in the proportion of high-performing test takers who answer an item correctly minus the proportion of low-performing test takers who answer the item correctly.Steps to Calculate Discrimination Index:1. Identify the High-Performing and Low-Performing Test Takers: Divide the test takers into two groups: high-performing and low-performing. A common approach is to divide the test takers based on their overall test scores, with the top 25% being considered high-performing and thebottom 25% being considered low-performing.2. Calculate the Proportion of Correct Answers for Each Group: Determine the proportion of high-performing test takers who answered the item correctly and the proportion of low-performing test takers who answered the item correctly.3. Calculate the Discrimination Index: Subtract the proportion of correct answers for the low-performing test takers from the proportion of correct answers for the high-performing test takers.Interpreting Discrimination Index:A discrimination index can range from -1 to +1. A positive discrimination index indicates that the item is effective at discriminating between high-performing andlow-performing test takers, with higher values indicating better discrimination. A negative discrimination index indicates that the item is not effective at discriminating between the two groups. A discrimination index of 0indicates that the item does not discriminate between the groups.Factors Affecting Discrimination Index:The discrimination index of an item can be affected by several factors, including:Item Difficulty: Items that are too easy or too difficult may not discriminate well between high-performing and low-performing test takers.Item Specificity: Items that cover specific topics may be more difficult for low-performing test takers who have not mastered those topics.Test Taker Knowledge: The knowledge level of the test takers can impact the discrimination index. Test takers with higher knowledge levels may be able to answer more difficult items correctly, reducing the discrimination index.Use of Discrimination Index:Discrimination index is a valuable tool for test developers and educators to assess the quality of test items. Items with high discrimination indices can be used to enhance the overall reliability and validity of a test.中文回答:鉴别指数的计算步骤。
斯皮尔曼等级相关系数英文Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is a statistical measure used to assess the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. This coefficient is calculated by ranking the values obtained on each variable and then calculating the difference between ranks for each observation. The formula for calculating the coefficient is:r = 1 - 6(∑d2)/(n(n2 - 1))where r is the coefficient, d is the difference between the ranks for each observation, and n is the sample size.If the coefficient is positive, it means that there is a direct relationship between the two variables. If the coefficient is negative, it means that thereis an inverse relationship between the two variables. If the coefficient is zero, it means that there is no relationship between the two variables.Spearman's rank correlation coefficient can be used to analyze both continuous and ordinal data. For example, it can be used to determine if there is a relationship between a person's level of education and their income. It can also be used to determine if there is a relationship between a student's ranking in a class and their test scores.When interpreting the results of Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, it is important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Just because two variables are correlated does not mean that one causes the other.Other factors may be at play.In terms of determining the strength of the relationship between two variables, the interpretation of the coefficient is as follows:- If r is between -1 and -0.7 or between 0.7 and 1, the relationship is strong. - If r is between -0.7 and -0.3 or between 0.3 and 0.7, the relationship is moderate.- If r is between -0.3 and 0.3, the relationship is weak.Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is a useful tool for analyzing relationships between variables. It provides a quantitative measure of the strength and direction of the relationship, which can be helpful in making decisions and forming hypotheses for further research.。
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根据翻译学家Peter Newmark的定义,“翻译是用一种语言(源语言)表达出另一种语言(目标语言)所反映的内容、思想和风格。
” 因此,interpreting翻译就是通过将源语言翻译成目标语言来表达原意的过程。
托福成绩报告TOEFL Score ReportIntroduction:TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an international standardized test designed to measure the ability of non-native speakers of English to use and understand English in an academic setting. The test is accepted by over 11,000 universities and other institutions in more than 150 countries.Score Report:Once you have completed the TOEFL, you will receive a score report. The score report includes the following information:1. Your overall scores for each section (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing).2. Your scores on each task within the Speaking and Writing sections.3. The scores you need to achieve to reach your desired proficiency level.4. Your total score and the score range for your proficiency level.5. Your test date and registration number.6. Information about the institution(s) you have selected to receive your scores.How to Access Your Score Report:You can access your score report online via your TOEFL account. Once you have logged in, you can view and print your score report.Interpreting Your Scores:The TOEFL score report includes scaled scores for each section, ranging from 0-30. Your total score is the sum of your scaled scores for the four sections, which ranges from 0-120. The score report alsoincludes percentile ranks, which compare your scores to those of other test-takers.Your scores may be used for a variety of purposes, such as admission to universities, scholarship applications, or as proof of English proficiency for employment purposes. It is important to research the specific requirements of the institution or organization to which you will be submitting your scores.Conclusion:The TOEFL score report is an important document that showcases your English proficiency. Understanding your scores and the information included in the score report can help you achieve your academic and professional goals.。
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Two main measures of dispersion
• The Range • Standard deviation
The range
• The range is defined as the difference between the largest score in the set of data and the smallest score in the set of data, XL – XS • E.g. 50-item test highest score is 43 the lowest is 21 the range is from 21 to 43: i.e..22 • What is the range of the following data: 4 8 1 6 6 2 9 3 6 9 • The largest score (XL) is 9; the smallest score (XS) is 1; the range is XL - XS = 9 - 1 = 8
Part three
Measures of dispersion
• Measures of dispersion are descriptive
statistics that express quantitatively the degree of variation or dispersion of a set of scores
Interpreting test scores
• Whether 90 marks is a high mark in the test whichቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱfull mark is 100?
Hard→ high Easy → low
Part One Frequency distribution
Standard deviation
• It measures the degree to which the group of scores deviates from the mean ﹡ This difference is called a deviate or a deviation score ﹡ The deviate tells us how far a given score is from the typical, or average, score
Method of calculating s.d. 2/N •S.d.=√∑d
•N is the number of scores •d is the deviation of each score from the mean
• Procedures : • 1.Find out the amount by which each score from the mean (d) • 2.square each result(d2) • all the results(∑d2) • 4.divide the total by the number of testees (∑d2/N); and • 5.find the square root of this result (√∑d2/N)
Mean: refers to the arithmetical average. The most efficient measure of central tendency.
In this particular case there is a fairly close correspondence between the mean (27) and the median (26). Such a close correspondence is not always common and has occurred in this case because the scores tend to cluster symmetrically around a central point.
• The range is rarely used in scientific work as it is fairly insensitive ﹡It depends on only two scores in the set of data, XL and XS ﹡ Two very different sets of data can have the same range: 1 1 1 1 9 vs. 1 3 5 7 9
The table contains the imaginary scores of a group of 26 students on a particular test consisting of 40 items. Row scores (row marks): the number of questions a student gets right on a test By itself, a raw score has little or no meaning. The meaning depends on how many questions are on the test and how hard or easy the questions are.
Three most common measures of central tendency
Mode: refers to the score which most candidates obtained.
Median: refers to the score gained by the middle candidate in order of merit.
• It is smaller spread of scores. • Aim of the test *to determine which students have
mastered a particular programme of work/capable of carrying out certain tasks in the target language. 4.08 will be quite satisfactory provided it is associated with a high average score. *measuring several levels of attainment and making fine distinction within the group, then a broad spread will be required.
When To Use the Range
• The range is used when ﹡ you have ordinal data or ﹡you are presenting your results to people with little or no knowledge of statistics
• Facility Value (FV) • Discrimination Index (D) • Analysis of difficulty and discrimination
Item Difficulty
The index of difficulty (or facility value) of an item simply shows how easy or difficult the particular item proved in the test.
• This section is related to the range or spread of scores. • The more similar the scores are to each other, the lower the measure of dispersion will be • The less similar the scores are to each other, the higher the measure of dispersion will be • In general, the more spread out a distribution is, the larger the measure of dispersion will be
The number of correct answers
The number of students taking the tests
Item Discrimination
The discrimination index of an item indicates the extent to which the item discriminates between the testees, separating the more able testees from the less able. The index of discrimination tells us whether those students who performed well on the whole test tended to do well or badly on each item in the test. 27.5% Halves or thirds