Unification of Gravitation and Gauge Fields
On the Gauge Aspects of Gravity
a rXiv:g r-qc/96213v18Feb1996On the Gauge Aspects of Gravity †Frank Gronwald and Friedrich W.Hehl Institute for Theoretical Physics,University of Cologne D-50923K¨o ln,Germany E-mail:fg@thp.uni-koeln.de,hehl@thp.uni-koeln.de ABSTRACT We give a short outline,in Sec.2,of the historical development of the gauge idea as applied to internal (U (1),SU (2),...)and external (R 4,SO (1,3),...)symmetries and stress the fundamental importance of the corresponding con-served currents.In Sec.3,experimental results with neutron interferometers in the gravitational field of the earth,as interpreted by means of the equivalence principle,can be predicted by means of the Dirac equation in an accelerated and rotating reference ing the Dirac equation in such a non-inertial frame,we describe how in a gauge-theoretical approach (see Table 1)the Einstein-Cartan theory,residing in a Riemann-Cartan spacetime encompassing torsion and curvature,arises as the simplest gravitational theory.This is set in con-trast to the Einsteinian approach yielding general relativity in a Riemannian spacetime.In Secs.4and 5we consider the conserved energy-momentum cur-rent of matter and gauge the associated translation subgroup.The Einsteinian teleparallelism theory which emerges is shown to be equivalent,for spinless mat-ter and for electromagnetism,to general relativity.Having successfully gauged the translations,it is straightforward to gauge the four-dimensional affine group R 4⊃×GL (4,R )or its Poincar´e subgroup R 4⊃×SO (1,3).We briefly report on these results in Sec.6(metric-affine geometry)and in Sec.7(metric-affine field equations (111,112,113)).Finally,in Sec.8,we collect some models,cur-rently under discussion,which bring life into the metric-affine gauge framework developed.Contents1.Introduction2.Remarks on the history of the gauge idea2.1.General relativity and Weyl’s U(1)-gauge theory2.2.Yang-Mills and the structure of a gauge theory2.3.Gravity and the Utiyama-Sciama-Kibble approach2.4.E.Cartan’s analysis of general relativity and its consequences3.Einstein’s and the gauge approach to gravity3.1.Neutron matter waves in the gravitationalfield3.2.Accelerated and rotating reference frame3.3.Dirac matter waves in a non-inertial frame of reference3.4.‘Deriving’a theory of gravity:Einstein’s method as opposed to thegauge procedure4.Conserved momentum current,the heuristics of the translation gauge4.1.Motivation4.2.Active and passive translations4.3.Heuristic scheme of translational gauging5.Theory of the translation gauge:From Einsteinian teleparallelism to GR5.1.Translation gauge potentialgrangian5.3.Transition to GR6.Gauging of the affine group R4⊃×GL(4,R)7.Field equations of metric-affine gauge theory(MAG)8.Model building:Einstein-Cartan theory and beyond8.1.Einstein-Cartan theory EC8.2.Poincar´e gauge theory PG,the quadratic version8.3.Coupling to a scalarfield8.4.Metric-affine gauge theory MAG9.Acknowledgments10.ReferencesFrom a letter of A.Einstein to F.Klein of1917March4(translation)70:“...Newton’s theory...represents the gravitationalfield in a seeminglycomplete way by means of the potentialΦ.This description proves to bewanting;the functions gµνtake its place.But I do not doubt that the daywill come when that description,too,will have to yield to another one,for reasons which at present we do not yet surmise.I believe that thisprocess of deepening the theory has no limits...”1.Introduction•What can we learn if we look at gravity and,more specifically,at general relativity theory(GR)from the point of view of classical gaugefield theory?This is the question underlying our present considerations.The answer•leads to a better understanding of the interrelationship between the metric and affine properties of spacetime and of the group structure related to gravity.Furthermore,it •suggests certain classicalfield-theoretical generalizations of Einstein’s theory,such as Einstein–Cartan theory,Einsteinian teleparallelism theory,Poincar´e gauge theory, Metric-Affine Gravity,that is,it leads to a deepening of the insight won by GR.We recently published a fairly technical review article on our results29.These lectures can be regarded as a down-to-earth introduction into that subject.We refrain from citing too many articles since we gave an overview a of the existing literature in ref.(29).2.Remarks on the history of the gauge idea2.1.General relativity and Weyl’s U(1)-gauge theorySoon after Einstein in1915/16had proposed his gravitational theory,namely general relativity(GR),Weyl extended it in1918in order to include–besides grav-itation–electromagnetism in a unified way.Weyl’s theoretical concept was that of recalibration or gauge invariance of length.In Weyl’s opinion,the integrability of length in GR is a remnant of an era dominated by action-at-a-distance theories which should be abandoned.In other words,if in GR we displace a meter stick from one point of spacetime to another one,it keeps its length,i.e.,it can be used as a standardof length throughout spacetime;an analogous argument is valid for a clock.In con-trast,Weyl’s unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism of1918is set up in such a way that the unified Lagrangian is invariant under recalibration or re-gauging.For that purpose,Weyl extended the geometry of spacetime from the(pseudo-) Riemannian geometry with its Levi-Civita connectionΓ{}αβto a Weyl space with an additional(Weyl)covectorfield Q=Qαϑα,whereϑαdenotes thefield of coframes of the underlying four-dimensional differentiable manifold.The Weyl connection one-form reads1ΓWαβ=Γ{}αβ+ψ,D ψA)mat L (DJ=0A theorem local gauge symmetry coupling A Noether’s J <dJ=0of Lagrangian(d ψ),L mat ψgauge potentialsymmetry rigid ConservedJA(connection)current Fig.1.The structure of a gauge theory `a la Yang-Mills is depicted in this diagram,which is adapted from Mills 53.Let us quote some of his statements on gauge theories:‘The gauge principle,which might also be described as a principle of local symmetry ,is a statement about the invariance properties of physical laws.It requires that every continuous symmetry be a local symmetry ...’‘The idea at the core of gauge theory...is the local symmetry principle:Every continuous symmetry of nature is a local symmetry.’The history of gauge theory has been traced back to its beginnings by O’Raifeartaigh 69,who also gave a compact review of its formalism 68.the electromagnetic potential is an appendage to the Dirac field and not related to length recalibration as Weyl originally thought.2.2.Yang-Mills and the structure of a gauge theoryYang and Mills,in 1954,generalized the Abelian U (1)-gauge invariance to non-Abelian SU (2)-gauge invariance,taking the (approximately)conserved isotopic spin current as their starting point,and,in 1956,Utiyama set up a formalism for the gauging of any semi-simple Lie group,including the Lorentz group SO (1,3).The latter group he considered as essential in GR.We will come back to this topic below.In any case,the gauge principle historically originated from GR as a concept for removing as many action-at-a-distance concept as possible –as long as the group under consideration is linked to a conserved current.This existence of a conserved current of some matter field Ψis absolutely vital for the setting-up of a gauge theory.In Fig.1we sketched the structure underlying a gauge theory:A rigid symmetry ofa Lagrangian induces,via Noether’s theorem,a conserved current J ,dJ =0.It can happen,however,as it did in the electromagnetic and the SU (2)-case,that a conserved current is discovered first and then the symmetry deduced by a kind of a reciprocal Noether theorem (which is not strictly valid).Generalizing from the gauge approach to the Dirac-Maxwell theory,we continue with the following gauge procedure:Extending the rigid symmetry to a soft symmetry amounts to turn the constant group parameters εof the symmetry transformation on the fields Ψto functions of spacetime,ε→ε(x ).This affects the transformation behavior of the matter La-grangian which usually contains derivatives d Ψof the field Ψ:The soft symmetry transformations on d Ψgenerate terms containing derivatives dε(x )of the spacetime-dependent group parameters which spoil the former rigid invariance.In order to coun-terbalance these terms,one is forced to introduce a compensating field A =A i a τa dx i (a =Lie-algebra index,τa =generators of the symmetry group)–nowadays called gauge potential –into the theory.The one-form A turns out to have the mathematical mean-ing of a Lie-algebra valued connection .It acts on the components of the fields Ψwith respect to some reference frame,indicating that it can be properly represented as the connection of a frame bundle which is associated to the symmetry group.Thereby it is possible to replace in the matter Lagrangian the exterior derivative of the matter field by a gauge-covariant exterior derivative,d −→A D :=d +A ,L mat (Ψ,d Ψ)−→L mat (Ψ,A D Ψ).(4)This is called minimal coupling of the matter field to the new gauge interaction.The connection A is made to a true dynamical variable by adding a corresponding kinematic term V to the minimally coupled matter Lagrangian.This supplementary term has to be gauge invariant such that the gauge invariance of the action is kept.Gauge invariance of V is obtained by constructing it from the field strength F =A DA ,V =V (F ).Hence the gauge Lagrangian V ,as in Maxwell’s theory,is assumed to depend only on F =dA ,not,however,on its derivatives dF,d ∗d F,...Therefore the field equation will be of second order in the gauge potential A .In order to make it quasilinear,that is,linear in the second derivatives of A ,the gauge Lagrangian must depend on F no more than quadratically.Accordingly,with the general ansatz V =F ∧H ,where the field momentum or “excitation”H is implicitly defined by H =−∂V /∂F ,the H has to be linear in F under those circumstances.By construction,the gauge potential in the Lagrangians couples to the conserved current one started with –and the original conservation law,in case of a non-Abelian symmetry,gets modified and is only gauge covariantly conserved,dJ =0−→A DJ =0,J =∂L mat /∂A.(5)The physical reason for this modification is that the gauge potential itself contributes a piece to the current,that is,the gauge field (in the non-Abelian case)is charged.For instance,the Yang-Mills gauge potential B a carries isotopic spin,since the SU(2)-group is non-Abelian,whereas the electromagnetic potential,being U(1)-valued and Abelian,is electrically uncharged.2.3.Gravity and the Utiyama-Sciama-Kibble approachLet us come back to Utiyama(1956).He gauged the Lorentz group SO(1,3), inter ing some ad hoc assumptions,like the postulate of the symmetry of the connection,he was able to recover GR.This procedure is not completely satisfactory, as is also obvious from the fact that the conserved current,linked to the Lorentz group,is the angular momentum current.And this current alone cannot represent the source of gravity.Accordingly,it was soon pointed out by Sciama and Kibble (1961)that it is really the Poincar´e group R4⊃×SO(1,3),the semi-direct product of the translation and the Lorentz group,which underlies gravity.They found a slight generalization of GR,the so-called Einstein-Cartan theory(EC),which relates–in a Einsteinian manner–the mass-energy of matter to the curvature and–in a novel way –the material spin to the torsion of spacetime.In contrast to the Weyl connection (1),the spacetime in EC is still metric compatible,erned by a Riemann-Cartan b (RC)geometry.Torsion is admitted according to1ΓRCαβ=Γ{}αβ−b The terminology is not quite uniform.Borzeskowski and Treder9,in their critical evaluation of different gravitational variational principles,call such a geometry a Weyl-Cartan gemetry.secondary importance in some sense that some particularΓfield can be deduced from a Riemannian metric...”In this vein,we introduce a linear connectionΓαβ=Γiαβdx i,(7) with values in the Lie-algebra of the linear group GL(4,R).These64components Γiαβ(x)of the‘displacement’field enable us,as pointed out in the quotation by Einstein,to get rid of the rigid spacetime structure of special relativity(SR).In order to be able to recover SR in some limit,the primary structure of a con-nection of spacetime has to be enriched by the secondary structure of a metricg=gαβϑα⊗ϑβ,(8) with its10componentfields gαβ(x).At least at the present stage of our knowledge, this additional postulate of the existence of a metric seems to lead to the only prac-ticable way to set up a theory of gravity.In some future time one may be able to ‘deduce’the metric from the connection and some extremal property of the action function–and some people have tried to develop such type of models,but without success so far.2.4.E.Cartan’s analysis of general relativity and its consequencesBesides the gauge theoretical line of development which,with respect to gravity, culminated in the Sciame-Kibble approach,there was a second line dominated by E.Cartan’s(1923)geometrical analysis of GR.The concept of a linear connection as an independent and primary structure of spacetime,see(7),developed gradually around1920from the work of Hessenberg,Levi-Civita,Weyl,Schouten,Eddington, and others.In its full generality it can be found in Cartan’s work.In particular, he introduced the notion of a so-called torsion–in holonomic coordinates this is the antisymmetric and therefore tensorial part of the components of the connection–and discussed Weyl’s unifiedfield theory from a geometrical point of view.For this purpose,let us tentatively callgαβ,ϑα,Γαβ (9)the potentials in a gauge approach to gravity andQαβ,Tα,Rαβ (10)the correspondingfield ter,in Sec.6,inter alia,we will see why this choice of language is appropriate.Here we definednonmetricity Qαβ:=−ΓD gαβ,(11) torsion Tα:=ΓDϑα=dϑα+Γβα∧ϑβ,(12)curvature Rαβ:=′′ΓDΓαβ′′=dΓαβ−Γαγ∧Γγβ.(13)Then symbolically we haveQαβ,Tα,Rαβ ∼ΓD gαβ,ϑα,Γαβ .(14)By means of thefield strengths it is straightforward of how to classify the space-time manifolds of the different theories discussed so far:GR(1915):Qαβ=0,Tα=0,Rαβ=0.(15)Weyl(1918):Qγγ=0,Tα=0,Rαβ=0.(16)EC(1923/61):Qαβ=0,Tα=0,Rαβ=0.(17) Note that Weyl’s theory of1918requires only a nonvanishing trace of the nonmetric-ity,the Weyl covector Q:=Qγγ/4.For later use we amend this table with the Einsteinian teleparallelism(GR||),which was discussed between Einstein and Car-tan in considerable detail(see Debever12)and with metric-affine gravity29(MAG), which presupposes the existence of a connection and a(symmetric)metric that are completely independent from each other(as long as thefield equations are not solved): GR||(1928):Qαβ=0,Tα=0,Rαβ=0.(18)MAG(1976):Qαβ=0,Tα=0,Rαβ=0.(19) Both theories,GR||and MAG,were originally devised as unifiedfield theories with no sources on the right hand sides of theirfield equations.Today,however,we understand them10,29as gauge type theories with well-defined sources.Cartan gave a beautiful geometrical interpretation of the notions of torsion and curvature.Consider a vector at some point of a manifold,that is equipped with a connection,and displace it around an infinitesimal(closed)loop by means of the connection such that the(flat)tangent space,where the vector‘lives’in,rolls without gliding around the loop.At the end of the journey29the loop,mapped into the tangent space,has a small closure failure,i.e.a translational misfit.Moreover,in the case of vanishing nonmetricity Qαβ=0,the vector underwent a small rotation or–if no metric exists–a small linear transformation.The torsion of the underlying manifold is a measure for the emerging translation and the curvature for the rotation(or linear transformation):translation−→torsion Tα(20) rotation(lin.transf.)−→curvature Rαβ.(21) Hence,if your friend tells you that he discovered that torsion is closely related to electromagnetism or to some other nongravitationalfield–and there are many such ‘friends’around,as we can tell you as referees–then you say:‘No,torsion is related to translations,as had been already found by Cartan in1923.’And translations–weFig.2.The neutron interferometer of the COW-experiment11,18:A neutron beam is split into two beams which travel in different gravitational potentials.Eventually the two beams are reunited and their relative phase shift is measured.hope that we don’t tell you a secret–are,via Noether’s theorem,related to energy-momentum c,i.e.to the source of gravity,and to nothing else.We will come back to this discussion in Sec.4.For the rest of these lectures,unless stated otherwise,we will choose the frame eα,and hence also the coframeϑβ,to be orthonormal,that is,g(eα,eβ)∗=oαβ:=diag(−+++).(22) Then,in a Riemann-Cartan space,we have the convenient antisymmetriesΓRCαβ∗=−ΓRCβαand R RCαβ∗=−R RCβα.(23) 3.Einstein’s and the gauge approach to gravity3.1.Neutron matter waves in the gravitationalfieldTwenty years ago a new epoch began in gravity:C olella-O verhauser-W erner measured by interferometric methods a phase shift of the wave function of a neutron caused by the gravitationalfield of the earth,see Fig.2.The effect could be predicted by studying the Schr¨o dinger equation of the neutron wave function in an external Newtonian potential–and this had been verified by experiment.In this sense noth-ing really earth-shaking happened.However,for thefirst time a gravitational effect had been measured the numerical value of which depends on the Planck constant¯h. Quantum mechanics was indispensable in deriving this phase shiftm2gθgrav=gpath 1path 2zx~ 2 cm~ 6 cmA Fig.3.COW experiment schematically.the neutron beam itself is bent into a parabolic path with 4×10−7cm loss in altitude.This yields,however,no significant influence on the phase.In the COW experiment,the single-crystal interferometer is at rest with respect to the laboratory,whereas the neutrons are subject to the gravitational potential.In order to compare this with the effect of acceleration relative to the laboratory frame,B onse and W roblewski 8let the interferometer oscillate horizontally by driving it via a pair of standard loudspeaker magnets.Thus these experiments of BW and COW test the effect of local acceleration and local gravity on matter waves and prove its equivalence up to an accuracy of about 4%.3.2.Accelerated and rotating reference frameIn order to be able to describe the interferometer in an accelerated frame,we first have to construct a non-inertial frame of reference.If we consider only mass points ,then a non-inertial frame in the Minkowski space of SR is represented by a curvilinear coordinate system,as recognized by Einstein 13.Einstein even uses the names ‘curvilinear co-ordinate system’and ‘non-inertial system’interchangeably.According to the standard gauge model of electro-weak and strong interactions,a neutron is not a fundamental particle,but consists of one up and two down quarks which are kept together via the virtual exchange of gluons,the vector bosons of quantum chromodynamics,in a permanent ‘confinement phase’.For studying the properties of the neutron in a non-inertial frame and in low-energy gravity,we may disregard its extension of about 0.7fm ,its form factors,etc.In fact,for our purpose,it is sufficient to treat it as a Dirac particle which carries spin 1/2but is structureless otherwise .Table 1.Einstein’s approach to GR as compared to the gauge approach:Used are a mass point m or a Dirac matter field Ψ(referred to a local frame),respectively.IF means inertial frame,NIF non-inertial frame.The table refers to special relativity up to the second boldface horizontal line.Below,gravity will be switched on.Note that for the Dirac spinor already the force-free motion in an inertial frame does depend on the mass parameter m .gauge approach (→COW)elementary object in SRDirac spinor Ψ(x )Cartesian coord.system x ids 2∗=o ij dx i dx jforce-freemotion in IF (iγi ∂i −m )Ψ∗=0arbitrary curvilinear coord.system x i′force-free motion in NIF iγαe i α(∂i +Γi )−m Ψ=0Γi :=1non-inertial objects ϑα,Γαβ=−Γβα16+24˜R(∂{},{})=020global IF e i α,Γi αβ ∗=(δαi ,0)switch on gravity T =0,R =0Riemann −Cartang ij |P ∗=o ij , i jk |P ∗=0field equations 2tr (˜Ric )∼mass GR2tr (Ric )∼massT or +2tr (T or )∼spinECA Dirac particle has to be described by means of a four-component Dirac spinor. And this spinor is a half-integer representation of the(covering group SL(2,C)of the)Lorentz group SO(1,3).Therefore at any one point of spacetime we need an orthonormal reference frame in order to be able to describe the spinor.Thus,as soon as matterfields are to be represented in spacetime,the notion of a reference system has to be generalized from Einstein’s curvilinear coordinate frame∂i to an arbitrary, in general anholonomic,orthonormal frame eα,with eα·eβ=oαβ.It is possible,of course,to introduce in the Riemannian spacetime of GR arbi-trary orthonormal frames,too.However,in the heuristic process of setting up the fundamental structure of GR,Einstein and his followers(for a recent example,see the excellent text of d’Inverno36,Secs.9and10)restricted themselves to the discussion of mass points and holonomic(natural)frames.Matter waves and arbitrary frames are taboo in this discussion.In Table1,in the middle column,we displayed the Ein-steinian method.Conventionally,after the Riemannian spacetime has been found and the dust settled,then electrons and neutron and what not,and their corresponding wave equations,are allowed to enter the scene.But before,they are ignored.This goes so far that the well-documented experiments of COW(1975)and BL(1983)–in contrast to the folkloric Galileo experiments from the leaning tower–seemingly are not even mentioned in d’Inverno36(1992).Prugoveˇc ki79,one of the lecturers here in Erice at our school,in his discussion of the classical equivalence principle,recognizes the decisive importance of orthonormal frames(see his page52).However,in the end,within his‘quantum general relativity’framework,the good old Levi-Civita connection is singled out again(see his page 125).This is perhaps not surprising,since he considers only zero spin states in this context.We hope that you are convinced by now that we should introduce arbitrary or-thonormal frames in SR in order to represent non-inertial reference systems for mat-ter waves–and that this is important for the setting up of a gravitational gauge theory2,42.The introduction of accelerated observers and thus of non-inertial frames is somewhat standard,even if during the Erice school one of the lecturers argued that those frames are inadmissible.Take the text of Misner,Thorne,and Wheeler57.In their Sec.6,you willfind an appropriate discussion.Together with Ni30and in our Honnef lectures27we tailored it for our needs.Suppose in SR a non-inertial observer locally measures,by means of the instru-ments available to him,a three-acceleration a and a three-angular velocityω.If the laboratory coordinates of the observer are denoted by x x as the correspond-ing three-radius vector,then the non-inertial frame can be written in the succinct form30,27eˆ0=1x/c2 ∂c×B∂A.(25)Here ‘naked’capital Latin letters,A,...=ˆ1,ˆ2,ˆ3,denote spatial anholonomic com-ponents.For completeness we also display the coframe,that is,the one-form basis,which one finds by inverting the frame (25):ϑˆ0= 1+a ·c 2 dx 0,ϑA =dx c ×A dx A +N 0.(26)In the (3+1)-decomposition of spacetime,N and Ni βαdx0ˆ0A =−Γc 2,Γ0BA =ǫABCωC i α,with e α=e i ,into an anholonomic one,then we find the totallyanholonomic connection coefficients as follows:Γˆ0ˆ0A =−Γˆ0A ˆ0=a A x /c 2 ,Γˆ0AB =−Γˆ0BA =ǫABC ωC x /c 2 .(28)These connection coefficients (28)will enter the Dirac equation referred to a non-inertial frame.In order to assure ourselves that we didn’t make mistakes in computing the ‘non-inertial’connection (27,28)by hand,we used for checking its correctness the EXCALC package on exterior differential forms of the computer algebra system REDUCE,see Puntigam et al.80and the literature given there.3.3.Dirac matter waves in a non-inertial frame of referenceThe phase shift (24)can be derived from the Schr¨o dinger equation with a Hamilton operator for a point particle in an external Newton potential.For setting up a grav-itational theory,however,one better starts more generally in the special relativistic domain.Thus we have to begin with the Dirac equation in an external gravitational field or,if we expect the equivalence principle to be valid,with the Dirac equation in an accelerated and rotating,that is,in a non-inertial frame of reference.Take the Minkowski spacetime of SR.Specify Cartesian coordinates.Then the field equation for a massive fermion of spin1/2is represented by the Dirac equationi¯hγi∂iψ∗=mcψ,(29) where the Dirac matricesγi fulfill the relationγiγj+γjγi=2o ij.(30) For the conventions and the representation of theγ’s,we essentially follow Bjorken-Drell7.Now we straightforwardly transform this equation from an inertial to an accel-erated and rotating frame.By analogy with the equation of motion in an arbitrary frame as well as from gauge theory,we can infer the result of this transformation:In the non-inertial frame,the partial derivative in the Dirac equation is simply replaced by the covariant derivativei∂i⇒Dα:=∂α+i previously;we drop the bar for convenience).The anholonomic Dirac matrices are defined byγα:=e iαγi⇒γαγβ+γβγα=2oαβ.(32) The six matricesσβγare the infinitesimal generators of the Lorentz group and fulfill the commutation relation[γα,σβγ]=2i(oαβγγ−oαγγβ).(33) For Dirac spinors,the Lorentz generators can be represented byσβγ:=(i/2)(γβγγ−γγγβ),(34) furthermore,α:=γˆ0γwithγ={γΞ}.(35) Then,the Dirac equation,formulated in the orthonormal frame of the accelerated and rotating observer,readsi¯hγαDαψ=mcψ.(36) Although there appears now a‘minimal coupling’to the connection,which is caused by the change of frame,there is no new physical concept involved in this equation. Only for the measuring devices in the non-inertial frame we have to assume hypotheses similar to the clock hypothesis.This proviso can always be met by a suitable con-struction and selection of the devices.Since we are still in SR,torsion and curvatureof spacetime both remain zero.Thus(36)is just a reformulation of the‘Cartesian’Dirac equation(29).The rewriting in terms of the covariant derivative provides us with a rather ele-gant way of explicitly calculating the Dirac equation in the non-inertial frame of an accelerated,rotating observer:Using the anholonomic connection components of(28) as well asα=−i{σˆ0Ξ},wefind for the covariant derivative:Dˆ0=12c2a·α−ii∂2¯hσ=x×p+1∂t=Hψwith H=βmc2+O+E.(39)After substituting the covariant derivatives,the operators O and E,which are odd and even with respect toβ,read,respectively30:O:=cα·p+12m p2−β2m p·a·x4mc2σ·a×p+O(1Table2.Inertial effects for a massive fermion of spin1/2in non-relativistic approximation.Redshift(Bonse-Wroblewski→COW)Sagnac type effect(Heer-Werner et al.)Spin-rotation effect(Mashhoon)Redshift effect of kinetic energyNew inertial spin-orbit couplingd These considerations can be generalized to a Riemannian spacetime,see Huang34and the literature quoted there.。
宇宙科学潮汐锁定的英语范文Title: The Intriguing Phenomenon of Tidal Locking in the Cosmos.Tidal locking, a fascinating astrophysical process, occurs when one celestial body in a binary system synchronizes its rotation rate with the orbital motion of its companion. This alignment results in a state where the same face of the tidally locked body always faces its partner, creating a unique and often breathtaking view of the cosmos. In this article, we delve into the science behind tidal locking, its implications for understanding our universe, and the remarkable examples we have observed throughout the cosmos.The Basics of Tidal Locking.Tidal locking, also known as synchronous rotation, occurs when the gravitational pull of one celestial body on another is strong enough to affect the rotation of thelatter. Over time, this interaction causes the rotationrate of the smaller body to slow down until it matches the orbital period of the larger body. Once this alignment is achieved, the smaller body effectively "locks" into place, with the same side always facing its companion.The mechanism behind this phenomenon can be traced to the uneven distribution of mass within the binary system.As the larger body orbits the smaller one, it creates atidal force that tugs on the smaller body's surface. This force is strongest on the side closest to the larger body, causing it to bulge slightly. Over time, the continuouspull of the larger body's gravity on this bulge slows down the rotation of the smaller body until it matches theorbital period.Implications for Understanding the Universe.Tidal locking provides valuable insights into the dynamics of binary systems and the evolution of celestial bodies. By studying these systems, astronomers can gain insights into the formation and evolution of planets, moons,and stars. For instance, tidal locking may have played a crucial role in the formation of the moon's characteristic features, such as its flat face always facing the earth.Moreover, tidal locking can also affect the atmospheres and geologies of tidally locked bodies. The constant exposure of one side to the radiation and gases of its companion can lead to unique atmospheric and geological features. This interaction can even influence the potential for life to exist on these bodies, as the constant exposure of one side to sunlight can create a habitable environment.Remarkable Examples of Tidal Locking.One of the most striking examples of tidal locking in our solar system is the moon. As the moon orbits the earth, it rotates on its axis once for every orbit, ensuring that we always see the same face of the moon. This alignment is thought to have occurred early in the moon's history, when its rotation rate was affected by the strong gravitational pull of the earth.Outside our solar system, tidal locking is even more common. Many moons of gas giants in our galaxy, such as those of Jupiter and Saturn, are tidally locked to their parent planets. This alignment creates a stunning view when observed through telescopes, with one side of the moon always illuminated, while the other remains in perpetual darkness.In addition to moons, some binary star systems also exhibit tidal locking. These systems, known as eclipsing binaries, consist of two stars orbiting each other soclosely that their gravitational pull affects theirrotation rates. As a result, the stars are locked into a synchronous rotation, with one star always facing the other.Conclusion.Tidal locking is a fascinating astrophysical phenomenon that occurs when the gravitational pull of one celestial body affects the rotation rate of its companion. This alignment creates a unique and often breathtaking view ofthe cosmos, providing valuable insights into the dynamicsof binary systems and the evolution of celestial bodies. As we continue to explore the universe, tidal locking remains an important tool for understanding the intricate dance of gravity and motion that shapes our vast and wondrous cosmos.。
牛顿万有引力的作文素材英文回答:Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. This force is known as gravitational force.Gravitational force plays a crucial role in the dynamics of our universe. It governs the motion ofcelestial bodies, such as planets, moons, and stars. For example, the gravitational force between the Earth and the Moon keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth. Similarly, the gravitational force between the Sun and the planets keeps them in their respective orbits.The law of universal gravitation can be expressed mathematically as F = G (m1 m2) / r^2, where F is thegravitational force, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between their centers. The gravitational constant, G, is approximately equal to 6.67430 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2.The law of universal gravitation is a fundamental principle in physics and has been verified by numerous experiments and observations. It explains why objects fall to the ground when dropped and why planets orbit around the Sun. It also provides a basis for understanding the motion of objects in space and the formation of galaxies.中文回答:牛顿的万有引力定律表明,宇宙中的每个粒子都会以与其质量乘积成正比、与他们之间距离的平方成反比的力吸引彼此。
00230Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language.
00240The Roman writer Horace(:e0lQCQMR65-8t^ WlN0) said captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive 0
00The world s first vast interior space.NLu
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00410Sculpture(QX) She-wolf(
00; Father of History ! Herodotus ! war(between Greeks and Persians)
00This war is called Peleponicion wars. ZSWTY嬒d 3
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00; The greatest historian that ever lived. ( geggO'YvS[) ! Thucydides ! war (Sparta Athens and Syracuse)
00200The burning of Corinth in 146 B.C. Marked Roman conquest of Greece.
00210The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (Wl_ g ^Jvh)
00220From 146 B.C. Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire.
牛顿万有引力定律的英语In the realm of physics, Sir Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation stands as a cornerstone of understanding the forces that govern celestial bodies. It elegantly explains how every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.This fundamental principle, first articulated in the late 17th century, has withstood the test of time, shaping our comprehension of how planets orbit the sun, how moons orbit planets, and even how tides are influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.Newton's law of universal gravitation is encapsulated in the equation \( F = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2} \), where \( F \) is the force of attraction, \( G \) is the gravitational constant, \( m_1 \) and \( m_2 \) are the masses of the two objects, and \( r \) is the distance between their centers. It's a formula that has guided countless scientific endeavors and space missions.Despite its simplicity, the implications of this law are profound. It has been instrumental in the development of modern astronomy and has been a key factor in the design of spacecraft trajectories, ensuring that they can navigate the vast distances of space with precision.As we delve deeper into the cosmos, the law of universal gravitation remains a vital tool in our scientific arsenal. It is a testament to Newton's genius and the enduring legacy of his work, which continues to inspire new generations of scientists and thinkers to explore the mysteries of the universe.。
1:经典力学/电动力学/统计力学/量子力学1.1: Greiner系列,其实不止四大力学,覆盖面从Mechanics到QCD,基本都不错,物理图像非常清晰明了。
还有Schwabl写的两本书 Quantum Mechanics&Advanced Quantum Mechanics,应该比传统的经典教材容易念一些。
1.2: 传统的经典教材,Landau系列,Goldstein的经典力学,Jackson的电动力学, Schiff,Sakurai的量子力学,不用多说了。
2:量子场论/标准模型2.1: 前面提到的Greiner系列,Mandl&Shaw的Quantum Field Theory,Ryder的Quantum Field Theory,Brown的Quantum Field Theory以及Bailin&Love的Introduction to Gauge Field Theory,比较容易念。
2.2: Peskin&schroeder,绝对经典。
2.3: Cheng&Li的Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics,也是经典。
2.4: Itzykson&Zuber的Quantum Field Theory,Pokorski的Gauge Field Theories, 可能难一些,但是是非常好的参考书。
2.5: Muta的Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics,通俗易懂。
2.6: Martin的讲义Phenomenology of Particle Physics,值得一看。
2.7: Boehm,Denner&Joos的Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak Interaction, 做Particle Phenomenology的话绝对案头必备书目。
Chapter 13 GravitationThings to learnWe learn the law of gravitation.Several notable points of gravitation:•It obeys the shell theorem.•It obeys the principle of superposition.We understand why gravitationalacceleration is different from free-fallacceleration.We derive the gravitational potential energy and the escape speed of an astronomical body. We learn three Kepler’s lawsWe derive energy in planetary motion.The world and thegravitational forceThe force that binds together such objects as star, galaxy, and supercluster, and may be drawing them all toward the Great Attractor, is the gravitational force. The force notonly holds you on Earth but also reaches out across intergalactic space.13-2. Newton’s Law ofGravitationThe tendency of bodiesto move toward eachother is calledgravitation.Newton’s ShellTheoremA uniform spherical shell of matter attracts a particle that is outside the shell as if all the shell’s mass were concentrated at its center.13-3 Gravitation and the principle of superpositionSuperposition=Gravitational forceis additiveFind the gravitational force on particle 1 by the other twoparticles.Find the gravitational force on particle 1 by the other fourparticles.13-4 Gravitation near Earth’s surface•Earth is not uniform •Earth is not a sphere•Earth is rotating: a body on Earth is under a uniform circular motion g is not equal to a gSP 13-313-5 Gravitation insideEarth (if ρis constant)A uniform shell of matter exertsno net gravitational force on aparticle located inside it.SP 13-413-6 Gravitational PotentialEnergyU=0 at infinityU ÆFPath independenceConservative force ÆPotential difference is independent of the pathEscape SpeedFrom Conservation of MechanicalEnergyEscape speedSP 13-5From Conservation of MechanicalEnergy13-7 Planets and Satellites:Kepler’s lawsKepler’s first Law: the law of orbits All planets move in elliptical orbits, with the Sun at one focuse : eccentricityKepler’s2nd Law: the law of areasdA/dt=constantAngular MomentumConservationKepler’s3rd Law: the law of period T2/ r3Newton’s 2nd LawSP 13-639E Kepler’s3rd Law If we know the period andorbit radius ofa satellite (planet),we can calculate the mass of the planet (Sun).13-8 Orbits and Energy13-9 Einstein andGravitationPrinciple of equivalence: gravitation andacceleration areequivalent.Curvature of space:gravitation is due to acurvature of space that is caused by the masses.。
天体物理学家英文Astronomers are the intrepid explorers of the cosmos, delving into the mysteries of the universe with unwavering curiosity and scientific rigor. These dedicated individuals, known as astrophysicists, have dedicated their lives to unraveling the secrets of the celestial bodies that populate the vast expanse of the heavens.At the heart of an astrophysicist's work lies a deep fascination with the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of stars, galaxies, and the entire cosmic landscape. From the birth and evolution of stars to the nature of black holes and the origins of the universe itself, these scientists seek to uncover the underlying principles that shape the grand cosmic tapestry.One of the primary focuses of astrophysicists is the study of the formation and evolution of stars. By analyzing the spectral signatures and luminosities of these celestial beacons, they can piece together the intricate processes that govern a star's life cycle, from its fiery birth in clouds of gas and dust to its eventual demise, whether in a supernova explosion or a gradual fading into a dense remnant like a white dwarf or neutron star.This knowledge not only satisfies our innate curiosity about the cosmos but also has profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it. The elements that make up our own planet and the very molecules that form the building blocks of life were forged in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and astrophysicists play a crucial role in tracing the origins of these essential materials.Beyond the study of individual stars, astrophysicists also delve into the complex dynamics of galaxies, both near and far. By observing the intricate patterns of motion and the distribution of matter within these vast stellar systems, they can uncover the hidden forces that shape the cosmic landscape, from the gravitational pull of dark matter to the influence of supermassive black holes at the centers of many galaxies.One of the most exciting frontiers in astrophysics is the search for exoplanets – planets orbiting stars other than our own Sun. By employing sophisticated techniques like the transit method and direct imaging, astrophysicists have discovered thousands of these distant worlds, opening up new avenues for understanding the diversity of planetary systems and the potential for extraterrestrial life.The quest to unravel the mysteries of the universe is not without its challenges, however. Astrophysicists must grapple with the vastscales and extreme conditions that characterize the cosmos, often relying on cutting-edge technologies and complex mathematical models to make sense of the data they collect. From the construction of powerful telescopes and space-based observatories to the development of sophisticated computer simulations, these scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.Yet, despite the inherent difficulties of their work, astrophysicists remain driven by a profound sense of wonder and a deep commitment to expanding the frontiers of human understanding. They are the modern-day explorers, charting the uncharted realms of the universe and inspiring generations of young minds to follow in their footsteps.As we continue to delve deeper into the cosmos, the role of the astrophysicist becomes ever more crucial. These dedicated individuals not only contribute to our scientific understanding but also shape our very conception of our place in the grand scheme of the universe. Their work not only satisfies our innate curiosity but also has the potential to unlock the secrets of our origins and the future of our existence.In the end, the pursuit of astrophysics is a testament to the human spirit – a relentless drive to explore, to understand, and to push theboundaries of what is known. It is a journey of discovery that continues to captivate and inspire, and astrophysicists are the intrepid trailblazers leading the way.。
Gravitational force is one of the major discoveriesin natural scienceGravitational force is one of the major discoveries in natural science. It is a fundamental concept that explains the interaction between objects in the universe. The understanding of gravitational force has had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe and various aspects of science.The discovery of gravitational force was made by physicist Isaac Newton, who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation. This discovery explained why objects fall to the ground, why planets orbit the sun, and how celestial bodies are held together in the universe.Gravitational force plays a crucial role in many fields of science. It is essential in astronomy for understanding the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies. In astrophysics, it helps us explain the formation and evolution of celestial objects. Gravitational waves, recently detected, provide new insights into the most extreme events in the universe.Moreover, gravitational force has practical applications in our daily lives. Satellite navigation systems rely on the precise measurement of gravitational forces to determine our location. The study of gravitational force also leads toadvancements in space exploration and the understanding of black holes.The significance of the discovery of gravitational force lies not only in its scientific importance but also in its profound impact on human civilization. It has expanded our knowledge of the universe, inspired technological innovations, and continues to drive scientific progress.In conclusion, the discovery of gravitational force is a remarkable achievement in the field of natural science. It has unlocked many secrets of the universe and continues to shape our understanding of the world we live in.。
the nature of scientific reasoning
1What is the insight in which the scientist tries to see into nature? Can it indeed be called either imaginative or creative? To the literary man the question may seem merely silly. He has been taught that science is a large collection of facts; and if this is true, then the only seeing which scientists need to do is, he supposes, seeing the facts. He pictures them, the colorless professionals of science, going off to work in the morning into the universe in a neutral, unexposed state. They then expose themselves like a photographic plate. And then in the darkroom or laboratory they develop the image, so that suddenly and startlingly it appears, printed in capital letters, as a new formula for atomic energy.原译:什么是洞察力?科学家一直试图弄清它的本质。
Top 10 Greatest Physicists of All Time (Based on Foreign English Resources)1. Albert EinsteinWithout a doubt, Albert Einstein tops the list of the greatest physicists of all time. His theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. Einstein's famous equation, E=mc², demonstrated the relationship between energy and mass, opening up new possibilities in the field of physics.2. Isaac NewtonSir Isaac Newton is another physicist who has left an indelible mark on the scientific world. His laws of motion and universal gravitation laid the foundation for classical mechanics. Newton's work in optics and the development of the reflecting telescope also contributed significantly to the advancement of physics.3. Niels BohrNiels Bohr, a Danish physicist, played a crucial role in the development of quantum mechanics. His model of the atom, which incorporated the concept of quantized energy levels, helped to explain the behavior of electrons and the stability of atoms.4. James Clerk MaxwellScottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell is renowned forhis formulation of the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. His set of equations, known as Maxwell's equations, unified the understanding of electricity, magnetism, andlight.5. Richard FeynmanRichard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to quantum mechanics andparticle physics. His development of the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics and his work on the theoryof quantum electrodynamics earned him a Nobel Prize in Physics.6. Max PlanckGerman physicist Max Planck is considered the father of quantum theory. His discovery of Planck's constant and his proposal that energy is radiated in discrete packets, or quanta, marked the beginning of quantum physics.7. Werner HeisenbergWerner Heisenberg, another prominent figure in quantum mechanics, formulated the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exactposition and momentum of a particle.8. Galileo GalileiGalileo Galilei, often referred to as the "Father of Modern Science," made significant contributions to physics, astronomy, and the scientific method. His work on inertia, falling objects, and the laws of motion laid the groundwork for Newton's theories.9. Stephen Hawking10. Marie CurieMarie Curie, a Polishborn physicist and chemist, was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different sciences (Physics and Chemistry). Her work on radioactivity opened up new avenues in medical research and laid the foundation for the field of atomic physics.Continuing the exploration of the most influential physicists in history, let's delve into the lives and achievements of these extraordinary individuals who have shaped our understanding of the universe.11. Paul DiracPaul Dirac, an English theoretical physicist, is often celebrated for his prediction of the existence of antimatter, a discovery that was later confirmed the experimental work of Carl Anderson. Dirac's formulation of quantum mechanics, particularly the Dirac equation, was pivotal in the development of quantum field theory.12. Michael FaradayMichael Faraday was a British scientist who contributed immensely to the study of electromagnetism. His experiments led to the discovery of electromagnetic induction, the laws of electrolysis, and the invention of the Faraday cage. Faraday's work laid the groundwork for the future development of electric motors and generators.13. Ludwig BoltzmannAustrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann was a key figure in the development of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. His insight into the behavior of molecules and his formulation of the Boltzmann equation helped to explain the concepts of entropy and the statistical nature of physical laws.14. Ernest RutherfordErnest Rutherford, a New Zealandborn British physicist, is known as the father of nuclear physics. His groundbreaking gold foil experiment led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus and the understanding that most of an atom's mass is concentrated in a tiny, central nucleus.15. Murray GellMann16. J.J. ThomsonSir Joseph John Thomson, an English physicist, discovered the electron in 1897, demonstrating that atoms are notindivisible and consist of smaller particles. His work on cathode rays and the discovery of the masstocharge ratio of electrons was fundamental in the development of atomic physics.17. Enrico FermiEnrico Fermi, an Italian physicist, was pivotal in the development of nuclear technology. His work on nuclear reactions led to the construction of the first nuclear reactor and the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. Fermi's contributions to quantum theory and particle physics are also noteworthy.18. Lise MeitnerLise Meitner, an AustrianSwedish physicist, was involved in the discovery of nuclear fission. Despite facing discrimination as a woman in science, Meitner's work was crucial in understanding the process which heavy nuclei can split into lighter nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy.19. Roger PenroseBritish mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose has made significant contributions to the understanding of general relativity and cosmology. His work on black holes, particularly the Penrose process and the Penrose singularitytheorem, has deepened our knowledge of the most extreme phenomena in the universe.20. Kip ThorneKip Thorne, an American theoretical physicist, has been at the forefront of gravitational physics and astrophysics. His work on the detection of gravitational waves, as part of the LIGO collaboration, confirmed a key prediction of Einstein's theory of general relativity and opened a new window into the cosmos.Each of these physicists has left an indelible mark on the field, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and challenging our understanding of the natural world. Their legacies continue to inspire and guide the next generation of scientists in their quest to uncover the secrets of the universe.As we further unravel the rich tapestry of scientific achievement, let's continue to honor the contributions of more extraordinary physicists whose insights have transformed our understanding of the cosmos and the fundamental forces that govern it.21. Andrei SakharovAndrei Sakharov, a Soviet nuclear physicist, played a crucial role in the development of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. However, he is perhaps best known for his advocacy of civilliberties and human rights in the Soviet Union. His work on the concept of "metric elasticity" also contributed to the field of general relativity.22. ChenNing YangChenNing Yang, a ChineseAmerican physicist, made significant contributions to theoretical physics,particularly in the area of parity nonconservation in weak interactions. His work with TsungDao Lee led to a Nobel Prize in Physics, demonstrating that certain processes are not mirrorsymmetric.23. TsungDao LeeTsungDao Lee, a ChineseAmerican physicist, collaborated with ChenNing Yang to challenge the symmetry principles in physics. Their proposal that weak interactions do not conserve parity was a groundbreaking discovery that revolutionized particle physics.24. Sheldon GlashowSheldon Glashow, an American theoretical physicist, is known for his work on the electroweak theory, which unified the weak nuclear force and electromagnetism. Hiscontributions to particle physics, including the prediction of the W and Z bosons, were recognized with a Nobel Prize in Physics.25. Abdus SalamAbdus Salam, a Pakistani theoretical physicist, sharedthe Nobel Prize in Physics with Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg for their work on the electroweak unification. Salam was instrumental in developing the mathematical frameworkthat described the weak and electromagnetic forces asdifferent aspects of the same force.26. Edward WittenEdward Witten, an American theoretical physicist and mathematician, is often regarded as one of the leadingfigures in string theory. His work has deepened our understanding of the mathematical underpinnings of theuniverse and has earned him numerous accolades, including the Fields Medal.27. Julian Schwinger28. SinItiro Tomonaga29. George GamowGeorge Gamow, a RussianAmerican physicist and cosmologist, made significant contributions to the fields of nuclearphysics and cosmology. He was one of the first to propose the Big Bang theory as the origin of the universe and also made important contributions to the understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis.30. Freeman DysonFreeman Dyson, a BritishAmerican theoretical physicist and mathematician, has made numerous contributions to quantum electrodynamics and solidstate physics. His work on the unification of the electromagnetic and gravitational forces, as well as his speculations on Dyson spheres, have been influential in theoretical physics.These physicists, through their relentless pursuit of knowledge, have not only advanced the frontiers of science but have also inspired a sense of wonder and curiosity in generations of scholars and laypeople alike. Their work continues to be a testament to the power of human intellect and the boundless potential of scientific inquiry.。
牛顿万有引力定律 英文
牛顿万有引力定律英文Here's a conversational and informal writing about Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation in English, following the given guidelines:1. Casual Explanation:You know, the apple falling on Newton's head? It's not just a legend! He observed it and realized that everything in the universe attracts each other, like magnets. That's the Law of Universal Gravitation.2. Descriptive Narrative:Imagine the sun and the planets. They're not just floating in space randomly. They're held in orbit by this invisible force called gravity. Newton figured this out and called it the Law of Universal Gravitation.3. Direct Statement:Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation simply says that every object attracts every other object in the universe. The force of attraction depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them.4. Anecdotal Reference:Fun fact! When Newton first shared this law, some people were skeptical. But later, with scientific observations and calculations, it was proven to be true. Even the planets and stars follow this law!5. Informal Explanation with Humor:So, why does your phone fall to the ground when you drop it? Gravity, of course! And it's all because of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. Don't blame the phone, blame gravity!。
参考文献:1、《电磁力与引力统一》作者黄兆荣2、《电磁学》E.M.珀塞尔著科学出版社1979.6出版3、《生化分离工程》严希康编著化学工业出版社2001.2出版The relationship between the energy and the time and spaceQujing, Yunnan Yunwei Group pyroelectric instrument Huang Zhaorong DaweiAbstract: This paper describes the experimental and the nature of the phenomenon to illustrate the relationship between energy and time and space, the greater the energy, time and space more austerity.Keywords: energy space-time space-time tight bendOverview: energy and time and space are two different concepts, then what kind of relationship do both? Experimental and natural phenomenon tells us that the greater the energy, time and space more crunch.Second, the experiment:1, lit an incense eclipse on the air does not circulate the room, will find Hong eclipse soot straight line, even some distance to proliferation of divergent inverted cone-type spiral, to a certain distance, the smoke is not continuous smoke leaving the smoking group was bending freedom movement. Nearer incense the greater the energy, time and space more crunch, by the energy of the transition to the free space curve divergence spiral, free space is curved.(fan wind leaf such as do divergence form spiral effect must be good)。
牛顿的万有引力定律英语Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe. This law was formulated by the renowned English mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton in the late 17th century and has since become a cornerstone of classical mechanics.The origins of Newton's work on gravity can be traced back to his early life and education. Born in 1642 in Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire, England, Newton was a precocious child with a keen interest in the natural world. As a student at the University of Cambridge, he began to develop his theories on the motion of celestial bodies, building upon the work of earlier scientists such as Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler.One of the key events that led to the formulation of the Law of Universal Gravitation was the observation of the motion of the planets around the Sun. Kepler had already established three laws of planetary motion, but the underlying cause of these patterns remained a mystery. Newton, through his mathematical and scientificprowess, was able to unify these observations into a single, comprehensive theory.The essence of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation can be summarized as follows: every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This can be expressed mathematically as the equation:F =G * (m1 * m2) / r^2Where F is the force of gravity between the two objects, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them.The implications of this law are far-reaching and have had a profound impact on our understanding of the universe. It explains the motion of the planets around the Sun, the behavior of tides, the acceleration due to gravity on Earth, and even the motion of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the cosmos.One of the most remarkable aspects of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is its universality. It applies not only to the motion of celestial bodies but also to everyday objects on Earth. The sameforce that keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth also governs the fall of an apple from a tree. This unification of the terrestrial and celestial realms was a groundbreaking achievement that revolutionized our understanding of the physical world.Newton's work on gravity also had a significant impact on the development of other areas of physics. His laws of motion, which describe the relationship between an object's mass, acceleration, and the forces acting upon it, are fundamental to the study of classical mechanics. These laws, combined with the Law of Universal Gravitation, form the foundation of Newtonian mechanics, which dominated the field of physics for over two centuries.Despite the enduring success of Newton's theory, it is important to note that it is not a complete or perfect description of gravity. In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity provided a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of gravitational phenomena, particularly in the realm of high-energy physics and the behavior of massive objects in the universe.General relativity, which describes gravity as a distortion of space-time rather than a force, has been extensively tested and verified through numerous experiments and observations. However, Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation remains a highly useful and accurate approximation for the vast majority of everyday situationsand is still widely used in various fields, such as astronomy, engineering, and space exploration.In conclusion, Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation is a landmark achievement in the history of science that has profoundly shaped our understanding of the physical world. Its simplicity, elegance, and universal applicability have made it a cornerstone of classical physics, and its influence continues to be felt in the ongoing pursuit of scientific knowledge and the exploration of the universe.。
Gravitational Instantons from Gauge Theory
NC instantons, is related to the size of a minimal two-
sphere known as a “Bolt” in the gravitational instantons.
Substituting the ansatz (11) into Eq.(12), we get
A general strategy was suggested in [6] to solve the self-duality equation (9). For example, let us consider the anti-self-dual (ASD) case. Take a general ansatz for the ASD Fµν as follows
Consider a NC spacetime defined by
[yµ, yν ]⋆ = iθµν
with a constant 4 × 4 matrix θµν . Gauge theories can
be constructed on this NC spacetime. For example, the action for NC U (1) gauge theory in flat Euclidean R4 is
The equation (13) was solved in [6] for the single instanton case. It was found there that the effective metric (6) for the single U (1) instanton is related to the Eguchi-Hanson (EH) metric [8], the simplest ALE space, and that the family of the EH space is parameterized by the instanton number. In this paper we will show that the connection between NC U (1) instantons and hyperKa¨hler geometries is more general. More precisely, we will see that the NC self-duality equation (4) is mapped
Gravitational Faraday rotation in a weak gravitational field
a rXiv:as tr o-ph/41295v115Jan24Gravitational Faraday rotation in a weak gravitational field Mauro Sereno ∗Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche,Universit`a degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”,and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,Sez.Napoli,via Cinthia,Compl.Univ.Monte S.Angelo,80126Napoli,Italia (Dated:December 10,2003)Abstract We examine the rotation of the plane of polarization for linearly polarized light rays by the weak gravitational field of an isolated physical system.Based on the rotation of inertial frames,we review the general integral expression for the net rotation.We apply this formula,analogue to the usual electromagnetic Faraday effect,to some interesting astrophysical systems:uniformly shifting mass monopoles and a spinning external shell.PACS numbers:04.20.Cv,04.70.Bw,04.25.Nx,95.30.Sf Keywords:Gravitational lensingI.INTRODUCTIONElectromagnetic theory in a curved space-time,in the approximation of geometric optics, provides some of the most well-known and stringent tests of Einstein’s general theory of gravitation.Under geometric optics,a ray follows a null geodesic regardless of its polariza-tion state and the polarization vector is parallel transported along the ray[1].In the last decades,observations of both bending of light and gravitational time delay have revealed themselves as a powerful tool in observational astrophysics and cosmology.These phenom-ena are fully accounted for in the gravitational lensing theory[2,3].On the other hand, effects of polarization along the light path have not yet been measured.The polarization vector of a linearly polarized electromagnetic wave rotates due to the properties of the space-time.The gravitational rotation of the plane of polarization in stationary space-times is a gravitational analogue of the electro-magnetic Faraday effect, i.e.,the rotation that a light ray undergoes when passing through plasma in the presence of a magneticfield.The analogy wasfirst noted in[4],where the problem of nonlinear interaction on gravitational radiation was considered.Thefirst discussion of this relativistic effect goes back to1957,when Skrotskii[5]applied a method previously developed by Rytov[6]to consider geometric optics in a curved space-time.For this historical reason,the gravitational effect on the polarization of light rays is also known as Skrotskii or Rytov effect.In1958,Balazs[7]further stressed how the gravitationalfield of a rotating body may behave as an optically active medium.In1960, Plebanski[8]solved the Maxwell’s equations in the gravitationalfield of an isolated physical system.He showed how the polarization vector changes its direction due to the deflection of the light ray,and,in addition to this change,how a rotation of the plane of polarization around the propagation vector may occur.Ten years later,Godfrey[9]took a very different approach.Following Mach’s principle,he considered dragging of inertial frames along with a rotating body and obtained an approximate expression for the rotation of the polarization vector of a light ray propagating along the rotation axis of a Kerr black hole.Trajectories initially propagating parallel to the symmetry axis of a central spinning body were studied in[10],where the problem was formulated in a cylindrical-like Kerr solution.A different situation was considered in[11],where it was discussed how the polarization features of X-ray radiation emitted from an accretion disk surrounding a rotating black hole are alsostrongly affected by general-relativistic effects.The relativistic rotation of the plane of polarization was further studied in[12].Solving the equations of motion of a light ray in the first post-Minkowskian approximation,a formula describing the Skrotskii effect for arbitrary translational and rotational motion of gravitating bodies was derived.Finally,the Skrotskii effect on light rays propagating in the vacuum region outside the event horizon of a Kerr black hole has been discussed in[13,14].In particular,the formu-lation in[14]stressed in an illuminating way the analogy with the usual Faraday effect.In this paper,we explore the gravitational Faraday rotation by the gravitationalfield of an isolated system(lens)when the source of radiation and the observer are remote from the gravitational lens.We restrict to the weak gravitationalfield far from the lens,and analyze it using linearized theory.This approximation holds for almost all gravitational lensing phenomena.We consider gravitational Faraday rotation by usual astrophysical systems, such as a system of shifting stars acting as lenses or a galaxy deflecting light rays emitted from background sources.The paper is as follows.In Section II,we extend the argument of Godfrey[9]on dragging of inertial frames to reobtain the well known general formula for the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization of a linearly polarized electromagnetic wave in a stationary space-time. This heuristic approach allows us to face the problem without integrating the equation of motion.In Sec.III,the weak-field,slow motion approximation is introduced and the weak field limit of the gravitational Faraday rotation is performed.In Section IV,we evaluate the Faraday rotation for some systems of astrophysical interest.We examine a system of uniformly moving lenses and a rotating external shell.Section V is devoted to somefinal considerations.II.DERIV ATION OF THE GRA VITATIONAL F ARADAY ROTATIONLet us consider a stationary space-time embedded with a metric gαβ[21].Such a metric can be written as[15]ds2=h dx0−A i dx i 2−dl2P(1) where we have introduced the notationh≡g00,A i≡−g0ianddl P2≡ −g ij+g0i g0j√22 obs sou√determined by off-diagonal components of the metric.To our aim,it is enough to writeds 2≃ 1+2φc 3− 1−2φ| x − x ′|d 3x ′;(6)φ/c 2is of order ∼O (ε2).Vis a vector potential taking into account the gravito-magnetic field produced by mass currents.To O (ε3),V (t, x )≃−G ℜ3(ρ v )(t, x ′)c 2+O (ε4),(8)A i ≃4c 2+O (ε3) dl E ,(10)where dl E ≡c 3 p ∇× V ·ˆk dl E +O (ε5),(11)where p is the spatial projection of the null geodesics and ˆkis the unit tangent vector.It is useful to employ the spatial orthogonal coordinates (l,ξ1,ξ2)≡(l,ξ),centred on the lens and such that the l -axis is along the incoming,unperturbed light ray direction e in .The lens plane,(ξ1,ξ2),corresponds to l =0.The three-dimensional position vector to the light ray x can be written as x =ξ+l e in .To calculate the Skrotskii effect to order O(ε3)we can adopt the Born approximation, which assumes that rays of electromagnetic radiation propagate along straight lines,i.e,the bending of the ray may be neglected.The integration along the line of sight(l.o.s.)is accurate enough to evaluate the main contribution to the net rotation[17].To this order, we can employ the unperturbed Minkowski metricηαβ=(1,−1,−1,−1)and a constant unit propagation vector of the signal,ˆk(0)=(1,0,0).The Faraday rotation to order O(ε3)readsΩSk≃−2| x− x i|.(13) The rotation angle from a system of N shifting lenses isΩSk≃−2c3Ni M i∆ξ(i)1v(i)2−∆ξ(i)2v(i)1B.Rotating shellThe gravito-magnetic potential takes a very simple form in the case of a spherically symmetric distribution of matter in rigid rotation.We limit to a slow rotation so that the deformation caused by rotation is negligible and the body has a nearly spherical symmetry.Taking the centre of the source as the spatial origin of a background inertial frame,we get V ≃−4πx 3 x 0ρ(r )r 4dr + +∞xρ(r )rdr ω× x =−G x 3−4π3 x 0ρ(r )r 4dr ωis the angular momentum contributed from the matter within a radius x ≡| x |.Einstein’s gravitational theory predicts peculiar phenomena inside a rotating shell.It is interesting to calculate the gravito-magnetic potential for such a system.The gravito-magnetic potential in Equation (15),inside a uniform spherical shell of mass M ,radius R and rotating with constant frequency,reduces to (see also [18])V In ( x )≃−GM 3ω× x2 J × x 3MR 2 ω.It is ∇× V In ( x )≃−2GM2J −3( J ·ˆx )ˆx R 2−ξ2and l Out =+ c 3l In−∞∇× V Out l .o .s .dl E + l Out l In ∇× V In l .o .s .dl E + +∞l Out ∇× V Out l .o .s .dl E +O (ε5)=4GM 1− ξThe result vanishes if the angular velocity lies in the lens plane.Since the gravitational Faraday rotation outside a rotating body,when the light path does not enter the lens,is ∼G2M TOTξ3,i.e,of order O(ε5)[13,14,19],the effect on the light ray can be neglectedat this order of approximation.The case of a rotating external sphere offinite thickness can be easily solved just integrat-ing the result in Eq.(20).Every infinitesimal shell of radius r′with mass dM=4πρ(r′)r′2dr′and angular velocityω(r′)contributes an angledΩSk≃16πG r′2−ξ2r′dr′+O(ε5).(21) Integrating from the impact parameter,ξ,to the external shell radius R,we get the total gravitational Faraday rotation which a light ray undergoes because of the spin of the external shell.We getΩSk= dΩSk≃16πG r′2−ξ2r′dr′+O(ε5).(22) Let us consider a homogeneous sphere of constant density in rigid rotation.The plane of polarization of a light ray,that penetrates through this rotating body,is rotated ofΩSk≃16πGc3J l.o.s.(R2−ξ2)3/2microlensing events on the Galactic scale,a star,acting as deflector,moves relatively to a background source.This is the case of a shifting lens.A distant quasar lensed by a foreground galaxy may form images inside the galaxy radius. In such an astrophysical configuration,photons propagate inside a rotating shell.Since the Faraday rotation due to external rotating shell is of order O(ε3),it could induce a detectable effect.High quality data in totalflux density,percentage polarization and polarization position angle at radio frequencies already exist for multiple images of some gravitational lensing systems,like B0218+357[20].The prospects to detect the gravitational Faraday rotation will be the argument of a forthcoming paper.AcknowledgmentsThe author wishes to thank the Dipartimento di Fisica“E.Caianiello”,Universit`a di Salerno,Italia,for the hospitality when hefirst worked on the idea illustrated in the paper.[1]Misner,C.,Thorne,K.S.,Wheeler,J.A.,1973,Gravitation,Freeman,San Francisco[2]Petters A.O.,Levine H.,Wambsganss J.,2001,Singularity Theory and Gravitational Lensing,Birkh¨a user,Boston[3]Schneider P.,J.Ehlers J.,Falco E.E.,1992,Gravitational Lenses,(Springer,Berlin)[4]Piran,T.,Safier,P.N.,1985,Nat,318,271[5]Skrotskii,G.B.,1957,Dokl.Akad.Nauk USS,114,73[6]Rytov,S.M.,C.R.(Dokl.)Acad.Sci.URSS,18,263[7]Balazs,N.L.,1958,Phys.Rev.110,236[8]Plebanski,J.,1960,Phys.Rev,118,1396[9]Godfrey,B.B.,1970,Phys.Rev.D,1,2721[10]Su,F.S.O.,Mallett,R.L.,1980,ApJ,238,1111[11]Connors,P.A.,Piran,T.,Stark,R.F.,1980,ApJ,235,224[12]Kopeikin,S.,Mashoon,B.,2002,Phys.Rev.D,65,064025[13]Ishihara,H.,Takahashi,M.,Tomimatsu,A.,1988,Phys.Rev.D,38,472[14]Nouri-Zonoz,M.,1999,Phys.Rev.D,60,024013[15]Landau L.D.,Lifshits E.M.,1985,Teoria dei Campi,Editori Riuniti,Roma[16]Mashoon,B.,1975,Phys.Rev.D,11,2679[17]Sereno,M.,2003,Phys.Rev.D,67,064007;[astro-ph/0301290].[18]Ciufolini,I.,Kopeikin,S.,Mashoon,B.,Ricci,F.,2003,Phys.Lett.A,308,101[19]Sereno,M.,2003,in preparation.[20]Biggs,A.D.,Browne,I.W.A.,Helbig,P.,Koopmans,L.V.E.,Wilkinson,P.N.,Perley,R.A.,1999,MNRAS,304,349[21]Latin indices run from1to3,whereas Greek indices run from0to3.[22]The controvariant components of spatial three-vectors are equal to the spatial componentsof the corresponding four-vectors.Operations on such three-vectors are defined in the three-dimensional space with metricγαβ.。
Curiosity has always been a driving force for human exploration and discovery.The vast expanse of the cosmos has long captivated our imagination,prompting us to delve into the mysteries of the universe.In this essay,I will discuss the significance of exploring the stars and the impact it has had on our understanding of the world.The desire to explore the stars is rooted in our innate curiosity about the unknown.Since ancient times,humans have gazed at the night sky,marveling at the celestial bodies that adorn it.The stars have inspired countless myths,legends,and philosophical inquiries about our place in the universe.As our knowledge and technology have advanced,so too has our ability to explore the cosmos.One of the most significant contributions of star exploration is the advancement of science.Through the study of celestial bodies,we have gained a deeper understanding of the physical laws that govern the universe.For example,the observation of stars and planets has led to the development of the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Furthermore,the study of distant galaxies has provided insights into the origins and evolution of the universe.In addition to scientific discovery,exploring the stars has also had a profound impact on our culture and society.The romanticism of space travel has inspired countless works of literature,film,and art.The idea of venturing beyond our planet has become a symbol of human ambition and our quest for knowledge.It has also sparked discussions about the potential for life beyond Earth and the ethical implications of colonizing other planets. The practical applications of star exploration are also significant.Satellite technology, which has its roots in space exploration,has revolutionized communication,navigation, and meteorology.Additionally,the development of space travel has led to innovations in various fields,such as materials science,engineering,and computer technology. However,exploring the stars is not without its challenges.The vast distances and harsh conditions of space present numerous obstacles to overcome.The financial and human resources required for space exploration are substantial,and there are ongoing debates about the allocation of these resources.Despite these challenges,the potential benefits of star exploration make it a worthy endeavor.In conclusion,the exploration of the stars is a testament to human curiosity and our relentless pursuit of knowledge.It has expanded our understanding of the universe, enriched our culture,and led to numerous technological advancements.As we continue to push the boundaries of our exploration,we may one day unlock even greater mysteries of the cosmos.。
牛顿的万有引力定律英文Newton's law of universal gravitation is a fundamental principle in physics, describing the invisible force that pulls objects towards each other.This force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, a concept that revolutionized our understanding of celestial motion.Imagine standing on Earth, feeling the gentle pull of gravity. It's the same force that keeps the moon in orbit around our planet, a testament to the law's universality.Newton's insight was profound, but it took centuries for the scientific community to fully embrace the implications of his work, illustrating the gradual nature of scientific progress.In the vastness of space, where stars and galaxies are scattered across the cosmos, the law of universal gravitation is the silent orchestrator, shaping the very fabric of the universe.The law also has practical applications here on Earth, influencing everything from the design of bridges to the trajectories of spacecraft, a reminder of how fundamental scientific principles permeate our daily lives.As we gaze at the stars, pondering the mysteries of the universe, we are also reminded of the invisible threads of gravity that connect us all, a concept as awe-inspiring as it is fundamental.In essence, Newton's law is not just a scientific theory; it's a poetic expression of the interconnectedness of all things in the cosmos.。
高一年级英语宇宙探索与科学发现单选题40题1. The ______ is a huge system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.A. planetB. galaxyC. moonD. comet答案:B。
D 选项“comet”是彗星的意思,彗星是在太阳系中运行的一种天体,与题干描述的巨大系统不符,D选项错误。
2. Which of the following is the largest in the solar system?A. EarthB. JupiterC. MarsD. Venus答案:B。
3. A ______ is a group of stars that form a pattern in the sky.A. constellationB. nebulaC. asteroidD. meteor答案:A。
介绍我的偶像谷爱凌英文作文The vast expanse of the universe has captivated the human imagination for millennia. From the ancient astronomers who gazed up at the stars to the modern-day scientists who peer into the depths of space, the cosmos has been a source of wonder, mystery, and endless fascination. As we continue to explore and unravel the secrets of the universe, we are confronted with the profound realization that we are but a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things.One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of the universe is its sheer scale. The distances between celestial bodies are so vast that it is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend. Even the nearest star to our solar system, Proxima Centauri, is over 4 light-years away. To put that into perspective, if you were to travel at the speed of light, it would take you more than 4 years to reach that star. And that is just the beginning – the Milky Way galaxy, our home, is estimated to contain over 200 billion stars, each with the potential to host its own planetary systems.Beyond our galaxy, the universe is teeming with countless other galaxies, each with its own unique characteristics and fascinating histories. The Andromeda galaxy, our closest galactic neighbor, is amere 2.5 million light-years away, yet it is so vast that it could swallow our own Milky Way whole. The scale of the universe is truly mind-boggling, and it is a testament to the incredible power and complexity of the cosmos.As we peer deeper into the universe, we are confronted with the profound mysteries that lie at the heart of its existence. What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy, the enigmatic forces that appear to make up the majority of the universe? How did the first stars and galaxies form, and what role did they play in the evolution of the cosmos? These are just a few of the questions that continue to drive scientists and researchers in their quest to unravel the secrets of the universe.One of the most intriguing and perplexing aspects of the universe is the phenomenon of black holes. These incredibly dense and massive objects, with gravitational fields so strong that not even light can escape them, have captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike. The discovery of black holes has revolutionized our understanding of the universe, and has led to the development of new theories and models that seek to explain the nature of these enigmatic entities.As we continue to explore the universe, we are also confronted with the sobering realization that our own planet, Earth, is but a tinyspeck in the vastness of the cosmos. Yet, despite its relative insignificance, Earth is the only known home of life in the universe. The emergence and evolution of life on our planet is a remarkable and complex process, one that has been shaped by the unique conditions and circumstances of our world.The search for extraterrestrial life is one of the most exciting and compelling areas of scientific exploration. As we continue to discover exoplanets – planets orbiting other stars – the possibility of finding evidence of life beyond Earth becomes increasingly tantalizing. The discovery of life elsewhere in the universe would have profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it.Yet, even as we gaze outward into the vast expanse of the cosmos, we must also turn our attention inward and consider the deeper philosophical and existential questions that the universe raises. What is the meaning of our existence in the grand scheme of the universe? How do we reconcile the vastness and complexity of the cosmos with our own individual lives and experiences? These are the kinds of questions that have captivated thinkers and philosophers throughout human history, and they continue to be the subject of intense debate and exploration.Ultimately, the universe is a place of profound mystery and wonder.As we continue to explore and unravel its secrets, we are confronted with the humbling realization that we are but a tiny part of a vast and complex cosmos. Yet, this knowledge does not diminish our sense of wonder and curiosity – rather, it serves to inspire us to continue our quest for understanding, and to strive to unlock the secrets of the universe that have eluded us for so long.Whether we are gazing up at the stars, peering through the lenses of powerful telescopes, or pondering the deeper philosophical questions raised by the cosmos, the universe remains a source of endless fascination and inspiration. It is a testament to the incredible power and complexity of the natural world, and a reminder of the limitless potential of the human mind to explore and understand the world around us.。
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a rXiv:h ep-th/042171v121Fe b24Unification of Gravitation and Gauge Fields Xin-Bing Huang ∗Department of Physics,Peking University,100871Beijing,China Abstract In this letter,I indicate that complex daor field should also have spinor suffixes.The gravitation and gauge fields are unified under the framework of daor field.I acquire the elegant coupling equation of gravitation and gauge fields,from which Einstein’s gravitational equation can be deduced.PACS numbers:04.20.Cv,04.20.Gz,03.65.Vf,12.10.KtAbout four decade years ago,some physicists recognized the fact that Yang-Mills gauge theories and the affine geometry of principalfiber bundles are one[1,2].But Einstein’s gravitational theory is the affine geometry of tangent bundles.They seems to be quite different.I have indicated that daorfield will construct a possible connection between them[3].This letter is devoted to this topic:Gravitation and gaugefield are unified in a harmonic structure,and the coupling equation is set up,which is consistent with Einstein’s gravitational theory.Suppose an ideal universe,in which there is no matter present except the gravita-tionalfield and gaugefields.Einstein’s gravitational equation can be written as†[4,5]Gµν=Rµν−1gµνfαβfαβ,(2)4where fαβis the strength of electromagneticfield.I adopt the same sign conventions as in Misner-Thorne-Wheeler’s book[4].The metric tensor of Minkowski space-timeηab is written as followsη00=−1,η11=η22=η33=+1,ηab=0for a=b.(3)In Minkowski space-time,Dirac equation is usually written as(¯h=c=1)[6]iγa∂†In this letter,using Roman suffixes to refer to the bases of local Minkowski frame;using Greek suffixes to refer to curvilinear coordinates of space-time.In my former paper[3],I had given the concept of daorfield,which can be regarded as the square root of space-time metric.Daorfield h aµor Hµa satisfiesgµν=h∗aµηab h bν,Gµν=H∗µaηab Hνb,gµνGνλ=Gλνgνµ=δλµ.(6) where∗denotes complex conjugation.Set h a=h aµd xµ,which is daorfield1-form.By defining the Hermitean conjugate of daorfield h aµor Hµa as follows(h aµ)†=h∗aµ,(Hµa)†=H∗µa,(7) we can easily acquire the following relationsg=h†ηh,G=H†ηH,G=g−1,H†=h−1,H=(h†)−1.(8) By using the same definition of inner product as in differential geometry,the inner product of the vector U=Uµ∂An intrinsic rotation of daorfield ish a→h′a=S a b h b,(12) here S a b satisfiesS∗c a ηcd S db=ηab.(13)From references[3,1],it is known that under the intrinsic rotation of daorfield the complex affine connection1-formωa b transforms as followsω′ab=S a cωc d(S−1)d b+S a c(d S−1)c b,(14)Covariance of the daorfield equations under local gauge group directly leads to the introduction of Yang-Mills gaugefields[7].Similarly,I separate gaugefield B a bµfrom the complex affine connectionωa bµ,say,writeωa b asωab=Ωa b+iǫ′B a b,(15)whereǫ′is the coupling constant of gaugefield,B a b is also1-form.Under the gauge rotation of daorfield(12),B a b transforms as followsB′a b=S a c B c d(S−1)d b+1ǫ′d Z c b,(16)andΩa b satisfiesΩ′a b=S a cΩc d(S−1)d b.(17) As having been given in the paper of Yang and Mills[7],the gaugefield strengths corresponding to gaugefield B a b is given by‡F ab=d B a b+iǫ′B a c∧B c b.(18) Where F a b is a2-form,which is a part of the curvature2-form defined byR a b=dωa b+ωa c∧ωc b.(19)It is stressed that F a b has quite the same symmetric characters as R a b.It is well known that the stress-energy tensor for this gaugefield can be written as14πTµν=tr(FαµFνα)−is a1-formG.It should be noted thatγc F abcalso,what is to sayγc F a bcµdxµ=γµF a bµνdxν.(22) Eq.(21)also demonstrates that complex daorfield should also have spinor suffixes.I will prove that Einstein’s gravitational equation can be deduced from Eq.(21). Setǫ=1in the process of proving for simplicity.Firstly,define the operator1-formˆW≡δad+(ωa b+iγc F a bc)∧,(23)bthen,Eq.(21)becomesˆW h=0.Multiplying both sides of Eq.(21)by operatorˆW,we acquire0=ˆWˆW h=[d(ωa b+iγc F a bc)+(ωa e+iγc F a ec)∧(ωe b+iγc F e bc)]∧h b= R a b+iγc(d F a bc+ωa e∧F e bc+F a ec∧ωe b)−γcγd F a ec∧F e db ∧h b.(24) The covariant derivative of a differential form V a b of degree p is defined as[1]DV a=d V a b+ωa c∧V c b−(−1)p V a c∧ωc b.(25)bBecause F a b is the gaugefield strength,it satisfies the following Bianchi identities:DF a=0.(26)bAs I have stressed thatγc F a bc is a1-form,Eq.(25)and Eq.(26)then make sure that γc(d F a bc+ωa e∧F e bc+F a ec∧ωe b)=0.So Eq.(24)becomesR a b=γcγd F a ec∧F e db.(27) Transferring R a b into the curvilinear coordinates of space-time,from Eq.(27)we obtain Rαβµν=−γcγd(FαecνF eβdµ−F eβdµFαecν)(28) Let us contract the suffixesαandµin RαβµνRβν=− αFαecνF eβdα(γcγd+γdγc)=2 a F a eλνF eλβa=2tr(FλνFλβ).(29) Resuming the value ofǫ,we can acquire Einstein’s gravitational equation(1)and the stress-energy tensor(20).When there are different categories of gaugefields in the space-time,the coupling equation can be extended as followsd h a+(ωa b+iǫγc F a bc)∧h b=0,F a bµν= ττF a bµν,(30) whereτF a bµνdenotes the strength of different gaugefields.The coupling equation(21)demonstrates that the coupling constantǫis unrelated with the category of gaugefield.This reflects the generality of gravitation.I believe, the coupling constant between daorfield and spinorfield should also beǫ.The coupling between daorfield and spinorfield will be discussed in forthcoming papers.The coupling equation(21)also indicates that only daorfield can express the in-trinsic harmony of differentfields.Conclusion:The general form of gaugefields are discussed.All gaugefields orig-inate the invariance of local intrinsic rotation of doarfield.The coupling equation is submitted,from which Einstein’s equation can be obtained.Acknowledgement:I would like to thank my parents,Long-Mei Zhu and You-Ping Dai for their help and encouragement.References[1]T.Eguchi,P.B.Gilkey and A.J.Hanson,Phys.Rep.66,213(1980).[2]T.T.Wu and C.N.Yang,Phys.Rev.D12,3845(1975).[3]X.B.Huang,“New Geometric Formalism for Gravity Equation in Empty Space”,hep-th/0402139.[4]C.W.Misner,K.S.Thorne and J.A.Wheeler,Gravitation(W.H.Freeman andCompany,San Francisco,1973).[5]P.A.M.Dirac,General theory of relativity(John Wiley&sons,Inc.,1975).[6]P.A.M.Dirac,Max-Planck-Festschrift,339(1958).[7]C.N.Yang and ls,Phys.Rev.96,191(1954).。