




1.对于方位,幼儿较难掌握的概念是( )A、前后B、上下C、左右2.对幼儿时间定向上起决定作用的是( )A、日常生活事件B、日历钟表上的时间信息C、天气变化D、幼儿生活制度3.5岁左右的儿童已能够借助一些小木棍进行简单的算术了,到了小学一年级,就可以摆脱小木棍进行口算,这说明儿童心理发展的趋势是()A.从简单到复杂B.从凌乱到成体系C.从被动到主动D.从具体到抽象4.幼儿期的年龄范围是()。




这样的注意称为()A无意注意 B有意注意 C外部注意 D内部注意8.上课时,一个同学迟到,当他走入教室大家就会不由自主地去注意他,这样的注意称为()A无意注意B有意注意 C外部注意 D内部注意9.()是一组复合的感觉,包括触觉、温觉、痛觉等。


()A、视知觉B、深度知觉C、方位知觉D、感知觉11.在指导幼儿观察绘画时,下面哪句指导语易把幼儿的观察引向观察个别事物?( )A.图上有些什么呢?B.图上的小松鼠在做什么呢?C.这张图告诉我们一件什么事呢?D.图上讲的是个什么故事?12.孩子看到桌上有个苹果时,所说的话中直接体现“知觉”活动的是( )A.“真香!”B.“我要吃!”C.“这是什么?”D.“这儿有个苹果。




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成都指南针职业技术学校第1页 共6页 第2页 共6页学 校年 级班 级姓 名学 号密封线内不要答题成都指南针职业技术学校2016-2017学年第一学期期中考试语文 试题 A 卷(本卷适用专业:计建 适用年级:15级 全卷:100分 答题时间:90分钟)题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分得分 评卷人一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每题3分,共36分.在每小题给出的选项中,有一项是符合题目要求的,将所选项的字母填在下表内。

)1 2 3 4 5 67 891011121.下列词语中划横线的字读音全都相同的一项是() A.恶.心 厌恶. 恶.贯满盈 B.模.型 模样 模棱两可 C.剥削 瘦削 削足适履 D.荷花 荷载 荷枪实弹2.下列词语中划横线的字读音全都相同的一项() A .露天 露营 露宿 藏头露尾 B .露面 露一手 露马脚 露骨 C .模样 模型 模仿 模范 D .差别 差不多 出差 差强人意3.下列词语中划横线的字读音全都不同的一项是() A.薄纸 单薄 户口簿 薄荷水 B.纤维 纤细 光纤 纤夫 C.浑身解数 解剖 解甲归田 押解 D.字帖 妥帖 请帖 贴面膜4.下列词语中没有错别字的是() A.平心而论 呕心历血 山青水秀 B.鸠占雀巢 汗流夹背 立竿见影 C.不胫而走 蓬荜生辉 各行其是 D.哀声叹气 相形见绌 融会贯通5.下列词语中全都有错别字的一组()A.暴燥 合盘脱出 一枕黄粱B.脉搏 相形见绌 卷帙浩繁C.推心置腹 馨竹难书 委曲求全D.朗诵 赢弱 门口罗雀 好高骛远 6.下列词语中只有两个错别字的一组() A.一愁莫展 部署 解剖 真知灼见 B.绿草如茵 膨涨 幅射 拾人牙慧 C.好高骛远 趋之若鹜 优哉游哉 D.荒谬 宣泄 嘘寒问暖 松驰 7.依次填入划横线处最恰当的一组是()这个世界里你_____强大起来,因为你若不坚强懦弱给谁看,没有人会可怜你;父母含辛茹苦的把我们_____长大,作为子女我们给他们的爱远不及他们给我们的三分之一; 他曾因小人谗言多次被贬,后命途多舛几经坎坷被新任帝王_____官拜四品; A.必须 扶养 启用B.必需 扶养 起用C.必需 抚养 起用D.必须 抚养 启用8.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( )①我们的工作计划已经呈报上级有关部门,待________之后,即可付诸实施。

《综合能力》选择题 客观题 期末试卷 试题和答案

《综合能力》选择题 客观题 期末试卷 试题和答案

2017-2018学年度第二学期期中考试试题(机试)《综合能力》15级《物业综合能力》试卷基本信息:[矩阵文本题] *一、单选题,将对答案的编号填在括号里。

(每题1分,共30分)1. 个人对于商品的需求需要具备的两个条件是()。

[单选题] *A、个人具有购买意愿;个人具有支付能力(正确答案)B、个人具有购买意愿;商品符合国家标准C、个人具有支付能力;商品符合国家标准D、商品符合国家标准;商品满足个人需求2. 个人需求是表示一个人在某一特定时间内,在各种可能的价格下,他将购买的某种商品的()。

[单选题] *A、基本数量B、特定数量C、各种数量(正确答案)D、需要数量3. 如果a商品的需求与b商品的价格同方向变化,则a商品和b商品之间的关系是互为()。

[单选题] *A、补充品B、替代品(正确答案)C、附属品D、增值品4. 供给曲线向右上方倾斜,表示供给量与价格的变化是()的。

[单选题] *A、同方向(正确答案)B、反方向C、相斥D、无关5. 某居住小区居民的下列四种服务需求中,价格弹性最小的是()服务。

[单选题] *A、基本物业(正确答案)B、特约物业C、家庭装修D、会所康乐6. 根据边际收益递减规律,当平均产量达到最大时,()。

[单选题] *A、边际产量达到最大B、总产量达到最大C、边际产量等于零D、边际产量等于平均产量(正确答案)7. 生产规模是指一定量生产要素投入所能获取的() [单选题] *A、平均产出量B、最小产出量C、计划产出量D、最大产出量(正确答案)8. 某物业服务项目成本要素中,属于固定成本的是()。

[单选题] *A、维修材料、人员工资支出B、公共区域水、电费C、办公用房支出(正确答案)D、特约服务支出9. 市场上经营决策的利润最大原则是()相等 [单选题] *A、平均收益与平均成本B、边际收益与边际成本(正确答案)C、边际收益与总收益D、总成本与边际成本10. 市场失灵是指()。

15大药--药剂期中 - 副本 (2)

15大药--药剂期中 - 副本 (2)

15级大专制药专业《药剂学》期中试卷姓名:班级:一、单项选择题1、我们把注射剂称为(c )A、药品B制剂C剂型D医疗机构制剂2、GMP是指( b )A《药品管理法》B《药品生产质量管理体系》C《药品经营质量管理规范》D《药品生产质量管理规范》3、药品GMP、GSP认证证书的有效期是(3)A一年B三年C五年D十年4、属于半极性溶剂的是(3)A水B甘油 C 乙醇D液体石蜡5、溶液型液体药剂不包括(2)A糖浆剂B溶胶剂 C 醑剂D甘油剂6、不能增加药物的溶解度(2)A制成盐B助悬剂C潜溶剂 D 助熔剂7、高分子溶液剂加入大量电解质可导致(3)A胶体带电稳定性增强B盐析C 高分子化合物分解D产生凝胶8、专供涂敷皮肤或冲洗用的外用液体药剂是(1)A洗剂B擦剂C滴鼻剂D滴牙剂9、溶胶剂加入电介质可导致(1)A凝聚沉淀B电泳C丁达尔效应D稳定性增强10、有关浸出药剂特点的叙述,错误的是(2)A有利于发挥药材成分的多效性B成分单一,稳定性好C服用体积减小,方便临时使用D药效缓和持久三、填空题1、药剂学是研究药物制剂的生产理论、生产技术、质量控制、综合应用等内容的综合性应用技术科学。











A.游说(shuì) 幽咽(yè) 弄堂(nòng) 踟蹰(chó)B.窠臼(kē) 庇护(pì)恁地(nèn) 蹴鞠(jū)C.漫溯(sù)恬然(tián) 旌旗(jīng) 迤逦(lǐ)D.寒暄(xuān) 玉枹(páo) ) 庐冢(zhǒng) 颛臾 (yú)2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()。


B.约.二斤鸡蛋约:大约 C 、文化形态形态:事物的形状或表现D别烦躁,别起急烦躁:烦闷急躁4.下列不含通假字的一项是()A蒙故业,因遗策 B天下云集响应,赢粮而景从C合从缔交,相与为一 D而倔起阡陌之中5.依次填入下句横线处,最恰当的一组词语是()四婶,后来雇用的女工,大抵懒馋。


A.只有因为或或而且所以 B唯独由于非即或者所以C只有因为非即或者所以 D只有因为或或甚至所以6.依次填入下面横线的成语,最恰当的一项是()①这蒙受了奇耻大辱的废墟,只管悠闲地、地停泊着。


A安分守己气势磅礴理直气壮 B漫不经心踌躇满志理直气壮C若无其事慷慨激昂理直气壮 D熟视无睹慷慨激昂理直气壮7.《胡同文化》一文中,作者认为胡同文化的精义是()A忍 B安分守己 C逆来顺受 D“有礼让三分”“得饶人处且饶人”8.选出翻译有误的一项是()A尽心焉耳矣——总算尽了心啦 B请以战喻——请让我用打仗来做说明 C直不百步耳—只是没有(跑)百步罢了 D斧斤以时入山林—斧头按时进入山林二、填空题(10分)9. 群贤毕至,。



常州工程职业技术学院15-16学年第2学期期中考试试卷课程:《英语》卷种(A/B):A 考核形式:闭卷试卷总页数:10 适用班级(专业、年级):C层考试时间: 90分钟I. Multiple choices: (20%)1. Can you tell me more of his ______ information before I agree to interview him?A. backgroundB. undergroundC. backD. behind2. The culture of the people living in Taiwan Island is ______ by the people on themotherland.A. taughtB. influencedC. resultedD. directed3. The ______ is spreading fast in many areas of Africa, mainly because of lack ofproper health care, prevention and education.A. diseaseB. woundC. painD. cancer4. One cannot ______ across his thought to others well if he doesn’t master enoughwords.A. passB. handC. transportD. put5. When the film ended, all the lights ______.A. earned aboutB. drove awayC. let offD. lit up6. Being a(n) of America, the famous movie star decided to run for USPresident.A. nativeB. maleC. originalD. female7. This has been kept up for two thousand years in this country.A. customerB. customC. courseD. counter8. We ______ for two years.A. marriedB. have marriedC. have been marriedD. had married9. The dogs ______ the thief away.A. scarceB. scaringC. scaredD. scar10. No people like to stay at this hotel because of its poor ______.A. servingB. serviceC. servesD. servicing11. Charlie thinks money will ______ all his problems.A. performB. solveC. scoreD. force12. His ______ expression shows that e is unhappy about that.A. bodyB. handC. facialD. verbal13. He walked slowly as if he ______ his leg.A. hurtB. had hurtC. would hurtD. was hurting14. ______ to many women, she was indeed very fortunate.A. ComparedB. ContrastedC. OppositeD. Contrary15. Guests must ______ before noon, or they will be charged for the day.A. check outB. check inC. check overD. check on16. Do you mind ______ the door, for it is hot here.A. closingB. closeC. openingD. open17. Soldiers are expected to ______ orders.A. obeyB. askC. doD. fear18. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit ______ theexpenses of the trip.A. forB. aboutC. inD. to19. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ______sickness.A. normalB. regularC. averageD. ordinary20. The little boy is good at ______ with others.A. laughingB. teachingC. doingD. communicatingII. Filling in the blanks: (15%)A:Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.1.Please ______most details that you would like to change.2. He ________the church as a young man.3.He _______ told her that he worked for the corporation .4. Janet took ______ of the situation and got everyone out of the building.5. In order to ______ her point, she showed them the latest sales figures.6.These problems can appear in _______ and undeveloped countries .7. Mary is social and has a large _____of friends.8. He was great _________ ; he composed many great songs.9. We haven’t enough books for everyone; some of you will have to_______.10. There are six people present at the meeting _______ three women.B: Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.1. She noticed a man dressed on a black suit glancing ________ her.2. The boy has to finish his homework instead _______going out.3. Eating too much, combined with lack of physical exercises, may lead _____ onetype of disease or another.4. The Japanese,_______ average,live much longer than the Europeans.5. The word comes ________ an African language.6.______ the time Brain arrives at the airport, Tony has already been waiting there.7. One should be careful _______ gestures when communicating with foreigners.8. Can you believe that John keeps a snake ______ a pet?.9. The organization depends _____ the government for most of its income.10. The story is concerned ______ the growing pains of children.C: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given.1. Among the subjects I am studying, I like English _____ (well).2. Last year we ______ (have) the house rebuilt.3. Everyone is fascinated by the singer’s ________(amaze) voice.4. My sister tried to catch the ball but ________(miss) it.5. I’m sorry to have _______(keep) you waiting so long.6. It is dangerous for people _________ ( across) the streets if they don’t observe the traffic rules.7. (Obvious) ____________, I didn’t want to put in too much time making friends.8. I felt quite (confuse) _____________ when I was first at college. I didn’t know what courses to take.9. The doctor (suggestion) _____________ that she comes another day.10. As teachers, we need to take (responsible) ______________ for looking after our students’ health.III. Reading comprehension: (35%)Task 1What will man be like in the future — in 5000 or even 50000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time. Let us take an obviousexample. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones. This is likely to bring about a physical change to the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over very long period of time it is likely that man's eyes will grow stronger. On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life. But what about hair? It will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald. Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at. This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future name will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.1. The passage tells us about ______.A. how man's life will be in the futureB. how future man will look likeC. the fact that man's organs will function differently in the futureD. the fact that man is growing uglier as time passes2. There is evidence that ________.A. man has been growing taller over the past 500 yearsB. man has got stronger eyes than he ever hadC. man's hair is getting thinner and thinnerD. man's limbs are getting weaker because he tends to make less use of them3. Man's forehead will grow larger because _______.A. he will use of only about 20% of the brain's capacityB. the other 80% of his brain will grow in due timeC. he had rather narrow forehead a few hundred years agoD. he will have to use his brain more and more as time goes on4. Future man will probably _____.A. have smaller eyesB. have larger eyesC. see betterD. have to wear better glasses5. The reason for believing that future man will be different is that he _______.A. is always changingB. never stops changingC. hopes for a changeD. will live a different lifeTask 2S ports and games make our bodies strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy. But these are not their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction and pass this information on to the brain. The brain then arms, legs, and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this complicated chain of events successfully. For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful. Sports and games are also very useful for character training. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness, courage, discipline and love of one's country; but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned by experience. The ordinary day school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the pupils' time is spent in classes, studying lessons. So it is what the pupils do in their spare time that really prepares them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up. If each of them learns to work for his team but not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.6. When we play tennis we have to _____.A. first use our eyes, then the brain and finally the musclesB. make our eyes, brain and muscles work almost at the same timeC. use mainly the arms and legs to hitD. use mainly the muscles so that the ball is met and hit back7. The "complicated chain of events" refers to _____.A. the passing of information and making of decisionsB. the meeting and hitting back of the ballC. the coordinated movements of our eyes, brain and musclesD. a lot of practice before playing tennis8. By "character-training", the author means that sports and games can helpchildren _____.A. live a better life when they grow upB. know better how to behave properly in their future lifeC. understand better the virtues they learn in booksD. all of the above9. According to the author, a child's character can be most deeply influenced by______.A. what he does out of classB. what he learns in booksC. his place in societyD. his lessons in school10. What is of the greatest importance to a football team is _____.A. its membersB. its team workC. the football fieldD. the climateTask 3I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself. As I see it, there are four keys to getting hired: Firstly, prepare to win. Getting hired is no longer an once-in-a-lifetime experience. Employment experts believe that today's graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their careers. That may sound like a lot of pressure. But if you are prepared, the pressure is on the other folks, the ones who haven't done their homework. Secondly, never stop learning. Work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. To be able to compete, you've got to keep learning all your life. And then, believe in yourself even when no one else does. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can not accomplish your goals. Who says you are not tougher, harder working and more able than your competitors? At last, find a way to make a difference.From my standpoint, that is what it is all about.A. State Planning Commission I. Ministry of ConstructionB. Ministry of Health J. Ministry of Land and ResourcesC. Ministry of Culture K. Ministry of Labor and Social SecurityD. Ministry of Agriculture L. Ministry of PersonnelE. Ministry of Water Resources M. Ministry of FinanceF. Ministry of Information Industry N. Ministry of JusticeG. Ministry of Communications O. Ministry of Civil AffairsH. Ministry of Railways16.()建设部()信息产业部17.()农业部()人事部18.()民政部()水利部19.()交通部()铁道部20.()文化部()卫生部Task 5Ellis Island is closed now — to all but the tourists, that is, this island, in New York harbor, was once one of the busiest places in America. It was the first stop for all immigrants arriving by ship from Europe, Africa and western Asia. Normally, immigrants came to Ellis Island at the rate of 5000 a day, but at times twice that many would land in a single day. Most were processed through and ferried to the mainland on the same day. A total of 15 million people came to America by way of Ellis Island. With the advent of air travel, the island fell into disuse. Today it serves only as a reminder to tourists of the heritage of modern America.21. How did people generally arrive at Ellis Island?____________________________________________.22. How many did immigrants come to the Island a day?______________________________________________.23. Who visits Ellis Island today?_________________________________________ .24. What can be best concluded from the talk?Ellis Island is not used as __________.25. Why is Ellis Island closed now?With the advent of _________, the island fell into disuse.IV. Translate the following sentences into English or Chinese: (20%)1.在校园里车速被限制在每小时10 英里以下。



2016—2017学年度第一学期期中考试15 级汽修专业《汽车构造底盘》试题姓名:班级:分数:考试说明:本试卷满分100分,考试时间为60分钟。


2.离合器的主动部分与__ ____连接,从动部分与连接。











( )4.膜片弹簧的弹簧特性优于圆柱螺旋弹簧。











(D) LB < LA ,EKA = EKB ;
(E) LB = LA ,EKA < EKB 。
同类题目人造地球卫星,绕地球作椭圆轨道运动, 地球在椭圆的一个焦点上,则卫星的 (A)动量不守恒,动能守恒; (B)动量守恒,动能不守恒; (C)对地心的角动量守恒,动能不守恒; (D)对地心的角动量不守恒,动能守恒。[ C ] 解:卫星绕地球作椭圆轨道运动,卫星对地球的 合外力矩为零(万有引力为有心力)。 RB RA 对地球的角动量守恒, LA=LB O B A
10. 一个力F作用在质量为1.0kg的质点上,使之 沿x轴运动。已知在此力作用下质点的运动学方 程为x=3t-4t2+t3 (SI)。在0到4s的时间间隔内,
16(N s) . (1)力F的冲量大小I= ____
176(J) . (2)力F对质点所作的功W= ____
11.(本题4分)一个以恒定角加速度转动的圆盘,如果 在某一时刻的角速度为1=20rad/s,再转60转后角速 度为2=30 rad /s,则角加速度 =_____________, 转过上述60转所需的时间Δt=________________。
0 t 1 2 0 0 t t 2 2 2 2( 0 ) 0
1.一个圆锥摆的摆线长为l,摆线与竖直方向的夹角 恒为θ,如图所示。则摆锤转动的周期为
(A) (C)
l g
2 l g
(B) (D)
l cos g

2 l cos g




在运输浓磷酸的包装标签上应选用的标志是 ( )2. 除去CO2气体中所含的少量HCl气体,最好的方法是将混合气通过()A.饱和NaHCO3溶液B.饱和Na2CO3溶液C.饱和石灰水D.氨水3.下列叙述正确的是() A. 1molH2O的质量为18g/molB. CH4的摩尔质量是16gC. 6.02×1023个O2分子的质量为32gD.标准状况下,1mol任何物质的体积均为22.4L4.已知1.505×1023个X气体分子的质量为8g,则X 的摩尔质量是() A. 16g B. 32gC. 64g/moL D. 32g/moL5.下列溶液中的Cl-浓度与50mL 1mol·L-1MgCl2溶液中的Cl-浓度相等的是( )A.150mL 1mol·L-1 NaCl溶液B.75mL 2mol·L-1 CaCl2溶液C.150mL 2mol·L-1KCl溶液D.75mL 1mol·L-1 AlCl3溶液6.欲配制100mL 1.0mol/L Na2SO4溶液,正确的方法是()①将14.2g Na2SO4溶于100ml水中②将32.2g Na2SO4•10H2O溶于少量水中,再用水稀释至100mL③将20mL 5.0mol/L Na2SO4溶液用水稀释至100mL.A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.①②③7.下列化学方程式中,不能用离子方程式 Ba2++SO42―===BaSO4↓表示的是( )A.Ba(NO3)2+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+2HNO3B.BaCl2+Na2SO4==BaSO4↓+2NaClC.BaCO3+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+H2O+CO2↑D.BaCl2+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+2HCl8.下列离子方程式书写正确的是()A.氧化铜与盐酸反应 O2― +2H+ ====H2OB.碳酸氢钠溶于盐酸:HCO3- + H+ = H2O + CO2↑C.硫酸氢钠溶液与NaOH溶液混合:HSO4- + OH- = H2O + SO42-D.石灰石溶于硝酸:CO32- + 2H+ = H2O+ CO2↑9.下列说法正确的是()A.固体硫酸钠不能导电,所以硫酸钠是非电解质B.在NaOH溶液中除了Na+、OH-外,不存在其它粒子C. NaOH溶液能导电,所以NaOH溶液是电解质D. CO2、SO2、SO3、NH3等均属于非电解质10.下列变化过程中,需要加入氧化剂的是 ( )A.HCl―→H2 B.HCl―→FeCl2C.H2SO4(浓)―→SO2D.Fe―→Fe2O3二.选择题(每小题只有一个正确选项,每小题3 分,共30分)11.下列说法正确的是()A.将pH试纸放入溶液中观察其颜色变化,跟标准比色卡比较B.水的沸点是100 ℃,酒精的沸点是78.5 ℃,所以可用加热蒸馏法使含水酒精变为无水酒精C.酒精灯着火时不可用水扑灭D.配制硫酸溶液时,可先在量筒中加入一定体积的水,再在搅拌条件下慢慢加入浓硫酸12.某学生只有下列仪器和用具:烧杯、试管、硬质玻璃管、圆底烧瓶、量筒、铁架台(带铁夹)、酒精灯、集气瓶、玻璃片、水槽、导气管、橡皮塞、橡皮管、100mL 容量瓶、玻璃棒、药匙、火柴。



2024-2025学年山东省语文小学五年级上学期期中自测试卷(答案在后面)一、基础知识与积累(本大题有9小题,每小题4分,共36分)1、下列词语中,字形、字音完全相同的一组是:A. 窗户桌子椅子桥梁B. 语文数学英语物理C. 花朵花开花香花草D. 白天黑夜星空星辰2、下列句子中,用词不当的一项是:A. 她的歌声像百灵鸟一样婉转动听。

B. 那只小狗活泼可爱,总是摇着尾巴跟在主人后面。

C. 森林里的树木高大茂密,遮天蔽日。

D. 我把这件衣服洗得干干净净。

3、下列词语中,加点字读音完全相同的一项是:()A. 跳跃悠闲骄傲B. 呼啸骄阳骄傲C. 倾斜倾盆倾倒D. 操场操纵操劳4、下列句子中,用词不当的一项是:()A. 母鸡领着小鸡在草丛里觅食,它们时而抬头看看天空,时而低头觅食。

B. 雪花纷纷扬扬地从天空飘落下来,把大地装扮得如诗如画。

C. 她一边哼着歌,一边看着窗外的风景,心情格外舒畅。

D. 他虽然年纪小,但已经学会了很多知识,是个小博士。


(2分) a) 模样(mó/mú) b) 薄雾(báo/bó)6、根据意思写成语。

(2分) a) 形容人非常高兴的样子。


7、题目:下列词语中,加点字的读音与其他词语加点字读音不同的一项是:A. 操场(cāo chǎng)操劳(cāo láo)操守(cāo shǒu)B. 桥梁(qiáo liáng)桥墩(qiáo dūn)桥头(qiáo tóu)C. 稻田(dào tián)稻草(dào cǎo)稻谷(dào gǔ)D. 花朵(huā duǒ)花环(huā huán)花纹(huā wén)8、题目:下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 这本书的内容非常丰富,对小学生来说是一本很好的课外读物。



15级升学班期中考试数学试卷学生姓名: 总分一.选择题(每小题5,共60分)1.如果集合{}1->=x x P ,那么 ( ) A.P ⊆0 B.{}P ∈0 C.P ∈∅ D.{}P ⊆02.集合{}21<<-=x x A ,{}31<<=x x B ,那么=B A ( ) A. ∅ B. {}11<<-x x C. {}21<<x x D. {}32<<x x3.已知全集{}2,1,0=U ,且{}2=A C U ,则=A ( ) A. {}0 B. {}1 C. {}1,0 D.∅4.已知32)(+=x x f ,则)3(f = ( ) A.3 B.5 C.7 D.95.设函数b ax x f +=)(是R 上的减函数,则有 ( ) A. 0>a B. 0<a C. 0≥a D. 0≤a6.下列函数与函数x y =表示同一函数的是 ( )A. 2)(x y =B. 33x y =C. 2x y =D. xxy 2=7.函数12)(2--=x x x f 在[]2,1-∈x 上的值域为 ( ) A. []1,2- B. []2,2- C. []1,0 D. []0,1-8.下列函数是奇函数的是 ( ) A. 2x y = B. 1+=x y C. x y 8-= D. x y = 9.若正比例函数kx y =的图象经过点(-1,3)则该图象还经过点 ( ) A.(1,-3) B.(2,6) C.(-1,-3) D.(3,-6) 10. 二次函数()32)(2++=x x f ,则此函数 ( ) A.当2=x 时有最大值 B. 当2-=x 时有最大值-3 C.当2-=x 时有最小值3 D. 当2=x 时有最小值-3 11.已知)(x f 是幂函数,且8)2(=f ,则)21(-f 的值为 ( )A. 81B. 81- C.8 D.-812. 已知函数⎩⎨⎧>-≤+=.0,2,0,1)(2x x x x x f 则))2((f f 的值为 ( )A.-4B.5C.17D.-10二.填空题(每小题5,共20分)13.已知{}{}4,3,,3,12=-=B m A .若A B ⊆,则=m 14.函数1-=x y 的定义域为 15.函数32)(2++=mx x x f 的图象关于y 轴对称,则y = 16.若)(x f 是奇函数,且8)2(=-f ,则=)2(f三.解答题(第17小题10分,第18--22小题每小题12分,共70分)17.已知集合{}{}7,6,5,4,3,4,3,2,1==B A ,求B A B A ,18.已知集合{}{}32,52+≤≤=≤≤-=a x a x B x x A ,若A B A = ,求实数a 的取值范围.19. 已知二次函数[]3,0,42)(2∈-=x x x x f ,求函数的最大值.20.县日新超市的某种产品每件80元每天可售出30件,如果每件定价120元,则每天可售出20件,如果售出件数是定价的一次函数,求这个函数的解析式.21. 二次函数842--=x kx y 在区间[]20,5上是减少的,求实数k 的取值范围.22.设xxx f +-=11)(,求证(1) )1()(1)(±≠=-x x f x f ;(2) )0,1)(()1(≠-≠-=x x x f xf 企业经营范围大全企业经营范围分为许可经营项目和一般经营项目:1、许可经营项目是指企业在申请登记前依据法律、行政法规,国务院决定应当报有关部门批准的项目,即是需要办理前、后置许可证的项目。



焦作市职业技术学校2015—2016学年第一学期 15 级 就业 班 铁道概论 学科期中考试试卷(30分) 1,1825年,世界上第一条铁路在( )诞生。

A.德国B.法国C.英国D.日本 2.中国第一条铁路是1876年在上海修建的( )铁路。

A.平汉铁路 B.吴淞铁路 C.唐胥铁路 D.沪宁铁路 3.下列属于铁路运输特征的选项是( )。

A.运输能力大,速度快B.机动灵活C.占地少,运量大,成本低D.不受地形、气候影响,长期稳定运行4.世界上第一条速度为200km/h 的高速铁路出现在( )。

A.英国 B.美国 C.俄国 D.日本5.旧中国时期中国铁路分布极不平衡,( )铁路极其匮乏。

A.华北、东北地区B.华北、华东地区C.西北、西南地区D.华中、华南地区6.我国第一条重载专用铁路是( )铁路。

A.秦沈铁路B.京张铁路C.京沈铁路D.大秦铁路 7.以下不属于我国“四纵四横”客运专线的是( )。

A.京广高铁B.沪汉蓉客运专线C.京津城际高铁D.徐兰高铁 8.( )是机车、车辆和列车运行的基础。

A.运行图 B.道岔 C.轨道 D.铁路信号 9.线路的平面反映了线路的( )。

A. 曲直变化和走向B.起伏变化和高程C.等级D.允许速度 10.变坡点是( )的交点。


A.路堤 B.路堑 C.半路堤 D.半路堑12.在钢轨的接头处要适当留一定的轨缝,其目的是( )。

A.满足钢轨的受热时伸长B.满足钢轨的受冷时伸长C.便于钢轨维修D.无作用13.中间联结零件的作用是将( )紧扣在轨枕上,使( )与轨枕连为一体。

A.钢轨、钢轨 B.钢轨、道床 C.道床、垫板 D.道砟、垫板 14.设置防爬器与防爬撑的作用是( )。

A.阻止轨道爬行B.防止列车脱轨C.防止钢轨断裂D.防止轨枕断裂 15.某铁路一圆曲线半径为400米,列车允许通过该曲线的最大速度为( )km/h 。



1501 汤辉 031501111 52 44 34 69.5 199.5 109
1513 付瀛彬 051513215 55 44 42 58
1503 郭慧楠 051503233 60 67 46 25.5 198.5 111
1501 郭佳辉 061501243 58 55 25 60
1501 翟进 011501036 55 74 36 43
1502 陶佩奇 011502047 49 58 47 54
1513 冯帅 061513258 59 68 28 53
1513 胡亮凯 071513290 61 43 57 46.5 207.5
1504 郭文滔 021504084 51 70 40 46
1502 韦逸夫 011502032 67 16 43 66
1504 彭景 011504044 54 63 30 44
1503 徐源 071503292 43 60 37 51
1501 邵文 021501086 66 27 37 60.5 190.5 125
1502 陈化鸾 021502087 60 56 0 74.5 190.5 125
总分 290 279 278 276 276 275 274 272 271 270.5 268 266.5 265 264 262 261.5 261 261 260 259 257 255 255 253.5 252.5 252.5 252 248.5 247.5 247 246 246 244 243.5 243 243 242.5 241 240 238 238 237 236 235 235 234 232.5 231 231 230 229.5 229 229



























西安2024年小学六年级英语第四单元期中试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:I have a ________ that helps me learn.2、填空题:I like to eat ______.3、What is 20 15?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 74、填空题:My mom loves to __________ (参加) family gatherings.5、填空题:The butterfly will soon become a beautiful ______ (成虫).6、听力题:We saw a ________ at the zoo.7、填空题:A ______ (植物园) is a great place to learn about different species.8、听力题:I love my _____ (家人).9、What is the main ingredient in bread?a. Sugarb. Flourc. Waterd. Yeast答案:BInsects have three parts: head, thorax, and ______.11、What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A. BlueB. GrayC. GreenD. Red答案:A12、What type of energy do we get from the sun?A. NuclearB. SolarC. WindD. Geothermal答案:B13、听力题:A subatomic particle with no charge is called a _____.14、听力题:The _____ (窗户) is open.15、听力题:My brother is interested in ____ (mathematics).16、听力题:The ______ is known for her artistic flair.17、听力题:The teacher gives us ______ to study. (papers)18、填空题:I enjoy learning about ______ in science class.19、填空题:He is a _____ (工程师) who builds bridges.20、选择题:What do you call a person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. FarmerD. DriverWe have a ______ (丰富的) variety of snacks at home.22、听力题:The flowers are __________ in the garden.23、填空题:The beaver builds dams using _________ (树木).24、听力题:A saturated fat contains no ________ bonds.25、can Revolution began in ______ (1775年). 填空题:The Amer26、听力题:In a ______ change, the substance's identity does not change.27、听力题:Molecules are made of ______.28、What is the chemical symbol for silver?A. SiB. AgC. AuD. Pb答案:B29、填空题:My favorite food is ________ (意大利面) with sauce.30、填空题:The __________ (历史的学习) opens up new avenues of inquiry.31、选择题:What do we call a person who studies plants?A. BotanistB. ZoologistC. GeologistD. Ecologist32、填空题:The stars are ______ (亮) at night.33、听力题:The Earth's tilt causes the changing of the ______.__________ change involves a change in state, not in composition.35、填空题:I like to drink hot chocolate on ______ (寒冷的) days.36、What do we call a story with a moral lesson, often featuring animals?a. Fableb. Folktalec. Mythd. Legend答案:a37、听力题:The process of freezing occurs when a liquid loses _______.38、听力题:A molecule that has a net charge is called an ______ ion.39、听力题:A crab has a hard ______.40、Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BroccoliC. AppleD. Potato41、听力题:The __________ is known for its beautiful lakes.42、填空题:A kitten is a baby ________________ (猫).43、ts can grow in _____ (水) like water lilies. 填空题:Some pla44、填空题:My brother loves to __________ (解决难题).45、听力题:The outer layer of the Earth is called the ______.46、填空题:I enjoy making ______ (贺卡) for my friends on their birthdays. It’s a personal touch they appreciate.The bear catches salmon in the ______.48、填空题:The parakeet is a colorful ______ (鸟).49、填空题:古代的________ (architecture) 在意大利和希腊相当有名。




( )1. There is _______ with my computer. It needs repairing.A. anything wrongB. nothing wrongC. something wrongD. wrong something( )2. The dress is worth _______.A. to be boughtB. to buyC. buyingD. being bought( )3. _____ you have heard the song , you will never forget it .A. BecauseB. OnceC. whileD. When( )4.Making good preparations for an interview ___________.A. is very importantB. is of very importanceC. are great importantD. are quite importantly( )5. Last year I _____ the 100-meter race and _____ the second place.A. took part in ; beatB. joined ; wonC. took part in ; wonD. attend ; won( )6.The doctor suggests we’d better not stay in a place ____ somebody is smoking.A.that B.which C.when D.where ( )7. The selfish man never offers help to his friends, ______A. is heB. isn’t heC. does heD. doesn’t he( ) 8.______ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day !A. What a funB. What funC. What a funnyD.How fun( ) 9.The necklace , _____ with pears , must be very valuable.A.decoratedB. decoratingC. to decorateD.decorates( )10.The coat is _____ large for me . would you give me a smaller one.A. too manyB. much tooC. too muchD.many too第二节在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或片段,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑。



长沙2024年03版小学六年级上册英语第五单元期中试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridC. ParisD. Rome2、选择题:What is the primary color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. PurpleD. Green3、Which planet is known for its strong winds and storms?A. EarthB. SaturnC. JupiterD. Venus4、What is the term for a young sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal5、What do you call the place where you buy food?A. SchoolB. StoreC. OfficeD. Library6、What do we use to protect our eyes from the sun?A. GlassesB. HatC. SunscreenD. Scarf7、选择题:What is the smallest ocean?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. Pacific8、What is the opposite of "big"?A. HugeB. SmallC. TallD. Large9、Who invented the telephone?A. Thomas EdisonB. Alexander Graham BellC. Nikola TeslaD. Albert Einstein10、选择题:What do you call the large area of land with many trees?A. DesertB. ForestC. SavannahD. Tundra11、选择题:What do you call a group of stars?A. GalaxyB. PlanetC. CometD. Asteroid12、What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. RiceD. Salt13、What is the name of the phenomenon where light waves are stretched as an object moves away from us?A. Doppler EffectB. RedshiftC. BlueshiftD. Gravitational Lensing14、What do we call the process of water turning into ice?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. EvaporatingD. Condensing15、How many continents are there?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight16、What is a baby frog called?A. TadpoleB. KittenC. PuppyD. Calf17、选择题:What is the capital of Hungary?A. BudapestB. PragueC. ViennaD. Bratislava18、What is the name of the toy building blocks?A. LegoB. PuzzleC. DollD. Action Figure19、How many planets are in our solar system?A. EightB. NineC. TenD. Eleven20、选择题:What is 1 + 1?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:Chemical changes can produce new ________.2、听力题:I want to _____ (visit) different countries.3、听力题:The process of making yogurt involves bacterial _______.4、听力题:A saturated solution is one in which all solute has been ______.5、听力题:The dog is _____ (barking).6、听力题:The chemical formula for lithium bromide is _____.7、听力题:The ________ (hologram) is a D image.8、听力题:We have science class on ___. (Friday)9、听力题:The ______ is an area of space with no stars.10、听力题:Hydrogen gas is highly ______.11、听力题:The fireflies are _______ (glowing) in the dark.12、听力题:The dog is chasing a ___. (ball)13、听力题:A mixture can be separated into its components by _____ methods.The ability to conduct electricity varies among _____.15、听力题:We will _______ (visit) the science museum.16、听力题:The chemical formula for propane is _______.17、听力题:My ______ loves to play sports.18、听力题:The __________ is made up of solid rock beneath the soil.19、听力题:The chemical properties of metals include conductivity and ______.20、听力题:Chlorine is used to purify ______.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The ________ (季节变化) can affect blooming times.2、填空题:The axolotl can regenerate its ________________ (器官).3、填空题:The lizard sits on a _______ (热的) rock.4、填空题:The ______ (种类) of plants in a rainforest is very diverse.5、填空题:The _______ (孔雀) shows its feathers.6、填空题:A _____ (植物社区活动) fosters connections among gardening enthusiasts.7、填空题:I love to play ______ (户外运动) with my friends. It keeps us active and healthy.________ (生态恢复) helps revive areas.9、填空题:The snow covers the ground like a ______ (毯子).10、 (70) is a very dry region. 填空题:The ____11、填空题:The __________ (历史的复杂层面) reveal nuances.12、填空题:My mom makes the best ________ (饼干) in the world.13、填空题:The dolphin communicates through a series of ______ (声音).14、填空题:My uncle loves to share his __________ (经验) in cooking.15、填空题:The ______ (小鸭) loves to paddle in the lake.16、填空题:A ____(partnership) collaborates for mutual benefit.17、填空题:The __________ (历史的复杂层面) warrant careful study.18、填空题:The __________ (维京人) were known for their longships and exploration.19、填空题:Insects can be both helpful and ______ (有害) to plants.20、填空题:My mom loves __________ (促进社区发展).。





一、(选择题)总分:30分(1分/题)1、What color is the sun?A, BlueB, YellowC, GreenD, Red2、What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A, Snow WhiteB, CinderellaC, RapunzelD, Sleeping Beauty3、Which of the following means "书" in English?A, BookB, PenC, PaperD, Desk4、What do you call the number that comes after 7?A, 6B, 8C, 95、What do we call the part of the plant that produces nectar?我们称植物中生成花蜜的部分为?A, StamenB, PistilD, Sepal6、What type of plant grows back every year?中文解释:哪种植物每年都会重新生长?A, AnnualB, PerennialC, Biennial7、Which animal is famous for being very slow? A, RabbitB, TurtleC, CheetahD, Horse8、Which animal lives in water?A, LionB, SharkC, ElephantD, Dog9、选出与所给单词同类的一项。

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时间:100分钟 满分:100分
1.下列给出的赋值语句中正确的是 ( ) A. 16x -= B. 16x =-
C.1x y +=
D. a b c ==
2.下列程序框图中,出口可以有两个流向的是( ) A. 终止框 B. 输入输出框 C. 判断框 D. 处理框
3.若复数=+-=z i z 则,31( ) A. i 31- B. i 31-- C. i -3 D. i 31+
4.看下面的四段话,其中不是解决问题的算法的是( ) A.从济南到北京旅游,先坐火车,再坐飞机抵达 B.方程012=
-x 有两个实根
5.如图所示程序框图的功能是 ( A .求2-x 的值 B .求x -2的值 C .求2-x 的值 D .求2--x 的值
6.复数i z +-=1的共轭复数对应的点位于复平面的 ( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限
7. =2012i ( )
A. i
B. i -
C. 1
D. 1- 8. 计算=++++9432i i i i i ( )
A. 0
B. i
C.i +1
D. 1-
9. 若)R y x yi x ∈+-,()2(和i -3是共轭复数,则( ) A. 15==y x 且 B.
15-==y x 且
C. 15-=-=y x 且
D. 15=-=y x 且
10. 若的值分别是则b a bi i a ,,122
-=+( )
A. 2,2-
B. 2,2-
C. 2,2--
D. 2,2 二、填空题(每线2分,共20分)

第一步,A=89,B=96,C=99; 第二步,S=A+B+C; 第三步,=x 。

12.复数i 23+的实部为 ,虚部为 ,共轭复数是 。

13.若),(23R b a bi i a ∈-=+,则=a ,=b 14.已知
,11ni i
-=+其中n m ,是实数,i 是虚数单位,则=m ,=n 。

15. 和 的和为-2,积为2。


18. (本大题共16分)计算
(1))2()2(i i -++ (2))1()32(i i ---
(3))2)(1(i i -+ (4) i
19. (本大题共12分)设复数,34i z -=计算:z z +,z z -,z z ⋅。

二、填空题(每线2分,共30分) 11. 3
12. 3 2 i 23- 13. 2,-3
14.=m 2 ,=n 1 15.i +-1 i --1 三、解答题(共50分) 16.
解:第一步 输入x
第二步 计算2x S π= 第三步 输出S
17.(1)当5-=m 时 ,为实数 (2) 当5-≠m 时,为虚数 (3)当2=m 时, 为纯虚数
x S π=S 输出结束
)11()22( )2()2( .18=-++=-++i i i i
i i i 21 )13()12( )1()32( -=+-+-=--- i i i i i i +=-+-=-+322)
2)(1( 2 i
i i i i i i 13
1312 135i
12 4i -96i -9i 4i -6 )
916 )3(4 )34)(34(z z
-6i 3)i -(-34)-(4 )34()34(z -z 8 3)i (-34)(4 )34()34(34 .1922=+=-=+-=⋅=+=+--==+++=++-=++=i i i i i i i z z i z。
