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Directions: In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues.For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1.一Nice weather. I sn’t it?


A.I’m not sure B.You know it well

C.Yes,it is D.Yes,it isn’t

2.一I think the Internet is very helpful.


A.Yes.So do I B.That’s a very good idea

C.Neither do I D.I’d rather go surfing on it

3.-What subjects are you studying?


A.Yes.I'm studying history B. I'm studying now

C.I'm studying philosophy D. I’m doing my homework

4.-Which language do you speak at home?


A.I speak English very well B.I can speak English and French

C.English is my mother tongue D.English,most of the time

5.——Must we hand in our homework now?


A.Yes,you will B.Yes,you mustn’t C.No,you needn’t D.No,you mustn’t 6.——Help yourself to the steak,Maggie.


A.Sorry.I’ve had enough B.Thank you,Helen

C.Yes.But it isn’t cooked well D.Help yourself to it,too

7.一Go that way and take a seat.


A.No, I’m not tired B.Thanks,but I’d rather stand

C.Yes,that’s a good way D.It doesn’t matter

8.—Are you sure about that?


A. You needn’t worry about that B.I like the idea

C.Oh,no. I’m afraid of that D.Oh,yes.I’m absolutely positive

9. 一When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?

A. I’ve never been there B.The next One is faster

C.They leave every hour D.The city is far away

10. 一There’s a new cafeteria at the corner.How about going there for supper?

A. Fine-But it’s my treat this time B.It’s newly decorated

C. Let’s look at the menu first D.I have no idea about what to order

1.一Nice weather. I sn’t it?天气很好,是吗?是的。


A.I’m not sure B.You know it well

C.Yes,it is D.Yes,it isn’t

2.一I think the Internet is very helpful.我认为因特网非常有帮助。是的,我也这样认为。


A.Yes.So do I B.That’s a very good idea

C.Neither do I D.I’d rather go surfing on it

3.-What subjects are you studying?你学什么课程?我正学哲学。


A.Yes.I'm studying history B. I'm studying now

C.I'm studying philosophy D. I’m doing my homework

4.-Which language do you speak at home?你在家说什么语言?多数时间说英语。


A.I speak English very well B.I can speak English and French

C.English is my mother tongue D.English,most of the time

5.——Must we hand in our homework now? 明天我们一定要交作业吗?不,不必。


A.Yes,you will B.Yes,you mustn’t C.No,you needn’t D.No,you mustn’t 6.——Help yourself to the steak,Maggie.Maggie, 你自己吃牛排。谢谢。


A.Sorry.I’ve had enough B.Thank you,Helen

C.Yes.But it isn’t cooked well D.Help yourself to it,too

7.一Go that way and take a seat.走那边坐下。谢谢,但是,我宁愿站着。


A.No, I’m not tired B.Thanks,but I’d rather stand

C.Yes,that’s a good way D.It doesn’t matter

8.—Are you sure about that?你对此有把握吗?噢,是的,我绝对正确。


A. You needn’t worry about that B.I like the idea

D.Oh,no. I’m afraid of that D.Oh,yes.I’m absolutely positive

9. 一When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?下一趟开往Glasgow的公共汽车是什么时候?每一小时一趟。

A. I’ve never been there B.The next One is faster

D.They leave every hour D.The city is far away

10. 一There’s a new cafeteria at the corner.How about going there for supper?在拐角处有一家新餐厅。到那吃晚饭怎样?

A. Fine-But it’s my treat this time B.It’s newly decorated

C. Let’s look at the menu first D.I have no idea about what to order


1. —Good-bye and thank you very much for a wonderful time.
