User Manual Rel. 1.0Tel.: +41 (0) 1 445 2282Fax: +41 (0) 1 445 2281Email: office@ Homepage: LinMotSulzer Electronics AGTechnoparkstrasse 1CH-8005 Zürich© 1999 Sulzer Electronics AGThis work is protected by copyright.Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microfilm, storing in an information retrieval system, not even for didactical use, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Sulzer Electronics AG.LinMot® is a registered trademark of Sulzer Electronics AG.NoteThe information in this documentation reflects the stage of development at the time of press and is therefore without obligation.Sulzer Electronics reserves itself the right to make changes at any time and without notice to reflect further technical advance or product improvement. Please refer to the latest edition of our “General business terms”Version 1.01 / Rev. 3 October 8th 19991.Introduction__________________________________________1-11.1Used symbols__________________________________________1-22.Safety notes__________________________________________2-12.1Installation____________________________________________2-23.System Overview_______________________________________3-1 3.1Drive system LinMot®___________________________________3-13.1.1Actuator: Linear drive LinMot®P___________________________3-23.1.2Actuator: stepper motor LinMot®Step________________________3-23.1.3Actuator: electromagnet LinMot® Magnet_____________________3-2 3.2LinMot® P: a new construction element____________________3-2 3.3Substitution possibilities of LinMot® P_____________________3-3 3.4Technical properties of LinMot® P________________________3-4 3.5Application fields of LinMot® P___________________________3-4 3.6Driving and operating modes of LinMot®___________________3-53.6.1Driving concept__________________________________________3-53.6.2Operation modes_________________________________________3-53.6.3Connection to higher-level control systems____________________3-8 3.7Protection and error behavior____________________________3-93.7.1Internal protection functions________________________________3-93.7.2Monitoring functions_____________________________________3-93.7.3Emergency stop possibilities________________________________3-93.7.4Emergency stop through supply interruption___________________3-9 3.8Operation and configuration____________________________3-103.8.1System configuration____________________________________3-103.8.2Curve generation________________________________________3-113.8.3Monitoring function (digital Oscilloscope)___________________3-123.8.4Error logbook__________________________________________3-133.9Customer specific applications___________________________3-144.Design and Installation_________________________________4-1 4.1Operating modes_______________________________________4-14.1.1Analog position setting____________________________________4-24.1.2Analog current setting____________________________________4-34.1.3Two point run___________________________________________4-34.1.4Running reference curves__________________________________4-44.1.5Set values through the serial interface________________________4-5 4.2Operating states_______________________________________4-64.2.1Operating state “Setup”___________________________________4-74.2.2Operating state “Wait for Disable”___________________________4-74.2.3Operating state “Disable”__________________________________4-74.2.4Operating state “Drive Init”________________________________4-74.2.5Operating state “Run”_____________________________________4-84.2.6Operating state “Stop”____________________________________4-84.2.7Operating state “Error”____________________________________4-8 4.3Position monitoring_____________________________________4-94.3.1Following error monitoring________________________________4-94.3.2Position range monitoring________________________________4-104.4Initialization__________________________________________4-114.4.1Linear motors of the LinMot® P series_______________________4-114.4.2Stepper motors_________________________________________4-13 4.5Signal interfaces______________________________________4-144.5.1SYS1 interface_________________________________________4-144.5.2SYS2 connector_________________________________________4-164.5.3COM connector_________________________________________4-17 4.6Actuator interfaces____________________________________4-184.6.1Connection of LinMot® P linear motors______________________4-184.6.2Connecting stepper motors________________________________4-194.6.3Connecting inductive loads________________________________4-19 4.7Connecting the power supply____________________________4-204.7.1E100/E200/E400 supply__________________________________4-204.7.2E1000/E2000/E4000 supply_______________________________4-21 4.8HW configuration of the electronic units__________________4-234.8.1Signal board configuration________________________________4-23 4.9Mechanical installation_________________________________4-254.10Constructive notes on the installation of the linear motors____4-265.Configuration Software_________________________________5-1 5.1Installation requirements________________________________5-1 5.2Installation of the configuration software___________________5-2 5.3Introduction___________________________________________5-3 5.4Login________________________________________________5-3 5.5Commander___________________________________________5-4 5.6Control Panel_________________________________________5-4 5.7Parameter Inspector____________________________________5-55.7.1Editing the parameters____________________________________5-65.7.2Saving and loading parameter sets___________________________5-75.7.3Copy and Paste__________________________________________5-75.7.4Verifying parameter settings________________________________5-85.7.5Printing parameter sets____________________________________5-85.7.6Write-protected parameters_________________________________5-95.7.7Online mode____________________________________________5-95.7.8Offline mode____________________________________________5-9 5.8Curve Inspector______________________________________5-105.8.1User interface of the Curve Inspector________________________5-105.8.2Operational elements of the Curve Inspector__________________5-105.8.3Curve Editor interface____________________________________5-135.8.4Operational elements of the Curve Editors____________________5-145.8.5Creating curves with the wizards___________________________5-165.8.6Defining reference curves in Excel__________________________5-17 5.9Oscilloscope__________________________________________5-185.9.1Setting the recording variables_____________________________5-195.9.2Setting the trigger mode__________________________________5-195.9.3Determining the sample rate_______________________________5-205.9.4Adjusting the display____________________________________5-215.9.5Starting and stopping the Oscilloscope_______________________5-215.9.6Printing recorded curves__________________________________5-215.10Error Inspector_______________________________________5-225.10.1Operational elements of the Error Inspectors__________________5-22 5.11Tutorial A: First Steps________________________________5-245.11.1Commissioning example__________________________________5-24 5.12Tutorial B: Operating the Oscilloscope___________________5-255.12.1Creating a curve________________________________________5-255.12.2Configuring the electronic unit_____________________________5-255.12.3Oscilloscope configuration for the recording of the position set value5-265.12.4Oscilloscope configuration for the following error monitoring____5-275.12.5Final remark___________________________________________5-28 5.13Tutorial C: Generating reference curves_________________5-295.13.1"Linear Out" curve______________________________________5-305.13.2"Hold" curve___________________________________________5-325.13.3"Jump Back" curve______________________________________5-335.13.4Saving curves__________________________________________5-345.13.5Merging curves_________________________________________5-345.13.6Writing curves to the electronic unit________________________5-365.14Tutorial D: Defining curves with Excel___________________5-376.Parameters___________________________________________6-17.Service______________________________________________7-11. IntroductionThis manual is organized as follows:Please take a moment to read and get accustomed with the safety instructions. Thisinformation is intended for your personal safety and should help in protecting the electronic units and linear motors from possible damage.Gives an overview of the properties and features of the single LinMot ® components and their operation.Here you will find a description of the functionality, the different operation modes and the technical data of the electronic unit. Further, the interfaces and the installation are described in this chapter. This information helps you optimally embed the LinMot ®products in your application.In this chapter you will get accustomed with the functionality and possibilities of the PC software for the configuration of the LinMot ® electronic unit. Further, you will find examples that will make the first commissioning of the system easy.This chapter gives an in-depth description of all the parameters to which you have access during the configuration of the LinMot ® electronic unit.Explains the error messages that are displayed by the LEDs and helps you in the troubleshooting.Safety notes System description Design and installation Configuration software Parameters Service1.1 Used symbolsImportant notes or tips in this manual are marked with the following symbols:Tips, notesUseful information that should make operating the devices easier is given here.CautionNon observance of these warnings can represent a danger for health or life and lead todamage or destruction of the devices and other objects.Strong magnetic fieldsWarning about magnetic materials that could cause damage to magnetic data mediumslike diskettes, credit cards, etc.2. Safety notesThe LinMot®linear drives are resources meant to be built into an electrical systems ormachines. During operation these resources have moving parts and hot surfaces fromwhich a danger of health or material damage could arise.The commissioning (putting the device into operation as specified in the application)of the linear motors is prohibited, as long as the machine does not comply with therelevant safety prescriptions.Those responsible for the safety of the plant or machine must guarantee that onlyqualified personal accustomed to working with electrical drive equipment is allowed towork on the devices in order to prevent and avoid injuries to persons and damage tothe equipment.Qualified personal are those who, as a result of their training, experience andinstruction as well as their knowledge of the relevant norms, regulations, accidentprevention prescriptions and service conditions have been entitled by the responsiblefor the safety of the plant to execute the necessary work and thereby recognize andprevent possible danger.The operation manual as well as any further manuals in the documentation of theproduct are to be followed consequently when executing the respective operations.Only tested and potential separated power supplies are allowed to be used for thevoltage supply of the LinMot® electronic units and other accessories.The electrical installation is to be done according to the relevant prescriptions. Anyfurther prescription contained in the documentation is to be observed.The linear drives must be protected from loads in excess of the specifications.Particularly during transportation great care must be taken in order to preventexcessive load or even bending of any part.Electronic devices are basically not fail-safe. The user is responsible for driving thelinear drive in a safe state in case of a failure.Inside the sliders of the linear motors are strong permanent magnets. These can causedamage or corruption to magnetical data mediums such as diskettes, credit cards, etc.These safety notes imply no claims regarding completeness. For questions andproblems please contact Sulzer Electronics AG.2.1 InstallationThe drive systems described in this operation manual are components and notserviceable or connection-ready devices or machines in terms of the device safety laws,the EMC laws or the CE machinery guidelines.The components are intended to be embedded in other machines. The ultimate mode ofaction is only defined once these components have been embedded in the user’smachine or plant. The conformity of the construction with the existing prescriptionsand laws lies under the sole responsibility of the user.The commissioning of the components is only permitted in machines or plants thatcomply with the CE machinery guidelines and/or with the relevant safety prescriptionsof the respective country.System Overview 3. System Overview3.1 Drive system LinMot®LinMot® is a modular built servo drive system that can be operated as ‘stand-alone’orin connection with commercial PLCs, PCs or other higher-level control systems.LinMot® incorporates the basic idea of the peripheral drive elements: the referencevalues are given directly by the higher-level control system in form of position setvalues, while the actual motion profiles and position control are calculated andexecuted peripheral in the LinMot® electronic unit. MS-Windows based configurationand commissioning programs release the engineers and draftsmen fromelectrotechnical detail questions and allow for quick and function oriented work.Among the actuators connectable to the LinMot® electronic units, the electromagneticdirect linear drives LinMot® P take a special position, as they offer completely newpossibilities in the machine construction and mechatronic system concept.The notions LinMot® Step and LinMot® Magnet refer to complementary drive familiesconsisting of the combination of commercially available stepper motors and magnets asactuators and LinMot® electronic units. Both stepper motors and electromagnets can beused in mixed system configurations with the LinMot® linear drives.Figure 3-1: Mixed system configuration consisting of two linear motors LinMot®P, a LinMot®E electronic unit as well as a stepper motor and an electromagnet.3.1.1 Actuator: Linear drive LinMot®PLinMot® P s are electromagnetic direct linear drives with integrated position sensingand bearing. LinMot® P linear motors are intrinsically free of mechanical play, gearingor belt wear. The enormous dynamic properties and compact construction of LinMot®P make a variety of applications and novel constructions possible.Figure 3-2: Electromagnetic direct linear motor LinMot® P3.1.2 Actuator: stepper motor LinMot®StepLinMot® Step allows the open-loop operation of commercially available two-phasestepper motors with LinMot®E electronic units.3.1.3 Actuator: electromagnet LinMot® MagnetLinMot® Magnet allows the intelligent control of electromagnets as used in short-stroke positioning elements or valves. Compared to the conventional voltage controlledoperation of electromagnets, the pull-in and release times of such elements can begreatly reduced with the use of LinMot® Magnet, by driving them over-excited duringthe transient.3.2 LinMot® P: a new construction elementMost commercially available servo drive systems only dispose of rotating motors,where the speed and in some cases the angular position are controlled. However, manyapplications don’t only need rotational movements, but linear movements too. Theconventional solution is to realize mechanical constructions based on levers, cam disks,spindles, belts etc. In which the rotational movement of the servo motor is translated ina linear movement. This way the servo drive serves basically as a ‘controlled energysource’.In this sense the LinMot® P linear drives are more than just ‘controlled energysources’: LinMot® P executes dynamic controlled and position controlled linearmovements directly, with no need for additional mechanical gearing elements.LinMot® P fulfills the mechatronic basic idea according to which the movementfunctions are executed directly, with minimal mechanical elements and right in theplace where they are needed. The motion control, i.e. the actual machine functionalityas well as the motion parameters are defined exclusively in the software and can beadjusted at any time with no need for intervention in the mechanic.3.3 Substitution possibilities of LinMot® PDepending on the application, LinMot® P can substitute the following conventionalsolutions and extend them with additional functionality due to its complete electroniccontrol:Spindle drives Cam disksMechanical levers Belt drivesPneumatic cylinders Rack-and-pinion drives3.4 Technical properties of LinMot® PThe linear drives LinMot® P are characterized by the following properties:•Connection to commercially available PLC and PC control systems•Position controlled and curve-driven operation•Dynamic properties of the drive adjustable ( v max, a max)•Extremely high dynamic specification (e.g.: continuous cyclical operation >15 Hz)•Compact, connection-ready construction with integrated sensing and bearing•Suitable for operation in rough industrial environments3.5 Application fields of LinMot® PThe linear drives LinMot® P can be used both as stand-alone systems or in connectionwith highly complex machines. The following list of application examples is thereforenot complete and gives only an insight in the variety of the possible applications:•Textile machinesWeaving machines, knitting machines, carpet machines, winding machines•Packaging machinesFood: pastries, coffee, tee, sweetsConsumer goods: office material, toysCosmetics: soap, tubesPharmaceutical: tablets, pills•Printing machinesOffset and tampon printing machines•Assembly systems•Winding machines•Handling machines•Robotics•Laboratory automation•Folding machines•Labeling machines•Newspaper and paper machines•Sorting machineryParcel and letter sorting systems, material sorting machines•….3.6 Driving and operating modes of LinMot®3.6.1 Driving conceptThe basic idea of LinMot® P consists in having the control tasks executed as peripheralas possible in order to free the higher-level control systems from unnecessary andcalculation-intensive ballast. The system configuration is therefore accordingly simple,as the higher-level control system just outputs the actual target value and monitorssome feedback information. The following sections will implicitly refer to LinMot® Plinear motors as actuators when no specific indication is provided. In this case thetarget value consists in the position set value to which the drives should move, whilethe feedback information typically represents a following error message. In the case ofstepper motors and electromagnets these statements can be interpreted by analogy.Ref. positionError messageSignal circuitry supplyPower circuitry supplyFigure 3-3: LinMot®’s peripheral position control frees the higher-level controlsystem from calculation intensive tasks.3.6.2 Operation modesDifferent modes of operation are available to the user. These allow optimal embeddingof the actuators in the control concept of the machine and the respective application.The LinMot® AT software currently supports the following modes of operation:•direct digital reference value setting•setting two target values depending on a high/low signal•executing two predefined curves based on a trigger signal•continuous operation, e.g. periodical execution of a curveIn all these modes a filter can be connected in order to limit the derived signals like forexample the speed or acceleration. The following table shows typical applicationexamples for the different modes of operation.3.6.3 Connection to higher-level control systemsThe electronic units LinMot®E can be controlled by higher-level control systemsdirectly by means of analog or digital input/output signal lines. The necessaryparameterisation is done with the LinMot® Talk software via an RS-232 connection.Networking via CAN-bus or RS-232 is also possible on specific customer request.Figure 3-4: Connecting LinMot® to an higher-level control system3.7 Protection and error behavior3.7.1 Internal protection functionsThe integrated sensors and complex monitoring programs allow the detection andhandling of thermal overloading of the LinMot®E and P components by means ofwarning and/or error messages. There is further the possibility to monitor the voltagesupply of the LinMot®E electronic units for overvoltage and undervoltage. If thehigher-level control system does not respond to the warning and error messages, theactuators will be shut down for safety reasons.3.7.2 Monitoring functionsThe so-called following error monitoring and the position range monitoring offer twopowerful functions for the monitoring of the actual movement processes.Following error monitoring Position range monitoring3.7.3 Emergency stop possibilitiesFrom the point of view of the higher-level control system there are two ways to handlethe LinMot® actuators in case of an emergency stop:•With the so-called FREEZE signal the drives can be stopped and maintained intheir current position. The movement is resumed when the FREEZE signalbecomes inactive again.•By means of the STOP signal the drives can be driven to a predefined emergencystop position or shut down.3.7.4 Emergency stop through supply interruptionAs the LinMot® electronic units feature separate supplies for the signal circuitry andthe power circuitry, an emergency stop can also be forced by directly interrupting thepower supply to the power circuits. As long as the signal circuitry remains powered,the initialization and actual position of the LinMot® P actuators are not lost. Thereforeit is possible to resume operation without needing to re-initialize the drives.3.8 Operation and configuration3.8.1 System configurationThe configuration and commissioning of the LinMot ® systems is done by means of the MS-Windows based software LinMot ® Talk . All the parameters can be displayed clearly, selected and edited with LinMot ® Talk by simple clicking with the mouse. As all the parameters are stored in the electronic unit, they can be recalled, analyzed and changed at any time. Creating duplicates of parameters and parameter files to be archived is equally easy. Password protection protects the data from illegitimate access.Figure 3-5: Parameter Inspector windowPrintPathActual parameter Value of the parameter Update button3.8.2 Curve generationPredefined reference curves can be executed on trigger signals in different operatingmodes. The shapes of these curves can be generated automatically by means of theCurve Creator, or can be edited manually point by point as Excel tables.Edit buttons Close buttons Graph buttonsFigure 3-6: Reference curves can be generated semi-automatically3.8.3 Monitoring function (digital Oscilloscope)Quick commissioning and optimization of a LinMot ® system is supported by the built-in monitoring function. With it, the reference curves can be compared with the movements actually executed with no need for additional sensors, etc. The differences between the two curves can give indirect hints on counteracting forces and friction forces which can be useful when adjusting the controller parameters. The operation and look of the monitoring function correspond to those of modern digital oscilloscopes.Figure 3-7: Motion analysis with the integrated digital Oscilloscope Variablespanel Trigger panel Sample rate panel Display panel3.8.4 Error logbookThanks to the system clock built in the LinMot®E electronic units the errors that haveoccurred during operation can be logged on a time basis. The information is stored inthe non volatile memory and allows a later reconstruction of the events.Figure 3-8: Error messages are saved to the logbook for later analysis.3.9 Customer specific applicationsThe goal in the basic philosophy of LinMot® is to be able to cover the broadest rangeof applications simply by configuring the basic system, without special customerspecific adjustments. In some cases (big series, special system environments) howevercustomer specific adjustments can make sense. In these cases the necessaryinterventions have to be carried out by the manufacturer.In most cases the customer specific changes will be realized in the software of theelectronic unit (‘Customized Application Software’). In most cases this will relate tothe following two requirements:•Additional control functions•Networking with customer specific bus systems ( CAN-Bus, RS-232)Figure 3-9: Structure of the LinMot®software: The manufacturer can realizespecial customizations in a special software segment (‘Customized ApplicationSoftware’).4. Design and InstallationThis chapter discusses the different possibilities for driving the LinMot®products froma higher-level control system as well as the operating states of the control electronicunit in detail. Further, the interfaces and the installation are described in order to getfamiliar with the possibilities of the LinMot® products and be able to optimally embedthem in the application.This chapter shows the basic functions of the LinMot system explaining the –ATfunctionality as an introduction. For extended functionality of –MT and –DP electronicunits, please read the manual for SW Rel. Operating modesA wide range of operating modes are available for driving (setting the referencevalues) the actuators connected to the electronic unit. The desired set values can begiven directly through an analog interface, or else they can be stored in the electronicunit in form of curves and tables, that can be run on a digital trigger signal from thehigher-level control system.Figure 4-1: Operating modes of the LinMot electronic unitA detailed description of the operating modes that can be configured for eachconnected motor individually is given in the following chapters. The operating modesdiffer according to the different actuators linear motor LinMot® P, stepper motor andinductive load (magnet, valve, ...) and are therefore treated separately.。
入门指南We M o v e t h e Wo r l dDMC-9940Manual Rev. 1.0cBy Powerly Motion TechnologiesRev 06-03第一章简介-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------错误!未定义书签。
一. 楔子--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2二. 推荐 DMC-9940-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2三. 介绍 DMC-9940-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 第二章快速入门-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------错误!未定义书签。
一. 所需的组件:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5二. 安装:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5三. 使用软件:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 第三章硬件连接-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------错误!未定义书签。
中控线性电子绞边控制器控制V1.1操作手册一、 电子绞边控制板接口分布图:图2. 1 分布图按键说明:M 键:显示模式切换,可以在状态显示模式、Pnxxx 、Fnxxx 、Unxxx 之间切换。
U 键:使闪烁位数字往上增加1。
D 键:使闪烁位数字往下减1。
1+1- 2+2-- + +V -+V -反馈输入2反馈输入1电源36V电机电源接口D B 25脉冲指令输入MDS/EU状态显示模式辅助功能执行模式参数设定模式监视模式 电源ONS 键:短按:切换数据位;长按:进入或退出数据模式或菜单模式,保存更改数据。
状态显示模式说明省略符号显示内容伺服准备就绪状态电机运行中… 报警状态:显示报警代码,参考第五章其中在伺服准备就绪状态和电机运行中,数码管前两位显示了电机运行状态,如下所示:参数(Pn***)设置操作说明参数所对应的功能参考第六章,以设置微动速度为600例子,说明如何操作 1. 按M 键,使功能切换到Pn304,2. 长按S/E 键,进入Pn304,此时显示的微动速度(默认是300)3. 短按S/E 键,切换显示位置,使其百位闪烁,按U 键,由3改变到64. 长按S/E 键,设置参数成功二、 电子绞边配线3.1端子说明DB25端子说明:表3. 1端子序号 功能13 绞边1控制输入端,下降沿有效 25 绞边2控制输入端,下降沿有效 12 织机预开车信号24绝对式光电编码器高位第7比特输入省略符号比特数据电机2位置显示 电机1位置显示11 绝对式光电编码器高位第6比特输入23 绝对式光电编码器高位第5比特输入10 绝对式光电编码器高位第4比特输入22 绝对式光电编码器高位第3比特输入9 绝对式光电编码器高位第2比特输入21 绝对式光电编码器高位第1比特输入8 绝对式光电编码器高位第0比特输入7、20 24V控制电源输入19 ALM+光耦输出正端6 ALM-光耦输出负端18 CANH5 CANL●反馈输入端子说明:端子序号功能FB1-1 5V输出FB1-2 绞边1反馈输入FB1-3 地FB2-1 5V输出FB2-2 绞边2反馈输入FB2-3 地●电源输入端子说明:端子序号说明功能1 36V电源正端2 36V电源地●电机动力输出端子说明:注:该端子无正负输入区别,控制器内部可以自动识别端子序号说明功能J1-1 绞边器1电机动力线输出1J1-2 绞边器1电机动力线输出2J1-3 绞边器2电机动力线输出1J1-4 绞边器2电机动力线输出2 三、报警代码一览表报警代号解决办法A00 电机1动力线断A01 电机2 动力线断A02 过电流A03 电机1位置超差A04 电机2位置超差A05 电机1位置反馈异常查看电机反馈线或动力线有接错A06 电机2位置反馈异常查看电机反馈线或动力线有接错A07 电机1定位误差过大A08 反馈线断线电机2定位误差过大A11A12 电机1反馈断线A13 电机2反馈断线四、控制参数一览表(Pn500是设置绞边使用选择)Pn000 选择控制方式设置范围:0~2000出厂设置:0说明:本产品包含了IO控制和CAN控制,派生出了不同的控制方式。
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① 用于与生命相关的医疗器械。 ② 用于可能造成人身安全的设备,例如:火车或升降机。 ③ 用于可能造成社会影响的计算机系统 ④ 用于有关对人身安全或对公共设施有影响的其他设备。 (5).对用于易受震动的环境,例如:交通工具上操作,请咨询我们。
1.2 安全注意事项
(1).请勿在易燃易爆的环境下操作本产品,否则易造成伤害或引起火灾。 (2).绝不要触摸驱动器内部任何部件,否则会触电。 (3).在通电情况下,不要进行维修和检查工作,也勿整理电线。如果要的话,至少得提前五分 钟把电源关掉,否则,会有触电危险。 (4).在运输、安装、接线、操作、维修和检查等各方面,请咨询相应的专家。若没有相应专业 技术人员,很可能会发生触电、受到伤害或是引起火灾。 (5).一定要使驱动器 PE 端子(保护接地)接地,电机的接地端子必须要与驱动器的 PE 端子(保 护接地)相连。否则,会出现触电情况。 (6).通电时,绝不要靠近也不要触及接线端子,更不要移动任何接线端子,否则会发生触电。 (7).要安全正确布线,符合电气安装技术标准和附加规则。否则,可能引起短路和火灾。 (8).当报警发生后,须排除故障的起因,检查系统的安全性。然后,报警复位,才能继续操作。 否则,可能受到伤害。 (9).检查电源规格是否规范,否则会出现故障。 (10).在接通电源长时间后或断开电源时间不长时,请勿触及驱动器散热片。否则可能会被灼伤。 (11).需要维修,请与我们联系。如果自己拆卸部件,部件可能会出故障。
parker直线电机 使用手册
二、安装与调试1. 安装前,请确保电机和控制器的电源已经断开,并按照说明书的要求选择适当的安装位置。
2. 仔细检查电机是否有损坏或松动的部件,如有发现问题,请及时联系售后服务。
3. 将parker直线电机正确安装到设备上,并确保固定牢固。
4. 进行电机参数的设置和调试,根据实际需求调整电机的运动速度、加速度等参数。
三、使用注意事项1. 在使用过程中,请勿超载使用电机,以免造成设备损坏或安全事故。
2. 使用前,请确保电机和控制器的电源稳定,并按照标准接线图正确接线。
3. 长时间不使用电机时,请切断电源,以免造成能耗浪费和设备损坏。
4. 请定期对电机进行维护保养,保持电机的清洁和良好的工作状态。
5. 若发现电机运行异常或故障,请及时联系售后服务,不要自行拆卸或修复。
四、售后服务1. 如果在使用过程中遇到任何问题,可随时联系售后服务。
2. 请提供详细的问题描述和相关信息,以便售后服务能够及时有效地给予帮助。
3. 售后服务将尽快解决您的问题,并提供技术支持和维修服务。
西门子1FN1直线电机的参数配置及转子位置同步丁堪雄(西门子工厂自动化工程有限公司,100016)中图分类号:TM359.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-0420(2009)01-0011-040前言目前,市场上高速高精加工机床的进给驱动,主要由传统的旋转伺服电机和精密高速滚珠丝杠组成,从伺服电机到移动部件间有一系列机械元件,势必存在弹性变形、摩擦和反向间隙,相应造成运动滞后和其他非线性误差,而且滚珠丝杠副的移动速度和加速度已提高接近极限。
直线电机的出现,实现了机床直线轴的直接驱动,取消了连轴节、齿轮等中间传动的机械部件,减少了机械误差,而且直线电机最大加速度可达30 g,最高速度可达4 m/s,极大提高了机床的动态响应和刚性,使机床可达到更高的定位精度和轮廓精度。
1 840D系统SIMODRIVE611D驱动器和1FN直线电机的连接,如图1所示。
图1直线电机连接示意图2 驱动器的配置在西门子MMC103或PCU50的操作窗口中,按如下软健:/启动Start-up/机床数据Machine data/驱动配置Drive config/,按插入模块键insert_module,按OK键。
输入逻辑驱动器号logic drive number,选择驱动器类型drive type:(SLM=synchroner linear motor 1FN1XXX),按选择功率模块power_section键,选择实际安装的功率模块power module,按保存save键。
3 轴数据的设置在西门子MMC103或PCU50的操作窗口中,按如下软键:/启动/机床数据/轴数据Axis_MD/,进入当前轴的轴参数窗口,调整以下参数:MD30130 CTRLOUT _ TYPE=1(控制器输出类型)MD30240编码器类型ENC_TYPE=1(LS186,LS486海德汉光栅尺型号)=4(LC181海德汉光栅尺型号)MD31000编码器是光栅尺_LINEAR=1MD31010光栅尺栅距ENC_DRID_POINT_DIST=0.02mm(LS486)=0.016mm(LC181)MD32110反馈极性ENC_FEEDBACK_POL=1=-1 (实际值取反)MD34200返回参考点方式ENC _REFP_MODE=1(LS486)=0(LC181)按NCK 复位NCK-Reset键,按YES键。
系列步长(mm) 最大推力(N) 行程(mm) 尺寸(mm)
20 0.006 28 28-150 20
35 0.00159-0.0447-240 28-240 35
42 0.00159-0.0485-370 34-240 42
57 0.00635-0.04 210-900 54-240 57
直线电机应用机械设计指南序号日期工作人批准人变更描述1 2011-1-05 王勇初始创建2 2011-1-14 王勇内容补充直线电机应用机械设计指南 (1)1直线电机安装结构设计要求 (4)1.1直线电机安装位置 (4)1.2结构设计强度与刚度 (4)1.3Z轴(垂直轴)刹车 (4)1.4水平轴刹车 (5)1.5安装尺寸精度 (5)1.6防撞设计 (6)2直线电机防护设计 (6)2.1铁屑防护 (6)2.2切削液防护 (6)2.3其它运动部件的防护 (7)3装配工艺 (8)3.1装配的调整设计 (8)3.2加工工艺结构设计 (8)3.3装配的工装 (8)3.4直线电机拆装顺序 (9)4光栅尺安装 (10)4.1光栅尺安装位置要求 (10)4.2光栅尺安装精度要求 (10)4.3光栅尺的防护 (11)5直线电机的冷却 (11)5.1冷却功率 (11)5.2回路设计 (12)1直线电机安装结构设计要求1.1直线电机安装位置直线电机、磁板的安装位置,应当尽量设计靠近运动结构的重心位置,以平衡运动时的推力1.2结构设计强度与刚度直线电机与磁板之间持续存在较大的磁吸力,如 CE133A吸力为6480N,CE266A吸力为12960N;工作台、鞍座等设计时,必须考虑有足够的强度和刚度。
发电电缸原动力电缸设原动力电缸(直线电机)的输出为单个正弦:1sin E F A t ω= (1)设发电电缸的输出为:2sin()L F A t ωϕ=+ (2)其中,1A 大于2A ,ϕ 为阻抗角。
目前所需除了要求1.就是原动力电缸(直线电机)输出为公式(1)所说的 。
公式(1)变为:1sin E F A t Ks ω=- (3)K 为系数,s 为电缸位移。
其实Ks 也为一个正弦函数,原动力还是控制为正弦函数。
控制框图如下(实际上是电流闭环完成,但是力曲线还是这样的):**位移指令实时反应当前的实际位置;其中 A 为所需力振幅, ω为可控的角速度(即正弦周期), K 为系数, s 为电缸位移(通过测量获得)通过第一个框公式计算可以获得力的给定。
要求3.为模仿不规则波力的输出,希望电缸(直线电机)输出力为几个正弦函数叠加,公式如下:1122334455sin()sin()sin()sin()sin()F A t A t A t A t A t ωωωωω=++++举个例子:22222500sin()100sin()300sin()50sin()200in()468210F t t t t t πππππ=++++ 则电缸(直线电机)力输出曲线图为:除此之外,这个力也得和要求2.一样,减去位移分量Ks 。
科尔摩根公司 Platinum® DDL 系列永磁体总成由 5 个模块化 部分构成:长度分别为 64 毫米、128 毫米、256 毫米、512 毫米和 1024 毫米。每个模块均可按所需的数目增加到任何 长度,以实现无限行程。无论所需行程是 1 毫米(0.04 英寸) 还是 100 米(330 英尺),PLATINUM® DDL 系列永磁体总成均 可满足要求。
• 峰值推力为 60 ~ 1600 N(13.6 ~ 360 lbf); • 持续推力为 21 ~ 450 N(4.6 ~ 101 lbf); • 零齿槽效应; • 零吸力; • 运动平稳,可提供 1 微米 / 秒(0.00004 英寸 / 秒)的
最低速度; • 低质量的线圈总成,可提供高加速度;
绕组 气隙
机没有铁芯或用于缠绕线圈的长槽。因此,无铁芯电机具 有零齿槽效应、非常轻的质量以及在线圈总成与永磁体总 成之间绝对没有吸引力。这些特性非常适合需要极低轴承 摩擦力、轻载荷高加速度,以及能在极小的恒定速度下运 行(甚至是在超低速度下)。模块化永磁体总成由双排永磁 体总成组成,以产生成最大的推力,并形成磁通返回的路径。
对于特别平稳的运动要求,正弦波驱动器(例如,采用数 字霍耳效应的科尔摩根公司 ServoStar® 系列)可为电机提 供正弦波驱动电流,以实现最佳的恒力和恒速性能。
作 为 一 个 可 选 方 案, 对 于 直线电机应用通常配一个 直 线 编 码 器, 作 为 位 置 反 馈。 现在日益普遍采用的 驱 动 放 大 器(例 如, 科 尔 摩根公司 ServoStar 数字放 大器),直接从直线编码器 中产生所需要的换向信息 (在启动时无论是否有附加 的数字霍耳效应装置)。直 线电机应用中所使用的其 它类型反馈包括直线感应 同步器、激光干涉仪以及 LVDT 位移传感器。
关键词直线电机; 车辆; 转向架; 牵引控制系统; 制动系统1直线电机车辆概述直线电机车辆是当今世界先进的城市轨道交通移动装备,因其采用直线电机牵引技术而得名。
直线电机车辆的原理是固定在转向架的定子( 一次线圈) 通过交流电流,产生移动磁场,通过相互作用,使固定在道床上的展开转子( 二次线圈、通常称为感应板) 产生磁场,通过磁力( 吸引、排斥) ,实现轨道车辆的运行和制动。
相对于旋转电机车辆,直线电机车辆具有以下优势:1) 直线电机牵引属于典型的非粘着驱动,不受轮轨之间粘着限制,具有良好的爬坡能力,常规的旋转电机坡度一般不超过30‰~40‰,而直线电机爬坡可达60‰~80‰,且不易受雨雪天气的影响。
2) 直线电机为扁平设计,车轮只起车体的支撑作用,轮径较小,车辆的轮廓尺寸可以减小,隧道断面小,可节省工程投资。
3) 方便采用自导或迫导型径向转向架,允许车辆通过半径小的曲线,为轨道线路设计提供了较大的选择范围,避免了地面建筑物或地下管线的大量拆除和重建的费用。
4) 直线电机牵引无需减速齿轮等装置,轮缘力和轮轨磨耗等性能指标大大减低。
2国内外直线电机车辆现状2.1国外现状目前,直线电机车辆技术在国外已经有30 多年的运用经验,总运用里程超过200 km。
Festo EGC-HD-220 电机线性轴数据手册说明书
Feature Working stroke Size Spindle diameter Assembly position Guide Design structure
Motor type
Spindle type Max. acceleration Max. speed Repetition accuracy Duty cycle PWIS conformity Protection class Ambient temperature Area moment of inertia 2nd degree Iy Area moment of inertia 2nd degree Iz Max. force Fy Max. force Fz Max. torque Mx Max. torque My Max. torque Mz Max. radial force at drive shaft Max. feed force Fx Torsional mass moment of inertia It Mass moment of inertia JH per metre of stroke Slide weight Additional slide weight Basic weight for 0 mm stroke Additional weight per 10 mm stroke Material of end caps
Material of moment compensator
Material of profile
Materials note MaΒιβλιοθήκη erial drive cover
Material guide slide
50 ... 2,400 mm 220 25 mm Any Recirculating ball bearing guide Electromechanical linear axis with recirculating ball bearing spindle Stepper motor Servomotor Ball screw spindle 15 m/s2 1.5 m/s ±0,02 mm 100 % VDMA24364 zone III IP40 -10 ... 60 °C 5,570E+03 mm4 35,200E+03 mm4 13,000 N 13,000 N 900 Nm 1,450 Nm 1,450 Nm 500 N 1,500 N 3,120E+03 mm4 0.2756 kgcm2 5,826 g 5,505 g 19,137 g 250 g Wrought Aluminium alloy Anodised Wrought Aluminium alloy Anodised Wrought Aluminium alloy Anodised Conforms to RoHS Wrought Aluminium alloy Anodised Steel
最常用的直线电机类型是平板式和U 型槽式,和管式。
电 话 (Tel) :(86)(755)26982158
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深圳市大族精密机电有限公司 Shenzhen Han’s Precision Mechatronics Co. ,Ltd.
第 1 章 安全注意事项...........................................................................................................3
第 4 章 软件操作 ......................................................................................12
4.1 计算机要求说明 .....................................................................................................................12 4.2 软件安装 .................................................................................................................................12 4.3 软件界面操作 ........................................................................................................................12 4.4 详细调试说明 .........................................................................................................................15
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