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For the past two years I have been travelling and living abroad. I has become more of a feeling than a place. 1 feel at home 2 I am with my family in London, but I 3 feel

at home in Italy with friends I 4 , or in Spain with my partner. Home is no longer a picture

of a 5 with a front door and some windows. It is more 6 than that.

This is one of the reasons that 7 the New Year has become very important for me. New Year's Eve has become my time to reconnect with the 8 that make me feel at home. Every year we try to reunite, no matter where the world has 9 us, and remember a time when we knew each other so 10 that we felt like a family. It is a moment to reconnect and get to 11 each other again. Last year, we 12 to a cottage( 舍)in Ireland 13 we had no Internet and no neighbours.

In the middle of the 14 , away from our big and constantly changing lives, we were able

to become like a little 15 again.

This year, we went to Barcelona. It was a very big change. We were 16 by culture and joy. There were bars and parties. It was 17 , but one thing stayed much the same—I felt

at home and we felt like a family 18 .

Two hours into 2019, I realized that I was 19 enough to be with people who didn't mind and just wanted to 20 the first day of the New Year with me even if it was on a sofa watching TV!

1. A. Mind B. Life C. Home D. Advice

2. A. since B. until C. before D. when

3. A. also B. either C. never D. ever

4. A. meet B. love C. help D. touch

5. A. temple B. tower C. house D. castle

6. A. interesting B. wealthy C. difficult D. complicated

7. A. celebrating B. decorating C. congratulating D. making

8. A. classmates B. friends C. relatives D. workers

9. A. invited B. brought C. taken D. attracted

10. A. seriously B. easily C. closely D. well

11. A. notice B. hear C. know D. find

12. A. travelled B. led C. belonged D. submitted

13. A. how B. why C. where D. which

14. A. city B. countryside C. capital D. river

15. A. organization B. team C. group D. family

16. A. refused B. surrounded C. buried D. connected

17. A. different B. grateful C. normal D. lost

18. A. already B. yet C. just D. again

19. A. wrong B. lucky C. clever D. cool

20. A. spend B. pass C. admire D. approach



(1)考查名词。A:Mind“思维”;B:Life“生活,生命”;C:Home“家”;D:Advice “建议”。feel at home固定短语,”感觉自在“。根据上文"I has become more of a feeling than a place.“中的“a place”可知,选C。

(2)考查状语从句。当作者在伦教和家人在一起时,感觉很自在。这是一个when 引导的时间状语从句,故选D。

(3)考查副词。A:also”也,而且“;B:either”也“,用于否定句;C:never”从来不“;D:ever ”曾经“。作者和家人在一起很自在,但是,和朋友们在一起也很自在。因此选A。(4)考查动词。A:meet”遇见,迎接“;B:love”热爱“;C:he lp”帮助“;D:touch”接触,触摸“。由句意“与朋友们在一起有家的感觉”可知应该是和自己喜欢的朋友在一起,故选B。

(5)考查名词。A:temple”庙宇“;B:tower”塔,高楼“;C:house”房子“;D:castle ”城堡“。家不再是一幅有门有窗户的房子的图片,它更复杂了。故选C。


(7)考查动词。A:celebrating”庆祝“;B:decorating”装饰“;C:congratulating”祝贺“;D:making ”制造,使“。由语境可知,庆祝新年对于作者来说非常重要。选A。

(8)考查名词。A:classmates”同学“;B:friends”朋友“;C:relatives”亲戚“;D:workers ”工人“。新年前夕是作者和朋友们重新联系的时间。选B。

(9)考查动词。句意:每年,我们都努力聚在一起,不管我们被带到了世界的何处。A:invited”邀请“;B:brought”带来“;C:taken”带到“;D:attracted ”吸引“。故选B。

(10)考查副词。A:seriously”严肃地,认真地“;B:easily”容易地“;C:closely”密切地“;D:well ”很,相当,非常“。根据下文“we felt like a family”可知,“我们”彼此非常了解,感觉就像一家人。故选D。

(11)考查动词。A:notice”注意到“;B:hear”听到“;C:know”知道“;D:find ”发现“。新年前夕,大家重聚,再次了解彼此。故选C。


(13)考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,“we had no Internet and no neighbours” 是定语从句,修饰 a cottage,引导词在从句中做地点状语,应用关系副词where,故选C。(14)考查名词。A:city”城市“;B:countryside”乡村“;C:capital”首都“;D:river”河流“。根据上文“a cottage in Ireland”可知,作者他们住在乡村。故选B。

(15)考查名词。A:organization”组织“;B:team”团队“;C:group”组“;D:family”家庭“。根据上文中的“that we felt like a family”可知,作者感觉和朋友们在一起,就像一家人。
