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EMC Terminology
Electromagnetic environment: The totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at
a given location.

Radio environment: The electromagnetic environment in the radio frequency range.
The totality of electromagnetic fields created at a given location by operation, of radio transmitters.


Electromagnetic noise: A time-varying electromagnetic phenomenon apparently not conveying information and which may be superimposed or combined with a wanted signal.

Natural (atmospheric) noise: Electromagnetic noise having its source in natural (atmospheric) phenomena and not generated by man-made devices.

Man- made (equipment) noise: Electromagnetic noise having its source in the man-made devices

Radio frequency noise: Electromagnetic noise having components in the radio fre-quency range.

Electromagnetic radio noise:The total electromagnetic disturbance complex in which an equipment, subststem, or system may be immersed exclusive of its own electromagnetic contribution.
Narrowband radio noise: Radio noise having a spectrum exhibiting one or more sharp peaks, narrow in width compared to the nominal bandwidth of, and far
enough apart to be resolved by, the measuring instruments (or the
communication receiver to be protected).

Narrowband radio noise: Radio noise having a spectrum broad in width as compared to the nominal bandwidth of the measuring instrument, and whose spectral
components are sufficiently close together and uniform that the measuring
instrument cannot resolve them.

Electromagnetic radiation: The phenomenon by which energy in the form of electro-magnetic waves emanates from a source into space. Energy transferred through space in the form of electromagnetic waves. (By extension, the term radiation sometimes also covers induction phenomena.)



)Electromagnetic disturbance:Any electromagnetic phenomenon that may degrade the performance of a device, equipment, or system, or adversely affect living or inert matter. (An electromagnetic disturbance may be electromagnetic noise, an unwanted signal, or a change in the propagation medium itself.)

Radio frequency disturbance: An electromagnetic disturbance having components in the radio frequency range.

Unwanted signal: undesired signal: A signal that may impair the reception of a wanted signal.

Interfering signal: A signal that impairs the reception of a wanted signal.

Degradation (of performance):An undesired departure in the operational performance of any device, equipment, or system from its intended performance.
(The term degradation can apply to temporary or permanent failure.)


Electromagnetic interference (EMI): Degradation of the performance of a device, equipment, or system caused by an electromagnetic disturbance.

Radio frequency interference (RFI): Degradation of the reception of a wanted signal caused by radio frequency disturbance.

Digital device: information technology equipment (ITE) , that fails into the class of unintentional radiators, uses digital techniques and generators, and uses timing signals or pulses at a rate in excess of 9000 pulses per second.
数字装置:一种信息技术设备(ITE),属于采用数字技术和发生器一类的非故意辐射器,并采用速率超过每秒9 000个脉冲的时钟信号或脉冲。

Information technology equipment (ITR): Unintentional radiator equipment designed for one or more of the following purposes:
1. Receiving data from an external source (such as a data input line or a keyboard)
2. Performing some processing functions, of the received data (such as computation, data transformation or recording, filing, sorting, storage, transfer of data)
3. Providing a data output (either to other equipment or by the reproduction of data or images) .
This definition includes electrical/electronic units or systems that predominantly
generate a multiplicity of periodic, binary pulsed electrical/electronic waveforms and are designed to perform data processing functions such as word processing, electronic computation, data transformation, recording, filing, sorting, storage, retrieval and transfer, and reproduction of data as images'
1. 接收来自外部源(例如通过数据线或键盘输入)的数据。

2. 对接收到的数据进行某些处理(如计算、数据转换或记录、建档、分类、存

3. 提供数据输出(或送至另一设备或再现数据或图像)。


Personal computer: A system containing a host and a limited number of peripherals designed to be used in the home or in small offices, which enables individuals to perform a variety of computing or word processing functions or both, and which typically is of a size permitting it and its peripherals to be located, on a table
Note: other definitions given in product standards or applicable regulations may take precedence.


Peripheral device:A digital accessory that feeds data into or receives 'data from another device (host) that, in turn, controls its operation.

Incidental radiator:A device that .produces RF energy during the course of its operation, although the device is not intentionally designed to generate or .emit RF energy. Examples of incidental radiators are DC motors and mechanical light switches.

Intentional radiator: A device that intentionally generates and emits RF energy by radiation or induction.

Transient:Pertaining to or designating a phenomenon or a quantity that varies between two consecutive steady states during a time interval short compared to the time scale of interest.

Pulse: An abrupt variation of short duration of a physical quantity followed by a rapid return to the initial value.

Pulse count: The number of pulses in some specified time interval.

Impulse: A pulse that, for a given application, approximates a unit pulse or a Dirac function.

Impulsive disturbance: Electromagnetic noise that, when incident on a particular device or equipment, manifests itself as a succession of distinct pulses or

Random noise: Electromagnetic noise, the values of which at given instants are not predictable, except in a statistical sense.


Electrostatic discharge (ESD): A transfer of electric charge between bodies of different electrostatic potential in proximity or through direct contact.

Surge (surge-protective device): A transient wave of current, potential, or power in an electric circuit.

Swell: A momentary increase in the power frequency voltage delivered by the mains, outside of the normal tolerances, with a duration of more than one cycle and less than a few seconds.

Surge let-through: That part of the surge that passes by a surge protective device with little or no alteration.

Surge remnant:That part of an applied surge that remains downstream of one or several protective devices.

Continuous disturbance: Electromagnetic disturbance, the effects of which on a par-ticular device or equipment cannot be resolved into a succession of distinct ef-fects.

Continuous noise: Electromagnetic noise, the effects of which on a particular device or equipment cannot be resolved into a succession of distinct effects.

Quasi-impulsive noise: Electromagnetic noise equivalent to a superposition of impul-
sive noise and continuous noise.

Discontinuous interference: Electromagnetic interference occurring during certain interference-free time intervals.

Electromagnetic susceptibility:The inability of a device, equipment, or system to perform, without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance.
(Susceptibility is a lack of immunity.)


Immunity (to a disturbance):The ability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without degradation in the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance. (对骚扰的)抗扰性:装置、设备或系统面临电磁骚扰而不降低运行性能的能力。

Internal immunity: Ability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without degradation in the presence of electromagnetic disturbances appearing at its normal input terminals or antennas.

Immunity level: The maximum level of a given electromagnetic disturbance incident on a particular device, equipment, or system for which it remains capable of operating at a required degree of performance.

Immunity limit: The specified minimum immunity level.

Immunity margin:'The difference between the immunity limit of a device, equipment, or system and the electromagnetic compatibility level.

External immunity:Ability of a device, equipment, or system to perform without degradation in the presence of electromagnetic disturbances entering other than via its normal input terminals or antennas.

Limit of disturbance: The maximum permissible electromagnetic disturbance level, as measured in a specified way.

Limit of interference:Maximum permissible degradation of the performance of a device, equipment or system duo to an electromagnetic disturbance (Because of the difficulty of measuring: interference in many systems, frequently the term limit of interference is used in English instead of limit of disturbance.)



)Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): The ability of a device, equipment, or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in .that environment.

Intersystem electromagnetic compatibility:The condition that enables a system to function without perceptible degradation caused by electromagnetic sources in another system.

Intrasystem electromagnetic compatibility: The condition that enables the various portions of a system to function without perceptible degradation caused, by electromagnetic sources in other portions of the same system.

Electromagnetic compatibility level: The specified maximum electromagnetic distur-bance level expected to be impressed on a device, equipment, or system operated in particular conditions.

Electromagnetic compatibility margin: The ratio of the immunity level of a device, equipment, or system to the reference disturbance level.

Earth-coupled interference, ground-coupled interference:Electromagnetic interference resulting from, an electromagnetic disturbance coupled from one circuit to another through, a common earth or ground-return path.

Suppressor; suppression component: A component specially designed, for distur-bance suppression.

Disturbance suppression:Action that reduces or eliminates electromagnetic disturbance.

Interference suppression: Action that reduces or eliminates electromagnetic inter-ference.

Measurements 测量
Equipment under test (EUT): A device or system, used for .evaluation that is representative of a product to be marketed.

Low-voltage electrical and electronic, equipment:Electrical and electronic equipment with operating input voltages of up to 600 V DC or 1000 V AC.
低压电气与电子设备:工作时输入的直流电压不高于600 V或交流电压不高于1000V的电气、电子设备。

Conducted radio noise: Radio noise produced by equipment operation, which, exists on the power line (or signal lines) of the equipment and is measurable under specified conditions as a voltage or current.

Power line conducted radio noise: Radio noise produced .by equipment operation, which exists on the power line of the equipment and is measurable under
specified conditions. Note: It may enter a receptor, such as ITE, by direct
coupling or by subsequent radiation from some circuit elements.


Common-made radio noise: Conducted radio noise that appears between a common reference plane (ground) and oil wires of a transmission line, causing their potentials to be changed simultaneously, and by the same amount relative to the common reference plane (ground).

Floor-standing equipment: Equipment designed to be used directly in contact with the floor, or supported above the floor on a surface designed to support both the equipment and the operator (e.g., a raised computer floor).

Table-top device: A device designed to be placed and normally operated on the raised Surface of a table, e.g., most personal computers.

Differential-mode radio noise: Conducted radio noise that causes the potential of one side of the signal transmission path to be changed relative to another side.

Artificial mains network; fine impedance stabilization network (LISN): A network inserted in the supply mains lead of an apparatus to be tested providing, in a given frequency range, a specified load impedance for (he measurement of disturbance voltages and possibly isolating the apparatus from the supply mains in that frequency range.


Delta network: An artificial mains network enabling the common-mode and differen-
tial-mode voltages of a single-phase circuit to be measured separately.

V-networks:An artificial mains network enabling the voltages between each conductor and earth to be measured separately. (The V-network may be designed for application to networks of any number of conductors.).


Current probe: A device for measuring the current in a conductor without interrupting the conductor and without introducing significant impedance into the associated circuits.

Surface transfer impedance (of a coaxial line): The quotient of the voltage induced in the center conductor of a coaxial line per unit length by the current on the external surface of the coaxial line.

Ground reference plane: A flat conductive surface whose potential is used as a com-mon reference.

Shielded enclosure; screened room:A mesh or sheet metallic housing designed exclusively for the purpose of electromagnetically separating the internal and.
the external environment.

Standard antenna calibration site: A flat, open area site which has a metallic ground plane and is devoid of nearby scatterers such as trees, power lines, and fences.

Ambient level: The values of radiated and conducted signal and noise existing at a specific test location and time when the test sample is not activated.

Antenna factor: Quantity relating the strength of the field in which the antenna is immersed to the output voltage across the load connected to the antenna.

Site attenuation: The ratio of the power input to a matched balanced lossless tuned dipole radiator to that at the output of a similarly balanced matched lossless
tuned dipole receiving antenna for specified polarization, separation, and heights above a flat reflecting surface.

Normalized site attenuation (NSA): Site attenuation divided by the antenna factors of the radiating and receiving antennas (ail in linear units).

Radiated radio noise: Radio noise energy in the form of an electromagnetic field including both the radiation and induction components of the field.

Radiated emission test site: A site meeting specified requirements suit able for measuring radio interference fields radiated by a device equipment, or system
under test.

Single-signal method: A method of measurement in which the response of the receiver to an unwanted signal is measured in the absence of the wanted signal.

Two-signal method: A method of .measurement that determines the response of the receiver to an unwanted signal in the presence of the wanted signal. (For this
method, the detailed test procedure and the criterion to use must be defined for each type of receiver tested.)


Broadcast receiver: A device designed to receives transmissions from a licensed station on frequencies that are authorized for commercial or public broadcasting. 广播接收机:用来接收被批准用于商业或公共广播事业的电台在许可频率上所发送信号的设备。

Bandwidth (of a device): The width of the frequency band over which a given characteristic of an equipment or transmission .channel does not differ from its reference value by more than a specified amount or ratio. (The given characteristic may be, for example, that of amplitude/frequency, phase/frequency, or


Bandwidth (of an emission or signal): The width of the frequency band outside of which the level of any spectral component does not exceed a specified percentage or a reference level.

Occupied bandwidth: The frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper frequency limits, the mean powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated by a given emission. In some cases, for example multichannel frequency division systems, the percentage of 0.5 percent may lead to certain difficulties in the practical application of the definition of occupied
bandwidth; in such cases a different percentage may be useful.


Broadband device:A device whose bandwidth is such that it is able to accept and process all the spectral components of a particular emission.

Narrowband device: A device whose bandwidth is such that it is able to accept and process only a portion of the spectral components of a particular emission.

Emission: An act of throwing out or giving off, generally used here in reference to electromagnetic energy.

Broadband emission: An emission that has a bandwidth greater than that of a particular measuring apparatus or receiver.

Narrowband emission: An emission that has a bandwidth less than that of a particular measuring apparatus or receiver.

Out-of-band emission: Emission on a frequency or frequencies immediately outside the necessary bandwidth that results from the modulation process, but excluding spurious emissions.


Spurious emission (of a transmitting station): Emission on a frequency or frequencies that are outside the necessary bandwidth and the level of which may be reduced without affecting the corresponding transmission of information.


Selectivity: The ability or a measure of the ability of a receiver to discriminate between
a wanted signal to which it is tuned and an unwanted signal having frequency
components generally lying outside the receiver bandwidth.

Effective selectivity: selectivity under specified special conditions such as when input receiver circuits are overloaded.

Adjacent-channel selectivity: The selectivity measured with a signal spacing equal to the channel spacing.

Desensitization: A reduction of the wanted output of the receiver because of an unwanted signal.

Cross modulation: Modulation of the carrier of a wanted signal by an unwanted signal, introduced by interaction of the signals in nonlinear devices, networks, or
transmission media.

Intermodulation: A process occurring in a nonlinear device or transmission medium whereby the spectral components of the input signal or signals interact to produce new components having frequencies equal' to linear combinations with integral coefficients of the frequencies of the input components.

Image rejection ratio: The ratio of the level of a specified signal at the image frequency to the level of a signal at the tuned frequency producing the same output power. 镜像抑制比:接收机镜像频率上的规定信号电平与产生同样输出功率的调谐频率的(有用)信号电平之比。

Intermediate-frequency rejection ratio: The ratio of the level of a specified signal at any intermediate frequency used in a receiver to the level of the wanted signal producing equal output power.

Signal-to-disturbance ratio: The ratio of the wanted signal level to the electromagnetic disturbance levels as measured under specified conditions.

Signal-to-noise ratio: The ratio of the wanted signal level to the electromagnetic noise level as measured under specified conditions.

Protection ratio: The minimum value of the signal-to-disturbance ratio required to achieve a specified performance of a device or equipment.

Distribution function [P(x)]: The probability that a parameter is less than a given value x.
分布函数 [P(x)]:某一参数小于给定值x的概率。

Probability density function: The derivative of the distribution function P(x).

Amplitude probability distribution (APD): The fraction of the total time interval for which the envelope of a function is above a given level x.

Envelope amplitude distribution (EAD): A cumulative distribution of the impulse response positive crossing rates of a bandpass filter at different spectrum ampli-tudes.

Noise amplitude distribution (NAD): A distribution showing the pulse amplitude that is equaled or exceeded as a function of pulse repetition rate.

Average crossing rate: The average rate at which a specified level (zero if not specified) is crossed in the positive-going direction.

Power density: Emitted power per unit cross-sectional area normal to the direction of propagation.

FREQUENCY SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT 频谱管理Radio waves or Hertzian waves: Electromagnetic waves of frequencies arbitrarily lower than 3000 GHz, propagated in space without artificial guide.
无线电波或赫兹波:无人工导引情况下在空间传播的任何频率低于3 000 GHz的电磁波。

Radiation: The outward flow of energy from any source in the form of radio waves. 辐射:从源发出的能量以无线电波的形式向外传播。

Emission: Radiation produced, or the production of radiation, by a radio transmitting station. (For example, the energy radiated by the local oscillator or a radio receiver would not be an emission but a radiation.) Note: However, in the field of EMI/ EMC, the term emission is used to describe the electromagnetic interference (both radiated and conducted) generated by an apparatus or an appliance.


]注意:然而在EMI/EMC 领域,术语发射用来描述由仪器或设备产生的电磁干扰(含辐射的与传导的两种)。

Out-of-band emission: Emission on a frequency or frequencies immediately outside the necessary bandwidth which results from the modulation process, but excluding spurious emissions.

Spurious emission:Emission on a frequency or frequencies which are outside the necessary bandwidth, the level of which may be reduced without affecting the corresponding transmission of information. Spurious emissions include harmonic emissions, parasitic emissions, intermodulation products, and。
