
自然拼读韵律诗01 -at
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New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
He had a hat that did not fit.
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
He put it on and then it split!
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
I had a cat who was so fat.
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
He could not even sit on his mat.
Read and choose 回忆故事,选择答案。
He had a ___ that did not fit.
Read and check 尝试拼读,点击单词判断。

F is for fish f f fish
G is for gorilla g g gorilla大猩猩
H is for hat h h hat
I is for igloo i i igloo雪屋
J is for juice j j juice
W is for watch w w watch
X is for box x x box
Y is for yellow y y yellow
Z is for zoo z z zoo
So many things for you to learn about,
so many ways to sing your song.
K is for kangaroo k k kangaroo袋鼠
L is for lion l l lion狮子
M is for monkey m m monkey
N is for no n n no
O is for octopus o o octopus章鱼
P is for pig p p pig
So many things for you to learn about,
so many ways to sing your song.
Q is for question q q question问题
R is for ring r r ring圆形,戒指
S is for sun s s sun
T is for train t t train火车
U is for umbrella u u umbrella
V is for van v v van厢式货车

字母自然拼读儿歌《字母自然拼读儿歌》1. 哎呀,字母宝宝可有趣啦!就像一个个小魔法精灵。
A就像一个尖尖的小塔,“A, A, apple”,咬一口苹果,脆脆甜甜的,那感觉就像字母A 在舌尖上跳舞呢。
2. B这个字母呀,像个胖嘟嘟的小鼓。
“B, B, ball”,小皮球蹦蹦跳,就像B的声音一样有弹性。
3. C像弯弯的月牙儿,“C, C, cat”。
4. D像一个挺着大肚子的小胖子。
“D, D, dog”,小狗汪汪汪,那声音就像D的发音一样,厚实又响亮。
5. E像一扇打开的窗户。
“E, E, egg”,鸡蛋圆溜溜的,吃起来香香的,就像E这个字母给人的感觉,简单又美好。
6. F像一根拐杖。
“F, F, fish”,小鱼在水里游来游去,那么灵动,F 的发音也有那种轻巧的感觉。
7. G像一个弯曲的小尾巴。
“G, G, goat”,山羊咩咩叫,那声音有点低沉,就像G的发音。
8. H像一个高高的梯子。
“H, H, hat”,帽子戴在头上,稳稳的,H的发音也有一种稳稳的感觉。

A 像苹果红彤彤,æ æ æ 要记清。
B 像小熊胖嘟嘟,b b b 发音准。
C 像月亮弯又弯,k s 读音需分辨。
D 像大门立得正,d d d 很轻松。
E 像大象鼻子长,e e e 声音亮。
F 像旗子风中飘,f f f 别忘掉。
G 像甜甜大蛋糕,g g g 要读好。
H 像椅子坐得稳,h h h 气不吞。
I 像蜡烛闪闪亮,ai i 读音不一样。
J 像鱼钩把鱼钓,dʒ dʒ dʒ要记牢。
K 像小鸟飞呀飞,k k k 不后退。
L 像木棍直直的,l l l 要念对。
M 像山峰高又高,m m m 开口笑。
N 像小门进进出,n n n 别迷糊。
O 像鸡蛋圆溜溜,əu ɔ读音多研究。
P 像红旗迎风飘,p p p 要自豪。
Q 像气球空中飘,kw kw kw 很奇妙。
R 像小草在发芽,r r r 舌尖耍。
S 像小蛇扭呀扭,s s s 别出丑。
T 像雨伞手中拿,t t t 人人夸。
U 像杯子装满水,ʌ ju: 要学会。
V 像胜利手势耶,v v v 不喊累。
W 像水波起涟漪,ˈdʌblju: 别惊奇。
X 像剪刀咔咔响,eks eks 多模仿。
Y 像树枝风中摇,wai i 仔细瞧。
Z 像闪电亮闪闪,z z z 最耀眼。
ai 发音ei 如 rain,ay 读ei 像 day 。
ea 有时读i: 如 tea,有时读e 像 head 。
ee 总是读i: 像 bee ,oo 读音分长短。
长音u: 如 food ,短音ʊ像 book 。
ch 读tʃ如 chair ,sh 读ʃ像 fish 。
th 发音有两种,清辅音θ 和浊辅音ð。
ph 读f 像 phone ,wh 读音有区分。
在 o 前读h 像 who ,其他情况读w 像 what 。

英语趣味三字经 driv er (司机), 掉进riv er (小河), 生命ov er (结束)。
robb er (强盗),专抢 rubb er (橡胶)。
d a d (爸爸),脾气b a d (坏),让我s a d (伤心难过)。
c a t (猫咪),非常f a t (肥胖), 专吃r a t (鼠)。
pl a t e (盘子),赶到g a t e (门口),已经l a t e (晚了)。
w a k e (醒来),来到l a k e (湖边),钓上sn a k e (蛇)。
n e t (网),鱼没g e t (得到),衣服w e t (湿了)。
p e st (害虫),从不r e st (休息),本领b e st (最棒)。
p i g (猪),非常b i g (大),把洞d i g (挖)。
t i p (尖),把我l i p (唇),装上 z i p (拉链)。
k i t e (风筝),颜色wh i t e (白色),被狗b i t e (咬)。
r i d e (骑车),妈妈pr i d e (自豪)。
j o g (慢跑),带上d o g (狗),踩到fr o g (青蛙)。
h o p (跳),跳上t o p (顶部), 唱起p o p (流行音乐)。
/ə//æ//ei//e//i//ai//ɔ/c o k e(焦炭),听着j o k e(笑话),把腰br o k e(扭伤)。
g u n(枪),瞄准s u n(太阳),不停r u n(跑)。
b u g(错误),把我h u g(拥抱)。
exc u s e(借口),借车u s e(用),遭到ref u s e(拒绝)。
m u t e(静音),真是c u t e(可爱)。
c ar(车),向着st ar(星星),路途f ar(遥远)。
sm ar t(睿智),必须st ar t(开始),学习ar t(艺术)。
sh ir t(衬衫),脱下sk ir t(裙子),扔进d ir t(污垢)。

自然拼读韵律诗01 -at
Let’s watch 一起看动画
New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
New words with –at 点击图片,跟读新单词
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
He had a hat that did not fit.
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
He put it on and then it split!
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
I had a cat who was so fat.
Listen and read 点击句子,跟读。
The fat cat
He could not even sit on his mat.
Read and choose 回忆故事,选择答案。
The cat was so _______.
batLeabharlann Read and choose 回忆故事,选择答案。
He could not sit on his ___.

I take it you already know of tough and bough and cough and dough?Some may stumble, but not you, on hiccough, thorough, slough, and through?So now you are ready, perhaps, to learn of less familiar traps?Beware of heard, a dreadful word, that looks like beard, but sounds like bird.And dead, it's said like bed, not bead; for goodness' sake, don't call it deed!Watch out for meat and great and threat. (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.)A moth is not a moth in mother, nor both in bother, broth in brother.And here is not a match for there, nor dear and fear, for bear and pear.And then there's dose and rose and lose - just look them up - and goose and choose And cork and work and card and ward and font and front and word and swordAnd do and go, then thwart and cart, come, come! I've hardly made a start.A dreadful language? Why man alive! I've learned to talk it when I was five.And yet to write it, the more I tried, I hadn't learned it at fifty-five.。

我家d a d(爸爸),脾气b a d(坏的),让我s a d(伤心的)。
/æ/有只c a t(猫),非常f a t(胖),专吃r a t(老鼠)。
/æ/放下pl a t e(盘子),赶到g a t e(大门),已经l a t e(迟到)。
/ei/清晨w a k e(醒来),来到l a k e(湖),钓上sn a k e(蛇)。
/ei/撒下n e t(网),鱼没g e t(得到),衣服w e t(弄湿)。
/e/为捉p e st(害虫),从不r e st(休息),本领b e st(最棒的)。
/e/一只p i g(猪),非常b i g(大),把洞d i g(挖)。
/i/没给t i p(小费),把我l i p(嘴唇),装上z i p(拉链)。
/i/一只k i t e(风筝),颜色wh i te(白色),被狗b i te(咬)。
/ai/学会r i d e(骑),妈妈pr i de(骄傲)。
/ai/清晨j o g(慢跑),带上d o g(狗),踩到fr o g(青蛙)。
/ɔ/轻轻h o p(跳),跳上t o p(顶,最高处),唱起p o p(流行歌曲)。
/ɔ/把眼cl o s e(闭上,关上),用我n o s e(鼻子),去闻r o s e(玫瑰)。
/ əu/喝着c o k e(可乐),听着j o k e(笑话),把腰br o k e(折断)。
/ əu/举着g u n(枪),瞄准s u n(太阳),不停r u n(跑)。
/ʌ/小小b u g(虫),把我h u g(拥抱)。
/ʌ/找个exc u s e(借口),借车u s e(使用),遭到ref u s e(拒绝)。
/ju:/假装m u t e(哑巴的),真是c u t e(可爱的)。
/ju:/开着c ar(汽车),向着st ar(星星),路途f ar(遥远的)。
/a:/想变sm ar t(聪明的),必须st ar t(开始),学习ar t(艺术)。

1. A - apple, B - banana, C - cat and D - dog,
E - elephant,
F - flower,
G - girl and
H - hog.
2. I - igloo, J - jar, K - kite and L - lamp,
M - monkey, N - nest, O - orange and P - stamp.
3. Q - queen, R - rabbit, S - sun and T - toy,
U - umbrella, V - van, W - window and X - box.
4. Y - yellow, Z - zebra, that's the end,
Learning ABC is fun, let's all be a good friend!

Leaves are fallingIt's fall.It's cool and windy.Big leaves are falling.Small leaves are falling.All leaves are falling.Lily’s lockerLily lit the lamp.Lily opened her locker.Lily's milk wasn't in the locker.The rat drank the milk.Lily forgot to lock the locker.Puff the featherIt’s Friday.It’s a fine day.Fred went to puff the feather.It’s far off in the sky.The feather was at the roof of the house.Dig in the gardenA pig went to dig.“Come to dig with me, little goose,” said the pig. “Come to dig with me, little frog,” said the pig. “Come to dig with me, little goat,” said the pig. All of them helped the pig digDick’s tripDick will take a nice trip.Dick can’t ride a bike.He will go by ship.Dick will visit a big city.Dick will see a boxing match.Dick will have a good time!Rob’s sockAs the sun rose, Rob woke up.He lost his sock.The sock isn’t in the box.The sock isn’t on the rock.The sock isn’t on the log.Rob’s dog finds the sock.Kids in the yardIt’s a nice yard.Two kids are in the yard.Betty is playing with a yo-yo.Lucy is eating yoghourt.Yummy, yummy! They are happy in the yard.句子串烧Mud is stuck on the cub.The wet pup dug up a net.Stan came up with a plan.A prune is on the cube.Sue put a tube in a tub.The yak got to the top.A Bear wants to keep fitTed wants to keep fit.He goes on a diet.He does sports every day.He runs day and night.But Ted is still very fat.A big supermarketThe boss has many things to sell.You can buy cups and glasses in the supermarket. You can buy sinks in the supermarket.You can also buy socks in the supermarket.It’s such a big shop.Bad luckMy uncle’s big duck is cute.The cute duck likes to swim and hum a tune. The cute duck jumped into a tub.But the tub was too small.What a bad luck!Queen’s duckThe queen is looking at the duck.The duck is swimming.Quack, quack, quack!Quiet, quiet, quiet!Please be quiet!Purple grapesThe grapes are purple.A monkey was picking grapes.The farmer was angry.He stamped his feet.The farmer cried out, “Stop picking grapes!”Sam’s catSam’s cat makes a face.The cat likes cat food.It eats a lot of cake, but it is not fat.Sam often plays games with the cat.Sam takes the cat to make sand castles by taxi. Today was a busy dayToday was a busy day.Mum dusted the rooms in the house.Daisy did homework in the study.Dad fed ducks in the yard.Dick worked in the field.Expensive chocolateA fox wanted to buy a box of chocolate.It went by taxi.The fox got to the shop.The chocolate was expensive.The fox couldn’t pay for it.A rat rowed a red boatA rat wore a red coat.The rat rowed a red boat.It listened to the radio.It rowed the boat around the lake.The rat can row the boat very fast.My uncle's turtleMy uncle has a little turtle.It likes swimming in the puddle.Its feet tickle my uncle's hand.It can huddle in its shell.It's a lovely turtle.句子串烧They met with the wise peacock.Cindy blows a bubble with the gum.Jon can hop on a log.He’s a chip off the old block.The wheels go around on the road.Let's make popcornLet's make popcorn.The boy put it in the pot.The girl shook the pot.The popcorn was hot.They loved to eat hot popcorn.句子串烧The kitten went flip and flop.The cub sits on a rug.She wiped the crag with a rag.The tan chimp skips on a jet.Her team won the soccer game.An old man’s hensAn old man took nine hens to the town. He took a nap under a big tree.One hen ran away.The man ran after the hen.The man got the hen back.句子串烧A flag is on the crane.The camel belongs to the ump.The waves were churning and curling.A male deer is called a buck.A bug is on the globe.We like wearing different clothes Mum likes wearing a blouse.Dad likes wearing a shirt.Wendy like wearing a dress.Mike likes wearing shorts.We like different clothes.A lazy zebraThe zebra lives in the zoo.It’s a lazy zebra.The zebra likes dozing.A bee came to the zebra.“Wake up, zebra.” said the bee.A cat and a cowA cat and a cow were in the cafe. The cat had coffee.The cow had custard.The cat cut a cake.Oh, the cat’s cake was in the coffee.A lovely monkeyA monkey has a big mouth.It often gives us a smile.It likes wearing a mask.It likes drinking milk.It’s a lovely monkey.Fred’s petPete is a lovely pet.Fred likes feeding Pete.Pete goes out to play.Pete gets very wet.Fred’s pet needs a vet. Poor Pete!句子串烧A pup is in the mud.They rolled the log into the bog.A plain is large and flat.Nat gave Pitter-Pat a plastic bat.Fill the tank at the gas station.It's hard to find the farmSarah drove a car to a large farm.It's hard to find the farm.It's dark.She parked the car at the gate of the farm.A dog barked, “Welcome to out farm.”I felt very tiredI drove a very old van.I went to a very big city.I visited a very interesting zoo.I shopped in a very big shop.I felt very tired.Henry’s giftMum will give Henry a gift.Henry doesn’t want a toy horse.Henry does n’t want a hat.Henry doesn’t want a gift.Henry just wants a big hug.The kid couldn’t get the kiteA kid flew a kite in the park.The kite flew up in the tree.The kid couldn't get the kite.A koala got the kite.“Could you give me back my kite?” said the kid. Janet's partyToday is Janet's birthday.Janet has a party at home.Jim has a cake with jam.Judy drinks a glass of juice.All of them are joyful.A stormA storm was coming.My brother hurried into the garden.He was worried about his turtle.The turtle was sleeping under the flower. It’s not afraid of the thunder.A bad bugBob is a boss.Bob works in the club.A bug bit Bob's face.Bob patted the bug.Bob put the bad bug into the bag.句子串烧Jake gives the rake a shake.Sandy slipped on the soggy road.The stove is in a hole.Bob fixed a clog in the pipe.The splash was made by a raindrop.。

自然拼读法英语字母儿歌A is for apple, a round and juicy treat.B is for bird, chirping sweetly as it greets.C is for cat, with a purr that's soft and neat.D is for dog, wagging tail and friendly smile.E is for elephant, with a trunk that's long and wide.F is for frog, a hop and a jump, it's never tired.G is for goat, climbing high, it's quite the feat.H is for horse, galloping fast, it's quite the sight.I is for igloo, where the polar bears delight.J is for jellyfish, floating softly in the sea.K is for kite, soaring high, it's free.L is for lion, the king of the wild, so bold and free. M is for monkey, swinging from tree to tree.N is for nest, a cozy home for the birds to be.O is for owl, wise and silent, it's a sight to see.P is for pig, snorting and rolling in the mud.Q is for queen, reigning with grace, so good.R is for rabbit, hopping fast, it's no fad.S is for sun, shining bright in the sky.T is for turtle, slow and steady, it never lies.U is for umbrella, keeping us dry, it's a sly.V is for violin, music that fills the air.W is for whale, in the ocean, it's quite rare.X marks the spot, a treasure to share.Y is for yacht, sailing the seas, it's a thrill.Z is for zebra, with stripes that stand out, it's a thrill.Together we sing, in rhythm and rhyme, we'll fill the hill.。

1. A is for apple, a, a, a. 你看,就像我们说“啊,苹果”一样简单呀!
2. B says b, ball is fun, b, b, b. 这不就跟我们玩球时喊“啵,球”一样嘛!
3. C is for cat, meow meow meow. 哎呀,就像小猫叫“喵,喵,喵”那么有趣呢!
4. D for dog, woof woof woof. 你想想,是不是跟小狗叫“汪,汪,汪”一样形象呀!
5. E is for egg, oval and white. 这就好像我们看到鸡蛋,说“哦,椭圆的白鸡蛋”呀!
6. F for fish, swim swim swim. 不就跟小鱼游来游去,“嗖,嗖,嗖”一样嘛!
7. G for goat, maa maa maa. 哈哈,跟山羊叫“咩,咩,咩”简直太像啦!
8. H for hat, put it on. 就如同我们戴上帽子说“嘿,戴上啦”一样自然呀!
9. I for ice cream, yummy yummy. 哇,就像我们吃到冰淇淋喊“呀,好吃好吃”一样呀!
10. J for juice, drink it up. 这不就跟我们喝果汁说“啾,喝光啦”一

以下是一首超可爱的自然拼读歌:Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz每个字母都有自己的音,让我们一起学习。
Aa is for apple, a is in autumn.Bb is for ball, b is in blue.Cc is for cat, c is in cookie.Dd is for dog, d is in do.Ee is for elephant, e is in echo.Ff is for fan, f is in funny.Gg is for girl, g is in go.Hh is for hat, h is in hello.Ii is for ice cream, i is in ink.Jj is for jet, j is in jump.Kk is for king, k is in know.Ll is for lion, l is in long.Mm is for monkey, m is in my.Nn is for noodles, n is in nice.Oo is for orange, o is in octopus.Pp is for pizza, p is in put.Qq is for queen, q is in quiet.Rr is for rabbit, r is in run.Ss is for snake, s is in my name.Tt is for tiger, t is in time.Uu is for umbrella, u is in up.Vv is for violin, v is in very.Ww is for watch, w is in wave.Xx is for xylophone, x is in fox.Yy is for yarn, y is in yellow.Zz is for zebra, z is in zoo.希望这首歌曲可以帮助你学习自然拼读。