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Replica molding
具有微通道的基片 表面处理后与盖片 封合
Anal. Chem. 1998, 70, 4974-4984
模塑法的关键在于模具和高分子材料的选择,理想 的材料应相互之间黏附力小,易于脱模。
微通道的阳膜可由硅材料、玻璃、环氧基SU一8负 光胶和聚二甲基硅氧烷(PMDS)等制造。
Lab Chip, 2011, 11, 3752–3765
PDຫໍສະໝຸດ BaiduS
low cost simple fabrication optical transparency gas permeability chemical inertness adhesion to multiple substrates non-toxicity ability to form multi level fluidic devices
poor chemical compatibility unstable modification of PDMS surfaces over time PDMS adsorbs small molecules into its matrix deformation in high pressure operation
Polymer casting
Polymer casting (also known as replica molding or soft lithography) is widely used for prototyping due to its precise replication, but without the need of expensive equipment, or advanced skills in microfabrication.
Hot embossing is a fabrication method which consists of pressing a heated silicon or metal mold against a thermoplastic sheet, such as PMMA or COC to form device features. Embossing is fast and less expensive than injection molding, but still requires dedicated press equipment, a robust mold, and suffers from a lack of convenient methods for strong bonding.
polymer micromachining/laser ablation
(iii) Polymer casting
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2006, 45, 7336 – 7356
Polymer thermoforming
Injection molding, commonly used for many plastic products, involves the high pressure injection of melted thermoplastic pellets into a heated mold. Even though experimental parameters must be optimized for each production run, injection molding offers a high-throughput fabrication option. However, because of the complexity and high initial cost of the molding equipment and masters, injection molding is rarely used for rapid prototyping.
Specifically, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has become a successful polymeric substrate material for rapid prototyping due to its low cost, simple fabrication, optical transparency, gas permeability, chemical inertness, adhesion to multiple substrates,non-toxicity, and ability to form multi level fluidic devices.
可溶的,经光照后变成可溶物质的即为正性胶。利用这种性能,将光刻胶作涂 层,就能在硅片表面刻蚀所需的电路图形。基于感光树脂的化学结构,光刻胶 可以分为三种类型。①光聚合型,采用烯类单体,在光作用下生成自由基,自 由基再进一步引发单体聚合,最后生成聚合物,具有形成正像的特点。②光分 解型,采用含有叠氮醌类化合物的材料,经光照后,会发生光分解反应,由油溶 性变为水溶性,可以制成正性胶。③光交联型,采用聚乙烯醇月桂酸酯等作为 光敏材料,在光的作用下,其分子中的双键被打开,并使链与链之间发生交联, 形成一种不溶性的网状结构,而起到抗蚀作用,这是一种典型的负性光刻胶。 柯达公司的产品KPR胶即属此类。感光树脂在用近紫外光辐照成像时,光的波 长会限制分辨率(见感光材料)的提高。为进一步提高分辨率以满足超大规模 集成电路工艺的要求,必须采用波长更短的辐射作为光源。由此产生电子束、 X 射线和深紫外(<250nm)刻蚀技术和相应的电子束刻蚀胶,X射线刻蚀胶和深 紫外线刻蚀胶,所刻蚀的线条可细至1□m以下
Glass and silicon micro-machining Polymer molding and machining
(i) Polymer thermoforming
injection molding/hot embossing
(ii) Polymer ablation
浇注用的高分子材料应具有低粘度,低固化温度, 在重力作用下,可充满模子上的微通道和凹槽等处。 可用的材料有两类:固化型聚合物和溶剂挥发型聚合物。 固化型聚合物有聚二甲基硅氧烷(硅橡胶)、环氧树脂 和聚胺脂等,将它们与固化剂混合,固化变硬后得到 微流控芯片;溶剂挥发型聚合物有丙烯酸、橡胶和氟塑 料等,通过缓慢地挥发去溶剂而得到芯片。
Polymer ablation
Material from a polymer block can be removed to form microstructures using direct write processes such as conventional mechanical drilling and sawing, laser machining, powder blasting, and dry film laminating. In particular, laser ablation is also an advantageous alternative for prototyping, being cost-accessible and enabling complex 3D-multilayer structures. For this method, a high powered pulsed laser is used to remove material from a sheet of thermoplastic, like PMM A, PC, PVC and others, either through a mask or directly on the substrate. The primary disadvantage of all these direct methods is their limited throughput, due to the inherent serial nature. These techniques also generate surface roughness on microchannels, reducing their overall optical efficiency, as well as debris that have to be removed from the device. Additionally, channels are usually larger than 50mm and enclosed by laminated films with a weak bonding, which cannot withstand pressures above 30 PSI.
Thank You!
photoresist 又称光致抗蚀剂,由感光树脂、增感剂(见光谱增感染料)和溶剂三种主要成 分组成的对光敏感的混合液体。感光树脂经光照后,在曝光区能很快地发生光 固化反应,使得这种材料的物理性能,特别是溶解性、亲合性等发生明显变化。 经适当的溶剂处理,溶去可溶性部分,得到所需图像(见图光致抗蚀剂成像制 版过程)。光刻胶广泛用于印刷电路和集成电路的制造以及印刷制版等过程。 光刻胶的技术复杂,品种较多。根据其化学反应机理和显影原理,可分负性胶 和正性胶两类。光照后形成不可溶物质的是负性胶;反之,对某些溶剂是不