



试卷第 1 页 共6 页承德医学院2006–2007学年第二学期期末临床医学、麻醉学、影像学专业(本)科2006级《组织学与胚胎学》课程考试试卷(A )一、单项选择题:本类型共50小题;每小题0.5分,共25分。


1、组成粗肌丝的蛋白的是A 、肌球蛋白B 、肌动蛋白C 、原肌球蛋白D 、肌钙蛋白E 、肌原蛋白2、下列哪种结构不属于细胞侧面连接A 、桥粒B 、中间连接C 、缝隙连接D 、紧密连接E 、半桥粒3、 中枢神经系统内有吞噬功能的神经胶质细胞是;A 、少突胶质细胞B 、星型胶质细胞C 、小胶质细胞D 、雪旺细胞E 、卫星细胞4、骨骼肌纤维收缩时,肌节的变化正确的是A 、I 带缩短B 、A 带缩短C 、I A 带均缩短D 、细肌丝缩短E 、粗肌丝缩短5、成人生精小管上皮细胞是A 、支持细胞和生精细胞B 、支持细胞和间质细胞C 、支持细胞和精原细胞D 、支持细胞和精子细胞E 、支持细胞和精子6、存在于肝的窦周隙的细胞是A 、嗜酸性细胞B 、嗜碱性细胞C 、肝巨噬细胞D 、贮脂细胞E 、浆细胞7、下列哪个器官被覆单层柱状上皮?A 、血管B 、小肠C 、皮肤D 、膀胱E 、食管 8、淋巴结内T 细胞聚集区是A 、淋巴小结B 、淋巴小结生发中心C 、副皮质区D 、髓索E 、淋巴窦9、下列那一项结构与扩大小肠的表面积无关A 、绒毛B 、微绒毛C 、小肠腺D 、纹状缘E 、环形皱襞10、关于壁细胞哪项错误A 、又称盐酸细胞B 、仅分布在胃底腺,以体、颈部多C 、细胞体积大,呈圆锥形或三角形D 、胞质嗜酸性E 、细胞核圆形居中11、关于中性粒细胞哪项错误A 、白细胞中数量最多的B 、核呈肾形C 、胞质中含有嗜天青颗粒D 、比红细胞大E 、有吞噬功能12、过碘酸希夫(PAS )反应显示A 、蛋白质B 、多糖C 、脂肪D 、核糖核酸E 、脱氧核糖核酸13、关于假复层纤毛柱状上皮哪项错误A 、细胞的表面均有纤毛B 、所有细胞都附于基膜上C 、属于单层上皮D 、细胞核位置高低不齐E 、含有分泌功能的杯状细胞14、下列哪一种细胞是从其它组织迁入疏松结缔组织的细胞A 、成纤维细胞B 、巨噬细胞C 、脂肪细胞D 、间充质细胞E 、纤维细胞试卷第 2 页 共6 页15、下列关于成纤维细胞描述错误的是A 、胞体较大,扁平有突起B 、胞质呈弱嗜碱性C 、功能为形成纤维和基质D 、处于功能旺盛状态时称纤维细胞E 、胞核较大,卵原形,可见核仁16、消化道管壁由内到外可分为A 、 内膜、中膜、外膜B 、内膜、中膜、浆膜C 、内膜、中膜、纤维膜D 、内皮、肌膜、纤维膜E 、黏膜、黏膜下层、肌层、外膜 17、气管腺位于A 、上皮B 、粘膜下层C 、外膜D 、固有层E 、中膜 18、主要组成肺泡结构的细胞是A 、Ⅰ型细胞B 、Ⅱ型细胞C 、巨噬细胞D 、柱状细胞E 、肥大细胞19、下列不属于含氮类激素的是A 、胺类B 、氨基酸衍生物C 、肽类D 、肾上腺皮质激素E 、蛋白质类激素20、关于甲状腺滤泡哪项错误A 、滤泡由单层上皮构成B 、上皮的形态一般为立方形 B 、 滤泡中央为滤泡腔,内充满胶质 D 、胶质为滤泡旁细胞合成C 、 E 、在滤泡上皮细胞之间或滤泡之间有滤泡旁细胞 21、骨骼肌纤维储存钙离子的结构是A 、肌浆B 、横小管C 、肌浆网D 、线粒体E 、肌红蛋白22、胎盘的组成是A 、基蜕膜与丛密绒毛膜B 、壁蜕膜与丛密绒毛膜C 、基蜕膜与平滑绒毛膜D 、包蜕膜与丛密绒毛膜E 、包蜕膜与平滑绒毛膜 23、下列不属于嗜碱性粒细胞的是A 、 胞质内含有嗜碱性颗粒B 、细胞核常呈"S"形或不规则形C 、胞质内含有肝素,组胺D 、参与抗过敏反应E 、在白细胞中数量最少24、神经元的下列特征哪个错误A 、细胞有突起B 、核大而圆C 、核仁明显D 、胞体内有神经原纤维E 、胞体及轴突内均有尼氏体 25、关于血管球,下列哪项不正确A 、位于肾小球内的一团盘曲的毛细血管B 、由入球微动脉和出球微动脉构成C 、入球微动脉较出球微动脉细D 、血管球内血压较高E 、毛细血管为有孔型26、小管位于皮质迷路内,管壁较薄,管腔大且规则,由单层立方上皮围成,核圆近腔面,胞质弱嗜酸性,刷状缘不明显,基底有纵纹。



化工原理课程考试试卷A适用专业: 考试日期:试卷所需时间:120分钟 试卷总分:100 分一、填空题(共 15 小题,每空1 分,共40 分)1、精馏分离的依据是_____的差异,要使混合物中的组分得到完全分离,必须进行多次地___________。

2、饱和空气在恒压下冷却,温度由1t 降至2t ,其相对湿度Φ______,绝对湿湿度H____ ,露点_____,湿球温度________。

(填增大、减小或不变) 3、饱和液体进料q=___.饱和蒸汽进料q=_ .蒸汽是液体的3倍的混合进料时q=___ 。

4、单级萃取操作中,料液为F ,若溶剂用量愈大,则混合物的点愈_____ S 点,当达到_______,溶液变为均一相。

5、实验室用水吸收空气中的20C ,基本属于_______控制,其气膜中的浓度梯度___ _____(填大于或小于)液膜中的浓度梯度,气膜阻力___ (填大于或小于)液膜阻力。

6、精馏塔内,气液两相的流动,液体靠_________自上而下地流动,气体靠_ __________自下而上地与液体成逆流流动。

7、全回流时,操作线与_________重合,操作线方程为_______,理论塔板数为__ _______.当回流比减少到___________________称为最小回流比,所需的理论塔板数_________________.适宜的回流比应通过 ____________________确定。

8、所谓气膜控制,即吸收总阻力集中在____ 一侧,而___ 一侧阻力可忽略;如果说吸收质气体是属于难溶气体,则此吸收过程是________控制。

9、双膜理论的三个要点是:(1) (2) (3) 。

10、离开干燥器的湿空气温度2t 比绝热饱和温度__ .目的是_________。




佛山职业技术学院《计算机网络技术》期末考试试卷A2011 ~ 2012 学年 第 二 学期(本卷共 6 页,考试时间:100 分钟,考试对象:11电子商务1、2、3、4班)一、单选题(每小题2分,共40分)1.计算机网络是主要的功能在于( D )。

A .扩充存储容量B .提高运算速度C .传输文件D .共享资源 2.区分局域网(LAN )和广域网(WAN )的依据是( D )。

A .网络用户B .传输协议C .联网设备D .联网范围 3.学校的校园网络属于( A )。

A .局域网B .广域网C .城域网D .电话网4.衡量网络上数据传输速率的单位是bps (波特率),其含义是( C )。

A .信号每秒传输多少公里 B .信号每秒传输多少千公里C .每秒传送多少个二进制位D .每秒传送多少个数据5.目前,局域网的传输介质(媒体)主要是同轴电缆,双绞线和( D )。

A .通信卫星B .公共数据网C .电话线D .光纤6.在局域网中以集中方式提供共享资源并对这些资源进行管理的计算机称为( A )。

A .服务器B .主机C .工作站D .终端 7.下列那一种软件不是局域网操作系统软件( D )。

A .Windows NT ServerB .NetwareC .UNIXD .SQL Server 8.用于电子邮件的协议是( D )。

A .IPB .TCPC .SNMPD .SMTP 9.Web 使用( A )进行信息传送。

A .HTTPB .HTMLC .FTPD .TELNET10.地址栏中输入的 中, 是一个( C )。

A .邮箱B .文件C .域名D .国家11.地址“”中的“ftp”是指( A )。

A.协议 B.网址C.新闻组 D.邮件信箱12.Internet中URL的含义是( D )。

A.传输控制协议B.Internet 协议C.简单邮件传输协议D.统一资源定位器13.IP地址由一组( C )的二进制数字组成。



福建农林大学考试试卷 高等数学(A)卷参考答案一。

填空题(每小题3分,本题共15分) 1、6e 2、k =1 . 3、xx+1 4、1=y 5、x x f 2cos 2)(= 二.单项选择题(每小题3分,本题共15分) 1、D 2、B 3、C 4、B 5、A 三.计算题(本题共56分,每小题7分) 1.解:x x x 2sin 24lim-+→81)24(2sin 2lim 21)24(2sin lim 00=++=++=→→x x x x x x x x 7分 2.解 :21lim 11lim )1(1lim )111(lim 0000=++=+--=---=--→→→→x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xe e e e xe e e e x x e e x 7分 3、解: 2c o s12limx dt e x tx ⎰-→exxe xx 212sin lim 2cos0-=-=-→ 7分 4、解: )111(1122xx x y ++++='……………………… …...4分211x+=……………………………………… …...7分5、解:t t t t dx dy 21121122=++= (4分) 222232112()241d y t d dydxt dtt dt dx dxt t-+===-+ (7分) 6、解:C xd x dx x x ++=++-=+⎰⎰)32cos(21)332()32sin(21)32sin(12 (7分)7、 解:⎰⎰=xx e x x x e d c o s d c o s⎰+=sinxdx e cos x x e x …………………… …….2分 ⎰+=x de sin cos x x e x ..………………… ……….3分 dx cos sin cos x e x e x e x x x ⎰-+= ……… ……5分C x x e x ++=)cos (sin ……………… ……… …7分8、解:⎰⎰⎰⎰--+==-0111120d )(d )(d )(d )1(x x f x x f x x f x x f … …2分⎰⎰+++=-10011d 1d x x e x x ……… ………3分 1001)1ln(d )11(x x ee x x +++-=⎰-…… ……5分 2ln )1ln(101++-=-xe ……………… …6分)1ln()1ln(11e e +=++=-………… ……7分四.应用题(本题7分)解:曲线2x y =与2y x =的交点为(1,1), 1分 于是曲线2x y =与2y x =所围成图形的面积A 为31]3132[)(10210232=-=-=⎰x x dx x x A 4分A 绕y 轴旋转所产生的旋转体的体积为:()πππ10352)(1052142=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=-=⎰y y dy y y V 7分 五、证明题(本题7分)证明: 设x x f x F -=)()(, ……………………….……… ……2分显然)(x F 在]1,21[上连续,在)1,21(内可导, 且 021)21(>=F ,01)1(<-=F .由零点定理知存在]1,21[1∈x ,使0)(1=x F . …….… …………4分 由0)0(=F ,在],0[1x 上应用罗尔定理知,至少存在一点)1,0(),0(1⊂∈x ξ,使01)()(=-'='ξξf F ,即1)(='ξf … …7分。



大学英语(四)课程考试A 卷 适用于;考试日期:; 试卷所需时间:120分钟 闭卷;试卷A 总分:100分。

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 points) Section A Short Conversations ( 10 points) Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A. 3 blocks ahead. B. On the 3rd Street. C. At the 3rd Avenue. D. On the 5th Street. 2. A. To punish him. B. To pick him up. C. To reward him. D. To ignore him. 3. A. Theater. B. Restaurant. C. Airport. D. Train station. 4. A. She doesn ’t like either of them. B. John copied it from Jim. C. Jim copied it from John. D. One is the copy from the other. 5. A. Peter is going to fly to New York. B. Peter is going to fly to London next week. C. Peter went to London last week. D. Peter will stay in New York. 6. A. He feels Mike did a good thing. B. He doesn ’t think Mike should move. C. H e thinks it’s better to invest later. D. He doesn ’t think Mike should invest money on stocks. 7. A. Go to a movie. B. Go to her classes. C. Shop for some clothes. D. Buy some new glasses. 8. A. Because he doesn ’t have a TV . B. Because he hates to be bothered. C. B ecause he isn’t watching TV . D. Because he doesn ’t like any of the programs. 9. A. $ 100. B. $ 150. C. $ 200. D. $ 250. 10. A. She likes classical music. B. She needs 100 records. C. She prefers to have the same house I have. D. She is a jazz fan. Section B Long Conversation ( 5 points) Directions: In this section, you will hear one long conversation. At the end of the conversation, some questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 11. A. It ’s expensive. B. They are celebrating a birthday. C. It was recommended by a friend. D. They had dinner here before. 12. A. She wants to check the price. B. She wants to see if the menu is in French. C. She is in a hurry to eat. D. She spends a long time choosing her food. 13. A. A year. B. Only a minute. C. A month. D. A long time. 14. A. Snails are not on the menu. B. The restaurant doesn ’t have any left. C. They want shrimp cocktail instead. D. They are afraid of getting sick. 15. A. French cheese and white wine. B. Seafood. C. Duck. D. Salad and French cheese. Section C Passage ( 5 points) Directions: In this section, you will hear one short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 16. A. On TV . B. On the radio C. In the newspaper. D. In a magazine 17. A. A scientific research. B. An invention. C. A visit to a scientist. D. A prize for some scientific discovery.18. A. Unpleasant. B. Cooperative. C. Sympathetic. D. Doubtful. 19. A. He refuted him. B. He went to the library. C. He went to the TV station D. He changed his major 20. A. After the age of 50. B. After the age of 30. C. Between the ages of 25 and 30. D. Between the ages of 30 and 50. Section D ( 10 points) Directions: In this section, you will hear a VOA Special English Report three times, and then fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear from the recording. We answered a question last week about how American college students findjobs after they (21)_________________. Now, we discuss foreign graduates. The院系: 班级: 姓名:学号:考场地点装订线(22)________________ for employing foreign workers in the United States is long. It involves different government agencies. It also involves (23)_____________________________________. For example, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that President Obama signed into law in February dealt with this issue. It included conditions against foreign workers displacing qualified Americans at companies that (24)________________________________. Job (25)______________ have slowed in some industries. But the economic downturn has cost millions of jobs and recovery will take some time. Foreign graduates need a job (26)________________ to get an H-1B visa. This is a (27)_________________ visa for work in the person’s area of specialty. The employer is the one who (28)_______________ for it. The visa is good for 3 years and may be extended for another 3 years. Cheryl Gilman directs visa services at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She noted that H-1B visas were still (29)_________________ for next year. This tells her that the recession is preventing employers from (30)_________________ as many foreign nationals as they have in the past. Part II Reading Comprehension (30 points) Section A Directions: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One As people generally use the word “honor ” they do not do so in the context of thinking about moral virtue. As a result they often confuse honor with fame. A virtuous person is an honorable person, a person who ought to be honored by the community in which he or she lives. But the virtuous person does not seek honor, being secure in his or her own self-respect. Lack of honor does not detract from the efficacy of moral virtue as an operative factor in the pursuit of happiness —as a means to leading a good human life. Virtuous persons may be considered fortunate if their virtue is recognized and publicly applauded. Persons lacking moral virtue can achieve fame as readily as, or perhaps more easily than, those who have a high degree of moral virtue. Fame belongs to the great, the outstanding, and the exceptional, without regard to their virtue or lack of it. Infamy is fame, no less than popularity. The great scoundrel can be as famous as the great hero. There can be famous villains as well as famous saints. Existing in the reputation a person has, regardless of his or her accomplishments, fame does not tarnish as honor does when it is unmerited. We normally desire the esteem of our fellow human beings, but is not this wish for the esteem of others a desire for fame rather than for honor? A virtuous person will not seek fame or be unhappy for lack of it. For fame can be enjoyed by bad men and women, as well as good. When it is enjoyed by virtuous persons without being sought by them, it is not distinguishable from honor, for then it is deserved. 31. What does this passage mainly talk about? A. A virtuous person achieves both honor and fame. B. A virtuous person does not seek honor or fame. C. Honor and fame are different concepts. D. Honor and fame are not distinguishable. 32. A virtuous person leads a good human life by means of _________. A. presuming happiness B. achieving moral virtue C. seeking honor D. seeking fame 33. What tends to tarnish with time? A. The reputation a person has. B. A high degree of moral virtue. C. A person ’s accomplishments. D. Honor that is undeserved. 34. Fame differs from honor in that _______. A. bad men and women can enjoy fame B. the great people can enjoy fame C. fame can fade in color D. virtuous persons will not seek fame 35. Which of the following statements is TURE? A. A virtuous person deserves honor. B. A famous person deserves honor. C. A virtuous person is publicly identified. D. A famous person has great accomplishments. Passage Two If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children. But how you say it can be quite tricky. If you s ay to your children “I’m sorry I got angry with you, but …”, what follows that “but” can render the apology ineffective: “I had a bad day” or “your noise was giving me a headache ” leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology. Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say “I’m sorry you’re upset”; this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.院系:班级: 姓名:学号:考场地点装订线Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying “I’m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement. These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness. Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies. But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children’s expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent’s clothes without permission is not. 36. If a mother adds “but” to an apology, _______. A. she doesn’t feel that she should have apologized B. she does not realize that the child has been hurt C. the child may find the apology easier to accept D. the child may feel that he owes her an apology 37. According to the author, saying “I’m sorry you’re upset” most probably means “_______”. A. You have good reason to get upset B. I’m aware you’re upset, but I’m not to blame C. I apologize for hurting your feelings D. I’m at fault for making you upset 38. It is not advisable to use the general, all-covering apology because _______. A. it gets one into the habit of making empty promises B. it may make the other person feel guilty C. it is vague and ineffective D. it is hurtful and insulting 39. We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry _______. A. the complexities involved should be ignored B. their ages should be taken into account C. parents need to set them a good example D. parents should be patient and tolerant 40. It can be inferred from the passage that apologizing properly is _______. A. a social issue calling for immediate attention B. not necessary among family membersC. a sign of social progressD. not as simple as it seems Section B: Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the blank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Blanks 41 to 50 are based on the following passage. There are two factors which determine an individual ’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ 41 , some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, a (an)42 will have a low intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor in what happens to the individual is the sort of environment in which he is 43 . If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop. And he will never 44 the level of intelligence of which he is capable. The importance of environment in determining an individual ’s intelligence can be 45 by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and Mark. Being identical, the twins had identical brain at birth, and their growth processes were the same. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in 46 foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor 47 opportunities. Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college. He was read to as a child, sent to good schools, and given every opportunity to be 48 intellectually. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to 49 their intelligence. Mark ’s I.Q. was 125, twenty-five points higher than the 50 , and fully forty points higher than his identical brother. Given equal opportunities, the twins, having identical brains, would have scored at roughly the same level.院系: 班级: 姓名:学号:考场地点装订线Part III Vocabulary and Structure (10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence. 51. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ____. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to 52. Would you like a cup of coffee ____shall we get down to business right away? A. and B. then C. or D. otherwise 53. Not until all the fish died in the river ____how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized C. the villagers did realize D. didn't the villagers realize 54. I ____that we would be able to leave tomorrow, but it's beginning to look difficult. A. hoped B. was hoping C. had hoped D. am hoping 55. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dorms are less likely to ____the habit of smoking. A. make up B. turn up C. draw up D. pick up 56. Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to____honest applicants from the growing number of dishonest ones. A. distinguish B. disguise C. dissolve D. discount 57. According to the key witnesses, a peculiarly big nose is the criminal's most memorable facial____. A. feature B. hint C. spot D. signature 58. It's good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually ____from the Bible. A. acquire B. obtain C. derive D. result 59. After working all day, he was so tired that he was in no____ to go to the party with us. A. taste B. mood C. sense D. emotion 60. There is already clear ____to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change. A. witness B. certification C. identity D. evidence 61. Last year the advertising rate ____ by 20 percent. A. raised B. aroused C. arose D. rose 62. The student was just about to ______ the question, when suddenly he found the answer. A. arrive at B. submit to C. give in D. work out 63. Suddenly she grabbed her stomach and ______. A. threw away B. threw in C. threw up D. threw off 64. They have brought her out of the operating room, but she ’s not fully ____ yet. A. cautious B. conscience C. conscious D. confused 65. He _____ the job because it involved too much traveling. A. turns in B. turns out C. turns over D. turns down 66.To some _______, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so. A. extend B. part C. extent D. content 67. He checked carefully to _______ the possible errors in his design. A. eliminate B. exceed C. enlarge D. vibrate 68. What we need to learn is how to put theory into _______ when we begin our fieldwork here. A. appearance B. application C. accomplish D. achievement 69. Jack is _______ of stealing the books from the library. A. accused B. witnessed C. strained D. found 70. The Foreign Minister made an excellent _______ on the current international situation. A. committee B. command C. comment D. commission Part IV Translation (15 points) Translate the following sentences into English. 71. 我从未受过正式培训,我只是边干边学. 72. 随着年龄越来越大,你应该考虑未来的计划。



























《美国⽂学》期末考试试卷(A卷)适⽤班级060511-3 考试时间 120 分钟学院班级学号姓名Ⅰ. Choose TEN of the following works and write the names of the authors. (10%)1. Octopus ( )2. Maggie, A Girl of the Streets ( )3. Babbitt ( )4. White Fang ( )5. “Legend of Sleepy Hollow” ( )6. My Antonia ( )7. “Birches” ( )8. Poor Richard’s Almanac ( )9. Light in August ( )10. Twice Told Tales ( )11. The Declaration of Independence ( )12. “Rip Van Winkle ”( )13. Nature ( )14. The Song of Hiawatha ( )15. Uncle Tom ’s Cabin ( )16. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ( )17. Sister Carrie( )18. The Waste Land( )19. For Whom the Bell Tolls ( )20. The Emperor Jones ( )(10%)1._________________________was one of the founders of theJamestown colony in Virginia in 1607 and is known for his work describing the colonies.2.__________________________was a determined revolutionary whosework helped the cause of the American Revolution considerably, but who lost his popularity long before his death.3.The term refers to the group of people, some of themimportant to American literature (especially secular essay writing), who led the American Revolution and helped create the early American Republic.4.________________________was an early form of horror fiction thatoriginated in 18th century Europe and was very popular in America during the Romantic Period.5._____________________________, known for her deeply personalpoems and radically different poetic themes and form, didn’t achieve fame as a poet until long after her death.6.The first of American literature was not written by an American, but by___________________, a British captain, who thus became the first American writer.7. _________________ has been entitled the “Father of AmericanPoetry.8._______________________was the first great prose stylist ofAmerican romanticism, author of the first American short stories and familiar essays , the first American author to achieve international distinction, and has a significant position in the history of American literature.9._____________________is the first American professional writer andthe first writer of the detective story in the world.10._______________________is also called novel of the road, it stringsthe incidents on the line of the hero’s travel.Ⅲ. Choose only one answer form the four choices as themost appropriate answer. (30%)1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. When her poems were published in England, she became know as the “______” who appeared in America.A Ninth MuseB Tenth MuseC Best MuseD First Muse2. ______ is the sometimes exaggerated use of local language, characters and customs in regional literature.A purple proseB waste-land imageryC local colorD symbolism3. The first great flourishing of African American literature that appealed to a relatively large literate Black readership wasknown as_____.A The HolocaustB The Harlem RenaissanceC AbolitionismD The Civil Rights Movement4. _______ was a leading 19th century feminist and one of the core members of the Transcendentalist movement.A Margaret FullerB Sylvia PlathC Hilda DoolittleD Gloria Stein5. Which of the following is not typical of modern poetry?A gushing sentimentalism and comfortable imagesB abandonment of earlier verse formsC use of free verseD an effort to find and/or explore a new role for the poet in a changing world6. Who was perhaps the most popular of all 20th century American poets?A Ezra PoundB Walt WhitmanC Robert FrostD Allen Ginsburg7. The Fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly that they frequently spent more money than F. Scoot Fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and traveling. It was this living style that nicknamed the decade of the 1920s as_______.A The Jazz AgeB The Gilded AgeC The Roaring AgeD The Beat Age8. Which is true of the “Fireside Poets”?A They were generally strongly in favor of abolishing slavery.B They were deeply involved in the Transcendentalist movement.C They were a group of 19th century New England poets who weretremendously popular and respected at the time they wrote.D They opposed to tradition and were in favor of radical change.9. Ernest Hemingway was badly wounded in Italy and sent to a hospital where he fell in love with a nurse. These two persons later became the characters of his novel ________.A The Old Man and the SeaB For Whom the Bell TollsC The Sun Also RisesD A Farewell to Arms10. The Brahmists or Boston Brahmi, in American literature, refers to _______.A The highest ranking of the Hindu castes.B A movement that emerged from rebellion against Puritan religious ideas and systems.C A group of New England writers known for their scholarship and/or conservative philosophy.D A school of imaginative writing.11. Which of the following is one of Ben Franklin’s famous proverbs?A “A stitch in time saves nine”B “God helps those who help themselves”C “A Friend in need is a friend indeed”D “Ask not who the bell tolls, the bell tolls for thee”12. ___________ was a reaction to the ideas of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment.A RomanticismB RealismC NaturalismD Modernism13. Although few of her poems were published in her lifetime and a complete collection of them didn’t appear until the 1950’s, _____ had a major impact on 20th century poetry.A Anne BradstreetB Gertrude SteinC Emily DickinsonD Amy Lowell14. Which of the following writers died a natural death in his old age?A Jack LondonB Ernest HemingwayC Stephen CraneD Mark Twain15. Who of the following is NOT a 20th century American poet?A Henry Wordsworth LongfellowB Amy LowellC Ezra PoundD Robert FrostIV. Choose TEN of the following and decide whether thestatements are true or false. (10%)1.Hawthorne was a firm believer in Puritan principles and mourned theirpassing in his works.2.Frederick Douglas was a major 19th century black writer.3.The sou nd of Whitman’s words casts a magic, romantic spell overreaders. His tone is awesome, sad and melancholy.4.Haiku, a form of traditional Japanese poetry, greatly influenced theImagist movement.5.Leaves of Grass is Whitman’s life work.6.Thanks in part to the efforts of Ezra Pound, Robert Frost was publishedin England and quickly became recognized as a major American poet. 7.In 1954, T. S. Eliot was awarded a Nobel Prize for his “mastery of theart of modern narration.”8.Hemingway believed that a man could find meaning in life by facing hisdeath with dignity and courage.9.Thomas Jefferson was famous for powerful, persuasive essays, such ashis pamphlet Common Sense, which persuaded many people to support the American Revolution.10.William Hill Brown’s The Power of Sympathy, written in 1789, is oftencalled “the first American novel”.11.The literary movement of American romanticism was generally dividedinto two stages: pre-romanticism and post-romanticism.12.Realists thought highly of individual status and role in the world. Theromanticists preferred the innate or intuitive perception by the heart of man. They thought that man was essentially of goodwill, only the civilized society made him degenerate. They pointed out, the means to uproot evils and to save mankind was habits, and to return to “natural primitive state”.13.The Scarlet Letter is called an economical novel because there are onlythree chief characters-or four if we include the child Pearl.14.President Lincoln praised Anne Bradstreet as “the little woman whowrote the book that made this great war.”15.Edgar Allan Poe wrote two poems both entitled “ To Helen”.16.Literary naturalism may be regarded as the new development of literaryrealism, and was sometimes called “pessimistic realism.”The naturalistic writers were philosophical pessimists.17.Hemingway, Pound, Cummings, Dos Passos, and Fitzgerald, belong tothe school of “Beat Generation”.18.F. Scott Fitzgerald is called the leader and poet laureate of the Jazz Agewho wrote the novels of the Jazz Age.19.Yoknapatawpha saga is a name for John Steinbeck’s novels.20.“Thanatopsis”is a word Bryant borrowed from Latin meaning“meditation on death”.the questions. (20%)Passage 1The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough.Questions:1.Who is the writer of this poem? _______________(1%)2.What is the title of this poem? _______________(1%)3.What images in this poem suggest Haiku poetry and what images are“modern”? (2%)4.What is the effect of the parallel between lines one and two of the poem?And what feeling and meaning does the poem express to you? (2%)Passage 2It was late and everyone had left the caféexcept an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the daytime the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference.Questions:1.This part is from the novel , written by .(2%)2.Why does the old man get drunk every night and why did he commitsuicide? (2%)3.What does the young waiter think of the old man and how does he treathim? (3%)Passage 3I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the es-sential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God.Questions:1.This passage is taken from a famous work entitled _________ . (1%)2.The author of the work is____________ . (1%)3.List by yourself at least five reasons that the author gives for going tolive in the woods. (5%)Passage 4But, on one side of the portal(⼊⼝),and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.Questions:1.This part is from the novel , written by .(2%)2.What does “the wild rose bush” symbolize according to your opinion?(5%)Passage 5It was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea,That a maiden there lived whom you may know.By the name of Annabel Lee; —And this maiden she lived with no other thoughtThan to love and be loved by me.Questions:1.The stanza is taken from the poem________________?(1%)2.The author of the poem is____________ . (1%)3.What is the most obvious rhetorical device the author uses for effect?(4%)Passage 6Thou hast an house on high erect,Framed by that mighty Architect,With glory richly furnished,Stands permanent though this be fled.It’s purchased and paid for tooBy Him who hath enough to do.Questions:1.This stanza is taken from the poem__________________________by____________.(2%)2.What is one’s real house according to the poet? (5%)VI. Choose TWO of the following and Comment on them.(20%)1.Robert Frost' s The Road Not Taken.(10%)2.Eugene O' Neill’s Long Day's Journey into Night.(10%)3.Talk about Adgar Allan Poe's social outlook and writings (10%)/doc/76a448b9fd0a79563c1e726f.html ment on Hawthorne’s style. (10%)。



学院2011-2012学年第二学期经济管理学院"金融学"期末考试试卷〔A 卷〕年级____专业_____ 班级__**_______注:1、共120分钟,总分100分 。




〕 1、货币的本质特征是充当〔 〕。

A 、普通商品B 、特殊商品C 、一般等价物D 、特殊等价物 2、一直在我国占主导地位的信用形式是〔 〕。

A 、银行信用B 、国家信用C 、消费信用D 、民间信用 3、目前,我国实施的人民币汇率制度是:〔 〕A 、固定汇率制B 、弹性汇率制C 、钉住汇率制D 、管理浮动汇率制4、如果借款人的还款能力出现了明显的问题,依靠其正常经营已经无法保证足额归还本息,则该笔贷款属于五级分类法中的:〔 〕 A 、关注B 、次级C 、可疑D 、损失5、现金漏损率越高,则存款货币创造乘数:〔 〕 A 、越大B 、越小C 、不变D 、不一定6、我国货币政策的首要目标是〔〕。

A 、充分就业B 、币值稳定C 、经济增长D 、国际收支平衡7、*公司获得银行贷款100万元,年利率6%,期限为3年,按年计息,复利计算,则到期后应归还银行本息共为:〔 〕 A 、11.91万B 、119.1万C 、118万D 、11.8万8、在采用直接标价的前提下,如果需要比原来更少的本币就能兑换一定数量的外国货币,这说明:〔〕A、本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率上升B、本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率上升C、本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率下降D、本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率下降9、金融机构之间发生的短期临时性借贷活动是:〔〕A、贷款业务B、票据业务C、同业拆借D、再贴现10、一般是由政府设立,以贯彻国家产业政策、区域开展政策等为目标,盈利目标居次要地位的金融机构是:〔〕A、中央银行B、存款货币银行C、投资银行D、政策性银行二、多项选择题:〔以下各题有两个或两个以上符合题意的正确答案。

《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【 A卷】和答案

《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【 A卷】和答案

1《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【A卷】(学年第一学期)注意:1.本试卷共 3 页;2.考试时间: 90 分钟Section A (1×15=15分)Directions: Choose the appropriate letters A—D to complete the following statements.1. I knew a new classmate Ann today. She is _______ America.A. forB. inC. toD. from2. All of his friends came to the airport to______ him____ .A. send…downB. see…offC. send…downD. se e…awa y3. It is of _______for us to get everything read before the party.A. greatly importantB. great importantC. great importanceD. greatly importance4. S1: Can you spare some time for me next week?S2: ______________.A. I’m really very busy now.B. OK. What can I do for you?C. I usually go out seeing movies in my spare time.D. My family will go traveling this evening.5. Would you _____to join us for dessert and coffee?A mind B. please C. like D. care6. I would___ for daily necessities tomorrow. Will you go with me?A. go to shopB. make shoppingC. go shoppingD. buy7. Chinese people have a special way to celebrate the Mid-autumn _______. .A. HolidayB. VacationC. EventD. Festival8. Jack is _______ about stamp collecting. In fact, he is willing to give everything for a rare stamp.A. interestedB. illC. crazyD. sick9. Two hundred people are expected to _______ the meeting.A. attendB. haveC. takeD. go10. Please us at campuslife@ if you need detailed information.A. touchB. contactC. searchD. tell11. Will it be _________ for you to start work tomorrow.A. convenientB. convenienceC. convenientlyD. conveniences12. It is overclouding in the sky and it _____like rain.A. isB. seemsC. seemD. be13. Passengers to pay duty on overweighed luggage.A. requireB. requiredC. are requiredD. were required14. Supermarkets usually provide a(n) Lane for customers with a purchase less than 8 items.A. ExpressB. Hurry-upC. Speed-upD. Fast15. It is difficult for me to __________ the twins ________.A. tel l…fromB. tel l…apartC. tel l…betweenD. tel l…amongSection B (1×10=10分)Directions: Complete each statement with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.16. Jackie Chan is admired by millions as an excellent (act).17. He was about the same (high) as his wife.18. there are as many as 30 different (nation) in this school.19. Tom falls in love with the most (attract) girl in his class.20. Our house was built in a (tradition) Chinese style.21. Many animals have (good) hearing than we do.22. Coin (collect) is one of Jim’s hobbies.23. Sam used to (keep) a pet ,when he was young.24. It’s my pleasure to (introduction) tonight’s speakers.25. He is a very (talk ) child.Part II Reading ComprehensionTask1 (2×5=10分)Directions: Read the passage and choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.Perhaps the best way to think about making friends is to decide what makes a friend. I asked a group of 13 year old boys and girls to come up with a list of what they liked about their friends. They said that good friends: show an interest in what people dogo around with a pleasant expression on their facelaugh at people’s jokesare kindoffer to help others with work or carry thingsinvite people to do somethingare good at thinking of something interesting to doare willing to shareare humorous and tell jokesare fair26. According to the author, what is the best way to make friends?A) The best way is to talk to everyone.B) The best way is to do everything to make the person happy.C) The best way is to think everyone is good.D) The best way is to know what a good friend is.27. How did the author get the list?A) He thought it out.B) He copied it from a book.C) He summed up the ideas of a group of children.D) He made friends with a group of children.28. How many good qualities should a good friend have?A) 6. B) 7. C) 9. D) 10.29. Which of the following is NOT true?A) A good friend should have a sense of humor.B) A good friend should be able to tell jokes and enjoy others’ jokes.C) A good friend should always keep from getting into groups.D) A good friend should enjoy sharing things with others.30. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A) What Makes a Good FriendB) The Best Way to Make FriendsC) The Results of a SurveyD) How to Make FriendsTask 2 (2×5=10分)Directions: Read the passage and choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.Banks safeguard money and valuables and provide loans, credit, and payment services, such as checking accounts, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Banks may also offer investment and insurance products, which they were once prohibited from selling.As many models for cooperation and integration among finance industries have appeared, some of the traditional differences between banks, insurance companies, and securities firms have disappeared. In spite of these changes, banks continue to maintain and perform their primary role—accepting deposits and lending funds from these deposits.Commercial banks, which dominate the bank industry, offer a full range of services for individuals, businesses, and governments.31. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. It introduces the types of banks.B. It introduces the functions of banks.C. It explains the traditional functions of banks.D. It discusses the business of banks.32. What are the traditional functions of a bank?A. It safeguards money and valuables.B. It provides loans, credit, and payment services.C. It safeguards money and valuables and provides loans, credit, and payment services.D. It sells investment and insurance products.33. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Banks also play the role of insurance companies.B. Banks safeguard money and valuables like securities firms do.C. Insurance companies cannot play the role of banks.D. The primary functions of banks will always be there. 34. What is the basic role of banks?A. Accept customer’s deposits.B. Back individuals or firms by lending funds.C. Provide firms with investments.D. Accept customer’s deposits and invest the deposits as funds.35. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. Nature of Bank IndustryB. Types of BanksC. Changes in Bank IndustryD. Functions of BanksTask 3 (1×5=5分)Directions: Read an ad. Fill in the blanks with Not More Than 3 words in the table below.Shaw’s SupermarketEarn up to $100 from your Shaw’s Osco Pharmacy.Click here for more information.Click here for new dinner ideas from Shaw’s and Swift Premium.Fresh Meal Solutions for Your Family!Click here for detailsAt Shaw’s, we offer you all the attention you could ever want, both online and in your neighborhood store.From pharmacy prescriptions to our in-store CoinStar service. From photo processing to great gift ideas like Gift Cards, prepaid calling cards and cellular programs. From Shaw’s.Task 4 (1×10=10分)Directions: Choose the appropriate letters A—Q to translate the Chinese expressions in the table. A………………………………………………golf course B………………………………………………swimming pool C………………………………………………invitation D…………………………………………credit card E………………………………………………online bank F………………………………………………a deposit form G………………………………………………get-together H………………………………………………going-away party I………………………………………………..family album23J ………………………………………………..instant message service K ………………………………………………withdraw L ………………………………………………check-out desk M ………………………………………………post card N ………………………………………………cashO ………………………………………………international campus P ………………………………………………celebration Q ………………………………………………great grandparentsTask 5 (1×5=5分)Directions: Read the invitation card and answer the questions.46. Whose birthday is it?It is . 47. How old is she going to be?She is going to be . 48. When is her birthday?It ’s on . 49. Where is the party going to be ?I t’s going to be held at . 50. What kind of card is it?It is .Part III TranslationDirections: Each of the four sentences (NO. 51 to NO. 54) is followed by four choices of suggested translationmarked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and put the paragraph (No.65) into Chinese. (51-54:3×4=12分; 55: 8×1=12分)51. Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. A. 象棋必须是世界上最古老的游戏之一。




















铜仁市交通学校 2016-2017 学年度第一学期期末考试试卷 (A)年级 : 15 级护理班级 课程名称: 外科护理学得分 评卷人一、选择题(每小题1分,共60分)1.南丁格尔在克里米亚战争之中护理伤员,使伤员的死亡率由原来的 42%降至( )A.2.1%B.2.2%C.2.3%D.2.22%2.整体护理可以概括为 ( )A. “以人的健康为中心的全面护理”B. “以人的疾病为中心的全面护理”C. “以人的病人为中心的全面护理”D. “以人的心理为中心的全面护理”3.成人男性体液总量约占体重的 ( ) A.50% B.60% C.70% D.80%4.有关高渗性脱水,下列说法错误的是 ()A.水分摄入不足B. 多以失盐为主C.水分排出过多D. 口渴为最早症状( ) 5.低渗性缺水的症状中哪项不正确 ( )A 尿量正常或略增 B.皮肤弹性减退 C . 口渴 D.血压降低 6.细胞外夜又可以分为组织间液和血管内液 .前者约占体重的 ( ) A.10% B.15% C.25% D.20%7.血管内液为血浆,约占体重 ( ) A.5% B.3% C.4% D.6%8.关于高渗脱水程度的评估,轻度脱水的表现为 ( )A. 口渴、尿少B.唇干C.舌燥D.高热 9.治疗重度低渗性脱水病人,应首先输入的液体是 ( )A.5%葡萄糖溶液B.5%葡萄糖盐水C.平衡盐溶液D.3%氯化钠溶液10.关于高渗脱水程度的评估,中度脱水的表现为 ( )勤学习 祝成功 守纪律 莫舞弊A.幻觉B.唇干舌燥C.高热 D .抽搐11.在纠正代谢性酸中毒时应特别注意下列哪种离子浓度的改变 ( )A.Na+B.K+C.Cl-D.H+ 12.醛固酮的主要作用是 ( )A.保钾排钠B.保钠保钾C.保钠排钾D.排氢排钾 13.外科休克最常见的有低血容量性休克和 ( )A.感染性休克B.心源性休克C.过敏性休克D.神经源性休克 14.成人麻醉前应常规禁食 ( )A.8-12 小时B.4-8 小时C.10-12 小时D.12-24 小时 15.全麻病人一般术后平卧 6 小时,腰麻病人去枕平卧 ( )A.6-8 小时B.8-12 小时C.10-12 小时D.12-24 小时16.微循环收缩期病人血压( )A. 明显升高B. 降低C.基本正常D. 明显下降17.休克病人出现酸中毒,按病理变化规律出现在( )A.微循环收缩期B.微循环扩张期C.休克抑制期D.微循环衰竭期 18.观察休克病人血管痉挛严重程度的主要依据是 () A.肢端温度 B.神志情况 C.脉压大小 D.脉搏快慢19.休克早期,病人尿量的变化( ) A.增多 B.正常或减少 C.正常 D.无尿20.休克病人出现弥散性毛细血管内凝血,其病理变化发生在( ) A.微循环收缩期 B.微循环扩张期 C.休克衰竭期 D.休克期 21.等渗性缺水水和钠成比例地丧失,血清钠 ( )A.135~145mmol/LB.125~135mmol/LC.125.5~135.5mmol/LD.145~155mmol/L 22.补液总量 原则上( )A . “缺多少,补多少”B . “缺什么,补什么”C . “缺营养,补营养”D . “应输血输液” 23.人体内的(__)总量的 98%存在于细胞内A.钾B.氯C.钠D.钙24.低钾血症的血清钾浓度低于( )A.2.5 mmol/LB.3.5mmol/LC.4.5 mmol/LD.5.5mmol/L大题 一 二 三 总分 成绩密封线_姓名:学号:班级:总分: 密封线考题书写要求: 上下不得超过黑线, 左右不得超过黑线两端点。



1)下面哪些属于不是Java的基本类型(ABE)?A. StringB.FloatC. integerD. longE. Byte以下是程序的入口()?public static void main(String[] aa){}public static void mian(String[] args){}public void main(){}public static void main(String... args){}2)关于JAVA赋值,下面哪些值的说明是正确的(多选)?A. ‘\n’是表示char类型的换行字符;B. 010是表示8进制的int类型值;C. 1.0表示float类型的值;D. 20L是表示int类型的值;特殊字符:’\n’‘\r’‘\t’以下代码执行的结果是:Public class Test{Public static void main(String[] args){int a = 4;double b = a;int c = b;System.out.println(a);System.out.println(b);System.out.println(c);}}A.编译报错 B,4 ,4,4 C 4,4.0,43)下面程序的运行结果是?//方法中定义的变量是局部变量,局部变量在使用时必须初始化//类中定义的变量是成员变量,成员变量是有默认值的//静态方法中不能直接调用非静态的方法或者属性(成员变量)1 public class test02{2 public static void main(String[] args){3 int i;4 System.out.print(i);}5 }A. 编译通过,输出:0B. 编译失败,提示第4行错误,因为引用了未初始化的变量C. 编译成功,运行时异常,变量未初始化D. 编译失败,提示第3行错误,因为声明变量未初始化值4)参照JAVA关于属性封装的要求,下面哪些对boolean类型的属性free封装是正确的(多选)?A. public boolean isFree(){...}B. public boolean isFree(boolean free){...}C. public boolean setFree(){...}D. public void setFree(boolean free){...}E. public boolean setFree(boolean free){...}5)执行下面程序的结果是?:1 class PlayService{2 public static void play(int index){3 System.out.println("int");4 }4 public static void play(double index){5 System.out.println("double");6 }7 }8 public class Demo{9 public static void main(String[] args){10 PlayService service = new PlayService();11 s ervice.play('i');//int index = ‘i’;12 l ong x=9L;13 s ervice.play(x);14 }15 }A. 编译失败,错误在13行,参数类型不正确B. 编译失败,错误在11行,提示参数类型不正确C. 运行成功,输出:intdoubleD. 运行成功,输出:intint6)关于被保护访问控制符protected修饰的成员变量,以下说法错误的是()?A、可以被三种类所引用:该类本身、与它在同一个包中的其他类、在所有继承该类的子类B、只可以被两种类访问和引用:该类本身、该类的所有子类C、能被同一包内的类访问,也能被同一包内的子类访问D、能被同一包内的类访问,也能被其它包内的子类访问7)设有如下代码:try {tryThis();return;} catch (IOException x1) {System.out.println("exception 1");return;} catch (Exception x2) {System.out.println("exception 2");return;} finally {System.out.println("finally");}如果tryThis() 抛出 NullPointerException IOException,则执行后的输出结果是?A. 无输出B. "exception 1", 后跟 "finally"C. "exception 2", 后跟 "finally"D. "exception 1"E. "exception 2"8)下列关于修饰符混用的说法,正确的是?A、abstract不能与final同时修饰同一个类B、abstract类中不可以有private的成员C、abstract方法必须在abstract类中D、static方法中不能访问非static的成员变量9)执行以下代码会输出什么结果:public class Test {void printValue(int m){do { System.out.println("The value is"+m);} while( --m > 15 );}public static void main(String arg[]) {int i=15;Test t= new Test();t.printValue(i);}}A. The value is 14B. The value is 15C. The value is 15The value is 14D. 无任何输出10)在Java中,下面程序的输出结果是public class Test{public static void main(String [] args){String s1 = "abc";String s2 = "abc";String s3 = new String(s1);if(s1==s2){System.out.println("true,");}else {System.out.println("false,");}if(s1.equals(s3)==true){System.out.println("true");}else { System.out.println("false");} }}A.false , trueB.false , falseC.true , trueD.true , false11)以下的程序的执行结果为?1 public class SplitTest{2 public static void main(String[] args){3String test="this is a String";4String[] arr = test.split("s");5 System.out.println("len:"+arr.length);6 }7 }A.len:4B. 运行时异常,NullPointerExceptionC. 编译错误,提示第4行错误,参数不合法。



有机化学期末考试试卷A一、 按系统命名法命名以下化合物〔每题1分,共5分〕。

CH 3-1、2、3、4、5、CH 3CHCH 2CH 2N(CH 3)2CH 3CH 3CH 2CH-C-N(CH 2CH 3)OClN-COOH-C-ONO 2CHOOHOCH 3二、写出以下反响的主要产物〔每空1分,共35分〕10、 16、 17、18、19、 三、选择填空〔每题2分,共10分〕。



A.CH 3COCH 2CH 3 ;B. CH 2(COOC 2H 5)2 ;C.CH 3COCH 2COCH 3 ;D.CH 3COCH 2COOC 2H 5 。

3、氯苯与NaNH 2反响生成苯胺,其反响机理属于。

4、酯化反响 的产物是〔 〕。



1、以下酚类化合物酸性相对强弱的顺序为:答案: > > > 。

2、以下卤代烷烃按S N 2机理反响的相对活性顺序:A . 1-溴丁烷 ;B .2-溴丁烷;C . 2-甲基-2-溴丙烷 ;D . 溴甲烷 。

答案: > > > 。

3、以下羧酸与甲醇反响活性顺序为: 答案: > > > 。

-CH + 3-HO -ClN 2-3CH NaOH 0-50CH 3C00H + H OCH 3H 3O+18-NO 2NO2+(NH 4)2S -CH 2Br Cl-+ NaI4、排列以下含氮化合物在非水溶剂中的碱性强弱次序: 答案: > > > 。

5、以下分子量相近的化合物沸点由高到低的顺序:A . 正丁醇 ;B . 丁酮 ;C . 丙酸 ;D . 丙酰胺 。

答案: > > > 。




理论综合考试试卷(A卷) —————————————————————————————————A1 型题(最佳选择题——肯定型)每一道题有A,B,C,D,E五个备选答案,问题表述形式为肯定陈述,在答题时只需从5个备选答案中选择一个最合适的作为正确答案,并在答卷上将相应题号的相应字母画一条黑粗线。

—————————————————————————————————1. 第二胎孕妇,37孕周,原发性高血压合并重度妊高征,3小时前出现持续腹痛,伴阴道少量出血,BP10/6kPa(75/45mmHg),脉搏116次/分,宫底剑下2横指。

子宫硬有压痛,胎心音消失,宫口容一指松,最恰当处理是A.人工破膜,催产素点滴引产B.积极抢救休克,因胎儿已死,尽量阴道分娩C.待休克纠正后行剖宫产D.人工破膜,等待自然分娩E.抢救休克同时行剖宫产术2. 一位65岁男性工人,以尿频,进行性排尿困难一年伴尿发红5天来就诊。


门诊医生根据上述情况给该患者做了静脉肾盂造影检查,静脉注入造影剂后肾盏、肾盂显影时间最早出现在:A.45分钟B.30分钟C.20分钟D.15分钟E.5分钟以内3. 女性28岁,结婚3年不育,月经周期正常量少,BT双相子宫碘油造影示双输卵管不通,右侧呈不规则,串珠状改变,为进一步明确诊断,首选下列哪项?A.腹腔镜检查B.宫腔镜检查C.子宫内膜活检D.内分泌激素测定E.盆腔B超检查4. 一位发热5日的患者,疑为伤寒,为确诊应首选下列哪一项检查?A.血细胞计数及分类B.肥达反应C.血培养D.便培养E.尿培养5. 女,30岁,一般状态良好。


下述哪一病史与此患最相关?A.绞痛伴血尿B.尿频尿痛终末血尿C.无痛性全程肉眼血尿D.尿线中断伴血尿E.肾区包块时大时小6. 一例慢性萎缩性胃炎病人,如果缺酸,内窥镜活检有高度不典型增生,表示:A.病情稳定B.病情好转C.癌前期病变D.早期癌E.以上都不对7. 肾病综合征若为选择性蛋白尿,其病生改变主要是:A.肾小球滤过膜电荷屏障破坏B.肾小球滤过膜分子屏障破坏C.肾小球硬化D.肾小球纤维化及玻璃样变E.肾小球萎缩、间质增生8. 36岁,男性,阵发性心前区闷痛一年曾有活动后晕厥史来诊,体检:胸骨左缘下段可闻及3/6级收缩期喷射性杂音。



广西财经学院 —— 学年第 学期 《工程项目管理》课程期末考试试卷(A )卷适用班级:工程考试时间: 120分钟 (闭卷) 考试课程命题老师签名: 教研室主任签名: 课程开课系:工商管理一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1分。

每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意,共20分) 1.对于一个建设工程项目而言,【 】是管理的核心。

A .设计方的项目管理 B.施工方的项目管理 C.业主方的项目管理 D.供货方的管理项目2.在业主方的项目管理工作中,以下【 】是项目管理中的最重要的任务。

A.安全管理B.合同管理C.信息管理D.质量控制 3.E PC 承包模式下的项目管理属于【 】的项目管理。

A.施工总承包 B.投资方 C.建设项目总承包方 D.施工联合体 4.项目管理的核心任务是【 】。

A.项目的目标控制 B .项目的物流管理 C.项目的组织协调 D .项目的人力资源管理5.对一个项目的结构进行逐层分解,以反映组成该项目的所有工作任务的是……………装…………………订……………………线………………………装……………………订………………………线…………………………【】。


A.地区分散的组织系统 B.大的组织系统C.小的组织系统D.地区集中的组织系统7.工程项目策划的目的是为了【】。



A.组织措施 B.技术措施C.合同与管理措施D.经济措施与技术措施相结合10.下列对建设项目投资控制理解正确是【】。






A.预测、决策会计B. 成本核算会计C. 规划与控制会计D.责任会计3、半固定成本又可称为()。

A. 混合成本B. 阶梯式混合成本C.半变动成本D.延期变动成本4、根据经营方针,有企业高层领导确定一定期间的预算额而形成的成本,属于()。



A.降低单位变动成本B.增加销售量C.提高单位价格D.压缩固定成本开支7、一直企业某产品单价为2 500元,目标销售量为5 000件,固定成本总额为120 000元,目标利润为600 000元,则企业应将单位变动成本水平控制在()。

A. 2 520元/件B. 1 320元/件C.2 320元/件D. 2 020元/件8、在下列指标中,可以据以判断企业经营安全程度的指标是()。

A.保本销售量B.边际贡献C.保利销售额D.保本作业率9、已知某企业只生产一种产品,单位变动成本为40元,固定成本总额为60 000元,产品销售单件为120元,卫视安全边际率达到60%,该企业当期至少应销售的产品数量为()。

A.1 250件B.2 000件C.1 280件D.750件10、下列()属于预测分析的定量预测分析法。

A.市场调查法B.因果预测分析法C.专家判断法D.经理评定法11、如果企业生产销售单一产品,某产品销售量为1 000件时总成本为250 000元、单位变动成本为200元,假设总成本与产品销售量具有线性关系,则产品销售量为1 200件时,总成本应该为()。























()二、选择题(2'×20)1、物体在运动过程中,初位置速度和高度分别为v1、h1,末位置速度和高度分别为v2 、h2,如果机械能守恒,下列哪个表达式是正确的()A、mgh1 + mgh2 = 1/2 mv12 + 1/2 mv22B、mgh1 -mgh 2= 1/2 m v22 -1/2 m v12C、mgh2 -mgh 1= 1/2 m v22-1/2 m v12D、mgh2 + 1/2 m v22 = mgh1 -1/2 mv122、从静止开始做匀加速直线运动的物体,第1s 内的位移是1m,则()A、第1s 末速度是1m/sB、第1s 内平均速度是1m/sC、第1s 内加速度是1m/s2D、以上三种说法都不对3、几个共点力作用在同一物体上,使它处于平衡若其中一个力F 停止作用,则物体将()A、改变运动状态,合力方向与F 相同B、改变运动状态,合力方向与F 相反C、改变运动状态,合力方向无法确定D、运动状态不变4、一块砖按照平放、侧放、立放三种不同位置摆放,最稳定的放法是()A、平放B、侧放C、立放D、一样稳定5、作用于同一物体上的两个力分别为5.0N和20N,当改变两力之间的夹角时,其合力的大小也随之改变,合力大小变化的范围是()A、5.0N至20NB、5.0N至25NC、15N至25ND、15N至20N6、下列物理量中都是矢量的为()A、质量、重力B、力、速度C、长度、密度D、时间、密度7、有两个共点力,一个是40N,另一个为F,它们的合力是100N,则F 的大小可能是()A、20NB、40NC、80ND、160N8、甲乙两物体以同一高度分别以初速度V甲和V乙水平抛出,且V甲>V乙落地时的水平距离x和下落所用时间为t ()A、X甲>X乙t甲>t乙B、X甲=X乙t甲=t乙C、X甲>X乙t甲=t乙D、X甲=X乙t甲>t乙9、下列哪一种说法是正确的()A、“第3s内”的时间比“第2s内”要多1sB、位移的大小不一定跟路程相等C、位置跟时间对应D、路程跟时刻对应10、物体在一直线上运动,第1秒末、2秒末、3秒末、4秒末的速度分别是1.0、2.0、4.0、8.0m/s,这个物体的运动是()A、匀速运动B、匀变速运动C、非匀变速运动D、以上三说都不正确11、甲物体速度由2.0m/s增加到10m/s,乙物体速度由6.0m/s增加到8.9m/s,这两个物体的加速度大小的关系是()A、a甲>a乙B、a甲=a乙C、a甲<a乙D、无法比较12、判断下列说法错误的是()A、受力体一定也是施力体B、人推车向前走时,人对车向前的推力大小等于车对人向后的推力大小C 、马拉车时,由于马对车向前拉力的大小等于车对马向后的拉力的大小,二力平衡,所以马永远拉不动车D 、地面上的马能前进,是因为马蹄向后蹬地面,从而获得向前的反作用力13、下列几种运动中,哪一种不是利用作用力和反作用力关系使物体获得动力的( )A 、人走路前进B 、在水中划船前进C 、人造卫星车太空中做环绕地球的飞行D 、喷气式飞机的飞行14、用弹簧秤拉着质量为1kg 的物体以1m/s 2的加速度向上运动和以1m/s 2的加速度向下运动时,弹簧秤的读数分别是(g 取10m/s 2)( )A 、10N ,1NB 、11N ,10NC 、11N ,9ND 、9N ,11N15、平射炮发射一枚炮弹的过程中(不计地面摩擦)下列哪种说法不正确( )A 、炮身的力量增大B 、炮弹动量增大C 、炮身和炮弹总动量不增大D 、炮身和炮弹的总动量增大16、相向运动的甲、乙两车相撞后又分开,但是一同沿甲原来的方向运动这一定是因为( )A 、甲车质量大于乙车质量B 、甲车速度大于乙车速度C 、甲车动量大于乙车动量D 、无法比较两车动量17、由牛顿第二定律可知,物体质量aFm ,对于m ,F ,a 三者关系,下列说法正确的是 ( )A 、a 一定时,m 跟F 成正比B 、F 一定时,m 跟a 成反比C 、F 一定时,a 跟m 成反比D 、以上三种都正确 18、关于动能的说法正确的是( )A 、速度大的物体,动能一定大B 、质量大的物体,动能一定大C 、物体受到力越大,动能一定大D 、物体的动能与它受力无关19、一物体在水平面上运动,当速度由0增大到v 时,其动能的变化量与速度由v 增大到2v 时动能的变化之比为( )A、1:1B、1:2C、1:3D、1:420、运动员用100N的力,把质量为1.0kg的足球以16m/s的速度踢出,球在地面上滚动的距离是20m,求此运动员对球所做的力应为()A、128JB、2000JC、1872JD、2128J三、计算题(10'×4)1、已知质量为0.10kg的物体在水平拉力的作用下,由静止开始沿水平面做匀加速直线运动,摩擦力f1的大小为0.20N,在4s内的位移S是0.80m,求:(1)水平拉力F的大小;(2)若使物体此后改为匀速运动,还需对它施加的阻力f2是多少?a2、质量10g,以8.0×102m/s的速度飞行的子弹,与质量60kg,以10m/s 的速度奔跑的运动员相比,哪一个动能大?3、一根弹簧的劲度系数为2x 103 N/m, 原长40cm. 要想使它产生200N的弹性拉力,弹簧应伸为多长?4、一拖拉机在耕地时匀速前进,120s 内前进240m ,拖拉机对犁的牵引力为2x104 N,求拖拉机耕地时的功率。

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一、 判断题(每小题1分,共10分)

( )

( )

( )
4. 卖者提高价格肯定能增加总收益。

( )
5. 如果牛肉的价格上升,牛肉干的供给就会增加。

( )
6. 效用的大小,即使是对同一件商品来说,也会因人、因时、因地而异. ( )
7. 在长期中无所谓固定成本与可变成本之分. ( )
8. 价格理论是微观经济学的核心理论。

( )
9. 劳动的供给和其他商品的供给一样,价格越高,供给越多,因此,提高工资可以无限增加劳动的供给. ( )

( )
1.说:“资源是稀缺的”是指:( ) A 、 世界上大多数人生活在贫困 B 、 相对于资源的需求而言,资源总是不足的
C 、 资源必须保留给下一
D 、世界上资源最终将由生产更多的物品和劳务而消耗光
2.经济学研究的基本问题是:( )
A 、怎样生产
B 、生产什么,生产多少
C 、为谁生产
D 、以上都对
3.当咖啡的价格急剧上升时,对茶叶的需求将 ( )
A 、减少
B 、增加
C 、保持不变
D 、无法判断
4.当X 商品的替代品价格下降时,对X 商品的需求会:( )
A 、 上升
B 、 下降
C 、 保持不变
D 、不确定
5.供给的变动引起:( )
A 、均衡价格和均衡数量同方向变动
B 、均衡价格反方向变动,均衡数量同方向变动
C 、均衡价格和均衡数量反方向变动
D 、均衡价格同方向变动,均衡数量反方向变动
6.需求价格弹性系数的公式是:( )

收益,应该:( )
12.根据可变要素的总产量曲线、平均产量曲线和边际产量曲线之间的关系,可将生产划分为三个阶段,任何理性的生产者都会将生产选择在:( )
13.根据无差异曲线与消费可能线相结合在一起的分析,消费者均衡是:( )
C.总产量先增加而后减少 D、总产量先减少而后增加
A 、显性成本 B、隐含成本 C、经济利润 D、工资
A 厂商可以通过改变销售量来影响价格
B 厂商只能接受市场价格
C 厂商通过联合来改变市场价格 D、厂商通过改进生产技术获得经济利润19.地租不断上升的原因是:()
A 土地的供给与需求共同增加
B 土地的供给不断减少,需求不变
C 土地的需求日益增加,供给不变 D、土地的供给和需求共同减少
A 、大大增加
B 、稍有增加
C 、下降 D、不变
3. 经济学
1. 下列因素如何影响对钢笔的需求?(1)铅笔的价格下降;(2 )圆珠笔的价格上涨;

2. 简述边际效用与总效用的关系?
3. 完全竞争市场的特征是什么?
1. 设汽油的需求价格弹性系数为0.15,现价格为每加仑1.20美元。

