Currency Risk and Volatility Spillover in Emerging Foreign Exchange Markets




Which is better,floating or fixed rate? Summary:This article first introduces the basic principles of the floating exchange rate system and the fixed exchange rate system ,shows the role of economic stability that monetary and fiscal policy play under the two exchange rate system.Then it introduces the Bretton Woods system and course and causes why fixed exchange rates system changed into floating exchange rate system in 1973, from which it sum up the support and against views of the two exchange rate systems and carry out specific assessment. At last, it summaries experiences since operating the floating exchange rate system,puts international cooperation at a very important place, and puts forward the direction of the floating exchange rate system reform in the future.Key words:floating exchange rate system ,fixed exchange rate system, expansionary monetary policy, expansionary fiscal policy, Bretton Woods systemFirst 、Floating exchange rateF loating exchange rate system is the systtem that Government's monetary authorities do not influence the exchange rate through the foreign exchange market intervention ,in which the exchange rate is completely flexible.1 、Mechanism of floating exchange rateThe foreign exchange market equilibrium conditions: meet the interest rate parityR=R*+ (Ee-E) /E, R is the domestic interest rate, R * is the foreign interest, Ee is the expected exchange rate, E is the current exchange rateDomestic money market equilibrium condition: interaction of money demand and money supplyMs/P=L(R,Y), Ms is the money supply, P is the domestic price level, R is the national interest,Y is national outputCombine the two formulaMoney market equilibrium determines the domestic interest rate R.Then through the " Interest rate parity" determines the country's exchange rate. From this, we know the exchange rate formes from the foreign exchange market and the domestic money market mutual decision. When the two asset market equilibrium is achieved, the current exchange rate E and interest rate R all come out. From this we can see any factor which influences domestic money market equilibrium will affect the country's exchange rate. Following , through AA-DD model let ’s focus our attention on how monetary and fiscal policies affect the exchange rate .2 、Policy under floating exchange rate system used for economic stabilityShort-term equilibrium in open economy :AA-DD modelAA curve is the combination of all the output and exchange rate ,which lead to assets market equilibrium in short-term, DD curve is the combination of all the output and exchange rate ,which reach product market equilibrium in short-term. The intersection of two curves is short-term equilibrium at which the asset market and product market can reach equilibrium at the same time. Expansionary monetary policy will cause AA curve shifts to the right, expansionary fiscal policy would make DD curve shift to the right.(1) Expansionary monetary policyIncreasing of the money supply will lead to currency depreciation, expansion of production, thereby increasing employment.(2) Expansionary fiscal policyIncreasing in government spending leads to increasing demand for money, to promote the interest rates.As a result the currency appreciates.Second 、Fxed rateFixed exchange rate system is the system that the Government's monetary authorities influences the exchange rate through the foreign exchange market intervention, in which the exchange rate is fixed at a certain level.1 、Introduction of fixed exchange rate mechanismThe foreign exchange market equilibrium: also meet the “interest rate parity”, R = R * + (Ee-E), but because the Central Bank fixed the exchange rate at a certain the level E0 ,expected exchange rate and the current exchange rate is the same . Interest rate parity under the fixed exchange rate is R = R *.Money market equilibrium: also meet Ms/P = L (R, Y), but because the interest rate remains in R *, the money market equilibrium equation under the fixed exchange rate is Ms/P = L (R *, Y).It means that the Central Bank must make use of the foreign exchange market intervention to make money supply meet the equation.Put the two togetherAnd different from floating exchange rate system, under fixed exchange rate system the equilibrium interest rate can initially be get by foreign exchange market equilibrium.That is,every c ountry is the recipient of world interest rates.Then through the money market equilibrium their own money supply is determined. For example: a country's output increase will raise the demand for money, to maintain the fixed exchange rate their level of interest rates have to stay at the level of the world ,avoiding increasing.So it requires the central bank must increase the money supply, to prevent currency appreciation. Central bank intervenes in the foreign exchange market by buying foreign exchange intervention.The process of it is to launch the base currency to the market, increasing the money supply.2 、Policy under fixed rate system used for economic stabilityAA-DD model(1) Expansionary monetary policyIn order to increase output, the central bank will increase the money supply through the purchase of domestic assets, which makes the exchange rate raises. In order to maintain a fixed exchange rate, the central bank has to sell international reserves in the foreign exchange market, in exchange for local currency to reduce the money supply.Ultimately when the increasing of the central bank domestic assets exactly is equal to the reduction of official reserves, the economic returns to the original balance.A n d totally different from fixed exchange rate system, under floating exchange rate system, monetary policy can not affect the money supply and the output but can only affect the international reserves.That is, in this case monetary policy is ineffective and the central bank losts its ability of using monetary policy to stabilize the economy.(2) Expansionary fiscal policyOutput increasing raises the demand for currency.To prevent excess money demand fromcausing higher interest rate and currency appreciation, the Central Bank must purchase foreign assets in the foreign exchange market,thereby increasing the money supply so that the exchangerate unchanged ,output increases, and official reserves increases.And different from monetary policy, fiscal policy works very well in improving output. Compared with floating exchange rate system, under fixed rate system fiscal policy enables output increasing more and has better stimulation in economic. Under floating exchange rate system, expansionary fiscal policy causes the local currency appreciation, followed by the expansion of exports, by which the direct impact of fiscal policy on expanding aggregate demand is partly offset.Under fixed exchange rate system, the foreign exchange market intervention of the Central Bank, making money supply increases in the non-active, has additional expansion effect.Third 、the fixed exchange rate changes into the floating exchange rate systemJuly 1944, four countries in New Hampshire's Bretton Woods in the United States held international monetary conference to determine a new fixed exchange rate system. The "Bretton Woods agreement" requires national currencies maintaining fixed rates against the U.S. dollar exchange rate, and the ratio of US dollar to gold price must fix at 35 dollars per ounce. The official reserves of members held in the form of gold or U.S. dollars, and had the right to exchange gold at official price in the U.S. Federal Reserve banks. That is the so-called "double hook": all national currencies were pegged to the dollar, and the dollar was pegged to gold, other currencies indirectly maintaining a fixed exchange ratio with gold. The system is the gold exchange standard based on the basic reserve currency of U.S. dollar .In the system the United States had a special status, because it did not interfere in the foreign exchange market,but could still use monetary policy to maintain the stability of the economy.If the United States increased the supply of the dollar, in order to maintain the fixed exchange rate against the dollar and prevent their currency from appreciation to the dollar, other countries must use their currency to purchase US dollar assets, expanding their money supply. So we can see that under the dollar standard system the role of monetary policy played by every country is not symmetrical.America can use monetary policy not only to influence its national economy, but also affect foreign economic and other countries in order to keep the fixed rate against the US dollar have to abandon monetary policy on economic stability and was forced to import in the United States monetary policy, all which makes the United States have the huge economic power.Natural asymmetry of the system, eventually led to crash ofBretton Woods system in 1973 after the war .After the 1960s American excessive expansion of fiscal policies, resulting in the early 1970s the market’s strong expectation of devaluation on the dollar, a large number of people’s selling dollar makes other national monetary supply sprawl; at the same time, the United States expansionary monetary policy makes inflation of the whole world intensify, so foreign governments refuse to import American inflation because of implementing such a fixed exchange rate system and to pay the appropriate policy of the United States. Later the world economy fell in a series of crisis.In the end, the United States Government unilaterally announced stopping gold convertibility, which is regarded as the proclamation that Bretton Woods system meltdown. Fourth 、compare floating exchange rate system with fixed exchangerate system about the advantages and disadvantagesFacts have proved that the fixed exchange rate system could not be reinstated.Since 1973, industrialized countries have adopted floating exchange rate system.1 、Endorsement of floating exchange rate system(1) Monetary policy autonomyUnder fixed exchange rate system ofBretton Woods system, besides US other countries in order to maintain fixed rate with US dollar, hardly use the monetary policy to achieve the internal and external balance, but can only import US's inflation.In final several years the fixed rate of exchange system's, Central Banks can only strictly limit the international payments day by day to guarantee strict control over the domestic currency supplies. But this control is only successful in the aspect of strengthening the monetary policy function, and will actually have the twist effect on the international trade.Under the floating exchange rate system, Central Bank restores the control of currency, and does not need to undertake the duty of stabilizing its currency value any longer.Moreover, every country can choose the long-term inflation which the fund is willing to accept, instead of importing foreign country’s inflation passively. One of the most powerful theories supportin g floating exchange rate is that it can isolate the influence brought by the overseas continuing inflation with the help of automatic exchange rate adjustment. This isolation mechanism is the purchasing parity: When world economics' change is about currency, the purchasing parity will maintain effective in long-term, and the exchange rate change will finally counter-balance inflation rate differences exactly among the countries. Under the floating exchange rate system, the international foreign exchange market will be able to adjust automatically the exchange rate to the very point at which the influence of the US inflation on other national is eliminatedThus it avoids the difficult problem on once again determining the currency value under the fixed rate system.(2) SymmetryUnder Bretton Woods system, the United States is in the center of the international monetary system, leading to two kinds of asymmetry: the U.S. dollar serves as the international reserve currency ,so other countries are "pegged" to dollar.That is, the Fed decided the world's money supply, while other central banks can not decide on the supply of currency; any country could devalue against the dollar, while the dollar can not devalue against other currencies.F loating exchange rate system can eliminate the asymmetry: other currencies are no longer pegged to the dollar, do not have to be large U.S. dollar holdings, and will be free to determine the money supply; when U.S. monetary policy or fiscal policy change its own exchange rate, there is no special obstruction; all countries exchange rates are resulted from the market not the government.(3) Automatic stabilizer functionUnder fixed exchange rate system, the falls of export demand would lead to " fundamental imbalance."Under floating exchange rate system, depreciation would make the demand for national products pick up.Under fixed exchange rate system, since the central bank reduces money supply, output will eventually reduces to a lower level. The impact effect is different between the two systems.Floating exchange rate system can promote the economy itself to adjust relatively painlessly and quick: export demand falls-> reduce demand on the domestic currency->local currency depreciate->increase demand on national goods.2、Opposition viewpoint against floating exchange rate systemDurring War I to World War II, the practice of floating exchange rates also made people sceptical about it and thought that it will adversely affect the world economy.(1) Lacks the sense of disciplineCritics argue floating exchange rates: under floating exchange rate central banks have no discipline, so they may take expansion of the monetary policy and fiscal policy.Supporters of floating exchange rates have this explanation: in the Bretton Woods system, binding of the United States is relatively small, resulting in exacerbating global inflation in the late 20th 60s, and the erroneous policy of the United States will affect economic conditions in other countries .Under the floating exchange rate system, when policy of one government is not implemented, the impact of inflation will be limited in this country.(2) Destabilizing speculation on currency and money market unrestCritics argue floating exchange rates: experience and practice of floating exchange rates show that, money market speculation may cause a greater range of exchange rate fluctuations. Expectation on a currency devaluation is to come true automatically. Destabilizing effect from selling the weak currency, not only impedes international trade, but also might make people expect the future inflation, causing wage – price going up spirally again leading to a new round of depreciation.Countries may be caught in the "vicious cycle" of devaluation and inflation.Another objection is: when there are fluctuations in domestic currency markets, the floating exchange rate will make the economy more vulnerable. The fixed exchange rate can eliminate the impact on the economy from the instability in the domestic money market. If most of the economic impact comes from the domestic money market, the view of supporting fixed exchange rate is stronger.However, if output fluctuations in the market is dominated, then the fixed exchange rate system would have a more adverse impact on the economy.Supporters of floating exchange rates have this explanation: Under the fixed exchange rate system, when central bank appears unexpected reserves loss, people expect the currency will depreciate, then speculators sell a lot of this currency ,exacerbating the reserve loss ,which may result in unnecessary depreciation. Under the floating exchange rate system, the instability of speculation will eventually lead to jeopardizing the interests of speculators.As a result the speculators with instability will be drived out of the market,and the left is speculators who can speed up the adjustment of the exchange rate approaching to its long-term value to avoid long-term loss.(3) Not conducive to international trade and international investmentCritics argue floating exchange rates: inherent variability of floating exchange rate makes relative international price become so unpredictable.It will have adverse affect on international trade and investment. The exchange rate for international trade increases risk and cost, so that the trade and revenue from it go down. Return on investment has more uncertainty and it hinders the flow of capital for production.Supporters of floating exchange rates have this interpretation: international traders can avoid t h e risk through forward foreign exchange market and floating exchange rate makes the forward foreign exchange market expand. Opponents believe that transaction cost of the operation offorward foreign exchange is too high to believe it can completely eliminate the exchange rate risk.(4) Mutually uncoordinated economic policyCritics argue floating exchange rates: the Bretton Woods systems helps to set up the orderly international trade system,in which countries will not use competitive devaluations once happened in the Great Depression. Under t he floating exchange rate, countries’free dom of changeing their exchange rate may motivate them to "beggar thy neighbor". For example, expansionary monetary policy causes currency devaluation to improve their current account, output, employment, but at the same time makes the currency of foreign currencies appreciating with the foreign current account deterioration, that is, the output of own country increasing is at the price that the output of its neighboring countries goes down.The promoters of floating foreign exchange rates gave such explainations to the situation: The exchange rate adjustments under the Bretton Woods System were unfair,and fixed exchange rate, as a so-called 'solution' to the international balancing issues of monetary policies, had only granted United States an overpower on global monetary regulations, and consequently created abuse of the priority. Under the floating foreign exchange rate policy, many countries had realized the importance of international cooperations, and have been positively exploring and seeking a new form of international cooperation on monetary policy. for better prospects on economical development on participating countries.(5)The misconception of autonomyCriticizers of the floating FX rate claimed that domestic monetary policies are not necessarily completely free, but also influenced by movements on FX rates. For example, when money supply of a country increases, the depreciation on local currency causes increase on price level of imported products. To ensure the residents' wellbeing remain unchanged, labourers will claim for wage raises and eventually result into increases on inflation. Moreover, as local manufacturers use imported products as resources of reproduction, depreciation on local currency causes increases on the production costs, and hence on commodity prices. Therefore, floating FX rate has positive impacts on inflation level.Besides, criticizer had also stated that the insulating effect of floating FX rate on foreign inflation is limited. For example, foreign inflation increases foreign production and meanwhile increases foreign demands on domestic commodoties and hence increases domestic products.Floating FX rates pomoters' explaination to this is, however, that the influences shall be rectified through use of legally reguated floating FX rates.Fifth 、the experience of floating exchange rate system since 19731 、The experience of running a floating exchange rate system neither fully supports the agreement or confirms the criticism.Viewpoint of isolating the economy and the inflation for a long time is important, in a shorttime possibly is untenable.The role that the exchange rate takes as the macro economic goal causes the independency which Central Bank enjoys under the floating exchange rate system reducing.No empirical data provides support for the "vicious cycle".Viewpoint that flexible exchange rate would hamper international trade and investment is not supported by credible experience.Durable fixed exchange rate may not be achieved unless the creation of a single currency.2 、But draw a clear conclusion: International cooperation is important.We use“both countries model”(the HH -FF model) to explain how a country behavior does affect its trade partner’s economy, to see the importance of the coordination of countries' policy.National produce market balance (HH curve): Y=C (Y-T) +I+G+CA (EP*/P, Y-T, Y*-T*), Y is national output, T is national tax, C (Y-T) is the expense; I is the investment, G is the government purchases, E is the currency exchange rate, P is the domestic price level, P* is the foreign price level, Y* is the foreign country’s output, T* is the foreign tax, CA (EP*/P, Y-T, Y*-T*) is national current account.Foreign manufacture market balance (the FF curve): Y*=C* (Y*-T*) +I*+G*-CA (EP*/P, Y-T, Y*-T*)/(EP*/P), C* (Y*- T*) is the foreign resident’s expends, I* is the foreign investment,G* is the foreign government purchasesUnify bothNational expansionary monetary policyMoney supply increases, equilibrium level of national output market increases,the equilibrium level of foreign output market reduces, this is known as "beggar thy neighbor" policy, to improve own situation in the cost of damaging neighboring countries.National expansionary fiscal policyBoth domestic and foreign output increasesand there is a good cycle in long-term: Y up ->Y * up –> Y up, one country’s expansionary fiscal policy will boost the world economy and achieve a win-win situation.A country's economic policies have spillover effects which affect the economies of other countries, which shows the interdependence between countries.Because of this dependency, policy coordination in promoting the sound development of world economy plays a very important role. Sixth 、Conclusion: the direction of the floating exchange rate reform Fixed exchange rate is unlikely to resume in the near future. Because maintaining the fixed exchange rate for a long term needs strict control over capital flows, such efforts are doomed to a lack of credibility, not lasting long. So fixed exchange rate system can hardly bring the benefits its supports promised.With more policy coordination among countrys,the operation of a floating exchange rate system will be more favorable. Enhancing international cooperation and coordination is the overall direction and the main objectives of the current floating exchange rate system. References:保罗·R ·克鲁格曼茅瑞斯·奥伯斯法尔德《国际经济学》马正兵《固定汇率制和浮动汇率制的福利比较及启示》价格月刊 2009 年 5 月第 384 期刘兴华《汇率制度选择问题的理论之争及评析》吉首大学学报 2004 年 1 月第 1 期赵武《汇率制度和货币政策的协同分析》广东金融学院学报 2005 年 5 月第 3 期王梁《汇率理论与制度的发展历史》金融理财刘华《议浮动汇率制下货币政策的调节机理》华中农业大学学报 2008 年第 3 期。



金融英语术语Organized at 3pm on January 25, 2023Only by working hard can we be betterinflation通货膨胀deflation通货紧缩tighter credit紧缩信贷monetary policy货币政策foreign exchange外汇spot transaction即期交易forward transaction远期交易option forward transaction择期交易swap transaction调期交易quote报价settlment and delivery交割Treasury bond财政部公债current-account经常项目pickup in rice物价上涨Federal Reserve美联储buying rate买入价selling rate卖出价spread差幅contract合同at par平价premium升水discount贴水direct quoation method直接报价法indirect quoation method间接报价法dividend股息domestic currency本币floating rate浮动利率parent company母公司credit swap互惠贷款venture capital风险资本book value帐面价值physical capital实际资本IPOinitial public offering新股首发;首次公开发行job machine就业市场welfare capitalism福利资本主义collective market cap市场资本总值glolbal corporation跨国公司transnational status跨国优势transfer price转让价格consolidation兼并leverage杠杆financial turmoil/meltdown金融危机file for bankruptcy申请破产bailout救助take over收购buy out购买某人的产权或全部货物go under破产take a nosedive股市大跌tumble下跌falter摇摇欲坠on the hook被套住shore up confidence提振市场信心stave off挡开,避开,liquidate assets资产清算at fire sale prices超低价sell-off证券的跌价reserve储备note票据discount贴现circulate流通central bank中央银行the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统credit union信用合作社paper currency纸币credit creation信用创造branch banking银行分行制unit banking单一银行制out of circulation退出流通capital stock股本at par以票面价值计electronic banking电子银行banking holding company公司银行the gold standard金本位the Federal Reserve Board联邦储备委员会the stock market crash股市风暴reserve ratio准备金比率division of labor劳动分工commodity money商品货币legal tender法定货币fiat money法定通货a medium of exchange交换媒介legal sanction法律制裁face value面值liquid assets流动资产illiquidl assets非流动资产the liquidity scale流动性指标real estate不动产checking accounts,demand deposit,checkable deposit活期存款time deposit定期存款negotiable order of withdrawal accounts大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements回购协议certificate of deposits存单bond债券stock股票travelers'checks旅行支票small-denomination time deposits小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements银行长期回购协议thrift institutions存款机构financial institution金融机构commercial banks商业银行a means of payment支付手段a store of value储藏手段a standard of value价值标准deficit亏损roll展期wholesale批发default不履约auction拍卖collateralize担保markup价格的涨幅dealer交易员broker经纪人pension funds养老基金face amount面值commerical paper商业票据banker's acceptance银行承兑汇票Fed fund联邦基金eurodollar欧洲美元treasury bills国库券floating-rate浮动比率fixed-rate固定比率default risk拖欠风险credit rating信誉级别tax collection税收money market货币市场capital market资本市场original maturity原始到期期限surplus funds过剩基金syndication辛迪加underwrite包销,认购hedge对冲买卖、套期保值innovation到期交易spread利差principal本金swap掉期交易eurobond market 欧洲债券市场euronote欧洲票据Federal Reserve Bank FRB联邦储备银行unsecured credit无担保贷款fixed term time deposit定期支付存款lead bank牵头银行neogotiable time deposit议付定期存款inter-bank money market银行同业货币市场medium term loan 中期贷款syndicated credit银团贷款merchant bank商业银行portfolio management 有价债券管理lease financing租赁融资note issurance facility票据发行安排bearer note不记名票价underwriting facility包销安排floating-rate note 浮动利率票据bond holder债券持持有者London Interbank Offered RateLIBOR伦敦同业优惠利率back-up credit line备用信贷额promissory note..p/n本票revolving cerdit 循环信用证,即revolving letter of credit non interest-bearing reserves无息储备金interest rate controls 利率管制interest rate ceiling 利率上限interest rate floor 利率下限破产 insolvency有偿还债务能力的 solvent合同 contract汇率 exchange rate私营部门 private sector财政管理机构 fiscal authorities宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy税法 tax bill财政 public finance财政部 the Ministry of Finance平衡预算 balanced budget继承税 inheritance tax货币主义者 monetariest增值税 VAT value added tax收入 revenue总需求 aggregate demand货币化 monetization赤字 deficit经济不景气 recessiona period when the economy of a country is not successful, business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment经济好转 turnabout复苏 recovery成本推进型 cost push货币供应 money supply生产率 productivity劳动力 labor force实际工资 real wages成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation最终目标 ultimate goal坏的影响 adverse effect担保 ensure贴现 discount萧条的 sluggish认购 subscribe to支票帐户 checking account货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control 借据 IOUsI owe you本票 promissory notes货币总监 controller of the currency拖收系统 collection system支票清算或结算 check clearing资金划拨 transfer of funds可以相信的证明 credentials改革 fashion被缠住 entangled货币联盟 Monetary Union再购协议 repo精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading欧元 euro公共债务 membership criteria汇率机制 REM储备货币 reserve currency劳动密集型 labor-intensive股票交易所 bourse竞争领先 frontrun牛市 bull market非凡的牛市 a raging bull规模经济 scale economcies买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads 期货股票 futures经济商行 brokerage firm回报率 rate of return股票 equities违约 default现金外流 cash drains经济人佣金 brokerage fee存款单 CDcertificate of deposit营业额 turnover资本市场 capital market布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System经常帐户 current account套利者 arbitrager远期汇率 forward exchange rate即期汇率 spot rate实际利率 real interest rates货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy银行倒闭 bank failures跨国公司 MNC Multi-National Corporation商业银行 commercial bank商业票据 comercial paper利润 profit本票,期票 promissory notes监督 to monitor佣金经济人 commission brokers套期保值 hedge有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves固定汇率 fixed exchange rate浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate 货币选择权期货 currency option套利 arbitrage合约价 exercise price远期升水 forward premium多头买升 buying long空头卖跌 selling short按市价订购股票 market order股票经纪人 stockbroker国际货币基金 the IMF七国集团 the G-7监督 surveillance同业拆借市场 interbank market可兑换性 convertibility软通货 soft currency限制 restriction交易 transaction充分需求 adequate demand短期外债 short term external debt汇率机制 exchange rate regime直接标价 direct quotes资本流动性 mobility of capital赤字 deficit本国货币 domestic currency外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market国际储备 international reserve利率 interest rate资产 assets国际收支 balance of payments贸易差额 balance of trade繁荣 boom债券 bond资本 captial资本支出 captial expenditures商品 commodities商品交易所 commodity exchange期货合同 commodity futures contract普通股票 common stock联合大企业 conglomerate货币贬值 currency devaluation通货紧缩 deflation折旧 depreciation贴现率 discount rate归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income 从业人员 employed person汇率 exchange rate财政年度fiscal year自由企业 free enterprise国民生产总值 gross antional product库存 inventory劳动力人数 labor force债务 liabilities市场经济 market economy合并 merger货币收入 money income跨国公司 Multinational Corproation个人收入 personal income优先股票 preferred stock价格收益比率 price-earning ratio优惠贷款利率 prime rate利润 profit回报 return on investment使货币升值 revaluation薪水 salary季节性调整 seasonal adjustment关税 tariff失业人员 unemployed person效用 utility价值 value工资 wages工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral收益 yield补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal 储蓄银行 saving banks欧洲联盟 the European Union单一的实体 a single entity抵押贷款 mortgage lending业主产权 owner's equity普通股 common stock无形资产 intangible assets收益表 income statement营业开支 operating expenses行政开支 administrative expenses现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow贸易中的存货 inventory收益 proceeds投资银行 investment bank机构投资者 institutional investor垄断兼并委员会 MMC招标发行 issue by tender定向发行 introduction代销 offer for sale直销 placing公开发行 public issue信贷额度 credit line国际债券 international bonds欧洲货币Eurocurrency利差 interest margin以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan权利股发行 rights issues净收入比例结合 net income gearing证券行业词汇share, equity, stock 股票、股权;bond, debenture, debts 债券;negotiable share 可流通股份;convertible bond 可转换债券;treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券;corporate bond 企业债券;closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金; open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金;fund manager 基金经理/管理公司;fund custodian bank 基金托管银行;market capitalization 市值;p/e ratio 市盈率;price/earningmark-to-market 逐日盯市;payment versus delivery 银券交付;clearing and settlement 清算/结算;commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品;put / call option 看跌/看涨期权;margins, collateral 保证金;rights issue/offering 配股;bonus share 红股;dividend 红利/股息;ADR 美国存托凭证/存股证;American Depository Receipt GDR 全球存托凭证/存股证;Global Depository Receipt retail/private investor 个人投资者/散户;institutional investor 机构投资者;broker/dealer 券商;proprietary trading 自营;insider trading/dealing 内幕交易;market manipulation 市场操纵;prospectus 招股说明书;IPO 新股/初始公开发行;Initial Public Offering merger and acquisition 收购兼并;会计与银行业务用语汇总汇款用语汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment寄款人 a remitter收款人 a remittee汇票汇单用语国外汇票 foreign Bill国内汇票 inland Bill跟单汇票 documentary bill空头汇票 accommodation bill原始汇票 original bill改写||换新票据 renewed bill即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand... days after date||... days' after date ... 日后付款... months after date||... months' after date ... 月后付款见票后... 日付款... days' after sight||... days' sight见票后... 月付款... months' after sight||... months' sight同组票据 set of bills单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance长期汇票 long bill短期汇票 short bill逾期汇票 overdue bill宽限日期 days of grace电汇 telegraphic transfer邮汇 postal order||postal note Am.||post office order||money order 本票 promissory note P/N押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity承兑||认付 acceptance单张承兑 general acceptance有条件承兑 qualified acceptance附条件认付 conditional acceptance部分认付 partial acceptance拒付||退票 dishonour拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment提交 presentation背书 endorsement||indorsement无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement附条件背书 conditional endorsement限制性背书 restrictive endorsement无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse期满||到期 maturity托收 collection新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals汇兑合约 exchange contract汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract外汇行情 exchange quotation交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange官方汇率 official rate挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate现汇汇率 spot rate电汇汇率||电汇率|| . rate||telegraphic transfer rate 兑现率||兑现汇率 demand rate长期汇率 long rate私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill远期汇票兑换率 forward rate套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate付款汇率 pence rate当日汇率||成交价 currency rate套汇||套价||公断交易率 arbitrage汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft交易人||议付人 negotiator票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill票据背书 to endorse a bill应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000收到汇款 to receive remittance填写收据 to make out a receipt付款用语付款方法 mode of payment现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash以支票支付 payment by cheque以汇票支付 payment by bill以物品支付 payment in kind付清||支付全部货款 payment in full||full payment支付部分货款||分批付款 payment in part||part payment||partial payment记帐付款||会计帐目内付款 payment on account定期付款 payment on term年分期付款 annual payment月分期付款 monthly payment||monthly instalment延滞付款 payment in arrear预付货||先付 payment in advance||prepayment延付货款 deferred payment立即付款 prompt payment||immediate payment暂付款 suspense payment延期付款 delay in payment||extension of payment支付票据 payment bill名誉支付||干与付款 payment for honour||payment by intervention结帐||清算||支付 settlement分期付款 instalment滞付||拖欠||尾数款未付 arrears特许拖延付款日 days of grace保证付款 del credere付款 to pay||to make payment||to make effect payment结帐 to settle||to make settlement||to make effect settlement||to square||to balance支出||付款 to defray||to disburse结清 to clear off||to pya off请求付款 to ask for payment||to request payment恳求付帐 to solicit payment拖延付款 to defer payment||to delay payment付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment还债 to discharge迅速付款 to pay promptly付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well||to pay fairly well||to keep the engagements regularly付款相当慢 to pay slowly||to take extended credit付款不好 to pay badly||to be generally in arrear with payments付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly||to never pay unless forced拒绝付款 to refuse payment||to refuse to pay||to dishonour a bill相信能收到款项 We shall look to you for the payment||We shall depend upon you for thepayment ||We expect payment from you惠请付款 kindly pay the amount||please forward payment||please forward a cheque.我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款 I shall be obliged to take thenecessary steps to legally recover the amount. ||I shall be compelled to take steps to enforcepayment.惠请宽限 let the matter stand over till then.||allow me a short extension of time. ||Kindlypostpone the time for payment a little longer.索取利息 to charge interest附上利息 to draw interest||to bear interest||to allow interest生息 to yield interest生息3% to yield 3%存款 to deposit in a bank||to put in a bank||to place on deposit||to make deposit在银行存款 to have money in a bank||to have a bank account||to have money on deposit向银行提款 to withdraw one's deposit from a bank换取现金 to convert into money||to turn into cash||to realize折扣用语从价格打10%的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price||to make 10%discount off the price打折扣购买 to buy at a discount打折扣出售 to sell at a discount打折扣-让价 to reduce||to make a reduction减价 to deduct||to make a deduction回扣 to rebate现金折扣 cash discount货到付现款 cash on arrival即时付款 prompt cash净价||最低价格付现 net cash现金付款 ready cash即期付款 spot cash||cash down||cash on the nail凭单据付现款 cash against documents凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading承兑交单 documents against acceptance D/A付款交单 documents against payment D/P折扣例文除非另有说明, 30日后全额付现, 如有错误, 请立即通知;Net cash 30 days unless specified otherwise. Advise promptly if incorrect.付款条件: 30日后全额付现, 10日后付现打2%折扣, 过期后付款时, 加上利率为6%的利息;Terms, net cash 30 days, or, less 2% 10 days. Interest charged at the rate of 6% after maturity.付款条件: 月底后10日后付现2%折扣, 现在付现3%折扣, 否则, 全额付现;财会名词1会计与会计理论会计 accounting 决策人 Decision Maker 投资人 Investor 股东 Shareholder 债权人 Creditor 财务会计 Financial Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 成本会计 Cost Accounting 私业会计 Private Accounting 公众会计 Public Accounting注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant国际会计准则委员会 IASC 美国注册会计师协会 AICPA 财务会计准则委员会 FASB 管理会计协会 IMA美国会计学会 AAA 税务稽核署 IRS 独资企业 Proprietorship合伙人企业 Partnership 公司 Corporation会计目标 Accounting Objectives 会计假设 Accounting Assumptions会计要素 Accounting Elements 会计原则 Accounting Principles会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures 财务报表 Financial Statements财务分析 Financial Analysis会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption货币计量假设 Unit-of-measure Assumption持续经营假设 ContinuityGoing-concern Assumption会计分期假设 Time-period Assumption 资产 Asset 负债 Liability业主权益 Owner's Equity 收入 Revenue 费用 Expense 收益 Income 亏损 Loss历史成本原则 Cost Principle收入实现原则 Revenue Principle配比原则 Matching Principle全面披露原则 Full-disclosure Reporting principle客观性原则 Objective Principle 一致性原则 Consistent Principle 可比性原则Comparability Principle重大性原则 Materiality Principle稳健性原则 Conservatism Principle权责发生制 Accrual Basis 现金收付制 Cash Basis财务报告 Financial Report 流动资产 Current assets流动负债 Current Liabilities 长期负债 Long-term Liabilities投入资本 Contributed Capital留存收益 Retained Earning2会计循环会计循环 Accounting Procedure/Cycle会计信息系统 Accounting information System帐户 Ledger 会计科目 Account 会计分录 Journal entry原始凭证 Source Document 日记帐 Journal总分类帐 General Ledger 明细分类帐 Subsidiary Ledger试算平衡 Trial Balance 现金收款日记帐 Cash receipt journal现金付款日记帐 Cash disbursements journal销售日记帐 Sales Journal 购货日记帐 Purchase Journal 普通日记帐 General Journal 工作底稿 Worksheet调整分录 Adjusting entries 结帐 Closing entries3现金与应收帐款现金 Cash 银行存款 Cash in bank 库存现金 Cash in hand流动资产 Current assets 偿债基金 Sinking fund定额备用金 Imprest petty cash 支票 Checkcheque银行对帐单 Bank statement银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement在途存款 Outstanding deposit 在途支票 Outstanding check应付凭单 Vouchers payable 应收帐款 Account receivable应收票据 Note receivable 起运点交货价 shipping point目的地交货价 destination point 商业折扣 Trade discount现金折扣 Cash discount 销售退回及折让 Sales return and allowance 坏帐费用Bad debt expense 备抵法 Allowance method 备抵坏帐 Bad debt allowance损益表法 Income statement approach 资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach帐龄分析法 Aging analysis method 直接冲销法 Direct write-off method带息票据 Interest bearing note 不带息票据 Non-interest bearing note出票人 Maker 受款人 Payee 本金 Principal 利息率 Interest rate到期日 Maturity date 本票 Promissory note 贴现 Discount背书 Endorse 拒付费 Protest fee4存货存货 Inventory 商品存货 Merchandise inventory 产成品存货 Finished goods inventory在产品存货 Work in process inventory原材料存货 Raw materials inventory起运地离岸价格 shipping point目的地抵岸价格 destination寄销 Consignment 寄销人 Consignor 承销人 Consignee定期盘存 Periodic inventory 永续盘存 Perpetual inventory购货 Purchase 购货折让和折扣 Purchase allowance and discounts存货盈余或短缺 Inventory overages and shortages分批认定法 Specific identification 加权平均法 Weighted average先进先出法 First-in, first-out or FIFO后进先出法 Lost-in, first-out or LIFO 移动平均法 Moving average成本或市价孰低法 Lower of cost or market or LCM市价 Market value 重置成本 Replacement cost可变现净值 Net realizable value上限 Upper limit 下限 Lower limit 毛利法 Gross margin method零售价格法 Retail method 成本率 Cost ratio5长期投资长期投资 Long-term investment 长期股票投资 Investment on stocks长期债券投资 Investment on bonds 成本法 Cost method权益法 Equity method合并法 Consolidation method 股利宣布日 Declaration date股权登记日 Date of record 除息日 Ex-dividend date 付息日 Payment date 债券面值 Face value, Par value债券折价 Discount on bonds 债券溢价 Premium on bonds票面利率 Contract interest rate, stated rate市场利率 Market interest ratio, Effective rate普通股 Common Stock 优先股 Preferred Stock现金股利 Cash dividends股票股利 Stock dividends 清算股利 Liquidating dividends到期日 Maturity date到期值 Maturity value直线摊销法 Straight-Line method of amortization实际利息摊销法 Effective-interest method of amortization6固定资产固定资产 Plant assets or Fixed assets 原值 Original value预计使用年限 Expected useful life预计残值 Estimated residual value 折旧费用 Depreciation expense累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation 帐面价值 Carrying value应提折旧成本 Depreciation cost 净值 Net value在建工程 Construction-in-process 磨损 Wear and tear 过时 Obsolescence 直线法Straight-line method SL工作量法 Units-of-production method UOP加速折旧法 Accelerated depreciation method双倍余额递减法 Double-declining balance method DDB年数总和法 Sum-of-the-years-digits method SYD以旧换新 Trade in 经营租赁 Operating lease 融资租赁 Capital lease 廉价购买权Bargain purchase option BPO 资产负债表外筹资 Off-balance-sheet financing最低租赁付款额 Minimum lease payments7无形资产无形资产 Intangible assets 专利权 Patents 商标权 Trademarks, Trade names 着作权 Copyrights 特许权或专营权 Franchises 商誉 Goodwill 开办费 Organization cost租赁权 Leasehold 摊销 Amortization8流动负债负债 Liability 流动负债 Current liability 应付帐款 Account payable应付票据 Notes payable 贴现票据 Discount notes长期负债一年内到期部分 Current maturities of long-term liabilities应付股利 Dividends payable 预收收益 Prepayments by customers存入保证金 Refundable deposits 应付费用 Accrual expense增值税 Value added tax 营业税 Business tax应付所得税 Income tax payable 应付奖金 Bonuses payable产品质量担保负债 Estimated liabilities under product warranties赠品和兑换券 Premiums, coupons and trading stamps或有事项 Contingency 或有负债 Contingent 或有损失 Loss contingencies或有利得 Gain contingencies 永久性差异 Permanent difference时间性差异 Timing difference 应付税款法 Taxes payable method纳税影响会计法 Tax effect accounting method递延所得税负债法 Deferred income tax liability method9长期负债长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 应付公司债券 Bonds payable有担保品的公司债券 Secured Bonds抵押公司债券 Mortgage Bonds 保证公司债券 Guaranteed Bonds信用公司债券 Debenture Bonds 一次还本公司债券 Term Bonds分期还本公司债券 Serial Bonds 可转换公司债券 Convertible Bonds可赎回公司债券 Callable Bonds 可要求公司债券 Redeemable Bonds记名公司债券 Registered Bonds 无记名公司债券 Coupon Bonds普通公司债券 Ordinary Bonds 收益公司债券 Income Bonds名义利率,票面利率 Nominal rate 实际利率 Actual rate有效利率 Effective rate 溢价 Premium 折价 Discount面值 Par value 直线法 Straight-line method实际利率法 Effective interest method到期直接偿付 Repayment at maturity 提前偿付 Repayment at advance偿债基金 Sinking fund 长期应付票据 Long-term notes payable抵押借款 Mortgage loan10业主权益权益 Equity 业主权益 Owner's equity股东权益 Stockholder's equity 投入资本 Contributed capital 缴入资本 Paid-in capital 股本 Capital stock资本公积 Capital surplus 留存收益 Retained earnings核定股本 Authorized capital stock 实收资本 Issued capital stock 发行在外股本Outstanding capital stock 库藏股 Treasury stock 普通股 Common stock 优先股Preferred stock累积优先股 Cumulative preferred stock非累积优先股 Noncumulative preferred stock完全参加优先股 Fully participating preferred stock部分参加优先股 Partially participating preferred stock非部分参加优先股 Nonpartially participating preferred stock现金发行 Issuance for cash 非现金发行 Issuance for noncash consideration股票的合并发行 Lump-sum sales of stock 发行成本 Issuance cost成本法 Cost method 面值法 Par value method捐赠资本 Donated capital 盈余分配 Distribution of earnings 股利 Dividend 股利政策 Dividend policy宣布日 Date of declaration 股权登记日 Date of record除息日 Ex-dividend date股利支付日 Date of payment 现金股利 Cash dividend股票股利 Stock dividend 拨款 appropriation11财务报表财务报表 Financial Statement 资产负债表 Balance Sheet收益表 Income Statement 帐户式 Account Form报告式 Report Form 编制报表 Prepare工作底稿 Worksheet 多步式 Multi-step 单步式 Single-step12财务状况变动表财务状况变动表中的现金基础 Basis现金流量表财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础 Capital Basis资金来源与运用表营运资金 Working Capital 全部资源概念 All-resources concept直接交换业务 Direct exchanges 正常营业活动 Normal operating activities财务活动 Financing activities 投资活动 Investing activities13财务报表分析财务报表分析 Analysis of financial statements比较财务报表 Comparative financial statements趋势百分比 Trend percentage 比率 Ratios普通股每股收益 Earnings per share of common stock股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio 价益比 Price-earnings ratio普通股每股帐面价值 Book value per share of common stock资本报酬率 Return on investment 总资产报酬率 Return on total asset债券收益率 Yield rate on bonds已获利息倍数 Number of times interest earned债券比率 Debt ratio 优先股收益率 Yield rate on preferred stock营运资本 Working Capital 周转 Turnover 存货周转率 Inventory turnover应收帐款周转率 Accounts receivable turnover流动比率 Current ratio 速动比率 Quick ratio 酸性试验比率 Acid test ratio14合并财务报表合并财务报表 Consolidated financial statements 吸收合并 Merger 创立合并Consolidation 控股公司 Parent company 附属公司 Subsidiary company 少数股权Minority interest权益联营合并 Pooling of interest 购买合并 Combination by purchase权益法 Equity method 成本法 Cost method15物价变动中的会计计量物价变动之会计 Price-level changes accounting一般物价水平会计 General price-level accounting货币购买力会计 Purchasing-power accounting统一币值会计 Constant dollar accounting历史成本 Historical cost 现行价值会计 Current value accounting现行成本 Current cost 重置成本 Replacement cost物价指数 Price-level index国民生产总值物价指数 Gross national product implicit price deflatoror GNP deflator消费物价指数 Consumer price index or CPI批发物价指数 Wholesale price index货币性资产 Monetary assets货币性负债 Monetary liabilities货币购买力损益 Purchasing-power gains or losses资产持有损益 Holding gains or losses未实现的资产持有损益 Unrealized holding gains or losses现行价值与统一币值会计 Constant dollar and current cost accounting。



有关汇率英语作文In the global economy, the exchange rate is a critical financial metric that influences trade, investment, and the overall economic health of a country. An exchange rate is the value of one country's currency in terms of another country's currency, and it plays a pivotal role in international transactions.Firstly, exchange rates are determined by the foreign exchange market, where supply and demand for currencies are constantly changing. Factors such as interest rates, economic performance, and political stability can all affect the value of a currency. For instance, if a country has a strong economy with low inflation and high interest rates, its currency is likely to be in high demand, leading to an appreciation in value.Secondly, the fluctuation of exchange rates can have significant implications for businesses and consumers. For businesses engaged in international trade, a favorable exchange rate can reduce costs and increase competitiveness. Conversely, an unfavorable rate can erode profits and make products less attractive in foreign markets.Moreover, exchange rates are crucial for tourists and students studying abroad. A strong domestic currency can make travel more affordable, as it requires less of the home currency to purchase foreign currency. However, this can alsolead to a decrease in tourism from other countries, as the destination becomes more expensive for foreign visitors.Furthermore, governments and central banks often intervene in the foreign exchange market to manage their currency's value. This can be done through various monetary policies, such as adjusting interest rates or engaging in currency swaps. Such interventions aim to stabilize the currency and protect the economy from excessive volatility.Lastly, understanding exchange rates is not just importantfor economists and financial analysts; it is also essential for anyone involved in international dealings. Knowledge of exchange rates can help individuals make informed decisions about when to travel, invest, or conduct business abroad.In conclusion, the exchange rate is a complex and dynamic aspect of the global economy that affects everyone from multinational corporations to individual consumers. By staying informed about exchange rate movements and their underlying causes, one can better navigate the complexities of international finance.。



金融外汇买卖相关英语词汇翻译accepted 承兑accrued interest累计利息advance 放款american style 美式选择权appreciation 升值arbitrage 套利交易asset allocation 资产分配原则asset swap 就持有的资产利息进行交换asset/liability management 资产负债管理assets liquidity 资产的流动性assets safety 资产安全assets yield 资产的获利性at the money (atm) 价平auction 标售authority letter 授权书banker’s acceptance银行承兑汇票basis swap (floating -against floating irs) bear call spread 买权看空价差bear put spread 卖权看空价差bearer form 持有人形式best order 最佳价格交易指示单bid rate 借入利率(或买入价格,汇率)big figure 大数(交易时忽略不报的前几位数)book entry form 无实体形式break-even exchange rate 两平点汇率bretton woods system 布莱登国际货币制度broken date 畸零天期(见odd date)bull call spread 买权看多价差bull put spread 卖权看多价差buy call 买入买权buy or sell forward 买卖远期buy or sell spot 买卖即期buy put 买入卖权buyer 买方calendar spread 水平式价差策略call option 买权calling customer 询价者calling party 询价者cash flow book 现金流量登记薄cash flow gap 现金流量缺口cash flow gap 资金缺口cash flow projection现金流量之预期cash 当日交割cd(certificate of deposit) 存单chain method 联算法chief money dealer首席货币交易员clearing house 清算所commercial hedge 进出口商避险commercial paper商业本票commodity futures trading commission 美国期货交易委员会competitive bid 竞标contract date 定约日contract limit 契约额度contract risk 契约风险counter party 交易对手country limit 国家额度coupon rate 票面利率coupon swap (fixed-against floating irs)cover 补回,冲销covered interest arbitrage 无汇率波动风险的套利操作credit risk 信用风险cross hedge 交叉避险cross rates 交叉汇率(通过第三种货币计算两种货币的汇率)currency future 外汇期货currency futures contracts 外汇期货契约currency futures 外汇期货current yield 当期收益率cut off time 营业截止时间day trading 当日冲销(使当日净部位为零)dealer’s authority 交易权限dealing day 交易日dealing room 交易室dealing ticket 交易单delivery date 交割日direct quotation=price quotation直接报价discount 贴水dj index future 道·琼斯指数期货合约draft 汇票duration 存续期间easy money 低价货币effective interest rate 有效利率engineered swap transaction操纵式换率交易(将买入卖出两个不同交易合并,使其具有换汇交易的效果)european currency unit(ecu)欧洲货币单位exchange control system 外汇管制制度exercise price 履约价格expiry date 到期日face value 面值(股票、票据上记载的名目价值)firm market 行情坚挺的市场firm order 确定指示单fixed exchange rate system 固定汇率制定fixed rate liability 利率固定负债fixing date 指标利率定订基准日flat yield curve 水平收益率曲线floating exchange 浮动汇率制度floor broker 场内经纪商floor trader 场内交易商follow up action 动态策略forward against forward远期对远期换汇交易forward rate agreement(fra)远期利率协定forward rate 远期汇率forward value date 远期外汇到期日ft-se 100 index future 伦敦金融时报指数期货futures 期货fx risk 汇率风险gapping 期差操作general floating 普遍浮动generic swap 标准型的irs 交易gold exchange standard金汇兑本位制度gold export point 黄金输出点gold rush 黄金抢购风gold standard 金本位制度government bonds 政府债券group of twenty 20国委员会hang seng index 恒生估价指数hedging interest rate risk规避利率波动风险hit 询价者以bid rate 卖出被报价币给报价银行holding position 持有部位if order 附条件交易指示单imm 芝加哥国际货币市场in the money (itm) 价内index swap 利率交换indirect quotation=quantity quotation 间接报价inter bank offer rates 银行同业拆放利率interest rate futures 利率期货interest rate parity theory 利率平价理论interest rate return 报酬率interest rate swaps(irs)利率交换intermediary 中间人international payment system 国际支付制度intra day limit 日间额度intra-day trader日间交易者,短线交易员intrinsic value 隐含价值junior money dealer资浅货币交易员libor 伦敦银行同业拆借利率liffe 伦敦国际金融期货交易所line of credit 信用额度line of limit 额度限制liquidity premium流通性风险补贴london inter bank bid rate (libid) 伦敦银行间存款利率long butterfly call spread 买入碟式买权价差long butterfly put spread 买入碟式卖权价差long currency future contract 买入外汇期货契约long straddle 买入跨式部位,下跨式部位long strangle 买入不同履约价格的跨式部位margin call 追加保证金margin trading 保证金交易mark to market 调整至市场价market order 市场价格指示单mismatch gapping 到期缺口money market swap irs持有时间短于两年者money position 货币部位long position 买超或长部位(借入的金额大于贷)monthly limit 每月限额multiple currency reserve system多种货币准备制度nasdaq index future 纳斯达克指数期货near the money 价近negative yield curve 负收益率曲线negotiable certificate of deposit 可转让定期存单net mismatch 净缺口nikki index future 日经指数期货nominal interest rate 名目利率nominal interest rate名目利率(票面或双方约定的利率,减通货膨胀等于实质利率)non earning asset 非利率敏感资产non profitable liability非利率敏感负债non reference currency 报价币notional amount 承作金额odd date(odd maturity)畸零天期,畸零期(fx交易非整周整月的日期,如10天,40天)off-balance sheet 表外交易工具(衍生性金融产品)offer rate 贷放利率(或卖出价格,汇率)offset 对冲,轧平open spot net position 即期净部位operation risk 作业风险option date forward 任选交割日的远期汇率option 选择权options reserve 选择权保留额度order 交易指示单out of the money(otm) 价外outright forward 远期直接汇率over the counter店头市场,柜台交易市场overall limit 总合限额overbought 买超overnight(o/n) 当日交割之隔夜拆放oversold 卖超par 报价与被报价币的利率相同,换汇汇率为零。



全球最大的CFA(特许金融分析师)培训中心总部地址:上海市虹口区花园路171号A3幢高顿教育电话:400-600-8011网址: 微信公众号:gaoduncfa 1 2015年CFA 考试必须弄懂的专业词汇(六)CFA 考试专业词汇:Risks of Fixed-income securities ,欲了解更多词汇,详见金融词库。

利率风险(InterestRate Risk )。



久期(Duration ),也称持续期,可以用来衡量利率风险的大小,从中可以得到市场利率变化一单位将引起债券多少价格变化。

利率曲线风险(Yield Curve Risk )。


赎回风险(Call Risk )。


提前支付风险(Prepayment Risk )。


信用风险(Credit Risk )。



再投资风险(Reinvestment Risk )。


流动性风险(Liquidity Risk )。


汇率风险(Exchange-rate Risk )。

若投资者持有债券的利息和本金以外国货币偿还,或者以外币计算但换算成本币偿还时,投资者就面临着汇率风险,也称货币风险(Currency Risk )。

通货膨胀风险(Inflation Risk )。

也可称为购买力风险(Purchasing-power Risk ),指因未预期的通货膨胀率(Unexpected Inflation Rate )而造成债券投资实际收益率的波动。



货币政策风险溢价中英文2018原文Show me the money: The monetary policy risk premiumAli Ozdagli,Mihail VelikovAbstractWe create a parsimonious monetary policy exposure (MPE) index based on observable firm characteristics that previous studies link to how stocks react to monetary policy. Our index successfully captures stocks’ responses to both conventional and unconventional monetary policy. Stocks whose prices react more positively to expansionary monetary policy (high-MPE stocks) earn lower average returns. This result is consistent with the notion that high-MPE stocks provide a hedge against bad economic shocks, to which the Federal Reserve responds with expansionary monetary policy. A long-short trading strategy designed to exploit this effect achieves an annualized Sharpe Ratio of 0.77.Keywords:Monetary policy,Asset pricing,Risk factorsIntroductionA large body of literature in macroeconomics and finance studies the effects of monetary policy on asset prices. In a recent seminal contribution, Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) show that a surprise 25-basis-point cut in the federal funds target rate is associated with an increase of about 1% in broad stock indexes. Overall, the academic research and practitioners agree that monetary policy affects stock prices significantly and that stock prices of firms with different characteristics react differently to monetary policy.1 However, the effect of monetary policy on the cross-section of equity risk premiums is not as well understood. While several classes of theoretical models imply that monetary policy is an important source of risk in the stock market, they differ widely in their predictions regarding the relation between monetary policy exposure and the risk premium.In this paper, we create a monetary policy exposure (MPE) index based on observable firm characteristics that previous studies link to monetary policysensitivity of stock prices. Using this index, we find that stocks whose prices react more positively to expansionary monetary policy (high-MPE stocks) earn lower average returns than low-MPE stocks. This premium is economically significant and a robust feature of the data. A long-short (low-minus-high MPE) trading strategy designed to exploit this effect achieves an annualized value-weighted return of 9.12% from 1975 to 2015. Our results are consistent with the notion that stocks with high monetary policy exposure earn lower returns because the Federal Reserve responds to bad economic shocks with expansionary monetary policy and hence high-MPE stocks provide a hedge against these shocks.An important challenge in creating the MPE index involves identifying the stocks’ reaction to Federal Reserve policy. Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) note that stock prices are forward-looking and should not react to anticipated policy rate changes. Therefore, we estimate a regression of stock returns on unanticipated (surprise) policy rate changes, where the policy surprises are derived from interest rate futures on Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting dates as in their paper. As Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) note, asset prices may also respond to revisions in expectations about future policy on dates without an FOMC meeting, which in turn may be driven by news about changing economic conditions. We follow their approach of using unanticipated policy changes on FOMC meeting dates because, in their words, it allows us to “discern more clearly the stock market reaction to monetary policy.”Our regressions use the interaction of the policy surprises with firm characteristics that are linked to policy sensitivity by the previous literature (e.g., Weber, Ozdagli, 2018). This method yields an index based on the contribution of each characteristic to the monetary policy exposure. The characteristics underlying the MPE index capture the effects of various monetary policy transmission mechanisms, including credit channel, balance sheet liquidity, discount rate effect, and nominal rigidities. Accordingly, the firm characteristics include measures of financial constraints, cash and short-term investments, cash flow duration and volatility, and operating profitability. We show that our index successfully captures stocks’ responsesto monetary policy under different policy regimes, including pre-1994, 1994–2008, and post-2008 periods.For additional evidence of the stabilizer channel and the ability of our MPE index to capture the policy exposure, we note that the dual mandate of the Federal Reserve (stable prices and sustainable employment) requires it to stabilize the economy by tightening policy in response to positive surprises in the consumer price index (CPI) and employment (Gürkaynak et al., 2005b). This leads to two important testable implications. First, the stabilizer channel predicts that the low-minus-high MPE portfolio should perform well on days with positive CPI and employment surprises because such surprises lead to an expectation of tighter monetary policy. Consistent with this prediction, we find that the return to the low-minus-high MPE portfolio increases in response to positive CPI and employment surprises derived from survey expectations as in Gürkaynak et al. (2005b). Second, if our MPE index captures purely the exposure to monetary policy, the CPI and employment news should affect the low-minus-high MPE portfolio only through their effect on monetary policy expectations. Consistent with this implication, we find that the effect of employment and CPI surprises on the low-minus-high MPE portfolio all but disappears once we control for changes in policy expectations.Finally, we conduct a battery of tests to check the robustness of the return premium on the long-short strategy. A tradable version of the long-short strategy that uses only historically available information for the construction of the MPE index generates a statistically significant average return of 71 basis points per month after transaction costs. In addition, we demonstrate that the predictability we document cannot be explained by the pre-FOMC announcement drift discussed by Lucca and Moench (2015) or the betting-against-beta (BAB) effect discussed by Black (1972) and Frazzini and Pedersen (2014). Moreover, the trading strategies we report survive controls for the underlying characteristics used to construct the MPE index as well as the 23 anomaly signals in Novy-Marx and Velikov (2016).Our paper is related to important contributions in the asset pricing literature that use indices based on firm characteristics to study the cross-section of stockreturns. Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) use stock-level characteristics to predict firms’ exposure to aggregate liquidity risk, Whited and Wu (2006) create an index of financial constraints, Campbell et al. (2008) create a financial distress index, and Gu et al. (2018) create an index of investment irreversibility and each paper studies the asset pricing implications of its respective index.Our paper builds a bridge between the literature that connects firm characteristics to their expected returns, as in Fama and French (1993), and the literature that studies macroeconomic aggregates as predictors of asset returns, as in Lettau and Ludvigson (2001), Parker and Julliard (2005), Yogo (2006), and Bali et al. (2017). Even though there is an extensive theoretical literature that studies the impact of monetary policy on risk premiums, the empirical evidence is scant. Creating the index of monetary policy exposure allows us to resolve the ambiguity in the predictions of theoretical models and show that monetary policy exposure is a strong predictor of returns in the cross-section of equities. Moreover, the predictability we document is robust to the stricter thresholds for statistical significance suggested by Harvey et al. (2016) and Novy-Marx (2016). Our paper also contributes to the burgeoning literature on FOMC cycles and aggregate stock returns (Lucca, Moench, 2015, Cieslak, Morse, Vissing-Jorgensen, 2018, Neuhierl, Weber) but instead focuses on the cross-section of returns.Theoretical considerationsThe sign of the monetary policy risk premiumStandard asset pricing theory tells us that the risk premium of monetary policy is the product of the price of monetary policy risk and the exposure to monetary policy. In this section, we summarize the implications of different theories for these two components and show that the monetary policy risk premium can be positive or negative depending on the underlying assumptions. Therefore, we conclude that the sign and the size of this risk premium is an empirical question which we study in the following sections.Bansal and Coleman (1996) and Chan et al. (1996) are two early examples that analyze the effect of monetary policy on equity premiums. Both of these modelsfeature cash-in-advance constraints from the seminal paper of Lucas and Stokey (1987) in a model where investors’ utility depends o n the consumption of cash and credit goods. The information in these papers is later crystallized in Balduzzi (2007)who shows that the price of monetary policy risk, and hence the sign of the policy risk premium, depends on the elasticity of substitution between cash and credit goods. On the one hand, an increase in real money supply shifts consumption from credit goods to cash goods and therefore increases the marginal utility of consuming credit goods, assuming that the utility is concave in credit goods. On the other hand, assuming cash and credit goods are substitutes, the increase in the consumption of cash goods reduces the marginal utility of consuming credit goods. If the first (second) effect dominates, then real money supply commands a negative (positive) risk premium.More recently, New-Keynesian monetary models that incorporate nominal and real rigidities have received increasing attention in the literature studying the risk of equities, e.g., Li and Palomino (2014) and Weber (2015). In these models, an expansionary policy surprise increases consumption growth, consistent with the time-series evidence from, for example, Christiano et al. (2005) and Smets and Wouters (2007). The increase in consumption decreases the marginal utility of consumption. This mechanism generates a positive relation between monetary contractions and the marginal value of wealth, leading to a positive risk price of monetary policy. Therefore, stocks that react more positively to an expansionary policy surprise should command a higher risk premium.Another recent strand of literature studies the asset pricing implications of macroeconomic models with financial frictions, such as those in Bernanke and Blinder (1988). The central theme of this literature is that the marginal investor is likely a financial intermediary, so the stochastic discount factor should depend on the health of the financial sector, or funding liquidity, which in turn determines the marginal value of wealth. Thus, assets that pay off in times of high marginal value of wealth, i.e., times with low funding liquidity, should be less risky.5 Empirically, Adrian et al. (2014) and He et al. (2017) find that fundingliquidity of intermediaries explains the returns on a wide range of asset classes. Drechsler et al. (2018) provide a dynamic asset pricing model linking equity risk premiums to monetary policy through this funding liquidity channel. In their model, lowering the nominal interest rate reduces the cost of leverage for financial intermediaries and effectively reduces their external finance premium, thereby increasing risk taking and, in turn, decreasing risk premiums.Both the New-Keynesian models and the funding liquidity models operate under the view that monetary policy is a “driver” of business cycles. Tha t is, monetary policy impacts the marginal value of wealth by affecting real variables, which in turn transforms it into a source of priced risk. Alternatively, monetary policy can be viewed as a “stabilizer” of business cycles, consistent with the role of the Federal Reserve in the economy. In particular, monetary policy is more likely to be expansionary (contractionary) following negative (positive) macroeconomic news (Gürkaynak et al., 2005b). Since negative economic shocks increase the marginal value of wealth, assets that are more likely to pay off after an expansionary monetary policy are precisely those that provide investors with additional funds in times of need and therefore have lower expected returns.6 In Appendix A.2, we outline a simple mathematical model that illustrates the asset pricing implications of the driver and stabilizer effects of monetary policy. We show that the monetary policy risk premium can be positive or negative depending on which effect dominates.Transmission channels of monetary policyThe main empirical challenge in our paper is the identification of the cross-sectional differences in monetary policy exposure of individual firms. What is the best way to estimate the exposure? A direct approach would be simply regressing the returns of each stock separately on monetary policy surprises. However, the majority of stocks have high return volatility or lack a long enough return history, which leads to noisy exposure estimates (Cochrane, 2005, p. 436). Instead, we follow the footsteps of earlier important contributions to asset pricing literature that use indices based on firm characteristics to study the cross-section of stock returns (e.g., Campbell, Hilscher, Szilagyi, 2008, Gu, Hackbarth, Johnson, 2018). Thetradition of creating indices is also popular in corporate finance (Altman, 1968, Kaplan, Zingales, 1997, D’Acunto, Weber, Yang).Financial constraints (Credit channel): The effect of firms’ financial constraints on monetary policy transmission has been at the heart of policy and academic discussions (Gertler, Gilchrist, 1994, Fisher, 1933). While there is an extensive literature focusing on the implications of this credit channel for real variables, the literature studying its implications for stock prices is relatively scarce. Perez-Quiros and Timmermann (2000) use smaller firm size as a financial constraint measure and find that stock prices of smaller firms are more responsive to monetary policy changes, measured by money supply. Lamont et al. (2001) recognize that monetary policy is implemented by the choice of policy rates, rather than money supply, but do not find any significant relation between financial constraints and policy sensitivity of stock prices when they use the change in policy rate. Ozdagli (2018)uses the unexpected component of the policy rate change as in Bernanke and Kuttner (2005) because stocks should not react to expected changes in monetary policy. Using both financial constraint indices and a natural experiment, he finds that more constrained firms can be less responsive to monetary policy because these firms rely less on external finance, and hence are less affected by the changes in the cost of external finance. Following Ozdagli (2018), we use the financial constraint index created by Whited and Wu (2006) as our financial constraints proxy.Cash and short-term investments (Liquidity effect): These are the most liquid assets of the firm and are directly related to the monetary base, broadly defined. On the one hand, firms with a higher amount of cash can react more negatively to a policy rate increase because the interest rate is the opportunity cost of holding cash (Baumol, 1952); on the other hand, corporate cash reserves can dampen the effect of monetary policy by making investment less sensitive to policy (Gao et al., 2018). Similarly, if firms deposit their cash in a short-term savings or another interest-bearing account, an increase in the interest rate can actually help them obtain additional liquid funds, which would also dampen the effect of monetary policy.Cash flow duration (Discount rate effect): Macaulay (1938) duration has beenwidely employed by fixed-income analysts due to its clear relation to the interest rate sensitivity of bond prices through the discount rate effect. More recently, the concept of duration is studied by Dechow et al. (2004) and Weber (2018) in the context of equity markets and the connection of equity duration to interest rate sensitivity of stocks is recognized by investors (e.g., Deutsche Bank, 2010). Ozdagli (2018) finds that stocks of firms that expect to have cash flows farther in the future, and therefore have greater equity duration, are more affected by monetary policy, consistent with the notion that the present value of later cash flows are more affected by the changes in discount rate.Cash flow volatility: Cash flow volatility may capture the monetary policy sensitivity of a firm’s stock price in multiple ways, as explained in Ozdagli (2018). For example, volatility can be related to cash flow duration and can capture aspects thereof not perfectly captured by standard cash flow duration measures. On the one hand, firms with lower volatility may have lower default likelihood and therefore longer lives and higher duration of cash flows. On the other hand, a lower volatility may also imply a lower value of the option to delay investment and therefore firms with lower volatility may increase cash flow duration by increasing investment today in exchange for cash flows in the future. As another example for the importance of volatility, higher cash flow volatility may imply that the firm needs to rely on external financing more often, which increases the importance of the cost of external financing which in turn is directly affected by monetary policy.Operating profitability (Nominal rigidities): Nominal rigidities in the form of sticky prices and wages are an important ingredient in New-Keynesian macroeconomic models.7 While firm-level data on nominal rigidities are not available for the universe of stocks, operating profitability can still provide a window into the effects of nominal rigidities. In particular, if input prices, e.g., wages, are sticky, an expansionary monetary policy will have a large effect on the firms’ revenues without changing the total cost of inputs as much, driving stock prices up. The resulting percentage increase in stock price will be stronger for firms whose revenues are closer to their input costs, i.e., those that have low profitability, because of the operatingleverage effect created by relatively fixed input costs. More recently, Gomes et al. (2016) provide a mechanism where expansionary monetary policy reduces the real debt burden of firms due to their nominal obligations to lenders. This “sticky leverage” mechanism works in a way simi lar to the sticky wage channel described above in that sticky wages reduce the real burden of nominal obligations to employees of a firm after an expansionary policy. Therefore, we expect sticky leverage to increase the policy sensitivity of stock prices of less profitable firms, an effect also discussed in Ozdagli and Weber (2017).Following an analogous intuition, if firms’ output prices are more sticky than their input prices, an expansionary monetary policy will lead to a greater increase in input costs than the firms’ revenues, eating away their profits, and thus reducing their stock prices. However, this reduction would be smaller in percentage terms for firms with higher profitability.Asset pricing implications of monetary policy exposureIn this section we analyze the stock returns of different portfolios created by sorting stocks based on our MPE index. We first show that portfolios of firms with higher MPE earn, on average, lower returns than portfolios of firms with lower MPE, even after controlling for other well-known asset pricing factors. This result suggests that the stabilizer channel discussed in Section 2.1 is the main driving force behind the riskiness of different MPE portfolios. We provide further evidence on the stabilizer channel and that our MPE index captures purely monetary policy exposure, by studying how MPE portfolios respond to the macroeconomic news that is likely to trigger a change in monetary policy. Moreover, we report that an implementable version of our MPE trading strategy, based only on historically available information, generates significant average returns even after accounting for transaction costs and standard asset pricing factors. Finally, we compare our approach with an alternative approach where we calculate the policy sensitivity of each stock by regressing each stock’s returns separately on monetary policy surprises without interacting these surprises with any firm-level characteristic. We find that, while a trading strategy based on this alternative approach also generates positive returns, it is dominated byour MPE-index-based strategy.Additional evidence on the stabilizer channel: the response of the MPE-sorted portfolio to inflation and employment newsThe Federal Reserve Act establishes stable prices and maximum sustainable employment as the dual mandate of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve pays particular attention to news about the consumer price index (CPI) and employment. This leads to two important testable implications for our low-minus-high MPE portfolio. First, the long/short (low-minus-high MPE) portfolio should react more positively to news about employment and consumer price index that leads to an expectation of tighter monetary policy. According to the stabilizer channel, positive CPI and employment surprises lead to an expectation of a tighter monetary policy as the Federal Reserve tries to stabilize the economy (Gürkaynak et al., 2005b). Therefore, the low-minus-high MPE portfolio should increase in response to positive CPI and employment surprises. Second, if the MPE index captures purely the monetary policy exposure, the response of the low-minus-high MPE portfolio to employment and CPI news should largely disappear once we control for the expected changes in future policy rates due to the news because the response of the low-minus-high MPE portfolio to this news stems from its exposure to monetary policy.In order to test these two hypotheses, we create a daily series of employment and price index surprises, following Gürkaynak et al. (2005b). For employment, we use non-farm payroll statistics announced monthly.10 For the price index we use the core CPI numbers that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announces in the middle of every month. The CPI and non-farm payroll surprise series are computed as the released values minus the market expectation, where the market expectation is measured using the median market forecast as published by Money Market Services (now known as Informa Global Markets) the Friday before each release. Following Gürkaynak et al. (2005b), we replace missing observations for the surprises with zeros.For the changes in policy expectations, we use the changes in theone-quarter-ahead Eurodollar futures (ED1) rate. We use this measure instead of the current-month federal funds futures because many months do not include an FOMC meeting following the date of an employment or CPI announcement. Because the policy rate would not adjust after the employment or CPI announcements in those months, the price of the current-month Fed Funds futures would not move and hence not capture the change in near-term expectations about monetary policy due to employment or CPI announcements. Therefore, we capture the changes in near-term expectations using ED1, which also allows us to study both the conventional and unconventional (zero-lower-bound) monetary policy periods as discussed in Section 3.3. ED1 has the additional advantage of being potentially more liquid than federal funds futures outside the FOMC dates due to its greater volume. The changes in policy expectations equal the negative of the daily change in the one-quarter-ahead Eurodollar futures rate so that a positive value is expansionary, in accordance with Section 3. Our data period starts in April 1986 due to the availability of the Eurodollar futures trading data. Because we are interested in changes in policy expectations due to changes in employment and price index news we omit the dates of the FOMC announcements.Table 4 reports the estimates from regressing the daily portfolio returns of the long/short (low-minus-high MPE) portfolio on changes in policy expectations and the employment and price index surprises. Column 1 shows that the changes in policy expectations on non-FOMC dates move the long/short portfolios in the same direction as the policy surprises on FOMC dates in Section 3. In particular, a one standard deviation expansionary surprise change in the policy expectation leads to a statistically significant 9 basis points decrease in the long/short portfolio. This result is consistent with our intuition. The MPE strategy is long (short) stocks that perform poorly (well) when there is an expansionary policy surprise. Thus, an expansionary change in policy expectations leads to lower returns to the long/short strategy.Finally, if our MPE index purely captures the monetary policy exposure, changes in expected future policy rates should largely absorb the effect of employment and CPI news because the response of the long/short portfolio to this news stems from theport folio’s exposure to monetary policy. Columns 4, 5, and 6 provide evidence for this prediction by using the changes in policy expectations and news about CPI and employment simultaneously. As we can observe, controlling for the change in policy expectations results in insignificant loadings on the employment and CPI surprises whereas the loading on the changes in policy expectations remains very similar to the one in Column 1. As we see in the fifth row, the drop in the coefficients of inflation and employment surprises is statistically significant as well. This result suggests that the long/short MPE portfolio reacts to inflation and employment news mainly because the news moves the investors’ expectations about future monetary policy. Therefore, we conclude that our MPE index truly captures the exposure to monetary policy rather than a direct exposure to the news.译文把钱拿出来:货币政策风险溢价摘要我们根据样本公司的特征创建了简约的货币政策敞口(MPE)指数,以前的研究将其与股票对货币政策的反应相关联。



路透社金融词汇(中英对照)α值Alpha《美国破产法》第七章Chapter 7《美国破产法》第十一章Chapter 113A 等级Triple A Rated3A 等级(最高信用评级) AAAJ-曲线J-CurveVega 值Vegaβ值Betaθ值Thetaλ值Lambda阿拉伯石油输出国组织OAPEC阿历山大过滤器Alexander's Filter阿姆斯特丹ARA艾略特波浪理论Elliott Wave Theory安特卫普地区ARA按比例偿债基金Pro Rata Sinking Fund按揭证券MBS按面值At Par按市价调整Mark to Market肮脏浮动汇率制Dirty Float澳大利亚普通股价指数All Ordinaries八国集团G8巴黎俱乐部Paris Club巴黎期权交易市场MONEP巴黎银行同业拆借利率Pibor巴黎证券交易所业务委员会COB巴塞尔委员会Basel Committee巴塞尔资本协议Basel Rules or Basel Accord 白武士White Knight摆动指标Oscillator包销Underwriting保本点Break-even Point保本型基金Principal Guaranteed Fund 保管Custody保管人Depository保护主义Protectionism保留意见账目Qualified Accounts保险精算师Actuary保证金Margin保证金交易Margin Trading保证金账户Margin Account报价Quotation报价驱动Quote Driven北美自由贸易协定NAFTA备兑认股权证Covered Warrant备用信贷Back-up Facility背对背贷款Back-to-back Loans倍数Multiples被动式管理Passive Management 被冻结的资产Frozen Assets本地生产总值GDP本国收益率Native Yield本金Principal本票Promissory Note逼仓Squeeze比率分析Ratio Analysis必要收益率Required Return避风港货币Safe Haven Currency 避险Hedging边际成本Marginal Cost变动保证金Variation Margin变动率ROC变动速度ROC变化率Rate of Change标的Underlying标价货币Quoted Currency标普/国际金融公司指数S&P/IFCI标普公司S&P标准差Standard Deviation标准普尔500 股指S&P500标准普尔评级公司Standard & Poor's表达认购意愿Indications of Interest 表决权信托Voting Trust表决权信托凭证VTC表外项目Off Balance Sheet表现费Performance Fees别人的钱OPM并购M&A并股Reverse Stock Split波动率Volatility波动性Volatility波动性分析Volatility Analysis波动性指数Volatility Index波动远期Range Forward波林格区间Bollinger Bands不偿还债务Default不带任何权利Ex-All不带应计利息Flat不抵押保证Negative Pledge不兑现纸币Fiat Money不记名股票Bearer Shares不加权或加权的指数Unweighted/Weighted Indices 不可抗力Force Majeure不可商议的Non-negotiable不可转让的Non-negotiable不良贷款Non-performing Loan不相配Mismatch不需进一步确认的指令Firm Order不做多头亦不做空头Flat布莱克—斯科尔斯模型Black & Scholes Model布雷迪债券Brady Bonds布雷顿森林协定Bretton Woods Agreement部分还本Paydown部分缴款Partly Paid财阀Chaebol财务长CFO财务总监CFO财政年度Financial Year财政收支Fiscal Balance财政政策Fiscal Policy采购经理人指数PMI参与权益Participation参与证书Participation Certificate仓位T aking a Position差价合约Contract for Difference掺水股Watered Stock产能利用率Capacity Utilization产业分析师Sectoral Analysts产业或区域型基金Sector Fund尝试在底部买进Bottom Fishing常规收益率曲线Normal Yield Curve常规债券Vanilla Bond偿付能力Solvency Margin偿付能力比率Solvency Ratio偿还Redemption偿债比率Debt Service Ratio偿债次序Ranking偿债基金Sinking Fund偿债净额Paydown场外交易市场Kerb Market场外交易市场报价表Pink Sheets场外市场OTC超额配股权Greenshoe Option超额认购Oversubscribed超国家金融机构Supranational超级蒙太奇交易显示系统SuperMontage超买Overbought超卖Oversold超前交易Front Running超值股票股息Enhanced Scrip Dividend撤销前有效的指令Good Till Cancelled沉没成本Sunk Costs成本加保费CIF成本加运费价格 C and F成交Done成交额Turnover成交了Mine成交量Trading Volume成交量加权平均价VWAP成交量净额法On Balance Volume承兑行Acceptance House承诺费Commitment Fee承销Underwriting承销商Underwriter承约费Commitment Fee程式交易Program Trading持仓费Carrying Charge持仓头寸Open Position持平Flat持续经营Going Concern持续联系结算(CLS)银行CLS Bank赤字Deficit赤字财政Deficit Financing冲销Write Off筹备七国集团峰会的政府高官Sherpas出口促进计划Export Enhancement Programme出口配额Export Quota出售后回租Sale and Leaseback 初步公开招股说明书Red Herring初步估计Early Estimates初步预测Early Estimates初级产品Commodity初级金属Primary Metals初级市场Primary Markets初级市场交易商Primary Dealer初始保证金Initial Margin除净Ex-All除权/无权获得认股权证Ex-Rights除权/无权获得认股权证Ex-Rights除息Ex-Dividend除息价格Clean Price储备Reserves储备货币Reserve Currency 储蓄率Savings Rate处理能力Throughput触发价格Trigger Price触及市价单MIT触价指令MIT触碰生效期权Trigger Option触碰失效的期权Knockout Option传闻中的预估Whisper Estimates 船舶抵押贷款Bottomry船上交货价格FOB船只总载重量DWT创业基金Venture Capital垂直价差Vertical Spread次级金属Secondary Metals 次级债务Subordinated Debt 次日T/N促销品Kicker存款Deposits存款单CD存款证CD存托凭证Depository Receipts 错配Mismatch错配式票据Mismatch Note大额交易Block Trading大量抛售Bear Raid大数Big Figure大型跨国银行Money Centre Bank大宗商品Commodity呆账Bad Debt代理人账户Nominee Account代理银行Agent Bank贷款安排费Facility Fee贷款损失准备金Loan Loss Provisions贷款息差Lending Margin丹麦的股份有限公司A/S担保Hypothecation担保品Collateral单位信托Unit Trust单一报价Choice Price单一股票期货Simple Stock Future当冲客Day Traders当地交货价Loco当期收益率Current Yield当期证券Current Issue当前票面利率Current Coupon当日交易者Day Traders当日之内Intraday当事人Principal倒挂的收益率曲线Inverted Yield Curve倒挂收益率曲线Inverse Yield Curve倒价Backwardation到岸价格CIF到期价值Maturity value到期前所剩时间Current Maturity到期日Expiry Date到期收益率YTM道德劝说Moral Suasion道琼斯工业指数DJIA道琼斯欧洲STOXX50 指数Euro STOXX道氏理论Dow Theory得尔塔套期保值Delta Hedging得尔塔值Delta德国DAX 30 种股价指数DAX 30德国Hermes 信用保险公司Hermes德国巴登符腾堡州银行Landesbank Baden-Wüttemberg (LBBW) 德国德意志联邦银行Bundesbank德国抵押债券Pfandbriefe德国长期公债Bunds德国证券集中保管银行Kassenverein德国政府债券Schatz德国中期公债Bundesobligationen (BOBL) 登记日Record Date等级Grades低价股票Penny Stocks低收费经纪商Discount Brokerage迪拜原油Dubai Crude敌意收购Hostile Bid抵押Hypothecation抵押贷款担保证券CMO抵押品Collateral递升卖出Scaleup第一通知日First Notice Day点Point点数图Point and Figure Chart点子Pip电子交易Screen Trading电子商务E-commerce电子通讯网络ECN店头市场OTC店头市场基金OTC Fund掉期Swap跌价抛售Selloff跌深反弹Dead Cat Bounce跌停板Limit Down蝶式买卖Butterfly Spread蝶状价差Butterfly Spread盯市Mark to Market订单积压Backlog定点期权Binary Option定量分析Quantitative Analysis定盘Fix定期存款Fixed-term Deposit定期存款单Term CD定期回购Term Repo定值过低Undervalued东京工业品交易所TOCOM东京国际金融期货交易所TIFFE东京证券交易所TSE东盟ASEAN东南亚国家联盟Association of South East Asian Nations 动产中介公司SIM动量指标Momentum Indicator动用贷款Drawdown动用资本Capital Employed毒丸行动Poison Pill独立发行的认股权证Naked Warrant短期的远期外汇或存款Short Dated Forwards短期借贷额度Swing Line短期借款Short-term Borrowing短期票据Short Bill对冲Hedging对冲或投机石油交易Paper Barrel对冲基金Hedge Fund对手风险Counterparty Risk对应账簿Matched Book兑现货Against Actuals多边投资担保机构MIGA多哈回合Doha Round多数法则Majority Rule多数股权Majority Interest多头Bull多头对冲Long Hedge多头市场Bull Market多元化投资Diversification多种选择融资安排MOFs俄罗斯国库券GKO额外的卖点Bells and Whistles恶性通货膨胀Hyperinflation二度衰退Double Dip二级金属Secondary Metals二级市场Secondary Market二级销售Secondary Offering二级资本Tier Two二十四国集团G24二项式期权定价模型Binomial Model二择一委托OCO发行股票筹资Equity Financing发行红股Free Issue发行红利股Bonus Issue发行价Issue Price发行前交易W/I发行前交易市场Grey Market (Gray Market)发行日Issue Date发行章程Prospectus发起人Sponsor法比荷交易所联盟Euronext法定贬值Devaluation法定存款准备金率Reserve Requirements法国CAC-40 股价指数CAC-40法国补偿动产行业公司SICOVAM法国财政部的可替代债券OAT法国国际期货及期权交易所MATIF法国国家统计暨经济研究所INSEE法国国库券BTF法国两或五年期公债BTAN法郎区Franc Zone反弹Rally反垄断法Anti-trust Laws反收购Greenmail反收购毒药Poison Pill反托拉斯法Anti-trust Laws反向操作投资人Contrarian反向股票分割Reverse Stock Split反向买现卖期交易Reverse Cash and Carry Trade 反向收购Reverse T akeover反转Reversal反转日Reversal Day泛美开发银行IADB泛欧交易所Euronext防火墙Chinese Wall防御性股票Defensive Stock房利美FNMA房屋抵押贷款协会Building Society非标准交易日期Broken Date非法交易链Daisy Chain非法经纪公司Bucket Shop非经常性项目Extraordinary Item非竞争投标拍卖Non-competitive Bid Auction 非上市股票Unlisted Stock非指标债券Off-the-Run Issue非中介化Disintermediation非洲发展新伙伴计划NEPAD非洲开发银行AFDB非注册股票Letter Stock非足额即撤销指令FOK非足额即撤销指令FOK费波纳奇数字序列Fibonacci Numbers费城证券交易所PHLX分拆Spin Off分割式资本投资信托公司Split Capital Investment分轨股票Tracking Share分离式认股权证Detachable Warrant分期偿还Amortization分期付款购买Hire Purchase分散风险Diversification分析人士Analyst分析师Analyst粉饰账目的日子Window Dressing Dates份额Tranche丰厚的离职金Golden Handshake丰厚的签约金Golden Hello风险Exposure风险承受程度Exposure风险逆转Risk Reversal风险溢价Risk Premium风险与收益的关系Risk-Return Relationship风险资本Venture Capital封闭式基金Closed-end Fund峰顶/高点Peaks浮动汇率制Floating Exchange Rates浮动利率票据FRN浮动利率债券Floating Rate Bond浮动利率债务Floating Debt浮息票据FRN付息日Pay Date负利差Negative Carry负商誉Negative Goodwill负债Liabilities负债权益比率Debt附带条件的托管Escrow附各项权利Cum All附认股权的债券Warrant Bonds附属保险公司Captive Insurance Company 附息Interest Bearing附有股息Cum Dividend复合期权Compound Option复利Compound Interest复利式年增长率CAGR复利增长Compounding富时100 指数FTSE 100富时Eurotop 300 股价指数FTSE Eurotop 300伽玛值Gamma概念性债券Notional Bonds甘恩Gann干预Intervention干预区间Intervention Band杠杆比率Gearing杠杆式收购LBO高点/峰顶Peaks高点低点开盘收盘四价格High Low Open Close (HLOC) 高点反转Top Reversal高科技股High Tech Stock高速缓冲存储器Cache高现金收益的产品或业务Cash Cow隔拆资金O/N Funds隔日交易Bed and Breakfast Deal隔夜O/N隔夜持仓额度O/N Limit隔夜钱O/N Funds工业生产Industrial Production公共部门净借款PSNB公积金Reserves公开发行价格POP公开发售Offer for Sale公开发售价POP公开喊价Open Outcry公开交易的基金Publicly Traded Fund公开配售Public Placement公开认购Offer for Subscription公开市场操作Open Market Operations公募Public Placement公认会计原则GAAP公司Cia公司财务Corporate Finance公司交易商Corporate Dealer公司结算方式Corporate Settlement公司融资Corporate Finance公司施放信号Signalling公用事业Utilities公债National Debt公众有限公司Plc共同行动Acting in Concert共同基金Mutual Fund共同农业政策CAP供给学派经济学Supply-side Economics供给与需求Supply/Demand购股勒索Greenmail购买基金Purchase Fund购买力平价PPP沽出备兑期权Covered Call Writing谷物Cereals股本Equity股本融资Equity Financing股本收益率Return on Equity股东Shareholder股东价值Shareholder value股东名册Share Register股东权益Shareholders’Equity股东权益收益率ROE股东特别大会EGM股东资金Shareholders’Funds股份公司AB股份公司或有限责任公司AS股份两合公司KGaA股份有限公司Kft股价的相对强弱Relative Strength股利Dividend股票Equity股票代号Ticker Symbol股票分割Stock Split股票风险溢价Equity Risk Premium股票股息Stock Dividend股票国际销售International Share Offering 股票合并Negative Stock Split股票红利Stock Dividend股票回购Share Repurchase股票价格平均数Stock Average股票交易显示带Ticker T ape股票借贷Stock Lending股票经纪人Stock Broker股票期权Equity Options股票认购权发行Rights Issue股票升水Share Premium股票贴水Share Discount股票邀标定价法Book Building股票指数Stock Index股票指数基金Stock Index Fund股票指数期货Stock Index Future股票指数期权Stock Index Option股票自由流通量Free Float股权Equity股权互换Equity Swap股权信托Voting Trust股息Dividend股息保障倍数Dividend Cover股息截止过户前买进、除息后卖出Dividend Stripping股息派发比率Payout Ratio股息收益率Dividend Yield股息贴现模型DDM股息宣布日Declaration Date股灾Crash固定/浮动利率混合型债券Fixed固定成本Fixed Costs固定汇率Peg固定汇率制Fixed Exchange Rate固定价格邀投Fixed Price Offer固定利率支付方Payer of Fixed固定收入债务工具Fixed Income固定资本Fixed Capital固定资产Fixed Assets寡头垄断Oligopoly挂钩汇率Peg挂牌Flotation关联公司Affiliate关贸总协定GATT关税与贸易总协定General Agreement on T ariffs and Trade 官方允许的汇率波动区间Trading Band管理层收购MBO广场协议Plaza Agreement广泛性风险Systemic Risk规格说明Specifications规模经济Economies of Scale规模效益Economies of Scale贵金属Precious Metals国际财团Consortium国际复兴开发银行IBRD国际互换和衍生产品协会ISDA国际会计准则理事会IASB国际货币基金组织IMF国际货币基金组织的贷款条件Conditionality国际货币市场IMM国际结算系统Clearstream国际金融公司IFC国际金融机构Supranational国际咖啡组织ICO国际开发协会IDA国际可可组织ICCO国际劳工组织ILO国际能源机构IEA国际清算银行BIS国际商会ICC国际商品协定Commodity Agreement国际石油交易所IPE国际收支Balance of Payments国际糖组织International Sugar Organization 国际投资争端解决中心ICSID国际外汇交易商协会ACI国际小麦理事会International Wheat Council国际证券市场协会ISMA国际证券委员会组织IOSCO国家风险Country Risk国家计划State Planning国库券Bill国民生产总值GNP国民账户National Accounts国内生产总值GDP国内生产总值价格平减指数GDP Deflator国内最终销售Domestic Final Sales国有化Nationalization国债National Debt过度频密的买卖Churning过渡性贷款Bridging含息Cum Dividend含息价Dirty Price韩国综合企业财团Chaebol行号代名Street Name行使价Strike Price行使价格Exercise Price行使价可重设的期权Moving Strike Option行使权利Exercise行业股指Sector Index行政总裁CEO合并Merger合并套利Merger Arbitrage合并资产负债表Consolidated Balance Sheet 合成金融工具Synthetic合格交割Good Delivery合格票据Eligible Bills合理价值Fair value合约等级Contract Grades合约月份Contract Month合作公司Ste Cve河底摸鱼Bottom Fishing荷兰式拍卖Dutch Auction核定资本Authorized Capital核心资本Core Capital褐皮书Beige Book黑市经济Black Market Economy恒生指数Hang Seng Index横向波动Flat红利Dividend红皮书Red Book宏观经济学Macro-economics哄抬股价的炒作行为Pump and Dump后进先出法LIFO后勤部门Back Office后台业务部Back Office互换Swap互换价差Swap Spread互换期权Swaption互联网服务供应商Internet Service Provider, ISP 互联网域名与网址管理机构ICANN华尔街Wall Street华尔街炼油商Wall Street Refiner华尔街石油交易商Wall Street Refiner坏账Bad Debt坏账准备Provision for Bad Debts环比年率Annualized Rate环球银行金融电信协会SWIFT环球银行金融电信协会电码SWIFT Codes缓冲库存Buffer Stock换取现货Against Actuals黄金降落伞Golden Parachute黄牛Scalpers黄色报价带Yellow Strip回本期Payback Period回购Buy Back回购利率Repo Rate回购市场Repo Market回购协议Repo回顾式期权Lookback Option汇率定盘Currency Fixings汇率风险Currency Risk汇票Bill of Exchange会计年度Financial Year会议委员会Conference Board混合经济Mixed Economy混合式期权Combined Option混合型互换Cocktail Swap活期存款Sight Money活期远汇Forward Option伙同方Concert Party或有负债Contingent Liability或有期权Contingent Option货币Money货币贬值Depreciation货币掉期Currency Swap货币供应量Money Supply货币互换Currency Swap货币回笼额Corto货币交易限额Currency Limit货币局制度Currency Board货币市场Money Market货币市场基础Money Market Basis货币学派Monetarism货币政策Monetary Policy货币政策委员会Monetary Policy Committee货币主义Monetarism获利回吐Profit-taking机构经纪Prime Broker机构投资者Institutional Investors机会成本Opportunity Cost鸡尾酒式互换Cocktail Swap积极型基金管理Active Fund Management 基本金属Base Metals基本面分析Fundamental Analysis基差Basis基差风险Basis Risk基差交易Basis Trading基点Basis Point基金Fund基金经理Fund Manager基金收费Load基年Base Year基准Benchmark基准货币Base Currency基准日Base Date级差Basis即期/次日S/N即期汇票Sight Draft集资Equity Financing集资章程Prospectus几何平均数Geometric average挤油交易Churning计划经济Planned Economy计量经济学Econometrics计算机病毒Virus计息Interest Bearing记录持有人Holder of Record记名证券Registered Form记账证券Book-entry securities技术分析Technical Analysis季节性调整Seasonal Adjustment绩优股Blue Chip Stock加按Equity Withdrawal加曼柯尔哈根模型Garman Kohlhagen Model 加密Encryption加权Weighting加权或不加权的指数Weighted加权平均票面利率Weighted Average Coupon 加权平均期限Weighted Average Maturity 加权平均资本成本WACC加权值Weighting夹层融资Mezzanine Finance价差Basis价差赌注Spread Betting价差交易Spread Trading价差巨大Wide Opening价格触发点In strike价格高低分析Rich Cheap Analysis价格过高Overvalued价格偏低Undervalued价格趋势分离Broadening价格通道Price Channel价格折返率Retracement价格指标Price Indicators价量指数PVI价值被低估Undervalued减记Write Down减少投资Disinvestment减少资本支出Disinvestment减值Write Down简单移动平均数Simple Moving Average简明扼要的商务方案Elevator Pitch建立头寸T aking a Position建设—经营—移交方式(BOT 方式) BOT将公司资产拆卖Asset Stripping将军债券Shogun Bond降低信用评级Downgrade降价Markdown交叉汇率Cross Rate交叉盘交易Cross交割价格Delivery Price交割日Prompt Date交换现货Exchange for Cash交货价Delivery Price交投清淡Thin Market交易部门Front Office交易成本Transaction Costs交易大厅Floor交易费用Transaction Fees交易岗Trading Post交易回合Round Turn交易结算室Back Office交易量Trading Volume交易区间Trading Range交易圈Pit交易日后一天结算T+1交易商Dealer交易商持仓报告Commitments of Traders 交易商之间的经纪人IDB交易实物Exchange for Physical交易所交割结算价EDSP交易所交易基金ETF交易头寸限额Position Limit交易席位Seat交易限额Deal Limit较现货价贴水Around Par接管人Receiver接受获分配的证券T akedown接受收购要约Tender结构性赤字Structural Deficit结构性调整Structural Adjustment结清头寸Closing a Position结算Settlement结算风险Settlement Risk结算价格Settlement Price结算日Settlement Date结算所Clearing House结算系统Clearing System结算银行Clearing Bank介绍上市Introduction界限期权Barrier Option借记卡Debit Card借款新安排NAB借款需要额Borrowing Requirement 借款总安排GAB借款总协定GAB金本位制Gold Standard金边证券Gilt-edged金股Golden Share金融市场协会FMA金融稳定论坛FSF金融衍生产品Derivatives金融衍生工具Derivatives金融中介化Financial Intermediation金融中介活动Financial Intermediation金融中心Financial Centre金手铐Golden Handcuffs金银条Bullion金字塔骗局Pyramid Scheme紧缩银根Squeeze尽职调查Due Diligence Process禁运Embargo经常项目Current Account经常性获利Current Earnings经常账户Current Account经合组织OECD经纪公司Brokerage经纪行Trading House经纪人Broker经纪人佣金Brokerage经纪商Broker经济ECONOMY经济合作暨发展组织Organization for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment经济衰退Recession经济增加值EVA经济指标Economic Indicators经济周期Business Cycle经济周期活动指标Activity Indicators经济作物Cash Crop经团联Keidanren经营风险Business Risk经营现金流Operating Cash Flow精算师Actuary景气判断指数IFO景气循环Business Cycle景气循环股Cyclical Stocks净额Net净额法Netting净交易Net Transaction净利Bottom Line净利润Net Profit净头寸Net Position净现金流量Net Cash Flow净现值NPV净资产Net Assets净资产收益率RONA竞价投标Book Building竞争性标售Competitive Bid Auction就业人口Payrolls菊花链交易Daisy Chain矩形价格形态Rectangle巨无霸汉堡包指数Big Mac Index决定不派股息Pass a Dividend卡特尔Cartel开放式基金Open-end Fund凯恩斯经济学Keynesian Economics凯利指标Kairi看跌Bearish看多Bullish看空Bearish看涨Bullish看涨期权Call可变成本Variable Costs可变动资本额股份有限公司SA de CV可变利率Variable Rate可变资本投资公司SICAV可分配的利润Attributable Profit可互换的Fungible可交割等级Tenderable Grades可交换的债券Exchangeable Bonds可卖回的Puttable可商议的Negotiable可提前赎回的Callable可替代的Fungible可展期的债券Extendible Bond可转换优先股Convertible Preference Share 可转换债券Convertible Bond可转换债券套利Convertible Arbitrage可转让的Negotiable可转让证券集合投资事业UCITS空壳公司Shell Company空头Bear空头回补Short covering空头卖出Short-selling空头平仓Short covering空头市场Bear Market空头套期保值Short Hedge空头头寸Short Position空头陷阱Bear Trap控股公司Holding Company扣押权Lien库存Inventory跨国公司Multinational跨国货币结算风险Cross Currency Settlement Risk 跨国石油公司Majors跨境Cross Border跨期买卖Horizontal Spread跨市场上市Cross Listing跨式期权组合Straddle快取记忆体Cache宽限期Grace Period款货分付Free Delivery扩大贷款额度Enlarged Access垃圾债券Junk Bonds拉弗曲线Laffer Curve拉高出货Pump and Dump蓝筹股Blue Chip Stock蓝天法Blue Sky Laws劳埃德Lloyd's劳动股份有限公司SAL劳动力市场Labour Market劳合社Lloyd's勒式组合Strangle类股Market Sector类股指数Sector Index累积投票法Cumulative Method累积优先股Cumulative Preferred Stock累计投标Book Building离岸基金Offshore Fund离岸价格FOB黎明突袭Dawn Raid历史波动性Historical Volatility历史成本Historical Cost利差Cost of Carry利克斯银行Riksbank利率Interest Rate利率风险Interest Rate Risk利率互换Interest Rate Swap利率上下限期权Collar利率上限期权Cap利率下限期权Floor利率项圈期权Collar利润Profit利润率Profit Margin利润再投资Ploughed Back利息偿付倍数Interest Cover利息再投资债券Multiplier Bond例行结算Regular Way Settlement连带违约条款Cross Default Clauses联邦银行Buba联贷Syndicated Loan联合国开发计划署UNDP联合国拉丁美洲及加勒比海经济委员会ECLAC联合国粮农组织FAO联合国粮食和农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization联合国贸易和发展会议United Nations Conference on Trade andDevelopment联合国欧洲经济委员会UNECE联合融资Co-financing联系汇率Peg联营公司Associated Company廉价股Penny Stocks廉价债券Distressed Debt两合公司KG裂解价差Crack Spread零成本期权策略Zero Cost Option零售价格指数Retail Price Index零碎交易Odd Lot Trade零息利率互换Zero Coupon Swap零息债券Zero Coupon Bond零息债券收益率曲线Zero Coupon Yield Curve领头羊Bellwether领先指标Leading Indicators另类投资市场AIM留存收益Retained Earnings留置权Lien流动比率CURRENT RATIO流动负债Current Liabilities流动性Liquidity流动性风险Liquidity Risk流动性余裕Liquidity Margin流动资产Current Assets流动资金Liquidity流量Throughput龙头Bellwether龙债券Dragon Bonds垄断Monopoly伦敦城City伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所LIFFE伦敦结算所London Clearing House 伦敦金融区City伦敦金属交易所LME伦敦金银市场协会LBMA伦敦俱乐部London Club伦敦银行同业拆借利率Libor伦敦银行同业借入利率Libid伦敦银行同业中间利率Limean伦敦证券交易所LSE伦敦证券交易所电子交易系统SETS伦敦证券与衍生工具交易所OMLX罗素3000 指数Russell 3000裸头寸Naked Position履约Exercise履约价Strike Price履约价格Exercise Price绿地投资Greenfield Investment 绿函Greenmail绿色汇率Green Rates绿靴条款Greenshoe Option马城条约Maastricht Treaty马城条约标准Maastricht Criteria马来西亚国家银行Bank Negara Malaysia 马斯特里赫特条约Maastricht Treaty买断Outright Purchases买方出价Bid买方过剩市场Bid Market买方有权不接受延后还本的债券Exit bond买卖方报价Bid-Ask Quote买卖权平价Put-Call Parity买入对冲Long Hedge买现卖期交易Cash and Carry Trade麦考利存续期Macauley duration卖出持有标的看涨期权Covered Call Writing卖方Sell-side卖方报价Ask卖方过剩市场Offer Market卖空Short-selling卖空者Bear卖权Put毛利Gross Profit贸易壁垒Trade Barrier贸易差额Balance of Trade贸易收支差额Balance of Trade贸易数据Trade Figures每股盈余Earnings Per Share每股账面净值BVPS每日价格涨跌限幅Daily Price Limit每日桶数Barrels per Day每日限价Daily Price Limit每一用户平均收入ARPU每张认股权证可认购股票数的比率Shares Per Warrant Ratio美国财务会计准则委员会FASB美国参议院财政委员会Senate Finance Committee美国存管信托公司Depository Trust Corporation美国供应管理协会ISM美国国库券US Treasury Bill美国国库券与欧洲美元期货之价差TED Spread美国国税局IRS美国经济咨商会Conference Board美国联邦储备体系Federal Reserve System美国联邦储备委员会Federal Reserve Board美国联邦存款保险公司FDIC美国联邦公开市场委员会FOMC美国联邦国民抵押贷款协会FNMA美国联邦能源监管委员会FERC美国联邦住房抵押贷款公司Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation美国农产品出口补贴方案Export Enhancement Programme美国农业部USDA美国全国采购管理协会NAPM美国全国证券交易商协会NASD美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers'Automated Quotations美国商品期货交易委员会Commodities Futures Trading Commission 美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC) CFTC美国审计局General Accounting Office美国石油学会API美国石油学会重力指标API Gravity美国通膨保值公债TIPS美国预托证券ADR美国债市的标准计息方法US Street Method美国证交会SEC美国证券集中保管结算公司DTCC美国证券交易委员会SEC美国政府国民抵押贷款协会Ginnie Mae美国政府长期债券US Treasury Bond美国政府中期债券US Treasury Note美联储Fed美式期权American Option美元化Dollarization猛犬债券Bulldog Bond猛涨Run Up免费发行Free Issue免费认股权Nil Paid Rights免税红利Franked dividends免佣金No-load面值Face value民营化/私有化Privatization民营化/私有化Privatization名义本金Notional Principal名义利率Nominal Interest Rates名义上的Nominal名义性债券Notional Bonds明日T/N摩擦性失业Frictional Unemployment摩根士丹利资本国际指数MSCI Indices末行数字Bottom Line母公司Holding Company穆迪信贷评级Moody's纳斯达克NASDAQ纳斯达克综合股价指数NASDAQ Composite南方共同市场MERCOSUR内部回报率Internal Rate of Return内插法Interpolation内幕交易Insider Dealing内推法Interpolation内在价值Intrinsic value能量分析On Balance Volume逆回购协议Reverse Repurchase Agreement逆经济周期而动的股票Counter-cyclical Stock逆时针价量图Counter Clockwise年报Annual Report年度报告Annual Report年度股东大会AGM年金Annuity年率Annual Rate年增长率Annualized Rate年终股息Final Dividend牛市Bull Market牛市的Bullish纽约咖啡、糖及可可交易所Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange 纽约期货交易所NYBOT纽约商品交易所COMEX纽约商业期货交易所New York Mercantile Exchange纽约证交所Big Board纽约证券交易所NYSE挪威合伙公司的简称ANS挪威上市公司的简称ASA欧盟EU欧盟经济财政部长会议ECOFIN欧盟统计局Eurostat欧米加Omega欧佩克OPEC欧式期权European Option欧央行ECB欧元区Euroland欧元银行同业拆息Euribor欧元银行同业隔夜拆息Eonia欧洲存款Eurodeposits欧洲贷款Eurocredits欧洲复兴开发银行EBRD欧洲汇率机制ERM欧洲货币Eurocurrency欧洲货币机构EMI欧洲货币体系EMS欧洲结算系统Euroclear欧洲经济货币联盟EMU欧洲美元Eurodollar欧洲期货期权交易所EUREX欧洲市场Euromarkets欧洲投资银行EIB欧洲信贷Eurocredits欧洲债券Eurobond欧洲中期债券EMTN欧洲自由贸易联盟EFTA爬行钉住汇率制Crawling Peg拍卖Auction派发指标Accumulation派息率Payout Ratio盘购Acquisition盘后交易After-hours Dealing 盘前交易Pre-market Trading 盘整Backing and Filling 盘整期Consolidation Phase 庞氏骗局Ponzi Scheme泡沫Bubble配售Placing批发Wholesale票据Bill票据承兑商行Acceptance House 票据发行便利NIF票面利率Coupon撇账Write Off平仓Closing a Position平仓成本Cost to Close平等待遇Pari Passu平行贷款Parallel Loans平衡预算Balanced Budget平滑异同移动平均线MACD平价At Par平价债券Par Bond平均价格期权Average Price平均值Mean屏幕交易Screen Trading破产Bankruptcy破产保护Chapter 11破产保护企业融资DIP Financing蒲式耳Bushel普氏Platts普通股Common Stock普通股本Ordinary Share Capital 普通合股公司SC普通合伙公司SNC普通提款权ODR七国集团G7七十七国集团G77期货的最近月合约Nearbys期货合约Futures期货交易所公开喊价区Futures Pit期货经纪商Commission Merchant 期货升水Contango期货转换现货交易Exchange for Physical 期末股息Final Dividend期末价值Terminal value期末整还式贷款Balloon Loan期票Promissory Note期权Option期权策略Option Strategies期权持有者Option Holder期权费Option Premium期权价内(实值)状态In the Money期权价外状态Out of the Money期权价值随时间过去而下跌Time Decay期权卖方Option Writer期权平值状态At the Money期权系列Option Series期权组合Combined Option旗形态/三角旗形态Flags企业对企业电子商务B2B企业分拆Demerger企业分割Demerger企业集团Conglomerate企业价值EV企业区Enterprise Zone企业融资Corporate Finance启用贷款Drawdown起息日Dated Date契约Covenant牵头经理费Praecipuum前台业务部Front Office前线部门Front Office前置定价法Backpricing欠发达国家LDC抢帽子式交易商Scalpers抢先交易Front Running清算所Clearing House清算系统Clearing System清算银行Clearing Bank趋势反转Trend Reversal趋势轨道Channel Lines趋势连续性Continuation趋势线Trendline趋同Convergence曲线Curve圈售Circling权利股发行Scrip Issue权利金Option Premium权重Weighting全价Dirty Price全面摊薄每股盈余Fully Diluted EPS全球预托凭证GDR全权管理账户Discretionary Account 全数包销Bought Deal全数完成或作废单FOK劝导Moral Suasion券款对付DVP缺乏流动性Illiquid缺口Gap缺口操作Gapping确定的委托Firm Order燃料油Fuel Oil让产易股Spin Off热门股票Hot Stock人均国内生产总值GDP per Head认购不足Undersubscribed认购期权Call认股权发行Rights Issue认股权证Warrant日/桶Barrels per Day日本大阪证券交易所OSE日本国际合作银行JBIC日本进出口银行EX-IM Bank of Japan 日本经济团体联合会Keidanren日本央行短观调查报告T ankan日本邮政省简易保险局Kampo日本债券回购市场Gensaki Market日本政府公债JGB日本综合商社Sogo Shosha日交易限制Intraday Limit日经225 指数Nikkei 225日历价差Calendar Spread日历套利Calendar Spread融券Stock Lending融券保证金账户Short Margin Account 软贷款Soft Loan软性商品Softs瑞士期权和金融期货交易所SOFFEX瑞士市场指数SMI萨尔巴尼斯—奥斯利法Sarbanes-Oxley Act 三格转向Three Box Reversal 三国集团G3三角旗形态Pennants三角形Triangles三十国国际财经事务顾问团G30三巫日Triple Witching三巫同时显灵(日) Triple Witching三约同时到期(日) Triple Witching三重顶/三重底Triple Top/Bottom散布图Scatter Chart散点图Scatter Chart丧失转换价值的可转换证券Busted Convertible商人银行Merchant Bank商业汇票Trade Bill商业票据CP商业银行Commercial Banks商誉Goodwill上升趋势/下跌趋势Uptrend/Downtrend 上市Flotation上市公告Listing Particulars上市公司OYJ上市股票Listed Stock上市交易基金ETF上市前推介Pre-marketing上市要求Listing Requirements 上游产业Upstream上涨生效期权Up and In上涨失效期权Up and Out烧钱Burn烧钱率Cash Burn少数股东权益Minority Interest申报交易商Reporting Dealer申请了破产保护的公司DIP审计Audit审计师Auditors审计员Auditors升级Upgrade升水Around Par升值Revaluation生产者物价指数PPI,Producer Price Index 失败的振荡Failure Swing失业Unemployment十国集团G10十亿Yard石油下游产业Downstream时间价值Time value时间序列Time Series实际的Real实际汇率Effective Exchange Rate实际控制Working Control实际利率Real Interest Rates实际收益率Real Yield实缴股本Paid-up Capital实时数据Real-time Data实收资本Paid-up Capital实物交割之通知Tender实物商品市场Terminal Market实物石油Wet Barrels实质利率Real Interest Rates实质收益率Real Yield世界贸易组织WTO世界银行World Bank市场板块Market Sector市场风险Market Risk市场风险Market Risk市场经济Market Economy市场平均预估Consensus Estimates市场趋势Market Trend市场正常交易规模Normal Market Size市价单Market Order市价指令Market Order市盈率P/E Ratio市盈增长比率Price Earnings Growth Ratio 市盈增长比率(PEG 值) PEG Ratio市帐率Price To Book Ratio市政债券Municipal Bond市值Capitalization市值加权指数Capitalization-weighted Index 市值帐面值比率Price To Book Ratio收购Acquisition收购出价T akeover Bid收购要约Tender Offer收集Accumulation收入Income收入政策Incomes Policy收益股Income Stock收益率Rate of Return收益率差额Yield Gap收益率曲线Yield Curve收益率缺口Yield Gap首次付息First Coupon首次公开招股IPO首期短期息票Short First Coupon首席财务官CFO首席执行官CEO受托人Depository授权Mandate授权买卖账户Discretionary Account授权书Proxy赎回Redemption赎回认股权证Redemption Warrant赎回收益率Redemption Yield赎回值可变动的债券Variable Redemption Bond数量招标Fixed Price Offer双底衰退Double Dip双价制Dual Pricing双巫日Double Witching双巫同时显灵(日) Double Witching双向市场Two-way Market双约同时到期(日) Double Witching。



宁波大红鹰学院毕业论文外文翻译所在学院:经济与管理学院专业:财务管理班级: 11财管103班学号: 1131060311 姓名:黄丽霞指导教师:乔华2014年10月22 日译文:接触管理外汇风险作者:Aleks V olkov投资者经常处于外汇风险,即汇率的可能性会变得不利,导致资产价值的损失,货币持有和海外证券。



















金融学专业术语 中英文

金融学专业术语 中英文

金融学专业术语中英文B 半强式效率semi-strong efficiency 指在证券价格充分反映了所有的公开信息(包括历史价格和交易情况,但不局限于此。

)半通货膨胀Semi-inflation 当经济逐渐接近充分就业时,货币供给增加所形成的过度总需求一方面使产出增加,另一方面又使价格逐渐上升。

保险合约insurance contract 是保险公司与被保险人之间签订的当某一事件发生时按约定的费率给予被保险人赔偿的合约。

本金principal 本期收益率current yield 本位币standard money 按照国家规定的金属、单位货币的名称和重量铸造的货币。

边际储蓄倾向Marginal Propensity to Save ,MPS 反映可支配收入每增加以单位时储蓄支出增加的数量。

边际消费倾向Marginal Propensity to Concume ,MPC 反映可支配收入每增加一个单位时小分支出增加的数量。

补偿性公共支出compensatory public spending 政府财政预算应于社会经济条件保持相同的步调,即政府应在萧条期间实施结构性预算赤字的政策,而在经济繁荣时,就要保持适当的盈余。

不动产信用控制real estate credit control 指中央银行对商业银行等金融机构向客户提供不动产抵押贷款的管理 措施。

C 财富效应wealth effect 财富变动对消费和储蓄倾向的影响。

财务担保guarantee 贷款人要求担保人为借款人的借款提供经济担保,当借款人无力偿还借款时,由担保人负责偿还的一种经济合同。

财务公司financial company 通过发行商业票据、股票或从银行借款获得资金,再利用这些资金对个人或企业进行小额贷款。

财政赤字论fiscal deficit theory 克鲁格曼(Krugman,1979)提出财政赤字导致货币危机的理论。

财政性通货膨胀理论fiscal inflation theory 通过财政政策来鼓励通货膨胀的理论。

国际贸易 英文题 带详细解析

国际贸易 英文题 带详细解析

Tutorial 2: Questions for Topic 2 of Part I BSuggested AnswersChapter 3 Page 126:Questions: 1, 2,5 & 9Problems: 1, 3, 4 & 5Questions1. a. What are the five basic mechanisms for establishing exchange rates?A NSWER.The five basic mechanisms for establishing exchange rates are free float, managed float, target-zone arrangement, fixed-rate system, and the current hybrid system.b. How does each work?A NSWER.In a free float, exchange rates are determined by the interaction of currency supplies and demands. Under a system of managed floating, governments intervene actively in the foreign exchange market to smooth out exchange rate fluctuations in order to reduce the economic uncertainty associated with a free float. Under a target-zone arrangement, countries adjust their national economic policies to maintain their exchange rates within a specific margin around agreed-upon, fixed central exchange rates. Under a fixed-rate system, such as the Bretton Woods system, governments are committed to maintaining target exchange rates. Each central bank actively buys or sells its currency in the foreign exchange market whenever its exchange rate threatens to deviate from its stated par value by more than an agreed-on percentage. Currently, the international monetary system is a hybrid system, with major currencies floating on a managed basis, some currencies freely floating, and other currencies moving in and out of various types of pegged exchange rate relationships.c. What costs and benefits are associated with each mechanism?A NSWER.Benefits of a Floating Rate System. At the time floating rates were adopted in 1973, proponents said that the new system would reduce economic volatility and facilitate free trade. In particular, floating exchange rates would offset international differences in inflation rates so that trade, wages, employment, and output would not have to adjust. High-inflation countries would see their currencies depreciate, allowing their firms to stay competitive without having to cut wages or employment. At the same time, currency appreciation would not place firms in low-inflation countries at a competitive disadvantage. Real exchange rates would stabilize, even if permitted to float in principle, because the underlying conditions affecting trade and the relative productivity of capital would change only gradually; and if countries would coordinate their monetary policies to achieve a convergence of inflation rates, then nominal exchange rates would also stabilize. Another benefit is that–as Milton Friedman points out–with a floating exchange rate, there never has been a foreign exchange crisis. The reason is simple: The floating rate absorbs the pressures that would otherwise build up in countries that try to peg the exchange rate while simultaneously pursuing an independent monetary policy. Forexample, the Asian currency crisis did not spill over to Australia and New Zealand because the latter countries had floating exchange rates. A floating rate system can also act as a shock absorber to cushion real economic shocks that change the equilibrium exchange rate.Costs of a Floating Rate System. Many economists point to excessive volatility as a major cost of a floating rate system. The experience to date is that the dollar's ups and downs have had little to do with actual inflation and a lot to do with expectations of future government policies and economic conditions. Put another way, real exchange rate volatility has increased, not decreased, since floating began. This instability reflects, in part, nonmonetary (or real) shocks to the world economy, such as changing oil prices and shifting competitiveness among countries, but these real shocks were not obviously greater during the 1980s than they were in earlier periods. Instead, uncertainty over future government policies has increased.Benefits of a Managed Float. The potential benefit of a managed float is that governments can reduce the volatility associated with a freely floating exchange rate.Costs of a Managed Float.The costs of a managed float stem from the demonstrated inability of governments to recognize the difference between a temporary exchange rate disequilibrium and a permanent one. By trying to manage exchange rates when a permanent shift in the equilibrium exchange rate has occurred, governments run the risk of creating an exchange rate crisis and wasting reserves.Benefits of a Target Zone Arrangement. The experience with the European Monetary System is that the target zone arrangement in effect forced convergence of monetary policy to that of the country–Germany–with the most disciplined anti-inflation policy and led to low inflation.Costs of a Target Zone Arrangement.Maintaining a genuinely stable target zone arrangement requires the political will to direct fiscal and monetary policies at that goal and not at purely national ones. This turns out to be difficult for countries to achieve. In the case of the European Monetary System, the result was periodic currency crises. Another cost of this system is that fundamental changes in the equilibrium exchange rate cannot get reflected in actual exchange rate changes without a currency crisis occurring.Benefits of a Fixed Rate System. A permanently fixed exchange rate system–such as that achieved by a currency board, dollarization, or monetary union–results in currency stability and the absence of currency crises. In a system such as existed under Bretton Woods, where there is a commitment to a fixed exchange rate system, but no mechanism to bind that commitment, you will have more monetary discipline than in a freely floating system and hence lower inflation than might otherwise be the case.Costs of a Fixed Rate System. In a permanently fixed system, the exchange rate cannot cushion the effects of real economic shocks, such as devaluation of a major competitor’s currency. Instead, prices must adjust. Given the lack of flexibility of many prices–because of government regulations or union restrictions–the result of these economic shocks can be higher unemployment and less economic growth. In a system such as Bretton Woods, the result of changes in the equilibrium exchange rate willlikely be currency crises and eventual devaluation or revaluation.Benefits of a Hybrid System. The current system gives countries the option to select the system that best meets their needs. However, all too often, the decision is based on political rather than economic calculations.Costs of a Hybrid System. The costs of a hybrid system, such as the one currently in place, is that there is no constraint on the choices that governments can make. The resulting choices can be good ones or bad ones.d. Have exchange rate movements under the current system of managed floating been excessive?Explain.A NSWER.Excessive movements would indicate that there are profits to be earned by betting against the market. In effect, if currency fluctuations are excessive they would exhibit the phenomenon of overshooting (i.e., currency rates would overreact to economic events and then return to equilibrium). There is no evidence that one could profit by betting that rate movements are excessive.2. Find a recent example of a nation's foreign exchange market intervention and note what thegovernment's justification was. Does this justification make economic sense?A NSWER.Finding an example of foreign exchange market intervention by a government should be pretty easy to do. The trick will be to find a coherent statement of what the government's justification was. Most of these justifications make little or no economic sense.5. The experiences of fixed exchange-rate systems and target-zone arrangements have not beenentirely satisfactory.a. What lessons can economists draw from the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system?A NSWER.Adjusting monetary growth rates is the principal way to stabilize exchange rates. For example, raising the value of the dollar relative to the yen requires tightening U.S. monetary policy relative to Japanese monetary policy. The experience of Bretton Woods and similar experiments demonstrates that conscious and explicit coordination of monetary policies among sovereign authorities is difficult. The problem stems from the inability of sovereign authorities to coordinate their monetary growth rates. An agreement to stabilize the dollar at, say, 150 yen would be relatively easy if it did not entail interdependent monetary policies, robbing the Federal Reserve, or the Bank of Japan, or both, of important degrees of monetary freedom.Both Japan and the United States have their own targets for growth and inflation and their own independent assessment of the macroeconomic policies required to attain those targets. Except by coincidence, independent policies and preferences will not mesh at a stable exchange rate. Given clashing preferences, the only alternatives to the "chaos" of floating are:(1) One side persuades the other to change its policies;(2) One side subordinates its policies to those of the other; or(3) Both sides subordinate their monetary policies to an external mechanism, such as a goldstandard.Absent (3), "international monetary reform" is the search for new ways to implement (1) or (2), or some combination. We saw that Bretton Woods collapsed because the subordination it entailed was intolerable to the United State. That is, the United States refused to follow economic policies that would maintain the value of gold at $35 an ounce. The basic lesson from Bretton Woods, therefore, is that stabilizing exchange rates requires dependence and subordination, not the freedom for everybody to do their own thing. But instead of changing policies to stay with the Bretton Woods system, the major countries simply dropped the system.b. What lessons can economists draw from the exchange rate experiences of the European MonetarySystem?A NSWER.Exchange rate stability requires that monetary policies be coordinated and geared towards maintaining exchange rate parities. The slow progress of the European community with respect to the EMS and policy coordination exemplifies the difficulties of achieving agreements on the many facets of economic policymaking. Implementing target zones on a wider scale would be all the more difficult. Differences in preferences, policy objectives, and economic structures account in part for these difficulties. More fundamentally, however, coordination of macroeconomic policies will not necessarily benefit all participant countries equally, and those that benefit the most may not be willing to compensate those that benefit least. In the EMS, Germany is less inflation-prone than the other members and is reluctant to cooperate at the risk of increasing its inflation rate.Another lesson is that in target-zone arrangements such as the EMS, a disproportionately large share of the adjustment burden will fall on the "weak" currency countries. Countries with appreciating currencies, trade surpluses, and increasing reserves are less prone to adjust than countries with depreciating currencies, trade deficits, or reserve losses. The convergence of inflation rates among the EMS countries supports this view. An equal sharing of the adjustment burden implies that inflation rates among member nations would converge to the average rate.Germany, however, has maintained a domestic monetary target of low or zero inflation, and often has refused to alter domestic monetary policy because of exchange rate considerations. Because of Germany's economic importance, the other member countries have had to adjust their domestic policies or their exchange rates to remain competitive in international markets. As a result, inflation rates have tended to converge toward Germany's lower rate.9. Comment on the following statement: "With monetary union, the era of protection for Europeanfirms and workers has come to an end."A NSWER. As explained in the answer to the previous question, wage flexibility is a substitute, albeit an imperfect one, for exchange rate flexibility. If exchange rates can no longer adjust in response todomestic imbalances, then wages need to become more flexible to avoid an increase in the already high rate of European unemployment. But labor market institutions in Europe tend to impede such flexibility. Their very purpose is to protect those currently working from the pressure of the unemployed. Nobody loses his or her job, or is obliged to accept a wage cut, even though there is a large pool of unemployed who would be willing to work at a lower wage. Job protection schemes, minimum wages, and generous unemployment benefits make it possible for unions to negotiate wage increases that are largely independent of the state of the labor market. Market flexibility is also critical for adapting to economic shocks without the aid of exchange rate changes. If a country has high unemployment because of low demand for its products, it is essential in a monetary union for firms to be able to shift resources rapidly toward products with greater demand. But throughout Europe, state subsidies, costly regulations, insufficient competition, government monopolies, and barriers to entry slow the pace of adjustment. Monetary union will force governments and society to confront the prospect that maintaining the current generous social welfare state will force a substantial increase in their already high level of unemployment, but--because of the strict Maestricht fiscal criteria–without the possibility of more state aid to mitigate the suffering.Problems1. During the currency crisis of September 1992, the Bank of England borrowed DM 33 billion fromthe Bundesbank when a pound was worth DM 2.78 or $1.912. It sold these DM in the foreign exchange market for pounds in a futile attempt to prevent a devaluation of the pound. It repaid these DM at the post-crisis rate of DM 2.50:£1. By then, the dollar:pound exchange rate was $1.782:£1.a. By what percentage had the pound sterling devalued in the interim against the Deutsche mark?Against the dollar?A NSWER. During this period, the pound depreciated by 10.1% against the poundand by 6.8% against the dollarb. What was the cost of intervention to the Bank of England in pounds? In dollars?A NSWER.The Bank of England borrowed DM 33 billion and must repay DM 33 billion. When it borrowed these DM, the DM was worth £0.3597, valuing the loan at £11.87 billion (DM 33 billion x 0.3597). After devaluation, the DM was worth £0.4000. Hence, the Bank of England's cost of repayingthe DM loan was £13.20 billion (DM 33 billion x 0.4), a rise of £1.33 billion. Thus, the cost to the Bank of England of this DM borrowing and intervention was £1.33 billion.In dollar terms, intervention cost the Bank of England $825 million. This estimate is based on the difference of $0.025 between the DM's initial value of $0.6878 (1.912/2.78) and its ending value of $0.7128 (1/2.50) times the DM 33 billion borrowed and spent defending the pound. Specifically, the cost calculation is $0.025 x 33,000,000,000 = $825 million.3. A Dutch company exporting to France has FF 3 million due in 90 days. Suppose that the currentexchange rate is FF 1 = Dfl 0.3291.a. Under the exchange rate mechanism, and assuming central rates of FF 6.45863/ECU and Dfl2.16979/ECU, what is the central cross-exchange rate between the two currencies?A NSWER.Given central rates of DFl 2.16979:ECU and FF 6.45863:ECU for the Dutch guilder and French franc, respectively, the central cross rate between the two currencies is DFl 1 = FF 2.97662 (6.45863/2.16979). Equivalently, FF 1 = DFl 0.335952 (2.16979/6.45863).b. Based on the answer to part a, what is the most the Dutch company could lose on its French francreceivable, assuming that France and the Netherlands stick to the ERM with a 15% band on either side of their central cross rate?A NSWER.At worst, the French franc can fall by 15% relative to its central guilder cross rate, to a cross-exchange rate of FF 1 = DFl 0.285559 (0.335952 x 0.85). Since the current exchange rate is FF 1 = DFl 0.3291, the most the Dutch company can lose on its FF 3 million receivable is 3,000,000 x (0.3291 - 0.285559) = DFl 130,622.c. Redo part b, assuming the band was narrowed to 2.25%.A NSWER. If the band were narrowed to 2.25%, then the minimum value for the French franc would be DFl 0.328393 and the maximum loss that the Dutch company could sustain would be 3,000,000 x (0.3291 - 0.328393) = DFl 2,121.d. Redo part b, assuming you know nothing about the current cross-exchange rate.A NSWER. Knowing nothing about the current cross-exchange rate, the worst that could happen is that the cross rate would be at its upper bound of DFl 0.386345 (0.335952 x 1.15) and it falls to its lower bound of 0.285559 (established in the answer to part b). In this case, the maximum possible loss is 3,000,000 x (0.386345 - 0. 285559) = DFl 302,357.4. Panama adopted the U.S. dollar as its official paper money in 1904. There is currently about $400million to $500 million in U.S. dollars circulating in Panama. If interest rates on U.S. Treasury securities are 7%, what is the value of the seigniorage that Panama is forgoing by using the U.S.dollar instead of its own-issue money?A NSWER. Instead of using U.S. dollars as its currency in circulation, the Panamanian government could substitute its own currency and invest the $400 million to $500 million in U.S. Treasury securities. This policy would earn the Panamanian government $28 million to $35 million annually at the current 7% interest rate. Thus, the Panamanian government is foregoing seigniorage worth $28 million to $35 million annually. The present value of this seigniorage equals the amount of U.S. dollars in circulation, or $400 million ($28 million/.07) to $500 million ($35 million/.07).5. By some estimates, $185 billion to $260 billion in currency is held outside the United States.a. What is the value to the United States of the seigniorage associated with these overseas dollars ?Assume that dollar interest rates are about 6%.A NSWER. The annual value of seigniorage equals the foregone interest on the currency held outside the United States. Based on the numbers presented in the question, this annual value varies between $11.1 billion (0.06 x $185 billion) and $15.6 billion (0.06 x $260 billion). If this money stays overseas permanently, then the value of seigniorage is just equal to the amount of dollars held outside the United States, or $185 billion to $260 billion. In other words, the United States receives goods and services worth this amount of money from foreigners and paid for them with pieces of green paper that are never redeemed for U.S. goods and services.b. Who in the United States realizes this seigniorage?A NSWER. The U.S. government realizes this seigniorage. Who in the United States benefits from this seigniorage is an issue in political economy and depends what the government does with the money: cuts taxes, spends it (which raises the further question of on whom), uses it to reduce the deficit, etc.。




曾在国际主要学术期刊如ReviewofFinancialStudies,ManagementScience,JournalofFinancialandQuantitativeAnalysis,Journ alofBankingandFinance,EuropeanFinanceManagement,ReviewofQuantitativeFinanceandAccounti ng,DecisionSupportSystem,JournalofBusiness,FinanceandAccounting,PacificBasinFinanceJournal 等国内外刊物发表数十篇文章。






英语信用风险专业术语 Revised by Jack on December 14,2020SWOT分析(SWOT analysis)——分析经营风险的方法。


Z值(Z Score)——指对企业财务状况、破产可能性的量化评估。


Z值模型(Z score models)——用少量关键指标衡量企业破产风险的模型。



巴塞尔协议(Basle Agreement)——由各国中央银行、国际清算银行成员签订的国际协议,主要是关于银行最小资本充足的要求。

它也被称为BIS规则(BIS rules)。

保兑信用证(Confirmed Letter of Credit)——开出信用证的银行和第二家承兑的银行都承诺有条件地担保支付的信用证。

保留所有权的条款(Retention of Title Clause)——销售合同中注明,供应商在法律上拥有货物的所有权,直到顾客支付了货款的条款。


本票(Promissory Note)——承诺在指定的日期支付约定金额的票据。

边际贷款(Marginal Lending)——新增贷款。


边际客户(Marginal Customer)——指额外的客户。



财产转换贷款(Asset Conversion Loan)——用于短期融资的短期贷款,例如,季节性的筹集营运资金。

国际金融 期末复习 中英文

国际金融 期末复习 中英文

【名词解释】【The Special Drawing Right (SDR)特别提款权】p 30The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an international reserve asset created by the IMF to supplement existing foreign exchange reserves. (It serves as a unit of account for the IMF and is also the base against which some countries peg the exchange rate for their currencies。

【LIBOR 伦敦同业银行拆解率】p 33Eurocurrency Interest Rates:LIBORLIBOR(London Interbank Offered Rate)is the reference rate of interest in the Eurocurrency market, and is now the most widely accepted rate of interest used in standardized quotations, loan agreements or financial derivatives valuations。

LIBOR is officially defined by the British Bankers Association。

【Dollarization美元化】Dollarization – the use of the US dollar as the official currency of the country.只将美元用作官方通货。

【Eurodollar 欧洲美元】Eurodollar is one of the European currency types,which refers to the dollar deposits in banks outside the united states 是指存放在美国以外的银行中的美元存款,欧洲美元是欧洲货币的一种类型。



摩根士丹利外汇词语(中英对照)节选1. 地缘政治风险 geopolitical risk2. 汇率波动率 exchange rate volatility3. 外汇市场 foreign exchange market4. 外汇保证金交易 foreign exchange margin trading5. 外汇交易所 foreign exchange exchange6. 外汇风险管理 foreign exchange risk management7. 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves8. 外汇保证金 foreign exchange margin9. 外汇交易 foreign exchange transaction10. 外汇市场风险 foreign exchange market risk11. 外汇买卖 foreign exchange buying and selling12. 外汇投资 foreign exchange investment13. 外汇流动性 foreign exchange liquidity14. 外汇操作 foreign exchange operation15. 外汇市场波动 foreign exchange market fluctuation16. 外汇市场观察 foreign exchange market observation17. 外汇市场参与 foreign exchange market participation18. 外汇市场交易 foreign exchange market trading19. 外汇市场风险控制 foreign exchange market risk control20. 外汇市场分析 foreign exchange market analysis21. 外汇市场监管 foreign exchange market regulation22. 外汇市场法规 foreign exchange market regulations23. 外汇市场监管机构 foreign exchange market regulatory agency24. 外汇市场价格 foreign exchange market price25. 外汇市场行情 foreign exchange market market26. 外汇市场参与者 foreign exchange market participants27. 外汇市场交易商 foreign exchange market traders28. 外汇市场交易量 foreign exchange market trading volume29. 外汇市场交易策略 foreign exchange market trading strategy30. 外汇市场参考价格 foreign exchange market reference price31. 外汇市场交易规则 foreign exchange market trading rules32. 外汇市场交易平台 foreign exchange market trading platform33. 外汇市场交易系统 foreign exchange market trading system34. 外汇市场交易时间 foreign exchange market trading time35. 外汇市场交易费用 foreign exchange market trading costs36. 外汇市场交易规定 foreign exchange market trading regulations37. 外汇市场交易方式 foreign exchange market trading methods38. 外汇市场交易渠道 foreign exchange market trading channels39. 外汇市场交易制度 foreign exchange market trading system40. 外汇市场交易过程 foreign exchange market trading process41. 外汇市场交易机会 foreign exchange market trading opportunities42. 外汇市场交易信号 foreign exchange market trading signals43. 外汇市场交易策略 foreign exchange market trading strategy44. 外汇市场交易心理 foreign exchange market trading psychology45. 外汇市场交易技巧 foreign exchange market trading skills46. 外汇市场交易趋势 foreign exchange market trading trends47. 外汇市场交易机制 foreign exchange market trading mechanism49. 外汇市场交易操盘 foreign exchange market trading operation50. 外汇市场交易风险 foreign exchange market trading risk51. 外汇市场交易大趋势 foreign exchange market trading major trends52. 外汇市场交易氛围 foreign exchange market trading atmosphere53. 外汇市场交易过程 foreign exchange market trading process54. 外汇市场交易秩序 foreign exchange market trading order55. 外汇市场交易纪律 foreign exchange market trading discipline56. 外汇市场交易环境 foreign exchange market trading environment57. 外汇市场交易要素 foreign exchange market trading factors58. 外汇市场交易分析 foreign exchange market trading analysis59. 外汇市场交易产生 foreign exchange market trading generation60. 外汇市场交易周期 foreign exchange market trading cycle61. 外汇市场交易特点 foreign exchange market trading characteristics62. 外汇市场交易背景 foreign exchange market trading background63. 外汇市场交易水平 foreign exchange market trading level64. 外汇市场交易价格 foreign exchange market trading price65. 外汇市场交易理念 foreign exchange market trading ideas66. 外汇市场交易逻辑 foreign exchange market trading logic67. 外汇市场交易规律 foreign exchange market trading laws68. 外汇市场交易模式 foreign exchange market trading mode69. 外汇市场交易趋势 foreign exchange market trading trends70. 外汇市场交易结构 foreign exchange market trading structure71. 外汇市场交易形势 foreign exchange market trading situation72. 外汇市场交易趋势 foreign exchange market trading trends74. 外汇市场交易机遇 foreign exchange market trading opportunities75. 外汇市场交易挑战 foreign exchange market trading challenges76. 外汇市场交易风险 foreign exchange market trading risk77. 外汇市场交易机制 foreign exchange market trading mechanism78. 外汇市场交易秩序 foreign exchange market trading order79. 外汇市场交易规则 foreign exchange market trading rules80. 外汇市场交易特点 foreign exchange market trading characteristics81. 外汇市场交易环境 foreign exchange market trading environment82. 外汇市场交易仓位 foreign exchange market trading position83. 外汇市场交易方向 foreign exchange market trading direction84. 外汇市场交易点 foreign exchange market trading points85. 外汇市场交易标准 foreign exchange market trading standards86. 外汇市场交易手段 foreign exchange market trading means87. 外汇市场交易技巧 foreign exchange market trading skills88. 外汇市场交易心态 foreign exchange market trading mentality89. 外汇市场交易策略 foreign exchange market trading strategy90. 外汇市场交易理念 foreign exchange market trading ideas91. 外汇市场交易效果 foreign exchange market trading effect92. 外汇市场交易逻辑 foreign exchange market trading logic93. 外汇市场交易规律 foreign exchange market trading laws94. 外汇市场交易模式 foreign exchange market trading mode95. 外汇市场交易趋势 foreign exchange market trading trends96. 外汇市场交易结构 foreign exchange market trading structure97. 外汇市场交易形势 foreign exchange market trading situation99. 外汇市场交易变化 foreign exchange market trading changes100.外汇市场交易机会 foreign exchange market trading opportunities。



Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurementand ManagementLiquidity Risk流动性风险(狭义):银行在未来收到的现金流小于预期的现金流,导致银行无法满足支付义务。


Solvency 指一个公司的资产大于负债,即Equity 为正。

Liquidity 指一个公司在到期时可以支付现金的能力。


资产中的流动性指的是变现能力,当市场流动性变差时,trader 因面临更大的bid-offer spread 而更容易承担损失。

某一个资产的卖价取决于:1. 该资产的mid-market price ,或者是其价值的估计量2. 该资产被售卖的数量3. 卖方想多快将该资产卖掉(太急可能就会降价)4. 宏观经济环境透明度越高的资产,流动性越好。


Dollar bid-offer spread :p = offer price – bid priceProportional bid-offer spread :s =offer price − bid price mid−market price ,spread 越低则市场流动性越好Cost of liquidation (normal market):∑s i αi 2n i=1s i 为资产i 的bid-offer spread ,αi 为资产i 的mid-market price 。

在normal market 下,资产的diversification 可以降低market risk ,但是无法降低liquidity risk 。

Cost of liquidation (stressed market):∑μi +λσi 2n i=1αi ,λ为标准正态的分位数。



如何减轻交易风险英语作文英文:Reducing trading risks is crucial for any investor or trader. There are several strategies and techniques that can be employed to minimize the potential for loss and increase the chances of success in trading.One way to reduce trading risks is to diversify your portfolio. By spreading your investments across different assets, industries, and regions, you can lower the impact of any single investment's poor performance on your overall portfolio. For example, rather than putting all your money into one stock, you could invest in a mix of stocks, bonds, and commodities to spread the risk.Another effective way to reduce trading risks is to set stop-loss orders. This means establishing a predetermined point at which you will sell a security to limit your losses. For instance, if you buy a stock at $50 per share,you could set a stop-loss order at $45 per share. If the stock's price falls to $45, the order will be triggered, and you will sell the stock to prevent further losses.Furthermore, conducting thorough research and analysis before making any trading decisions is essential for risk reduction. By understanding the market trends, company financials, and economic indicators, you can make more informed and strategic investment choices. For example, before investing in a company, I always look at its earnings reports, management team, and competitive positioning to assess its potential for growth and profitability.In addition, staying updated on current events and market news is crucial for reducing trading risks. By being aware of geopolitical developments, regulatory changes, and economic data releases, you can anticipate potential market movements and adjust your trading strategy accordingly. For instance, when there is uncertainty surrounding a specific industry due to new regulations, I would be cautious about investing in companies within that sector.Moreover, it's important to manage your emotions and avoid making impulsive decisions when trading. Fear and greed can lead to irrational choices and increase the likelihood of losses. It's essential to have a clear trading plan and stick to it, even when the market becomes volatile. For instance, during a market downturn, it's tempting to panic sell, but I always remind myself to stay disciplined and focus on the long-term prospects of my investments.Finally, seeking professional advice and guidance from financial advisors or experienced traders can help in reducing trading risks. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their expertise and market knowledge. I have personally benefited from consulting with a financial advisor who helped me diversify my portfolio and optimize my investment strategy.In conclusion, reducing trading risks requires a combination of diversification, risk management techniques, research, staying informed, emotional discipline, andseeking professional advice. By implementing these strategies, investors and traders can minimize thepotential for losses and enhance their overall trading success.中文:减轻交易风险对于任何投资者或交易者来说都至关重要。



怎么规避财富损失英语作文Title: Strategies to Mitigate Financial Loss。

In today's dynamic economic environment, safeguarding one's wealth is paramount. Financial losses can arise from various sources such as market volatility, economic downturns, or personal mismanagement. However, by adopting prudent strategies, individuals can effectively mitigate the risk of financial loss. This essay explores several key approaches to safeguarding wealth.Firstly, diversification is a fundamental principle in risk management. By spreading investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, individuals can reduce the impact of a downturn in any single sector. Diversification helps to balance risk and return, ensuring that losses in one area are offset by gains in another. Additionally, within each asset class, diversification can be achieved by investing in a variety of securities or properties to further spreadrisk.Secondly, maintaining a liquid emergency fund is essential for weathering unforeseen financial challenges. An emergency fund consisting of three to six months' worth of living expenses provides a financial cushion in the event of job loss, medical emergencies, or other unexpected expenses. This fund should be kept in easily accessible accounts such as savings or money market accounts, ensuring quick access to funds without incurring penalties or fees.Thirdly, staying informed and educated about financial markets and investment products is crucial for making informed decisions. By keeping abreast of economic trends, geopolitical developments, and market analysis, individuals can anticipate potential risks and adjust their investment strategies accordingly. Moreover, seeking advice from financial professionals or conducting thorough research before making investment decisions can help mitigate the risk of financial losses.Furthermore, practicing disciplined risk managementtechniques is essential for preserving wealth. This includes setting clear investment objectives, establishing realistic return expectations, and adhering to a predefined asset allocation strategy. Additionally, implementing stop-loss orders or hedging strategies can limit potential losses in volatile markets while allowing for participation in potential upside gains.Moreover, periodically reviewing and rebalancing investment portfolios is necessary to ensure alignment with changing financial goals and market conditions. Rebalancing involves adjusting the allocation of assets to maintain desired risk levels and investment objectives. This process may involve selling overperforming assets and reallocating funds to underperforming areas, thereby optimizingportfolio performance and reducing the risk of concentration in a single asset or sector.Lastly, maintaining a long-term perspective and avoiding emotional decision-making is crucial formitigating financial losses. Market fluctuations and economic downturns are inevitable, but reacting impulsivelyto short-term fluctuations can result in selling assets at a loss or missing out on potential gains. By focusing on long-term investment goals and staying disciplined during periods of market volatility, individuals can ride out temporary setbacks and position themselves for long-term financial success.In conclusion, mitigating financial losses requires a combination of prudent strategies, disciplined risk management, and a long-term perspective. By diversifying investments, maintaining an emergency fund, staying informed, practicing disciplined risk management, periodically rebalancing portfolios, and avoiding emotional decision-making, individuals can effectively safeguardtheir wealth against unforeseen challenges and market downturns.。



关于外汇英文作文Foreign exchange, also known as forex, is the global market for trading currencies. It is the largest and most liquid market in the world, with an average daily trading volume of over $5 trillion. Forex trading involves buying one currency and selling another at the same time, with the aim of making a profit from the exchange rate fluctuations.The forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week, allowing traders to participate from anywhere in the world at any time. This constant availability and high liquidity make forex an attractive market for both individual and institutional traders.One of the key factors that influence exchange rates in the forex market is the economic performance of different countries. Stronger economic data, such as higher GDP growth, lower unemployment, and rising inflation, can lead to a stronger currency, while weaker economic data can lead to a weaker currency.In addition to economic data, geopolitical events and central bank policies also play a significant role in shaping exchange rates. Geopolitical tensions, trade wars, and changes in monetary policy can all have a major impact on currency valuations.Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. It is important to have a clear understanding of the market, develop a sound trading strategy, and use risk management tools to protect against potential losses. Successful forex trading requires discipline, patience, and continuous learning.。



金融专业英语词汇全解Cover: 补回、冲销在金融市场的交易中,作一个原先交易动作相反的买卖,称之为补回。



Credit Risk: 信用风险在交易完成后,交易对手因故不能履行合约而可能发生缺失的风险。

Cross Hedge: 交叉避险指利用某一交易工具的买卖,以达到规避另一交易工具风险的操作。


Easy Money: 廉价货币由于宽松的资金状况,使资金借贷者能够用比较低的利率借得所需之资金。

亦有人称之为Cheap Money。

Effective interest Rate: 有效利率以年利率表示借贷时所实现收付的利率。


European Style Option: 欧式选择权选择权买方于到期日之前,不得要求选择权卖方履约,仅能于到期日要求选择权卖方履约。

Expiry Date: 选择权合约到期日选择权买方有权向选择权卖方要求履约的最后一日。

Face Value: 面值乃股票、债券、票据或者其它支付工具上所记载的名目价格,它既是计算利息、股息的基础;也是在到期时,持有人据以请求支付的金额。

亦有人称之为:Par value。

Far Date: 远期在换汇交易或者资金拆放市场中,就是指第二个交割日,亦即距交易日比较远的交割日。

Financial Futures: 金融期货在期货交易市场中,以金融产品如利率、货币、债券等为交易标的物的期货交易。

Firm Market: 行情挺升的市场乃指在金融市场中,市场行情持续看涨的状况,因其下跌的机率比较小因而称之为“Firm Market”。

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In this paper, potential cross-country spillovers from both major stock markets and major foreign exchange markets to emerging foreign exchange markets in Asia and Latin America are investigated. The methodology allows for both asymmetry in volatility transmission and the potential impact of risk from own volatility of returns. In the case of stock market spillovers, early studies examined interdependence in terms of the conditional mean returns but later work also considered the possibility that volatility might be transmitted across markets (Hamao, Masulis, and Ng, 1990, 1991; Ng, Chang and Chou, 1991; Lin, Engle and Ito, 1991; Worthington and Higgs, 2004; Lee and Stewart, 2009). In a further development, Koutmos and Booth (1995) demonstrated how potential asymmetries in the volatility spillover mechanism - the leverage effect - can be accommodated using a multivariate exponential GARCH model. Applying the model to data on stock prices in London, New York and Tokyo, they found strong evidence of asymmetric spillovers. Subsequently, In et. al. (2001) found some evidence of asymmetric volatility transmission involving the Hong Kong, Korea and Thailand stock markets during the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. To take account of market risk, Elyasiani and Mansur (1998) employed a multivariate GARCH-M model in which the conditional variance of bank returns is a potential determinant of the mean. The model specification in this paper draws upon both Koutmos and Booth (1995) and Elyasiani and Mansur (1998). The data come from two major stock markets (the US SP500 and Japan Nikkei225) and two major foreign exchange markets (the euro and Japanese yen), and ten Asian and Latin American foreign exchange markets: Brazil, Chile, China, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Indonesia Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand. All of the latter are classified as emerging markets by the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Barra. With the exception of China, all of the emerging markets in the sample experienced a serious currency or financial crisis during 1980’s and 1990’s. As a consequence of the crises they adopted a floating or a managed float exchange rate regime. One might expect therefore that these foreign exchange markets would have become less restrictive and more cointegrated with major foreign markets (Fraser and Power, 1997; Brooks et al, 2000; Bekaert and Harvey, 2000; Koutmos and Saidi, 2001; Selcuk, 2005). Applying a modified multivariate EGARCH model, we find evidence of volatility spillovers from past returns and volatility of the major stock and foreign exchange markets to all emerging markets, except Columbia. On average, the spillovers are larger to Asia than Latin America. There is also evidence of significant leverage effects and volatility persistence and, in the cases of Chile and Peru, an impact of risk on returns was found. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes a modified multivariate EGARCH methodology. Section 3 presents the data and empirical results, and Section 4 concludes.
This paper employs a modified multivariate GARCH model to test for cross-country mean and volatility transmission among ten emerging foreign exchange markets in Asia and Latin America, together with potential spillovers from major external stock and foreign currency markets. The framework allows for possible risk, leverage and persistence effects. The estimates suggest the presence of both regional spillovers and the transmission of shocks from external stock and foreign exchange markets. The major external influences were the Japanese yen and the US SP500. On average, the spillovers from external markets were larger to Asian than Latin American currency markets. On the other hand, regional co-movement was found to be higher in Latin America. There is evidence of significant leverage effects and volatility persistence and, in the cases of China and Peru, an impact of risk on returns was found. The findings also suggest that allowing for regional cross-market and external effects leads to an increase in the estimates of the risk factors.
Key Words: Volatility spilloverБайду номын сангаас Exchange rate, Asymmetric volatility, GARCH
1. Introduction
There is now a sizeable empirical literature devoted to establishing the extent to which financial shocks are transmitted across countries. Much of the work has focused on stock markets, where a number of studies have found evidence of both mean and volatility spillovers. The spillovers typically emanate from major markets, in particular the US (see, for example, Hamao et al., 1990; Theodossiou and Lee, 1993; Susmel and Engle, 1994; Koutmos and Booth, 1995). A related strand of the literature has examined within-country interdependencies between stock markets and foreign exchange markets. The message from these studies is that volatility tends to be transmitted from stock markets to foreign exchange markets but not vice versa. For example, Kanas (2006) examined data on six developed countries and found that volatility spillovers from stock market returns to exchange rates were significant for all countries except Germany, but there were no instances of significant spillovers in the reverse direction.