高中(外研)英语选修7课件:module 5

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Because the Luoba ethnic minority is close to the Tibetan people,the food,culture and customs resemble those of the Tibetans.The staple foods are rice,corn and a kind of local grain called “Jizhuagu” with which they make a popular yellow wine.
Living at the foot of Himalayas , the Luoba is almost completely separated from the outside world.Blessed with a wide variety of resources , ranging from animals and plants to minerals , the Luoba’s economy is based on agriculture and hunting.
Some of the Luoba people observe festivals according to the Tibetan calendar , while others live according to their own calendar,so the Luoba ethnic minority has no unified (统一的) dates to celebrate together.Most,however,celebrate the arrival of the New Year by killing pigs,oxen or sheep and sharing the meat with others.Drinking,singing and dancing are other popular New Year’s celebrations.
Read the text carefull and choose the topics mentioned in it.
A . Language. B . Climate. C . Table manners. D . Festivals. E . Food. F . Belief. G . Location. H.Costume. I.Population.
The Luoba language has no writing system,so most Luoba speakers use Tibetan characters.The legends of the Luoba have been passed on orally.
The Luoba people believe that the world is filled with spirits which dominate their lives,control nature,cause disasters and give happiness.They pray to the spirits,seeking blessings and believe that shamans (萨满教巫医) have the power to control them.
Module 5
Ethnic Culture
喜马拉雅山脚下长期以来生活着一个神秘的少数民族——珞 巴族。尽管它是生活在我国境内人口最少的民族,但是它却有 着丰富的文化和独特的习俗。
Primarily found throughout the Luoyu Region of southeast Tibet,the Luoba,with a population of 2,965,is the smallest of China’s 56 ethnic ge Tibetan word for southerners.
The Luoba ethnic minority is very hospitable and places high value on etiquette.When there’re guests,they must be given the most important seats and offered the most prized parts of each dish.The Luoba hunt with poisoned arrows,so meat must be treated after the animal is cut up.Before dinner,the host will drink and eat a little to show that the food is safe.Guests should eat all the food put before them on the table,or the host will be offended.
You made my day!
答案: A C D E F G I
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