usa SECA pacific ocean 1


美国太平洋地区介绍Pacific Ocean area in the USA

美国太平洋地区介绍Pacific Ocean area in the USA

Cannot forget the beautiful place
The Pacific Ocean area of the USA
Hawaiian Islands The Northern Mariana Islands Gram
• The Northern Mariana Islands is a commonwealth in political union with the United States. It consists of 15 islands about three-quarters of the way from Hawaii to the Philippines. • The Northern Mariana Islands has a population of 53,883 (2010 census). More than 90% of the population lives on the island of Saipan.
• Today, Guam's economy is supported by its principal industry, tourism, which is composed primarily of visitors from Japan. Guam's second-largest source of income is the United States military.
The Pacific Ocean area of the USA
Hawaiian Islands The Northern Mariana Islands Gram
Hawaiian Islands
The eight main islands are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Kauai and Niihau.

关于 美国太平洋司令部 (USPACOM) 资料摘要

关于 美国太平洋司令部 (USPACOM) 资料摘要

关于美国太平洋司令部(USPACOM) 资料摘要美国太平洋司令部总部美国太平洋司令部“合作、战备、驻军”美国太平洋司令部(USPACOM) 责任区域(AOR) 范围辽阔,从美国西海岸海域到印度西部边境、从南极洲到北极,几乎囊括半个地球表面。


构成亚太地区的36 个国家/地区拥有全世界50% 以上的人口、三千种不同语言、若干全球最大的军事力量以及通过共同防御条约与美国结成同盟的五个国家/地区。




USPACOM 是美国武装部队的六个联合作战司令部之一。

美国太平洋司令部司令(CDRUSPACOM) 是太平洋司令部AOR 的美军高级负责人。

CDRUSPACOM 通过国防部长向美国总统报告并由以下四个下属司令部提供协助:美国太平洋舰队、美国太平洋战区空军、美国太平洋战区陆军和美国太平洋战区海军陆战队。


USPACOM 的美国军事和文职人员编制共计325,000 人左右,约合美国总军事力量的五分之一。

美国太平洋舰队包括五个航空母舰战斗群,约180 艘战舰、1,500 架飞机和100,000 名人员。

太平洋战区海军陆战队拥有美国海军陆战队战斗力量的三分之二左右,包括两支海军远征军和大约85,000 名人员。

美国太平洋战区空军由大约40,000 名飞行员和300 多架飞机组成,另有约100 架飞机部署在关岛。

美国太平洋战区陆军的人员编制超过60,000 人,包括五个史崔克旅。

值得注意的是,下属司令部人数中包括1,200 多名特种作战人员。

太平洋司令部AOR 内的国防部文职人员和承包商共计40,000 人左右。



智利南美洲轮船公司COMPANIA SUD AMERICANA DE V APORES S.A.船公司简称(英):CSA V 船公司简称(中):南美邮船国家海运公司(智利)EMPRESA MARITIMA DEL ESTDO船公司简称(英):EMPREMAR船公司简称(中):国家海运公司马兰西亚马来西亚国际船运有限公司MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION BERHAD船公司简称(英):MISC船公司简称(中):马航荷兰荷兰渣华集团ROYAL NEDLLOYD GROUP船公司简称(英):RNG船公司简称(中):荷兰渣华集团荷兰皇家轮船公司KONINKLIJKE NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMBOOT MAATSCHAPPIJ船公司简称(英):KNSM船公司简称(中):荷兰皇家轮船公司荷兰海运咨询委员会NETHERLANDS ADVISORY SHIPPING COUNCIL船公司简称(英):NASC船公司简称(中):荷兰海运咨询委员会芬兰芬兰轮船公司FINNLINES LIMITED船公司简称(英):FINL船公司简称(中):芬兰轮船公司南非南非航运公司SOUTH AFRICAN MARINE CORP. LTD.船公司简称(英):SAM船公司简称(中):南非航运印度印度国家航运公司THE SHIPPING CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD.船公司简称(英):SCI船公司简称(中):印度国航新加坡1.东方海皇轮船有限公司(Neptune Orient line Ltd)船公司简称(中):东方海皇船公司简称(英):NOL2.太平船务有限公司(Pacific International Lines (PTE) Ltd)船公司简称(中):太平船务船公司简称(英):PIL3.美国总统轮船公司(American Predsident lines Ltd.)船公司简称(中):美国总统船公司简称(英):APL注:东方海皇(NOL)收购了美国总统(APL)。



面积 2 倍于现役 水面舰艇,可容纳 2 架 H-60 或 1 架 H-60、3 架无人机
装载各种进 攻或防御性 武器
“ 海上刀刃” 概念
LCS-1 船体是带有舭缘线的半滑行船体。 拥有与众不同的深 V 型船首,可以切开首部波 浪。宽大而浅的船尾可以在艉部提供升力,这 可以使船在汹涌的波涛中航行时艉部得到抬 升,减小尾倾,减少波浪中的阻力增加,拥有更 好的航行稳定性。较大的船宽使得 LCS-1 拥 有良好的耐波性和出色的货物容纳能力。
通用 3 轴桥式 起重系统 为 安 全 高 效 地 释 放 、回 收和吊放车辆和任务模 块提供稳定的移动控制
面积比现役水面 作 战 舰 艇 大 1.5 倍使用直升机收 放系统
装载相应使 命任务的模 块化武器装 备
排水量(满载) 3 089 吨 尺寸(长×宽×吃水) 115.3×13.1×3.9 米 最大航速 45 节 续航力 3 500 海里 /18 节 定员 50 人
飞行控制台 直升机收放系统
MQ-8B 由一台 313 千瓦的涡轮发动机提供 动力,续航力 204 千米,最多能够携带 272 千克的 有效载荷。
直升机收放系统 直升机着舰系统 无需轨道和台车就能够完成对航空器的收放工作
▲ MQ- 8B“ 火力侦察兵” 无人直升机
开放式架构与先进的作战系统 继承 / 现有组建
深海项目 LCS
LCS - 1作战系统设计
“自由”号作战管理系统为开放式架构的 COMBATSS-21 系统。它与雷达,声呐、舰炮系 统,导弹发射装置,假目标发射器和电子战等单元相连。可以根据任务的变化换装不同的模块, 实现 “即插即用”。它支持美国海军在开放式架构和普通 C2 系统项目中已获得的濒海作战能 力,并且提供全范围海军和美国海岸警卫舰船之间的互操作性。超过 95%的 COMBATSS-21 软件在已有的经过实战检验的开放架构程序如“宙斯盾”、SSDS 和 SQQ-89 上被开发。

BBC纪录片 南太平洋 第一集 摘录 The South Pacific EP01汇总

BBC纪录片 南太平洋 第一集 摘录 The South Pacific EP01汇总
In El Nino These conditions are not constant. In El Nino years, when currents reverse, warm waters replace cold,fish populations crash and then, stuck on Galapagos, penguins and sea lions starve.
■ Anuta island
Anuta island is home to perhaps the most remote community of people on the planet
Anuta island is Just one-sixth of a square mile in area. It is so small, that no matter where you are, the sound of the waves is ever present. Life on Anuta has changed little since these people's ancestors arrived here nearly 400 years ago. About 300 people live on this island and they have a strong community spirit.
■ Pentecost island
The locals are in celebratory mood.
Strange rituals
Having a head for heights is only the start. Forest vines are tied around his ankles. They will be his lifeline. For centuries, Pentecost men have been leaping head first from wooden scaffolds with only forest vines to break their fall, a tradition that inspired modern bungee jumping.



美国东西 ‎岸夏威夷1‎7日全景 ‎旅线路特色:1.乘坐美国 ‎合航空公 ‎豪华客机 ‎往美国;2.全程安排 ‎星级酒店 ‎宿, 宿更为 ‎适,为游客提 ‎品质优秀 ‎服务;入 拉斯 ‎加斯大道 ‎酒店,欣赏美国 ‎华 最佳 ‎证—“不夜城” 霓虹和秀‎场;3.全程安排 ‎菜一汤,拉斯 加斯‎安排特色 ‎鲜餐;4.全程安排 ‎业中文领 ‎;5.畅游全美8‎大经典城 ‎,全程贯穿 ‎西 岸,行程充实 ‎富,饱览美国 ‎文与自然 ‎观;6.前往布法 ‎参观世界 ‎大自然奇 ‎之一 尼 ‎加拉大瀑布‎,感受瀑布 ‎沛而浩瀚 ‎水汽;7.特别赠送 ‎约乘坐游 ‎绕自由女 ‎像航行,远观自由女‎像;8.特别安排美‎国独立革 ‎诞生地—“友爱之城”费城:参观美国自‎由精‎征—自由钟;9.夏威夷整 ‎自由活动,尽情享受 ‎假魅力;10.在“天使之城”洛杉矶,亲临环球 ‎城,目睹特效 ‎头制作,感受星光 ‎烂好莱 ‎;11.特别赠送拉‎斯 加斯夜‎游:欣赏拉斯 ‎加斯迷 ‎夜 ,包括凯萨 ‎雕像秀及 ‎造天空、Mira e火山爆发、Bell g io水舞、旧城 天 ‎秀。

美国东西 ‎岸夏威夷1‎7日全景 ‎旅服务所含:1. ADS团 ‎旅游 证费‎;2. 行程中所 ‎明美国星‎级双 间酒‎店宿及早‎餐;3. 行程中所 ‎明午、晚餐为中式‎餐食(用餐 准为‎菜一汤或‎自助餐);4. 全程提 巴‎士, 业 机;5. 美国境内中‎文陪同;6. 行程所含 ‎点首道门票‎:观自由女 ‎像游 、好莱 环球‎城;7. 国际间往 ‎机票及美国‎境内 机票‎(经济舱、含机场税)。

不含服务:1. 护照费、申请 证中‎准备 关 ‎料所需 制‎作、手续费,如未成年 ‎所需 公证‎书、认证费;2. 小费136‎美元/ (美国有付小‎费规定);3. 交通工具 ‎非免费餐 ‎费、洗衣、理发、电话、 料、烟酒、付费电视、行李搬 、自由活动 ‎间等私 费用;4. 出入境 行‎李关课税‎,超重行李 ‎托费、管理费等;5. 行程中未提‎到其它费‎用:如特殊门票‎、游 (轮)、缆车、地铁票等费‎用;6. 转机/火车时用餐‎;7. 美国境内 ‎航班行李托‎费。



Mongolia [m??'ɡ?uli?] 乌兰巴托 Elggydggmgj
第二:大西洋 第三:印度洋 第四:北冰洋
大西洋:Atlantic Ocean 太平洋:Pacific Ocean 印度洋:Indian Ocean 北冰洋:Arctic Ocean
North America South America Oceania Antarctica

Earth rotation
16 世纪,西班牙的航海学家麦哲伦从大西洋经麦哲伦海峡进入太平洋并到达菲律宾,航行其间, 天气晴朗,风平浪静,于是也把这一海域不约而同地取名为“ 太平洋”。
太平洋Pacific [p?'sifik]占地球表面积的三分之一,是世界海洋面积的二分之一。 大西洋Atlantic [?t‘l? ntik]是世界第二大洋大西洋的海运特别发达,
多美及普林西比 西非:毛里塔尼亚、西撒哈拉(注:未独立,详细请看:)、塞内加尔、冈比亚、马里、布基纳法索、几内亚、几内亚比绍、佛 得角、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、科特迪瓦、加纳、多哥、贝宁、尼日尔、加那利群岛(西)
印度洋Indian Ocean [‘indi? 'ou??n] 第三大洋,石油丰富 北冰洋Arctic Ocean [‘a:ktik '?u??n] 最小,两大奇观。第一大奇观:一年中几乎一
半的时间,连续暗无天日,恰如漫漫长夜难见阳光;而另一半日子,则多为阳光普照,只有白昼而无黑夜。由 于这样,北冰洋上的一昼一夜,仿佛是一天而不是一年。此外,置身大洋中,常常可见北,天空的极光现象, 飘忽不定、变幻无穷、五彩缤纷,甚是艳丽。是北冰洋上第二大奇观。北冰洋又是四大洋中温度最低的寒带洋, 终年积雪,千里冰封,覆盖于洋面的坚实冰层足有 3~4米厚。每当这里的海水向南流进大西洋时,随时随处可 见一簇簇巨大的冰山随波飘浮,逐流而去,就像是一些可怕的庞然怪物,给人类的航运事业带来了一定的威胁



三年级介绍美国的英语作文The United States,the full name of the United States of America,is located in the central part of North America,bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west,Canada to the north, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the south.As a federal republic,the United States is made up of50states, including48mainland states and two overseas states -Alaska and Hawaii-with Washington,DC as its capital.With a total area of about9.83million square kilometers,the United States is the third or fourth largest country in the world,after Russia,Canada,and sometimes China(depending on data sources and calculation methods may vary).The topography of the United States is diverse,with the Appalachian Mountains in the east,the vast plains in the center, and the Rocky Mountains and the Cordillera Mountains in the west.Due to the diversity of its geographic location and topography,the United States has a diverse range of climate types,from the boreal climate in the north to the tropical climate in the south.The United States is a multicultural country with many Native American tribes.Since the arrival of European explorers at the end of the16th century,the United States has gone through colonial periods,wars of independence,territorial expansion,civil wars, industrialization,and modernization.On July4,1776, the13British North American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain,forming the United States of America.Since then,the United States has expanded its territory through purchase,war,and diplomacy,becoming a transcontinental power.The United States is one of the largest economies in the world,and its economic strength has significant international influence.The industrial structure of the United States is diversified,including high-tech, finance,manufacturing,service and other fields.As a global center of high-tech innovation,Silicon Valley is home to the headquarters of many technology companies.In addition,the United States is also very developed agriculture,especially in the Midwest, known as the"granary of the world."The political system of the United States is afederal republic based on the Constitution.The President of the United States,who is both head of state and head of government,is elected by popular vote for a four-year term and can be re-elected once.The legislative power is exercised by the Congress,which is divided into two houses,the Senate and the House of Representatives,whose members are elected by election.The judiciary is independent of the legislature and the executive,and the Supreme Court is the highest judicial organ.The United States is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and an important member of NATO,G7,G20,OECD and other international organizations.It plays an important role in international affairs,and its foreign policy and military actions are often the focus of global attention.The United States leads the world in science, technology,education,sports and many other fields. It has many world-class universities and research institutions,such as Harvard University,Stanford University and so on.American popular culture,including film,music,literature,and art,has had a profound impact on global culture.翻译:美国,全称美利坚合众国(United States of America),位于北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南邻墨西哥及墨西哥湾。






在大四的最后一个学期,我在绿色和平台湾网站上注册成为志愿者,并于2011年7月完成非暴力直接行动(NVDA Training)的培训。

7月底我接到台湾绿色和平办公室来的电话,询问我是否有意愿担任2011守护太平洋之旅(Defending Our Pacific Tour)的翻译志愿者。

我们所搭乘的绿色和平希望号(The Esperanza)将在海上记录违法及过度捕鱼的危机,另一方面倡议关闭这些区域成为海洋保育区,并禁用人工集渔器和不可持续的捕鱼作业方式,减少鲔鱼渔船,保护我们这片美丽太平洋。









于这样,北冰洋上的一昼一夜,仿佛是一天而不是一年。此外,置身大洋中,常常可见北,天空的极光现象, 地球的自转是均匀的。但精密的天
飘忽不定、变幻无穷、五彩缤纷,甚是艳丽。是北冰洋上第二大奇观。北冰洋又是四大洋中温度最低的寒带洋, 文观测表明,地球自转存在着3种不
终年积雪,千里冰封,覆盖于洋面的坚实冰层足有3~4米厚。每当这里的海水向南流进大西洋时,随时随处可 见一簇簇巨大的冰山随波飘浮,逐流而去,就像是一些可怕的庞然怪物,给人类的航运事业带来了一定的威胁。
转。关于地球自转的各种理论目前 都还是假说。地球自转是地球的一
大西洋Atlantic [ət‘læ ntik]是世界第二大洋大西洋的海运特别发达,
印度洋Indian Ocean [‘indiə ’ouʃən]第三大洋,石油丰富 北冰洋Arctic Ocean [‘a:ktik ’əuʃən]最小,两大奇观。第一大奇观:一年中几乎一
以平原为主,大部分为温带海洋 性气候,约7.28亿人,约占世界 总人口的12.5%,是人口密度最 大的一个洲。
Europe (43个国家/1个地区)
北欧:芬兰、瑞典、挪威、冰岛、丹麦 法罗群岛(丹)
Asia (48 countries,约占世界陆地总面积的29.4%,是世界第一大洲。人口32.29亿,约占世界总人口的60%,居世界第一
位。 )
东南亚:菲律宾、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国、马来西亚、文莱、新加坡、印度尼西亚、 东帝汶



介绍马绍尔群岛英语作文The Marshall Islands, also known as the Republic of the Marshall Islands, is a country located in the Pacific Ocean. It is a part of Micronesia and consists of 29 atolls and 5 islands. The country has a total land area of 181.43 square kilometers, with a population of approximately 58,000 people. The capital city is Majuro, which is located on the largest atoll in the Marshall Islands.The Marshall Islands were first inhabited byMicronesians who migrated from other Pacific islands over 2,000 years ago. The islands were later colonized by Spainin the 16th century and then by Germany in the 19th century. After World War I, the islands were given to Japan as partof the South Pacific Mandate by the League of Nations. During World War II, the islands were occupied by theUnited States, which continued to administer the islandsuntil 1986, when the Marshall Islands gained independence.The economy of the Marshall Islands is heavily dependent on foreign aid, with the United States being the largest donor. The country's main industries include fishing, tourism, and agriculture. The government is also trying topromote the development of the country's natural resources, such as its abundant marine life and rare earth minerals.The Marshall Islands is also known for its unique culture, which has been shaped by its history and location. The traditional Marshallese way of life is based on subsistence farming and fishing, with a strong emphasis on communal living and respect for the environment. The country is also famous for its traditional dancing, which is accompanied by drumming and chanting.One of the most pressing issues facing the Marshall Islands is the threat of climate change. The country is made up of low-lying atolls, which makes it particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels and extreme weather events. The government has been working to address this issue by promoting renewable energy, such as solar power, and advocating for international action on climate change.In conclusion, the Marshall Islands is a small but fascinating country with a rich history and culture. While it faces many challenges, such as economic dependence and climate change, it has a strong sense of community and a resilient spirit. As the world becomes increasinglyinterconnected, it is important to recognize and appreciate the unique contributions of countries like the Marshall Islands.。






1.美国建立世界最大海洋保护区 [J],
2.海洋保护区网即将在美国建立 [J], 易家康
3.我国将建立首个猪蓝耳病免疫金试纸快速检测标准 [J],
4.欧美将联手打造首个100Gbps跨大西洋网络 [J],
5.韩国将建立首个交通事故康复医院 [J],


4.4 企业业务
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沈阳金阳光工艺品有限公 司
1.2 分支机构
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状态 法定代表人
8.000000 万美元 吊销,未 李辉 注销
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太平洋的英文单词太平洋介绍太平洋(Pacific Ocean),为地球上最大的海洋之一,其名称源自其在16世纪初由葡萄牙航海家Ferdinand Magellan所命名的时候,该海洋在当时被认为是一个风平浪静的海洋。

太平洋面积约为165,250,000 平方公里,占地球表面近三分之一,是世界上最大的连通海洋。



以下是太平洋的一些特点:1. 洋流太平洋被多个暖流和寒流所穿流,其中最著名的是日本黑潮(Kuroshio)和秘鲁洋流(Peru Current)。


2. 环太平洋火山带太平洋地区分布着超过75%的活火山,这些火山大多分布在被称为环太平洋火山带的区域。


3. 多样的生物资源太平洋是世界上最丰富的渔场之一,有着丰富多样的海洋生物资源,包括各种鱼类、海洋哺乳动物、海龟和珊瑚礁等。


4. 珊瑚礁太平洋地区拥有世界上最大、最多样化的珊瑚礁系统,这些珊瑚礁为许多海洋生物提供了栖息地和保护。


太平洋的英文单词以下是与太平洋相关的一些英文单词和词组:1.Pacific Ocean - 太平洋2.Pacific Rim - 太平洋沿岸地区3.Pacific Island - 太平洋岛屿4.Pacific Plate - 太平洋板块5.Pacific Northwest - 太平洋西北地区6.Pacific War - 太平洋战争7.Pacific Crest Trail - 太平洋深度足迹小径8.Pacific Time Zone - 太平洋时区结论太平洋是一个广阔壮丽的海洋,饱含着丰富的自然资源和文化遗产。



海洋之王太平洋太平洋(Pacific Ocean)是地球上最大的海洋,其国际名称源自西班牙语“Mar Pacifico”,意为“宁静之海”。






















ArionA Ocean Domestic Pacific Pacific Top Timor 2型

ArionA Ocean Domestic Pacific Pacific Top Timor 2型

********************OCEANPACIFICPACIFICTOPTIMOR3Leer y seguir todas las instrucciones contenidas en este Manual del Propietario. El no seguimiento de estas instrucciones puede causar lesiones corporales y/o averías en el filtro.Este documento debe entregarse al propietario de la piscina, quien deberá conservarlo en un lugar seguro.Este filtro no debe ser usado por personas con su capacidad física, psíquica o sensorial reducida, ni por personas que no tengan conocimientos y la experiencia necesarios, a menos que sean supervisados o instruidos acerca del uso del aparato por una persona responsable de su seguridad.Asegúrese de que los niños no jueguen con este filtro.MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA PUESTA EN MARCHA Y MANTENIMIENTODESPIECE TOP1- Manómetro de glicerina 2- Tórica manómetro3- Válvula T op4- Junta válvula5- Cuerpo filtro6- Tubo PVC7- Colector8- Brazo colector9- Tórica desagüe10- Desagüe11- Tórica tapón12- Tapón desagüe13- Peana poliéster5FUNCIONAMIENTOE FiltroF RetornoG Limpiafondos H Válvula selectoraA SumideroB SkimmerC VálvulasD BombaED CHG FBAUna vez iniciado el ciclo de filtración y al cabo de cierto tiempo será preciso lavar el filtro, ya que la arena se habrá obstruido con la suciedad, impidiendo el paso del agua.Cuando la presión en el filtro haya subido por encima de 1,3 Kg./cm2, significa que es el momento de hacer un lavado.Con el lavado a contracorriente se consigue invertir el sentido de circulación del agua en el filtro y con ello se expulsa al desagüe las materias filtradas.T eniendo presente estos datos importantes, las instrucciones de manejo que a continuación se detallan no deben de ofrecer dificultad para su aplicación.El agua se aspira del fondo de la piscina a través del sumidero (A) y de la superficie por medio de los skimmers (B), llegando a través de la bomba (D) al filtro (E) por conducciones separadas provistas de sus correspondientes válvulas (C) y retornándolo a la piscina a través de unos distribuidores (F, boquillas de impulsión). Las boquillas van instaladas en el lado opuesto del sumidero y skimmers, proporcionando de esta manera una renovación total del agua de la piscina.El filtro propiamente dicho lo compone la carga de arena de silex a través de la cual se hace circular el agua en sentido descendente, reteniendo entre ella la materia orgánica en suspensión del agua a filtrar.MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA PUESTA EN MARCHA Y MANTENIMIENTO6desagüea piscinadesde piscinaa piscinadesde piscinadesagüefiltro.Utilizar siempre accesorios en materiales plásticos, preferentemente PVC o polietileno.INSTALACIÓNPara una correcta instalación del filtro proceder de la siguiente forma:1. El filtro debe ser instalado en una superficie horizontal y limpia.2. Instalar el filtro en su emplazamiento final.3. En el caso de un filtro con válvula lateral, instalar la válvula selectora en el filtro, procurando que las juntas entre la válvula y el filtro queden correctamente posicionadas. Importante: la válvula selectora debe quedar situada para facilitar el manejo y en su caso, la substitución.4. Instalar la válvula selectora en el filtro. Realizar las conexiones de las tuberías de la bomba y de la piscina correctamente. En la válvula selectora se identifica claramente dónde se debe realizar cada una de las conexiones.5. Montar la T manómetro, la junta, el manómetro y el tapón purga aire (ver despiece). No es necesario utilizar cinta de teflón, ya que la estanqueidad en este punto se hace con la junta. Roscar el manómetro simplemente con la mano.7Deberá utilizarse arena silícea de una granulometría de 0,4 a 0,8 mm. Con la cantidad indicada en la placa de características del filtro, proceder como sigue:1. Efectuar la carga una vez esté situado el filtro en su emplazamiento e instaladas las tuberías de unión.2. Retirar la tapa y la junta.3. Mover el difusor hacia un lado para facilitar la carga de arena y evitar que ésta penetre en el difusor.4. Llenar el filtro con agua hasta la mitad del mismo.5. Verter en el interior del filtro la cantidad de arena recomendada.6. Limpiar el alojamiento de la junta de la tapa.7. Colocar y roscar la tapa del filtro.8. Es muy importante que tanto la rosca de la tapa como la del filtro estén completamente limpias de arenillas que puedan dañar ambas roscas, perdiendo la estanqueidad.CARGA DE ARENAMANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA PUESTA EN MARCHA Y MANTENIMIENTO8residuosal filtrodesde el filtrobombapiscinaresiduosal filtrodesde el filtrobombapiscinaDespués de haber realizado ellavado, situar la maneta de laválvula en posición Enjuague,conectar la bomba durante 1minuto y después situar la manetaen posición Filtración. 3EnjuagueLa válvula selectora dispone de una manetacon 6 posiciones que permite seleccionarcualquier de las operaciones necesarias paraun correcto funcionamiento del filtro.FUNCIONESresiduosal filtrodesde el filtrobombapiscinaresiduosal filtrodesde el filtrobomba piscinaMantener la maneta levantadaPosición de inviernoMANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA PUESTA EN MARCHA Y MANTENIMIENTOPUESTA EN MARCHASe recomienda poner la instalación en marcha sin cargar el filtro de arena, para comprobar previamente la correcta estanqueidad del filtro y de la instalación.Una vez cargado el filtro de arena efectuar un lavado previo de la misma. Proceder del modo siguiente:1.Colocar la válvula selectora en la posición de “LAVADO”.2.Abrir las válvulas que controlan las tuberías de aspiración de piscina y conectar la bomba, durante 4 minutos.3.Parar la bomba, colocar la válvula en posición “ENJUAGUE”y enjuagar durante 1 minuto. Después, parar la bomba y colocar la maneta de la válvula selectora en posición “FILTRACIÓN”.1.Limpiar el filtro con agua y jabón, no utilizar productos abrasivos.2. Sustituir cuando lo precisen las piezas y juntas deterioradas.3. Realizar los lavados y enjuagues necesarios según las instrucciones de funcionamiento.1. Vaciar el filtro de agua.2.Q uitar la tapa del filtro para mantenerlo ventilado durante el periodo de inactividad.3. Cuando sea necesario volver a poner el filtro en funcionamiento, seguir las instrucciones de PUESTA EN MARCHA.MANTENIMIENTO INVERNAJE1011PROBLEMAS USUALES• No haga funcionar el equipo sin agua.• Siempre que deba manipular el filtro o válvula, desconéctelo de la toma de corriente.• No permita a niños o adultos sentarse sobre el equipo.• No conectar directamente el filtro a la red de agua, ya que la presión de la misma puede ser muy elevada y exceder la presión máxima de trabajo del filtro.• No limpiar el conjunto de la tapa con ningún tipo de disolvente, ya que podría perder sus propiedades (brillo, transparencia, etc.).• Debido a que todas las uniones se hacen con juntas, no es necesario apretar las tuercas excesivamente a fin de evitar la rotura de las diferentes piezas de plástico.MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA PUESTA EN MARCHA Y MANTENIMIENTOADVERTENCIAS DE SEGURIDAD*En caso de no existir la flecha indicadora también podemos comprobar el giro de la siguiente forma:Situarse delante de la bomba, o sea, en la misma parte donde está la tubería de admisión (el motor detrás).Se asegurará que el giro del motor sea a la inversa del sentido de giro de las manecillas del reloj.********************Polígono Industrial Egiburuberri 13-1B 20100 Errenteria, Gipuzkoa, Spain 。

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Implementation of theNorth America Emissions Control Area(ECA)Frequently Asked QuestionsPresented by:20 April 2012Implementation of the North American Emissions Control Area(Information current as of April 20, 2012)On August 01, 2012, the governments of Canada and the United States will begin enforcement of the North American Emissions Control Area (ECA). However, many shipping companies, fuel suppliers and brokers still appear uncertain as to how industry will successfully comply with the ECA requirement that vessels running within 200 nautical miles of the Canadian and U.S. shorelines must burn fuel containing 1.0% sulfur or less. While considerable information has been published to date on this subject, no single source has attempted to include considerations of the regulatory, practical, and economic implications of the new requirements governing ship emissions. While many uncertainties remain at this point, this document is our attempt to summarize where industry currently stands with regard to low sulfur fuel supply, requirements and enforcement and what problems remain to be solved between now and August 01.General Background and Requirements:What is the origin of the North American ECA requirements? The United States and Canada both participate in the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization (IMO) and are signatories to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships or “MARPOL” Convention as it is commonly known. The MARPOL Convention contains six annexes, the most recent of which (Annex VI) deals with air pollution and spells out requirements for ozone depleting substances, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), tanker cargo emissions (VOCs), and fuel quality and availability. All of these issues are directly related to or have an impact on ship operations.MARPOL Annex VI allows for the creation of special “Emission Control Areas” where fuel and emission limitations are stricter than other areas. The United States and Canada have taken the additional step of jointly requesting that the IMO declare the formation of an Emission Control Area out to 200 miles from their respective shorelines.By adopting Annex VI, the two countries have incorporated MARPOL requirements into their own laws. By establishing the North American ECA, Canada and the U.S. have set standards for emissions within the zone that are more stringent than for those seas outside the ECA. In the U.S., the subsequent act of Congress that put all this into motion for the United States is known as the Maritime Pollution Prevention Act of 2008.What are the specific fuel requirements of the North American ECA and when do they come into effect?This table is a summary ofthe timetable by whichthe new regulations comeinto effect in the monthsand years ahead.What are the boundaries of the North American ECA? Have they been clearly defined? As part of the process establishing the North American ECA, boundaries based on specific latitude and longitude coordinates have been drawn for the US and Canadian West Coasts, East Coasts, and most recently the Caribbean Seas. The boundaries published by the IMO are located on the website under MEPC Circular #723 published 13 MAY 2010. In general, the ECA boundary points are 200 nautical miles fromthe nearest shoreline or baseline including offshore islands. For those charts marking the Exclusive Economic Zone of Canada or the U.S., the ECA boundary will lie three nautical miles INSIDE the outer boundary of the respective EEZ’s. Of note, Mexican waters, the waters of western Alaska and arcticwaters north of both countries are not part of the North American ECA.For the North American west coast,the representative plot points forthe ECA boundary are indicated inpurple in the illustration to theright. Given the shape of theboundary lines coupled withestablished great circle courses tonorth and south Asia from theprimary west coast ports, it isobvious that vessels will likelyexpend more time and burn morelow sulfur fuel in the ECA than thatof just a 200-mile transit.This chart shows approximate great circle segment sailing distances to theECA boundary from pilot departure points at Port Angeles WA/Victoria BC andSan Francisco. For Southern California, the distance to the ECA boundary istaken from approximately 24 miles off Pt. Conception, where vessels wouldlikely clear the Channel Islands and the CARB zone. This diagram uses a NorthAsia great circle course line to Uraga Lighthouse, Japan for illustration.Enforcement in the United States:In the United States, what government bodies will administer and enforce ECA requirements? It appears that the law grants initial authority to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish and administer the new protocols. The law further grants both the EPA and the U.S. Coast Guarde nforcement powers including provisions for civil penalties. A subsequent Memorandum of Understanding between the EPA and USCG in June, 2011 spelled out in detail how the two agencies will jointly enforce the ECA regulations. This would include inspections, investigation, and pursuing cases of non-compliance. A joint letter sent to industry immediately after the MOU was issued can be found here: /compliance/resources/agreements/caa/jointletter062711.pdfUnder the joint enforcement MOU, with whom is a shipowner, operator, or agent most likely to be dealing regarding Annex VI issues? As the agency already deeply involved in the inspection of vessels under Port State Control regulations, the U.S. Coast Guard is the most likely group involved in Annex VI compliance, inspection, and problem resolution. However, in the case of discovered violations, either the EPA or the USCG may bring enforcement action. Under the joint enforcement memorandum mentioned above, the EPA may also send representation and/or inquiries to interested parties regarding particular vessels or controlled fleets. They may also review operations of interest such as bunkering. Given their stated agreement to work closely together on implementation and enforcement of Annex VI regulations, USCG and EPA should coordinate inquiries to ships such that masters or owners are not having to answer to both agencies. Should this not be the case, it is advisable to let both agencies know of the duplicated effort.What will the USCG and/or EPA be looking for? For compliance with ECA requirements as well as all Annex VI stipulations, recordkeeping and fuel samples will be a key part of compliance examinations. Recordkeeping requirements include the presence of valid EIAPP and IAPP certificates, an engine technical file that supports the issued EIAPP , and an engine record book outlining all changes and adjustments to engine components and operating parameters. Furthermore, all bunkering operations must be documented with a Bunker Delivery Note provided by the supplier and maintained on-board for 36 months. Representative samples of delivered bunkers must also be maintained for 12 months. As in all Coast Guard marine Inspections, the USCG reserves the right to expand the scope of their inspection depending on initial findings and cause. The IMO’s working committee (Marine Environment Protection Committee or MEPC) issued a set of guidelines for procuring representative fuel samples which can be found here: /blast/blastDataHelper.asp?data_id=26467&filename=182(59).pdfIf unable to comply with the ECA requirements, what should a vessel operator do? Again, recordkeeping is important especially where efforts to procure compliant fuel were not successful. Under Annex VI, specific provisions are outlined for vessels and operators under Regulation 18 which requires them to document their efforts to procure compliant fuel. This includes exploration of alternative fuel sources based on circumstances of the voyage plan. This documentation would be required should a vessel be inspected and improper fuel use or lack of compliant fuel on-board is found. The vessel or its operator must also report cases of low sulfur fuel non-availability, both to the IAPP issuing body of their country of registry and to the IMO-MEPC. It is not completely known at this time how much leeway will be given in each case, but the better documented each situation is, the better the outcome should be.Is MDO/MGO considered a compliant fuel for the purposes of the ECA? If judged by only ISO standards (8217:2010) which specify the maximum levels of sulfur and other parameters of various grades of distillates (DMA, DMB, etc), the answer is “no”. That said, fuel buyers can and should specify their desired sulfur levels in their procurement order and in turn, receive those stated numbers on the Bunker Delivery Note when product is delivered. The ISO standards also call for a test methodology (ISO 4259:2006) which allows for a 95% confidence level on the test result. This creates a very small, but necessary range of error tolerance with a testing standard that is already in use by the fuel producers. The USCG has advised that they will accept this ISO test protocol and should be officially advising industry of this fact in forthcoming bulletins. If sufficient supplies of 1.0% IFO are not available, vessels are expected to use any compliant fuel available in the market including compliant MDO/MGO. In 2015, it appears that the only fuel that could be compliant under today’s offerings would be these types of distillates, modified in sulfur content to the acceptable limits.What are the penalties for not complying? Penalties for non-compliance can be assessed up to $25,000 per violation and potential detention of the ship. In their joint letter to the industry published June 27th, 2011, the EPA and USCG stated that “each day of a continuing violation may constitute a separate offense”. If penalties are compounded on a daily basis, the cost-benefit analysis of non-compliance is quickly rendered moot.Are there any other options to low sulfur fuel? The Annex VI regulations make an allowance for installation of proper emission treatment equipment if it accomplishes the objective of SOx / NOx and particulate matter (PM) removal from the emission stream. The allowable emissions for “stack scrubbers” under the current phase of the law are listed specifically for NOx in Annex VI. Those for SOx are simply the same target numbers as the fuel. Scrubbing technology is emerging quickly, but it would appear there is no “silver bullet” solution that meets both the technical requirements for NOx and SOx abatement while also being a sensible capital investment for a ship. We are sure to see more advancement in this area and greater closing of the “feasibility gap” as fuel requirements become stricter. The truest test for this technology will come in 2015 when fuel standards become even more stringent. One issue of current concern is the ability for scrubbing systems (either wet or dry) to remove enough particulate matter, NOx, and SOx on a continual basis while underway. In addition, further pollution must be avoided such as dumping water-based effluent into open seas or dealing inappropriately with the toxic solid wastes created by dry removal systems. Vessel owners should keep a close watch on developments in this area as the rules will likely remain in place for this as an alternative compliance method.Annex VI makes further allowance for other areas of innovation as outlined in Regulation 4, titled Equivalents. Here a provision is made to give a ship owner the ability to use “any fitting, material, appliance or apparatus to be fitted in a ship or other procedures, alternative fuel oils, or compliance methods used as an alternative” that will achieve the same emissions reductions required by the new standards. There are at least a couple of ideas in development under this provision, which will come under consideration in the near future.Fuel Supply Issues:Have the refiners, brokers, traders, transporters, and others in the supply chain figured out how to make and supply a 1.0% IFO product? 1.0% sulfur IFO is not yet available on an industry-wide, coast-to-coast basis. However, depending on the region and the individual refiner, several suppliers have stated their willingness to provide a 1.0% sulfur IFO-based product on a limited basis subject to volume commitments by their customers. KPI Bridge Oil is actively engaged in ongoing discussions with suppliers about formulations, blending, storage and ongoing availability of these supplies. We encourage marine fuel buyers to talk to us about their needs in various ports. Many considerations need to be weighed for each vessel and fleet, some of which are further outlined below under “Vessel Issues”.How will suppliers make this fuel? Based on current crude oil stocks typically available in US West Coast markets, suppliers have generally indicated that simply refining a residual IFO product down to a 1.0% sulfur specification is physically and economically impractical. East Coast and Gulf markets have better access to low-sulfur crude stocks, which makes 1.0% sulfur IFO possible to produce in those parts of the country. Where low sulfur crude stock is not available, many refiners have come up with plans for blending IFO grades with clean distillates to reach compliant sulfur levels. Additional expense aside, this blending plan is not without some challenges as will be discussed later.Is there a standard or set “formula” for a blended IFO 1.0% sulfur fuel? IFO, MDO, MGO are all products for which there is an ISO standard (2005, and 2010 revisions). The ISO has not yet issued a specific revision to address 1%S fuels, but may not have to since most specification elements are expressed as maximums. Given the components expected to be used in blends, there could be large variances in specific gravity, viscosity, and other physical characteristics. We would highly recommend consulting with engine manufacturers concerning lube oil compatibility (Base Number) with planned extended use of reduced-sulfur fuels.What other challenges are there on the supply side? Segregated storage capacity, logistics, and blend stability are emerging as challenges to overcome in order to meet ECA requirements. Widespread demand for yet another grade of marine fuel will require dedicated storage after production for both spot and contracted inventory. In many port areas, there are already constraints on tank storage and availability of marine fuel products sold in large, bulk quantities. The addition of another fuel grade of unknown demand requiring segregated storage and probable re-blending for stability will likely strain tankage capacity further. To the best of our knowledge, no ports or refiners have refused to supply low sulfur IFO solely due to lack of tankage, however many have indicated this will add further cost to an already expensive proposition.Logistical considerations pose a similar challenge when supplying 1.0% IFO blend by barge. Typical bunker deliveries to ships today can already include both IFO and distillate(s). Given the limited tank partitioning of fuel-oil barges and a limited ability to “overload” or “afterload” a tight-spec product and a dirtier product in order to avoid cleaning costs and barge downtime, the logistics of adding a 1.0% IFO blend into the logistics mix is problematic and potentially cost-incurring.We expect 1.0% sulfur propulsion fuels, as individual deliveries, to be stable in keeping with ISO standard. However, individual deliveries over time will have different characteristics that may lead to instability when mixed with other previous runs and blends of 1.0% sulfur IFO. This type of “load-over-load” supply of differing blends can happen at the refinery, storage tanks, barges, and the ship as well. For example, during bunkering, due to limited ship tankage, there could be top loading of one particularblend of 1.0% sulfur over a previous 1.0% sulfur blend that was already in the storage tank. This can be risky if there are any compatibility issues with the two products, and could potentially result in instability of the mix which would be evidenced by sludging, separation and other technical issues. Back ashore, factors such as how long the blended product will sit in tanks or barges, the temperature at which the blend is held, and the components of that particular blended lot will influence the separation tendencies as well.Are there additional safety considerations to this new fuel? The fuel itself should not have safety issues beyond what are presently there today with any petroleum fuel product. If the producers follow the expected path of blending marine distillates with current IFO grades, safety of the resultant fuel blend itself should not be an issue. All, or most, expected blending components will have 60 degree C flash points and be of known cetane, CCAI, and other burn characteristics. Based on early discussions with fuel producers, the blended fuels are expected to be of greatly reduced viscosity due to the blend components. This reduced viscosity poses other potential technical challenges for the vessel which we will discuss next.Vessel and Main Engine IssuesIs there a performance or safety consideration to underway fuel-switching? The answer is “yes” to both. Performance and safety are, in this case, inter-related due to the potential for Loss-Of-Power (LOP) incidents at critical moments when maneuvering inside ports. As industry’s experience with the fuel switching problem grows with use of new low-sulfur blends of fuel, it is expected that these issues will become more predictable and preventable. The low sulfur IFO blends will be, by nature, less dense, and therefore packing fewer hydrocarbons into a given volume of fuel. In many cases, vessels have had to re-configure fuel delivery rates to the engine while using 1.0% sulfur distillate fuels to ensure enough volume is arriving at the cylinder to support combustion and directional momentum of the engine, particularly during maneuvering.Other LOP events have been attributed to improper operating temperatures when switching to the lighter fuel. In-line flashing, premature cylinder ignition, and vaporizing in fuel pumps and distribution lines each contribute to engine failure shortly after fuel switching. In extreme cases, major engine damage by thermal cracking in cylinders and liners has been reported.Finally, the lighter, distillate qualities of the new blends have also reportedly caused “bleeding” of fuel delivery lines through pump seals, O-rings, and valves. This could lead to fire hazards as well as reduced fuel pressure. In addition, the solvent properties of distillates running through IFO fuel lines has caused loosening of asphaltenes and other sediments in the lines, leading to clogging of filtration systems as well as injectors. All of these factors can contribute to LOP incidents.Under the new North America ECA requirements, the initial fuel changeover will take place far offshore at the ECA boundary line. Therefore, LOP incidents immediately following fuel switching should be less problematic from a navigational standpoint, but should still be avoided if at all possible.Is there any official guidance relating to switching fuel? Yes, there exists plenty of official as well as unofficial (but useful) guidance. The U.S. Coast Guard has issued several circulars including Marine Safety Alert - #03-09, June 16, 2009. Another report by the API Working Group is re-published on the USCG website under:Missions > Investigations > Safety Reports > API - Technical Considerations of Fuel Switching Practices.Both documents are representative of a large amount of technical and practical information in the public domain regarding practices and procedures for safe and efficient fuel switching while underway. These documents have been issued based on reports by engine manufacturers as well as field reports by ships and the USCG regarding Loss of Power incidents and other issues related to fuel switching while underway.Can vessels blend their own 1.0% sulfur fuel on-board? Yes, but onboard blending may not be immediately practical without preparation, planning and potential capital equipment expense.Annex VI requires the use of fuel that meets the proper sulfur specification, not necessarily the purchase of that fuel as a delivered product. It does not explicitly exclude the vessel from blending the fuel itself, only stating that the proper fuel must be used. To be clear, there are specific prohibitions by MARPOL concerning blending of petroleum products when they are being carried as cargo, but not as a propulsion fuel source.There are programs already being offered to owners/operators by technical service firms to specify and conduct fuel blending management and optimization programs. Considerations are necessary such as compatibility of the components to be blended, blending techniques and equipment, optimal pre-heating temperature and nozzle pressure, specific engine requirements to support the program, etc. Special Mention - CARB Rules:The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is a state agency charged with providing research, guidance, and enforcement of emission standards within state land borders and coastlines. In July of 2009, CARB implemented emission standards for all oceangoing vessels transiting waters within 24 NM of its shores. Those guidelines and timetables for implementation are listed here:Source: CARB Marine Notice 2011-3Does implementation of the North American ECA replace the emission requirements for California? No, however CARB has made recent modifications to its regulations making them more in alignment with MARPOL Annex VI. Their next implementation level has been set for 01 August 2012 at the 1.0% sulfur level for fuel burned within the 24 NM zone. However, CARB stipulates that to meet the 1.0% sulfur requirement, ships must burn MGO (DMA spec). This is a notable requirement as it differs from the ECA rules. If ships burn MDO, that fuel must meet a lower 0.5% sulfur limit as an offset to other PM generating elements in that grade of fuel. Furthermore, CARB will NOT permit IFO of any grade with a 1.0% sulfur specification to meet their requirements. So, on the approach to the California coastline, unless a vessel is burning 1.0% sulfur MGO or 0.5% sulfur MDO from the ECA boundary inward, there will be yet another fuel change after transiting the ECA zone and when entering the CARB zone. California also expanded CARB zone boundaries in and around the Santa Barbara Channel Islands, giving them additional margin as well. In those areas, effectively the zone starts approximately 50-70 miles from the mainland coastline. This should be taken into consideration when formulating voyage plans. CARB’s most recent circular can be found at:/ports/marinevess/documents/marinenote2011_1.pdfThe information in this document is current to the best of our knowledge as of 20 April, 2012.For more information or questions on this document or any ECA related matters, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.Peter LindseySales & Marketing, AmericasKPI Bridge Oil, Inc.Seattle, Washington206.505.9333peter.lindsey@。
