Classic English The Wedding of Mrs. Fox


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bacise english


特别是身穿白纱、与心爱的人站在神父面前朗读誓词,再回答"I do."——那是无数电影中出现的经典场景。


但纯正基督教习俗下的西式婚礼应该是怎么样的呢?1. 新郎新娘分别前往教堂,会合后开始举行婚礼(一般是下午);2. 婚礼由神父或牧师主持(也有在市政厅举行的),亲朋或有心聆听―福音‖的人都欢迎观礼,大家静侯新人到来;3. 神父带领新人宣读婚礼誓言,询问现场有没有人反对、询问新郎新娘是否愿意接受对方;4. 互相说完―我愿意‖之后双方交换戒指、接吻、签字,礼成;5. 一般情况下,新郎新娘分别有伴郎、伴娘、花童若干,统称为Bridal Party;6. 婚礼完成后,新人一干人等前往外景地、公园、海边等特别景点拍摄自然风格的婚礼图片,除传统惯例要拍的合影镜头外,其余镜头常常是即兴发挥;7. 晚上,一对新人、双方父母及亲友聚于酒店、酒吧、餐厅甚至海边开party,程序为入场——就坐——伴郎致辞——宴会——切蛋糕——新人跳第一支舞——舞会+自助餐——新娘抛花球(新郎抛袜圈)——吻别;8. 新郎新娘赴酒店或度假地欢度新婚夜。


这些都分别代表了什么呢?Something old... 旧东西A bride may wear or carry something old to represent her continued ties to her family and her old life. Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item. Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother. In many cases, something old may also be something borrowed.旧的东西代表着新娘结婚之后还会和娘家保持联系。



Sweet vote for you Mr Yu be my husband,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.
Welcome to
Ivy & Sweet's Wedding
Standing before God, I exhort you two, love and loyalty to remember the joy
and eternal home is built on the cornerstone. If you never abandon your solemn oath to the letter; if your firm to seek and follow the will of your Father; your life will never be peace, joy; your family will bear the establishment of any changes. Of course, you have to remember that you are not into the journey of life alone. When you face difficulties in, do not be afraid to seek help from others. ------ helping hand from friends, family, and the church. Accept the assistance of others is not a shame, but a sincere act. Around us, the Lord is to us a helping hand. The hands of Jesus Christ everywhere. The most important thing is: we have witnessed the couple's combined. Amen.



英语学习资料:美式婚禮AmericanWeddingsEveryone loves a wedding 大家都喜歡婚禮If invited to a wedding, you will receive an invitation six to eight weeks before the event. Usually there is an RSVP card in the invitation. You should send the card back to say whether or not you plan to attend. If you cannot attend, you should still send the couple a gift.Many wedding ceremonies take place in a church. However, some are outside in a park or a garden. You should arrive about 10 minutes before the ceremony starts. The groom stands in front of the guests. The bride walks up an aisle through the guests. Everyone stands as she walks up to meet the groom.如果你受邀參加別人的婚禮,你會在婚禮前六至八週收到喜帖。














"Today, we watched with great pride and overwhelming emotion as Chelsea and Marc wed in a beautiful ceremony at Astor Courts, surrounded by family and their close friends,"“今天,我们怀着无比自豪和激动的心情目睹了切尔西和马克在阿斯托庄园举行的这场美好的婚礼,他们在家人和亲友的见证下结为连理。

”"We could not have asked for a more perfect day to celebrate the beginning of their life together, and we are so happy to welcome Marc into our family,"“今天是个大喜的日子,我们在此为一对新人庆祝新生活的开始。



I, [Groom's name], take you [Bride's name], to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love.I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.I will trust you and honor youI will laugh with you and cry with you.I will love you faithfullyThrough the best and the worst,Through the difficult and the easy.What may come I will always be there.As I have given you my hand to holdSo I give you my life to keepSo help me God我(新郎的名字)请你(新娘的名字),做我的妻子,我生命中的伴侣和我唯一的爱人。

新视野大学英语读写教程3 UNIT9 课文翻译

新视野大学英语读写教程3 UNIT9 课文翻译























这原是古代的习俗,在新婚之时一定要饮用一种用蜂 蜜特制的饮料,用来象征家庭美满、爱情甜蜜和生活 幸福。
It is the ancient custom, when the wedding must drink a special drink with honey, symbols used to family happiness, love sweet and happy life.
13.tin--[tɪn]n. 锡;罐头,罐;马口铁 adj. 锡制的 vt. 涂锡 14.enamel--[ɪ'næm(ə)l]n. 搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉;指甲油
vt. 彩饰;涂以瓷釉
15.coral--[‘kɒr(ə)l] n. 珊瑚;珊瑚虫 adj. 珊瑚的;珊瑚色
16.ruby--[‘ruːbɪ]n. 红宝石 adj. 红宝石色的 vt. 使带红宝石 17.sapphire--['sæfaɪə]n. 蓝宝石;[宝] 青玉;天蓝色
It symbolizes the husband to his wife's pure love, and at the same time, his wife also said accept and faithful to this kind of love.
The gold rings symbolize the pure love, silver rings that e
坚持的 5.bold--[bəʊld ] adj. 大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无
6.fancy--[‘fænsɪ] n. 幻想;想像力;爱好 adj. 想象的;奇
特的;昂贵的;精选的 vt. 想象;喜爱;设想;自负vi. 幻 想;想象




其中对于泰晤士河的称颂:Sweet Thames! run softly, till end my song. 成为传诵至今的佳句。

PROTHALAMIUM婚礼颂歌Calm was the day, and through the trembling air平静的这天,穿过颤抖的空气,Sweet breathing Zephyrus did softly play,轻轻的和风微微舞动,A gentle spirit, that lightly did delay一个温柔的灵魂,就这样轻轻的暂缓了Hot Titan's beam, which then did glister fair;太阳的光芒,随后照旧辉煌地闪耀;When I (whom sullen care,当我(这位被阴郁侵染的)Through discontent of my long fruitless stay经受了漫长庸碌人生的不得意的人待在In princes' court, and expectation vain公主们的堂前,那空怀着那虚无的期待,Of idle hopes, which still do fly away,以及终究将要飞走的无谓的希望,Like empty shadows, did afflict my brain)就像空洞的阴影,始终啮噬着我的头脑)Walked forth, to ease my pain.走上前,去缓和我的苦恼。

Along the shore of silver streaming Thames;顺着流淌着的银色泰晤士河的河岸;Whose rutty bank, the which his river hems,那长满了根须的河岸,镶作河水的金边,Was painted all with variable flowers,那上面点染着无数种绚烂的花草,And all the meads adorned with dainty gems,所有的草地都装饰着精致的宝石,Fit to deck their paramours,正好可以去打扮他们的爱人,Against the bridal day, which is not long:在新婚这天,虽然并不漫长:Sweet Thames! run softly, till I end my song.甜蜜的泰晤士河呐!请流得慢些,直到我歌章的终结。

















1、哈利·波特与魔法石(英:Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,美:Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)2、哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)3、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)4、哈利·波特与火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire),5、哈利·波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)6、哈利·波特与“混血王子” (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)7、哈利·波特与死亡圣器(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)格林童话故事集1. 青蛙王子/ The Frog-King, or Iron Henry 12. 猫和老鼠交朋友/ Cat and Mouse in Partnership 73. 圣母玛利亚的孩子/ Our Lady抯 Child 114. 狼和七只小山羊/ The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids 175. 奇怪的乐师/ The Strange Musician 226. 十二个兄弟/ The Twelve Brothers 267. 小弟弟和小姐姐/ Brother and Sister 328. 野莴苣/ Rapunzel 409. 森林里的三个小矮人/The Three Little Men in the Wood 4510. 三个纺线女/ The Three Spinners 5211. 汉塞尔和格蕾特尔/ H鋘sel and Gretel 5612. 三片蛇叶/ The Three Snake-Leaves 6513. 白蛇/ The White Snake 7014. 稻草、火炭和豆子/ The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean 7515. 渔夫和他的妻子/ The Fisherman and His Wife 7716. 勇敢的小裁缝/ The Valiant Little Tailor 8717. 灰姑娘/ Cinderella 9618. 谜语/ The Riddle 10519. 老鼠、鸟和香肠/ The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage 10920. 风雪婆婆/ Mother Holle 11221. 七只乌鸦/ The Seven Ravens 11622. 小红帽/ Little Red-Cap 11923. 不来梅镇上的乐师/ The Bremen Town Musicians 12524. 唱歌的骨头/ The Singing Bone 130 25. 长着三根金发的魔鬼/ The Devil withthe Three Golden Hairs 13326. 小虱子和小跳蚤/ The Louse and the Flea 14227. 无手姑娘/ The Girl Without Hands 14528. 聪明的汉斯/ Clever Hans 15229. 魔桌子、金驴子和袋子里的小棍子/ TheWishing-Table,the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack 15630. 狐狸太太的婚礼/ The Wedding of Mrs. Fox 16831. 小精灵/ The Elves 17232. 考伯斯先生/ Herr Korbes 17633. 大拇指漫游记/ Thumbling抯 Travels 17834. 菲切尔的鸟/ Fitcher抯 Bird 18335. 杜松树的故事/ The Juniper Tree 18836. 老苏坦/ Old Sultan 19937. 六只天鹅/ The Six Swans 20238. 拾来鸟/ Fundevogel 20839. 尖下巴国王/ King Thrushbeard 21140. 背包、帽子和喇叭/ The Knapsack, the Hat,and the Horn 21741. 古怪的姓氏/ Rumpelstiltskin 22442. 情人罗兰/ Sweetheart Roland 22843. 金鸟/ The Golden Bird 23344. 狗与麻雀/ The Dog and the Sparrow 24245. 弗雷特尔和卡特丽斯/ Frederick and Catherine 246124.三兄弟/The Three Brothers125.魔鬼和他的祖母/The Devil and His Grandmother 126.忠实的费尔南德和不忠实的费尔南德/Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful 127.铁炉子/The Iron Stove128.懒惰的纺纱妇/The Lazy Spinner129.本领高强的四个兄弟/The Four Skilful Brothers 130.一只眼、两只眼和三只眼/One—Eye,Two—Eyes,and Three—Eyes131.美丽的卡特琳娜勒和皮夫·帕夫·帕尔特里/Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie132.狐狸和马/The Fox and the Horse133.跳破了的鞋/The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces134.六个仆人/The Six Servants135.白新娘和黑新娘/The White Bride andthe Black Bride.136.铁汉斯/Iron Hans137.三个黑衣公主/The Three Black Princesses 138.克诺衣斯特和他的三个儿子/Knoist andHis Three Sons139.布拉克姑娘/The Maid of Brakel140.我的一家/My Household141.小羊和小鱼/The Lambkin and the Little Flsh 142.泽姆西山/Simeli Mountain143.旅行/Going a Travelling144.毛驴/The Donkey145.不孝之子/The Ungrateful Son146.萝卜/The Turnip147.返老还童/The Old Man Made Young Again 148.上帝的动物和魔鬼的动物/TheLord’SAnimals and the Devil’S149.雄鸡驮木梁/The Beam150.要饭的老太婆/The Old Beggar-Woman151.三个懒人/The Three Sluggards152.十二个懒仆人/The Twelve Idle Servants 153.牧童/The Shepherd Boy154.星币/The Star-Money155.偷藏的钱/The Stolen Farthings156.选择未婚妻/Looking for a Bride157.扔掉的东西/The Hurds158.麻雀和它的四个孩子/The Sparrow andHis Four Children159.极乐世界的童话/The Story of Schlauraffen Land 160.不可置信的童话/The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders 161.谜语童话/A Riddling Tale162.雪白的玫瑰和红玫瑰/Snow-White and Rose-Red 163.聪明的仆人/The Wise Servant164.玻璃棺材/The Glass Coffin165.懒人海因茨/Lazy Harry166.大鹏/The Griffin167.强壮的汉斯/Strong Hans168.农夫进天堂/The Peasant in Heaven169.瘦子丽莎/Lean Lisa170.林中小屋/The Hut in the Forest171.同甘共苦/Sharing Joy and Sorrow172.篱笆王/The Willow—Wren173.比目鱼/The Sole174.大麻鸟和戴胜鸟/The Bittern and the Hoopoe 175.猫头鹰/The Owl 176.月亮/The Moon177.寿命/The Duration of Life178.死神的使者/Death’S Messengers179.鞋匠师傅/Master Pfriem180.井边放鹅女/The Goose-Girl at the Well 181.夏娃的孩子各不相同/Eve’S Various Children 182.池塘里的水妖/The Nixie of the Mill-Pond 183.小矮人的礼物/The Little Folks’Presents 184.巨人和裁缝/The Giant and the Tailot185.钉子/The Nail186.墓中可怜的孩子/The Poor Boy in the Grave 187.真正的新娘/The True Bride188.兔子和刺猬/The Hare and the Hedgehog 189.纺锤、梭子和缝衣针/The Spindle,the Shuttle and the Needle.190.农夫和魔鬼/The Peasant and the Devil 191.桌子上的面包屑/The Crumbs on the Table 192.海兔/The Sea—Hare193.贼王/The Master-Thief194.鼓手/The Drummer195.麦穗/The Ear of Corn196.坟丘/The Grave-Mound197.老林克兰克/Old Rinkrank198.水晶球/The Crystal Ball199.梅琳姑娘/Maid Maleen200.牛皮靴/The Boots of Buffalo—Leather 201.金钥匙/The Golden Key202.森林里的圣者约瑟夫/St.Joseph in the Forest 203.十二使徒/The Twelve Apostles204.玫瑰/The Rose205.贫穷和屈辱可以使人上天堂/Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven206.上帝之食/God’S Food207.三根绿树枝/The Three Green Twigs208.圣母杯/Our Lady’S Little Glass209.老太婆/The Aged Mother210.天堂的婚礼/The Heavenly Wedding211.榛子树/The Hazel-Branch安徒生童话故事1.打火匣/ The Tinder-Box2.小克劳斯与大克劳斯/ Great Claus and Little Claus 113. 豌豆上的公主/ The Princess on the Pea 234. 小意达的花儿/ Little Ida誷Flowers 255. 拇指姑娘/ Thumbelina 346. 顽皮的孩子/ The Naughty Boy 467. 旅伴/ The Travelling Companion 498. 海的女儿/ The Little Sea Maid 699. 皇帝的新装/ The Emperor誷New Clothes 9110. 幸运的套鞋/ The Goloshes of Fortune 9711. 雏菊/ The Daisy 12312. 坚定的锡兵/ The Hardy Tin Soldier 12813. 野天鹅/ The Wild Swans 13314. 天国花园/ The Garden of Paradise 14915. 飞箱/ The Flying Trunk 16316. 鹳鸟/ The Storks 17017. 铜猪/ The Metal Pig 17618. 永恒的友情/ The Bond of Friendship 18819. 荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰/A Rose From the Grave of Homer 19720. 梦神/ Ole Luk-Oie 19921. 玫瑰花精/ The Rose-Elf 21222. 猪倌/ The Swineherd 21823. 荞麦/ The Buckwheat 22424. 安琪儿/ The Angel 22725. 夜莺/ The Nightingale 23126. 恋人/ The Lovers 24227. 丑小鸭/ The Ugly Duckling 24528. 枞树/ The Fir Tree 25529. 白雪皇后/ The Snow Queen 26530. 接骨木树妈妈/ The Elder Tree Mother 29531. 织补针/ The Darning-Needle 30332. 钟声/ The Bell 30733. 祖母/ Grandmother 31334. 妖山/ The Elf-Hill 31635. 红鞋/ The Red Shoes 32336. 跳高者/ The Jumper 33037. 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人/ The Shepherdess and the Chimney- Sweeper 33338. 丹麦人荷尔格/ Holger the Dane 33939. 卖火柴的小女孩/ The Little Match Girl 34440. 城堡上的一幅画/ A Picture From the Fortress Wall 34741. 瓦尔都窗前的一瞥/ By the Almshouse Window 34942. 老路灯/ The Old Street Lamp 352 43. 邻居们/ The Neighbouring Families 359 44. 小杜克/ Little Tuk 36945. 影子/ The Shadow 37446. 老房子/ The Old House 38747. 一滴水/ The Drop of Water 39548. 幸福的家庭/ The Happy Family 39849. 母亲的故事/ The Story of a Mother 40250. 衬衫领子/ The Shirt Collar 40851. 亚麻/ The Flax 41252. 凤凰/ The Phoenix Bird 41753. 一个故事/ A Story 41954. 一本不说话的书/ The Dumb Book 42455. 区别/ 襎here Is a Difference 42756. 老墓碑/ The Old Gravestone 431中篇57. 世上最美丽的一朵玫瑰花/ The Loveliest Rosein the World 43758. 一年的故事/ The Story of the Year 44059. 最后的一天/ On the Last Day 44960. 完全是真的/ 襂t誷Quite True! 45361. 天鹅的窝/ The Swan誷Nest 45662. 好心境/ Good Humour 45963. 伤心事/ A Great Grief 46464. 各得其所/ Everything in Its Right Place 46765. 小鬼和小商人/ The Goblin and the Huckster 47666. 一千年之内/ In a Thousand Years 48167. 柳树下的梦/ Under the Willow Tree 48468. 一个豆荚里的五粒豆/ Five Out of One Pod 50069. 天上落下来的一片叶子/ A Leaf From the Sky 50470. 她是一个废物/ She Was Good for Nothing 50971. 最后的珠子/ The Last Pearl 51772. 两个姑娘/ Two Maidens 52173. 在辽远的海极/ In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea 52474. 钱猪/ The Money-Pig 52775. 依卜和小克丽斯玎/ Ib and Christine 53176. 笨汉汉斯/ Jack the Dullard 54377. 光荣的荆棘路/ The Thorny Road of Honour 54878. 犹太女子/ The Jewish Girl 55479. 瓶颈/ The Bottle-Neck 56080. 聪明人的宝石/ The Stone of the Wise Men 57181. 香肠栓熬的汤/ Soup on a Sausage-Peg 58682. 单身汉的睡帽/ The Old Bachelor誷Nightcap 60083. 一点成绩/ Something 61384. 老栎树的梦—一个圣诞节的童话/ The Last Dream ofthe Old Oak Tree—A Christmas Tale 62185. 识字课本/ The A. B. C. Book 62886. 沼泽王的女儿/ The Marsh King誷Daughter 63487. 赛跑者/ The Racers 67088. 钟渊/ The Bell-Deep 67489. 恶毒的王子/ The Wicked Prince 67990. 一个贵族和他的女儿们/ The Wind Tells About Waldemar Daa and His Daughters 68391. 踩着面包走的女孩/ The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf 69492. 守塔人奥列/ Ole the Tower-Keeper 70393. 安妮·莉斯贝/ Anne Lisbeth 71094. 孩子们的闲话/ Children誷Prattle 72195. 一串珍珠/ A String of Pearls 72496. 笔和墨水壶/ The Pen and Inkstand 73197. 墓里的孩子/ The Child in the Grave 73498. 两只公鸡/ The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock 74099. “美”/ Charming 744100. 沙丘的故事/ A Story From the Sand-Dunes 752 101. 演木偶戏的人/ The Puppet Showman 784 102. 两兄弟/ Two Brothers 790103. 古教堂的钟/ The Old Church Bell 793104. 乘邮车来的十二位旅客/ Twelve by the Mail 799 105. 甲虫/ The Beetle 805106. 老头子做事总不会错/ What the Old Man DoesIs Right 814107. 雪人/ The Snow Man 821108. 在养鸭场里/ In the Duck-Yard 828109. 新世纪的女神/ The Muse of the New Century 836110. 冰姑娘/ The Ice Maiden 843下篇111. 蝴蝶/ The Butterfly 893112. 素琪/ The Psyche 897113. 蜗牛和玫瑰树/ The Snail and the Rose Tree 910 114. 鬼火进城了/ 襎he Will-O?The-Wisps Arein the Town,?Says the Moor-Woman 914115. 风车/ The Windmill 928116. 一枚银毫/ The Silver Shilling 931117. 波尔格龙的主教和他的亲族/ The Bishop of B歳glumand His Kinsmen 936118. 在小宝宝的房间里/ In the Nursery 943119. 金黄的宝贝/ The Golden Treasure 948120. 风暴把招牌换了/ The Storm Shifts the Signs 957 121. 茶壶/ The Tea- Pot 962122. 民歌的鸟儿/ The Bird of Popular Song 965 123. 小小的绿东西/ The Little Green Ones 969124. 小鬼和太太/ Brownie and the Dame 972125. 贝脱、比脱和比尔/ Peter, Pete, and Peterkin 977 126. 藏着并不等于遗忘/ Hidden Is Not Forgotten 982 127. 看门人的儿子/ The Porter誷Son 986128. 迁居的日子/ Removing-Day 1003129. 夏日痴/ The Snowdrop, or Summer-Geck 1008 130. 姑妈/ Auntie 1013131. 癞蛤蟆/ The Toad 1019132. 干爸爸的画册/ Godfather誷Picture-Book 1027 133. 幸运可能就在一根棒上/ Good Luck Can Lie In a Pin 1048134. 彗星/ The Comet 1052135. 一个星期的日子/ The Days Of the Week 1057 136. 阳光的故事/ Sunshine誷Stories 1060137. 曾祖父/ Great-Grandfather 1064138. 烛/ The Candles 1070139. 最难使人相信的事情/ The Most Incredible Thing 1074140. 全家人讲的话/ What the Whole Family Said 1079141. 舞吧,舞吧,我的玩偶/ Dance, Dance, Doll Of Mine 1083142. 海蟒/ The Great Sea-Serpent 1086143. 园丁和主人/ The Gardener and the Family 1096 144. 烂布片/ The Rags 1104145. 两个海岛/ Vaen欤and Glaen欤1107146. 谁是最幸运的/ Who Was the Luckiest? 1110 147. 树精/ The Dryad 1115148. 家禽麦格的一家/ Poultry Meg誷Family 1135 149. 蓟的遭遇/ The Thistle誷Experiences 1148 150. 创造/ What One Can Invent 1153151. 跳蚤和教授/ The Flea and the Professor 1157 152. 老约翰妮讲的故事/ What Old Johanna Told 1162 153. 开门的钥匙/ The Door-Key 1176154. 跛子/ The Cripple 1188155. 牙痛姑妈/ Auntie Toothache 1198156. 老上帝还没有灭亡/ God Can Never Die 1209 157. 神方/ The Talisman 1212158. 寓言说这就是你呀/ This Fable is Intended for You 1216哇哇报/ Croak! 1218书法家/ The Penman 1221纸牌/ The Court Card. 幸运的贝儿/ Lucky Peer没有画的画册/ A Picture Book Without Pictures仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。




judge: i think it's time for the wedding to begin.好,时间差不多了。

judge: all right, ladies and gentleman. please take your place.the wedding ceremony is about to begin.好,女士们,先生们。


judge: ok, (sb.) start the music.好,(某某)请放乐曲。

[the music and ceremony begin.][婚礼进行曲响起,圣洁的婚礼正式开始]judge: dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy either of you have any reason why you should not legally be joined in marriage?大家好,我们今天在这里出席这位男士和这位女士的神圣的婚礼。

请问你们俩彼此当中,有谁有什么理由认为你们的婚盟不合法吗?is there anyone present who can show any just cause why these two people should not be legally joined inmarriage?在场的各位当中,有谁能提供正当的理由,指出这两位的婚姻不合法吗?(如果任何人知道有什么理由使得这次婚姻不能成立,就请说出来)then, (full name of the bridegroom here), do you take (full name of the bride here)to be your lawful, wedded wife?好,(新郎正式姓名),你愿意接受(新娘正式姓名),作为你的合法妻子吗?bridegroom: i do.新郎:我愿意。



IMPERIALWEDDINGSISI IMPERIAL WEDDING 女皇茜茜公主皇家婚礼WED JUST LIKE EMPRESS SISIIMPERIALWEDDINGSISIIMPERIALWEDDING女皇茜茜公主皇家婚礼Mit SIW – Sisi Imperial Wedding erleben Sie Tage die unvergesslich bleiben. Vom Halbtages- bis 6Tagesprogrammen und mehr veranstalten wir Ihre Hochzeitsfeier / die Erneuerung Ihres Eheversprechens im kaiserlichen Stile. Reisen Sie mit dem Majestic Imperator – Train de Lux“, in der Luxus-Limousine, mit dem Schiff auf der Donau oder der Kutsche mit weien Pferden. Wohnen im Schloss, Hotel Sacher, Hotel Imperial, kaiserlich ist unser Angebot und unser Ziel. Je nach Tagesankunft und Aufenthaltsdauer gestalten wir Ihr Programm nach Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen von einer wahrhaft kaiserlichen Hochzeit. Jedes Festprogramm wird individuell zusammengestellt.经由 SIW Sisi Imperial Wedding (茜茜公主皇家婚礼) 预定旅游,让您在维也纳的停留成为一生難忘的特殊体 验。

english royal wedding英国王室婚礼英文版 2

english royal wedding英国王室婚礼英文版 2

Three Famous Royal Weddings
伊丽莎白二世和爱丁堡 公爵飞利浦
女王在八岁时就遇到了 她未来的丈夫,他是希 腊和丹麦王子菲利普。 据说伊丽莎白二世13岁 时就对他芳心暗许。在 结婚前,菲利普放弃了 他的王子称号,并将信 仰从希腊正教转换为了 英国国教。
Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh
王储: The Prince of Wales (1948/11/14-)He is the current the queen of England and the duke of Edinburgh's firstborn. On July 29th, 1981, Charles and Diana got marry at Saint Paul's Cathedral in London . In their marriage , they gave birth to two during the prince, are the future The Prince of Wales and crown prince William and the Duchess of Cornwall prince Harry. 威尔士亲王和康沃尔公爵夫人
5. Transportation The bride will be in car arrived at Westminster Cathedral, wedding finished the two will take carriage to Buckingham Palace
6. Bouquet [ˈbukei] 花束) ( The bride bouquet should include the myrtle [ˈmə:tl]bushes branch( 金娘灌木枝) of queen 桃 Victoria, then bouquets will stay at Westminster Abbey unknown soldier of the grave(无名战士墓) 7.Wedding Band(婚戒) When got marriage, selecting the rare Welsh gold ring is a traditional British royal wedding. 11



英国女王和戴安娜婚礼致辞Ladies and gentlemen,Distinguished guests,We gather here today to celebrate the joyous occasion of the wedding between Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. On behalf of the British Royal Family, I stand before you as the Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms to express our heartfelt congratulations and well wishes to the happy couple.It was five decades ago that I stood in the same historic cathedral to exchange wedding vows with my beloved Prince Philip. Now, as I witness the union of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, I am filled with both nostalgia for my own wedding day and hope for the future of this couple as they embark on their own journey of married life.Today marks a significant day not only for Charles and Diana, but for the entire nation and the world. The love and devotion that they share has captivated the hearts of millions, and their marriage symbolizes hope, transformation, and the continuation of our royal legacy. As they join hands and hearts, they also unite the Houses of Windsor and Spencer, two great families with a rich history that stretches across the centuries.Charles, my dear son, as you embark on this new chapter in your life, I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride. From a young age, you have been prepared for the responsibilities that come with being the heir to the throne. Today, you take another step towards fulfilling your destiny. Together with Diana, you will be the pillars of strength and stability that our nation needs. Yourpassion for architecture and your strong commitment to causes such as environmental conservation and humanities will undoubtedly shape your reign in a profound and positive way.Diana, my dear daughter-in-law, you bring an aura of freshness and compassion that is truly remarkable. Your warm smile and genuine concern for others have won the hearts of people from all walks of life. Your commitment to philanthropy and your dedication to causes such as children's healthcare and the fight against HIV/AIDS have already made a profound impact. I have no doubt that you will be an incredible advocate for those in need, and a source of inspiration to generations to come.Marriage is a journey that requires love, trust, and compromise. It is a partnership that needs to be nurtured and cherished every day. Charles and Diana, as you stand here today, surrounded by your loved ones, remember the vows you have made to each other. Through the highs and lows, always be there for one another, supporting and encouraging each other in all that you do.As you build a home together, remember that love and family are the foundations upon which a strong society is built. The work of the monarchy is not just ceremonial, but also carries the responsibility of fostering unity, representing the diversity of our nation, and fostering diplomatic relations with countries around the world. It is a tremendous task, but together with your boundless energy and dedication, I have no doubt that you will rise to the challenge.In closing, I would like to extend my gratitude to all those whohave played a part in organizing this joyous occasion. To the clergy, the musicians, and all those who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes, thank you for making this day truly memorable.To Prince Charles and Lady Diana, may your days be filled with love, laughter, and deep understanding. And may you always find strength in each other's arms, as you continue to write the next chapter of our great royal family.God save the Queen!God bless Prince Charles and Princess Diana!。



经典婚庆主持词(Classicweddinghostingwords)经典婚庆主持词(Classic wedding hosting words)Sunny, singing, singing, laughing, lucky day, in this beautiful, warm, romantic days, we ushered in a couple of lovers and the combination of happiness. Here, first of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all the two new people and their families for the presence of all the guests! Next, I announced that the wedding ceremony begins now! Well, please ask our stereo player to play a solemn Wedding March, and let us invite the two newcomers to the stage with the most enthusiastic applause!Sherman, Beaming with Joy. This time, let us hold wine, to express my sincere best wishes to the new people. Congratulations to you, bride and groom, and congratulations on your perfect union. From the acquaintance, the married love, you have experienced the best time of life. Your love is pure and sincere. Trinidad marriage, a heaven-made match. The creation of a new home in the pursuit of ideals and career is the extension of your wonderful love turn.Congratulations to you, bride and groom, and congratulations on your happy marriage. China proverb: "when, when". Love is the greatest joy of sexual union between "the happiness of a family union". This wedding festivities night, next year to give birth to a baby. May you Liang Xiao Anthurium more bright, more sweet wedding. Sincerely wish the handsome boys and pretty girls fall in love, joy and sweet taste of life.Congratulations to you, bride and groom, and congratulations on your evergreen tree of love. I wish you a new phase to enenaiai, said of a couple; I wish you peace, respect theirparents, filial piety willingly unchanged, is still a good son or daughter, this was going to be a good husband, a good daughter-in-law; may your work, study and life, by heart, year after year!I sincerely wish you happiness and success in your newly married life!!First, wedding first: new people come on stageGun play musicPresided over the word: Spring awakens Apricot Branches, Iraq on the jade column bridge, wearing a white wedding dress, wearing beautiful flowers, bathed in the sweet and well-being of the woman in a solemn Wedding March when the center close to the heart, hand in hand, smiling came up to us to walk. Friends, let us sincerely bless them, pray for them, as they cheer, cheer for them - gun play music!Two, wedding second: worship heaven and earthPresiding words: guests, leaders, from concise to timeless classics, wonderful interpretation of the most romantic moment in life! Today is AD 200Month and day, it's Beijing timespotBranch. According to authoritative sources at astrologers said,at the moment this is married a lucky day, is a very auspicious day, so today, our Mr and miss with two love each other's heart, and finally embarked on this sacred wedding hall!That is, gifted with beauty, with Cowboy Weaver, perfect conjugal bliss, forever! The bride and groom go to heaven and earthA spiritual aura, San Shi has a marriage; - a bow!Two the essence of the sun and the moon, the growth of everything depends on her; - two bow!There is spring summer and autumn winter weather, the grain harvest! Three bows!Three, third: Al Gao weddingPresided over the word: active water, tree root, children do not forget to bring up the well, now married into the family business, respecting parents is two white haired Xian, then pays a visit to parents, parents, a bow, an expression of gratitude, thanks to the bow again, raised three bows, always caring for the elderly!My parents raised me, - a bow!Zaibai parents taught my heart, two bow!When zunlaoaiyou, harmony loess into gold! Three bows!Four, Fourth: Thank family weddingPresided over the word: good then today we worship from afar dear home guests, they put it a gentle and beautiful lady up to the big, happy today to your home, here we must first say thanks to their three, two new bow to us today, dear mother guest: a deep bow, bow, bow - three!Five, fifth: thank the big red weddingPresided over the word: rely on network fishing, boating on the paddle, the bride and groom bridal chamber, how can leave big red. Please stand up two new referrals to let everyone know about who, Hello, I thank you on behalf of two people who had two new referrals, say, if you have no matchmaking, today they cannot tie the knot here, then give you three bows at the same time, by the on behalf of the two new offer you three words, well below to dear introducer three bow:A bow, thank you, right? Two bow, thank you again, threebow, ignore you, you don't have a marriage, a joke, the couple into the bridal chamber, the matchmaker throw wall, the Chinese Lunar New Year with a two piece of three dollars to see things, we are also not too little? Joking, please sit down, thank you.Six, wedding sixth: always guest wedding ceremonyChair: and then we invite two new couples to be married to all the guests here. Please the bride and groom to come from all sides: high streets and back lanes guests and friends, leaders, colleagues and members of relatives and friends, you friend, you uncle aunt, uncle, aunt, brother sister, sister neighborhood man dajiefu were deeply bowed three times! First of all, friends on our side, a bow, a friend in the middle, a bow, a friend here - three bows! Friends, applause, echo back! All right, thank you.The two of us would like to pay 200 yuanmonthDay (200 years of lunar calendar)monthAt noon the day) in a solemn wedding ceremony, and write down the life to comply, co operating exchange solemn vows and pledges, in marriage, on the road, never separated. And on the following matters, make a commitment, even if the sea turns to land, and then change to the sea, but also to work together, deeply attached to each other, until old age.(a) we swear: from the day of marriage, not only become husband and wife, respect each other, share happiness and sorrow with each other, will also become friends, and friends, mutual encouragement, mutual encouragement, mutual criticism.(two) we understand: Happy shared life, all through spiritualcommunication, so we must make good use of words, not only to express love, care, but also make each other through language to deepen understanding, grow together. No coarse voice objurgation, never use body instead of words, never betray or deceive each other.(3): our perception of family and career is jointly operated fruit, husband and wife family contribution equivalent, within the family or society, the value of the same social work, salaries no matter how much housework all the same salaries. To love each other, speak kindly, in the disposition aspect, gradually to adapt to each other, don't try to change the other.(four) we agree: the future we have children, if there are different views on discipline, even sharp differences, must exercise restraint and to consult experts, never put children as a tool to achieve their hope, never to show off their children, but not with the child to coerce each other.I hope they can in daily life after love each other and hope they continue to stand together through storm and stress; a hope; they honor their parents, and family. At the same time, also wish all the friends and guests, new year, in the new year, a lot of good fortune, a lot of family happiness, good luck in everything. Thank you.Ten, the wedding of tenth: the woman's relatives on behalf of greeting peopleDear friends, guests, ladies and gentlemen:Hello everyone! In this laughter, heaven, heaven and earth together, perfect conjugal bliss auspicious auspicious day, we meet here, a grand celebrationSir andMiss marriage!Today, I am very honored to accept the entrustment of relatives, and entered this sacred and solemn wedding ceremony for the couple to the wedding. Here, first of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and warm welcome to all the two new people and their families for the presence of all the guests! Simultaneous,Let us sincerely bless them, pray for them, as they cheer, cheer for them, for their perfect combination, let us take the most enthusiastic applause, bless the bride and groom to wish them happiness, life as sweet as honey, their love is like a diamond forever. Their career like gold so bright!Distinguished guests,Mr sumMiss, two new like-minded, from acquaintance to love, until today, the marriage is the edge, two of them is a pure heart collision together, can be described as "flowers Bingdi, wall, Jiaoutiancheng"; love is love, is the soul of a new combination of sweet, fusion have enenaiai.I think, at this moment, we groom than usual at any one time feel true happiness is more handsome; and our bride than usual at any one time feel more excitement, more beautiful and gentle and lovingly pathetic together, said: isn't it? (applause).Today is a big day, today is a warm day, for two new people, today is a lifetime unforgettable day.May you cherish each other, with one mind forever; your deep eyes to interpret the vast plain, with your beautiful dreams of youth to enjoy the blue sky; go to the green beautiful life with your light footsteps grass garden! With you all the heroic fight life troubles, for your selfless love to warm parents like twilight sunset.......Secondly, thank youParents, I want to say your parents, your parents put your hands on the one I care for the delivery of a pearl in the palm of the young man, thank you for your trust, I will not live up to your trust, but I have to say, I may be in this life can not let your daughter into the world the richest woman, but I will use my life to make her the happiest woman in the world.But at this moment, my heart has a deeply sorry for you, because I have not told you, then know you before and after knowing you, I have been deeply in love with another woman, and even if you can not stop my marriage, my yearning for her day and night, she is the woman also came to the wedding scene, my dear, my mother. Mom, thank you. Thank you for being here Years ago to make a change in your life, you will use your beautiful youth and graceful posture, put a life into the world, let him learn knowledge, teach him to learn, let him realize the most selfless love, he gave the world the most warm home.You tell him to be honest, you tell him the importance of the family, but this little life often trouble, making you angry, let him twenty years much worried about you. Now, I want to say, mom, it's hard for you. My son is growing up and my son is married. You can rest assured and happy, I am very happy, because I met the world's two most beautiful and beautiful woman. (applause for about 2 minutes)There are several times of the most memorable and happiest moments in my life, and today I feel really excited, happy and unforgettable. Today, me and my sweetheartMiss married, our elders, relatives, friends and leaders from busy schedule to come all the way to attend our wedding ceremony, to today's wedding brings joy, joy, bring sincereblessings. Take this opportunity, let us once again sincerely thank our parents to bring up our adult, thank you Grandpa and grandma, Grandpa, aunt, uncle and aunt care, thank you for the blessings of friends.At the same time, thank you for my father-in-law's wife. Please believe that I will always love my wife, and through our hard-working and wise hands, we will create a happy family.Please share with us the happy time. Finally, don't forget the old adage, homely fare, chihaohehao!Wish you all the best and all your dreams come true.Thank youFourteen, the wedding fourteenth: witness to the new messageThe bride and groom, the minister, references, distinguished guests:Today is the dayMr sumA happy day for a hundred years to marry a lady. On this big day, I wish the bride and bridegroom a happy honeymoon and a happy honeymoon. Husband and wife love each other and live together in peace together, take care of each other, work hard, study progress, said of a couple, happy!And wish all the guests a happy and healthy life!A witness:Fifteen, wedding fifteenth: the man's parents speechLadies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen:Today is my sonandMiss Jubilee Day set, thanks to the distinguished guests from afar to congratulate, express my warmest welcome and heartfeltthanks! My sonMiss is a hundred years old husband and wife, and he feels very happy as a man's parents. Through their own friend, entirely, love, today become husband and wife, from now on, you have mutual respect and mutual love, mutual understanding, mutual, career oriented, with their own ability and cleverness and hard-working hands to create a better future. Not only that, but also honor your parents.Finally, I wish you a happy newlywed wife, early T akako, happy.Wish you all good health and good luck.Thank you!!Sixteen, wedding sixteenth: the woman's parents speechDistinguished guests:Today is my daughterandMr. married day, thanks to the distinguished guests from afar, the warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks!My daughterAs a hundred years old husband and wife, he felt very happy as a parent. They know each other, through which noted, to love, to today's couples, from now on, I hope they can mutual respect, mutual love, mutual understanding, mutual aid, career oriented, with their own ability and cleverness and hard-working hands to create their own future. Not only that, but also to honor their parents, as the lyrics say: "often go home to see."!"In the end, I wish them a happy and happy new year.I wish you all good health and good luck. Thank you!Seventeen, wedding seventeenth: unit leader speechLadies and gentlemen, leaders, ladies and gentlemen, hello!Today, I'm going to speak a few words on behalf of the bride unit. It is understood that the groom, ideological progress, work actively, studious. It is obvious to people of noble and dignified. yesUnits of rare talents. It is this outstanding young man, with his extraordinary strength, opened the heart of a beautiful girl's love. The lucky girl is today's leading lady - our unitMiss。



西方传统婚礼英文作文The traditional Western wedding is a beautiful and meaningful ceremony that brings together two people in love. It is a time for family and friends to come together to celebrate the union of the couple and wish them well intheir future together.The bride usually wears a white gown and the groomwears a suit or tuxedo. The ceremony is often held in a church or other religious venue, but can also take place in a beautiful outdoor setting.During the ceremony, the couple exchanges vows andrings as a symbol of their commitment to each other. There may also be readings or music to add to the emotional atmosphere of the occasion.After the ceremony, there is often a reception wherethe newlyweds and their guests can enjoy a meal, drinks,and dancing. It is a time for everyone to come together andcelebrate the happy couple.One of the most well-known traditions at a Western wedding is the cutting of the cake. The couple cuts the cake together and then feeds each other a small piece as a symbol of their commitment to provide for one another.At the end of the reception, the couple may make a grand exit, such as leaving in a decorated car or even a horse-drawn carriage. It is a special moment for the couple as they begin their new life together.Overall, the traditional Western wedding is a beautiful and joyous occasion that brings together loved ones to celebrate the love and commitment of the couple. It is a time-honored tradition that will continue to be cherished for generations to come.。




尊重的列位宾客、列位朋友:中午好!阳春三月,歌声飞扬,欢声笑语,天降吉祥,在这美好的日子里, 咱们迎来了jason先生和爱丽小姐喜结良缘、幸福结合。

在那个地址第一请许诺我代表二位新人对列位宾客的光临表示最衷心感激和烈火欢迎!我是主持人xxx很荣幸能主持今天的成婚庆典仪式与朋友们一起见证那个美好的时刻!这位是新娘的好朋友,丹艳小姐, 她将为今天婚礼庆典做一些简要翻译。

ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. we are gathered today to celebrate the marriage of shaohua yan and jason madan. the ceremony will be conducted by our mc, xxx. my name is danyan. shaohua and i have been close friends for many years, and it is my pleasure to provide an english commentary on today’s proceedings. we feel honoured to be here with everybody to experience this special moment.the host will now call for the ceremony to begin with the playing of theweddingmarch.此刻正是良辰吉时,我宣布新婚庆典仪式此刻开始,请咱们的音响师奏响庄重的婚礼进行曲,让咱们大伙儿以最烈火的掌声有请二位新人登场![music begins here] (婚礼音乐奏响,新郎和新娘挽手步入,向两边宾客挥手致意,要面带微笑哟)2:司仪向大伙儿介绍新郎和新娘的简历。



古时候结婚流程英文版In ancient times, the process of getting married was a significant event that involved several traditional customs and rituals. The entire process was quite elaborate and held great importance in the society.Firstly, the process of getting married would start with the matchmaker, who would be responsible for finding a suitable match for the bride and groom. The matchmaker would consider various factors such as social status, family background, and horoscope compatibility before making any recommendations.Once a suitable match was found, the next step would be the exchange of betrothal gifts, also known as "guo da li". This was a formal ceremony where the groom's family would present gifts such as jewelry, clothing, and food to thebride's family as a gesture of goodwill and to show their sincerity in wanting to marry their daughter.After the betrothal gifts were exchanged and accepted, the wedding date would be set. On the wedding day, various traditional rituals and customs would take place. One of the most important rituals was the "fetching of the bride", where the groom and his groomsmen would travel to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding ceremony.During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom would make offerings to the gods and their ancestors as a way to seek blessings for their future together. They would also pay their respects to their parents and exchange vows in front of their family and friends.Following the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds would then proceed to the groom's home where the bride would be formally welcomed into the family. This would mark the end of thewedding process, and the start of their new life together as a married couple.In conclusion, the process of getting married in ancient times was a sacred and elaborate affair that involved a series of traditional customs and rituals. It was not just a union of two individuals, but a union of two families and an important event in the society.。



THE WEDDING OF MRS FOX.FIRST STORY.There was once upon a time an old fox with nine tails, who believed that his wife was not faithful to him, and wished to put her to the test. He stretched himself out under the bench, did not move a limb, and behaved as if he were stone dead. Mrs Fox went up to her room, shut herself in, and her maid, Miss Cat, sat by the fire, and did the cooking. When it became known that the old fox was dead, suitors presented themselves. The maid heard someone standing at the house door, knocking. She went and opened it, and it was a young fox, who said:What may you be about, Miss Cat?Do you sleep or do you wake? 'She answered:'I am not sleeping, I am waking,Would you know what I am making?I am boiling warm beer with butter,Will you be my guest for supper? ''No, thank you, miss, ' said the fox, 'what is Mrs Fox doing? ' The maid replied:'She is sitting in her room,Moaning in her gloom,Weeping her little eyes quite red,Because old Mr Fox is dead. ''Do just tell her, miss, that a young fox is here, who would like to woo her. ' 'Certainly, young sir. 'The cat goes up the stairs trip, trap,The door she knocks at tap, tap, tap,'Mistress Fox, are you inside? ''Oh, yes, my little cat, ' she cried.'A wooer he stands at the door out there. ''What does he look like, my dear? ''Has he nine as beautiful tails as the late Mr Fox? ' 'Oh, no, ' answered the cat, 'he has only one. ' 'Then I will not have him. 'Miss Cat went downstairs and sent the wooer away. Soon afterwards there was another knock, and another fox was at the door who wished to woo Mrs Fox. He had two tails, but he did not fare better than the first. After this still more came, each with one tail more than the other, butthey were all turned away, until at last one came who had nine tails, like old Mr Fox. When the widow heard that, she said joyfully to the cat:'Now open the gates and doors all wide,And carry old Mr Fox outside. 'But just as the wedding was going to be solemnized, old Mr Fox stirred under the bench, and cudgelled all the rabble, and drove them and Mrs Fox out of the house.SECOND STORYWhen old Mr Fox was dead, the wolf came as a suitor, and knocked at the door, and the cat who was servant to Mrs Fox, opened it for him. The wolf greeted her, and said:'Good day, Mrs Cat of Kehrewit,How comes it that alone you sit?What are you making good? 'The cat replied:'In milk I'm breaking bread so sweet,Will you be my guest, and eat? ''No, thank you, Mrs Cat, ' answered the wolf. 'Is Mrs Fox not at home? 'The cat said:'She sits upstairs in her room,Bewailing her sorrowful doom,Bewailing her trouble so sore,For old Mr Fox is no more. 'The wolf answered:'If she's in want of a husband now,Then will it please her to step below? 'The cat runs quickly up the stair,And lets her tail fly here and there,Until she comes to the parlour door.With her five gold rings at the door she knocks:'Are you within, good Mistress Fox?If you're in want of a husband now,Then will it please you to step below?Mrs Fox asked: 'Has the gentleman red stockings on, and has he a pointed mouth? ' 'No, ' answered the cat. 'Then he won't do for me. 'When the wolf was gone, came a dog, a stag, a hare, a bear, a lion, and all the beasts of the forest, one after the other. But one of the good qualities which old Mr Fox had possessed, was always lacking, and the cat had continually to send the suitors away. At length came a young fox. Then Mrs Fox said: 'Has the gentleman red stockings on, and has a little pointed mouth? ' 'Yes, ' said the cat, 'he has. ' 'Then let him come upstairs, ' said Mrs Fox, and ordered the servant to prepare the wedding feast.'Sweep me the room as clean as you can,Up with the window, fling out my old man!For many a fine fat mouse he brought,Yet of his wife he never thought,But ate up every one he caught. 'Then the wedding was solemnized with young Mr Fox, and there was much rejoicing and dancing; and if they have not left off, they are dancing still.。

云南省临沧市一小小学英语 格林童话系列一桧树Mrs. Fox’s Wedding狐狸太太的婚事一阅读

云南省临沧市一小小学英语 格林童话系列一桧树Mrs. Fox’s Wedding狐狸太太的婚事一阅读

Mrs. Fox's WeddingJacob and Wilhelm GrimmFirst TaleOnce upon a time there was an old fox with nine tails. He did not believe that his wife was faithful to him and wanted to put her to the test. He stretched himself out beneath the bench, did not move a limb, and pretended to be stone dead.Mrs. Fox locked herself in her room, and her maid, Miss Cat, sat on the hearth and cooked.As soon as it became known that the old fox had died, suitors began to appear. The maid heard someone knocking at the front door. She opened it, and there stood a young fox, who said:What are you doing, Miss Cat? Are you asleep, or are you awake?She answered:I'm not asleep; I am awake. Do you want to know what I am doing? I am cooking warm beer with butter in it. Would you like to be my guest?"No thank you, Miss," said the fox. "What is Mrs. Fox doing?"the maid answered:She is sitting in her room Mourning and grieving. She has cried her eyes red, Because old Mr. Fox is dead."Miss, tell her that a young fox is here who would like to court her.""I'll do that, young man."the cat went upstairs and knocked on the door."Mrs. Fox, are you there?""Yes, my dear, yes.""A suitor is outside.""What does he look like? Does he have nine bushy tails like the late Mr. Fox?""No," answered the cat. "He has but one.""then I'll not have him."Miss Cat went downstairs and sent the suitor away.Soon afterward there was another knock at the door. Another fox was there who wanted to court Mrs. Fox. He had two tails, but he did not fare any better than the first one. Then others came, each with one additional tail, but all were turned away until finally one came who had nine tails, just like old Mr. Fox. When the widow heard that, she spoke joyfully to the cat:Open up the door And throw old Mr. Fox out.they were just about to celebrate the wedding when beneath the bench old Mr. Fox began to stir. He attacked the entire party with blows and drove them all out of the house, including Mrs. Fox. Second TaleFollowing the death of old Mr. Fox, the wolf presented himself as a suitor. The cat, who was serving as Mrs. Fox's maid, opened the door. The wolf GREeted her, saying:Good day, Mrs. Cat, Why are you sitting alone? What good things are you making there?the cat answered:Bread and milk. Would you like to be my guest?"No thank you, Mrs. Cat." answered the wolf. "Isn't Mrs. Fox at home?"the cat said:She's upstairs in her room Mourning and grieving, Bemoaning her plight, Because old Mr. Fox is dead.the wolf answered:If she wants another man, Just have her come downstairs.the cat ran upstairs To give her the news. She ran to the GREat room, And knocked on the door With her five golden rings. "Mrs. Fox, are you in there? Doyou want another man?"Mrs. Fox asked, "Is the gentleman wearing red breeches, and does he have a pointed little face?""No," answered the cat."then he's of no use to me."After the wolf had been sent away there came a dog, a deer, a hare, a bear, a lion, and all the other animals of the forest, one after the other. But each one lacked one of the good qualities that old Mr. Fox had had, and the cat had to send each of the suitors away. Finally a young fox came.Mrs. Fox asked, "Is the gentleman wearing red breeches, and does he have a pointed little face?""Yes," said the cat, "that he does.""then let him come upstairs," said Mrs. Fox, and she told the maid to make preparations for the wedding feast.Cat, sweep out the kitchen, And throw the old fox out the window. He brought home many a big fat mouse, But he ate them all alone, And never gave me a one.then Mrs. Fox married young Mr. Fox, and everyone danced and celebrated, and if they have not stopped, then they are dancing still.浅谈英语课堂教学的板书设计设计板书,应该符合学生的心理特点,力求做到美观、大方、简明生动,富有启发性,还要有创意,能一下子吸引学生的眼球,并能让学生看懂所要掌握的重点、难点及应该掌握的知识结构,运用形象性的板书,能使学生进行丰富的联想,我在英语教学法中力求板书工整、简洁,重难点突出,本学期我担任三年级英语教学,对刚刚学习英语的学生来说,最关键的是调动学生的积极性,培养学生的学习兴趣,没有了性趣,一切都是免谈,基于这一点,在英语课上,我用字母卡片、肢体语言、简笔画、歌谣等大量的形式来调动学生的积极性,吸引学生的注意力,使学生大胆开口说英语、用英语。



Wedding Invitation Format in English Wedding invitations are a crucial part of every wedding celebration. They convey the information about the event and the details about the ceremony and reception. For an international wedding, it is essential to create an invitation in English to invite international guests. In this document, we will cover the standard format for a wedding invitation in English.HeaderThe first thing to consider is the header of the wedding invitation. The header should include the names of the couple, date and time of the event, and the location. The header appears at the top of the invitation, and it can be designed using different styles and fonts.An example of a header in English:Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Request the pleasure of your company At the marriage of their daughter Olivia Smith And Mr. Jack Wu On Saturday, the fifth of June At five o’clock in the afternoon At the Sunset Hotel 8 West Main Street Los Angeles, CaliforniaBodyThe body of the invitation should provide event details such as the dress code and RSVP information. It is also an opportunity to add a personal message to the guests.An example of a body of a wedding invitation in English:Dress Code: Cocktail Attire RSVP: Kindly respond by May 25th to*******************We sincerely hope you will be able to attend our wedding celebration. Your presence is important to us, and we look forward to sharing this special day with you.ClosingThe closing should be a short and sweet message appreciating the guests for their presence and well wishes.An example of a closing message for a wedding invitation in English:We are excited about celebrating our special day with you, and we sincerely hope you can make it. With love and warm wishes, Olivia and JackEnvelope AddressingThe envelope addressing is an equally important aspect of wedding invitations. The proper etiquette is crucial for addressing the invitation envelope. Below is an example of the proper etiquette in English:Mr. and Mrs. John Smith 123 Main St Los Angeles, California 90013ConclusionThe above format is a standard wedding invitation format in English. However, the choice of words and the style of design are left to the preference of the couple. Remember to keep the invitation simple, elegant, and informative. With the right invitation, guests will be excited to attend and celebrate your special day!。

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Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "Do just tell her, miss, that a young fox is here, who would like to woo her." "Certainly, young sir."
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "What may you be about, Miss Cat.?
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 38. The Wedding of Mrs. Fox
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Because old Mr. Fox is dead."
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. The cat goes up the stairs trip, trap,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Do you sleep or do you wake?"
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "A wooer he stands at the door out there."
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. And makes her moan,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "No, thank you, miss," said the fox, "what is Mrs. Fox doing?" The maid replied,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Will the gentleman enter and drink some likewise?"
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Weeping her little eyes quite red,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "Mistress Fox, are you inside?"
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. There was once on a time an old fox with nine tails, who believed that his wife was not faithful to him, and wished to try her. He stretched himself out under the bench, did not move a limb, and behaved as if he were stone dead. Mrs. Fox went up to her room, shut herself in, and her maid, Miss Cat, sat by the fire, and did the cooking. When it became known that the old fox was dead, wooers presented themselves. The maid heard some one standing at the house-door, knocking. She went and opened it, and it was a young fox, who said,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. She answered,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. F I R S T S T O R Y
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. The door she knocks at tap, tap, tap,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "She sits all alone,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "Tell me what he is like, my dear?"
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. "I am not sleeping, I am waking,
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Wouldst thou know what I am making?