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1001碱液脱脂法 alkali degreasing
1002碱性脱脂法 alkali cleaner
1003离子交换 ion exchange
1004槽液管理 solution control, booth control
1005乳化脱脂法 emulsion edgreasing
1006乳化脱脂剂 emulsion cleaner
1007化学除锈剂 chemical descaling/ chemical derusting 1008化学脱脂法 chemical descaling
1009化学成膜 chemical conversion coating
1010黄锈(磷化处理中)rust caused on phosphat coating 1011鉻酸处理(钝化)chromate coating, chromating
1012鉻酸盐处理 chromate coating, chromating
1013硅酸钠 sodium silicate
1014打锈 descaling
1015除锈(同:酸洗,酸蚀)descaling, derusting
1016酸洗(同:除锈)acid picking, picking
1017酸性阻蚀剂 acid picking in hibitor
1018喷砂 sankblasting, blast cleaning
1019纯水(同:脱离子水)deionized water
1020纯水洗 deionized water rinsing
1021喷丸 shot blasting
1022新鲜水洗 fresh water rinsing
1023蒸气磷化处理 steam phosphating
1024喷射式前处理 spray pretreatment system
1025总酸度 total acid
1026促进剂 accelerator
1027脱脂 degresing
1028脱脂剂 cleaner
1029脱脂,除锈二合一处理剂 phosphoric acid cleaning 1030灰蓝色 blue color
1031三氯乙烯脱脂(蒸气脱脂)vapor degreasing
1032三氯乙烯 trichloroethylene
1033四氯乙烯 parchlorlethylene , carbontetrachlcride 1034半浸式前处理 half dip pretreat ment system
1035P比(同:P/P+H) P ratio
1036磷化处理剂 phosphating chemicals
1037皮膜处理 chemical conversion coating
1038膜重量 coating weight
1039表面预处理 surface treatment
1040表面调整 surface conditioning
1041表面调整剂 surface conditioner
1042溢流喷射式前处理 flood spray pretreatment system 1043全浸式前处理 full dip pretreatment system
1044前处理 pretreatment
1045前处理剂 pretreatment chemicals
1046烘干水分 drying off
1047游离酸度 free acid
1048溶剂脱脂 solvent degreasing
1049预清洗 precleaning
1050预热水洗 hot water prerising
1051锌盐磷化处理 ziue phosphating phosphate treatment 1052锌盐磷化膜 ziue phosphating coating
1053铁盐磷化膜 iron phosphating coating
2001阳极电泳 anodic electro deposition
2002阳极接地法 anodic earth method
2003气喘,喷流间断 spitting spray, flurrering
2004湿碰湿 wet on wet
2005涂面漆 top coat
2006空气喷涂 air spraying
2007吹风 air blow
2008无气喷涂 airless spraying
2009过喷涂 over spray
2010隔膜(电极)电泳涂装 membrance system electro depsoition 2011重叠涂装 over coating
2012汽油打磨 wet sanding with gasoline
2013阴极电泳涂装 cathodic electro deposition
2014干打磨 dry sanding
2015喷枪距离 gun distance
2016喷枪移动速度 spray gun velocity
2017机械打磨 mechanical sanding
2018表面准备(同底材面调整) surface preparation
2019空气雾化式静电喷涂法 electrostatic air atomizing spray merhod
2020黑皮(黑色氧化皮) mill scale
2022修饰性打磨 finish sanding
2023基底 substrate
2024被涂面的表面准备 surface preparation 2025涂底漆 primer coating
2026浸涂 dipping, dip coating
2027喷涂 spraying, spray coating
2028喷涂影 (atomizing) fan pattern
2029局部修补 spot repair
2030三层涂装 three coat
2031涂三次,烘三次 three coat, three bake 2032涂三次,烘二次three coat, two bake
2033拖式浸涂 slipper dipping
2034静电涂装electrostatic coating
2035静电粉末涂装 electrostatic powder coating
2036静电式雾化式静电涂装法 electrostatic rotary atomizing spry methed
2037统刮腻子 all pattying 2038试涂装 application trial 2039更新期 turn-over
2040揩油 pad application, padding
2041调制 (paint) mixing
2042调色 color matching
2044二层涂装 two coat
2045涂二层,烘二次 two coat, two bake
2046涂二层,烘一次 two coat, one bake
2047泳透力 throwing power
2048尾形 tail
2049电泳 electro phoresis
2050电渗 electro osmosis
2051电泳涂装(ED涂装) electrodeposition, electrocoating 2052打磨 sanding, grinding
2053涂装 painting, coating, finishing
2054涂装间隔 interval between coats, coating interval 2055涂装环境
2056涂装体系 paint system, coating system
2057涂装工艺 paint process
2058涂装技术要求 painting sepctification
2059涂着效率 transfer efficiency
2060同色封底涂层 color sealer
2061涂中涂层 surface coating, sealer coating
2062重新涂装(同:补修涂装) repainting
2063反复涂装 recoating
2064涂布面积比(涂布率) spreading rate
2066刷涂 brush application, brushing, brush coating 2067被涂物 work
2068雾化 atomizing
2069局部打磨 detail sanding, defect sanding
2070局部刮腻子 detail pattying
2071淋涂 flow coating
2072区域性修补 block repair
2073粉末电泳涂装法(EPC) electrophoretic powder coating 207420粉末涂装 powder coating
2075刮涂 knifing, knife application
2077修补涂装 touch up
2078热喷涂 hot spraying, hot spray coating 2079遮盖 masking
2080抛光 polishing
2081抛光修补 polishing
2082湿打磨 wet sanding
2083金属闪光色涂装 metallic coating
2084超滤 utra filtration
2085轻打磨 light sanding, scaffing
2086流化床涂装 flridzed powder bed coating 2087辊涂 application by roller, roller coating 2088单层涂层 one coat
2089涂一次,烘一次 one coat one bake
2201(暗)红外干燥 (dark) infrared drying, infrarde drying, infrared baking
2202湿涂膜 wet film
2203表干 sand dry, surface dry 2204加热干燥 baking, thermosetting 2205干燥 drying
2206强制干燥 forced drying
2207完全干燥,完全固化 dry-hard, dry-through, hard dry, dry through, baking
2208紫外线固化干燥(同:光聚合干燥) ultra violer curing 2209触指干燥 set to touch, dust free, dry to touch
2210自然干燥(同:常温干燥) air drying cold curing 2211聚合干燥 curing by polymerization
2212蒸发干燥(同:挥发干燥)drying by evaporation
2213晾干 setting, flash off
2214电子束固化(即辐射固化) electoro beem curing, radiation curing
2215热风干燥,对流干燥 hot air drying couvection drying 2216半固化干燥(触指干燥) tack free, tack dry
2217烘干(加热干燥) baking stoving
3001丙烯酸树脂涂料acrylic resin paint
3002热塑性丙烯酸涂料 acryl lacquer
3003施工固体部分 application solid
3004胺浓度 amine content
3005醇酸树脂涂料 alkyd resin paint
3007面漆、面漆用涂料 top coat
3008腐蚀底漆(同:磷化底漆、活性底漆) etching grimer 3009磁漆 enamel
3010非水分散型涂料 non aqueous dispersion paint
3011油性二道浆 oil surface
3012油性腻子 oil putty
3013油性底漆二道浆 oil primer surface
3014灰分 ash conter
3015阴极电泳涂料 cathodic electrod eposition primer 3016弹性(可弯曲性) flexibility
3017加热残分(不挥发分) nonvolatile content, nonvolatile matter, solids content, heating residue
3018钾中和型电涂料 KOH neutratized AED 3019结皮性 skinning
3020干燥时间 bake schedule
3021颜料体积比率(PVC或颜料容积浓度) pigment volume, pigment volume concentration
3022颜料分(P.W.C) pigment content 30233底漆涂料primer
3024底盘黑涂料 chassis black paint
3025富锌底漆 zinc rich primer
3026水性涂料,水系涂料 water borne paint
3027水溶性树脂涂料 water soluble resin paint, water soluble resion coating
3028抗石击涂料(SGC) stoneguard coating
3029相溶性 compatibility, compatible
3032抗漆雾污染性 spray mist compatibility
3033局部修补底漆 touch up primer
3034触变性 thixotropy, thixotropic
3035抗崩裂涂料 antichipping paint, chip resistant paint
3036抗崩裂二道浆(涂料) chip resistant surfacer, anti chipping surface
3037抗崩裂底漆(涂料) chip resistant primer, anti chipping surfacer
3038贮存稳定性 shelf life, storage stability, can stability 3039细度,粒度 grainning, bitty, seed
3040无光涂料 flat paint, flat oil paint, mat paint
3041电泳涂料 electrocoating, coating foe electrodeposion
3042涂膜主要成分 film forming agent film forming ingredient, film former, film forming material
3043同色涂料(中涂) color surface
3044涂料 coating, paint
3045中间层涂料(同: 二道浆) surfacer, guide coat
3046原漆 virgin paint, UN-cut paint
3047双组分涂料 two component paint
3048硝基漆 nitrocellulose lacpuer, nitrocellulose coating 3049热塑性丙烯酸树脂涂料 thermoplastic acrylic paint
3050热固性丙烯酸树脂涂料 thermosetting acrylic paint
3051稠密 consistency
3052粘度 viscosity
3053高固体分硝基漆 high solid lacpuer
3054高固体分型涂料 high solid paint
3055基料 binder
3056腻子 putty
3058颜基比P/B P by B
3059光固化涂料 light curing coating
3060漆料 vehicle
3061酚醛树脂涂料 phenolic coating, phenolic resin paint 3062苯二甲酸树脂涂料 phthalic resin paint, alkyd resin paint
3063不饱和聚脂涂料 unsaturated polyester paint
3064底漆 primer
3065底漆二道浆 primer surface
3066粘连、结块 blocking
3067粉末涂料 powder paint
3068油漆色漆 paint
3069防锈蜡 anti-corrosion wax, anti-rust wax
3070活化期、活化寿命 pot life, pot stability
3071聚酯腻子 polyester putty
3072水分散性(树脂)涂料 water dispersible paint
3073研磨色浆 millbase, milling base
3074无溶剂型涂料 solventless coating, solvent free paint
3075金属闪光色磁漆 metalic enamel, metalic paint, metalic pigmented paint
3076三聚氰氨醇酸树脂涂料 melamine alkyd resin paint, melamine alkyd paint
3077烘烤型涂料(俗:烤漆) thermosetting paint 3078油性涂料oil paint
3079油度 oil length
3080硝基清漆(俗:拉克) lacquer
3081硝基磁漆 lacquer enamel
3082硝基二道浆 lacquer surfacer
3083硝基腻子 lacquer putty
3084硝基底漆 lacquer primer
3085沥青涂料 bituminous paint
3086流平性 leveling
3087清漆(俗:凡立水) varnish
3201丙烯酸系树脂 acrylate resins
3202 丙烯酸 acrylic acid
3203丙烯酸改性的醇酸树脂 acryl modified alkyd resin 3204沥青 asphalt
3205亚麻仁油 linseed oil
3206氨基树脂 amino resin
3207醇酸树脂(同:苯二甲酸树脂) alkyd resin
3208酯化油 esterification oil
3209环氧树脂 epoxy resin
3210无油醇酸树脂 oil free alkyd resin
3211外部增塑化 external plastici zation
3212干油性 drying oil
3213天然硬沥青 hilsonite
3214甘油 glycerin
3215胶化时间 gel time, time of gelation
3216皂化 saponification
3217皂化价 saponification valeu, saponification number 3218红花油 safflower oil
3219脂肪酸 carboxyl acid
3220硝化棉 nitrocellulouse
3221有机硅树脂 sillicone resin
3222水溶性树脂 water soluble resin
3223苯乙烯改性醇酸树脂 styrenated alhyd, styrene alkyd, styrene alkyed resin
3224豆油 soybean oil, soya been oil 3225多元酸 polybasic acid
3226多元醇 polyhydric alcohol polyol 3227短油性醇酸树脂 short oil alkyd resin 3228天然树脂 natural resin
3229天然油 natural oil
3230塔油 toll oil
3231内部塑化 internal plasticization
3232热可塑性 thermoplastic, thermoplasticity, thremal plasticity
3233热固化 thermosetting property 3234半干性油 semidrying oil
3235沥青 bitumen
3236蓖麻油 castor oil
3237酚醛树脂 phenol resin
3238不干性油 nondrying oil
3239氧化沥青 blown asphalt
3240聚酯 polyester
3241聚丁二烯 polyester
3242顺丁烯二酸酐改性油 maleinised oil 3243苯二甲酸酐 phthalic anhydride 3244甲基丙烯酸 methacrylic acid
3245三聚氰氨树脂 melamine resin
3246椰子油 coconut oil
3247碘值 ioline value, iodine number 颜料及其性质(3401-3434)
3401锌白 zinc ocide
3402锌粉 zinc dust, zinc grey 3403石棉粉 asbestin
3404惰性珍珠色云母 nollepecxl mica
3405铝粉 aluminum flake powder, aluminum powder, aluminem pigment powder
3406铝粉膏 aluminum flake paste, aluminum powder paste, aluminum pigment paste
3407色光、色头 tint(ing) shade, reduced shade 3408碘式铬酸铝 basic lead chromate
3409碘式碳酸铝 basic lead carbonate, basic carbonate white lead
3410红丹 red lead
3411土黄颜料、赫石 ochre
3412碳黑 carbon black
3413颜料 pigment
3414吸油量 oil absorption value 3415白土、陶土、白垩 clay
3416防锈颜料rust preventing pigment, rust inhibiting pigment, inhibitive pigment
3417铬酸锌、锌黄 zinc chromate, zinv yellow pigment 3418锶铬黄、铬酸锶 strontium chromate
3419填料、体质颜料 extender filler, extender pigment
3420滑石粉 talc
3421钛白 white titanium pigment
3422着色颜料 color pigment
3423着色力 tinting strength
3424铅系颜料 lead pigment
3425二氧化钛 titanium dioxide
3426永固红 permanent red
3427耐晒黄 fast yellow
3428酞菁绿 copper phthalocyanine green
3429酞菁蓝 copper phthalocyanine blue
3430分散 dispersion
3431铁红 red iron pigment
3432无机颜料 inorganic pigment
3433有机颜料 organic color pigment, rrganic pigment 3434漂浮 leafing
3601醇醛溶剂 sellosolves (solvent)
3602醇系溶剂 alcohols (solvent)
3603异丙醇 isopropyl alcohol 3604醚系溶液 ethers (solvent) 3605酯系溶液 ethers (solvent) 3606乙醇 ethyl alcohol
3607稀释剂 diluent (solvent) 3608二甲苯 xylene
3609酮系溶液 ketones (solvent) 3610工业用酒精
3611高沸点溶剂 high boiling point solvent, high boiler, slow solvent
3612乙酸乙酯 ethyl acetate
3613乙酸丁酯 n-butyl acetate
3614二丙酮醇 diacetone alcohol
3615脂肪族系碳氢化合物溶剂 aliphatic hydrocarbons (solvent) 3616助溶剂 cosolvent
3617真溶剂 solvent
3618溶纤剂(乙二醇一乙醚) cellosolve
3619乙酸溶纤剂 cellosolce acetate
3620煤焦油溶剂 solvent naphtha
3622低沸点溶剂 low boiling solvent, fast solvent
3623松节油 oil of turpentine, spirit of turpentine, turpentine
3624煤油 kerosene, kerosine
3625甲苯 toluene
3626卤化碳氢化合物溶剂 halogenated hydroeaxbon (solvent) 3627丁醇 butyl alcohol, butanol
3628丁基溶纤剂 butyl cellosolve
3629芳香族碳氢化合物系溶液 aromatic hydrocarbons solvent 3630白醇 mineral spirit, petroleum spirit
3631甲基异丁基酮 methyl isobutyl keton
3632甲乙酮 methyl ethyl ketone
3633溶剂 solvent
3801胺 amine
3802防浮色剂 antiflooding agent, antifloating agent 3803表面活性剂 surface active agent surfactant
3804增塑剂 plasticizer
3805稀释性 reducidility
3806金属皂 metallic soap, metal soap
3807固化剂 hardner, curing abent
3808防止氧化剂 antioxidant, oxidant inhibitor
3809紫外线吸收剂 ultraviolet absorber (UV absorber) 3810苯甲酸丁二酯 dibutyl phthalate
3811稀料 thinner
3812静电防止剂 antistatic agent
3813流挂防止剂 antisag agent
3814沉淀物防止剂 antisettle agent
3815消光剂 flatting agent
3816三乙醇胺 triethyl amine
3817涂料用稀料 paint thinner
3818硝基漆用稀料 lacquer thinner
3819防潮剂 retarder, retarder solvent
3820防潮稀料 retarder thinner
3821流变性控性 rheology control
4001绿棒 conpaund stick
4002粘性纸胶带 paper tack tape
4003干打磨用砂纸 dry sandpaper
4004纸质遮盖用胶带 crape masking
4005打磨砂纸 abrasive paper sandpaper 4006打磨砂布 abrasive cloth, sanding cloth
4007清洗用溶剂(稀料) washing solvent (falame retarding solvent)
4008耐水性砂纸 water proof abrasion sandpaper
4009耐热的(纸质)遮盖用胶带 heat stabe maskingtape 4010粘性纱布 tack rag
4011粘灰清漆 tackrag varnish
4012脱漆剂 paint remover
4013抛光剂 polishing compound
4014打磨网 poly (polyethene) net
4015遮盖用胶带 masking (shield) tape
4016绵纸(吉野纸)YOSHINO paper
5001遮盖力 hiding power, obiterating power, covering power, opacity
5002面漆层 top coat, finish coat, finishing coat
5003涂面漆的适应性 overcoatability
5004重复涂装的适应性 recoatability
5005玻璃化点 glass transition point
5006镜面光泽度 specular glose, specular reflection 5007打磨性 grindability
5008底涂(层) primer
5009浸透性 pentrability
5010鲜映性 distinctness of image
5011耐碱性 alkaliproof, alkali resistance
5012耐过烘干性 overbake resistance
5013耐盐水性 salt water resistance
5014耐挥发油(汽油)性 gasoline resistance
5015耐久性 durability
5016耐弯曲性(弹性) flexibility, elasticity
5017耐侯性 weather resistance, weathering property, weatherproof
5018耐酸性 acidproof, acid resistance 5019耐冲击性 impact resistance
5020耐蚀性 corrosion resistance
5021耐水性 water resistance, waterproof
5022耐洗净性 washability
5023耐崩裂性 chiping resistance
5024耐热性 heat resistance
5025耐沸水性 boiling water resistance 5026耐磨耗性 abrasion resistance 5027耐药品性 chemical resistance 5028耐油性 oil resistance, oilproof 5029耐溶剂性 solvent resistance
5030光泽 gloss
5031无光泽 flat
5032涂膜 paint film
5033涂膜污染性 stain resistance
5034涂膜的外观 appearance of paint film, paint film appearance
5035涂面 surface of paint film 5036半光泽 semigloss
5037附着力 adhesion
5038溶出(涂膜的) elusion, bleeding 5039裂解 degradation
5040老化 aging, ageing
5201油缩孔 oil dewetting, oil cratering 5202雨水痕迹 water slaining
5203气泡 bubble, bubbling
5204电泳气泡 bubble trace on ED film
5205电泳湿漆膜剥落 peeling off wet ED film 5206电泳缩孔 ED cratering
5207电泳针孔 pinhole on ED film
5208丝状锈蚀 diliform corrosion
5210掉色 discoloration
5211色差 off color
5212色不均 mottling
5213色分离 flooding
5214湿污染 wet contamination
5215水痕迹 water marke
5216啄伤 pecking
5217变黄 yellowing
5218气体裂纹 gas checking, gas crazing
5219白化 blushing
5221颜料沉降 pigment sedimentation
5222气泡 bubble
5223银粉不均 poor aluminum crientation, aluminum motting 5224发糊 dulling, bloom, clouding, cloudiness, hazing 5225陷穴点蚀 createring, pitting
5226尘埃 dust, dirt
5227锈 rust, corrosion
5228打磨器纹 sanding scratch
5230涂密封胶不良 sealing failure
5231底层污染 bleeding
5233粘污 stain, spot, spotting
5234起皱 crinkling, shrivelling, wrinkling, rivelling 5235吸收 suction, absorption
5236水泡 water bubbling
5237盖底不良 hiding failure
5238划伤 scrack
5239鲜映性质 low distinctness of image 5240间层剥离 intercoat adhesion failure 5241退色 fading
5242流痕 dripping
5243下沉 sagging run curtaining
5244流挂 sag
5246皱纹起皱 wrinkle
5247碎落 chipping
5248粉化 chalking
5249泳透性差 thin ED coating, no ED coating 5250失光 dulling, loss of gloss, matting 5251光泽不均匀 flashing
5255打磨划痕 sand scratch
5258涂膜过厚 too mach film thickness
5259涂膜剥落 peeling
5260干污染 dry contamination
5261涂料缩孔,鱼眼 cratering, fish eye 5262涂料颗粒 dirt, seed
5263流淌 sagging, running
5264渗色 bleeding
5265涂得太薄 thin paint
5266漏涂 skips
5267剥离 peeling
5268缩孔鱼眼 crawling, fish eye, cratering 5269腻子残痕
5270钣金凹凸 ding and dent
5271焊药针孔soldering pinhole
5274膨泡 blistering
5275颗粒hump, cluster
5277发白 blushing
5278起泡 blistering
5279触伤痕 mar
5281鬓状裂纹 hair cracking 5282砂纸纹 sanding scratch 5283凹坑 cratering
5284变色 discoloration
5285膨润 swelling
5286模糊(阴影) shading
5287星状不平 comet star pineple 5288保护不良 break line failure 5289落上漆雾
5292金属颗粒 metallic seeding 5293返粘 after tack
5294未烘干透 under baking
5295锉刀纹 grinding scratch
5296桔皮,柚子皮 orange peel
5298气泡孔 solvent popping, pin holes
5299裂纹,开裂 cracking
发状裂纹 hair craching
浅裂纹 checking
龟裂 craging
裂开 cracking
鳄鱼皮状裂纹 alligateying crocodiling
5601丝状腐蚀性试验 filiform corrosion test
5602遮盖力试验纸 hiding chart
5603湿漆膜厚度量规 wet film thickness gauge
5604杯突试验机 Erichsen film distensibility meter 5605永久磁性测厚仪 Elcometer
5606盐水喷雾试验 salt spray testing, salt spray test
5607铅笔硬度试验 pencil hardness test
5608碳弧灯 carbon arc
5609外观检查 appearance inspection
5610稀释稳定性试验 dilution stability test
5611稀释试验 dilution test, reducibility test
5612氙气灯 xenone lamp
5614库仑效率试验 coulomb eficiency test
5615弯曲试验 bending test
5616石击崩裂试验 gravelometer
5617遮盖力测定仪 cryptometer
5618斯端马粘度计 Krebs-Stomer viscometer, Stomer viscometer 5619交叉横割 cross cut
5620恒温恒湿箱 constant temperature and humidity cabinet 5621光泽计 gloss meter
5622色差计 color difference meter
5623试验板 test panel
5624试验样板 test piece, coupon, specimen
5625自然曝晒试验 outdoor wethering test, outdoor exposure test
5626冲击试验 impact test, impact testing, chip test 5627冲击试验仪 impact tester
5628取样器 sampler
5629斯惠特硬度计 Sward hardness rocker
5630疤形腐蚀试验 scab corrosion test
5631人工耐侯性试验 accelerated weathering test, accelerated weathering, artificaal weathering
5632人工耐侯性试验机 accelerated weathering tester 5633耐过烘干性试验 over bake resistance test
5634耐温水性试验 hot water resistance test
5635耐侯性试验 weathering test, weathering
5636耐湿试验 humidity resistance test
5637耐湿试验箱 humidity box
5638耐药品性试验 chemical resistance test
5639金刚石冲击试验法 diamond shot test
5640泳透性试验 throeing power
5641细度刮板 grind gauge, fineness gauge
5642杜邦式冲击试验仪 Dpont impact tester
5643热循环试验 heat cycle test
5644曝晒试验台 exposure rack
5645B型粘度计 Broodfield viscometer
5646鲜映性测试(PGD计) portable distinctness of image glossmeter
5647比重杯 specified gravity cup
5648标准光源 specified achromatic light
5649漆膜涂布器 film applicator
5650福特杯 Ford cup, Ford viscosity cup, ford cup
5651复合腐蚀试验(略:CCT) compound corrosion test
5652不粘性试验 tack free test, paint test
5653漆膜厚度计 film thickness gauge
6001压送式喷枪 pressure feed type spray gun
6002油漆增压箱 pressure tank, pressure feed paint container 6003橡胶模块 rubber patten
6004木质模块 patten
6005换色装置 colors changer
6006水幕 water curtain
6007空气帽 air cap
6008空气净化器 air cleaner
6009空气压缩机 air compressor
6010空气打磨机 air sander
6011空气除尘器 air duster
6012空气压力调整器 air transformer
6013无气喷枪 airless spray gun
6014无气喷涂装置 airless spraying equipment 6015自动吸水器 auto absorber
6016自动滚筒式过滤器 auto roll filter
6017眼眶型打磨机 orbital sander
6018加压杯 pressure cup
6019转动型气动打磨机 rotary air sander 6020转动式清洁器 reverser clean
6021搅拌装置 stirring equipment
6022旋杯式静电喷涂装置 rotary atomizing electrostatic spraying equipment
6023钢刮刀 steel spatrla
6024加热油水分离装置 heating iol separater 6025干式喷漆室 dryspray booth
6026木刮勺 wood spatula
6027供风气管 supply duct
6028供风气机 supplying fan
6030空调装置 air supply house
6031高压发生器 high voltage regulator
6032缓冲容器 surge chamber
6033侧调漆间 sade room
6034CP式机械手 robot by C.P. teaching method
6035自动吹风装置 automatic air duster
6036自动溶液管理装置 automatic solution machine
6037自动湿打磨装置 automatic sanding machine
6038自动水洗装置 automatic washing machine
6039自动喷枪 sutomatic spray machine
6040自动静电喷涂装置 automatic electrostatic spray machine 6041自动除尘装置 automatic dust off machine
6042自动涂装装置 automatic spray (machine)
6043重力式喷枪 bravity spray gun
6044纯水装置 deionized water generator
6045托盘(板) pad
6046浸槽 dipping tank
6048水洗式喷漆室 water washing spray booth
6049刀 scraper
6051喷枪 spray gun
6052喷射式前处理装置 spray system pretreatment equipment 6053喷漆室 spray booth
6055静电涂装装置 electrostatic coating equipment
6056粉末静电涂装装置 electrostatic powder coating equipment 6057半浮动涂密封胶 semifloe sealing
6058侧喷机 side reciprocator
6059风筒(管) duct
6060修整追踪装置 touching tracer
6061双动打磨机 double action sander
6063直流电源 DC power equipment
6064盘式打磨机 disc sander
6065盘式静电涂装装置 disc atomizing electrostatic coating equipment
6066手提式静电喷枪 hand electrostatic spray gun
6067手提式静电涂装装置 hand electrostatic spray equipment 6068顶棚过滤器 ceilling filter
6069电泳涂装装置 electrocoating equipment
6070涂装机械手 painting robot
6071涂料杯(罐) cup of spray gun
6072涂料循环输漆装置 paint circulating system
6073调漆室 mixing room
6074涂料喷嘴 spray gun tip
6076针阀 needle
6077排气洗净装置 exhaust air washing system
6078刷子 brush
6079PTP式机械手 robot by P.T.P. teaching method
6083全浸式前处理装置 full dip pretreatment system equipment 6084平面涂装机 top reciprocator
6085刮刀 knife, spatula
6087前处理装置 pretreatment equipment
6089超滤装置(UF) eltra filtration equipment
6090光投影仪 light projector
6091远距离示教式机械手 robot by remoto teaching method 6092连续沉淀装置 continuous settling equipment
6401暗红外线烘干室 dark infrared oven
6402风幕(或称气体密封) air seal
6403远红外线加热器 far infrared heater
6404炉干燥机 oven
6405间接加热式热风烘干机 indrect hot air oven
6406干燥室 drying oven
6407红外线干燥室 infrared oven
6408全热交换器(又称热轮)enthalpy heat exchanger
6409对流炉 hot air convection oven
6410直接加热式热风烘干室 direct hot airoven 6411热风炉(干燥室) hot air oven
6412热风循环装置 hot air circulating equipment 6413燃烧室 burner house
6415热泵 heat pump
6416辐射板 radiation panel heater
6417晾干室 setting room
6418烘干室 baking oven
6419强冷室 cooling unit
7001年色 years color
7002色(涂膜的) color of film, colour
7003色的规格 color specification
7004演色 colorrendition
7005色卡 color chart
7006冷色 cool color
7008彩色度(鲜艳度、饱和度或纯度) saturation, chroma 7009亮度 brightness
7010修色 shade
7011色差 color difference
7012色彩设计(彩色图解) color scheme
7013色相 hue
7015条件等色 metamerism
7017本色 solid color
7018造行色板 master color
7019暖色 warm color
7020调色 tinting
7021着色 tint
7022色调分类 tone analysis
7023光 light
7024标准颜色板 color standard (panel)
7026闪光 flip-flop
7027分光光度计 spectrophotometer
7028分光反射率 spectral reflection faetor
7029分光分布 relative spectral distribution
7030芒塞尔表色系 munsel system, munsel system of color 7031无彩色 achromatic color
7032明度 value of lightness
7033金属闪光色 metallic color
7034有彩色 chromatic color
8001离子树脂 ionomer resin
8002丙烯酸树脂 acrylic resin
8003丙烯腈,丁二烯苯乙烯树脂(简称ABS树脂) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ferpolymer resin
8004聚氨酯树脂 urethane resin
8005玻璃纤维增强塑料(FRP) fiberglass reinforced plastic 8006聚氯乙烯树脂(PVC树脂) polyvinyl chloride resin
8007硬质聚丙烯树脂(硬质PP树脂) vigid polypropylene resin 8008涂过富锌底漆铜板(略:ZC) zincrometal
8009电镀锌钢板(略:EG) galvanized steel sheet
8010电镀合金化锌钢板(略:EGA) zinc alloy galvanized steel sheet
8011软质聚丙烯树脂(略:软质PP树脂) soft polypropylene resin 8012热轧钢板 hotrolled steel sheet
8013聚氯化钾烯树脂 polyvinyl resin
8014酚醛树脂(略:PF树脂) phenol resin
8015聚酰胺树脂(略:PA树脂,尼龙)polyamide resin
8016聚碳酸酯树脂(略:PC树脂) polycarbinate resin
8017聚苯乙烯树脂(略:PS树脂) polystyrene resin
8018聚苯醚树脂(略:PPO树脂) polyphenylene oxide resin
8019聚丁二烯对苯二酸酯树脂(略:PBT树脂) polybutylene terephtalate resin
8020热镀锌钢板 zinc fusing galvanized steel sheet
8021热熔合金化镀锌钢板 zinc alloy fusing galvanized steel sheet
8022冷轧高强度钢板(略:SAPH) high tensile coldrolled steel sheet
8023冷轧普通碳素结构钢板(略:SPCCR) coldrolled steel sheet。
