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Indust rialEngine ering Educat ion for the 21st Centur y
The 21st centur y is just a few yearsaway. Strate gic planne rs all over the world a re usingthe year 2000 as the pointfuture busine ss activi ties.Are we all ready f or that time? As the indust rialworldprepar es to meet the techno logic al chall e n gesof the 21st centur y, thereis a need to focuson the people who will take it there. People will be the most import ant of the “man-machin e-materi al” system s compet ing in the next centur y. IEs should play a crucia l role in prepar ing organ i z atio ns for the 21st centur y throug h theirrolesas change initia torsand facil i t ator s. Improv ement s are needed in IE underg radua te educat ion if that role is to be succes sfull y carrie d out.
Underg radua te educat ion is the founda tionfor profes sionpracti ce. Underg radua te progra m are the basisfor entryinto gradua te school; and otherprofes siona l field s.To facili tatethis transi tion,urgent improv ement s are needed in educat ion strat e g ies.Severa l educat ors have recogn izedthat the way engine ering is practi ced has change d dramat icall y over the year and an upgrad e is needed in engine ering educa t i on. Educat ors, employ ers and practi tione rs are callin g for a better integr atio n of scienc e with the concep ts of design and practi ce throug houtthe engine ering curric ulum.Such an integr ation should be a key compon ent of any educat ion refor m in prepar ation for the 21st centur y.
Hurrie d attemp ts to improv e educat ion are beingmade in many areas. We know have termslike "totalqualit y manage mentfor Academ ia, "just-in-time educat ion," and "contin uous educat ion improv ment". Unfort unate ly, many of these repres ent mere
rhetor ics that are not backed by practi cal implem entat ion models. IE should take the lead in reforming its own curric ulumso that it can help to developed practical implem entat ion models that can be used by otherdiscip lines. Many educat ors and admini strat ors are search ing for ways to transf orm improv ement rhetor ics and slogan s into action. Models develo ped by IEs can provid e the answer s.
Qualit y in IE educat ion
Incorp orati on qualit y concep ts into educat ion is a goal that should be pursue d at nation al, state, localand instit ution levels. Existi ng models of totalqualit y manage ment(TQM) and contin uousproces s improv ement(CPI) can be adopte d for curri c u lumimprov ement. Howeve r, becaus e of the unique nature of academ ia. re-defini tion o f TQM will be necess ary so that the approa ch will be compat iblewith the acade m i c proces s. For exampl e, in indust ry, the idea of zero defect s makessense. But in academ ia, we cannot procla im zero defect s in our gradua tes sincetheirsuccess on the job cannot be guaran teed. Noneth eless, the basicconcep ts of improv ing produc t qualit y are applic ableto improv ing any educat ion proces s. Clynes, while r eflec tionon discus sions he partic ipate d in at a Nation al Resear ch Counci l collo q u iumon engine ering educat ion, said "Teachi ng qualit y, like a compan y’s customer servic e, can neverbe too good and always needsattent ion for improv ement". This is true. A carefu l review of IE curric ulumwill reveal areasfor improv ement. This will help avoidstalecurric ula that may not meet the curren t needsof the socie t y.
Theory and practi ce
Teachi ng determ inesthe crux of resear ch whileresear ch determ inesthe crux of teach
i n g. Integr ation of teachi ng and resear ch is requir ed for effect ive profes siona l practi ce. The need to incorp orate some aspect of practi ce into engine ering educa t i on has been addres sed widely in the litera ture. Pritsk er recomm endsthat profe s s orsmust combin e resear ch interests with teachi ng respon sibil ities. The declining stateof univer sityeducat ion was descri bed by Samuel son with respec t to waste ,lax academ ic standa rds and medioc re teachi ng and schola rship. Thesespecif ic probl e m s have been citedin the litera ture.
l Increa singunderg radua te attrit ion despit e fallin g academ ic standa rds at many school s. Decrea singteachi ng loadsin favorof increa singdedica tionto resear ch;
l Migrat ion of full profes sorsfrom underg radua te teachi ng in favorof gradua te teachi ng and resear ch;
l Watere d down conten ts of underg radua te course s in the attemp t to achiev e reten t i on goals;
l Decrea singreleva nce of underg radua te course s to real worldpracti ce.
Pritsk er认为教授们必须把科研兴趣和教学责任心相结合起来。
Samuel son曾经描述过关于浪费,不精确的学术标准,平庸的教学方法和奖学金等大学教育的衰退现象,这些特殊的问题早已在文献中
l 消减本科学生的课程内容以图达到既定的目标。
l 减少本科生有关的实习实践课程。
Curric ulumIntegr ation
Curric ulumintegr ation(interd iscip linar y approa ch) should be used to addres s the proble ms citedabove.Curric ulumintegr ation should be a priori ty in reform ing educa t i on progra ms. Studen ts must unders tandthe way the worldaround them worksand be capabl e of becomi ng respon sible contri butor s to the societ y. Interd iscip linar y educa t i on offers a more holist ic approa ch to achiev ing this goal. Interd iscip linar y cours e and curric ulumimprov ement should link separa te but relate d subjec ts to provi
de studen ts with compre hensi ve skills so they can adaptto the changi ng world.One form of interd iscip linar y integr ation involv es projec ts in whichstuden ts from more than one academ ic depart mentpartic ipate in join indust rialprojec ts. This facil i t ates sharin g of viewsfrom differ ent angles.
Role of the IE
Enhanc ed IE educat ion will prepar e studen ts to lead effort s to integr ate entiti es in manufa cturi ng and servic e organi zatio n of the 21st centur y. The IE profes sion ,as a whole, facesan import ant challe nge in educat ing future IEs for this leade r s hiprole. The curren t IE curric ulumprovid es good exposu re to its many unique facet s.Indivi dualcourse s at both underg radua te and gradua te levels in many instit utio n s are compre hensi ve. Yet thereare some fundam ental defici encie s as discus sed below .
The academ ic curric ulumrarely emphas izesthe fundam ental philos ophyof IE itsel f. That philos ophyis a holist ic approa ch to design, develo pment and implem entation of integr atedsystem s of men, machin es and materi als. Studen ts go throug h cours e s in operat ionsresear ch, manufa cturi ng, humanfactor s and so on withou t understandi ng the interr elati onshi ps betwee n theseareasand the synerg istic impact this integr atedapproa ch has on man-machin e system s.
在学院课程中很少强调I E自身的哲学体系。
IE is quickl y losing its identi ty as a value-adding profes sion.The basiccauseof this proble m is that many IEs gradua te withou t resolv ing the questi on of identi ty relate d to the follow ing questi ons:
·What separa tes an IE from otherengine ers?
·What contri butio n does the profes sionmake to an organi zatio n?
The root of this identi ty proble m lies in the struct uredand isolat ed approa ch of variou s IE course s. This result s in specia lizat ion that is too narrow. For examp l e, gradua tes todaytend to associ ate more with focuse d profes siona l societ ies rathe r than the genera l IE. This is a distur bingdriftthat may destro y the identi ty of IE as we now know it.
例如,现在的毕业生倾向于更多地密集的专业社会领域而不是基础I E,这种使人不安的偏离现象,可能会毁掉原来我们所知的IE特征.
Thereis a big differ encebetwee n academ ic and indust rialapproa chesto perfor manc e evalua tion.The academ ic commun ity evalua tes its member s by the number of publi c a tion s and resear ch grants. By contra st, indust ry measur es perfor mance in terms o f real contri butio ns to organi zatio nal goals. This has a detrim ental effect on the learni ng intera ction that facult y and studen ts must sharefor studen ts to gradu a t e with profes siona l loyalt y, techni cal compet enceand capabi lityof integr atin g theore tical concep ts and indust rialpracti ce effect ively.
In the attemp t to prepar e studen ts for gradua te leveleducat ion, the academ ic curri c u lumoftenhas a strong mathem aticorient ation. Though a requir ed approa ch, it develo ps a very struct uredapproa ch to proble m solvin g amongstuden ts. Conseq uent l y, studen ts expect all proble ms to have well-define d inputs, proces singmodule s and output s. Thus, when facedwith comple x, ill-define d, and unstru cture d problems that are common in the real world, many new gradua tes perfor m poorly. Chisman points out that the bulk of teachi ng should be done for underg radua te studen ts sinceover 85 percen t of them go into indust ry, not on to gradua te school. Unfor t u nate ly, attemp ts to improv e curric ulumis oftensilted in favorof resear ch-orien t e d educat ion, thereb y depriv ing the majori ty of the studen ts of the skills they need to surviv e in the busine ss world.
Chisma n指出,由于超过85%的毕业生进入企业而不是他们毕业的学校,大部分的教学应该针对这些本科学生进行。
Many younggradua tes mistak enlypercei ve theirexpect ed rolesas beingpart of the manage mentperson nel, having little or no direct associ ation with shop-flooractiv i t ies. Such viewsimpede hand-on experi enceand preven t the identi ficat ion of root causes of indust rialproble ms. Conseq uentl y, this leadsto the develo pment of solut i o ns that are short-term, unreal istic, and/or inadeq uate.The growin g relian ce of simula tionmodels that cannot be practi cally valida ted in real-worldsettin gs is one obviou s sympto m of this proble m.
Like many otherengine ering curric ula, IE is growin g within an isolat ed shell.Stude n t s do not realiz e the import anceof develo pingsoluti ons benefi cialto a syste
m rather than for indivi dualcompon ents.Many new gradua tes take a long time to becom e produc tivein develo pingsoluti ons that requir e multid iscip linar y approa ches.
Real IE Value
Indust rialengine ers are greatat solvin g proble ms. Ironic allyenough, thereis stillone age-old proble m they unable to solve-identi ty. And the proble m is not getti n g any to solve.In fact,“ identi ty” is just one of severa l challe ngescurren tly facing the IE profes sion.
Today’s compet itive global econom y and tighte r corpor ate budget s are forcin g IEs to deal with issues that were barely mentio ned a decade ago. Compan ies are flatt e n ingcorpor ate struct ures; IE depart ments are beingelimin atedor rename d; and univer sitie s and colleg es are undereven greate r pressu re to provid e indust ry with gradua tes who are better traine d to handle a much widervariet y of job respon sibi l i ties.
On the otherhand, today’s IE has at his or her dispos al more techno logyand tools t han the IE of 30 yearsago couldhave ever imagin ed. New techno logie s have impro v e d accura cy and speedand genera lly have increa sed the IE’s abilit y to cover a more divers e set of intere sts.
In additi on, the IE now has a greate r opport unity to concen trate on any one of a broadvariet y of areasthat many compan ies now recogn ize as indivi dualdepart ment s-includ ing simula tion, operat ionsresear ch, ergono mics, materi al handli ng and logist ics.
The name game
What proble ms couldpossib ly throw a shadow on such a bright arrayof opport unit i e s? For starte rs, as new opport uniti es have develo ped for the IE, new questi ons have formed aboutwhat typesof jobs the indust rialengine er is qualif ied to perfo r m.
At one time, it was easier to define what an IE did .” Indust rialengine ering was simple in thosedays when we dealtwith method s, work standa rds and work simpli fica t i on,” says Carlos Cherub in, direct or of engine ering for The Limite d Co. “But there h as to be some way to get past the old indust rialengine ering defini tion.”
Even today,in many compan ies, IEs are stillperfor mingtype of work that makesup what is now consid eredclassi cal IE.”“The big change is that the commer ciali zati o n of a lot of theseareashave turned them into ‘nichethrust s,’” says John Power s,direct or of the manage mentservic e depart mentat Eastma n KodakCo. WhileIEs have always been very adapta ble to these“thrust s” as a skillset, he says ,they are now compet ing for the headli nes.
Says JerryZollen berg,direct or of IE for United Parcel Servic e, “If a person loses s light of the totaljob and starslookin g at the indivi dualpieces, it comesout a little hairy.” For exampl e, Zollen bergsays that he has an operat ionsresear ch(OR) groupof 40 to 50 indivi dualwho are workin g on the cuttin g edge of comput er techn o l ogy. At one time thesepeople were design atedas IEs. But Zollen bergsays that even throug h they are not called IEs, the job they are doingis certai nly IE-orien t e d and couldbe IE, depend ing on how you set up the organi zatio n.
Like it or not, the trendtodayis specia lizat ion, and compan ies are follow ing suit. Tougheconom ic timesare forcin g many compan ies to redefi ne corpor ate struct ures ,with a primar y goal of flatti ng theirorgani zatio n in an attemp t to cut costsand speedthe decisi on-making proces s. In the case of the IE depart ment,that trendhas moveddepart menta l namesfrom the generi c “IE” to specia l functi ons or areasthat are beingperfor med.
“What I see is compan ies gettin g away from the IE name and trying to have names t hat are more descri ptive of the broade r set of skills,” says Powers.
For many, includ ing Rebecc a Ray, IE manage r at GlaxoInc., it is a step in the right d irect ion. Her depart mentwill soon carrythe titlePerfor mance Improv ement Engin e e ring.” IE is probab ly the only engine ering profes sionthat insist s on wearin g its degree on its depart menta l door,” she says. “we have focuse d too much on maint a i ning our degree, instea d of identi fying our functi on within our compan y.”
Dr. VinodSahney, corpor ate vice presid ent at HenryFord health Systeengine erin g depart ment,” he says, “I have neverseen a mechan icalengine ering depart ment .“One of our bigges t diffic ultie s is we equate indust rialengine ering depart ment ,but they are hiredand get a wide-rangeof jobs.”
Tony Vieth, IE manage r at Boeing Georgi a Inc., believ es that the indivi dualperso n,depend ing on how they are traine d, can bringthe rights skills to the rightjob and they do not need to be in a depart mentcalled indust rialengine ering. He also thinks IEs have gotten hung up on what over the years.On the otherhand, the decen t r aliz ed type of enviro nment appear s more threat ening to others. “If we assume that decent raliz ed will contin ue to the point of transf errin g IE respon sibil ities to others, as seen in the Volvoorgani za
But, a centra lized IE depart mentdoes not guaran tee employ mentfor the indust rial e ngine er. Many largecompan ies have “IE” departments whereonly a handfu l of indus t r ialengine ers can be found. An exampl e is Boeing. Boeing has some very largeIE depart ments, but oftenless than two or threepeople within the depart menthave IE degree s. Accord ing to Vieth,it is becaus e some of the functi ons within the depar t m entare so divers e.
Proble ms associ atedwith renami ng IE depart ments to descri be theirpartic ularfunct i o n may have more to do with appear ancethan with the actual job beingperfor med. WhileIEs actual ly perfor m many of the specia lized jobs, little credit is givento IE princi plesused in the approa ch. In fact, it oftenturnsout that many of the indivi dualfuncti ons and skills used by IEs are viewed by manage mentas indust rial e ngine ering. As a result, indivi duals who can master one of thoseskills are mista k e nlyreferr ed to by manage mentas “indust rialengine ers.”
Yet, thosewho unders tandthe real valueof indust rialengine ering stillrealiz e that the degree d IE brings to the job a unique way of thinki ng.
“Thereare things you can teachnon-degree d people that are basicrepeti tivetasks
,” says Vieth.“But what you can’t teachis how to take what you see, transl ate it and recogn ize thereis a proble m, and then come up with a soluti on to that probl e m
Erin Wallac e, direct or of IE at Walt Disney WorldCo., wouldnot hire anyone who was not a degree d IE. “I insist on it,” she says. “When you’ve got a groupof people who are distin ctlyIEs, they carrywith them what we like to referto as disti n c t compet encie s. Thosedistin ct compet encie s for an IE at Walt Disney Worldinclu d e theirabilit y to do quanti tativ e analys is. You need an IE degree to be able to do that type of work.”
Wallac e says that when someon e hiresIE techno logy-type majors, they do not get some of the rudime ntary proble m solvin g skills acquir ed from taking engine ering cours e s.
Sincethereis a favora ble consen sus aboutthe techni cal qualif icati on of degreed IEs, univer sitie s and colleg es must be doingall indust ry believ es is necess ary to prepar e today’s IE studen ts. Appear ances may be deceiv ing.
In fact, even though ABET accred its many IE and IET progra ms in the United State s, thereremain s much varian ce and flexib ility amongeach of the progra ms. Evide n c e of the fact can be foundin a recent Austra lianstudyundert akenby the Indus t r ialEngine ering/Manage ment(IE/M) groupof Mechan icaland Manufa cturi ng Engineering School of Mechan icaland Manufa cturi ng Engine ering Swinbu rne Instit ute of Techno logy(SIT).。