高中英语 22条途径超频你的大脑1阅读素材

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“I just found out that the brain is like a computer. If that’s true, then there really aren’t any stupid people. Just people running DOS.”
—— Anonymous


只不过是些运行着dos的人罢了” ——无名氏
The brain is a three-pound supercomputer. It is the command and control center running your life. It is involved in absolutely everything you do. Your brain determines how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how well you get along with other people. Your brain even determines the kind of person you are. It determines how thoughtful you are; how polite or how rude you are. It determines how well you think on your feet, and it is involved with how well you do at work and with your family. Your brain also influences your emotional well being and how well you do with the opposite sex.
Brain Power Your brain is more complicated than any computer we can imagine. Did you know that you have one hundred billion nerve cells in your brain, and every nerve cell has many connections to other nerve cells? In fact, your brain has more connections in it than there are stars in the universe! Optimizing your brain’s function is essential to being the best you can be, whether at work, in leisure, or in your relationships.
It’s simple, your brain is at the center of everything you do, all you feel and think, and every nuance of how you relate to people. It’s both the supercomputer that runs your complex life and the tender organ that houses your soul. And while you may run, lift weights, or do yoga to keep your body in good condition, chances are you ignore your brain and trust it to do its job.
No matter what your age, mental exercise has a global, positive effect on the brain. So, here are 22 ways to boost your brain power:









1. Run Up Your Brain Cells
Research suggests that people who get plenty of physical exercise can wind up with better brains. Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., found that adult mice who ran on an exercise wheel whenever they felt like it gained twice as many new cells in the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in learning and memory, than mice who sat around all day discussing Lord of the Rings in Internet chat rooms. The researchers weren’t sure why the more active rodents’ brains reacted the way they did, but it’s possibl e that the voluntary nature of the exercise made it less stressful and therefore more beneficial. Which could mean that finding ways to enjoy exercise, rather than just forcing yourself to do it, may make you smarter - and happier, too.
So, play a sport, train for an event such as a marathon, triathlon or “fun run,” or work out with a buddy to help keep things interesting.
1. 提升你的脑细胞数量

萨克生物研究学院(La Jolla,Calif)的科学家发现无论何时检测在活动轮上奔跑的成年老鼠都会发现它们海马区(大脑的一个区域,涉及学习和记忆)的细胞比那些只是坐着不动、整天在网络聊天室谈论指环王的那些老鼠新增了一倍。


这可能意味着从运动中找寻乐趣、而不是仅仅强迫自己去做它可能使你变得更聪明- 也更快乐。


2. Exercise Your Mind
It isn’t just physical exercise that gets those br ain cells jumping. Just like those head-pumped cabbies and piano jockeys, you can build up various areas of your brain by putting them to work. Duke University neurobiology professor Lawrence C. Katz, Ph.D., co-author of Keep Your Brain Alive, says that finding simple ways to use aspects of your brain that may be lagging could help maintain both nerve cells and dendrites, branches on the cells that receive and process information. Just as a new weightlifting exercise builds up underused muscles, Katz says that novel ways of thinking and viewing the world can improve the functioning of inactive sections of the brain.
Experience new tastes and smells; try to do things with your no dominant hand; find new ways to drive to work; travel to new places; create art; read that Dostoyevsky novel; write a buddy comedy for Ted Kennedy and Rush Limbaugh - basically, do anything you can to force yourself out of your mental ruts.
2. 锻炼你的思维

就像那些head-pumped cabbies和弹钢琴的,你可以通过使大脑的不同区域工作来增大它们。

杜克大学的神经生物学教授Lawrence C. Katz(博士,Keep Your Brain Alive的同作者)说,寻找简单方法来使用大脑的可能迟钝的方面可能有助于维护神经细胞和突起(细胞的分支,用以接受和处理信息)。


体验新的味觉和嗅觉;尝试用你非惯用的手做事情;找新路径开车去公司;去陌生的地方旅行;创造艺术;阅读杜斯妥也夫斯基的小说;为Ted Kennedy和Rush Limbaugh写一篇兄弟喜剧(buddy comedy)-基本上,就是强迫自己做那些常规思维之外的事情。

3. Ask Why
Our brains are wired to be curious. As we grow up and “mature” many of us stifle or deny our natural curiosity. Let yourself be curious! Wonder to yourself about why things are happening. Ask someone in the know. T he best way to exercise our curiosity is by asking “Why?” Make it a new habit to ask “why?” at least 10 times a day. Your brain will be happier and you will be amazed at how many opportunities and solutions will show up in your life and work.
3. 问为什么






4. Laugh
Scientists tell us that laughter is good for our health; that it releases endorphins and other p ositively powerful chemicals into our system. We don’t really need scientists to tell us that it feels good to laugh. Laughing helps us reduce stress and break old patterns too. So laughter can be like a “quick-charge” for our brain’s batteries. Laugh more, and laugh harder.
4. 大笑




5. Be A Fish Head
Omega-3 oils, found in walnuts, flaxseed and especially fish, have long been touted as being healthy for the heart. But recent research suggests they’re a brain booster as well, and not just because they help the circulation system that pumps oxygen to your head. They also seem to improve the function of the membranes that surround brain cells, which may be why people who consume a lot of fish are less likely to suffer depression, dementia, even attention-deficit disorder. Scientists have noted that essential fatty acids are necessary for proper brain development in children, and they’re now being added to baby formulas. It’s possible that your own mental state, and even your intelligence, can be enhanced by consuming enough of these oils.
Eating at least three servings a week of fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna is a good start.
5. 做一个鱼头
发现于胡桃、亚麻籽、尤其是鱼体内的欧米伽-3 油,长久以来被认为有益于心脏的。





