


迟法的本质是通过一维时间序列{x(n)}的不同时间延迟来构造 m 维相空间矢量:
不相关的,先求出时间延迟后再求出选择合适的嵌入维。求时间延迟τ 比较常用的方法 有自相关法[5]、平均位移法[5]、复自相关法[6]和互信息法[7, 8]等,目的是使原时间序列经 过时间延迟后可以作为独立坐标使用。一个好的重构相空间是使重构后的吸引子和系统 真正的吸引子尽可能做到拓扑等价,目前寻找最小嵌入维的方法主要是几何不变量法[9]、 虚假最临近点法[10](FNN)和它的改进形式 Cao 方法[11]。另一种观点认为时间延迟和嵌入 维是相关的,1996 年 Kugiumtzis 提出的时间窗长度是综合考虑两者的重要参数[12]。1999 年,Kim 等人基于嵌入窗法的思想提出了 C-C 方法,该方法使用关联积分同时估计出时 延与嵌入窗[13]。C-C 方法也是实际时间序列中比较常用的方法,针对该方法的缺陷,国 内学者作了相应的改进[14, 15]。
对于连续变量 x(t) ,其自相关函数(Autocorrelation function)定义为
∫ C(τ ) = lim T →∞
2 −T
x(t ) x(t



HTTP/1.1协议规范(中文归纳版)一、介绍(introduction)1. 目的——HTTP/0.9-〉HTTP/1.0-〉HTTP/1.12. 要求——MUST、REQUIRED、SHOULD3. 术语——连接(Connection)、消息(Message)、请求(Request)、应答(Response)、资源(Resource)、实体(Entity)、表示方法(Representation)、内容协商(Content Negotiation)、变量(Variant)、客户机(Client)、用户代理(User agent)、服务器(Server)、原服务器(Origin server)、代理服务器(Proxy)、网关(gateway)、高速缓存(Cache)、可缓存(Cacheable)、直接(first-hand)、明确终止时间(explicit expiration time)、探索终止时间(heuristic expiration time)、年龄(Age)、保鲜寿命(Freshness lifetime)、保鲜(Fresh)、陈旧(Stale)、语义透明(semantically transparent)、有效性判别器(Validator)、实体标记(entity tag)或最终更改时间(Last-Modified time))、上游/下游(upstream/downstream)、向内/向外(inbound/outbound)4. 总体操作——请求/应答、中介二、符号惯例与一般语法(notational conversions and generic grammar)1. 扩充BNF——name = definition,"literal",rule1 | rule2,(rule1rule2),*rule,[rule],N rule, #rule,; comment, implied *LWS2. 基本规则——OCTET,CHAR,UPALPHA,LOALPHA,ALPHA,DIGIT,CTL,CR,LF,SP,HT,<">三、协议参数(protocol parameters)1. HTTP版本——HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT2. 统一资源标示符(URI)——统一资源定位器(URL)和统一资源名称(URN)的结合,http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]3. 日期/时间格式——Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123,Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036,Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format4. 字符集——本文档中的术语"字符集"指一种用一个或更多表格将一个八字节序列转换成一个字符序列的方法,charset=token失踪字符集5. 内容编码——内容编码主要用来允许文档压缩(信源编码)content-coding= token注册表包含下列标记:gzip,compress,deflate,identity6. 传输编码——目的是能够确保通过网络安全传输(信道编码)transfer-coding = "chunked" | transfer-extensiontransfer-extension = token *( ";" parameter ),成块传输代码7. 媒体类型——media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter )type = tokensubtype = token规范化和原文缺省多部分类型8. 产品标记——product = token ["/" product-version]product-version = token9. 质量值——qvalue = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] )| ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )10. 语言标记——language-tag = primary-tag *( "-" subtag )primary-tag = 1*8ALPHAsubtag = 1*8ALPHA11. 实体标记——entity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tagweak = "W/"opaque-tag = quoted-string12. 范围单位——range-unit = bytes-unit | other-range-unitbytes-unit = "bytes"other-range-unit = token四、HTTP消息(HTTP message)1. 消息类型——HTTP-message = Request | Response ; HTTP/1.1 messages generic-message = start-line *(message-header CRLF) CRLF[ message-body ]start-line = Request-Line | Status-Line2. 消息头——HTTP头域包括常规头,请求头,应答头和实体头域message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]field-name = tokenfield-value = *( field-content | LWS )field-content = <the OCTETs making up the field-value and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations of token, separators, and quoted-string> 3. 消息体——message-body = entity-body| <entity-body encoded as per Transfer-Encoding>4. 消息的长度——决定因素5. 常规头域——general-header = Cache-Control| Connection| Date| Pragma| Transfer-Encoding五、请求(request)首行包括利用资源的方式,区分资源的标识,以及协议的版本号Request = Request-Line * (( general-header| request-header|entity-header ) CRLF) CRLF [ message-body ]1. 请求行——Request-Line = Method SP Request-URI SP HTTP-Version CRLF 方法——方法标记指的是在请求URI所指定的资源上所实现的方式Method = "OPTIONS"| "GET"| "POST"| "PUT"| "DELETE"| "TRACE"| "CONNECT"| extension-methodextension-method = token请求URL——请求URL是一种全球统一的应用于资源请求的资源标识符Request-URI = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path | authority请求行举例:GET /pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1 GET /pub/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.1Host: 2. 请求定义的资源——一个INTERNET请求所定义的精确资源由请求URL和主机报头域所决定3. 请求报头域——request-header = Accept| Accept-Charset|Accept-Encoding| Accept-Language| Authorization| Expect| From| Host|If-Match| If-Modified-Since| If-None-Match| If-Range|If-Unmodified-Since| Max-Forwards| Proxy-Authorization| Range| Referer| TE| User-Agent六、应答(response)接收和翻译一个请求信息后,服务器发出一个HTTP应答信息Response = Status-Line*(( general-header| response-header|entity-header ) CRLF) CRLF [ message-body ]1. 状态行——Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF状态码——状态码是试图理解和满足请求的三位数字的整数码,1xx,2xx,3xx,4xx,5xx,100-〉505-〉扩展码2. 应答报头域——response-header = Accept-Ranges| Age| Location|Proxy-Authenticate| Retry-After| Server| Vary| WWW-Authenticate七、实体(entity)在未经特别规定的情况下,请求与应答的消息也可以传送实体。



中国科学院研究生院,同位素水文学课程教学用,庞忠和, z.pang@,
Rayleigh fractionation formula

A major role was attributed to the phase transitions of water, namely between ice/liquid/vapour, respectively.
J.R. Gat
1. 2. 3.
Rayleigh fractionation Meteoric Water Lines d-excess parameter

The inception, the role that these classical concepts of isotope hydrology played in the evolution of the discipline and how they have stood the test of time…
fundamental labelling...
de ns
co n
di st
ti o
iv t a or p a ev
nr e e
nt e m ich
中国科学院研究生院,同位素水文学课程教学用,庞忠和, z.pang@,
中国科学院研究生院,同位素水文学课程教学用,庞忠和, z.pang@,
中国科学院研究生院,同位素水文学课程教学用,庞忠和, z.pang@,
中国科学院研究生院,同位素水文学课程教学用,庞忠和, z.pang@,



专业英语词汇Unit 1 TEXT A:Chemical Reactions and Group Reactions customary a. 通常的,惯例的handle n.柄vt.触摸handling n.处理,管理derive vt.取得,得到,衍生oxidate vt.使氧化oxidation n.satisfactory a.令人满意的,符合要求的rapid a.快的,迅速的,动作快的combustion n.燃烧somewhat pron. ad. 一点点,几分,有点effort n.努力commercial a.商业的,商务的undesirable a.不合需要的,不受欢迎的,讨厌的retard vt.延迟,放慢,使停滞transformer n.变压器transform vt.改变,转变automotive a.自动的,机动的,汽车的cracked 裂化的sluge n.软泥,淤泥stiff a.硬的,强烈的extent 广度,程度distillation n.蒸馏distill a.未精致,未提炼的acidity n.酸味,酸性acidify vt. Vi.Involve vt.包缠,卷缠Fell=followingIndividual a.个人的,个体的Presumable a.可假定的,可推测的Destruction n.破坏,毁灭Overall n。

a.全面的,综合的Exceed 超过,胜过Isolate vt.隔离,孤立,使离析iso—构词成分“均匀”“异构”“苯”Analyse vt. 分析,分解Carbonyl 羰基Carboxyl 羧基Hydroxyl 羟基Decomposition 分解Alkyl 烷基,烃基Aldehyde n.醛Yield vt. 出产,产出Explosive a. 爆炸Vapor n.蒸汽,vi.蒸发Propagation 繁殖,增殖;传播Dehydrate vt.使脱水Acet 构词成分Acetaldehyde 乙醛Resin n.树脂Resinous a.树脂的Carboxylic a.羟基的Substantial a.物质的,实质的Susceptible a.易受感动的,敏感的Analogous a.类似的,相似的(to)Response n.作答,回答,响应,反应Readily ad.乐意地,很快地Readiness n.准备就绪,愿意Extent n.广度长度Steric 空间的,位的Likewise ad.同样的,照样地;也,又Suffer vt.遭受,经历Progressive a.进步的,长进的,渐次的Adjacent a.邻近的,紧挨着的Terminal a.末端的,终点的MethyleneBromide n.溴化物Substitute n.代替物(人),代用品substitution n.代替,替换Remote a.相隔较远的Acetone n.丙酮Ether n.醚,乙醚Correspond vi.符合,一致;相当,相应Reservation n.保留,预定Tend vi.走向,趋向。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction

distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality

distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality

Tomas MikolovGoogle Inc.Mountain View mikolov@Ilya SutskeverGoogle Inc.Mountain Viewilyasu@Kai ChenGoogle Inc.Mountain Viewkai@Greg CorradoGoogle Inc.Mountain View gcorrado@Jeffrey DeanGoogle Inc.Mountain View jeff@AbstractThe recently introduced continuous Skip-gram model is an efficient method forlearning high-quality distributed vector representations that capture a large num-ber of precise syntactic and semantic word relationships.In this paper we presentseveral extensions that improve both the quality of the vectors and the trainingspeed.By subsampling of the frequent words we obtain significant speedup andalso learn more regular word representations.We also describe a simple alterna-tive to the hierarchical softmax called negative sampling.An inherent limitation of word representations is their indifference to word orderand their inability to represent idiomatic phrases.For example,the meanings of“Canada”and“Air”cannot be easily combined to obtain“Air Canada”.Motivatedby this example,we present a simple method forfinding phrases in text,and showthat learning good vector representations for millions of phrases is possible.1IntroductionDistributed representations of words in a vector space help learning algorithms to achieve better performance in natural language processing tasks by grouping similar words.One of the earliest use of word representations dates back to1986due to Rumelhart,Hinton,and Williams[13].This idea has since been applied to statistical language modeling with considerable success[1].The follow up work includes applications to automatic speech recognition and machine translation[14,7],and a wide range of NLP tasks[2,20,15,3,18,19,9].Recently,Mikolov et al.[8]introduced the Skip-gram model,an efficient method for learning high-quality vector representations of words from large amounts of unstructured text data.Unlike most of the previously used neural network architectures for learning word vectors,training of the Skip-gram model(see Figure1)does not involve dense matrix multiplications.This makes the training extremely efficient:an optimized single-machine implementation can train on more than100billion words in one day.The word representations computed using neural networks are very interesting because the learned vectors explicitly encode many linguistic regularities and patterns.Somewhat surprisingly,many of these patterns can be represented as linear translations.For example,the result of a vector calcula-tion vec(“Madrid”)-vec(“Spain”)+vec(“France”)is closer to vec(“Paris”)than to any other word vector[9,8].Figure1:The Skip-gram vector representations that are good at predictingIn this paper we We show that sub-sampling of frequent(around2x-10x),and improves accuracy of we present a simpli-fied variant of Noise model that results in faster training and better vector representations for frequent words,compared to more complex hierarchical softmax that was used in the prior work[8].Word representations are limited by their inability to represent idiomatic phrases that are not com-positions of the individual words.For example,“Boston Globe”is a newspaper,and so it is not a natural combination of the meanings of“Boston”and“Globe”.Therefore,using vectors to repre-sent the whole phrases makes the Skip-gram model considerably more expressive.Other techniques that aim to represent meaning of sentences by composing the word vectors,such as the recursive autoencoders[15],would also benefit from using phrase vectors instead of the word vectors.The extension from word based to phrase based models is relatively simple.First we identify a large number of phrases using a data-driven approach,and then we treat the phrases as individual tokens during the training.To evaluate the quality of the phrase vectors,we developed a test set of analogi-cal reasoning tasks that contains both words and phrases.A typical analogy pair from our test set is “Montreal”:“Montreal Canadiens”::“Toronto”:“Toronto Maple Leafs”.It is considered to have been answered correctly if the nearest representation to vec(“Montreal Canadiens”)-vec(“Montreal”)+ vec(“Toronto”)is vec(“Toronto Maple Leafs”).Finally,we describe another interesting property of the Skip-gram model.We found that simple vector addition can often produce meaningful results.For example,vec(“Russia”)+vec(“river”)is close to vec(“V olga River”),and vec(“Germany”)+vec(“capital”)is close to vec(“Berlin”).This compositionality suggests that a non-obvious degree of language understanding can be obtained by using basic mathematical operations on the word vector representations.2The Skip-gram ModelThe training objective of the Skip-gram model is tofind word representations that are useful for predicting the surrounding words in a sentence or a document.More formally,given a sequence of training words w1,w2,w3,...,w T,the objective of the Skip-gram model is to maximize the average log probability1training time.The basic Skip-gram formulation defines p(w t+j|w t)using the softmax function:exp v′w O⊤v w Ip(w O|w I)=-2-1.5-1-0.5 0 0.511.5 2-2-1.5-1-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2Country and Capital Vectors Projected by PCAChinaJapanFranceRussiaGermanyItalySpainGreece TurkeyBeijingParis Tokyo PolandMoscow Portugal Berlin Rome Athens MadridAnkara Warsaw LisbonFigure 2:Two-dimensional PCA projection of the 1000-dimensional Skip-gram vectors of countries and their capital cities.The figure illustrates ability of the model to automatically organize concepts and learn implicitly the relationships between them,as during the training we did not provide any supervised information about what a capital city means.which is used to replace every log P (w O |w I )term in the Skip-gram objective.Thus the task is to distinguish the target word w O from draws from the noise distribution P n (w )using logistic regres-sion,where there are k negative samples for each data sample.Our experiments indicate that values of k in the range 5–20are useful for small training datasets,while for large datasets the k can be as small as 2–5.The main difference between the Negative sampling and NCE is that NCE needs both samples and the numerical probabilities of the noise distribution,while Negative sampling uses only samples.And while NCE approximately maximizes the log probability of the softmax,this property is not important for our application.Both NCE and NEG have the noise distribution P n (w )as a free parameter.We investigated a number of choices for P n (w )and found that the unigram distribution U (w )raised to the 3/4rd power (i.e.,U (w )3/4/Z )outperformed significantly the unigram and the uniform distributions,for both NCE and NEG on every task we tried including language modeling (not reported here).2.3Subsampling of Frequent WordsIn very large corpora,the most frequent words can easily occur hundreds of millions of times (e.g.,“in”,“the”,and “a”).Such words usually provide less information value than the rare words.For example,while the Skip-gram model benefits from observing the co-occurrences of “France”and “Paris”,it benefits much less from observing the frequent co-occurrences of “France”and “the”,as nearly every word co-occurs frequently within a sentence with “the”.This idea can also be applied in the opposite direction;the vector representations of frequent words do not change significantly after training on several million examples.To counter the imbalance between the rare and frequent words,we used a simple subsampling ap-proach:each word w i in the training set is discarded with probability computed by the formulaP (w i )=1− f (w i )(5)Method Syntactic[%]Semantic[%]NEG-563549761 HS-Huffman53403853NEG-561583661 HS-Huffman5259/p/word2vec/source/browse/trunk/questions-words.txtNewspapersNHL TeamsNBA TeamsAirlinesCompany executives.(6)count(w i)×count(w j)Theδis used as a discounting coefficient and prevents too many phrases consisting of very infre-quent words to be formed.The bigrams with score above the chosen threshold are then used as phrases.Typically,we run2-4passes over the training data with decreasing threshold value,allow-ing longer phrases that consists of several words to be formed.We evaluate the quality of the phrase representations using a new analogical reasoning task that involves phrases.Table2shows examples of thefive categories of analogies used in this task.This dataset is publicly available on the web2.4.1Phrase Skip-Gram ResultsStarting with the same news data as in the previous experiments,wefirst constructed the phrase based training corpus and then we trained several Skip-gram models using different hyper-parameters.As before,we used vector dimensionality300and context size5.This setting already achieves good performance on the phrase dataset,and allowed us to quickly compare the Negative Sampling and the Hierarchical Softmax,both with and without subsampling of the frequent tokens. The results are summarized in Table3.The results show that while Negative Sampling achieves a respectable accuracy even with k=5, using k=15achieves considerably better performance.Surprisingly,while we found the Hierar-chical Softmax to achieve lower performance when trained without subsampling,it became the best performing method when we downsampled the frequent words.This shows that the subsampling can result in faster training and can also improve accuracy,at least in some cases.Dimensionality10−5subsampling[%]30027NEG-152730047Table3:Accuracies of the Skip-gram models on the phrase analogy dataset.The models were trained on approximately one billion words from the news dataset.HS with10−5subsamplingLingsugurGreat Rift ValleyRebbeca NaomiRuegenchess grandmasterVietnam+capital Russian+riverkoruna airline Lufthansa Juliette Binoche Check crown carrier Lufthansa Vanessa Paradis Polish zoltyflag carrier Lufthansa Charlotte Gainsbourg CTK Lufthansa Cecile De Table5:Vector compositionality using element-wise addition.Four closest tokens to the sum of two vectors are shown,using the best Skip-gram model.To maximize the accuracy on the phrase analogy task,we increased the amount of the training data by using a dataset with about33billion words.We used the hierarchical softmax,dimensionality of1000,and the entire sentence for the context.This resulted in a model that reached an accuracy of72%.We achieved lower accuracy66%when we reduced the size of the training dataset to6B words,which suggests that the large amount of the training data is crucial.To gain further insight into how different the representations learned by different models are,we did inspect manually the nearest neighbours of infrequent phrases using various models.In Table4,we show a sample of such comparison.Consistently with the previous results,it seems that the best representations of phrases are learned by a model with the hierarchical softmax and subsampling. 5Additive CompositionalityWe demonstrated that the word and phrase representations learned by the Skip-gram model exhibit a linear structure that makes it possible to perform precise analogical reasoning using simple vector arithmetics.Interestingly,we found that the Skip-gram representations exhibit another kind of linear structure that makes it possible to meaningfully combine words by an element-wise addition of their vector representations.This phenomenon is illustrated in Table5.The additive property of the vectors can be explained by inspecting the training objective.The word vectors are in a linear relationship with the inputs to the softmax nonlinearity.As the word vectors are trained to predict the surrounding words in the sentence,the vectors can be seen as representing the distribution of the context in which a word appears.These values are related logarithmically to the probabilities computed by the output layer,so the sum of two word vectors is related to the product of the two context distributions.The product works here as the AND function:words that are assigned high probabilities by both word vectors will have high probability,and the other words will have low probability.Thus,if“V olga River”appears frequently in the same sentence together with the words“Russian”and“river”,the sum of these two word vectors will result in such a feature vector that is close to the vector of“V olga River”.6Comparison to Published Word RepresentationsMany authors who previously worked on the neural network based representations of words have published their resulting models for further use and comparison:amongst the most well known au-thors are Collobert and Weston[2],Turian et al.[17],and Mnih and Hinton[10].We downloaded their word vectors from the web3.Mikolov et al.[8]have already evaluated these word representa-tions on the word analogy task,where the Skip-gram models achieved the best performance with a huge margin.Model Redmond ninjutsu capitulate (training time)Collobert(50d)conyers reiki abdicate (2months)lubbock kohona accedekeene karate rearmJewell gunfireArzu emotionOvitz impunityMnih(100d)Podhurst-Mavericks (7days)Harlang-planning Agarwal-hesitatedVaclav Havel spray paintpresident Vaclav Havel grafittiVelvet Revolution taggers/p/word2vecReferences[1]Yoshua Bengio,R´e jean Ducharme,Pascal Vincent,and Christian Janvin.A neural probabilistic languagemodel.The Journal of Machine Learning Research,3:1137–1155,2003.[2]Ronan Collobert and Jason Weston.A unified architecture for natural language processing:deep neu-ral networks with multitask learning.In Proceedings of the25th international conference on Machine learning,pages160–167.ACM,2008.[3]Xavier Glorot,Antoine Bordes,and Yoshua Bengio.Domain adaptation for large-scale sentiment classi-fication:A deep learning approach.In ICML,513–520,2011.[4]Michael U Gutmann and Aapo Hyv¨a rinen.Noise-contrastive estimation of unnormalized statistical mod-els,with applications to natural image statistics.The Journal of Machine Learning Research,13:307–361, 2012.[5]Tomas Mikolov,Stefan Kombrink,Lukas Burget,Jan Cernocky,and Sanjeev Khudanpur.Extensions ofrecurrent neural network language model.In Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing(ICASSP),2011 IEEE International Conference on,pages5528–5531.IEEE,2011.[6]Tomas Mikolov,Anoop Deoras,Daniel Povey,Lukas Burget and Jan Cernocky.Strategies for TrainingLarge Scale Neural Network Language Models.In Proc.Automatic Speech Recognition and Understand-ing,2011.[7]Tomas Mikolov.Statistical Language Models Based on Neural Networks.PhD thesis,PhD Thesis,BrnoUniversity of Technology,2012.[8]Tomas Mikolov,Kai Chen,Greg Corrado,and Jeffrey Dean.Efficient estimation of word representationsin vector space.ICLR Workshop,2013.[9]Tomas Mikolov,Wen-tau Yih and Geoffrey Zweig.Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space WordRepresentations.In Proceedings of NAACL HLT,2013.[10]Andriy Mnih and Geoffrey E Hinton.A scalable hierarchical distributed language model.Advances inneural information processing systems,21:1081–1088,2009.[11]Andriy Mnih and Yee Whye Teh.A fast and simple algorithm for training neural probabilistic languagemodels.arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.6426,2012.[12]Frederic Morin and Yoshua Bengio.Hierarchical probabilistic neural network language model.In Pro-ceedings of the international workshop on artificial intelligence and statistics,pages246–252,2005. [13]David E Rumelhart,Geoffrey E Hintont,and Ronald J Williams.Learning representations by back-propagating errors.Nature,323(6088):533–536,1986.[14]Holger Schwenk.Continuous space language puter Speech and Language,vol.21,2007.[15]Richard Socher,Cliff C.Lin,Andrew Y.Ng,and Christopher D.Manning.Parsing natural scenes andnatural language with recursive neural networks.In Proceedings of the26th International Conference on Machine Learning(ICML),volume2,2011.[16]Richard Socher,Brody Huval,Christopher D.Manning,and Andrew Y.Ng.Semantic CompositionalityThrough Recursive Matrix-Vector Spaces.In Proceedings of the2012Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(EMNLP),2012.[17]Joseph Turian,Lev Ratinov,and Yoshua Bengio.Word representations:a simple and general method forsemi-supervised learning.In Proceedings of the48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computa-tional Linguistics,pages384–394.Association for Computational Linguistics,2010.[18]Peter D.Turney and Patrick Pantel.From frequency to meaning:Vector space models of semantics.InJournal of Artificial Intelligence Research,37:141-188,2010.[19]Peter D.Turney.Distributional semantics beyond words:Supervised learning of analogy and paraphrase.In Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics(TACL),353–366,2013.[20]Jason Weston,Samy Bengio,and Nicolas Usunier.Wsabie:Scaling up to large vocabulary image annota-tion.In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second international joint conference on Artificial Intelligence-Volume Volume Three,pages2764–2770.AAAI Press,2011.。

An Introduction To Compressive Sampling全文翻译

An Introduction To Compressive Sampling全文翻译

图 1 当然,这个原则是大多数先进有损编码器的理论基础,这些有损编码器包括 JPEG-2000和其他压缩 格式,而一个简单的数据压缩方法就是由 f 计算得到 x ,然后(自适应的)编码求出 S 的位置和重要 系数的值。 由于重要信息段的位置可能预先未知 (它们与信号有关) , 这一过程需要知道所有 n 个系数 x , 因此这样一个过程需要所有 n 个系数 x 已知;在我们的例子中,那些重要信息往往聚集在图像的边缘位 置。一般而言,稀疏性是一个基本的建模要素,它能够带来高效率的基本信号处理;例如,精确的统计 估计和分类,有效的数据压缩,等等。本文所研究的内容大胆新颖且具有深远意义,其中稀疏性对于信 号采集起着重要支撑作用,稀疏性决定了如何有效、非自适应地采集信号。
2log n 。通过扩充具
有独立同分布元素的随机波形 k (t ) 也展示出与固定表示 有非常低的相干性,例如高斯分布或 1 二 进制项。注意到这里有一个非常奇特的暗示:如果非相干系统感知是良好的,那么有效的机制就应该获 得与随机波形的关联,例如白噪声!
理论上, 我们希望可以测量 f 的所有 n 个系数, 但实际上我们只观测它的一个子集, 采集的数据为:
等于或接近于 1,那么 S log n 次采样就足够了,而不需要 n 次采样。 3) 在事先不知道 x 非零坐标个数、位置的条件下,信号 f 可以利用极小化凸泛函得到的压缩数据 集来重构,关于他们的幅值事先完全未知。 这个定理确实提供了一种非常具体的捕获方案: 在非相干域的非自适应采样和在采集之后的线性规 划。按照这一方法,可以获得压缩形式的信号。所需要的是一个解码器去解压数据。这就是 l1 -极小化 所起的作用。 事实上,这个非相干采样是早先谱稀疏信号采样结果的推广,由此展现了随机性是一个可靠的证明,并 可以成为一个非常有效的传感机制,也许正是因此引发了现在 CS 蓬勃的发展。假设我们对超宽带采样 感兴趣,但谱稀疏信号的形式为:

planning theory and practice

planning theory and practice

The Production of Space through a Shrine and Vendetta in Manchester:Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad and the Regeneration of a Place Renamed CastlefieldMICHAEL E.LEARYDepartment of Urban,Environmental and Leisure Studies,Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences,London South Bank University,London,United KingdomA BSTRACT Like many other cities around the world,at the end of the twentieth century,Manchester was reimagined as post-industrial space.This research draws on Lefebvre’s spatial triad focusing primarily on the struggles that this generated both within official public sector representations of space and between public sector representations and the representations of key amenity societies.The paper presents the findings of a case study analysis that reveals how the 1970s saw differing interests lay claim to the right to determine the spatial meaning and future of city-centre industrial space.The research deconstructs the (re)production of the Grade I listed Liverpool Road Station,the first train station in the world,and its conversion into the successful Museum of Science and Industry.The conclusions show that the 1970s (re)presentation of the station site facilitated its (re)production as a site of revalorised industrial heritage.The consequences were the “rediscovery”of the Castlefield area of the city,and the later reimagining of post-industrial Manchester in the 1990s,which continues in the twenty-first century.IntroductionCastlefield has now been redeveloped into an Urban Heritage Park.Aside from the huge science museum,the big draw here is the Castlefield Basin.The Bridgewater Canal runs through it;in summertime thousands of people amble about the place and patronise its fine pubs and trendy restaurants.(Lonely Planet,2007)....countries in the throes of rapid development blithely destroy historic spaces—houses,palaces,military and civil structures.If advantage or profit is to be found in it,then the old is swept away ...Where the destruction has not been complete,“renovation”becomes the order of the day ...In any case what had been annihilated in the earlier frenzy now becomes an object of adoration.(Lefebvre,1991,p.360).Correspondence Address:Michael E.Leary,Department of Urban,Environmental and Leisure Studies,Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences,London South Bank University,103Borough Road,London SE10AA,United Kingdom.Email:learym@Planning Theory &Practice,Vol.10,No.2,189–212,June20091464-9357Print/1470-000X On-line/09/020189-24q 2009Taylor &FrancisDOI:10.1080/14649350902884573Manchester,England is recognised as the world’s first modern industrial city,and also as an iconic post-industrial place.Since the eighteenth century,the city’s form,socio-economic structure and historical development have been the subjects of intense interest in popular and academic literature,with the consequence that “literature on Manchester is immense”(Katznelson,1992,p.203).Transforming away from its grimy industrial image during the 1980s,Manchester became the home of a vibrant music scene,“Madchester”,centred on the Hac ¸ienda nightclub (Haslam,1999).1A successful Commonwealth Games followed in 2002.The city was founded by the Romans at a place that later came to be known as Castlefield.In the Georgian period,this was also the site where Britain’s first true canal terminated and in the nineteenth century it became the terminus for the world’s first locomotive hauled intercity railway:the Liverpool to Manchester Railway.The area declined after World War II into a neglected industrial backwater,but this period was followed by its extraordinary transformation into a space of heritage valorisation and consumption predicated on tourism and leisure-based cultural regeneration (Figures 1and 2),trumpeted by Lonely Planet in the quotation that opened this article.Manchester in general and Castlefield in particular emerged from “years of oblivion”to be reimagined as a cityscape dominated by shining examples of successful urban regeneration and stylish public spaces (Degen,2008,p.77).Manchester City Council (MCC)recently proclaimed Castlefield as “one of the most exciting areas of the city”(MCC,2004,p.53).Unravelling the production of this iconic Mancunian space provides the substantive focus of this paper,but the case study also provides occasion for wider reflections since the alterations occurring in Castlefield during the 1970s predate other episodes of similar transformation,such as the Bilbao “Guggenheim effect”(Cellabos,2003).Figure 1.Canal heritage and leisure consumption.190M.E.LearyAt the theoretical level,this paper argues that insights offered by Henri Lefebvre in his seminal 1991book,The Production of Space ,can provide an important framework for planning and urban regeneration-related empirical research and can inform practice.Lefebvre’s theoretical work sits alongside the ideas of several French philosophers and sociologists such as Foucault (Flyvbjerg &Richardson,2002;Pløger,2008)and Lacan (Gunder &Hillier,2007)who have become significant figures in academic planning literature.Despite the fact that prominent planning theorists have highlighted the potential of Lefebvre’s ideas for planning research and practice (Gunder,2005;Healey,2007;Young,2008),Lefebvre’s theoretical framework has been employed only infrequently in planning research (particularly in the United Kingdom),though a flurry of interest occurred in the mid 1990s after the publication of The Production of Space in English (Allen &Pryke,1994;Fyfe,1996).Much of the empirical research in the planning field tends to counterpose only two elements of Lefebvre’s spatial triad:“representations of space”and “spaces of representation”(see below for how these concepts are deployed in this paper).This research takes a different tack,focusing principally on the consequences for spatial practice (i.e.for urban regeneration),of two types of contestation:those within official public sector representations of space,and those between public sector representations and the representations of key amenity societies.Based on empirical research of the area,this paper argues that Castlefield is where Manchester was first reimagined as a post-industrial city through contested representations of space that were then transfigured by spaces of representation.The aim of the research is to elucidate the production of Castlefield’s space by constructing a 1970s prehistory of regeneration,centred on the conversion of the Liverpool Road Station—the first passenger train station in the world 2—to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI).The empirical research is informed by Lefebvre’sspatial Figure 2.The “Planet”simulacrum in the MOSI with the 1830warehouse behind.Production of Space 191192M.E.Learytriad,especially his claim that the three spatial elements(spatial practice,representations of space and spaces of representation)interact and that the analytical division between them should“be handled with considerable caution”since to see them as separate and isolated would defeat his theoretical project(Lefebvre,1991,p.42).The paper rests on four principal arguments.Firstly,that the three spatial elements are interwoven and interact sometimes in conflicting ways.Secondly,that there are important consequences for spatial practice(material space)of particular representations of space,a conclusion that is in keeping with Lefebvre’s claim that representations of space must have“a substantial role and a specific influence in the production of space”and that“their intervention occurs by way of construction”(p.42).Thirdly,that the“traditional narratives”of Castlefield’s regeneration fail to appreciate critically the contestations of representations of city space within the public sector.Fourthly,that the roles played by key amenity societies and the Greater Manchester Council(GMC),though ignored in most accounts of Manchester’s regeneration,are crucial for a rigorous understanding of the production of Castlefield and Manchester space.I argue that the intervention of the amenity societies can be seen as an example of the production of a Lefebvrian“counter-space”promoted by a“counter-project”articulated through the revalorisation of certain aspects of Castlefield’s history (Lefebvre,1991,p.381).The focus of this research is on revealing the contested(re)presentations of space within the shifting public sector coalitions created around the restoration of the Liverpool Road Station site and the subsequent(re)production of the historic built environment through processes of spatial practice.For Lefebvre the production of a new space can never be brought about by any one particular social group, must of necessity result from relationships between groups...Thereshould therefore be no cause for surprise when a space-related issue spurscollaboration...between very different kinds of people...Such coalitionsaround some particular counter-project or counter-plan,promoting a counter-space in opposition to the one embodied in the strategies of power,occur allover the world.(Lefebvre,1991,pp.380–381)In its next section,this paper provides some background on Castlefield in its historical and geographical context,and then goes on to provide a brief overview of Lefebvre’s spatial triad and the differing ways it has been interpreted in planning literature.The next section introduces some of the ideas behind the traditional Manchester/Castlefield regeneration narrative,in particular the1970s“prehistory”of urban regeneration. The paper continues by placing the research in the socio/spatial context of the1970s before presenting a critical analysis of the empirical archival data.Because the research is not entirely historical,but has continuing relevance,a recent planning controversy is discussed briefly before conclusions are drawn about the wider significance of the study. Castlefield’s Importance for ManchesterManchester is unusual in having been founded twice.It was originally established in AD 79by Roman invaders led by General Julius Agricola who built a fort at a bend in a river. Over the decades a village or vicus named Mamucium,meaning breast-shaped hill,grew up outside the fort to service its needs.(In the seventeenth century this area came to be called Castle-in-the-Field or Castlefield.)However,several hundred years after the Romans,Anglo-Saxon invaders founded a second settlement nearby at the confluence of the Rivers Irwell and Irk,close to what is now the city’s Cathedral,and named it“Mameceaster”,which then became“Manchester”in thefifteenth century.In1763, Britain’sfirst true industrial canal terminated in Castlefield,originally bringing coal from the third Duke of Bridgewater’s mines at Worsley into Castlefield for transhipment to the city’s many cotton mills and multifarious factories.In the nineteenth century thefirst railway,the Liverpool to Manchester line terminated at Liverpool Road Station in Castlefield.It was opened by the Prime Minister,the Duke of Wellington,in1830and within a few decades Manchester became the centre of an emerging national rail network, and a factory to the world.The station was grade I listed in1963(Figure3).By the mid-nineteenth century Castlefield was transformed from greenfields into a bustling,cacophonous working-class industrial area and multi-modal transport hub. It was also the site for the unloading of raw cotton,shipped through the port of Liverpool from the Confederate States of the USA,of working-and middle-class housing,of an annual market,a riotous fair and a huge,ornate municipal abattoir(Leary,2009).Some of Castlefield’s rich history remains written into the area,“inscribed in space”(Lefebvre, 1991,p.37)through the presence of physical relics and infrastructures,but some can also be read from place names:Slate Wharf,Coal Wharf,Potato Wharf,Castle Street,and even the name Castlefield itself.However,Engels’definitive account of Manchester in this period,The Condition of the Working Class in England,does not mention Castlefield;the nearest he comes is Chorlton-on-Medlock,and it seems that the name Castlefield had fallen into disuse,for reasons that are not clear.The startling growth from the seventeenth century of Manchester’s population industry and economy has been told many times(e.g.Kidd,2006).The equally dramatic story of the city’s post World War II industrial decline has also been the subject of much research (see Girodano&Twomey,2002).Manchester’s population peaked at about766,400in1931 and then declined until the2001Census recorded afigure of392,800.But the city is nowgrowing again:the Office for National Statistics mid-year estimate for2006was452,000.Figure3.Listed building plaque at Liverpool Road Station.Production of Space193194M.E.LearyThe city has an ethnically and religiously diverse population,especially in some inner city wards,with waves of immigration dating back to before the early twentieth century. The1970s ContextIn the1970s“Castlefield”did not exist:it had become invisible and ignored.As mentioned above,use of the name had fallen out of favour.It was not mentioned in the1945or1961 City Development Plans,and instead the area was known locally as Knott Mill or Saint Georges.In the1970s the Liverpool Road Station began to attract national press attention, for all the wrong reasons,when its dreadful state of disrepair was noted and blamed squarely on its owner,British Rail,with headlines reading“BR neglects its most historic station”(Freeman,1972,BLNA;Chippendale,1972,GGA).After the1963Beeching Report on railway infrastructure,many routes and stations were closed and major Victorian stations,such as Manchester Piccadilly,were demolished and redeveloped in a“modern”style.In1962the magnificent1837Euston Arch was destroyed after an unsuccessful “Save the Arch”campaign,led by Sir John Betjeman and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.This mirrored the destruction of many Victorian buildings elsewhere in the country:they had come to be considered ugly and dysfunctional in the1950s(Stamp,2007).In Manchester, however,such ideas were particularly strong(Parkinson-Bailey,2000):the eminent historian A.J.P.Taylor derided Victorian Manchester for being“irredeemably ugly”and disparaged Castlefield’s Roman remains as“the least interesting in Britain”(Taylor,1977, pp.308–309).Repulsive and valueless therefore,were the dominant representations of Manchester and Castlefield space.By the1970s the nationalised railway industry(run by British Rail(BR),created in1948)owned hundreds of listed buildings many of which were in a state of serious dilapidation.Underfinancial pressure from government BR concentrated on running the railways,rather than restoration.At the same time,pressure to reduce public spending increased after the crude oil crisis of1973.It was no surprise when Tony Crosland the Environment Secretary famously warned local authorities in 1976that the party’s over(Herbert&Smith,1989)consequently the Labour-controlled Manchester City Council was forced reluctantly to begin cutting public services whilst concentrating on political priorities such as housing(Shapely et al.,2004).There were two responses by the government and civil society to the apparently relentless destruction of the historic built environment.Firstly,the Historic Buildings and Monuments Act,1953,established the Historic Buildings Council for England(HBC) within the Ministry of Housing and Local Government,which became the Department of the Environment(DoE)in1970.The HBC’s remit was to disburse grants to property owners for the restoration of listed buildings.Although ignored as unworthy of attention atfirst,in the1970s historic industrial buildings were increasingly singled out forfinancial subsidy so that the HBC was better able to reflect the post war“mainstream of growing public concern for conservation”(Delafons,1997,p.75).The HBC grant regime was still in place in the1970s and remained until the HBC was absorbed by English Heritage in1983. Secondly,the late1960s and early1970s saw a rapid growth in the number and visibility of British environmental protection amenity societies as a general feeling of unease with the destruction of familiar historic buildings began to exert an influence.Amenity societies are important elements of civil society and their significance for public policy was beginning to be appreciated(Harris,2003).Two prominent amenity societies,the Georgian Group and the Victorian Society,joined forces in1973condemning in a letter to The Times, the neglect of the Liverpool Road Station(Chance&Pevsner,1973,BLNA).The Daily Telegraph,prompted by the Historic Buildings Bureau(the commercial arm of the HBC),Production of Space195 also published a plea for the salvation of the Liverpool Road Station(Armstrong,1973, BLNA).Theorising City Space:The Spatial TriadLefebvre sets out a multifaceted but intuitive theoretical scheme for a critical understanding of the socio-economic and material dynamics of cities.The object of interest,he argues,“must be expected to shift from things in space to the actual production of space”(Lefebvre,1991,p.37,emphasis in original).That space is produced Lefebvre acknowledges might seem to many a strange idea,so used are we to thinking of space as natural,neutral and empty.However,he makes the case that city space is not natural but is constituted by a physical presence and social processes.Rather than seeing social processes and relations happening in the empty container of space,according to Lefebvre space is constituted by social relations which are in turn constituted by space,forming a triad:spatial practice,representations of space and spaces of representation.These three elements interact in dialectical tension and although they are separated for analytical purposes,the processes and products“present themselves as two inseparable aspects,not as two separable ideas(p.37).The implication for planning research is that both the physical(traditionally architectural)and social interaction(traditionally sociological) paradigms of city regeneration need to be embraced.Spatial practice has three main aspects.Firstly,there is the material city,including the buildings,infrastructures and“routes and networks”which link up places of work, private life and leisure(Lefebvre,1991,p.38).This element of space is“empirically observable”(p.413),hence it is“perceived space”,the traditional focus of planning and the built environment disciplines.Secondly,there are the“daily routine”practices of everyday life,for example,the journey to work(p.38).Thirdly,there are the socio-economic processes by which the material city is reproduced,or“secreted slowly”in dialectical interaction with the other two spaces of the triad(p.38).Spatial practice therefore,concerns the processes of production of the physical built environment and the resulting built environment.Representations of space are tied to the relations of production and to the“order”which those relations impose.Represented space is conceived space,“the space of scientists, planners,urbanists and social engineers;the space of a certain type of artist with a scientific bent”(Lefebvre,1991,pp.24–25).This is the technocratic space of scale drawings and the technical bureaucratic documents of public policy,the dominant space in any society(pp.38–39).Representations of space as Lefebvre notes have a“substantial role and specific influence in the production of space”(p.42)through the exercise of spatial practice.However,they are not omnipotent and can be contested,subverted and appropriated in dialectical tension with the other two components of the spatial triad. Spaces of representation(sometimes referred to as“representational spaces”after the 1991translation by David Nicholson-Smith(Shields,1999,p.161))are the spaces of inhabitants and users of towns and cities and are associated with images and symbols that may be coded or uncoded,verbal or non-verbal.In other words,spaces of representation are space as“directly lived”through images and symbols:forming a representation that “overlays physical space”(Lefebvre,1991,p.39,emphasis in original).This is the space of some artists and philosophers who aspire to do no more than describe(pp.24–25).This is society’s dominated space,a space of imagination and emotion which may be linked to the clandestine side of social life.A different epistemology is implied,unlike that of rationally inspired representations of space in that it does not necessarily privilege science and196M.E.Learytechnical expertise.Spaces of representation do not result in material change in spatial practice,their only product“is symbolic works.”Having provoked“incursions into the imaginary”they tend to“run out of steam”(p.42).Lefebvre stresses that this triad:“perceived-conceived-lived”should not be treated solely as an abstract model.“If it cannot grasp the concrete...its import is severely limited”he argues(p.40).Urban researchers and practitioners are therefore encouraged to apply the triad as an analytical tool in the real world,in this case the world of city regeneration,rather than pontificating endlessly about theory without concrete and practical investigation.Interpreting the Spatial TriadThe essence of the spatial triad is relatively straightforward but Lefebvre’s ideas concerning the production of space are not always easy to grasp(Healey,2007,p.204).Hence,the more one looks for definitive meanings for the three spatial elements the more they appear to have been interpreted differently(e.g.Harvey,1989,2006;Merrifield,2006;Shields,1999).For instance,Harvey argues that“spaces of representation”are mental inventions:codes,signs, spatial discourses,utopian plans,imaginary landscapes,“and even individual spaces and times in social life”,particularly“built environments,paintings and museums that imagine new meanings or possibilities for spatial practices”(Harvey,1989,pp.218–219).Yet later on, he appears to conceptualise spaces of representation solely as mental constructs and states of mind(Harvey,2006,pp.282–283).This lack of definition leads Unwin(2000)to ask, somewhat caustically,whether Lefebvre’s ideas are simply a waste of space.The spatial triad is useful for planning research and practice because of the ways it understands the city as:a physical entity requiring resources for its maintenance and development,a space that is institutionally represented and a place that is socially interactive and historically situated,imagined by a range of actors.Critiques of planning often point out where theory and practice have neglected one or more of these aspects,to the detriment of city space and the planning profession(Taylor,1998).Putting the myriad interpretations of The Production of Space to one side,the approach to the spatial triad in this paper sees the elements as follows(adapted from Healey,2007,p.204):.Spatial practice:the physical city,its maintenance,redevelopment and the daily routines of everyday life..Representations of space:rational,intellectual conceptions of urban areas for analytical, planning and administrative purposes..Spaces of representation:emotional and artistic interpretations of city space imbued with cultural meaning which values places in ways that run counter to the dominant representations of space and can lead eventually to the production of a counter-space. It should be noted,however,that the triad isflexible enough to be applied to a range of planning issues from the local to regional,national and international scales and in towns, villages and the countryside.Given the diversity and complexity of interpretations one can only admire the implicit confidence in the attempt by Goonewardena et al.(2008)to devise a unified Lefebvrian approach to contemporary urban issues and the nature of spatialised social structures.It is not the purpose of this paper to provide a definitive interpretation of Lefebvre’s triad but it is clear that the range of legitimate interpretations provide opportunities for planning research.Despite the arguments of Unwin(2000,p.24)that Lefebvre is“remarkably quiet”on how the spatial triad can be used as a springboard for empirical work,a range of studiesProduction of Space197 undertaking a Lefebvrean approach have been conducted,especially after1991,including studies of Cleveland,Ohio(Liggett,1995)and Kentucky(McCann,1999).Others have applied Lefebvre’s spatial triad to public participation in USA city planning for public art (Carp,2004).There is less literature of British origin,though Fyfe’s(1996)research on Glasgow explores the differences between public sector representations of space in city planning documents and poetic spaces of representation,pointing to contested representations of space within the public sector.Allen and Pryke(1994)apply a Lefebvrian approach in their research,which is concerned with the conflict between the representations of space and the spaces of representation in the City of London.These researchers have tended to adopt a methodological approach that privileges interviews and contemporary document data sources.Archival research from a Lefebvrian perspective is rare,one of the few examples being Hubbard et al.’s(2003)investigation of Coventry’s post-World War II reconstruction.It is noticeable that a popular empirical research model is to compare official representations of space with the spaces of representation,Degen’s(2008)work exploring Castlefield’s“sensual space”being another example.Manchester and Castlefield:The“Traditional Regeneration Narrative”When Tony Blair stood on the podium for hisfinal party conference speech inManchester,last week,he praised the host city as a beacon of New Labour’ssuccess.“And what about Manchester?”he said,“A city transformed.A city thatshows what a confident,open and proud people with a great Labour council cando...”The urban regeneration did not begin with the Labour’s election victoryin1997[sic],but started in the late1980s.(Harrison&Miller,2006)With this affirmation,worthy of the most fervent nineteenth-century Mancunian businessman,Tony Blair exemplifies the way Manchester is often heralded as the iconic regenerated city.The“traditional narrative”encountered across a range of academic, journalistic and local government sources presents a Manchester/Castlefield regeneration narrative that starts in the late1980s or the1990s.Williams(2003)and Massey(2005)date the city’s regeneration from the explosion of an IRA bomb in1996.Peck and Ward(2002) focus on the city’s regeneration from the early1990s,particularly the work of the Central Manchester Development Corporation(CMDC).3Research has also focused on the regeneration capacity of the2002Commonwealth Games(Smith&Fox,2007).There is rarely any place for the interventions of civil society or the Greater Manchester Council (GMC)in the accounts of the city’s transformation.Though it is sometimes claimed that in the late1970s“the City Council had already anticipated the potential for regeneration of the area based on its waterways,the railway structures and the remaining warehouses”(MCC,2004,p.54),more often the process of reimagining and regeneration is said to have been led by the private sector in partnership with the Manchester City Council,working in an entrepreneurial city mode(Quilley,2002;Williams,2003).Recent research suggests the entrepreneurial mode has not replaced the municipal socialism mode of local government in Manchester but instead municipal socialism runs alongside the rhetoric of the entrepreneurial city(Leary,2008).The result for the advocates of the traditional discourse is a regenerated city,a city reborn materially from the perspectives of the public sector, the private sector investor,and the popular imagination.In the dominant regeneration narrative,1970s Castlefield was a place of dereliction and stagnation—above all a“wasteland”(Tiesdell et al.,1996).Degen’s(2003)research。



OpenVDB in Houdini John LynchHoudini●Node-based, procedural 3D modelling, animation, and visual effects software●Built-in dynamics solvers●Volume simulation and renderingProjects●FLIP liquid solver●Whitewater solver●OceanFX toolkit●OpenCL-accelerated Pyro solver ●POP and Grain solvers●Geometric and dynamic fracturingOpenVDB in Houdini●First introduced in 12.5●Integration with Houdini volume toolset●Conversion to and from native volumes●163 voxel tiles●Constant tile optimization●VEX and Mantra support for VDB Volumes●VDB specific SOPs from OpenVDB team●Siggraph2013 Course Slides●Clouds and Grooming●Introduced in Houdini 13 and 14●Shape construction●Noise modulation●Advection●RenderingFluid and Grain Solvers●Introduced in Houdini 14 and 15●VDB operations throughout●Sourcing data for simulation●Accelerating simulation●Post-processing simulation dataOverview●SDF Collisions●Accelerated Point Lookup●FLIP Data Compression●Sparse Points From Volume●Fluid SurfacingSDF Collisions●Deforming Object shelf tool●Point velocities on geometry●Collision SDF with VDB From Polygons ●Cached to disk at substepsSDF Collisions ●Standard collision tool across solvers●Point / SDF collisions●Voxel weights in variational pressuresolve for FLIP●SDF often re-used downstream●Secondary element collisions●Boolean operations●Particle activationAccelerated Point LookupPoint Index Grid ●Partition points into voxels●Uses Point Partitioner under the hood ●Store point indices in voxels●Query arbitrary position against uniform radius particles●Constant-time query returns iterator over particles in touched voxels●Deterministic but not sorted●Fast and memory efficient●“Gather” operationFLIP Solver Operations●Transfer particle velocity to simulation field●Gas Particle To Field DOP●Build SDF representing fluid surface●Gas Particle To SDF DOP●Calculate particle density in voxel●Gas Particle Count DOP●Reseed voxels with too few / many particles●Gas Seed Markers DOPComparison to UT_PointGrid●Transfer velocity attribute to face-sampledvector field●Dense configuration has all points at center●Medium test is 93M points and 12003 voxelsSparse Performance●2 –3X faster for sparse configurations ●1 min / frame improvement at 220M particles and 2 substeps●Additional gains from other point lookup operationsDense Performance●Almost 2X faster even for dense configurations●Small difference in sparse vs dense for VDBPBD-based Grain Solver●VDB collisions●pgfind for neighbor lookup●Spatial lookup on CPU●Constraint loop on GPU●VDB-based sandbox generation●VDB-based particle activationFLIP Data Compression ●New in Houdini 15●100’s of millions of particles common●Especially when distributed!●Large disk space requirements●High network loadFLIP Data Compression ●Dense, native simulation data●Sparse data as lossy post-processFLIP Data Compression ●Dense, native simulation data●Sparse data as lossy post-process●FLIP Particles●Primary simulation representation●Marker particles●Velocity and other attributes●Surface detailFLIP Data Compression ●Dense, native simulation data●Sparse data as lossy post-process●FLIP Particles●Primary simulation representation●Marker particles●Velocity and other attributes●Surface detail●Surface SDF and velocity volumes●Secondary simulation representation●FLIP pressure solve and advection●Secondary elements●Emission●Depth testing●Advection●Fluid data “decompression”FLIP Data CompressionExample●Uncompressed dense data set●11M Particles●Tiny!●14M voxels in surface and vel●52 Gb for 240 frames●Blosc compressed●Playback 3.2 sec / frameExample ●Lossy-compressed data set●1.3M particles (8x)●7M 16-bit voxels (4x)●8.5 Gb on disk (6x overall)●Playback 300 ms/ frame (10x)●Scrubbable●Higher res / deeper =better ratios●1B particles at 1.5 bytes perSteps ●Points●Cull by depth●Spatially partition into 4K tiles withVDB’s Point Partitioner●Create packed primitive per tile●Delay LoadSteps●Volumes●Native surface volume to narrow-band VDB●Zero velocity field by backwards advectionand convert to VDB●Prune inactive voxels●Save as 16-bit floats●Output packed particles + surface and velocity VDBsCompressed Output●2K tiled Packed Primitives●300 ms/ frame playbackDelayed Loading●Meshed narrow-bandsurface and velocity VDBs●Points never load from disk●400 ms/ frame playback●VDB meshing and volumesamplingMerge Distributed Slices●Compressed FLIP data from several nodes ●Splice together for downstream operations ●On save●Delete particles outside slice●Compress fluid●Zero and de-activate velocity●On load●Merge particles●Union all surface SDFs●Combine all active regions of velocity●“Flatten All B into A”Load by Region●120M particle distributed sim●~12M particles compressed●Spatial partition allowsrestricting loading to region●Bounding box●Camera●Tune secondary elements●Iterate over surfacingWhere Are All My Particles?●Thin particle layer●700 ms/ frame playback●Deep secondary elements?●Aeration●Bubbles●Surfacing?●Reseed points with velocityanywhere within fluidSparse Points From VolumeAlgorithm (VDB)1.Calculate hi-res narrow-band SDF of input2.Convert SDF to fog volume to activate interior3.Copy active voxels to half-res, axis-alignedbackground VDB4.Dilate active voxels by jitter scale5.Run multithreaded VEX over active voxels togenerate jittered points inside SDFSparse Points From VolumeHalf-res Background VDB •Gives constant “jitter space”•Sand emission•Tricky to create, easy to remove •Control over multithreading•Hi-res slow at ~1 point per voxel•Better ~8 or even ~64•for(i=0; i< ptspervox; i++) {pos= @P + getjitter(@P, i);if(volumesample(pos) < 0)addpoint(pos);}Whitewater Emission1.FLIP particles as input2.Hard cull on depth and velocity3.Sample acceleration, vorticity, curvaturefrom simulation fields4.Map to emission probability5.Cull zero emissionReseeding needs to feed into step 3!Whitewater Active Area•Map velocity to 0-1 fog(VDB Analysis)•Map culling depth and depth limit to 0-1 and combine with velocity(VDB Combine)•De-activate zero regions(VDB Activate)Reseeding Active Area•Generate points in active voxels(PointsFromVolume)•Sample velocity field(AttribFromVolume)•Feed into Whitewater emissioncriteriaSparse Example•80M particle adaptivelydistributed FLIP sim•10M particles compressed•Spliced with VDB ops•VEX-based high-orderadvection directly from VDB•Pockets of whitewater•Aeration important for lookWhy Not VDB Scatter?•Does not use standard VDBC++ scatter operator•Specific point configurations•Boundary oversampling•Tetrahedral packing•Purely constructive avoids datastructure fragmentationGrain Generation•Sandbox tool creates grains from extruded volume•Structured points with strict SDF rejection produces ridge artifactsDithering•Dither!•Update VEX code to make SDF test probabilistic close to isosurface•Removes artifact but retains low-energy configurationVDB-based Particle Activation•Activation from nearby fast-moving neighbors (pgfind)•Activation from dilated collisionVDB (VDB Reshape SDF)•Activation by castle volume(VDB From Polygons)•Natural-looking activation fromlow-energy point configuration•Create high-quality polygonal mesh from compressed fluid input•Provide filtering and morphological operations•Generate spatially varying masks to allow control over filtering•Output adaptive polygon mesh•“Liquid in the Croods”•Budsberg et al.Initial Surface•Create narrow-band SDF fromparticles•VDB From Particle Fluid (H13)•Average Position•Ghost points•Less post-processing•Less control•VDB From Particles•Spherical•Scales very well•Requires post-processing•More controlUnion•Erode surface SDF by particlecompression bandwidth•VDB Reshape SDF•Union with particle surface•VDB Combine•Needs post-processing!Spatially Varying Mask •Generate fog volume mask•Velocity•Vorticity•Collision proximity•User provided VDB•VDB Analysis•VDB Combine•Use to modulate filteringMorphological Ops and Filtering •Dilate / Smooth / Erode•“Close” operation•2nd order smoothing•Stronger Final Smooth•Gaussian•Usually maskedSDF Operations •Subtract Collisions•VDB Combine•Flatten edges at boundary•VDB Combine•VDB MorphAdaptive Polygonal Mesh•Fewer polygons at low curvature •Reduced memory andrendering requirements•Additional level of smoothingAdaptive Polygonal Mesh•Fewer polygons at low curvature •Reduced memory andrendering requirements•Additional level of smoothingSurfacing ResultsSurfacing ResultsSurfacing ResultsSurfacing Results。



(类)obstructionist: renege= revisionist: challenge 妨碍者妨碍=修正主义者挑战质疑(正面特征)(类)affable: ease= diplomatic: tact 和蔼的则舒适自在=机智的则有策略(正面特征)(类)reproachful: disapproval= plaintive: sorrow(同义关系)(类)unversed: familiarity= footloose: attachment 不熟练的:熟悉=没有限制的:附属(反义关系)(类)deliberate: capricious= submissive: insubordinate(反义关系)(类)deliberation: brash= subterfuge: candor 深思熟虑:仓促=托词:直率(类)caprice: deliberation= impromptu: rehearsal 任性善变则缺乏深思熟虑=即席演出则缺乏排练(反义关系)(类)erudite: fathom= oblivious: neglect 博学的容易彻底理解=健忘的容易忽略(类)recondite: fathom= tenacious: eradicate 深奥的则难以被彻底理解=顽强的则难以根除(对立句子题)(类)masonry: bricklayer=medicine: doctor 砖瓦:砖匠=药:大夫(类)plodder: haste =boor: courtesy 缓慢行走的人:匆忙=粗鲁不敏感的人:礼貌(类)disabuse: misapprehension=vindicate: blame(消除关系)(类)peel: banana= shell: peanut 皮:香蕉=壳:花生(事物及其皮关系)(类)wiretap: surveillance= browbeat: intimidation 窃听是为了监视=威逼为了恐吓(类)revisionist: challenge= obstructionist: renege (正面特征)(类)hem: garment=ruffle: shirt=molding: cabinet 褶边是衣服边缘起装饰作用的部分=褶裥饰边是衬衫边缘起装饰作用的部分=(装饰墙壁等凸出部用)嵌线是柜子边缘起装饰作用的部分(部分与整体)(类)elucidate: clarity= abet: encouragement 阐明则表述清晰=教唆则表示鼓励(类)quibbler: cavil=encomiast: eulogize=preacher: sermon=nitpicker: criticize吹毛求疵者吹毛求疵=赞美着赞颂=传教士布道=吹毛求疵者批评(正面特征)(类)quibble: objection= foible: flaw 小反对是轻微的反对=小缺点是轻微的过失(类)endorse: approval= endow: income 支持则给出赞同=捐赠则给出所得(类)endorsement: policy= rider: bill 补充条款是保险单的补充=附件是议案的补充(类)fawn: attentive= garish: colorful 奉承的:关心的=过分鲜艳的:有色彩的(类)fawn: hauteur= self-depreciate: swagger 奉承:傲慢= 自贬:傲慢(类)fawn: obsequious= yield: compliant 奉承:奉承的=顺从:顺从的(同义关系)(类)sycophant: fawn= dandy: preen= miser: hoard= pundit: opine 马屁精拍马屁=花花公子打扮=守财奴贮藏=权威发表意见(正面特征)(类)fawn: imperiousness= elaborate: sketch奉承:傲慢=详细地说明:粗略(类)fawn: imperiousness= equivocate: directness(类)fawn: imperious= swagger:self-depreciatory傲慢:自贬的(反义关系)(类)fawn: peremptory= spend: parsimonious 奉承:专横的=花费:吝啬的(类)sycophant: fawn= reprobate: misbehave 马屁精拍马屁=堕落的人行为不端(类)fawn: obsequious= patronize: condescending 奉承:谄媚的=以高人一等的态度对待:怀着高人一等的态度的(类)deplore: vile= doubt: questionable 谴责可憎的(事物)=怀疑不可靠的(事物)(类)poach: hunt=embezzle: appropriate 偷猎是一种偷偷猎捕=盗用是一种偷偷挪用(类)appropriate: purloin= wait: lurk= depart: abscond 挪用:盗窃=等候:潜伏=离开:潜逃(一般与偷偷)(类)cardiogram: palpitation =map: territory 心动图是对心跳的描述=地图是对领土的描述(事物及其描述对象)(类)glare:displeasure= scowl : displeasure 怒目而视表达了不高兴的心里感情(类)chortle:amusement=gloat : smug 咯咯笑表达了高兴的心情=幸灾乐祸地看表达了自鸣得意(类)mettlesome:valor=arboreal : tree 勇敢的:勇敢=树的:树(同义词关系)(类)tempestuous:placid= bumptious : humbleness 暴乱的:安静的=傲慢的:谦虚的(反义词关系)(类)buff: luster= strengthen : fortify 抛光:抛光=加强:加强(同义词关系)(类)repository:storage= lathe : shape 储藏室:储藏室/储藏=车床:成型(类)obedient: mind=correct : proofread 为了服从而仔细留意就为了服从=校对是为了纠正mind: to give heed to attentively in order to obey(类)vulgarity: genteel=fear : intrepid 粗俗:优雅的=害怕:大胆(反义关系)(类)savory : palatable=manifest : discernible 美味的>味道尚可的=明显的>可分辨的(程度类比)(类)bucket: vessel= dagger: weapon 桶是一种容器= 匕首是一种武器(种属关系)(类)thoughtless: solicitude= artless: guile 粗心欠考虑的就不关心=天真纯朴的就不狡诈(反面特征)(类)ascetic: self-denial=busybody: intrusive好管闲事的人则打扰的(正面特征)(类)repellent: attract=ephemeral: endure 排斥的:吸引=短暂的:耐久(反义关系)(类)vituperate: despise=lionize: admire 辱骂>鄙视=崇拜>钦佩(程度关系) (类)vituperative: revile= palliative: mollify 辱骂的:辱骂=平息的:平息(类)nugatory: significance= ethereal: substance 无关紧要的缺乏重要性=非物质的就缺乏物质实体(缺乏关系)(类)wary: duped=watchful: waylaid 机警的难以被欺骗=警惕的难以被伏击(类)wary: gulled=vigilant: ambushed=exacting: satisfied=vigilant: entrapped 机警的难以被欺骗=警觉的难以被伏击=苛求的难以被满足=警惕的难以被诱捕(类)thick-skinned: criticism= optimistic: disappointment 厚脸皮的就不为批评所动=乐观的就不受失望情绪影响(类)commiserate: sympathy= scold: displeasure 表示同情就表达同情=责备就表达不高兴(动作及其表达心理感情)(类)plush: austerity= tidy: disarray 豪华的就不朴素=干净的就不杂乱(反面特征)(类)hobble: halting= trudge: stiff 蹒跚而行就很吃力=沉重地行走就很艰难(类)constrict: diameter= compress: size 收缩使直径减少=压缩使尺寸减少(类)cast : playbill = signature: letterl= ingredient: recipe 演员阵容是宣传单中的一部分用以表明表演者=签名是信的一部分用以表明作者=食谱中表明了做菜所需的成分(部分与整体)(类)pristine: decay= stable: fluctuation 纯洁的:腐蚀=稳定的:波动(反义关系)(类)pristine: filthiness= sparse: plenitude 纯净的:不洁=稀疏的:丰富(类)aggravation: irritate= perplexity: bewilder 激怒:激怒=困惑:使困惑(类)dwindle: decrease= crawl: proceed 慢慢减少是慢慢地下降=慢慢行进是慢慢地前进(特殊与一般)(类)dwindling: replenish= broken: repair 减少则没有再装满=坏的则没有修理(类)integrity: entire= generality: ecumenical 完整:完整的=普遍:普遍性的(类)integrity: entire= authenticity: genuine 完整:完整的=真实:真实的(类)miser: parsimony= insurgent: rebelliousness 吝啬鬼则吝啬=造反者则造反(类)miser: stingy=sage: judicious 吝啬鬼则吝啬=智者则明智的(正面特征)(类)miser: munificent= zealot: blasé吝啬鬼不慷慨=热心者不冷漠(反面特征)(类)miser: hoard= malinger: shirk 守财奴则秘藏=装病以逃避工作的人则逃避(类)miserly: hoard= indolent: shirk 吝啬的爱秘藏=懒惰的爱逃避(正面特征)(类)miser: hoard= dandy: preen= sycophant: fawn= pundit: opinion(类)miserly: frugal= arrogant: confident(褒贬关系)(类)pertinence: applicable= bias: tendentious 相关则是适当的=偏见则是有偏见的(正面特征)→(类)people: rabble= items: hodgepodge 人组成人群=物品组成杂烩(组成关系)(类)rabble: control= mistake: rectify 控制混乱的人群=纠正错误(动宾关系)(类)nonentity: consequence= dilettante: commitment 无足轻重者:重要性=业余的艺术爱好者:投入(反面特征)(类)nonentity: consequence= novice: experience 无足轻重的人没有重要性=新手没有经验(反面特征)(类)tribute: commend= caveat: warn 颂词:赞扬=告诫:警告(正面特征)(类)considerable: piddling= calm: restive 重要的:不重要的=平静的:躁动的(类)partisan: cause= patriot: country 党徒忠于路线=爱国者忠于国家(正面特征)(类)mentor: guidance= prevaricator: deceive 导师指导=说谎者欺骗(正面特征)(类)snarl: speak= glower: look 咆哮是一种愤怒的说=怒目而视是一种愤怒的看(类)potentate: power= virtuoso: skill 当权者拥有权力=艺术名家拥有技艺(类)potentate: supremacy= tycoon: affluence 有权力者有最高权力=商业巨头富有(正面特征)(类)gaffe: tactless= exploit: heroic 失态是不机智的=英雄行为是英雄的(正面特征)(类)gaffe: judgment= illusion: perception 错误判断是错误的判断=幻觉是错误的感觉(错误与一般)(类)gaffe: proper= infraction: permissible 失态不是得体的=违反不是可允许的(类)hauteur: fawn= swagger: self-depreciate 傲慢:阿谀= 自夸:自贬(类)hauteur: supercilious= umbrage: resentful 傲慢:傲慢的=愤怒:愤怒的(类)enervate: growth= deflate: air 使衰弱则则使生长减弱=放气则使空气减少(类)tycoon: affluence= potentate: supremacy商业巨头富有=有权者有最高权力(类)infraction: permissible= gaffe: proper 违反不是可允许的=失态不是得体的(类)exemplary: emulate= unnecessary: obviate 榜样被模仿=不必要被排除(类)imitable: emulation= creditable: belief 可模仿的容易模仿=可相信的容易相信(类)exempt: liability= pardon: penalty 免除债务则消除债务=赦免惩罚则消除惩罚(类)exempt: requirement= disenchant: illusion 豁免消除要求=使清醒则消除幻觉(类)irascible: enrage= accessible: approach 易怒的容易激怒=可接近的容易接近(类)stigmatize: contempt= bemoan: regret 污蔑表达轻视的心理感情=呻吟表达悲痛的心理感情(动作及其表达心理感情关系)(类)pollster: canvass= exponent: advocate 民意调查者则细查(选票)=拥护者则支持(正面特征)(类)canvass: support= forage: sustenance 拉选票已得到支持=到处找以得到食物(类)stingy: frugal= lax: lenient 吝啬的:节俭的= 松懈的:宽松的(褒贬关系)(类)eclipse: prestige= enervation/enfeeble: vigor 使声望下降则使声望下降=使衰弱则精力下降(消除关系)(类)eclipse: prominence= bankruptcy: solvency 衰退:杰出=破产:偿付能力(类)fusty: freshness= plebeian: prestige 陈腐的:新鲜=粗俗的:名声(反义关系)(类)queen: monarch= principal: administration 女王属于君主=校长属于学校的管理部门(种属关系)(类)illustrious: laud= discourteous: offend杰出的得到赞扬=不礼貌的会冒犯他人(类)squeamish: disgust= tractable: manage 容易厌恶的则容易厌恶=容易管理的则容易管理(容易关系)(类)disenchant: illusion= exempt: requirement 使清醒则消除幻觉=豁免则消除要求(消除关系)(类)canny: artlessness= insipid: trenchancy 精明的:淳朴=乏味的:犀利的(类)wrest: take= tear: separate 夺取:拿= 撕破:分开(猛与一般)(类)signatory:seal=manufacturer:trademark 印章证明了签名者的独特身份=商标证明了制造商的独特身份(正面特征)(类)fusty: freshness= plebeian: prestige 陈腐的:新鲜=粗俗的:名声(类)truculent: belligerence= solicitous: concern 好战的则好战=关心的则关心(类)malinger: ail= flatter: appreciate 装病逃避工作是假装生病=奉承则是假装欣赏(类)malingering: shirk= parsimonious: skimp 装病以逃避工作的:逃避=吝啬的:吝啬(同义关系)(类)oust: incumbent= evict: tenant 驱逐:任职者=驱逐:房客(动宾关系)(类)nicety: precision= illusion: fantasy 准确:精确=幻想:幻想(同义关系)(类)nicety: distinction= spoof: parody 细微差别:差别=轻微滑稽模仿:滑稽模仿(类)nicety: distinction= intimation: communication 细微差别:差别=暗示:传达(类)perjury: testimony= calumny: representation 伪证是假证词=诽谤是假陈述(类)complacent: anxiety= truculent: gentleness 漠不关心则不会担心=残忍则不会温顺(反面特征)(类)imposter: identity= usurper: authority 冒名顶替者非法获得身份=篡位者非法获得权力(类)splinter: medal= crumb: bread 金属碎片:金属= 面包渣:面包(渣关系)(类)abode: nomadic= opinion: irresolute 游牧的住所经常变化=犹豫不决的主张经常变化(变化关系)(类)tongs: grasping= buckle: fasten 钳子用来抓紧=扣环用来系紧(类)itinerary: trip= outline: plot 行程表计划安排旅行=大纲计划安排情节(类)itinerary: log = agenda: minutes 航海日志即时记录航程=会议记录即时记录议事议程(即时记录)(类)rostrum: oration=cell: confinement 演讲台用来演讲=牢房用来拘禁(类)rostrum: orator= bench: judge 演讲者在讲台上=法官在法官席上(类)exemplary: emulate= unnecessary: obviate 值得被模仿的则被模仿=不必要的则可以被排除(因果关系)(类)exemplary: criticized= erratic: predicted 榜样的是不能被批评的=反复无常的是不能预测的(反面特征)(类)paradigm: exemplify= corrective: amends 范例用来示范=修正剂用来修正(类)archetype: exemplify= harbinger: presage 典型例子用来示范=预兆则预示(类)exemplar: emulate= goal: attain 模范是要模仿的标杆= 目标是要实现的标杆(类)adulate: flatter= fulminate: criticize 极度谄媚>奉承=猛烈抨击>批评(类)tedious: energy=disturbing: composure 沉闷的:活力=烦扰的:沉着(类)tedious: engage=pacific: discompose 使参与消除无聊=使不安消除平静(类)inert: react= ephemeral: endure 惰性的难以恢复=短暂的难以持久快速移动的(类)collude: cooperate= eavesdrop: listen 串通是偷偷地合作=偷听是偷偷地听(类)collude: cooperate=stalk: follow 串通是偷偷地合作=暗中跟随是偷偷地跟随(类)collusion: conspirators= cooperation: partners 同谋者勾结=合伙人合作(类)vault: valuables= pantry: comestibles保险库储存贵重物品=食品室储存事物edible ['edibl](类)obscurity: indecisive=superciliousness:haughty模糊:模糊的=傲慢:傲慢的(类)temperate: restrain= tenacious: persist 节制的:节制=固执的:坚持(类)commiserate: sympathy=laud: approbation 同情表达了同情的心里感情=赞美表现了称赞的心里感情(动作极其表达心里感情or 同义词)(类)reporter: journalism= commentator: interpretation 记者创造新闻报道=评论员创造评注(事物及其创造物品)(类)bulge: protuberant= spike: pointed 凸起是凸起的=钉子是尖的(正面特征)(类)desiccated: dehydration= abraded: friction 脱水则导致干燥=摩擦则导致磨损(类)obeisance: deferential= defiance: resistant 鞠躬表达了尊敬=违抗表达了反抗(类)obeisance: respectful= rebellion: antiestablishment 鞠躬表达了尊重=造反表达了反对传统规则(动作极其表达心理感情)(类)pedant: learning= martinet: discipline 学究注重学习=严守纪律的人注重纪律(类)pedant: learning= hack: writing 学究学习=雇佣文人写作(正面特征)(类)pedantic: scholarly= prudish: modest (褒贬关系)(类)pedantic: scholarship= mawkish/maudlin: sentiment 书呆子的>学识=过于感伤的>感伤(程度类比)(类)dilute: concentration= abridge: length 稀释使浓度下降=删减使长度下降(类)rapscallion: mischievous= laggard: dilatory 淘气鬼:淘气的=懒鬼:懒惰的(类)keen: grief= guffaw: amusement 哀悼表达了悲伤=哄笑表达了高兴(类)keen: obtuseness= impertinent: propriety 敏锐的:迟钝=无礼的:礼节(类)keen: obtuseness= restive: calmness 敏锐的:迟钝=不安的:平静(反义词)(类)flout: disregard= taunt: challenge 嘲弄性不理会:不理会=嘲弄性挑衅:挑衅(反)flout→heed 嘲弄性不理会→注意(类)machination: plot=reminiscence: recollect 诡计:密谋=回忆:回忆(类)coarsen : texture= dislocate: position 使粗糙则使质地发生变化=改变位(类)imperishable: decay= imperceptible: detection 不朽的不会腐烂=察觉不到的不会被察觉(反面特征)(类)usurp: take= trespass: enter 侵占是非法的拿=非法侵入是非法的进入(类)duplicity: sincere= awareness: unwitting 口是心非:真诚的=明白: 不知情的(类)stoke: fuel= garnish: decoration 加燃料添加燃料=加装饰添加装饰(正面特征)(类)geniality: acrimonious= meticulousness: cursory 和蔼:尖酸的=非常仔细:草率的(反义词)(类)genial: bonhomie=diplomatic: tact 温和的:温和=有策略的:策略(同义词)(类)geniality: dour = humbleness : bumptious 亲切:严厉的=谦逊:傲慢的(类)resolute: sway=indubitable: question 坚决的难以被动摇=不容置疑的难以被怀疑(对立句子)(类)recantation: error=confession: crime 公开承认错误=招供罪行(动宾关系)(类)dormant: inactivity=malleable: plasticity 静止的:静止=可塑性的:可塑性(类)manipulate: dexterous = predict : prescient 灵巧的操作是灵巧的=预言是预见性的(正面特征)(类)obliging: officious= idealistic: visionary 热心助人的:多管闲事的=有理想的:空想的(褒贬关系)(类)intrepid: deter=rapt: distract 无畏的则不能被吓住=全神贯注的则不能被分心(类)garish: colorful = prying: inquisitive 过分鲜艳的:多彩的=爱打听的:好奇的(类)garish: apparel = grandiloquent: language 过分鲜艳的衣服=夸张的语言(类)infuriate: anger= terrify: frighten 激怒就使你愤怒=恐吓就使你惊恐(类)infuriate: rage=commend: esteem 激怒:愤怒=称赞:尊敬(同义关系)(类)infuriate: rage=nonplus: perplexity 激怒:愤怒=使困惑:困惑(同义关系)(类)caricature: distort = epigram : brevity 漫画是歪曲的=警句格言是简短的(类)caricature : exaggeration = aphorism: conciseness 漫画则夸张=格言则简明(类)caricaturist: illustrator = satirist : essayist 漫画家是插图家=讽刺作家是一种作家(种属关系)(类)badger: bother=belabor: mention 不断烦扰:烦扰=不断提及:提及(类)bustle: move= thrive: grow 迅速移动:移动=茁壮生长:生长(快速与一般)(类)orb: spherical= disk: flat 球体是球形的=圆盘是平的(正面特征)(类)debacle: disastrous= discourtesy: impolite 灾难:灾难的=不礼貌:不礼貌的(类)ingenuous: dissemble=raffish: preen=polite: snub 坦白的:掩饰=不修边幅的:打扮=有礼貌的:怠慢(反义关系)(类)disingenuous: deceive=ingratiating: win-favor 虚伪的容易欺骗他人=迷人的容易取悦他人(容易关系)(类)disingenuous: mislead=pernicious: injure 虚伪的容易误导=有害的容易伤害(类)decipher: hieroglyph=separate: component 释义象形文字=分离成分(类)aloof: reserve= sluggish: torpor 不合群的就很矜持= 懒散缓慢的就很迟缓(类)verification: accuracy=measurement: magnitude 校验精确性=测量尺寸(类)abase : prestige=damp : ardor 降低:威望=泼冷水:热情(消除关系)(类)stimulating: invigoration= disgusting: revulsion 激励使人有活力=使厌恶让人很反感(结果关系)(类)stimulation: arousal= pathogen: diseasing 刺激物导致唤醒=病原体导致疾病(类)stimulate: galvanize= flush : irrigate 刺激:刺激=冲洗:冲洗(同义关系)(类)range: mountain=archipelago: island 山脉由山组成=群岛由岛屿组成(类)glide: effort= wander: purpose 滑行就不费力气=漫步就没有目的(缺乏)(类)meddle: officious= rebel : disaffected 干涉:多管闲事的= 造反:造反的(类)meddlesome: pry=contentious: argue 多管闲事的好打听=好争吵的好争吵(类)meddlesome : attentive= jealous : envious 管闲事的:关心的=嫉妒的:羡慕的(类)meddlesome : attentive= succinct: curt 多管闲事的:关心的=简洁的:简慢(类)subterfuge: deceive=decanter: pour 托词用来欺骗=倒酒容器用来倒(类)subterfuge: candor=deliberate: brash 托词:直率=深思熟虑:仓促(反义关系)(类)extemporization:spontaneous=juggernaut:unstoppable(类)mollification: soothe=indemnity: secure 缓和:安慰=安全:使安心(同义关系)(类)pedant: learning= martinet: discipline 学究注重学习=严守纪律的人注重纪律(类)pedantic: scholarship= mawkish/maudlin: sentiment 书呆子的>学识=过于感伤的>感伤(程度关系)(类)adulterate: pristine = demanding: satisfactory 掺杂的:纯净的=不易满足的:满意的(反面特征)(类)adulterate: pure = polish: dull 掺假就不再纯净=抛光就不再不明亮(消除关系)(类)taint: integrity = sap: strength 使道德败坏就减少了正直=使衰弱就减少了力量(类)falter: act=stammer: speak 蹒跚是不流畅地行动=结巴是不流畅地说(类)euphemism: offense=prevarication: truth 婉言则不会冒犯=说谎则不会真实(类)disjunctive: unity = nominal: significance 分离的:统一=有名无实的:重要性(类)frosty: cordiality= laconic: garrulity 冷淡的:热心=简洁的:啰嗦(反义关系)(类)perilous: danger= surreptitious: secrecy 危险的:危险=隐秘的:隐秘(类)topsy-turvy: disorder= dormant: quiescent 混乱的就很混乱= 不活跃的就不活跃(正面特征)(类)lethargic: rouse= stable: topple 唤醒消除了无精打采的状态=使不稳定消除了稳定的状态(消除关系)(类)hilarious: laughter= odious: disgust=contemptible: distain 非常好笑的引人发笑= 令人厌烦的就令人厌烦=可鄙的引人鄙视(正面特征)(类)hilarious: funny = hoary: old 极有趣的>有趣的=极老的>老的(程度类比)(类)hilarious: laugh = macabre: shudder 非常好笑的引人发笑=骇人的令人颤抖(类)unversed:familiarity=footloose: attachment不熟练的:熟悉=没有限制的:附属(类)doggerel: verse= potboiler : article 歪诗是一种不正式的诗=粗制的作品是一种不正式的作品(不正式与一般)(类)mercurial: mood=fickle: affection=whimsical: behavior 善变的情绪=易变的感情=易变的行为(形容词修饰名词)(类)mercurial: committed=profligate: solvent善变的:忠于=挥霍的:有偿还能力的(类)mercurial: constancy =scurrilous: propriety 粗俗下流的缺乏礼节(缺乏关系)(类)factionalism :consensus = criminality: law 党派之争则破坏一致同意=犯罪则破坏法律(违背关系)(类)consensus: factionalism=expedition: footdragging 一致同意:党派之争=迅速:拖延(反义关系)(类)maladroit: adeptness= intractable :complaisance笨拙的:熟练=倔强的:顺从(类)maladroit: skill=glib: profundity 笨拙的缺乏技巧=油腔滑调的缺乏深度(类)sprain: injure= influenza: disease 扭伤是一种伤害=流行性感冒是一种疾病(类)sprain: injure=cold: contagion 扭伤是一种伤害=感冒是一种传染病(种属关系)(类)digress: excursive=reiterate: redundant 离题是离题的=反复说是多余的(类)digress: subject = stray: group 离题则偏离主题=迷路则偏离团体(偏离关系)(类)digress: topic = detour: route 离题则偏离主题=绕路而行则偏离路线(类)digressive: topic=aberrant: standard 离题的偏离主题=脱离常轨的则偏离标准(类)digressive: topic=random: pattern 离题的则缺乏主题=随机的则缺乏模式(类)digressive: statement=circuitous: route 离题的陈述是不直接的陈述=迂回的线路是不直接的线路(形容词修饰名词)(类)nibble: eat= glean: acquire 小口吃:吃=小获得:获得(小与一般)(类)nibble: gobble= sip: quaff /swill 小口咬<大口吃=小口喝<大口喝(程度类比)(类)beige: hue= iron: metal 浅褐色是一种色彩=铁是一种金属(种属关系)(类)ill-bred: manners= effete: vitality 粗野的缺乏礼貌=衰弱的缺乏精力(类)unruly: authority=refractory: change 难驾驭的抗拒权威=倔强的抗拒改变(类)bolster: support=leash: restraint 支撑结构用来支撑=皮带用来束缚(类)bolster: strength=whet: sharpness 鼓励使力量增强=磨快使锋利度增大(类)gossamer: substance= lean: fat 轻薄的缺乏实体=瘦的缺乏脂肪(缺乏关系)(类)disaffected: rebel = officious: meddle 叛逆的:叛逆=多管闲事的:管闲事(类)expedition: foot-dragging=consensus: factionalism 迅速:缓慢=一致意见:党派之争(反义关系)(类)expedition: traveler= choir: singer 旅行者组成远征队=歌手组成合唱团(类)proselytize: convert=grandstand: impress=salesperson: buy=hunter: quarry(类)frenzy: emotion = convulsion: contraction 狂暴>激动=剧烈收缩>收缩(类)frenzy: calmness = inhibition : abandon 疯狂:平静= 自制:放纵(反义关系)(类)frenetic: serenity= splenetic: geniality 狂乱的:安静的=易怒的:和蔼的(类)frenetic: energetic = obdurate : firm 狂热的:精力充沛的=固执的:坚定的(类)frenetic: energetic=obstinate: firm 狂热的:精力充沛的=固执的:坚定的(类)confession: culpability = testimonial: appreciation 认错表示有错=奖状表示欣赏(正面特征)(类)restrain: temperate=persist: tenacious 节制:节制的=坚持:坚持的(类)irrepressible: restraint=irreproachable: blame 无法抑制的无法被抑制=无可指责的无法被指责(反面特征)(类)restraint: rakish=assiduity: slothful 抑制:放荡的=勤勉:偷懒的(反义关系)(类)invective: discredit=exhortation: motivate 谩骂则使丢脸=劝告则激发(类)invective: abusive=polemic: disputatious 谩骂的:辱骂的=好争论的:好争辩的(类)atrophy: muscle=corrode: metal 萎缩消除肌肉=腐蚀使金属减少一层(类)canning: vegetables= smoking: meat 灌装蔬菜可以长久保存=烟熏肉类可以长久保存(前者是为了后者长期保存所做的处理方式)(类)dehydrate: water=fatigue: repose/rest 脱水:加水=使疲劳:休息(反义关系)(类)dehydrate: moisture=desertification: vegetation=descent: altitude (类)enervate: vitality=debase: value=hamstring: effectiveness(类)obsessed: absorbed= ravenous: hungry [ravenous狼吞虎咽的](类)obsessed: concern= agonized: distress= intransigent: firm(程度关系)(类)obsessed: attracted=intimate: close=rash: adventurous(程度关系)(类)parody: style=mime: gesture 恶搞模仿风格=哑剧模仿手势(正面特征)(类)spoof: parody=nicety: distinction(轻微与一般)(类)anecdote: narrative= simile: comparison= skit: play (种属关系)(类)anecdote: novel= ditty: oratorio简单的歌曲:长篇复杂宗教歌曲(短小对长)(类)abstract: treatise=abbreviation: sentence=synopsis: narrative(类)blandishment: coax= explanation: enlighten= threat: intimidate= prevarication: deceive= obstacle: impede(事物及其功能)(类)sporadic : continuity = airtight: leak(反面特征)(类)spurn: contempt=apologize: regret (动作极其表达心里感情)(类)recantation: testimony = rescission: legislation 取消证词=废除立法(类)recantation: heresy=apostasy: faith 放弃异教=背叛信仰(动宾关系)(类)recantation: error=confession: crime 公开承认错误=招供罪行(动宾关系)(类)husbandry: dissipate=alacrity: procrastinate 节俭:浪费=敏捷:拖延(类)dissipation: temperance=fecundity: sterility 放荡:自我节制=多产:贫瘠(类)shift: laborer= generation: individual 一代人:人=一班工人:工人(类)population : mortality=membership : absenteeism 死亡率是人口中“没了的”人的百分比=旷工率是全体成员中“没了的”人的百分比(类)gluttony: food= avarice: money 贪吃的人追求食物=贪婪的人追求钱(类)glutton: overindulgence= ascetic: self-denial 贪食者过度放纵=禁欲者自我克制(类)gluttony: eating= prodigality: spending 暴食>吃=挥霍>花费(程度类比)(类)gluttonous: restraint =adventuresome: caution(反面特征)(类)molar: tooth= rib: bone= tail: appendage(种属关系)(类)haven: danger= nirvana: suffering 安全的地方没有危险=天堂里没有痛苦(类)haste: plodder= courtesy: boor 匆忙:沉重缓慢行走的人=礼貌:粗鲁不敏感的人(类)marvel: quotidian= defuse: controversial 平凡不会使人惊奇,有争议不会平息(类)egalitarian: equity= meliorism: progress 平等主义则追求平等=世界改良论则追求进步(类)frenzy: emotion= convulsion: contraction 狂暴>激动=剧烈收缩>收缩(类)frenetic: energetic= obdurate/ obstinate: firm 固执的:坚定的(褒贬关系)(类)frenetic: movement= fanatical: belief 疯狂的运动=疯狂的信念(类)frenetic: agitated= erudite: literate 狂乱的>不安的=博学的>有文化的(类)perishables: refrigerator= money: safe 容易腐烂的东西(位置关系)(类)browbeat: intimidation= wiretap: surveillance 窃听是为了监视=威逼为了恐吓(类)scrupulous: integrity= perceptive: insight有洞察力的则有洞察力(正面特征)(反)frenetic→unhurried 狂热的→从容不迫的(反)obstruct→facilitate/ abet 妨碍→促进/协助(反)obstructionist→one who facilitates 妨碍着→促进者(反)affable→irascible/ testy 和蔼的→易怒的/暴躁的(反)above reproach→nefarious/scurvy/culpable/ opprobrious(反)deliberate→impetuous/ instinctive 审慎的→冲动的/本能的,出自于冲动的(反)ubiquitous→unique 普遍的→独特的(反)ubiquity→rarity 普遍存在→稀有(反)fathom→find impenetrable 彻底理解→不能理解的(反)readily fathomable→occult 已理解透的→秘密的(反)unfathomable→measurable 无法测量的→可测量的(反)obviate→make necessary 使不必要→使必要(反)ferocious→mild 残忍的→温柔的(反)affix→detach 粘贴→分离(反)asymmetry→equilibrium 不对称→平衡(反)delegate→assume responsibility 委派工作→承担责任(反)obsolescence→currency 废弃→流行,通用(反)rigmarole→straightforward talk 冗长的废话→直截了当的话(反)implicit→unequivocal 不言明的→毫不含糊的(反)marginal→pivotal 边沿的,不重要的→中枢的,重要的(反)unavailing→useful 无用的→有用的(反)cachet→mark of disapprobation 同意的标志→不同意的标志(反)graft→disjoin 嫁接,结合→分离(反)skirt→seek/face 回避→寻求/面对(反)skirt→pass the center directly 绕走→穿过中央(反)skirt→confront 回避→面对(反)hem→exclude 包围→将……排除在外(反)vindicate→confirm guilt/calumniate/impugn 使无罪→定罪/诽谤/责难(反)vindicate→denigrate 使无罪→诋毁(反)denigrate→honor 诋毁→给以……荣誉(反)denigrate →vindicate 使无罪→诋毁(反)scruple→amorality 良心不安→不讲道德(反)elucidate→obfuscate 阐明→使困惑(反)elucidate→garble 阐明→混淆(反)elucidate→obscure 阐明→晦涩(反)elucidate→perplex 阐明→使困惑(反)quibble→endorse 吹毛求疵→支持赞同(反)endorse→deprecate/impugn/oppose publicly/ quibble 支持→抗议/指责/公然反对/吹毛求疵(反)fawn→domineer 阿谀奉承→傲慢专横(反)deplore→accolade/extol/commend/laud/applaud 谴责→赞美(反)babble/waffle→express succinctly 不明确地说→简洁地表达(反)babbler→drawler 快速说话的人→慢慢说话的人(反)feisty→impassive 急躁易怒的→冷漠无感情的(反)cascade→cataract 小瀑布→大瀑布(反)domineer→fawn 傲慢专横→阿谀奉承(反)relish→despise 喜欢→轻视(不喜欢)(反)valorous→craven 胆大的→胆小的(反)tempestuous→serene 暴乱的→安静的(反)obedient→contumacious/imperial 顺从的→顽固的/最高权力的(反)subside →promote (地位)下降→提升(反)subside →withhold pressure 下沉→抗压(反)subside →surge 下降→猛增(反)vulgarize →rarefy 使大众化→使深奥(反)rarefy →concentrate /condense /make denser 使稀薄→使稠密(反)rarefaction →condensation 稀薄→压缩(反)savory →noisome 美味的→难闻的(反)unsavory→palatable 难吃的→美味的(反)resilience →inelasticity 弹力→无弹性(反)resilience →unable to adjust/ unable to recover 恢复能力→不能调整/不能(反)resilient →brittle 不易损坏的→易坏的(反)encumber →remove impediment 阻碍→去除阻碍(反)encumber →cast off 使负重担→放松,解放(反)fecundity →deprivation 多产→失去(反)fecundity →aridity 肥沃多产→干旱贫瘠(反)lofty →ignominious 崇高的→可耻的(反)lofty →mean 崇高的→卑鄙的(反)lofty →inferior 崇高的→次等的,较劣的(品德、价值等)(反)lofty →cast down 提高的→下降的(反)stultify →stir/excite 抑制→激起/刺激(反)stultify →inspire 抑制→激励(反)stultifying →exciting/stirring 抑制的→使人激动的/激动人心的(反)stolid →excitable 感情麻木的→易兴奋的(反)stolid →emotional 感情麻木的→感性的,易受情感煽动或影响的(反)palaver →serious discourse 闲谈→严肃的对话(反)favoritism →impartiality 偏袒偏爱→公正无私(反)overwrought →impassive 过度兴奋的→冷漠的(反)sequel →prelude 续篇→前言(反)faddish →classic 流行一时的→经久不衰的(反)aridity →fecundity 干旱贫瘠→肥沃多产(反)truncate →prolong 截短→延长(反)solicitous →unconcerned 关心的→不关心的(反)solicitude →indifference 挂念→冷漠(反)credulity →skepticism 轻信→怀疑(反)forthright →furtive 直率的→偷偷摸摸的(反)personable →unattractive 吸引人的→不吸引人的(反)personable →notorious 吸引人的→臭名昭著的(反)benignant →vicious 仁慈的→恶毒的(反)benign →pernicious 有利的→有害的(反)fictitious →factual 虚构的,假设的→事实的(反)fictitious →authentic 虚构的,假设的→真实的(反)ascetic →sumptuous 禁欲的→奢侈的(反)ascetic →sybarite 禁欲者→奢侈逸乐的人(反)ascetic →hedonist 禁欲者→享乐主义者。



第 22卷第 3期2023年 3月Vol.22 No.3Mar.2023软件导刊Software Guide融合注意力机制的知识图谱推荐模型李君,倪晓军(南京邮电大学计算机学院、软件学院、网络空间安全学院,江苏南京 210000)摘要:知识图谱在推荐领域得到了广泛关注,通常被用来作为辅助信息嵌入到推荐模型中,以更好地缓解传统推荐算法数据稀疏和冷启动问题。


因此,提出一种基于 FGCNN 与 MKR 的融合注意力机制的知识图谱推荐模型(BAKR)。

首先,利用 FGCNN 的 Feature Generation 模块提取用户和物品的特征向量;其次,使用知识图谱获取实体之间的依赖关系,将隐含的辅助信息嵌入到模型中,再通过注意力机制重新分配用户的偏好权重值,进而更好地协助推荐任务,提高推荐性能;最后,在 MovieLens-1M 数据集和Book-Crossing数据集上进行仿真实验。


关键词:推荐模型;知识图谱;注意力机制DOI:10.11907/rjdk.222429开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):中图分类号:TP391.3 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-7800(2023)003-0118-07Knowledge Graph Recommendation Model Integrating Attention MechanismLI Jun, NI Xiao-jun(School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210000, China)Abstract:Knowledge graph has received extensive attention in the field of recommendation, and it is often used as auxiliary information to be embedded in recommendation models to better alleviate the data sparsity and cold start problems of traditional recommendation algorithms. However, the input vector of some models is relatively sparse, and the feature interaction between users and items is not fully explored, which makes the representation between users and items less accurate and affects the performance of the model. Therefore, a knowledge graph recom⁃mendation model (BAKR) based on the fusion attention mechanism of FGCNN and MKR is proposed. First, FGCNN′s Feature Generation module is used to extract feature vectors of users and items. Secondly, the knowledge graph is used to obtain the dependencies between enti⁃ties, embed the implied auxiliary information into the model, and then redistribute the user′s preference weight value through the attention mechanism to better assist the recommendation task and improve the recommendation performance. Finally, simulation experiments are car⁃ried out on the MovieLens-1M and Book-Crossing dataset, and the experimental results show that the accuracy of the model for the recommen⁃dation effect is significantly improved.Key Words:recommendation system; knowledge graph; attention mechanism0 引言随着信息化社会的发展,其产生的数据量进一步爆炸式增长[1],人们所面临的问题不再是信息匮乏,而是如何从海量数据中获取用户需要的信息(如商品、电影、书籍等)。

Pushpush and push-1 are np-hard in 2d

Pushpush and push-1 are np-hard in 2d
PushPush and Push-1 are NP-hard in 2D
Erik D. Demaine
Martin L. Demaine
Joseph O'Rourkey
arXiv:cs.CG/0007021 v2 3 Sep 2000
We prove that two pushing-blocks puzzles are intractable in 2D. One of our constructions improves an earlier result that established intractability in 3D OS99] for a puzzle inspired by the game PushPush. The second construction answers a question we raised in DDO00] for a variant we call Push-1. Both puzzles consist of unit square blocks on an integer lattice; all blocks are movable. An agent may push blocks (but never pull them) in attempting to move between given start and goal positions. In the PushPush version, the agent can only push one block at a time, and moreover when a block is pushed it slides the maximal extent of its free range. In the Push-1 version, the agent can only push one block one square at a time, the minimal extent|one square. Both NP-hardness proofs are by reduction from SAT, and rely on a common construction.



单像空间后方交会原理英文In the realm of photogrammetry, the concept of single-image space resection is fundamental. It's like using a photo to reconstruct the position and attitude of the camera that captured it. It's all about the geometry, the math, and the art of turning two-dimensional images into three-dimensional insights.You know, when you're looking at a photo, it's just a flat representation of the world. But with space resection, we can actually go back and figure out where the camera was positioned and how it was oriented when that snapshot was taken. It's kind of like reverse engineering a photo, if you will.The process involves matching points on the image with known ground control points. Think of it like a puzzle where you have to line up the pieces just right. Onceyou've got those points aligned, you can start calculating the camera's position and orientation. It's pretty amazingwhen you think about it.And it's not just about the camera. Space resection also tells us about the objects in the photo. We can get a sense of their size, shape, and even their position in the real world. It's like opening a window into a different dimension.In a nutshell, single-image space resection is a powerful tool that helps us understand the three-dimensional world through two-dimensional images. It's a bit of magic, a bit of science, and a whole lot of fascinating stuff in between.。



留白艺术英语作文Title: The Art of Negative Space: Exploring the Beauty of Minimalism。

In the realm of art, where every stroke, every line, and every detail holds significance, there exists a concept that embraces the power of absence – the art of negative space. Often overlooked or underestimated, negative space is the area around and between the subjects of an image. However, within this emptiness lies a profound artistic expression that captivates viewers and challenges conventional perceptions. In this essay, we delve into the enchanting world of negative space artistry, exploring its origins, techniques, and its timeless allure.Negative space art traces its roots back to ancient cultures, where artists utilized the interplay between positive and negative space to convey symbolic meanings and evoke emotions. In ancient Chinese brush paintings, the deliberate use of empty space was as crucial as the inkedstrokes themselves, fostering a sense of harmony and balance. Similarly, Japanese Zen gardens employed negative space to create serene landscapes that encouraged contemplation and meditation.In the Western art tradition, negative space gained prominence during the Renaissance period, particularly in the works of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Their mastery of chiaroscuro, the use of light and shadow, allowed them to manipulate negative space to enhance the drama and depth of their compositions. This innovative approach paved the way for future artists to experiment with the concept, leading to the emergence of movements like Minimalism and Abstract Expressionism in the 20th century.One of the most iconic examples of negative space art is the logo design for the FedEx corporation. Designed by Lindon Leader in 1994, the logo features a simple arrangement of the letters 'F' and 'E,' with an arrow subtly formed between them in the negative space. This clever use of negative space not only reinforces thecompany's commitment to forward motion and efficiency but also demonstrates the power of minimalism in communication and branding.Technically, creating art with negative space requires a keen understanding of composition, balance, and visual perception. Artists must learn to see beyond the tangible subjects and embrace the void as an integral part of the artwork. Through strategic placement and manipulation of positive and negative elements, they can guide the viewer's gaze and evoke specific emotions or narratives.Several techniques can be employed to effectivelyutilize negative space in art. One such technique isfigure-ground reversal, where the relationship between the foreground and background is inverted to create optical illusions and ambiguity. Another technique is implied line, where the absence of a physical line is suggested through the arrangement of surrounding elements, leading theviewer's eye along an invisible path.Beyond its aesthetic appeal, negative space artpossesses a unique ability to engage the viewer's imagination and provoke introspection. By leaving room for interpretation and inviting active participation, it encourages viewers to contemplate the significance of emptiness in their own lives. In a world inundated with visual stimuli and noise, negative space offers a sanctuary for quiet reflection and mindfulness.In conclusion, the art of negative space transcends mere visual representation, offering a profound insightinto the nature of perception and existence. From ancient Eastern traditions to contemporary design principles, its influence permeates through the annals of art history, continually challenging and inspiring artists to push the boundaries of creativity. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, let us not overlook the beauty and power of emptiness, for within its depths lie infinite possibilities waiting to be discovered.。



Chinese Traditional Ink and Wash PaintingChinese traditional ink and wash painting, also knownas Chinese brush painting, is a unique art form deeply rooted in the rich cultural soil of China. It dates back thousands of years, evolving and refining over time, to become a symbol of Chinese aesthetics and philosophy. This genre of painting, characterized by its subtle use of black ink and washes of color, is not just a visualrepresentation but a profound expression of the artist's inner world and feelings.The essence of ink and wash painting lies in its simplicity and abstraction. With just a few strokes of the brush, the artist captures the essence of a scene or an object, often leaving much to the imagination of the viewer. The use of ink is particularly noteworthy, with various shades and thicknesses created by varying the pressure and angle of the brush. This allows for a vast range of expressions, from delicate and ethereal to bold and powerful.Moreover, the concept of "yi" (meaning, intention, or spirit) is central to ink and wash painting. It refers tothe intangible quality that transcends the physical representation and connects with the viewer's emotional and spiritual realm. This "yi" is often achieved through the artist's manipulation of space, line, and color, creating a harmonious and balanced composition that resonates deeply with the viewer.The subject matter of ink and wash painting is diverse, ranging from landscapes, flowers and birds, to figures and narratives. Each subject is approached with a unique set of techniques and styles, reflecting the artist'sindividuality and interpretation. For instance, landscape paintings often emphasize the vastness and tranquility of nature, while flower and bird paintings tend to capture the delicacy and vitality of these elements.The influence of ink and wash painting extends beyond the boundaries of China, having influenced many artists and art movements worldwide. Its abstract and impressionistic qualities have resonated with modern artists, who have drawn inspiration from its unique visual language and expressive power.In conclusion, Chinese traditional ink and washpainting is not just a visual art form; it is a profound cultural and philosophical expression. It embodies the essence of Chinese aesthetics, philosophy, and spirituality, offering a unique perspective on the world and the human experience. Its timeless beauty and profound meaning continue to inspire and captivate both within and beyond China.**中国传统水墨画**中国传统水墨画,又称国画,是深深植根于中国丰富文化土壤中的一种独特艺术形式。



你怎么用自己头像英语作文Title: How I Used My Avatar: Exploring Identity and Expression。

In today's digital age, the concept of self-expression has evolved dramatically. We now navigate social spaces both physically and virtually, with our online personas often reflecting unique facets of our identity. Recently, I had the opportunity to reflect on this dynamic through an exploration of my own avatar—a personalized digital representation of myself. This essay delves into my experience of using my avatar and the deeper meanings behind this mode of expression.The process of selecting and using my avatar began with introspection. I considered how I wanted to present myself in the digital realm—a space where traditional boundaries of identity can blur. My avatar needed to capture not just my physical appearance but also convey aspects of my personality and interests. After browsing through variousstyles and options, I settled on a design that felt authentic to me—a stylized depiction that mirrored my love for creativity and adventure.One significant aspect of using my avatar was its role in social interactions. In online forums and virtual communities, avatars often serve as our initialintroduction to others. My avatar became a visual representation through which I connected with like-minded individuals, sharing ideas and engaging in discussions. Interestingly, I observed how the perception of my avatar influenced the tone and nature of these interactions. It was a reminder that even in the digital world, first impressions matter.Moreover, my avatar became a canvas for self-exploration. As I experimented with different designs and variations, I discovered new dimensions of myself. Each adjustment—whether a change in hairstyle or attire—reflected shifts in my own understanding of identity. It was a dynamic process of self-discovery, one that blurred the boundaries between the physical and virtual realms.Beyond personal exploration, using my avatar alsoraised broader questions about representation and authenticity online. In a space where anyone can create a digital persona, how do we navigate the line between authenticity and idealization? This question resonated deeply with me as I considered the values I wished to embody through my avatar—transparency, integrity, and respect.Furthermore, the experience of using my avatar highlighted the power of visual storytelling. In a world inundated with information, images often speak louder than words. My avatar became a silent storyteller, conveying snippets of my narrative to those who encountered it online. This realization underscored the importance of visualliteracy in the digital era.As my journey with my avatar progressed, I began to appreciate its role as an evolving symbol of self-expression. Much like an artist refining their masterpiece, I continuously revisited and refined my avatar, aligning itmore closely with my evolving sense of self. In doing so, I discovered the liberating ability to shape and redefine identity in the digital landscape—a realization that was both empowering and humbling.In conclusion, the experience of using my avatar transcended mere digital representation. It became ajourney of self-discovery, a canvas for personal expression, and a mirror reflecting the complexities of identity in the modern world. Through this exploration, I learned that our avatars are not just pixels on a screen; they areextensions of ourselves, embodying stories waiting to be told. As technology continues to reshape our interactions, the significance of these digital representations will only grow, offering us new avenues for self-expression and connection.。



Compressed Sensing of Complex Sinusoids:An Approach Based on Dictionary RefinementLei Hu,Zhiguang Shi,Jianxiong Zhou,and Qiang FuAbstract—In the existing compressed sensing(CS)theory,the accurate reconstruction of an unknown signal lies in the awareness of its sparsifying dictionary.For the signal represented by afinite sum of complex sinusoids,however,it is impractical to set afixed sparsifying Fourier dictionary prior to signal reconstruction due to our ignorance of the signal’s component frequencies.To address this,we model the sparsifying Fourier dictionary as a parameter-ized dictionary,with the sampled frequency grid points treated as the underlying parameters.Consequently,the sparsifying dictionary is refinable during the signal reconstruction process, and its refinement can be accomplished via the adjustment of the frequency grid.Furthermore,based on the philosophy of the variational expectation-maximization(EM)algorithm,we develop a novel recovery algorithm for CS of complex sinusoids.The algorithm achieves joint sparse representation recovery and spar-sifying dictionary refinement by successively executing steps of signal coefficients estimation and dictionary parameters optimiza-tion.Simulation results under different conditions demonstrate that compared to the state-of-the-art CS recovery methods,the proposed algorithm achieves much higher signal reconstruction accuracy,and yields superior performance both in suppressing additive noise in measurements and in reconstructing signals with closely-spaced component frequencies.Index Terms—Complex sinusoids,compressed sensing,dictio-nary refinement,EM algorithm,variational Bayesian inference.I.I NTRODUCTIONA S an emerging and promisingfield,compressed sensing(CS)has received widespread attention and detailed in-vestigations over the past few years.Unlike the conventional sampling mechanism,the theory of CS advocates sampling the original signal by correlating it with a group of different wave-forms.Let represent the unknown original signal of length.Then the signal sampling model for CS can be ex-pressed as(1) where is a vector of signal measurements with ,is the measurement matrix andManuscript received March24,2011;revised September04,2011and March 01,2012;accepted March22,2012.Date of publication April05,2012;date of current version June12,2012.The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof.Raviv Raich.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants60972113and61101179.The authors are with the ATR Key Laboratory,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha,Hunan410073,P.R.China(e-mail: vanilla_hugh_hl@).Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TSP.2012.2193392represents the measurement noise.The principal result of CS [1]–[6]shows that if is sparse or compressible with respect to some dictionary,then under certain conditions it can be ac-curately reconstructed with overwhelming probability from the under-sampled measurements by appropriate sparse recovery methods.By now,such methods are abundant and range from convex programming[7],[8]to greedy algorithms[9]–[11]and sparse Bayesian learning[12]–[14].To date there have been applications of compressed sensing in diversefields,e.g.,medical imaging[15],radar and remote sensing[16]–[19],sensor networks[20]and wireless commu-nications[21],[22].In this paper,we focus on CS of complex sinusoids.More specifically,in this paper we will manage to accurately reconstruct signals composed of a few complex sinusoids from the under-sampled measurements.As already known,the superposition of complex sinusoids is usually adopted as the signal model to describe signals considered in various applications—source localization,radar imaging, communication channel estimation and seismic data analysis to name a few.Therefore,the investigation on CS of complex sinusoids is of practical significance.However,it is a challenging task to accurately reconstruct complex sinusoids based on the existing CS recovery methods. This is mainly because for an unknown signal consisting of complex sinusoids with unknown frequencies,it is difficult to preset a dictionary to sparsely represent it.Atfirst glance,it ap-pears that the natural choice for the sparsifying dictionary of is the discrete Fourier transform(DFT)basis,an ma-trix with the-th column given by,.However,this is true only in the contrived case when all component frequencies of appear in the frequency lattice of the DFT basis;otherwise,due to the existence of spec-tral leakage,is not exactly sparse on the DFT basis,and more-over,because the amplitude decay of the spectral leakage is quite slow,is actually hardly compressible with respect to the DFT basis[23].As a result,the attainable performance in recon-structing is unsatisfactorily poor if we adopt the DFT basis as the sparsifying dictionary(see experimental results and discus-sions in[23],[24],for example).To account for this,Candès et al.[5],[6]recommended that one should adopt the over-sampled DFT matrix as the sparsifying dictionary.An over-sampled DFT matrix is a Fourier dictionary with the sampled frequency grid points taken over smaller evenly-spaced inter-vals,or over intervals of varying lengths.Due to itsflexibility in choosing the sampled frequency grid,the oversampled DFT is moreflexible for the purpose of sparsely representing and thus has the potential to result in good signal reconstruction per-formance in some circumstances(see the discussions and sim-1053-587X/$31.00©2012IEEEulation results in[19]).Duarte et al.[23]proposed a suite of re-covery algorithms for CS of complex sinusoids by incorporating the model-based CS[25]philosophy into the signal reconstruc-tion process.The model-based CS suggests that one leverage the inherent signal models other than sparsity and compress-ibility to regularize the signal recovery procedure.Hopefully, by exploiting more realistic signal models(e.g.,the line-spectral model of complex sinusoids),the reconstruction performance for CS of complex sinusoids will be improved.In this paper,we propose a novel signal recovery algorithm for CS of complex sinusoids.To overcome the difficulty in pre-setting the sparsifying Fourier dictionary,we model the Fourier dictionary as a parameterized dictionary,with its sampled fre-quency grid points viewed as the adjustable parameters.In this way,the sparsifying dictionary becomes a refinable one and its refinement can be achieved through the adjustment of the sam-pled frequency grid points.Following this idea,we present a framework for joint sparse representation recovery and sparsi-fying dictionary refinement based on the variational expecta-tion-maximization(EM)algorithm.This framework results in an iterative algorithm,which cycles through steps of signal co-efficients estimation and dictionary parameters optimization.To substantiate the algorithm,we present experimental results on various settings.These results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.It is worth noting that the idea of dictionary refinement has been employed in contexts of overcomplete representation.In the context of matching pursuit(MP)decompositions of signals, Jacques et al.[26]investigated the effect of the discretization of the continuous space of dictionary parameters on the conver-gence of the MP algorithm.Formally,they analyzed how the rate of convergence of the continuous MP is affected by the discretization of the dictionary parameters.Also,they demon-strated that a simple geometric gradient ascent optimization can be exploited to improve the convergence rate of the discrete MP.Motivated by the need to characterize the phenomenon of migratory scattering centers in wide-angle synthetic aperture radar(SAR),Varshney et al.[27]proposed a coordinate descent method for jointly refining a parameterized dictionary and re-covering a sparse representation using that dictionary.To cor-rect phase errors in SAR imaging problem,Önhon et al.[28] treated the phase error as an unknown parameter of the obser-vation dictionary of the considered imaging system.Meanwhile, they developed an iterative algorithm which alternates between image formation and dictionary refinement.In the area of source localization based on sparse representations,Malioutov et al.[29]proposed a dictionary refinement method to mitigate the ef-fects of confining locations estimates to a pre-determined spatial grid.In this method,the dictionary refinement is accomplished via iteratively refining the spatial grid.The methodfirst uses a coarse grid to obtain the approximate knowledge of the loca-tions of the sources,and then makes the gridfine only around the regions where sources are present.In the context of harmonic signal retrieval using sparse recovery methods,Cabrera et al.[30]–[32]introduced an adaptive dictionary refinement method to improve the frequency resolution in cases where the signal’s frequencies are not on the initially chosen grid.Note that this method works in a fashion similar to the approach proposed in [29].Unlike the above methods,the approach proposed in this paper works within the framework of the variational EM algo-rithm,which makes us free from subjectively choosing the pa-rameter for sparse representation recovery and the cost function for dictionary parameters optimization.The rest of this paper is organized as follows.In Section II, we present the data model utilized for this work,including the signal model and the sampling model.Section III develops our proposed reconstruction algorithm for CS of complex sinusoids. Section IV validates the proposed algorithm by conducting a se-ries of numerical experiments and comparing the algorithm with the state-of-the-art CS recovery methods.Finally,Section V concludes the paper and provides some ideas for future work.II.D ATA M ODELAssume that the original signal can be represented by a finite sum of complex sinusoids of the form(2) where is the model order,denotes the-th component frequency and is the complex amplitude corresponding to.For an arbitrary frequency,let(3) Then,the signal model in(2)can be expressed in vector-matrix form as(4) where,,and.Now,given the measurement matrix,the under-sam-pled measurements of the original signal are generated ac-cording to the CS sampling model(1).To guarantee the signal reconstruction performance,the theory of CS typically advo-cates random matrices as the perfect candidates for[2].How-ever,when is designed to be some random matrix,it is neces-sary to devise a new sampling scheme to obtain the samples from the analog signal corresponding to.On the other hand, if is chosen as such a matrix whose function is extracting partial elements from randomly,then can be readily ob-tained from the corresponding analog signal just using the con-ventional analog-to-digital converter and simple clock design. Another example application of this sampling scheme lies in the area of CS-based stepped frequency radar imaging[33],in which one hopes to construct the target high resolution image from radar measurements obtained only at a random subset of the conventional complete frequencies.Note that in this appli-cation the relationship between the partial measurements and the target responses over complete frequencies can be exactly formulated by the above sampling scheme.Based on the above considerations,we choose as that type of matrix in this paper. (In the sequel,we will refer to such matrices as“randomly extracting matrices”.)In fact,this sampling model has beenHU et al.:COMPRESSED SENSING OF COMPLEX SINUSOIDS:AN APPROACH BASED ON DICTIONARY REFINEMENT3811adopted in a recently proposed method called the Fourier sam-pling algorithm(see[34]for a tutorial review).It is worth noting that because is known andfixed prior to signal reconstruction, the proposed algorithm is not restricted by the type of.For the signal,if is a randomly extracting matrix,then is obtained by randomly extracting noisy samples from.Consequently, the sampling model considered in this work can be formulated as(5) where T represents a set of sampling indices withand denotes the vector with ele-ments chosen from those elements of with indices in T.Specifically,T is a subset of,i.e.,.Without loss of generality,we assume the elements of T have been sorted ascendingly in the sequel.It is worth noting that under sampling model(5)reconstruc-tion of can be interpreted as a problem of signal reconstruc-tion from nonuniform samples.Actually,there are several other methods for such a problem besides the CS-based one(see[35] and references therein).However,these methods usually rely on certain constraints on the sampling instants or on the un-derlying unknown signal to be reconstructed[35].In contrast, the CS-based method generally assumes random sampling in-stants and achieves accurate signal reconstruction mainly via exploiting the sparsity property of the signal to be reconstructed. Noting that is intrinsically sparse in the frequency domain and the sampling instants in T are randomly generated,we can see that the CS-based method is perfectlyfit for reconstructing from the random samples.Thus,we resort to CS for accu-rately reconstructing from in this paper.III.CS OF C OMPLEX S INUSOIDS V IA D ICTIONARYR EFINEMENTAs already discussed,since the component frequencies of are not known a priori,it is difficult to preset afixed Fourier dictionary which is capable of representing sparsely.Thus, we adopt a refinable Fourier dictionary during the recovery of ,hoping that the reconstruction performance will be improved via dictionary refinement.Naturally,the Fourier dictionary can be viewed as a type of parameterized dictionary;the underlying parameter is the sampled frequency grid.For an arbitrary fre-quency grid,there exists a corresponding Fourier dictionary,which is constructed as follows:(6) Following this idea,when the component frequencies of are unknown,we would like to model the sparsifying dictionary of as a Fourier dictionary,with the sampled frequency grid viewed as an unknown parameter to be optimized.Then, by optimizing iteratively during the signal reconstruction process,we are able to refine the dictionary gradually. Hopefully,as the current frequency grid approaches some fre-quency sequence which contains all component frequencies of,the dictionary will approach a true sparsifying dictionary of.Suppose is a vector of the sparsest representation coeffi-cients of with respect to.Then,the sampling model (5)can be reformulated as(7) where denotes the matrix with rows chosen from those rows of with indices in T.Consequently,the task of reconstructing can be regarded as recovering and from based on the model given in(7).On closer inspection, however,it can be seen that it is actually not necessary to fully recover and.Instead,it is only required to recover those el-ements of that correspond to the component frequencies of and those elements of that have nonzero magnitudes.There-fore,we hope the signal reconstruction algorithm can prune the current frequency grid before conducting optimization over it. By pruning,the algorithm retains those grid points with good fitness in synthesizing the original signal.Then,the algorithm needs only to optimize a frequency grid with reduced dimen-sionality,and its computational complexity is thus lowered.Fol-lowing this line of thought,we develop an iterative reconstruc-tion algorithm for jointly recovering and based on the philosophy of expectation-maximization(EM)algorithm.In the sampling model(7),if we treat and as stochastic and deter-ministic variables,respectively,then by utilizing EM algorithm, can be updated as a hidden variable in the E-step and can be estimated as a deterministic parameter in the M-step.Further-more,by assigning a hierarchical Gaussian prior,the sparsity property of can be exploited and,according to the size of the estimated prior variance of each element in obtained in the E-step,the current frequency grid is readily pruned[12],[13].In light of the above discussions,it can be seen that the EM-based reconstruction algorithm is required to solve the following two problems:(a)how to update the estimate of when the current frequency grid is given;(b)how to update the estimate of when the current estimate of is known.In what fol-lows we will detailedly introduce the proposed algorithm from the perspective of solving respectively the above two problems. First of all,we give a brief description of an approximate ver-sion of the EM algorithm,which is referred to as the variational EM algorithm in the literature.A.The Variational EM AlgorithmIn the area of statistical signal processing,the EM algorithm [36],[37]is known to be an effective method to obtain max-imum likelihood(ML)estimates.For some complicated prob-lems,however,since the posterior distributions of hidden vari-ables are difficult to obtain,the EM algorithm does not apply any more.To address this,D.Tzikas et al.[38]applied the new methodology termed“variational Bayesian inference”tofind the approximate posterior distributions of hidden variables and established a new type of EM algorithm,which is referred to as the variational EM algorithm.Actually,the notion of the varia-tional EM algorithm is the result of interpreting the conventional EM algorithm from a novel perspective.Consider a model with3812IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING,VOL.60,NO.7,JULY2012observed variables,hidden variables and unknown deter-ministic parameters.If we denote by the likelihood function,then for an arbitrary probability density function, the log-likelihood function can be written as(8) where(9)(10) and denotes the Kullback-Leibler divergence be-tween and.Since,we have;furthermore,if,we obtain.From(8),the parameter estimation procedure of the EM algorithm can be interpreted as an iterative process to optimize and alternately.Assume that the current estimate of the unknown parameters is.In the E-step,the algorithm maximizes with respect to .Obviously,this requires. In this case we have.In the M-step,the algorithm maximizes with respect to to give an updated estimate.It is easy to show that(11)Thus,the above two-step procedure indeed guarantees that the likelihood function is increased step by step.By substitutinginto and expanding(9), we get the objective function of the M-step,i.e.,(12)where is the expectation of with respect to.It can be seen that the successful implementation of the EM algorithm re-quires that the posterior distribution can be obtained.Unfortunately,for many complicated problems,the analytical computation of is very difficult or impossible at all.To bypass this difficulty,it is necessary to reconsider the implementation approach of the E-step.In fact, in order tofind the maximizer of,one might assume has some specific form and conduct the optimization over functions of the designated form.By doing so,one obtain the maximizer,which may then be used as an approximant to.This is the basic idea of the variational EM algorithm. More specifically,in this algorithm is designated to have the following form:(13)i.e.,is assumed to have the factorized form[39].Denotingand substituting(13)into(9),we get(The deriva-tion is found in[38].)(14) where(15) By the definition of Kullback-Leibler divergence,can be further formulated as(16) Since,it is easy to see that is maximized when.Consequently,the optimal distribution for(denoted by)can be obtained by(17) where is the expectation with respect to and const is the normalizing constant used to make a true prob-ability density function.To sum up,the main steps of the varia-tional EM algorithm are described as follows[38]:Variational E-Step:Find the updated posterior distribu-tion by using(17),with the current distribution and parameters estimate as the input con-dition.Variational M-Step:Find the updated estimate by solving.B.Update of the Representation CoefficientsIn the model(7),when the current frequency grid is given,the update of the coefficients can be accomplished via performing variational Bayesian inference in the E-step.Let denote the current sparsifying dictionary.Suppose is the matrix comprised of those rows of that are in-dexed by elements in T.Then,the model(7)can be rewritten as(18) Now,the problem to be addressed in this section is clear,i.e., how to update the estimate of based on the model described in(18).Reference[38]presents a procedure to estimate by using the variational EM algorithm,but the data it considers are all real-valued.To fulfill CS of complex sinusoids,it is desirable to render the signal reconstruction algorithm capable of dealing with complex data directly.In light of this consideration,we adopt a hierarchical complex Gaussian prior on.Note thatHU et al.:COMPRESSED SENSING OF COMPLEX SINUSOIDS:AN APPROACH BASED ON DICTIONARY REFINEMENT3813the hierarchical Gaussian prior is typically imposed on the co-efficient vector in sparse Bayesian leaning to induce sparsity and allow convenient conjugate-exponential analysis simulta-neously[12],[14].Suppose is the prior variance of the-th element of.Then,we assume the prior distribution of to be(19)where and,with de-noting the number of the current frequency grid points.The hyperparameters,,are examples of scale pa-rameters,a suitable prior for them is the Gamma distribution [40].Meanwhile,the Gamma distribution is conjugate to the Gaussian[41].Based on these considerations,we assume that ,,are i.i.d.Gamma variables.As a result,the prior distribution of is formulated as(20)where the Gamma distribution is defined as(21) with,the‘gamma function’.The mea-surement noise is assumed to be independent and complex Gaussian with zero-mean and variance equal to,that is,(22) Similar to the case for,a Gamma distribution is assumed as the prior for,i.e.,(23) From(18)and(22),we obtain the likelihood function as fol-lows:(24) By applying the variational EM algorithm and the above as-sumptions,the posterior distributions of,and can be ap-proximately calculated.Utilizing(17),we get(25)(26) and(27) Substituting(19)and(24)into(25),after some arrangement we arrive at(28)i.e.,the posterior density of is complex Gaussian with mean vector(29) and covariance matrix(30) Note that is used to denote the posterior expectation of the input variable in(29)and(30)and in the sequel.Substituting (19)and(20)into(26),it can be shown that the posterior density of is(31)where(32)(33) Substituting(23)and(24)into(27),we obtain(34) where(35)(36) In(36),denotes the trace of the input matrix.Using the above results,we are now positioned to summarize the procedure for updating the estimate of as follows:1)According to(31)–(36)and the current posterior density of,update the posterior distributions of and.2)Utilizing(28)–(30)and the current posterior densities ofand,update the posterior density of.3)Choose the current posterior mean of as its updated es-timate.It is worth pointing out that in the above procedure parameters ,,and are typically set to very small values(e.g.,),which amounts to assuming uninformative priors for and[12].C.Update of the Frequency GridIn the model(7),by treating the frequency grid as an un-known deterministic parameter,we can update its estimate in the M-step.Let,and re-spectively denote the current posterior densities of,and obtained in the E-step.According to the variational EM algo-rithm,the estimate of is updated in the M-step via the fol-lowing formulation:(37)3814IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING,VOL.60,NO.7,JULY2012where denotes the updated frequency grid.After simpli-fication(37)can be expressed as(38) Since(39) (38)can be reformulated as(40) It can be shown that(40)can be changed to(41) where and denote respectively the mean vector and co-variance matrix of.Clearly(41)is a penalized nonlinear least-squares problem.In this paper,we use the pure Newton method[42]to solve it.Let denote the objective function,i.e.,Denoting by the parameter estimation at iteration,the up-dated estimate is then computed by(43)where and respectively represent the gra-dient and Hessian evaluated at.After derivation and simpli-fication(see the Appendix),we have(44)(45) where(46)(47)(48)(49)(50)(51)(52)(53) The meanings of the above notations are described as fol-lows.The notation and denote respectively the real and imaginary parts of the input entity.For a vector,represents the diagonal matrix with the-th diagonal element,. For a matrix,is the vector with the-th element,.Finally,the symbol denotes the complex conjugate and denotes the Hadamard (elementwise)matrix product.Now,the procedure for updating the frequency grid is sum-marized as follows:1)Set the iteration count to zero and.2)Calculate the gradient and Hessian by(44)and(45),respectively.3)Check whether the convergence condition is satisfied usingand.If the condition is met,terminate and output.4)Obtain by(43).Then,shift those elements ofoutside into the main frequency interval.5)If attains a specified maximum number of iterations,terminate and output.Otherwise,increment and go to step2.The output frequency grid of the above procedure is adopted as.According to the pure Newton method,the conver-gence condition can be set to be such that the current Newton decrement falls below a specified threshold.However,it may take several iterations to attain such a criterion,which undoubt-edly increases the computational burden of the algorithm.To handle this,we use the maximum number of iterations as an-other stopping criterion,so that it is convenient for us to control the implementation complexity of the procedure to update the frequency grid.D.Signal Reconstruction ProcedureBy virtue of the results presented in the above two subsec-tions,we devise a novel CS recovery algorithm to reconstruct complex sinusoids by performing iteratively the following steps.Firstly,we form the current sparsifying dictionary by using the current frequency grid.Then, according to the current posterior density of,we update successively the posterior distributions of,and in the E-step.Finally,utilizing the updated statistics of,we obtain to update the frequency grid in the M-step.However, it is worth noting that when the dimension of the considered frequency grid is high,the computational burden of the above steps may be very large.As already discussed,we handle this problem by pruning the current frequency grid in the E-step, so that the computational complexity will decrease with the reduction in the number of the frequency grid points consid-ered.Specifically,in the E-step the reconstruction algorithm prunes the current frequency grid by thresholding of the elements in[12],[13].From(29)and(30),it can be seen that when is large enough,and will be very close toHU et al.:COMPRESSED SENSING OF COMPLEX SINUSOIDS:AN APPROACH BASED ON DICTIONARY REFINEMENT3815zero,which means that the contribution of the-th frequency grid point to signal synthesis is negligible,and thus this point is justified to be removed from the current grid.Denoting by the threshold used to measure the size of the elements in ,the pruning process of the frequency grid can be realized through(54) where represents the pruned frequency grid.We should point out that along with the pruning of the frequency grid the posterior mean vector and covariance matrix of should be pruned accordingly.Based on the above discussions,the proposed algorithm for reconstructing the signal from its under-sampled measure-ments can be summarized as follows:1)Initialization:set the initial frequency grid to bewith and form the ini-tial dictionary using.Meanwhile,initialize the posterior mean vector and covariance matrix of.2)Update respectively the posterior densities of and by(31)–(36).Then,update the posterior density of by using(29)and(30)and the current posterior densities of and.3)Prune the current frequency grid by(54).Then,prune theposterior mean vector and covariance matrix of accord-ingly.4)Update the current frequency grid utilizing(43)–(53).Then,form the updated Fourier dictionary by using the new frequency grid.5)If the halting criterion is satisfied,go to the step6;other-wise,perform steps2–4.6)Output the current frequency grid and representation coef-ficients as the estimates of the component frequencies and complex amplitudes of the ing these outputs, obtain the reconstruction by(4).Remark1:We can initialize the posterior mean vector and covariance matrix of by treating the prior distributions of and as their current posterior densities and then evaluate the current posterior density of using(28)–(30).Remark2:The computational cost of each outer iteration of the above algorithm is dominated by the evaluation of the coefficients covariance matrix in the variational E-step and the Newton optimization performed in the variational M-step. To evaluate the coefficients covariance matrix,the algorithm requires the inversion of the matrix in(30),which is with denoting the number of the current frequency grid points.This can incur a high computational cost in cases where is large.To alleviate this problem,we can utilize the matrix inversion lemma to reduce the inversion of(30)to[13],which is clearly desirable since the measurement dimension is usually much smaller than the signal dimen-sion.Additionally,it has been observed that the computational cost imposed by the variational M-step can be controlled by restricting the maximum number of iterations used in the Newton optimization(see Section IV).Remark3:By virtue of the local convergence property of the variational EM algorithm[38],the proposed algorithm is guar-anteed to be convergent.The halting criterion can be set to be such that there is no significant variation in the measurement residual or the number of outer iterations has reached the max-imal allowable value.Formally,denoting by the measure-ment residual at outer iteration,we can halt the outer iteration when or,with being some pre-de-termined small threshold and denoting the maximal allowable outer iteration number.IV.E XPERIMENTSIn this section,we present results of a series of computational experiments to demonstrate the performance of the proposed al-gorithm.In the experiments reported below,the parameters and are set to be and,respectively. Additionally,we just the maximum number of iterations of each variational M-step to one.According to the pure Newton method,the iteration to minimize the objective function in the variational M-step can be terminated when the current Newton decrement is very small.In fact,when applying the proposed al-gorithm to CS of complex sinusoids,we have seen from many experiment results that for each outer iteration of the algorithm the Newton decrement usually becomes quite small within very few iterations in the variational M-step.More importantly,em-pirical results also show that when iterating only once in the variational M-step,the decrease in the signal reconstruction ac-curacy is negligible and the increase in the computational effi-ciency is considerable.Based on these factors,we iterate only once in each variational M-step to make sure that the frequency estimates are refined effectively at the cost of the least amount of additional computational burden imposed.In thefirst experiment,we demonstrate the reconstruction performance of the proposed algorithm by applying it to a randomly generated signal.To demonstrate the advantage of the proposed algorithm in optimizing the signal sparsifying dic-tionary,we also compare the algorithm against the conventional Bayesian approach for CS recovery,i.e.the sparse Bayesian learning(SBL)method.To implement SBL efficiently,we use the incremental algorithm proposed in[43].We consider a length signal that contains complex sinusoids with frequencies uniformly distributed overand amplitudes uniformly distributed on the unit circle.The set T of sampling indices is obtained by randomly selecting a subset of with cardinality.To sim-ulate the measurement noise,we set the peak-signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR,defined as with denoting the variance of the measurement noise)to be25dB and add Gaussian noise to each of the measurements.After obtaining the measurements by(5), we implement the signal reconstruction using our proposed algorithm and the SBL method respectively.Denoting by the reconstructed signal,we measure the reconstruction accuracy by the“reconstruction signal-to-noise ratio”(RSNR),which is defined as follows:(55) Fig.1(a)–(f)demonstrate the spectra of the original and re-constructed signals,respectively.It can be seen that the recon-。



From ACM Siggraph and Sigart Interdisciplinary Workshop on Motion: Representation and Perception (pp. 11-16), Toronto, April 4-6 (1983).THE PERCEPTION OF COHERENT MOTION IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL PATTERNSEdward H. AdelsonRCA David Sarnoff Research CenterandJ. Anthony MovshonNew York UniversityIntroductionWhen one looks at a two-dimensional scene of moving objects, one can usually assign avelocity to each point in that scene withlittle effort. This suggests that some early visual processes are able to generate a two-dimensional velocity map using fast parallel computations. But it is not obvious how this should be done, and we are currently trying to understand how the human visual system does it.If moving patterns were merely one-dimensional, the visual system's task would be easier. One dimensional motion can be signaled by cells such as those described by Barlow and Hill in rabbit (1963); these units compare responses of two adjacent regions on the retina at two successive moments of time. Combinations of such cells can signal the one-dimensional velocity of a moving edge, bar, or other contour.But the retinal image is two-dimensional, and the problem becomes more complex than it first seems. Figure l illustrates a well-knownvisual phenomenon called the "barberpole effect," which is based on the inherent ambiguity of the motion of extended contours.In fig. 1(a), the grating seems to move to the right when viewed through the horizontal window, even though the "true" motion of the physical grating is diagonally down and to the right. When a vertical window is used, as in fig. 1(b), the same physical motion leads to a percept of a downward motion.The fact that one physical motion can be seenin different ways is to be expected because the observed motion of a stimulus like a grating does not, in and of itself, define the physical motion that produced it. The point is madeclear in figure 2, where three differentphysical motions give rise to an identicalpattern of stimulation when viewed through the window. In this case, all three patterns willbe seen as moving down and to the right.The ambiguity is not, of course, limited to the motion of gratings. Any extended pattern, such as an edge or a straight line, will offer the same problem. Consider the two moving diamonds shown in fig. 3. In fig. 3(a), the diamondmoves down, yet a cell that "looks" at a local patch on the lower right edge will signal acontour moving down and to the right. In fig.3(b), the diamond moves to the right, and thesame cell will again signal contour motion down and to the right. So it is impossible to tellwhich way the diamond is moving by merelylooking at one of its edges.Marr and Ullman (1981) call this the "aperture problem," and have discussed how one cancombine information from cells that signal only direction in order to constrain the underlying motion to lie within a limited range ofdirections. Fennema and Thompson (1979) showed that by taking advantage of local informationabout both the direction and speed of movingcontours, one could obtain a full solution for the object's motion using a Hough transform; we take a similar approach in the work we willdiscuss. (Note that this solution is onlycorrect for the case of pure translation of a two dimensional pattern. For more complextransformations, such as rotations ordeformations, more complex strategies arerequired (Horn and Schunck, 1981; Hildreth and Ullman, 1982)). An early discussion of theproblem can be found in Wohlgemuth’s (l9ll)classic work on the motion aftereffect; HansWallach (1935, 1976) did some very interesting experiments on its perceptual implications. It 11continues to interest both physiologists and psychologists today (Henry et al, 1974;Burt and Sperling, 1981; Adelson and Movshon, 1982).There is both physiological andpsychophysical evidence that the firststages of visual processing analyze theretinal image into a patchwork of localizedone-dimensional components, which mayvariously be conceived as representing bars, edges, local Fourier components, Gabor functions, or what have you. In any event,such an analysis brings the aperture problemin with it from the very start. The visual system must go from the local motion of one-dimensional components to the percept of a single coherently moving pattern. In our discussion we will use the term component motion to refer to the motion of extended one-dimensional patterns such as lines, edges, and gratings; and we will use the term "pattern motion" to refer to the unambiguous two-dimensional motion of more complex patterns such as textures and objects.Resolving AmbiguityWhile it is true that a single component motion is ambiguous, the ambiguity is limited to a single degree of freedom. Consider once again the motion of the lower right edge of a rightward-moving diamond; the edge is magnified in fig. 4. The set of object motions consistent with the observed edge-motion are indicated by the arrows fanning out from the edge. This family of velocities may be depicted as a line in "velocity space," where any velocity is represented as a vector from the origin whose length is proportional to speed and whose angle corresponds to direction of motion. The family of motions consistent with the edge maps to a straight line in velocity space.Figure 5 shows how a pair of such constraints can be used to determine the true motion of the diamond. Each of the edges in fig. 5(a) is associated with its own family of motions in velocity space, as shown by the lines infig. 5(b). The lines intersect in a single point, and that point represents the object's motion.The same analysis may be applied to combinations of gratings, as shown in fig. 6. Two gratings move behind a circular window. One moves up and to the right, the other moves down and to the right. When they are added together the resulting plaid moves rightward, as an apparently rigid pattern, in accord with the requirements of the velocity space construc-tion. The appearance of this pattern is interesting, because one does not see either of the component grating motions in the combinedpattern. Rather, the plaid seem to moverightward as a single coherent surface.At first glance, it may appear that we havedescribed a very complex method for doingvector addition. But the velocity spacesolution is generally different than one would get from a vector sum, a point that isexemplified in figure 7. Here we combine two gratings, each of which moves down and to the right, each with its own speed and direction.On a vector sum model, the combined patternshould move down and to the right as well,while on a velocity space model it should move up and to the right. And the stimulus doeslook like it is moving up and to the right,in accord with the velocity space require-ments.Crossed gratings do not always cohere into asingle moving pattern. Figure 8 shows a case in which they cannot do so because there are three gratings which generate mutually incompatible constraints. The three gratings here set upthree constraint lines; any two gratings cancohere, but then the third one cannot beincluded in the same pattern motion. When one views this stimulus, one sees a multistabledisplay, in which any two of the gratings can be seen as a coherent pair moving in onedirection, while the third grating (the odd man out) floats off by itself in the oppositedirection. There are three such percepts, each corresponding to a particular intersection in velocity space. One can select out a particular percept by tracking the desired pattern motion with one's eyes; the tracking strongly biases the perception toward the tracked coherentpattern rather then the other twopossibilities.Determinants of CoherenceEven with just two gratings, coherence does not always occur. In some circumstances a pair of crossed gratings, each moving in a differentdirection, will be seen as just that -- a pair of crossed gratings, each moving in a different direction, each sliding across the other as if the other wasn't there. In such cases thevisual system has elected not to combine thetwo component motions into a single patternmotion. By studying the conditions under which coherence does and does not occur we may learn something about the mechanisms that underly the perception of pattern motion.One of the most striking determinants ofcoherence is the spatial frequency of thecrossed gratings (Adelson and Movshon, 1982).In many of our experiments we use sine-wavegratings, i.e., gratings whose luminanceprofiles are sinusoidal (such stimuli havebecome popular in vision research because many 12early visual mechanisms are spatial frequency tuned, so that by using a sine-wave stimulus one can preferentially stimulate a relatively small subset of the mechanisms under study). We have found that two gratings will have a strong tendency to cohere if they are of the same spatial frequency, but have a rather weak tendency to cohere if their spatial frequencies differ by more than an octave. Thus, for example, if a 3 cycle/deg grating of one orien-tation is summed with a 9 cycle/deg grating of a different orientation, chances are thatthey will be seen as sliding over each other rather than moving as a single coherent plaid. The contrasts of the two gratings are also important in determining coherence. If thefirst grating is of high contrast while the second one is of low contrast, then coherence may break down. Only when the contrast of the second grating is increased will the coherent percept return.The contrast dependence can be used to derive a tuning curve for the frequency dependence, in the following way. Start with one movinggrating of fixed spatial frequency and contrast. Add to it a second moving grating (of a different orientation), of a differentspatial frequency. If the second grating’s spatial frequency is substantially different from that of the first grating, then its contrast will have to be quite high in orderfor the two gratings to cohere. But if the second grating has a spatial frequency that is similar or identical to that of the first, then it will cohere with the first even when its contrast is quite low. By measuring the minimum contrast at which coherence occurs, one can trace out a tuning curve for this effect.Figure 9 shows the results of two such experiments on one subject. The closed circles show the first experiment, in which the standard grating was 2.2 cycle/ deg, moving at 3 deg/sec, and had a contrast of 0.3. The second grating had an orientation that differed from that of the first grating by 135 degrees; the second grating’s spatial frequency was varied. The filled leaf circles indicate the minimum contrast the second grating needed in order to cohere with the first, at various spatial frequencies. The contrast wasnoticeably elevated when the two frequencies differed by an octave, and became quite high when they differed by two octaves. The tendency to cohere was greatest (and the needed contrast was lowest) when the second grating's spatial frequency was matched to that of the first grating.The open circles show the results of a similar experiment in which the standard grating had a spatial frequency of 1.2 cycle/deg. The results are much the same, and once again the tuningcurve is centered on the spatial frequency ofthe standard grating. So these experimentsindicate that the visual mechanisms underlying coherent motion perception are spatialfrequency tuned, like many other aspects ofearly visual processing.Global Versus Local AnalysesThe velocity space construction is quite useful in understanding and predicting pattern motion phenomena, but this utility does notdemonstrate that the human visual system isactually performing the rather globalcomputations suggested in the velocity spacediagrams. There are alternative approaches that will lead to the unambiguous perception ofmoving patterns, such as approaches based on"landmarks," or localized features in themoving patterns. In the case of the movingdiamond, a corner could serve as a landmark,and by following its position over time onecould correctly determine the motion of thediamond. Similarly, in the case of crossedsine-wave gratings, the peaks and troughscorresponding to the intersections of the light and dark grating bars could serve as landmarks by which the coherent motion direction could be inferred. The motion derived by theseapproaches is, of course, identical to thatderived from velocity space, since in eithercase there exists a single pattern motion that is consistent with all the visual informationin the display.But there is an interesting display that wecall the "split herringbone," for which alandmark model makes a different predictionthan does a more global model based in velocity space. The display is shown in fig. 10(a); itconsists of alternating columns of linesegments that tilt left or right on the odd and even columns. The odd (right-tilting) columnsmove down, while the even (left-tilting)columns move up.The most obvious landmarks in this display are the endpoints of the line segments. If theydetermine the motion percept, then one shouldsee the split herringbone for what it is: a set of interleaved columns moving continuously upor down.If, on the other hand, a more global process is at work, then it is possible that one will see an illusion of rightward motion, as illustrated in fig. 10(b). The odd columns produce oneconstraint line in velocity space, and the even ones produce another. The intersectioncorresponds to pure rightward motion. So thisglobal approach predicts an illusion of motion to the right.When one actually sets up the display, onefinds that either of the two percepts is13possible. The model based on local landmarks works when the display is of high contrast, issharp, and is centrally fixated; in these conditions one sees the "correct" percept of vertically moving columns. On the other hand, when the display is of low contrast, or is blurred with a diffusion screen, or is viewed peripherally, then one can see the illusion of rightward motion predicted by the global model based in velocity space.When the illusion does occur it is quite striking. The herringbone pattern seems to be moving continuously rightward, and yet it never gets anywhere, since the vertical "creases" where the columns abut are fixed in position.These observations suggest that both kinds of models -- the local landmark-based models, and the more global models based in velocity space -- can be useful in understanding the way we perceive moving patterns.ReferencesAdelson, E.H., and Movshon, J.A., Nature,300, 523-525 (1982).Barlow, H.B., and Hill, R.M., Science,139, 412 (1963).Burt, P., and Sperling, G., Psychological Review,88, 171-195 (1981).Henry, G.H., Bishop, P.O., and Dreher, B., Vision Research,14, 767-777 (1974).Hildreth, E.C., and Ullman, S., MIT AI Memo 699, December 1982.Horn, B.K.P., and Schunck, B., Artificial Intelligence,17, 185-203, (1981).Fennema, C.L., and Thompson, W .B., Computer Graphics and Image Processing,9, 301-315 (1979).Marr, D., and Ullman, S., Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, B. 211, 151-180 (1981).Wallach, H., Psychol. Forsch.,20, 325-380 (1935).Wallach, H., On Perception, 201-216, Quadrangle, New York, 1976.Wohlgemuth, A.,British Journal of Psychology, monograph supplement 1(1911).Fig. 1: The barberpole effect. The same physi-cal motion of the grating behind the window can be seen as corresponding to different motions within the window.Fig. 2: The ambiguity of motion for extendedcontours. All three physical motions give rise to identical motion as viewed through thewindow.Fig. 3: A cell looking at a local edge of adiamond cannot determine which way the diamond is moving.14Fig. 4: Left: The set of possible object motions that could give rise to an observed motion of the edge. Right: Mapping the familyof possible motions into velocity space.Fig. 5: An exact solution for the diamond’s motion can be determined by the intersection oftwo constraint lines from two edges.Fig. 6: The velocity space solution applied to the case of two moving gratings which aresummed to form a moving plaid. The plaid movesto the right.Fig. 7: An example where the velocity space solution is quite different from the solution based on a vector sum. Two gratings that move down and to the right give a pattern motionthat is up and to the right.Fig. 8: A tristable display, composed of the sum of three moving gratings. There are three velocity space solutions, each of which is consistent with only two of the three grating motions. There are three possible perceptscorresponding to these solutions.Fig. 9: The mechanisms responsible for coherent pattern perception are tuned for spatial frequency. Shown here are two tuning curves, in which contrast for coherence ismeasured as a function of the relative spatial frequencies of the two gratings. See text for details.15。

Signal and Image Processing

Signal and Image Processing

Signal and Image Processing Signal and image processing is a fascinating field that plays a crucial rolein various technological applications, ranging from medical imaging to telecommunications. This discipline involves the manipulation and analysis of signals and images to extract useful information, enhance quality, and enable advanced functionalities. However, like any other technical domain, signal and image processing also presents its own set of challenges and complexities. One of the primary problems in signal and image processing is the issue of noise. Noise can corrupt signals and images, leading to a degradation in quality andpotentially impacting the accuracy of any subsequent analysis or interpretation. Various sources of noise, such as environmental interference, sensor limitations, and transmission errors, can pose significant challenges for signal and image processing engineers. Addressing this problem often requires the development of sophisticated noise reduction techniques, which can involve complex algorithms and computational methods. Another significant challenge in signal and image processing is the need for efficient data representation and compression. With the ever-increasing volume of digital data, efficient storage and transmission of signals and images have become critical concerns. Finding ways to represent and compress data without significant loss of information is a non-trivial problem in this field. Researchers and engineers are constantly exploring new compression algorithms and techniques to address this challenge and ensure that signal and image data can be managed effectively. In addition to noise and data representation, the problem of computational complexity is also a major issue in signal and image processing. Many advanced processing tasks, such as image recognition, object detection, and pattern analysis, require substantial computational resources. As the demand for real-time processing and high-speed applications continues to grow, managing the computational complexity of signaland image processing algorithms becomes increasingly important. This problem often requires a delicate balance between algorithmic efficiency and computational power, and it is an area of active research and development in the field. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of signal and image processing presents its own setof challenges. This field draws from diverse areas such as mathematics, physics,computer science, and electrical engineering, making it inherently complex and multifaceted. Bridging the gap between these different disciplines and integrating their principles into effective signal and image processing solutions can be a significant challenge. It requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles from each domain and the ability to synthesize them into coherent and effective processing techniques. Moreover, the ethical implications of signal and image processing present a unique set of challenges for researchers and practitioners in this field. With the increasing use of signal and image processing in areas such as surveillance, biometrics, and social media, concerns about privacy, security, and bias have come to the forefront. Developing ethical guidelines and frameworks for the responsible use of signal and image processing technologies is a complex and evolving problem that requires careful consideration of societal, legal, and cultural factors. In conclusion, signal and image processing is a dynamic and challenging field that encompasses a wide range of technical, computational, interdisciplinary, and ethical problems. Addressing these problems requires a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and a deep understanding of the broader implications of signal and image processing technologies. While these challenges may seem daunting, they also present exciting opportunities for innovation and advancement in this critical area of technology. As researchers and engineers continue to push the boundaries of signal and image processing, they will undoubtedly encounter new challenges and complexities, but their efforts will ultimately contribute to the development of transformative technologies with far-reaching impacts.。

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Wing Ho Leung and Tsuhan Chen Advanced Multimedia Processing Lab
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8
IMAGE-Bvigates in a virtual environment, the scene rendered should be updated according to the user’s perspective. There are two approaches in rendering the scene: geometry-based rendering and image-based rendering. The geometry-based rendering is the traditional computer graphics approach using 3D models to represent objects in an environment. Image-based rendering, on the other hand, generates new views by a set of pre-acquired imagery. This approach is not computationally intensive therefore it is suitable for real-time implementation. Besides, the scene rendering for this approach does not depend on the scene complexity. This is an advantage over geometry-based rendering which becomes inefficient when the scene is very complex since the number of 3D models to be rendered increases. An image is an array of light intensity and the process of acquiring an image is equivalent to the sampling of light rays passing through the physical camera. Under image-based rendering, the sampled light rays are resampled in order to reconstruct new views. Given a free space where the physical camera can be positioned, we would like to find a good camera trajectory such that based on images acquired along that trajectory, we can generate new views in certain area inside the region bounded by the trajectory. Figure 1 illustrates this new view generation process. In this example, the physical cameras are positioned in a circular trajectory for acquiring the images. After image acquisition a new view can be generated at locations different from the physical camera trajectory as if a virtual camera is placed in the position as shown in Figure 1. This new view is synthesized by interpolating corresponding light rays that are captured as the pixels in the acquired images by the physical cameras.
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
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Technical Report AMP 01-02 March 2001
Electrical and Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213
LINE-SPACE REPRESENTATION AND COMPRESSION FOR IMAGEBASED RENDERING Wing Ho Leung and Tsuhan Chen Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Email: {wingho,tsuhan}@ ABSTRACT In image-based rendering applications, images of a scene are captured along a specific camera trajectory and are then used to render new views of the scene. In this paper, we first study several possible camera trajectories and analyze their pros and cons. Then we introduce the line space which is a representation of light rays and use it to analyze a number of implementation issues in image-based rendering. We propose a novel sprite-based compression scheme in this application. The performance of the image compression under this scheme is examined. I. INTRODUCTION In image-based rendering (IBR) applications, light rays from different directions are captured and then resampled in order to generate different views of a scene. In terms of sampling the light rays, Shum and He proposed concentric mosaics [1] where a 3D plenoptic function [2] is used to represent the light rays. Concentric mosaics generalize the 2D panorama [5] and can be considered as a special case of the lumigraph [3] or lightfield [4]. In this paper, although we focus our discussion on concentric mosaics, many techniques we present can easily be extended to the lumigraph or lightfield. To examine how image-based rendering can be applied to render new views from captured images, we present our experimental setup for capturing the images and propose some evaluation criteria for the camera trajectory to capture images efficiently. We will introduce the line space which is a representation of light rays for image-based rendering applications. The line space is then used to explain the reconstruction of a new view from a virtual camera. We will also discuss how caching can lead to efficient rendering of the scene if we have random access to each of the acquired images. In image-based rendering, often the number of acquired images is very big, therefore it is necessary to compress the images in order to store them efficiently. The acquired images form a video sequence so they can be compressed using a conventional video codec. Given such a sequence, we propose a new compression scheme based on the prediction of each image from a small number of images called sprites. A sprite is constructed by merging all images in a certain manner in order to form a good prediction for each original image. The residue between the original images and the prediction is coded using a general video codec scheme with modification to motion estimation and compensation. We will analyze the performance of our proposed algorithm and compare it with other compression schemes in rate-distortion sense. This paper is organized as follows: In Section II, we will discuss how images are acquired for imagebased rendering. The line space analysis will be introduced in Section III to better understand how the view from a virtual camera can be rendered from the acquired images. In Section IV, we will propose our sprite-based compression scheme and evaluate its performance. In Section V, we will discuss enhancement to our basic sprite-based compression scheme to improve performance. Then the conclusion and future work will be given in Section VI.