Constructing Diverse Classifier Ensembles using Artificial Training Examples
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N-adic Summation-Shrinking Generator Basic properties and empirical evidences
N-adic Summation-Shrinking GeneratorBasic properties and empirical evidencesZhaneta TashevaAssistant Prof. Eng. PhD.NMU “V. Levski”Faculty of Artillery and Air Defense, Shoumen, BulgariaPhone: +359 54 5 23 71e-mail: tashevi86@Borislav BedzhevAssoc. Prof. Eng. DSc.NMU “V. Levski”Faculty of Artillery and Air Defense, Shoumen, BulgariaPhone: +359 54 4 64 38e-mail: bedzhev@mail.pv-ma.bgBorislav StoyanovAssistant Prof. Mag. PhD. StudentShoumen UniversityFaculty of Computer Informatics, Shoumen, BulgariaPhone: +359 54 4 78 48e-mail: need of software-flexible stream ciphers has led to several alternative proposals in the last few years. One of them is a new Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG), named N-adic Summation-Shrinking (NSumSG), which architecture is described in this paper. It uses N-1 parallel working slave summation generators and one N-adic summation generator, controlling the nonlinearity in the generator. The implementation, some properties and statistical tests of NSumSG are given.The results from statistical analysis show that the sequence generated by NSumSG is uniform, scalable, uncompressible, whit large period; consistent and unpredictable. This gives the reason consider the NSumSG as suitable for a particular cryptographic application.KEY WORDSCryptography, Encryption Algorithm, Shrinking Generator, Summation Generator, Stream Ciphers, PRNG, FCSRs.SECTION 1IntroductionThe proliferation of computers and communications systems in the 1960s brought with it a demand from the private sector for means to protect information in digital form and to provide security services. The stream ciphers are an important tool for solving this problem. Despite of their large application, it is very hard or may be impossible to describe all factors, which influence over the performance quality of the stream ciphers. Anyway, surely it depends on their crypto resistance, velocity and effectiveness of hardware implementation. Mostly the crypto resistance of a stream cipher is connected with it ability to generate pseudo random sequence (PRS or gamma) with following properties:(1) it should have enormous period;(2) it should demonstrate uniform distribution of d-tuples (for a large range of d);(3) it should exhibit a good structure (usually a lattice structure) in high dimensions.Unfortunately, the mentioned factors are in contradiction, because if the structure of the stream cipher is simple in order to provide high performance velocity and cost-effective hardware implementation, then the crypto reliability is low. For instance, the classical fast and cheap Linear Feedback Shift Registers(LFSRs) are vulnerable to the so - named “Berlekamp–Massey crypto attack” [4], [5], [8]. This attack allows finding of all bits of a LFSR output sequence, if 2n its consequent bits are known. Here n is the number of the cells connected in the LFSR. Having in mind the advantages of the stream ciphers with simple structure, recently some theorists [3], [4], [6] proposed a new approach to stream cipher design. The basic idea of this approach is building devices with high crypto reliability combining in some appropriate way crypto vulnerable, but fast and cheap elements (including LFSR). This meaning of stream cipher design leaded to introducing of a few new architectures. It should be mentioned the so-named summation generator, shrinking generator and N-adic Feedback with Carry Shift Register (N-FCSR) [2], [3], [13]. They are promising candidates for high-speed encryption applications due to their simplicity and provable properties.With regard to positive features of the summation generator, shrinking generator and N-FCSRs, our paper is focused on the problem of synthesis of a derivative structure, named summation-shrinking generator.The paper is organized as follows. First, the basics of the summation generator and shrinking generator are recalled. Second one their derivative structure, called N-adic Summation-Shrinking Generator (NSumSG) is presented. After then, the implementation and statistical analysis of NSumSG properties are given. Finally, the advantages and possible areas of application of our algorithm are discussed.SECTION 2Basic theory of the summation and shrinking generatorsPrincipally the crypto resistance of a stream cipher, based on LFSR s, can be enhanced by two alternative methods. The first method uses an appropriate combining of the outputs of some LFSR s, as it is shown on Fig.1a. These gamma generators are called “Combination Generators”. The other alternative is to generate the gamma as a non-linear function from conditions of the single LFSR triggers (Fig.1b). In this case the gamma generators are named “Filter Generators”.Fig. 1a:Combination generator Fig.1b:Filter-generatorHaving in minded that:- the filter-generators could be studied as a particular case of the combination generators when S = 1 on Fig. 1a;- the combination generators are still being applied in some real communication and information systems [5], [7];in the rest part of this report our attention shall be focused on the derivative structures of the combination generator.As mentioned, the basic idea of the combination generator method is to create a hard-to-crack gamma sequence by an appropriate combining of some PRSs, whose technical realization is simple and cost-effective. The scheme, shown on Fig.1a, is an object of intensive research since 1984, because it is easy to generate PRSs with LFSRs. As a result of these efforts [6] the cryptologist Rueppel has proved that the combination generators have maximal linear complexity L(x) if: - the all LFSR s have a feed-back loop, described with primitive irreducible polynomial (i.e. the created PRSs are maximum length sequences (shortly m-sequences));-the periods T i,i = 1, 2, …, s of the PRSs, generated by LFSR s, are different.Here linear complexity L(x ) means the length of the binary LFSR , which can beconstructed in the result of the Berlekamp-Massey crypto attack.The Rueppel conditions are easy to realizing as a s-bit adder. This means that ffrom Fig.1a must be a full adder, which has 1log 2 s triggers. In order tosimplify the explanation, we shall suppose, that the LFSRs are only two. In thiscase, during the time interval from 0.W j to 0).1(W j (here 0W is the period of theLFSR s clock-pulses) in LFSR triggers the sequences 11,...,, r j j j a a a A and11,...,, r j j j b b b B are placed. In the adder the numbers, corresponding to thesequences A and B :,2....2.,2....2.111111j j r r j j j r r j b b b b a a a a (1)are summed with carry. Then in the outputs of the adder the total sum b a z isobtained. Here:,1,...,1,,...1,...,1,,,2....2.,,...,,11111111 r j j j i b a b a r j j j i b a z z z z z z z z Z i i i i i i i i i i i j j r r j r j j j V V V V (2)and:-z j is the j th element of combination generator output sequence;-ıi is the carry from the (i-1)th digit.The basic idea of the combining generator can be realized as a shrinkinggenerator also. In the shrinking generator, a control LFSR R 0 is used to select aportion of the output sequence of a second LFSR R 1. Therefore, the producedgamma (or the keystream ) is a shrunken version (also known as an irregularlydecimated subsequence ) of the output sequence of R 1, as depicted in Fig. 2.The algorithm of shrinking generator consists of the following steps:(1) Registers R 0 and R 1 are clocked.(2) If the output of R 0 is 1, the output bit of R 1 forms a part of thekeystream.(3) If the output of R 0 is 0, the output bit of R 1 is discarded.Let R 0 and R 1 be maximum-length LFSRs of lengths L 0 and L 1, respectively, andlet z be an output sequence of the shrinking generator formed by R 0 and R 1. Ifgcd(L 0,L 1) = 1, the z has period (12L – 1). 102 L [7]. The linear complexity L (z )of z satisfies Eq. (3) [7]:1012012.)(2. d L L L z L L (3)Suppose that the connection polynomials of R 0 and R 1 are chosen uniformly atrandom from the set of all primitive polynomials of degrees L 0 and L 1 over Z 2.Then the distribution of patterns in z is almost uniform [7].For maximum security, R 0 and R 1 should be maximum-length LFSRs , and theirlengths should satisfy the condition gcd (L 0,L 1) = 1. Moreover, secret connectionshould be used. Subject to these constraints, if L 0| m and L 1| m , the shrinkinggenerator has a security level approximately equal to 22m . Thus, if L 0| 64 andL 1| 64, the generator appears to be secure against all presently known attacks [5],[7].Fig. 2:Shrinking generatorSECTION 3N-adic Summation-Shrinking Generator ArchitectureIn this section the basic architecture of new N-adic Summation-ShrinkingGenerator (NSumG ) and some basic NSumG properties will be present.The NSumG architecture, proposed recently in [12], uses an increased number ofslaved registers in comparison with Shrinking Generator as in the Shrinking-Multiplexing Generator [11]. The control and slave registers in shrinking-multiplexing generator are replaced with N -adic and 2-adic summation generatorsin the NSumG (fig. 3) respectively. The using of N-adic control summationgenerator enhances the number of the used 2-adic slave summation generatorsfrom 1 in shrinking generator to N 1 in NSumG .Every summation generator consists of two FCSRs , depicted as R j 1y R j 2,()1...,,1,0 N j . It ought to be underlined that slave FCSRs R j 1y R j 2()1...,2,1 N j are 2 FCSRs and hence, the corresponding adders m j consist onebit for m j and one bit for sign. The control FCSRs R 01and R 02 are N -FCSRs andtheir adder m 0 have 1)(0 jN m ind bits for ||0mand an extra bit for sign. clockoutput b i discard b iAs shown, a summation generator selects a portion of the output sequences of several summation generators.Definition 1. The algorithm of the N-adic Summation-Shrinking Generator consists of the following steps:FCSRs from R01y R02 to R N-1 1y R N-1 2 are clocked with clock All(1)sequence with period 0W.(2) If the N-adic output b i = j of the control summation generator is not equal to 0, the output bit of j th slave summation generator forms a part of the keystream. Otherwise, if the output b i = 0 of the control summation generator is equal to 0, the all output bits of slaved summation generators are discarded (fig. 3).Fig. 3: N-adic Summation-Shrinking GeneratorTherefore, the produced keystream is a shrunken and mixed version of the outputsequences 1...,,2,1, N i a ij of the N -1 slaved summation generators.It is straightforward that the N -adic Summation-Shrinking Generator succeeds allpositive features of the summation generator, shrinking generator and N -adicFCSR .The proposed new pseudo random number generator architecture takes advantages of feedback with carry shift registers over )/(N Z for any integerN > 1 (N -FCSRs) (see fig. 4).Definition 2 [13]. Let N > 1 be an integer and }10:{ d d N a a S . For anyinteger 1t r , the state of a feedback with carry shift register over )/(N Z consistof r integers S a a a r 110,,, and arbitrary integer 1 r M M , the memory.The state change function is determined by 1 r integers S d d d g r ,,,,21 ,such that gcd (g ,N ) = 1 and 0z r d as follows (fig. 4):(1) Compute the integer sum r r r r d a d a d a M 022111 V ;(2) Compute S a r ,Z M r such that N M ga r r V ; (3) Change the memory 1 r M to r M ;(4) Output the cell 0a and use the cell r a to shift the register loadingcells, replacing ),,(01a a r by ),,(1a a r .For r n t ,n a is defined by both the memory and the running register cells. In theentire operating ),,,,(21r d d d g are fixed. The following integer r r N d N d N d g d 221 is called the connection number. Consequently,g d 0 and ¦ ri i i N d d 0.Fig. 4:N-adic Feedback with Carry Shift RegisterFor maximum security one must choose the triples of integers ),,(N p d satisfying the next conditions:(1)d is prime; (2)12 p d and p is odd prime; (3) N is prime;(4)N is primitive modulo d and primitive modulo p .In particular case when N = 2 the 2SumSG consists of only one slave 2-adicsummation generator. Let the connection integers of two 2-FCSRs R 01y R 02 ofcontrol summation generator be d 01 and d 02. Let the slave summation generatorcombines two 2-FCSRs R 11y R 12 with connection numbers d 11 and d 12. The period of control summation generator is))1(),1((lcm ))1(),1gcd(()1)(1(0201020102010 d d d d d d T (4) and the period of slave summation generator is))1(),1((lcm ))1(),1gcd(()1)(1(1211121112111 d d d d d d T , (5) according to the [6] and the using of triples ),,(N p d with properties mentionedabove.Then the period 2S of the 2 adic Summation-Shrinking Generator is:),gcd(101*02T T T T S . (6) Here the *0T denotes the total number of ones of the control summation generator.According to [6] the linear complexities 0L and 1L of the summation generators are close to their periods, i.e. ))1)(1gcd(()1)(1(020102010 d d d d L ,))1)(1gcd(()1)(1(121112111 d d d d L .Then from [1] the linear complexity L of the 2SumSG is at most*01.T T L . (7)As one can see from equation (4)y (7), the proposed new architecture ofpseudorandom number generator even with N = 2 allows to produce PRSs withperiod and linear complexity larger than the respective parameters of the PRSsformed by a classic shrinking generator [1].SECTION 4Implementation and output files generationThe N SumSG is software implemented in Visual C++ 6.0 environment for Windows/32 bits. There are used the class p_adic to produce the output N SumSG sequence. The application and N SumSG statistical tests were executed on PC AMD Athlon™ XP 2200+ / 256 MB RAM.Two different setups are applied to generate 1 000 sequences by 1 000 000 bits each to test the N-adic Summation-Shrinking Generator:N = 2. Thereby the N SumSG consists of one controlling 2-adic (1)summation generator with connection integers d01 = 10 000 139 and d02 = 10 000 189. The slave 2-adic summation generator has first connection number d11 = 10 000 229. The second connection number d12 is in every 1 000 000 bits, taking consequently 1 000 values, which are strong 2-primes [9] in the range [81 467, 2 283 803]. So the seed of constructed N SumSG is different at every 1 000 000 bits. The size of generated N SumSG output file is 983 Mbytes.(2) N = 3. In this configuration the controlling 3-adic summation generator gets two connection numbers d01 = 5 000 011 and d02 = 5 000 201. The first slave summation 2-adic generator has a seed comprising the numbers d11 = 10 000 139 and d12 = 10 000 189. The second summation generator has the first connection number d21= 10000229. The second connection number d22 is changed in every 1 000 000 bits, taking consequently 1 000 values, which are strong2-primes in the range [981 467, 2 283 803]. In this way were generated 1 000 sequences by 1 000 000 bits, in which the seed were changed at every 1 000 000 bits. The size of generated N SumSG output file is 983 Mbytes.The connection FCSR numbers were chosen randomly in the two above mention setups.SECTION 5Statistical analysis and interpretation of empirical resultsTo test the randomness of binary sequences generated by N SumSG the so-named NIST suite, proposed by National Institute of Standards and Technology, is used. The NIST suite [7], [10] includes sixteen tests. The tests fix on a variety of different types of non-randomness that could exist in a sequence. These tests are: frequency (monobit), frequency within a block, runs, longest-run-of-ones in a block, binary matrix rank, discrete Fourier transform (spectral), non-overlapping template matching, overlapping template matching, Maurer’s “Universal statistical”, Lempel-Ziv compression, linear complexity, serial, approximate entropy, cumulative sums, random excursions, random excursions variant.The testing process consists of the following steps [7], [10]:(1) State the null hypothesis. Assume that the binary sequence is random.(2) Compute a sequence test statistic. Testing is carried out at the bit level. (3) Compute the p-value, ]1,0[value p .(4) Compare the D to value p . Fix D , where ]01.0,0001.0( D .Successis declared whenever D t value p ; otherwise, failure is declared.Given the empirical results for a particular statistical test, the NIST suitecomputes the proportion of sequences that pass. The range of acceptable proportion is determined using the confidence interval defined as,mp p p )ˆ1(ˆ3ˆ r , where D 1ˆp , and m is the number of binary tested sequences. In our two setups 1000 m . Thus the confidence interval is0094392.099.01000)01.0(99.030.99r r . The proportion should lie above 0.9805607.The distribution of p-values is examined to ensure uniformity. The intervalbetween 0 and 1 is divided into 10 sub-intervals, and the p-values that lie withineach sub-interval are counted. Uniformity may also be specified trough anapplication of a 2F test and the determination of a p-value corresponding to theGoodness-of-Fit Distributional Test on the p-values obtained for an arbitrary statistical test, p-value of the p-values. This is implemented by computing¦ 1012210/)10/(i i m m F F , where i F is the number of p-values in sub-interval i , andm is the number of tested sequences. A p-value is calculated such that )2/,2/9(value -p 2F igamc Ɍ . If 0001.0value -p !Ɍ, then the sequences canbe regarded to be uniformly distributed.Table 1 lists the results from the NIST test suite with input file from the first setup(N = 2). The detailed result of Non-overlapping template matching test, Randomexcursion test and Random excursion – variant test and the numbers of the p-values in the subintervals, when N = 2, can be found in Appendix 1.Table 1: The results from NSumSG statistical tests, when N = 2 Statistical TestResult Proportion P-value T Comment Frequency (monobit)Pass 0.9920 0.260930 Frequency within a blockPass 0.9810 0.896345 Pass 0.9870 0.524101Cumulative sums Pass 0.9910 0.832561Runs Pass 0.9830 0.326749 Longest-run-of-ones in a block Pass 0.9850 0.465415Binary matrix rank Pass 0.9890 0.757790Discrete Fourier transform (spectral) Pass 0.9970 0.186566Non-overlapping template matching Pass 0.9894 0.531028 Avg. valuesStatistical Test Result Proportion P-value T CommentOverlapping template matching Pass 0.9940 0.618385Maurer’s “Universal statistical” Pass 0.9880 0.086634Approximate entropy Pass 0.9890 0.476911Random excursions Pass 0.9870 0.598233 Avg. valuesRandom excursions variant Pass 0.9901 0.431378 Avg. valuesSerialPass 0.9930 0.227180Pass 0.9910 0.849708Lempel-Ziv compression Pass 0.9960 0.037320Linear complexity Pass 0.9960 0.355364The minimum pass rate for theRandom Excursion - (variant) test isapproximately 0.977854.The minimum pass rate for eachstatistical test with the exception ofthe Random Excursion - variant testis approximately = 0.980561.The Table 2 lists the results from the NIST test suite with input file from thesecond setup (N = 3). The detailed result of Non-overlapping template matchingtest, Random excursion test and Random excursion – variant test and the numbersof the p-values in the subintervals, when N = 3, can be found in Appendix 2.Table 2: The results from NSumSG statistical tests, when N = 3Statistical Test Result Proportion P-value T CommentFrequency (monobit) Pass 0.9890 0.881662Frequency within a block Pass 0.9880 0.254411Cumulative sumsPass 0.9820 0.534146Pass 0.9850 0.8272790.4280950.9930Runs PassLongest-run-of-ones in a block Pass 0.9870 0.187581Binary matrix rank Pass 0.9860 0.618385Discrete Fourier transform (spectral) Pass 0.9910 0.647530Non-overlapping template matching Pass 0.9899 0.476221 Avg. valuesOverlapping template matching Pass 0.9900 0.045088Maurer’s “Universal statistical” Pass 0.9850 0.662091Approximate entropy Pass 0.9950 0.508172Random excursions Pass 0.9907 0.476154 Avg. valuesRandom excursions variant Pass 0.9895 0.461205 Avg. valuesSerialPass 0.9880 0.672470Pass 0.9940 0.159910Lempel-Ziv compression Pass 0.9820 0.532132Linear complexity Pass 0.9900 0.869278The minimum pass rate for theRandom Excursion - (variant) test isapproximately 0.978117.The minimum pass rate for eachstatistical test with the exception ofthe Random Excursion - variant testis approximately = 0.980561.CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKSThe results from statistical analysis show that the sequence generated by NSumSGis uniform, scalable, uncompressible, whit large period; consistent and unpredictable.This gives the reason to consider that the NSumSG as a very interesting pseudorandom generator and it can be useful as a part of stream ciphers.We will be glad to thanks everyone who helps us to make some strong cryptanalysis of NSumSG.References:[1] D. 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Vo, “A Statistical Test Suite for Random and Pseudo-Random Number Generators for Cryptographic Application”, NIST Special Publication 800-22 (with revision May 15, 2001) /rng/.[8] B. Schneier, “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.[9] Ch. Seo, S. Lee, Y. Sung, K. Han, S. Kim, “A Lower Bound on the LinearSpan an FCSR”, IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, Vol. 46, No 2, March 2000.[10] J. Soto, “Statistical Testing of Random Number Generators”,/rng/.[11] Zh. N. Tasheva, B. Y. Bedzhev, V. A. Mutkov, “An Shrinking DataEncryption Algorithm with p-adic Feedback with Carry Shift Register”, XII International Symposium of Theoretical Electrical Engineering ISTET 03, Warsaw, Poland, 6-9 July, 2003., Conference Proceedings, vol.II, pp.397 400.[12] Zh. N. Tasheva, B. Y. Bedzhev, B. P. Stoyanov, “Summation-ShrinkingGenerator”, Conference Proceeding of International Conference “Information Technology and Sequrity ITS – 2004”, June 22-26, 2004, Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine, pp.119-127.[13] Xu, J., “Stream Cipher Analysis Based on FCSRs”, PhD Dissertation,University of Kentucky, 2000.APPENDIX 1Results from setup 1The Uniformity of p-values and the Proportion of passing sequencesC1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10p-values T Proportion Test113 117 91 111 85 97 86 10096 1040.2609300.9920 frequency91 98 112101 111 96 10198 93 99 0.8963450.9810 block-frequency114 105 96 91 82 95 10797 1061070.5241010.9870 cumulative-sums106 104 10997 88 92 96 94 1081060.8325610.9910 cumulative-sums122 90 108104 99 108 86 92 96 95 0.3267490.9830 runs108 95 94 96 118 94 84 11010398 0.4654150.9850 longest-run109 106 97 95 99 86 10211495 97 0.7577900.9890 rank94 107 109109 121 100 93 99 84 84 0.1865660.9970 fft102 92 99 113 83 92 90 11512193 0.1202070.9900 nonperiodic-templates 108 118 90 95 96 104 95 11196 87 0.4597170.9860 nonperiodic-templates99 95 87 101 106 106 96 10190 1190.5893410.9910 nonperiodic-templates106 112 10196 108 107 10181 85 1030.4317540.9940 nonperiodic-templates104 86 98 101 102 104 12067 1111070.0255350.9840 nonperiodic-templates97 117 10693 79 99 92 10992 1160.1671840.9900 nonperiodic-templates90 92 12196 121 120 87 85 87 1010.0163740.9910 nonperiodic-templates108 133 91 92 89 94 11210186 94 0.0316370.9810 nonperiodic-templates83 109 12299 95 91 10198 98 1040.3619380.9910 nonperiodic-templates89 109 10893 100 106 10510410482 0.6038410.9890 nonperiodic-templates122 91 92 111 89 99 98 10610389 0.3175650.9840 nonperiodic-templates 108 105 83 97 120 88 10194 10797 0.3298500.9860 nonperiodic-templates89 116 10195 105 93 97 99 90 1150.5221000.9930 nonperiodic-templates94 90 11391 93 109 11210110097 0.6683210.9860 nonperiodic-templates90 94 93 115 101 108 10310010096 0.8343080.9920 nonperiodic-templates85 99 106106 100 98 11695 11184 0.3838270.9910 nonperiodic-templates97 101 103111 106 81 96 10111292 0.5728470.9910 nonperiodic-templates107 89 94 95 113 103 10394 10399 0.8644940.9900 nonperiodic-templates 103 111 10196 95 98 78 99 1021170.3889900.9940 nonperiodic-templates99 89 100106 99 90 1061001031080.9311850.9870 nonperiodic-templates99 99 98 84 102 101 1041051041040.9463080.9900 nonperiodic-templates 105 98 97 111 107 97 82 10990 1040.5976200.9860 nonperiodic-templates98 91 79 88 111 102 1071171021050.2355890.9910 nonperiodic-templates94 107 11594 98 109 10510586 87 0.4885340.9910 nonperiodic-templates102 93 99 114 98 98 10896 91 1010.8977630.9910 nonperiodic-templates106 113 92 101 95 111 11289 93 88 0.4616120.9930 nonperiodic-templatesC1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10p-values T Proportion Test99 115 80 92 104 125 10294 87 1020.0795380.9910 nonperiodic-templates 93 113 89 108 115 90 88 10699 99 0.4280950.9920 nonperiodic-templates 92 104 98 105 91 93 12310992 93 0.3821150.9890 nonperiodic-templates 97 112 102101 113 90 99 10781 98 0.4924360.9910 nonperiodic-templates 94 87 113107 97 109 96 98 96 1030.7811060.9890 nonperiodic-templates 104 98 86 99 94 105 10792 11699 0.6910810.9910 nonperiodic-templates 104 105 98 91 99 90 11190 96 1160.6163050.9890 nonperiodic-templates 102 106 10595 94 94 10710694 97 0.9673820.9930 nonperiodic-templates 103 100 91 103 92 100 96 11210598 0.9400800.9830 nonperiodic-templates 104 107 10793 98 93 98 10579 1160.3994420.9910 nonperiodic-templates 104 87 97 107 98 111 11084 95 1070.5361630.9960 nonperiodic-templates 104 107 10683 100 102 10110491 1020.8377810.9900 nonperiodic-templates 96 96 12384 89 97 1061011061020.3314080.9950 nonperiodic-templates 100 115 98 97 96 103 84 1001071000.7714690.9830 nonperiodic-templates 110 99 106117 85 93 10211288 88 0.2518370.9920 nonperiodic-templates 91 103 10194 96 103 10510393 1110.9379190.9870 nonperiodic-templates 103 74 94 108 99 102 96 99 1161090.2467500.9920 nonperiodic-templates 101 102 86 100 108 100 11210894 89 0.7095580.9850 nonperiodic-templates 105 97 98 100 97 122 95 91 92 1030.6267090.9880 nonperiodic-templates 92 110 10399 95 102 10295 98 1040.9803410.9920 nonperiodic-templates 103 100 102100 90 115 95 90 10798 0.8201430.9860 nonperiodic-templates 104 111 93 104 82 81 11890 1081090.1037530.9810 nonperiodic-templates 105 116 85 89 96 96 10610095 1120.4711460.9840 nonperiodic-templates 91 104 10795 96 90 10610810796 0.8739870.9830 nonperiodic-templates 110 100 106104 107 96 99 98 10377 0.5749030.9890 nonperiodic-templates 125 91 10794 101 111 90 91 10090 0.2167130.9890 nonperiodic-templates 96 93 11294 97 109 91 10195 1120.7538440.9920 nonperiodic-templates 102 100 95 107 106 104 99 10684 97 0.8891180.9870 nonperiodic-templates 104 98 119103 99 94 85 90 1001080.5181060.9930 nonperiodic-templates 95 84 11395 91 101 11398 1081020.5361630.9890 nonperiodic-templates 106 106 90 89 113 105 98 92 98 1030.7714690.9880 nonperiodic-templates 97 101 99 95 110 90 95 93 12397 0.4865880.9900 nonperiodic-templates 101 91 10099 97 104 90 11311392 0.7298700.9910 nonperiodic-templates 110 97 10179 104 105 10011576 1130.0752540.9860 nonperiodic-templates 107 86 105115 91 97 89 10798 1050.5503470.9850 nonperiodic-templates 88 111 102100 94 96 10010211493 0.7695270.9950 nonperiodic-templates 105 111 98 94 94 96 99 89 1081060.8676920.9870 nonperiodic-templates 86 117 99 113 100 96 12094 91 84 0.1075120.9900 nonperiodic-templates 105 107 100112 98 92 95 10794 90 0.8377810.9920 nonperiodic-templates 79 111 97 104 98 100 11310589 1040.4172190.9930 nonperiodic-templates 86 81 112104 115 104 10685 11196 0.1388600.9920 nonperiodic-templates 92 91 10795 114 100 10111489 97 0.5934780.9900 nonperiodic-templates 111 99 99 107 95 97 95 11597 85 0.6475300.9900 nonperiodic-templates 90 117 83 115 96 96 10010792 1040.3011940.9910 nonperiodic-templates 100 94 102105 96 108 92 10391 1090.9240760.9880 nonperiodic-templates 94 121 88 100 105 82 99 10811093 0.2224800.9950 nonperiodic-templates 116 93 120105 91 94 11679 99 87 0.0465680.9890 nonperiodic-templates 106 85 89 100 93 116 10211510094 0.3907210.9870 nonperiodic-templates 102 92 99 114 82 93 89 11711993 0.1031380.9900 nonperiodic-templates 103 95 101127 102 84 10089 92 1070.1825500.9900 nonperiodic-templates。
classificationClassification is a fundamental task in machine learning and data analysis. It involves categorizing data into predefined classes or categories based on their features or characteristics. The goal of classification is to build a model that can accurately predict the class of new, unseen instances.In this document, we will explore the concept of classification, different types of classification algorithms, and their applications in various domains. We will also discuss the process of building and evaluating a classification model.I. Introduction to ClassificationA. Definition and Importance of ClassificationClassification is the process of assigning predefined labels or classes to instances based on their relevant features. It plays a vital role in numerous fields, including finance, healthcare, marketing, and customer service. By classifying data, organizations can make informed decisions, automate processes, and enhance efficiency.B. Types of Classification Problems1. Binary Classification: In binary classification, instances are classified into one of two classes. For example, spam detection, fraud detection, and sentiment analysis are binary classification problems.2. Multi-class Classification: In multi-class classification, instances are classified into more than two classes. Examples of multi-class classification problems include document categorization, image recognition, and disease diagnosis.II. Classification AlgorithmsA. Decision TreesDecision trees are widely used for classification tasks. They provide a clear and interpretable way to classify instances by creating a tree-like model. Decision trees use a set of rules based on features to make decisions, leading down different branches until a leaf node (class label) is reached. Some popular decision tree algorithms include C4.5, CART, and Random Forest.B. Naive BayesNaive Bayes is a probabilistic classification algorithm based on Bayes' theorem. It assumes that the features are statistically independent of each other, despite the simplifying assumption, which often doesn't hold in the realworld. Naive Bayes is known for its simplicity and efficiency and works well in text classification and spam filtering.C. Support Vector MachinesSupport Vector Machines (SVMs) are powerful classification algorithms that find the optimal hyperplane in high-dimensional space to separate instances into different classes. SVMs are good at dealing with linear and non-linear classification problems. They have applications in image recognition, hand-written digit recognition, and text categorization.D. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)K-Nearest Neighbors is a simple yet effective classification algorithm. It classifies an instance based on its k nearest neighbors in the training set. KNN is a non-parametric algorithm, meaning it does not assume any specific distribution of the data. It has applications in recommendation systems and pattern recognition.E. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)Artificial Neural Networks are inspired by the biological structure of the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes (neurons) organized in layers. ANN algorithms, such asMultilayer Perceptron and Convolutional Neural Networks, have achieved remarkable success in various classification tasks, including image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing.III. Building a Classification ModelA. Data PreprocessingBefore implementing a classification algorithm, data preprocessing is necessary. This step involves cleaning the data, handling missing values, and encoding categorical variables. It may also include feature scaling and dimensionality reduction techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA).B. Training and TestingTo build a classification model, a labeled dataset is divided into a training set and a testing set. The training set is used to fit the model on the data, while the testing set is used to evaluate the performance of the model. Cross-validation techniques like k-fold cross-validation can be used to obtain more accurate estimates of the model's performance.C. Evaluation MetricsSeveral metrics can be used to evaluate the performance of a classification model. Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are commonly used metrics. Additionally, ROC curves and AUC (Area Under Curve) can assess the model's performance across different probability thresholds.IV. Applications of ClassificationA. Spam DetectionClassification algorithms can be used to detect spam emails accurately. By training a model on a dataset of labeled spam and non-spam emails, it can learn to classify incoming emails as either spam or legitimate.B. Fraud DetectionClassification algorithms are essential in fraud detection systems. By analyzing features such as account activity, transaction patterns, and user behavior, a model can identify potentially fraudulent transactions or activities.C. Disease DiagnosisClassification algorithms can assist in disease diagnosis by analyzing patient data, including symptoms, medical history, and test results. By comparing the patient's data againsthistorical data, the model can predict the likelihood of a specific disease.D. Image RecognitionClassification algorithms, particularly deep learning algorithms like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have revolutionized image recognition tasks. They can accurately identify objects or scenes in images, enabling applications like facial recognition and autonomous driving.V. ConclusionClassification is a vital task in machine learning and data analysis. It enables us to categorize instances into different classes based on their features. By understanding different classification algorithms and their applications, organizations can make better decisions, automate processes, and gain valuable insights from their data.。
T tries to elicit correct pronunciation and the corrects
S: alib[ai]
S fails again
T: okay, listen, listen, alb[ay] T models correct pronunciation
SS: alib(ay)
Theoretical perspectives
1. The Interaction Hypothesis (Long 1996) 2. The Output Hypothesis (Swain 1985;
1995) 3. The Noticing Hypothesis (Schmidt
1994; 2001) 4. Focus on form (Long 1991)
2. In the course of this, they produce errors. 3. They receive feedback that they recognize as
corrective. 4. The feedback causes them to notice the errors they
first row. (uptake)
The complexity of corrective feedback
Corrective feedback (CF) occurs frequently in instructional settings (but much less frequently in naturalistic settings)
Initial focus on meaning Student perceives the feedback as corrective
通过卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)提取交通拥堵特征,得到的特征输入支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)进行交通状态预估。
关键词:智能交通;CNN-SVM;深度学习;交通状态预估中图分类号:TP399文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-8829(2019)05-0036-04doi:10.19708/j.ckjs.2019.05.008Traffic State Estimation Model Based on Vehicle Composition andFeature ExtractionSHE Hao,XIE Xing-sheng,WANG Qing-song(School of Information Science and Technology,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei230022,China) Abstract:Accurate traffic state estimation is conducive to the vehicle to choose a reasonable traffic route and ease traffic congestion.In order to solve the problems that the traditional method extracts traffic congestion feature insufficiently and the estimation accuracy depends on the accuracy of the monitor,a traffic state estimation model based on vehicle composition and feature extraction is proposed.The model used speed,flow,occupancy and large vehicle weight as input,and divided the traffic state into three states:smooth,crowded and congested,and combined the time and space dimensions to estimate the traffic state.The convolutional neural network (CNN)extracted traffic congestion features automatically which would be used in SVM for traffic state estimation.Experiments show that the model considering vehicle composition increases the accuracy by1.12%compared with the model that ignores the vehicle composition.The CNN-SVM model estimation accuracy is2.25% higher than the CNN model,which is an effective traffic state estimation model.Key words:intelligent transportation;CNN-SVM;deep learning;traffic state estimation在诸多交通问题中,交通拥堵是发生频率最高、影响最大、时间持续最长的问题。
类繁多 , 形态万 千 , 有复杂 的形 态 特征 .对 自然界 具 的植物形 态及 生长 发 育进 行 建 模 , 一方 面 对 于探 索 植物生 长过程 的规律 , 深化 对农学 、 物学 的研究具 植
有重要的意义 ; 另一方面 , 植物模拟在艺术设计 、 动 画制作 、 游戏 开发 等 领 域 也 有广 泛应 用 .在 过 去 的 三十多年 中 , 物模 拟 的研 究 和应用 已经 得 到 了相 植
当程度 的发展 .但是 , 种建 模 方 法 仍 有 其各 自 各
基于几何参数方法的植物建模通过构建不同的 数 学模 型 , 求模 拟 更 真 实 的植 物.已有 的基 于几 力 何 参数 的 建 模 方 法 有 :ID N Y R3提 出 了基 LN E MA E -
于文 法 、 重 于 植 物 拓 扑 结 构 的 L一系 统 , 由 侧 并 Pui i i 将其 用 于树 木 及 其 他 植 物 的 造 型 ; rs ke e n wz 随
物 造型受 到视点 位置影 响 , 采集 大量真 实 图片 ; 需 基 于生物学 机理 与环境控 制 的建 模方 法提 出了一 种植
物模拟的新思路 , 以更精确 、 可 更具体、 更本质地对 植 物进行 模 拟 .但 是 由于 生 物 本 身 的机 理 非 常 复 杂, 物种差异性较大 , 具体应用和实施这种策略工作 量很 大.可 以说 , 目前 为 止 以植 物 为对 象 的建 模 到
研究工作 .植 物 是 自然界 最 常见 的景 观 之一 , 种 其
1 植 物形 态建 模 的 研 究现 状
以植 物为研究 Biblioteka 象 的计算 机模 型可 以有多种 分
此外,该文结合线性代数中的矩阵相关知识,给出了有限生成群SL2(Z )以及若于有限生成特殊射影线性群的例子。
关键词:有限生成群英语同音群一般线性群特殊射影线性群中图分类号:O151.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2022)03(b)-0165-04Several Examples of Finitely Generated Groups in the ConceptTeaching of GroupsHUO Lijun(School of Science,Chongqing University of Technology,Chongqing,400054China)Abstract:The concept of group is one of the most basic concepts in abstract algebra.Integrating some interesting group examples into the teaching of abstract algebra course and explaining the abstract group theory with the help of these more specific group examples will play a positive role in stimulating students'learning interest and training students'mathematical thinking ability.In this paper,we introduce an example of finitely generated free group by using the English alphabet under some certain rules,which is called homophonic quotients of free groups,or briefly called English homophonic group.In addition,combined with the theory of matrix in linear algebra,we give some examples of about finitely generated group SL_2(Z)and finitely generated special projective linear groups.Key Words:Group;Finitely generated group,English homophonic group;General linear group;Special projective linear group1引言及准备知识群是代数学中一个最基本的代数结构,群的概念已有悠久的历史,最早起源于19世纪初叶人们对代数方程的研究,它是阿贝尔、伽罗瓦等著名数学家对高次代数方程有无公式解问题进行探索的结果,有关群的理论被公认为是19世纪最杰出的数学成就之一[1-2]。
大模型推理的ensemble 方案
大模型推理的ensemble 方案
1. Bagging:Bagging采用自助采样法从数据集中有放回地随机抽取样本,并训练多个基模型,然后对这些基模型进行加权平均或投票。
2. Boosting:Boosting是一种迭代算法,它通过将多个弱学习器组合成一个强学习器来提高预测精度。
常见的Boosting算法有AdaBoost、Gradient Boost等。
3. Stacking:Stacking是一种分层集成方法,它通过将多个基模型组合成
4. Blending:Blending是一种将多个模型的结果进行线性组合的方法,以提高预测精度和稳定性。
复杂进化关系类群 英文
复杂进化关系类群英文The Intricate Evolutionary Relationships of Complex TaxaThe study of evolutionary relationships among organisms has long been a subject of fascination for scientists and naturalists alike. One particularly intriguing aspect of this field is the examination of complex taxa, which often exhibit intricate and multifaceted evolutionary histories. These taxa, characterized by their diverse morphological features, ecological adaptations, and genetic compositions, present a unique challenge in unraveling the intricate web of their evolutionary connections.At the heart of this endeavor lies the concept of phylogenetics, the study of the evolutionary relationships among organisms based on their shared characteristics. Phylogenetic analyses, employing a variety of techniques such as morphological comparisons, molecular sequencing, and computational algorithms, have been instrumental in shedding light on the complex evolutionary histories of many taxa. By carefully examining the similarities and differences between organisms, scientists can construct hypothetical evolutionary trees, or phylogenies, that illustrate the branching patterns and divergence points that have shaped the diversity of life on our planet.One such example of a complex taxon is the order Carnivora, which includes a diverse array of mammals such as cats, dogs, bears, and seals. These animals exhibit a wide range of morphological and behavioral adaptations, reflecting their varied ecological niches and evolutionary trajectories. Phylogenetic studies of the Carnivora have revealed intricate relationships, with some species sharing more recent common ancestors than others, and the emergence of distinct clades or lineages that have diversified over time.Another compelling example can be found in the class Reptilia, which encompasses a broad range of organisms, from the iconic dinosaurs to the modern-day crocodiles, snakes, and lizards. The evolutionary history of reptiles has been a subject of intense scrutiny, with ongoing debates and revisions to their phylogenetic relationships. The emergence of new fossil evidence and the application of advanced molecular techniques have helped to refine our understanding of the complex evolutionary connections within this diverse group of animals.The study of complex taxa is not limited to the animal kingdom; the plant world also presents numerous examples of intricately related organisms. The angiosperm, or flowering plant, clade is a prime illustration, with its vast diversity of species exhibiting a wide range of morphological, ecological, and genetic characteristics. Unravelingthe evolutionary relationships among angiosperms has been a major focus of botanical research, with phylogenetic analyses providing insights into the origins and diversification of this dominant group of land plants.One of the key challenges in studying the evolutionary relationships of complex taxa lies in the inherent complexity of their histories. Many organisms have undergone multiple episodes of speciation, extinction, and adaptation, resulting in a tangled web of evolutionary connections that can be difficult to disentangle. Additionally, the acquisition of new traits, the loss of ancestral features, and the phenomenon of convergent evolution can further complicate the interpretation of phylogenetic data.To address these challenges, scientists have developed increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques for phylogenetic analysis. Advances in DNA sequencing, computational algorithms, and statistical modeling have allowed researchers to delve deeper into the genetic underpinnings of evolutionary relationships, providing a more robust and nuanced understanding of the complex taxa under study.Furthermore, the integration of multiple lines of evidence, such as morphological, ecological, and developmental data, has become crucial in constructing comprehensive and reliable phylogenetichypotheses. By considering a diverse array of characteristics, scientists can better account for the multifaceted nature of evolutionary processes and arrive at more accurate representations of the intricate connections within complex taxa.The study of complex taxa and their evolutionary relationships holds immense value for our understanding of the natural world. It not only sheds light on the historical patterns and mechanisms that have shaped the diversity of life but also has practical applications in fields such as conservation biology, disease ecology, and biotechnology. By unraveling the complex evolutionary histories of organisms, we can gain insights into their adaptations, vulnerabilities, and potential for future diversification, ultimately informing our efforts to protect and manage the natural world.In conclusion, the study of complex taxa and their evolutionary relationships is a fascinating and multifaceted field of inquiry. Through the application of advanced phylogenetic techniques and the integration of diverse lines of evidence, scientists are continuously expanding our understanding of the intricate web of life on our planet. As we delve deeper into the complexities of evolutionary histories, we unlock new insights that have the potential to transform our perspectives and guide our stewardship of the natural world.。
高考英语一轮总复习 语法专题突破 专题三 谓语动词
6.(2021·浙江卷)The little home was painted
(paint) white.It was
sweet and fresh.Mary loved it.
7.(2021·全国甲卷)We hired (hire) our bikes from the rental place at the
【用法点拨】 1.过去将来时的构成 主动语态:would+动词原形 被动语态:would be+过去分词 2.过去将来时的主要用法 过去将来时表示在过去预计将来的某一时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。
I thought that Jack was going to write a letter to his father.
专题三 谓语动词
增素能 精准突破 测效果 课堂评价
增素能 精准突破
1.(2023·全国乙卷)The remarkable development of this city,which is
consciously designed to protect the past while stepping into the modern world,
仅表示在过去某一时间点,一个动作正在进 行,有什么样的结果不得而知
凡有明确的过去时间的情况均用过去时,不能用完成时,如含有 ago,last year,just now,the other day
强调的是动作发生在 “过去”,和现在毫无关 系
强调的是对“现在”的影响和结果,动作到现 在刚完成或还在继续
sophisticated classifiers -回复
sophisticated classifiers -回复什么是Sophisticated ClassifiersSophisticated Classifiers(复杂分类器)是一种在机器学习中广泛使用的技术,用于将数据点分配到不同类别中。
Sophisticated Classifiers 在许多应用领域都得到了广泛的应用,如自然语言处理、图像识别、金融预测等。
常见的Sophisticated Classifiers算法有许多常见的Sophisticated Classifiers 算法,具体选择哪个算法取决于应用和数据的特性。
下面是几个常见的算法:1. 支持向量机(Support Vector Machines,SVM): SVM是一种基于统计学习理论的监督学习算法,可以用于二分类或多分类问题。
2. 随机森林(Random Forests): 随机森林是一种基于决策树的集成算法。
3. 深度学习神经网络(Deep Learning Neural Networks): 深度学习神经网络是一种基于神经网络结构的复杂分类器。
4. 梯度提升(Gradient Boosting): 梯度提升是一种迭代的集成学习算法。
5. 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN): CNN是一种特别适用于图像处理和识别的神经网络。
想要了解的事物英语作文Things I Yearn to Understand The world is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of knowledge, both known and unknown. While I find myself fascinated by the vast amount of information we’ve accumulated as a species, I am acutely aware of the vast, uncharted territories of understanding that lie before me. There are several key areas that spark a deep curiosity within me, areas I yearn to explore and grasp with greater clarity. Firstly, I am captivated by the complex workings of the human mind. The brain, a three-pound universe contained within our skulls, is a marvel of intricate networks and electrochemical signals that give rise to consciousness, emotion, and behavior. How do neurons fire in symphony to create our perceptions of the world? What are the mechanisms behind memory formation and retrieval? How does our unique blend of genetics and environment shape our personalities and predispositions? Unraveling the mysteries of the mind holds the key to understanding the very essence of what makes us human. The vast universe, with its swirling galaxies, enigmatic black holes, and the tantalizing possibility of life beyond Earth, also ignites my imagination. I long to understand the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos, from the delicate dance of subatomic particles to the majestic movements of celestial bodies. What is the true natureof dark matter and dark energy, the unseen forces shaping the universe's evolution? Are we alone in this vast cosmic expanse, or does life, in all its wondrous forms, exist elsewhere? The pursuit of answers to these questions is a quest to understand our place in the grand scheme of existence. Closer to home, the interconnected web of life on our planet fascinates me. The intricate ecosystems teeming with biodiversity, the delicate balance of predator and prey, theintricate cycles of energy and nutrients - these are all testament to the awe-inspiring power of evolution and adaptation. I yearn to understand the complex interactions within these ecosystems, the delicate balance that sustains them, and the impact of human activities on this delicate web. Understanding these complexities is crucial for our responsible stewardship of the planet and the preservation of its irreplaceable biodiversity. Furthermore, I am drawn to the intricacies of human history and its impact on our present reality. From the rise and fall of civilizations to the struggles for freedom and equality, historyoffers a lens through which we can examine the triumphs and failures of humankind.I crave a deeper understanding of the forces that have shaped our social,political, and economic systems, the ideologies that have fueled conflicts and cooperation, and the enduring legacies of past events. By studying history, wecan learn from our ancestors' mistakes and successes, equipping ourselves to navigate the challenges of the present and build a better future. The ever-evolving world of technology, with its rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration, also holds a powerful allure.I am driven to understand the principles behind these innovations, their potential to address global challenges, and the ethical implications that accompany them. How can we harness the power of artificial intelligence for the betterment of society while mitigating potential risks? What are the ethical considerations surrounding genetic engineering and its impact on future generations? How can space exploration contribute to scientific advancements and inspire future generations? Exploring these frontiers of technology is essential for shaping a future where innovation serves humanity and the planet. Finally, I yearn to understand the very essence of creativity and its power to inspire, challenge, and transform. From the evocative brushstrokes of a painter to the soaring melodiesof a composer, creativity speaks a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries. What are the cognitive processes that underpin artistic expression? How does creativity foster innovation and problem-solving across disciplines? How can we nurture and cultivate our own creative potential to contribute to the world in meaningful ways? Understanding the nature of creativity is key to unlockingour own potential and enriching the human experience. In conclusion, the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey, an insatiable thirst for understanding that fuels my curiosity and motivates my exploration. From the inner workings of the human mind to the vast expanses of the cosmos, from the intricate web of life on Earth to the enduring legacies of human history, from the frontiers of technology to the power of creative expression - these are the areas I yearn to understand with greater depth and clarity. This quest for knowledge is not merely an academic pursuit but a fundamental aspect of what makes us human - the desire to learn, grow, and contribute to the betterment of ourselves and the world around us.。
In the realm of education,the transformation of a students personality is a fascinating subject to explore.It is a testament to the dynamic nature of human development and the influence of various factors such as environment,peer groups,and educational experiences.The Influence of EnvironmentThe environment in which a student grows up plays a pivotal role in shaping their character.For instance,a nurturing and supportive home environment can foster a sense of selfconfidence and resilience in a student.On the other hand,a hostile or neglectful environment may lead to the development of a more introverted or anxious personality.The Role of Peer GroupsPeer groups significantly impact a students social behavior and attitudes.Positive peer relationships can encourage a student to be more outgoing and cooperative.Conversely, negative peer pressure can lead to the adoption of undesirable traits such as aggression or conformity to harmful behaviors.The Impact of TeachersTeachers are instrumental in guiding the development of a students personality.A teachers approachability,empathy,and fairness can create a conducive learning environment that encourages students to express themselves openly and develop a positive selfimage.Conversely,a teachers harsh or dismissive attitude can contribute to a students feelings of inadequacy and selfdoubt.The Power of EducationThe content and methodology of education also contribute to a students personality development.A curriculum that promotes critical thinking,creativity,and problemsolving can instill a sense of curiosity and adaptability in students.Moreover, extracurricular activities can offer opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop leadership and teamwork skills.Coping with ChallengesThe way a student copes with academic and personal challenges can also indicate changes in their personality.Overcoming obstacles can lead to increased selfesteem and a more determined and goaloriented character.However,repeated failures withoutadequate support can result in a more pessimistic and defeatist attitude.The Importance of SelfReflectionEncouraging students to engage in selfreflection is crucial for understanding and managing their personality traits.Through journaling,discussions,and feedback,students can become more aware of their strengths and areas for improvement,leading to personal growth and a more balanced personality.ConclusionThe evolution of a students personality is a complex process influenced by multiple factors.It is essential for educators,parents,and peers to be mindful of their impact on a students development and to provide a supportive and enriching environment that nurtures positive personality traits.By doing so,we can help students become wellrounded individuals ready to face the challenges of the world with confidence and resilience.。
Our class is a vibrant and dynamic community,a microcosm of the larger school environment.It is a place where diverse personalities,interests,and talents come together to create a rich and engaging atmosphere.Here is a detailed description of the current state of our class.1.Diversity of Students:Our class is composed of students from various backgrounds, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences.This diversity fosters a culture of acceptance and learning from one another.2.Academic Performance:Academically,our class is striving for excellence.The majority of students are dedicated to their studies,with many achieving high grades. However,there are also students who struggle and require additional support,which the class provides through study groups and peer tutoring.3.Participation in Extracurricular Activities:Many of our classmates are actively involved in extracurricular activities,ranging from sports teams to clubs focused on arts, sciences,and community service.This involvement not only enriches their school experience but also contributes to their personal growth.4.Classroom Environment:The classroom environment is generally positive and conducive to learning.Teachers are approachable and supportive,creating a space where students feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their ideas.5.Social Dynamics:Socially,our class has a mix of closeknit groups and individuals who are more independent.While there is a general sense of camaraderie,there are also instances of cliques and occasional misunderstandings.The class is working towards fostering a more inclusive social environment.e of Technology:Technology plays a significant role in our class.Students use laptops and tablets for research,assignments,and presentations.The integration of technology has enhanced our learning experience,though it also presents challenges in terms of digital distractions.7.Coping with Challenges:Like any group,our class faces challenges such as managing workload,dealing with peer pressure,and navigating the complexities of adolescence. However,we have support systems in place,including counselors and mentors,to help us overcome these obstacles.munity Involvement:Our class is not just focused on academic success but also on giving back to the community.We regularly participate in charity events,environmental initiatives,and volunteer work,which helps us develop a sense of social responsibility.9.Class Spirit:There is a strong sense of class spirit,evident during school events,sports meets,and cultural festivals.This spirit is a testament to our unity and collective pride.10.Future Aspirations:Looking ahead,our class is filled with aspirations and dreams. Students are encouraged to set goals and work towards them,with the class providing a supportive network to help achieve these ambitions.In conclusion,our class is a blend of academic rigor,social interaction,and personal growth.It is a place where we learn not just from books but from each other,and where we are preparing to step into the world as responsible and wellrounded individuals.。
1. 递归递归是一种通过重复应用相同的规则来构建分形结构的方法。
2. 迭代函数系统(IFS)迭代函数系统(IFS)是分形构造的另一种常用方法。
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Proceedings of the IJCAI-2003, pp.505-510,Acapulco, Mexico, August 2003Constructing Diverse Classifier Ensembles using Artificial Training ExamplesPrem Melville and Raymond J.MooneyDepartment of Computer SciencesUniversity of Texas1University Station,C0500Austin,TX78712melville@,mooney@AbstractEnsemble methods like bagging and boosting thatcombine the decisions of multiple hypotheses aresome of the strongest existing machine learningmethods.The diversity of the members of anensemble is known to be an important factor indetermining its generalization error.This paperpresents a new method for generating ensemblesthat directly constructs diverse hypotheses usingadditional artificially-constructed training exam-ples.The technique is a simple,general meta-learner that can use any strong learner as a baseclassifier to build diverse committees.Experimen-tal results using decision-tree induction as a baselearner demonstrate that this approach consistentlyachieves higher predictive accuracy than both thebase classifier and bagging(whereas boosting canoccasionally decrease accuracy),and also obtainshigher accuracy than boosting early in the learningcurve when training data is limited.1IntroductionOne of the major advances in inductive learning in the past decade was the development of ensemble or committee ap-proaches that learn and retain multiple hypotheses and com-bine their decisions during classification[Dietterich,2000]. For example,boosting[Freund and Schapire,1996],an en-semble method that learns a series of“weak”classifiers each one focusing on correcting the errors made by the previous one,has been found to be one of the currently best generic inductive classification methods[Hastie et al.,2001]. Constructing a diverse committee in which each hypothesis is as different as possible(decorrelated with other members of the ensemble)while still maintaining consistency with the training data is known to be a theoretically important property of a good committee[Krogh and Vedelsby,1995].Although all successful ensemble methods encourage diversity to some extent,few have focused directly on the goal of maximizing diversity.Existing methods that focus on achieving diversity [Opitz and Shavlik,1996;Rosen,1996]are fairly complex and are not general meta-learners like bagging[Breiman, 1996]and boosting that can be applied to any base learner to produce an effective committee[Witten and Frank,1999].We present a new meta-learner(D ECORATE,Diverse En-semble Creation by Oppositional Relabeling of Artificial Training Examples)that uses an existing“strong”learner(one that provides high accuracy on the training data)to buildan effective diverse committee in a fairly simple,straightfor-ward manner.This is accomplished by adding different ran-domly constructed examples to the training set when buildingnew committee members.These artificially constructed ex-amples are given category labels that disagree with the cur-rent decision of the committee,thereby easily and directlyincreasing diversity when a new classifier is trained on the augmented data and added to the committee.Boosting and bagging provide diversity by sub-samplingor re-weighting the existing training examples.If the train-ing set is small,this limits the amount of ensemble diversitythat these methods can obtain.D ECORATE ensures diversityon an arbitrarily large set of additional artificial examples. Therefore,one hypothesis is that it will result in higher gen-eralization accuracy when the training set is small.This pa-per presents experimental results on a wide range of UCI data sets comparing boosting,bagging,and D ECORATE,all usingJ48decision-tree induction(a Java implementation of C4.5 [Quinlan,1993]introduced in[Witten and Frank,1999])as a base learner.Cross-validated learning curves support the hy-pothesis that“D ECORATE d trees”generally result in greaterclassification accuracy for small training sets.2Ensembles and DiversityIn an ensemble,the combination of the output of severalclassifiers is only useful if they disagree on some inputs [Krogh and Vedelsby,1995].We refer to the measure of disagreement as the of the ensemble.There have been several methods proposed to measure ensemble diver-sity[Kuncheva and Whitaker,2002]—usually dependent on the measure of accuracy.For regression,where the mean squared error is commonly used to measure accuracy,vari-ance can be used as a measure of diversity.So the diver-sity of the classifier on example can be defined as,where and are the predictions of the classifier and the ensemble respec-tively.For this setting Krogh et al[1995]show that the gen-eralization error,,of the ensemble can be expressed as ,where and are the mean error and diversity of the ensemble respectively.For classification problems,where the0/1loss function is most commonly used to measure accuracy,the diversity of the classifier can be defined as:ifotherwise(1) However,in this case the above simple linear relationship does not hold between,and.But there is still strong reason to believe that increasing diversity should decrease en-semble error[Zenobi and Cunningham,2001].The underly-ing principle of our approach is to build ensembles of classi-fiers that are consistent with the training data and maximize diversity as defined in(1).3DECORATE:Algorithm DefinitionIn D ECORATE(see Algorithm1),an ensemble is generated iteratively,learning a classifier at each iteration and adding it to the current ensemble.We initialize the ensemble to contain the classifier trained on the given training data.The classifiers in each successive iteration are trained on the original training data and also on some artificial data.In each iteration artifi-cial training examples are generated from the data distribu-tion;where the number of examples to be generated is spec-ified as a fraction,,of the training set size.The labels for these artificially generated training examples are chosen so as to differ maximally from the current ensemble’s predic-tions.The construction of the artificial data is explained in greater detail in the following section.We refer to the labeled artificially generated training set as the diversity data.We train a new classifier on the union of the original training data and the diversity data.If adding this new classifier to the cur-rent ensemble increases the ensemble training error,then we reject this classifier,else we add it to the current ensemble. This process is repeated until we reach the desired committee size or exceed the maximum number of iterations.To classify an unlabeled example,,we employ the fol-lowing method.Each base classifier,,in the ensemble provides probabilities for the class membership of.If is the probability of example belonging to classaccording to the classifier,then we compute the class membership probabilities for the entire ensemble as:Algorithm1The DECORATE algorithm6.While and7.Generate training examples,R,based on distribution of training databel examples in R with probability of class labelsinversely proportional to’s predictions,remove the artificial datapute training error,,of as in step514.If15.16.17.otherwise,18.19.Quinlan,1996].We compared the performance of D ECO-RATE to that of Adaboost,Bagging and J48,using J48as the base learner for the ensemble methods and using the Weka implementations of these methods[Witten and Frank,1999]. For the ensemble methods,we set the ensemble size to15. Note that in the case of D ECORATE,we only specify a max-imum ensemble size,the algorithm terminates if the number of iterations exceeds the maximum limit even if the desired ensemble size is not reached.For our experiments,we set the maximum number of iterations in D ECORATE to50.We ran experiments varying the amount of artificially generated data,;and found that the results do not vary much for the range0.5to1.However,values lower than0.5do adversely affect D ECORATE,because there is insufficient ar-tificial data to give rise to high diversity.The results we report are for set to1,i.e.the number of artificially generated examples is equal to the training set size.The performance of each learning algorithm was evaluated using10complete10-fold cross-validations.In each10-fold cross-validation each data set is randomly split into10equal-size segments and results are averaged over10trials.For each trial,one segment is set aside for testing,while the remaining data is available for training.To test performance on vary-ing amounts of training data,learning curves were generated by testing the system after training on increasing subsets of the overall training data.Since we would like to summarize results over several data sets of different sizes,we select dif-ferent percentages of the total training-set size as the points on the learning curve.To compare two learning algorithms across all domains we employ the statistics used in[Webb,2000],namely the win/draw/loss record and the geometric mean error ratio.The win/draw/loss record presents three values,the number of data sets for which algorithm obtained better,equal,or worse performance than algorithm with respect to classi-fication accuracy.We also report the statistically significant win/draw/loss record;where a win or loss is only counted if the difference in values is determined to be significant at the 0.05level by a paired-test.The geometric mean error ratio is defined as,where and are the mean errors of algorithm and on the same domain.If the ge-ometric mean error ratio is less than one it implies that algo-rithm performs better than,and vice versa.We compute error ratios so as to capture the degree to which algorithms out-perform each other in win or loss outcomes.4.2ResultsOur results are summarized in Tables1-3.Each cell in the tables presents the accuracy of D ECORATE versus another al-gorithm.If the difference is statistically significant,then the larger of the two is shown in bold.We varied the training set sizes from1-100%of the total available data,with more points lower on the learning curve since this is where we expect to see the most difference between algorithms.The bottom of the tables provide summary statistics,as discussed above,for each of the points on the learning curve.D ECORATE has more significant wins to losses over Bag-ging for all points along the learning curve(see Table2).D ECORATE also outperforms Bagging on the geometric mean ratio.This suggests that even in cases where Bagging beats D ECORATE the improvement is less than D ECORATE’s im-provement on Bagging on the rest of the cases.D ECORATE outperforms AdaBoost early on the learningcurve both on significant wins/draw/loss record and geomet-ric mean ratio;however,the trend is reversed when given75%or more of the data.Note that even with large amounts oftraining data,D ECORATE’s performance is quite competitive with Adaboost-given100%of the data D ECORATE produceshigher accuracies on6out of15data sets.It has been observed in previous studies[Webb,2000;Bauer and Kohavi,1999]that while AdaBoost usually sig-nificantly reduces the error of the base learner,it occasionallyincreases it,often to a large extent.D ECORATE does not havethis problem as is clear from Table1.On many data sets,D ECORATE achieves the same or higheraccuracy as Bagging and AdaBoost with many fewer trainingexamples.Figure1show learning curves that clearly demon-strate this point.Hence,in domains where little data is avail-able or acquiring labels is expensive,D ECORATE has an ad-vantage over other ensemble methods.We performed additional experiments to analyze the role that diversity plays in error reduction.We ran D ECORATE at10different settings of ranging from0.1to1.0,thusvarying the diversity of ensembles produced.We then com-pared the diversity of ensembles with the reduction in gener-alization error.Diversity of an ensemble is computed as themean diversity of the ensemble members(as given by Eq.1). We compared ensemble diversity with the ensemble error re-duction,i.e.the difference between the average error of theensemble members and the error of the entire ensemble(as in [Cunningham and Carney,2000]).We found that the correla-tion coefficient between diversity and ensemble error reduc-tion is0.6225(1),which is fairly strong.Further-more,we compared diversity with the base error reduction, i.e.the difference between the error of the base classifier and the ensemble error.The base error reduction gives a better in-dication of the improvement in performance of an ensemble over the base classifier.The correlation of diversity versus the base error reduction is0.1552().We note that even though this correlation is weak,it is still a statistically significant positive correlation.These results reinforce our belief that increasing ensemble diversity is a good approach to reducing generalization error.To determine how the performance of D ECORATE changeswith ensemble size,we ran experiments with increasing sizes.We compared results for training on20%of available data,since the advantage of D ECORATE is most noticeable low on the learning curve.Due to lack of space,we do not include the results for all15datasets,but presentfive representative datasets(see Figure2).The performance on other datasets is similar.We note,in general,that the accuracy of D ECORATE increases with ensemble size;though on most datasets,the performance levels out with an ensemble size of10to25.7075808590951000100200300400500600700P e r c e n t c o r r e c tNumber of Training ExamplesAdaBoost Decorate Bagging3040506070809010020406080100120140P e r c e n t c o r r e c tNumber of Training ExamplesAdaBoost Decorate BaggingB REAST -W I RIS5055606570758085900510152025303540455055P e r c e n t c o r r e c tNumber of Training ExamplesAdaBoost Decorate Bagging455055606570758050100150200250300P e r c e n t c o r r e c tNumber of Training ExamplesAdaBoost Decorate BaggingL ABOR H EART -CFigure 1:D ECORATE compared to AdaBoost and Bagging707580859095100P e r c e n t c o r r e c tEnsemble SizeFigure 2:D ECORATE at different ensemble sizes5Related WorkThere have been some other attempts at building ensembles that focus on the issue of diversity.Liu et al [1999]and Rosen [1996]simultaneously train neural networks in an ensemble using a correlation penalty term in their error functions.Opitz and Shavlik [1996]use a genetic algorithm to search for a good ensemble of networks.To guide the search they use an objective function that incorporates both an accuracy and diversity term.Zenobi et al [2001]build ensembles based on different feature subsets;where feature selection is done using a hill-climbing strategy based on classifier error and diversity.A classifier is rejected if the improvement of one of the metrics lead to a “substantial”deterioration of the other;where “substantial”is defined by a pre-set threshold.In all these approaches,ensembles are built attempting to simultaneously optimize the accuracy and diversity of indi-vidual ensemble members.However,in D ECORATE ,our goal is to minimize ensemble error by increasing diversity.At no point does the training accuracy of the ensemble go belowanneal16.66/16.6623.73/23.0741.72/41.1755.42/51.6764.09/60.5967.62/64.8470.46/68.1172.82/70.7777.8/75.1582.1/77.22 autos92.38/74.7394.12/87.3495.06/89.4295.64/92.2195.55/93.0995.91/93.3696.2/93.8596.01/94.2496.28/94.6596.31/95.01 credit-a31.69/31.6935.86/32.9644.5/38.3455.4/46.6261.77/54.1666.01/60.6368.07/61.3868.85/63.6972.73/67.5372.77/67.77 heart-c52.33/52.3371.95/65.9376.59/72.7578.85/78.2580.28/78.6181.14/78.6381.53/79.3581.68/79.5782.37/79.0482.43/79.22 colic33.33/33.3350.87/33.3380.67/59.3391.27/84.3393.07/91.3394.4/92.7395.07/9394.07/93.3394.67/94.0794.93/94.73 labor48.39/48.3953.49/46.6465.73/60.3972.79/68.2174.57/70.7978.84/73.5878.37/74.5378.31/73.3478.06/75.6378.74/76.06 segment19.37/13.6932.12/22.3255.55/42.9473.51/59.0484.63/74.4988.52/81.5990.37/84.7891.35/86.8992.85/89.4493.81/91.76 spliceWin/Draw/Loss7/8/010/3/211/4/010/5/011/4/012/3/013/2/012/2/110/4/110/4/1 GM error ratioTable2:D ECORATE vs Bagging1%2%5%10%20%30%40%50%75%100% anneal16.66/12.9823.73/23.6841.72/38.5555.42/51.3464.09/61.7667.62/66.970.46/70.2972.82/73.0777.8/77.3282.1/80.71 autos92.38/76.7494.12/88.0795.06/90.8895.64/93.4195.55/94.4295.91/94.9596.2/94.9596.01/95.5596.28/96.0796.31/96.3 credit-a31.69/24.8535.86/31.4744.5/40.8755.4/49.661.77/58.966.01/64.3568.07/66.368.85/68.4472.73/7272.77/74.67 heart-c52.33/52.3372.14/63.1876.8/75.279.48/78.6480.7/80.4281.81/81.0781.65/81.2283.19/81.0682.99/80.8782.62/81.34 colic33.33/33.3350.27/33.3380.67/60.4791.53/81.493.2/90.6794.2/92.3394.73/92.8794.4/93.694.53/94.4794.67/94.73 labor48.39/48.3953.62/47.1165.06/60.1271.2/69.6876.74/73.678.84/76.5878.17/77.6878.99/76.9879.14/76.879.08/77.97 segment19.51/14.5632.4/24.5855.36/47.4673.06/65.4585.14/79.2988.27/85.0590.22/87.8991.4/89.2292.75/91.5693.89/92.71 spliceWin/Draw/Loss8/7/010/3/210/3/29/5/110/2/38/4/36/7/28/5/25/7/34/9/2 GM error ratiothat of the base classifier;however,this is a possibility with previous methods.Furthermore,none of the previous stud-ies compared their methods with the standard ensemble ap-proaches such as Boosting and Bagging([Opitz and Shavlik, 1996]compares with Bagging,but not Boosting). Compared to boosting,which requires a“weak”base learner that does not completelyfit the training data(boosting terminates once it constructs a hypothesis with zero training error),D ECORATE requires a strong learner,otherwise the ar-tificial diversity training data may prevent it from adequately fitting the real data.When applying boosting to strong base learners,they mustfirst be appropriately weakened in order to benefit from boosting.Therefore,D ECORATE may be a preferable ensemble meta-learner for strong learners.To our knowledge,the only other ensemble approach to uti-lize artificial training data is the active learning method intro-duced in[Cohn et al.,1994].The goal of the committee here is to select good new training examples rather than to improve accuracy using the existing training data.Also,the labels of the artificial examples are selected to produce hypotheses that more faithfully represent the entire version space rather than to produce diversity.Cohn’s approach labels artificial data ei-ther all positive or all negative to encourage,respectively,the learning of more general or more specific hypotheses.6Future Work and ConclusionIn our current approach,we are encouraging diversity usingartificial training examples.However,in many domains,alarge amount of unlabeled data is already available.We could exploit these unlabeled examples and label them as diversitydata.This would allow D ECORATE to act as a form of semi-supervised learning that exploits both labeled and unlabeled data[Nigam et al.,2000].Our current study has used J48as a base learner;how-ever,we would expect similarly good results with other base learners.Decision-tree induction has been the most com-monly used base learner in other ensemble studies,but therehas been some work using neural networks and naive Bayes [Bauer and Kohavi,1999;Opitz and Maclin,1999].Exper-iments on“D ECORAT ing”other learners is another area forfuture work.By manipulating artificial training examples,D ECORATEis able to use a strong base learner to produce an effective,diverse ensemble.Experimental results demonstrate that the approach is particularly effective at producing highly accurate ensembles when training data is limited,outperforming both bagging and boosting low on the learning curve.The empir-ical success of D ECORATE raises the issue of developing a sound theoretical understanding of its effectiveness.In gen-anneal16.66/16.6623.73/23.4141.72/40.2455.42/52.764.09/64.1567.62/68.9170.46/73.0772.82/75.9277.8/81.7482.1/84.52 autos92.38/74.7394.12/87.8495.06/91.1595.64/93.7595.55/94.8595.91/95.7296.2/95.8496.01/95.8796.28/96.396.31/96.47 credit-a31.69/31.6935.86/32.9344.5/40.7155.4/49.7861.77/58.0366.01/64.3368.07/66.9368.85/68.6972.73/74.6972.77/76.06 heart-c52.33/52.3372.14/65.9376.8/73.0179.48/76.9580.7/79.4481.81/79.2281.65/81.2783.19/82.6382.99/83.2482.62/82.71 colic33.33/33.3350.27/33.3380.67/66.291.53/84.5393.2/90.7394.2/9394.73/93.3394.4/93.5394.53/94.294.67/94.2 labor48.39/48.3953.62/46.6465.06/60.5471.2/69.5776.74/74.1678.84/78.6278.17/80.3578.99/79.8879.14/80.9679.08/81.75 segment19.51/14.2632.4/23.3655.36/49.3773.06/69.4985.14/85.0188.27/88.3790.22/90.0491.4/90.8992.75/92.5793.89/92.88 spliceWin/Draw/Loss7/7/18/6/111/2/210/3/27/6/24/9/25/5/55/6/43/6/63/6/6 GM error ratioeral,the idea of using artificial or unlabeled examples to aid the construction of effective ensembles seems to be a promis-ing approach worthy of further study. 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