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郭志军(1) 秦国刚(1) 庞小峰(1) 韦钦(1)
刘伟(2) 张志东(2) 郭志军(1)邝小渝(1)
庞小峰7.00 苏文辉 6.65 郑文琛 6.33 姚凯伦3.73 马东平 2.90 梁敬魁 2.60 周光辉 2.57 张志东 2.53 龙期威2.23 魏国柱 2.00 某篇文章的P因子计算公式为:(N-N i+1)/∑N n
的个数,N i为中心成员处于第几作者。
∑N n
例如一篇文章中有两个作者,中心成员居第一位,则P因子为(2-1+1)/(1+2)=2/3 。
国际上著名的金属电子结构理论专家,英国牛津大学的Norman H. March教授应邀在这次讲座上做了专题报告并安排了相应的时间与中国学者进行了个别的学术讨论和交流。
中国科学院国际材料物理中心将于2001年9月20日在西安与西北工业大学应用物理系合作举办名为"Complexity in Materials"的材料物理国际研讨会,目前应邀将参加这次研讨会的国外专家学者有挪威的Jens Feder教授(分形)、法国LEM CNRS/ONERA的Ladislas Kubin教授(位错的非线性现象)和英国皇家学会院士、牛津大学的David Sherrington教授(自旋玻璃)及混沌方面专家等。
书中不仅举出了像高温超导、C60、巨磁致电阻、纳米固体等具有特殊电、光、磁学性能新材料,而且在非平衡物理项目下着重提出了近些年引人注目的传统材料中的现代物理问题,如凝固过程中花样的形成(pattern formation)、韧性和断裂、摩擦等。
《Dynamical Properties of Solids: Volume 4 Disordered Solids, Optical Properties》Edited by: G.K.Horton and A.A.Maradudin
《Electron Holography》Edited by: A.Tonomura, L.F.Allard, G.Pozzi, D.C.Joy and Y.A.Ono
《High Polymers, Vol.VI, Mechanical Behavior of High Polymers》Edit by: Turner Alfrey, Jr. 1980
《Les Houches 1989 Session LI: Liquids, Freezing and Glass T ransition Part II》Edit by: J.P.Hansen, D.Levesque and J.Zinn-Justin 1985
《Mechanical Properties and Behaviour of Solids: Plastic Instabilities》Proceedings of the meeting held at the International Centre for Theoretical
Physics Trieste, Italy August 12-30 1985 Editors: V.Balakrishana and
《Workshop on Materials Science and the Physics of Non-conventional Energy Sources》Editors: G.Furlan, D.Nobili, A.M.Sayigh and B.O.Seraphin 1995 Modern Physics Letter A V ol. 10, No. 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 19, 29, 35
Stinchcombe Static equilibrium phase transition
Stinchcombe Nonequilibrium systems (I)
Stinchcombe Nonequilibrium systems (II)
Stinchcombe Granular media (I)
Stinchcombe Granular media (II)
陈充林What Governs the Novel Thin Film Growth-Atomic Dynamics
陈充林Microstructures of Novel Materials Surfaces and Interfaces
施志刚Novel Growth Behavior and Quantum Phenomena in Thin Metal Films 施志刚Nanoscale Studies of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
陈充林Epitaxial Growlth and Characterizations of Ferroelectric Thin Films
陈充林Systematical Studies of Highly Dopped Novel Materials
张志东Quantum Well Interference in Double Quantum Wells
刘墉Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Magnetic Metal Superlattices 张志东Structure and Magnetic Properties of Ultrafine Particles and Nanocapsules
刘墉Spin-dependent Transport in GMR, Spin-valve and TMR Systems
曾巧仪A New Technique for Materials Synthesis: Combinatorial Approach
曾巧仪Rapid Methods for Materials Characterization
王恩哥Novel Formation and Decay Mechanism of Nanostructures on Surfaces 曾巧仪Discovery of Novel Materials and Construction of Phase Diagrams
N. H. March Force fields in metals in relation to electronic structure
(1) Pair potential
龙期威材料和凝聚物质物理展望: 美国NRC1999年报告简介
N. H. March Force fields in metals in relation to electronic structure
(2) Glue models
N. H. March Non-local energy density functions: models plus some exact results
附录1:List of Publications in 2000
1. C. W. Lung and N. H. March: “Transcending Dissipative Force Proportional to
V elocity in Internal Friction and Crack Propagation: the role of phonon e mission”
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 61(2000)1231.
2. C. W. Lung, K Long, E. K. Tian, and Z. J. Liang: “Distortion Regions near the
J. Mater. Sci.
Technol. Vol.16, (2000)554-558.
3. C.W.Lung, S.G.Wang, and Q.Y.Long: “Elastic Fracture in Driven Media”,
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 279, (2000)139-141.
4. C.W.Lung, S.G.Wang:“University and specificity of fractal dimension of
fractured surfaces in materials”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. Vol.16, No.1, (2000)
5.S.G.Wang, E.K.Tian and C.W.Lung: “Surface Energy of Arbitrary Crystal plane
of bcc and fcc Metals”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 61, (2000)1295-1300.
6.X. Z. Zhou, J. Jiang, C. W. Lung: “Effects of Distribution of Induced Defects on
Positron Diffusion” , J. Mater. Sci. Technol. Vol.16, (2000)73-75.
7.J. Jiang, X. Z. Zhou, C. W. Lung: “E ffects of Positron Diffusion and Its
Appl-ication in Composite System”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol.Vol.16, (2000)311-314.
中自由电子密度微观缺陷及其键组成”中国科学A辑V ol. 30, No 10 (2000) 940
9.DENG Wen, XHONG Xiaping, HUANG Y uyang, XIONG Liangyue, WANG
Shuhe, GUO Jianting and LONG Qiwei: “Effects of Nb and Si on densities of
Al alloys” Science in China (Series A) V ol 42 No 1(1999)
10.J.D.Guo, G.H.He, Y.Y.Zhang, B.L.Zhou, T.L.Luo, S.M.Du and G.H.Li: “Thermal
Diffusivity Measurement of Diamond Films” International Journal of Thermophysics. V ol.21. No.2.2000
11.Wei Liu, Zhi-dong Zhang, J P Liu, X K Sun, Xin-guo Zhao and Bao-Zhi Cui:
“Structure and magnetic properties of (Nd, Pr) -Fe-B-Ti alloys prepared by mechanical alloying” J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys.32 (1999) 2846-2850
12.W.Liu, X.K.Sun, Z.D.Zhang, Q.F.Xiao, E.Brück, Boer: “Magnetic phase
transition in Nd1-x Pr x Fe11-x Si y Ti(y=0.5,1.0) compounds” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 296 (2000) 39-45
13.Yizhou Zhou, Rongshan Qin, Suhong Xiao, Guanhu He and Benlian Zhou:
“Reversing effect of electropulsing on , V ol.15, No.5 (2000) 1056
14.W.Zhang, M.L.Sui, K.Y.Hu, D.X.Li, X.N.Guo, G.H.He and B.L.Zhou:
“Formation of nanophases in a Cu-Zn alloy under high current density electropulsing” J.Mater.Res., V ol. 15, No.10, (2000) 2065
15.G.H.He, J.D.Guo, Y.Y.Zhang, B.Q.Wang, and B.L.Zhou: “Measurement of
thermal Diffusivity of Thermal Control Coatings by the Flash Method Using Two-Layer Composite Sample” International Journal of Thermophysics, V ol.21. No.2.2000
16.J.Chen and B.Zhou: “Mechanism of the Dynamic Thermal Expansion o f
Bismuth-Based High-T c Superconductors” International Journal of Thermophysics. V ol.21. No.2.2000
17. B.L.Zhou: “Bio-inspired study of structural amterials” Materials
Science&Engineering C 11 (2000) 13-18
18.G.H.He, B.Q.Wang, X.N.Guo, F.Y ang, J.D.Guo, B.L.Zhou: “Investigation of
thermal expansion measurement of brass strip H62 after high current density electropulsing by the CCD technique” Materials Science and Engineering A 292 (2000) 183-188
19.Xin-guo Zhao, Zhi-dong Zhang, X.K.Sun, Wei Liu, Zhi-jun Guo, Qun-feng Xiao
and Dian-yu Geng: “Structural and magnetic properties of Sm2(Fe1-x Ti x)17(x=0-0.1) alloys prepared by hydrogenation processes and their nitrides” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 208 (2000) 231-238 20.Bao Zhi Cui, Xiao-Kai Sun, Wei Liu, Cai-Yin Y ou, Dian Y u Geng and Zhi Dong
Zhang: “Effects of Nitrogenation and Composition on Phase Transformation and
Fe82B8-x Mo x(x=0 to 8) Alloys” Z.Metallkd. 91 (2000) 302
21.Z.J.Gou, S.C.Busbridge, B.W.Wang, Z.D.Zhang, X.G.Zhao and D.Y.Geng:
“Structure, magnetic properties, and magnetostriction of (Tb1-x Nd x)(Fe0.4Co0.6)1.9”
Journal of Applied Physics V ol 86 No 11 (2000) 6310
22.W.Liu, X.K.Sun, Z.D.Zhang, Q.F.Xiao, E.Brück, Boer: “Magnetic phase
transitions in Nd1-x Pr x Fe11-y Si y Ti(y=0.5,1.0) compounds” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 296 (2000) 39-45
23. F Wang, T Zhao, Z D Zhang, M G Zhang, D K Xiong, X M Jin, D Y Geng, X G
Zhao, W Liu, M H Y u and F R de Boer: “Giant magnetoresistance in Co-Cu-Ni granular ribbons” J.Phys.: Condens.Matter 12 (2000) 2525-2533
24.Caiyin Y ou, X K Sun, Wei Liu, Baozhi Cui, Xinguo Zhao and Zhidong Zhang:
“Effect of Co and W additions on the structure and magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite magnets” J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys.33 (2000) 926-931
25. B Z Cui, X K Sun, W Liu, Z D Zhang, D Y Geng and X G Zhao: “Effects of
additional elements on the structure and magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe-type nanocomposite magnets” J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 33 (2000) 338-344 26.X.L.Dong, Z.D.Zhang, S.R.Jin and B.K.Kim: “Characterization and magnetic
properties of Fe-Co ultrafime particles” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 210 (2000) 143-149
27.Dianyu GENG, Zhidong ZHANG, Baozhi CUI, Zhijun GUO, Wei LIU and
Xinguo ZHAO: “Hard Magnetic Properties of Sm-Fe-C Based Alloys Prepared
by Mechanical Alloying” J.Mater.Sci.Technol., V ol. 16 No. 2 (2000) 125
28.M.H.Y u, Z.D.Zhang, Q.F.Xiao, D.Y.Geng, W.Liu and X.G.Zhao:
“Crystallographic transformations of rapidl y quenched Nd10Fe90-x Ti x”Jounal of Applied Physics V ol. 88 No.7 (2000) 4226
29.Dian-yu Geng, Zhi-dong Zhang, Bao-zhi Cui, Xin-guo Zhao, Wei Liu and
Zhi-jun Guo: “Sm-Fe-C nanocomposite magnets prepared from powders of Sm, Fe, and graphite by mechanical alloyin g” Journal of Applied Physics V ol 87 No.9 (2000) 5296
30.W.Liu, Z.D.Zhang, J.P.Liu, X.K.Sun, D.J.Sellmyer: “Structure and magnetic
properties of N-containing Nd-Fe-B alloys prepared by mechanical alloying”
Journal of Applied Physics V ol 87 No.9 (2000) 5332
31.Z.D.Zhang, Hyuk J.Choi, R.K.Kawakami, Ernesto J.Escorcia-Aparicio,
M.O.bowen, and J.H.Wolfe, E.Rotenberg, N.V.Smith and Z.Q.Qiu: “Magnetic interlayer coupling between Co films across Cu/Ni30Cu70/Cu(100)double quantum wells” Physical Review B V ol.61, No.1 (2000) 76
32.Z.J.Guo, Z.D.Zhang, B.W.Wang and X.G.Zhao: “Giant magnetostriction and spin
Pr0.1)(Fe1-x Co x)2” Physical Review B V ol61.
No.5 (2000) 3519
33.W.Liu, Z.D.Zhang, X.K.Sun, J.F.He, H.Tang, B.Z.Cui, X.G.Zhao: “Effect of
nitrogen content on structure and magnetic properties of Nd16Fe84-x B x N x alloys prepared by mechanical alloying” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 309 (2000) 172-175
34.W.Liu, Z.D.Zhang, X.K.Sun, X.G.Zhao, B.Z.Cui, D.Y.Geng: “Phase
transformation, structure and magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B-V alloys and their nitrides prepared by mechanical alloying” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 219 (2000) 253-259
35.Z.J.Guo, Z.D.Zhang, X.G.Zhao and D.Y.Geng: “Formation ofδphase and its
effects on magnetic properties and magnetostriction of Tb0.5Pr0.5(Fe0.4+x Co0.6-x)1.9(0≤x≤0.6)” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 219(2000) 260-264
36.Z.J.Guo, Z.D.Zhang, X.G.Zhao, X.M.Jin and D.Y.Geng: “Effect of Mn
substitution on structure, magnetic properties and magnetostriction of Sm0.9Pr0.1Fe2” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 308 (2000) 319-322
37. F Wang, Z D Zhang, T Zhao, M G Wang, D K Xiong, X M Jin, D Y Geng, X G
Zhao W Liu and M H Y u: “Giant magnetoresistance in Co-Fe-Cu granular
12 (2000) 4829-4835
38.Z D Zhang, F Wang, J He, T Zhao, M G Wang, D K Xiong, D Y Geng, X G Zhao,
M H Y u and W Liu: “Effects of B addition on giant magnetoresistance in Co-Cu
33 (2000) 1794-1797
n, X.L.Chen, Y.G.Cao, Y.P.Xu, L.D.Xun, T.Xu, J.K.Liang:
“Low-temperature synthesis and photoluminescence of AIN”Journal of
Crystal Growth 207 (1999) 247-250
40.Yi Chen, Jingkui Liang, Xiaolong Chen and Quanlin Liu: “Phase relation in the
system Gd-Co-B”Journal of Alloys and Compounds 296 (2000) L1-L3
41.Q L Liu, J K Liang, F Huang, Y Chen, G H Rao, X L Chen and Shen B G:
“Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the intermetallic compounds La2Co17-x M x(M=Nb, Mo, Mn)” J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 9797-9805 42.Q.L.Liu, J.K.Liang, F.Huang, Y.Chen, G.H.Rao, X.L.Chen, B.G.Shen: “Structure
and magnetic properties of intermetallic compounds (La1-x R x)2Co16Ti(R=Sm, Nd)” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 297 (2000) 33-36
43. F.X.Liu, X.Y.Zhang, J.M.Zhao, J.Y.Wang, L.Liu, Z.Z.Xu, S.Z.Jin and R.Ji :
“Optical spectroscopy of undoped PbWO4powders with different annealing atmospheres” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A426 (1999) 464-468
44.Kuang Xiao-Y u, Zhou Kang-Wei: “Study of antiferromagn etic interaction of
2+and KZnF
:Mn2+systems” Physics letters A 262 (1999) 389-395
45.Li-Ping Zheng: “The role of cascade atoms in the zero-fluence and the
energy isotope sputtering” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics research B 160 (2000) 29-32
46.Yi Chen, X.Li, L.Chen, J.K.Liang B.G.Shen and Q.L.Liu: “Synthesis, structure,
and magnetic properties of Pr5Co19B6” Physical Review B vol 61(2000) 3502 47.*Zhang Banwei and Yi Ge: “Crystallization Kinetics of Nano-size Amorphous
Fe76.9Ni6.2P2.0B14.9Powders by Differential Scanning Calorimetry” Z.Metallkd. 91 (2000) 75
48.Jizhong Zhang, Xiaoyan ye and Xiaodong Y ang: “Formation of Iodide Thin Films
in Non-Equilibrium Growth” Phys.stat.sol: (b) 215, 1025 (1999)
49.Wen-Chen Zheng, Shao-Yi Wu and Wei Li: “Studies of the changes of
Mn-Y(Y=S,Se,Te)bond lengths R with the Mn composition x in Zn1-x Mn x Y alloys from optical spectrum data” Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
61 (2000) 489-491
50.Zheng Wen-Chen, Wu Shao-Yi: “Local geome try for two Mn2+paramagnetic
centers in α–LiIO3crystal” Physica B 271 (1999) 252-255
51.Zheng Wen-Chen, Wu Shao-Y i: “Local physe-transition behaviour for Fe3+and
Gd in RbCdF3 and RbCaF3crystals” Physica B 271 (1999) 248-251
52.Gang Xiong, Zhe-Hua Zhang and De-Cheng Tian: “A real-space renormalization
group approach to the ferromagnetic Potts model on the two-dimensional octagonal quasi-periodic tiling” J.Phys.: Condens.Matter10 (1998) 10067-10074
53.Gang Xiong, Zhe-Hua Zhang and De-Cheng Tian: “Real-space renormalization
group approach to the Potts model on the two-dimensional Penrose tiling”
Physica A 265 (1999) 547-556
54.Ququan wang, Decheng Tian, Guiguong Xiong and Zhengguo Zhou: “A
simplified model for the dielectric function of three-component composite mat erials” Physica A 272 (1999)
55.G Y Huo, G H Rao, Z Y Qiao, Q L Liu, X L Chen, J K Liang and B G Shen:
“Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Gd3(Fe1-x-y Co y Ti x)29compounds”
J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 12 (2000) 1161-1170
56.PeiQin Zhou, XiuJun Fu and Y ouY an Liu: “Localized electronic states in a
ternary quasiperiodic model” International Journal of Modern Physics B, V ol 14, No 4 (2000) 435-448
57.Li-ping Y ou, C.L.Heng, S.Y.Ma, Z.C.Ma, W.H.Zong, Zheng-long Wu and
G.G.Qin: “Precipitation and crystallzation of nanom eter Si clusters in annealed
films” Journal of Crystal Growth 212 (2000) 109-114
58.G.G.Qin, C.L.Heng, G.F.Bai, K.Wu, C.Y.Li, Z.C.Ma, W.H.Zong and Li-ping you:
“Electroluminescence from Au/(nanoscale Ge/nanoscale SiO2) superlattices/p-Si”
Applied Physics Letters V ol 75 No. 23 (1999) 3629
59.Y.G.Cao, X.L.Chen, n, J.Y.Li, Y.P.Xu, Q.L.Liu and J.K.Liang: “Blue
emission and Raman scattering spectrum from AIN nanocrystalline powders”
Journal of Crystal Growth 213 (2000) 198-202
60.Wu Li-Jun, Li Chao-Rong, Chen Wan-Chun and Liang Jing-Kui: “Role of Ba2+
Ion in the Crystal Growth of Sr(NO3)2” No. 2 (2000) 139
i, H.Conrad, G.Q.Teng and Y.S.Chao: “Nanocrystallization of amorphous
opulsing” Materials Science and Engineering A 287 (2000) 238-247
62.Q.Li, Y.B.Xu, i, L.T.Shen and Y.L.Bai: “Dynamic recrystallization
induced by plastic deformation at high strain rate in a Monel alloy” Materials Science and Engineering A 276 (2000) 250-256
63.Kuang Xiao-Y u, Zhou Kang-Wei: “Antiferromagnetic exchange interaction of
Cr3+ dimer in acid erothro chloride [(NH3)5CrOHCr(NH3)4(H2O)] Cl5〃H2O and LaAlO:Cr3+molecules” Journal of Physics and Chemistry of solids61 (2000) 1225-1229
64.Q L Liu, G H Rao and J K Liang: “Structure and magnetic properties of the
intermetallic 329-x Ta x” J.Phys.: Condens.Matter12 (2000) 5473-5480
65.Yi Chen, X.Li, X.L.Chen, J.K.Liang, G.H.Rao and Q.L.Liu: “Phase relation in the
system Sm-Co-B” 305 (2000) 216-218
66. F Huang, J K Liang, Q L Liu, X L Chen and Y Chen: “Structure and magnetic
properties of intermetallic compounds (Gd1-x R x)3Fe28Nb(R=Ce, Nd, Sm)”
J.Phys.D: Appl.Phys. 33 (2000) 780-783
67.Wen-Chen Zheng and Shao-Yi Wu: “Theoretical S tudies of EPR Parameters and
Centre in AgCl” Phys.stat.sol. (b) 220, 941 (2000) 68.Wen-Chen Zheng: “Re-Interpretation of EPR Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters b2m
for Gd3+-O2-Center in the Tetragonal Phase of Perovskite-Type Compound Rb1-x K x CaF3with x=0.05” Phys.stat.sol. (b) 219, 3 (2000)
69.S.-Y.Wu, W.-C.Zheng and P.Ren: “Studies of Local Phase Transition Behavior for
Co2+ in CsCaCl3Crystals from EPR Data” Appl.Magn.Reson. 18 565-573 (2000) 70.Wen-Chen Zheng and Shao-Yi Wu: “Exp lanation of the g-factors and Hyperfine
Structure Constants of Co2+ in Tetragonal K2ZnF4” Z.Naturforsch. 55a, 539-544 (2000)
71.Zheng Wen-Chen, Ren Ping and Wu Shao-Y i: “Investigations of the g factors for
Co2+in fluoroperovskites” Physica B 291 (2000) 123-127
72.Zheng Wen-Chen: “Studies of the EPR parameters for two Gd3+ centers in cubic
crystals” Physica B 291 (2000) 266-269
73.Q.L.Liu, J.J.Nan, J.K.Liang, F.Huang, Y.Chen, G.H.Rao, X.L.Chen: “Subsolidus
Ti system” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 307 (2000) 212-214
74.Wei Jiang, Guo-Zhu Wei and Zi-Hua Xin: “Specific Heat of Spin-3/2 Transverse
Phys.Stat.Sol.(b) 219, 157(2000)
75.Wei Jiang, Guo-Zhu Wei and Zi-Hua Xin: “Properties of Ground State in the Spin
–3/2 Model with Crystal Field” Phys.Stat.Sol.(b)218, 553(2000)
76.Wei Jiang, Guo-Zhu Wei and Zi-Hua Xin: “Phase Diagrams and Tricritical
Bahavior of Spin-2 Ising Mod el with a Transverse Crystal Field”
Phys.Stat.Sol.(b)221, 759(2000)
77.Wei Jiang, Guo-Zhu Wei: “Properties of spin-3/2 transverse Ising model with
anisotropic crystal field on a honeycomb lattice” Physica A 284 (2000) 215-222 78.Wei Jiang, Guo-zhu Wei and Zi-Hua Xin: “Phase diagrams and tricritical
behavior in a spin-2 transverse Ising model with a crystal field on honeycomb lattice” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 220 (2000) 96-100
79.Wei Jiang, Guo-zhu Wei and Zi-hua Xin: “Effect of a crystal field on phase
transitions in a spin-3/2 transverse Ising model” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 217 (2000) 225-230
80.Q.L.Liu, G.H.Rao, J.K.Liang, B.G.Shen: “Structure and magnetic properties of
Gd3Fe28.2W0.8” Journal of Applied Physics V ol.88 No.7 (2000) 4241
81. C.Q.Han, X.L.Chen, J.K.Liang, Q.L.Liu, Y.Chen and G.H.Rao: “The ternary
system Tm2O3-SrO-CuO: compounds and phase relations” Journal of Allous and Compounds 309 (2000) 95-99
82.Liping ZHEN, Risheng LI, Y uanxun ZHANG, Shi QIU, Bingyao JIANG and
Zongxin R EN: “Calculation of the Surface Segregation of Cu-0.3 at. Pct Au Alloy” J.Mater.Sci.Technol., V ol.16 No.6, (2000) 639
83.G.H.Zhou, Q.L.Xia and J.R.Y an: “Moving nonlinear localized vibrational modes
for a one-dimensional homogenous lattice with quartic anharmo nicity”
Eur.Phys.J.B 17 207-213 (2000)
84.Guanghui ZHOU and Jiaren Y AN: “Analytical Study of Moving Excitations for
One-dimensional Homogeneous Lattice with Quartic Anharmonicity”
J.Mater.Sci.Technol., V ol.15 No.4 (1999)
85.Zhou Guang-Hui, XIA Qing-Lin, PAN Liu-Xian and Y an Jia-Ren: “Asymmetry
Localized Modes in an Anharmonic Sphalerite-Structure Lattice” Chin.Phys.Lett.
V ol.17, No.12 (2000) 899
86.Chun Zhang, Feng Qiao, Jun Wen and Jian Zi: “Enlargement of nontransmission
frequency range in photonic crystals by usi ng multiple heterostructures” Journal of Applied Physics V ol 87 No. 6 (2000) 3174
87.Feng Qiao, Ghun Zhang, Jun Wan and Jian Zi: “Photonic quantum-well structures:
V ol 77 No. 23 (2000) 3698
88.Yi Chen, X.Li, J.K.Liang, X.L.Chen, B.G.Shen, G.H.Rao and Q.L.Liu:
“Syntheses and Properties of Nd3Co13-x Ni x B2Borides” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, V ol 36, No. 4 (2000) 2037
89.Xiao-feng Pang and Xiang-rong Chen: “Quantum vibration energy spectra of
m olecular chains in crystalline acetanilide” Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids V ol.62, No.4, P793-796
90.Wei Qin, Luo Wen Dong, Liao Bo, Liu Yexiang and Wang Gao: “Giant
capacitance effect and physical model of nano crystalline CuO-BatiO3 semiconductor as a CO2gas sensor” Journal of Applied Physics V ol.88 No.8 (2000)
91.Ma Dong-Ping, Liu Yanyun, Ma Ning and Chen Jurong: “Theoretical calculations
of thermal shifts and thermal broadenings of sharp lines and zero-field splitting for ruby. Part I. Thermal shifts of R1and R2lines” Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 61 (2000) 799-808
92.Wu Shao-Yi, Zheng Wen-Chen and Ren Ping: “Investigation of the g factors and
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