恒星的一生 英文daliy report
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There are about six billion years the sun will burn fuel, when the sun will expand into a red giant(红巨星), swallow half each solar system, and then will slowly shrink into a high density of white dwarfs(白矮星)! Then we humans moved out of the solar system as possible! fuel 燃料 expand 膨胀 swallow 吞噬 shrink 紧缩 density 密度 move out of 搬出,移出
The sun
The sun is the center of the solar system(太阳系), the sun is a yellow dwarf(黄矮星), life expectancy(寿命) is 100 billion(亿) years, the sun is about 50 billion years old.
It will die and spit all suck things 他将死亡(产生白洞)并吐出一切吸噬的东西
white hole(白洞) Special celestial(天体) coincided with(正好) the inverse of(与......相反) a black hole. Gathered(聚集) at the white hole inside the material(物质). can only through the boundary(边界) outward movement.but not the reverse movement. A white hole is jet source(喷射源) in the universe(宇宙), the white hole can provide the material and energy to the outside areas (and spray(喷射) light)
A white dwarf(白矮星) A white dwarf is a low luminosity(低光度), high density(低密度), high temperature of stars. It is also a very special objects(天体), it has the advantages of small volume, low brightness, but the quality of(...... 的质量) large, high density.
neutron star (中子星) black hole (黑洞) black dwar (黑矮星)
Black dwarf (黑矮星)
Black dwarf is the last stage of stellar evolution(恒星演化) of small and medium quality. About 1 solar mass stars(质 量恒星) of the ultimate product(终极产物).
thank you
infinite small volume(体积) high singularity (奇点) and around a portion of sky. It will suck (吸噬) everything (including light)
It will be forever (它将永存)
Neutron stars(中子星)
after gravitational collapse(引力坍缩) supernova explosion occurred(超新星爆 炸).he will become a part of the nebula(星云) the subject will disappear (主体将消失)
Neutron stars are stars black holes except the density maximum of evolution(密度最大) to the end.
black hole(黑洞) A density of black hole is the center of the infinite(无限大), the curvature of spacetime (时空曲率) is infinite,
red giant(红巨星)
It is called a "giant", is out of its huge volume(体积巨 大). In the giant phase (巨星), the star size will be expanded to one billion times as much(十亿倍之多)