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Role Play —— Treasure

Tom Mom Father Friend

Scene 1

Narrator: Tom is a senior 3 student. But different from other students, he is an art student. That means only by working very hard in painting, can he have the chance to enter a good colledge . It was already 1 o’clock at night. But Tom is still painting. (头上绑一条白布,写着“FIGHTING!”)

Mom: (with some banana, milk and walnut, come in) Oh, my dear son, let’s have a break and eat something ~ (take up the walnut) Walnut can make you become smarter ,(take up the banana ), banana can make you have a good moo d , and the milk……

Tom: (impatiently) Enough is enough! you are so noisy, mom. Could n’t you be quiet?......

Father: What’s going on out there?! (come to mother )How many times I have told you , don’t border him . Our son is gifted in painting. He is going to be a painter~! ……(notice what Tom has painted) Oh, shit!

Tom: How do you know it ’s shit, Dad?!(excitedly)

Father: What are you painting?! How many times I have told you, to be concentrated, concentrated!!……(被Tom 打断)

Tom: (unhappy)I know ,I know, ……. leave me alone ,OK?!

(When father and mother have gone ,Tom 抓头发。。。退场)

Scene 2

Narrator: A year later, Tom entered an art university. Haven ’t seen his family for so long, Tom ’s homesick becomes more and more serious.

Tom: (with photo in his hand , very sad ) Mom!Dad! I miss you !~ …….

Friend 1 : Hey~ guy, what’s wrong with you ? (notice the photo )homesick ? (Tom , in an absent ,pay no attention to his friend)

Friend 2 :Come on, Man~ That’s not like you~! What about playing DOTA ~! You are Friend 2 Girlfriend Narrator

sure to be happy again ~!

Tom: DOTA , DOTA , DO your sister! ……Get out ! None of yo ur business!

Friend 2: (angrily) What the hell are you thinking! Don’t expect us to help you next time!...(想打架)

Friend 1: ( Friend 1 trying to stop Good Friend 2) hey, hey, calm down, calm down!……

Scene 3

Narrator: Today is March 7, the girl’s day. But Tom is still playing computer games when his girlfriend want to have a date with him.

Girlfriend:(撒娇状)Honey~ You know what date is today?

Tom: The day I can upgrade my equipments…….

Girlfriend: Oh, my gosh ! Can’t you think about anything else except your computer game?!Now, I ask you , if your computer and I drown into water at the same time , which one will you save

Tom : Of course you!

Girlfriend: Oh, really!~(happily)

Tom: Because computer won’t work after drown in the water…

Girlfriend: (angrily) Do you love me on earth!!

Tom: (游戏快输了)Oh ,NO !.......(upset)

Girlfriend : (push Tom away)哼!(跺脚,气走。。。)

Narrator: From then on , his girlfriend and classmates stay further and further from him , Tom become more and more lonely and sad.

Tom : (此时Tom 45度仰望天空) It seems…I’ve lost something……

The host: (sum up) If we are still unaware of the importance of treasure , we will continue to lose lots of wonderful things around us~ So, let’s start to cherish everything in our life ,no matter what we encountered, for they make you a colorful life ~!
