
Lesson 24 A skeleton in the cupboardWe often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. The terrible secret is called 'a skeleton in the cupboard'. At some dramatic moment in the story, the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined. The reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands.It is all very well for such things to occur in fiction. To varying degrees, we all have secrets which we do not want even our closest friends to learn, but few of us have skeletons in the cupboard. The only person I know who has a skeleton in the cupboard is George Carlton, and he is very pound of the fact. George studied medicine in his youth. Instead of becoming a doctor, however, he became a successful writer of detective stories. I once spend an uncomfortable weekend which I shall never forget at his house. George showed me to the guestroom which, he said, was rarely used. He told me to unpack my things and then come down to dinner. After I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers, I decided to hang one of the tow suits I had brought with me in the cupboard. I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of two suits I had brought with me in the cupboard. I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it suits I had brought with me in the cupboard. I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified. A skeleton was dangling before my eyes. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me. Dropping my suit, I dashed downstairs to tell George. This was worse than "a terrible secret'; this was a read skeleton! But George was unsympathetic. 'Oh, that,' he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend. 'That's Sebastian. You forget that I was a medical student once upon a time.'New words and expressions生词和短语skeleton[ˈskelɪtn] n. 骷髅The human skeleton consists of 206 bones.人的骨骼由206块骨头组成。
新概念英语第三册详细教学笔记lesson1 A puma at large

新概念英语第三册详细教学笔记lesson1 A puma at largeLesson 01 A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮Boys and girls, welcome to our new concept english book 3.Please open your textbook at page 14.Let’s begin to our lesson one A Puma at large. If we want to study the text well ,we must be familiar with the words of course. [fə'miliə] So read these words after me aloud.It is necessary for us to know the vocabulary ,of course i should say .to know the expression after vocabulary .we must learn how to use them .so when we learn a word we must put it in a sentence,and when we study a key structure ,we must put it in a little passage or paragraph. New words and expression 生词和短语学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用学习关键句结构是则要把它放在段落结构或文章里It’s about the time to study how to use the wordsone by one .particularly the important words .so first spot.puma n.美洲狮A.Spot is a transitive word,it means v.看出, 发现及物= see, pick out, recognize, catch sight of 强调结果, 辨别出, 看见, 识别, 发现For example .-- A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.-- He has good eye for spotting mistakes.识别错误的洞察力辨析同意词:-- find:强调发现的结果/ find out:查出事实真相-- discover:表示做出重大发现make a discover / notice:注意到-- observe:观察/ watch:观察活动中的人或画面So please read these words aloud.Besides, You should make sure how to use them.Spot n.斑点-- There is a white spot on the shirt.那我们知道,英文中的介词短语浮现率是非常高的,所以英文也经常被称之为介词语言。

想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加⼊学习吧!为您提供了以下内容,希望能够为⼤家学习新概念英语提供帮助!新概念英语第3册课⽂翻译及学习笔记Lesson28 【课⽂】 Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour. Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks were soon covered with colourful rugs form Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful handmade silverware. It was difficult not to be tempted. Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarded. I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds. Some of them were as big as marbles. The man went to great lengths to prove that the diamonds were real. As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass. It took me over half an hour to get rid of him. The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watches. I examined one of the pens closely. It certainly looked genuine. At the base of the gold cap, the words‘made in the U.S.A.’had been neatly inscribed. The man said that the pen was worth £50, but as a special favour, he would let me have it for £30. I shook my head and held up five fingers indicating that I was willing to pay £5. Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to £10. shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the £5 I gave him. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful bargain — until I got back to the ship. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single word! 【课⽂翻译】 当⼀艘⼤型班船进港的时候,许多⼩船载着各种杂货快速向客轮驶来。
新概念第三册Lesson 1 A puma at large超全学习笔记

Lesson 1 A puma at large1.at large在逃的,未被捕获的a prisoner/suspect at largeThe disease is still at large(蔓延,肆虐).2.Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.①cat-like animalsbear-like animalschild-like simplicityangel-like girlcrystal-like eyesflu-like symptomsFoxes and farmers have never got on well. These small dog-like animals have long been accused of killing farm animals. (CET4, 2002.1)②be found in一般过去时“被发现”一般现在时“存在于…,产于…”Many plant and animal species are found only in the rain forests.Vitamin C is found in citrus fruit.③造句:大熊猫是一种大型的,类似于熊的动物,产于中国四川省。
Giant pandas are large, bear-like animals which are found in Sichuan Province, China.3.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, theywere not takenseriously.①come intoe.g. He came into the classroom.However, a new type of humor, which stems largely from the US, has recently come into fashion.(NCE 3, P138)The dealer told him that it had just come in, but that he could not be bothered to open it.(NCE 3, P158)无灵主语/物称主语(inanimate subject)e.g. The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom.(NCE 3, P150)满堂花醉三千客,一剑光寒十四洲。
新概念英语第三册精读笔记 Lesson 3

Lesson3 An unknown goddess无名女神课文Some time ago,an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean is land of Kea.An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on t he promontory of Ayia Irini.The city at one time must have been prosperous,for it en joyed a high level of civilization.Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of st one.They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C.until Roman times.In the most sacred room of the temple,clay fragments of fifteen statues were found.Each of these represented a godd ess and had,at one time,been painted.The body of one statue was found among rema ins dating from the fifteenth century B.C.Its missing head happened to be among rem ains of the fifth century B.C.This head must have been found in classical times and ca refully preserved.It was very old and precious even then.When the archaeologists rec onstructed the fragments,they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hi ps.She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground.Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed,but,so far,the archaeologists have been unable to disc over her identity.译文不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。

第一课:A Puma at Large
第二课:The Corner Shop
第三课:The Old Brown Suitcase
第四课:New Zealand
第五课:Dead Men’s Path

Lesson 44 Speed and comfort ⼜快捷⼜舒适If I ask you to write a composition about the advantage of travelling by air, what will you illustrate, how will you arrange your composition?refer to L411. offer your topic of the advantage of travelling by air.2. 通过对⽐法3. State your view要求全⽂背诵【New words and expressions】⽣词和短语●positively adv. 绝对地,完全地●compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)●cramped adj. 窄⼩的●stuffy adj. 憋⽓的,闷⽓的●monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的●rhythm n. 有节奏的运动●click v. 发出咔哒声●lull v. 催⼈欲睡●snatch n. 短时,⽚段●sleeper n. 卧铺●fumble v. 乱摸,摸索●inspection n. 检查●inevitably adv. 必然地,不可避免地●destination n. ⽬的地●exhaust v. 使精疲⼒尽●motorway n. 快车道●ferry n. 渡船●cruise n. 巡游船●civilize v. 使⽂明;civilization n. ⽂明;civilized adj. ⽂明的●spacious adj. 宽敞的●seasick adj. 晕船的;airsick adj. 晕飞机的;carsick adj. 晕车的●intimidate v. 恐吓,恫吓●disadvantage n. 短处,缺点●exhilarating adj. 使⼈⾼兴的,令⼈兴奋的●escapist n. 逍遥者●sip v. 呷,啜●champagne n. ⾹槟酒●refinement n. 精⼼的安排●breathtaking adj. 激动⼈⼼的;不寻常的●soar v. ⾼飞,翱翔●effortlessly adv. 不费⼒地●landscape n. 景⾊●fresh adj. 精神饱满的●uncrumpled adj. 没有跨下来◆positively adv. 绝对地,完全地in a positive waydoubt; doubtful; uncertain; dubious 表⽰不是很肯定The food is positively uneatable.Can you really do it positively?在这⼉相当于sure, of cause, certainly, no problema piece of cake, no sweat, it’s a snack 都表⽰不成问题I bet 我肯定◆compartment n. 列车客车厢内的分隔间(或单间)◆cramped adj. 窄⼩的◆stuffy adj. 憋⽓的,闷⽓的== airlessThat classroom must be stuffy.◆rhythm n. 有节奏的运动◆click v. 发出咔哒声roar 车辆飞快⾏驶发出的声⾳bark 狗叫Don’t bark your order at me.◆monotonous adj. 枯燥的,乏味的,单调的tedious, dull, uninterestingmonotonous == lacking varietyEg: I don’t like the way of your teaching, it is monotonous.I hate the monotonous rhythm of travelling by train.tedious 乏味的(重点突出long and uninteresting 冗长乏味的)Eg: Your article is tedious.dull 语意⽐较弱,= uninterestingEg: I can’t get along well with Mary, she is a dull girl.Look at that dull person.Tiresome == tiring 由于疲劳⽽厌倦tiredEg: He is tired of sleeping on the floor, because he has done so for ten years.Long lasting meetings are tiring .You are tiresome.You are a little bit tiresome.handsomebore v.bored adj.boring adj. 持续时间过长⽽厌倦Eg : I am tired of doing so.I am bored with doing so. 我厌烦这么做。
新概念英语第3册Lesson 29笔记

Lesson 29 Funny or not? 是否可笑?rgely ad.在很大程度上,主要地largely :to a great extent; chieflye.g. His success was largely due to his hard work.e.g. The theory was largely adopted.采用mostly:in most casese.g. We’re mostly out on weekends.2. comic a.喜剧的,可笑的comic →comedyfunny amusing diverting 滑稽可笑的tragic →tragedy 悲剧farcical →farce 闹剧dramatic →drama 戏剧3.universal a. 普遍的cosmic 宇宙的cosmos 宇宙comic 喜剧的comet 彗星cosmetics 化妆品(买来的瓶瓶罐罐的)global international world-wide 世界性的e.g. English has now become an international language. Therefore,if you have a good command of this language, you hold the key to success.universally ad.It is universally known that…edian n.喜剧演员,丑角comedienne 喜剧女演员comedy 喜剧tragedian 悲剧演员tragedienne 悲剧女演员tragedy 悲剧leading role /part 主角=protagonist leading man 男主= heroleading lady 女主= heroine supporting role 配角extra 群众演员5.distasteful a.讨厌的,令人不愉快的be distasteful to sb.e.g. It is distasteful to me to say this, but…I hate to say this,but…令人恶心的使反感disgusting disgustrevolting revoltrepellent repelrepulsive repulse6.pester v.纠缠,一再要求pester sb. for sth. (纠缠某人非要得到这个东西)pester sb. with sth. (用某东西纠缠某人)e.g. He pestered me with complaints.He pestered me for money.harry harass assail 纠缠,骚扰(人缠着另外一个人,与pester类似)(人或事情缠着另外一个人)7.recovery v.恢复原状,康复recovery from …recovery from illnessrecovery from defeatrecover restore regain8.console v.安慰,慰问console sb. for sth. 因…而安慰某人console sb. with sth. 用…来安慰某人e.g. I consoled him for the loss of money.I consoled him with money.≈comfort 安慰comfort a dying man≈soothe 安慰soothe a crying baby≈calm sb. downcondole with sb. 吊慰某人e.g. The widow’s friends condoled with her at the funeral.9. compensate v.弥补,补偿compensate (sb.)for sth.e.g. Nothing can compensate (him) for his loss.more than compensate for…足以弥补e.g. His rise in status more than compensates for the loss of money.= make up for 弥补= redeem 补偿= offset 弥补,补偿10.表示“是否”时不能用if的几种情况:1.主语从句位于句首时e.g. If she likes the present is not clear to me. ×It is not clear to me if/whether she likes the present. √Whether she likes the present is not clear to me.√2.引导表语从句时e.g. The question is if we have enough money. ×The question is whether we have enough money. √3.引导同位语从句时 e.g.You have yet to answer my question if I can count on your help.×have yet to do 还没有 (应该发生却还没发生)You have yet to answer my question whether I can count on your help.√4.作介词宾语时e.g.He was worrying about if he had hurt her feelings. ×He was worrying about whether he had hurt her feelings. √5.引导动词不定式时e.g. I don’t know if to see my doctor today. ×I don’t know whether to see my doctor today. √6.直接跟or not 时e.g. Please tell me if or not you agree. ×Please tell me whether or not you agree. √Please tell me if/ whether you agree or not . √rgely :chiefly/ to a great extent 在很大程度上12.依赖,依靠,取决于depend on/ rest on/rely on/ride on/ hinge on/lean on /be decided by /be dictated by/ be determined by建立在…基础之上be dependent on/ be based on/be built on/be founded one.g. Whether you find a joke funny or not largely rests/relies/rides/hinges/leans on where we have been brought up. Whether you find a joke funny or not is largely dependent/based/built/founded on where we have been brought up. Whether you find a joke funny or not is largely decided/dictated/determined by where we have been brought up.bring up sb.13.b ring up sb.抚养某人e.g. He was brought up by his stepmother.继母=raise sb.foster/adopt sb. 领养某人adopted son 养子adoptive parents 养父母=foster-parents 养父母be brought up to do从小就…14.the sense of pride 自豪感the sense of honor 荣誉感the sense of accomplishment 成就感the sense of responsibility 责任感the sense of superiority 优越感the sense of inferiority 自卑感15.be bound up with 与……紧密相连=be closely connected withe.g. Everyone’s future is bound up with the destiny of the Chinese nation.每一个人的未来都与中华民族的命运紧密相连。

新概念英语第三册补充教材Guide to New Concept English Grammar(Developing Skills)第一章英语从句Subordination英语从句主要有定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)一.定语从句定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。
(下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!)1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week.2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend.3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful.4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in.5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg.6. He still remembers the day when he went to school.7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time.8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war.9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English.10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.只能用that和who引导的定语从句A.all, nothing, anything, a few, one做先行词指物时B.先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,后面常跟that而不是which.C.先行词前有the only, the first, the last, the next, the very等词修饰时,引导词只能用that。

eg: She is always clinging to her mother.
He clung to the hope that he would succeed.(抱有,怀有[梦想、希望])
stickv.粘住stick the envelop (envelop n.信封)
The ploice were searching the forest for the missing boy.And the search for that boy proved the difficulte.
run after强调追赶、追求.
The hunt for the puma began in asmall village where a woman pickingblackberries saw 'a large cat' only fiveyards away from her. It immediately ranaway when she saw it, and expertsconfirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. Thesearch proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in themorning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever itwent, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Pawprints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging tobushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fullyconvinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? As nopumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one musthave been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed toescape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It isdisturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quietcountryside.

Lesson 11Not guilty 无罪一.单词讲解1.g ui l ty innocent(无罪的,无辜的;纯洁,善良的)【反义词】①be guilty of a crime 犯…罪②be guilty of bribery 犯有行贿罪③be guilty of corruption 犯有贪污罪④be guilty of defamation 犯有诽谤罪⑤be guilty of malfeasance 犯有渎职罪⑥be guilty of rape 犯有强奸罪⑦be guilty of arson 纵火罪⑧surrender oneself 自首⑴feel guilty about:内疚Eg. I feel really guilty about forgetting her birthday again.我又把她的生日给忘了,对此我非常的内疚。
2.tolerant a.宽容大度的(-ant:形容词词缀)Eg: My parents are really tolerant of my choice of football. 我的父母对我选择足球为职业非常宽容。
⑴tolerable: a 可容忍的,可接受的Eg: I find her barely tolerable.我发现她真是让人忍无可忍。
3. Declare v.(正式)宣称,宣告⑴declare war on : 对…宣战Eg: Police have now declared war on drug dealers警察向毒贩子宣战。
⑵申报Eg: Do you have anything to declare?你有要申报的吗?⑶declaration : n.宣言the declaration of Independence : 独立宣言⑷state v. 声明Eg: A problem well stated is half solved.说清了问题就等于解决了问题的一半。

Lesson 3 An unknown goddess一. 单词讲解New words and expressionsgoddess n.女神archaeologist n.考古学家Aegean adj.爱琴海的explore v.考察,勘探promontory n.海角prosperous adj.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的civilization v.文明storey n.楼层drainage n.排水worship n.崇拜sacred adj.宗教的,神圣的fragment n.碎片remains n.遗物,遗迹,废墟classical adj.(希腊和罗马)古文化的reconstruct v.修复rest v.倚放,放置hip n.屁股,臀部full-length adj.(裙衣)拖地长的graceful adj.优雅的identity n.身份unknown [ʌnˈnəʊn]1. not be known by name 无名的2. not well-known 不出名的I’m nobody.默默无闻I’m a small potato.我是个小人物.a household [ˈhaushəuld] name 家喻户晓VIP: Very Important Person 大人物He is somebody.a big shot 大人物goddess [ˈgɔdɪs] n. 女神-ess 阴性词词尾,表女性或母性.hostess 女主人; 女主持人stewardess [ˈstu:ədɪs, ˈstju:-] 空姐mistress [ˈmistris] 情妇; (旧) 女家庭教师tigress 雌老虎mother tiger 母老虎性别:gender [ˈdʒendə] (文)sex [seks]人: female[ ˈfi:meil] /male [meil]动物: female/male she/hearch(a)eologist [ˌɑ:kɪˈɔlədʒɪst] n.考古学家arch 拱门arch-archbishop [ɑ:tʃˈbɪʃəp]-ology scientific study 研究-ist ...人-ologyanthropology [ˌænθrəˈpɔlədʒi:]人类学anthropoid [ˈænθrəˌpɔɪd] 类人猿psychology [saiˈkɔlədʒi] 心理学philosophy [fiˈlɔsəfi] 哲学;人生观philo- 喜爱-sophy 智慧physiology [ˌfɪzi:ˈɔlədʒi:] 生理学-ist ...人;...家specialist [ˈspeʃəlist] 专家a heart specialist 心脏病专家Buddhist [ˈbudist 佛教徒racist [ˈreisist] 种族主义者terrorist [ˈterərɪst] 恐怖主义分子pacifist [ˈpæsɪfɪst] 反战主义者explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)] v.(travel through an area in order to find out what is here) 考察;勘探explorerInternet Explorer 网络浏览器explode v.爆炸exploit [iksˈplɔit] v.利用;剥削exploit child labor 剥削童工promontory [ˈprɔməntəri] n. 海角(a high long narrow piece of land which goes out into the sea)cape [keip]: a large piece of land with 3-side water 三面环水的一大块陆地the Cape of Good Hope 好望角channel: a passage of water connecting 2 seas 连接两个大海的,一个非常狭长的海域English Channelstrait [streit]: a passage of water between two lands connecting two seas 两大片土地之间用来连接两大海域的狭长的海域地带Taiwan straitpirate 海盗; 盗版delta [ˈdeltə]Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲prosperous [ˈprɔspərəs] a.繁荣昌盛的prosperity [prɔsˈperiti] n.We’ll keep the prosperity and stability [stəˈbiliti] of HK at any cost. 中国政府将不惜任何代价维护香港的繁荣与稳定. (at any cost/ at any price)Background [ˈbækɡraund] notes:The America experienced the Great Depression in 1930s’.After the boom [bu:m], everything is gloom ɡlu:m].繁荣过后,尽是萧条.slump [slʌmp] n.衰退a slump in stock 股份下跌slack [slæk] a.松弛的; 不振作的; (市场)疲软的in low time 在最不如意的时候The business is in low time. 生意萧条.civil [ˈsivl] a.civil rights 民权civil law 民法----- criminal law 刑法civil servant [ˈsə:vənt] 国家公务员civil engineering 土木工程civil war 内战domestic [dəˈmestik] market 国内市场domestic violence [ˈvaiələns] 家庭暴力domestic flights 国内航班home crowd 家乡父老drain [drein] n.下水道brain drain 人才流失drainage [ˈdreinidʒ] n.排水系统-age 名词后缀pos tage [ˈpəustidʒ] 邮资hostage [ˈhɔstidʒ] 人质orphanage [ˈɔ:fənɪdʒ] 孤儿院worship [ˈwə:ʃip] n.祭祀warship [ˈwɔ:ˌʃɪp] 战舰rite: for religious [riˈlidʒəs] purposes 宗教仪式rites of baptism [ˈbæpˌtɪzəm] 洗礼This is a Christian religious ceremony in which sb is touched or covered with water to welcome them to the Christian [ˈkristʃən] faith or name them.pray [prei] : ask God for help 祈祷prey [prei] 猎物Mass 弥撒sacrifices [ˈsækrifaisiz] : offer to God祭品fragment [ˈfræɡmənt] n.碎片fall into fragments 摔得粉碎fall into pieces 口语pieceI am about to go to pieces. 我快崩溃了.fraction [ˈfrækʃən] 一小份in a fraction of a second 片刻,眨眼间fracture [ˈfræktʃə] n.骨折segment [ˈseɡmənt] (果实) 一块,一瓣a segment of an orange 一瓣橘子二. 课文讲解Some time ago,an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean(adj.爱琴海的;n.)island of Kea.An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.The city at one time must have been prosperous,for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.Houses--often three storeys high--were built of stone.They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from thefifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hip. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。

无罪Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days,现在的海关官员往往相当宽容。
but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare.但是,当你通过绿色通道,没有任何东西需要申报时,他们仍可以拦住你。
Even really honest people are often made to feel guilty.甚至是最诚实的人也常弄得觉得有罪似的,The hardened professional smuggler,on the other hand,is never troubled by such feelings,even if he has five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase.而老练的职业走私犯却使手提箱里藏着500只金表,却也处之泰然。
When I returned from abroad recently,a particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.最近一次,我也出国归来,碰上一位特别好管闲事的年轻海关官员,他显然把我当成走私犯。
'Have you anything to declare?'he asked,looking me in the eye.“您有什么需要申报的吗?”他直盯着我的眼睛问。
'No',I answered confidently.“没有。
Would you mind unlocking this suitcase please?“请打开这只手提箱好吗?”'Not at all,'I answered.“好的。

新概念英语第3册笔记Lo15篇第一篇:新概念英语第3册笔记 Lo1单词1.puma美洲狮at large逍遥自在,行动自由escape逃跑(从危险中成功逃脱)2.spotn.点,斑点be in the spotlight万众瞩目v.发现observe 观察,观测discoverrecognizedetect探测explore发现3.evidencen.证据= proofin evidence显而易见的4.accumulate v.积累,积聚(强调积累的过程)gather vt.聚集,把某人召集在某处collect 收集,采集assemble 集合,集会; vt.装配hoard vt.大量的贮存hoard up = store upamass 积聚= come together(主要用于诗歌和文学作品中)6.human being(s)人类(区别于神和动物)5.oblige v.使...感到必须feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事be obliged to do sth.被迫做某事oblige sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事6.huntv.打猎,狩猎hunt for/go hunting for搜寻,寻找7.blackberry黑莓n.8.human being人类(区别于神和动物)for the time being眼下,目前come to being 形成,成立9.cornern.at/on the corner 在角落里(如介词用in表示在空间的内部)around the corner即将到来,即将发生v.被逼到墙角里,使走投无路10.trailn.一串,一系列a trail of一连串11.print n.印痕,痕迹12.cling v.粘cling to sth.粘在某物上13.convince v.使…信服14.somehow ad.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因15.dieturb v.令人不安课文1.be found 产于2.south of在南边3.take sth.seriously认真对待take sth.slightly不把...放在心上4.for引导原因状语从句时不能置于句首as 不强调原因的重要性since 既然,弱因果关系because 强的直接的原因5.claimed to have done动词不定式的完成式:体现它所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前。
裕兴版新概念英语第三册笔记Lesson 3

Lesson 3 An unknown goddess一. 单词讲解New words and expressionsgoddess n.女神archaeologist n.考古学家Aegean adj.爱琴海的explore v.考察,勘探promontory n.海角prosperous adj.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的civilization v.文明storey n.楼层drainage n.排水worship n.崇拜sacred adj.宗教的,神圣的fragment n.碎片remains n.遗物,遗迹,废墟classical adj.(希腊和罗马)古文化的reconstruct v.修复rest v.倚放,放置hip n.屁股,臀部full-length adj.(裙衣)拖地长的graceful adj.优雅的identity n.身份unknown [ʌnˈnəʊn]1. not be known by name 无名的2. not well-known 不出名的I’m nobody.默默无闻I’m a small potato.我是个小人物.a household [ˈhaushəuld] name 家喻户晓VIP: Very Important Person 大人物He is somebody.a big shot 大人物goddess [ˈgɔdɪs] n. 女神-ess 阴性词词尾,表女性或母性.hostess 女主人; 女主持人stewardess [ˈstu:ədɪs, ˈstju:-] 空姐mistress [ˈmistris] 情妇; (旧) 女家庭教师tigress 雌老虎mother tiger 母老虎性别:gender [ˈdʒendə] (文)sex [seks]人: female[ ˈfi:meil] /male [meil]动物: female/male she/hearch(a)eologist [ˌɑ:kɪˈɔlədʒɪst] n.考古学家arch 拱门arch-archbishop [ɑ:tʃˈbɪʃəp]-ology scientific study 研究-ist ...人-ologyanthropology [ˌænθrəˈpɔlədʒi:]人类学anthropoid [ˈænθrəˌpɔɪd] 类人猿psychology [saiˈkɔlədʒi] 心理学philosophy [fiˈlɔsəfi] 哲学;人生观philo- 喜爱-sophy 智慧physiology [ˌfɪzi:ˈɔlədʒi:] 生理学-ist ...人;...家specialist [ˈspeʃəlist] 专家a heart specialist 心脏病专家Buddhist [ˈbudist 佛教徒racist [ˈreisist] 种族主义者terrorist [ˈterərɪst] 恐怖主义分子pacifist [ˈpæsɪfɪst] 反战主义者explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)] v.(travel through an area in order to find out what is here) 考察;勘探explorerInternet Explorer 网络浏览器explode v.爆炸exploit [i ksˈplɔit] v.利用;剥削exploit child labor 剥削童工promontory [ˈprɔməntəri] n. 海角(a high long narrow piece of land which goes out into the sea)cape [keip]: a large piece of land with 3-side water 三面环水的一大块陆地the Cape of Good Hope 好望角channel: a passage of water connecting 2 seas 连接两个大海的,一个非常狭长的海域English Channelstrait [streit]: a passage of water between two lands connecting two seas 两大片土地之间用来连接两大海域的狭长的海域地带Taiwan straitpirate 海盗; 盗版delta [ˈdeltə]Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲prosperous [ˈprɔspərəs] a.繁荣昌盛的prosperity [prɔsˈperiti] n.We’ll keep the prosperity and stability [stəˈbiliti] of HK at any cost. 中国政府将不惜任何代价维护香港的繁荣与稳定. (at any cost/ at any price)Background [ˈbækɡraund] notes:The America experienced the Great Depression in 1930s’.After the boom [bu:m], everything is gloom ɡlu:m].繁荣过后,尽是萧条.slump [slʌmp] n.衰退a slump in stock 股份下跌slack [slæk] a.松弛的; 不振作的; (市场)疲软的in low time 在最不如意的时候The business is in low time. 生意萧条.civil [ˈsivl] a.civil rights 民权civil law 民法----- criminal law 刑法civil servant [ˈsə:vənt] 国家公务员civil engineering 土木工程civil war 内战domestic [dəˈmestik] market 国内市场domestic violence [ˈvaiələns] 家庭暴力domestic flights 国内航班home crowd 家乡父老drain [drein] n.下水道brain drain 人才流失drainage [ˈdreinidʒ] n.排水系统-age 名词后缀postage [ˈpəustidʒ] 邮资hostage [ˈhɔstidʒ] 人质orphanage [ˈɔ:fənɪdʒ] 孤儿院worship [ˈwə:ʃip] n.祭祀warship [ˈwɔ:ˌʃɪp] 战舰rite: for religious [riˈlidʒəs] purposes 宗教仪式rites of baptism [ˈbæpˌtɪzəm] 洗礼This is a Christian religious ceremony in which sb is touched or covered with water to welcome them to the Christian [ˈkristʃən] faith or name them.pray [prei] : ask God for help 祈祷prey [prei] 猎物Mass 弥撒sacrifices [ˈsækrifaisiz] : offer to God祭品fragment [ˈfræɡmənt] n.碎片fall into fragments 摔得粉碎fall into pieces 口语pieceI am about to go to pieces. 我快崩溃了.fraction [ˈfrækʃən] 一小份in a fraction of a second 片刻,眨眼间fracture [ˈfræktʃə] n.骨折segment [ˈseɡmənt] (果实) 一块,一瓣a segment of an orange 一瓣橘子二. 课文讲解Some time ago,an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean(adj.爱琴海的;n.)island of Kea.An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.The city at one time must have been prosperous,for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.Houses--often three storeys high--were built of stone.They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from thefifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hip. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现。

XDF新概念第3册完全笔记(连载)有新内容 lesson30FOX做了一些小小的调整(内部资料)Lesson1 A puma at large课文精讲1 puma 美洲狮2 spot 看出,发现同义词: see,catch sight of , pick out , recognize3 hunt 追捕,追猎hunt forrun after追求seek / pursuade追寻chase追赶search搜寻某处为找到某物4 corner使走投无路5 trail n.一串,一系列v.follow6 cling : hold tightly粘cling to 粘在.....上stick 粘住stick to坚持sticky 粘的cling--clung--clung7 convince 使确信, 使明白convince sb ( of sth ) make sb feel certain ,cause sb to realizeconfirm : provide evidence for the truth or correctness of ( a report, an opinion,etc) ; establish the truth of 证实,证明(报告,意见)的正确性,确认8 somehow : by some means , in some way, for some reason unknow somewhat : a li ttle9 at large : (1)(of a crimial , animal) free , not confirmed(2) in great detail , throughly(3)(用于名词后)as a whole, in gernal10 on the spot (1)马上,立刻(2)在场,在现场11 assemble 聚集,把某些人召集在一起hoard 大量的贮存amass 积聚( 主要用于诗和文学作品中)12 take sth seriously 认真对待13 leave behind (1) cause (signs of one's actions,an event,etc) to remain(2) fail or forget to bring or take14 complain of 抱怨15 in the possession of / in possession of 为(某人)所有/ (某人) 拥有(某物)16 feel obliged to investigate感到有必要调查feel obliged to / be obliged to感到有必要(做某事)oblige sb (with sth) /oblige sb (by doing sth)17 go on for several weeks持续好几周18 in the quiet country在宁静的乡村补充19 accumulate : gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of sth ; get sth in this way20 extraordinary : beyond what is ordinaryextraordinarily : adv.21 blackberry黑莓22 print 痕迹Lesson2 thirteen quals one课文精讲1 equal等于与......相匹敌be equal to 有能力......2 raise 筹款,募捐提高饲养供养种植招募提出发出3 torchlight 电筒光4 always现在进行时与频度副词always,constantly,continally等搭配表示说话人带有的感情色彩5 one or another 某种,这样或那样one reason or anotherone way or another6 get enough money 筹集足够的钱7 have something done 找某人来做某事have the church repairedhave the plane repairedhave hair cut某人所遭受的意外某情况(主语必须是发出动作的人)He had his wallet stolen.8 used to 过去常常 ......, 现在已经不再做9 however用于口语,主要用在句首.用在作文中,最好用在句中句尾,要用逗号隔开neverthelessnonetheless10 start惊跳,惊吓11 before ....才12 armed with 配备上,武装上armed with the torch13 recognized sb as 认出某人是regard sb as / think of sb as 认为某人是treat sb as 以....待某人have on sb as把某人尊为14 night after night 一夜又一夜day after day year after year week after week bus after bus15 as well 在句尾= too 主要用于肯定句still用在句首用逗号隔开, 报是转折表示转折“虽然如此,但是”16 get used to ,be used to, get accustomed to, be accustomed to习惯于get表示渐进的过程be 表示习惯了的状态补充17 in prep.(1)与表示惊奇,恐惧,失望,生气等感情色彩的名词搭配,在句中做状语in surprisein angerin disappointin dismay(2)“以,用”in Englishin redin ink(3)表示状态、情况、处境in troublein tearsin good/bad orderin good repairin debtin good / bad healthin the bad moodin bedinpoverty / luxuryin a favor of excitment18 be grateful for / be thankful for 为......表示感谢19 take the trouble to do something不辞劳苦地做某事I am grateful for the trouble you have taken for me.20 still 作连接副词= just the same ,even though , in spite of that 仍然yet 但是,然而It's raining , still I must go out.This picture is not too vabulable, still I like it.I have failed, yet I shall try again.lesson3 An unknown goddness课文精讲1 stand = lie, situate(vt.), locate(vt.)A great tree stands on the mout.2 for 引导原因状语从句,表示对主句的附加说明和解释because引导原因状语从句,重点突出原因3 at one time = once 曾经,一度4enjoyed a high level of civilization享有高度文明5 with ...6 beautifully decorated 过去分词做定语,表示被动意义They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.房间很大,墙壁装饰华丽.7 beneath the narrow streets = under the narrow streets作介词时beneath = under 在... ... 正下方under还有" 在进行中" 的意思under controlunder discussionunder repairbelow 在下方强调斜下方8 be used as / be used to be 把...... 用做为9 date from / date back to开始于, 起源于10 happen to (v.) 碰巧还有两种表达:It happens / happened thatAs it happens / happened that碰巧, 偶然happen on + n. / pron.偶然发现11 reconstruct : put together, restore12 amazed : very much surprised表示吃惊的程度surprised < astonished < amazed < astounded13 to find ... / to discover ... / to realize ... 发觉.......14 turn out ( to be)证明是......还可以用:It turned out that...据证明as it turned out正如事后证明或证实的那样, 果不其然15 rest on = depend on = lean on 倚放, 放置His hands rested on my shoulder.16 despite / in spite of 都是prep. 接名词或动名词17 to one's surprise , with one's surprise 使某人惊讶的是......不同在: to one's surprise 可做独立状语,而且主语不必是人with one's surprise 不能独立使用,而且主语必须是人相同的用法还有to one's disappointment, to one's satisfaction, to one's delightto one's dismay;with one's disappointment,with one's satisfaction, with one's delight, with one's dismay.18 sacred 神圣的religious 宗教的, 关于宗教的frightening令人害怕的19 conserve = keep from wasted, damaged,lost,destroyed保留maintain维持, 保养20 at this distance ( of / in time ) 时隔已久beforehand = in advance 事先补充21 drainage 排水, 放水; 排水系统drain system 排水系统22 archaelogist考古学家23 promontory海角24 storey 楼层同音词story 故事25 full--length: not shortened; of the expected lengtha full--length skirt : a skirt that reaches the ancklesLesson 4 The double life of Alfred BloggsVocabulary1 manual: physical <---->mental2 collarwhite collar ( do mental work )blue collar ( do manual work)( get) hot under the collar怒气冲天3 sacrifice 牺牲: to give up for good purpose~ one's life for country~ timemake many ~s4 privilege : advantage好处special right特权sacrifice one's ~give sb the ~ of doing sthprivileged荣幸的5 dustman清洁工6 overalls工作服7 secrect秘密keep secrect保密保密还有3 种说法(1)It is between you and me.(2) I'll keep it to myself.(3) confidential 机密的in secrect私下里= secrectly,in private, privatelyin the secrect知道内情8 status = social position社会地位形近词statue 雕像,雕塑课文精讲1 people who do manual work =>blue-collar workerpeople who work in offices, people who do mental work =>white-collar worker 2 far more money多许多钱far =much副词, 起加强语气的作用3 refer to ... as = regard ... as 把......看作/ 称作为I always refer to him as a bookworm.4 for the simple reason =>for引导原因状语从句for the reason that 比because正式, for the reason that 多用于正式语句, 而because 多用在口语中5 human nature人性6 such...that...that引导同位语从句,进一步补充说明such的涵义Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pa y for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.7 be willing to = be ready to心甘情愿做 ......8 give rise to, lead to,cause=result in 引起,惹起The bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crimes.9 in case of万一, 以防in the case of 至于,就......而言Stealing is no shame in case of him.You should ensure your house in case of fire.10 too embrassed to say太尴尬而没有说明=be ashamed of10 get marriedmarry v. 强调动作时He married the girl.表示状态get / be married表达“和某人结婚已经多长时间了”be married to sb11 simply = only, just, ...and no more. adv.修饰told12 dressed in a smart black suit 形容词短语表达一种状态= wearing a smart black suit13 changed (back) into 换上,(换回)14 Before returning home = Before he returned home如果运用动名词形式,动名词的主语必须是主句的主语15 she never will = she will never discover the secrect.在省略句中never 用在助动词前16 half as much as 是......的一半多half / a quarter/ three times as ... as ...... as +(adj. / adv.)+ as ...是......的几倍... times + (adj.的比较级/ adv.的比较级)比......多几倍17 is well worth the loss of moneywell 起加强语气作用, 修饰worthDifficulties in exercise1 当直接宾语比较长或者是个从句时, 通常放在间接宾语后, say 除外I explained to him the impossibilty of granting(答应) this request.He confessed(坦白) to me that he had fallen asleep during the meeting.2 worth + n./ 动名词His suggestion is worth considering.3 illustrate 阐释,说明4 gain获利,赢得(经过努力)~ time ~reputationfee(为专业服务支付的)费用the doctor's feethe lawer's feepayment (formal) (商业信贷)付的费用wages (体力劳动者的)工资salary (白领阶层的)薪水5 pay back偿还,报复reward 酬劳compensate for = make up for 弥补more than compensate for = is well worth the loss of Lesson 5 The FactsVocabulary1 edit v.编辑edition n编辑editorial a.编辑的,主编的n.社论2 extreme 极端走极端go to extreme(s)3 statistics数据4 journalist报社,杂志社的记者reporter电视台的记者correspondent电台记者,通讯员5 palace宫殿6 publish = print (vt.) go to press (vi.Phr)7 fire v.解雇= dismiss (formal)= sack ( 俚语)If you do it wrong again, you'll be sacked .8 originally最初地,原始地Text1 instruct sb to do sth= tell sb formally to do sth2 on = about 强调课题更专一3 When the article arrived= When the editor received the article4 refuse to publish it拒绝发表(它)refuse严厉拒绝decline婉言拒绝repudiate(formal)断然拒绝5 instructing 现在分词做定语,补充说明fax6 set out to do = decide & try to doHe set out to make his first 1,000,000 in 5 years.set about doing = start doing sth (no passive)7 take sb a long time to do sth某人花费很长时间做某事8 two more faxes = another two faxes9 fail to = couldn'tThe journalist failed to reply.10 reluctantly = unwilling11 as it had or been written = in its originally way12 倒装句小结A not only 位于句首,倒装not only ...but (also)...Not only had the poor man been arrested,but he had been sent into prison as well.B 否定词位于句首,倒装常用的否定词有never, seldom. rarely, little,hardly,scarcely, no where,no sonnerC 含only 的状语位于句首,倒装Only then did he realize that he had made a mistake.Only when a great deal more information has been obtained, will it be possible to plan a trip.D含not的短语位于句首,倒装not for a moment,not in the leastnot for an instantnot untilE 含no的副词短语位于句首,倒装at no timein no wayin no senseby no meansin no caseon no conditionon no accountunder no circumstancesF so ,such位于句首,倒装13 he had at last been allowed= he had at last been permitted= he had asked for pemission14 while 和现在分词搭配,做时间状语,表示正在做某事的过程中可用while引导的时间状语从句替换He had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps ...= ... while he was counting ...15 现在分词the step leading to the president's palace16 fifteen-foot 做前置定语,用单数Difficulties倒装句(见课文讲解)lesson 6 Smash-and-grabVocabularysmash: break sth into pieces violentlyThe dishes was smashed in the floor.smash into 猛撞,猛冲.猛击2 grab:seize suddenlycatch: get hold of sth / sb suddenly and violentlyseize 强调抓住抓到的结果grasp: 掌握hold:抓牢,抓紧He grabed me by the arm.Fear seize her.3 background背景on the background of sthbackground informationa man of excellent background4 scramble vi. creep quicklyclimb vt.爬mount vt.登上(山)5 fantastic: very greatlargewonderful6 arcade7 jewellery8 velvet9 headlight10 blare11 raid12 ashtrayText1 介词短语修饰shopsThe shoe shop in my neighborhood was just opening.2 同位语从句Mr. Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new display.3 with 的复合结构本课重点A. 宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是主谓关系用动词-ing 形式B.宾语和宾语补足语在逻辑上是动宾关系用过去分词形式C. 描述当时的情况用形容词, 副词,或介词短语. 表示宾语的状况.D. 表达事情将要发生用动词的不定式toeg.She stood there with her hands resting on her hips.He ran into the room with his face covered with tears.With his homework finished he felt happy.He used to sleep with all windows open.He went out with his hat on.With the meeting over, we went home.He came in with a knife in his hand.Two others with black stockings over faces jumped out.With a lot of homework to do, he can't go to the cinema.with放在句首或句尾, 做状语, 表示行为方式, 原因, 或伴随状况.with 放在名词后, 修饰限定该名词eg. a thief with stocking over his facea room with the windows open4 come to + n.到达come to a stopcome to an endcome to a decisioncome to an agreementcome to an understandingcome to famecome to success5 atat the butcher'sat the backer'sat the greengrocer'sat the chemist's6 help oneself to自便My roommate helped herself to my clothes without asking me.7 too busy to notice any pain = concentrated one's mind that did not feel any pain8 at a fantasic speed = at a tremendous speed = at a high( full ) speed = with great speed9 hunderds of thousands of dollars worth of jewel 价值上百万美元的珠宝10 前缀构词法本课重点(1) dis-A. dis- + adj.agreeable --disagreeable content --discontentgraceful ---disgraceful satisfactory ---dissatisfactoryB. dis- + n.agreement ----disagreement honest ---dishonestability ---disability grace ----disgraceC. dis-表示除去.解除名词前加上dis-转化为动词courage --- discourage root --- disroot mask --- dismask burden --- disburden (2) ill-后面接以l开头的形容词legal --illegal logical -- illogicalliterate -- illterate legible -- illegible(3) im- 后面接以b, m, p, 开头的形容词mortal -- immortal moral --- immoral(4) ir-用在以r开头的形容词前rational -- irrational resistble -- irresistible (5) in- 用在以其他字母开头的形容词前correct -- incorrect accurate -- inaccurate (6) un- 后面接形容词或动词"不" happy -- unhappy" 无" condition -- uncondition表示" 为" 主要用在过去分词前decided -- undecided finished -- unfinished 用在动词前表示做相反的动作lock -- unlock tie -- untie pack -- unpackDifficlties in excersize1 on one's way to在......的路上on the way to在......的路上He is on the way to become a lawer.= He is on his way to become a lawer. warn sb out of one's way提醒某人让路in one's way挡路2 名词前有修饰词时,修饰词的语序时先形容词后名词3 speed强调加快动作和工作的进程speed upaccelerate加速v.reverse 倒车v.4 overdressed穿着讲究的5 overlooked俯瞰6 as it happened这类事的发生7 hurl用力投掷8 project发射= send uplesson 7 Mutilated ladiesVocabulary1 mutilate 毁伤,残害vt. 通常用做被动语态He was mutilated in the accident, and now has only one leg.You have already mutilated the novel by making such changes.mutilation切断,残缺不全n.2 chew咀嚼v.A lot of people love chewing gums.Don't bite off more than one can chew.chew the fat聊天chewed up(俚) worried, anxiousDon't get chewed up about your examation.3 microwave oven微波炉microswich微型开关microfilm微缩胶卷microscope显微镜microphone microsecond百万分之一秒microbiology微生物学4 safekeeping妥善保管n.keep sth safe v.phr.---safekeeping n.do evil v.phr. --- evildoing n.make trouble v.phr. --- troublemaking n.5 identify v.鉴定identity n.身份identification n. 认明, 确认6 spodeswoman女发言人Notes on the text1 段首用疑问句引发读者的兴趣和注意力2 rescuesave 救(性命)salvage(在水中捞)救rescue 抢救(东西)Hundereds of people went to help the plane rescue .3 whiter than white 在英国常见的广告用语,在这里译为damaged, mutilated4 make mistakes like this 犯这种错误5 team组织a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their mone y to a machine or to their dogscalled Multitated Ladies 做team的定语, 表达被动意义。
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New words and expressions】生词和短语●punctuality n. 准时
●rural adv. 农村的
●disregard v. 不顾,无视
●intellectual n. 知识分子
●abstruse adj. 深奥的
●coordinate v. 协调
●reproach v. 责备
●puncture v. 刺破(轮胎)
●diversion n. 改道,绕道
●trial n. 讨厌的事,人
●fraction n. 很小一点儿
●flourish n. 挥舞(打手劳)
●microscopic adj. 微小的
●adamant adj. 坚定的,不动摇的
◆punctuality n. 准时
punctual: adj. 守时
be punctual to the minute
◆rural adv. 农村的
urban adj. 城市的
◆disregard v. 不顾,无视
disregard sth
disregard == ignore
pay no attention to
take no notice of
in disregard of
treat sb. with disregard: 怠慢某人
◆intellectual n. 知识分子
◆abstruse adj. 深奥的
abstract: 抽象的
Eg: I am not good at mathematics, because the subject is not only abstract but also abstruce.
◆◆coordinate v. 协调
Eg: Our efforts need to be further coordinated for higher efficiency. efficiency: == be efficient:效率
Eg: If you wnat to complete an ideal job with your classmates as quickly as possible, I think ypu must coodniate everything as much as
you can.
coordinate work: 协调工作
arrange: 安排
Eg: Who will arrange the party?
How can arrange the paragraph?
organize: 组织
Eg: It’s your duty to organize our meeting. harmonize: vt.& n. 协调,使调和,配和音
L60-01 end 7’45”
L60-02 begin 13’35”
Eg: The music is harmonized.
We have to harmonize our work.
◆reproach v. 责备
blame / scold / reprehend
Eg: Don’t reproach / blame him for such a little thing. blame sb. for sth.
reproach n.
Beyond reproach 无可指责
Beyond doubt: 毫无疑问
Beyond understanding 无法理解
Beyond de脚本ion 无法描述
Eg: The problem is beyond / above me. 这个问题难倒了我
◆puncture v. 刺破(轮胎)
◆diversion n. 改道,绕道
◆trial n. 讨厌的事,人
trial: 审讯,审判,尝试,实验
Eg: After his trial, he set out with his new plane. 试飞之后,他开着飞机出发了。
amass v. 积聚
●indiscriminate adj. 不加选择的
●clutter n. 一堆杂物
●string n. 细线
●requisite n. 必需品
●mania n. 癖好
●sketch n. 草图,图样
●remote adj. (机会,可能性)少的,小的
●strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的
●relaxation n. 休息,娱乐
●verify v. 查证,核实
●bearing n. 关系,联系
●like-minded adj. 志趣相投的
●specimen n. 标本
●constructively adv. 有益的,积极的
●contented adj. 心满意足的
●boredom n. 烦恼,无聊
Paragraph 1
l.7 accumulate
l.20 collection
l.22 addition
l.23 hobby
l.25 the latest find
◆amass v. 积聚
gather: (小型)聚集
assemble: (大型) 集会
amass: (书面化)积聚, 所积累的东西有很高的价值accumulate
collect: 收藏
collect stamps
collect matchboxes
collect tax
collect parcel
store / hold up: 大量贮藏。