大学英语第2册Unit10 笔记整理

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Notes on the Text

Pompeii: an ancient Italian city on the Bay of Naples, which was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Author: Robert Silverberg


Pt.1 Brief Account

Pt.2 Detailed Description

Language Highlight

1/Nothing lives inPompeii except crickets and beetles and lizards…


2) beetle:

The Beetles 披头士/ The Beetle 甲壳虫汽车

2/It died suddenly, in a terrible rain of fire and ash.

= fire and ash fell like rain.

这里a rain of的使用就如同a storm of 属于metaohor

3/The tragedy struck on…



Police fear that the killer may strike again.警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。

b)(不用于进行时) (想法或念头)突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到

An awful thought has just struck me.刚才我脑子里突然闪过一个可怕的念头。

c) 给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得

How does the idea strike you?你觉得这个主意怎么样?

d) 擦,划(火柴);击出(火星)

to strike a match on a wall在墙上擦火柴

e) 开采出;钻探到

They had struck oil!他们开采出了石油!

f) 行进;加劲走

We left the road and struck off across the fields.我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。


strike fear, etc. into sb/sb's heart(formal)使某人感到恐惧等

strike gold打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路

He has struck gold with his latest novel.他凭借最新的一部小说叩开了成功之门。

strike a pose/an attitude摆出某种姿态

strike a blow for/against/at sth维护(或损害)某种信念或原则等

He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy.他感觉他们维护了民主制度。

strike a bargain/deal达成(对双方都有利的)协议


strike out独立出去;自立谋生/(AmE,informal)失败;砸锅

I knew it was time I struck out on my own.我知道我该独立谋生了。

The movie struck out and didn't win a single Oscar.那部影片砸锅了,奥斯卡奖一项都没得着。

strike up (with sth) | strike up sth(乐队等)开始演奏

The orchestra struck up and the curtain rose.管弦乐队奏起音乐,幕启。

strike up sth (with sb)(和某人)建立友谊,开始来往,交谈起来

He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.他爱和根本不相识的人攀谈。

n. (珍贵东西的)意外发现;(尤指石油的)发现;


4/Beneath the protecting shroud of ash…


裹尸布;寿衣/ (literary) 覆盖物;遮蔽物

The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.这个组织笼罩着一种诡秘的气氛。

a shroud of smoke一片烟雾


(黑暗、云、织物等) 覆盖;隐藏;遮蔽

The city was shrouded in mist.城市笼罩在雾霭之中。


His family background is shrouded in mystery.他的家庭背景蒙上了神秘的色彩。

5/There were still loaves of b read in the ovens of …


a loaf of bread

half a loaf is better than no bread (saying)半块面包比没有面包强;聊胜于无

v. ~ (about/around) (informal)游手好闲;无所事事;闲荡

SYN: hang about/around

A group of kids were loafing around outside.一群小孩在外面四处游荡。

6/A good imagination is all you need to restore it to activity

The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。

He is now fully restored to health.他现在完全恢复了健康。

to restore ancient traditions恢复古老的传统

The police have now restored the painting to its rightful owner.警察已经把这幅油画归还给了它的合法主人。

7/…carrying slate s and followed by their dogs



the Democratic slate民主党候选人名单

a clean sheet/slate 无过错记录;清白的历史

No government operates with a completely clean sheet.没有任何政府执政一点也不失误。



to slate a book/play/writer批评一部书/ 一出戏/ 一位作家


The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago.这些房子在五年前就确定要拆除了。

(informal,esp.AmE) 推举;选定

I was told that I was being slated for promotion. 我听说,我被定为提升的人选。

8/ talk business说正经话,谈正经的
