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【摘要 】 目的 了解本 院社 区获得性尿路感染病原菌分布及其对 抗菌药物 的耐药性 ,为临床合 理使 用抗菌药物 提供 依据。方法 收集 2016年 10月一2017年 9月本 院门诊 诊断为尿路感 染患者的清洁中段 尿进行培养 ,对培养出的病原菌进行 细菌鉴 定及药 敏 ,并 对 结果进 行分 析 。结 果 共 培养 出 369株病 原 菌 ,其 中革 兰阴性菌 307株 (83.2%);革 兰阳性 菌 55株 (14.9%);真菌 7株 (1.9%)。革兰 阴性 菌分离前 三 位 的是 大肠埃希菌 (256株 )、奇异变形杆菌 (19株 )、肺 炎克雷 伯菌 (15株 );革 兰阳性菌分 离前 三位 的细 菌是腐 生葡萄球菌 (18株 )、粪肠球菌 (12株 )、无乳链 球菌 (8株 )。药 敏结果显 示 。革兰 阴性菌对 氨苄西 林 、头孢唑琳 、氨苄西林/舒 巴坦 、复方新诺 明表现较高 的耐药性 ,革兰 阳性 菌对红霉 素和克林 霉素表 现较 高 的耐 药性。结论 本院社 区获得性尿路感染病原菌 以大肠埃 希菌为 主 ,各种病 原菌对抗 菌药物表 现不 同的耐 药性 ,临床 医生应根据 药敏结果 合理选择抗菌药物进行针对性治疗 。
【关键词 】 尿路感染 ; 病原菌 ; 耐药性 [中图分类号 ]R695 [文献标识码 ]A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002—1256.2018.01.012
Analysis of pathogen distribution and drug resistance of com munity acquired urinary tract infection XU
resistance to ampicillin。 cefazolin,ampicillin/sulbactam 。and cotrimoxazole.Gram —positive bacter ia showed strong resista n ce to er ythromycin and clindamycin high resistance.Conclusions rI’}le pathogenic bacter ia of com munity acquired ur inary tract infection in our hospital were m ainly escherichia coli, a variety of pathogenic bacter ia showed different resistance to antibiotics, clinicians should choose anti—bacteria l dr u gs f o r targeted treatment reasonably base on dru g susceptibility resuhs.
pathogenic bacteria were found out,of which 307 (83.2% )were Gram—negative bacter ia,55 (14。9%) were Gram-positive bacter ia a n d 7 (1.9% )were fungi.The top three Gram-negative bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli(256 strains),Proteus mirabilis(19 strains)and Klebsiella pneumoniae(15 strains).The top three Grain- positive bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus saprophyticus(18 strains),Enterococcus faecalis(12 strains)and Streptococcus agalactiae (8 strains).Susceptibility results showed that Gram—negative bacter ia showed high
壶壶喧 医堂瞳堂 年第39卷第 1期 Jour nal of Qiqihar Medical University.2018.V01.39.No.1
· 病 原 菌 分 布及 耐 药 性 分 析
经 . 验 交 流 .
徐 康 立 周 杰 张鲍虎 陈开森 张娟 叶 丽娴
infection and its resistance to antimicrobial agents.and to provide evidence for the rationa l use of a n timicrobial agents.M ethods Clean middle urine samples of patients who were diagnosed as ur inary tract infection in our hospital dur ing October 2016 to September 2017 were collected to CalTy out germicuhure f o r Pathogen identification and drug sensitivity test.and an alyze the results.Results The resuhs showed that a total of 369
Kang—li. Department of clinical laboratory,people s hospital o f Pingshan histri ct,Shenzhen,Guangdong,
【Abstract】 0bjective To understand the distribution of pathogenic bacteria of the community acquired
【关键词 】 尿路感染 ; 病原菌 ; 耐药性 [中图分类号 ]R695 [文献标识码 ]A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002—1256.2018.01.012
Analysis of pathogen distribution and drug resistance of com munity acquired urinary tract infection XU
resistance to ampicillin。 cefazolin,ampicillin/sulbactam 。and cotrimoxazole.Gram —positive bacter ia showed strong resista n ce to er ythromycin and clindamycin high resistance.Conclusions rI’}le pathogenic bacter ia of com munity acquired ur inary tract infection in our hospital were m ainly escherichia coli, a variety of pathogenic bacter ia showed different resistance to antibiotics, clinicians should choose anti—bacteria l dr u gs f o r targeted treatment reasonably base on dru g susceptibility resuhs.
pathogenic bacteria were found out,of which 307 (83.2% )were Gram—negative bacter ia,55 (14。9%) were Gram-positive bacter ia a n d 7 (1.9% )were fungi.The top three Gram-negative bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli(256 strains),Proteus mirabilis(19 strains)and Klebsiella pneumoniae(15 strains).The top three Grain- positive bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus saprophyticus(18 strains),Enterococcus faecalis(12 strains)and Streptococcus agalactiae (8 strains).Susceptibility results showed that Gram—negative bacter ia showed high
壶壶喧 医堂瞳堂 年第39卷第 1期 Jour nal of Qiqihar Medical University.2018.V01.39.No.1
· 病 原 菌 分 布及 耐 药 性 分 析
经 . 验 交 流 .
徐 康 立 周 杰 张鲍虎 陈开森 张娟 叶 丽娴
infection and its resistance to antimicrobial agents.and to provide evidence for the rationa l use of a n timicrobial agents.M ethods Clean middle urine samples of patients who were diagnosed as ur inary tract infection in our hospital dur ing October 2016 to September 2017 were collected to CalTy out germicuhure f o r Pathogen identification and drug sensitivity test.and an alyze the results.Results The resuhs showed that a total of 369
Kang—li. Department of clinical laboratory,people s hospital o f Pingshan histri ct,Shenzhen,Guangdong,
【Abstract】 0bjective To understand the distribution of pathogenic bacteria of the community acquired