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‘Ten Codes of Conduct’ advocates and requires managerial behavior and custom of staff. Among which, ‘organizational behavior’ attaches importance to the business ethics, and raise clear requirements as how to create
Honest and Accountable
I don’t know how a man without truthfulness is to get on. Confucian Analects
宁愿丧失利益,也不丢失信誉。 高能力履约,高品质履约。 用数据说话,用事实说话。
有诺必践,不打折扣。 要求别人的,自己先做到。 讲真话,敢担当。
行为十典 Ten Codes of Conduct
04 笃诚守信 Honest and Accountable 06 品质至上 Reaching the Best Quality 08 专业敬业 Being Professional 10 严守规范 Stick to the Rules 12 持续创新 Keep on Innovation 14 融合高效 Maintain High Efficiency 16 协同联动 Collebrative and Cooprative 18 清正豁达 Clean and Broad-minded 20 拼搏进取 Hard Working 22 绿色人文 Green Development
虚报瞒报。 诋毁对手。 搞小动作。
Organizational Behavior
We’d rather loose benefit than the creditworthiness. We honor contract with strong capacity and high quality. We speak with data and truth.
sound organizational environment as well as improve the corporation cultural capacity. ‘Individual behavior’ is concerned with detailed instructions, guiding and advocating the daily behavior of all CSCEC staff. ‘We are against’ makes standards of bottom line, and alerts staff from doing things against CSCEC culture.
Long journey begins from the first step. We should start following the rules and standards from now on. The Credo of CSCEC means more in action. Every one’s behavior will reflect the core value and organizational image of CSCEC.
礼仪九章 Nine Aspects of Protocol
General Provisions
Байду номын сангаас
24 尊重平等 Mutual Respect
24 真诚宽容 Sincere and Tolerance
25 适度适宜 Moderate and Proper
25 自律自省 Self Disciplined
Knowing is the beginning of action, and action is the result of knowing. Firm ideal faith and cultural concept should be turned into action and be tested through practice. Actions speak louder than words. Actions are more important when implementing the Credo of CSCEC. Much attention is to be internalized in the heart of the staff. The culture requirement of CSCEC can only be met when the core culture ideology is turned into staff behavior and custom in their daily work, both internally and externally.
千里之行,始于足下。行为规范,从现在 做起,从我做起。《中建信条》的意义在于具 体行动。每个人的行为都要体现中国建筑的核 心价值,展现组织形象。
The Credo of CSCEC is the theory for CSCEC staff to follow in the new era. It is the core value that leads CSCEC to develop scientifically. It is also the flag that inspires and units all CSCEC staff to move forward. The Credo of CSCEC, aiming at pushing forward the consensus on development strategies and ideologies of CSCEC, has become the hope and home of the souls of all CSCEC staff.
Honoring our words and we will go a long way.
Honest and Accountable
笃诚守信是我们契约精神和高品质履约的体现,是我们的生命线。我们 把笃诚守信作为事业发展的根基,倾力营造内外部诚信的氛围。 Honesty and accountability reflects our behavior quality and spirit following and honoring contract. It is our bottom line at that. We take honesty and accountability as the base for the course of our development, and we make every effort to create an atmosphere of honesty both inside and outside the corporation.
Add: 中国北京三里河路15号中建大厦 (100037) CSCEC Mansion, NO.15 Sanlihe Road, 100037 Beijing, China
Tel: (8610) 88082888 Fax: (8610) 88082789 Web:
Honoring our words and resolute our deeds, every staff of CSCEC should follow this Code of Conduct and Protocol as our rules and check ourselves with it regularly. Every staff of CSCEC should also stick to the Credo of CSCEC. The corporation culture of CSCEC will certainly be energized.
Individual Behavior
We honor our words, without compromise. We will work on it before requiring others. We speak the truth and accountable.
《十典九章》由两部分内容组成。 “行为十典”是对管理行为和员工习惯的 倡导和要求。其中,“组织行为”关注企业商业 伦理,对如何营造良好组织环境、提高企业文
化执行力提出明确要求;“个人行为”注重细节 阐述,对中国建 筑全体员 工的日常行为进行 重 点 引 领 和 倡 导;“反 对 行 为”明 确 底 线 规 范,对 背离中国建 筑文化倡导的行为进行高 压警示。
Detailed Rules
26 协调 Matching
28 有序 Order
32 适时 Timing
34 规范 Standard
36 随俗 Do as Romans Do
前 言 Preface
《中建信条》是新时期中国建筑的事业 理论,是引领中国建筑科学发展的价值追求, 是全体员工团结奋 进的精神旗帜。着眼于推 进 对中国建 筑 发展战略的认同、理 想信念的 认 同,《中 建 信 条》成 为了广 大 员 工 心 灵 的 寄 托和归宿。
“礼仪九章”是中国建筑员工的礼仪规范, 按照国际化公司的标准,阐述了员工在商务社 交场合所应注意的礼仪及行为细节,是中国建 筑员工提高职业修养、提升人际沟通技能、全 面树立个人和企业形象的礼仪遵循。
言必行,行必笃。每一位中国建筑员工都 要遵照《十典九章》,经常检验自己的行为, 以身作则,践行规范,坚守《中建信条》,必 激发出中国建筑企业文化的蓬勃活力。
‘Nine Aspects of Protocol’ sets up etiquette rules for CSCEC staff. Following standards of an internationalized corporation, the protocol explains the etiquette rules and detailed behavior that staff should pay attention to at the business and social circumstances. It helps staff to improve their professional quality, communication skills and set up good manner of both individual and the corporation.
知是行之始,行是知之成。坚定的理想信 念和文化理念必须付诸行动,必须用实践来检 验。行胜于言,贯彻《中建信条》重在内化于 心,更在付诸于行。只有把中国建筑核心文化 理念转化为员工的行为习惯,融入具体日常工 作之中,做到既“内正其心”,又“外正其容”, 才真正符合中国建筑的文化要求。
中国建筑行为规范手册《十典九章》是《中 建信条》的延伸,是践行《中建信条》的行动 指南。
The Code of Conduct and Protocol is the extension of the Credo of CSCEC, and it is the guide for implementing the Credo of CSCEC.
The Code of Conduct and Protocol is comprised of two parts.
Honest and Accountable
I don’t know how a man without truthfulness is to get on. Confucian Analects
宁愿丧失利益,也不丢失信誉。 高能力履约,高品质履约。 用数据说话,用事实说话。
有诺必践,不打折扣。 要求别人的,自己先做到。 讲真话,敢担当。
行为十典 Ten Codes of Conduct
04 笃诚守信 Honest and Accountable 06 品质至上 Reaching the Best Quality 08 专业敬业 Being Professional 10 严守规范 Stick to the Rules 12 持续创新 Keep on Innovation 14 融合高效 Maintain High Efficiency 16 协同联动 Collebrative and Cooprative 18 清正豁达 Clean and Broad-minded 20 拼搏进取 Hard Working 22 绿色人文 Green Development
虚报瞒报。 诋毁对手。 搞小动作。
Organizational Behavior
We’d rather loose benefit than the creditworthiness. We honor contract with strong capacity and high quality. We speak with data and truth.
sound organizational environment as well as improve the corporation cultural capacity. ‘Individual behavior’ is concerned with detailed instructions, guiding and advocating the daily behavior of all CSCEC staff. ‘We are against’ makes standards of bottom line, and alerts staff from doing things against CSCEC culture.
Long journey begins from the first step. We should start following the rules and standards from now on. The Credo of CSCEC means more in action. Every one’s behavior will reflect the core value and organizational image of CSCEC.
礼仪九章 Nine Aspects of Protocol
General Provisions
Байду номын сангаас
24 尊重平等 Mutual Respect
24 真诚宽容 Sincere and Tolerance
25 适度适宜 Moderate and Proper
25 自律自省 Self Disciplined
Knowing is the beginning of action, and action is the result of knowing. Firm ideal faith and cultural concept should be turned into action and be tested through practice. Actions speak louder than words. Actions are more important when implementing the Credo of CSCEC. Much attention is to be internalized in the heart of the staff. The culture requirement of CSCEC can only be met when the core culture ideology is turned into staff behavior and custom in their daily work, both internally and externally.
千里之行,始于足下。行为规范,从现在 做起,从我做起。《中建信条》的意义在于具 体行动。每个人的行为都要体现中国建筑的核 心价值,展现组织形象。
The Credo of CSCEC is the theory for CSCEC staff to follow in the new era. It is the core value that leads CSCEC to develop scientifically. It is also the flag that inspires and units all CSCEC staff to move forward. The Credo of CSCEC, aiming at pushing forward the consensus on development strategies and ideologies of CSCEC, has become the hope and home of the souls of all CSCEC staff.
Honoring our words and we will go a long way.
Honest and Accountable
笃诚守信是我们契约精神和高品质履约的体现,是我们的生命线。我们 把笃诚守信作为事业发展的根基,倾力营造内外部诚信的氛围。 Honesty and accountability reflects our behavior quality and spirit following and honoring contract. It is our bottom line at that. We take honesty and accountability as the base for the course of our development, and we make every effort to create an atmosphere of honesty both inside and outside the corporation.
Add: 中国北京三里河路15号中建大厦 (100037) CSCEC Mansion, NO.15 Sanlihe Road, 100037 Beijing, China
Tel: (8610) 88082888 Fax: (8610) 88082789 Web:
Honoring our words and resolute our deeds, every staff of CSCEC should follow this Code of Conduct and Protocol as our rules and check ourselves with it regularly. Every staff of CSCEC should also stick to the Credo of CSCEC. The corporation culture of CSCEC will certainly be energized.
Individual Behavior
We honor our words, without compromise. We will work on it before requiring others. We speak the truth and accountable.
《十典九章》由两部分内容组成。 “行为十典”是对管理行为和员工习惯的 倡导和要求。其中,“组织行为”关注企业商业 伦理,对如何营造良好组织环境、提高企业文
化执行力提出明确要求;“个人行为”注重细节 阐述,对中国建 筑全体员 工的日常行为进行 重 点 引 领 和 倡 导;“反 对 行 为”明 确 底 线 规 范,对 背离中国建 筑文化倡导的行为进行高 压警示。
Detailed Rules
26 协调 Matching
28 有序 Order
32 适时 Timing
34 规范 Standard
36 随俗 Do as Romans Do
前 言 Preface
《中建信条》是新时期中国建筑的事业 理论,是引领中国建筑科学发展的价值追求, 是全体员工团结奋 进的精神旗帜。着眼于推 进 对中国建 筑 发展战略的认同、理 想信念的 认 同,《中 建 信 条》成 为了广 大 员 工 心 灵 的 寄 托和归宿。
“礼仪九章”是中国建筑员工的礼仪规范, 按照国际化公司的标准,阐述了员工在商务社 交场合所应注意的礼仪及行为细节,是中国建 筑员工提高职业修养、提升人际沟通技能、全 面树立个人和企业形象的礼仪遵循。
言必行,行必笃。每一位中国建筑员工都 要遵照《十典九章》,经常检验自己的行为, 以身作则,践行规范,坚守《中建信条》,必 激发出中国建筑企业文化的蓬勃活力。
‘Nine Aspects of Protocol’ sets up etiquette rules for CSCEC staff. Following standards of an internationalized corporation, the protocol explains the etiquette rules and detailed behavior that staff should pay attention to at the business and social circumstances. It helps staff to improve their professional quality, communication skills and set up good manner of both individual and the corporation.
知是行之始,行是知之成。坚定的理想信 念和文化理念必须付诸行动,必须用实践来检 验。行胜于言,贯彻《中建信条》重在内化于 心,更在付诸于行。只有把中国建筑核心文化 理念转化为员工的行为习惯,融入具体日常工 作之中,做到既“内正其心”,又“外正其容”, 才真正符合中国建筑的文化要求。
中国建筑行为规范手册《十典九章》是《中 建信条》的延伸,是践行《中建信条》的行动 指南。
The Code of Conduct and Protocol is the extension of the Credo of CSCEC, and it is the guide for implementing the Credo of CSCEC.
The Code of Conduct and Protocol is comprised of two parts.