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Abstract Four kinds of transition metals nitrates were chosen,which were Fe,Mn,Cu and Zn nitrates as active component precursors to prepare the supported catalysts Fe2 O3 / γAl2 O3 ,MnO / γAl2 O3 ,CuO / γAl2 O3 and ZnO / γAl2 O3 in which γAl2 O3 was used as carrier. The effect of methyl orange simulation wastewater treatment was further investigated at the room temperature and atmospheric pressure by adding H2 O2 and NaClO as oxidant respectively. Results indicate that the catalyst Fe2 O3 / γAl2 O3 has better catalytic activity and stability, and H2 O2 is appropriate oxidant by contrast. With γAl2 O3 carrier,the catalyst was prepared with 0. 1 mol / L of Fe( NO3 ) 3 solution for 15 h dipping and calcination for 3 h at 350 degrees after drying. Then the CWO process was optimized in which 500 mg / L methyl orange simulation wastewater was target pollutant,the addition quantity of catalyst,H2 O2 dosing quantity,pH value,and initial concentration of wastewater were investigated. Results show that by adding 30 g / L Fe2 O3 / γAl2 O3 and 0. 825 g / L H2 O2 ,after 4 h wastewater treatment,the decolorization efficiency reaches above 80% , COD removal efficiency is 78. 57% , and TOC removal efficiency is 83. 20% . Key words room temperature and atmospheric pressure; catalytic wet oxidation; transition metal; catalysts; wastewater treatment 随着化工工业的飞速发展, 进入水体的化工合 成物质的数量和种类急剧增加, 许多废水中含有芳 烃化合物, 如苯酚、 苯胺、 硝基苯等, 污染物浓度高, 毒性大, 难以生物降解。这类废水若直接排放, 对人 和生物有害, 且造成对环境的严重污染
第5 卷 第6 期 2 0 1 1 年 6 月

Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
Vol . 5 , No . 6 Jun. 2 0 1 1
常温常压催化湿式氧化降解偶氮染料 废水的研究
史 玲 董社英 柏世厚 白雪莲
( 西安建筑科技大学理学院 , 西安 710055 ) Mn、 Cu 和 Zn 的硝酸盐为活性组分的前驱物 , Al2 O3 为载体, 摘 要 以过渡金属 Fe、 以 γ制备了负载型催化剂 Fe2 O3 / Al2 O3 、 MnO / γAl2 O3 、 CuO / γAl2 O3 和 ZnO / γAl2 O3 , γ并分别以 H2 O2 和 NaClO 为氧化剂, 对比了在常温常压条件下催化湿 Fe2 O3 / γAl2 O3 催化剂较其他催化剂表现出较好的催化活性和稳定 式氧化工艺处理甲基橙模拟废水的效果 。 结果表明, H2 O2 为适宜的氧化剂。以 γAl2 O3 为载体, 性, 用 0. 1 mol / L 的 Fe( NO3 ) 3 溶液浸渍 15 h, 烘干后在 350 ħ 焙烧 3 h, 制得催 Al2 O3 , 化剂 Fe2 O3 / γ以质量浓度为 500 mg / L 的甲基橙模拟废水为处理对象 , 对 CWO 工艺进行了优化, 考察了催化剂投加 H2 O2 投加量、 Fe2 O3 / γAl2 O3 和 H2 O2 投加量分别为 量、 废水 pH 值、 废水初始浓度等因素对处理效果的影响 。由实验得出, 30 g / L 和 0. 825 g / L 时, 4 h , 80% , COD 78. 57% , 处理 后 废水的脱色率达到 以上 去除率为 总 有 机 碳 TOC 去 除 率 达 83. 20% 。 关键词 常温常压 X703 催化湿式氧化 文献标识码 过渡金属 A 催化剂 废水处理 中图分类号 9108 ( 2011 ) 06132505 文章编号 1673-
Degradation of dye wastewater by catalytic wet oxidation at room temperature and atmospheric pressure
Shi Ling Dong Sheying Bai Shihou Bai Xuelian
( School of Science,Xi’ an University of Architecture & Technology,Xi’ an 710055 ,China)