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increase the possibility of social conflicts.As a result,the conflicts between different interest
groups are unavoidable as the interest regulation and reallocation of reform deepening.It is full of difficulties to enlarge opening—up and the conflicts accompanying the international communication and interaction occasionally take place,then social conflicts Can be easily
society construction.Social conflicts Call be offered an all—sided knowledge and effective
countermeasures actively SO as to lessen the disadvantages of social conflicts on social
be characterized 1l^,i也the d喊strain of conflicts and harmony.The concept that social
conflicts offer all the evil but advantages tO the society or there are no social conflicts in the
eliminating contradict and achieving harmony is set up,while the problem of conflicts is
excluded in many academic documents focused on the harmonious society construction.In
harmonious society disobeys the development rule of society.Therefore,the analysis and
offer research on the social conflict’theories can
an important reference to the harmonious
even all over the world,while the existence of social conflicts,which is growing into a new
problem for the government,is an inevitable phenomenon for China in the phase of reform and opening—up.It should be taken into serious consideration how the relation between social conflicts and social harmony should be treated and how social conflicts Can be controlled and
Social conflicts,as a basic action mode of socially inter-subjective interaction,has been
a universal social phenomenon since the human society came into being,and developed
social conflicts,which needs to be paid much attention to,otherwise,it will fall into the
vicious state.
When the problem of the harmonious society construction is put forward,the premise of
human together with the
society,which can make a great influence on the human social
transition.Nowadays,the harmonious society has been the key phrase of social life in China
第二部分是社会冲突的功麓及其与和谐社会的关系。该部分首先阐释了社会冲突的 功能,认为社会冲突的功能既可能是消极的、破坏性的负功能,也可能是积极的、建设 性的正功能,着重论述了社会冲突的正功能,然后从社会冲突与社会和谐关联的角度阐 述了二者的关系。
第三部分是我国转型期社会冲突的表现形式及其产生的根源。对于当前我国出现的 各种社会冲突,笔者将其归纳为政治、经济、文化三个领域的冲突。经济领域的冲突包 括贫富冲突和阶层冲突;政治领域的冲突主要是政治冲突和利益集团冲突;文化领域的 冲突主要是传统价值观与现代价值观的冲突、计划经济价值观与市场经济价值观的冲 突、中西方价值观的冲突等。主要看法是:转型期我国产生社会冲突的根源是多方面的, 僵主要还是受利益主体的多元化、弱势群体的形成、腐败和非法致富的影响。
economy and from the traditional society to modem society,the typical crossover and clash between the new system and concept,and the old system and concept of transitional society
carried into the favorable course to achieve the goal of social harmony. As China is facing the transition phase from the planned economy to the market
第四部分是转型期调控社会冲突、构建和谐社会的设想。此部分首先分析了中西方 社会冲突理论处理社会冲突的各自方式及其局限性,然后提出了调控社会冲突、构建和 谐社会的设想。认为我们应当建立起现代和谐观念。我们要在社会规范和法律的约束下, 允许不同剥益群体表达冲突和利益要求,通过利益漭调辊制最大限度地满足不同群体的 利益要求,达到利益分配的动态平衡。建立有效的矛盾疏导机制;建立灵活的社会流动、 控制、预警机制:建立强有力的社会支持机制。
circulation and ensure the normal and harmonious development of society according to the
research on the general theory of l as the relation between social
巍人稍审视和谐社会构建的理论闯题对,习惯上总是把化解矛盾、达致和谐作为预 设前提,在许多讨论和谐社会构建的学术文献孛,都将狰突闻题排除在癸。其实,扶现 代冲突的理论视角看和谐社会的构建问题,完全可以获得~个独特的观察视熊——因为 和谐社会并不意睬着没有社会冲突。社会本身就是~个矛盾统一体,往往呈现出冲突与 和谐的二元张力,那释认为社会冲突对社会有酉害两无一利静瓣点,或谈为社会冲突不 存在于和谐社会中的观念都是违背社会发展规律的。合理地调控社会冲突才是发展真正 的和谐关系的有效途径。我们不应该害怕冲突,而是要善于利用良性冲突和避免恶性冲 突。冲突必然需要游调,冲突预示了一种协调各方利益的时枕,这就搜之成为提醒有关 各方及时觉察和化解不满情绪、完善利益表达机制不可缺少的一环。因此,分柝积研究 社会冲突理论,对于构建我国社会主义和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。通过对社会冲突 一般理论酶研究、对社会冲突与社会和谐的关系以及我国转型期社会冲突的表现形式等 阀题的研究,可以使我销全瑟认识社会律突,色觉缝寻求社会冲突的有效对策,减少、 降低社会冲突对社会良性运行的危害,确保社会健康、和谐的发展。
河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 论社会冲突与社会和谐——以冲突理论为视角 姓名:宋立会 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 指导教师:任广浩
社会冲突是蠢人类社会产生以来就普遍存在韵社会现象,并随着人类社会的发展而 发展,社会冲突作为社会主体闻狸互作用鲍一种基本的行动方式,对人类社会韵变迂具 有重大的影响。现在,和谐社会已经成为中国乃至整个世界社会生活的主题词,然丽社 会冲突的存在对予我国这样一个正处于改革开放时期的豳家来讲是必然的现象,同时也 为我们戆党和政府提出了一个亟待解决戆新课题。翔蔼理解嚣方的社会冲突理论,据{霉 看待社会冲突与社会和谐的关系,如何调控社会冲突,并因势刹导使社会冲突纳入良性 运行的轨道以达到社会和谐的闲的,这是我们必须着重考虑的问题。
formed from the intense social competition and the existence of social problems.In a word,
the current social circulation in China iS in the neutral state due to the existence of various
conflicts and social harmony.
The paper consists of four parts.
1lae first part introduces to the basic theories of social corfflicts,which mainly
demonstrate the process of the social conflict theory’S formation in western countries,
我国雪蓊歪处于计划经济南市场经济、传统社会淘现代社会加速转型的过渡时期, 转型社会特有的新旧体制、新}因观念的交错朔碰撞,增加了社会冲突的可能性。深化改 革中的利益调整和利益重组产生了形形色色的利益群体,各种利益群体之间的冲突很难 避免。扩大对外开放并非一溉风顺,俸隧国际交往互动丽来的冲突现象时有发生,社会 竞争的加剧和社会闯题的存在更易导致社会冲突。慧之,各种社会冲突的存在使我匿当 前的社会运行总体上呈现为中性运行状态,稍有不慎就有可能走向恶性运行。
fact,a unique visual angle of look—in Call be obtained according to the view of modem conflict theories on the harmonious society construction,for the harmonious society never means there is no social conflicts since society is a macrocosm of contradict which is likely to
第一部分是社会冲突与社会冲突理论。主要阐释了西方社会冲突理论的形成过程, 介绍了西方社会冲突理论的主要代表达伦多夫、科塞、齐美尔等学者的观点;分析了社 会冲突的基本特征,郡社会冲突的普遍性、复杂性、时代性和多样性;麸静态和动态角 度分析社会冲突的结构并按照冲突性质的不同将社会冲突分为经济冲突、政治冲突和文 化冲突三种类型。
groups are unavoidable as the interest regulation and reallocation of reform deepening.It is full of difficulties to enlarge opening—up and the conflicts accompanying the international communication and interaction occasionally take place,then social conflicts Can be easily
society construction.Social conflicts Call be offered an all—sided knowledge and effective
countermeasures actively SO as to lessen the disadvantages of social conflicts on social
be characterized 1l^,i也the d喊strain of conflicts and harmony.The concept that social
conflicts offer all the evil but advantages tO the society or there are no social conflicts in the
eliminating contradict and achieving harmony is set up,while the problem of conflicts is
excluded in many academic documents focused on the harmonious society construction.In
harmonious society disobeys the development rule of society.Therefore,the analysis and
offer research on the social conflict’theories can
an important reference to the harmonious
even all over the world,while the existence of social conflicts,which is growing into a new
problem for the government,is an inevitable phenomenon for China in the phase of reform and opening—up.It should be taken into serious consideration how the relation between social conflicts and social harmony should be treated and how social conflicts Can be controlled and
Social conflicts,as a basic action mode of socially inter-subjective interaction,has been
a universal social phenomenon since the human society came into being,and developed
social conflicts,which needs to be paid much attention to,otherwise,it will fall into the
vicious state.
When the problem of the harmonious society construction is put forward,the premise of
human together with the
society,which can make a great influence on the human social
transition.Nowadays,the harmonious society has been the key phrase of social life in China
第二部分是社会冲突的功麓及其与和谐社会的关系。该部分首先阐释了社会冲突的 功能,认为社会冲突的功能既可能是消极的、破坏性的负功能,也可能是积极的、建设 性的正功能,着重论述了社会冲突的正功能,然后从社会冲突与社会和谐关联的角度阐 述了二者的关系。
第三部分是我国转型期社会冲突的表现形式及其产生的根源。对于当前我国出现的 各种社会冲突,笔者将其归纳为政治、经济、文化三个领域的冲突。经济领域的冲突包 括贫富冲突和阶层冲突;政治领域的冲突主要是政治冲突和利益集团冲突;文化领域的 冲突主要是传统价值观与现代价值观的冲突、计划经济价值观与市场经济价值观的冲 突、中西方价值观的冲突等。主要看法是:转型期我国产生社会冲突的根源是多方面的, 僵主要还是受利益主体的多元化、弱势群体的形成、腐败和非法致富的影响。
economy and from the traditional society to modem society,the typical crossover and clash between the new system and concept,and the old system and concept of transitional society
carried into the favorable course to achieve the goal of social harmony. As China is facing the transition phase from the planned economy to the market
第四部分是转型期调控社会冲突、构建和谐社会的设想。此部分首先分析了中西方 社会冲突理论处理社会冲突的各自方式及其局限性,然后提出了调控社会冲突、构建和 谐社会的设想。认为我们应当建立起现代和谐观念。我们要在社会规范和法律的约束下, 允许不同剥益群体表达冲突和利益要求,通过利益漭调辊制最大限度地满足不同群体的 利益要求,达到利益分配的动态平衡。建立有效的矛盾疏导机制;建立灵活的社会流动、 控制、预警机制:建立强有力的社会支持机制。
circulation and ensure the normal and harmonious development of society according to the
research on the general theory of l as the relation between social
巍人稍审视和谐社会构建的理论闯题对,习惯上总是把化解矛盾、达致和谐作为预 设前提,在许多讨论和谐社会构建的学术文献孛,都将狰突闻题排除在癸。其实,扶现 代冲突的理论视角看和谐社会的构建问题,完全可以获得~个独特的观察视熊——因为 和谐社会并不意睬着没有社会冲突。社会本身就是~个矛盾统一体,往往呈现出冲突与 和谐的二元张力,那释认为社会冲突对社会有酉害两无一利静瓣点,或谈为社会冲突不 存在于和谐社会中的观念都是违背社会发展规律的。合理地调控社会冲突才是发展真正 的和谐关系的有效途径。我们不应该害怕冲突,而是要善于利用良性冲突和避免恶性冲 突。冲突必然需要游调,冲突预示了一种协调各方利益的时枕,这就搜之成为提醒有关 各方及时觉察和化解不满情绪、完善利益表达机制不可缺少的一环。因此,分柝积研究 社会冲突理论,对于构建我国社会主义和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。通过对社会冲突 一般理论酶研究、对社会冲突与社会和谐的关系以及我国转型期社会冲突的表现形式等 阀题的研究,可以使我销全瑟认识社会律突,色觉缝寻求社会冲突的有效对策,减少、 降低社会冲突对社会良性运行的危害,确保社会健康、和谐的发展。
河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 论社会冲突与社会和谐——以冲突理论为视角 姓名:宋立会 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:马克思主义理论与思想政治教育 指导教师:任广浩
社会冲突是蠢人类社会产生以来就普遍存在韵社会现象,并随着人类社会的发展而 发展,社会冲突作为社会主体闻狸互作用鲍一种基本的行动方式,对人类社会韵变迂具 有重大的影响。现在,和谐社会已经成为中国乃至整个世界社会生活的主题词,然丽社 会冲突的存在对予我国这样一个正处于改革开放时期的豳家来讲是必然的现象,同时也 为我们戆党和政府提出了一个亟待解决戆新课题。翔蔼理解嚣方的社会冲突理论,据{霉 看待社会冲突与社会和谐的关系,如何调控社会冲突,并因势刹导使社会冲突纳入良性 运行的轨道以达到社会和谐的闲的,这是我们必须着重考虑的问题。
formed from the intense social competition and the existence of social problems.In a word,
the current social circulation in China iS in the neutral state due to the existence of various
conflicts and social harmony.
The paper consists of four parts.
1lae first part introduces to the basic theories of social corfflicts,which mainly
demonstrate the process of the social conflict theory’S formation in western countries,
我国雪蓊歪处于计划经济南市场经济、传统社会淘现代社会加速转型的过渡时期, 转型社会特有的新旧体制、新}因观念的交错朔碰撞,增加了社会冲突的可能性。深化改 革中的利益调整和利益重组产生了形形色色的利益群体,各种利益群体之间的冲突很难 避免。扩大对外开放并非一溉风顺,俸隧国际交往互动丽来的冲突现象时有发生,社会 竞争的加剧和社会闯题的存在更易导致社会冲突。慧之,各种社会冲突的存在使我匿当 前的社会运行总体上呈现为中性运行状态,稍有不慎就有可能走向恶性运行。
fact,a unique visual angle of look—in Call be obtained according to the view of modem conflict theories on the harmonious society construction,for the harmonious society never means there is no social conflicts since society is a macrocosm of contradict which is likely to
第一部分是社会冲突与社会冲突理论。主要阐释了西方社会冲突理论的形成过程, 介绍了西方社会冲突理论的主要代表达伦多夫、科塞、齐美尔等学者的观点;分析了社 会冲突的基本特征,郡社会冲突的普遍性、复杂性、时代性和多样性;麸静态和动态角 度分析社会冲突的结构并按照冲突性质的不同将社会冲突分为经济冲突、政治冲突和文 化冲突三种类型。