

Phyton Biotech的多西他赛API获得欧洲药典合格证

Phyton Biotech的多西他赛API获得欧洲药典合格证

Phyton Biotech的多西他赛API获得欧洲药典合格证加拿大温哥华--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(美国商业资讯)--欧洲药品和健康保健品质理事会(EDQM)已向Phyton Biotech的多西他赛无水活性药物成份(API)颁发了欧洲药典合格证(CEP)。



CTO兼业务开发副总裁Roland Franke博士评论道:“除了我们,世界上几乎每家多西他赛API供应商都采用10-DAB作为多西他赛的原料药。






”总经理Marc Iacobucci补充道:“Phyton进行了巨额投资,以成为世界上优质多西他赛和紫杉醇API的领先供应商。



在此次CEP之前,我们还于去年夏天获得了植物细胞发酵法紫杉醇API 的CEP。




世界著名生物试剂公司(总9页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除世界著名生物试剂公司作者:admin 来源: 发布时间: 2010-03-15 17:24 浏览次数: 52Santa公司是世界上最大的抗体生产厂家,目前可提供的抗体种类多达两万多种,几乎覆盖了目前生命科学研究的各个最新领域,其每种抗体又有多个克隆可以选择,还提供一些对应蛋白标准品及相关产品,如ABC试剂盒,各种标记二抗,Western试剂盒,蛋白分子量Marker,核抽提物等,为免疫学研究工作提供了极大的方便。











Example: Understanding signals associated with Nia, NAG, and Sepiwhite.
Cultured Skin
Transcriptomics: Recent Wins
“P&G is backing the high-end line with high-end science, claiming that it is based on ingredients derived from the latest in genomics research…”
- $985, 2-4 weeks - Diseases (18), Ancestry, Personal Traits (eye color)
-$2500, 4-6 weeks - “Full Service” Personal Health Model - “Navigenics is a partner, along with your other health and wellness professionals, in defining and achieving personal health objectives. We are committed to using personalized genetic information to improve health outcomes, one person at a time.”
– Harnessing the Good and Controlling the Bad – BioProspecting – New Treasures from the Sea
• Cell Therapy – New Intervention Points • Light Therapy



Plantቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱproduction
• Develop new types of insect-resistant crop plants • Reduce use of agrochemicals(农药) • Increase production and harvesting • Improved storage(储存)[genetic engineering]
Animal production
• Reproduction and growth cloning and sex determination of embryos(胚胎) have been developed • Feeding and nutrition • Improve animal health make use of antibodies and new vaccines against viral and bacterial diseases
Which fields can be used in
Agricultural a. Animal production b. Plant production Martial a. Biological warfare b. Biodefense Industrial a. Fuel the world
Factors that must be taken into consideration before adopting biotechnology(生物技术)
• • • • • Definition(biotechnology) Fields Benefits Attitudes Barriers



上海保兴biotech-2002说明书(原创版)目录1.上海保兴 biotech-2002 说明书概述2.上海保兴 biotech-2002 产品简介3.上海保兴 biotech-2002 主要功能4.上海保兴 biotech-2002 使用方法5.上海保兴 biotech-2002 注意事项正文一、上海保兴 biotech-2002 说明书概述上海保兴 biotech-2002 是一款专业的生物科技产品,适用于实验室研究和工业生产等领域。


二、上海保兴 biotech-2002 产品简介上海保兴 biotech-2002 是一款结合了生物技术和环保理念的高科技产品,主要应用于生物降解、生物转化等领域。


三、上海保兴 biotech-2002 主要功能1.高效生物降解:本产品能够快速降解有机物,提高降解效率。




四、上海保兴 biotech-2002 使用方法1.准备工作:确保使用环境符合产品要求,如温度、湿度等。

2.添加产品:根据实际需求,将上海保兴 biotech-2002 加入到待降解或转化的物质中。

3.控制条件:适当调整温度、pH 值等条件,以保证微生物发酵的顺利进行。



五、上海保兴 biotech-2002 注意事项1.本产品仅供专业人员使用,请勿用于其他用途。




碧云天生物技术Beyotime Biotechnology产品说明书

碧云天生物技术Beyotime Biotechnology产品说明书

碧云天生物技术/Beyotime Biotechnology 订货热线:400-1683301或800-8283301 订货e-mail :******************技术咨询:*****************网址:碧云天网站 微信公众号BeyoECL Moon (极超敏ECL 化学发光试剂盒)产品编号 产品名称包装 P0018FS BeyoECL Moon (极超敏ECL 化学发光试剂盒) 100ml P0018FMBeyoECL Moon (极超敏ECL 化学发光试剂盒)500ml产品简介:碧云天生产的Western 萤光检测试剂BeyoECL Moon 是一种极超敏的以luminol 为基础的ECL 化学发光试剂盒,发光效果显著优于BeyoECL Star ,可与二抗上偶联的辣根过氧化物酶(horseradish peroxidase, HRP)发生化学反应,发出萤光,从而可以通过用X 光片压片或其它适当化学发光成像设备检测样品。

碧云天生产的Western 萤光检测试剂目前共有三种,分别是P0018S/P0018M BeyoECL Plus 、P0018AS/P0018AM BeyoECL Star 和P0018FS/P0018FM BeyoECL Moon 。

常规的Western 检测,优先推荐使用BeyoECL Star 。

对于丰度比较高的目的蛋白的检测,例如内参蛋白等的检测,推荐使用性价比更高的BeyoECL Plus 。

对于低丰度较难检测的目的蛋白,优先推荐使用检测灵敏度最高的BeyoECL Moon 。

但对于丰度适中的目的蛋白的检测,不太推荐使用BeyoECL Moon ,因为使用BeyoECL Moon 时由于检测灵敏度特别高,容易产生过曝的现象。

BeyoECL Moon 灵敏度极高,Western blot 检测效果与Thermo 公司SuperSignal West Dura 相当或略佳(参考图1),化学发光效果在1小时内显著优于Thermo 公司的SuperSignal West Dura ,30分钟内发光效果可达SuperSignal West Dura 的约1.8-3.6倍,BeyoECL Star 的4.2-6.9倍(参考图2)。










为了保证培养基有适量的蒸发,建议控制钟罩内蒸汽压0.09-0.1MPa,即不要高于保温温度下的饱和水蒸气压(参考值:120℃,0.102MPa)发酵操作:1.接种:酒精消毒2.补料控制:加酸碱,加甘油消泡3.取样检测全自动发酵罐的配置:一(1),全自动2联发酵系统(含保兴生物发酵过程控制软件V6.0)BIOTECH-10BGZ-50BS型1套2,蒸汽发生器FD-98-2A 1台3,20KW无油空压机1台(1)、10升发酵罐系统组成和技术配置货物名称10L磁力搅拌在位灭菌发酵罐型号BIOTECH-10BGZ罐体系统体积:全容量10L,装液序数70%罐体材质:采用进口SUS316L优质不锈钢(北欧进口,食品卫生级) ,高强度耐酸碱腐蚀不锈钢罐体罐盖:1个接种(火焰圈接种),1个pH传感器接口,1个DO传感器接口,1个温度传感器接口;2个备用口(可作补料,加消泡剂和加酸碱用),带泡沫传感器,带冷凝装置的排气口径高比:1:2 可更改罐体结构:全不锈钢罐体结合部分硅硼玻璃罐,便于教学演示,内无死角清洗方便,不易染菌表面处理:内外抛光,抛光精度Ra0.4,减少染菌机会灭菌方式:在位蒸气灭菌,灭菌的同时可以搅拌,以便使物料均匀受热且灭菌彻底,区别于其他厂家2 进罐空气系统/蒸汽通气:转子流量计手动控制,根据工艺要求调节控制各气体的流量。

Biotech Drugs 2006

Biotech Drugs 2006

AlphaVax Rsch. Triangle Park, NC
Human Genome Sciences Rockville, MD
Cytolin® anti-CD8 MAb
CytoDyn Santa Fe, NM
HGTV43 gene medicine
Enzo Therapeutics Farmingdale, NY
Digestive Disorders 14
Eye Conditions 6
Genwth Disorders 4
Infectious Diseases
Neurologic Disorders 17
Respiratory Disorders 13
Skin Disorders 7
These are only a few examples of new ways pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are attacking disease. The 418 biotechnology medicines in development promise to push the frontiers of science and bring more and better treatments to patients.
Approved biotechnology medicines already treat or help prevent heart attacks, stroke, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure, lymphoma, kidney cancer, cystic fibrosis, and other diseases. These medicines rely on many cutting-edge technologies. For example, most early biotechnology medicines were protein drugs, produced by splicing genes into bacteria. They include recombinant insulin, human growth hormone, clotting factor for hemophilia patients, and erythropoietin to stimulate the production of red blood cells in kidney dialysis and cancer patients. Another type of biotechnology medicine, the monoclonal antibody, is a laboratory-made version of the naturally occurring protein that binds to and neutralizes foreign invaders. The first monoclonal antibody that inhibits angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) was approved for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer in 2004. Interferons, proteins that interfere with the ability of a cell to reproduce, are the basis of existing medicines for osteoporosis, chronic granulomatous disease, genital warts, multiple sclerosis, hairy cell leukemia and other diseases. Antisense drugs are medicines that interfere with the communication process that tells a cell to produce an unwanted protein. The first antisense drug, for the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in AIDS patients, was approved in 1998.



2018年生物技术制药名词解释(10个)1.生物技术药物(biotechnology durg,biotech durg):指采用DNA重组技术或其他生物技术生产的用于预防、治疗和诊断疾病的药物,主要是重组蛋白和核算类药物。

2.Monoclnal antibody:单克隆抗体,是体内或培养的一个识别单一抗原表位的B细胞克隆所分泌的针对一种抗原决定簇的免疫球蛋白,简称单抗。

3.Fermentation engineer:发酵工程,将微生物、生物化学和化学工程学的基本原理有机结合,利用微生物的特定现状,通过现代工程技术在生物反应器中生产工业原料与工业产品并提供服务的一种技术体系,又称微生物工程。

4.感受态细胞(competent cell):理化方法诱导细胞,使其处于最适摄取和容纳外源DNA的生理状态。




8.Affinity chromatography:亲和层析,利用固定化配基与目的的蛋白之间特异的生物亲和作用进行吸附分离的技术。




11.Genetically engineered antibodies:gAb,基因工程抗体,又称重组抗体、工程抗体,指利用重组DNA及蛋白质工程技术对编码抗体的基因按不同需要进行加工改造和重新装配,经转染适当的受体细胞所表达的抗体分子。



生物技术药物(biotech drugs)或称生物药物(biopharmaceutics)是集生物学、医学、药学的先进技术为一体,以组合化学、药学基因(功能抗原学、生物信息学等高技术为依托,以分子遗传学、分子生物、生物物理等基础学科的突破为后盾形成的产业。








1.生物制药现状目前生物制药主要集中在以下几个方向:1 肿瘤在全世界肿瘤死亡率居首位,美国每年诊断为肿瘤的患者为100万,死于肿瘤者达54.7万。







2 神经退化性疾病老年痴呆症、帕金森氏病、脑中风及脊椎外伤的生物技术药物治疗,胰岛素生长因子rhIGF-1已进入Ⅲ期临床。



Passage 2 - Biotech生物技术专家已经培育出了含有β—胡萝卜素(身体可将之转化为维生素A)和更多铁元素的转基因水稻,目前正在研究培育其他一些增进营养成分的农作物。























xbi biotech etf成分

xbi biotech etf成分

xbi biotech etf 是一种医疗生物科技企业交易所交易基金(ETF),投资者可通过购买该ETF来获取医疗生物科技企业的投资回报。


xbi biotech etf的成分股带有很高的风险和波动性,因为生物技术行业的发展更多受到科技进步和政策变化的影响。


1. xbi biotech etf 的行业组成xbi biotech etf 的成分股主要包括了生物制药、生物科技和医疗器械等领域的公司。


2. xbi biotech etf 的投资特点由于生物技术行业的发展更多受到科技进步和政策变化的影响,xbi biotech etf 的成分股带有很高的风险和波动性。


3. xbi biotech etf 的投资优势投资xbi biotech etf 可以帮助投资者共享生物技术行业的高成长潜力,获取生物技术行业发展所带来的投资回报。


4. xbi biotech etf 的投资考量投资xbi biotech etf 需要投资者对生物技术行业有一定的了解和认识,同时需要对市场风险和政策风险有较强的预判能力。


5. xbi biotech etf 的未来展望随着生物技术行业的持续发展和政策环境的进一步明朗,xbi biotech etf 有望在未来取得更好的投资回报。


总结而言,xbi biotech etf 作为医疗生物科技企业交易所交易基金,为投资者提供了共享生物技术行业高成长潜力的机会。



Agribiotech(agribiotechnology农业生物技术): more heat than light Another year, another controversy(争论、辩论): that was the story in the perennially(长期) contentious(争论)area of genetically modified (GM) crops.In 2002,arguments(论点、论证) centred(中心的) on David Quist and Ignacio Chapela’s study of Mexican maize(玉米,玉蜀黍). It was simultaneously(同时地)a bitter ideological(观念学的、意识形态的) feud(不和、争执) among biologists at a single US university and a flashpoint between the agribiotech industry and anti-GM activists over the acceptability (可接受, 承认, 合意)of transgenic crops (转基因植物)in the developing world—which is becoming a key battleground. And it illustrated(有图解的,有插图的,有照片的) how, in this field, the quest for scientific truth is conducted in a minefield(地雷区) of opinion(意见、主张)and accusations(控告, 指控, 非难) of vested既定的; 法律规定的 interests.The story began in November 2001, when Chapela, an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and Quist, his postdoc, published a paper in Nature reporting that a “promoter启动子”sequence序列 from transgenic crops was present(呈现、批露) in native Mexican maize,and had fragmented碎片的,断片的 throughout the genome染色体组,基因组. It was a provocative finding令人兴奋的发现, as Mexico is the world’s centre of genetic diversity 遗传差异for maize, and operates a moratorium延期偿付, 延期偿付期 on commercial商业的,商品化的 GM planting.Supporters of GM technology pored熟读、专研 over the paper, and soon argued 争论, 辩论, 证明 that the pair’s results were and artifact(人工制品) of the molecular(分子的、分子状态的) techniques they had used. Quist and Chapela disagreed, but the further evidence they produced(引长的) failed to convince (使信服、使确信) all of the experts. and in april Nature published the exchange with and editorial note saying that, in hindsight事后的觉悟, the original(起初的,原来的) paper’s publication was unjustified.不公正的,无正当理由的By this time, pro—and anti—GM websites were buzzing with claims索赔 and counter 抵制,反抗claims, and journalists新闻记者 were realizing that many ofQuist and Chapela’s scientific opponents对手,反对者also had Berkeley connections. Indeed, some critics had clashed with Chapela and Quist over the pair’s opposition to Berkeley’s controversial有争议的,引起争议的 deal with Syngenta, which gives the Swiss-based agribiotech firm公司,商行,市场 privileged 享有特权access to有权使用 the findings of the university’s plant scientists. It then emerged显露 that some Internet postings记录 attacking Quist and Chapela had been made from computers at a public-relations firm retained保持,固定,记住 by GM giant Monsanto of St Louis, Missouri. Clearly, this was not solely 唯一地 a technical debate.争论,辩论,讨论The scientific facts remain unclear. For months, Exequiel Ezcurra, president of the National Institute of Ecology in Mexico City, has been suggesting that Mexican scientists have replicated复制 Quist and Chapela’s findings, but the results have yet to appear in a peer-reviewed同行评议 journal杂志,期刊. Meanwhile, scientists at CIMMYT(国际玉米小麦改良中心), the International Maize and Wheat improvement Center in Texcoco, Mexico, have drawn a blank 一无所获in their search for transgenic DNA in Mexican maize.Why is everyone so agitated激动的, 表现不安的 about the alleged被断定的, 被说成的; 所谓 contamination污染 In part, the answer is that developing countries such as Mexico now represent代表,表示 the front line in the war over GM technology. Agribiotech companies have largely saturated饱和的 the North American market, and face a bleak萧瑟的; 无遮蔽的, 阴冷的, 渗淡的 future in Europe thanks to consumer 消除器,用户,消费者,取食者 opposition and the imminent迫切的,危急的 introduction of strict labeling for GM food. The consumers and farmers of Central and South America, Aisa and Africa represent the firms’main potential有潜力的, 可能的, 潜在的 for growth.Some companies are keen锐利的,敏锐的,强烈的,厉害的 to stress加压力于, 着重 the benefits that the technology. Could bring to rice farmers. For example. This year saw the publication of drafts草稿of the entire rice genome整组遗传基因, plus finished versions版本, 翻译 of two of its 12 chromosomes同原染色体,and GMproponents建议者, 支持者 are full of ideas for how the crop could be improved. Among the most appealing引起兴趣的, 动人的 is the prospect展望,远景,勘测 of launching发射; 起飞; 下水典礼; 开办 a second “Green Revolution” by radically 根本地, 完全地 overhauling检修,拆修,翻修 the efficiency with which rice makes sugars by photosynthesis.光合作用But such goals目标 remain distant. In the eyes of many activists, GM crops are primarily tools to advance the profits of agribiotech firms and wrest economic control of the food chain from small-scale小规模 farmers. This helps to explain one of the year’s most perplexing复杂的, 令人困惑的 developments: the decision of several southern African countries, though facing famine饥荒, 缺乏, 饥饿, to reject US offers of food aid containing包含,容纳,含有的,包含的,封闭的 GM grain. Most have since relented变宽厚, 变温和, 动怜悯之心, provided that假如; 设若 the grain is milled to prevent planting. But as Nature went to press, Zambia was still holding out.Elsewhere in developing world, attitudes体态,姿势,态度,意向 are diverging.分歧,散发 India emerged出现,射出,形成 as a GM proponent建议者, 支持者 in March whe n it approved 核准, 认可, 证实; vbl. 核准, 认可commercial商业的,商品化的plantings of cotton engineered by Monsanto to produce bacterial insecticide细菌杀昆虫药. In Brazil, meanwhile, the official line seems set to swing摇摆, 使……旋转, 动摇 against transgenic agriculture after the victory of Luiz Inacio Lula da S ilva, a left-winger左翼人士, 急进分子; (足球等)左锋队员 allied to the country’s small-scale farmers, in October’s presidential election. Lula’s administration行政, 管理, 中央政府 replaces a government that approved经核准, 被认可commercial商业的,商品化的 planting of GM soya大豆, only to be blocked by a le gal法律的, 法定的, 合法的 challenge挑战, 盘问 from Greenpeace and a local consum er group. The case is still awaiting等候, 准备……以待 resolution.解析度, 决心,提案Doubts remain, however, about the developing world’s ability to implement 实现, 使……生效, and monitor监视, 监听, 监督 polices on GM agriculture. Despite 虽然, 尽管 the de facto事实上; 实际上 moratorium延期偿付期 imposed强加 by Brazil’s court proceedings, much of the soya grown in the southern state of Rio Grande do sul is derived from得到; 得来 GM grain imported illegally不法地 from Argentina. And unapproved GM cotton varieties have reportedly根据传说, 根据传闻been widely planted in India, hampering阻碍, 使……困累, 困累 attempts to monitor the environmental环境的,周围的 and economic impact挤入, 撞击, 对……发生影响, 充满, 挤满 of the officially sanctioned制定制裁规则, 认许, 核准 crops.。

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image analysis tech note 2589Tatiana A. Sedova, Bio-Rad Laboratories,2000 Alfred Nobel Drive, Hercules, CA 94547 USAManipulating Bits — A Gray AreaScientific data collected with an imaging device can be trueor altered. Alteration of imaged data is used to create an impression of more data retrieved than is actually collected. Altered data can be accomplished either through software or through digitization. Both methods are able to compress or spread out true data, but the bottom line is that the true data is not accurately represented after alteration.In a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, bits represent the range of quantitative data obtained from an image. The data is recorded in distinct shades of gray ranging from absolute white to absolute black. The number of shades of gray is denoted by the bit number of a camera; an 8-bit camera has 28, or 256, distinct shades of gray, a 12-bit camera has 4,096 (212) shades of gray, and a 16-bit camera has 65,536 (216) shades of gray. Thus, a 16-bit camera is said to have a gre a t e r dynamic range than the 12- or 8-bit camera. For reference, the human eye is capable of distinguishing 64 levels of gray (that is, 26), whereas the computer monitor screen displays 256 levels (28); in other words, any image displayed by a computer will be 8-bit, but even though more data is available, we can only distinguish a quarter of it (Figure 1).A higher-bit system is able to distinguish minute diff e r ences in imaged data better than a lower-bit system. A 16-bit digital image is much “d e e p e r” than a 12-bit and is there f o r e more beneficial for quantitative analysis. This ability corresponds to the ratio of the number of gray levels between the two systems.In a 12-bit camera, a change of 1 level of gray would corre s p o n d to a change of 16 (216/212=24) levels of gray in a 16-bit camera. Obviously a higher-bit system is more desirable, since the data output is much more sensitive to subtle differences within an image.Alteration By Software with File GenerationThe first and simplest way in which imaged data can be boosted is via software, which takes lower-bit data and converts it to a h i g h e r-bit file, and is known as “x”-bit file generation. Creating a h i g h e r-bit file distorts the actual data obtained. For example, in an image acquired with a 12-bit camera, one of the pixels might have a value of 2,000 on the gray-level scale with its range of 0 to 4,095. Converting that pixel into a 16-bit file would convert its value to 32,000 in a range of 0 to 65,535. This newly cre a t e d image is read out as an impressive 16-bit file, but the data is falsely represented — the file cannot contain any more information than the capacity of the 12-bit camera (Figure 2).CCD Collection and TransferAnother manner in which larger-bit images are generated is dependent on the way a CCD camera collects and transfers data. A CCD chip measures light intensity by generating and collecting electrons. The best analogy for a CCD chip is an array of electron-filled buckets called pixels (Figure 3). Each bucket has a certain depth; some are shallow and hold15,000 electrons, others are able to contain 40,000 electrons, and some, up to 300,000 electrons. This capacity is the well depth of the chip.Not All Bits Are Created EqualCCD chip designs govern the capacity of their buckets.The two designs most commonly seen are the full-frame sensor and the interline chip. The first, the full-frame sensor (Figure 3),is a straightforw a r d array of pixels of various capacities (well depth), and widths (pixel size). The other design, the interline chip, introduces a feature that is beneficial in the transfer rate but limits the pixel size. The interline chip, although also laid out as an array of pixels, includes transfer sections located next to each row of pixels. Due to its layout, the parameters of each pixel are restricted. It is easy to see the limitations of the bucket size in the arc h i t e c t u r e of the interline chip. Construction of a megapixel CCD chip with pixels adequately large for high-quality data acquisition is technically possible; however, the chip would be very large and there f o r e very expensive. As a result, such a chip is not being off e r ed commerc i a l l y .Fig. 3. The pixels of a CCD collect light and convert it into electrons.Once charge has accumulated within the pixels, it is transferred out of the pixels for conversion into data. An analog-to-d i g i t a l c o n v e r t e r , or digitizer, translates the number of electro n s into digital numerical data. The digitizer determines the bit number of the output. That is, a 12-bit digitizer will produce a 12-bit image and a 16-bit digitizer a 16-bit image. To ensure accurate data collection, it is crucial to select a digitizer that appro p r i a t e l y matches the well depth of the pixels. For a 12-bit digitizer with 4,096 levels, the best well depth would have a capacity of 4,096 electrons; that is, for each collected electron, the data would correspond literally to a gray level. For example, if a pixel contained 2,000 electrons, the digital readout would be at the 2,000th gray level.Well Depth ComparisonNoiseA factor that needs to be considered for accurate digitization is noise. Noise is added signal from sources such as dark current, shot noise, and read noise, that is not part of the signal from the object being imaged. Noise reduces the dynamic range, which is the ratio of well depth to noise:For example, a system with a well depth of 40,000 electrons and with a noise of 10 electrons would only have a dynamic range of 4,000 electrons. (Other examples are given in the table.)With all this in mind, the true dynamic range and the system’s digitizer together determine the true bit output. Following the above example, the best output would be as follows: For a CCD chip with a calculated dynamic range of 4,000 electrons,a 12-bit digitizer would allocate that to 4,096 gray levels.If the same information were to be translated by an 8-bit digitizer, the 4,000 electrons would need to be compressed into 256 gray levels, causing loss of information. Conversely,creating seemingly impressive data by the use of a 16-bit digitizer distorts the true data obtained into 65,536 gray levels,while adding no additional information.Bio-Rad’s ApproachBio-Rad’s imaging instruments provide customers the truest data possible. We understand that true data is the most important part of your research. All of our CCD camerasystems output data without computer-aided enhancements or digitization mismatching, ensuring accurate data acquisition.We acquire the best data by using large well depths and reducing noise. By clearly stating an ambient or true cooling method, and with back thinning (where appropriate), we excel at lowering noise. To maximize the usefulness of your imaging systems, be aware of where your bits are coming from.Figures reprinted or modified with permission of Roper Scientific, from the technical note “Every Bit Counts,” 1999.Pixel Size Well DepthTypical CCDAppropriate (µm)(Pixel Charge Capacity)Camera Noise Dynamic RangeDigitizer 6.8 x 6.845,000 electrons 10 electrons 4,500:112-bit (4,096:1)9 x 985,000 electrons 16 electrons 6,071:112-bit (4,096:1)24 x 24330,000 electrons6 electrons55,000:116-bit (65,000:1)well depth= dynamic rangenoise。
