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Optimal impulse control for a multidimensional
cash management system
with generalized cost functions(节选)
Auditor:Stefano Baccarin
Nationality:I-10122 Turin, Italy
Derivation:European Journal of Operational Research ,NO.196 ,2009,PP.198–206
We consider the optimal control of a multidimensional cash management system where the cash balances fluctuate as a homogeneous diffusion process. We formulate the model as an impulse control problem on an unbounded domain with unbounded cost functions. Under general assumptions we characterize the value function as a weak solution ofa quasi-variational inequality in a weighted Sobolev space and we show the existence of an optimal policy. Moreover we prove the local uniform convergence of a finite elem ent scheme to compute numerically the value function and the optimal cost. We compute the solution of the model in two-dimensions with linear and distance cost functions, showing what are the shapes of the optimal policies in these two simple cases. Finally our third numerical experiment computes the solution in the realistic case of the cash concentration of two bank accounts made by a centralized treasury.
The cash management problem has been considered in the mathematical fnance literature only in dimension one. From the pioneer works of Baumol (1952), Tobin (1956), Miller and Orr(1966), it originated the main mathematical model used by the theory of the transactions and precautionary demand for money. The decisive improvement in solving the model was the use of the optimal control technique of ‘‘impulse control”, introduced by Bensoussan and Lions (1973, 1975). Assuming linear holding/penalty costs,,fixed plus proportional costs of control and the cash stock dynamics described by a generalized Brownian motion, Constantinides and Richard (1978)first showed the existence of a simple optimal impulse policy of a control band type. Harrison et al.(1983), proved a similar result assuming a nonnegative constraint for the cash balance – which implies that the lowest barrier is equal to zero – and they also gave a simple numerical procedure to compute the three remaining optimal barriers. The assumption of a nonnegative minimum level for the cash balance is common to many papers (see Frenkel and Jovanovic, 1980; Chang, 1999; BarIlan et al., 2004), but it is basically due to technical difficulties in obtaining closed-form solutions for the more general case. However it is an essential feature of liquidity management to allow a negative cash
balance (at some penalty rate) and as pointed out in Bar-Ilan (1990), the transaction demand for money should have to consider the possibility of overdraft cash facilities. In Baccarin (2002) the existence results of Constantinides and Richard(1978) are extended to the case of holding-penalty costs which have also a quadratic term .In that paper it is shown that as long as the penalty costs are finite the lowest barrier of the optimal policy is always below zero and a simple numerical algorithm is given to compute the four critical numbers. In a recent paper, Bar-Ilane al.(2004) model the changes in the money stock by a superposition of a Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process Assuming the optimality of a control band policy they derive the relevant discounted costs as function of the barriers by using renewal and martingale techniques. This can allow to approximate the optimal control parameters numerically.
In this paper we have presented a general method to solve a multidimensional cash management problem. Our solution allows the transaction costs and the holding/penalty costs to be nonlinear functions. Furthermore the cash stocks dynamics may be correlated and they may have drift and diffusion coefficients which can depend upon the state of the system. These general assumptions are very important to deal with realistic applications. Using the functional analysis techniques of Bensoussan and Lions we have shown that there always exists an optimal policy for our multidimensional cash management system. Moreover ,in order to compute the solution, we have proved the convergence of a numerical scheme which has a strong foundation in the theory of quasi-variational inequalities and impulse control. Although we have solved the problem in some two-dimensional examples the algorithm remains the same for greater dimensions, requiring, of course, a growing computational cost. There are several directions in which our variational approach can be further investigated .One can think ofa more general process describing the state dynamics, a jump-diffusion process, and the set of controls could be generalized considering also a continuous control of the drift or introducing temporal lags in implementing the decisions. If we consider the same model with a finite time horizon we obtain an evolutionary problem where we have to study and interpret the solutions of aparabolic quasi-variational inequality.
作者:Stefano Baccarin
国籍:I-10122 Turin, Italy
原文出处:European Journal of Operational Research ,NO.196 ,2009,P.198–206
利用Bensoussan and Lions的功能分析技术,我们已经发现,始终存在对于我们现金管理系统的多维最优策略。
对解决模型起决定性作用的是使用改善“脉冲控制的” 最优控制技术,这些理论都是由Bensoussan和lions(1973,1975)介绍的。
假设线性持有/惩罚成本,再加上固定比例的成本控制和现金股票是由广义布朗运动描述的动态,Constantinides 和Richard (1978)首次指出一个简单的最优脉冲带型政策的存在。
Harrison et al(1983)证明了一个类似的结果其假设是一个非负约束的现金余额。
非负的现金余额最低水平的假设经常出现在一些论文中(如Frenkel and Jovanovic, 1980; Chang, 1999; BarIlan et al., 2004)。
然而,它是一种流动性管理的基本功能,但是Bar-Ilan (1990)指出允许负现金余额(在一些惩罚性利率下)。
在巴卡林,Constantinides和Richard (1978)的存在性结果在罚款方面也推广到二次项。
在最近的一篇文章中,Bar-Ilane l.(2004)模型的一个布朗运动的叠加和复合的假设是一个控制带的政策,他们获得有关函数