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Section One Reading and Writing Narrative Stories
Unit 1 Love Stories
Text A Appointment with Love
Language Points
1.Six minutes to six, said the great round clock over the information booth in Grand
Central Station. (Para. 1)
Meaning: The great round clock over the information booth in Grand Central Station indicated that it was six minutes to six.
said: to give particular information or instructions
Example: The notice said “keep out”.
2.…his eyes narrowed to note the exact time. (Para.1)
Meaning: He narrowed his eyes, in order to take a closer look at the exact time.
note: to notice or pay careful attention to something
Example: Please note that the office will be closed on Sunday.
3.…sustained him unfailingly (Para.1)
Meaning: (The woman?s written words) always supported him.
4.He placed himself as close as he could to the information booth, just beyond the
ring of people besieging the clerks. (Para.2)
Meaning: He tried his best to get closer to the information booth, just at the edge of a circle of people surrounding the clerks.
5.His face grew sharp. (Para.5)
Meaning: His face gradually showed a sign of nervousness and vigilance.
6.He had got hold of a New York City telephone book and found her address.
Meaning: He had found a New York City telephone book and got her address on it.
get hold of something: to find something that you want or need
Example: It is almost impossible to get hold of tickets for the concert.
7.Next day he had been shipped out, but they had gone on writing. (Para.7)
Meaning:Next day he had left the country by boat, but they had continued to write to each other.
ship out: to leave a country by boat
Example: He told Linda he was shipping out in two days.
8.I?d always be haunted by the feeling that you had been taking a chance o n just
that, … (Para.9)
Meaning: The thought that you had decided to write to me only because I was beautiful would continuously bother me.
take a chance (on something): to gamble that something good might happen or that someone might do well; to take a risk that something would go wrong or that someone would do badly Example: They took a chance on the weather and planned to have the party outside.
9.…he pul led hard on a cigarette. (Para. 10)
Meaning:…he sucked hard on a cigarette.
pull on a cigarette: to suck on or draw on a cigarette
Example: He pulled on his cigarette and waited for the train.
10.He squared his broad shoulders… (Para. 20)
Meaning:He made h is broad shoulders straight…
square one’s shoulders: if you square your shoulders or square yourself, you make your back and shoulders straight to show you are ready or determined to do something
Example: Rosemary squared herself to face the waiting journalists.
11.I?ve got two boys with Uncle Sam myself, so I didn?t mind to oblige y ou.
Meaning: I myself have got two boys who also served in the U.S. army, so I didn?t mind to help you.
Cultural Notes
Zero was a model of Japanese fighter plane in WWII.
2.King David
David (C.1040-970 BCE) was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel, an important figure in Jewish, Islamic, and Christian doctrine and culture. He is regarded as a righteous king, a highly acclaimed warrior, a musician, and a psalmist. In Islamic culture, David is considered to be a prophet and the king of a nation. In Christian culture, he is believed to be an ancestor of Jesus. David traditionally takes the credit for writing many psalms of the Bible, which can be found in The Book of Psalms.
3.Psalm 23rd
In this psalm, David praises God as His Shepherd. The text is beloved by both Jews and Christians. The psalm has always been a popular passage for memorization. Since the 20th century, Psalm 23rd has even become a passage being often recited at the funeral in the English-speaking world. It has been widely used following high-profile tragic events such as 9/11 Address to the
Nation and Whitney Houston?s funeral. The English version of Psalm 23rd is as follows:
A Psalm of David
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures:
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul:
He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name?s sake.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death,
I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies:
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
4.Of Human Bondage
Of Human Bondage is one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century written by W. Somerset Maugham, the writer who also wrote The Moon and Sixpence and The Razor’s Edge. Of Human Bondage tells a story of sexual obsession of Philip Carey, who seeks for freedom from the oppressive Christian upbringing. Theodore Dreiser spoke very highly of this novel and called it “a work of genius”.
Keys to Exercises
Post-Reading Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
II. Micro-writing Skills
1.Vocabulary Building
1) confessed 2) Besieged 3) beyond 4) provocation 5) narrow
6) sharp 7) rings 8) noted 9) obliged 10) Square
2.Structure Cumulating
1)half of the estimated time
2)head of our department
3) a former imperial palace in Beijing
6)land, funds and technology
7)the capital of France
8)courtesy, hospitality and respect for elders
3.Cloze Testing
1) job 2) ever 3) while 4) shoes 5) she
6) no 7) would 8) having 9) was 10) driving
4.Functional Training
1)the girl:
wearing a red flower in her suit lapel, but it was a crimson sweet pea, not
the little red rose they had agreed upon.
too young, about 18.
Hollis Meynell:
A young woman
Her figure was long and slim;
her blond hair lay back in curls from her delicate ears.
Her eyes were blue as flowers,
her lips and chin had a gentle firmness.
In her pale green suit, she was like springtime come alive.
a small, provocative smile curved her lips.
the-middle-age woman:
a woman well past 40,
her graying hair tucked under a worn hat.
more than plump;
her thick-ankled feet were thrust into low-heeled shoes.
wore a red rose in the rumpled lapel of her brown coat.
2)the waiting line:
six minutes to six four minutes to six one minute to six
the recalling line:
a few days before one night of the NOW in
this fight worst of fighting Grand Central Station
the time he
got the book
Text B The Date Father Didn’t Keep
Language Points
1.Thank heaven she did n?t recognize me. (Para.10)
Meaning:I am so glad that she didn?t recognize me.
Similar expressions: thank goodness/ thank God
Example:…Thank goodness for that!? my mother said with a sigh of relief.
2.I fell madly in love with her, and she with me. (Para.10)
Meaning: I was passionately in love with her, and she returned my love in the same way.
3.If she had married me, she wouldn?t have had any prospects. (Para.14)
Meaning: If she had married me at that time, she would have had a bleak future.
4.When I wrote to my father that I wanted to get married he cut off my allowance.
Meaning: When I wrote a letter to inform my father that I
wanted to get married, he stopped giving me money.
5.…that her father might stop and seize our letter, … (Para.15)
Meaning: that her father might build a barrier to our communication, …
6.I was doubly lucky… (Para. 28)
Meaning:I was exceedingly lucky…
doubly: more than usual
Example: doubly difficult/ hard/ important
Key to Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
II. Micro-writing Skills
1.Translation Practice
English to Chinese




Chinese to English
1)I fell madly in love with her, and she with me. (omission to avoid repetition)
2)But I met the girl once more, and told her I would return to America, borrow
enough money to get married on, and come back for her in a few months.
3)I was doubly lucky, young fellow, for otherwise I wouldn?t
have me t you,
either. (conversion)
Diction: choosing a proper word to convey the exact meaning.
Omission: omitting “the recurring object” to avoid repetition or unnecessary involved expressions.
Conversion: changing the part of speech according to the manner of the target
language so that the idiomatic usage is achieved.
Inversion: changing the order of words and arranging them in a natural order of the target language.
Affirmation to negation / negation to affirmation: using words with negative / affirmative implications to express affirmative / negative meanings. Subordination:arranging essential information in the main clause and the non-essential information in the subordinate clause in accordance with the idiomaticity of target language.
Division: dividing a long sentence into several short parts, usually employed in translation from English to Chinese.
Integration: clustering several short sentences into a long one, usually employed in translation from Chinese to English.
Unit 2 Christmas Stories
Text A Angel on a Doorstep
Language Points
1.It took slow, careful questioning to extract the story from him. (Para.3)
Meaning: It was a time-consuming and meticulous task for the narrator to make an inquiry into what had happened to him.
extract: to obtain information or money, etc. by taking it from
somebody who is disinclined to offer it.
2.… with six children and another on the way. (Para. 4)
Note: In the text, on the way indicates that the woman is expecting her seventh baby.
3.I repeated my condolences and let the matter rest. (Para.6)
Meaning: I continually offered my sympathy on Ben?s loss and tried to let his passion subside.
4.Worried that this incident would sour a warm person, I mulled over what to do.
(Para. 6)
Meaning: I was anxious that the unpleasant experience would devour Ben?s kindness and I pondered on some solutions to help him.
5.I let the subject drop. (Para. 13)
Meaning: I stopped further discussion of my solution to his problem.
6.… it seemed he lightened up a bit more. (Para.16)
Meaning: the dark cloud of his loss on his face seemed to disappear gradually.
light up:if somebody?s face or eyes light up, they probably express happiness or excitement.
7.… she?d forgotten to leave a forwarding address. (Para.24)
Meaning: she had forgotten to write (jot) down a new address for Ben to find her.
8.…and I didn?t have the foggiest idea what I was crying about. (Para.29)
Meaning: I did not know exactly what I was crying about.
foggy: not clear
9.I was really glad you talked me into this. (Para. 29)
Meaning: I was really glad you let me believe this.
10.“Heck no,” … (Para.31)
Note:“Heck” is an exclamatory word used to express that you are slightly annoyed or surprised by something. Here Ben used this exclamatory word to show that he was extre mely annoyed by the narrator?s inquiry.
Cultural Notes
1.I was a stranger and you took me in (Para. 11).
This sentence originates from Matthew, the first book in the New Testament of the Bible. Jesus tells people that when the Son of Man sits on his throne in heavenly glory, he will separate people who are blessed by his Father on the right and those who are cursed by his Father on the left. The Son of Man explains to the righteous, who stand on the right, why they have been blessed by his Father that, “Fo r I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” The righteous, who will go to eternal life, cannot remember when they did such good deeds to the Son of Man and ask him about it. The Latter replies that, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
2.The Angel Gabriel (para.27)
Gabriel is an archangel who appears in both the Old Testament and in the New as
a messenger to humans from God. In Luke, the third Gospel of the New
Testament, Gabriel appeared to both Zechariah, the priest, and Virgin Mary and foretold them respectively that John the Baptist and Jesus would be born. The archangel?s mission may be well justified by his own words in the New Testament that, “I
am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.”
Keys to Exercises
Post-Reading Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
II. Micro-writing Skills
1.V ocabulary Building
1) walk 2) dropped 3) extract 4) soured 5) gloomy
6) indignant 7) longing 8) bristled 9) sympathize 10) rejoiced
2.Sentence Cumulating
One day, while out hunting with his master, he encountered a wild boar and boldly seized the beast by the ear, but his teeth gave way, and the boar
His master rushed to the scene and began giving the hound a good scolding and sound beating, but stopped when the feeble dog looked up
and said, “Spare your old servant, dear master!
3.Close Testing
1) when 2) then/once 3) had 4) same 5) them
6) whose 7) wrote 8) later 9) stood 10) either
4.Functional Training
1)unhappy mood:
wasn?t his usual sunn y self
seemed in no mood for talking
was gloomy
was distraught at his stupidity for allowing this bill to grow so large.
his anger seemed worse
He bristled as he talked about…
he replied indignantly
happy mood:
Ben?s jovia l conversation
lightened up
arrived with a tremendous smile and a glint in his eyes
2)Adverbial clauses:
When Ben delivered milk to my cousin?s home that morning, (he wasn?t
his usual sunny self.)
(He bristled) as he talked about the messy young ones who had drunk up
all his milk.
But when Ben left, (I found myself caught up in his problem and longed
to help.)
“When someone has taken from you, (give it to them, and then you can
never be robbed.”)
(We?d joke about it) when he?d come.
Before I kne w what was happening, I started to cry, and I didn?t have the
foggiest idea what I was crying about.
Coordinate clauses:
It was late November 1962, and (as a newcomer to Lawndale, Calif, I
was delighted that milkmen still brought bottles of milk to doorsteps.)
Prepositional phrases:
In the weeks that my husband, kids and I had been staying with my
cousin while house-hunting, (I had come to enjoy Ben?s jovial repartee.)
On a sunny January morning two weeks later, Ben almost ran up the
Noun phrases:
Today, (however, he was gloomy as he dropped off his wares from his
wire carrier.)
The next time I saw him, (his anger seemed worse.)
The next time Ben delivered milk, (I told him I had a way to make him
feel better about the $79.)
Every time I?d ask th e question, (it seemed he lightened up a bit more.)
Then, six days before Christmas, (it happened.)
Text B A Doll from Santa
Language Points
1.… they were no replacement for a mother?s love. (Para.1)
Meaning:…they could not fill the space left by Alice?s mother?s death.
2.In the aftermath of her loss, Alice vowed to care for others. (Para.3)
Meaning: As a consequence of her loss, Alice promised to care for others. 3.…but an unfilled void seemed to remain. (Para.3) Meaning:… but the loss of maternal love seem ed to exist.
void: a large empty space
Example: Below her was nothing but a black void.
4.One of my customers approached me with a sample of her handiwork… (Para.4)
Meaning: One of my customers spoke to me with a specimen of her handiwork, hoping that I could take orders for Christmas.
3)approach:to speak to somebody about something, especially to ask them for
something or to offer to do something
5.…one with gray hair and spectacles… (Para.4)
Meaning:… one with gray hair and a pair of glasses…
6.So I plac ed my Christmas order: two dolls… (Para.5)
Meaning:So I made a request to buy (purchase) two dolls for Christmas…
7.Things really started to fall into place … (Para.6)
Meaning: Things really started to become smoother…
fall into place/ slot into place:if something complicated or difficult to understand falls or slots into place, it becomes organized or clear in your mind. 8.I began to get ready for what would turn out to be one of the most memorable
days of my mother?s life. (Para.6)
Meaning:… I began to mak e preparations for what would become one of the most unforgettable days of my mother?s life.
9.…along with one for my mother tucked into the bottom of Santa?s bag. (Para.7)
Meaning: … along with the doll for my mother hid den in the bottom of Santa?s bag.
tuck: to put something into a small space, especially to hide it or keep it safe or
Example: The documents had been tucked under a pile of papers.
10.As he asked who Alice was, my mother, taken aback by her name being called,
indicated that she in fact was Alice. (Para.8)
Meaning: As he asked who Alice was, my mother, surprised by her name being called, answered that she was Alice herself.
be taken aback (by somebody/ something):to be shocked or surprised by somebody or something
Example: Rosemary was completely taken aback by his anger.
11.I was cleaning out my sleigh before my trip this year and came across this
package that was supposed to be delivered on December 25, 1925. (Para.9)
Meaning:I was cleaning the inside of my sleigh before my trip this year and accidentally found this package that was supposed to be sent on December 25, 1925.
come across somebody/ something : to meet or find somebody / something by chance
Example: Rosemary came cross some old books in a drawer.
12.… tears of joy coursed down her cheeks… (Para.10)
Meaning:… joyous tears rolled down (tri ckled down) her cheeks…
course: (of liquid) to move or flow quickly
Keys to Exercises
Post-Reading Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
II. Micro-writing Skills
1.Translation Practice
English to Chinese


(conversion & inversion)

Chinese to English
1)Things really started to fall into place. (diction)
2)Christmas Day arrived and at the planned time, so did Santa Claus.
3)One of my customers approached me with a sample of her handiwork:
beautiful handmade dolls. (subordination)
Unit 3 Parents
Text A A Simple Act of Love
Language Points
1.… when I?d breathlessly fill him in on m y day. (Para.1)
Mean ing: … when I’d tell him about my day in a hurry.
fill somebody in (on something): to tell somebody about something that has happened
2.For him, no subject was off-limits. (Para.1)
Meaning: For him, no topic was unsuitable and forbidden.
off-limits: adj. not allowed to be discussed
Example: The topic was ruled off-limits.
3.…Terry and I went steady for over a year… (Para.2)
Meaning: T erry and I maintained our romantic relationship for over a year…
go steady (with somebody): (old-fashioned, informal) to have a romantic or sexual relationship with somebody, in which you see the other person regularly 4.… I was ready to spread my wings. (Para 3)
Meaning: I was ready to try new things independently.
spread somebody’s wings: to become more independent and confident and try new activities, etc.
5.…was a haven for drug users. (Para 3)
Meaning: was a safe hiding place for drug users.
6.Street gangs hung around the school after dark. (Para.3)
Meaning: Street gangs stayed near the school after sunset.
hang around: to wait or stay near a place without doing very much or without any clear purpose
7.Many of my charges, emotionally disturbed 10- to 14-year-old boys, had been
arrested for shoplifting, car theft or arson. (Para.3)
Meaning: Many of my students, emotionally depressed 10- to 14-year-old boys, had been taken into police custody for different crimes including stealing goods in
a store, stealing a car or setting fire deliberately.
8.Besides, teaching jobs were tight in 1974… (Para.4)
Meaning: Besides, teaching jobs were scarce in 1974…
9.… I reassured him, as I loaded up the car to start my trip back to the desert and my
job. (Para.5)
Meaning: I tried to make him less worried, as I put basic necessities into my car and started my trip back to the desert and my job.
reassure somebody about something: to say or do something that makes somebody less frightened or worried
Example: The doctor reassured Rosemary that there was nothing seriously wrong.
10.… I found just enough room to squeeze under a gate in the rear of the school.
Meaning: I found just enough empty space for me to get out with difficulty under
a gate in the rear of the school.
11.I retrieved my purse… (Para. 8)
Meaning:I got my purse back…
12.Eerie shadows fell across the schoolyard. (Para.8)
Meaning: Frightening shadows loomed up across the schoolyard.
13.“Hey!” one called out. (Para.10)
Meaning: “Hey!” one shouted.
call out: to shout; speak loudly
Example: The drowning child called out for help.
14.…they continued to taunt me. “Hey! She?s kinda cute!” (Para. 12)
Meaning:… they continued to jeer at me. “Hey! She?s kind of cute!”
kinda=kind of
15.My heart was pounding. (Para. 13)
Meaning: My heart was beating quickly and loudly.
16.I felt all over the inside of my handbag. (Para.14)
Meaning: I tried very hard to look for my key ring inside my handbag.
17.Suddenly my fingers wrapped around a loose key in my purse. (Para. 16)
Meaning: Suddenly a loose key in my purse wound around
my fingers. 18.… just as the teenagers surrounded the car, kicking the sides and banging on the
roof. (Para. 17)
Meaning:… right before the teenagers surrounded the car, kicking the sides of the car and hitting its roof with force.
19.…just in case you ever need it. (Para. 21)
just in case: because of the possibility of something happening
Example:You probably won?t need to call— but please take my number, just in case.
20.Most of all, I marvel at the fact that… (Para. 22)
Meaning:Above all, I am impressed by the fact that…
marvel at something: to be very surprised or impressed by something
Example: They marveled at his skill.
Keys to Exercises
Post-Reading Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
II. Micro-writing Skills
1.V ocabulary Building
1) pursuit 2) engrossed 3) charge 4) enthusiasm 5) counseled/ counsels
6) neutral 7) stranded 8) rear 9) edged 10) marvelous
2.Structure Cumulating
1) roving 2) crying 3) listening 4) Thinking
5) expecting 6) fondling 7) muttering
3.Cloze Testing
1) looks 2) was 3) different 4) remembered
5) had 6) for 7) grandfather 8) play
4.Functional Training
1)(A) synonyms or near-synonyms for say:
gave him daily progress reports
was joking
called out
(B) synonyms or near-synonyms for walk:
headed toward
Quickening my pace
jogged across the grass
2) b d
Text B Mystery of the White Gardenia
Language Points
1.Calls to the florist were always in vain… (Para.1)
Meaning:T elephone inquiries to the florist always ended in failure, without getting the information about the mysterious giver.
in vain: without success
Example: All our efforts were in vain.
2.… just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect
white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper. (Para.1)
Meaning:… just pleased w ith the beauty and the strong sweet smell of the
gardenia, which presented to be magical and perfect, being wrapped in soft pink packing paper.
heady:adj. having a strong effect on one?s senses
3.My mother contributed to these imaginings. (Para.3)
Meaning:My mother took part in the wild guesses about who the mysterious giver was.
4.Or maybe it was the old man across the street whose mail
I retrieved during the
winter so he wouldn?t have to venture down his icy steps. (Para.3)
Meaning: Perhaps the mysterious giver was the old man across the street whose mail I helped pick up during the winter, so he wouldn?t have to risk descending his icy steps.
venture: to go to some place even though you know that it might be dangerous or unpleasant
Example: Tom?s never ventured abroad in his life.
5.I don?t remember ever slamming my door in anger at her and shouting, … (Para.5)
Meaning: In my memory, I have never shut my door in anger at her and shouting…
6.My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and overwhelming anger
that… (Para.6)
Meaning: I had mixed feelings of deep sadness, abandonment, fear and extremely powerful anger that…
7.But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, would not hear of my skipping any
of those things. (Para. 6)
Meaning: Although my mother was struggling to cope with her own grief at that time, she refused to allow me to miss any of those events.
not hear of something: to refuse to let somebody do something, especially because you want to help them
Example:Jack wouldn?t hear of my walki ng home alone.
8.… imbued with a sense that there was magic in the world and beauty even in the
face of adversity. (Para.9)
Meaning: … held a very firm belief that wonderful things still existed in the world and beauty could still be found even in difficult situations.
in the face of: despite having to deal with a difficult situation or problem
Meaning: T om showed great courage in the face of danger.
Cultural Notes
1.Scarlet O’Hara
Scarlet O?Hara is the heroine in Margaret Mitchell?s novel Gone with the Wind. 2.Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 —1882) was a famous American essayist, lecturer and poet, who exerted strong influence on American thinking by spreading his thoughts through publishing essays and giving public lectures. He was a prominent figure who led the Transcendentalist Movement of the mid-19th century.
Emerson?s well-known essays include Nature, Self-Reliance, Compensation, The Over-Soul and The American Scholar.
Keys to Exercises
Post-Reading Exercises
I. Reading Comprehension
II. Micro-writing Skills
1.Translation Practice
English to Chinese





(division) Chinese to English
1)Af ter a while I stopped trying to discover the sender?s identity and just
delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper. (integration)
2)I didn?t care if I had a new dress or not. But my m other did. (negation to
3)My mother contributed to these imaginings.(supplement & diction)
Unit 4 Memories
Text A The Little Boat That Sailed Through Time Language Points
1.Swell, I thought, looking around for the boat. (Para.4)
Meaning: Terrific, I thought, searching all over for the boat in the basement.
swell: adj. very good
Example: I had a swell time.
look around: to turn your head so that you can see something
Example: The detective came out of the old house and looked around.。
