上海版牛津初中英语 Chapter5 Family liv
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an argument. At last Medvedev said slowly,”I will do better than you, I will buy
the best jeans for them, I will let them be proud of me”
later, he worked harder than before. He often studied for hours on end
7.What kind of clothes does Tina wear? The latest fashions. 8.How does she deal with the old clothes? She throws them away. 9.Does Tina like to have her own TV? Yes, she does. 编辑ppt
.On March2,2008.he became Russian president. On that day, he called his father,” thank you dad, you gave me the best gift on my 16th birthday.”
• 1.generous allowance • 2.grumble a bit • 3.an argument • 4.a democratic family • 5.as for • 6.after all • 7.the latest fashion • 8.a happy childhood • 9.a big advantage • 10.on end • 11.disturb me
“我一定会比你做的好,将来我要是做了父亲,我会送我的孩子无数条牛仔裤,会满足他所有的愿望,我会让他因为我而感到骄傲。”性格倔强的杰斯几乎是一个字一个 字地说出这些话来。
“很好,我愿意将你说的这些话看成是你的成人誓言,但愿你不要忘记它。你最好铭记在心里。”父亲说完这句话,就去上班了。杰斯站在原地,久久的咬着自己的嘴唇 。
Chapter 5
Chapter5 Family lives
• Main sentences: • the end of the month / as for / in fact / on end/ • make the decision /some day / now and again/ • pay for /expect tings for nothing /throw away/ • a happy childhood / argue with /with regard to / • dream of /ask for /grow up • Language Objective: • 直接引语变间接引语 • Ability Objective: • 学会填写英文表格
出身无法选择,贫困不是抱怨的借口,也不是沉沦的理由。如果自己没有一个有成就的父亲,那就努力去做一个有成就的父亲。不把贫困的痛苦传给自己的孩子,这种爱 也足以成为一个人去奋斗的动力。
Medvede and jeans
Medvedev is the youngest president in Russian history. He was born in an
argument with parents
nearly always wins
a. hardly ever does it b. It is the job of the parents
gets loofessor’s family. Though he couldn’t get generous allowance, He had a happy childhood. on his 16th birthday, he had expected to get a Levi’s jeans, they were the latest fashion at that time.but he only got a pen. He felt very disappointed and grumbled a little. His father said to him .”I can’t
usually loses
a. does it everyday b. It is the responsibility
of the whole family gets them now and again
Parents saying‘no’
TV watching fifteen hours a week编辑ppt
这个叫杰斯的孩子现在的名字是:梅德韦杰夫。2008年3月2日,他胜利当选为俄罗斯新一届总统。在大选结果揭晓的当天晚上,43岁的梅德韦杰夫像个调皮的孩子一样, 给在圣彼得堡的父亲打了电话,幽默的说:“你现在去问问我的孩子们,看看他们是不是为自己的父亲而感到骄傲。顺便说一句,我也和他们一样。”当年的杰斯早已理解了 父亲。在他看来,16岁生日那天,父亲已经给了他最好的生日礼物——奋斗的最初动力。
afford the jeans, I know your feelings,but I hope one day you can buy them for your children.” He didn’t want to listen to his father’s explanation. they had
seven hours a week
1.fair 2.anything extra 3.within a budget 4.independent 5.argue with 6.make the decision 7.with regard to 8.dream of 9.the responsibility of 10.expect things for nothing 11.now and again 12.be serious about
高中毕业后,许多要好的同学去工厂做了工人,而杰斯却执意要去读大学。在他看来,要想改变命运,有光明的未来,读大学是他唯一的捷径。杰斯从来都没有忘记自己 的誓言,要做一个有成就的人。上大学时,杰斯经常利用暑期勤工俭学,到建筑工地打工,一个月可以挣到300卢布;而开学后,他则会找份清洁工的工作。靠着半工半读, 他一直独到博士毕业。既要打工赚钱,又要使学习成绩出色,杰斯注定要比别人付出很多。从读大学开始。他几乎很少能睡个痛快觉。在他们那一届的博士生中,身高仅1.62 米的杰斯被导师称为“身材最矮但最能吃苦的学生”。
1.What are the two articles on? On family lives. 2.Which word has the same meaning as “pocket money”? Allowance. 3.Does Tina get much pocket money every month? Yes, she does.编辑ppt
• Try to make students understand meaning of the new words
Do you know him?
The youngest Ru编ss辑ipapnt President
杰斯出生在圣彼得堡一个书香门第,父亲是大学教授。虽然父亲的薪水不低,但一家老老少少十几口人都依赖于父亲,所以他的家庭并不富裕,虽不至于挨饿,但也常常捉 襟见肘。他至今都记得在他16岁生日的时候,父亲对他说了一句“杰斯,生日快乐”,所谓的生日礼物也只是一支很普通的钢笔。而在他生日来临的前一段日子,他有意无意 地向父亲透露想买条牛仔裤的愿望,并在各方面都尽力表现地很好。他本来以为父亲会送给他一条牛仔裤作为生日礼物,可是,事实却让他倍感失落和痛苦,甚至愤怒。在圣 彼得堡,男孩子16岁就意味着是成人了。而16岁生日这天,父母一般都会送孩子一份他渴望的礼物,来作为成人贺礼。父亲给杰斯的解释是:一条真正的Levi's牌牛仔裤价格 高达500卢布。如果买一条牛仔裤给杰斯,全家人都会因此受穷受苦一段时间。而他又不愿意去买一条价格便宜但质量低劣的冒牌牛仔裤送给杰斯,尤其不愿意在杰斯16岁生 日这个重要的日子里当做生日礼物送给他。
1.Lesson1-3 Reading 2. Lesson4-5 Language 3.Lesson6 Listening and speaking 4.Lesson7 Writing 5.Lesson8 More practice
• ing a story about Medvede, Try to use the sentences in the main points.
4.Is Tina’s family democratic?
Yes, it is.
5.How often does Tina do housework?
6.What does her mother do if she helps do housework?
She gives her money or presents.
对于父亲的解释,杰斯根本无法理解,也不愿意去理解。他用眼泪很无法掩饰的失落无声的表达着自己的抗议。父亲并没有安慰他,反而很严肃的对他说:“我知道你此 时的心情,但别指望我向你道歉。我没有错,只是没有能力满足你的愿望而已。或许你认为我不是个称职的父亲,那我希望你以后做一个出色的父亲,不要把你现在所承受的 痛苦传给你的孩子。”
10.Does Norman have to plan to spend his allowance?
Yes, he does.
the best jeans for them, I will let them be proud of me”
later, he worked harder than before. He often studied for hours on end
7.What kind of clothes does Tina wear? The latest fashions. 8.How does she deal with the old clothes? She throws them away. 9.Does Tina like to have her own TV? Yes, she does. 编辑ppt
.On March2,2008.he became Russian president. On that day, he called his father,” thank you dad, you gave me the best gift on my 16th birthday.”
• 1.generous allowance • 2.grumble a bit • 3.an argument • 4.a democratic family • 5.as for • 6.after all • 7.the latest fashion • 8.a happy childhood • 9.a big advantage • 10.on end • 11.disturb me
“我一定会比你做的好,将来我要是做了父亲,我会送我的孩子无数条牛仔裤,会满足他所有的愿望,我会让他因为我而感到骄傲。”性格倔强的杰斯几乎是一个字一个 字地说出这些话来。
“很好,我愿意将你说的这些话看成是你的成人誓言,但愿你不要忘记它。你最好铭记在心里。”父亲说完这句话,就去上班了。杰斯站在原地,久久的咬着自己的嘴唇 。
Chapter 5
Chapter5 Family lives
• Main sentences: • the end of the month / as for / in fact / on end/ • make the decision /some day / now and again/ • pay for /expect tings for nothing /throw away/ • a happy childhood / argue with /with regard to / • dream of /ask for /grow up • Language Objective: • 直接引语变间接引语 • Ability Objective: • 学会填写英文表格
出身无法选择,贫困不是抱怨的借口,也不是沉沦的理由。如果自己没有一个有成就的父亲,那就努力去做一个有成就的父亲。不把贫困的痛苦传给自己的孩子,这种爱 也足以成为一个人去奋斗的动力。
Medvede and jeans
Medvedev is the youngest president in Russian history. He was born in an
argument with parents
nearly always wins
a. hardly ever does it b. It is the job of the parents
gets loofessor’s family. Though he couldn’t get generous allowance, He had a happy childhood. on his 16th birthday, he had expected to get a Levi’s jeans, they were the latest fashion at that time.but he only got a pen. He felt very disappointed and grumbled a little. His father said to him .”I can’t
usually loses
a. does it everyday b. It is the responsibility
of the whole family gets them now and again
Parents saying‘no’
TV watching fifteen hours a week编辑ppt
这个叫杰斯的孩子现在的名字是:梅德韦杰夫。2008年3月2日,他胜利当选为俄罗斯新一届总统。在大选结果揭晓的当天晚上,43岁的梅德韦杰夫像个调皮的孩子一样, 给在圣彼得堡的父亲打了电话,幽默的说:“你现在去问问我的孩子们,看看他们是不是为自己的父亲而感到骄傲。顺便说一句,我也和他们一样。”当年的杰斯早已理解了 父亲。在他看来,16岁生日那天,父亲已经给了他最好的生日礼物——奋斗的最初动力。
afford the jeans, I know your feelings,but I hope one day you can buy them for your children.” He didn’t want to listen to his father’s explanation. they had
seven hours a week
1.fair 2.anything extra 3.within a budget 4.independent 5.argue with 6.make the decision 7.with regard to 8.dream of 9.the responsibility of 10.expect things for nothing 11.now and again 12.be serious about
高中毕业后,许多要好的同学去工厂做了工人,而杰斯却执意要去读大学。在他看来,要想改变命运,有光明的未来,读大学是他唯一的捷径。杰斯从来都没有忘记自己 的誓言,要做一个有成就的人。上大学时,杰斯经常利用暑期勤工俭学,到建筑工地打工,一个月可以挣到300卢布;而开学后,他则会找份清洁工的工作。靠着半工半读, 他一直独到博士毕业。既要打工赚钱,又要使学习成绩出色,杰斯注定要比别人付出很多。从读大学开始。他几乎很少能睡个痛快觉。在他们那一届的博士生中,身高仅1.62 米的杰斯被导师称为“身材最矮但最能吃苦的学生”。
1.What are the two articles on? On family lives. 2.Which word has the same meaning as “pocket money”? Allowance. 3.Does Tina get much pocket money every month? Yes, she does.编辑ppt
• Try to make students understand meaning of the new words
Do you know him?
The youngest Ru编ss辑ipapnt President
杰斯出生在圣彼得堡一个书香门第,父亲是大学教授。虽然父亲的薪水不低,但一家老老少少十几口人都依赖于父亲,所以他的家庭并不富裕,虽不至于挨饿,但也常常捉 襟见肘。他至今都记得在他16岁生日的时候,父亲对他说了一句“杰斯,生日快乐”,所谓的生日礼物也只是一支很普通的钢笔。而在他生日来临的前一段日子,他有意无意 地向父亲透露想买条牛仔裤的愿望,并在各方面都尽力表现地很好。他本来以为父亲会送给他一条牛仔裤作为生日礼物,可是,事实却让他倍感失落和痛苦,甚至愤怒。在圣 彼得堡,男孩子16岁就意味着是成人了。而16岁生日这天,父母一般都会送孩子一份他渴望的礼物,来作为成人贺礼。父亲给杰斯的解释是:一条真正的Levi's牌牛仔裤价格 高达500卢布。如果买一条牛仔裤给杰斯,全家人都会因此受穷受苦一段时间。而他又不愿意去买一条价格便宜但质量低劣的冒牌牛仔裤送给杰斯,尤其不愿意在杰斯16岁生 日这个重要的日子里当做生日礼物送给他。
1.Lesson1-3 Reading 2. Lesson4-5 Language 3.Lesson6 Listening and speaking 4.Lesson7 Writing 5.Lesson8 More practice
• ing a story about Medvede, Try to use the sentences in the main points.
4.Is Tina’s family democratic?
Yes, it is.
5.How often does Tina do housework?
6.What does her mother do if she helps do housework?
She gives her money or presents.
对于父亲的解释,杰斯根本无法理解,也不愿意去理解。他用眼泪很无法掩饰的失落无声的表达着自己的抗议。父亲并没有安慰他,反而很严肃的对他说:“我知道你此 时的心情,但别指望我向你道歉。我没有错,只是没有能力满足你的愿望而已。或许你认为我不是个称职的父亲,那我希望你以后做一个出色的父亲,不要把你现在所承受的 痛苦传给你的孩子。”
10.Does Norman have to plan to spend his allowance?
Yes, he does.