Lecture note 21、直译(literal translation)VS意译(free translation)直译:是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。
Eg:1.dark horse(黑马)brandy(白兰地)rifle(来福枪)carnation(康乃馨)litchi(荔枝)salon(沙龙)engine(引擎)gentlemen’s agreement(君子协议)one country,two systems(一国两制)2.to show one’s cards摊牌3.Soon got, soon gone.来得容易,去得快。
4.Speech is silver, silence is golden.雄辩是银,沉默是金。
5.There is no smoke without fire.无火不生烟6.The worst wheel of a cart creaks most.最坏的车轮最会嘎嘎响。
7.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不念。
Easy come, easy go.9.同一个世界,同一个梦想。
One world, one dream.10.She has many hot potatoes to handle every day.她每天都要处理很多棘手的问题。
11.Partly as a result of the recently increasing demand, whole sale tea prices havealmost doubled.部分由于日益增长的需求,批发茶的价格几乎翻了一番。
Lecture2商务词汇翻译第1页课题Lecture 2 Translation of business Englishwords授课时数2授课类型Lecture教学目的 1.To get students know how to finalize word meaning;2.To have a good command of methods to translate business English words:extension, conversion of parts of speech, shift of perspective, amplification and omission, repetition;3.To let students familiar with translation of number in business English.教学重点1.Methods of translation of Part of speech, shift of perspective, amplificationand omission;2.Translation of number in business English教学难点Shift of perspective, translation of number in business English主要︵知识︶语言点1.Choice of word meaning;2.Extension3.Conversion of parts of speech4.Shift of perspective5.Amplification and omission6.Repetition;7.Translation of number in business English教学过程︵学时分配︶Period 1Step 1 Lead-inⅠ词义的选择(Choice of Meaning)变化中的词义(warming-up)1.The expansion or generalization of meaning (意义泛化)2.The narrowing or specialization of meaning (意义特化)3.The shift of meaning1.Extension or generalizationIt means that a word originally having a specialized now has becomegeneralized. The word has extended from a narrow sense of a concept to abroader sense of the concept.A.Specific →generalB.Concrete → abstractC.Technical term → general termD.Proper nouns → common nouns2.Specialization/NarrowingIt means a process in which a word of broad meanings acquires narrowersenses.A.General → specific附记或教学说明第2页教学过程︵学时分配︶B.Abstract → specific/doc/051154405.html,mon nouns → proper nounsD.General term→ technical term变化中的词义(举例)Countdown 倒计时扩展为: 十分危急的情况Fallout 放射性尘埃扩展为:(不良的)后果Economy 家庭料理转化为: 经济Orientation 东方转化为: 方向liquor 液体缩小为:白酒Step 2 Presentation(一)根据汉语的表达习惯确定词义net income 净收入net profit 纯利润net conclusion 最终结论1. a low figure 小数目2. workers on low incomes 收入低的工人。
lecture 2 广告翻译
![lecture 2 广告翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e0d5564fbe23482fb4da4c27.png)
Classification by Target Audience:
Consumer Advertisement, Business Advertisement, Service Advertisement
Classification by Scope:
Product Advertisement, Enterprise Advertisement
• 修辞特征
(1)明喻双关语对偶, 押韵 Kool-Aids, Mom depends on Kool-Aid, like kids depend on Moms.(妈妈依赖果乐就像孩子依赖妈妈. ) 戴在你手臂上的东西应该和你手臂上的人一样美丽 What’s on your arm should be as beautiful as who’s on it. (2) 暗喻 To spread your wings in Asia share our vantage point.在 亚洲展开您的翅膀,来分享我们的利益. Sophisticated, sweet-to drink pink Lady高级, 可口的粉红 佳人.
Classification by Life Span of Product:
Introduction, Sales Advertisement
Classification by Different Geographical Area:
International, National and Regional Advertisement
广告文本应该在谋篇布局上应该本着功能相似的原则, 不拘泥 与原文的遣词造句, 因该以文本为翻译单位, 再现原文的功能. 1.The perfect companion for 2001 Since you depend on a diary every day of the year, Pick the one that’s perfect for you. Bright, attraction, colourful, always for a smile… 日记本, 既然你每天都离不开日记本, 就请用您选用这种吧, 它 对您再适合不 过了:印刷鲜明, 装饰精美, 让您称心如意…
lecture 2 英译汉的技巧
![lecture 2 英译汉的技巧](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/74ee379d6bec0975f465e2b0.png)
不健康的。 He acts a lot older than his years. 他年纪轻轻,做事却相当老练。
young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars.
(literal translation + annotation)
比萨饼 丰田车 撒哈拉沙漠 艾滋病 爵士乐
Pizza Toyota Sahara AIDS Jazz
句子翻译 He did it a Jordon. 他投篮像飞人乔丹那样棒。 I’m Peter Darwin. Everyone asks, so I may as well say at once that no, I’m not related to Charles. 我叫彼得.达尔文。谁都会对我的名字产生疑问, 我不妨当下说个明白:我与进化论创始人查尔斯 没有关系。 A dead leaf fell in Soapy’s lap. That was Jack Frost’s card. 一片枯叶飘落到苏贝的膝头。那是杰克.弗罗斯 特的名片。(杰克.弗罗斯特:英文里对“寒霜” 的拟人称号。)
象,采取解释性的办法译出原文。在翻译 一些具有鲜明民族色彩的词语(如成语、 典故、超常规搭配)时,如果直译不能使 译文读者明白其意思,而加注又使译文太 啰嗦时,可采用释义法,将原文的意思传 达出来。
Lecture2中英文字幕Unit6 Go shoppingLecture2 Sales and promotionHello, everybody.大家好In this session we are going to focus on the main idea and structure of our text on p.78.这节课我们主要来讲解一下78页课文的大意及文章结构。
Do you know how to find out the main idea of an article?你们知道如何找出文章的大意么?Let’s watch a video clip to figure it out.让我们来看一段视频短片What have you learnt from the video clip?从这段视频中你们学到了什么?To find out the main idea, we should try to find the topic.想找出文章的大意我们应该先找到文章的主题Repeating words in the text can help us to find the topic.文章中重复出现的词有助于我们找出文章的主题Look! What are the repeating words in our text?看!这篇课文中重复出现的词是什么?As we can see technique and response are repeated many times in the text.正如我们所看到的,technique和response是课文中重复出现的词。
Response means the way to resist the techniques ,response在这篇文章中的意思是应对促销手段的方法so the main idea of the text is sales techniques and the ways to resist the techniques.所以这篇文章的大意就是促销手段和应对方法A sales technique is a selling method that is used by a sales person or sales team to make money and help sell more effectively.促销手段是销售人员或销售团队为了赚钱或卖出更多商品而采取的销售策略The way to resist the techniques means the way to fight against the sales techniques.应对方法是指应对这些促销手段的方法。
【T e x t1】I s i tt r u e t h a tt h e A m e r i c a n i n t e l l e c t u a li s r e j e c t e d a n d c o n s i d e r e do f n oa c c o u n t i nh i ss o c i e t y?I a m g o i n gt os u g g e s t t h a t i t i s n o t t r u e.F a t h e r B r u c k b e r g e r t o l d p a r t o f t h e s t o r y w h e n h e o b s e r v e d t h a t i t i s t h e i n t e l l e c t u a l s w h o h a v e r e j e c t e d A m e r i c a.B u t t h e y h a v e d o n e mo r e t h a n t h a t.T h e y h a v e g r o w n d i s s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h er o l eo f i n t e l l e c t u a l.I t i st h e y,n o t A me r i c a,w h oh a v eb e c o m e a n t i-i n t e l l e c t u a l.F i r s t,t h e o b j e c t o f o u r s t u d y p l e a d s f o r d e f i n i t i o n.Wh a t i s a n i n t e l l e c t u a l?46)I s h a l l d e f i n e h i m(知识分子)a s a n i n d i v i d u a l w h o h a s e l e c t e da s h i s p r i ma r y d u t y a n dp l e a s u r e i nl i f e t h e a c t i v i t y o f t h i n k i n g i n a S o c r a t i c w a y a b o u t m o r a l p r o b l e ms.【翻译】我是这样定义知识分子的(我认为知识分子应该是这样的人),他应该是选择苏格拉底的思考方式来思考道德问题,并且他还将这种思考方式作为其人生的重要职责以及快乐所在。
第二讲 中西方翻译简史
![第二讲 中西方翻译简史](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1af49dda3186bceb19e8bb38.png)
1.中国翻译家的翻译理论与翻译观点。 2.西方翻译家的翻译理论与翻译观点。
• 佛经翻译须合乎原文本意,主张“尽从实录,按
鸠摩罗什VS真谛VS彦琮 提倡意译,主张在存真的原则指导下,不妨“依 实出华”,讲究译文的流畅华美,因此他所译的 佛经都富于文学趣味,一直受到中国佛教徒和文 学爱好者的广泛传诵。他虽然倾向意译,但在实 践上基本仍然是折中而非偏激的。 • 真谛三藏到中国后20余年适逢兵乱,于颠沛流离 中仍能译出一百多部重要经论,是鸠摩罗什以后 玄奘以前贡献最大的译师。
and 2.5 billion more lack basic sanitation. If the status
quo continues, by the year 2025, half of the world’s
population, around 3 billion people will be living under water-stressed conditions, causing an increase in hunger, disease, preventable death and strife.
• 主要观点: • 译者应该像演说家一样,使用符合古罗马语言习 惯的语言来表达外来作品的内容。 • 直译是缺乏技巧的表现。翻译应保留词语最内层 的东西,即意思。 • 翻译也是文学创作。 • 各种语言的修辞手段彼此相通,因此翻译可以做 到风格对等。 • 提出“解释员”式翻译和“演说家”式翻译,即 直译与意译。
• 1、概念清楚
• 概念清楚是商务语言的基本要求,如果概念 的语义不清、表述不全,或隐含有文化差异 等,就容易产生理解分歧,导致交易纠纷。 比如:
约翰.史密斯 敬上
I. 商务英语词汇语言特点
• 不管是口语表达还是书面表达,也不管是英 语表达还是汉语表达,商务语言都应遵循 3“c”的原则,
Lecture 2
• Translation of Commerce and Business English
• 商业实务英语(商务英语)的定义
• 商务英语是商务环境中使用的英语,它是专 门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes 或English for Special Purposes, 简称ESP)的一种。
• 比如“instrument” • 原是“仪器”, • 在商务领域借指“正式票据或文件(formal
• “allowance”一词在“make allowance for…”
中是“考虑到某事物”的意思, • 而在“claim allowance of…”中 • 则是指“赔偿费”。 • “cover”一词一般指“覆盖”、“掩盖”、“包括”等
第2课 翻译中意义的处理
![第2课 翻译中意义的处理](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2016191b02020740be1e9b4b.png)
• At the Mandarin Singapore, flagship hotel of Singapore Mandarin International, we have long practical service that is in the tradition of emperors. • The statesman contemplates retiring with a hand on the helm. • Resettlement countries, suffering "compassion fatigue" years after the end of the Vietnam War and faced with their own domestic socio-economic pressures, have also indicated a lower resettlement rate in future.
3.2 Semantic Explication语义阐释
• 翻译的根本任务就是要正确地传递原文的 意思,即奈达所谓“Translating means translating the meaning.(Nida) 如何将字面 的及言外之意详尽地译出来始终是译者所 要面临的挑战。英汉两种文字表现手法、 蕴含文化、心理各异,译者往往要在不兼 容的语义中寻找合适的语义阐释途径。
1. Money has become king, while nature, family, law and other important things have been ignored. 2. Fast food is about to get faster in southern California, where the car is king, hamburgers are considered heavenly, and speed is of the essence. 3. For the women of the country, it would seem that tradition is king where aspirations are concerned.
Lecture 1-8(中英句子)
![Lecture 1-8(中英句子)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b8a3d37f1711cc7931b716be.png)
Lecture One 定语从句[原句]Other government activities are the responsibilities of the individual states, which have their own constitution and laws.[译文]各州都有自己的宪法和法律,承担政府的其他职能。
[原句]Within each state are counties, townships, cities and villages, each of which has its own elective government.[译文]各州下属辖县,镇,市,村,皆有其民选政府。
一.省略法1.One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found inor near the W est End.[译文]伦敦一大特色是大商店多,大多数位于西区及其周边地区。
2.Another feature of London’s shopping life is the chain store, in which prices are low and awide variety of goods are offered.[译文]伦敦购物生活另一特色是连锁店,里面价格低廉,提供各种商品。
3.Like the press in most other countries, American newspapers range from the sensational,which feature crime, sex and gossip, to the serious, which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events.[译文]美国报纸和其他国家一样,既有耸人听闻的小报,报道犯罪,色情和小道消息,也有严肃报刊,聚焦实事新闻,分析国际时事。
英汉互译Lecture 1 (2)
![英汉互译Lecture 1 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d37dee1a964bcf84b9d57b37.png)
General principle
• Translate literally, if possible, or appeal to free translation.
• 1)For Kino and Juana, this was the meaning of morning of their lives, comparable only to the day when the baby had been born. Literal translation: 在Kino和Juana看来,这 是他们一生中最了不起的早晨,只有宝宝 出生的那一天,才可以与之媲美. Free translation: Kino和Juana认为,这一天 非常重要.
• 1) It was an old and ragged moon. 是一个又老 又破的月亮. • 2) Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth. Word-for-word translation: 他的许多思想 对当代青年特别有趣. • 3)Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begin to breathe. Word-for-word translation: 老师一直在创 造中,当泥土开始呼吸。
Difference between word-for-word translation and literal translation
• Word-for-word translation: translate word by word without making any adjustment, starchy, stiff, unintelligible (死板、生硬、 难理解) • unacceptable, unqualified translation • Literal translation: make some necessary adjustment; smooth, clear & natural. Can have almost the same feeling as the SLR. • Acceptable, good translation
lecture 2 翻译技巧
![lecture 2 翻译技巧](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/653d0313eff9aef8941e061a.png)
(3)The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material. 激光的妙处在于它能进行机械加工而不必实 际接触所加工的材料。 (不宜译为“美丽”)
(4)The wireless sensor network is a useful tool for managing the automatic controls inside the greenhouse. 无线传感器网络对于温室内自动控制器的管 理十分有用。
(8)The shortest distance between raw material and a finished part is casting. 铸造是把原材料加工成成品的最简便方法。 (不译为“最短的距离”)
(9)Science has become a source of power, not merely a subject fit for fiction. 科学已成为一种力量源泉,而不只是作为幻 想的主题了。 讨论:fiction的其他可能译法。如: 科幻小说?
英语词汇丰富,一词多用、一词多义现象非 常普遍,而且有些词在汉语中没有对应的表 达,所以在具体的上下文中确定词义是翻译 的一个基本功,需要认真对待。
1. 词义的选择
词义的选择可从词性、上下文、所属领域或专业 等方面考虑。
(1)He was wet to the skin. 他全身湿透了。 (2)At that time he was still wet behind the ears. 那时候他仍然有些乳臭未干。 (3)If you think I am for him, you are all wet. 如果你认为我支持他,那你就大错特错了。
Lecture 2 词法翻译1
![Lecture 2 词法翻译1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f6a9f67301f69e31433294b5.png)
Practical translation task 1
第一组:“纺城”成为外商新家园 “一座新兴城市,一个面料市场,中国轻纺城汇集了24个国家和地区的客 商。柯桥正日益显现出“国际纺织乊都”的繁荣景象,成为外商的新家园。” 第二组:近日,巴基斯坦商人坦维先生在柯桥创办了“绉兴曼哈进出口贸 易有限公司”,成为绉兴县第一家入驻中国轻纺城国贸区的外商投资商业企业 。坦维先生来中国从事商贸业务已绊四年了,曾先后到过广州、义之、宁波, 但最终他选择在柯桥落户。 第三组:绉兴县是中国重要的纺织品制造基地和贸易基地,也是全国纺织 品出口比例最高的地区乊一。看中绉兴县纺织产业提升和轻纺城市场升级的广 阔前景,外商丌断涌入。 第四组:特别是近年来,柯桥城市功能日益完善,丌仅是绊商的乐园,也 是宜居的家园,吸引了越来越多的外商。据统计,目前在绉兴县绊批准(登记) 的国(境)外企业常驻代表机构有340家,2000多名外商常住柯桥,流动外商更 是多达八千余人。 第五组:良好的服务也是中国轻纺城吸引外商的重要原因。05年3月,绉 兴县专门成立了服务外商的机构---县涉外管理服务中心。 第六组:最近又出台了进一步优化涉外服务的一系列措斲,全心全意为外 商排忧解难,让他们在柯桥安心绊商。现在一些外商在中国轻纺城的生意越做 越大,已有五家外商投资商业企业相继成立。
2013-7-12 4 English College
老闺女 ?unmarried lady √the youngest daughter (东北斱言) 老姑娘(剩女) spinster, 3S(single, seventies and stuck), gold miss, leftover ladies, ladies on the shelf 老人 old people, the aged, senior citizen 老师傅 master/skilled craftsman 老黄牛 a willing ox, willing horse, eg. work like a willing horse
• Guilin’s water and mountains captivate the world。⑤
• Guilin's scenery is best among all under heaven. ⑥
• 食在广州。
• Finest food, most attractive surroundings, and friendly disposition. East or west, the Guangzhou cuisine is best.
While in Zhengzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese do - Go shopping in the Asian Supermarket.
• 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。(速 效救心丸)
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
At the heart of image. – Nikon
Beauty outside, Beast inside. – Mac
Imagination at work. –GE
Don’t be evil. – Google Save money. Live better- Walmart
imperative sentence
quality & cheap on wholesale
– Spend a dime, Save you time.
– We integrate, you communicate. - Mitsubishi Electric
– Grace, space, pace. - Jaguar
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• 你会教书吗? 如果会, 请看看…招聘广告, 精工牌女士石英表,潇洒漂亮, 不是 吗?
(3). 使用祈使句, 简单明快,车鼓动性强.
• 别再犹豫了Take it now!
• , 读, 记忆, 行动 Red, remembered, rushed.
(4). 使用省略句, 语言凝练,重点突出
• 当代的经典, 永久的记时 A contemporary classic, a timeless timepiece.
• (1). 使用简单句, 一目了然
• 飞利浦电器, 没有更好, 只有更好, Let’s make things better.
• 你的人生伴侣.It is for a lifetime 钟表
(2).使用疑问句, 制造悬念, 激发好奇心.
• Do you teach? If so, Please read on… The Seiko Ladied Quartz, Prettey, isn’t she?
2021/2/76源自 • 修辞特征(1)明喻双关语对偶, 押韵
Kool-Aids, Mom depends on Kool-Aid, like kids depend on Moms.(妈妈依赖果乐就像孩子依赖妈妈. ) 戴在你手臂上的东西应该和你手臂上的人一样美丽
Ads 定义
广告( Advertising ) 一词源于拉丁文 advertere, 意思是“使人注意、知晓 ”的意思,其目的是向公众推介某种商品或者服务。广告是指通过一定 的媒体如广播电视、报刊杂志、条板张贴、网络等形式向公众提供警 示、商品推介等的一种宣传方式。广告按其内容可以分为四大类,即: 商 品 广 告 ( Product Advertisement ) 、 劳 务 广 告 ( Service Advertisement)、企业形象广告(Corporation Advertisement)和公 益广告(Public-Welfare Advertisement)。 一则成功的商务广告应当能够实现以下几种基本功能:传播信息功 能、劝说功能、美感功能、刺激消费功能。或者理解为ACCA要求, 即 认 知 ( Awareness ) 、 理 解 ( Comprehension ) 、 说 服 ( Conviction)、行动(Action)。其中最主要的是劝说功能,起到最 大的诱导说服作用,来影响更大的消费群体,其他功能起辅助作用。
Classification by Life Span of Product:
Introduction, Sales Advertisement
Classification by Different Geographical Area:
International, National and Regional Advertisement
4.灵活运用复合词 mass-product成批生产的, light-blue浅 蓝色的, frist class一等, home-made国产的, warm2021/2/7h起e来ate天d真热的心.的, money-saving省钱的, innocent-looking看5
• 句法特点
• 比较口语化, 句式大多简单明了, 采用多种句式.
Classification by Target Audience:
Consumer Advertisement, Business Advertisement, Service Advertisement
Classification by Scope:
Product Advertisement, Enterprise Advertisement
• 生机勃勃的领带, 献给那些沉静而有信心的人们. Bright ties, ties for the cool, and certainly the confidence.
(5). 使用第一,二人称, 曾强亲和力和可信度.
• 我相信它的疗效, 我喜欢它的价格.I trust the cure! I like the price!
Classification by Medium:
Newspaper Advertisement, Magazine Advertisement, Television Advertisement, Radio Advertisement, Direct Mail Advertisement, Outdoor Advertisement and others.
广告的目的和功能 信息功能, 美化,表情功能, 呼唤功能 功能的实现: 说理和移情
广告的构成 标题, 正文, 口号, 商标, 插图
• 词汇特征 1.大量使用形容词 fine great, wonderful 表称赞和推荐; crisp, delicious fresh rich在食品广告中常用; clean, fresh, soft 常用在牙刷,洗发水等产品广告中;super-常构 成超级,超类的形容词中 supercalendered特别光洁的, supercooked熟烂的,superminent超凡的, superfine过于 精细的,supertaste超级品位 2.创新的拼写方式,增强吸引力. 有时候故意拼错, 有时候 故意加上前后缀. Forget hot taste. Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra coolnees. Come up to cool.忘掉辛辣的确滋味, 只有,包含纯粹的薄荷,带有特别 的凉爽,来支香烟吧 We know eggsactly how to sell eggs 3.借用外来词, 加强传播效果. Order it in bottles or in canes Perrier… with added je ne sais quoi 我不知道的 那个