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6.忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。 • If you are patient during one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. 7.只有走着瞧了。 • Only time can tell. 8.弄不好,就会前功尽弃。 • If things are not properly handled, our work will have been in vain.
4.要成功,就要付出劳动。 • It will cost one / you a lot of effort to succeed in anything. 5.能不能提前完成计划呢? • Is it possible to carry out the plan ahead of time? 6.不是因为不存在问题,而是因为看不见问题。 • It is not that the problem is not there; it is just not visible. 7.青天白日点灯笼 — 白费蜡。 • It is not necessary to light a candle to the sun.
• • •
Chinese and English have different systems of subjects and predicates. Subjects in English are usually assumed by nouns, noun phrases or structures that have similar functions like nominal clauses, but in Chinese by a lot of other elements. The following is a list of the elements that act as subjects in Chinese. (1) nouns or noun phrases as subjects (2) verbs or verb phrases as subjects (3) adjectives or adjective phrases as subjects
4.不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 • We can’t get a good view of the mountain we’re standing in.
5.不以物喜,不以己悲。 • We should not get affected by things around us, however stirring they may; neither should we feel sad about our misfortune.
E. Translating into English imperative sentences
1.忠诚党的教育事业。 Be loyal to the Party's educational cause.
2.对什么人说什么话。 Speak different words to different people. 3.量体裁衣,看菜吃饭。 Fit the dress to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes. • Act according to the actual circumstances.
(1) nouns or noun phrases as subjects • 春天过去了。 一本五毛钱。 • 工业和农业得到了大发展。 • 长江一带是水稻产区。 (2) verbs or verb phrases as subjects • 说比做容易。 坚持下去就是胜利。 • 专心地听才能听懂。 吃苦,他不怕。 (3) Adjectives or adjective phrases as subjects • 甜滋滋的,挺好吃。
4.好多年以前,这个村子里住着六个盲人。 • A long, long time ago, there lived six blind men in this village.
5.楼下有人想和你说话。 • There is a man downstairs who wants to speak to you. 6.没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。 • Without facility, there would be no difficulty; without difficulty, there would also be no facility. • Without facility, there would be no difficulty, and vice versa.
D. Translating into English “There be” structure
1. 除了枪声,再没有其他声音了。 There was no sound but that of gunfire. 2.要发展就要变,不变就不会发展。 Development means change;without change, there can be no development. 3.在经济建设的实践中,已经涌现了大批的优秀人才。 There have emerged a large number of talented persons in economic construction.
II. 翻译思路
• 汉语句子中主语隐含或无主语时常可见。 译成英文必须依照英语的要求,将主语增 补进来,或者另觅它途。进行增补时首先 要推敲语境,其次要考虑英语语法习惯和 行文的需要。另觅它途时要考虑句子的功 能以及和上下文的衔接情况。 • 构建翻译句子的整体框架 • 确定译文整个句子中各个成分,尤其是确 定以什么作为英语主语。
5. 给了他两天时间来作必要的准备。 • Two days were allowed him to make the necessary preparations. • He was allowed two days to make the necessary preparations.
6. 墙上挂了一些画。 • Some pictures were hung on the wall. 7. 没有安定的政治环境,干什么都不成。 • Nothing can be accomplished / achieved without a stable political environment. 8.希望今后上海能够与更多的外国城市结为友好城市。 • It is hoped that Shanghai will establish friendly relationships with more foreign cities in future.
4.不要去等待“合适的时间”,现在就行动! • Don’t wait for the “right time”. Move now! 5.别费心机去洞察女孩的心思,因为她们总在变。 • Don’t bother to penetrate girls’ minds as they are always changing. • Don’t even try to understand a girl’s mind as it is always changing.
1.十点钟了,他还没有回来。 It's ten o'clock now. He didn't return home yet. 2.下雨了,我们快走吧。 It's raining now; let's hurry up. 3.要解决问题,还须做系统而周密的调查工作和研究 工作。 In order to solve a problem it is necessary to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study.
1. 你一旦开始,就必须继续下去。 Once you begin, you must continue. 2. 活到老,学到老。 One is never too old to learn.
3.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 • If one does not enter a tiger’s den, how can one get a tiger’s cub? • Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
E. Translating into English imperative sentences
1.此处不准抽烟! No smoking! 2.请大声点! Louder, please. 3.中华人民共和国万岁 Long live the People's Republic of China! 4.不自由,毋宁死。 Give me liberty or give me death.
C. Translating into English passive sentences
1.必须保证产品质量。 The quality of product must be guaranteed. 2.去年发现了一种稀有元素。 A rare element was found last year. 3.封面上印着一个猎人的像。 The figure of a hunter was printed on the cover. 4.没有爱心,就无法了解人生。 Life cannot be understood without much charity.
• In Chinese, there is a type of sentences known as non-subject sentences and it is quite often used. • For instance, “下雨了。” “估计这需要十 万美元。 ” “小心轻放。 ” , etc. • However, there is no non-subject sentence in English.
B. Using the empty subject “it”
• “It” in English is always used for weather, time, and some other natural phenomena. Some of the Chinese subjectless sentences describing natural phenomena or time can be translated into English sentences with “it” being the subject.
III. 翻译方法
A.添加适当的代词或名词充当主语 B.用 “it” 充当主语 C.采用英语的被动结构译出 D.采用 “There be”结构译出 E.汉语祈使句译成英语祈使句 F.将非主语成分转为主语
A. Adding subjects
• 添加适当的代词或名词充当主语
• Since an English sentence usually requires a subject, the translator can add the subject that is omitted in the Chinese original when he translates a Chinese subjectless sentence. For instance,
* 在汉语中,只有谓语部分而没有主语部分 的句子叫做无主句。这里所谓的无主句, 并不是省略了主语的句子,而是在汉语习 惯上就这么讲、这么写 。至于其主语到底 是什么,往往很难确定。但是这种句子在 任何语言环境下都能表达完整明确的意思, 如:“房子前面有一棵树,树下拴着一头 老牛”,“刮风了,要下雨了”,“要吃 什么,尽管跟我说”等等。