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juan1 , ZUO Yi⁃feng1 (1 School of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050,
China; 2 Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology of Inland River Basin, Northwest Institute of Eco⁃Environment and Resources,
were analyzed. The results indicate that 43 species of macrozoobenthos were collected, of which 76 75% belong to arthro⁃
pods, 18 60% belong to molluscs, and 4 65% belong to annelids, and significant spatial differences of the species num⁃
道) 的底栖动物进行采样调查,依据生物多样性指数、优势度指数并结合丰度 / 生物量比较( ABC) 曲线法分析梯级
水库建设等人类活动对底栖动物群落结构及多样性的影响。 结果表明:共采集到底栖动物 43 种,节肢动物占
76 75%,软体动物占 18 60%,环节动物占 4 65%;物种数及多样性表现出明显的空间差异,自然河段显著高于库
生态与农村环境学报 2020, 36 (10) : 1309-1317
Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment
DOI: 10.19741 / j.issn.1673-4831.2020.0066
王昱,李宝龙,冯起,等.筑 坝 截 流 对 黑 河 上 中 游 大 型 底 栖 动 物 群 落 结 构 及 物 种 多 样 性 的 影 响 [ J] . 生 态 与 农 村 环 境 学 报, 2020, 36 ( 10 ) :
Middle Reaches of Heihe River[ J] .Journaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ of Ecology and Rural Environment,2020,36(10) :1309-1317.
王 昱1,2,3① , 李宝龙1,3 , 冯 起2 , 刘 蔚2 , 王之君1 , 刘娟娟1 , 左一锋1 (1 兰州理工大学能源与动力工程
Abstract: To explore the impact of the construction of cascade reservoir on water ecological environment in inland river,
macrozoobenthos of the upper and middle reaches of Heihe River ( reservoir area and natural river) were investigated from
学院, 甘肃 兰州 730050; 2 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院内陆河流域生态水文重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000;
3 甘肃省生物质能与太阳能互补供能系统重点试验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000)
摘要: 为探讨内陆河梯级水库建设对河流水生态环境的影响,于 2018 年 7—8 月对黑河上中游( 库区及自然河
Effects of Dam Construction on Macrozoobenthos Community Structure and Species Diversity in the Upper and
Middle Reaches of Heihe River. WANG Yu1,2,3① , LI Bao⁃long1,3 , FENG Qi 2 , LIU Wei 2 , WANG Zhi⁃jun1 , LIU Juan⁃
坝区,库区以静水型物种为主。 ABC 曲线分析显示,库区生境因梯级水库建设的影响渐趋单一化,物种逐渐由河
July to August in 2018. In terms of biodiversity index, dominance index and ABC comparative curve, the community and
diversity of macrozoobenthos and its response relationship with human activities such as hydro⁃power cascade construction
WANG Yu,LI Bao⁃long,FENG Qi,et al. Effects of Dam Construction on Macrozoobenthos Community Structure and Species Diversity in the Upper and
升,栖境异质性相对较高,物种组成丰富,主要以耐污型占优势。 此外,海拔、水温等气候因素也是影响底栖动物
关键词: 大型底栖动物; 群落结构; 物种多样性; 梯级水库; 黑河
中图分类号: X820 2 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1673-4831(2020)10-1309-09
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China; 3 Key Laboratory of Complementary Energy System of Biomass
and Solar Energy of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China)