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• Its neighboring countries Canada and Mexico are not powerful countries. • It’s far away from Eurasia. • In the World War I and II, the U.S. can stay far away from the main battle field and don’t worry neighbor’s invasion. • attracts intellectuals
Compared with empires in history
• America has land and ocean(海陆通体) vast in territory rich in resources pleasant climate landlocked country内陆国家 no ocean
Natural resources
Political advantages
a powerful country
• The United States is located in the middle altitude area. The climate is mild and it rains a lot.
All these powerful countries don’t have the same advantages of the U.S.
• Let us imagine that if the United States was not in the place where it is now, and it was in a barren and poor place like Africa, it is difficult for the United States to be a powerful country. So • The rich land where America is located contributes a lot to its development.
Mongolia Empire
• England
has ocean and land, but territory is small and sparse population Roman Empire, Macedonia Empire, Arab Empire, The Third Reich, Napoleon Empire…
• In World War I and II: The U.S. provides belligerents arms and food. Sell industrial products to undeveloped countries.
accumulate a lot of capirom the picture in the last filmslide, we can see that: • Its land and water communication is very advanced, and the inland river shipping system consists of the Great Lakes in northeast and the Mississippi River through the middle. • 它三面临海,多优良不冻海港,既可享有海上交通和捕捞之 利,又可加强与其它国家在政治、经济、文化等方面的联 系,还可辟建军港,发展海军,捍卫海洋权益,并有利于国际人 口迁移和对外贸易。
• 西部干燥,多沙漠和草原, 地势高峻,土壤贫瘠,适宜 发展灌溉农业和畜牧业
• 东部湿润,地形平坦广阔, 土壤深厚肥沃,水源充足, 有利于早期移民开发
• 美国有丰富的自然资源,阿巴拉契亚北部和密西西比河中 游东部有大量煤蕴藏,五大湖以西盛产优质铁矿,墨西哥湾 西北是主要油田,西部多有色金属,森林覆盖率约占全国面 积的1/3,耕地约占世界耕地面积的10%。
America powerful country
The Westward Movement
American Civil War
The Immigrant

I want to analyze the reason from this aspect