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6.They are __h_o_n_o_u_r_a_b_l_e___ heroes in history and all of us ___h_o_n_o_u_r__ them
deeply. (honour) 7.Don’t ____r_e_la_t_e__ me to Kate;she is not my ___r_e_la_t_iv_e____ and we have no
11.relief n. (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂→___r_e_li_e_v_e___ v. 解除,减 轻,缓和
12.collection n. 收藏,收藏品→___co_l_l_ec_t____ v. 收藏;收集→___c_o_ll_e_ct_o_r____ n. 收藏家,收集者
13.honour v. 尊敬,敬重→___h_o_n_o_u_ra_b_l_e___ adj. 可敬的 14.relative n. 亲戚,亲属→____re_l_a_ti_o_n___ n. 关系→___r_el_a_te____ v. 联系 15 . relax v. 使 放 松 , 使 轻 松 → ___r_el_a_x_e_d___ adj. 轻 松 的 , 无 拘 无 束 的 →____re_l_a_x_in_g___ adj. 使人放松的→____re_l_a_x_at_i_o_n___ n. 放松,消遣,娱乐
corrected. (regulate)
Hale Waihona Puke 1.___b_e_c_o_n_n_e_c_te_d__w_i_th___
3.___sh_a_r_e_f_e_e_li_n_g_s_a_n_d__id_e_a_s_w__it_h___ 与……分享感受与想法
4.___m_a_k_e_c_o_n_t_a_c_t _w_i_th___
them,you’ll get ____re_l_a_x_a_ti_o_n___ from them. (relax)
5.George is a famous ____c_o_l_le_c_to_r___ who ___c_o_l_le_c_t_s___ coins and stamps.His private _____co_l_l_ec_t_io_n___ is classic. (collect)
anxiety and pressure. (relief) 3.He seemed a bit ____d_e_p_re_s_s_e_d__ about his ___d_e_p_re_s_s_in_g____ work situation,
which also ___d_e_p_r_e_s_se_d___ me. (depress) 4.The ____re_l_a_x_in_g___ sports activities make us ___r_e_la_x_e_d___.When you have
____r_el_a_ti_o_n___ at all.(relate) 8.Our activities should be __r_e_g_u_la_t_e_d____ by the ___r_e_g_u_l_a_ti_o_n___.And we should
do things through ___re_g_u_l_a_r ___ channels.So those ___i_rr_e_g_u_la_r____ activities must be
教材复习篇 选修六
Module 4 Music
栏 目 导 航
01 基础盘点·自测自评 02 考点串记·重点突破 03 跟踪训练·随堂巩固
01 基础盘点·自测自评
[高频词汇] 1.___re_g_a_r_d_in_g____ prep.
2.___sh_r_i_n_k___ v. 3.___p_re_s_e_n_t___ v. 4.___c_h_ar_a_c_te_r_i_st_ic______ n.
5.___v_o_lu_n_t_a_ry____ adj.
关于 变小,减少 赠送,颁发(礼物、奖品等) 特征,特性,特质 自愿的,志愿的;义务的
[派生词汇] 6. interpret v. 诠 释 , 解 释 ; 翻 译 → ___i_n_te_r_p_r_et_e_r____ n. 口 译 译 员 →____i_n_te_r_p_r_e_ta_t_io_n____ n. 解释,演绎 7.combine v. 结合,联合→__c_o_m_b_i_n_a_ti_o_n____ n. 联合 8.depress v. 使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷→__d_e_p_r_e_s_se_d____ adj. 沮丧的 →___d_e_p_r_e_s_si_n_g___ adj. 令人沮丧的→___d_e_p_re_s_s_io_n____ n. 沮丧,消沉 9.ambition n. 志气,抱负,雄心→__a_m_b_i_ti_o_u_s____ adj. 有志气的,有野心的 10 . regulate v. 规 定 , 管 理 , 整 顿 → __re_g_u_l_a_ti_o_n_____ n. 规 则 , 条 例 →____re_g_u_l_a_r __ adj. 有规律的;平常的→___i_r_re_g_u_l_a_r___ (反义词) adj. 不正常的,不 合乎常规的
用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Her son is ___a_m_b_i_t_io_u_s___ and his __a_m__b_it_io_n____ is to become a great inventor.
(ambition) 2.After the exam,I felt a sense of ___r_e_l_ie_f___ because I was __r_e_li_e_v_e_d____ of
deeply. (honour) 7.Don’t ____r_e_la_t_e__ me to Kate;she is not my ___r_e_la_t_iv_e____ and we have no
11.relief n. (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂→___r_e_li_e_v_e___ v. 解除,减 轻,缓和
12.collection n. 收藏,收藏品→___co_l_l_ec_t____ v. 收藏;收集→___c_o_ll_e_ct_o_r____ n. 收藏家,收集者
13.honour v. 尊敬,敬重→___h_o_n_o_u_ra_b_l_e___ adj. 可敬的 14.relative n. 亲戚,亲属→____re_l_a_ti_o_n___ n. 关系→___r_el_a_te____ v. 联系 15 . relax v. 使 放 松 , 使 轻 松 → ___r_el_a_x_e_d___ adj. 轻 松 的 , 无 拘 无 束 的 →____re_l_a_x_in_g___ adj. 使人放松的→____re_l_a_x_at_i_o_n___ n. 放松,消遣,娱乐
corrected. (regulate)
Hale Waihona Puke 1.___b_e_c_o_n_n_e_c_te_d__w_i_th___
3.___sh_a_r_e_f_e_e_li_n_g_s_a_n_d__id_e_a_s_w__it_h___ 与……分享感受与想法
4.___m_a_k_e_c_o_n_t_a_c_t _w_i_th___
them,you’ll get ____re_l_a_x_a_ti_o_n___ from them. (relax)
5.George is a famous ____c_o_l_le_c_to_r___ who ___c_o_l_le_c_t_s___ coins and stamps.His private _____co_l_l_ec_t_io_n___ is classic. (collect)
anxiety and pressure. (relief) 3.He seemed a bit ____d_e_p_re_s_s_e_d__ about his ___d_e_p_re_s_s_in_g____ work situation,
which also ___d_e_p_r_e_s_se_d___ me. (depress) 4.The ____re_l_a_x_in_g___ sports activities make us ___r_e_la_x_e_d___.When you have
____r_el_a_ti_o_n___ at all.(relate) 8.Our activities should be __r_e_g_u_la_t_e_d____ by the ___r_e_g_u_l_a_ti_o_n___.And we should
do things through ___re_g_u_l_a_r ___ channels.So those ___i_rr_e_g_u_la_r____ activities must be
教材复习篇 选修六
Module 4 Music
栏 目 导 航
01 基础盘点·自测自评 02 考点串记·重点突破 03 跟踪训练·随堂巩固
01 基础盘点·自测自评
[高频词汇] 1.___re_g_a_r_d_in_g____ prep.
2.___sh_r_i_n_k___ v. 3.___p_re_s_e_n_t___ v. 4.___c_h_ar_a_c_te_r_i_st_ic______ n.
5.___v_o_lu_n_t_a_ry____ adj.
关于 变小,减少 赠送,颁发(礼物、奖品等) 特征,特性,特质 自愿的,志愿的;义务的
[派生词汇] 6. interpret v. 诠 释 , 解 释 ; 翻 译 → ___i_n_te_r_p_r_et_e_r____ n. 口 译 译 员 →____i_n_te_r_p_r_e_ta_t_io_n____ n. 解释,演绎 7.combine v. 结合,联合→__c_o_m_b_i_n_a_ti_o_n____ n. 联合 8.depress v. 使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷→__d_e_p_r_e_s_se_d____ adj. 沮丧的 →___d_e_p_r_e_s_si_n_g___ adj. 令人沮丧的→___d_e_p_re_s_s_io_n____ n. 沮丧,消沉 9.ambition n. 志气,抱负,雄心→__a_m_b_i_ti_o_u_s____ adj. 有志气的,有野心的 10 . regulate v. 规 定 , 管 理 , 整 顿 → __re_g_u_l_a_ti_o_n_____ n. 规 则 , 条 例 →____re_g_u_l_a_r __ adj. 有规律的;平常的→___i_r_re_g_u_l_a_r___ (反义词) adj. 不正常的,不 合乎常规的
用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Her son is ___a_m_b_i_t_io_u_s___ and his __a_m__b_it_io_n____ is to become a great inventor.
(ambition) 2.After the exam,I felt a sense of ___r_e_l_ie_f___ because I was __r_e_li_e_v_e_d____ of