第 二 届单词记忆王大赛单词汇总表 第一册
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Unit 1
1. reward n./vt. sth. as a return for good and valuable doings
give sth. in return for good and valuable doings 奖赏;回报
2.frustrate vt. cause sb. to have feelings of disappointment 使沮丧,使灰心
3. junior a. having a low position, level, or rank (地位、水平、层次)较低的
n. sb. who is younger 年少者
4. positive a. helpful and encouraging in achieving sth. 积极的
5. senior a. having a higher position, level or rank (地位、水平、层次)较高的
n. sb. who is older 较年长者
6. intimidate vt. create a feeling of fear 恐吓,威胁
7. access n. the right to have or use sth. 享用权
the means of entering a place 通道;入口
8. virtual a. created by the computer to be similar to the experience of real life
虚拟的 almost what is stated 实质上的;实际上的
9. discipline n. a state of order and control; self-control 纪律;自制能力
a branch of learning 学科
10. embarrassing a. making sb. feel embarrassed 使人尴尬的;令人难堪的
11. frustration n. the feeling of being disappointed, annoyed, or upset 沮丧;灰心
12. continual a. continuing without stopping 不间断的,不停的
happening again and again 多次重复的;频繁的
13. insight n. an accurate or deep understanding of sth. 洞悉;深刻的见解
14. community n. a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race,
etc. 团体;届
the people who live in the same area, town,etc. 社区居民;社区
15. expand v. make or become larger in size, number, or amount (使)变大;
16. unique a. unusually good and special 极不寻常的,极好的
being the only one of its type 唯一的,独特的,独一无二的
17. forum n. a place where people publicly discuss sth. 论坛;讨论会
18. visual a. relating to seeing 视觉的
19. barrier n. sth. that prevents sb. from doing sth. or limits what they can do 障
20. hinder vt. make it difficult for sb. to do sth. or for sth. to develop 阻碍,妨
21. critical a. very important 极为重要的,关键性的
giving a careful judgment of the qualities of sth. 评论的
22. perspective n. a way of thinking about sth. 视角;观点
23. peer n. a person of the same age, class, or position 同龄人;同等地位的人
24. instruct vt. teach sb. sth. or show them how to do sth. 教育,指导
officially tell sb. what to do 指示,命令;通知
25. explicit a. expressed in a clear and direct way 清楚的;直截了当的
26.reinfoce vt. make sth. stronger 强化;加固
27. essential a. completely necessary 必不可少的,非常重要的
n. sth. necessary 要素;要点
28. sequence n. a series of related events, actions, etc. that happen or are done in
a particular order 连续;一连串
the order that sth. happens or exists in 次序,顺序
29. vital a. very important 极其重要的
full of life and force 有生命的,充满生机的
30. personally ad. by oneself 亲自
31. effective a. producing the desired result 有效的,起作用的
being put into practice 生效的
32. facilitate vt. make it easier for sth. to happen 使容易;有助于
Unit 2
33. concern n. a feeling of worry 担心;忧虑
sth. that makes sb. worried 关心的事;担心的事
vt. make sb. feel worried 使担心;使忧虑
be about sth. 涉及,与…有关系
34. click vt. make a short, sharp sound 发出咔嗒声
35. blast vi. produce a lot of noise, esp. music 发出响亮的声音(尤指音乐)
vt. break up by explosion 爆破
n. an explosion 爆炸
36. stuff n. sth. that one does not know the correct name 东西
vt. push sth. into a space 填;塞
37. rhythm n. a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏
38. grab vt. take sth. suddenly or roughly 抓住,夺得
39. disgusting a. very unpleasant 令人厌恶的,令人反感的
40. pierce vt. make a hole 穿孔,打眼
41. bolt vt. move fast or run away suddenly 奔;窜
42. upset a. feeling ill, worried or anxious 不适的,心烦的;苦恼的
43. knot n. an uncomfortable feeling, esp. in the stomach, caused by fear,anger,
etc. 紧张感;心窝揪紧
a join made by tying rope, cloth, etc. (绳索、布条等打成的)结
44. awful a. very bad or unpleasant ; terrible 糟糕的;可怕的
45. tuneless a. without tune; not having a pleasant tune 不成调的;不悦耳的
46. offensive a. causing offence; unpleasant 讨厌的;令人不快的
47. appeal vi. (to) attract; interest 使喜欢;吸引
make a strong request for help, support, etc. 恳请;呼吁
48. pi ercing n. a hole made through part of one’s body in order to wear jewelry
there 刺穿的孔
49. negative a. bad or harmful 不好的;负面的;消极的
saying or meaning no 否定的
50. anchor n. sb. or sth. that provides support and a feeling of safety 依靠;靠山
a heavy metal object that is dropped into the water from a boat in
order to keep the boat in one place 锚
51. identity n. who or what a person or thing 身份;本体
52. concept n. a thought, idea, or principle 概念;观念
53. consistency n. the quality of always being the same 一致性;连贯性
54. response n. a reply 回答 an action done as a reaction to sth. 反应,回应
55. refute vt. prove that sb. or sth. is not correct 反驳,驳斥
56. tend vi. be likely to do sth. 倾向于,趋于
vt. take care of; look after 照料,照顾
57. evaluate vt. judge the value, quality, or degree of sth. 评价;评估
58. guidance n. help and advice 指导,引导
59. career n. a job or profession one is trained for and intends to follow for part
or the whole of one’s life 职业;一生的事业
60. trend n. a change toward sth. new or different 趋势;倾向
61. apply vt. use sth. such as a method, idea, etc. 使用,应用
vi. request sth. esp. in writing 申请
62. individual a. single or particular 单个的;个别的
n. one single person or thing 个人;个体
63. relate vi. (to) be able to understand a situation or the way sb. feels or thinks
v. show or make a connection between two different things 把…联系起来64. entitle vt. give a title to a book, play, etc. 给(书、剧本等)题名;定名
give sb. the right to have or do sth. 使有权做;给予…的资格
65. attitude n. a way of feeling or thinking about sb. or sth. 态度;心态
66. confidence n. the belief that one can do sth. well 信心,把握
the belief that sb. or sth. is good and one can trust them 信任,信赖
67. self-confidence n. confidence in oneself 自信
68. adopt vt. decide to use sth. 采用;采取
take sb. else’s child into one’s family and l egally become its parent 收养
69. curiosity n. the desire to know or learn 好奇心;求知欲
70. view n. an opinion or idea about sth. 观点,意见
ability to see sth.; sight 视力;视线
71. oppose vt. disagree with sth. such as a plan try to change or stop it 反对
72. rebellion n. opposition to sb. in authority, refusal to obey 反抗;反对;对
73. conflict n. a state of disagreement or argument between people or groups冲
74. ruin vi. destroy or spoil completely 毁坏,毁掉
75. admit vt. accept or agree that sth. is true or sb. is right 接受;承认
76. acceptance n. the act of accepting or being accepted 接受;认可
77. self-acceptance n. the act of accepting oneself 自我接受
78. tolerance n. the ability to accept or allow sth. that one does not like or agree
with 包容;宽容
79.perfection n. the state of being perfect or without fault完美
80.imperfection n. the state or quality of not being perfect 不完美
81.approach vt.move closer 接近,靠近
begin to consider or deal with处理
a method of doing sth. or dealing with a problem方法途径
the act of moving closer 接近,靠近
82.hurtful a. painful to the feelings 伤感情的;刻薄的
83.argument n. a disagreement, esp. one that is noisy 争论,争吵
a reason given to support or oppose sth.论据论点
84.humor n. (BrE humour)the quality of causing fun 幽默;诙谐
possibility n. sth that might happen or be true 可能(发生)的事;可能性
85.awaken v. wake up or make sb. wake up 醒来唤醒
86. lean vi. be against a wall or other surface倚,靠
bend in a certain direction倾斜,倾向,偏向
87. balance n. [U]mental or emotional calm平静,镇静
[U]a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread so
as not to fall平衡,均衡
v. (cause to) be even and keep in balance(使)平衡,(使)均衡
vt. consider in relation to sth.else;compare权衡,比较
88. severe a. 1.very bad or serious恶劣的,严重的剧烈的
2.strict or hard in thinking or treatment严格的,严肃的,严厉的
89. severely ad , in a strict way严重地严格地,严厉地
90. cripple vt. make sb.unable to walk or move properly使跛,使残废
n.[C]sb.who is physically disabled,esp.unable to walk跛子,瘸子
91.inward a.1ocated within,:inside,esp.in the mind or spirit在内的,内部的(尤指头脑中、精神上)
going toward the inside向内的
92. inwardly ad. in mind or spirit?(或精神)方面
93. bother vt. make sb.feel worried or upset使苦恼
vi .make an effort to do sth.尽力,费心
94. coordinate vt. cause different parts to work together very well使协调
95. halt stop暂停,中断,中止
n. [sing.]a stop or pause暂停,中断,中止
96.impatient a. easily annoyed;not patient不耐烦的,没有耐心的
very eager to do sth.or for sth.to happen;anxious急切的,渴望的
97. pace n. [sing.]speed of walking or running步速;走(跑)的速度
[sing.]the speed at which sth.happens速度,速率;节奏
vi. walk with slow,regular,even steps踱步,慢步走
98.adjust vi. (to)become or make suited(to new conditions)(使)适应
99.subway n.(AmE) a railway under the ground in a city地铁
(BrE)a path for walking under a road or railway地下通道,人行隧道
100. despite prep. in spite of尽管,不管
101. a. nasty 1.unpleasant;horrible;disgusting令人不快的,令人厌恶的
102. wagon n.1.[C] a kind of cart for children儿童手推车
2.[C]a four-wheeled box for carrying heavy loads,pulled by
horses or oxen四轮运货马(牛)车
103. cling vi. (clung,clung)
(to)hold sb.or sth.tightly抱住,抓紧
(to)continue to believe or do sth.坚持,忠于
104. rail n. [C]a bar that is fixed along or around sth.栏杆,护栏
105. handrail n. [C]a long bar that is fixed to the side of stairs for people to hold while walking up and down(楼梯等的)扶手,栏杆
106. tunnel n. [C]a passage under the ground dug for cars,trains,etc.to go
107. amaze vt. surprise sb.greatly使惊异,使惊讶
108. subject vt. (to)cause to experience sth.unpleasant使遭受(痛苦等),使蒙受
109. stress n. [C,U]continuous feelings of worry持续的压力,忧虑,紧张
[U]special attention or importance强调,重视
vt. give particular importance to强调,重视
110. complaint n. [C,U]a written or spoken statement in which sb.complains about sth.投诉:意见
111. envy n. [U]the feeling of wanting sth.that sb.else has妒忌;羡慕
[U]object of envy妒忌的对象,羡慕的目标
vt. have the unhappy feeling of wanting sth.that sb.else has羡慕;妒忌
112. owner n. [C]a person to whom sth.belongs物主,所有人
113. precise a. exact,clear and correct精确的;准确的
114. precisely ad. exactly;just准确地,精确地
115. vi. engage (in)take part in or be involved in sth.参与,参加
vt. employ sb.to do a particular job雇用,聘用.
attract sb.‘s attention and keep them interested使全神贯注;引起注意
116. local a. belonging to a particular place or district地方的,当地的,本地的
n. [C] sb.who lives in the place talked about当地人
117. knowledgeable a. knowing a lot知识渊博的
118. occasion n. 1.[C]a time at which sth.happens(事件发生的)时刻,时机
2.[sing.]a suitable or right time(适当的)时机,机会
119. punch vt. 1.hit hard with the fist用拳猛击
2.make a hole in sth.using a metal tool打孔
120.shove v. push roughly推挤,推撞
121.content a. satisfied and happy满足的,满意的
122. aid vt. give help or support帮助,援助
n. [U] help帮助,援助
123. unaided a. without help无助的;独立的
124. kid v. make jokes about sb.in a friendly way开玩笑
125. urge vt. strongly suggest that sb.does sth.竭力劝告;敦促n. [C]a strong wish or need强烈愿望,‘迫切需求
126. dive n. 1.[C]the act of pretending to be struck down to the ground in boxing(拳击中)假装被击倒
2.[C]an act of jumping into water with head and arms going in first
vi. jump into water with head and arms going in first跳水,潜水127. reluctance n. [U]unwillingness to do sth.不愿,勉强
128 . worthy a. 1.deserving respect值得尊敬的;高尚的
2.(of)deserving sth.值得的;应得的
129. unworthy a. not honest or morally wrong不诚实的;卑鄙的
130. regret vt. feel sorry about sth.one has done后悔;遗憾
n. [u]a feeling of sadness about sth.that has happened后悔;遗憾131. complain vi. say that one is not satisfied with sth.抱怨,诉苦
132. trifle n. [C] sth.that has little value or importance无价值的东西;琐事133. envious a. wanting sth.that sb.else has妒忌的,羡慕的
134. elderly a. old or becoming old年长的,上年纪的
135. collapse vi (of a person)fall down and become ill or unconscious病倒,昏倒
(of a building,wall,etc.)fall down suddenly倒塌,塌陷
n. [U]the act of falling down suddenly倒塌;塌陷
[c,u]a sudden failure in the way sth.works突然失败;崩溃
136. ambulance [C]a vehicle equipped to carry sick or i~ured people to hospital
137. county n. [C]an area that has its own local government in some countries 县:郡
138. locate .vt 1.be in a particular place设置于;位于
2.discover the exact place of sb.or sth.确定…的位置
139. emergency n. [C,U]sudden serious event or situation that must be dealt with
140. emergency room a special room in hospitals where doctors try to save people who are in critical condition(医院)急诊室
141. marine n. [C]a soldier trained to fight on land or sea海军陆战队员
a 1.of, near,living in the sea海里的,海生的
2.of ships and their goods and trade at sea海运的,海事的
142 apparent a. 1.easy to see or understand;very clear明显的,显而易见的
143. apparently ad. according to how sth.looks;seemingly表面上,看上去像
144. corps n. [C] a trained army group with special duties and responsibilities 特
145. vehicle n. [C]a thing such as a car,truck,or cart used for carrying goods or passengers交通工具;车辆
146. marsh n. [C]an area of soft wet land沼泽(地带),湿地
147. military a. of or for the army,navy or air force军事的,军队的
148. sole a. one and only;single唯一的,仅有的
149. enable vt. make sb.able to do sth.使能够;使可以
150. lobby n. [C]an outer room,entrance hall,or room before main room(s)门
151. Extend vt. stretch out one’S arms or legs伸开,展开
make longer or larger in space or time使(在空间或时间上) 扩
vi. continue for a particular distance or a certain period of time
152. wrap vt. 1.put one’s arms or hands around sth.搂住;握住
2.put paper or cloth over sth.to cover it包;裹
153. limp a. lacking strength or energy无力的,没精神的
vi. walk with difficulty because of an injured leg or foot一瘸一拐地走
154. squeeze vt. press sth.firmly with one’s hands挤;压;捏
v. get into or fit sth.into a small space挤进;塞人
155. encouragement n. [U]the quality or act of encouraging鼓励
156. dim a. 1.fairly dark,not bright暗的;朦胧的
2.(of chances)not good or not likely to happen(成功的机会等) 暗淡
157. dimly ad. in a dim way模糊地;朦胧地
158. occasional a. happening.but not often or regularly偶尔的,偶然的159. occasionally ad. sometimes;not often or regularly偶然地,有时
160.bang v. knock or hit hard with a loud noise猛击,猛撞
n. [C]a sudden loud noise;a sharp knock or blow猛击(声);猛撞(声) 161.staff n. [sing,U]the people who work for an organization员工,全体工
162. exchange vt. give sth.and receive sth.at the same time交换;交流163. moan n. [C]a long low sound,usually of pain or unhappiness呻吟164. breathe v. take air into the lungs and send it out again呼吸
165. inform vt. tell sb.about sth.通知,告诉,报告
166. sympathy n. [U]the feeling of being sorry for sb.who is in a bad situation 同
167. interrupt v. stop sb. from what they are saying or doing打扰,打断;插话
vt. make sth.stop for a period of time使中断;使暂停
168. startle vt. give sb.a shock or surprise使大吃一惊,使吓一跳
169. exit v. leave a place退出;退场
n. [C]a way out出口
170. personnel n. [U]the department in an organization that deals with workers,
esp.with their hiring and benefits人事部门
(pl.)people who work for a company,organization,etc.全体人
Unit 4
171. impression n. [C]an opinion or feeling about sb.or sth.印象
172. conscious a. noticing or realizing sth.有意识的;意识到的
awake and knowing what is happening around清醒的;有知觉的
173. consciously ad. aware of having done sth.有意识地;有知觉地
174. reaction n. [C]the way a person or thing responds to sth.反应
175. range vi. vary between certain limits(在一定范围内)变动,变化
n.[sing.]the area of power,responsibility,etc.that sb.has(职责
[sing,U]the distance over which sth.can be sent,heard or seen
176. introduction n. 1.[C]the act of telling people each other’s names
when they first meet介绍,引见
2.[U]the act of bringing sth.into use for the first time引进,采
177. spouse n. [C]a husband or wife配偶
178. interview n -[C,U]a formal meeting at which people are asked
questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for
a job,course of study.etc.面试
[C]an occasion when people are asked questions about
their lives,experiences,or opinions for a newspaper,TV
program, etc.采访,访谈’
vt. ask sb.questions during an interview面试;采访
179. encounter n. [C]a meeting with sb.by chance意外(或偶然)相遇
vt. meet sb.or sth.without planning to意外遇到;遭遇
180. focus v. (D聆)give special attention to one particular person or thing使(注意力等)集中
n. [sing.]the thing,person,situation,etc.that people pay special attention to中心,集中点
181. persuasive n. able to make other people believe ot do sth.有说服力的,能使人相信的
182. presentation n. [C]an event at which a person describes or explains a
product or idea描述,陈述
183 . physical a. 1.having to do with one’s body身体的,肉体的——
2.having to do with things that can be seen物质的,有形的184. rate n. 1.[C]the speed at which sth.happens速度
2.[C]the number of times sth.happens within a certain period 比率,率
185. pitch n. [U]the highness or lowness of a voice or a musical note声音或音
186. tone n. [C]the sound of sb’s voice that shows what they are feeling声
187. absorbed a. so interested in sth.that one does not notice anything else专注的;全神贯注的
188.how-to a . giving information on how to do a particular thing提供人
189. stride vi. (strode,stridden)walk with long steps大踏步走,阔步行进
[C]a long step大步
190. impress vt. make sb.feel admiration and respect给…留下深刻的印象
191. shake n. [C]an act of moving sth.up and down or from side to side摇动,摇晃
192. handshake n. [C]the act of shaking sb.’s hand握手
193.consistent a. always having the same opinions,standards,behavior,
194. consistently ad. in a consistent way一致地;一贯地
195. address vt. make a formal speech to a large group of people向…作(正式) 讲话,对…发表演说
196. match vt. be suitable for a particular person,thing,or situation和…相一
197. depress vt. make sb.feel unhappy使抑郁,使沮丧
198. depressed a. very unhappy抑郁的,沮丧的
199. audience n. [C]a group of people who watch or listen to a play,concert,speech,etc.观众,听众
200. contact n. 1.[U]a state in which two people or things touch each other 接触
2.[U]communication with a person,organization,etc.联系;交往201. relax v. make or become less worried or annoyed(使)放松,(使)轻松202. relaxed a. feeling calm and not worried or annoyed松弛的,放松的203. lighten v. 1.make or become more cheerful(使)轻松,(使)愉快2.make or become less heavy or forceful(使)减轻,(使)放松
204. powerful a. 1.able to influence or control what people do or think有影响力的;能控制他人的
2.physically strong强壮的,强健有力的
205. entertainment n. [C,U]things that are intended to amuse or interest people娱乐;供消遣的东西
206 roar vi. make a loud noise by laughing or shouting大声叫喊,咆哮;大笑
207. brood vi. think and worry about sth.a lot沉思;担忧
208. snap a . done quickly and suddenly匆忙的,仓促的
209 judgment n . [C,U]an opinion看法,意见;判断
[U]the ability to make wise decisions about what to do and when to do it判断力;识别力
210. seemingly ad. in a way it appears从表面上看起来;似乎是
212. instant a . happening immediately立即的,即刻的
213. sign n . [C]an event,fact,etc.that shows sth.is happening or exists迹
[C]a piece of paper,metal,or wood with words or a picture that
gives people warnings or instructions招牌,指示牌
214 . immaturity [U】the quality of behaving in a way that is typical of sb.much younger不成熟
215. lack n [sing.,U](鲫the state of not having any or enough of sth.缺乏;不足
vt not have any or enough of sth.没有;缺乏
216. assume vt think that sth.is true even though one has no evidence假定,想当然认为
217 . acquaint vt make sb.or oneself familiar with or aware of使认识,使了解
218. behavioral a. relating to the way sb.behaves行为的
219. overestimate vt . think sth.is better or higher than it really is过高估计;过高评价
220. obvious a. easy to notice or understand显然的,明显的
221. partial a. not complete部分的;不完全的
222. partially ad. partly;not completely部分地;不完全地
223 account vi . 1.for explain or give a reason for作出解释,提出理由,说明
2.for form a particular amount or part ofsth.(在数量、比例方面)占
1.[C]a report or description of sth.that has happened记述,描述;报告
2.[C]the plan by which a bank looks after money for sb.账户
224. imagine vt 1.form a picture or idea in the mind想象,设想
225. briefcase n. [C]a flat case for carrying papers or documents公文包
226. rub vt press and move one thing against another擦,磨擦
227. behavior n, [U]the way one acts or behaves行为,举止
228. aggressive a. ready or likely to fight or argue挑衅的;侵略的
determined to succeed or get what one wants积极进取的
229. resent vt . 对……表示忿恨;怨恨
230. resentful a. 充满忿恨的;怨恨的
231. function n.功能;作用;用途
232 status n. 地位;身份
233. aspiration n. 强烈的愿望;志向
234. definitely ad. 无疑地;肯定地
235. project vt . 使(自己的特点)呈现;表现(自己) 236 . promote vt. 提升,晋升促进,增进
237. ornament n. 装饰品;点缀品
238. jewel n.宝石;宝石饰物;首饰
239. means n. 方法,方式.手段
340. conviction n. 坚定的信仰;确信
341. campaign n.运动
342. . religious a. 宗教的
343. token n. 标志,象征
344. membership n. 会员身份,会员资格
345. badge n. 徽章;证章
346. economic a. 经济的
347. architecture n.建筑式样,建筑风格
348. rigid a. 严格的;死板的
349. norm n.行为准则;(道德)规范
350. style n.方式,风格
351. lifestyle n. 生活方式
352 AIDS n. 获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病)
353. acquire vt.获得
354. immune a.免疫的不受影响的
355. deficiency n. 不足;缺乏
356. syndrome n. 综合征
357. diagnose vt. 诊断
358. infect vt.感染
359. HIV n. 艾滋病病毒,人体免疫缺陷病毒360.virus n.病毒计算机病毒
361. rural a.农村的;乡村的
362. constitute vt. 组成,构成
363. segment n.部分
364. alarm vt .使惊恐,使担心
365. alarming a令人惊恐的;令人担心的366. federal a. 联邦的,联邦制的
367. implement vt. 实施,执行
368. organization n.组织,机构
369. emerge vi. 浮现,出现
370. network n.人际关系网,联络网
380. combat vt 与…斗争
381. resource a 资源
382 creative a 创造性的,有创造力的
383 creatively ad 创造性地,有创造力地383 educational a. 教育的;与教育有关的
384.client n 客户,顾客
385. publication n 出版物
386. appointment n约会,约定
387. educate vt 教育;训练
388. stylist n 发型师
389. literacy n 有文化;识字
390. literature n 资料
391. solve vt 解决;解答
392. lllustrate vt 说明
393. establish vt建立,创办
393. buster n 克星
394. risk n 危险性;风险
395. pressure n 压力
396. define vt 下定义;描述
397. redefine vt重新说明
398. marital a 婚姻的
399. plague vt 折磨;使苦恼
400. establishment n 机构,单位401. emphasize vt 强调
402. regardless ad 无论如何,不管怎样403. solution n 解决办法;解答
404. crisis n 危机;紧急关头
405. cure n 治愈,治疗
406. represent vt 表示,应视为
407. epidemic n流行病,传染病
408. threaten vt 威胁到,危害到
409. racial a 种族的
410. distract vt 使转移注意力,使分心411. efficiency n 效率;功效
412. inefficiency n 效率低下无效
413. undeclared a未正式宣布的
414. commence v 开始
415. thrust vt 猛推;猛塞
416. apart ad 分开地
417. initial a. 起初的,开始的
418. initially ad. 起初,起先
419. intense a. 强烈的,剧烈的
420. bleed vi. 流血
421. haste n. 匆忙
422. trial n. 预赛,选拔赛
423. significant a. 重要的;意义重大的424. endanger vt. 使…处于险境
425 spill vi. 使溢出;使溅出
426. adoption n. 收养
427. explore vt. 探讨,研究
428 . mug vt. 对…行凶抢劫
429. prior a. 在…之前
430. springboard n. 跳板
431. unfortunately ad . 不幸地;遗憾地432. coach n. 教练
433. assist v. 帮助,协助
434 . enjoyable a. 令人愉快的,可享受的435. triumph n. 胜利,成功
436. partner n . 配偶,(性)伴侣
437 .confuse vt .使困惑,使糊涂
439 . vapor n. 蒸气
440 . vaporize v. 使变成蒸气消失
441 . compete vi . 竞争参赛
442 . scare vt. 惊吓使惊恐
443. repetition n. 重复
444 . confident a. 自信的,相信的
445 . scoreboard n. 体育比赛记分牌446. leap vi 跳,跳跃
447. quit v. 停止;放弃
448. trashman n . 垃圾清理工
449 haul vt. 拖,拉;拖运
450 trash n 垃圾,废物
451 continuous a. 连续的,不断的452 continuously ad. 连续地,不断地453 wicked a. 极坏的,邪恶的
454 wickedly ad. 非常地
455 barrel vt. 桶
456 tremble vi . 颤抖,发抖
457 dump vi . 倾倒;抛弃
458 route n. 路线
459 outdoor a . 户外的
460 outdoors ad. 在户外;在野外461 greenhouse n. 温室
462 lengthy a. 冗长的,过长的463 civilize vt. 使有教养,使文明464 civilized a . 文明的,有礼的465 register v. 意识到;注意到
466 retreat vi . 后退;撤离
467 indoors ad. 在室内
468 peculiar a. 奇怪的,罕见的
469 rage v. 大怒;怒吼
470 spontaneous a . 自发的;即时的471 spontaneously ad . 自发地
472 monster n. 怪物,妖怪
473 graduate vi . 毕业
474 garbageman n.垃圾工
475 folk n. 家人;亲属
476 boast v.夸口,吹嘘
477 yell v.大叫,大喊
478 original a.原先的,最初的
479 originally ad. 原先,原来
480 employment n.职业,工作;就业
481 muscle n . 肌肉
482 sore a. 疼痛的
483 contrary a.相反的
484 harm n.伤害,损害
485 frank a. 坦诚的,直率的
486 frankly ad. 坦率地(说)
487 philosopher n.哲学家
488 plumber n. 管道工
489 theory n.理论
490 economist n.经济学家
491 acquaintance n. 相识的人;熟人492 addicted a. 上瘾的入迷的
493 devote vt. 致力于;献身于
494 vice- 副的
495 conceive vt. 构想出,设想
496 conceivably ad.可想象地;可以相信地
497 retire vi. 退休
498 spot n.职位,地位
499 afford vt. 有能力做;承担得起500 executive n. 主管行政领导501 divide vt. 分配;分享;分用
502 admire vt.敬佩;钦佩
503 ignore vt.忽视,不理睬
504 survivor n. 尚活着的人;幸存者505 accurate a准确的,精确的
506 accurately ad准确地,精确地507 survive vt 比…活得长
508 beloved a所深爱的
509 manufacture vt(大量)生产,制造510 neighborhood n社区;街坊邻居511 odd a 临时的;不固定的
512 widow n寡妇
513 deceased n死者,已故者
514 replace vt 取代,代替
515 bear vt 忍受;经受
516 straighten v (使)变直
517 finance n 资金;财务状况518 stock n股份;股
519 option n买卖某物的权利
520 wind vt. 使紧张;使不安;上满发条
521 line-up n一排人
522 discreet a 谨慎的,慎重的
523 discreetly ad 小心地,谨慎地
524 inquiry n 询问,打听
525 replacement n 替换的人或物
Unit 7
526 cautious a小心的,谨慎的
527 scan vt 细看;审视
528 unusual a 不寻常的,不一般的
529 exception n 例外
530 portly a 肥胖的
540 shave v 剃(胡须);刮(毛发)
541 unshaven a 未剃须的,未修面的
542 shrub n 灌木(丛)
543 parking n 停车;停放
544 pad n 垫,衬垫
545 pistol n 手枪
546 contrive vi 设法做到
547 toss vt 扔,抛掷
548 bark v 大声嚷吼叫
549 instinct n 本能天性
550 instinctively ad 出于本能地,出于天性地
551 sideways ad 向一边从侧面552 slight a 瘦小的
553 enlarge vt 使扩大;使增大554 polish vt 擦光,擦亮
555 polished a 擦光的,擦亮的
556 attach vt 系;贴
557 criminal a 刑事的
558 victim n受害者
559 identify vt 辨认出,识别
560 offend vi . 违法违犯
561 offender n. 犯法的人犯规的人562 detail n. 细节详情
563 rip vt. 撕扯扯掉
564 wrist n. 腕,腕关节
565 lawn n. 草坪,草地
566 dirt n. 灰尘;尘土
567 temple n. 太阳穴
568 lord n. 上帝,耶稣基督
569 mercy n. 慈悲怜悯仁慈
570 sin n . 罪恶,罪孽
571 sinner n. 宗教道德上的罪人572 footstep n.脚步声
573 fade vi . 逐渐消失
574 span n . 一段时间持续时间
575 fry vt . 油煎,油炒
576 fried a. 油煎的,油炸的
577 eternal a. 永恒的,永久的,不断的
578 eternity a. 来世;永生
579 rob vt. 抢劫
580 robber n. 抢劫者,盗贼
581 stiff a. (酒)浓的.烈性的
582 additional a. 额外的,另外的
583 robbery n. 抢劫罪,抢劫(案)
584 album n. 影集;邮集
585 album—sized a. 影集大小的;邮集大小的586 current n. (水、空气等的)流,潮流
587 woe n. 哀愁
588 foundation n. 基础;根据
589 discontent n. 不满;不满足
590 presently ad.现在,目前
591 stick vt. 插入,刺入;粘贴;粘住
592 dam n.堤坝,水坝
593 handle n. 柄,把手
594 bullet n. 子弹
595 advocate vt. 主张,拥护,提倡
596 ignorance n. 无知,不知
597 statistics n.统计;统计数据
598 previous a.以前的,先前的
599 previously ad. 以前,先前(地)
600 violence n.暴力(行为)
601 violent a. 暴力的
602 affect vt . 影响
603 transport vt. 运送,搬运
604 residence n. 住处,住宅;公馆
605 intend vt . (为…而)准备,打算使…成为606 injure vt.伤害,损害
607 confront vt. 使面对
608 imagination n. 想象;幻觉
609 reality n. 现实,实际
610 apartment n. 一套房间;公寓套房
611 intention n. 意图,打算,目的
612 intentionally n. 故意地,有意地
613 omit ad. 省略,遗漏
614 dominate v.支配,统治;在…中占首要地位615 dominating v. 有支配力的,有影响力的
616 Negro n. 黑人
617 gas n. 汽油
618 cashier n. 出纳员,收银员
619 reveal vt. 揭示,展现;使显露
620 anxiety n.焦虑,担忧
621 automobile a. 汽车
622 automatic a. 不加思索的;机械的
623 automatically ad. 不加思索地,无意识地624 disgust vt . 使(某人)反感,使厌恶
625 confrontation n. 对抗,冲突
626 guilty a . 内疚的;愧疚的
627 guilt n. 内疚
628 bet v. 打赌;确信;敢说
629 gasoline n. 汽油
Unit 8
630 satisfactory a. 令人满意的
631 flash vi . (想法、灵感等)突然产生
632 particularly ad . 特别是;特别地
633 glow vi . 发光
634 creation n . 创造
635 mystery n .谜, 神秘的事物
636 reasonable a . 合理的;适当的
637 psychology n. 心理学
638 psychologist n. 心理学家
639 process n. 过程;进程
640 personality n. 名人
641 intensify v.(使)增强,(使)加强
642 genius n. 天才
643 philosophy n. 哲学
644 invention n. 发明,创造
645 logic n. 逻辑推理
646 signal n. 信号,暗号
647 dramatic a. 引人注目的;激动人心的
648 compose v. 创作(文学或音乐作品)
649 occupy vt. 使忙于
650 fling vt.. 突然(或急速)地移动;猛扔;抛651 couch n.长沙发
652 miracle n. 奇迹
653 mighty a. 强大的,巨大的
654 orchestra n. 管弦乐队
655 orchestral n. 管弦乐的;管弦乐队的
656 contrast n. 对照;差异
657 mathematician n. 数学家
658 combination n. 结合,合并;组合物
659 surge vi. 汹涌;涌现
660 combine n. (使)结合;(使)联合
661 stable a. 稳定的
662 existence n. 存在
663 observe vt. 观察;注意到
664 explosion n. 爆发,进发;爆炸。